Cindy's Lessons - Part 9

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Cindy’s Lessons     Part 9

Jenny went outside and brought Rex inside. He was happy to see her. Jenny gave him some food and fresh water. She sat down by him and hugged him and petted him while he ate. He licked her face and went back to eating.

     Jenny: “Do you miss your bitch, boy? I will make sure that you get to fuck her again. I’m sure she misses you too. Stay here and be good. I’ll go get her for you.”

     As Jenny went to get Rex, Sarah made the bitch some food. She didn’t want to mess with it that much so she simply put regular dog food, pissed in it and took it down to her. She slid it into the slot as before and then went upstairs to watch her and to see how she was doing. She met Jenny coming down and told her to wait and watch her on the monitor. Jenny told Sarah that Rex was getting lonely and needed his bitch. Sarah laughed and said he’ll get her soon and that she wanted to watch her for a minute first.
     They sat down and looked at the monitor. They saw her gobbling up the last of her food. She was shoving the last bit in her mouth when they saw her. She even licked the bowl clean as best as she could before sticking her head in the toilet and getting a nice long drink of water. Jenny laughed, “She was hungry, wasn’t she?” Sarah replied, “Yea. Let’s bring her up and see how much she has learned.”
     They went down and opened the door slowly and then entered the room where the bitch has been locked up for days, now. She has been in total darkness and total silence. When the door opened, she jumped into her bed and screamed for a few seconds. Her mind had made that little room into her reality. When the door opened, it was an intrusion in her world and it took her a second to recover and to realize that she wasn’t from here. She wanted to leave.
     There was not much light coming in through the door but since she had been in total darkness, it was like daylight to her. She looked at her visitors and knew that they were in charge of her life. She remained silent until she knew what they wanted.

     Sarah: “Do you want to come out for a while, bitch? Your lover needs you. He has been a good boy and he deserves a good fuck from you. Well, DO YOU?!”

     Bitch: “Wesf. Peefh wep me owpf. I wiw be goob. Peeesf?”

     Jenny: “If it were up to me, bitch, I would let you rot down here. It would be fun to watch you eat some food meant for animals like you. What do you think? Maybe we could start feeding you some dead animals. Rabbits? Mice? How about a nice freshly killed chicken?”

     Bitch: “Peesf. I pomisf, I wiw be goob.”

     Sarah put a hood over her head and put a leash on her collar. She yanked on it and told her to follow her. Sarah dragged her upstairs stumbling every so often because she couldn’t see anything. They chained her to the floor bolt that was now referred to as “The Bitch bolt”. When Jenny ripped off the hood, the bitch screamed and covered her eyes. She had been in total darkness and even the normal inside light was blinding to her. She blindly crawled into her corner where a new bed had been set up for her. As she was whining, Rex came in and sat down beside her and licked her face. She kept her eyes closed but reached around Rex’s neck and hugged him like a child hugs a teddy bear.
     Jenny: “Isn’t that nice. They miss each other.”

     Sarah: “They sure do, don’t they? Leave them alone for a while. After Rex fucks her, she needs a bath. She stinks.”

     Jenny: “You’re right about that. She does. I think we should let her bathe herself out there. I am getting sick of giving her a bath. I don’t want to touch her.”

     Sarah: “OK. We’ll give her a chance to see if she will cooperate, yet. Let’s watch. I would like a little entertainment right now. Go get us a couple of beers and we can both enjoy the show.”

     Jenny went into the kitchen and came back with some beer and sat down next to Sarah to watch. Jenny yelled at her, “Come on bitch! Get your ass in the air. Poor Rex hasn’t had a good fuck in a week, now!” The bitch got up on all “fours” and stuck her ass up for Rex. She was slowly getting used to the light and could see Jenny and Sarah watching her. She was slowly accepting the fact that she belonged to Sarah and Jenny but was still mortified at being fucked by a dog. It would be better to be a whore for money than this. Fucking Rex was purely for their entertainment.
     Rex licked her cunt for a minute and then mounted her from behind. His cock was already beginning to emerge form its hiding place. Jenny noticed the bitch was reaching back and helping Rex by pulling it into her cunt.

     Jenny: “Look, Sarah, she actually wants him to fuck her and Rex is happy to have his bitch back.”

     Sarah: “I see that. Rex is more important than her anyway. She knows that her job is to keep him satisfied. (to the bitch) You hear me bitch? Rex is your master and we are his. Whatever he wants you to do, you had batter do it unless we say otherwise. Is that clear?!”

     Bitch: “Wesf. I unberfwand. May I peesf cum? PEEESF??”

     Jenny: “Why should we let you cum? You haven’t done anything to earn it!”

     Sarah: “Jenny is correct. From now on you will have to earn the privilege of Cumming. Your job is to make Rex cum, so stop whining about your own selfishness. Do you understand?”

     Bitch: “Wesf. I unberfwand……………………….”

     Whatever the bitch was going to say next was lost as Rex shoved his cock deep into her cunt. She let out a grunt, closed her eyes and stuck her ass up as he began to hump on her like a piston. Like before, Rex was drooling all over her back with his tongue hanging out. He did something new this time, though. As he was humping on her he leaned down and gently grabbed her neck along with her hair. He pulled and began to growl a little. It was now clear to even him that she was his bitch and He wanted to make sure that she knew it too.

     Jenny: “Look at that. Is that supposed to happen?”

     Sarah (laughing): “Yes it is. All dogs do that to their bitches when they fuck them. He is establishing his dominance over her. He is letting her know that he is in charge and that she will always come to him whenever he needs her. He is telling her that he is her master, now. It is normal and long overdue for them.”

     Jenny (laughing): “Well, bitch, it looks like even Rex now knows that you belong to him. I would suggest that you obey him. Dogs have a way of showing everyone who is in charge of the pack and you, my little bitch, are the pack.”

     Rex continued to fuck her hard and fast. The bitch not only DIDN’T seem to mind, she was actually enjoying it. She began to hump back when Rex suddenly bit down harder and growled louder. She stopped and stayed still. It was clear to everyone that Rex wanted her to be still. He didn’t like fucking a moving target and he let her know it. Even though she stayed still, she continued to groan and be very vocal.


