Part 1
Miel was enjoying her dream, she was even aware of being a part of it, the feelings too strong and wonderful to be part of anything real.
Her body had been transported through golden light, with warm air caressing her skin and billowing through her hair. She sensed the ground beneath her as she was carried at great speed over rolling rivers and hills of yellow and fiery orange.
miel could not see it, but she had been smiling in her sleep, a tear of joy had seeped from her tightly closed eyes and trickled down to her cheek. The teardrop had grown smaller on its trail and the warm air, dreamed or not, had dried it into nothing more than a happy stain.
Deep, satisfied sighs and soft moans kept miel company on her journey, she hoped, in her half-consciousness that it would never end, that she could travel in shimmering pleasure for ever. But, as often happens in dreams, the picture began to change.
Something had appeared, at first just a dark speck towards the distance, then growing larger, taking shape, filling with colours. For the first time miel made a small noise of protest, her dream tarnished by this intruding form.
She began to settle again, as the shape became familiar to her. The ground came into focus, it was sand, soft sand, and it was everywhere. miel looked around her in wonder, nothing but sand, nothing that is, except her intruder.
She smiled at her earlier annoyance at the dark speck, for it had become a wonderful thing, a beautiful shape, an enormous colourful tent, in the Arab style, with slanted canvases, secured by sturdy ropes and flapping pennants that made snapping sounds in the breeze.
'What else would I find in a desert?' miel dreamed to herself.
As the smile spread across her sleeping face her head slowly began to spin, disorientated, miel felt like she were losing balance, breaking her grip on the dream. A flap had opened at the front of the tent, a dark opening and it beckoned. In the dream, miel opened her eyes, frightened, suddenly wary of the tent's contents.
'I won't go inside... no, I don't have to....'
A wind began to blow.
miel tried to push her feet into the warm, yellow sand, to anchor herself against the buffeting of the wind. As it became stronger she fell to her knees and began to stumble, miel thought it might be a storm, the kind she had read about, that she might be covered inside a huge drift of sand, never to be found. Her heart leaped with fear as she realised she was meant to go inside the tent, that the wind was there only to force her to enter the dark opening. miel clawed at the sand trying to hold on to the ground, crying as it trickled away like water between her fingers.
The wind howled louder in her ears, the sand stung her face and eyes, she moved, sobbing to the entrance. And stepped inside...
Instantly, all was quiet. miel had fallen forwards onto a dark rug, had landed on pillows, the flap of the tent closing behind, blocking out the storm. Her heart pounded in her chest, still frightened by the storm and then, and then she laughed.
'A dream, a silly dream... oh my, how stupid of me to be so scared!'
Relieved, she curled against her imaginary pillows and fell again into sleep, this time the type of sleep that is so deep it is without dreams, and even without nightmares.
As miel awoke she remembered nothing, she dallied in her half-sleep relishing the comfort of the satin cushion against her face, so smooth and soft and smelling so wonderfully of perfume.
Her eyes opened wide...
'Satin? She didn't own any satin pillows, and she never, ever sprayed her bedlinen with perfume!'
She blinked a couple of times as her mind whirled, trying to recall where she was. It would not come to her...
miel rose quickly, she was lying on a thick rug, surrounded by cushions and pillows of every size, the room was dimly lit, she could see no further than a few feet, and... and, she realised with horror, she was naked!
miel gasped as she realised her condition, what had she done last night? Where could she be? Why had she no clothes? Who else was there?
She tried immediately to get to her feet, grabbing at a large pillow to cover her modesty but was suddenly yanked back to the rug. 'What the hell...?'
She heard a deep laugh......
'Who's that?! Who's there!?' She cried out... 'Show yourself!' cried into the darkness.
Another laugh filtered through the chamber.
With dread, miel looked at her arms. Large iron manacles were fastened around her wrists, thick chains were passed through them and fastened to the floor some distance away. She almost sobbed aloud as she realised that more manacles had been affixed to her ankles and also connected to the floor! No wonder she had been unable to stand.
Her face must have shown her astonishment, the laughing returned.
'Welcome, my dear'
The voice sent miel's pulse racing and her mind spinning, she automatically covered her breasts with her hands and drew her knees closely together.
'Who are you? Show yourself, what the hell do you mean by...'
'Quiet!!....' miel was cut off as she protested, the suddenness of the man's shout startling her into silence.
A figure stepped out of the shadows, dressed in a robe of flowing, brocaded silks in the Arabic fashion, a pair of broad pantaloons beneath, his feet encased in richly embroidered slippers.
miel could not see his face clearly as he towered and could not stop a ripple of ice running over her flesh.
She made to speak, but could think of nothing to say, too confused for words.
After a pause where nothing could be heard but the spitting of the oil lamp, the Arab said,
'I have had you brought you here, miel'
The voice was gentle but firm, almost patrician, miel did not know why, but her spirits lifted. Then she remembered the chains.
'Why?' She asked simply....
'I have need of your services, have brought you here to serve me...' He answered, matter of factly.
'Ssserve you?' miel stammered, 'Are you mad!?'
The Arab let out a loud roar of laughter 'Mad!? Hahahahahahahaha.....'
The mocking tone of the Arab enraged miel, and she tried again to rise even though fettered, the chains would not allow it. The laughter increased.
'I am glad you have fire in you miel, it is no fun to break someone already weak willed!'
'Break? What do you mean, break...? How dare you!?' miel almost spat out the words.
The mood of the Arab suddenly changed and, falling silent he crouched before miel. She saw him clearly now, the neatly clipped beard, the line of his mouth set in a sneer, his eyes burning into her.
He brought his face close to hers and looked into her defiant eyes....
'You will submit to my own will, miel. To my whim and my fancy, whenever I choose or command...'
'Never!' She hissed at him
Undeterred the Arab continued '.... If you do not comply with my wishes, it will be my pleasure to 'convince' you that it would be wiser to do so.'
miel lunged at her tormentor, but the chains held her just inches from ripping at his flesh. He did not flinch, confident of her confinement. miel raged, pulling at the manacles and grunting wildly in anger.
The Arab slapped her, sharply across the face. The blow took away miel's breath and shocked her into being still. She opened her mouth but no sound would come out.
The Captor sighed thoughtfully,...
'You will soon see, miel, that I am not playing games. I mean to break your will and will use the most extreme methods to do so. Soon, you shall give yourself to me gladly, become my toy for my amusement, be a vessel for my enjoyment.'
miel mustered her courage and snarled.. ' You will never break me, I will never serve you, I will fight you and fight you... I despise you...!'
The faintest curl of a smile crossed the Arab's lips...
He leaned slowly and whispered in miel's ear....
'I prefer it that way....'
The words left miel stunned as the Arab stood and clapped his hands sharply.
The tinkling of small bells drew nearer as an attractive girl appeared at his side, kneeling quickly. Even by the poor lamp, miel could see the lightness of her hair, she was dressed in shimmering blue pyjamas made of a material so sheer that her flesh was clearly visible beneath.
miel blushed as she saw silver glinting at the points of the girl's breasts, a tiny bell suspended from each of the rose coloured tips.
The girl knelt peacefully at the Arab's side, seemingly waiting for an instruction....
The Arab's voice boomed out...
' crystal ! This one is worthless to me....' Pointing a finger at the chained miel
'.... She will need to be trained immediately!'
The girl, crystal, did not move, not even to blink her eyes.
'Have her taken to the discipline chamber, I shall deal with her at sunset, you will assist...!'
From behind miel, strong muscular arms lifted her, her chains were loosed from the floor and her feet left the ground Two men, their faces unseen, their hands coal black, hauled miel screaming from the room of cushions.
'Ensure that she is tightly chained and prepare all of the equipment....'
'Yes Bedouin, Sir' said crystal with a nod of her head and rising to follow the protesting screams of the poor and innocent miel.
The tent of the Bedouin
by Bedouin
Part 2
miel tried to slow her breathing.
Her rage had grown as she had been dragged from the cushioned chambers, she had screamed with defiance at the two heavily built guards. It had been useless, the guards remained stony faced and as unhearing as the desert itself. Of course, miel had twisted and protested, she had tried desperately to loose herself from the vice of their grip. She had turned her head to shout over her shoulder at the Arab and had seen crystal following serenely, crystal had merely fixed her with a steady gaze and, miel thought, had almost smiled at her in a sympathetic way. miel noted this, kept the thought for later use.
But now miel realised she was in trouble. Her ebony custodians had unceremoniously thrown her onto an enormous table made of hard, unyielding wood, her manacles had been adjusted, the chains separated and affixed to corners of the table, miel could not see where. The chains had been pulled tight, leaving no slack, her arms and ankles heaved wide apart. miel had continued to hiss and spit at the silent guards as they fastened her, but now had fallen silent as they withdrew. She was increasingly aware of her nakedness and her open vulnerability.
It was only natural that miel would pull at her shackles, try to pull their fastenings from the wood, slip her wrists through the iron bands, and, of course, she did, for almost an hour.
It was hard work wrestling with her bonds and they gave no sign of giving, every few minutes miel would rest and look around her. Just as the chamber before had been lit by low burning oil lamps, this place too offered little clue of what lay past the nearby shadows. Her eyes growing accustomed to the light, she saw a rack some feet away, a tall rack used for storage. Squinting she could see shelves filled with ornate boxes and, all along the top and sides of the rack, curved hooks on which hung ... on which hung, she couldn't see clearly. The objects were mostly dark, many seemed long, miel was even curious. They looked like.... whips? Whips!! With a flurry she began to pull again at her chains.
After miel had finished struggling and was resting to relieve the ache in her shoulders and thighs, the sound of bells approached and crystal appeared at the foot of the table.
'miel, please don't hurt yourself, it does no good to try to break the bonds' she said softly.
'But....' miel began to protest.
'And... if you continue to scream, I am to put a gag in your mouth' crystal interrupted.
'Please, ..' replied miel, trying to keep calm '... let me go, I don't want to be here, he has no right..'
'Shhhhhhhhhh..... ' said crystal gently, bringing a finger to her lips ' I know how you feel, I have been where you are now, please believe me when I say that it will go easier for you if you submit to his will, or... or, he will hurt you'
'Hurt me? Why?' answered miel, trying to control her voice
crystal thought for a moment, tilting her head to the side.
'Because, he enjoys forcing his will upon us and believes, deep inside himself, that it is what we want also'
crystal smiled at miel so innocently, that miel became confused.
'That's ridiculous, I do not want that sort of ... of, of...' miel's words trailed away, stunned by crystal's assertions.
crystal moved to miel's side, looking over her body.... still smiling..
'Ah... but, dear miel, you must want it, even if you do not admit it to yourself, it is the way I thought also, but Bedouin was right, he showed me myself. He will do this to you, too..'
'Never!' thought miel, 'I shall escape this damned place!'
crystal thought how attractive miel looked on the table, she almost envied miel her journey. crystal smiled inwardly as she remembered how she had wept and fought against the Arab, the many punishments that he had administered, the indignities she had been forced to suffer. She sighed, almost wistfully, at the recollection. With a start she straightened as she heard the familiar footsteps of Bedouin's approach.
miel, despite herself, found herself holding her breath as the footsteps neared, she was painfully aware that she was not only naked but parted also, her most intimate areas exposed, and now, she thought, the Arab would be able to see her with his lecherous eyes and leering grin, her skin began to redden with embarrassment and anger.
'crystal!' The Bedouin snapped as he stopped at the table, 'bring some water, soap and razor... '
'Yes, sir' answered crystal smartly, and quickly turned to disappear into the shadows.
'Now.........' drawled the Arab in a low voice '.. it is time to begin your discipline, miel '
miel's eyes aimed hate at Bedouin, she had decided that she would not speak but instead would watch and assess, seek any opportunity or clue on how to escape.
'Have you seen one of these, before, miel?'
From his side he brought what looked like a thick riding crop, it tapered away from the handle to a point with a soft leather pad attached.
miel eyed the whip, trying not to show her fear.
'It is a camel whip, dear. I use it to beat my beasts.... And, I shall use it to beat you' said Bedouin softly.
For some reason, the cruel words seemed harsher to miel than if they had been screamed in her ear.
'At the moment, you are less than a beast to me, at least my animals are disciplined, they perform well, and, of course, you are not and you do not perform at all.... This will change'
'He can't do this to me!' thought miel with alarm
'If beating is not persuasive enough, and, I hope it is not, then, I have other means at my disposal to compel you'
He continued, ' No doubt, your mind is full of escape..' a smile formed '..Well, you really must try, I shall be disappointed if you do not, but for each attempt that you make, you will be disciplined harder than before, bear that in mind as you plot and scheme.'
Bells neared.... The clever crystal had prepared the equipment earlier, wise to Bedouin's ways.
crystal placed a bowl and towel on the table between miel's parted knees, she lay a brush, a stick of soap and a razor neatly on the towel, stepped back and knelt at Bedouin's side.
'Your first lesson in humility, miel' began Bedouin, 'you will feel more vulnerable to me if you are not able to hide the crease between your thighs from my gaze, it is my desire to see the folds that cover your entrance and will make my task more simple during later discipline.'
'I suspect that you usually become embarrassed at such overt displays, that you like to cover yourself, well... know this, I shall look upon you often, shall spend many moments observing your revealed secrets, will enjoy your discomfort and shall use it.'
miel was about to speak, to retaliate at Bedouin's outrageous claim. The crop came quickly.
miel flinched as she anticipated the blow, closed her eyes and stiffened her muscles instantly. The blow did not land and she eventually opened her eyes slowly... the crop came to rest on her lips, the leather pad pressed firmly across them.
'Do not interrupt when I am speaking to you miel, you must ask permission'
crystal cast miel a glance, her look told miel that it would be wise to listen.
miel remained silent, her thoughts colliding rapidly.
Satisfied, Bedouin lowered the crop and continued..
'Soap her crystal, we have much to do..'
The dutiful crystal immediately took up the shaving brush and, wetting it, worked to make a lather with the soap. Tentatively, crystal worked the brush into the soft hair between miel's legs, as the soap began to foam within miel's forest she brushed more firmly, knowing that it would make the shaving smoother. She used her hand to part miel's flesh as she reached the lower part of miel's sex, and, in firm circles, worked more lather around her tightest entrance.
Her task complete, crystal stood back from the table and looked at Bedouin...
'Are you ready, sir? She asked him
'Hmmm..., no crystal, I shall have a few moments with my pipe, you will shave miel, I shall observe'
With that, Bedouin sat behind miel's head, she could not see it but the Arab had mounted a high seat with thick cushions at the top of the table. He sat with one leg folded under the other and reached to a side table for his pipe. The hookah bubbled silently, and taking the pipe in his mouth he drew heavily on it, filling his lungs with aromatic smoke and blew it out, with satisfaction, over miel's face.
Wasting no time, crystal carefully began to remove miel's pubic hair, she started with miel's triangle, quickly taking it away, then slowed for the more delicate task of paring the wisps from miel's labia.
Bedouin blew more smoke, contentedly over miel's body.
miel was beside herself, she thought she was back in her dream, this could not be happening to her! But, she could feel the warm soap, could feel the razor scraping over her unprotected mound, could smell the smoke that drifted in lazy tendrils over her body. She gritted her teeth at the unfamiliar touch of a woman, the indignity of her position... she vowed to herself that she would try to escape at the first opportunity.
Again, crystal had parted miel's flesh to smooth the light down around miel's bottom, satisfied that she had completed the first shave, she quickly soaped miel's sex again.
To help her see closely, crystal took a lamp and placed it at miel's openness, crystal shaved again, removing the hairs that had eluded her first effort, stretching miel's labia to take the growth nestled in her folds. The razor passed smoothly over the fresh skin ....
crystal had worked diligently and calmly, when she had finished she wiped the razor and removed the bowl and other equipment.
'Finished Sir, she is ready.' crystal stated, and waited at miel's side.
Bedouin grunted and continued to suck on his pipe for a few moments. miel could feel cool air caressing the newly naked flesh between her legs, it felt strange, but somehow, not unpleasant. 'But, what will he do now!?' She thought suddenly.
Bedouin put down his pipe, almost with reluctance and raised himself from the chair.
'You see, miel, how gentle I am with you, was that not most pleasant?'
Bedouin walked to the foot of the table and looked at miel's pink slit, it seemed to pout at him, to beckon...... 'What secrets I shall find inside her when I begin!' He thought to himself.
'Bring the stool, crystal' Bedouin spoke over his shoulder towards the darkness.
'Now, my dear, you will have your first taste of discipline.........' The Bedouin leaned towards her face, letting the cruel whip rest against her naked sex.
crystal returned carrying a small but sturdy stool. She placed it carefully in a clear space near the table.
Bedouin stood and made a short signal with his whip, from shadows the guards appeared and began to unfasten the chains attached to the table.
miel noticed them glancing at her nakedness, particularly her newly exposed flesh, she almost protested to Bedouin, but he was not even watching.
The guards forced miel to stand, and held her firmly and steadily by the side of the table.
'Look, miel.....' said the Arab, and pointed with his whip to the stool.
miel's eyes moved to the stool, it has seemed quite ordinary as crystal had carried it in but her eyes widened as she saw it's wicked construction.
crystal was bolting it carefully to the floor as miel began to fully realise what was to happen to her.
The stool was indeed, ordinary enough, made of sturdy design, all that made it unusual were the two protrusions on the seat. There, securely fixed, were phalluses. miel did not know it, but they had been made from unrelenting steel, specially fashioned and highly polished. One penis was larger than the other, and miel was in no doubt why, her knees began to buckle.
'Noooooo.....' she moaned and tried to back away from the stool. The guards tightened their hold.
'Oh, do not cry my sweet, innocent miel....' Began Bedouin '.... This is merely the start of your training.... '
Bedouin let miel see his paternal smile.
'Ah, I see you are in some distress, poor girl, do not worry... you will soon become used to your impalement'
crystal stood, satisfied with the stool's security, and said 'May I whisper to you, sir?'
The Arab smiled at her benignly and nodded, inclining his head to meet crystal's words.
miel saw him listening intently then wave crystal away.
Bedouin sighed, and said in a weary voice...
'I am getting too generous in my later years, heeding the entreaties of my submissives.....'
'...... very well, crystal, you may lubricate the apparatus'
With a serene face, crystal looked at miel, then, taking a flask from her pyjama belt, undid the stopper and poured a glistening oil into her hand. She knelt and smeared the oil over the phalluses, as if working it into their fleshly equivalents.
miel's heart was racing, she was about to subjected to ... to, she knew not what, but she had made a friend, perhaps a real ally who would spare her further ordeals.
'Enough!' said Bedouin with authority and gestured to the guards.
Stepping away from the stool, crystal knelt at the Arab's side.
The guards pulled miel brutally towards the stool, her chains dragging at her feet and wrists. At the stool, each guard pulled at one of miel's ankles, parting her harshly and positioning her over the seat.
'Sit her DOWN!' Bedouin snapped and gave a dramatic flourish of his whip.
'Nooooooooooooooooooooo............!' miel cried out as one of the guards parted her labia roughly, using thick fingers to spread her lips. His accomplice pressed miel down towards the phalluses.
'You are fortunate, miel' said Bedouin as he watched her impassively '.. that crystal here, has interceded on your part, she was not so fortunate herself.'
The sly guard pushed his black thumb into miel's vagina, opening her for the larger phallus. He gave a brief nod to signal the other guard, who forced miel down until the smooth head was poised at her entrance.
miel felt the cold steel touch her burning flesh but try as she might could not break the grip of her custodians. She felt the thick tip of the penis enter her, stretching her, numbing her, she was moaning, babbling... incoherent.
On penetrating miel, the guard reached to her buttocks and, keeping her steady parted them to expose her anus. The smaller of the phalluses was still about an inch from her, the guard slid his thumb along it, collecting oil, and pushed it into her orifice, probing her, readying her for the steel cock.
miel screamed, it was a loud scream.. One that sounded her fear and her protest, one that made Bedouin smile.
The guard pressed down on miel, his friend guided her onto the anal phallus, the tip entered her slightly, the larger phallus slid deeper.
Now that the guiding had been done, the guards grasped miel around the thighs and supported her over her invaders. Had they dropped her, miel would fall unsupported and the phalluses would enter her up to the hilt.
They paused, waiting for a signal....
Bedouin, who for the most part had been ignoring miel's anguish and relishing more of his pipe, now turned to survey the scene.
He saw her held firmly, the steel points of the phalluses beginning to open her... he raised his crop and made a lowering motion towards the guards.
The signal received, they worked in unison, lowering miel an inch onto the steel prongs.
Bedouin motioned to pause with his whip, whether to spare miel or to listen to her cries was uncertain.. a few moments passed and he signalled lowering again.
miel was in agony, the unrelenting intrusion of the steel penises stretched her horribly, her sobs came in gasps as each millimetre entered her.
crystal remained kneeling, and no-one saw her soft, envious sigh.
Seemingly bored, Bedouin motioned for miel to be lowered completely, until the phalluses filled her vagina and anus and she had only the stool to support her. The guards worked quickly to fix her into place, fastening the chains and drawing them tight through boltholes in the floor, fastening them with convincing padlocks.
miel wanted to weep, she felt humiliated, invaded and miserable, her dignity gone, even her anger had subsided into a painful torment. She could feel the large phallus deep inside her, almost pinning her to the stool but the short steel rod in her anus burned, it burned with hellish fire, so hot it almost stopped her breathing. Her only thought, buried deep within the layers of pain was to not let this damned Bedouin see her pain, not let him know how much she ached and hurt, that some day she would escape.
Bedouin saw that miel was securely fastened on her seat, could see the dully glistening steel parting her lips and wished, idly, that he could see her anus from where he was standing.
