Mother In Bondage - Chapter Two

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    “I don’t un­der­stand, Brad,” Gl­enda said, sur­prised that her voice soun­ded so low and husky. Any nin­com­poop could tell that she was a bitch in heat just from the throaty tone of her speech.
    “I-I mean that, well, noth­ing,” the boy stammered, look­ing nervously down at his feet and dig­ging his fin­gers into his sides. His shy­ness fired up Gl­enda like a flam­ing piece of dry bush. She wanted to reach out and run her fin­gers through his long, straight black hair.
    “Go on,” she said a little im­per­i­ously, try­ing to ig­nore the steady pulsing itch in her cunt.
    “It’s just that I don’t like work­ing with Mr. Becker,” the boy blur­ted out.
    “Why? He’s a very cap­able horse hand­ler,” Gl­enda said, mov­ing around to the front of the desk.
    “I know. But I don’t like him,” Brad ad­mit­ted, still look­ing down at the floor.
    “How old are you, Brad?” Gl­enda found her­self ask­ing him. God, what a stu­pid ques­tion! She felt like the wicked witch of the North se­du­cing a school­boy.
    “Nine­teen.” Brad said, look­ing up from the floor and into Gl­enda’s dan­cing blue eyes. She felt her heart leap up to her throat as she de­tec­ted the same lust she felt in the boy’s eyes. He covered it up bet­ter than she did. But it was there. All she had to do was reach out and touch him and ten…
    “Well, that’s nice,” Gl­enda said, catch­ing her­self in time as she star­ted to turn away. “You’d bet­ter get back, or Mr. Becker will won­der where you are.”
    “I can’t!” Brad sud­denly blur­ted out. Gl­enda at first didn’t know what he was talk­ing about. Then she felt the boy’s strong fin­gers on her right arm. They spun her around quickly. One look into Brad’s eyes and she knew that he was talk­ing about his re­straint.
    “Don’t, oh please don’t, Brad,” Gl­enda moaned as she felt his hands crawl around her nar­row waist. She felt as life­less as a dish rag as the boy drew her closely to him. Her big tits pressed against his heav­ing chest as his thick, sen­su­ous lips closed down over her opened mouth. Gl­enda let the boy touch her wherever he wanted to as she drank in his tongue and spittle. She wanted him to crush her, des­troy her body with his as she pound hotly against him. He pulled off his mouth and looked at her like some sex-crazed wild­man.
    “Fuck me, fuck me,” the wo­man moaned shame­lessly as Brad slid his hands down to her but­tocks and squeezed her firm, well-roun­ded flesh. His ass-rub­bing ad­ded to the fric­tion against her fully-erect clit.
    The moan­ing bru­nette tilted her head back, open­ing her mouth and let­ting out little gasps and sighs of de­light as she felt the partly-lit room win­ning around wildly. Her legs trembled and threatened to give way as trickles of hot cunt-juice seeped past the leg band of her briefs and oozed down her hot thighs.
    Brad pulled away from Gl­enda, reach­ing up and start­ing to un­but­ton his white, slightly soiled shirt. He shrugged his shirt off quickly, re­veal­ing a broad, hairy chest that looked as if it be­longed to a man of twenty-five in­stead of to a boy of nine­teen.
    Gl­enda sucked in a ragged breath as she reached be­hind her and un­zipped her dress. As Brad bent down to slip off his loafers, the bru­nette lif­ted off her dress. The ma­ter­ial pulled up her tit­ties, let­ting them slap down nois­ily against her sweaty chest as she tossed the dress on top of the desk.
    She was stand­ing half na­ked in front of the boy now. The ex­cite­ment build­ing up in her cunt and belly was in­des­crib­able. She felt so de­li­ciously cheap and ad­ven­tur­ous, stand­ing like this in the middle of her study be­ing pawed by the stable boy. Every nerve end­ing in her body begged for the boy’s touch.
    “I want you so bad…” Gl­enda ad­mit­ted shame­lessly as she reached up and pinched both nipples of her pen­du­lous tit­ties.