     Sarah and Jenny just laughed and watched. Rex didn’t give a shit if she wanted to cum or not. He didn’t give a shit if she even enjoyed it. All he wanted was to cum in her worthless cunt. He kept pumping her fast and hard and all the while holding her neck and growling. Sarah yelled out over her yelling and said, “We told you before, bitch, you have to earn your orgasms. The only thing you need to worry about right now is to make sure Rex is happy. He is your only concern. Remember that and stay still and be quiet.”
     The bitch stopped yelling but kept grunting and letting out a groan now and then. Jenny laughed even harder. Soon Rex grabbed her tight with his paws, pulled on her head and neck. He stiffened up and shot his load into the bitch’s cunt. She just let out a long groan as her cunt filled up with her lovers cum.
     After Rex had pumped his full load, he let her go and tried to pull away but his knot was stuck in her cunt. Every time he pulled, she felt the pain. She would yelp in pain when he would try to pull free from her. The two of them were now ass to ass and Rex would pull every few seconds to try and free himself from his new bitch. Finally after a few minutes his cock came free with a squishy pop. The bitch fell down on her side while Rex sat over to clean himself up.

     Jenny: “Come on, bitch, help you lover clean himself up. You don’t expect him to do ALL the work. My god, you wouldn’t even help him fuck you and you didn’t even thank him. The least you could do is clean him up. Clean you dirty cunt juice of him!”

     The bitch crawled over to Rex and leaned over to lick his cock. This was still disgusting to her but she had no choice but to accept Rex as her master and herself as his bitch. It was now her job to take care of him and to clean him up. His cock was still sticking at least 6 inches out and she began to lick and suck on it. He raised his head and licked her face while she sucked and licked his cock clean.
While she was still bent over, he got up and pissed on her to mark her as his own and then he crawled to her bed, lay down and went to sleep. He curled up and slept. When the bitch crawled over to lay by him, he growled at her. He clearly DIDN’T want to share his bed with her. She crawled over to the wall and sat down with her back against the wall.

     Jenny: “Hey bitch, don’t let our floor get all dirty. Clean up you worthless cunt before it drips all over!”

     Sarah: “Good idea. Go on, bitch. Lick you cunt clean of your master’s cum.”

     The bitch cried as she began to scoop up Rex’s cum with her fingers and lick them clean.  While his cum kept oozing out, she kept scooping it and licking off her fingers. She had never liked the taste of cum. That is why she would NEVER give a guy a blow job. She thought it was disgusting but now it seemed to be her duty to clean up after Rex. Clearly, Rex was her master, now. Soon her cunt was clean of her master’s cum. She tried again to crawl over and curl up with him but he braked and snarled at her so she just lay on the floor and waited.
     Jenny went over to the bitch and unhooked the chain from the floor and dragged her outside. Jenny told her she stunk and needed a bath. There was a bucket, sponge, rags and the hose waiting for them out the back door. Jenny kicked her down the stairs and told her that this was a time for her to earn a few “brownie” points. She was to give herself a bath with the chain holding her and if she was a good little bitch, she would get a reward. Before the bitch started to bathe, she went over the side and squatted down and took a nice big shit and piss. As she was always told to do, she scooped up her shit with her hand and took it around to the back of the garage and returned.
     The bitch looked a Jenny for a second. She figured this was another cruel joke by Jenny. She knew that Jenny really hated her. Jenny just sat down on the steps and watched her for a few seconds before she got up and kicked the bitch in the ass and told her to hurry up. The bitch grabbed the soap and filled the bucket and mixed the soap up. She took the sponge and lathered herself all up before rubbing herself and scrubbing herself clean with the sponge and soapy water. She scrubbed her ass and pussy real good. It was starting to get sore from shitting in the darkroom and not cleaning it properly. She tried to scoop water from the toilet and rub it on her ass but it didn’t work very well. This bath felt good and she was greatful.
     As the bitch was rinsing herself off, she heard a voice off to the side.

     Man’s voice: “Hi Jenny. How are things going with you and your mom?”

     Jenny: “We’re doing great, Butch. How are you doing?”

     Butch: “We’re doing fine, here too. What have you got going on there?”

     Jenny: “Our house guest needed a bath. She was dirty and stinky. She prefers to bathe outside for some reason, so we let her, otherwise she throws a fit. We are taking care of her for a while. Her family can’t so we told them that we would help them out. They are good people.”

     Butch: “Sounds like she is a handful. She likes to bathe outside? Well, it doesn’t bother me at all and that guy on the other side of you doesn’t mind, I’m sure. You don’t mind if I watch, do you? Will she mind? She is a pretty one except for the piercings.”

     Jenny: “No, I don’t mind and she doesn’t care at all either as long as you don’t try to talk to her. She gets kind of wild when a stranger talks to her. As to the piercings, she had them done before anyone knew she had problems so we just let her keep them. Someday maybe we can take them out but we must go one step at a time for now.”

     Butch: “I understand. I will just stand here and watch, then.  A pretty girl always makes my day, especially a naked one, if you’ll forgive me.”

     Jenny: “It’s all right. She gets this all the time. For some reason, she doesn’t mind people staring at her as long as they don’t talk to her. Please, be my guest.”

     Butch just leaned on the fence and stared at the bitch scrubbing herself down and then using the hose with the cold water, rinsed herself off. After she was finished, she looked at Jenny and said, “May I peesf havf a towiw?” Jenny told her to dry herself off like Rex has to. She told her to roll around in the grass and dry herself that way. Jenny wanted her to put on a good show for Butch too. Jenny glanced at him now and then and knew he was jacking off, watching her. Jenny smiled but was a little jealous. The bitch didn’t deserve to be appreciated like that.
     The bitch rolled around on the cold grass and dried herself as best she could. She knew the neighbor was staring at her and seemed to be enjoying her ass and cunt as they were exposed and spread for him while she dried herself. She glanced at Jenny but there was no sympathy. Jenny just stared at her and waited. Finally the bitch was fairly dry and Jenny got up and called her to the door. The bitch didn’t know if she should walk or crawl so she crawled back into the house and to her spot in the living room next to Rex.
It didn’t go unnoticed to the bitch that they didn’t attach her collar to the leash like they usually did. For just split second, she considered running away but realized that she had nowhere to run to. Sarah had erased her from all records. She didn’t exist anymore and no one could understand her anyway with that oversized ring in her tongue. She belonged to Rex and he belonged to Sarah and Jenny. She was slowly accepting her new role as their property. Did she really deserve this? Was she this bad of a person? She began to go over her entire life while she was locked in that dark room. She began to wonder. How could she generate this much hate and absolutely no friendship or compassion? She hung her head down because she knew she had no REAL friends. Those that she had always called “friend” would never help her even if they KNEW about her. She was convinced that they would sit here drinking mixed drinks and enjoying the show she would put on for them and not think twice about not helping her.
Jenny fallowed her inside and sat down next to Sarah in the kitchen. The two of them spoke quietly so Rex and the bitch couldn’t hear them.

