Carrie woke nestled into her Master's chest. He was gently nudging her trying to awaken her. As soon as she realized where she was she quickly slid off the couch,
"I'm sorry Master, I must have dozed off." She exclaimed.
"SSSHHH, No problem, it's just time for bed." He said his face warm and friendly.
"Yes Master," I said dropping my head. I am so confused right now. I'm his slave but he's treating me like I am free. I stayed on my knees, my mind still waking up. He reached out, took my hand and pulled me to my feet. I did as I knew what was proper for a slave and followed behind him. He took me to my room and led me to my bed. I can't imagine why he's doing this. For a long as I can remember I slept on the floor at the foot of my owner's bed or if I was bad in a cage.
I lie down and he grabbed a sheet pulling it over my body. It felt weird being in a bed by myself and in a room just for me. He leaned down, kissed my forehead, like a father would his daughter, turned and walked out.
I lay there thinking about all that had happened today. It started out pretty normal, I was by his bed waiting for him to awaken, and when he did he jumped when he saw me. I almost screwed up and laughed, but he quickly recovered and ordered me to fix his coffee. I knew I had to please this man, my Master, I have nowhere else to go. He is different from any of my other owners and I'm not certain what to do.
I brought his coffee and I stood by trying to keep my eyes lowered, but I couldn't help but steal glances every few seconds. He was much older than anyone I've ever been with but I haven't actually been with him yet. I know it's just a matter of time before he ends up like all the others. Even so I want to serve this one. He was drinking his coffee and the sheets covering his body parted and I saw his cock. For a man of his age, his cock looked pretty nice. Not too big and I knew it wouldn't be painful when he fucked my ass.
I kept glancing at it and finally asked. "Master may I take care of that for you? I want to serve." I was very nervous as I have never had to ask to service my owner. I never really wanted to serve most of them, except George, my ex-husband before he changed. But this new Master was nice, and he's treating me good. When he nodded, I couldn't help but almost attack his manhood.
One thing that all my owners agreed with was I am very good with my mouth. I know how to please a man or a woman for that matter. I wanted to show him my training. This wasn't going to be just a blowjob but me loving his cock.
The rest of the day was a blur. Master gave me my tasks and left. When he came home I couldn't believe what all he bought. First it was this bed and chest. Then he brought in clothes. Real clothes. I couldn't help but be excited. I would be covered and look like a woman and not a whore. It confused me even more, why? I'm nothing to him. I was dropped into his lap and he obviously has no idea what he's doing. I just know my time here is limited. He'll get rid of me soon or he will change. They all do.
I lay in my bed thinking about what we talked about at dinner. He asked me all about when Mom and Dad were still alive. I hadn't thought about them for a long time. At first I had trouble remembering what it was like. But after a while it slowly came back.
At first all I remembered was how happy I was. I was in high school and George was the captain of the football team. He was the quarterback and so handsome. I was the luckiest girl in school. I would do anything for him. At home all I remembered was Dad was in charge. His word was law and you dare not break any of his rules. When I told Master, he had a strange look but then asked if I was ever disciplined by him. At first I shook my head, but then the memories flooded back.
"Yes I was," I answered him. He asked me if Mom was disciplined too. And I answered yes. I tried to keep from crying but the memories were so real. For a minute I could feel his belt on my butt. He didn't ask any more about my parents until he asked how they died.
This time I cried, hard. Those were the most painful memories. My life was never the same after that. It was my senior year and graduation was only a couple weeks away. Mom and Dad had gone out for the evening, and I was with George at home. When the police arrived and told me they were in a car crash with a drunk driver. I passed out. God those memories were so real.
We ate for a bit, and he asked what I had planned for after graduation. Again the painful memories flooded back. I had been accepted to college, but I was a mess after losing Mom and Dad. It was George and his parents that saved me. They took me in and by the end of summer George proposed and we were married just before he left for college.
