Jana Caught and Punished

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After Jana's last discipline session it seemed that everything got back to normal for a week or so. I started to think that Dr. Hatch was right and that she was just going through a phase. But soon Jana had started to smell fresh showered again and become vague about her day. I tried to ignore it and go on with the usual sessions but I needed to know what was going on.

The next Wednesday I took of work just after lunch and drove home. When I turned onto our street I could see Tara's F150 truck sitting in the drive. I pulled up beside it and sat. "God I hope this isn't happening." I whispered to myself as I got out of the car. I went through the garage door into the kitchen. I stood just inside of the door listening. I was hoping that they would be sitting talking in the living room. I heard nothing except the running motor of the refrigerator. I walked through the house and found the bedroom door closed. My body broke out in a sweat and I felt almost sick inside. I took hold of the knob and slowly and quietly opened the door.

The blood drained from my face as I saw a bundle of covers moving around in my bed. I slowly made my way to the dresser and held onto it. Jana must of felt my presence as she bolted upright in the bed and looked right at me. I wasn't sure what I saw in her eyes at that moment, but it seemed like pure terror. I didn't know what to say and our eyes just looked into each others. Then I spoke, I didn't know why I said what I said but it came out.

"Go on dear...I will just watch." My voice was strained and wavy. She looked down beside her to the person that I couldn't yet see, but knew damn well who it was. Jana then popped out of bed and came over to me with a tear in her eyes. I looked her up and down. Her nipples were erect and red from having been manipulated and I could see her pussy hair was wet and matted.

Her body shook violently as she stood before me and I was froze in my own disappointment and hurt. My chest felt heavy and my insides hurt. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Tara climbing out of bed and grabbing for her clothes. I looked over to her to confirm it was who I thought it was and I looked back at Jana. Her head was now bowed and I just stared at her. I was afraid to talk, afraid of what I might say or do, so I stood there looking at her withering body. Tara didn't say a word but raced out the bedroom door and left the house. Jana was now almost sobbing as she stood in front of me.

"Jana....Oh Jana." I said as I was able to get my composer back a bit.

"You know...don't you...You know what's in store for you?"

Jana sobbed some more and tried to stop. She wiped away her tears with her shaky hands and nodded.

"I....I...will....be.....be...pu..pp...punished…" She said through her sobs.

I could tell that she was hurting inside, She didn't want to look at me and see the disappointment in my face. When I felt that I could walk I made my way to the chair. I sat down and patted my lap. Jana's body continued to jolt with her deep sobs as she moved towards me and sat down. I could smell Tara all over her and I almost felt sick again. I sat there silent as she continued to wipe away her tears and cry. When I thought she had calmed down enough to hear me I talked to her.

"So, Tara has been the object of your behavior...I can't tell you how hurt and disappointed in you I am....You have given yourself to someone else other than me...you allowed your body to be played with from someone other than your husband that you vowed to be with until death." Her sobs got harder and I watched her as my words sunk in.

I wanted her to realize that she had done the worst thing she could have to me and I wanted her to feel my pain and feel my hurt and disappointment. I whispered that I loved her and she groaned deep down and placed her head sideways on my shoulder. I pushed it up and off of me as I didn't want her to think that I was going to make this easy on her.

"Jana...you know what you have to do....you know what is right....I'm not sure that it will help either one of us...and we will just have to find out as we go on....but you know that it has to be done...don't you?"

She cried and nodded her head then took the next few minutes to struggle with her feelings. When she asked for her punishment she had taken some deep cleansing breaths to help her through it.

"Good....I know that you know this is for the best....and I also want you to know that this will be extremely hard on me as well as you....I can't tell you anymore how you have hurt me...I ache inside Jana...deep inside." She started to sob again as she herd me tell her of my pain.

I allowed her time to sob and then I went on. "I think that you should loose some privileges ...don't you?

She knew what this meant and she nodded her head. She had been punished only twice before and she remembered them, I was sure. But this was going to be the hardest on both of us and she knew that she would have to endure a extensive punishment.

"Ok dear...go prepare yourself then if you understand." Jana knew that when she lost privileges one of them was the right to have pubic hair. We had discussed this early on in our marriage and she didn't want to be shaved all the time and I agreed with this as long as she knew that she could loose that privilege. Jana made her way to the bathroom to shower and shave. I sat in the chair thinking for a while before I went and striped the bed and placed on new sheets.

I had lots of implements to punish Jana with but I had never had to use them all. I think for this session though that I will have to use most of them to show her that she needed to feel the pain physically, the pain I felt emotionally. I went around the house and gathered my equipment for her punishment. I felt so sad and mad at the same time having to do this.

I conducted punishments differently than discipline sessions. I made them impersonal so that Jana would know that she was paying for her behavior. She would not be spanked over my lap but would be placed on the cold floor kneeling so that she could feel the full effects of having to take her punishment. Jana would have also lost the privilege of wearing any clothes until I thought her punishment was completely done. This may be days or weeks...I wasn't sure how long I would make her go without her modesty for this punishment.

Jana came out of the bathroom with her bare body, and her full to the brim bag. She pinned up her hair and stood awaiting instructions. From here on out I would instruct her on what to do to aide me in her punishment.

"Hang your bag...and get on the bed...face up with your legs wide so that I can see your naughtiness."

Jana hung her full bag and spread her legs to show her shaved mound. She looked so fine laying like that and I tried not to melt and just give in to my desire to take her. I had never used the nipple or small clit clamps on her before but I thought that this would be the appropriate time so that the instrument of her behavior, those parts of her body that were taken by another, would feel the punishment.

