*Erica's Afternoon*
Erica groaned into her gag as her captor left her alone in the room, strapped to the bench. She closed her eyes tightly as new, hot tears began to stream down her cheeks. The vibrator buzzed fiercely inside her pussy as she squeezed her thighs reflexively against the padded edges of the bench. Bent forward slightly, she bucked against the bench with all her strength, desperate to free herself from this new form of torture and the effects that it was beginning to have on her. The most she could accomplish were momentary respites for her clitoris from the attentions of the attachment that pressed against it, never more than a brief flash, made worse by its return. She twisted her trapped wrists in the tight cuffs that held them behind her neck but found no release, her whole body tense as the intruder continued to vibrate inside her.
She cried out in surprise, drool sputtering around the thick rubber ball in her mouth, nearly falling forward as the vibrations suddenly ceased inside her. Her whole body trembled as she sat back upright again and opened her eyes, coming down from the climax that she had been approaching. Alone in the room, she blushed at the disappointment that she felt in her core. The scene on the television had changed, now showing a petite brunette dressed in goth clothing. Erica watched as the girl was dragged into a basement and bound tightly in rope.
Just as the pale girl on the screen was entered violently by the blackmasked man who bound her, Erica felt the vibrator surge to life inside her once more. Already left wet and wanting from its first attack, she felt herself driving quickly toward orgasm. Blushing crimson in humiliation, she welcomed the oncoming promise of pleasure. This place was hell, and there was nothing she could do about it, but at least she could accept what little pleasure it offered her. She hated herself for giving in to her captor in even so small a fashion as this, but there was no stopping the reactions of her body.
She screamed into the gag as the tide of her orgasm crashed over her bound body, arching her back, thighs twitching against their restraints on the bench as it wracked her. And still the vibrator thrummed inside her forcefully, quickly turning her rhapsody of pleasure into discomfort. She bucked against the bench as the cruel rubber continued to throb inside her pussy and against her clitoris, still sensitive in the aftermath of the powerful orgasm. Sobbing, panting for air through her nose, she pulled at her restraints, desperate for the vibrator’s attentions to subside.
When the vibrations finally ended again, she was coated in sweat. Her bare, heaving breasts were a mess of snot and drool from her frenzied exertions. She could feel her juices on her thighs and ass, all over the bench beneath her. She trembled as if she had run a marathon, panting for air through her flared nostrils. Whining softly, she tried again to find release from the leather cuffs and chains, confident that the vibrator would not remain dormant for long. She pressed against the rubber ball in her mouth with her tongue, trying unsuccessfully to push it out past her teeth, but it was firmly buckled in its place and would not budge.
Looking up at the screen again, she was faced with a new surprise. She had to blink away the tears from her blurry eyes to make sure that she was seeing what she thought it showed her, but there was no mistaking the image. She saw herself at the bar, dressed in one of the previous “uniforms” that the place had inflicted on its bar-girls. While she watched herself serving pitchers of draft beer in the short plaid skirt and thigh high stockings, she struggled to remember how long it had been since they had worn them. Feeling addled by some combination of her current situation and the nearly sleepless night preceding, she couldn’t remember exactly how long it had been, but she knew it was at least a month. The scene changed again, this time a view of her walking across the parking lot toward her car. The parking lot was covered in snow, but she recognized the red boots of the Santa’s Helper outfit beneath her long coat.
He’d been watching her since December, at least, she realized. So much for his story about her just happening to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. It was no accident that she was his captive. She strained her memory for previous encounters with him, trying to think of some way she might have provoked him to such drastic cruelty, but could not place his face. What did this new discovery mean, and why had he chosen to share it with her now? She couldn’t make sense of it, but intuitively she felt that it didn’t do much for her prospects of being released.
The parking lot scene changed abruptly to one of a slender, naked woman stretched out and strapped to a large wooden frame in the shape of an X. The trembling woman was not gagged and cried pitifully as she was whipped repeatedly across the front of her body. Angry red welts crisscrossed the flesh of her thighs, belly, and breasts as the thin leather whip lashed across her in steady motion. Erica watched as the young girl’s desperate struggles against the leather restraints that held her mercilessly in place mirrored her own, and she felt a connection to the tortured stranger. She wondered if the whipping unfolding on the screen before her was a sign of the new punishment she had been promised by her captor, and shuddered at the thought.
Her wonderings were interrupted by the return of the vibrators ministrations to her pussy. It started slowly this time, and she groaned into the gag as it gradually grew in intensity. As her body began to give in once more to the rumbling vibrations, she saw the picture on the television change again, this time to a view of the outside of her apartment building. Groaning, she watched the view zoom in on her window, peaking through an opening in her curtain to capture a view of her as she stripped out of a pair of jeans. She struggled to focus on the screen, to find some sort of clue about her captor’s identity, but the dildo soon overtook her again. She sobbed helplessly, whining in pleasure and humiliation as her whole world came to be focused on the intersection of her legs.
This time, the vibrations lasted longer, seemingly an eternity. The pleasure became unbearable, transforming into twisted pain, as orgasm after orgasm tore through her trembling body, offering her no time to recover between them. She lost track of how many times she came or how long this bout lasted, eventually reaching a point where her body was a tense, quivering bow of overwhelming passion. When it finally stopped, she fell forward, the dildo shifting uncomfortably as she bent at the waist, hair falling around her face as she sobbed helplessly. She felt utterly spent and wasted. How long had it been, she wondered. Would he really leave her here for hours?
When she finally recovered from this newest assault, she looked up at the screen again. She saw a girl inside a tank full of water, wrapped in rusty chains. It looked like something out of a magic act, except that the girl was naked, and obviously lacked the ability to miraculously escape from the chains’ embrace. This captive was obviously scared, and struggled to keep her mouth and nose above the surface of the water.
More than anything, she knew that she had to find a way to escape this place. Should she be given another opportunity, even a slim one like the one in the bathroom this morning, she promised herself that she would take it. If this horrendous treatment was the reward that she could expect for good behavior, it was clear that the risk of further punishment was worth taking.
The girl in the over-sized aquarium faded from view as Erica fought against the leather straps that held her securely in place on the bench. In its place came a view of herself that chilled her to her bones. It was clearly at least three years old, and she saw herself sitting at a desk in a classroom at the University, the camera gradually moving from her face down over her breasts, lingering for a moment on her breasts as they rose and fell behind the soft sweater that contained them. After pausing for a moment, the camera continued its descent, passing the desktop to view her bare, crossed legs beyond her short denim skirt. Watching her brown suede ankle boot bob as she sat there, she could remember the carefree feelings of those days and she sobbed softly as new tears mixed with the drool that dropped onto her bare chest.
Could she really have ever felt so free and happy, she wondered? Was it really possible that the care-free girl on the screen before her was the same person imprisoned in this awful basement? She moaned softly, pitifully, as she watched the camera zoom in for a glimpse of her pink panties when she uncrossed and re-crossed her legs on the screen. The camera returned to her face, rising quickly over her body. As it focused on her eyes, she screamed into her gag in frustration, somehow feeling that if only she had her voice, she could warn this younger version of herself of the dangers to come and save herself this misery.
Reluctantly, she took stock of her decision, a large part of her mind unwilling to contemplate the many overwhelming terrors that faced her. Her captor had been stalking her for years now, so the odds that he had he would release her any time in the near future were impossibly slim. He had let her see his face, so that added further to the idea that his intentions were permanent. As far as she could tell, she hadn’t been here even a day yet, and already she could feel her strength and stamina slipping. The long periods of confinement and lack of sleep were already taking their toll on her body. It wasn’t difficult to realize that within just a few days she would stand no chance of resistance.
