The Black Room

Story Source:


I knew something was wrong the minute I opened my 
front door. My alarms were on and all lights were 
green, but someone was already inside. The little 
soft-ball cat toy wasn't up against the door like it 
should have been as I opened the door. Maybe you have 
to be a little paranoid to always drop a cat toy just 
behind the door whenever you leave and then look for 
it against the door after you have slightly opened it, 
but just because you are paranoid doesn't mean that 
there aren't people out there trying to get you.

I am a LOT paranoid, and I don't have a cat, but the 
cat toy had been pushed all the way into the room and 
I knew absolutely that someone besides me had already 
opened this door.

I cursed myself for not having taken a weapon with me, 
but I had been at a neighborhood pool party at the 
local fitness club and it is pretty hard to hide a 
significant weapon when you are dressed in just a pair 
of sweats over a swimsuit.

I kept my back to the wall and continued slowly into 
the room, my hand moving along the wall to the 
painting of the surf off the coast of Maine. I 
noiselessly slid my hand beneath the painting and into 
the concealment located behind it. I should have 
retrieved my Beretta 92FS 9mm pistol, one of four 
weapons I keep stashed around the place, but instead 
my hand closed on nothing. The concealment was empty.

I was debating between retreating out the door and 
charging into the living room when a voice called 
pleasantly from the other room, "You have an 
impressive array of weaponry, but I assure you we come 
in peace. Please join us."

With that the lights came on in the next room. As the 
saying goes, "If they wanted me dead I would be dead 
already," so I walked into my living room to join 
whoever it was that had defeated my alarm systems and 
removed at least one of my defensive weapons from its 
hiding place. I have to admit I was taken aback by 
what I saw as I came around the corner. I haven't seen 
everything, but I have seen quite a bit and it takes a 
lot to surprise me. This surprised me.

Sitting on my couch were two persons dressed like they 
had just finished filming the latest sequel to "Men in 
Black." The one who had been speaking even looked 
quite a bit like Will Smith. I knew he had been the 
one who was speaking because the other Man in Black 
was a woman. The black suit and sunglasses accented 
her pale skin and shining blond hair, and the 
obviously tailored suit highlighted her well formed 
breasts, even as she sat stiffly on the couch. If it 
was possible to sit at attention, that is what both of 
them were doing.

Will said, "I hope you enjoyed your party," and 
gestured for me to take a seat in the chair opposite 

I prefer to pick my own seating arrangements, so I 
instead slowly lowered myself into my recliner and 
pulled the lever to lean back as I asked, "What do 
you... agents want of me?"

As I moved the recliner back I wobbled the lever 
slightly side to side and pressed back twice with my 
heels against the leg support. The motions were 
intended to look like the normal motions of a male 
settling into his favorite chair, but the sequence 
actually activated a special program on the security 
computer. The TV set mounted on the wall behind the 
two agents came on at a low light level and began to 
display the feed from the thermal imaging camera 
mounted in the vent above me. Neither Agent in Black 
noticed the image starting to form behind them. When 
the picture slowly brightened, I would be able to see 
the heat signatures of their bodies, and more 
importantly I would be able to see what weaponry they 
had concealed in their clothing.

"I assume you are agents of some sort?"

As I spoke, my hand slipped into the small slot just 
above the lever on the side of the chair. I was hoping 
to find my Baby Browning. The 25 caliber isn't much of 
a weapon, but it beats throwing pillows at someone. I 
like it as a last resort because it is small enough to 
overlook in a quick search, but at close range the 
seven shot clip allows for a double two-one heart-head 
tap with one round left in the pistol.

Will smiled and held up the Browning. As he placed it 
on the table, he said softly, "As I said, you have an 
impressive array of weaponry for a peaceful man."

I didn't answer. Instead I pushed the two buttons 
located at the bottom of the area that should have 
held the Browning. Will winced as the sharp prongs of 
a taser mechanism punched through the cushion on which 
he was sitting. Blond in Black screamed and jumped to 
a standing position.

He smiled wryly and spoke softly, "I guess I should 
have said that you have a VERY impressive array of 
weaponry for a peaceful man. I thought that we had 
neutralized the power source for that, but evidently 
there was still enough power in the capacitors to 
trigger the plungers. Lucky for me, there wasn't 
enough charge for the power surge. May we now discuss 
why we are here?"

Blond in Black, however, was more ready to cuss than 
discuss. "You son of a bitch," she screamed at Will. 
"You said that thing was completely neutralized. Those 
prongs hit me right between the legs and the shock 
mechanism was active.

It damn near burned my clit off!"

He smiled back at her. It was not a reassuring smile. 
The last man I saw smile like that put three bullets 
into my chest at close range. If I hadn't been wearing 
a vest, I would have been dead. But I was, and so he 
was... dead that is.

The warm smile and cold eyes had their intended 
effect, however, and Blonde in Black suddenly regained 
her composure and sat back down on the couch. Will 
coldly replied to her, "If the shock system had been 
active you would be unconscious right now."

Looking over at me, he added, "Correct?" Then, as if 
we had not been interrupted at all, he repeated, "May 
we NOW discuss why we are here?"

"Sure, why the hell not," I replied. Actually I was 
starting to respect whoever this was. He was well 
trained, well prepared and not easily shaken. 
Obviously, he was one dangerous son of a bitch.

"We need your help to solve a mystery," began Will. 
"... an old mystery from ancient Ireland." With that 
he handed me several sheets of paper. "Do you know 
what these are?"

