The Interns - Chapter 14
Chapter XIV---The "Morning After"
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Chapter XIV---The "Morning After"
Lauren’s alarm went off far too early the next morning. She hit the snooze button twice before finally dragging herself out of bed. She was still utterly exhausted, and she desperately wanted a good full-body massage, but she settled for jumping in the shower so she could get her hair wet enough to get rid of her bed head.
Chapter 1
She walked into the bar and sat on one of the stools just like she had done every day that week but tonight felt different, there was something in the air that felt electric to her and she could feel it prickling her skin all over her body, even the covered parts...or maybe especially the covered parts.
The new bar man glanced up at her and smiled, it was the same smile he gave every customer and most would see it as just a friendly gesture but she knew better, she could see through the polite pleasantry and see the wickedness beneath the facard.