As the vibrator leapt to life inside her again, she forced herself to push it as far away from herself as she could, focus on thoughts of escape fuelled by anger and desperation. So far, he had been very careful to always keep her locked to something at all times, and she could see no reason to think that he would make a mistake within the next couple days. All of his actions seemed orchestrated, somehow, too well planned for a casual mistake. God, the thrumming of the vibrator insider her and against her clit was maddening in its intensity. Against her will, she felt herself beginning to ride the wave of another orgasm. She had no choice but to fight him the next time he left her hands free, as he had done this morning. He was bigger than she was, she knew, but she kept herself in good shape, and thought that she’d at least have surprise on her side.
Her focus began to fade, betrayed once again by her body’s reactions to the pulsing vibrator, more painful than pleasurable now against her tender flesh. She turned once more to the television screen and saw an image of herself lying in her bed in her old dorm room. She was wrapped up in the covers, wearing a pair of boy shorts and a tank top, with one bare leg out from beneath the sheets. Her dorm room? He’d been inside her dorm room while she was sleeping? Who the fuck was he? The picture on the screen faded once more, this time replaced by a plain black screen on which were imprinted a pair of simple statements in white letters.
Erica no longer.
My slave forever.
The words struck to the very core of her, and she broke down into hysterical sobs after reading them, panting through her nose. Her body seemed to work on autopilot, half of her screaming and crying, while the rest trembled, victimized by the vibrator that worked her over mercilessly as only a machine could. As she cycled through phases of struggling and collapsing in exhaustion, it seemed that the pauses between the intruder’s attacks grew shorter and shorter, until it seemed to be running almost continuously at maximum power. She felt almost numb to it, cold, hollow, and locked to the bench.
When her captor returned, she was a helpless mass of tears and quivering flesh, bent forward as far as the chain on her belt allowed, twitching almost unconsciously against her padded leather perch. When the vibration finally ceased, she fell forward a little further, a long groan escaping her as she sobbed in relief.
“Sorry. It took me a little longer than expected.” He said softly, running his fingers through her hair. “I imagine you’ve had quite a long afternoon of discovery.”
“Uhhhh…. Eeeeehhhhzzzzeeee.” She moaned into the thick rubber gag, her muscles spasming uncontrollably as she recovered from the long torment of the vibrator.
“I know. I know.” He spoke calmly as he unlocked her thighs, ankles and belt from the bench, placing her feet back on the floor and allowing her to relieve a bit of the pressure of the rubber invader. “You’re anxious to find out what your punishment will be, aren’t you, pet?”
“Uh… Uh…” She groaned into the gag, shaking her head, pleading with wide tear-filled eyes as her captor helped her to stand on trembling legs.
“Looks like you had some fun while I was gone.” He grinned wickedly as his hands roamed over her ass and thighs, still wet from her many orgasms. “And I imagine there must be hundreds of questions playing through that mind of yours.”
Leaving her wrists pinned to the back of her neck, he led her from the room and out into the hallway, turning away from the kitchen and in the direction of the bathroom. She felt her juices running down her legs as he pushed her past the bathroom door and back into the “punishment area.” The tile and lights of the hallway gave way to bare concrete floors and dim lighting. They stopped in a new corner of the large room. She saw a short metal pole sticking up from the floor, and whimpered as he brought her to stand over it, the top of it reaching about knee height. For a moment, she considered kicking him and trying to make a break for it as he squatted down before her, a large padlock in his hands, but she recognized that it would accomplish nothing with her hands still useless to her.
“You’re very confused and frightened right now, I am sure.” He spoke as he locked the padlock through the rings on her ankles and around the thin pole, forcing her feet to remain close to the cool metal. “But just concentrate on getting through this next period, because it’s going to be quite trying.”
He left her there, walking away to parts unknown in the dark basement. She pulled experimentally at the cuffs on her ankles, looking down over her helpless body to where he feet rested on either side of the pole, seeming so small and distant. She imagined that she could squat down and get enough momentum to jump free of the pole, but where would that leave her? She’d be free to shuffle around with her ankles locked together.
When she saw her captor returning, she wished that she had made the jump. In his hands, he held another pole with a slim silver vibrator fitted to the end of it, of course, and a small black duffel bag. She wanted to plead with him not to punish her, not to put that damned thing inside her, but she had no voice with the thick rubber ball locked in her mouth. Without a word of explanation, he slid the end of the rod in his hand onto the waiting one between her legs and then slid it upwards, working the dildo easily into her wet pussy. She despised the accessibility of her most private areas to him, and the way he handled her body.
“You’ll be ready for a good fucking tonight, won’t you?” He asked, and she grunted as he raised the height of the pole holding the vibrator, forcing her up onto her toes before tightening it in place. “Maybe I’ll fuck your ass. Anyone ever been through that little rosebud of yours?”
She squirmed uncomfortably, pressing her thighs against the pole between her legs as her captor opened the bag and withdrew a bundle of electrical wires that ended in those sticky pads that she had seen on television medical shows. She watched helplessly as he began to attach the little pads to various parts of her body, sticking them to her thighs, belly, breasts, upper arms, and ass. All of the wires from the pads seemed to be connected together and he arranged them carefully, inserting a plug on the end of them into a square black box he also withdrew from the bag. She could see that box had a pair of dials on it.
Rising to his feet, she saw a pair of alligator clips in his hands, each dangling long wires as well. She struggled to pull away from him but the pole inside her forced her to remain close as he began to play with her left nipple, wet from the stream of drool that trickled over her chin. Shuddering helplessly, she watched her nipple harden against her will as he flicked and teased it, and then saw him open the cruel little clamp.
“Oohhhhh… Ssshhhhhhh….Ohhhhh.” She screamed into the gag as the cruel little fangs of the clamp bit down on the base of her nipple, a dagger of pain ripping into her at its placement.
“God, they hurt, don’t they?” He laughed as he pulled on her right nipple and quickly clamped the other in place at the base of it, chuckling as she howled in pain.
She shook her upper body as her nipples throbbed under the grip of the clamps. She struggled to free her hands and take the vile things from her flesh, but they were useless to her. Sobbing, she watched him plug the wires from the clamps into the top of the box.
“Electricity and its effects on the human body can be fascinating.” He spoke calmly as he squatted and taped a different sort of bad to the underside of each heel, a separate wire running from these to the box. “It can range from a mild tingling to debilitating pain.”
She winced, crying out in fear and anticipation as he turned the dials on the box, but nothing happened. Impaled on the rod, up on her toes to avoid some of its awful pressure, she could feel her calves already beginning to tremble at the effort. He placed his hand on the top of her head and she groaned into the gag as he applied pressure, gradually forcing her down further onto the dildo until her feet were flat against the floor. She screamed in pain as the current coursed into her body the moment her heels contacted the ground, and shot back up onto her toes the moment he removed his hand, ending the surge of electricity.
“That was a mild taste.” He told her as he squatted to turn the dials on the box, and she mewled behind the gag, muscles twitching from the aftereffects of the current and the memory of the pain. “You’ll really want to concentrate on keeping your heels off the ground now.”