"They are rubbings," I replied as I set them on the 
coffee table between us, "... like you would make from 
a tombstone."

"Correct, but they are not from a tombstone. They are 
from the Black Room at Moore's Abby."

"Never heard of it," I replied.

"Very few people have," Will responded. "And those who 
know of the Abby know nothing of the Black Room. The 
Black Room isn't actually in the Abby, but is sealed 
in an underground cavern on the grounds. The 
Franciscans who built the Abby thought it was a portal 
to hell, so they sealed it off. Through the centuries, 
everyone who has tried to unravel the mystery of the 
Black Room has died or disappeared or been driven 
totally insane. The local town is called Galbally. The 
name means, 'The Town of the Alien.' I have always 
found that name amusing."

He laughed. It was not a reassuring sound. Then he 
continued. As he spoke, he placed papers on the coffee 
table in front of me. The first rubbings looked like 
ancient writings and as the stack grew the writing 
moved through several renditions of ancient Gaelic, 
into Old English, and finally into modern English. The 
top copy read:
     On the darkest of the darkest nights
     With blue flame of purest light
     Within the circle of the morning star
     Bound and open from afar
     Sun joins moon and earth joins sky
     Until comes thunder from on high
     If the ritual is true and tried
     The solid door will open wide
     But if you do not time it well
     You will see the depths of hell
I picked up the paper and held it up as if to read it. 
What I was actually doing was examining a little more 
closely the heat signatures displayed behind my 
visitors. I leaned back and again levered the recliner 
into the relaxed position as if I was settling back to 
examine the papers. As I did so, I once again slid my 
hand into the pocket on the side of the chair. This 
time I did not press both buttons, but instead pressed 
the top button rapidly three times and sat back up. I 
pretended to examine the paper while I waited for the 
backup system to cycle.

Mentally I began counting down, "Three, two, one..."


Blond in Black screamed loudly and slumped over 
against Will as the taser charge surged against her 
nether region. This time there was an extra needle 
that contained a rather powerful sedative. She would 
be out for some time. I noted that the mechanism had 
evidently once again plunged between her legs. The 
backup had restored it to full power. She would be 
very sore for quite a while. Will pushed her back over 
onto the couch and began to reach for the weapon I 
couldn't identify, but now knew was in an inside 
pocket of his black suit.

"Not necessary," I said quietly. "I could have 
triggered both sides, but I thought we needed to 
talk... privately."

Will continued to move his hand slowly toward the 
weapon, so I got up from the chair and stood alongside 
it with my hands held slightly out from my sides and 
my fingers spread. "Look behind you," I said as I 
slowly raised my arm and pointed toward the heat 
camera display. "I don't know what you are or where 
you are from, but you are definitely not from around 
here, are you?"

Will looked over his shoulder at the TV screen which 
displayed a rather explicit heat image of the Woman in 
Black. She had rather large labia, a piercing in each 
nipple and apparently another piercing through the 
hood of her clit. If the taser hit that metal, she 
would definitely have burns. His own equally explicit 
image showed not a human heat pattern, but instead an 
almost reptilian- shaped heat image.

He smiled. This time it was a real smile. "They told 
me you were good. Over the years, I have always gone 
to the best. Maybe you are the one who can help me at 
last." He gestured for me to return to my seat. "First 
you tell me what you think is going on, and then I 
will tell you the real story."

I was much more relaxed now. This could still go 
south, but it didn't appear to be a weapons situation 
connected to my primary line of work, it was more in 
line with my "hobby" of supplying technical support to 
exclusive clients interested in special forms of 
sexual pleasure.

"Well," I began, "for one thing you enjoyed watching 
your fellow agent get shocked. Assuming that is your 
sexual equipment between your legs, there was a 
significant heat increase when she squealed and jumped 
up that first time. I assume you aren't screwing her 
regularly because you are bigger than any man I have 
ever seen and I don't think she could handle the 
equipment on a regular basis, if you know what I mean. 
No woman could, so you probably have to get your 
jollies by inflicting pain, power or control."

"Even if I tried your normal mating practices," Will 
replied, "there would be a great deal of pain 
involved. Some women actually enjoy the mixture of 
pleasure and pain, but yes, I find that over the years 
I have begun to enjoy watching a human woman in 
pain... or pleasure... or both."

He shrugged his shoulders. "You take what you can get, 
and it has been a LONG time since I have been with one 
of my own kind."

"I'd say at least 2000 years, judging by the Celtic 
runes. The oldest stuff looks Babylonian, so somehow 
this stone or stones or whatever it is got from 
Babylonia to Ireland. I would say that somehow one day 
a Celtic shaman or witch or queen or whatever either 
figured out how to open the portal or accidentally 
opened it while doing some other ritual and you got 
caught on this side of the door when it closed. You've 
been trying to get back, but you really don't know how 
it works, do you?"

Will's eyes were almost boring through me as he 
answered, "Close. You are very, very good. The only 
thing you got wrong is that it was still in Babylon 
when I fell through the portal. I arranged for it to 
be taken to Egypt when the Hittites sacked the city. 
From there it went to Spain with the Phoenician 

When the Celts were raiding the coastal towns of 
Spain, I saw an opportunity to take it to a place of 
safety on that relatively small island. I hoped to be 
able to recreate the events that opened the portal in 
Babylon, but I have never been successful. I know that 
it wasn't supposed to open like that, but I don't know 
for sure what triggered it. I've come close several 
times, but..."

