Slave To Corsairs - Chapter 03

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Chapter 03  - Fate Worse Than Death


  Ludivine's eyes slowly opened focusing on the bodies and debris floating
beside the Bombay Enterprise. The wind had disappeared and left an eerily calm
sea. Corpses and pieces of wood surrounded the ship seemingly reluctant to float
away. Most of the dead were dressed in the uniform of the Bombay Enterprise. 
Ludivine recalled how her father had insisted that the crew be well turned out.
He had consulted Ludivine about his choice of colors and materials for their

 Periodically, a shark drawn by the smell of blood charged into the wreckage
to bite off a mouthful of bloody flesh. His gore-ridden mouth twisted and turned
as he rent his meal from a floating corpse. One of the sharks passed directly
below Ludivine. She thought the shark's soulless eyes were staring up at her
waiting for her to drop into the ocean for his dinner.

When Ludivine turned her head away toward the ship's stern, she saw several
large holes blown in the side of the gun deck. As consciousness slowly returned,
she realized she was hanging head first over the ship's railing.  The railing
pressed against her stomach. I'm naked with my bottom exposed to the pirates
grasped Ludivine.

When she turned sideways toward the bow, she saw there were two women nearby
leaning backward over the same rail that Ludivine was doubled up forward over.
The women were both naked and being raped. Closest was a lady Ludivine
recognized as Mrs. Terrence Wilkes, the wife of a functionary of the Viceroy's
government in New Delhi. Sadie Wilkes was a talkative middle-aged woman
traveling to join her husband.  He had gone out to serve the Raj the year before
but Sadie had stayed behind to help her only daughter through the pangs of
delivering their first grandchild.

The other woman was Mrs. Gardner, returning to her husband stationed with his
regiment in Cawnpore. Mrs. Gardner had gone back to England to settle her family
estate after the unexpected death of both her parents within two months of one
another.  Mary Gardner was a lively pretty woman who annoyed Ludivine's mother
by flirting with Sir Roger.

Mrs. Wilkes was an attractive buxom blonde who was always foolishly talking
about her husband's possibilities for promotion in the government in Whitehall
once his tour of duty with the Viceroy was completed. At the moment, a pirate
had her bent precariously backward over the rail. Her spine was arched back and
she was screaming in pain and humiliation as he thrust himself into her.  The
pirate raping Mrs. Wilkes had a hook for a hand. Ludivine's stomach churned as
she realized the pirate had forced the hook through one of Mrs. Wilkes breasts
and was holding her in place by her impaled breast while he raped her. The hook
entered the underside of poor Mrs. Wilkes breast. The point of the hook emerged
at the top. Her breast was drenched in blood and each motion of the hook renewed
the flow pumping from the entry and exit wounds made by the gleaming steel hook.
Each time, the corsair thrust his cock into Mrs. Wilkes vagina; he jerked her
body to his using the hook as leverage. Sadie Wilkes kept repeating, "take it
out" over and over again.

Ludivine looked past Mrs. Wilkes to see that a second pirate had joined in the
rape of Mrs. Gardner. Mrs. Gardner's shoulder blades were now resting on the top
of the rail. One pirate was holding her legs around his waist while her thrust
into her. A second had climbed upon the rail and positioned himself to straddle
her face. The corsair squatting on the rail was holding Mrs. Gardner's head in
his hands as he forced his cock into her mouth. Ludivine could hear the sounds
of Mrs. Gardner as she choked and gagged on the corsair's member. The poor women
appeared to be suffocating. At the last minute, the corsair withdrew from her
mouth. The sound of Mrs. Gardner choking and spitting up bile came to Ludivine's
ears as she slowly returned to consciousness.

A confused Ludivine attempted unsuccessfully to straighten up. But, her hands
were tied to the outside bottom cleats along the ship's railing. Her feet were
similarly spread widely and tied on the inside. Her long red hair hung down
toward the ocean. "Butt up" was how Sir Charles had phrased it and that's the
way I am realized Ludivine. Ludivine shuddered at the thought of why she had
been tied in this particular manner.