    Brad walked up to her, reach­ing down and start­ing to pull down her panties.
    “Leave them on, please. Just for now,” Gl­enda said, en­joy­ing the wet silky feel of the ma­ter­ial against her puffy labes.
    She reached down and un­zipped his fly, moan­ing as she pushed his pants down over his hips. Her fin­gers shook with ex­cite­ment. His mus­cu­lar, hairy legs con­tras­ted with the bright white cot­ton of his tight-fit­ting jockey shorts. There was a long, tu­bu­lar bulge just be­hind the fly flap of Brad’s jock­eys.
    Gl­enda in­haled sharply again as she no­ticed the size of the boy’s cock. She thought that Carl’s was big. But this boy’s could meas­ure up with the one that dangled from between Des­troyer’s hindquar­ters.
    “Oh God, I’ve wanted you for a long time, Mrs. Wil­li­ams,” Brad said as he slid his fin­gers wider his shorts and pulled them down.
    Gl­enda didn’t say any­thing as she heard the quick rub of cot­ton over his thighs. She felt some­thing hot touch­ing the wet nylon front of her panties. Brad kicked his shorts across the floor, then reached around her waist and hugged her body close.
    Gl­enda sighed and groaned when she felt the long, thick shaft of the boy’s dick press against her rum­bling pussy.
    “Oh, it feels sooooo good,” the wo­man said, rub­bing her body back and forth across Brad’s. She could feel the full, fat dick tip pok­ing teas­ingly at her nylon-covered pus­sylips with every move she made.
    Gl­enda opened her eyes and watched Brad. The boy star­ted to sink to the floor, drag­ging Gl­enda down with him. Soon they were ly­ing on the car­pet. The bru­nette felt the scratchy pil­ing tick­ling her hot flesh as Brad crawled all over her hunch­ing body. Every inch of her skin was on fire with lust. It had been al­most a year since she’d fucked a man. Now, the dam was broken, and every last piece of de­sire she’d bottled up rushed over her body.
    “Mmmmmm,” Brad moaned, lick­ing his tongue up and down her slender neck. Gl­enda rocked her hips in re­turn, feel­ing his young cock gouge into her flat belly. Brad moved one of his hands slowly around her hips, slid­ing his fin­gers down her stom­ach un­til he could curl them un­der her nylon-covered bushy mound. Gl­enda closed her eyes as Brad rubbed the soppy nylon up between her cunt­lips. She bucked her hips up and for­ward, fry­ing to rub her clit against his fin­gers.
    “UH­H­H­H­HGGGH!” she gasped. “Oh God, it feels soooo good.” Brad’s fin­gers teased along the hot flesh sur­round­ing her clit. Brad was all over her, push­ing her shoulders down, lick­ing her large, half-inch long red nipples with his tongue while he kept on slid­ing his dick in­sist­ently against her cloth-covered box. Gl­enda wrapped her hands around the boy’s back, rak­ing his skin with her sharp fin­ger­nails as he slid down to her tit­ties. The bru­nette moaned as his tongue flicked over her tit-tip. Brad’s hands mean­while slid around her as­s­cheeks, push­ing down the sweat-soaked ma­ter­ial of her white panties over her thighs.
    “Nooooo,” Gl­enda said, push­ing her firm ass down onto the car­pet and stop­ping the boy from strip­ping her com­pletely. She wanted to drag this out as long as she could. The bru­nette could tell that Brad would slip his dick into her cunt as soon as she was stripped. Then it’d be slam-bam-thank-you ma’am.
    “Uh­h­hhh,” Brad groaned as Gl­enda curled her fin­ger, around the boy’s cock and felt the sexual heat nearly bum her fin­gers.
    Her hand was im­me­di­ately covered with the cock-juice that oozed freely out of his piss-slit. The boy moaned again, rais­ing his head ma she squeezed his cock­head tightly and miled more pre-cum out of his hot prick.