He again shrugged in what was almost a Mediterranean 
gesture of resignation. "I know it takes sex - lots of 
sex. It has to be a fair-skinned woman with red hair." 
Looking at his unconscious partner he added, "or 
blonde hair." He smiled again - this time the cold 
smile - and continued, "It has to be sex with a 
special kind of woman, and she has to be bound. It 
doesn't have to be rape, but it has to be rough so 
that there is a mixture of pain and pleasure... but it 
can't be unwilling.

The woman has to be that special type who needs both 
the pain and the pleasure to truly become sexually 
exited by what is happening to her." Another shrug. 
"And the moment of climax has to be exactly at 
midnight on what you call Halloween."

He took off his sunglasses and reached up to his eyes. 
He removed what appeared to be two rather large 
contact lens and then looked back up at me with 
yellow, slitted eyes. His face contorted slightly and 
for a moment I thought that he was going to attack, 
but then he started to sob, "But it doesn't work. I 
can't get it right.

I thought it had something to do with a 19 year cycle 
or a 53 year cycle, but regardless of how I try to set 
it up, it just doesn't work. And sometimes when it 
almost works, the people in the circle are sometimes 
pulled through to the other side or they die or they 
lose their minds but the portal still doesn't open. 
I've tried everything through the centuries, but the 
damn door just won't open!"

As he was crying, the black suit slowly dissolved away 
and so did the outward Will Smith appearance. He stood 
there naked, his blue reptilian skin glistening softly 
in the light. The lizard face smiled, if that is what 
you can call it when there are no lips. "Do you 
realize how much mental energy it takes to maintain 
such a strong mental projection for long periods of 

He shuddered slightly as if he were loosening his 
muscles after a great effort.

"It helps if I choose a face that is somewhat familiar 
to the people around me.

Then their minds tend to fill in the details and I 
don't have to be so exact."

Will sat back down and gave me another lizard smile. 
"I used to do a great Elvis..." He laughed remembering 
something about those days, "but I really do prefer to 
project a dark skinned person. If I have to go for 
really light skin, it can be very hard to maintain for 
long periods of time unless I am wearing some sort of 
true clothing that conceals my bodily form. Whenever I 
can, I try to stay in cultures that accept wearing 
robes. Then I only have to project the face and hands. 
I have projected a lot of hands and faces through the 

Will paused and again started laughing but now it was 
almost in an hysterical way. I thought he was going to 
lose it, but he quickly composed himself and 
continued. "The purpose of the portal was to obtain... 
I think you call them 'slaves,' but that isn't quite 
the right word. They are willing slaves... sexual 
slaves. They actually seek the pain of mating with us. 
I was told that you understand women who are like 
this. That is one of the reasons I came to you."

I nodded partly in agreement with his statement and 
partly to show him I was actually listening to him. He 
was now totally matter of fact, almost like a college 
professor giving a lecture. "Somehow the portal knows 
their hearts and minds, and if they are truly willing 
sexual slaves - male or female - the portal brings 
them back to our dimension. It isn't just for our 
pleasure, though that it part of it. Our species has 

He paused as if trying to think of the correct word 
and then continued with "...womb bearers. It is 
possible for us to exchange genetic material between 
ourselves, but the murias - I think 'embryo' would be 
your closest equivalent word - must be implanted in a 
willing womb. If the womb is not willing, the embryo 
will not... attach."

"You have no women?" I asked.

"Male and female as you know them do not exist for us. 
In our species, as we approach maturity, we seek out a 
suitable partner or partners and exchange genetic 
sequences." He gestured toward an area on his side 
that looked more like a healed wound more than a 
opening. I decided that I really didn't want to know 
the details of how they accomplished exchanging 
genetic sequences.

"That is only done once in our lifetime. The other's 
genetic material is stored within us for future 
combination. We can control when such combination 
happens, but after the combining occurs, as the murias 
develop within us, we are driven to find suitable 
wombs in which to deposit the murias. Somehow, at some 
time, it was discovered that human females make the 
best womb bearers.

"That is why we seek human females - that and the fact 
that the human female's body seems to most greatly 
activate our desire to deposit a muria in their womb. 
Our attraction to human females is so strong we find 
that it is often quite pleasurable to release the 
fluid that carries the muria into a willing womb even 
if a muria is not present."

He looked slightly embarrassed. It was almost like 
talking to one of the local high school kids about 
sex. ... No, it was exactly like that.

Click!!! I was beginning to get the picture. Either 
time moves very differently wherever Will was from or 
his species has an unbelievably long life span. In 
either case, I now understood exactly what was going 
on. Will was basically a horny teenager who had gone 
to a peep show, fallen through the glass and couldn't 
get back into the audience. Now he was asking me to 
figure out was what caused him to fall through the 
window and somehow get him back.

"Tell me exactly what happened when you fell through 
the portal," I asked. His heat signature flushed. 
Whatever happened was definitely embarrassing to him.

"It was thousands of your years ago in what you call 
Babylon. The people there worshiped Marduk as god of 
the sun and Nanna-seun as goddess of the moon. The 
portals were created in the temples so that we could 
capture wombs during the fertility festival that 
celebrated the start of the new solar sequence. Each 
year at what you call the spring equinox, there would 
be one or two participants who were chosen by the 
portal to be womb bearers. Occasionally there would be 
a male slave or two who were brought through purely 
for work and pleasure."