     Sarah: “I was watching through the window. I heard what you told Butch. That was fast thinking. I am proud of you. Even though you left her leash off, she doesn’t seem to want to try and run away, does she?”

     Jenny: “No, she doesn’t. I was hoping she would so I could punish her. Butch didn’t seem to mind and he simply believed what I said. He’s a good guy anyway. He’s a good neighbor. I know I keep saying it but I will NEVER forgive her for what she did. It was my fault too and I want you to know that I will always do whatever you say. I deserve to be your slave and be punished for what I had done to you.”

     Jenny got on her knees and laid hr head on Sarah’s lap and began to cry. She held her around the legs and waist and simply said, “I’m sorry”.  Sarah knew how Jenny felt. The pain Jenny was feeling was the bitch’s fault and it made Sarah angry.

     Sarah: “Wait here and keep your head on the chair. I will be right back.”

     Jenny: “Yes Sarah.”

     Jenny wasn’t quite sure what to think. It sounded like Sarah wanted her to be her slave but she wasn’t sure. If Sarah did want Jenny to serve her, she was happy to be her servant. Sarah deserved to be happy and Jenny would do whatever she wanted to make her happy.
     Sarah went into the living room and stood in front of the bitch. The bitch saw the anger in her eyes and moved back into the wall as far as she could. She had fear in her eyes and wasn’t sure what was wrong. Sarah commanded her to turn around and stick her ass up into the air. The bitch was shaking in fear but obeyed. Sarah just stared at her ass and cunt for a minute. She wanted to let her swim in her fear for a minute. The bitch was visibly shaking. She would have pleaded but she had no idea what was happening. It was obvious to her that SOMETHING was wrong.

Sarah: “You fucking bitch! You have no idea how much I have to control myself right now. You are the source of the pain Jenny is feeling. She has been wrestling with it since she realized that you were simply using her. You used me too but I can live with it. I am trying desperately to help you but I am having my doubts if you even can be helped. You are one of the most selfish animals on Earth!”

     All the time Sarah was yelling at her, the bitch just knelt there with her ass sticking up. She began to cry. She was beginning to realize what Sarah was saying but she still didn’t think she was an evil person. She had been wrestling with all this for the last couple of weeks and especially while locked up in the darkroom. All this went through the bitch’s mind in an instant.
As Sarah yelled, “FUCKING BITCH!”, she kicked the bitch in the cunt. The bitch screamed and curled up in a ball. She was screaming still and holding her cunt while Sarah left and went back into the kitchen where Jenny was still on her knees with her head on the seat of the chair.
Sarah thought carefully. She loved Jenny more than anything in the world and knew that she needed to come to terms over what she had perceived as a cruel betrayal. Sarah sat down and pushed Jenny onto the floor and told her to sit and be silent. Jenny looked up at Sarah and sat there watching her but said nothing. Sarah knew that Jenny felt great guilt over what she had thought was her role in the cruelty they had done on her (Sarah). Sarah had to purge this from Jenny. Sarah loved Jenny more than anything on Earth and would NEVER hurt her. Jenny wanted to be punished and Sarah knew that she had to punish her even though it was the last thing in the world she wanted for Jenny. Sarah was fighting with this for a while as Jenny sat on the floor. Sarah didn’t look at jenny and pretended not to care that she was even there. A tear came to Sarah’s eye as she realized what she had to do.

     Sarah: “You are right. You deserve to be punished. You were partly responsible for hurting me. You will do whatever I tell you to. This punishment will go on as long as needed until I think you have been punished enough. This punishment is done out of love and not revenge. You must be taught not to hurt people like that ever again. You also must be taught to recognize when you are being used and to know who your real friends are! Is that clear??!!”

     Jenny: “Yes Sarah. I understand. I will do whatever you say.”

     Sarah: “Until I say so, you will never speak no matter where we are or what we are doing unless I tell you to speak. You are not even allowed to make noises unless I allow it. You will have certain freedoms but if you abuse those freedoms, you will spend as much time in the darkroom with the bitch for as much time as she is there. You will both feel your punishments together for much of the time around here. There will be more rules coming for you but those are your rules for now.  Is that clear?!”
Jenny almost said “Yes”, but caught herself in time. She simply nodded.


     Sarah went and got the old collar that they had her wear when she was their slave. It was not as secure as the one that the bitch had but it still needed a key to open the lock in order to remove it. On this collar the lock could be cut but other than that, it couldn’t be taken off without the key. The bitch’s collar was special made. It was a hardened steel alloy. It absolutely required the proper key. The lock in that collar was custom made and was internal. Under NO conditions could the bitch ever get that collar off unless she removed her head.
Sarah put the collar on Jenny’s neck and told her that she would be wearing it for quite a while and that she’d better get used to it until her new one arrived. She took Jenny into the living room where the bitch was and used another chain and locked Jenny to it. She was locked up to another bolt but the two of them could reach each other easily.

Sarah: “The both of you will remain here for a while. Just so you understand, you both are now Rex’s bitches. You will do whatever he wants you to do. You will both do your best to make him happy. I am Rex’s owner and he obeys me and you two obey him. IS THAT CLEAR??!”

Bitch: “Wesf Farah. I umberspanmd.”