    “God, God,” Brad groaned as Gl­enda slipped her fin­gers back un­til she could feel his loose-hanging balls.
    Her breath­ing was tight and labored. It matched his as the two of them bucked to­gether. The room was filled with the soft, wet sounds of fuck­ing as Gl­enda caressed the boy’s balls and rolled them gently from side to side. His tongue went wild on her body, fuck­ing crazily at her hot, spongy tits. The bru­nette squeezed his fuck sacs, tick­ling them with her fin­gers. Brad gasped.
    “Fuck me, fuck me!” Gl­enda cried.
    But she did everything she could to keep her panties on. The boy dug at the ma­ter­ial with his dick­head, press­ing it harder and harder against the soaked-down ma­ter­ial un­til Gl­enda thought he’d poke through and ram his thick root all the way home. As it was, the boy’s dick was push­ing the sheer, wet ma­ter­ial way up between her fat, hot cunt­lips. It was a new sen­sa­tion, and it felt de­li­ciously good. Gl­enda closed her eyes again, hunched her ass to in­crease the fric­tion of her sappy cunt­lips against Brad’s dick.
    “Come on,” Brad said husk­ily as he reached down and twis­ted her panty crotch to one side. Ha hot cock­head fi­nally touched her bare pussy!
    Gl­enda felt elec­tric hot-cold flashes rip through her swampy box. Her body shuddered vi­ol­ently as the boy pressed down and for­ward in­sist­ently.
    “Fuck, fuck!” the wo­man groaned.
    “That’s what I’m try­ing to do,” the boy moaned as he reached up and held both her hands down an either side of her head.
    Gl­enda rolled her head from side to side, black strands of her hair cling­ing to her sweat-dampened, flushed cheeks. The boy’s heavy, mus­cu­lar weight pinned her tightly to the floor, flat­ten­ing down her plump as­s­cheeks as his cock dug fur­ther and fur­ther into her cun­tal area. His dick gouged harder and rougher as Gl­enda bucked, twis­ted and hunched against him. Brad slid back up and clamped his mouth tightly over hers, stifling any com­plaints and groans as he drove his power­ful hips down­ward and in.
    “It feels soooo, OH­H­H­HHH!” Gl­enda cried out, feel­ing a con­trac­tion sud­denly ripple across her hot, mushy pussy. She couldn’t cum now. It was too soon. She hadn’t had a chance to feel the boy’s dick ream­ing her in­side. The bru­nette in­haled sharply, fight­ing down the tight ball of or­gasm that star­ted to un­ravel some­where deep in her churn­ing pussy.
    But there was that steady, sleek fric­tion against her crushed cunt­lips. Her cli­max was com­ing closer and closer. The clit-tingling ten­sion in­vaded every inch of her body. The wo­man could hardly breathe as she struggled un­der the weight of Brad’s pound­ing body.
    “I want to fuck you,” Brad growled.
    But whenever he tried to push against the soft crack of her cunt, Gl­enda tilted her box so that he’d slide up along her cun­tal slit again, brush­ing over the red-hot tip of her pulsing clit.
    She opened her eyes again and saw that the room was spin­ning around. Her body throbbed in time with the beat­ing in­side her hot box. Brad bucked his hips for­ward with a raspy moan while Gl­enda tilted her hips again, mak­ing the un­der­side of his cock­head slide against her clit. She didn’t know how much longer she could hold out.
    “No!” Gl­enda sud­denly cried out.
    She wasn’t go­ing to pop off now. With some dif­fi­culty, the bru­nette slid out from un­der the fuck­ing boy and rolled him over on his back. Brad looked a little puzzled at Gl­enda as she leaned for­ward, let­ting her big tit­ties brush lightly against his flat, mus­cu­lar belly. While the boy riv­eted his eyes hotly on her, the bru­nette slowly sank down un­til the heat of his hot, hard, drool­ing cock brushed against her full red lips.
    Gl­enda quickly opened her mouth wide while Brad took the hint and hunched up his hips. The bru­nette felt his salty flesh brush over the sur­face of her tongue. His big, fat dick filled her mouth, bub­bling more dick juice that spilled over her tongue.