I must have looked displeased because Will added, "I 
told you the portal will only take those who truly 
desire deeply in their hearts to be a sexual slave. I 
think you call such people submissives or pain sluts."

Will looked up at the ceiling as if he were 
envisioning something and then continued with his 
tale. "Then there came a year in which one of the 
their priests came up with a new celebration. It 
wasn't at the equal light and dark times in the 
spring, but at what you call the autumnal or fall 
equinox - or it was supposed to be. We can watch and 
listen through the portals, and we heard what the 
priest told his people, but he messed up his 
calculations." Another shrug.

Will must have spent a lot of time in Spain or Italy. 
I expected him to start talking with his hands at any 
minute. "Maybe the priest didn't make a mistake. Maybe 
he knew what would happen and intentionally moved the 
date. In any case, the festival was several days 

"I don't know what the purpose of the festival was 
supposed to be, but he somehow convinced them re-enact 
their creation myth where Marduk shoots an arrow down 
Tiamat's throat and splits her body to form the 
heavens and the earth. Eight women were brought into 
the temple. They were totally naked. Henna had been 
used to lighten the hair on their heads and all other 
hair had been removed from their bodies. Each woman 
was led into the room and made to stand within a 
wooden frame. Her arms were spread high above her head 
and tied to the frame. Her legs were also widely 
spread and tied to the base of the frame."

I noticed that Will's not insubstantial member had 
swollen slightly. I really hoped this teenaged 
reptilian didn't pop a woody remembering the sexual 
excesses of that night.

"After the women were securely tied, eight other naked 
women, the hair of their heads removed, their bodies 
totally shaved and glistening with grease or oils, 
came into the temple and began painting the bodies of 
the bound women with symbols of the stars and planets. 
After they were finished with that, they began rubbing 
oils into the women's womb openings and back openings. 
They also began inserting carved wooden phalluses into 
both openings."

"While they were doing this, several of the male 
priests - who were also naked and hairless - began 
whipping the women with soft whips of some sort. The 
eight women were soon crying out in pain and pleasure. 
The whippings and the rubbings continued until each 
woman had reached orgasm multiple times. After the 
women were hanging limp in their bonds from their 
ordeal, they were released from the frames and led 
over to spots directly in front of the portal.

There were eight wooden frames lying on the ground. 
Each frame was encircled by small lamps that somehow 
burned with a very blue flame. It was very bright to 
our eyes and with the bright blue light, we could 
easily see everything through the portal. Several 
naked males entered. One lay down on his back in the 
center of each of the frames.

The slave women used their mouths to make the males 
totally erect and then each impaled themselves on the 
males. The naked women who had earlier painted the 
bodies of the Tiamats, now bound the women's hands and 
feet somewhat loosely to the frame."

"The priests began to again whip the backs and 
buttocks of the bound women as they ground themselves 
against the males. This went on for several minutes 
until the priest who had organized everything shouted, 
'It is time.'"

"With that more naked males entered. Their bodies had 
been painted so that half of them were brilliant 
yellow like the sun and half were a more subdued white 
like the moon. The suns took a position in front of 
each woman while the moons began to push the women 
down and lay across the them from behind. From the 
gasps of the women, it was obvious that the moon men 
were penetrating their back openings. The man, the 
woman, and the man underneath the woman all began 
moving and thrusting against each other. The women 
were soon moaning and calling out in pain and 

"The priest in charge then yelled out 'Now Marduk, 
shoot your arrow down Tiamat's throat,' and each of 
the males standing in front of the women put their 
very hard and erect penises in the women's mouths."

"'Hold back... Hold back..." the priest kept repeating 
as the men and women thrust and thrashed together."

"'Hold back... Hold back... Hold back..." It seemed to 
go on forever and then suddenly the priest yelled, 

"The 24 men and 8 women all climaxed at the same time. 
By then there were many of us leaning against the 
portal watching everything and hoping that at least 
some of these wombs would be drawn over to us. That's 
when it happened. I was suddenly falling, and just as 
suddenly I found myself lying on the ground. When I 
got back to my feet, I realized that I was on the 
wrong side of the portal."

"Everyone began screaming. Three of the women had 
disappeared at the same moment that I had suddenly 
appeared and was now standing among them. A few of the 
priests bowed down facing me, but most grabbed weapons 
and began trying to force me out of the temple. Some 
high priest types who had been watching everything 
from a platform that we had not been able to see 
through the portal suddenly began shouting, 'He has 
summoned Asmodeus. Slay him!'"

"Everyone turned to where the priest who had organized 
the festival had been standing, but he, too, had 
vanished leaving his robes piled in a heap where he 
had been standing. While everyone was shouting and 
looking for the priest, I ran from the temple. I hid 
in the city for a while until I learned how to 
properly disguise myself. Thus I began my odyssey to 
find my way home."

Will looked at me with pleading eyes and asked, "So, 
can you help me get home?"

"Did you write the inscription on the stone?"

"No," he replied. "I just translated it. I keep 
translating it into the current language in hopes that 
someone can duplicate whatever it was that opened the 

I chuckled. Will did not like that and responded with 
what almost sounded like a hiss.

"Calm down, Will. I'm not laughing at you. I am just 
remembering all the legends of blue devils that have 
come out of Ireland. Maybe they weren't legends after 
all. People must have seen you a couple of times over 
the ages. I believe you, and I think I can help you. 
You have come to the right man, but we don't have much 
time and it will be very expensive."

"I have accumulated a great deal of wealth through the 
centuries," replied Will. "What do you need."