She gasped, panting for air around the ball in her mouth as the vibrator surged to life inside her. She pressed her thighs against the pole as the silver intruder thrummed inside her, lifting herself as high as she could on her toes to avoid accidentally touching her heels to the floor. The vibrations were maddening in their intensity, her pussy already tender and hypersensitive from the long afternoon on the bench. Her legs trembled at the effort of remaining up on her toes.
Erica bit down hard on the ball in her mouth as an orgasm ripped through her body, crying out and shuddering, her back arched as she focused all of her attention on staying up on her toes. Riding the tide of her body’s
helpless reactions, she shifted from the toes of one foot of the other as the vibrator continued its pulsing inside her. Shutting her eyes tightly, she tried to focus only on keeping up on her toes as she felt another orgasm piggybacked on the first, beginning to build within her. God, how long was he going to keep her like this. Her mind reeled.
In one instant of contact, everything changed. Her heel touched the floor, depressing its little pad. The vibrator instantly stopped its assault within her, replaced by a powerful jolt of current through her body. Head thrown back in a silent scream, it seemed that every muscled in her body tensed in that moment, cramping painfully as if she were experiencing a full-body charley horse. The jolts through the clamps on her nipples were the worst, stabbing them with agonizing pinpoint accuracy. As the pain coursed through her body, it refused to respond to her commands to break the connection. After a seeming eternity, the burst of electricity ceased, but it was only a brief pause, and she didn’t react quickly enough before she was struck by another dose of the tormenting energy.
At the next pause, she responded faster, thrusting herself up on to trembling toes, her whole body slick with perspiration. She panted raggedly through her nose, feeling snot oozing from it but unable to care about anything but staying up on her toes and avoiding more of the torture of her long-suffering body. Opening her eyes as the vibrator once again began to hum inside her, she looked to her captor with wide, tear-blurred eyes, sobbing as she pleaded incoherently.
“It’s bad, isn’t it?” He asked, stepping in close to her as he held her gaze and she nodded quickly, desperately. “Oh, but you suffer so beautifully, pet. I wouldn’t have dared to hope that torturing you in the flesh could be better than I had dared imagine.”
He pressed in close to her as she struggled to keep her footing, leaning against him for what little support she could steal. She felt his hot breath on her ear as he began to nibble her lobe softly, his hands moving to tug at the cruel little clamps on her nipples, causing sharp spikes of pain. Sobbing, her chest heaved as she sucked air as best she could around the ball in her mouth. Even after everything else that had happened to her in this house of horrors, she couldn’t believe that this was happening to her, and she couldn’t imagine how she could bear another of the shocks.
“I can’t wait to get you into bed tonight.” He hissed in her ear, his hands roaming over her body as he spoke. “I am going to cuff you up and fuck every one of your holes. I will make you scream, pet. Is it sinking in yet? You’re mine now.”
She stumbled, nearly touching the floor again as he suddenly released her and stepped away from her. As he walked into the darkness, she transferred her weight to her left foot and lifted her right, using her toes to explore the lock that connected them to the pole, not surprised to find no method of easy release on the cold metal. She tried to press her legs against the pole between them, but found no purchase on it to aid her difficult tiptoed stance. Already, her sore calves and thighs trembled and her toes ached from the position.
Her captor returned, carrying a chair that he placed on the floor before her. He sat down casually, crossing one leg over the other and leaning back to watch her. A sheen of sweat broke out over her body as she tried to resist the growing need that the vibrations inside her were creating, and she sobbed as she teetered awkwardly. She’d never felt so tired before in her life, her whole body seeming to be on the verge of just shutting down.
“Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh!” she cried out behind the gag, her body shuddering and bucking involuntarily.
Erica locked her gaze on her captor’s as he sat watching her. She could feel her legs tremble and twitch, her calves threatening to give out on her at any moment. She shifted back and forth between the balls of her feet, the transfers coming faster and faster between them as each grew more and more exhausted. And through it all, the vibrator thrummed on inside her pussy. She squirmed her thighs, slick with her own juices, against the cool pole.
A moment later, another orgasm tore through her body. Almost simultaneously, her heels struck the floor and she was hit with a searing jolt of electricity. The conflicting feelings threatened to tear her apart as she twitched uncontrollably under the attack of the cruel box. At the first pause, she tried to lift herself onto her toes again, but there was so little strength in her legs that she only managed to lift her heels for a moment, screaming desperately as they came down again and she another surge of current ripped through her.
Her body wracked with tortured sobs, she bucked against the pole between the awful attacks, managing no more than momentary respites from its cruelty in little hops. Tears streamed down her cheeks and onto her heaving breasts. As the tears made contact with the bare metal clamps on her nipples, she could feel the current travel along the trails they left over her body, creating new avenues of pain on her tender flesh.
“Do you want it to stop, pet?”
“Uhhhh…. Huuuhhhhhh…” She croaked behind the gag between tortured sobs.
“Then beg me to fuck you.” He spoke above the sound of her sobs.
“Eeeehhhzzzzzeeee…. Uucckkkk… Eeeeee” She groaned, struggling to talk quickly between bursts of electricity, her body on the verge of just turning off as she shook and squirmed.
She screamed as another blast tore into her while her captor approached. At its completion, he turned the dials on the box, and she tensed in anticipation of another assault. When none came, she nearly collapsed, but held herself up on shaking legs to avoid more pressure on the pole that impaled her. Her captor stood close to her, his hands on her hips as he gazed into her tear-filled eyes. She felt him slide the short little skirt down over her waist, unable to even care as he stripped it from her. Desperately, she wanted him to remove the damned vibrator from her so that she could just collapse to the floor, but she could only stand by while he removed the pink leather straps from her thighs and ankles. Next, he slowly rolled the white stockings down her trembling legs, slipping them from her.
With her legs bared, he lowered the pole between her legs, and she collapsed to the floor as its pressure was removed from her tortured pussy.
She fell in a shuddering heap, unable to soften her fall with her bound arms and unable to even care. Trembling on the cold concrete floor, she curled her legs up to her chest in the fetal position. She felt her captor looming over her, and looked up blearily to see him lock a long chain leash to her collar. She was limp under his control as he plucked the little pads from her body, crying out softly as she felt new pain at the removal of the clamps from her nipples.
He turned her onto her stomach and knelt over her. The cold floor felt good against the burning agony in her breasts. She groaned, her jaw cramping as he removed the gag from her mouth, and then released her wrists. The pink leather cuffs were placed with the gag and the other straps, and the little top was slipped back down her arms. She was naked now, save for the collar on her neck, but more importantly she was also unbound. Her body was weak and the thought of fighting now seemed impossible, but she recognized the opportunity for what it was and told herself that she needed to be ready.
“Up on all fours, pet.” Her captor ordered, nudging her stomach with his boot, and she forced herself up onto her hands and knees.
She kept her head lowered, matted hair falling around her face like a shroud, trying to appear even more worn and defeated than she felt, though it didn’t require much acting ability. She felt a tug on the leash on her throat and began to crawl forward slowly, gathering her strength and trying to quell the butterflies that raged in her stomach. This would be her best and only chance, a singular opportunity for escape while his guard was down, and the thought of the attempt terrified her. She looked up as they reached the bathroom, the concrete beneath her giving way to white tile.
Her captor squatted next to the toilet, the end of her leash in one hand and a padlock and ring of keys in the other. Realizing her opportunity was about to come to an end, she looked around quickly, spotting another pile of clothes with sets of cuffs resting atop it again. One set of cuffs looked different than before, with a hinged metal bar between them instead of a chain. She heard him opening the padlock in his hands and quickly grabbed the larger set of cuffs, the ones for her ankles. Holding on to one of the cuffs, she swung the other like a flail, bringing the metal down hard on the hand that held the ring of keys.