His parents paid for an apartment for us to stay so I went with him. The first year was like heaven. I stayed at the apartment cleaning and taking care of him. We made love all the time. But it was the middle of his sophomore year when he started to change. I know school was difficult, and he struggled to keep up. We quit making love so much. We only had sex every few weeks. He also started to stay away a lot. I got depressed staying alone in the apartment. One day he came home and I wasn't there. I got bored and went to the park a few blocks away. George blew up, it was the first time he spanked me. From that day on, our relationship changed. I had to ask permission to do anything. And nothing I did at home was right. I thought about arguing with him, but memories about Dad and his rules kept me from questioning him.
The next couple years were probably the most difficult. George piled on the rules and punished me whenever I broke one. I think it was his senior year, when he came home with another woman. She was in one of his classes. George didn't even introduce me. They walked in and he demanded I feed both of them. I was so humiliated. Here George was fawning all over this woman and I was treated like a maid.
After that, she was around a lot. They would come home after school and I would fix dinner. They would study for a while then sit on the couch and watch TV. I cleaned the kitchen and was ordered to the bedroom until I was called. I told Master that was the first time I felt like a slave. This went on for the rest of the year until they graduated. I wasn't allowed to go to the ceremony, but when they came home after it they were very drunk. That night George told me that Janet would be staying over.
That was the first time and last time I stood up to him. I yelled at him and screamed to kick her out. But all that got me was the worst beating ever. When he finished. I was naked on the floor at their feet. I never argued again.
From that day on I was treated as a slave. I was told to call them Master and Mistress. Master George and Mistress Janet told me what to wear, eat, say and do. Sometimes I was allowed to watch them make love, but usually I was sent to my small room, waiting until I was called. Usually it was to clean out Mistress's pussy and Master's cock.
That lasted for a long time. I really don't know how long. Each day ran into another, day after day nothing changed for me. During that time, Master George divorced me and married Mistress Janet. I was the house slave. I cleaned, cooked, and serviced his friends whenever he had them over. Mistress loved to humiliate me in front of them. It always ended the same. I was fucked repeatedly. Then one day a strange man showed up. He, Master and Mistress sat and talked for a long time. Finally the man pulled out a big wad of money and he and George shook hands.
The man walked up to me, locked a collar around my neck, gagged me, and handcuffed my hands behind my back. When he blindfolded me I started to panic. That was the last time I ever saw Master and Mistress. I felt a prick on my neck and everything went dark.
That's when Master Mark stopped me. I knew there were tears running down my cheeks. Master told me that he didn't want to know any more. We sat there not saying anything for a while just eating. Finally the waiter walked up and sat down the most wonderful desert in front of me. It was chocolate and ice cream, brownies, nuts and whipped cream. It was so wonderful all those bad memories disappeared. I guess that's one thing about being a slave. We have short memories.
I lay in bed thinking wondering why? I knew what I was supposed to do, serve. But the rules Master had laid down, confused me. I had to make decisions. Go out in public by myself. Buy groceries, and clothes. I think the last time I did that was... I can't remember when I last did that. The thought of having freedom to leave, buy my own clothes was scary.
I tried to go to sleep, but the longer I lay there the more nervous I got. I slid my fingers to my cunt and gently stroked my clit. Master hadn't touched me sexually other than letting me please him this morning. A shiver went through me that maybe he was staying away because he was going to sell me, and that all those rules were just an illusion.
I didn't want to leave. It's nice here and he seems nice. I need to make him want me. I slipped out of my bed and out of my room. His door was closed and I wondered if he would punish me if I entered. But I needed to be near him. I slowly turned the knob and slipped inside his room. I knelt down and closed the door behind me and listened. He was facing away from me and didn't move. I could hear him snoring lightly.
I didn't know what to do now. Do I crawl in bed with him? Or lay down beside his bed? I finally crawled to the foot of his bed and lay down. I would be able to hear him if he got up and I would be there in case he wanted me. I smiled as I got comfortable laying on the hard floor. Well it wasn't that hard. Not as hard as the concrete floors I'd slept on before, or the wire cage floors when I was being punished.