"We need access to the Black Room."

"No problem. A cave that I have expanded and tunneled 
out runs underground from my estate to the room. That 
is why I bought the estate."

"I need a charter airplane to fly about fifty of my 
friends to Ireland."

"No problem."

"I need your assurance that neither I nor any of my 
friends will be harmed or taken through the portal 
unless they want to do go."

"We will make a truce promise. It is binding on all my 

"And we need a willing womb to be your sex slave 
during this ritual and probably to go with you back 
through the portal."

"That would be me." came a somewhat sleepy voice from 
the couch. Evidently the Blond in Black was awake and 
had been listening to us. She turned to Will and 
continued, "I have always been able feel your power. I 
have always been able to see your power through your 
disguise even though I have never before seen your 
true form. The power excites me. The danger is what 
drew me to you. I want you to use me. I want you to 
dominate me. I want you to hurt me for your own 

"Prove it," I barked out rather loudly.

"What...? How...?" she sputtered.

"Strip! Now! Everything!" I commanded, and to my 
surprise she immediately began to remove her black 

My next comments were directed at Will. "She needs to 
be your slave. Tell her what to do. Tell her what you 

Will responded by fully unleashing one of the largest 
penises - if that is what it was - I had ever seen.

"Use your mouth," he commanded the blonde.

Naked and on her knees she crept over to him and began 
to lick and suck on his prodigious member. Erect it 
was as almost as long as her arm and at least that 
large. Blondie worked to pull at least the tip into 
her mouth. Like a typical teenager, it didn't take 
Will long to cum. Copious amounts of thick grey 
material flowed out of her mouth and onto her face and 
down her chest.

"Put it inside me," she panted. "Please, before I lose 
my nerve."

Will didn't need much more encouraging. He pushed her 
over onto her back and thrust into her. From her 
squeals and screams I could tell that he bottomed out 
with about one-third of it inside her. Then he began 
pumping. If there was any doubt that she was a totally 
submissive pain slut those doubts were blasted away as 
his massive member stretched her cunt almost as if she 
were giving birth. She orgasmed with a high, long 
wailing scream.

She lay beneath him softly moaning a continuous "Oh, 
oh, oh, oh, oh..." Will eventually recovered himself 
and, looking somewhat embarrassed, re-established his 
clothing disguise. After he had put his contacts back 
in, I spoke. "We only have a few days. This has to 
happen next Thursday night."

"But that isn't Halloween," interjected Will. The 
inscription says that the timing has to be exactly 

"Correct," I replied, "and I think that is the one 
thing that you have gotten wrong all these years. 
Obviously you figured out what the timing had to be on 
this portal or whatever it is after the Roman 

He looked startled. "Yes, but what does that have to 
do with it?"

"Since then, Halloween isn't Halloween. Samhain, the 
true Halloween is supposed to be on the night of the 
dark of the moon following the Autumnal Equinox. The 
Romans screwed up the date when they combined it with 
a Roman pagan harvest festival. They moved a lunar 
event to a solar calendar. The Babylonians had a 
solar-lunar calendar. The Roman calendar was purely 
solar. That Babylonian priest didn't get the date 
wrong. He knew exactly what he was doing. He was 
probably also one of your species trying to get home. 
He must have figured out that... Will, your sun is 
much bluer that our sun, isn't it?"

"Yes it is, but what does that have to do with it?"

"Red light hurts your eyes, doesn't it? And you really 
can't see all that well in direct light from our sun? 
That's why the dark sunglasses and the contacts."

Will hesitated to reveal a weakness, but finally 
nodded his head and said, "Yes. I try to avoid the 
strong light of your sun."

"That explains it all," I continued. On the dark of 
the moon after the Autumnal Equinox there is no 
sunlight, not even the reflected sunlight from the 
moon. It is the darkest of the dark nights. Maybe any 
other dark of the moon would work, but there might be 
something with the alignments of the planets or 
whatever at that time that affects something in the 
portal, so that is when it works."

Will nodded as what I was explaining began to sink in.

"I think the blue light is just to get your attention 
with something bright that you can easily see. When 
you burn alcohol rather than oil in a lamp you get a 
blue flame. If it is half-alcohol and half water, the 
flame is the truest... and bluest. For Brandy, that is 
100 proof. A pure blue flame. You folks must see that 
true blue alcohol flame best of all. A circle of blue 
flame around a naked sex show on a dark night was sure 
to attract watchers to the portal."

"The Babylonian priest - whoever he was - was relying 
on such a big crowd that when the forces - whatever 
they are - that hold the portal closed were weakest, 
the push of the crowd would force the barrier open and 
he could slide back into your world. It worked. He did 
that. He got home. But you fell out. Maybe it takes 
the absence of any red light to allow the barrier to 
open or maybe he just needed the right number of horny 
young whatever-you-ares leaning against the portal. In 
any case, if we duplicate those conditions on the 
darkest of dark nights, we should get you home."

Will was evidently processing all that I had just told 
him because his human face flickered in and out with 
the blue reptilian visage occasionally showing 

"Can you write in your home language?"

"What?" answered Will.

"Can you write in your home language. Can you make a 
sign that people on the other side of the portal can 
read? "

"I can etch a message on the portal itself. What do I 
need to say?"