Attempting to distract herself from her pending fate, she looked between her
legs through a small opening in the rail. She saw women and pirates lying naked
on the main hatch. The bodies of several pirates covered each woman. Ludivine's
mother was sucking one pirate's cock while another sodomised her. There were
half a dozen corsairs standing nearby waiting their turn with Mrs. Townly.

Other women were suspended in air hanging by the arms. Ropes thrown over a
spar hoisted them off the deck. Ludivine noted that some of the hanging women
were being penetrated from both back and front simultaneously. The odd thought
occurred to Ludivine that pirates must prefer to rape standing up. One of the
hanging women was being swung wildly back and forth between two pirates. She
kicked and screamed in fear each time they shoved her. She was swinging far out
over the water when they allowed the rope to go free. A loud splash was heard
followed by screams from a shark attack.

Expressions of outrage and cries for mercy were now mainly absent. The pirates
were still taking their turns with the females but the women were quiet and
compliant, unable to do anything except moan softly or grunt as man after man
climbed between their legs. To avoid the pirate's fists and knives, they did as
they were told.

Ludivine heard a pirate order one of the women in her line of sight to get on
her knees for an ass fucking and the women promptly obeyed.  Ludivine found
herself looking into the battered face of Mrs. Allison Carson. Ludivine recalled
that Tobias Carson her husband had been a charming dinner companion and a very
learned individual with a vast knowledge of agriculture. The Carsons were
traveling to India to establish a Department of Animal Husbandry at the
University of Delhi. Ludivine assumed that Tobias was either killed in the
attack or executed by the pirates.

God what have they done to Allison's face wondered Ludivine. Each side of
Allison's nose had a thick red cut as if a dagger had been inserted in the
nostril then cut outward. Ludivine was unaware that slitting a woman's nostrils
to permanently disfigure them was a common practice among the corsairs. One of
Allison's eyes was swollen closed. When Allison opened her mouth, Ludivine saw
that her front teeth were missing

"Hold them cheeks apart, missy," ordered the corsair. Poor Allison reached
backward taking her buttocks in her hands and separating them. The corsair spit
on her anus.

"Down, point it toward the sun," ordered the corsair and Allison brought her
legs closer under her body in order to elevate her rear skyward. Ludivine
watched as the corsair crouched on two feet straddling Allison's upturned bottom
before plunging almost straight downward into her rectum. Allison grunted but
did not cry out each time the pirate's erect cock entered her anus. After a
dozen or more strokes, he withdrew to squirt semen over her upturned rear.

"Don't move, Clovis wants a piece of your ass," said the pirate standing up
and stepping away only to be replaced by another corsair who quickly guided his
cock into Allison's asshole.

Most of the women were in a jumble of pirate bodies as the men shared the
several openings of the women's bodies. Respectable British women who had never
experienced sex more exotic than the missionary position with their husband
found themselves in the table position with cocks assaulting all three orifices.
Women who were repelled at the very thought of the male penis passing between
their lips were being forced to swallow the semen of unwashed pirates of mixed

In the clutter of bodies and with her restricted view, Ludivine could not
distinguish other members of her family. Slowly Ludivine's mind cleared and she
recalled that only moments before, they had finished dragging that horrible rope
between her legs. Each time she fainted, they revived her by dumping a bucket of
cold seawater over her head. Toward the end, her throat had become so raw from
screaming that all she could do was make small croaking sounds as that horrible
length of hawser was slowly pulled between her legs. Her sex and the inner top
of her thighs and the bottom of her buttocks were stripped of their skin.

The rope had quickly changed color as Ludivine's blood stained it crimson.
Each inch of movement abraded the fleshy tissue from the area surrounding her
vagina. The inside of her thighs was first rubbed raw then the skin slowly worn
away by the rough strands of hemp. Blood from her crotch dripped down on the
deck forming a crimson pool between her legs. More than once, Ludivine begged
God to allow her to faint or even die but each time the icy seawater returned
her to a world of unspeakable agony. When the salt water coursed down her
nakedness and reached the peeled flesh of her thighs and sex, it added to the
unbearable pain.

