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Directly after the 30 paddle swats I receive while locked in Mistress's bedroom stock every morning, i'm ordered to the dungeon. This was odd. I usually have many chores to do. Once in the dungeon, Mistress had me kneel upright on a stool that is similar a piano bench but has no padding. I dare not ask Her what was on Her mind but couldn't help but wonder. She told me to raise my ass up off my ankles as she unlocked my butt plug harness to remove my regular training plug. Then She inserted a much, much larger one that was lubricated with Icy Hot and re-locked the harness. It burned worse than i could have ever imagined, but kept as quiet as i could. She instructed me to sit my ass back down on my ankles as She strapped my wrists together behind me with a single three-inch wide leather strap. Then did the same with my elbows, pulling them very, very close together. Next She placed long, three inch wide straps to fasten my ankles to my thighs. Once those were secured She went behind me and connected my wrists to an eyelet on the back of the stool with a padlock. I could not lean forward at that point. She then used tie-down ratchet straps typically used for cargo to pull the ankle to thigh straps to the sides of the bench, pulling them extremely wide apart. Next was the strictest posture collar of Her collection. It is made of thick unforgiving plastic and has a shelf that fits under my chin covered with coarse sandpaper. This done, Mistress then strapped on the dreaded head harness with inflatable cock gag. Once it was strapped on tightly she tied a thick string to the ring at the top of the head harness and pumped up the gag till my cheeks expanded. Mistress then pulled the string that was attached to the top of the head harness firmly and tied it off tightly to same eyelet on the back of the stool where she had fastened my wrists. I was then practically staring at the ceiling. I still had no clue what the hell was going on. ……Till she threw the tissue at me. OH SHIT! I thought to myself. During the night i got up and went to the bathroom and jerked off. I must have left the tissue that i used to wipe up my cum on the vanity! She then told me that because I couldn't be trusted i was to be kept bound every single minute until my Access Denied chastity belt arrived. She then strapped a blindfold on me very tightly and said i had 4 hours to think about what i had done. She would then be back to begin my punishment! She gave my nipples a sharp squeeze and I heard her walk away clicking off the light switch and closing the door.

Oh crap! What did i get myself into this time? How could i have been so stupid to leave the tissue on the vanity? Better yet. How could i have been so stupid to think i could get away with jerking off in the first place. Who am i to think that i could control when, where and how I orgasm. This is Mistress's job, pleasure, discretion etc.. She has threatened me with an Access Denied chastity belt in the past. But now it is to become a reality.

Holly crap my body ached! I had no clue how long I had been left in this painful position.. My legs ached as did my arms, neck and ass hole. I was suffering and according to Her this was not even to be part of my punishment. As i remain fixed in this position i began to wonder what my punishment was going to be. Then i remembered how cruel and merciless She can be when punishing and decided to think about something else. My mind switched back to my aching muscles. There was no escape physically or mentally. If I had to guess how long I'd been kneeling here bound it would be only about an hour or so. This was going to be 4 very long hours and yet I dreaded the thought of Her return. Both wished for it so I could be released from this stringent bondage. But yet dreaded the doom of the oncoming punishment. This is one area Mistress knows Her stuff. She knows oh so well how to make a slave regret. I tried to let myself slip off into a zombie state of mind.

Suddenly I hear the door open and the light switch click. SHE”S BACK! I'm slammed back to reality from my self-induced zombie state. At first I'm pissed. Seems as if more than 4 hours has passed. Then I rethink to myself…..how do I know it's been over 4 hours? And who am I to be pissed if it really was longer than 4 hours? I am Her slave. I am the one who committed the serious offense. And this was among the most serious all offenses. I'm often punished for just having my hands near my crotch….let alone touching it. The time I was punished for masturbating was something I'll never forget. Now here I am facing punishment for a self-induced orgasm!