I could smell him, his odor was in the air and I loved his scent. I knew I could pick him out blindfolded. I closed my eyes and drifted off.
The next morning I woke and stretched my body. I'd slept well. I checked and Master was still sleeping. I got up on my knees and crawled over to the side of the bed. Master was sleeping soundly. I watched him breathe and thought about slipping in and waking him with a blowjob. I know he likes that. But I was afraid I would wake him too early. God I hate not knowing what to do. Damn him why can't he just take over and tell me what he wants. I'm much better when I'm given instructions. I knelt there just looking at him. Even though he's old, he still looks pretty good, I mean for an old guy. I know his cock works. I looked at the clock and I remember him saying he had to work today. It's almost six o'clock. His alarm should be going off soon.
Then it hit me, I quickly crawled out of his room and to the kitchen. I made a pot of coffee and stood by his door listening for his alarm. Sure enough, at six fifteen it rang. I rushed to the kitchen, poured a cup and hurried back. I opened the door just after he shut off his alarm and stretched. I walked in, knelt, and held out his coffee. I glanced up and smiled at the surprised look on his face.
"Thank you Carrie, this is a nice surprise." He said. I know I blushed, but I couldn't help it. Just those few words made my body tingle and my mind gush. Oh please don't get rid of me, I prayed silently.
Master slowly got up and headed for the bathroom. I followed close behind. I wanted to serve him and the only way I knew to do that was to be by his side. When he got to the door, he turned and looked at me following behind him.
"Carrie, I can do this by myself." He chuckled.
"Yes Master, but I'm here to serve and I want to serve you." I answered. "Please Master let me serve you?" I asked.
Master Mark looked at me and shook his head, "What am I going to do with you?" He asked I'm guessing it was to his self because before I could answer he said, "Okay come on." And walked into the bathroom.
For some reason I felt my body tingle and my pussy buzzed. My training required me to be ready to serve my owner in any way they desired. Usually that meant me sucking their cocks, or eating their pussy. But I needed to be ready if they wanted more. But I usually had to massage my clit to get myself moist so it wouldn't be painful. This time my body was getting aroused without my help. I didn't understand it but I rushed in behind him and knelt in front of him as he sat down on the toilet.
"Look I can do this alone, I don't need your help. From now on you start the shower and wait until I'm ready." He said and looked at me like he was frustrated.
"I'm sorry Master, yes Master." A moment of fear rushed through me as I jumped up and turned on the water and waited for it to warm up. I stood facing the tub, Master obviously wanted privacy.
I stood there waiting for him to finish and smiled when he stood up and slipped out of his clothes. His cock was semi hard as he walked towards me. I opened the curtain and he stepped in. I didn't wait but followed him into the warm shower. I reached beside him and grabbed the bottle of soap.
I was unusually excited about touching my new Master. I wanted to please him so I covered my hands with the liquid soap and slid my body up to his back. I reached around him and started to soap his chest. I heard a groan. Just that sound sent shivers up my down my chest to my now leaking pussy. I continued to rub my body against his and slowly sent my hands down his stomach teasing my way as they went. I could feel your body start to tremble as I inched my way towards your cock.
For the first time in like forever I was aroused and wanting to fuck. I want you to take me, control me, and fuck me. I inch my hands a little closer, my fingers just touching your cock, smiling as I can feel its hardness. I slowly wrap my soapy hand around the shaft and slide it down the shaft.
I feel you gasp as I slowly stroke your manhood, I know you are loving my touch. I want to spin you around and shove you deep inside me, but I'm afraid. I am the slave, I'm not in control. God, I pray, please take me. I haven't wanted to be taken for so long. I want you to be my Master.
I speed up my strokes hoping you will throw me down and pound me, but a second later you moan and I feel your cock pulse. I know I have done my job. I release your cock and continue to wash your body. A few moments later, you grab my hands spin around and Kiss me deeply. Taking my mouth and making my head spin. I'm more confused than ever now.