Right before, she fainted once more, Ludivine recalled hearing Sir Charles

"That's enough, you promised me she would live. You've already scraped all the
hide off her cunt, she'll bleed to death," said Sir Charles.

"Nabu, Eduardo, " said Asago stopping his men. "What do we do with her, Sir
Charles," asked Asago.

"Tie her over the rail, butt up," said Sir Charles. "Alive or dead, her cunt's

Growingly alert in a body that shrieked pain from a thousand points, Ludivine
felt two hands grip her naked hips and a man's hardness prod between her widely
stretched legs. Now it's my turn to suffer the fate worse than death thought
Ludivine. "Oh God in Heaven help me to endure this outrage," whispered Ludivine.

"Good, you're awake. Praying for salvation, Miss Townly," said Sir Charles.
"I'm afraid that God has not yet made a showing today; but Satan certainly has."

"Asago's hawser has certainly made its mark on your thighs, These pirates are
uncommonly smart about what can cause a woman the most pain," said Sir Charles
rubbing his hand over the bloody flesh then using Ludivine's blood to lubricate
his cock.

 Sir Charles observed Ludivine was missing the flesh on the inside tops of her
thighs for the width of the rope. He parted the halves of spongy tissue that
covered her vaginal openings. "And I would say your cunt has lost a good quarter
inch of flesh. That must have hurt."

"On your mother's soul, can you not find it in yourself to stop this. I have
suffered unspeakable agony," spoke Ludivine in a rasping voice.

"My mother was a gin swilling whore who dropped me off at the orphanage for
foundlings an hour after I exited her overused cunt," said Sir Charles. "Pity, I
had hoped to do this on our wedding night under more pleasant circumstances."

Ludivine winced as Sir Charles rigid cock came in contact with her tortured
flesh. Ludivine compared her sister's expressions of pleasure with her own
shrieks of intense pain as his manhood forced its way into the narrow opening.
When it reached that fleshy proof of Ludivine's purity, Sir Charles hesitated.

"As soon as I split this, you'll no longer be a lady. You'll be a whore like
your sister. When I'm done with you, I giving you to the rest of the crew. But
first, Captain Asago has a surprise for you," laughed Sir Charles as he
tightened his grip on Ludivine's hips preparing to thrust inside her with all
his force.

Ludivine's body tensed as Sir Charles violently pulled himself into Ludivine's
orifice intent on ripping her maidenhead with as much brutality as he could

"Damn," yelled Sir Charles as his cock pressed against the fibrous membrane
then bent painfully backwards as the tissue failed to give way under his

Ludivine let out a great breath of air at the intense pain she felt when her
hymen stretched but held. It left a dull ache at the core of her sex.

Ludivine felt Sir Charles withdraw for a moment then once again insert his
cock in her opening.

"God may have intended you for a nunnery with a maidenhead that stout," said
Sir Charles once more taking a grip on Ludivine's hips and positioning himself
for another assault. Ludivine grunted and whined for mercy as Sir Charles
maneuvered his cock at different angles all the time applying pressure against
her maidenhead. Ludivine could feel the head of Sir Charles cock probing and
stretching her hymen. The pain was intense.

"I think that should have loosed you up sufficiently," said Sir Charles.

Ludivine tensed as Sir Charles took another more painful grip at the top of
her pelvic girdle, withdrew his manhood to the very entrance of her vagina and
then using both arms and his body slammed into her with brutal force.

Ludivine wailed in misery as she felt her hymen being painfully stretched. She
could feel the membrane sink inward pulling against the walls of her vagina,
dragging and stretching the sensitive tissue.

"My God, she's got a maidenhead made of iron," exclaimed Sir Charles in
exasperation and some discomfort. "A man could ruin his cock assaulting her

"Kill me, sir, please, I cannot endure this. I wish to die," pleaded Ludivine.

"I'll decide the day and means of your death and it will not be today,"
responded Sir Charles.

Trice more, Sir Charles attempted to take Ludivine's maidenhood. Each time was
unsuccessful. Although the last attempt caused Ludivine to feel that the walls
of her vagina were being ripped apart.

"Is there a problem, Sir Charles," asked Captain Asago amused at the
Englishman's failure to take Ludivine's virginity.