She continued to sob as I stood and looked down on her. I made my way onto the bed and took hold of her right breast. She watched with teary eyes as I manipulated her nipple to erection. Her eyes widened as I brought the alligator clamp open and around her nipple and she recoiled as I let it go and it bit into her soft flesh. I fought back my own tears as I prepared the other nipple for punishment.

My hands were already gloved as I stood back up and looked down on her nipples that fought the small clamps.

"Your naughty breast Jana." Is all I said and I reached on the side table for the clit clamp"

I held it in my hand as I moved to the foot of the bed.

"Jana open yourself for me to give you punishment down here."

Jana pushed her head back and balled as she took hold of her lips and parted them wide for me to see her little clit. I pulled back the skin to reveal her small nub and the clamp closed around it holding the skin back and away. Jana cried out and let go of her lips and tossed from side to side.

I let her wither there for a short time before giving her the next instruction to get on the floor in a knee chest position. When she was there I brought the eight ounces bulb to her behind. Making her spread her legs wider and then reaching back to expose herself to me. This was very humiliating for her to have to expose herself to get her punishment. The nozzle on the bulb was caked with menthol and was filled with liquid glycerin. She had endured holding the glycerin before.

I pushed the nozzle into her and she took in a hissing breath as I squeezed the bulb and the eight ounces gushed up into her. This time I moved the bulb around inside her for a bit to make sure she was feeling the menthol all around, then I took it from her. Her hips moved slightly as she tried to hold the fluid.

I chose to use just the brush on her backside. I did have a small paddle but I thought the brush would be fine. I made her get up on her hands so that she would have to hold herself up as she received her spanking. This would also allow her to see in the closet mirror as she got her paddling. I got on my knees beside her and laid one hand on her back. Her skin was shivering as I brought the hair brush back and gave her a blow to her bottom. She cried out as it made a sharp slap on her behind. A large red spot appeared instantly.

She cried out with each spanking of the brush and her bottom was burning red. I continued to spank her until she was well past crimson. She and I both knew that for her to sit would be painful and that's what I wanted. When I stopped the spanking I had noticed that she had leaked some of the glycerin from her. I let her stay on her hands and knees for a few minutes, knowing that she was cramping inside and burning behind.

"On the bed Jana...by the headboard."

Jana struggled to get up and make her way to the bed. She slowly crawled onto it and stayed on her hands and knees. She knew that she would be getting her enema now. But I had other plans as well for her, I knew that I needed to get the nozzle into her though before she lost the fluid which she already held.

I took hold of the nozzle and dipped it deep into the menthol. I then made her open herself again. She wined as she had to take hold of her hot burning cheeks and spread them. I slowly inserted the well lubed nozzle into her and it seated. She was blowing and crying as her bottom stung and burned. I got onto the bed as well beside her again and I made her spread her knees and raise up onto her hands again.

With the nozzle stuck deep into her and the tubing running up to the bag I placed the palm of my hand on Jana's pussy lips. I massaged it around a bit and I could tell that she started to open. I had never given Jana a pussy spanking before so I explained.

"Jana I'm going to give you a different type of spanking now....this will be directed at your naughty pussy."

"NOOOOO…" She cried out as she knew that the one of the objects of her behavior was going to get punished. I placed my hand on her back again to steady her and I brought my hand away from between her legs and she wailed even before the first swat. My hand landed right where it was suppose to and Jana cried out even louder than I had ever heard her before. She tried to squirm around but I was able to hit my target each time. In the mirror of the closet behind her I watched as her lips turned bright red and she was crying and screaming uncontrollably. My fingers would hit the clamp that was tight to her clit sending even more pain into her pelvis.

When I was done her lips were bright red and swollen. I let her stay like that for a long time as she felt her pain. I then unclamped her enema and she started to fill. I kept her on her hands and knees so that she could feel her belly fill with the large enema. Again I wasn't going to give her the full six quarts but she would get more than she's ever had.

She gulped in air as she took more and more of the very soapy enema and I watched her as she started to moan and groan. She knew deep down that she needed this and she didn't complain as her belly started to stretch from her. She started to chant in a whisper right before I stopped the flow. She was now holding close to five quarts in her small petite body.

"Jana your enema is in...get up now." Jana got up from the bed crying as she saw her belly that was very full of the cramping fluid. I handed her the bag and pointed to the corner, where a hard seated chair sat. She made her way to the chair and moaned as she had to sit down on the seats hard wooden surface. She held the bag in front of her as I went about cleaning the room. I could hear here moan loudly from time to time as her belly would cramp. She tried to shift her weight around on the chair that would cause her bottom to hurt more.

I made her sit there for a good hour before I allowed her up to go expel. When she was done and she cleaned her bag she was told that she would have to sit in the corner until I told her she could get up. I made her sit there until that night when I went to bed. She went to the bathroom and then came to bed. I held her little body close to mine as she slept. I knew that she felt guilty and the punishment hadn't taken that all away yet.

The next morning I called into work for the next five days. I planned on making sure that Jana would be able to deal with her guilt. I would give her a spanking to her bottom and her pussy and then would make her sit for a hour with her punishment in her. She would then be allowed to expel and sent back to her chair for the rest of the day. I would allow her to get up and eat or go potty but other than that she was to sit in her corner naked and hurting.

By the end of the five days I told her that her punishment was over and that she was forgiven. That night we made love and she told me how sorry she was and thanked me for helping her deal with her behavior. I told her that I loved her and we slept. Tara didn't come around for a long time and when she did I told her that in no way was she to touch my Jana again. Jana seemed very stand offish with her and that suited me just fine.

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