'miel..' he spoke, so softly, almost kindly '..Feel this pain, and know that it not one tenth of what you will know if you do not serve me.'
He approached and stood a few inches in front of the quivering girl...
'A mere beginning...' he went on 'I will return when I have eaten and slept and I will beat you myself as you sit there, my prisoner, my captive. Know that I shall look forward to your screams!'
With drama, Bedouin turned and walked away into the shadows, crystal at his side.
Turning his head, he said to her...
'Of course, you know dear crystal, that you should have not asked for the favour, miel is still learning....'
crystal lowered her head and mumbled 'Yes, sir'
'Go and bring a cane to the 'room of sighs', wait there and bare your breasts...... we shall make a tune with those bells of yours'.
crystal turned and almost skipped towards her duties
In the place of discipline, all that remained were the low sobs of poor miel and the snickering of the guards.
The tent of the Bedouin
by Bedouin
Part 3
miel drifted into a sleep, despite her fear and loathing grey curtains of peace fell over her eyes. A long sigh of welcome relief rushed from her lips and her head dropped forwards, her chin falling to her chest as she spiralled into slumber.
Time had been confusing for miel, a moment was as long as an hour, an hour as brief as a minute, she could not comprehend how time passed whilst sitting on her stool.
Oh, how she had raged!
As the Bedouin and crystal had left her, oblivious to her suffering, she screamed after them, shouting words of vitriol and indignation. The phalluses were hurting her, pinning her to the chair, the unwilling muscles of her anus rebelled at the enforced intrusion, they throbbed and burned.
At first, miel had sat as still as possible, trying to reduce the pain of the two rods inside her. Then, foolishly, she had tried to twist away from her intruders and pains had shot through her insides causing her to gasp aloud.
Her breathing slowed, her sobbing subsided, miel relaxed as well as she could, trying to force herself to calm enough to relax her anus. Many moments passed as she quelled her mind and her bottom accepted the penis, the harsh burning became a dull ache, blinking her eyes, miel realised that she had the pain under control. Now, she could think more clearly, begin her plotting.
In the room of sighs, a tune was played.
It must have been a beautiful melody for tears rolled down the cheeks of those that heard it.
miel began to think of her situation, and of escape. Her options were limited, she had only crystal as a possible ally, her and perhaps, the guards. Her mind reeled as she thought of bribing her sentries, she had nothing to offer except herself.
She wondered why her sex had become lubricated enough to accept the large phallus, it stretched her labia and pressed against her inner walls but it sat, almost comfortably, within her. She worried too, that, after effort, her bottom did not protest so strongly and had accepted the steel. miel's heart leaped as she realised that what she thought was not possible had been achieved, almost easily. She almost let out a cry, as she thought, that one day, perhaps she might like to try this again! She banished the thought, expelling it in fear of her own emotions...
Tiredness overcame her limbs and mind, miel succumbed to sleep's welcoming arms.
For once, miel did not dream, her sleep was black, so deep as to contain nothing.
She had the feeling that someone was standing before her, her mind reached for an explanation and her eyes opened as she remembered where she was.
'Hush, miel...' crystal's soft voice urged 'Please, don't cry out'
miel raised her head and saw the Bedouin's servant begin to kneel in front of her. crystal still wore the sheer, blue pyjamas though only the bottom part of them, leaving her breasts exposed. miel looked at the tiny, silver bells hanging from the silver hoops, the rings were also silver and passed cleanly through crystal's nipples.
Even in the darkened light miel could see the red stripes across crystal's breasts, could almost feel the heat they gave. She counted eight lines, four on each breast, neatly spaced above and below her nipples, she looked up to crystal's eyes and was surprised to see her smiling.
'I know what you are thinking, miel.... But do not worry about me...'
'These.... marks...' she said sweetly, bringing a finger to almost touch the welts '... will heal soon, and.... I, ... I wanted them.'
'Wanted them?!' miel hissed
'Well, yes..' crystal continued '... in fact, I deliberately irritated Bedouin, so that he would ... deal with me'
'You can influence him?' miel asked quickly, her thoughts racing.
crystal paused for a moment, thinking... 'Yes, I suppose I can, up to a point'
'Please.....' pleaded miel, 'Help me.... I must get out of here'
'Oh, no... I'm sorry miel, I couldn't do that, oh....' crystal trailed away briefly then whispered to herself ...
'Imagine the punishments.....!' A strange smile crossed her face.
'If you could just unfasten me, I could....' Spoke miel urgently
crystal hushed her...
'No, sweet miel... believe me, it is better that you do as he asks... it will go better for you' 'Now, I shall bring you some food and refreshment soon....'
'But, crystal, I cannot stay here....' miel's voice almost broke...
'Oh, I'm afraid you must, miel, you are to stay... we will become good friends' smiling kindly, crystal stroked the tear stained face of the captive.
'But... I hurt, and I need to pee.... ' sobbed miel.
It was true, miel ached urgently, needing to relieve herself.
'I will see what I can do, miel' assured crystal 'I'll tell Bedouin... I promise'
She began to rise... and miel's eyes followed her..
crystal leaned towards the bound prisoner and kissed her brow, ..
'I'm sorry, miel.... But, ... I have to do this.... '
The prisoner looked into crystal's eyes, quizzically.
The tiny bells sounded as crystal moved behind miel and bent to reach below the stool.
Her fingers moved the switch...
The shock almost made miel faint.....
The phalluses sprung to life inside her, a violent vibration shaking her flesh.
'Ooooooooohhhhhhh.......... Nooooooooooooooooo...... , Pleaaaasse...'
crystal smiled at miel apologetically, then whispered in her ear..
'It will not be for too long, miel... you will become accustomed to it..'
miel could not reply, the powerful sensations coursing through her anus and vagina struck her speechless.
With tinkling bells, crystal walked from the chamber.. leaving the sobbing prisoner.
miel threw back her head, her muscles straining to withstand the relentless buzzing inside.
The steel rods shook with angry power, pounding at miel's walls.
miel thought that her mind would explode....
Lying on a quilted divan, Bedouin drew on his hookah... he cast another idle glance through the looking glass. She was still writhing..... she would relax soon, would have to ...
Blood surged to his loins as he considered his next step
Bells approached ....
'Ahhhhhh....' He smiled, as he blew smoke through his teeth.
The tent of the Bedouin
by Bedouin
Part 4
miel was losing her senses, her emotions collided violently within her, she was not sure of anything for certain, she knew she was being kept against her will, was being abused and tormented by a sadistic captor, her body even now was pounded by his foul instruments, and so...
so... why didn't she feel defeated or overcome with fear or self-pity? She knew she should be, but her anger remained, her will sustained her and something else...
When crystal had pressed the hidden button beneath her seat, the phalluses had sprung to life, her torment suddenly heightened. The steel rods had sent sharp sensations shooting through her body, pistols of energy firing away mercilessly. miel had protested, protested loudly, her nerves jangled, she thought that her anus would explode, that she would collapse or faint away.
But she hadn't...
The pain had shifted, ebbing away as miel became accustomed to her torment. She found that, if she stayed completely still and did not clench against or fight the invading steel, the vibration came under control, she could manage and minimise the intrusion. She almost smiled to herself as she managed this small victory. What she had not realised was that despite her new calm, despite her settling her mind, she was being betrayed....
Her sex began to leak! miel realised with horror that liquid was seeping from her, coating the large phallus..! Perhaps it was her body's natural defence mechanism, it was helping her, lubricating to reduce the friction? She frowned, confused, then, with a gasp, she understood. Her victory had thrilled her, by overcoming the sensations forced upon her, her mind had sent a treacherous message to her vagina... miel groaned.
Muscles in her legs were in danger of cramping, miel moved carefully on the chair. As she shifted very slightly, the buzzing penises sent vibrations to different nerve endings... miel had expected this but let out a short yelp of surprise nonetheless. Her face reddened as a thought struck her, moving relieved her aching muscles but... she bit her lip as she realised... the new sensations had sent an almost pleasant shiver down her spine. miel almost denied the idea, wanted to dismiss it as ridiculous then closed her eyes, ... and moved again.
Her breath shortened, her stomach began to contract.... 'What am I doing?!' she asked herself, as her mind began to spin.
miel slowly squeezed her sex around the large steel cock, more of those shivers! She clenched her buttocks slightly, trying to lift herself a half inch from the seat, oh! The jolt was electrifying! Her pulse raced, she argued again with herself, she should be thinking of escape not experimenting!! But her body persisted.. squeezing and caressing the metal dildoes inside her, more liquid fell from her staining the dark wood of the chair.
Hissing breath escaped from miel's mouth as she squirmed, she knew she should not be responding to her torment, but... the feelings, so strong! The pain was folding into pleasure and washing over her, an unstoppable tide. Her need to urinate was overpowering, the ache exaggerated the sudden pleasure she was feeling... miel knew that she might come soon.
miel rocked on the phalluses, she discovered that the heads of the two dildoes were only a centimetre or two apart, separated only by her inner wall. A wild notion ran through her, if she could make the heads meet, have them 'kiss' inside her, she would win, will have shown that Arab a thing or two! A part of her knew that this was impossible, that the penises would not, could not bend, her notion did not make sense.. but then, nothing made sense any more. She pressed and squeezed, urging the tips together with sobs and moans of effort.
Bedouin narrowed his eyes, through the spyglass he could observe miel closely. He had smiled to himself as she had writhed angrily on the chair, heard her cries as crystal left her to her fate. But, she was not angry now, this writhing took another form, he could see by her movement she was no longer fighting the thrusts of the chair, she was using them!
He thought, with amusement, that had miel known she was being watched it was unlikely that she would have allowed the pain or pleasure to show, would have sat indignantly and defiantly, staring with hate and venom at him. He laughed softly...
Bedouin knew that miel would come soon, and toyed with his options, watch her orgasm and confront her with the soaked stool, or interrupt and accuse her sternly. He considered carefully...
The heat inside miel grew, she knew that her actions were tinged with madness, but the urgent need of her body blocked her reasoning. She pulled large drafts of air into her lungs as she squirmed on the chair, her orgasm started from deep within.
A tremor began, rolling through her flesh, it started high in her sex, a nucleus of sensual energy, spreading out in all directions, so sweetly painful that it began to overwhelm her. Wave after wave of undulating spasms washed over her, her throat growled with animal noise, her head rolled from side to side, sweat poured from her brow.
miel's mind was elsewhere, she could not think at all as her body shook with her orgasm, she could not control any of her senses, they were adrift on a squalling sea.
Bedouin frowned, annoyed with himself. He had spent too long debating on his actions and now his choices were limited. He had not reckoned with miel's determination but, he reflected, had been transfixed by her strength, watching with fascination as she rode the steel rods to her climax. He thought for a moment longer....
The waves lapped only gently at miel's body now, the grey fog of confusion began to lift from her mind. The dildoes continued to buzz inside her but were almost unnoticed, she had used them for her own gain, she knew that, she was pleased and ashamed. As the final ripples of the orgasm subsided miel began to think clearly again.
The overpowering sensations she had experienced troubled her, she had not ever anticipated that she could derive such personal pleasure in this manner. What else could she endure? Would she grow to like this extreme behaviour, surely not? She gnawed on her lip with worry.
'Better to think of escape..' she decided.
Her stomach began to hurt, the need to pee pressed more urgently, miel wondered how she would relieve herself, should she call out for crystal? She would have to....
crystal had been kneeling quietly, close to Bedouin, watching him observe miel, she had been clever enough to position herself so that she too could watch through the glass. With Bedouin's back to her, he had not been able to see as she discreetly touched her sex, miel's writhing had brought back memories, arousing her. She probed the folds of material between her legs seeking out her clitoris, she stroked her index finger over it, stirring it, rousing it, making it grow until she could squeeze and pull it with two fingers. crystal moved carefully so as not to alert Bedouin, the bells rang easily, especially when not covered by material, she tried to breathe easily though her excitement mounted and she knew her moisture was soiling the cloth covering her sex.
Bedouin sensed that crystal was too quiet, he knew that it was not her usual way. Slyly, he raised the lid of a casket that lay in front of him. The casket held sweets and sherbets but it was the mirrored lid that he had need of. Hidden from crystal's view, he moved the casket's lid until he could glance at part of her reflection, the furtive movement in her lap confirmed what he had suspected. Bedouin almost laughed out loud...
Bedouin waited... watched...
crystal's nostrils flared as she tried to control her breathing, her knees had already almost betrayed her when they twitched as a jet of her liquid had spilled over her wrist...
'crystal!' Bedouin snapped in a louder than normal voice.
crystal froze, pulling her hand away from her sex, fighting for breath
'.....Sssir?' She managed to splutter
'If you come without my permission, you will replace miel on the chair!'
crystal gasped in disbelief, 'He could not have seen!' she thought wildly 'How....?'
'Cccome, Sir?' she stammered, trying to compose herself 'What do you mean?'
Bedouin turned to face her, 'crystal dear, you have been touching yourself in a rather urgent fashion for almost 10 minutes now, haven't you?'
'Ohhh... no, Sir... please!' crystal objected
'Stand up! Now!' barked Bedouin, taking up his camel whip
Fumbling, panicked, crystal rose to her feet, folding her hands in front of her
Bedouin stood also, facing her, pushing her hands aside with the crop
'Look how the dampness has seeped onto your pyjamas, it betrays you crystal, you spurt too much my dear' Bedouin raised his whip to crystal's sex and caressed her labia with a soft stroke.
'Oh, Sir....... I am sorry... I did not mean to....' Began crystal
'Now, now...' He interrupted, ' do not worry..., I am in genial mood, you shall receive only a light punishment for your indiscretion'
'Yes, Sir' replied crystal demurely, her cheeks burning she bowed her head, secretly wishing that he would place her on the chair and flick the switch.
'And, it shall have to be later... we must deal with miel, she is not behaving quite as expected.' Said Bedouin, a frown forming on his brow.
'Really, Sir?' quizzed crystal, looking up
'Hmmmmm... perhaps it is time to cause her some real pain, something she cannot control' Bedouin spoke his thoughts to himself.
He appeared to reach a decision inside and with a clap of his hands motioned to crystal to approach.
The Bedouin spoke softly into her ear, giving instructions, crystal's mouth opened and closed as he spoke, her eyes began to flash with excitement.
miel could stand it no longer, her desperation had grown, she called out....
'crystal! crystal! Please!'
Her cries sank into the soft hangings and carpets on the tent walls, she cried out again, louder.
Bedouin cocked an ear... hearing miel,
'Poor girl, she must be hungry...' he said, knowing full well of her urgency.
He stepped away from the glass and moved towards his task..
The footsteps that approached were not crystal's, realised miel. She heard curtains being moved aside and Bedouin appeared before her, clutching his whip.
Her anger rose immediately.... 'Release me, you have no right to hold me this way' she sneered.
Bedouin sneered back at her, seemingly angry himself...
'You are here, miel, until you do my bidding willingly... ' he stated coldly
'Never! ' she hissed out in retort
'Oh, but you will my dear!' Bedouin almost spat the word
'You will beg from me, you will obey me... your only wish will be to please me'
'No! I will not!' Replied miel angrily
Bedouin laughed softly, 'Well, let us see....'
Bedouin stepped behind miel and flicked the switch beneath the chair with his crop. The hornet buzzing of the dildoes ceased immediately.
'Time for a lesson, miel' he said calmly.
The tent of the Bedouin
by Bedouin
Part 5
'Damn him' thought miel, 'Damn him, damn him..!'
'He will pay for this...'
miel had no idea of how the Bedouin would pay for keeping her this way, her reasoning consumed with irrational ire. Her chest heaved as the bubbling hatred coursed through her body.
Bedouin watched the hostility directed at him, 'A strong spirit' he mused, 'What a subject she will make'. He paused for a moment, watching miel glare at him with her piercing, bitter eyes.
Snapping himself from his meditation, he stooped to pick up a large, crimson pillow from behind miel's chair. He tossed it casually in front of her and took up his hookah, then slowly sat on the cushion and set his pipe carefully on the rug at his side.
miel blinked her eyes, trying to calm herself, everything seemed so surreal, so distant from her normally sedate and ordered life. This cursed man was about to subject her to more degradation, she was fastened to a stool, was naked before him, she had a metal penis in each of her lower orifices! She could not understand how things had happened, why they had happened, it made no sense! miel became indignant again, she despised this treatment, would fight it with all her strength and guile, she would show no emotion, unless it were to trick the Bedouin, to lull him into an error, or dissuade him from an action. She suddenly became light headed as she rejoiced in her cleverness, 'That's it!' 'No emotion, do not give in to him unless it is for a reason, or to deceive him...!' miel laughed to herself as her plan took shape.
An uncomfortable thought nibbled at her, as always she tried to push it away, but as always, it returned, a persistent worry. 'What was it?' She almost began to chew her lip as she realised. She was so confident of her actions, of her clever plan that..... 'No!' miel tried to deny the notion, she attempted to squeeze it from her mind. Her mouth became dry, her stomach churned as she understood, with dread, that she was looking forward to facing his challenge! Again, she tossed the thought away, it came spinning back like a boomerang... 'No, surely not,' she worried frantically, 'I could not want this kind of confrontation, he is a monster, a sadist....' Her eyebrows knitted with perplexity, her nipples began to harden. miel groaned, hating herself, hating him..... she gasped out loud with shame as she remembered how strongly she had orgasmed on the stool, a red, creeping blush began.
Bedouin sat, in studied concentration, watching the girl. It looked as if she were wrestling with herself inside, her darkness and light fighting for precedence.
He took a contented puff on his hookah and let the smoke drift lazily from his nostrils.
Away, in a quiet chamber, crystal stood patiently.
She knew that the guards would come presently, with instructions from Bedouin. crystal slid one foot behind her other ankle and squeezed her thighs together, then, holding her breath, contracted the strong muscles of her sex.... and relaxed them..
Behind her back, resting on the soft curve of her bottom, her hands began to twist, her fingers intertwining as she squeezed her thighs together again... and relaxed...
Bedouin blew a large cloud of smoke so that it billowed over miel. It seemed to work and she raised her head in natural curiosity.
Bedouin smiled at her pleasantly
'miel' he began 'Tell me, would you not find it much simpler to bend to my will?
He sat back, awaiting her reply.
miel, paused, gathering her words
'Please, whoever you are, I do not know why I am here, why you are doing this to me, but I would like you to release me....' She paused for a second.
' I promise that... that, if you return me to safety, I will speak of this to no one'. miel was pleased with her even tone, had kept her voice steady.. her strength returning.
'Release you?' replied Bedouin 'Are you then, not enjoying your stay here in my fine tent?' He waved his hand expansively at the chamber, illustrating his generosity.
miel's voice faltered only slightly.. 'Nnno... I am not, I... I hate it here, I would like to go... please..'
With a calculated move, miel looked at the Bedouin, forcing tears to her eyes, the saddest and most pitiful look she could create, hoping to affect him.
Bedouin's brow furrowed with concern 'Oh, my dear, poor girl...' He leaned and touched her cheek as if to brush away an imaginary tear.
With a soft voice he said, 'You must forgive me miel, I am mistaken, I had thought that you were relaxed here in my home, that you were enjoying it's luxurious splendour?'
Sensing his sympathy, miel became bolder 'Sadly, no Sir'
Her sensibilities railed against her politeness, but she knew that she had his attention.
'I am at a loss as to why you are keeping me... but, as I say, I will tell no....'
Bedouin hushed her gently with a look of understanding and concern.
'Of course dear, we must release you at once, return you to your own people....'
miel's heart leapt at his words, thoughts racing again.
'I shall call the guards and have them unfasten you,...' he smiled benignly.
The Bedouin turned, as if to make a signal.. then stopped, and returned to face miel again, a puzzled expression on his face.
'Just one thing, my dear.. That I do not understand...'
miel held her breath suddenly
'You say that you have not enjoyed my hospitality, and, of course, if that is so, you must depart without delay... but, here.....'
The whip came from nowhere..
It landed on the stool, between miel's splayed thighs, Bedouin holding it firmly in his grasp, his expression changed to one of anger.
The slap of the crop on the seat made miel jump and froze her in position
'HERE!........' He barked loudly
'Is evidence of your enjoyment...' The whip tapped at the dark stained circle below miel's sex.
miel let out a strangled, sound.
Bedouin's voice became a sneering snarl, his eyes burning with indignation.
He pushed his face towards hers and growled... 'You have spurned my generous hospitality.. you claim to not enjoy my home...' miel could feel his hot breath on her cheek.
'Yet. The moment my back is turned, you grind and writhe, drive yourself to bewildering heights and spend your juices on my furniture for your own pleasure... is that not SO?!'
miel could not think... could not speak... her fear had risen swiftly at the sudden turn of events. She scrambled frantically for an excuse.. but could only stammer..
'Please!?' Bedouin roared 'You PLEASE yourself!'
He pulled himself away from her, regarding her shame..
Bedouin shifted the crop to tap the silver dildo in her sex...
'This is what you please yourself with miel, see.. your lips are puffed and swollen!' Bedouin tapped miel's labia roughly with the camel crop.
miel caught her breath as the harsh leather slapped and pinched her lips.
Bedouin raged further.. 'You sought to gratify only your own desires did you not miel? I offer you a singular opportunity and you thought only of using it to your own ends!'
miel's head span again, she was still too shocked, even for anger..
'I saw you miel, watched you as you thrashed on the phalluses, saw your heaving as you gushed onto my stool, saw the smile that fell over your face...'
miel burned at the thought of being observed, she felt lost, doomed...
'I had come here to offer you comfort...' Bedouin raised his whip
'... Some refreshment ' He placed the tip of the leather on miel's lower stomach.
'But YOU...' as he spat out the word he pushed the whip harshly into miel's abdomen.