"Bitch has a maidenhead made of leather. My cock's sore from attempting it,"
responded an exasperated Sir Charles.

"I've seen this before, mostly with younger girls, but, we pirates of the
Madagascar Strait have a solution, a marlin spike will do the job," said Captain
Asago leaning over to pull a pointed iron cone out of the rack holding several
such sailing tackle.

Ludivine cringed as she felt the pointed cone of iron being inserted into her

"Now stand back and give it a kick with the toe of your boot," said Asago.
"That'll split her open like a melon."

"Please, Sir Charles, by all that's holy, do not..." screamed Ludivine. But
she did not finish her plea as the toe of Sir Charles boot contacted the end of
the metal tool driving it into Ludivine and breaking through her hymen in one
swift incredibly brutal action. Ludivine's wail of pain was so loud and heart
wrenching that the crew halted in their rape of the women for a moment and
looked in Ludivine's direction. Those having the right vantage point smiled at
the sight of her attractive female bottom with a black metal object sticking out
of her bloody vagina. A stream of fresh virgin blood coursed down the inside of
Ludivine's thighs and pooled at her feet.

Almost immediately, Ludivine felt the iron object in her vagina replaced by
Sir Charles cock.

"Ah, that's better now," said Sir Charles as he set about raping Ludivine.

Ludivine had endured so much that the discomfort of Sir Charles cock plunging
into her hitherto virgin sex seemed minor by comparison. The contact of his
clothes with her badly scrapped thighs and sex was far more painful than the
intrusion of his male member into her sex. Ludivine began to grunt each time Sir
Charles thrust himself into her.

"Listen Asago, she's grunting like a sow being fucked by a boar," said Sir

"These well born British women pretend they are ladies, they think they're so
high and mighty but when they get a cock in their pussy, they become a slut just
like all the rest," said Asago who had taken up a position next to Ludivine. He
leaned over the rail and grabbed one of Ludivine's breasts and slowly massaged

"She's got pretty tits. Perhaps it's a good thing you kept me from chopping
them off. She likes them stroked. Look how her nipples grow when Asago gives
them a rub," said Captain Asago.

"In two months time, this fine British lady will be fully trained to use all
three orifices to service a man's cock and she'll love doing it," said Sir
Charles. "In fact, she'll do it every day. I plan to make a whore out of her and
the others. I have a use for them that will make us wealthy men."

Ludivine was too exhausted to object when she felt Sir Charles first spit on
her rectum and then push a finger inside her anus.  It was painful but
considering everything else she had gone through, bearable.

"I'll loosen her up for you, Asago," said Sir Charles as he fucked Ludivine's
pussy and worked a finger into her asshole.

"Use three fingers, Sir Charles, I have a big cock," said Captain Asago as he
pushed his trousers down to expose his large brown member. "Her next shit will
come easy after I've reamed her out with this."

Ludivine had not expected to be sodomised and the thought of having that
filthy pirate's manhood in her rectum was almost too much to bear. Ludivine felt
the pressure that Sir Charles was applying to her anal ring and attempted to
squeeze it closed but she could not force his fingers out of her anus. Her
efforts caused her to grunt and groan as she strained to expel his digits.

"Here that Asago, I think she's taken a fancy to having her ass violated,"
said Sir Charles.

"She'll sing a pretty ditty when my cock get in there, won't you milady, lots
of wenches from here to the Sargasso Sea know what it's like to have Asago's
dick in their shitter," said Asago.

Finally, like with her sister the night before, she sensed the increased tempo
and rapid breath that signaled Sir Charles was approaching his climax. She felt
him convulse several times as his wicked seed spilled into her vagina.

"You have just received your first fuck, Miss Townly. You now have a man's
semen in your vagina and it's not your husbands. According to the rules of our
Victorian society you're officially a whore. Her ass's yours, Asago," said Sir
Charles as he withdrew his cock while delivering a painful slap to Ludivine's

"I broke the bitch's back, it snapped like a twig, did you hear that?"
exclaimed the one handed pirate raping Mrs. Wilkes.  Ludivien had heard a sharp
crack but was too distracted by Sir Charles rape to look in the direction of the
sound. She turned her head to see a lifeless Mrs. Wilkes bent backward over the
rail at an obscene angle. The pirate deftly removed his hook from her breast
then lifted her over the railing allowing her body to fall into the sea.  Nearby
Mrs. Gardner was now bent over the rail similar to Ludivine and a pirate was
sodimising her.

