Jade was working at the computer when she heard her Master's car in the driveway. She hurried to the door to greet him. If she was not there when he got to the door, she knew her ass was in deep shit. She was finally learning who she belonged to. She belonged to her Master. Everything she was belonged to him, especially her pussy.
When he walked in the door, she greeted him as she had been trained to do.
"May your whore relieve your balls, Master?" She asked. The first dozen times she said this it was deeply humiliating. She felt stupid and degraded. Now it was as natural as breathing. Every time she said it, she could feel her pussy begin to drip. She liked being a whore.
"Not now, you're going to feed me first. I was extremely busy today. I didn't have time for lunch and I'm starving." He replied.
He set his briefcase down and told her, "Put that away, Slut. Then get me a drink."
"Yes, Master." She said quickly and hurriedly stored the briefcase in the closet and went to the kitchen to fetch his drink.
When she returned from the kitchen she found him in the office checking his e-mail. She set the beer down next to him at the computer and took her place, kneeling on the floor next to him.
"Master, ...." She began.
He whipped around. "Did I speak to you, whore?" he quiered. "Are you to speak to me without being spoken to?" He asked although they both knew the answer.
"No, Master." She replied, lowering her head and averting her eyes, hoping that she would appease his anger by her instant submission.
"What are whores for, slut?" he asked.
Knowing the correct answer, she quickly replied, "Whores are for fucking, Master."
Then, "Whores are not for conversations. Correct?" Aire asked, more of a statement than a question.
"Whores are not for conversations, Master." Jade replied, her head still hung low. Her pussy beginning to throb from the humiliation of being called a whore, good for nothing but fucking.
"When I want someone to converse with, it won't be you, whore. Do you understand." Aire continued.
"Yes, Master, your whore understands." She could feel her panties begin to soak through and was embarrassed at what a whore she was. Just the thought that her sole purpose in life was for fucking made her horny.
As though he could read her mind, he looked between her spread legs where she was kneeling and noticed the seeping wet spot.
"Do you see why you are only allowed panties to wear, whore? To make it obvious to the world what a whore you are." Aire sneered while laughing at her.
She could feel the flush of embarrassment cross her face at his detailed appraisal of her sopping panties. She kept her head lowered to avoid him noticing the embarrassed stain spreading across her face.
"Do you have my dinner ready?" Aire asked her.
"Yes, Master. Your dinner is ready." Jade replied quickly.
"Bring it in here." He said and promptly forgot she was in the room.
Jade scurried to the kitchen to do his bidding. She filled his plate and brought it to him at the computer. She turned to leave to fetch her own plate but Aire stopped her.
"Where are you going, whore?" He asked abruptly.
From his tone, Jade knew instantly she wasn't going anywhere.
"Nowhere, Master." She turned and replied with her eyes downcast.
Aire looked at his plate and noticed that she had made finger foods for dinner; chicken fingers and French fries.
"You are going to feed me and while I am chewing you will suck my cock." He commanded.
Jade sat down in the chair next to him and said, "May your slut unzip your pants, Master, and remove your cock?" She couldn't believe he was going to make her feed him and suck his cock while he ate dinner. At the same time being reduced to serving him dinner and getting none of her own was making her pussy flow and she knew she was leaving a damp spot on the chair she was seated in. She quickly unzipped his pants and removed his cock from it's confinement. Next, she picked up a piece of chicken and brought it to his lips. After he had taken a bite, she immediately dropped her head to suck on his engorged cock. His cock was so big that she could never take the whole thing in her mouth without gagging. The farthest she could go comfortably was about half way. However, as she was sliding her head down onto his cock she could feel him put his hand on the back of her head and push her head all the way down his cock and hold her there while he finished his mouthful of chicken.
Once his mouth was empty he said, "That is how you suck my cock while I am eating, slut. If you can't accomplish it yourself I'll be happy to help you."
She lifted her head and picked up the previously bitten piece of chicken. After dunking it in the barbecue sauce she brought it once again to his lips. This time she tried to go all the way down on his cock so that he didn't choke her but she couldn't get it done without gagging. Again, he jammed her head all the way down on his cock and held her there while he finished his mouthful.
Jade's pussy was throbbing from being used this way. She was dying to touch herself but knew her Master would tell her no. She was serving a penalty for touching her pussy without his permission. He told her to write a story and bring herself almost to orgasm once but the story made her so horny she did it more than once. Now, she wasn't allowed to cum or touch herself even with permission.