'YOU...' he pressed deeply again 'tell me lies...'
miel almost began to cry as the whip pushed into her, the shooting pain went through her as the pressure on her bladder increased. She thought she might not be able to control her body and she would leak, like a child.
Bedouin left the crop pushing at her stomach, knowing the discomfort it would cause. He waited... it came.
'Please..' miel sobbed 'I am sorry, I just wanted to leave here... I am so frightened..'
Bedouin pressed a little harder
miel gave a yelp and continued ' Oh, please, please don't...... Sir.... I desperately need a toilet... please' miel let out a genuine sob as more pain strained her, she knew she was going to lose control.
Bedouin released the pressure slightly..
'You have displeased me, miel... and you will know my wrath.. '
A tear rolled down miel's cheek, her agony and misery overwhelming her, she could barely hear the Arab's words
'I would let you degrade yourself by leaving you here... but I do not want you to ruin my fine carpet, you have already stained my chair with your selfishness'
Bedouin paused, looking at her tears..
'I shall teach you the meaning of gratitude, you will be disciplined until you learn about manners'
With that, Bedouin turned on his heel and left.
miel sobbed unhappily as the smoke from the abandoned hookah curled around her.
crystal smiled, she was ready for the Bedouin.
The guards had arrived, had found her appearing calm, not seeing her agitation and arousal. She had followed them, as she was used to, and they had fixed her into position.
It was one of her favourite stances, the guards had stood her between the two tent poles and cut the pyjamas from her. She had noticed their leering glances as they fastened her, their impudent fingers as they parted her legs, the Bedouin would have them flayed alive if he saw them acting so lewdly.
She knew that they would not dare abuse her without Bedouin's permission, as she waited for her arms to be spread and fastened to the poles she pushed her sex outwards, so that the guards could see her smooth slit more clearly and the dew that had lay demurely along her folds. crystal laughed at her own bravado, the deeply buried urge was rising, she toyed with the idea of tormenting the guards further, perhaps seduce them before Bedouin came, her fire needed to be quenched.
The ropes tugged her arms out and upwards and crystal was finally splayed open. She cocked her head as she waited to see whether any further preparation would be made, it depended, she knew, on what the Bedouin had instructed.
The guards each took a reel of long thin cord from a chest nearby and approached crystal. Working quickly they each detached one of the bells from her nipples, leaving only the hoop, they passed the cord through her rings and deftly tied a neat knot, anchoring it securely. With a practised movement they tossed the cord in a smooth arc through the air, it passed over a supporting pole above their heads and fell, dangling loosely.
Their work done, the guards took one last appreciative glance at crystal's vulnerable pose and left the chamber.
'Ah, ' thought crystal looking at the rope knowingly, she smiled with delicious anticipation.
miel blocked her pain as best she could, trying to keep it to a dull thud in her stomach. It focused her mind greatly and she thought of how badly things had gone for her. She had been foolish to believe that Bedouin would release her so easily, she had made a transparent attempt that would not have tricked a child. Bedouin had set a simple trap and she had not had the presence of mind to see it clearly. 'Well,' she thought 'I shall be more cunning, more believable, I will show him!' Again, a smile grew inside her, she would outwit this damned Bedouin!
The dull ache grew.
Bedouin walked into crystal's chamber and paused before her, with an approving look.
'She has been nicely tied' he decided and wondered what wickedness she might have offered the guards as he had been dealing with miel. 'Such a minx, this one' he said to himself.
crystal stood still for the Bedouin, she liked his eyes on her, relished the vulnerability she was feeling, was aroused that she was about to be paid some attention. She wondered what it might be, 'You can never predict what is coming...' she thought with amusement 'Thank goodness!' crystal tried to hide her laugh from her tormentor.
Bedouin turned and went to a small table upon which a large casket lay, he opened it's heavy clasp and took from it the items he needed.
miel raised her head, she sensed that the guards were nearing.
Her body went rigid as they appeared from behind the curtain, without pausing to look at her they began to unfasten her bonds, leaving the chains attached to her wrists and ankles but releasing them from the bolts on the floor.
miel sat still as they worked, when the last bolt had been released the guards grasped her beneath her arms, she was to stand, they would support her.
miel had not realised how stiff and unwilling her legs would be to move, she was even grateful for the guards' help. She stood slowly, her sex and anus relinquishing the intruders, her body closed the aching gaps gratefully.
miel stood erect, the aching stiffness was loosening in her limbs, a wave of relief crashed through her. The guards released her, one of them bending and reaching behind a drape. He brought forth a large, polished silver bowl and set it down in the space before the stool.
miel watched with a mixture of horror and happiness as she realised its purpose.
The larger of the guards tapped miel's shoulder and pointed to the bowl, miel squirmed, embarrassed, desperate. Calculating her options quickly, miel made her decision and stepped towards the waiting vessel.
She turned her back on the guards, who merely folded their arms and waited patiently, and squatted over the bowl.
Her dignity maintained as much as she could under the circumstances, miel released her pain.
She was overcome with an even stronger gush of relief as the ache drained from her, strange, how she felt little embarrassment, miel hoped the guards weren't exchanging lewd grins, but, she also realised, that she did not care, her mind was calming, capable of planning again. She had more important tasks at hand.
She squatted for some moments, letting the last of her ache ebb from her, she reflected how strange it was that, now that her bladder was empty, she could feel a dull throb in her bottom. The throbbing perplexed her, it seemed to have been caused by the steel penis in her anus, and it was, 'Surely not?', as if her tightest orifice was missing it's presence. That the tingling in her anus was a yearning for the plug to be replaced. miel dismissed this, as best she could, putting it down to her wild imagination.
Out of habit, she stood when she had finished, then realised she could have gained valuable thinking time by remaining in a squat, 'Damn! I must be more alert! And stop these crazy thoughts that keep coming to me!' miel rebuked herself, annoyed at her slip.
Seeing her stand, the guards moved forward, avoiding the bowl carefully, and took miel by her arms, leading her out of the room.
'Now what?' she wondered, and focused her thoughts
crystal too, had been focusing, trying to see what Bedouin had selected from the casket.
She knew that it was just her natural curiosity and that she would know soon enough. She was right.
'Just to start you off, my dear' said Bedouin casually, and calmly tied the weights he had selected to the dangling ropes.
crystal felt a rush of excitement and tried to squeeze her thighs together, the ropes would not allow this, crystal tried nonetheless.
'Hmmm...' thought Bedouin, and let the cords take the weight of the brass pendulums.
crystal felt her breasts pulled away from her sharply. She gasped, as she always did.
The brass weights were not too heavy, and merely tugged at the cord sufficiently to stretch crystal's small breasts and to pull at the hoops enough to distend her nipples attractively.
'Thank you, Sir' whispered crystal as she gazed at her own breasts, stretched and feeling taut, causing needles of sensation in their tips.
'You are such a polite, if slightly mischievous girl, crystal' Bedouin admonished her, regarding his work.
'There will be more for you soon, I will add another in a few minutes' Bedouin smiled at her and went to sit on a nearby divan.
'Yes, Sir' crystal hissed through her teeth, barely able to wait so long.
miel was led gently through endless compartments of the tent. 'You could get lost in here, it is like a maze!' she thought with wonder.
Curtain after curtain was parted, until a large drape was moved aside and a brightly-lit scene met miel's eyes.
The Bedouin half lay, half sat on an opulent divan puffing at his accursed pipe, but her eyes were drawn to crystal.
'Oh, crystal!' miel's mind reeled. The poor girl had been tied, spread-eagled in fact, to tent poles! And what had been done to her breasts?! They were tied, or something... her mind failed to comprehend, with a gasp she realised that they were being pulled by ropes, and the ropes had what looked like balls attached to them'
'Noooooo!' miel cried out, 'Stop this!'
miel was genuinely incensed, her concern for crystal more than for herself. 'Let her go!' she screamed at Bedouin.
Bedouin listened to the screaming miel, waited for her to stop, and watched her heaving anger.
'Still so much spirit, ' he mused 'Commendable..'
The guards awaited Bedouin's signal, he gave it immediately.
'Tie her!' he snapped
'The same as this one!' he waved an abstract hand towards crystal.
The guards dragged the screaming miel to a set of tent poles opposite crystal.
Her limbs resisted, flailing wildly as the guards forced her into position.
'Interesting' thought crystal
'Very interesting' thought Bedouin
The tent of the Bedouin
by Bedouin
Part 6
The guards worked patiently to secure miel, though she flailed and struggled against them, their strength was indomitable, their grasp on her flesh deliberately hard and unyielding. miel let out a moan of frustration as, despite her efforts, her ankles were bound and pulled unceremoniously apart. A strongly muscled black arm held her waist as more ropes were attached to her hands, she spat insults at the guards, strained against their grip, wailed as their combined force overwhelmed her.
The guards concealed their smiles as they each took a rope and pulled miel's arms apart and fastened the ends securely to the rings high on the tent poles. miel struggled continually, pulling at her bonds, trying to shake them loose, angry at being bound this way, angry at her nudity, angry at the guards and, most of all, furious at the Bedouin.
crystal watched with an almost sympathetic interest, and sighed,
'She should save her energy, she will need it' she thought sadly 'Ah well, hopefully she will learn quickly'
miel continued her snarling and twisting at the ropes. She knew how she must appear to Bedouin and crystal, like a wild and troubled beast, yet, inside she was carefully calculating her options, putting on the display to shield her motives.
Taking up his whip, the Bedouin stood and moved to stand directly in front of the squirming captive. He paused, looking at her closely and quietly, letting the curses that dripped from her twisting mouth fall over him, unheeded.
He let her continue for fully two minutes, then lifted the whip high above his head and brought it down gracefully across her stomach.
The blow caused explosions.
It was so harsh and swift that the pain exploded first in the softness of her stomach then immediately registered in miel's brain. The air left her body, her thoughts stopped completely as her flesh tried to find a way to compensate for the unbearable sensations that had assailed it.
miel's mouth had formed a perfect circle as the shock hit her, all of her movement ceased as a billion stinging needles pricked at her. As the pain spread, and what had happened to her became understood in her mind, tears of shock welled in her eyes.
The blow's initial impact receded and left a spreading lava of pain, it seeped across her stomach and pushed out to burn her further.
'Oh... oh.... Oh...' miel clutched for coherent thought, but it would not come, her mind too busy blocking out the pain.
'Perhaps now, you will not be so loud, dear' the Bedouin remarked casually, as he lowered the whip. He knew that miel would barely be able to hear him, her ears would be ringing but she would understand the reason for the blow.
crystal winced as she saw the severity of the strike, 'Ooh.. that was hard, he must mean serious business' She twitched nervously, wondering if she were to receive the same fate.
miel sucked in sweet air through her nostrils, trying to deny the pain, to let her mind calculate. She realised quickly that the whip had caused her to lose her control, and she needed to maintain her grip if she was to outwit Bedouin. She analysed the stinging of her flesh, knew without looking that a fierce welt would already be rising on her tummy, her mind had calmed but the lava still crept through her.
She would keep quiet, observe, learn.
'Good' said Bedouin, as he saw miel regain her senses, 'Now that you are calm, we can begin..'
He turned to crystal and smiled, as a patrician might.
'crystal, my sweet, I shall be with you shortly, but I am concerned for miel here..' he explained. 'She has been somewhat foolish whilst sitting on the stool, as I took my eye away from her, she chose to use it for her own ends.... ' Bedouin made 'tutting' sounds to show his dismay.
crystal listened with apparent interest and relaxed the muscles in her back to allow the weights to shift slightly and tug anew at her nipples.
'As you well know..' he continued 'The steel attachments can be most demanding of the flesh..'
crystal nodded, remembering very well, she twisted a little to sway the weights minutely.
'The flesh has limits, and it is important to recognise when they need to heal or to rest...'
miel realised that, although he was speaking to crystal, the lecture was for her benefit, she narrowed her thoughts, trying to anticipate.
'Perhaps, dear crystal, you can see from your position... that miel is very swollen?'
crystal dutifully craned her neck to see and raised her eyebrows.
Bedouin went on..
'The lips of her sex are quite swollen, miel must have worked her steel friends very hard.... No doubt, her anus is similarly ravaged.'
miel tried to stop the blush, but it came.
'What do you think, we can do to help our poor friend, dear?'
crystal, realising that the question was directed at her, furrowed her brow in apparent concentration.
'It would very kind of you Sir, if you could find some way to reduce her swelling... ' she said earnestly, knowing exactly what was about to happen.
'My thoughts exactly!' said Bedouin cheerily 'What a clever girl you are!'
Bedouin, obviously delighted, moved over to the casket and took from it another pair of pendulums.
crystal watched and drew in her breath
'A small reward, for your wise comments, dear' Bedouin placed the hooked pendulums carefully, next to the others and let them hang.
The tugging increased significantly at crystal's nipples, her breasts extended further away from her, she let out a gasp that might have been 'thank you' but was unintelligible. crystal looked at her nipples, the hoops straining with the extra weight, a small spasm in her sex had sent a tiny cascade of moisture to coat her insides.
miel watched with horror as Bedouin increased crystal's pain, 'What is this man capable of? He calls this a reward??' Unconsciously, she bit her lip as she tried to guess his next move.
'Now!' said Bedouin, clapping his hands and turning away from crystal to face miel 'To offer you some relief, miel!'
He moved forwards and bent to pick up a heavy, lidded dish. He moved closer to miel and placed it between her open legs.
miel could not help but blush afresh as he neared her sex, she tried not to show her embarrassment and lifted her head, not looking at him.
Bedouin settled himself next to the dish, sitting at its side, his face just a few inches from miel's exposed vagina.
'Yeeees...' He said with a doctor's tone, as he peered closely at her sex '... you are quite tender here' Bedouin let his index finger brush one of her outer labia, showing a medical concern.
The merest touch made miel jolt. 'Ignore it, miel, think, think!' she reminded herself.
Bedouin interpreted miel's sudden movement 'Ah, see dear, how sore you are, the softest touch causes you discomfort...''
miel looked down at him, glaring with defiance.
'Do not worry, I have brought my dish, I shall help you recover'
With those words, Bedouin lifted the cover from the dish.
miel felt a waft of cold air caress her thighs, moving upwards. A shiver ran through her as the air touched her and melted into the warmth of the room.
She looked down towards the dish, already suspecting the contents.
She could see ice, formed into perfectly round balls, about the size of a large marble.
Her quick mind registered the intention, she worked frantically to settle her thoughts and how to deal with her ordeal.
Bedouin took a ball of ice and looked at closely, saying almost to himself 'Yes, this should calm your swelling, nicely'
With measured movement he brought the ball to miel's sex, placed it delicately at her entrance, and then with a long finger pressed it high into her vagina.
miel's body tried to twist away from the finger but the ropes held her firmly, she began to mouth a protest...
Bedouin cut her off immediately, 'miel! I am trying to help you, be polite enough to accept my concern, or should we return to the whip?!'
miel calculated quickly, decided almost instantly, that this damned degradation was infinitely preferable to another of his harsh strokes, at least she could think. miel made no reply except for her contemptuous silence.
Bedouin paused for miel's protest and hearing none pressed another ball into her lips. Taking another, he stroked it over miel's inflamed clitoris, letting the icy cold stab at her heat. He noticed her juddering at the alien feel of the ball, and smiled.
miel closed her eyes as his finger pushed into her, the freezing kiss of the ice brought blood rushing to meet the cold. Her arms ached a little from being stretched, she moved her shoulders to rid herself of the strain. Her mind, as cold as the balls that were now being pushed inside her one by one, tried to work out a way of stopping this torment. The curious things was, the numbing cold that was building in her vagina as it became packed with Bedouin's baubles was actually causing a pleasant sensation. The frozen pebbles soothed her soreness, she could feel the inflammation receding, not only that... the conflict of her heat being bombarded by icy pinpricks was causing a series of shivers that miel found confusing.
'No, miel!' she scolded herself 'You are not here to enjoy this... ! Concentrate on your plans!'
The small balls of ice seemed to form a single large sphere of cold inside her, she had lost count of how many Bedouin had forced between her lips, she could hardly feel anything at all except sharp freezing spears pricking at her walls.
Bedouin realised, with a tinge of regret, that miel was now at capacity. He had pressed the last two balls into her, watched how her vagina had closed around them, accepting them like a docile mouth. He reached into a fold of his garment and brought out a broad clip, he reached for miel's labia and pulled them together to close her entrance, he squeezed the labia until they formed a purse and carefully opened the clip and fastened miel's labia together, sealing her sex.
'Time to see if crystal is paying attention' he thought slyly
crystal had been watching very carefully, moving occasionally to change the strain of the heavy pendulums, her nipples had begun to throb, the concerted pressure on them causing them to ache.
'crystal!' Bedouin called out '.. it would seem I am finished here'
crystal looked up from her breasts and quickly smiled at Bedouin.
'Oh, but Sir...?' She said, with concern.
'Yes, dear, what is it?' answered Bedouin, curiosity tingeing his voice.
'Well... if I may, Sir..' crystal paused, waiting for Bedouin to stop her, then continued
'I believe you said that miel had thrashed most wildly on the stool?'
'Yeees?' Bedouin arched an eyebrow
'Then surely, Sir. Her bottom will be very swollen too?' crystal's voice was sweet and filled with apparent helpfulness.
'Why yes, of course! You are a clever girl, crystal. I had completely forgotten!' Bedouin beamed and secretly admired crystal for playing the game so innocently.
miel, contending with the coldness in her womb and the clip that pursed her labia together so tightly, looked up in horror at crystal as she spoke her fate. 'Why would she betray me? Why would she have me put through such torment?' miel worried, concerned that she may have lost an ally.
crystal had not been fooled by Bedouin's apparent memory lapse, she had played these scenes many times and knew when to take note and remember what might be asked of her later. It amused Bedouin, she knew, and, she admitted quietly to herself, it amused her too. Poor miel, she will learn, crystal convinced herself.
As Bedouin parted miel's buttocks with one hand, exposing her most secret entrance, his other hand drew another iced ball from the dish. He could see that miel had contracted her muscle, probably through her anxiety and the cold that must be numbing her sex. 'Hmmmm...' he mused, then pressed the ball into the tight mouth. His thick thumb followed, pushing the ball up high into her anus, the heat of her bottom was causing the ball to melt quickly and rivulets of water ran over his wrist. He slowly reached for another and repeated his torment.
miel knew what Bedouin was doing, she even noticed that, despite the degrading nature of her torture, she was not blushing. Although she knew that ice was being forced into her bottom she could barely feel it, anaesthetised by the cold in her vagina. Not until his finger or thumb, she could not tell, pushed the ice to the very top of her anus could she feel the cold seated in a different place. Her mind was curiously detached, she could see nothing that she could do but wait, she could not escape, she could not stop him, she would not beg him to stop, too proud, so she would not even try to, miel tried to retain her dignity.
She felt Bedouin continue his filling of her, a deeper, firmer icy throb grew in her bottom.
She sensed the cold in her sex was changing, it was no longer a numb sensation, it was transmuting... the ice was slowly becoming fire, the cold felt like heat, her vagina was beginning to glow with freezing fire!
'She will be feeling it now' he thought idly, and watched as water began to drip from her labia, leaking through the grip of the clamp. He decided not to try to keep the ice inside miel's bottom, her muscle is tight and strong enough to keep them in. He realised, with more amusement, that it was unlikely that miel would even try to push the ice out of herself, she was too genteel for such an unseemly act. Instead, she would let it melt and drip to the floor, a gracious compromise.
'Yes,' thought miel, 'The ice is burning me!' Her heart leaped with fear as her sex began to throb and tingle, her nipples grew, and miel contracted her vaginal muscles. Her walls closed around the ice, squeezing it, the fire burned more fiercely and a lazy trickle of cooling water ran from her.
'Oh!' gasped miel to herself 'That was nice!'
Bedouin rose and walked towards crystal.
He stopped to admire her beautifully stretched breasts.
'You look lovely, my dear' his said in a soothing voice.
'Thank you, Sir' smiled crystal
Bedouin bent slightly, and kissed one extended nipple, flicking the taut peak with his tongue and rolling it between the shining hoop.
'Time then, for your discipline' he whispered.
The tent of the Bedouin
by Bedouin
Part 7
The Bedouin wasted little time, seemingly determined in his intent.
Leaving crystal's nipple shining with moisture, he unfastened the rope from the hoop. crystal let out a small gasp as her breast relaxed slowly, relieved from the tautness of the weights. Bedouin repeated the manoeuvre, first sucking at her tethered nipple, tasting the heat of the strain, then unfastening the nipple and listening to crystal's moan of thanks.
'There, now you must feel better crystal, dear?'
crystal, still sucking in air, managed to quietly say 'Yes, thank you, Sir'
'Good, rest for a second' Bedouin smiled and moved rapidly to prepare his next torment.
miel had barely been watching the activity in the room, she was busy enjoying the contradictory sensations of the ice in her sex. A little ashamed, but too curious to stop, she was pressing the ice with her muscles, first the large ball in her vagina, then relaxing to enjoy the tiny ice-cold river that would course from her onto the floor. Following this by contracting her anal muscle, which caused more of a dull but pleasant ache.
She knew that she should be thinking of escape, paying attention to her predicament, but simply could not help but experiment with the fire and ice. She caught herself just in time, as a moan of pleasure almost slipped from her mouth.
crystal watched with curiosity as Bedouin took two footstools and placed them just in front of her tied feet. Her breasts tingled and she relished the sensation, patient and impatient for the next part of her discipline.
Bedouin unfastened crystal's feet and pulled each one firmly until crystal was standing steadily on the stools. crystal obeyed and readjusted quickly, the new height giving her an opportunity to relax her shoulders. Her legs were still parted, parted very widely and balancing would not be easy, she thought, but, at least they weren't tied.