    “Oh­h­hhh, suck, suck,” Brad grunted as he twis­ted his hips back and forth. He made his dick re­volve like a but­ter churn in her mouth.
    “Mmmmmm,” Gl­enda moaned hap­pily, feel­ing her twitch­ing nipples brush lightly up and down the boy’s trem­bling, hairy legs as her head bobbed up and down his pole. Her hair whipped across his groin as she swirled her tongue around the thickly veined dick­shaft.
    “Lick it, please,” Brad stammered, reach­ing down and run­ning his fin­gers through Gl­enda’s long, black silky hair.
    Gl­enda felt the spongy cock­head push­ing back over her tongue. It bumped along her teeth, slid­ing farther and farther down her mouth un­til it banged against the back of her throat. The bru­nette held her breath and dived deeper, tak­ing the boy big cock all the way in un­til her head was jammed tight against his crotch.
    “Oh­hhh!” Brad moaned hap­pily, clos­ing his eyes in ec­stasy. Gl­enda kept her had still for the mo­ment, flick­ing her tongue around the sides of his dick. She could feel the big, blue veins throb­bing wildly with sexual ex­cite­ment as she stim­u­lated Brad up to higher sexual heights with her suck­ing mouth.
    Slowly, Gl­enda star­ted to pull back on the boy’s prick. She sucked in air, keep­ing his cock lodged in her mouth. Her tongue kept lash­ing over it, lick­ing and tast­ing as much of the cum as she could milk from it with her lips. At the same time Gl­enda reached down and slipped out of her panties. The time for teas­ing was over.
    “I can’t take this,” Brad said, push­ing Gl­enda any from his groin.
    The bru­nette groaned as she felt his cock slip out from between her lips. She was so weak from sexual ex­cite­ment that she couldn’t fight the boy. Brad rolled back on top of her, pin­ning her down to the floor again with his body as he rubbed his cock­head over the del­ic­ate flesh of her in­ner thighs.
    “Oh God, now, now,” Gl­enda moaned.
    “Take my cock. Take it!” Brad growled.
    Gl­enda lay still, keep­ing her ass flat on the floor as she felt the boy’s dick­head push up through the forest of stiff pussy hairs un­til it res­ted between her puffy outer labes. The bru­nette bit her lower lip, moan­ing through her tightly-clenched teeth as the big, fat head pushed apart her cunt­lips and crept into the hot, musky tun­nel of her box.
    “Ohhh, oh­h­h­h­hhh!” Gl­enda cried as she felt his fat cock sink farther into her flesh. It pushed at the walls of her cunt, for­cing it into a round tun­nel. She could hear the soft, squishy sound made by Brad’s slid­ing prick as it bathed it­self in her hot pussy oil.
    “Great. Oh God, good pussy,” Brad stammered as he kept push­ing his ten-inch prick in. The hair on his chest tickled Gl­enda’s tits as sweat dripped freely from his fore­head and splashed down onto the thrash­ing bru­nette’s flushed cheeks. As the boy shoved the last inch into her, he let out a long gasp of re­lief and twis­ted his groin against the soft lips of her pussy. Then he settled on her body and pushed hard between her legs.
    Gl­enda felt his ten-inch prick throb­bing in her cunt. With each jerk of his hard pole, her pussy walls squeezed tightly around it. The bru­nette rolled her cun­tal muscles up and down. It was a trick Carl had taught her. It made a wo­man’s pussy act like an ex­per­i­enced set of fin­gers, pulling and milk­ing a man’s prick un­til it could make the most ex­per­i­enced stud whim­per for mercy.
    “UH­HHH NOOOOOO!” Brad groaned, dig­ging his power­ful fin­gers into Gl­enda’s sides.