You spin me around and now the shower is cascading over my body. You grab the bottle of soap and start to wash my body. I don't know what to do. He is my Master but he's washing me. I want to drop to my knees but you push me against the shower wall and hold me tight while you rub your soapy hands all over me. I close my eyes as I'm feeling things I had long forgotten. The feeling of someone touching me and teasing me. My body is on fire and I can hear myself moan.
"Master?" I ask, I want to say more, but your fingers slide down my back, over my hips and between my legs. When he touched my cunt and my voice fails. You slide your fingers gently up and down my slit and touch my clit. I was in another world now. No one, not even my ex-husband had ever touched me like this before. My mind drifted back to before I was owned, before I was a slave. God I can feel my body shake but it's not from fear. Then he turned my body and kissed my nipple and bit down. It didn't hurt but it was enough that my entire being exploded. Even with my closed eyes I saw flashes of light and jolts of electricity shoot out from the very center of my being. I don't know what happened but when I opened my eyes I was laying in the tub, the warm water flowing all over me and my Master kneeling over me with a big smile.
"Take your time Carrie, I have to get to work. I'll see you tonight." He said so softly I hardly heard him. I watched with my barely open eyes as he stood and stepped out of the shower. I wanted to get up, but I had no strength. I lie there still feeling my body tingling.
I have no idea how long I lay there before I could move. I crawled out and shut off the water. Master had put a towel on the counter and I wrapped it around my body. I quickly dried off and rushed out of the bathroom, just in time to see the front door close. I dropped to my knees and cried. I don't know why but I cried for a long time.
For the next couple hours I wandered around the apartment. I was in a daze. My mind was having trouble comprehending what had happened. I tried to serve him, but he served me. WHY? WHY IS HE DOING THIS? I SCREAMED. I didn't know what to do. I have always been controlled and Master was...
What was Master doing? I went to the corner of my room and sat down. I was so afraid. I was trembling as I replayed what had happened over and over in my mind, and each time I was more confused than before.
I don't how long I sat on the floor in the corner. My knees drawn up to my chest rocking back and forth. I kept thinking back to all my owners. Each had demanded increasingly degrading things. Each had trained me to be obedient, to perform on demand, no matter how degrading, disgusting. I was a slave and slaves serve.
The years I spent owned by the man who purchased me from Master George, were the most difficult ever. I was confined to his basement dungeon, only leaving when Master had me serve in some way. Usually I was bound, fucked, whipped, or tortured for his pleasure. I hated the dungeon and even looked forward to being used and abused just to get out. I have no idea how long I was with him. Months, years, time has no meaning when your entire world is a dungeon and abuse. I have no idea how I got the courage to one day try the door. It was unlocked. I had never tried it before. I quickly shut it and ran back to my corner. I was so scared Master would know I opened it. I have no idea how long it was before I tried the door again. It was unlocked again. Then it hit me. He knew I was so conditioned that he no longer felt he needed to lock me up.
I went back to my corner again but this time my mind was thinking about something other than pleasing my Master. I started to pay attention to noises in the house. I learned his schedule and finally one day, I heard him leave. I waited for a while and when I was sure he was gone for the day, I opened the door, walked up stairs and walked into the house I hated with all my heart. I was naked, I never wore clothes. I walked into his room, grabbed a shirt that came down to my knees, and walked out the front door.
I had no idea where I was or where I was going. All I knew was I needed to get away. I ran and ran as fast as I could, stopping only to get my breath and ran again.
That first night was the most frightening night of my life. I was barely dressed, had no money and totally lost. It was a homeless woman who found me sleeping in an alley. She was so nice and took me to a shelter. For the first time in my life I was free. But after so many years a slave, I couldn't shake my training.