"Put it on something in front of the portal so you 
don't have to write backwards. They are looking from 
the other side. Get some UV blacklilghts and light up 
your message so that they all can read it. Tell them 
to stand back from the portal until it is time to 
push. They will know when that time is right. Have 
them tether themselves to something to make sure that 
none of them fall through when the window opens. Make 
sure you tell them of our truce promise. And so that 
we can be sure there will be enough of them on the 
other side of the portal, tell them get ready for one 
hell of a show that will be at least as good as the 
one they watched 4000 years ago."

Will smiled at me, his reptilian face slightly visible 
through his human visage. I could tell it was a happy 
smile, but I would still hate to see that smile on a 
dark night.

Two days later a charter 787 set down at Cork airport 
in Ireland. I told Will that a plane that could carry 
300 people was a bit of overkill for our small group, 
but he explained to me that the plane was being 
delivered to Aer Lingus and according to its manifest 
was carrying only a crew and flight test technicians. 
He added "We needed to get everyone into the county 
with no questions asked, so I bought the plane for Aer 
Lingus to repay a favor I owe to one of the major 

Evidently he could see the look of concern on my face, 
because he continued, "You have complete documentation 
and tickets for a return trip. My solicitors will take 
care of everything once I am gone. If I have the 
wealth to buy one of Boeing's best just to get you 
into the country, I have the wealth to see that you 
all leave the country very well rewarded if things go 
well. "

He smiled - not the friendly smile - "And if things go 
wrong, none of you were ever here."

Seeing my obvious discomfort at that comment, he 
chuckled and added, "I have learned a lot about 
humanity in 4000 years. I always keep my word, but I 
also always, as you say, cover my ass. You have 
nothing to fear from me. But if your plan goes wrong 
and you all die or disappear, I don't have to explain 
things to the authorities." This time the smile was 
almost reassuring.

By nightfall we were all at Will's estate and ready to 
begin setting up everything in the Black Room. Goddess 
Deanna had arranged everything. We had all the people 
and props and those who needed to know, knew what they 
had to do.

I had called Goddess Deanna while Will was still with 
me that first night. She knew everybody in a twelve 
state area who was into any form of alphabet sex for 
fun or profit. I told her what we needed beginning 
with the fact that we needed seven pure pain sluts who 
would get off being the center of an ancient 
Babylonian sex ritual that inflicted a heavy mixture 
of pain and pleasure and carried the risk of being 
transported into another dimension where they would 
bear lizard children for the rest of their lives.

A long silence from her was followed by a single 
word..., "Pricey."

I told her everything that Will had explained to me. I 
had expected her to be skeptical when I warned her 
that some of the pain sluts might be taken through a 
portal in a rock wall, but instead, after I had 
completed the story, she just answered, "That explains 
the faces."

When I responded with a surprised "What?" she 
continued. "Every Halloween I used to have a big scene 
in an old mausoleum at this mansion I own upstate. No 
one had ever been buried there, so there shouldn't 
have been any ghosts, but every year someone would say 
that they saw faces staring at us from inside the 
black granite walls."

"A couple of years ago two of the slaves went missing 
overnight. The next morning, one slave's owner claimed 
she disappeared on him while they were having sex. He 
had her rigged with a TENS unit to shock her tits 
while he pumped her ass. He said that just as they 
were reaching that magic moment, she suddenly yelled 
out, "Yes, I am willing!" and she was gone and he was 
face down on the ground."

"I told everyone that I stopped holding the event 
because sooner or later there was going to be police 
involvement and that would be very bad for business, 
but the truth is that same night I saw one of the 
faces myself. It looked like it was half man and half 
lizard. Seeing him reflected or whatever in the black 
stone, his skin looked almost blue."

"It is blue," I answered, "and you are going to help 
his cousin get home."

Deanna gave one of her deep, throaty laughs and said, 
"Wicked." That was her signature comment, so I knew 
she was willing and able to do what we needed. She 
then added, "I will have everything in place by 
tomorrow night. Price tag is a million five, cash in 
advance... plus an account for additional expenses 
that may go as high as another mil."

All Will said in response to that was "Bank routing 
number?" I handed the phone to him and Goddess Deanna 
gave him the information. He pulled a satellite phone 
from somewhere - maybe he has a built in pouch - 
again, I really don't want to know. He punched the 
keys for a few minutes until there was a loud beep. 
Then Will told Deanna, "Its in your account."

Will had everything ready when we entered the Black 
Room through his "tunneled out cave." It was a long 
carpeted hallway with concealed lighting and quality 
air handling. It was like walking between buildings in 
a major city. The first thing that I saw as we entered 
the Black Room were eight polished stones sitting 
beneath a bank of black lights, They were covered with 
what looked like ancient writing and were sitting in 
front of a massive black granite slab which covered 
one wall of the room.

I assumed that this must be the portal. That 
assumption was confirmed when I saw the inscriptions 
that Will has shown me that first night. They took up 
a small corner of the wall, but didn't block the view 
for the audience behind the portal.

A band of sorts, dressed apparently as Babylonian 
temple musicians, was playing an odd assortment of 
bells, chimes and harp-looking things. It wouldn't 
ever make the top ten on anybody's favorites, but it 
had an eerily sexual overtone to it as if it were 
calling to lusts buried deep within.

A hooded figure dressed in a deep blue robe stood in a 
blue tinged spotlight in the center of the Black Room. 
The figure cried out, "It's time," and I knew that it 
was Goddess Deanna under the robes. Sixteen naked male 
slaves, their bodies totally devoid of hair, processed 
into the room carrying eight wooden frames. They kept 
perfect step in time to the odd music. Their oiled 
bodies glistened in the blue lights as they set the 
triangular shaped frames in place upright along one of 
the side walls of the room.