    “Ohhh, fuck, fuck, fuck!” Gl­enda screamed, hunch­ing up with tiny, fast jerks as she im­paled her pussy more and more on the boy’s jerking dong. Brad thrust down­ward vi­ol­ently, match­ing her up­ward fuck­ing mo­tions with hunches of his own. Their hips banged to­gether nois­ily un­til Gl­enda wondered just how black and blue she was go­ing to be to­mor­row. He was throw­ing his meat into her with the skill of a male pros­ti­tute. She couldn’t be­lieve that this was a nine­teen-year-old boy. Her pussy was mov­ing hot and heavy un­der Brad’s re­lent­less at­tack. Her cunt boiled with juice and heat while her clit teetered on the brink of cum­ming. Her womb, only inches away from the boy’s drool­ing cock­head, was start­ing to spasm.
    “In! In! In!” Gl­enda cried.
    “Fuck! Fuck!” Brad cried back.
    She was filled with dick­meat. Stuffed to the hilt with the boy’s beau­ti­ful, fat cock. Her ass quivered with pas­sion as if there were a prick stuck up her tit­ter too. Gl­enda sud­denly felt the boy’s prick lighten into an iron pole. The bru­nette knew that it signaled the end of his con­trol. She knew from ex­per­i­ence that he’d be flood­ing her pussy with spurts of jizz.
    “Wait for me!” Gl­enda cried, dig­ging her fin­ger­nails into his hunch­ing shoulders.
    “I can’t!” the boy cried.
    Brad rammed his cock faster and faster into her pussy. His balls tightened up and rose so high that they pressed against the un­der­side of his ham­mer­ing cock. The room was filled with howls and the sound of wet, slap­ping skin as both Brad and Gl­enda fi­nally rock­eted over the edge.
    “Gonna… Oh­hhh, FUCK!” Brad shouted as he slammed his body into hers and lay there quiv­er­ing. He sent stream after long, white stream of his cum into her tight cunt.
    Gl­enda felt her mind ex­plode as she felt that first in­jec­tion of steam­ing jizz splat­ter against her clench­ing cun­tal walls. It triggered her clit into or­gas­mic ex­plo­sion. Her cunt and ass squeezed tight, clutch­ing all ten inches of Brad’s dick.
    “Oh­h­hhh!” she screamed as she felt her­self ex­plode. “Fuck!” She ex­ploded and col­lapsed on the car­pet, whim­per­ing and whin­ing as she felt the fi­nal or­gas­mic throbs of Brad’s dick die away.
    “Oh God. You don’t know how much I needed that!” Gl­enda said, open­ing her eyes and smil­ing dream­ily into the boy’s big, brown eyes.
    Gl­enda wanted to lay there with Brad’s cock em­bed­ded in her pussy forever. A warm, de­li­cious glow spread over her sweaty body as she traced her fin­ger­tips lightly over the boy’s mus­cu­lar shoulders. The bru­nette didn’t know how long she lay there with Brad be­fore she real­ized someone else was in the room.
    “Mother!” Alana cried out with dis­gust and in­dig­na­tion as she stood lean­ing against the par­tially-opened study door.
    “Oh God!” Gl­enda cried out hoarsely, jerking up and push­ing Brad roughly off her.
    “Ohhh, nooo,” Alana cried, cov­er­ing her face with her hands and turn­ing away.
    “I thought – I…” Gl­enda stammered, slip­ping her pussy off the frightened boy’s cock and crawl­ing across the floor to her crumpled dress.
    “I for­got Grandma’s gift. I came back to get it when I heard all this moan­ing. Oh Mother! And with the stable boy!” Alana cried out in hor­ror as she took one last look at the two of them.
    “Please, Alana! I can ex­plain,” Gl­enda cried out as she pulled the dress over her pussy and tit­ties.
    “Get away from me!” the girl cried, back­ing out of the study. She turned and ran through the re­cep­tion area. In the dis­tance Gl­enda could hear James and Hilda call­ing out after the girl.
    “Oh my God!” Gl­enda moaned, sink­ing to her knees and cov­er­ing her face in shame as Brad still lay on the floor, em­bar­rassed and con­fused.

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