Jenny simply nodded. Sarah left and went into the kitchen to make herself some breakfast. She got into the kitchen and pretended to make a little noise like she was fixing breakfast. The kitchen and the living room were separated quite a bit and though loud noises could be heard, talking and normal noise could not.
Sarah sat down, laid her head on the table and began to cry. Jenny was her one true love and to humiliate her and hurt her was very painful to Sarah but she knew that Jenny needed this to purge her guilt. Sarah told her many times that the guilt she felt was for nothing but she still was carrying it around like a heavy bag on her back. Sarah knew that this was the only way but she still cried.
She cried for a few minutes and rested her head on the table for a while before she pulled herself together to make Rex some food. The other two would have to wait until he was finished. She put Rex’s food on the floor next to his bed. The bitch and Jenny just watched. Sarah called Rex over, petted and hugged him for a while then got up and let him eat. She told them that they would eat after Rex was finished and he had taken his morning walk.
Sarah went and got Rex’s leash. She walked in the room with his leash and a large long object that looked like a big pliers. She grabbed the bitch’s chain and yanked her over and shoved it in her face.

     Sarah: “Listen very carefully to me bitch. I am cutting your tongue ring off for now. Think of it as being on parole. If you do not behave yourself or if you give me any troubles, I will cut your tongue out and lock you in that room for years. Do you understand me??!!”

Bitch: “Wesf Farah. I umbersftanb.”

Sarah: “Stick out your tongue, bitch.”

The bitch stuck out her tongue and Sarah grabbed it with her fingers and said, “Maybe I should just cut your tongue out right now. What do you think, bitch?”

The bitch suddenly got a wide-eyed look of fear in her eyes. She knew that Sarah not only could do it but that she wanted to. All she could do is shake her head and make gurgling noises. Sarah was angry with her beyond belief. She pulled on the ring so her tongue was sticking way out and put the clippers on the back of her tongue. The bitch could only whimper and cry and shake her head “no”. Sarah took the clippers and put a small cut in her tongue and then cut the ring out. The bitch screamed for a minute before she realized that her tongue was still there. She was tasting blood but it was there and the ring was gone.

Sarah: “Yes, bitch, your worthless tongue is still there. You would not be able to give Rex a proper blowjob if you didn’t have a tongue and he is more important than you are. Trust me, though, if you give me even the smallest amount of trouble, I will not only cut your tongue out but I will also cut some more important things out too. DO YOU HEAR ME BITCH??!!”

Bitch (trembling and crying in fear): “Yes Sarah”

Jenny just sat there and watched in fear. She hated the bitch but was not sure if she wanted her mutilated, like that. It made her wonder just how much she hated her. Jenny almost felt sorry for her but then just stared at her. Maybe she would be better without a tongue, after all. Sarah got one their ball gags and shoved it into the bitch’s mouth and locked it on her.

Sarah: “I want you two quiet. I don’t want to hear any whining form you, either. I can trust her to keep her big mouth shut but you need a little help to shut your fucking dog hole shut, bitch!

Then, Sarah grabbed the bitch’s leash and yanked her so they were face to face. Sarah balled up her fist and hit her on the side of the head so hard that she flew six feet in the air and slammed into the wall. The bitch fell on the floor with a thump. She was “out” cold. Sarah didn’t even look back. She put some clothes on and took Rex out for a walk.
Jenny looked at the bitch with a little satisfaction. She had a cut on her head and would have at least a large bruise on her head. Jenny was hoping she would have a nice headache too, when she woke up. Jenny knew she wasn’t permanently damaged. Sarah was an expert at hand to hand combat and knew exactly how much force to use. Jenny DID smile, though because she knew that Sarah would make her feel a little pain for a while. Jenny crawled over to Rex’s little bed and lay down.
She started to cry when she realized that she probably wouldn’t be able to touch Sarah for a long time. Her tears ran down her cheek for a while but she deserved it for what she had done. She was duped but was still responsible for her own actions. She laid there hoping that she could at least see Sarah once and a while. It was just occurring to her that she would probably get lock in the dark room. What if she was in there and the bitch was upstairs in the living room. How could she even bare that? She was already on the same level as the bitch. Would Sarah let the bitch have some control over her? She was afraid but all she could do is cry. She was not allowed to say anything of even beg. She just closed her eyes and cried.
Sarah walked over to the neighbor’s house while walking Rex. Butch answered the door when she knocked. Sarah had normal clothing on but she still was clearly one of the most beautiful women that Butch had ever seen.

Butch (stammering): “Hi Sarah. Can I help you with something?”

Sarah: “Hi Butch. I need a favor from you.”

Jenny was laying there for about an hour before the bitch began to awake. She was groaning for a few minutes before she opened her eyes and slowly sat up. She rubbed her head where Sarah hit her.        It was bruised and had a little blood on it. She just groaned for a minute. She started to say something when she realized the tongue ring was missing but immediately realized that she was gagged and couldn’t talk anyway. She and Jenny looked at each other with no emotion. Jenny smiled and evil smile at her while she just grunted and snorted at her.
After a few minutes, Jenny went over to the bitch and began to look closely at the side of her head. The bitch jerked back and snorted at her. Jenny pointed at her mouth and shook her head. She was trying to tell the bitch that she was not allowed to talk. The bitch seemed to understand and pointed at her head and shook it “no”. Jenny smiled and nodded. The bitch softened a little and let Jenny touch her. Jenny took the blanket from the bed and wiped the blood from the side of her head and put the bitch’s hand on it indicating that she should hold it there for a while. The bitch gave her a soft expression and nodded her head at Jenny. Jenny smiled and nodded back. Jenny really didn’t like her but she wanted to make her feel like her friend in case Sarah put the bitch in some kind of control over her. Jenny was truly afraid of that.
It was about an hour later that Sarah walked in with Rex. She took his leash off and told him to go and lay down in his bed. He walked over and saw Jenny in his bed. He didn’t know what to do. The bitch was his but this person n his bed was his master, so he just lay down on the floor. Sarah walked over and kicked Jenny and told her that she had better start realizing that Rex was her superior, now and she had better respect it! Jenny crawled out of the bed and Rex lay down in his bed and curled up to sleep. Sarah went over to the couch and relaxed for a while. She noticed Jenny staring at her and told her that she had better enjoy her last look because from now on, she would wear clothes and that the two of them were the only ones that would be naked all the time. She told Jenny that she wouldn’t be touching her either and that she (Sarah) would have to find satisfaction for somewhere else since Jenny was going to be all tied up from now on.
Jenny stared at Sarah when she walked in. She enjoyed watching Sarah even with clothes on. She longed to touch her. When Sarah told her that she would not be seeing her or touching her any longer, she began to cry all over again.
Sarah sat for a while and watched TV. She told both Jenny and the bitch that if Rex wanted a piece of ass that they had better cooperate. She told the bitch that she could cum but only from Rex fucking her and not for any other reason. It was necessary to say it because the bitch was still under her hypnosis and needed permission to cum. She looked at both of them and said, “Now you two are equal. You will have to make Rex happy in order to be happy.
Sarah looked Jenny in the eye and said, “You are NOT allowed to cum in any way except when and if Rex fucks you! IF I even think you have cum in any other way, you will be locked up for a long time! UNDERSTAND!!??” Jenny just nodded with fear in her eyes.
It was a short time later when there was a knock on the door. It was Butch form next door.