Ludivine shuddered as felt Captain Asago climb onto her back like a monkey
painfully forcing her stomach down against the hard wooden rail. She recoiled as
she felt him reverse his position and apply his lips to her anus.

My God help me to endure this silently prayed Ludivine. I want to live and
take revenge on Sir Charles and these corsairs.

"I always suck their butt to get them ready," said Captain Asago. "There's
nothing like the taste of a lady's ass to get me hard and ready to break down
their rear door," said Asago.

Ludivine shivered in disgust as she felt his lips and tongue massaged her anal
ring. Slowly, his tongue found its way inside her rectum. A moment later, she
felt two fingers enter her anus and stretch it apart. The sounds and feel of
Captain Asago spitting into her open rectum made her almost vomit in disgust.

"Look, Sir Charles, she's opening up," said Captain Asago. "See how her hole
grabs my fingers. This one has a hungry ass and I have just the thing to feed

"I think she's more of a whore than she realizes," said Sir Charles.
"Certainly, her sister has no reluctance when it comes to accepting a dick in
her ass."

Ludivine inhaled deeply as she felt Captain Asago reverse his position. That
allowed his cock to part her buttocks. Ludivine was beyond any resistance. As
his cock passed into her rectum it stretched her bowels creating a fiery
sensation, Ludivine realized that she was being sodomized, something that was
inconceivable to her only hours ago.

It took several minutes and multiple strokes before Ludivine's nether passage
relaxed and the pain subsided. Ludivine, like the other women of the Bombay
Enterprise, had reached that point where there was only acceptance of their
fate. Ludivine began to grunt and breath heavily as Asago sodomised her.

"Nabu, come and enjoy her with me," said Captain Asago. "This one's a lively

Ludivine was at first uncertain what Captain Asago had meant but very shortly
she felt another cock being positioned to enter her vagina. He parted her bloody
slit, found the opening of her torn vagina and pushed forward to bury the head
inside her opening.

Ludivine gasped aloud when she sensed Nabu was much larger than Sir Charles.
Ludivine felt the giant member push up inside her love tunnel expanding the
sides as it progressed. Nabu began a long slow fucking of Ludivine's abused

"Oh my God," moaned Ludivine calling out for divine intervention.

"She likes you, Nabu," laughed Asago. "She calls you her Savior."

The sensation of a cock in both her holes overwhelmed Ludivine. There was a
strong sensation of pressure in her abdomen. The two cocks descended together
causing friction between her vagina and rectum. She actually felt a small ripple
of pleasure when Asago leaned perilously over the rail and reached down to
squeeze her breast taking her nipple between his grimy fingers and rolling it
back and forth.

Surely, I cannot take the least pleasure in this thought Ludivine. I am not a
whore like my sister. Nor am I like one of the lower class women like Betty
Humphrey who's willing to suffer every type of defilement in order to survive.
Still it is something I must survive so one day I can take my revenge for the
murder of my father.

Ludivine's mind had wandered and she shocked herself by sounding a long moan
of pleasure as Nabu's cock stirred something inside her.

"The lady may want you for a husband, Nabu," laughed Asago as he continued to
pump his cock into Ludivine's ass. Nabu answered with a grunt of satisfaction as
he increased the pace he was pounding his cock into Ludivine. Asago joined in
the rhythm as the two men took Ludivine without mercy, driving their dicks into
her holes attempting to cause her as much pain as themselves pleasure.

"She is one fine whore," said Nabu as he slowly thrust into Ludivine. He was
determined to take his time and enjoy this tall beautiful Englishwomen. In front
of Nabu's face, Captain Asago's butt bobbed up and down as he plunged his cock
into Ludivine's ass. Periodically, he pulled his cock out so he could watch
Ludivine's sphincter slowly contract.