Mistress moved behind me, removed the blindfold and released the string holding the head harness from it's rigid, pulled back position. My hopes and thoughts of being released are crushed as I see her push a cart full of Her “tools” in front of me. Some of the devices I recognize, many I don't. I notice a new penis flogger that has little knots on the ends of the strands. I also notice a new set of evil looking clamps that have small teeth on them and piece of cloth covering some other things. Mistress notices me looking at the cart and smiles. She then pulls up a chair and makes Herself comfortable in it. I also note that She has a bottle of Her favorite wine and a pack of cigarettes indicating that this is going to be a very, very long punishment session.

“ So slave!” My body and mind jump as She finally speaks after exhaling some smoke while leisurely sitting back in Her chair, elbow propped up on it's arm, cigarette pointed towards the ceiling between Her fingers. Mistress seldom smokes but when she does it usually means serious business. She knows I dislike it and it seems to add to the drama. Her words echoed through my mind and the playroom. “ So you think you can masturbate when you want? You thought you would get away with it huh? Well I'm not even going to ask how many times you did get away with it. No. Instead I am going to assume it has been several and punish accordingly. I'm not only upset about you masturbating but am just as pissed that you will not able to do your chores while you are being kept bound. Since you are to be bound until your chastity belt arrives, I will need to hire a maid. And for every second the maid is here doing your chores you will spend that time in uncomfortable punishment bondage. For your sake, you best hope she's an efficient maid!”….She giggles to herself. I'm not giggling.

“ Well let's get started with the masturbation punishment shall we? I see you've noticed the new punishment devices I've been saving for such an occasion. If you're nervous……you should be” She says as She snickers “I have those other things covered up so as not to make you too nervous….. just yet. You'll soon see them though”. She puts out her cigarette and picks up a long length of coarse twine……… . (i'll leave this part to the readers imagination)

It felt wonderful to be in my spandex sleep sack. The masturbation punishment was by far the worst thing I've ever endured in my entire life. Mistress said that I should get used to the sleep sack. The only time I won't be in it is when She feels like playing with me, punishing me, feeding me, bathing me, shaving my body, giving my twice daily enemas and catheters or in the promised uncomfortable punishment bondage while the temporary maid is doing my chores. My life is changing in drastic ways.

I'm awakened when I feel the crotch zipper of the sleep-sack open. Mistress says “easy slave, relax. I'm just checking to see how much I damaged you today. I was quite hard on you but you deserved it. I've spoken to Access Denied and they've told me the soonest they will have a chastity belt for you is six to eight weeks. Now try to relax and get some rest. .I'll see you in the morning before the maid arrives”. I then think to myself… six to eight weeks?!!! I wonder how long am I going to be able to handle this as she zips the sack back up and leaves the room.

I'm awakened again as Mistress begins to release me from the sleep sack.