Having readied crystal, Bedouin regarded her. crystal was standing nicely opened, he observed, her sex easily available, he took his camel whip in hand and drew closer.
miel paused, sensing that Bedouin was about to move. The sound of drips from her vagina could be heard as they splashed gently into the pool between her legs.
Bedouin looked thoughtful, he tapped crystal's thighs softly as he pondered.
'Hmmmm...' he began, after thinking for a moment. 'Tell me crystal, ...'
'Why do you find it necessary to touch yourself without permission?'
crystal tried to keep her voice steady 'Well, Sir... sometimes, I just can't help it err.. you see, I get aroused so easily, and.....'
Bedouin raised his whip, a signal to be silent.
He sighed, apparently disappointed with crystal's explanation.
'I treat you well, do I not, crystal?' He asked, waving his whip to stop her as she began to answer. 'You are well fed, well dressed, afforded every comfort?'
crystal, her mouth suddenly dry, managed to whisper 'Yes, Sir'
'SO!' he raised his voice suddenly 'You are like THIS one?' Without looking at her, he suddenly pointed the crop at miel. 'Ungrateful... scornful of my hospitality?'
crystal's bottom lip trembled slightly
He cut her sharply with the crop across her stomach. The blow, both expected and unexpected forced crystal to grimace and she let out a yelp of pain and surprise.
Bedouin, his voice soft, continued 'It wearies me to discover ingratitude....' He turned his back on crystal to glance at miel, then wheeled suddenly and lay a stinging blow across crystal's abdomen, inches above her sex.
crystal wobbled unsteadily on the stools, she held on to the ropes trying to maintain her balance as pain shot through her flesh.
'Well, now you will learn about my disdain for such ungracious behaviour..' Bedouin neared, inspecting the 2 welts that were forming on crystal's stomach and navel.
'Push out your sex,' Bedouin snapped '.. we shall see if we can't quell it's thirst..'
Fighting the pain that would not ebb, crystal tried to press her sex outward for Bedouin, her balance became more precarious.
Standing at a suitable distance, Bedouin waited for crystal to comply, tapping his crop in his hand. He looked, with slightly hooded eyes, at her smoothly shorn vagina, the reddened folds beckoned.
He began by slapping the tip of the crop a mere centimetre above her clitoris. Starting with a gentle tapping.. striking her flesh in the same spot. crystal began to fidget, trying not to move. Bedouin increased the tap until it became a firm slap, striking accurately on the bone of her sex.
crystal let out short sobs as the pressure of the blows increased, the soreness began to hurt her. She breathed deeply when Bedouin suddenly stopped, leaving his whip resting on the reddened area.
He drew the crop down, brushing her clitoris, then parted the hood with its tip.
'This...' he sneered '.. is the cause of your ingratitude, crystal' Bedouin pushed the leather into crystal's hood, twisting it firmly.
'Yesss.. Sir' crystal hissed.
miel watched with horrified wonder, 'Why did crystal not object? Why didn't she spit foul words at Bedouin? She was sure that she would, perhaps crystal knew something that she did not?'
miel watched with curious interest, wondering idly if perhaps there was enjoyment to be had in being tormented 'Surely, not?' she quizzed herself. With reluctance, she admitted to herself that the ice was causing pleasant sensations, so much so that she almost wished that Bedouin would come and fill her again. miel cursed herself for such a wicked thought and tried her best to ignore it.
crystal pressed against the crop, trying to feel the hard leather on her clitoris. She hoped that Bedouin would push it into her sex, force her to ride it.
Bedouin continued to torment his subject, he parted crystal's labia with the whip, stroking along their length. He could see the pleasure she derived from this attention, saw that her eyes were closing as he caressed her lips. It amused him to see how easily aroused she became, he inched the whip towards her entrance and left it holding her open but unentered
'No doubt, you would like my whip inside you crystal?' he asked her slyly.
'Oh, yes please, Sir!' she replied, not opening her eyes.
Bedouin smiled and 'tutted' loudly. 'But that is not the purpose of this lesson...'
crystal let out a short groan of disappointment, still pressing against the crop. Just as she thought she could push so that the whip entered her, Bedouin would relax the pressure, denying her.
He removed his whip, let it fall to the floor and came closer to her. 'No, my dear, your sex must be disciplined.. perhaps then you will become more..... grateful.'
Bedouin reached to take a hold of crystal's labia, he pinched them firmly between his fingers.
crystal let out a gasp as she felt him hold her flesh.
Bedouin could feel her heat and moisture, his fingers were already finding it difficult to maintain a firm hold on her lips. He twisted her labia suddenly.
crystal tensed immediately and wobbled unsteadily on the stools, a cry of surprise and pain rang through the chamber.
'Ah, its good to hear you scream again, dear...' he said, with a hard voice. He squeezed her labia harder and twisted again, more firmly.
crystal's cries were louder this time, still not words merely cries of pain.
Bedouin laughed gently, he tugged at crystal's sex, stretching her labia outwards before wrenching them between his fingers once more.
crystal almost fell from the stool, her knees shook as harsh pain registered in her brain.
'No, Sir... please!' she managed to gasp
'No?.... come, come dear.. we are barely started' Bedouin twisted her sex again, viciously, squeezing her folds together in his grip.
'Ahhhhhhhh.....' crystal screamed at the top of her voice.
'No, Sir, please stop! It hurts..!'
miel shouted out...
'Stop, stop it!'
Bedouin turned to her and said, with a cruel smile
'Be silent you. Or I shall do this to you also'
miel remained silent, the echoes of crystal's screams still in her ears.
crystal had begun to sob, the Bedouin still held her labia tightly, and she was frightened that he would twist her again.
'Sir, ' she sobbed 'I am sorry.. I didn't mean to be ungrateful. Please don't hurt me anymore..'
Bedouin grasped her swollen lips in his fist, tugging at her to make her cry, he saw tears well in her eyes. He flicked a thumb over her clitoris to startle her.
Holding her firmly with one hand, he reached into his robes and drew out two silver ornaments.
Carefully, he attached the clamps to her labia, the sharp teeth digging into crystal's sore and swollen flesh. Thin chains dangled from the clamps and Bedouin reached into his robe again.
Still holding her tightly, he fastened the heavy steel weights to each chain.
crystal was trying to block out the pain, she was scared that she might lose her balance soon, her senses were leaving her rapidly.
Bedouin released his grip on crystal and let the weights fall, they dropped with force, causing her to cry out again.
He stepped back to look at how the clamps stretched her, the weights distended her labia pulling them towards the ground, ''How attractive, she looks' he thought, satisfied with his work.
crystal was glad that Bedouin had stopped twisting her, the weights were tugging at her, were painful but it was easier to bear than his personal touch.
miel had continued to watch in awed silence, she had never witnessed cruelty in this manner. Poor crystal, her sex so stretched, and the damned Bedouin had hurt her so badly, had continued to hurt her, even when she begged him to stop. 'Damn,' she thought ' My nipples are hardening'
Bedouin took up his crop and stood directly in front of crystal, inspecting her sex. He brushed the weights with his whip to make them swing, setting them in a lazy motion. crystal whimpered softly.
He saw that where he had lashed her earlier, the flesh had raised in angry lines, he ran a finger over the swollen areas, pressing quite cruelly.
'Not too long now, dear...' he cooed softly to crystal.
Taking up his position, Bedouin raised his camel whip.
Aiming carefully he slashed his crop down across her buttocks, she cried out loudly, wobbling on the stool. Bedouin struck her again, just below the curve of her bottom.
crystal began to dance on the stools, her knees had turned to jelly with the force of the strokes.
'Keep still, crystal... be careful that you do not fall'
Bedouin quickly lashed her again on the buttocks, the weights jangling as crystal jerked. Loud moans filled the chamber.
Taking a step, Bedouin moved to crystal's front.
Pausing for her to regain her breath, he watched the weights settle. He considered adding more.
Deciding against it, he suddenly hit crystal again. The blow coming just below her breasts, harsh and stinging. crystal let out a loud moan, lifting one foot from a stool almost toppling over.
'Now, now dear... Keep your balance, ' with that, Bedouin whipped crystal's breasts smartly above her nipples.
The unfair stroke forced crystal to teeter in her position, her body was aglow with pain, her senses had disappeared completely, she began to weep.
Bedouin saw her tears and her precarious stance.
'crystal, if you fall from the stool, I will have you taken down and sodomized by the guards, do you understand?'
crystal could not speak, merely sobbed and nodded her head.
'You are fortunate, your lesson is almost over... just 3 strokes to take.'
Bedouin, ignoring crystal's tears, lay the crop underneath her nipples, readying for another blow.
'Are you ready, dear?' he asked patiently
crystal nodded, and closed her eyes, tears rolling down her cheeks uncontrollably
Bedouin drew back the crop and let it fall keenly at the spot he had marked. crystal screamed and more tears fell, she thought she might faint.
'2 more' remarked Bedouin, deaf to her cries. He toyed with the weights as crystal regained her breath.
'No, please Sir... I don't think I can take them...' she wailed pitifully.
'Nonsense, dear...' he replied and whipped her again, cutting across her stomach... 'See..'
crystal's sobbing had formed into a deep wailing, her breath coming in large gulps, her face wet with her tears.
'Last one, my sweet crystal...' he said, almost kindly ' Bear up!'
crystal tried to stand straight, but found it difficult. Bedouin prodded her with the crop, trying to encourage her.
'There ... you are nice and straight, just this last stroke.. now, where to place it? Bedouin seemed deep in thought, drawing out the wait.
'Of course, ....your nipples...' he said with satisfaction 'But.. it will have to be a hard one, to reinforce the lesson'
crystal moaned at his words.
'Remember this blow, the next time you consider abusing my hospitality'
Bringing his arm fully back, Bedouin brought the crop crashing down on crystal's breasts, it cut severely into her nipples, forcing them to explode in a mind jarring crash.
She lost her balance, slipping from the stool and steadying herself as she stood again on the soft rug, her mind could not deal with the pain that ran through her entire body, she reacted only instinctively, her brain blotting out all else.
miel winced at the final blow, had winced at every blow but was shocked by it's severity. She could see that crystal's flesh was striped with red flares of colour, 'She must be burning!' she thought. Her heart felt for crystal, though she had already decided that she could not be considered an ally in her plans, she did not deserve such cruel treatment.
crystal's screaming turned to soft moans as she realised that she had received her last blow, she had only to deal now with the fierce pain that stabbed at her flesh. Her tears slowed as she drew in air and tried to stand again.
'Well done, crystal.. you bore the strokes nicely' Bedouin smiled kindly at crystal, a proud and caring tone to his voice.
He bent and quickly removed the clamps from her labia, crystal's moans increasing as the teeth relinquished their bite.
'A shame though...' he began
crystal raised her head at his words '.. that you could not maintain your balance.'
Bedouin paused to let his words sink in, then clapped his hands sharply.
The two guards appeared quickly, Bedouin waved his hand at crystal.
'When I have gone, you may bugger this one...' he said casually.
'Take her down and let her rest when you are done with her..'
crystal moaned from deep within, her tears starting again.
Bedouin turned and made to leave the chamber, pausing in front of miel.
'Damn, you!' she hissed, looking directly into his eyes.
Bedouin smiled at her, 'Ah yes,.. miel'
Something in his voice sent a shiver running down her spine.
'I have learned something about you... of interest' he smiled at her, a cruel look forming.
'Something about...... bees?'
The word sent a bolt of panic through miel's mind, she clutched for reasoning.
'Of course, ' he said casually '.. out here in the desert, we do not have bees'
miel's breathing was still shallow
'However, we do have hornets.... Much larger than bees you know, and.. as I understand it, quite vicious'
Bedouin began to laugh as he saw the horrified look on miel's face.
'I will return when I have rested.... '
He quickly turned away, leaving the chamber, miel began to tremble as the horror hit her.
crystal sobbed quietly...
The leering guards, waited impatiently for Bedouin to leave, they began to unbuckle their belts.
The tent of the Bedouin
by Bedouin
Part 8
crystal blinked as she watched the guards, they were eager to have her, she knew that they would take her brutally, they were coarse men, unthinking, capable only of following simple instructions.
She bit her lip and tried to contend with the flaming heat that flared across her body, her buttocks burned terribly, as did her stomach, but her breasts! They were tingling, as if pricked by thousands of needles, crystal knew that she would try to remember this feeling later.
She threw a glance over to miel, worried for her, crystal was used to this kind of treatment, yearned for it, sought the Bedouin's approval constantly, misbehaved deliberately in some subtle fashion when stirred enough to provoke him, but miel was not. crystal saw the terrified look of horror on miel's face and hoped that one day miel might understand.
The guards disrobed completely, hastily throwing off their garments and tugging off their boots. The larger of the guards was already naked, his penis roused by the sight of the quietly, waiting girl. He clutched his phallus and stroked it with his hand, leering at her.
His companion finally pulled his boot from his foot and hurled it on top of his clothing, only half erect he quickly moved behind crystal, intent on his prize.
miel stared in disbelief, 'Surely this is a dream? They won't really touch her, the Bedouin wouldn't really let them? It must be a game....' She tried to convince herself that what she was witnessing was not happening.
crystal thought that they might untie her, so that she could stretch her aching arms, but the smaller guard, she knew, was already preparing to enter her. She felt his fingers part her buttocks, she flinched at the contact with her burning flesh and let out the tiniest of sobs. The clumsy guard was trying to penetrate her, but wickedly, crystal had squeezed her muscles to make it more difficult for him, her slight rebellion she thought with an inner smile.
The guard almost howled with frustration, his penis throbbed terribly with anticipation, he wanted to take the girl so badly. He could see the red stripes across her buttocks and a red weal across the top of her legs, they spurred him on, and he had parted her quickly, seen her tight entrance and moved his burning rod to pierce her. But, try as he might he could not push into her, her orifice refused him, he pressed harder but his penis merely slipped to the side or awkwardly into the cleft of her buttocks. Beads of frustrated perspiration broke out on his temple as he jabbed at her anus...
crystal almost laughed aloud as she continued to thwart the guard's efforts, 'Not until I want to!' she thought maliciously. Through hooded eyes she watched the larger guard, he was standing directly before her, masturbating wildly with impatience. 'Fool' she thought 'It will be over for you before you get near me' She almost sighed at his ignorance, and realised that it was likely she would have to make the most of the idiot lunging at her rear. It suddenly occurred to her that Bedouin might be watching through some hidden screen, checking whether his instructions were being carried out, she hoped it was so.
Resigned to the crudity of her assailant and wanting to display herself for the observer, if he was watching, she relaxed her muscle and waited patiently for the guard to find his target.
Bedouin was not watching, he had lain on his most comfortable divan and closed his eyes, contemplating his next lesson idly, the quiet lulled him quickly and he slipped easily into a half-sleep.
The smaller guard, thinking himself successful by using an especially hard lunge, gave out a whoop of triumph as his penis entered crystal's tight anus. He barely heard her slight groan, or noticed how she had shifted her feet slightly to accommodate him. Blissfully unaware that she used him as she saw fit, he began to pump his thighs against her.
Seeing the guard's crude rutting, miel shouted out with anger.
'Leave her! Leave her you damned pig!'
She twisted at her bonds, pulling with all her strength at the sturdy tent poles, they barely moved, securely anchored and kept her in relentless bondage.
Water dripped from miel's sex wildly as she flailed around, she was shouting loudly, feeling for crystal's predicament.
'Bastard!' she screamed at the small guard 'Stop it, stooop it!'
crystal had nothing but contempt for the fool who rammed into her without finesse, but she did enjoy the deep, tight feeling that was building inside her. 'No doubt, the damned monkey will spurt all too soon' she thought, she would have to enjoy it whilst it lasted.
She heard miel's cries, and was pleased by them, she seemed such a sweet girl and obviously unaware that crystal would not tolerate this if she did not want to. Still, it was nice to know that miel cared, she thought idly that it would be nice to sit and gossip or chat with her soon, she would be able to offer her advice.
Her thoughts were broken as she felt a trickle of moisture run from her sex, she pressed back to meet the urgent thrusts, again she hoped that Bedouin was watching, she knew that he would find the scene amusing.
As the grey of half-sleep clouded Bedouin's mind he fancied he could hear screams, distant echoes. They seemed so far away and so very pleasant, he smiled in his sleep.
The larger guard grew impatient, watching his companion pound into the girl was increasing his desire. The damned girl behind him was screeching, irritating him.
He considered approaching his friend and tossing him aside, he knew he had the strength, she would be left nicely opened for him, take his aching member easily, though not too easily he thought with a leer.
'That damned screecher!' he thought as he heard miel begin a fresh barrage of insults.
miel had indeed not given up her verbal assault, she had called them every kind of animal that she could think of, but the insults seemed to have no effect. Even so, she thought, she would not stand idly by, even if she was bound, and let crystal be abused without protest!
As always, a nagging doubt began,,,
It almost looked as if crystal might be enjoying the guard's evil lunges, miel looked at crystal's face carefully, at times it seemed resigned but, at other moment's miel could swear that she saw a fleeting glance of lust in crystal's eyes.
As a matter of fact, crystal began to close her eyes, concentrating on the sensations that were sweeping through her, the monkey's thrusts were now as deep as they could go, he had grasped her hips, using them to pull himself in and out of her anus. She could feel her own breath becoming shorter and hoped that the damned guard could keep up his ardour at least until she had climaxed.
'Damned screecher!' thought the larger guard angrily and wheeled on miel, who fell silent at the sudden movement. She held her breath as the guard sneered at her.
miel saw him approach, stopping inches from her vulnerable body, with a growl the guard bent and scooped a handful of ice from the dish.
He savagely pulled the clip from her sex, a gush of water and tiny ice cubes falling from her gaping slit, he thrust his hand towards it cramming fresh ice into her. miel tried to scream but was too dumbstruck to do so, she watched, stupefied as one of his cruel hands held the ice inside her as the other reached to scoop for more.
She twisted savagely trying to escape from the guard's touch, he clutched her labia harder, squeezing them coarsely between his fingers, keeping her sealed and restricting her movement.
Ice slipped from his hand onto the rug as he moved to fill her again...
crystal thought she was going to come, a soft moaning was escaping from her, and the sensations were about to overwhelm her. In her mind, it was not the guard who was sodomising her but Bedouin, taking her hard, striking her buttocks with his crop! The thought obsessed her and tipped her into a spasm. Her legs began to tremble, her breasts flared as the orgasm swept over her in a juddering wave, her sex leaked, her mind elsewhere, thinking nothing, feeling everything.
The guard was filling miel, the second handful of the balls were proving difficult to force inside her, her sex seemed to spit them out as fast as the guard could press them in.
'Nnnnnnnnn....' miel tried to form her protest but the words would not come.
Angry and even more frustrated the guard gave up, he pinched miel's lips sharply and clamped them together with the clip. 'I'll teach her!' He thought savagely, and moved behind her, holding his phallus.
crystal let the delicious waves of the orgasm ripple over her, she was not aware of the guard who still rutted frantically, she was enjoying her own selfish pleasure and satisfaction. Her eyes were closed and a smile, as if dreaming of something beautiful, lit up her face. She barely noticed the guard when his seed spilled into her, was ignorant of his climax, the river of semen in her anus, his gasping, too wrapped up in the soporific afterglow of her orgasm.
'He is going to rape me!' thought miel with dread as guard moved behind her. Her mind scrambled, losing control. 'Oh no, noooooo.....'
The large guard wrenched miel's buttocks apart, he had waited too long, would take his own pleasure, teach this screaming girl a lesson.
He grasped her buttocks brutally, pausing for a brief moment to savour the appealing tightness of her anus, saw it tightly closed. He would split her, he would make her scream louder than ever!
With blind panic, miel tried to escape from the guard's clutches, but she had nowhere to go, he had grasped both of her buttocks, was squeezing the flesh viciously to keep her still, she could feel him manoeuvring his penis to enter her. She almost fainted, he could take her, and she could do nothing to stop him! Her mind screamed at the thought, finally, with a desperate howl she cried out.....
The loud and wanton plea startled crystal into opening her eyes. She could not believe what she saw, the pig of a guard was going to rape miel! He was not allowed to do THAT!
Quickly pulling in the scene she hissed loudly at the guard
'Leave her!...' 'You know it is not permitted'
The guard looked at her with a scowl, ignoring her as he pressed his penis at miel's entrance.
'The Bedouin will kill you!' she threatened with a growl. 'Leave her be, .... Now!'
The guard hesitated, his lust aching fiercely, he had to satisfy himself, teach this girl how it was to defy him, he squeezed her buttocks harder and cursed the Bedouin under his breath.
He would take her as he saw fit, and damn anyone who tried to stop him!
crystal snapped her head around to the smaller guard.
'He will kill you too, if you don't stop him!' she snapped angrily. Her mind was thinking quickly, trying desperately to find a solution.
The smaller guard, though dark skinned, seemed to pale, he gathered himself and ran over to his colleague, babbling urgently in a language that crystal did not understand.
The rapist heard the smaller man's pleas, and, when he was sufficiently close, lashed out with his fist, striking him on the side of his head. The man reeled and recovered rapidly, begging him to stop. But he was close now, the purple head of his penis was stretching the girl's anal muscle, though he knew she was fighting him. Once he pierced the rim of her orifice he would charge into her, like a fine Arabian stallion.
crystal realised that orders and begging were not working, the smaller guard had begun to weep, desolate as he realised the fate that might await him. She had no choice.... At the top of her lungs she screamed...
His eyes blinked open, what had he heard?