Butch: “Hey there babe. I have some free time this afternoon and I am bored to tears. How about you make my free time worthwhile? You are a nice looking bitch and I would love to have you entertain me for a while. What do you say, honey?”

Sarah: “Well, ok. I am free for a while too and I need a good fuck anyway. It’s been a while for me and my lover just became unavailable for a long time. Give me one minute and I’ll be right back. Have a seat.”

Butch: “Sure thing, babe. Don’t be too long or I’ll have to find someone else.”

Sarah (With an excited tone in her voice): “No. Please. I’ll only be a minute.”

Butch: “Well, don’t stand there babbling, hurry up.”

Sarah ran and grabbed the bitch and took her to the dark room. When she got in, she took out the gag. She told her that she didn’t want her to die of thirst and that no one could hear her in here anyway. She told her she was free to scream as loud and as long as she wished to and closed the door and left. The bitch was left in total darkness once again.
Sarah came back into the living room and as she walked over to Butch, she stripped her clothes off. Butch didn’t have to fake being horny or awed by her beauty. He just sat there with a dumb look on his face and watched her. Sarah Gave Jenny a hard look and told her that she’d better stay quiet. Jenny just nodded but didn’t make a sound.
By the time she got over to Butch, she was completely naked. She kneeled down in front of him and said, “What would you like, first? It’s been a long time since I have had a nice cock.”  He told her she should use that nice mouth and tongue of hers, first. Sarah began to undo his belt and then lower and remove his pants. While she was doing that, he had stripped his shirt off. As she moved in towards his cock, he grabbed her head and pulled her mouth onto his cock and began to hump and fuck her mouth. All she could do is moan and groan. If she wanted to say something, she would have to wait until he blew his load into her mouth, first, so she worked on him like a pro.
Her tongue was moving around his cock like whirlpool and her mouth was being pushed and pulled up and down his cock. He was fucking her mouth like he was insane with lust. He was not faking. He was lost in a total world of lust. The only thing he wanted right now was to fill her mouth with cum and to use his cock to shove it down her throat!
Jenny watched form the other side of the room. Her tears were rolling down her face. Her beautiful Sarah was using her mouth to please someone else and it was not only a guy but was their neighbor and she was enjoying it. She watched as Sarah’s mouth was being fucked by this guy. He was crazy.  Suddenly his eyes rolled back into his head. He Grabbed Sarah’s head and pulled on it along with her hair and ears and held it tight. Jenny knew his load was being forced down Sarah’s throat. When he let go, Sarah pulled her head off his cock and his cum was running down her chin. She took her finger and scooped it up and sucked her fingers clean.

Sarah smiled up at him and said:”Please fuck me. I need that cock of yours in me, NOW!”

Butch: “Sure thing, babe. Get that juice off your face, first. Lick it all clean before I fuck you. Roll over on that coffee table so I can fuck you. I would kiss you but now your mouth is all dirty with cum, so you will just have to be happy with being fucked.”

Sarah: “Of course. Anything that you wish is what I need!”

Sarah jumped onto the coffee table with her ass sticking up for Butch to have easy access to. Butch jumped on her and shoved his cock into her ass. Sarah yelped and grabbed the table and hung on.

Butch grunted and said: “Oh, I’m sorry. I must have missed and hit the wrong hole. You don’t mind, do you, honey?”

Sarah replied: “No. Oh god! Stick that cock in anywhere you wish to. It feels so damn good.”

Sarah started to reach down to finger herself but Butch grabbed her arm and pushed it away and said: “No you don’t, babe. You are to give me your full attention. If you start to finger yourself, you will forget all about me. You can shove whatever you want up your cunt, after I am finished with you.”

Sarah: “I’m sorry, Butch. Just fuck me hard. FUCK ME HARDER!”

Butch was ramming his cock in and out of Sarah’s ass. It was all Sarah could do to hang on to the table. She was getting horny as hell but couldn’t finger herself. Butch kept pushing her hand away. It was driving her crazy. It didn’t take Butch long. He was crazy with lust. He was literally fucking the most beautiful woman in the world. He kept grunting and pounding his cock into her.  Finally after there was a pool of sweat on her back, he grunted and grabbed her ass and held on for dear life as he pushed a load into another of Sarah’s holes. He collapsed onto her back and laid there for a minute before he got up. Sarah was lying on the table all spent but still horny. He pulled her up and told her to get on her knees and clean his cock up. It was dirty from being in her shit filled asshole.
At first Sarah suggested that Jenny clean him up. Jenny perked up a bit. She didn’t want Sarah to suck on his dirty cock. She would have been more than happy to clean him off. She wanted to please Sarah in the worst way. All she could do is sit in silence and wait and watch.

Butch: “That’s not the way it works, baby. Whoever gets it dirty cleans it up. That is the rule. If you don’t like it then you can find yourself another cock to shove in your holes.”

Sarah just got on her knees and tentatively began to lick his cock. It was all full of cum and some shit from her own ass hole. Jenny could see it clearly and Sarah gave a face that indicated that It tasted awful and that she didn’t want to clean it like this. Tears began to run down Jenny’s face again. Butch was a basterd for doing this to her. Why was she putting up with it? Is it possible that she wanted a cock more than her? This made her cry and even more to realize that she might never be able to touch, kiss or lick Sarah ever again. From now on, Sarah would be looking for a cock and not want her anymore. She simply cried. She desperately wanted to beg for Butch to let her clean it off but Sarah had ordered her to “not talk”. She cried.

Sarah: “Please, can’t I wipe it off with a towel or rag?”

Butch: “I told you NO, you slut! Now get to work and start to clean it. You have two seconds or I will not come over here and fuck you ever again. CLEAN IT! CLEAN AND WORSHIP MY COCK, SLUT!”