By the time his dinner was finished Jade wanted to cum so badly she could scream. She knew if he fucked her right now there would be nothing she could do about it. She would cum. Even if he didn't touch her with his body just the force of the air between their bodies would be her undoing. Then she would pay for disobeying his "No Cum" rule.
"Put your feet up on the seat of the chair with your legs spread, whore." Aire said to her drawing her out of her mental calculations. He slipped his hand in her panties to feel her soaked pussy. Carefully avoiding her clit, her ran his finger up and down her slit. "You love being a whore don't you, slut?" He asked her.
"Yes, Master, your slut loves being a whore." She replied automatically.
"What's your name?" he asked her.
"My name is whore, Master." She responded. "You look like you're going to cum at any second, whore." He commented, observing her engorged pussy lips.
"Yes, Master" she replied.
Aire said, "You know you are prohibited from cumming. Don't you?" He demanded harshly.
"Yes, Master." She replied. Knowing she would be helpless from preventing it.
"But you're going to cum anyway aren't you, whore? What a whore you are. Knowing you are prohibited from cumming and you're going to do it anyway. We shall see about that, missy." He said in a tone that frightened Jade.
"Take off those soaked panties. Go get a tie and then, bend over my lap." Aire commanded.
Jade took off the panties and started to leave the office with them in her hand when her Master told her to leave them there. She dropped them on the floor and when she returned with the tie, he told her to hand him the panties. She picked them up and handed them to him, along with the tie, and bent over his lap. Her ass was now high in the air. He took the panties and stuffed them in her mouth and used the tie to hold them there.
He reached into the desk drawer and pulled out the inflatable butt plug. Fully inflated, the plug was the size of a very large water balloon. He lubed the plug and slid it in her ass with ease. "You are such a slut. Look how easily this slides into your ass." He pushed on the plug causing her asshole to jiggle from the pressure. Jade felt him inflate the plug a couple of times and moaned from the fullness in her ass.
"You love your ass filled. Don't you slut?" He asked her.
Her voice very thick, Jade responded, "Yes, Master." They both knew she didn't have to say it, her dripping pussy told the tale itself.
He grabbed a handful of hair and pulled her head back, "Say it, whore." He commanded roughly.
"Your whore loves her ass filled, Master." Jade replied. She knew her Master well and knew that he was going to use her ass for all it was worth. She thought of how wet her pussy became from the degradation she felt when he punished her ass and told her what a whore she was for liking it.
Her pussy, if possible, had swollen to new heights. If he didn't do something soon she was going to explode. She wondered to herself, "When did I become such a slut?" Not really caring when or how.
"First I'm going to beat your ass and then I'm going to fuck your ass like the whore you are."
She felt her ass light on fire when he brought his arm down. She knew instantly he had the paddle in his hand. The crack of the paddle drove the plug in deeper stretching her ass even farther. In between blows of the paddle she could feel him pumping up the plug. Her ass was being abused from both the outside and the inside. She began to feel that he was indeed going to cure her from her inability to control herself. With each blow to her ass, her ass was on fire. She felt like her inside was going to rupture he had blown the plug up so far and he continued to whack her ass with the paddle. She knew better than to beg him to stop.
Eventually he said, "Are you going to come now, slut?"
Tearfully, she replied, "No, Master."
He stood up dumping her off his lap and said, "On your knees, dirty whore. I'm going to fuck you like a dirty whore deserves to be fucked.
He stuck his dick in her now-not-so-wet pussy and began to fuck her with the plug still filling her ass. As the burn in her ass began to subside she felt her pussy begin to become wet again. He rammed her cunt hard until she began to scream and then unceremoniously pulled the plug from her ass and none to gently thrust his dick in her now gaping asshole.
"Fuck yourself", he commanded.
Jade began thrusting her ass against Aire. Each time she pulled forward he could feel her ass sucking his cock. She fucked herself hard until she heard him begin to breathe heavily. He grabbed her hips to keep her still and told her, "Ask permission to make me cum, slut."
"May I fuck you with my ass until you cum, Master?" Jade asked.
"Do it." Aire responded.
Jade began to fuck him furiously with her ass. Just before he came, he pulled out of her ass, stood above her and ejaculated all over her head, her back and her ass. Covering her with his hot, sticky cum.
When he was done, he laughed and said, "Now you are a dirty, little whore."