He had been in a deep and comforting sleep, pleasant dreams had billowed through his mind. What was this rude awakening?
He sat up quickly. crystal's voice ringing in his ears, he calculated rapidly....
'Damn those guards, they will pay for this!' he cursed angrily under his breath as he rose. Snatching up his whip, Bedouin moved hastily towards the cry.
miel's mind reeled crazily, she squeezed with all of her might to deny the guard's hammering at her anus but his cruel grip held her firm and she knew it was only a matter of time before he filled her. She realised she was about to cry, the hopelessness she felt surging into a well of tears, she tried to hold them back, usually proud, reluctant to show her emotions, but she simply could not control them, they spilled down her cheek, tumbling in a lengthening rivulet of clear despair.
The curtain flew open.
Bedouin surveyed the scene, assessing quickly the evil scenario he beheld. He stepped forward and slashed his whip viciously across the larger guard's face. The guard immediately fell away, releasing miel, suddenly cowed by the Bedouin's ire.
Bedouin kicked the smaller guard aside, whipping him harshly as he scrambled away. He focused his anger on the large one, the one who had obviously disobeyed him... nothing made him more angry than someone abusing his tent.
He grabbed the guard's hair and whipped at his naked body with savage strokes, lifting his arm high to crash down on him, stroke after stroke.
'KALB!' he spat at him... 'KALB! KALB!'
Bedouin beat him with every word, repeating it with harsh tenure. The guard was wailing uncontrollably, unable to escape the Bedouin's blows, he raised his hands to shield himself but the whip would hit his flesh elsewhere, every time he anticipated the blow it changed, cutting him where he did not expect.
crystal breathed a sigh of genuine relief when Bedouin appeared. She watched in awe as he beat the guard, seething with anger, cursing, she did not know the word but had heard him use it before, when very angry at his servants, they always cringed.
crystal looked sympathetically at miel, the poor girl! She had almost been brutalised by that pig of a guard, she saw the guard now, moaning as Bedouin stopped beating him, his body bloodied by the merciless blows.
'He deserves it' she thought with ire 'And he will pay with more than just a beating'
She comforted herself with the idea, she knew that Bedouin was cruel, could be sadistic, but, if you knew his rules, were always treated with respect and fairly.
miel watched with fear as Bedouin beat the man, her sense of relief only just coming to her. Oh, how she hated that guard! She felt no pity for him as he pleaded with Bedouin to stop, would have beat him herself if she could! Her tears had stopped, she too was now angry, vengeful even.
She was not sure whether to be angry with Bedouin for putting her in the predicament or be grateful for saving her, her mind could not concentrate, too much was happening, she would have to wait, decide later.
Satisfied that the offender was beaten sufficiently to deter escaping, Bedouin turned to the smaller guard...
'YOU!' Bedouin raised his camel whip
The guard fell to his knees, trying to grab the hem of the Bedouin's robe, weeping with fear.
'Sir!' piped up crystal, 'He tried to stop it, tried to help, Sir!'
Bedouin paused, his hand still in the air.
He brought it crashing down on the guard's back and barked out his order.
'Bring the Mulaazim Awil!'
The guard howled at the stroke, but scurried quickly to do the Bedouin's bidding, eager to extricate himself from further punishment.
Bedouin paused to inspect miel, wondered if she had been entered, if she had, he would have the guard killed, but not before he had suffered.
He moved to face her.
'miel, tell me, did he harm you, in any way?' He asked her softly
miel, struggling to hold back further tears, shook her head.
'Hmmmm....' He mused, glancing at her sex and the puddle of water and ice at her feet.
'But he filled you? With more of this ice?'
miel nodded, closing her eyes to squeeze away the tears and the memory.
'He should not have done that...........' Bedouin said to himself and stepped towards crystal.
crystal's heart leapt as he neared, it was never possible to predict Bedouin, she decided to tread carefully.
She stood quietly, obediently, as he walked around her, inspecting her. She remained motionless as he parted her buttocks with his whip, and, she knew, saw the semen leaking from her bottom.
'Hmmmm...' he murmured to himself and caught a large gobbet of the guard's semen on the end of his crop.
He brought it close to her face, 'I see that at least one of them did as he was told?' he asked her, peering into her eyes.
'Yes.... Sir' crystal gulped, her throat becoming thick.
Bedouin sighed, smearing the cooling semen on her cheek. 'You were correct to call me, you have done well'
crystal immediately began to blurt out a thank you but Bedouin stopped her, touching her mouth with the now damp whip.
'No, no... by doing so, you not only saved miel here, from a wicked fate, which I reserve for myself, but also the lives of those two snivelling guards'
crystal relaxed slightly at hearing his words, knew she might not be punished now.
Bedouin reached to his belt and drew a curved dagger from its sheath, he steadily cut at the knots that bound her, her wrists first, her ankles following shortly after.
crystal gratefully but briefly stretched her limbs, not realising how stiff they had been, she stood quietly, arms at her side before Bedouin.
The call came as the curtain opened and a large turbaned Moor entered the chamber.
Behind him, trying to hide in the Moor's flowing robes, the smaller guard cringed.
'Ah, Mulaazim Awl' greeted Bedouin, turning to smile at his friend.
'I have need of your services'
'Certainly, Habibi, how may I help?' The Moor approached Bedouin, clasping his arm with a reassuring touch.
'A sorry scene has taken place... this... this... KALB..!' Bedouin gestured to the quivering guard '... has seen fit to abuse his station, and almost harmed one of my girls!'
The Mulaazim Awl cast a disparaging glance at the unfortunate guard and spat at him.
'Would you be so good, Sadiqi, as to deal with him...?'
The Moor smiled, 'It would be my absolute pleasure, Bedouin, as you know'
Bedouin laughed, and gave the Mulaazim a friendly pat on his shoulder.
'I protect my girls at all costs of course, ....' Bedouin began 'no-one touches them without my permission'
The Moor nodded wisely, looking first at crystal then turning to appraise the still bound miel.
'Ah, a new one?' he asked with interest
'Indeed..' replied Bedouin ' A stubborn one... '
Now it was the Moor's turn to laugh 'But that is just how you like them!' His laugh became a roar and Bedouin began to laugh with him, ignoring miel's discomfort. Even crystal managed a slight smile.
The Mulaazim stepped closer to look at miel, she blushed under his gaze but said nothing as his eyes flickered over her body and face.
'See, how she is nervous? So stubborn and proud, Habibi!' Bedouin pointed out with another laugh.
The two friends laughed together and miel squirmed, tempted to spit curses at them, but pulled back.
'Look at her squirming, ...' Bedouin said to the Moor, then to miel he said 'You have nothing to fear from my friend the Mulaazim, dear, his preferences lie....... elsewhere!'
More laughing ensued, and crystal felt bold enough to let out a giggle, miel could not see anything funny at all, in fact, her anger began to rise.
'And that!...' stressed Bedouin 'Is why I have called my old friend here, to deal with your assailant'
The Moor nodded and mumbled something about it being his pleasure again.
Bedouin led him to the still groaning man, 'This is him...'
Mulaazim Awl immediately kicked the guard sharply, bringing forth louder moans.
'Would you like me to do anything.... particular with him?' he asked, raising an eyebrow.
'Yes, I would... we shall let the punishment fit the crime...' mused Bedouin. 'First, of course, you may bugger him as often as you like, or give him to whoever or whatever you wish... but... when you have done with him, completed your amusement, ... have him castrated and sent back to me.'
miel gasped at Bedouin's cruelty
'Certainly, Bedouin, it will be my great honour to teach this Kalb a lesson' The Moor reached for the guard's hair and pulled him, staggering, to his feet.
'Thank you my friend, you are always welcome in my tent' Bedouin said, a signal dismissing the Mulaazim. The Moor gave a short bow, then, heaving the guard along by the hair, ignoring his howls, he left the chamber with no more ceremony.
Bedouin rubbed his hands together having accomplished a task.
'Now, we all need to rest...' he spoke to himself, miel and crystal.
'crystal, cut miel down, give her access to refreshment and her toilet, see if you can dry some of those tear of hers!'
'Yes, Sir!' skipped happily towards miel, anxious to please Bedouin and looking forward to a talk with miel.
'Later, you and I shall play some dice or cards, miel can......... watch' he said with humour in his words.
crystal almost blushed and a wide grin broke 'Oh yes! Oh, good, Sir!' She worked busily at miel's knots, rubbing miel's limbs as she managed to free them.
'Excellent! I shall return later, you interrupted my rest, ....'
With that, Bedouin walked from the chamber, back to his most comfortable divan.
'Thhhhank you' miel managed to utter as crystal unfastened her arms. She suddenly felt tired, as if she could sleep for a week.
'Excuse me....' Said crystal apologetically 'But....'
She reached for the clip that held the ice inside miel, she pressed to open it and the mostly melted balls, together with a torrent of water gushed onto the carpet.
miel moaned at her indignity but was glad to be free of the clamp, she seemed to ache everywhere.
crystal worked on the last of the knots and gently massaged miel's thighs, knowing how sore she must be, she had experienced it many times.
Finally free, crystal led miel carefully to a pile of cushions
miel flopped gratefully onto the soft satin, grateful for the comfort.
'Oh, crystal.... I must escape... I have to get out of here'
'Hush now, miel, you will be alright... I will take care of you, you can't escape, Bedouin has too many guards...... and, besides, you might grow to like it here?'
crystal gazed hopefully at miel and stroked her hair gently.
miel shook her head 'No... no.....'
crystal's lip quivered 'Oh, I.. I hoped we would become friends?'
miel's eyes closed, sleep drawing her. 'Yesss... friends...' she managed to mumble as her tiredness overcame her.
miel fell into sleep, she would escape she thought, she would! But first, first she needed to rest.
crystal held miel's head as she drifted away, she looked with interest at miel's face, it seemed both troubled and peaceful at the same time. 'Poor girl, such a mixture of emotions!' she thought..
crystal began to very softly sing a song she remembered from her childhood, a lullaby... it had given her peace.
The tent of the Bedouin
by Bedouin
Part 9
The sleep that had overcome miel pulled her downwards. She had felt as if she had been drawn into water, sinking quickly and peacefully to a darker and quieter place. Her body relaxed immediately, the weariness washing away as the soft current of her breathing flowed.
It was many hours before miel began to surface, the ocean of sleep keeping her in its depths, occasionally, she would near awakening but the comfort of her rest drew her back.
She eventually began to stretch her limbs with reluctance, still tempted to rest a little longer, she would have too, if her mind had not woken and begun its busy interruption.
miel blinked her eyes open and tried to remember where she was. The memory came quickly and she opened her eyes wide. Without rising she looked around the chamber, it was dimly lit with nothing but scattered pillows, rugs and wall hangings to be seen. She noticed that the room was completely silent and strained to hear, the only sound to meet her ears was that of her own soft breathing.
Aware that she was alone, miel began to review her situation, taking advantage of her peace.
She quickly began to think of escape and, just as quickly, cast out the idea. crystal had told her of the numerous guards, miel had seen the savage beating and punishment that had been meted out to the disobedient guard. Her ordered mind rapidly assessed that she would achieve nothing by fleeing, it would take subtler means if she were ever to leave this accursed tent.
So, lying quietly on her soft pillows, miel thought of what had occurred recently and how she might use any clue to assist her in her plan.
She let the memories tumble into her mind, how she had been fixed onto the two phalluses on the chair, left there as the intruders had trembled inside her, how she had shocked herself by orgasming strongly. miel bit her lip with shame as she recalled how the Bedouin had been watching her, how he had lashed at her with his whip....
Unconsciously, miel touched where the crop had landed, tracing the slightly tender flesh with her finger as her thoughts continued to race.
She recalled crystal's treatment, her punishment for masturbating, those terrible weights, the harsh twisting of her flesh and how the Bedouin had filled her sex and anus with those burning balls of ice!
miel began to flush as she remembered with guilt how she had almost enjoyed the sensations of the freezing water melting inside her.
It was at this time that miel erred, her normally disciplined mind wandered, too curious to concentrate. One of her hands snaked down between her thighs, she thought she should touch herself, there, on her sex, to feel, she told herself, whether she was swollen or damaged. There was only a vague throbbing but she would need to check.
She found it strange to feel her sex smooth, shorn of her normal soft thatch of hair, she paused and explored the soft mound of flesh. As her fingers neared her lips she felt the soreness increase and she probed softly, with only a little horror did she realise that her clitoris was swollen, increased in size, she even gasped when she found that it was beginning to peep out from beneath its hood.
She brushed it very softly and found that it responded by tingling madly, it was like touching one of those exotic flowers, miel thought, the type that shrink and grow when caressed. She knew that she should continue her inspection but the sensations were nagging at her curiosity.
miel began to circle her clitoris with her finger, adjusting pressure to gain pleasurable sensations. '' I must stop! I have to think of a way out of here!' she told herself. Another, calming voice told her 'Yes, in just a moment... I know I should but...'
miel parted her thighs more to allow her hand to move in long, languorous strokes. Her fingers wandered to her labia, they were puffed and swollen, she brushed them gently with her fingers to comfort them. 'That damned Bedouin!' she thought, as she tugged at them 'His damned ice, and that tight clamp!'
Vivid images flashed through her mind, miel stroked a little harder at her lips and moved her thumb to maintain pressure on her clitoris.
Blood filled miel's labia, making them ache, she had opened her knees wide as if displaying her sex, wanting it to be accessible. As her knees had parted, so the lips of her vagina had opened, her entrance glistened with moisture, miel, with a gasp of anticipation, slid one long finger inside herself.
Her eyes were closing, half-lidded with desire, she knew that she was beginning to move her hips slightly to meet her own thrusts.
The voice began to rage.
'Stop, stop now!' it screamed at her 'You don't do this, you never do this!'
miel tried to ignore it, her breaths increasing in pace.
Guilt nagged her again, ' You are a quiet, gentle girl, you don't belong here' the voice reasoned 'You must think of escape!'
miel nodded, and increased the pressure on her clitoris.
'In a moment' she whispered
'He beat you, he is a monster miel! He has you naked, his prisoner! Remember how he hurt you with his whip!'
miel let out a sob as the image came to her, a fountain of her liquid gushed onto her busy hand, she quickly rubbed it over her smooth sex, using it to aid her masturbation.
'Please miel, please stop, try to see sense' the voice pleaded.
But miel was lost, her selfish desire overcoming any reason. The voice seemed only to increase her need, guilt urging her on to explore where her mind had not let her go before.
She tried to control her breath, knowing how quiet it was in the tent, she kept her sobs low but feared that she would lose control and bring attention to herself.
The voice tried again.
'If you don't stop, miel... you are doomed! You are playing his game, he is probably watching you right now!'
The thought made miel open her eyes and gaze around the room rapidly, she saw nothing and her hand did not even pause between her legs.
'Let him see...' she laughed to herself, increasing her strokes 'I am no weak woman that he can just take as he wishes!' The empowering thought delighted and emboldened her, miel's hand became a blur.
'He will damn you miel... ' the voice began
miel interrupted herself 'No, no.... He saved me.....'
She erupted, her juices cascading over her hand. Guilt disappeared, unable to contend with the stronger emotions coursing through miel. As the ripples of her orgasm shuddered through her, miel stroked herself gently, knowing how to elicit every delicious shiver. She gathered her moisture and massaged it back into her flesh as if it were a soothing unguent. Her sex had never felt so alive, the fierce heat glowing like a burning coal between her legs.
crystal lay with her head on Bedouin's lap, he was stroking her hair gently. Together they watched through the narrow portal as miel brought herself to her climax.
As miel had begun to shudder during her final throes, Bedouin remarked softly to crystal
'You have lost your wager, dear'
crystal smiled, 'Yes Sir, I have...' she sighed a little, pretending disappointment.
They watched for a few more moments as miel began to calm.
But, miel was not calm. The waves of pleasure had subsided even though she had been reluctant to let them go. Real guilt was setting in and there was no desire remaining to combat it, she had wasted precious time with her selfishness.
She was confused, she would never usually dream of masturbating so lewdly, she simply did not do it, and.... And she had found her terrible predicament stimulating, had used it to bring herself to a crashing orgasm! This she didn't understand at all, she had been so intent on escape but had let herself give in all too easily to lust. She frowned, and began to form a plan.
The Bedouin would have to be duped, 'I shall lull him into a false sense of security, make him think that I am submitting to his will, and use every opportunity to find a means of escape'
She argued with herself, rational again....
'Ah, but he might suspect'
'Then, I shall have to be subtle, seem reluctant but willing at the same time'
'But, you will have to undergo dreadful torment, he is so cruel!'
'Yes, and it frightens me, but... I am strong, will have to be'
'Can you withstand such pain?'
'I shall make myself withstand it, and........'
A delicious idea formed in miel's mind.
'Of course!' miel almost laughed aloud 'I shall pretend that I find pain appealing, just a little at first, then, then....' miel squirmed with exhilaration '... I shall ask the Bedouin, oh so innocently, if he will hurt me more, tell him that he has taught me to desire such treatment!'
Her mind raced, developing her plan, she would play him at his own game! Strength grew inside her, a grim determination to succeed, she would use this strength to outwit Bedouin and to withstand the cruelties that he would impose on her!
She noticed that her sex had begun to throb again, her excitement transferring itself to her flesh. miel almost gave in to the temptation to bring herself to climax once more, to celebrate her new determination but this time her mind controlled her actions, she found that the fact that she could resist only added to her new determination.
crystal drew back the curtain and entered miel's chamber, smiling broadly.
'Hello miel, did you sleep well?'
miel snapped out of her reverie and turned to crystal.
'Oh, yes thank you... I was so tired'
miel gave a theatrical yawn, as if to prove her point
'Good, I'm pleased to hear you are rested...' crystal said pleasantly 'I imagine you must be starving and... would you like to bathe?'
miel thought before answering 'Oh yes, that would be lovely crystal, thank you'
miel's tummy gave a small rumble as the thought of food arose.
crystal smiled again and offered her hand to miel to help her rise, 'Come then, we shall both bathe and then take some supper'
miel took the hand and came to her feet, slightly unsteady.
crystal led her through a maze of curtained rooms and miel gazed again in wonder at the sheer size of the tent. Pushing through a final curtain, crystal brought miel to a bathing chamber. Steam was rising from a large pool that had been dug into the ground, azure tiles surrounded it, they in turn, were edged by thick rugs, miel noticed that there were even steps leading down into the deep water.
'It looks welcoming, doesn't it?' crystal enquired
miel nodded, it did indeed
crystal undressed quickly, removing her blue pyjamas. miel noticed that the bells were still absent and that red marks striped her breasts and bottom, crystal seemed unconscious of them and took miel's hand again, moving towards the steps of the pool.
As soon as the beautifully warm water touched miel she found herself eager to enter the pool fully, she had not realised how deep the pool was and stepped down further until she stood on its bottom, the water covering her breasts.
crystal was watching her, smiling as she saw miel's look of pleasure, they began to giggle together with genuine delight.
'Oh, this is lovely!' miel said to crystal sincerely, she moved her arms to make wide, rippling circles in the pool, the luxurious warmth washing over her.
crystal took a cake of perfumed soap and handed it to miel.
'Here miel... unless you would like me to wash you?'
miel hesitated briefly before taking the proffered soap 'Err no, thank you crystal, I shall be able to manage myself'
The two women washed themselves diligently, hardly speaking, enjoying only the warm water and the peacefulness of the pool. miel allowed crystal to wash her back and even offered to return the favour, taking care to soap gently over crystal's stripes.
miel was at first alarmed when a pair of young boys, strikingly dressed in gold jackets and white jodhpurs entered the chamber bearing steaming urns on two large carts.
crystal giggled as miel ducked a little into the pool to hide her nakedness, miel watched open-mouthed as the boys lifted each urn to the side of the pool and twisted a tap open on the urn's front.
Steaming, fresh hot water began to pour into the pool, currents of warmer water flowing over the bathers. As soon as the urns were set in motion the boys left, not having given so much as a glance at the pool's occupants.
They washed each other's hair, dipping their heads to wash away the soap, 'Mmmmm...' thought miel, contentedly '...I could get used to this!' She immediately chided herself for her wicked notion.
After some further idle luxuriating in the water, crystal climbed the pool's steps, took some towels from a nearby pile and began to dry herself.
'When you are ready miel..' she said, looking down at her in the water '..dry off, I will bring some food'
crystal, not bothering to dress, left the room, still towelling her hair.
miel suddenly felt hungry, but spent a few more minutes in the comforting waters. With a sigh, she climbed from the pool and began to dry herself. She looked around for some garments to wear as she rubbed at her long hair with the towel but could see nothing offered. She thought of wearing a towel but quickly found that they were not wide enough to wrap around her, there was nothing for it, she thought, she would have to remain naked.
miel sat on a divan, feeling refreshed from her dip, and continued to rub her hair with a fresh towel.
Presently, crystal returned, miel heard the faint rattle of dishes nearing and crystal pushed in a small trolley filled with intriguing plates of food.
crystal placed the trolley in front of the divan and sat next to miel to share the food with her.
'Lots of treats..' crystal teased and lifted the lids from dishes.
miel gazed on the selection, mostly pastries, but also, she saw, sherbets and ices and even some very appealing chocolates.
'Help yourself miel, please..'
miel took no second bidding and popped a tiny pastry into her mouth, it melted with a wonderful savouriness on her tongue.
crystal laughed at miel's rapt expression. miel laughed too, trying not to spit out crumbs, the two picked at the delicacies and began to talk.
crystal began the conversation
'How do you feel now, miel, better?'