“Fuck!” He cried out as the metal hit his fingers and the lock and keys fell to the floor.
With a quick motion, she swept the keys out into the hall behind her and then closed the wide cuff on her captor’s ankle, ratcheting it tightly in place over the pantleg of his jeans. She cried out in pain as he grabbed her hair, twisting it in his fist and turning her face up to look at him. Her breath exploded from her as his other fist struck her stomach hard. She doubled over in pain at the sudden, vicious blow, but kept her grip on the other cuff as she collapsed to the floor. Through tear-filled eyes, she saw a pipe behind the toilet and reached out to lock the open cuff in place on it.
“You fucking bitch!” He screamed, lifting her up onto her knees with the hand in her hair and thudding another punch into her stomach. “Oh, you’re going to pay for this.”
“Get your hands off me!” She screamed as he turned her to face the ground, pressing her down onto her stomach. “You lost, you piece of shit. You can’t get the keys.”
She struggled to fight against him as he moved to straddle her back, pressing her hard into the floor. He was too strong for her, and she was too weak from the trials of her captivity. Terror gripped her as he pulled her left hand behind her back. She had him trapped. She knew it. There was no way he could reach the keys in the hall. But how would he react? She needed him to be, because otherwise they might both die here.
“Stop it. Think about it.” She whimpered as she heard a scrape of metal and then felt the cuff close tightly around her wrist behind her back. “You need me. You need me to let you out of here.”
He drew her other arm behind her back despite her struggles and then turned her palms to face outward before closing the other cuff tightly in place on it. The positioning of her hands and the metal bar between the cuffs forced her to keep her arms straight behind her, almost as rigidly as the armbinder had done earlier.
“Listen. You lost.” She said softly, tugging at the tight cuffs on her wrists, and trying to sound more confident than she felt. “You can’t reach the keys. If you let me up, I’ll go get them.”
“And what’s to say we both just don’t rot in here?” He asked, sliding back a little bit on her body so that he could fondle her asscheeks, one hand slipping between her thighs.
“I swear, if you don’t get off me, I’ll make sure you rot to death in here.” She bucked against the floor, trying to push him off her body, as his fingers slipped along the lips of her wet pussy.
Laughing, he slid from her back, and she scrambled up onto her knees, just in time to see him wrap the end of her leash around the pipe behind the toilet and lock it with the open padlock. On her knees she scrambled out into the hall, barely able to reach where the keys had come to rest, turning to pick them up behind her back, fumbling with them.
“Good luck with getting those off you.” He spoke calmly, sitting on the toilet seat and watching her through the open door. “The keyholes are facing up, pet, though you wouldn’t be able to reach them anyways with your palms out. Still feeling like a winner?”
Biting her lower lip to hold back tears as she looked back over her shoulder at her cuffed hands, she realized that he was right. The keys were there in her hand, but they might as well be a thousand miles away for all the good they would do her. The lock to the collar on her neck was even less accessible with her arms locked in place and straight behind her.
“So now, you give me back the keys, and I promise I won’t punish you for this little error, pet.” He said softly while she examined her condition.
“Why… why not just promise to let me go?” She asked, glaring at him across the short distance. “Since you’re just lying anyways?”
“Oh, come on now, pet.” He laughed, giving the leash a playful tug, pulling her a little closer. “You’re fucked, and you know it. It was a brave little attempt, but it’s over now.”
She dropped the keys on the floor again as he tugged her toward him, needing some time to think, and definitely not wanting them to be any closer to him. She turned to look down at the keys, seeing that the ring contained three distinct keys, one of them the sort that would go to a master lock, and the other two more skeletal, one larger than the other. There had to be a way to get out of this. She could not be this close, and not have a way to complete her escape.
“Awww, come here, pet.” He pulled on the leash, forcing her to shuffle back over to him on her knees. “Let’s talk about this.”
He drew her up onto his lap and she sat there perched sideways while he wrapped one strong arm around her waist. He moved his other hand to her hair, stroking it soothingly while she looked away from him at a point on the wall. She felt him wipe away her tears and then move down to her neck, his fingers moving to circle her throat.
“I could kill you right now.” He hissed in her ear, and she winced as he applied pressure. “It would be nothing to snap your neck.”
“But then you’d be trapped here.” She whined, trying to sound stronger than she felt. “You’d starve to death.”
“Maybe, instead of killing you, I just spend my time here fucking and hurting you until you crawl over to get those keys for me.” He answered.
“I swear to God, if you hurt me again, I will never give you those keys.”
“Oh, you say that now, pet.” He chuckled. “But will you sing the same tune when I’ve broken a few of your fingers?”
She looked down at the cuff on his ankle, noticing that the keyhole was smaller than the ones on her wrists. She knew which locks the keys opened now, and a plan began to form in her mind. Any chance of the plan working would rely on the casual arrogance that his touch showed her.
“So then, what?” She asked softly as his hand moved from her throat down to cup her right breast, caressing it gently. “You just keep hurting me until I get the keys for you?”
“You could save yourself a lot of pain, baby, and just go get them now.” He flicked playfully at her sore nipple as he spoke. “This is your chance to cooperate.”
“What about if I have another idea?” She asked quietly, trying to sound as scared as she could.
“And what would that be?” His fingers moved to pinch her nipple.
“I’ll go get the padlock and handcuff keys and give them to you.” She stared down at the floor as she spoke, her voice trembling.
“Those doesn’t do me a lot of good, now does they, pet?”
“I know, but you know that I need it. And after you have them, you can take the cuffs off me.”
“And why would I do that?” He laughed.
“Because, if you do, then I’ll trade you the key that lets you out for the padlock key.” She turned on his lap to look into his eyes, feeling his cock pressing against her bare ass through his tight jeans as she shifted.
“And then what?”
“Then we’re both free, right?” She whimpered. “I won’t ask you to promise to let me go then, because I know you’d just be lying if you did, but at least I get a fighting chance.”
He squinted, looking into her eyes with a puzzled expression as he considered her offer, his hand leaving her breast to brush back an errant strand of hair from her eyes. She felt that she could read his thoughts in that expression. She would be naked, fumbling to unlock the padlock on her neck while he easily and quickly unlocked his ankle. Even if she managed to get it off her neck as quickly as he unlocked himself, she had no idea where to run or how to escape from this place. Grinning wryly, he nodded slowly.
“You’ve got a deal, pet.” He removed his arm from around her waist and helped her back onto her feet. “The handcuff key is the smaller one.”
“It’s the big one, you asshole.” She snapped back at him as she padded gingerly out into the hallway where the keys waited.
“You can’t blame me for trying, can you?” He laughed. “Fuck you.”
Squatting, she picked up the keys from the floor and fought with the carabineer-style ring that held them, finally spilling the three keys from it onto the ground. She moved the key to the leg irons away from the other two, and then picked up the selected pair and walked back into the bathroom. He was standing now, a wide grin on his face as she approached. Not trusting herself to speak, she held her tongue, turning her back to him when she reached him, the keys in the palm of her hand.
“You probably think you’re fast enough, right?” He chuckled as he plucked the keys from her hands. “A big guy like me probably couldn’t catch you running, right?”
“Just take the fucking cuffs off.”