Sarah herd Jenny’s chain rattle a little bit and knew what she was thinking. She didn’t pay any attention to Jenny while she began to lick and suck his cock all over again. Soon it was all cleaned up. Butch told Sarah to stay on her knees and remember what his cock looked like and tasted like. He told her that he might fuck her again if she asks nicely. He smiled at her and told that if she wanted him to fuck her again, she had better crawl over to his door on her hands and knees and beg for it or he would never fuck her again. He told her that just because she begged doesn’t mean he would fuck her. He would think about it if he didn’t have anything to do.

Sarah: “Yes Butch. Will you please fuck me tomorrow? Please?”

Butch: “I told you to crawl over and beg. Just for this, I will not fuck you for two weeks. Your holes are all dirty anyway.  I don’t think I want to anyway but you can still beg if you want to. I would enjoy that as much as I enjoy fucking you. If my buddies are here, maybe they can all fuck you at once. Would you like that, slut? I don’t think I want to anymore. In fact, I want you to crawl over once per day before three o’clock and beg. If you miss one day, I will NEVER fuck you again! Do you understand slut?”

Sarah: “Yes Butch…Sir. I understand. Your friends can fuck me as much as they wish. I am here for you, always. I will do whatever you say but please fuck me some more. I need a cock in me and yours is the largest I have ever had. Please?”

Butch walked out the door leaving Sarah on her knees and said nothing else. Sarah quickly got up on the coffee table and began to finger herself. Butch left her horny as hell and wouldn’t let her finger fuck herself. She sat so Jenny could get a nice clear view of her fingers going in and out of her pussy. Jenny watched and cried. Soon Butch’s cum started oozing out of her ass hole all over the table. She was humping her hand and sliding around on the table mixing her juices with Butch’s cum.  Her fingers went faster and faster. It didn’t take long. Sarah always wanted a good orgasm. She shuddered and stiffened up and yelled, “OH MY FUCKING GOD! I’M CUMMING! BUTCH, YOU COCK FEELS SO WONDERFUL! I’M CUMMING! AHHHHHHHH..!”
Sarah collapsed on the table, flat on her back, breathing heavy and sweating. Finally she got up and looked at Jenny. Jenny was drying her eyes out with her head in her hands. Sarah went over to her and yanked on her chain and dragged her over to the table and told her to lick it clean and to NOT miss a drop or she would be punished! Jenny was still sniffling and crying but leaned over and began to lick up Butch’s cum that had just oozed out of Sarah’s ass hole. She didn’t mind cleaning up Sarah but to lick up that basterds cum was degrading. He had used Sarah and treated her like a dog and she begged for more just to have his cock. Jenny didn’t understand and kept crying and licking. She loved Sarah and wanted her back but she knew that she deserved it. She never deserved that short time that she had with Sarah. This was what she would be form now on. Being Sarah’s servant was not too bad but seeing her fucked like that and begging for more was something that Jenny didn’t understand.
After Sarah was satisfied that Jenny clean up after Butch, she pulled Jenny back and told her to stay by Rex and fuck him if he wants her. She told Jenny that if she didn’t fuck Rex when he wanted to, she would spend a LONG time in the darkroom and the bitch would stay up here by Rex. Sarah told that she knew that the Bitch would fuck him whenever he wanted. Jenny was hungry and thirsty but couldn’t do anything except lay there and cry. She had lost Sarah. The only thing she had now was Rex. She moved closer to him and began to pet him. She rested her head on him and closed her eyes. She had no more tears left.
Sarah went upstairs and lay on her bed. She grabbed Jenny’s pillow and curled up with it in a fetal position and began to cry. She was balling like a little baby. She had hurt Jenny badly and she knew it. Her only salvation was that the bitch could not watch and happily enjoy Jenny’s pain. It was a good thing that the bitch was not within reach of Sarah. Sarah could have killed her slowly right now. Sarah hugged Jenny’s pillow. She could even smell Jenny in it. She didn’t know how long she could keep this up. It was tearing her up from the inside. She decided at that moment that she also wanted revenge on the bitch. The bitch would be controlled. Whether she was actually sorry and had changed was irrelevant. She would never leave and would be control for the rest of her life. She would feel a regular dose of pain also. Her pain would come at irregular intervals and would take many different forms but would be VERY real.
Sarah kissed Jenny’s pillow, pulled herself together and went back downstairs. She walked through the living room and didn’t even look at Jenny. She came back a short time later with two bowls. One had water in it and the other had dog food. She put them down by Jenny and told her that was her supper for the night. She went back to prepare the bitch’s dinner. Sarah went behind the garage where the bitch had been dumping her shit and filled the bowl with it. She pissed in it and took it down to the bitch and shoved it into the little trap food door and went back upstairs. There was absolutely nothing nutritional in the bowl. It was 100% shit and piss. Sarah hoped she would choke on it.
Sarah looked a Jenny and said, “Do you need to go out? I want to go see if Butch will fuck me again. I really need his cock.” Jenny shook her head “no”. She had not eaten all day and didn’t need to go outside. She wasn’t looking forward to it anyway but she knew she had no choice. She watched Sarah crawl out the door and knew she was crawling over to that basterd’s house to beg him to fuck her. She could have almost any guy she wanted. Why did she want him??
Sarah came back about a half hour later. She crawled back into the house and across the living room. Jenny noticed that she had cum all over her back as she crawled across the floor. Sarah was smiling and glanced at Jenny and said, “Things are getting better. He told me that if I kept his cum on my back all night, he would think about fucking me tomorrow even though he said he wouldn’t for two weeks. You should be happy for me. I might get to feel his nice big cock in my pussy tomorrow. Isn’t that great?!”
Sarah crawled upstairs for the night. All Jenny could do is curl up beside Rex to keep warm. He didn’t seem to mind. He hadn’t marked her as his other bitch, yet but he would soon enough and then Jenny would be forced to sleep on the floor. Not only would she become his bitch but the real bitch was superior to her in Rex’s eyes. She was number two on his list. She curled up and began to cry again. She knew Sarah was upstairs on her stomach sleeping and trying to keep that basterd’s cum on her back. She had not only given up Jenny for a cock. She had given her up for that basterd’s cock next door. Rex just licked her face once as she cried herself to sleep.
The next morning, Jenny was awakened by Sarah coming down the stairs. Like yesterday, Sarah was crawling across the floor and out the door. She still had dried up cum on her back.  As Sarah crawled out the door, Jenny went into a deep “despair and depression”. She no longer had any tears left. She had accepted the fact that Sarah was lost to her and had found out that she wanted a nice big cock instead of herself.
About five minutes later, Sarah crawled back in the door and rose to her feet. She had a sad look on her face.