They walked out silently, and returned a few moments 
later carrying an equal number of wooden frames that 
looked like large eight-pointed wooden stars. These 
they placed on the floor directly in front of the 
highly polished portal wall. Eight naked female slaves 
walked behind each frame. Their bodies were also 
totally hairless and glistening with oil.

The females were each carrying a large basket which 
they placed on the ground next to the star frames. The 
baskets contained small oil lamps which the female 
slaves began to place around the stars. The slaves 
knelt next to the baskets with their knees wide apart 
and as they took each lamp from the basket, they 
rubbed the body of the lamp against their sex until it 
was glistening with their juices. By the time all 
eight lamps were in place at the points of the stars, 
the female slaves were moaning loudly with arousal.

Goddess Deanna's voice broke the silence with a sharp 
command. "We are prepared. Bring in the sacrifices."

The hairless male and female slaves scampered silently 
from the room. The band changed tunes and began 
playing something that sounded more military - at 
least it had a regular beat of a drum and sounded like 
something that an ancient army might march to. Eight 
men, dressed in white tunics of some sort with folded 
headdresses that looked like something I once saw in a 
painting in a museum, entered in single file. They had 
wide leather belts around their waists and leather 
coverings on their forearms. Each held a braided 
leather leash, and at the end of that leash was a 
naked female.

The females were hairless except for their eyebrows 
and the long blond or red hair on their heads. I 
recognized the first female as the Blond in Black who 
had been in my place with Will that first night. Two 
of the others looked familiar. I had probably seen 
them at some event or another hosted by Goddess 
Deanna. One of the younger ones was trembling and 
seemed unsure of proceeding. An additional male, 
dressed like the others except in total black, stepped 
forward and struck her suddenly with a large whip.

The crack of the whip reverberated in the stone room. 
The female stood still, almost rigid. I was thinking 
that if we didn't have willing sacrifices this might 
not work. For an instance I was upset that Deanna 
would have fluffed such an important detail, but then 
the female who had been struck shuddered, moaned 
loudly, and grabbed herself between the legs. The 
procession paused momentarily as she shook and cried 
out in an intense orgasm. If her mind had doubts, her 
body did not. She was a very willing part of this 

The naked females were led to the frames which stood 
upright along the side wall. The frames were 
triangular in shape. In unison, the slaves lifted 
their arms high above their heads and the escorts tied 
them firmly to short chains which were secured to the 
top of the triangle. The escorts then pulled the 
females' legs wide apart and secured them to the 
bottom corners of the triangles.

The escorts left, and the female slaves who had 
carried in the baskets of lamps returned carrying 
trays on which were several small pots of what looked 
like paint. They rubbed a black powdery substance over 
the secured female's bodies so that the skin of each 
was darkened to a grayish blue-black. Then they began 
painting bright blue, red and yellow stars on the 
female's skin. I don't know what kind of paint they 
were using, but it appeared to dry instantly and 
didn't smear as the hairless females began to rub oils 
over the skin they had just painted.

One of the small pots that I thought was paint was 
not. It was some sort of grease or heavy oil. The 
slaves scooped up handfuls of that and began rubbing 
it into the secured sacrifices' cunts and ass. While 
they were doing this, the sixteen hairless male slaves 
returned. Each held what looked like a soft, leather, 
multi-stranded whip. They began flogging the bound 

One stood on each side of the triangle frames so that 
one was whipping the sacrifices' back and one was 
whipping her front. The whips were soft and probably 
did not inflict much in the way of pain, but from the 
sound of the leather hitting flesh, they were 
apparently wet from having been soaked in something 
and snapped loudly with each strike.

The hairless females then took two dildos from the 
trays and began pumping them into the slut slaves cunt 
and ass. Deanna had shown me the dildos earlier. One 
was bright yellow and had the image of the sun 
embossed on the tip. The other slightly smaller and 
was a softer white with the image of the moon on the 
tip. As the slaves plunged the dildos into the sluts, 
I couldn't help but thinking that it gave a whole new 
meaning to the word, "mooning."

The combination of pain and pleasure had an immediate 
effect on the slut slaves. Within moments they were 
thrashing in their bonds. The whipping and the dildo 
action continued until each slut slave had climaxed 
multiple times. They were now dripping with their own 
sweat and sex juices and hanging limply in their 

"Enough," cried Goddess Deanna, and the hairless male 
and female slaves stepped away from the frames. The 
females walked over to the star frames, knelt and - 
after again rubbing the body of each lamp against 
their sex until it was glistening - lit the oil lamps. 
They must have been filled with 100 proof alcohol 
because there was now a bright circle of blue light 
surrounding each star frame.

Goddess Deanna loudly clapped her hands and the 
escorts returned. They were followed by a line of 
robed and hooded figures. A quick count told me there 
were sixteen dressed in white and eight dressed in 
black. Two white and one black figure went to each of 
the star frames.

The men robed in white removed their robes. One lay on 
his back in the center of the star frame. The other 
stood at the base of the frame. Meanwhile, the escorts 
released the slut slaves from the triangle frames and 
led them over to the stars. The sluts knelt next to 
the males and using their mouths quickly brought them 
to full erect. None of the men were of porn star 
proportions, but all were significantly above average 
in length and girth.