Without another word, he removed the cuffs from her wrists, and she brought her hands back in front of herself as she turned to face him, rubbing her sore wrists. He grabbed the leash close to her throat and pulled her in close to him, lifting her up on her toes so that her face was inches from his as she looked up at him. She winced as he stuck out his tongue and lapped the length of her face from chin to forehead.
“You’re delicious, pet.” He almost purred, thrusting her backwards as he released the leash. “Now go get my key.”
Back in the hall, she picked up the key with trembling hands and turned to slowly return to him. He waited for her there with that same wide grin, holding the key to her freedom out in the palm of his left hand before him and beckoning with the other. It all came down to this moment, she knew. If she failed here, she would never get another chance at freedom. Her heart pounding in her chest, she stopped a few paces away from her captor.
She took a step closer to him and held out the key to the cuffs on his ankle. As soon as she saw his eyes look to the key, she took another quick step forward and then kicked hard with her other leg. Her shin came up hard between his legs, landing directly on target. The breath burst from his body as he doubled over in pain, and she heard the key drop to the ground. Tossing the key in her own hand back behind her and into the hall behind her and dove to the floor to recover the one he had dropped. Scooping it up, she turned and ran for the hallway, trying to quickly get it into the padlock as she ran.
“You fucking bitch.” She heard him wheeze behind her, accompanied by the clatter of chain.
She cried out, choking as he brought her up short with a yank on her leash. Her legs flew out from under her and she hit the tile floor hard, but managed to keep a grip on the key in her hands. Turning on her ass, she saw the anger in his eyes, his face crimson as he held tight to the chain with one hand, and held his aching balls with the other. Trembling, she fumbled with the key while she braced her legs against the cabinet beneath the sink, pushing hard to stop him from pulling her back.
“I’m going to kill you, you god damned whore.” He hissed through clenched teeth, as he reached for the chain with his other hand.
When the key finally slid into its hole, she turned it, crying out in relief as it fell away and she pushed herself back out into the hallway. Lying on her side in the hall, tears of joy streamed from her eyes as she realized that she had done it; found a way to free herself from this madman. Rising to a sitting position, she pulled her knees up to her chest and hugged them, looking back to where he sat next to the toilet in the bathroom. Only the collar remained on her neck as a reminder of the firm hold that he had until a moment before exercised over her. He stared out at her as she sat silently.
“Now what?” He asked, breaking the silence, and she thought she could hear a slight tremor of fear in his voice.
“Now I get myself cleaned up.” She spoke softly as she rose and closed the bathroom door.
“You don’t know the whole story, Erica.” She heard him call out from behind the door. “Don’t you want some explanations? Don’t you want to know what this is really about?”
She walked away from him, back into the punishment area and toward the stairs that had brought her to this place. As she reached the stairs, she could hear his tone and words change behind her, from arrogant taunting to angry screams, throwing curses at her as she left him there. She hugged herself as she saw the staircase. It seemed like it had been an eternity since he had lead her down those stairs, shrouded in darkness and cuffed. Her body shook and trembled as the adrenaline that had fuelled her escape began to subside, and she leaned against the cold stone wall for support. Only now did she truly realize the terrible gamble that she had taken. She was grateful that she hadn’t had time to think it through while it was happening, for the fear that gripped her heart now would have paralyzed her.
Gathering her strength again, she climbed the stairs and went through the door at the top, grateful to find it unlocked. The door opened into a simple kitchen. Sunlight streamed in through the windows, filling her with warmth. On the table, she saw a collection of shopping bags, proudly displaying the names of the stores from which they had been carried; Wet Seal, Express, Rue 21, Urban Outfitters, Rue 21. Walking to the collection of bags, she looked through them, finding an assortment of skirts, tops, stockings, and accessories, all in her size. She gathered up a light green tank top and a jean miniskirt, two of the most modest things she could find. She wasn’t surprised to find not a stitch of underwear. A bag containing shoe boxes gave her a few selections to choose from. Initially, she picked a pair of black leather heeled boots, but then discovered that they, unlike all the rest, were two sizes too small. Frowning, she avoided two pairs of treacherously high heels, and went with a pair of wedge sandals with white satin ankle ties.
With her newly acquired items under one arm, she opened the refrigerator, finding it bare save for one Budweiser bottle, a nearly empty bottle of Sauvignon Blanc, and a carton of leftover Chinese food. Grabbing the carton, she dove into the boneless spare ribs it contained as she headed for the hallway out of the room in search of a bathroom. Before she could leave the room, however, her eyes lighted on a newspaper sitting open on the counter, a story on the center of the page outlined in red marker. The headline made her instantly weaken:
Local Bartender Dies in Car Crash
The story recounted the details of the death of Erica Simmons, her car careening off the road and bursting into flame. After the fire department had done its job, her body was found within, charred beyond recognition with an empty bottle of vodka on the seat with her. Fortunately, the paper said, the impact had thrown her purse a dozen feet from the car, so the police had been able to identify the body. She felt hollow inside as she read the false report of her own death, and finished the cold Chinese. She’d get it cleared up, she told herself. First, she just needed to clean herself up and figure out what to do with the bastard locked up downstairs.
A cell phone, large kitchen knife, and a taser sat on the counter next to the paper. She considered picking up the phone and calling the police. Something stopped her from acting on that impulse, though. She didn’t want him arrested, she admitted to herself. She wanted him to pay for what he had done to her. It felt stupid to even think it, but the thought was there. She opened a drawer and slid the knife inside, out of sight. She couldn’t imagine attempting to use it on someone. Shaking her head, she did pick up the taser, however, and left the kitchen to find a bathroom, deciding to give it fresh thought after she’d cleaned up and felt better.
She found the bathroom quickly, just a half bath, really. Judging by the modern look of the shower stall and sink, she guessed that it had been added on, but that worked fine for her. Turning on the water in the shower, she paused to try her key in the padlock on the back of her collar, pleased that it worked, and dropped the last vestige of her bondage to the floor. She took her time in the little bathroom, brushing her teeth with a borrowed toothbrush, and then taking a long shower with the water as hot as she could bear. She felt like she needed to scrub this place from her body, but no matter how much she scoured herself with soap and water, she could still feel his hands on her body and his toys and cock inside her.
Finally, she emerged from the bathroom, towel drying her hair and dressed in the clothes from the kitchen. The skirt was much shorter than she would have preferred, and the tank top was tight and insisted on riding up to show some of her belly, but it was good to be dressed and free again. The room across the hall from the bathroom caught her eye and she entered it. Inside, she found a few televisions set up, each screen showing different views of the basement. On one of the screens, she saw her captor sitting idly on the toilet, wringing his hands angrily. On the table in front of the televisions, another sight was more vivid to her than the scene unfolding in the bathroom. She saw two empty glasses of wine, and one of them had distinct red lip prints on the rim. Oh God, she thought, he’s not working alone. Here she was taking her time in the house, and there could be someone else here to be worried about.
She hurried back to the kitchen and looked out the window at the long driveway. There was no car parked there, though she could see tire tracks in the gravel. Beyond the driveway, she could see that the house was in the middle of nowhere, probably an old farmhouse. As if on cue, she saw a blue sedan turn the bend of the driveway, slowly approaching the house. She ran to the bathroom, throwing the towel on the floor and scooping up the taser again while her heart fluttered nervously in her chest. She tried to guess what this newcomer would do after arriving, and finally decided to wait just inside the monitoring room. A part of her wanted to slip out the door and make a run for it, but she didn’t like the odds of getting away on foot. She needed that car, and there was only one way to get the keys.