It must be morning. Once released from the sleep-sack Mistress leads me over to the bedroom stocks, locks my head and wrists in and straps my ankles to the sides just like every other morning. Except this morning Mistress has added a large penis gag. She says that until my c-belt arrives my regular morning paddling sessions are to be doubled to from thirty to sixty with the paddle I hate most….the dreaded twenty inch long, quarter inch thick clear plexi-glass paddle and I am also to receive 20 strokes of her chrome plastic cane…. one cheek at a time, 10 to each cheek. The paddle swats begin and they are noticeably harder than normal morning swats. Mistress has her own patented slow, no hurry style of paddling. She prefers to give each swat time to “soak in”. Mistress will not be rushed when giving corporal discipline. At twenty swats I'm straining against the stock with all my might. At thirty i begin to move my ass around uncontrollably and Mistress makes a remark about it. At forty swats Mistress stops the paddling extremely frustrated. She walks over to a cabinet and comes back. She says ” if we need to add this restraint every morning to do this ….so be it. She then fastens a one-inch wide strap around my scrotum that is lined with tiny short pointy spikes and firmly ties it off to the base of the stock with a string until it has no slack. This added restraint has my knees bent forward making me squat as much as the stock allows. Mistress returns behind me and leans over to speak in my ear. “Making me need to stop the paddling and add that restrain just cost you and additional ten swats. Finally after She has reached the seventy swats she puts the paddle down. Tears have been running from my eyes since fifty or so. She then releases the gag from my mouth. Believe it or not, I hate when She removes my gag me at times like this. I feel incredibly vulnerable to speaking out and begging her for mercy. This only adds my punishment and infuriates Her. I have learned that Mistress always sees a punishment sentence to completion. It is known that Mistress has used smelling salts to bring slaves back to consciousness only to complete their punishment sentence. The only mercy I am to receive during this sentence is some water as Mistress places a bottle with a straw to my lips. Once I have sipped about half the bottle Mistress replaces the penis gag. Extreme apprehension sets in. I feel as if tears are about to begin again as She swings the evil, flexible plastic chrome cane through the air making the dreadful whistle i've heard before. I've never had to receive a caning one check at a time. They have always been alternated one cheek then the other. This is going to be hell. Mistress begins again using her unhurried pace. She is very anal about accuracy when caning. She takes her time to aim perfectly laying each stroke about a half inch perfectly parallel to the last. Mistress takes a minute break before beginning on the next cheek.. She takes her time and closely examines the first cheek to receive Her wrath. Mistress is also very anal about being symmetrical. Each cheek will most certainly be identical to the other.

A fter the paddling and caning is over my training plug is replaced with a much, much larger one. I'm thankful it's not lubed with Icy Hot again. A leash is attached to my scrotum strap before the string holding it to the stock is released and the stock is opened to release me. The penis gag is removed and i'm then placed into my strait-jacket and posture collar as She says the new maid will be here soon. My punishment bondage is about to begin. I'm then led to the middle of the room by my cock leash to a chain hanging from the ceiling with a 12” tall stool on the floor directly below it. I'm instructed to kneel upright on the stool as Mistress pulls the chain from the ceiling down through the large ring on the front of my collar and attaches it to the strap around my balls. Mistress then tells me to stand up and am stopped just short of standing fully upright by another chain that's attached to the ball strap.

That chain I learn is clipped to a ring in the floor. Mistress pushes the stool out of the away and says “Enjoy! I'll see you around noonish for your enema and catheter” then walks out of the room. It doesn't take me long to realize what she has just done. I can move up and down, the chain slides freely through the large ring on my collar, but i cannot kneel low enough to rest my knees or ass on the floor, and I can't stand fully upright. I couldn't believe this was happening. I tried again to see if I could rest at least rest some of my weight on the floor only to feel a sharp tug on my balls before I could even get close to resting on one knee. Damn it, i thought to myself. I then tested the limits of my ability to stand again only to feel the tug again at least a foot short of it. For some stupid reason or another I cycle through this procedure at least another half dozen times. There is no comfort to be found. How does Mistress think of these things? My struggling apparently became too vocal because Mistress returned and was less than pleasant. She said I had best be quiet when the new maid arrived as She picked up the penis gag, paused then put it back down. She then picked up the inflatable head harness gag and buckled on me very snugly and pumped it up. She showed me the weighted nipple clamps i hate the most and said if She had to return again for me being too loud they would go on and stay on until i go back in the sleep-sack later that night. Moments later a blindfold is put over my eyes.

T he door- bell rings. It must be the new maid. She did it. She actually did it. But why am I so surprised? She said she was going to hire a maid. Why am I so shocked? For some odd reason the reality of it has caught me by surprise. I do know that I'm happy for the fact that Mistress had so thoughtfully gagged me. Without it the maid would surely hear me struggling, searching for the elusive comfortable position. I can hear Mistress showing the maid around. Twice walking right passed the door to the playroom. On the second pass Mistress tells the maid to not worry about this room, She tells her it's just storage for Her business records and such. And such? ….. I think to my self. That ..”and such”….is me! I keep wondering what the maid would think if she would see me. Would she call the police? That thought scares the hell out of me. I wouldn't want for Mistress and I to have to explain our agreed relationship to the police.