The sluts then turned their attention to the standing 
male and also sucked him to full erection. Then they 
straddled the male on the ground and impaled 
themselves on his member. The man lying beneath her 
then pulled her tightly to him while the figure in 
black secured her arms and ankles to the points of the 
star. After she was completely secured, the hairless 
male slaves again began whipping her back as she 
thrust herself onto the prick buried in her cunt.

The blue-hooded figure loudly clapped her hands and 
the whippings stopped. The standing male then stepped 
between the pain slut's legs and rammed himself into 
her ass. There is no other way to describe it. If the 
sluts had not been thoroughly stretched out by the 
dildos, the pain and tearing would have been 
overwhelming. Even with that, however, the sudden 
impalement by the well-endowed men caused gasps and 

"Slowly, slowly," instructed Goddess Deanna, and the 
men began to pump into the sluts.

"Whips," barked Dianna and the hairless slaves again 
began to whip the sluts. The sluts were now totally 
lost in a blur of pain and pleasure. They had orgasmed 
so many times that the boundary between pain and 
pleasure had long ago merged.

"It is time for Marduk to shoot his arrow."

The figures in black threw off their robes. Five of 
them were men of prodigious endowment, but even they 
were dwarfed by the other three. One of the other 
three was Will. I knew it was him because he was 
standing in front of the Blond in Black. The other two 
were evidently cousins of his that were also trapped 
on this side of the portal. I hoped there were no 
other surprises that Will had neglected to mention to 

Goddess Deanna was repeating in almost a chant, "Hold 
back... Hold back... Hold back...'

"Hold back... Hold back... Hold back..." Just as Will 
had described, it did seem to go on forever until 
Goddess Deanna screamed out, "NOW!"

There was a blast of blue light and a shock wave that 
pushed me back against the wall as the 21 men, 8 
women, and three whatevers climaxed together in 
massive orgasmic peak.

Suddenly it was very quiet except for the soft moaning 
of a couple of the slut slaves. Will and his two 
cousins were gone. So was the Blond in Black. I had 
expected that. Also gone were three of the other slut 
slaves, two of the hairless women and one of the 
hairless men. I hope they find what they truly 
desired. If Will was truthful, they only took those 
who deep within themselves wanted to go.

Goddess Deanna folded back her hood and turned to face 
me. "I would say that was successful," she said. Then 
she continued, "Sorry about not telling you about the 
other two. Will said that when he realized that this 
might work, he did a world-wide advertising blitz 
using his native language in the background. Basically 
he told anyone who could understand, 'If you are 
trapped here, I have a way to get home. Contact me.' 
So we had three to send home instead of just one."

A soft male voice spoke from the shadows at the edge 
of the room, "Mr W?"

"I'm W," I replied, and a very well dressed man 
carrying a briefcase stepped out of the darkness.

"I am Mr. Lithio's solicitor. He instructed me 
concerning payment and reward if this was successful."

"All participants will find that a suitable amount has 
been deposited in their checking or savings accounts. 
All paperwork has been filed so there are no tax 
implications to this transaction. For you and for... 
uhhh... Miss Deanna, that amount is one million 
dollars plus your expenses." Facing Deanna, "For you 
Goddess, that is in addition to the original agreed 
upon fee. For all other participants the amount is 
$250,000. Mr. Lithio also instructed me to give you 
this letter."

He handed me a letter which began, "I apologize for 
deceiving you regarding how many of my kind would be 
here tonight. I truly did not know until today that 
there would be two more of us to send home. I did 
deceive you in one other way, though more by omission 
that deceit. I have learned over the years, that, 
except for its size, there is nothing special about 
the portal in the Black Room. Any highly polished 
stone will suffice. Black stone works best. Large 
stones give a larger window but apparently have the 
risk of the portal opening under the right 

"I have established a trust which will maintain the 
Black Room as a sacred site. Under current laws that 
will protect it and for many years to come. There is a 
clause which allows for 'certain suitable rituals 
deemed necessary by the trustees.' The trustees know 
who and what I am but are very well paid to keep 
secrets and to take necessary measures so that others 
keep the secret. There may be others of my kind who 
have somehow been trapped in your world. If anyone 
else responds to the notices that we have set up 
worldwide, the trustees will contact you and I trust 
that you or Deanna will arrange for a suitable 

The letter continued with typical legal mumbo jumbo 
describing exactly how all of the transfers were to 
occur and how to draw additional funds in case another 
"ritual" was needed.

The final paragraph was handwritten, possibly by Will 
himself. "I have also legally established a trust for 
the sole purpose of fully funding an annual Halloween 
Party at Goddess Deanna's New York estate. I am sure 
that everyone present on either side of the polished 
granite will greatly enjoy the evening's festivities. 
I hope to see you there each year."

Deanna had been reading over my shoulder and when we 
finished the letter gave one of her throaty laughs and 
said, "Good. Now I don't have to remember to invite 
you. You have a permanent invitation."

"I don't know," I replied, hoping that she would see 
the twinkle in my eye as I spoke. "I don't know if I 
want to try to perform in front of an audience of blue 
lizards with giant pricks who might steal the girl 
right out from under me."

She laughed again. "It never bothered you when we were 
together that night in the grave yard under the full 

I looked somewhat puzzled and she added, "I told you, 
I can see the faces. I have always been able to see 
the faces. They are always there watching from the 
polished stones... any polished stone, remember?"

I hadn't thought of that. Polished stones are 
everywhere, especially in graveyards. Sex in the 
cemetery will never be the same again.



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