Her back pressed against the wall in the living room, she heard footsteps on the stairs outside and then the creek of the kitchen door opening. She heard heavy footsteps on the kitchen floor and prayed that the newcomer was the woman who had left the imprints on the wine glass, and not evidence of a third conspirator in her abduction. She held the taser tightly in both hands as the footsteps moved into the hallway. Whoever it was, they wanted to see what was on the monitors, it seemed.
“I wonder what he’s got her up to now.” The newcomer spoke as she entered the living room.
Erica was paralyzed in shock at the sight of the girl. The newcomer was nearly a foot shorter than her, and slightly built. She was dressed in a black leather skirt, with torn fishnet stockings and a pair of clunky black boots. Above the skirt, she wore a blood red top, and her jet black hair was pulled back in a ponytail. Everywhere that flesh showed, it looked pale, as if it had never seen the light of day. But it wasn’t the goth appearance that stunned Erica to inaction with her finger hovering over the trigger. Rather, it was the fact that she recognized the co-conspirator. Walking into the room like a page torn out of her past she saw Amanda, her first year room mate from the University.
“What the fuck?” Amanda swore when she saw the screen.
The girl’s words broke the spell of shock that hung over Erica and she stepped forward just as the little goth started to turn back toward the door. She pressed the end of the taser to the girl’s bare arm and pressed the trigger fiercely. Amanda’s body jumped for a moment and then she crumpled to the floor, though Erica thought she saw her eyes widen with surprise for a moment first.
She had no idea how long the effects of the taser would last, and she wished that she had been given more time to prepare for this moment. She cast about the room quickly, looking for something with which to bind the fallen girl. Aside from a couple lamp cords, she didn’t see anything useful. Then she remembered the collar lying on the bathroom floor. Pausing to glance down at the twitching body on the floor, she considered shocking the girl again but ran across the hall without doing so, grabbing the pink leather and its padlock.
Amanda was moaning on the floor when Erica returned. She knelt down next to the quivering girl and flipped her onto her stomach, drawing her arms behind her back. She crossed the goth’s pale wrists and then wrapped the collar around them a couple times before buckling it and cinching it tightly in place. She slipped the padlock through its ring on the buckle, locking it in place. She gave the makeshift bonds an experimental tug, and then rose to sit down on the couch, looking down on Amanda as she gradually recovered from the taser and turned over onto her back.
“What… what…” Erica started as Amanda turned onto her side and looked up at her from the floor, but she couldn’t find the way to frame the question or where to begin. “What the hell is going on, Amanda?”
“Mornin’, roomie.” She moaned, twisting on the floor until she sat up with her legs curled up beneath her. “How’s your stay been so far?”
Erica opened her mouth to answer, but just sat there dumbfounded. She couldn’t believe the way that Amanda, her old friend Mandy, just sat there looking up at her casually, knowing how she’d been treated for however long she’d been here. It felt like she’d fallen through some sort of rabbit hole and into a twisted version of Wonderland.
“What’s the matter, Erica?” Amanda pouted up at her from where she sat on the floor. “Cat got your tongue?”
“What did I ever do to you?” They were the only words that she could find, and they rushed past her lips, a slight tremor in her voice.
“What did you do to me?” Amanda laughed, rising up a little on her knees while she pulled at the leather on her wrists. “Why, you mesmerized me, Erica. You tortured me with your beauty… your softness… your kind words and soft voice. God, I wanted you, beautiful.”
“But… but you never said anything?”
“What would I have said to my straight-as-an-arrow room mate?” Amanda laughed. “I’d never have taken you for the kinky type, though. I should tell you that I prefer rope, though.”
“How can you just sit there smiling like that?!” Erica screamed, fuming with anger. “Do you know what that bastard did to me? He raped me, Amanda! He whipped me!”
“Oh, I know, baby. I’ve watched most of it, and I’ve experienced some of it myself. But he likes to be a little rougher than I can handle, so that’s why I agreed to let him bring someone else into the fold. And when he asked, I had just the right girl in mind.”
“How can you… how can you just sit there and talk to me like this? You kidnapped me… tortured me.”
“What else can I do? Somehow, you turned the tables on Mark. I’m sure the cops are already on the way here. What else can I do but enjoy the ride?”
Amanda’s expression changed at that moment, and she burst out laughing wholeheartedly, rising up onto her knees and staring at Erica with wide eyes.
“You didn’t call the cops, did you?” Amanda chuckled, eyes wide in disbelief.
Erica didn’t say another word, but rose to her feet with her jaw set. She thought that she heard Amanda purr softly when she grabbed the bound girl roughly by the arm and dragged her out into the kitchen and through the doorway to the cellar stairs. Her old room mate’s clunky boots thudded against each wooden stair as they descended into the dark basement.
“So what’s the plan, babe?” Amanda asked, looking up at Erica with a smile as they reached the bottom of the stairs. “Just a little revenge before ringing the authorities? I’ve got to tell you I’m getting pretty excited just thinking about it.”
“Fuck you.” Erica hissed, turning her captive toward a heavy wooden chair that she had passed during her escape.
“I do hope so.” Amanda purred, yelping in mock surprise as Erica thrust her down onto the hard seat of the chair. “God, I do so love it when you’re rough with me.”
The chair was fitted with leather straps, and Erica buckled the first one around Amanda’s waist, lifting the hem of the red shirt so that the leather pressed tightly against the bare flesh of her stomach. The strap also served to keep the arms and leather-wrapped wrists trapped against the back of the chair. Their eyes locked as Erica buckled the next strap in place around Amanda’s pale throat, keeping her back straight and head upright. As she looked into the bound girl’s eyes, she thought she could see the first crack in the cool façade.
“I don’t think you have a plan yet, Erica dear. You’re just a ball of nerves and anger now, aren’t you?”
Without answering, Erica knelt down in front of the chair, unlaced the girl’s right boot, and withdrew the fishnet-clad foot from within. As she placed the boot to one side, she felt the girl’s toes slip up along her thigh and under the hem of her short skirt. She grabbed the ankle angrily, forcing it down against the chair leg and then strapping it in place.
“Oh, come on.” Amanda whined as the leather was buckled tightly around her thin ankle. “Can’t a girl have a little fun?”
Erica repeated the process on the other foot, baring it and then buckling it against the chair. Erica rose to her feet and straightened her skirt, looking down on the girl strapped to the chair beneath her.
“Come on, babe. Say something. You’re not giving me a lot to work with here.” Amanda looked up, squirming a little against the chair and the straps. “I mean, I love having you spread my legs like this, but I can’t help but feel like you’re a little mad at me.”
Erica left the girl strapped to the chair and went to a large wardrobe that rested against the wall, opening its weathered wooden doors. She smiled slightly at the sight of its contents, a varied collection of chains, cuffs, whips, dildos, paddles, and other things she didn’t recognize. She gathered a number of the items into one of the black duffels that was conveniently present to hold them, and then returned to the bathroom.
Mark, as she now knew his name to be, looked up as she entered the bathroom. He was still sitting on the toilet seat, looking patient. She put the duffel bag down on the countertop and then looked back to him.
“So, what’s the plan, Erica?”
“The plan?” She replied, her eyes cold slits. “Well, first I’m going to have a little revenge on you and your little girlfriend, and then I’m going to empty her trust fund. I haven’t decided yet whether you’re going to live through it.”
“So, you know about Mandy then?”