'Oh yes, much better, the pool, the food....' She waved a hand at them both
'And, you are not feeling any pain, do not hurt to much?'
miel thought she might be being tested or interviewed but answered honestly 'Well, a little tender in... places, but nothing unbearable'
The answer seemed to please crystal.
miel, glad to speak, said 'Why does he treat you so badly, crystal?'
crystal pulled a face 'Badly? I don't see it that way... in fact, he is very good to me'
'You can't be serious!' replied miel, almost dropping her pastry 'He beat you terribly, had you raped!'
crystal only smiled 'Ah yes, but that is because he knows me' crystal saw the puzzled look on miel's face and continued 'You see, he understands me... what I really like, knows me better than I know myself sometimes.'
'And..' said miel in disbelief 'You like to be beaten and tortured, abused this way?'
crystal tipped her head to one side in thought 'Yes, I suppose I do, but not by just anyone, I like to be in his control you see, I have tried to ignore it, to fight it, just as you are now.. but in the end I discovered, well, he showed me, what I had truly always wanted'
'But, but...' miel stammered 'You can't enjoy being whipped, surely?'
'Actually, I adore it, would like to be whipped more but Bedouin rations me, will not take me too far, .... Except for ... err.. special occasions'
miel could barely believe what she was hearing, this sweet girl surrendered herself to the Bedouin's mercy, she searched for a reason.
'And, you said that.... I am trying to fight this... but, I really don't want it, honestly' argued miel
crystal replied pleasantly 'Oh, but you do.. you just don't know it yet, Bedouin is rarely wrong..' she saw miel shake her head in protest and continued
'Tell me, miel, what were you thinking of when you were masturbating as you woke?'
The words hit miel like a blow, she gasped and reddened simultaneously.
'I.... I wasn't, didn't...' she blurted out
'We saw you, Bedouin and I' crystal's voice remained calm and even
'It looked to me as if it was indeed a powerful orgasm.... '
miel's redness deepened, she was speechless
'So, what were you thinking of?'
miel remembered what she was thinking of, of how powerfully she had spent her juices, the image of Bedouin in her mind, she felt ashamed and she knew it showed.
crystal waited, only half expecting a reply
'No need to be shy or guilty, miel' she said after awhile, 'As I say, he knows you'
'No he doesn't' she thought angrily 'I'll show him!'
'Try some sherbet, miel' offered crystal, deftly changing the subject 'The raspberry is particularly good'
Some moments passed in silence, when suddenly miel asked
'How long have you been here, crystal?'
She calculated ... 'Oh, it must be about 2 years now.... On and off'
'On and off?' asked miel, puzzled
'Yes, I am here most of the time, but I go home about 3 or 4 times a year'
miel's heart leapt... 'Home? You live nearby?'
'Nooooo...' explained crystal 'Home is not even in this country..'
miel's mind scrambled for clarity 'Does Bedouin accompany you then? Or do you escape?'
crystal began to laugh 'No, no.. In fact, Bedouin pays for my trips, I like to see my family from time to time'
The realisation dawned on miel 'So, you can leave here, at anytime?'
'Of course..' crystal said pleasantly 'He trusts me, I do not have to return, but I always do, it seems that this is my real need, right here, in this tent'
miel barely heard crystal, her mind tumbling with ideas, it was fitting in with her plan! She could gain his trust, he would allow her to go home! All she had to do was endure his infernal beatings and torments!
Her heart began to rejoice.
'Ahhhh....' Said miel, calculatedly 'I am beginning to understand'
They ate a little more, again in silence. miel had been thinking, she figured that this conversation would eventually find the Bedouin's ears, with this in mind, she took crystal's hand.
'crystal...' she began softly 'I am sorry for my earlier outburst, I did not mean to criticise you, I just find it difficult to comprehend'
'I know..' said crystal, comforting her friend 'it is hard at first'
miel smiled appreciatively 'You were right.... Earlier..'
crystal looked at miel with curiosity
'About me.... Touching myself.... I... I...' miel's words broke off
'What my dear? Don't be shy..' crystal cooed softly
'It's just that... I am usually such a private person, and... to be caught, you know, masturbating is so embarrassing..'
crystal laughed gently 'Oh, Bedouin is catching me all the time.... It's not something you should worry about'
miel, trying to look as sincere as possible said 'Thank you crystal, but it will take some getting used to......... and....' She paused, but crystal's look encouraged her '...I am ashamed to say that, when I, you know... climaxed...?'
crystal nodded patiently
'I was thinking of Bedouin! Oh, I don't know why but it just came to me, his strength... his power.. he is so cruel..'
miel began to moan, as if in despair..
crystal squeezed her hand and made soft noises
'He... he saved me from that guard..' miel sobbed, forcing a tear to her eye 'I shall not forget that... '
crystal placed an arm around miel's shoulder and comforted her, stroking her still damp hair.
miel sobbed a little more, for effect.
She eventually calmed and the two girls talked further, miel, now seemingly open, told crystal of her worries, how she could not understand why her orgasm had been so powerful when it was her captor who came into her mind. crystal was understanding, assuring miel it was all perfectly ordinary.....
miel slyly cultivated the conversation, twisting as she saw necessary to meet what she thought the Bedouin would like to hear.
crystal listened carefully, remembering miel's words, she offered every encouragement to miel, she was pleased that she was becoming miel's confidante, not just for Bedouin, but, she thought, it would be nice to share her experiences with a nice girl like her.
As the hour grew long, crystal remembered to check the time, glancing at a clock on the trolley she interrupted miel...
'Oh, I'm sorry miel..' she said urgently 'But we have to go to the gaming room..'
'The gaming room?' asked miel with real curiosity
'Yes, the Bedouin and the Mulaazim Awil are playing dice soon, and we are required'
Again miel's heart leapt, she controlled her fear, and nodded, as if in resigned submission.
'I shall follow you, crystal' she said with a trembling voice
crystal, seemingly reassured, nodded with approval 'Good girl, miel, it will not be so bad... now, let's hurry..'
Grabbing miel's hand, crystal pulled her from the divan and led her off once more into the maze of rooms
miel tried to stay her beating heart, it pounded in her chest, she was keenly aware of her nakedness, she feared both of the men she was about to be paraded before, these and a thousand other fears snapped at her.
But miel had her plan, she would be frightened but she would also be brave, and, she thought, she would bring a few surprises of her own!
The tent of the Bedouin
by Bedouin
Part 10
miel could barely believe her predicament, she tried to slow her breathing and allow her heart to cease its loud tattoo. She had been made vulnerable again and she wondered what now lay ahead, she battled with herself in her mind, fighting the nervous fear that rose inside her. miel knew that she would have to remain as calm as possible if her plan were to succeed.
She gazed around the chamber, it was typically opulent, much like the other chambers she had seen, thick carpets, varying sizes of pillows in dazzling materials and exquisitely patterned wall hangings. The setting had some formality in that a set of cushions had been arranged around a small, low table, also, two softly bubbling hookahs sat conveniently at the table's side.
'It would look quiet relaxing under different circumstances' thought miel, glad to divert her mind. But, miel was not relaxed, she had affected obedience, had followed crystal through the tent's passages, had tried not to look shocked when crystal explained that miel was 'required to assist' during a dice game. miel had only blinked to hide her worry and asked if she were needed to pour drinks or perform some other service. crystal had smiled, oh so sweetly, and told miel, in a low voice, that miel had only to be 'available'. Naturally, miel had been confused and had made to ask further questions but crystal had hushed her by taking her arm and moving her closer to the table.
With her usual apologetic smile, crystal had asked miel to open her legs, miel quelled her instinct to refuse and swallowed the large lump in her throat that was forming. She had complied, moving her ankles apart, but crystal had encouraged miel gently, whispering 'much wider'. To her own surprise, miel forced her feet wide apart from each other and watched as crystal fastened sturdy bands of leather around her ankles and affixed them to boltholes in the floor. 'I should have known' thought miel, though secretly she was pleased that at least the first part of her plan was about to be hatched.
crystal took miel's wrists gently and placed them in the crook of miel's back, working quickly and efficiently, she fastened similar bands to miel's wrists and tethered them together. crystal tested the restraint firmly with a tug and, satisfied, returned to face miel.
'There..' she said kindly '... you are all ready!'
miel felt suddenly uncomfortable as crystal looked over her body, she knew that her breasts hung heavily and her sex was cruelly exposed, the fear of what was about to transpire began to grow.
'I shall go and tell Bedouin you are prepared for the game, miel' crystal told her.
miel forced herself to nod and managed a small smile which seemed to please crystal immensely. miel guessed that crystal would report all that had been spoken of by the pool to the Bedouin and wanted to appear to him as if his will was beginning to be imposed.
crystal turned and stepped lightly from the room, leaving the captive to wait.
It seemed like an eternity to miel, she could grasp no sense of time in the warm tent, found it impossible to judge, it may have been only minutes that ticked by. She had enough slack in the bonds at her ankles to shift slightly to adjust her position when her limbs stiffened, she tried to imagine what might be about to happen to her but could not, 'perhaps crystal is right' she thought with a sigh 'it is impossible to predict'.
At least she had a certain sense of calm now, her breathing even and her pounding heart back to its normal steady beat, .......until she heard the approaching voices.
Bedouin and the Mulaazim Awil entered the room briskly, they were both in comfortable attire miel noticed, long damask jackets, embroidered robes and soft slippers. The Moor was wearing a striking orange turban wound about his head, the flowing robes not hiding his obvious strength.
miel felt uncomfortable with her nakedness but tried not to let it show, the men were not even looking at her, she realised, and an odd sense of disappointment came over her.
crystal followed the men into the room and waited as they set themselves opposite each other at the table, reclining languidly on the cushions. Dutifully, she moved the hookahs slightly towards each of them and turned to open a large chest to prepare the table.
Bedouin and the Moor took up the pipes and puffed contentedly as they talked in a guttural tone. It sounded like Arabic to miel, who could not believe that either of the two had not glanced once at the naked, tied girl who was less than half a metre away. Were they then, not interested in her? She realised, with mounting horror, that unless she was part of this game, she would not have any opportunity to impress Bedouin! Coolly, she pushed her sex towards Bedouin, just a few centimetres, to try to attract his attention, she could barely believe that she was being so lewd, but her determination was becoming strong.
Bedouin noticed the move from the corner of his eye and drew more smoke from the pipe.
crystal took a set of dice from the chest and laid them at the centre of the table, there were six of them and each of their sides were carved with Arabic numerals. crystal rose, carrying a smaller casket and moved to miel's side. She knelt and opened the box, taking from it a small dish, the dish had chains attached, resembling one that a gold assayer might use, with the chains coming together at the top, fastened to a small metal ring, crystal laid it, for the moment on the rug between miel's feet.
miel watched crystal closely, trying to calculate a response, the men were ignoring her and crystal, content to babble on in their strange tongue. She caught her breath just in time when crystal reached and pulled one of miel's labia, extending it fully. Her mind railed at the touch of another female and miel fought not to let it show, she bit her lip as crystal took a steel clamp and fastened it to the outstretched lip. miel's already tender labia felt the pain, a sharp biting, the muscles in miel's shoulders tensed.
crystal laboured diligently, not looking at miel, the clamp was fastened by a short chain to another clamp and she slipped it through the hoop holding the chains fastened to the small dish before carefully pulling out miel's opposite labia and fixing the sharp teeth to the swollen flesh.
Dread was dawning over miel as she realised the purpose of the dish, it hung between miel's outstretched legs, swaying slightly on its chains, cruelly fastened to her sex by the biting teeth of the clamps.
She watched crystal move, her task complete, to sit at the table opposite her.
'At least...' thought miel with relief '.... The dish is not heavy and, I can manage the pain of the clamps' She worked hard to quell her embarrassment at being displayed and used this way, she could not repress her flushing but she stood still, waiting with apparent obedience for the next move.
As Bedouin and the Moor conversed, crystal began counting coins, first taking them from the chest and arranging them in piles of 12, stacking them neatly on the table by Bedouin's side. When she had put 6 neat columns within easy reach crystal looked plaintively at the Mulaazim Awil, he noticed her look and drew a purse of coins from his robes and handed them to her with a benevolent smile.
'So well trained, Bedouin..' said Mulaazim Awil, breaking into English for crystal's benefit.
'Indeed..' replied Bedouin evenly 'unlike this one..!' he waved an airy hand at the naked miel without bothering to look at her.
crystal worked, stacking the Mulaazim Awil's coins at his side.
The Moor, however, did look at miel, his gaze slowly moving over her flesh, as if searching for some hidden reason for her evident stubbornness. If he thought the dish, dangling from her labia, amusing, he did not show it, merely raised an eyebrow of concern and looked back to the table.
'I am fortunate...' Bedouin continued ' to have one as good as crystal, Mulaazim. She is a source of great delight and pride to me.'
crystal beamed with happiness at the compliment and the Mulaazim nodded wisely in appreciation of the dutiful servant.
'I have promised the dear girl a reward.... For her continued good service...' Bedouin explained. The Moor looked with interested curiosity at his friend and raised an enquiring eyebrow.
'It is her wish to be pierced again... and... I have promised that I will allow her another hoop'
The Mulaazim smiled wolfishly and asked of crystal 'And where, my dear, will you take kind Bedouin's ring?'
crystal reddened and answered him ' In my hood, Sir... so that Sir Bedouin may toy with me further, as he wishes'
'A commendable notion, crystal... how thoughtful of you' said Mulaazim Awil in his deep voice.
miel followed the conversation with mounting fear, she was trying to stand still to stop the dish from swaying but found it necessary to move her feet every few minutes to stop her muscles aching.
Now, Mulaazim, old friend, are you prepared to lose heavily?' Bedouin challenged.
The Moor laughed and answered in harsh Arabic making Bedouin laugh with him.
With that, Bedouin took up all six of the dice in his hand and with his other took a pile of the heavy coins. Without a glance he dropped the coins with a loud clatter onto the small dish, he heard miel's sudden grunt of surprise and hid his smile. The Moor took up the same number of coins and let them fall alongside Bedouin's.
'Oh! Oh!' miel thought wildly. The coins were indeed heavy and tugged at her labia, stretching them downward towards the floor. She battled strongly to control herself, fighting the pain, wanting to appear obedient. miel had not been able to avoid her first gasp of surprise but was damned if she would show any other emotion!
The men threw dice furiously, seeming to curse in their foreign tongue when they fell badly and shouting with joy as fortune smiled on them. As the game continued coins would be added and subtracted from miel's dish, it seemed to her, that more were added than taken away and even a single extra coin made the dish move and pull her sex terribly.
It was no better when a bet was won and coins removed, any movement at all caused her pain in some way. miel bit her lip and continued her inner fight.
crystal watched the game with obedient interest, refilling the hookahs when necessary and tidying coins as the gamers' enthusiasm to snatch the dice toppled the neat columns. Every few moments she glanced at miel, trying to catch her eye and give her a reassuring smile. 'Her lips are stretching so much!' thought crystal with concern 'I hope she can hold out'
The game continued and miel's flesh began to hurt, the pain was growing she knew, her sex protested at the harsh treatment and was letting her mind know it. At times, when the dish was particularly brimming with coins, or when one of the players dropped in a large amount, she would stifle a moan, keeping it in her throat and not letting it escape. She told herself over and over 'Endure it, it is your passage to freedom' The tactic was working, though her body ached with pain and she reviled the humiliation imposed on her, her mind remained steadfast, even so, she hoped that the game would not last all night.
crystal saw that the Bedouin's pile of coins was growing, the Mulaazim Awil was losing recklessly, taking chances with the dice. His stacks of coin were almost gone, though she knew he had plenty more in his purse, and hoped that he would soon lose them all, giving miel some respite.
Bedouin sensed that the game was almost over and lavished an extravagant bet, placing a large weight of gold on miel's tray. It pleased him that she did no more than twitch slightly at the extra burden, now the Mulaazim must equal the amount.
The Mulaazim saw through Bedouin's plan, he was testing his girl and forcing him to make a rash wager, he was a wily one. He stroked his chin, and took the necessary 36 coins, placing them alongside Bedouin's heavy stake. 'Ah well.... ' he sighed, offered up a short prayer and rolled the dice...
A loud moan of mock despair and a jubilant cry filled the chamber as the Mulaazim Awil lost his money, crystal clapped at Bedouin's good fortune as the Moor cursed good naturedly at his ill luck.
The two men laughed together and clasped hands in friendship, happy to win or lose.
miel began to simper, she knew the game was probably over, but 'Please... pleeeease.. take your winnings Bedouin!' she thought with despair as the weight began to become intolerable.
The two gamblers joked with each other for a few moments, Bedouin claiming it was just a 'fortunate moon' that had helped him win. Eventually, he reached for the dish and tipped the coins onto the floor, knowing that crystal would pick them up and that miel must be greatly relieved.
miel could not help but let out a great sigh of gladness when the dish was finally emptied, the bowl was now strangely light, almost as if it were floating between her legs, but the lips of her sex were throbbing and still stretched and angry with blood. Still, she had survived! She comforted herself with congratulations and even managed to sneer, in her mind, at the two men who had abused her so foully 'Is THAT all you have?' she thought, flushed with success, 'I handled it, I survived!'.
Oblivious to miel's opinion, the two men quieted and talked in a relaxed manner, exclaiming with pleasure as crystal poured two goblets of Arrak, passing them gracefully to the thirsty players. They both let out moans of appreciation as the fiery liquid burnt their throats and crystal quickly refilled the vessels.
She moved politely to the Bedouin's side and whispered in his ear, he listened intently and nodded, as if agreeing with whatever crystal was suggesting.
crystal moved to the chest and took out the small casket again, carried it over to where miel stood and knelt before her. Carefully, she unclipped miel's labia, releasing the clamps gently, knowing from experience that it usually hurt more when they were being removed than when being attached. miel looked down at crystal, grateful for her obvious intervention, she gave a nervous smile as crystal looked at her with concern. crystal, pleased with miel's performance, folded the chains around the dish and placed them back in the casket, then, she took from it a small vial and dipped two of her fingers inside it.
miel knew that she should be horrified by what was about to happen, indeed she reddened slightly as crystal smeared the ointment on her labia. But the ointment had such a soothing and immediate effect that miel could only feel gratitude. crystal worked efficiently, working the creamy lotion into miel's tender labia, she knew that Bedouin understood it was important to treat such inflammation quickly, if only to hurry the recovery for further 'attention'.
'Odd..' she thought 'miel is slightly moist' crystal could see the dew gathering at miel's entrance and resisted the temptation to dip in a finger, under the pretence of using the healing lotion, to see just how stimulated miel had become.
Finished with her duties and offering miel a final smile, crystal returned to her position at the table.
Bedouin had half-observed miel and crystal, 'Clever crystal' 'She knew that miel would be struggling and sought to help her' he mused 'I wonder if miel is really so subdued? She is a smart one..' he thought smiling inwardly 'I shall have to watch her like a hawk'.
'Bedouin..?' the Mulaazim started, breaking Bedouin's thoughts 'I have a gift for you'
'A gift, old friend? How gracious of you, is it for any particular reason?' Bedouin seemed genuinely flattered.
'Yes, it is... the guard you gave to me...' Bedouin nodded as he listened 'He has turned out to be most entertaining'
Bedouin gave a short laugh 'I am glad to hear it, Mulaazim'
'I have taught him something of how it feels to be raped, he is now extremely clear on the subject!' The Mulaazim Awil smiled broadly, showing his teeth, delighted with his jest.
He continued 'He will not be troubling anyone again..'
'Ah!' replied Bedouin knowingly 'Have you brought me his 'stones'?'
The Moor paused for a while, crafting his answer.
'No, Habibi, I have not... at least, not yet' The Mulaazim was suddenly serious and Bedouin, sensitive to his friend's mood, became serious too.
'What troubles you, Azizi... tell me..' Bedouin's voice offered encouragement
'The thing is, I have taken a shine to him, he is proving most obliging and deeply regrets his foolishness..' Mulaazim Awil spoke awkwardly, unwilling to show weakness.
Bedouin thought for a moment and let out his usual 'Hmmmmm'
'I have promised you that I will use him and send him back to you without his 'stones', we agreed upon it'
Bedouin spoke clearly to his friend 'I understand, Azizi, I understand...' The Mulaazim looked up hopefully 'You wish to keep him... and intact!' Bedouin let out a laugh, breaking the awkwardness of the room.
'Yes, that is it, that is it precisely' said the Moor eagerly, his spirit lifting.
Bedouin waved an indulgent hand 'Of course, dear friend, by all means keep him..' 'As long as you are not too lenient with him! After all, he dared to touch one of my girls..'
Glad for Bedouin's apparent generosity the Mulaazim Awil laughed with pleasure 'Of course, of course, I shall beat him every day! '
The two men thought this joke immensely amusing and laughed together uproariously.
'He is softening...' thought miel 'He is not as cruel as he likes people to think..' She stored away the notion, using it to feed her growing confidence.
'I was hoping that you would show your famous generosity, Habibi..' Mulaazim explained 'hence, the gift, I knew you would not accept any monies from me'
'True' acknowledged Bedouin.
'Then let me show you my gift, and I hope that you will be kind enough to accept it'
With that, the Mulaazim clapped his hands.
Bedouin half expected a girl to be led in, another for him to train or toy with and so was mildly surprised when one of the Moor's servant boys entered carrying an intriguing package.
The boy laid the parcel down at Mulaazim Awil's feet and quickly left.
Bedouin eyed it with real interest, always appreciative of generosity, though, in truth, he would have like the balls of the dog who had touched miel. But, he found that he could not disappoint his friend and now waited with interest to see his gift.
The package, almost one and a half metres in length and very slim, was wrapped in a heavy, golden cloth.
'A sword?' thought crystal, and quickly dismissed the idea, it looked too thin, she too was intrigued.
With some ceremony, Mulaazim Awil picked up the package reverently and offered it to Bedouin.