A ll these thoughts and others seem to have helped pass the agonistic time in my dreadful punishment bondage because Mistress had returned. It must be noon or so because She doesn't seem upset as if I was being to loud. She walked into the adjoining bathroom and began preparing my enema. Mistress came to me and released the chains from my ball strap. Ahhhh. It felt so great to be able to finally stand up….all the way up. I was hoping the strait-jacket, blindfold and gag would be next to come off but quickly learned She had other plans as She snapped a leash to my ball strap. I was led over to the gyno-exam table She has in the other corner of the playroom. Once on it my ankles are strapped in the stirrups and my strait-jacketed body is strapped down snuggly. She then unlocks my butt plug harness and finally removes the incredibly large plug. Mistress then gets then enema equipment from the bathroom. She begins with about two quarts and has me release it into a bucket. We go through this cycle a few more times and Mistress begins to slide the inflatable enema butt plug in me for a retention enema. Just as She begins to pump up the plug we both hear a noise come from the bathroom. We're both shocked and then I hear the bathroom door swing shut. Mistress grumbles “oh shit! under Her breath. The maid must have come into the bathroom through the other door that is adjoined to the hallway. She had to have seen us. Mistress pauses for a few minutes not sure what to do. If the maid had seen us it must not have bothered her too much because she has not left and we hear her continue her chores.

Mistress continues on with my retention enema and begins to fill me with at least another two quarts. When I am filled to Her satisfaction She says “well I guess I better go talk to Amy the Maid”. With that she walks out of the room.

M istress calls for Amy to come have a talk with Her in the sitting area just outside the door to the playroom. “Um…Amy….. when you were just in the bathroo…” Amy cuts her off before She can finish Her sentence… “Yes I saw you in that room with that man. It's no big deal to me. A friend of mine and her husband are into that stuff too. And my boyfriend has always wanted to try it with me. You don't have to be so secretive about that room now”. “Wow! That's a relief! So your boyfriend has said he would like to try this sort of thing?” “Yes. He's always wanted me to dominate him but I know so little about it we've never really tried it” “Oh really?” Mistress says. “ Well if you'd like perhaps I could show you some things about controlling a male”. “Really?!?!” Amy says as her eyes light up. “This is turning out to be the coolest job I've ever had!” As I lay there on the gyno-exam table listening to this incredible conversation the retention enema was beginning to make me cramp. Mistress then began explaining to Amy my current situation. She told her that I was Her husband/slave and that we live a 24/7 Mistress/slave relationship. She told her how i am normally the maid of house and do the chores that she was hired to do. She told her of the fact that I was to remain bound until my chastity belt arrived which would be sometime in the next six to eight weeks. Amy replies “So that's why you were giving him that enema?” “Yes” Mistress replies. And that explains that Foley catheter I saw sitting on the bathroom vanity”. “Yes” Mistress replies again. “You did notice on my resume that I'm a nursing student right? Just at the end of last semester before summer break we learned how to do male foley catheters” Now Mistresses eyes lit up..”Oh really… how interesting” My cramps grew more intense as their conversation continued. “Well to be honest I rather dislike doing his enemas and catheters and shaving him. What would you think about adding those to your list of chores? I'll pay you extra for this of course….that is if you are interested” “I ceratainly am!” Amy replies enthusiastically. “Well you can begin now if you'd like. I've had him retaining about two quarts for the past fifteen minutes. As a standard rule his retention enemas are never short of thirty minutes.” Mistress explains. “Great! Just enough time for me to go have a cigarette on the patio if you don't mind ?” “Sounds fine to me.' Mistress replies.

M istress returns to me. “Did you hear that conversation slave?” i nod. She says “good, you should see her slave. She's beautiful. I do hope she's bi. If she is I don't know what good you are for me besides doing the house work chores.” I'm crushed by these words. “well I'll just have to find out, but that won't be today. She's confessed a great deal about herself already. And it's a miracle she didn't run out the door the minute she saw us.” i nod again. ‘Things certainly are changing around here aren't they slave?” i nod.