“Oh yeah. She dropped by.” Erica smiled, and began to arrange the items from the bag, a collection of black leather cuffs, straps, and belts, on the countertop.
“I know you’re pissed right now, but you’re not a killer, Erica. But if you want money, Mandy’s got lots of that. If you don’t go to the cops, I am sure we can work something out.”
“I intend to take as much money as I like, and time will tell if I’m a killer.”
“Listen, it was her idea. I don’t know how I let her talk me into it, or why she had it in for you so bad, but this was all cooked up in her sick little mind.”
“I could tell earlier when you were raping me.” Erica hissed, trying to contain her anger. “Or maybe it was when you were electrocuting me that I sensed that you, too, were an unwilling captive.”
“I won’t pretend I didn’t enjoy it, but I’d have never done it if she hadn’t pushed the issue so hard. She’s got such a thing for you. You have no idea.”
“I’m only going to say this once, Mark. You’re going to take your clothes off right now. You don’t get to be covered up any more. Then we’re going to put this leather shit on you. I don’t have the key to let you out on me. If you fuck with me at all, you’re signing your death certificate. I swear to God I’ll shut this door and leave you to starve if you give me a hint of trouble. I don’t need you.”
He nodded slowly at the end of her angry tirade, and then slipped his shirt up and over his head. She saw that he was fit and toned beneath, an athlete’s body. He removed his shoes and socks, placing them to the side. She grimaced at the sight of his cock as he pushed down his pants and boxers, surprised to see it hard and rampant. He sat back on the toilet lid, naked except for the pants bunched up around the cuff on his ankle.
“Stay sitting, but turn around and put your hands behind your back. And remember, if you so much as twitch, you’ll never see me or anyone else again.”
He turned with some difficulty on the seat and placed his hands behind his back. She approached him slowly, holding the leather cuffs in her shaking hands. She had them already locked together so that she could work quickly, but it felt like she was approaching a dangerous serpent, coiled and ready to strike. She watched him carefully as she slipped the leather onto his waiting wrists, scanning him for any signs of movement, and ready to leap backwards at the first indications of resistance. He remained still as she buckled and locked the cuffs in place, and she realized with some satisfaction that she must have sounded more confident and convincing than she felt. She immediately felt more secure with his hands locked together.
She picked up the collar from behind the toilet, the one that was locked to the wall, and wrapped it around his throat. It barely reached around his neck at its widest setting. Looking down over his shoulder, she saw that he was still hard as a rock.
“Jesus Christ, is this turning you on?” She asked, the words slipping past her lips before she even realized she was speaking them.
“I can’t help it. Leather just really works for me, and you just look so damned hot.” He practically purred, looking up over his shoulder at her. “And imagining where you’ve got Mandy right now, and what you’ve done to her.”
“You’ll be seeing that firsthand in a little while.” She tried to wrap the largest of the leather belts around his waist, but it was too small, so she dropped it to the side.
She left him then, going back into the hall to retrieve the key to the cuff on his ankle. When she returned, she saw him tugging at the cuffs on his wrists, but still sitting where she had left him. She squatted down next to his perch and pulled the bunched pants back far enough to remove the cuff from his ankle. Removing the clothing the rest of the way, she added a pair of leather cuffs to his ankles, connected by a short chain not more than half a foot long. Seeing the discarded belt on the floor, she picked it up and wrapped it around his thighs, pinning them together just above the knees.
“You’re a natural.” He laughed nervously.
“Let’s just say I had a good teacher.” She answered, smiling wryly as she held a red rubber ball gag up to his lips. He hesitated for only a moment before opening, and she thrust it deep into his mouth and then buckled it in place behind his head, the straps digging into the corners of his mouth.
She reached behind the toilet and unlocked the end of the chain from where it was connected to the ring on the wall. Holding tightly to it, she tugged him up onto his feet, pulling him after her out into the hall. She grabbed the duffel bag with its remaining contents as she listened to him shuffling awkwardly behind her. He grunted behind the gag as she led him, and she glanced at him over her shoulder to watch him struggle to keep up, still erect like a flagpole.
“Mmmmm…. Look at you, baby.” Amanda moaned as they approached her, squirming in the leather that held her to the chair. “She’s got you done up all sexy.”
Mark grunted in reply behind the gag as he came to stand next to her, drool beginning to run down his chin and onto his bare chest. Erica knelt down in front of the chair, and pulled on the leash until he was standing against the side of it, then wrapped the chain around its arm and locked it in place. From inside the duffel, she withdrew the black dialed box and its bundle of pads and wires.
“I’ve decided that, first things first, I want to give you both a little taste of what was done to me, roomie.” Erica spoke calmly as she lifted Amanda’s shirt to let her breasts fall free, unsurprised that the girl wasn’t wearing a bra. “After that, we’ll work on me getting my hands on some of that trust fund money of yours.”
“Erica, that box is dangerous.” Amanda spoke quickly, her voice cracking a little as the pads were attached all around her soft round breasts. “You don’t know how it works. You could kill one of us.”
“Well, that would make my decision for me then, wouldn’t it.” Erica grinned wickedly as she attached more pads to the bound girl’s legs, tearing open the holes in the fishnets further so that she could place them strategically along the vulnerable flesh of her inner thighs. “I was just telling Mark earlier that I hadn’t decided whether you two are going to live through this. Maybe the box can make my mind up for me.”
Erica yanked up on the hem of Amanda’s skirt, pulling it up to bunch around her waist beneath the chair’s belt, revealing the black satin thong panties beneath. She yanked up on the front of the panties, driving it between the lips of the goth’s pussy until the swollen lips of her vagina stood out on both side of the thin line of cloth.
“Erica, listen.” Amanda whimpered, nothing left of her cool, calm and collected act, as she watched Erica approach her pussy with the alligator clamps from the box. “You want money? I’ll give you money. You don’t have to do this.”
“Oh, I know I don’t have to do this.” She hissed, hovering the open clips over the bare pussy lips. “I seem to remember saying exactly the same thing to Mark here.”
“Then take it out on –OWW FUCK!” Amanda screamed as Erica closed the cruel clamps on the soft flesh of her cunt, and the bound girl bucked savagely against the heavy wooden chair. “Take them off! Please, take them off! Fuck!”
Tears streamed down the little goth’s cheeks as she struggled on the chair, black lines running down her cheeks as her heavy dose of dark eye makeup washed down over her face. Mark tried to pull away as she taped the last two pads in place on his rampant cock, and he groaned behind the gag as he looked down at her.
“We’re going to play a little game.” Erica’s voice was cold and hard as she rose to her feet and placed the box on Amanda’s lap. “One of you is going to spend the afternoon being punished with some of the interesting little devices that I found tucked away down here. The other is going to just relax on the chair and watch.”
“Seriously, Erica, haven’t you taken this far enough?” Amanda asked, squirming uncomfortably on the chair, her face a mask of pain as the clamps dug into the tender flesh of her nether lips.
“Not nearly far enough, you evil bitch. Now, I’ll stop with the box as soon as one of you gives up. But the down side is that whoever asks me to stop gets to be my little guinea pig for the rest of the day.”
She flipped a switch on the box and watched its effects, set on level three, on her two captives. Their bodies went instantly rigid, their eyes wide, as the pulse of electricity flashed into them. She turned off the switch after a moment and the tension left their bodies. Mark collapsed to his knees, tears filling his eyes, leaning against the chair as he sobbed. She saw that his erection was gone now, but the pads remained taped to his flaccid penis as he mewled behind the gag. Amanda’s head was flopped to one side as she panted for air, bare breasts heaving as she breathed irregularly. More rivers of black flowed down her cheeks.