'Please accept my humble gift, Habibi, all that I have is yours'
Bedouin accepted the gift gravely and said 'My tent and all inside are for ever at your disposal'
The formalities completed, Bedouin carefully unfolded the cloth, the package had been lighter than he had anticipated, and his interest now piqued.
Bedouin moved the last fold of material to reveal his gift. There, in the warm cloth, lay a slender whip. The long handle was made from smooth ivory, dyed black and tipped with a silver knob exquisitely carved in the form of a cobra's head, the body of the whip, more than a metre in length was no thicker than a few millimetres, at the end of the whip a small flap of leather hung.
Bedouin fingered the length of the whip, admiring its cruel dimensions, the body, he thought, must be a steel rod or perhaps cane, tightly bound in leather. He took the whip by the handle and tested its balance in his hand, it felt comfortable, cleverly fashioned. It reminded him of the type of whip used for spurring a team of horses, but slightly more rigid. Whilst seated he made a few slow cuts and was gratified to hear the whooshing sound the whip forced from the air. He turned to look at his friend, who was eagerly awaiting approval.
'It is splendid, Mulaazim Awil, splendid!' Bedouin said sincerely 'My deepest gratitude!'
Relieved to have paid his debt the Moor showed his teeth again. 'May it bring you great pleasure, Habibi!'
crystal gulped, 'What a wicked looking instrument!' she thought. With a mixture of dread and delight she realised that it would not be long before she discovered just how wicked it could be.
Bedouin stood and tried more strokes, cutting the air fiercely, getting accustomed to the feel.
He laughed, and looking up from his gift he said to his friend...
'Let us test it, Mulaazim' 'On the girl here....'
He pointed the whip directly at miel.
The tent of the Bedouin
by Bedouin
Part 11
Miel was on the brink of panic. She had watched, open mouthed, as the Bedouin swung his gift lazily through the air, he seemed so pleased by the noise it made. She had somehow felt sure that it would be crystal that would now be beaten if Bedouin was impatient to explore with his whip, after all, she herself had just been humiliated in such a terrible manner, used and ignored by the two men. Naturally, her heart had gone out to crystal, the whip looked so cruel, but miel knew, deep down, that crystal liked such treatment, would not protest as the blows came crashing down on her. But...
She had not expected the Bedouin to point his whip at her!
Miel felt as if she had been winded, her strength had ebbed away in an instant, her legs had begun to shake uncontrollably and she thought she might fall to her knees. Worse, much worse than this, her mind could not contend with the fear that overwhelmed her thoughts, she could not formulate any plan, could not make a response, a small part of her brain knew that she should remain calm, use her quick mind to salvage some sort of reasoning but a smothering hand of fear blocked out all of her senses.
'She might faint..' thought Bedouin, as he watched miel, unsteady on her feet. He saw how her legs trembled and how her body had bowed forwards slightly, as if robbed of energy.
'I shall have to act quickly, to bring her to her senses' he decided, and stepped closer to her.
crystal squirmed on her cushions, unsure whether to go to miel and support her or not. She remained where she was and, unconsciously, began to twist her hands together.
The Mulaazim Awil's eyes narrowed, he sat savouring the scene, his mouth parted slightly as his tongue snaked across his lower lip. A sneer formed as he waited with impatient anticipation for miel's torment to begin.
Miel had decided... She could find no plan but her whole being knew that she could not withstand the Bedouin's whip, and so... She had decided she would beg him not to beat her, she would fall to her knees and plead with him, ask to be spared, surely... surely he would listen?!
Her mouth began to form her words as she saw him approach...
'Stand up straight, miel!'
Bedouin's words halted miel, and, to her own surprise she began to stand erect, pulling back her shoulders and raising her head.
She began again 'Bedouin...'
'Be quiet!' He interrupted sharply and brought the slender whip to her throat, touching her to keep her silent.
Miel swallowed a gulp and tried to reason with her captor, 'Please... I cannot bear...'
'QUIET!' bellowed Bedouin. Obviously displeased, he brought back his whip hand and, with careful aim, slashed miel across her stomach.
A surprised gasp of 'Oh!' escaped from miel, her feet moved a little to steady herself from the unexpected blow and her head jerked backwards harshly.
If she had not been expecting Bedouin's slash, miel had even less inkling of the second, Bedouin whipped her again, an inch above the first.
'I'm going to pass out!' thought miel as greyness began to shroud her mind, her stomach burned terribly, she could feel the two red stripes scorching her flesh. She felt helpless to stop the blows and knew that unconsciousness would free her from her pain, she welcomed it.
Bedouin's words swept the curtain of relief aside as her mind awakened
Her eyes opened to look at him, she realised with real regret that she would not be falling into the arms of peace after all.
'Come, come now... miel' His tone was light, almost encouraging 'Two simple strokes...?'
'He is mocking me!' she thought with alarm, her mind began to focus again, clutching back its senses. The anger in her rose.
Bedouin saw that it had been a close run thing, miel had almost slipped away. It satisfied him to realise that it had been his voice that had brought her around, he sensed a strong will in miel, a defiant strength that appealed to him, he would have been disappointed if she had given up so easily.
He looked at her now, her eyes were beginning to flash once more, she had straightened up using her own will, he knew that she was back with him.
'That's better..' He said smoothly 'You are getting stronger you know'
miel almost spat at him but instead let her anger show in her face, what she said next horrified and shocked her even as the words tumbled from her lips.
'Whip me then...Bedouin!' she hissed 'Do your damnedest..!'
Bedouin raised his eyebrows in surprise, he had not quite expected such an outburst, 'My word!' he thought 'She is a rare one!'
Miel's heart pounded, her blood raced through her veins, moments ago she had been ready to beg him for mercy and now... Now, she felt jubilant! She could not even think where the words had come from, they had just popped out, she was glad they had! She had almost laughed as she had seen the surprise on Bedouin's face, a part of her knew of course, that she would have to pay, with pain, for her challenge but she did not care. She really didn't, she told herself, she would be damned before she gave in totally to anyone's control!
Crystal twisted her hands more and more, thinking 'Oh no, miel, no..'
The Moor reclined, resting on one elbow, as if leaning back to regard the developing scene.
'Foolish girl' he told himself.
Bedouin paused, seeming to reappraise the girl, he tapped the whip in the palm of his hand, waiting, thinking.
It seemed like an age to miel, she knew that now she would be beaten, it was inevitable, she could only steel herself for what was to come. A curious calm had overcome her as she understood and controlled her thoughts, just one thing bothered her. The waiting. She watched him tapping the damned crop in his hand, why didn't he whip her? Surely, he wouldn't let her get away with her insolence? She just wanted to get it over with, wished he would begin, raise his whip and start the blows. A tiny voice of alarm raised the idea that she might be disappointed if he decided not to beat her, she quickly brushed the outrageous thought aside.
'Begin, damn you!' she screamed in her mind. Again, an odd sinking feeling came as she thought that he would decline, again, she quelled the emotion.
'Oh, nooo..' miel groaned inwardly, as she saw him step behind her, the leather straps at her ankles prevented her from turning to watch him so she stood as straight as possible to show her contempt. The mixed feelings nagged at her, she hoped that he would start now, end the waiting, she hoped too, that he would not start at all.
Bedouin stopped behind miel, looking at her nakedness for a few moments, then began.
It was not how miel had anticipated.
His hand touched her buttocks, they flinched slightly at the unexpected caress, its warmth surprised her as his hand opened its fingers and traced the curve of her bottom. It wandered over her, stroking her buttocks gently, his fingers ran through her valley and brushed very softly against her anus. 'He has not touched me like this before!' miel thought 'He is being so gentle!' She fought to remain erect and hide any reactions.
Enough' he thought, reluctantly leaving his inspection, he would have to continue this particular pleasure another time. He took a step backwards and moved to his side, raising the whip.
Miel tried not to cry out but could not help it as the sharp cut struck her bottom. She quickly swallowed the cry, determined not to let out another, and thought, with relief 'At last!'
He whipped her again, on almost exactly the same spot, the previous stripe still reddening.
He saw, with satisfaction, that she did no more than slightly rise on her toes and clench her fingers as it landed, if she had been able to turn she would have seen his faint smile.
Bedouin raised his arm a little higher, his aim careful to avoid her bound hands, he cut her on the lower curve of her buttocks, following it swiftly with a harder blow.
Miel battled hard with the pain, she knew that the Mulaazim Awil and crystal could see she had her eyes closed, squeezed tightly shut as each stroke fell. The pain varied, it all hurt her she realised, yet some blows were worse than others, but she could do nothing but try to bear her pain and keep her mind on top of it.
Bedouin wished that he could see miel's face, would enjoy its twisting, he wondered if she were weeping, he doubted it, at least, not yet.
He rested for a brief moment, not wanting miel to be able to anticipate the blows, then lashed her hard at the top of her legs, just below the swell of her bottom.
'Ah, she had not expected that!' he thought with relish as he saw her hands twist more furiously. 'She would be dancing for me if her feet were not tied!' He laughed at the image in his mind's eye.
He adjusted his stance and whipped miel smartly on the side of her thigh 'An excellent gift' he mused as he striped her once more just above the last.
'Time for the other thigh' He calculated idly
miel was unsure how much more pain she could take, with every blow she wanted to cry out for him to stop, but something would not let her, she knew that tears were welling in her eyes but resolved not to show any weakness that she could control.
Miel would not cry out, but her mind screamed, screamed loud and very long with each crashing stroke.
Bedouin had laid four neat stripes of burning flesh across each of miel's thighs, the welts on her buttocks were becoming more livid and her bottom was beginning to glow.
'Time to beat her properly' he decided.
Stooping slightly he brought his arm in low and hard, whipping miel's bottom in a cruel stroke, this time he did not pause, merely withdrawing his arm and crashing down on her naked buttocks once more.
He continued this way, whipping miel constantly with steady, hard strokes, the air seemed to fill with the whoosh of the gift. Bedouin placed each blow carefully, seeking out the parts of miel's buttocks that were not already reddening, he saw that, where he had struck more than once, angry welts of flesh rose, occasionally he would hit them again, knowing how it would hurt her.
Miel was numb, the pain was so great that she almost did not feel it, at least not as single strokes of pain, only as one great ball of burning fire. Tears rolled down her cheeks freely, she had begun to sob and make incoherent noises, tiny groans and moans of helplessness. Still she did not make any overt demands for Bedouin to stop his cruelty, she did not even move her feet anymore with each blow, only occasionally shifting her stance. Miel could only endure and hope that the accursed Bedouin would stop soon.
Crystal watched with awe as miel withstood her beating 'So strong!' she gasped out loud to no one in particular. She was not even sure she would be glad to exchange places with her! Then crystal thought, with a secret giggle 'Well, perhaps..'
The hooded eyes of the Mulaazim Awil watched as Bedouin whipped the girl. He drew smoke from the hookah with contented puffs and waited, he had a score to settle.
Bedouin was breathing low, he paused, inspecting the bright red flesh before him. He marvelled at miel's stubbornness, 'Ah well, I am not finished yet..'
Miel thought that it was worse when the beating stopped, for it was then that the burning spread through her, she could feel nothing below her waist and above her knees but searing fire. 'Please.. oh, please..' she pleaded inside 'Let him stop'.
Bedouin moved from behind miel and returned to his seat, he laid the whip at his side and took up his own hookah without glancing at the tear stained girl.
'How do you find the whip, Azizi?' asked the grinning Mulaazim.
'Most satisfactory, friend, its inordinate length takes a little getting used to, but it is very effective' he answered truthfully.
Bedouin gestured to crystal, who, knowing precisely what the gesture signalled, snatched up her jar of salve and went to attend to miel.
The two men puffed away happily with their pipes without the need for words and crystal worked quickly with the ointment.
She knelt at miel's rear and gently applied the soothing cream, miel winced as the coolness of the lotion made contact with her scarlet flesh but managed to whisper a hoarse 'Thank you' to crystal. Once crystal was satisfied that all of miel's bottom and legs were treated she moved to her front and carefully smoothed some ointment into the flaring stripes on miel's stomach.
The ointment gave blessed relief to her pain, she still hurt, hurt badly but the soothing cream cooled her quickly, leaving only soreness and stinging.
She had survived! The Bedouin had beat her and beat her hard she thought, but she had coped! Miel amazed herself with the thought and, through her pain, managed to congratulate herself on her own success.
As always, miel clutched her strength back, it only took a short while for her to regain her self-control and she knew that she was ready now, ready for whatever challenge might lay ahead.
Crystal, giving a miel a final sympathetic look, returned to her cushions, wondering if it might be her next who would taste the gift.
'Ah, well' sighed Bedouin, taking his whip again, and standing 'Time to continue'
crystal looked up hopefully but was downcast when she saw Bedouin move once more towards miel.
'Mulaazim...' called Bedouin '... your assistance for a moment, please'
'Of course..' replied the Moor and rose to join his friend.
'Not me!' thought miel, the panic rising, 'Not again!' She began to pull at her bonds as the dreadful realisation registered.
'miel..' said Bedouin as he approached her, the Mulaazim on his heels 'You took your whipping well'
A ray of hope shone for miel 'He is not going to whip me again!'
'The test went well, I am very pleased with my new whip..'
Bedouin was explaining this matter of factly, he continued... 'Now, let us see how your breasts withstand its touch..'
A bolt of terror struck miel's heart, she stiffened, unable to speak, unable to comprehend the cruelty being forced upon her.
'Mulaazim..' Bedouin spoke, over his shoulder, '.. would you cut her bonds for me?'
Without replying the Moor drew his dagger from beneath his robes and bent towards miel's tethered ankle.
It was more than miel could stand, first the damned Bedouin, and now this evil pederast! She saw the dull glint of the curved blade as it sliced easily through leather strap. Miel adjusted her stance now her leg was free, easing the ache and stiffness.
Mulaazim Awil next moved behind miel, to cut her hands free.
Out of Bedouin's sight and shielded by miel's body he stroked his hand between the cleft of her buttocks.
Miel let out a tiny gasp of horror, which made Bedouin look up from the whip, he had been studying the intricate design on its handle. He looked at her startled face, decided to ignore it and returned to his study.
Observing this, the Moor smiled to himself and, with a brief movement, hooked his dagger behind the straps around miel's wrists, slitting them, freeing her hands. She immediately brought them to her front, rubbing them and flexing her aching arms, glad to be rid of them but still shocked by the Mulaazim's illicit touch.
It was then that miel made a serious mistake.
As the Mulaazim Awil bent to cut the last bond at her ankle he looked up at her, she noticed his evil leer, he drew back his lips in a lascivious grin, as if sure of some future assignation.
The look and his earlier touch suddenly enraged miel, her hate for him burst forth.
With her free foot, miel kicked sharply at the Mulaazim Awil's head.
Anticipating the blow, the Moor let out a cry of surprise and raised the hand holding the razor sharp dagger to deflect miel's kick. Miel's foot kicked the Mulaazim harshly, missing his head and striking instead, his wrist. The force of miel's hateful kick sent the Mulaazim's knife spinning high into the air.
It seemed, in that brief moment, as if time became suspended, both miel and the Moor watched the shining blade rise, Bedouin had looked up on hearing the Mulaazim's cry and he too, saw it climb in the air. Crystal watched from a distance, shocked by the turn of events.
Four sets of eyes watched in fascinated thrall as the dagger reached the apex of its climb and began to fall, fall towards miel.
In that suspended fraction of time miel could see that the blade was falling towards her, she saw that the blade was heavier than the handle, that it would not turn and perhaps strike her a glancing blow. No, the needle sharp point would land in her flesh, the velocity would drive the blade into her body, perhaps her shoulders, her back, or even her face.
Miel was able to think all of these things, and still have time to realise that she didn't have time to avoid the knife, could only look in awe as it fell towards her, she was calm as she considered this, and understood that she was about to be badly injured.
She closed her eyes with resignation..
It was only when no knife came, and neither flesh was split nor sharp cut made, that miel opened her eyes.
Bedouin had reached for the dagger, stopped its inexorable fall, he held it now, by the blade, clutching it tightly in his grip just above miel's head.
Miel stared with wide eyes at the dagger and felt the Bedouin's blood splash into her hair, she realised that he must have had to grab it with force and that the razor edge of the blade was slicing not into her but into the palm of Bedouin's hand.
She felt a sudden pang of natural gratitude towards him, wanted immediately to help him, to clean and wash the wound, she reached for his wrist.
But the Bedouin was angry, angry at miel! He cast aside the dagger, snatching his arm away from her and opening his palm to inspect the cut.
It was difficult to see, the depth of the cut had oozed a copious amount of blood, he knew that he needed to staunch the flow rapidly, he saw crystal was running towards him, clearly concerned. But most of all he was angry..
He shot miel a withering glance, his look of fury shocking her into silence.
'Damn you!' He seethed at her and stepped towards the nearing crystal.
The Mulaazim Awil stood and he too, cast dangerous looks at miel. She knew that she should feel some sort of victory at having disconcerted the two tormentors but felt only foolish and confused.
Crystal inspected the wound worriedly, she recognised that it would need a surgeon's attention, she whispered this to Bedouin who acknowledged her with a nod. She ripped a length of silk from her pyjamas and wound it around Bedouin's hand as a makeshift bandage, then took his arm as if to lead him away.
Bedouin paused, putting his affairs in order.
'Mulaazim!' The Moor stiffened at the call ' I must go to see the Tabib'
'Azizi?' said the Mulaazim, full of concern
'Will you stay here whilst I visit him, and...' His voice showed his anger 'And.. watch her?'
He gestured with his bloodstained hand at the fraught miel.
The Mulaazim Awil bowed slightly, and with an ominous voice replied 'It will be my pleasure, Bedouin'
With that, Bedouin nodded, satisfied, and marched from the chamber, crystal running behind.
Seeing them leave, miel cringed and quickly knelt to try to untie her last bond, to escape the Moor.
The Mulaazim Awil laughed as he watched her. Then stopped abruptly, his face suddenly dark with anger.
Miel stopped her futile struggling with the ankle restraint and turned to look at him
'Now, miel...' said the Mulaazim Awil, with an evil sneer '.. we have two scores to settle'
The tent of the Bedouin
by Bedouin
Part 12
'Leave me be, or I shall scream!' miel warned the Mulaazim Awil as he neared her, she dropped into a defensive crouch, ready to spring at him.
He ignored her threats completely, pausing only to pick up the discarded dagger and tuck it back into his belt, he marched towards miel and snatched a handful of her hair viciously and twisted it in his grip. miel brought her hands to wrestle with his cruel hold on her, he was pulling her head towards his face.
'Scream then, miel. Who can hear you? The Bedouin is gone, the guards will not come, it is just you and I'
She saw his leering grin and cried out at the top of her lungs. He laughed as he saw the twisting girl scream in vain, pulling her hair harder, she tried again, managing an even louder cry for help but none came.
The Mulaazim, using his strength, had brought miel to her knees, guiding her with relentless force. miel, dismayed that no one had come running into the chamber, spat venom at him
'You bastard, get your hands off me!'
The Mulaazim merely watched her, a vicious snake, observing its helpless prey.
'Bedouin will kill you if you touch me, you pig...'
This raised a slight smile on Mulaazim Awil's face
'I'll tell him, I'll tell him that you raped me,.. that, that .. you hurt me'
miel was despondent as she realised that the man holding her hair so tightly did not seem to care one fig about her threats. Anger and pain welled inside her and she lashed out once more at the Mulaazim, this time with her fist. He caught her wrist easily and wrenched it away from his face, evidently enjoying her struggle. She saw him looking at her heaving breasts, his mouth open with amusement, miel growled with frustration and ire. She was completely helpless, try as she might she could not escape his grip, miel made to insult him again.
In a smooth motion, the Mulaazim Awil released miel's wrist and brought his hand down on her face with a hard slap. The blow stunned miel, as if someone had slammed a door in her mind, her ears began to ring and her strength left her. The Moor released her hair and left her to kneel untouched, his message clear.
As miel knelt, gathering her senses, the Moor stepped to retrieve the whip, Bedouin's gift, from where he had dropped it. Ignoring miel's quiet moment he swung the whip viciously and landed a stinging blow on her back. miel reacted with horror, crying out in her pain, and knew that the man, standing over her with his arm raised to strike her again, was a serious danger.
miel decided quickly that the best she could do was to remain still and silent, so she continued to kneel, not looking at his eyes and tried to ignore the burning flesh that raged across her shoulders.
The Mulaazim seemed satisfied that miel had been subdued, but gave her a small test. He brought the small flap of leather at the whip's end to her nipple, toying with it slightly, he saw how she bristled at the touch but did not move away or spit a profanity at him. He knew that she feared him 'I will put that to good use' he thought with relish. He ran the whip over her breasts, tapping them to provoke an outburst but miel knelt with her head down, as if obedient.
Her loathing for the Mulaazim Awil roared inside her, yet miel's self preservation told her that it would be too dangerous to goad this evil man. She must bide her time and hope for Bedouin or crystal's return, she despised this man's attention, feared him greatly and was sharply aware that she was at his mercy.
The Mulaazim Awil walked around miel, circling her with slow steps, he tapped her with the whip, sometimes sharply, to further test her defiance. He saw how she squeezed her buttocks together as he tried to probe her anus with the crop 'Not willing...' he said to himself 'But too frightened to object'.
On his third circle of miel the Mulaazim paused behind her.
'Move onto all fours, miel' he instructed sternly
miel did not move, unwilling to obey, she would be placid but not play his damned games!
The Moor sighed, and casually but firmly grasped her hair from behind, hissing in her ear
'Do as I say, miel... or I shall cut off your ears and throw them to the jackals'
Her heart leapt with fear, 'He wouldn't!?' She was not sure, not sure at all, he was so dangerous, she moved, with a moan of anguish to kneel on all fours.