She looked at Jenny and said: “Butch just laughed and said, “Not today, slut. Well, there is always tomorrow. Maybe he’ll fuck me tomorrow. I really do want his cock. I had forgotten how good it felt to have a cock In me.”

Sarah got up and grabbed Jenny’s food dishes and filled them up with the same as yesterday. Dog food was in one and water in the other. Sarah put them down and went to the monitor to watch the bitch for a while. She was just lying there, so Sarah went to fix her some breakfast too. Sarah went down and grabbed the bowl to fill it. She filled it up with Rex’s old dog shit again and pissed in it for a nice smooth texture, then slide it in the slot and into the bitch’s new home.
Sarah stopped for a minute. She began to cry and get angry. She pounded on the wall repeatedly for five minutes and all the while crying. Has Jenny been punished enough? Sarah didn’t know how much longer she could take this. She knew that it needed to be done. Jenny had to feel that she was punished for being so gullible and listening to the bitch and her friends. She saw in Jenny’s eyes that look that she knew so well. Jenny had given up. She had accepted the fact the she had lost Sarah to her and no longer cared about anything.
It took all of Sarah’s willpower to NOT go up and release Jenny. Jenny felt that she needed to be punished even though Sarah knew it was pointless. Sarah was not a psychologist but she knew that Jenny had to deal with this somehow. Her last thought gave her an idea. She would call a psychiatrist and get some help. She wiped her tears and ran upstairs to make a phone call.
As she went through the living room, she saw that Jenny had not moved or touched her food. She just sat there. Sarah went through fast to the kitchen. She didn’t know if she could hold back her tears or not. She wanted to call someone but whom?? She had an idea. That creepy woman that hypnotized them was a “shrink”. She might be able to help. It would be easier too. She knew what was going on and Sarah would have to make up a story. She got excited and called her.
When Sarah finally got a hold of her, she explained the whole thing to her and asked what she could do and how much longer would she needed to be “punished” for something that she didn’t do.

The woman: “It is not that simple. Jenny is the only one that knew if she had been punished enough. Normally as a mother you would be able to tell but Jenny is the one that wanted to be punished. She is the only one that knows how long but you can’t ask her directly. You’ll have to use your intuition and your knowledge of her to make that decision yourself. I am sorry but that is all I can tell you. I Wish I could help you more. I still would like to talk with you about how you shook off my hypnotism. If you ever change your mind, I will make it worth your while.”

Sarah: “That doesn’t help much but thank you anyway. Like I have told you, how I shook off your hypnosis is a very personal thing and I will not discuss it with you or anyone. Thank you again and good bye.

Sarah was nervous and afraid. Jenny needed to be punished but not hurt. She hadn’t touched her food or water. She went back into the living room and asked Jenny if she needed to go out. Jenny just shook her head no and never looked up. Sarah was not going to let this go on much longer. Jenny needed to eat.
Rex got up and walked over to Sarah and licked her hand. He went back to Jenny and rested his head on her lap and whined a little then was still. He knew something was wrong too. Sarah would try something. She commanded Jenny to get on all fours and stick her ass up for Rex. He looked like he wanted a little ass for breakfast. Jenny slowly got up and stuck her ass in Rex’s face. Rex licked it at first then hopped up on Jenny and began to hump her. Jenny had a blank look on her face all the while Rex was trying to shove his cock into her.
Sarah commanded Jenny to reach back and help him get his cock into her pussy. Jenny reached back and pulled Rex’s cock into her pussy. Rex was still humping like a jack-hammer while his cock slid into Jenny’s pussy. Rex was finally getting into the moment. His tongue was hanging out and drooling all over Jenny’s back. Jenny was getting horny and responding but Sarah knew that she really didn’t care.
Sarah yelled at Jenny to liven things up for Rex. He didn’t need a lousy fuck to start the day. Jenny began to hump back a little. Sarah said, “That’s better. Give him a good fuck and maybe he’ll make you cum. I think he’d like it if you would cum or it might give him a complex or something. Come on girl, get into it!” Jenny closed her eyes and tried her best. Rex’s cock felt good but it would NEVER be the same. She just humped back and let Rex shoot his load into her pussy. Rex grabbed her tighter for a few seconds and a shot his load, then flipped over and gave a yank to pull himself out but his knot was stuck. Sarah winced a little. She knew how much it hurt when he did that but Jenny didn’t do anything. She just knelt there and waited. Finally his cock popped out with a squishy plop and he rolled over onto his bed and lay down. Jenny lay back down on the floor with her head in her hands. She looked once a t Sarah, then closed her eyes while Rex’s cum simply oozed out of her pussy.
Sarah walked back down to the dark room and stormed in on the bitch. She could have easily used the hypnosis to cause her pain but that was too easy. Sarah picked her up and threw her into the wall. The air rushed out of her lungs as she fell. She pleaded with Sarah to stop but Sarah saw only a worthless piece of shit that left a trail of hurt and pain behind her and Jenny was not the first. Sarah picked her up off the floor again. The bitch’s feet were not even touching the floor. Sarah knew just were to hit her to cause maximum pain yet do no permanent damage. She threw her on the floor and took every muscle that she could reach and squeezed it one at a time. After two minutes of squeezing Sarah would stomp on the muscle just hard enough so the bone wouldn’t break. The muscle would cramp up for days while they healed. It was VERY painful and every muscle in the bitch’s body would be agony for days. Sarah looked down at her and spat on her face and then left her screaming in pain and rolling on the floor. As Sarah closed the door she yelled, “You life from now on just got more complicated. I was always the one that stuck up for you. Jenny wanted to hurt you but I wanted to help. At this point in time all I want is to make you as miserable as you have made Jenny. You now have two people here that only want to cause you pain and suffering. Enjoy yourself, you fucking worthless piece of shit!”
Sarah sat on the stairs leading up and began to cry again. She was hoping this would help but it only made things worse. She didn’t know what to do. Jenny was “falling over the edge” with Sarah holding her hand but she was slipping and Sarah didn’t know how to hold on to her. She sat there desperately trying to figure a way to make things right.
She thought of the times long ago when Jenny was young and she was being punished. This was much different, though….or was it? Jenny had been punished before when she was a child and it worked out. Sarah was trying desperately to remember how it was different form this but she couldn’t think straight. Her time was running out. She knew that face Jenny had when she looked at Sarah. It was the same face that she had once before when she “knew” that Jenny was lost to her. Jenny was convinced that she would never be with Sarah again and she had given up. There was no hope….no hope at all.
After about thirty minutes, Sarah had an idea. It was one last desperate attempt to make things right. It was her last chance. She put on a stern face and went upstairs and stood in front of Jenny.