"It keeps winking at my cock," said Captain Asago as he once again pushed past
her closed anus. "It wants to be fed."

Ludivine grunted loudly each time her anus was reopened.

"Nabu, give you Captain's ass a lick and then a finger fuck," ordered Captain

Two pirate cocks are inside my body thought Ludivine. I should kill myself as
soon as I am able. No decent woman should want to survive this disgrace. But
somehow I must.

Ludivine sensed the telltale signs of Asago's impending climax. Ludivine
recognized the labored breaths, the gasps, the loud sighs, an increased pace,
and finally the short muscular convulsions that signaled for the second time,
her body was accepting the seed of a man. Ludivine noted with self-loathing that
Asago had planted his seed in an orifice expressly forbidden in the Holy Bible.
Sodomy was a grave sin, far worse and more depraved than fornication. She had
been defiled in the most significant manner possible.  I am truly and for all
time ruined as a decent woman thought Ludivine. No respectable man would ever
consider a liaison with a woman defiled by corsairs.

Moments later, Nabu spewed his semen into her vagina. Ludivine could feel the
strong spurts of semen washing the walls of her vagina. An African thought
Ludivine has raped me. A being considered by our learned men as inferior to the
white race.

"Take her down and hang her with the others. She hasn't had her share yet,"
said Sir Charles.

Ludivine's hands and feet were cut free and Nabu carried over to the main
hatch and dropped her down into the arms of half a dozen naked pirates.

When her pain filled eyes surveyed the main deck, she saw that most of the
women were now hanging in a most peculiar fashion from the lowest spar of the
mainmast. Ludivine whimpered as they bound her wrists above her head. Two
corsairs pushed her on her back and grabbed her ankles pulling them painfully
back toward her head until they were behind her head. Her hip joins screamed in
agony at the severity of the position. Ludivine calves framed her face as they
bent her double using all their weight to force her legs down. While the two
corsairs held her legs in place, a third tied her ankles at the back of her

Ludivine screamed as the corsairs slowly constricted the rope until Ludivine's
ankles crossed behind her head. Once her legs were bound in that excruciatingly
painful position, Ludivine felt the rope binding her wrists being tightened. She
screamed again as she was slowly hauled upward, her weight pulling against her
wrists. For the second time, she endured the agony of rough hemp gouging into
the soft flesh of her wrists and she sensed the flow of fresh blood trailing
down her forearms. Ludivine realized with horror that she was swaying above the
hatch cover with her sex and anus at the correct height for further rape.

Ludivine looked to her left where her mother was similarly hoisted. She was
being raped in both her holes by corsairs standing at her back and front. Mary
Townly and most of the women were hanging like Ludivine. Some like Elena and
Betty Humphrey were still lying on the hatch cover covered in male flesh. Elena
was sitting astride one sailor while another sodomised her from the rear.
Elena's mouth was sucking a corsair's cock as her hand rapidly stroked the
shaft. Elena's body was almost a blur as she vigorously moved her body forcing
all three cocks in and out of her three orifices.

Mary Townly kept repeating, "Roger, Roger, stop them, they're hurting Ludivine
and Elena" as she was being mercilessly pounded by the two corsairs. Mother's
mind has become unhinged thought Ludivine sadly.

"Mother, it's me Elena. I'm right here beside you. Take heart, we will
endure," said Elena taking a large cock out of her mouth to speak. A pirate's
hand lashed out landing across Elena's face. Elena quickly returned the cock to
her mouth.

"We called it the pirates pear," said Captain Asago as he and Sir Charles
approached Ludivine's suspended form.

"They do hang like fruit," commented Sir Charles as he reached down and pushed
two fingers into Ludivine's vagina. "It tightens their cunt, too"

"And you see how easy the fruit is to pick," said Captain Asago.

Ludivine whimpered as Sir Charles spun her helpless body around and forced
three fingers past her anal ring. He swung her back and forth using her asshole
as a purchase.

"Miss Townly, I'm sure you won't mind if I put my cock up your ass," laughed
Sir Charles as he spun Ludivine around. "Care to join me, Captain, her other
hole is empty."