She could not see the Mulaazim's satisfied grin as she moved into position, she felt the whip tap the inside of her thighs, urging her to open them further apart, she thought only for a fleeting moment of disobeying.
'We have a couple of scores to settle, miel..' began the Moor, once satisfied that miel was vulnerable enough to appeal to him.
'Firstly, you lashing out with your foot...' miel blinked in terror, dreading what might be forced upon her.
'Unpardonable..' he tutted 'To show such disrespect in Bedouin's tent'
miel could not help but try to defend herself.
'But, but.. I was frightened..' she managed to stammer, trying to appease him.
'You are frightened now, ..' he replied darkly 'Yet, you are not kicking at me..'
miel could think of no answer to this and remained silent.
The Mulaazim Awil continued, 'And, you have the audacity to threaten me, and with Bedouin!' he let out a soft chuckle 'When it was YOU who caused his injury, your rash and stupid behaviour was unnecessary, yet you think that Bedouin cares enough about you to believe your word against mine?!'
His voice became louder as he grew more angry, 'I am one of his oldest friends, but you appear to believe that he will believe the ranting of a stupid girl to mine? YOU, who have dishonoured him by abusing a guest in his tent?'
The truth of the words hit miel hard and deepened her dismay, she did not like to admit it but the Mulaazim was right, she should have thought of something subtler. She cursed herself for her naivete.
The Mulaazim Awil pressed home his scorn, tapping her with the crop 'You apparently also consider yourself to be above reproach, ....that you can somehow manipulate Bedouin, is that not SO?!'
His voice had become a shout and miel tried to suppress her trembling, frightened by his aggression. She did not understand his point, her mind worked furiously to comprehend the question.
The Moor's voice became quiet again
'Which brings me to my second score..'
For some reason, miel began to shake, his words chilling her. She kept very still even as she trembled.
The Mulaazim crouched behind her and gazed at the reddened flesh of miel's bottom, he could see her swollen labia flaring angrily at her sex. Now he could smell her fear, and it intoxicated him.
'I want to know, miel..' he began, with a voice as harsh as a stroke from the whip '.. why you lied to the Bedouin?'
'Lied, lied..?' The word rang in her mind, she scrambled to make sense of the Mulaazim's claim.
'I.. I .. have never lied to Bedouin' she sobbed, bewildered.
'You LIE again!' he accused her.
The sudden roar of his voice sent a wave of panic through her, she barely managed to cry out
'No.. no, never... please, please..'
The Moor silenced her with a harsh slap on her buttocks, his massive hand leaving its mark on her already burning cheeks.
His voice was a low hiss 'Then why, ..miel ' He spat her name out with hatred 'Did you tell the Bedouin that Mahmood raped you?'
For a second, miel did not understand, then the grim recollection of the guard came to her, she tried to defend herself rapidly.
'I.. I didn't..' she pleaded earnestly ' Bedouin saw..'
'LIAR!' he thundered and grabbed the soft flesh of miel's buttocks in anger, parting them roughly.
'He told me how you taunted him...'
'No' miel gasped
'How you were jealous of the other girl, receiving all the attention!'
'No, please!' wailed miel.
'.. Of how you begged him to attend to your damned lust!'
The Mulaazim's fury had grown to a dangerous level, in his ire he had wrenched apart miel, exposing her anus as if it were the cause of all his anger.
'Sir.... Please' miel tried desperately to calm him, frightened for her safety but his rage seemed relentless.
'And you tricked him into taking you, promising him gold... !' The Mulaazim Awil spoke through clenched teeth. 'A poor boy like that, taking advantage of him!'
miel was lost and felt completely doomed, her thoughts were spiralling away from her again, she tried to move away, to escape the Moor, but he held her firmly, insistent that she remain and suffer his tirade.
The Mulaazim's voice dropped to a reflective tone, as if he was speaking to himself.
'He does not even like women, .. a gentle boy, who needs money for his family, ..' he sighed heavily '.. Tricked by a harlot.. '
miel managed a soft 'No' but knew that the Mulaazim Awil wasn't listening.
'The beating he took from Bedouin, because of your... your stinking lies!' his voice was a crescendo, louder than miel's sobs and full with seething hatred.
'If he had not told me of your evil temptation and wicked lies, I would have cut off his stones, never known his touch..' The Mulaazim was raving, the balance of his mind unsettled, miel realised she was in the clutches of a madman.
The Moor's thoughts seemed to drift to some recollection of an intimacy with his new love, his grip tightened on miel's buttocks and she could do little but remain still and try not to provoke him any more.
The Mulaazim Awil's eyes closed and he began a low, incoherent mumbling. He was indeed thinking of Mahmood, remembering his pleading, of his tale of miel's treachery. How the sweet boy had fallen at his feet and begged for forgiveness, offering himself to the Mulaazim as a sodomite, if he would only spare him.
His face darkened as he recalled how he had had to make a gift to the Bedouin to save the boy, because of the lying girl. His honour had been at risk, and she would pay for that, and pay dearly.
The tent of the Bedouin
by Bedouin
Part 13
miel held her breath as the Mulaazim's muttering continued, nausea lurched through her as she felt his manhood brushing against her buttocks. He held her open, as if he were about to savagely sodomize her. As his hardness grew beneath his robe and pressed against her, miel sensed that at any moment he would surely raise his garments and begin to force his angry lust upon her.
She could think of no way to escape, the Mulaazim held her in his grip tightly, he almost seemed oblivious to her presence, lost in his rambling seizure. She dared to glance back at him and saw, with horror, how his eyes had rolled back in their sockets, showing only white, in the hold of some demonic possession.
She knew that she would have to snatch his attention, rouse him from his madness or she was doomed.
The Mulaazim Awil was indeed in the throes of his twisted fantasy. He was unaware of the girl writhing in his clutches, dreaming instead of his habibiti, his sweet Mahmood, recalling how he had consoled the boy, promised him solemnly that Bedouin would not have his balls because of some harlot and her lying ways. He felt aroused as he remembered how the boy had fallen to his knees, kissing his feet with gratitude, and how he had taken hold of the boy's soft hair and drawn his head towards his rigidness.
In his mind, the Mulaazim was murmuring the same soft words of encouragement to his new pet and some were spilling from his mouth as the memory of the boy's greedy mouth washed over him.
The Mulaazim barely heard.
'Sir... please?' miel's voice grew gradually bolder.
The Moor's face twisted, unwilling to release his memories.
'SIR, Sir, please!' miel tried to balance her plea, she did not think it wise to anger him further but knew she had to bring him back to his senses.
Reluctantly, the Mulaazim's eyes rolled forward again, waking him from his soporific state. It took a long moment for him to relinquish the feelings, and it was with anger that he saw the naked girl again, and it was she who had woken him.
miel thought quickly, formulating an attitude and makeshift plan, she would have to tread so carefully.
'I'm sorry, Sir..' she began in penitent tone ' I do not mean to anger you...'
The Moor scowled down at her, his large hands not relinquishing their tight grip.
miel swallowed and let her hurried plan begin.
'I did not mean for Mahmood to be beaten..' she closed her eyes as she spoke, concentrating, acting. 'It was a terrible mistake..'
No response. He was, at least, listening though, she thought.
'Please, .. please, forgive me' miel used a pitiful voice in the hope of gaining mercy.
'I would not normally dare to anger such a powerful man as you, Sir, but... I was, frightened and confused, please forgive me?'
miel bit her lip, hating the sound of her own words, and waited for his response. None came, but she felt a slight relaxation in the grip that held her. Drawing in a deep breath for courage, she continued.
'I, I know that you and Bedouin are great friends, and I'm sure that...' her mind clutched for an explanation 'that, he would pleased that you are taking such good care of me.'
A small grunt came from the Mulaazim at the mention of Bedouin's name, miel took this as a sign of encouragement.
'If I can serve you in any way, any way at all, until his return.. I would be very pleased to do so'. Her words revolted her, but these were desperate moments and she knew that she must buy time.
The grip lessened on her buttocks, the Mulaazim now merely holding her steady, he seemed intrigued by her sudden change of heart, perhaps her plan and soft, simpering words were having effect, thought miel.
She could not have known then, with her face turned away, that despite his relaxed hold on her, the Mulaazim Awil's anger was rising. A cruel sneer fell over his countenance, he let the words come like thick treacle from his lips.
'Hmmmm...' he replied, finally 'Perhaps, I have been a little too harsh with you, miel'
She stilled at his words, her heart leaping at his merciful tone.
'Perhaps, you can serve me, until Bedouin returns?' he asked almost kindly.
miel, too quickly, gasped 'Oh, yes, please.. Sir'
'It has been a very long time, after all, since I have tried a woman's delights.' With that, the Mulaazim Awil pressed a large thumb onto the rim of miel's anus.
miel managed to control the shudder of revulsion, remaining instead, very still. Her mind argued with itself, reasoning whether or not to try and escape his evil clutches or to keep him pacified at a terrible cost.
The Moor pressed his thumb into her entrance, he looked down to see how tightly it gripped his knuckle, he knew that he was hurting her, that she was not relaxed enough to accept any intrusion, the knowledge made him smile.
'Yesss..' he hissed, affecting interest 'A long time... ' He let out a dramatic sigh to mislead miel.
She tried not to tremble, it was an agonising choice, but miel knew, deep within, that she could not afford to face his ire, she must convince him of her sincerity and submission if she were to survive.
'If it would.. please, you Sir' The words almost choked her, but she forced them out and laid her head down on her arms which seemed to push her bottom higher towards him, as an offering.
He had been right! She was no more than a foul temptress! He saw now how she must have used her wiles to ensnare Mahmood, she had fallen easily into the small trap, taking him for a witless fool. He watched her raise her unwanted gift to him, thinking that he would take it, would be grateful for her submission.
A cauldron of fury bubbled inside the Mulaazim Awil.
miel was trying not to sob into her arms as she awaited her fate, she knew that at any moment what she had dreaded would happen, that she would have to bear it, for her own safety.
She did not expect the sudden sharp movement and pain.
The Mulaazim Awil plunged his thumb harshly into her anus, he curled it inside her, using it as an anchor to savagely grip her buttock again, his arm had snaked forwards and grasped her hair, wrenching her head back, forcing her body to arch in agony.
'Do you never learn, HARLOT!?' he raged in her ear
miel could not move, her terror at his renewed ire and his vicious grip keeping her motionless, only her heart beat wildly with fear.
He twisted her head towards him, she saw the madman's face twisted with hatred and loathing and thought that he might kill her.
She knew she had erred, made a grave mistake and it would be the last of her. An eerie calm swept through her as she accepted her fate, and oddly, a word came to her, one that she had heard Bedouin use, she used it now, her last sign of contempt for the Mulaazim Awil.
'Kalb!' She spat in his face with harsh venom.
She saw his enraged look, felt him pluck his thumb from inside her and reach into his robes. The dagger flashed in his hand as it came rushing towards her.
The last thought to flit through her mind was 'I am dead' and then, restful blackness fell.
The tent of the Bedouin
by Bedouin
Part 14
miel's breathing was shallow, her slumber kept her comfortable and allowed her body and mind to rest. There were no dreams to terrify or inspire her, only a deep darkness, a pool of tranquility.
Of course, she would not have been so tranquil had she known her position. She would never remember any more than the blinding flash of unconsciousness as the Mulaazim Awil's dagger handle had struck her head. Or recall how he had stood for a moment, shouting vile obscenities at her still body in his rage before bellowing for attendance.
The two guards had bound miel anew, roping her wrists and ankles together, heeding the Mulaazim's barked commands obediently. Under his supervision they had carried her to the tent's door and thrown her unceremoniously over the saddle of a horse, if they thought this treatment of a girl unusual they had not dared to show it and simply followed the Moor's instructions.
miel would never be able to recall the short trek over the soft desert sands, or how the moon made the undulating dunes shimmer with silver edges, nor seen how the Mulaazim had ridden ahead of her, leaving the boy who had brought the gift to Bedouin to lead her tethered horse.
It was only a short journey and presently the small party had arrived at a gateway set within a long wall. The gate had been guarded but the keeper merely nodded and bowed slightly as the Mulaazim Awil and his group passed through.
The wall enclosed a small group of buildings, all built on one level in the plain, Arabic fashion. The party stopped in the forecourt of the largest building and the door quickly opened as if expecting them, a young man came to take the reins of the Mulaazim's horse. Without acknowledging him, the Moor dismounted and entered the building, waking it with his shouts.
Four men burst from the building and hurried to miel's mount, and, with apparent care and much curious mumbling, took her gently down and carried her inside.
The tent of the Bedouin
by Bedouin
Part 15
The Lair Of The Sodomite
Within, the opulent interior belied the plain fascia of the building, the main chamber was strewn with richly piled rugs and lined by deeply cushioned couches, along the walls more carpets were hung and occasionally an elaborately carved or written piece of Arabic calligraphy. Subtle lanterns had been placed to pick out favourite areas and corners and the room would have had an altogether pleasant glow had it been unoccupied. But, alas, any ambient comfort had been dispelled, for the room was filled by the catamites of the Mulaazim Awil.
A dozen or so barely clad youths lounged languidly, draping themselves across the fine divans. Some plucked at cherries and other exotic fruit in nearby dishes, others drew lazily on long pipes and sent large clouds of scented smoke into the air that rose and hung like a levanter across the ceiling. They seemed content in their idleness yet a sinister atmosphere tinged the scene. Perhaps it was the manner in which the eaters of fruit spat out their cherry and olive stones onto the rugs, or at the young boys who stood by and scurried to clear away the mess, or, the lewd poses assumed by all the young men, deliberately exposing their genitals with casual disdain, and how they often touched themselves or scratched some itch. It may even have been the narcotic scent of the chamber, and how it mingled with the odour of perspiring flesh, the room had a tangibly decadent and malicious air.
It was amongst this group of uncaring souls that miel was placed, laid down, as she slept, quite softly on the central carpet of the room, her naked and bound body displayed to the occupants and the subject of their sudden interest.
A small mercy for miel then, that in her dazed condition, she could not hear the scornful babble of the youths, nor their gleeful laughing as they pointed out to each other the reddened or swollen areas of her flesh, speculating on what had been done to her, how she had been beaten, and why she, an unwelcome woman, was now here in the Mulaazim's lair.
One man knew instantly why she was there, he sat quietly, ignoring the nudging and lewd comments about the prostrate, sleeping girl. His eyes glowed with fierce hatred and within, his heart rejoiced malevolently at seeing her again. Mahmood's anger grew, and he knew now that the opportunity had come to take his own revenge.
His lips curled as he imagined the tortures he would impose on her, how sweet it would be to hear her screams of agony, surely that was why the Mulaazim Awil had brought her here? His face darkened as he thought of the Moor, the man he was now forced to call 'Master', a shiver of fear and revulsion ran along his spine as he recalled how he had begged to be spared, had fallen to his knees and clutched at the Mulaazim's hem for mercy. The Mulaazim Awil granting him clemency, but at a terrible price, he had suffered the Mulaazim's demands and caresses, had forced himself to show eagerness and affection for the Moor, and all the time despising the intrusions and indignities. Now he was amongst the sodomites, and would be forced to remain so, would have to vie for favour with the Mulaazim, and it was all the fault of this girl spread on the carpet before him.
Mahmood never once considered that his position might be of his own making, conveniently brushing aside his selfish and foolish actions, preferring instead to focus his ire and antipathy on miel.
The Mulaazim Awil, oblivious to the commotion in the main chamber, was luxuriating in a warm pool. The heat of the night and the dust of the desert quickly dissipated in the relaxing waters and he motioned for the two boys to begin soaping him.
He had calmed significantly, he knew that his rages were becoming more frequent and the thought concerned him. He would pay another visit, he decided, to the Tabib and seek his advice.
The Tabib already knew what ailed the Mulaazim Awil, and some months previously had told him precisely what his problem was. He had been smartly beaten for his insolence.
The medic had told him how syphilis could now be cured, (though on inspecting the Mulaazim he saw that sadly, the condition was indeed advanced) and, unless rapidly treated it would soon devour the Mulaazim's mind and body, eating away at his sanity and chewing his flesh. Another stroke of the Mulaazim's riding stick had silenced the Tabib and he realised, with regret and fear, that he could say nothing to appease or convince his patient. He had instead offered a balm and a draught that he knew would suppress the Mulaazim's tirades, and offered up a short prayer of thanks when the fearsome man had snatched the medication from him and disappeared into the desert.
The Tabib reflected on what a fine man the Mulaazim Awil had once been, true, he had always been a pederast ever since he could remember, but that had not swayed him from his nobler causes. He recalled how he and Bedouin had brought order to this wildest of regions, working together to cast out the troublemakers and raiding tribesmen, often engaging in bloody encounters, so that the handful of people that could face the rigours of living so deep within the desert could do so quietly and in peace. A dutiful and religious man, the doctor prayed quietly for the Mulaazim, knowing that the madness of the disease was now ravaging him and that those around him would suffer, perhaps, he sighed, they would all suffer.
The Mulaazim Awil luxuriated as the servants washed him gently but thoroughly, he turned his thoughts to the girl. He felt uncomfortable about something, he could not quite grasp what it was, he knew that he had taken a liberty by taking her from the Bedouin's tent, and also knew that Bedouin would not be pleased. It might be better, he speculated, if he merely cared for her and return her unharmed, of course it would, he convinced himself. After all, the Bedouin was his closest friend and ally and he guarded his girls closely, to abuse one would be a grave error and endanger their friendship.
'How foolish of me!' He thought with sudden alarm. His mind, now completely calm, realised that he had been in the clutches of one of his ever more frequent rages and they were becoming more dangerous, making him behave like an unthinking lunatic.
miel too was relaxed, blissfully unaware of the taunting and prodding lavished on her by the slothful youths. One had parted her knees to gaze at her sex, for he had never seen a female thus exposed, he peered closely at the folds of flesh between her legs until the jibes and jeers of his fellow courtesans made him blush and, pushing miel's thighs together as if in distaste, he went to recline again and rejoin the torment.
Composed again, the Mulaazim enjoyed his bathing, the expert hands moved efficiently over his skin, cleaning and rinsing.
The boy paused, soap in hand, and looked meaningfully at his partner, his friend read his look and nodded discreetly for him to continue. His tongue thick in his throat, the boy gazed at the Mulaazim Awil's genitals, with trepidation he began to lather the Mulaazim's scrotum. He dallied, taking an inordinate time to clean the area, washing it with tentative strokes, to the boy's horror the penis, the one that he could not turn his gaze away from, began to thicken.
He knew that he would have to touch it, even as it unfurled like a wakening serpent, normally this would not bother him, but it bothered him now. The rousing of the Mulaazim Awil displayed the weeping sores along his shaft more clearly, it was these yellowed chancres that had transfixed the boy and caused him to dread his duty.
His friend noticed his hesitation and cast another urgent look at him, he had already explained to him that he would not be at risk from the Mulaazim's disease, though in truth he was not sure. His eyes pleaded with his frightened friend again.
With fearful fingers the boy dabbed soap gently onto the Mulaazim's shaft, he heard a tiny growl of contentment from the Mulaazim at his touch, and continued, covering the penis with thick lather to hide the wounds.
Indeed, the Mulaazim Awil was relishing the slippery caresses, his thoughts had drifted once more to Mahmood and the pleasant promise of the coming hours.
In a night of curious occurrences, it would now be one more peculiar event that would change the course of miel's fate.
With the Mulaazim now content, sane and rational, miel could have been kept safe until the Bedouin collected her, no doubt to abuse her again in any number of ways. Perhaps she would have been compelled to perform her humiliating duties again for the Bedouin and the Mulaazim Awil, or forced to pay, in pain and torment for her rash kicking at the Mulaazim's head.
It might all have been exactly thus, had it not been for the boy's careless slip.
His hands trembled due to his nervousness, he was not thinking, not concentrating. He would never remember exactly why or how it happened.
The Mulaazim, his mind misted by agreeable thoughts, felt the needle sharp pain. He snapped his head upwards, opening his eyes, trying to make sense of what had happened.
The boy stood back in horror, shocked by his own stupidity, he had felt the slight resistance as he stroked the Mulaazim's shaft, and had continued, he looked at the end of his finger with terror, saw the thick scab that he had pulled from the top of one of the Mulaazim Awil's sores.
Hot, stinging water jabbed at the raw wound on the Moor's penis, he quickly understood the carelessness of the boy, his member deflated quickly, recoiling with pain. Blind rage filled the Mulaazim Awil instantly, instinctively he lashed out violently at the boy, sending him sprawling. Steaming water exacerbated the incessant needling in his penis and he hauled himself from the pool, gasping with shock and anger.
The errant boy ran from the room in terror, wailing and fearful for his life. The other boy thought of fleeing also but instead forced himself to quickly grasp a soft towel and press it gently to the Mulaazim's groin.
The Moor let the boy dab at the seeping wound, the pain lessening. He knew though, that now it would be too painful for him to spend time with Mahmood, his flesh would take days to heal. His anger grew steadily, his face as dark as thunder, and he directed his ire at the cause of all his woes, the one who had begun this unfortunate chain of events.
With all his earlier reason gone the Mulaazim Awil thought only of the harlot.
Taking unguent from a chest, the boy gingerly covered where the scab had been lifted, working calmly and carefully under the Mulaazim's glare. The man he feared even managed a grunt of gratitude as, his work done, he began to towel the rest of the Mulaazim Awil.
He did not show his dread, yet his heart skipped a beat when the Moor gave his instruction.
'Tell the Mulhaka, .....' '....I have someone for him'