I stayed at the shelter for a few weeks, one of the social workers talked to me and learned my story. She helped me find a job, and tried to help me cope with my new situation. That was when I met Chrissy. She took me in, but in the end, she was just like all the others.
I finally got up and tried to clear my head. No matter how he treated me, I needed to do my best to obey his every command. I looked at the time and realized he might be coming home soon. I remembered my rules and started to clean the apartment. I worked feverishly wanting everything to be perfect. I started dinner and watched the clock closely.
It was about 5:30 when I heard something outside the door. I ran to it and dropped to my knees. I pushed my hair back behind my ears and knelt as I had been trained. When the knob turned, my body flushed. I was excited for him to return.
I watched as the door opened and in walked my Master. I couldn't help but smile, but just as he entered, behind him was that bitch Margaret walking by our door. I don't think Master saw or heard her gasp, when she looked at me naked on my knees.
"Hello Carrie, did you have a good day?" Master asked.
I wanted to answer but Margaret was behind him staring at me as the door closed. I know that Master and her don't get along, but now I'm afraid I did something wrong.
"Master," I spoke as the door closed, "Margaret just saw me." I said. "Please Master I'm sorry." I cried.
He laughed and knelt down in front of me. "Carrie, it doesn't matter what she thinks. She already thinks I'm strange. That only confirms it to her." He said and I could tell he was concerned. "You do know you're allowed to dress don't you?"
"Yes Master, but I've gone naked for so long I don't think about getting dressed." I whispered.
Master grabbed my hands and pulled me to my feet. He held my chin and looked deep into my eyes. "From now on, you will be dressed when you are near the front door. At least have something to slip on if you need to. Now how was your day?" He said the concern gone from his face.
"Master I don't know. I didn't have any instructions to follow, and what you did to me was..." I floundered for words.
"Hey I should say that to you. I don't normally have a beautiful young woman, bathe me in the mornings. Let alone jerking me off." He laughed. I guess it's safe to say we both had a very interesting morning."
"Thank you Master, dinner will be ready in a bit. I didn't know when you would get back from work and I didn't want to burn it." I explained.
"Very good and that's okay." I'd like to sit down for a bit anyways." He said and walked over to the couch.
Dinner was quiet, Master told me about his day and I cleaned up afterwards. When I finished I walked over to him sitting in the living room and started to drop to me knees. He shook his head and pulled me to the couch. "Look, I'm tired of looking down at you. So unless I say otherwise you will sit on the furniture."
"Yes Master." I answered and sat down beside him
"I have to run and errand and will be gone for about an hour. How about you have me a nice hot bath ready when I return?" He asked.
"Oh yes Master." Finally he's taking charge. I can't wait to bathe him. I watched as he stood, grabbed his keys and walked out the door. I sat there wondering what I should do when a few minutes later there was a knock at the door.
A shot of fear raced through my body. What do I do? What if it's my Mistress coming to get me? I was about to run to my room when I heard her voice.
"I know you're in there." Margaret said through the door. "Open up we need to talk."
I looked around and hurried to my room. I threw on a top and slacks and headed for the door. When I opened it a crack, she pushed the door and rushed past me.
"What the hell is going on in here? Is that shit abusing you? Are you okay?" She rattled off question after question. I had no chance to answer but after the fourth or fifth question, I found my voice.
"What is happening here is NONE of your business. I am here now and you will stop all your fucking games! Now get the fuck out!" I was pissed. This woman was making trouble for my master and I wasn't about to let her get away with it.
"If I hear you being a bitch again I'll put a stop to it. Now mind your own business." I growled.
I could see first the surprise, then shock, and then she blushed. I grabbed her arm, opened the door and shoved her out into the hall and slammed it behind her. I stood there in shock. I had never done anything like that before. I had always submitted. But she was threatening my Master, and I couldn't let that happen. For the first time in my life, I stood up and protected something. I'd never had anything to protect and never had an owner I wanted to protect, but something was changing with me and I liked it.
Accidental Master - Chapter 4
13 October 2024