Ludivine cringed as once again; a large male member stretched then forced open
her anal ring. She found herself looking downward at the top of Captain Asago's
head as he worked his cock into her vagina. Ludivine hung completely helpless as
once again she was raped. At one point, Captain Asago captured one of her
nipples in his mouth then bit down causing her to scream.

"Listen to her squeal when her nips are chewed. Mind if I bite one off, Sir
Charles," said Captain Asago who had settled into a slow rhythm matching that of
Sir Charles.

"Yes, I do mind. Let's not ruin her looks. I have plans for her and some of
the others," answered Sir Charles.

When Captain Asago and Sir Charles finished, two pirates immediately replaced
them.  For the remainder of the long afternoon, Ludivine drifted in and out of
consciousness as the pirates took her time and again. She was never without a
man inside one of her holes. There were times when her body hosted the cocks of
two pirates as she repeated the experience of being both raped and sodomised.

Ludivine wondered if the crew would ever have its fill of rape. But she
realized the combined crews of the four pirate vessels must number several
hundred and there were less than twenty women on board the Bombay Enterprise.

As the sun began to set, the ropes were cut and Ludivine and the other women
were cruelly dropped to the deck. The corsairs thought it amusing to allow the
women to fall violently landing on their bottoms. Ludivine landed with a painful
and noisy splat in a sizeable pool of semen that had dripped out of her vagina
and ass during her afternoon of repeated rapes.

A pirate cut the rope binding Ludivine's ankles at the back of her neck then
without hesitation another pirate pulled them forward straightening them. The
pain caused by this sudden reposition of her limbs caused Ludivine to scream
then faint. Several of the women fainted at the manner in which their limbs were
straightened after several hours in an unnatural position. Buckets of icy
seawater were thrown on the prostrate women bringing them to consciousness
sputtering and crying in pain.

One of the pirates sat on Ludivine's chest and held a thick cloth over
Ludivine's face then began to slowly pour water over the cloth. To the amusement
of the corsair and his mates, Ludivine regained consciousness to the sensation
of drowning. Her arms were still bound over her head and she was unable to
dislodge the cloth. Water entered her nose and mouth preventing her breathing.
Ludivine struggled desperately for air. Her heels beat against the hatch cover.

All of a sudden Betty Humphrey threw herself at the pirate sitting astride
Ludivine's chest dislodging him. Ludivine gasped for air as Betty and the pirate
rolled over on the hatch. The pirate landed on top of Betty pining her arms with
his knees. He pulled his dirk from the sheath attached to his belt.

"I'm going to cut that pretty face of yours," said the corsair moving the
point of the dirk to Betty's nostril.

"Quit fucking around, Dan, get her on board the Condor," yelled Captain Asago.

"The bitch jumped me while I was having some fun with the red one," said Dan.

"Leave her alone. She's one that Sir Charles wants for Mahajanga," said
Captain Asago.

"Just one side, a little nick to put her in her place," said Dan.

"I said No. She'll be on the Condor. You can fuck her ass five times a day
till we reach port," said Captain Asago.

Dan reluctantly got up off Betty. Betty hurried to Ludivine's side to try to
help her to he feet. Ludivine felt agonizing pain in her hips when she stood and
placed her weight on them. Betty had to help her walk. The women were separated
into groups, each group to be transferred to one of the pirate vessels. The
older women were separated and placed on board the smallest of the pirate ships,
the Lovella.

"It's off to the slave market in Ismailya for the likes of you," said Captain
Asago to the older group as he gave Mrs. Townly a hard slap on her bare bottom.
Most of the women were naked. A few were clutching the remnants of their clothes
they had snatched off the deck.

After that, Captain Asago and the captain of the Polaris divided the younger
women and the two boys into two groups.

"Let's each take one of the boys, some of my crew prefer a boy's hole," said
Captain Asago separating Oliver from his friend Ernest.

Ludivine required the help of other women to stumble naked onto the deck of
the Condor. She was thrown into the gun deck with three other women and a young
boy. Ludivine collapsed onto a filthy pallet not knowing or caring where she


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