A my then came into the playroom. Mistress tells Amy it's about time they release my enema and insert the catheter. This is good news for me! The cramping has become intense. Enemas haven't been used much in my training so far. Nor have catheters. Mistress shows Amy how she has me release my enemas throught the tube in the inflatable plug with it's hose running in to a bucket so that I don't need to be released from my bondage. As they release the enema Amy asks Mistress what She plans on feeding me for the next six to eight weeks. Mistress replies….”I haven't thought much about it. Any suggestions”? “Well if he's to be kept bound we should stick with a liquid diet. Besides…he looks as if he could lose a few pounds anyway. I say we feed him things like nutritional shakes like Slim Fast and make him some fruit smoothies. Maybe even some veggie smoothies. It's not as if they need to taste good right?”

Mistress giggled at Amy's last comment. “No. I suppose they don't Amy. You're catching on quickly.” Once the enema is released Amy shows Mistress the technique she was taught in school on how to insert a catheter. ‘There's really no need to remove this from him for a few days at least”…..Amy tells Mistress. “That's what I've read” Mistress replies. Once the catheter is inserted and I'm drained Mistress explains to Amy that i am to be kept in punishment bondage while she does the chores I would normally be doing as punishment for having to hire her as a maid. “Punishment bondage?” Amy asks. “Yes. He's to be kept in uncomfortable bondage positions every minute you are doing his chores. Here. I'll show you. “Great! Sounds fun!” Amy replies. The strap securing me to the table and the straps holding my ankles are finally unbuckled and I feel Mistress tug on my ball leash. “Wow that's cool! You've really got him by the balls don't you ” Amy says smirking. Mistress leads me back over to the center of the room and then told to kneel upright on the piano bench again with my back rigid. She then unbuckles the sleeves of my strait-jacket and pulls them behind me and fastens them together at the end. Next She clicks a button on a remote control which lowers a trapeze bar from the ceiling. The trapeze bar is about two feet wide and lowered to a level about six inches below the level of my armpits parallel with and behind my back. She then puts my bound arms up and over the bar, slips a rope through the loops at the ends of both sleeves of the strait-jacket and ties it off to the back of the bench. My ankles are lifted then strapped up to my thighs with wide leather straps. I'm now supporting all of my weight on my knees. Mistress then presses the button on the remote control again and I feel the trapeze bar pull up into my armpits a few more inches until my knees are just resting on the bench. “There we go Amy. Punishment bondage.” Mistress says. “Wow….that's sooo cool! Now how long does he have to stay like this?” Amy asks “As long as it takes you to finish his chores. Don't feel rushed though.” Mistress replies as they both giggle as they leave the room. I'm not giggling.

M istress returned and lowered me down. Amy had finished my chores and left for the night. I'm then released from my restraints except for the scrotum strap and leash I'm then lead over to a device I have became quite familiar with. It's Mistress's “pleasure chair”. This is essentially a chair with a recess for my head to fit in. I know this drill well. I sit with my ass on my ankles with my back against the front of the chair. Mistress straps my shins to my thighs. My wrists are pulled up behind me and fastened to both sides of the chair the in cuffs that are at about the same level of Her seat. Not very comfortable in the least. Mistress removes the penis gag I begin to rest my head back into the recess in the seat of the chair for Her to put a strap acrossed my forehead to hold it in when she stopped me. “This goes on first” she says as she shows me a double penis gag. I've seen this gag before but have yet to experience it. She slides the penis gag into my mouth and I stare at the end of the dildo now protruding from my face cross-eyed. Finally Mistress motions for me to lean my head back in into the recess of the seat the places the strap over my forehead. The seat now has a dildo sticking straight up from up it pointing at the ceiling. Mistress then explains that She will leave me for a while to get a little used to this position as She has some phone calls to make.

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