“Does either of you want me to stop?” Erica asked, hearing a harsh edge to her own voice that scared and surprised her.
“How the fuck did you let her get out, you stupid son of a bitch?!” Amanda screamed, looking down at Mark where he knelt by her side. “She’s half your size! You had her! You had her, god damn it!”
Amanda’s hateful tirade was cut off abruptly by a flip of the switch at level four. She watched the bound girl’s pale face turn red as the current coursed through her body, her jaw clenched tightly. She wondered how long they could survive the continuous jolting, and at what level the box truly became dangerous. She had no idea if they were being subjected to more of less than she had been, and didn’t care. Almost regretfully, she turned off the switch and watched them slump again, gasping for air. Amanda coughed, choking as she greedily sucked in air, and pulled weakly at the straps on her ankles.
“Anyone ready to back out yet, or should we go on to level five?”
Mark closed his eyes, sobbing helplessly now, his cheek resting on the arm of the chair to which the collar was locked. His naked body was coated with sweat and he seemed utterly incoherent as his shoulders shook with wracking sobs.
“You… you should give up, you piece of shit…” Amanda groaned, her voice hoarse and weak. “It’s your fault that this is happening… you let her get out… you let her get out…”
When Erica turned the box on at level five, the reactions of the two were different. The tension that gripped them seemed the same, but it was like their bodies were too weak to really respond. Amanda’s head was thrown back in a silent scream, her back arched as much as the straps on the chair allowed, her legs quivering. She considered walking away, leaving them like this and never returning to this foul place. As tormented as the pair were, however, it didn’t seem enough to her. A hollow part of her wanted to see them suffer more, to try and replace that piece of herself that this abduction had stolen from her.
“Oh fuck… oh fuck… oh fuck…” Amanda groaned, chanting it quietly like some kind of mantra when Erica turned off the box again. “No more… please no more… no more…”
“Are you asking me to stop, roomie?” Erica asked, cupping the petite girl’s chin and looking into her eyes. “Are you going to be my volunteer for the afternoon?”
“Whatever… I don’t fucking care…. Just no more…”
Kneeling down, Erica removed the clamps from the girl’s swollen lips and she screamed as sensation returned to the tortured flesh, twitching helplessly. She looked up for a moment and caught the bound girl’s eyes, but had to look away from the pained and pleading expression she found there before she lost her nerve. Focusing on the hatred that coiled in her belly like a serpent, Erica removed the pads from the trembling girl’s pale flesh and then unbuckled the strap on her right ankle.
“I want to give you some time to think about this, so I am going to tell you now.” Erica spoke slowly, deliberately as she rolled the fishnet stocking down Amanda’s leg and slid it from her foot. “Tonight, after you’ve spent the day being tortured, I am going to ask you a few questions.”
“Ok… sure…” Amanda whimpered, and Mark looked up, lifting his head from the arm of the chair for the first time since the electricity stopped.
“You will have one opportunity to answer these questions truthfully, though you will realize that they will give me the means to empty all of your bank accounts.” Erica continued, locking a white leather cuff on the girl’s ankle and then placing it on the floor. “If I discover, tomorrow morning, that any of the information you give me is wrong, we will start all over again, only worse. I think you both know that there are a lot of horrific implements that I could put to use down here.”
“Fuck, I’ll answer all your questions right now, Erica.” Amanda pouted, her lower lip trembling as Erica unbuckled her other ankle and removed the stocking, adding a matching white leather cuff when the foot was bare. “You won. I get it. You can take my money… clean me out.”
“I’m sorry that I had to go with white. I know it’s not really your color.” Erica changed the subject, reaching up to lift the girl’s ass off the seat so that she could slide the panties down off her legs. “But there wasn’t any black left after I got your accomplice here all set up.”
She had to change the subject, the seed of doubt creeping into her mind again when she looked up into Amanda’s face. She looked so young and helpless sitting there bound to the chair, eyes filled with tears. She wondered if she had looked so helpless just earlier that morning, and the bright blossom of anger returned to her. Amanda was the reason that all of this had happened to her, the cause of her abduction and suffering. She place the girl’s feet side by side on the floor and closed a padlock on the rings between her ankles, locking them almost directly together. Moving up the girl’s trembling legs, she added matching cuffs to her thighs, one on each, and then locked them together as well.
“Come on, Erica, this isn’t you.” Amanda moaned softly, reaching out to place her bound feet on the other girl’s lap and looking into her eyes. “You’re angry. I get it, but this isn’t going to make you forget what he did to you.”
Erica didn’t answer, instead just pushing the girl’s feet away and rising to unbuckle the straps on her neck and waist. She helped the short girl to stand awkwardly with her legs bound together, almost a full head shorter than Erica now without her boots. The skirt came down easily, thrust down to pool like a puddle of oil around the girl’s feet. Erica lifted the shirt up over Amanda’s head, sliding it back down her arms to rest against her bound wrists. She turned the girl roughly to face the other way and got another pair of leather cuffs from the back. These ones she wrapped around her captive’s upper arms, just above her elbows.
“Ow, damn it!” Amanda whined as Erica drew her elbows together behind her back, close enough to lock a padlock between the rings on the new cuffs.
With the girl’s elbows locked together behind her, Erica felt comfortable removing the makeshift restraint from her wrists, dropping shirt and pink collar to the floor. Amanda tried to flail her hands around, but Erica captured them easily, locking a white leather cuff onto each and then locking them together. The pale girl fought against her restraints as Erica turned her attention to Mark, swinging her bound arms from side to side behind her as she teetered.
“Now, Mark, let’s get you comfortable for the show, shall we?” Erica spoke softly as she helped him up onto his feet in front of the chair, releasing the strap around his thighs, and noticing that his prominent erection had returned. “But first, let’s get the seat just the way you like it.”
His eyes went wide as she held up a wide glass butt plug and a tube of icy hot. He groaned around the gag, shaking his head. She squirted the gel onto the glass plug and smeared it around, placing her other hand on his firm stomach and bending him forward slightly.
“You know it’s just to serve as a reminder, right?” She laughed, and he shuddered as she pressed the tip of it against his tightly clenched asshole. “If you fight me, maybe I’ll just punish you both today.”
Whining, he spread his legs as much as the cuffs on his ankles allowed, crying out into the rubber ball in his mouth as she began to twist and press the thick plug past the rosebud of his asshole. She drove it home fiercely until the base of it was all that could be seen, and then helped him to sit down gingerly on the seat. When he was seated, she buckled the straps around his waist, neck, and lap, fastening him tightly in place. He glared up at her and grunted into the gag. She didn’t think she could keep this up much longer. Just being around him like this made her feel terrified and anxious. It was nerve-wracking dealing with him and keeping him confined like this. She felt like she was playing with fire, convinced that she was bound to make a mistake that would allow him to get free and turn the tables on her.
“God, you’ve got him mad now.” Amanda whispered as if she could read Erica’s mind, standing there with her arms and legs welded together by the leather cuffs, her breasts thrust out in front of her by the pressure on her shoulders. “He’s an anal virgin… well, he was anyways.”
“I think I’ve heard just about enough out of you today.” Erica responded, grabbing a huge white ball gag, bigger than any she had worn herself, out of the duffel, and holding it up for Amanda to see.