Sarah: “Have you had enough, young lady? Are you aware of what you had done or do you need to be punished some more? Can I trust you to NEVER be duped by someone like that again or should I continue until you realize what you have done??!!”

Jenny Looked up but said nothing.

Sarah: “Speak to me!! Don’t just sit there with a stupid look on your face. TALK TO ME DAMN IT!        Are you going to be good or are you going to continue to be stupid and let others lead you around by the nose??! Talk to me!!!”

Jenny (crying): I’m sorry. I will never do anything like that again. I love you. Please let me prove it to you. I promise I will never let anyone do that to us again. I PROMISE!”

Jenny looked Sarah in the eyes but continued to cry. She was like a young dear being scolded by her mother. Sarah was hoping this worked. It seemed to but she couldn’t be sure, yet.

Sarah: “OK! But you will get one last punishment for the trouble you have caused me. Get over to that table and lay down on it with your ass sticking up.”

Jenny crawled over and onto the table. She was still crying and her chain rattled all the way across the floor. Sarah got a leather strap and brought it over to the table.

Sarah: “Now you WILL stay still and in the position until I am finished with you or we will start this all over. You will also remain silent or we will start this all over. DO YOU UNDERSTAND!!??”

Jenny just nodded “yes”. Sarah laughed and said, See, you are learning already. Remember you brought this upon yourself. You have no one else to blame, not even the bitch. You will take the responsibility for your OWN actions!”
Sarah leaned back and with all her strength, let Jenny have it right on the ass. The strap left a large red mark. Jenny yelped a little when it hit her so Sarah told her that she will start over and continue to keep restarting until she remained quiet. This is all so she can learn to control herself and NOT be controlled by others. Sarah told her that she MUST learn this lesson.
Sarah leaned back and hit her again on the ass as hard a she could. It made a loud “CRACK”. Jenny jerked a little but remained silent. Sarah leaned back again and CRACK! It was leaving large red marks but wasn’t breaking the skin. Sarah wanted her to feel the pain but she didn’t want permanent marks. This continued until Jenny was spanked by the strap for 20 hits. Her ass was crisscrossed with red marks when Sarah told her that she was though spanking her but told Jenny to stay on the table. Sarah smiled when she noticed Jenny pussy was dripping down onto the floor.
Sarah went into the kitchen and got a salt shaker. She shook a large amount of salt all over Jenny’s red and marked up ass. Jenny jerked and moaned but was smart enough not to make any other sounds. The pain was incredible! Sarah told her that she could get up and that her punishment was over. Jenny slowly got up crying. She began to rub her ass but jumped when she realized that when she touched it, it made it hurt even more.

Sarah: “This will help you to remember what you have learned. I suggest you remember because the next time will be much worse and much more painful in many ways.”

Sarah spanked her lightly on the ass and yelled: “DO YOU HEAR ME GIRL OR DO I HAVE TO REPEAT MYSELF??!!

Jenny screamed in pain when Sarah hit her and said: “Yes Sarah. I hear you and will always remember. I will never do anything like that again!”

Sarah: “Promise me that you won’t be so stupid, ever again. PROMISE ME!”

Jenny: “I Promise. I promise. I will NEVER do that again.”

Sarah walked over in front of Jenny and began to hug her. Sarah was afraid. She wanted Jenny back. Sarah began to cry a little bit while hugging Jenny. This was a big gamble on her part to purge Jenny of the guilt she was carrying around. It had to work. She needed Jenny back.
After they hugged for a minute, Sarah pulled away and looked Jenny in the eye and asked, “Are you ok? I think you have been punished enough unless you do something else stupid then we will have to start all over again. I think you have learned your lesson.” Jenny just nodded and said, “Yes, I have. I am sorry.”
Sarah held her head and gently pulled her in for a long passionate kiss. Jenny stopped shaking and crying and began to kiss her back. As they kissed Sarah noticed Jenny nipples getting hard against hers’. She was taking things slowly. She had no guidance in what she was doing and was still afraid. As they broke their kiss Sarah led Jenny to the monitor to check on the bitch. Sarah sat down but Jenny just stood there. She would not be sitting down any time soon.
As they looked at her, she was shaking and flopping all over the floor. Sarah smiled. She knew what was going on.

Jenny: “What’s wrong with her?”

Sarah: “I put cramps in almost every one of her muscles. It is a technique that you father taught me. It causes a great deal of pain in the muscles. They cramp and pull continuously but it only lasts for a few hours. It is VERY painful!”

Jenny: “Why did you do that?”

Sarah: “I will answer that question tomorrow but for now, know that she deserves it.”

Jenny: “ok. I have another question. Why are you getting involved with Butch next door? He was always nice to me. I had no idea he is such an asshole and a basterd.  Are you going to see him from now on?”

Sarah noticed the depressed look on Jenny’s face and said, “No. I am not. Let me explain what happened and please understand. Please.”

Jenny: “You know that I will always understand where you are concerned and I will live with whatever decision that you make. I only want to be near you. As long as I we can be close, I will be happy.”

Tears began to run down Sarah’s cheek as she explained things to Jenny. She was afraid again. She had no idea how Jenny would react to know the truth.

Sarah: “I am not seeing Butch nor will I ever see him in that way. I had asked him to do that in front of you. I wanted to let you feel what I felt when I thought I had lost you. It was suppose to be part of your punishment. Butch truly is a nice guy. He didn’t want to do this and I had to talk him into it. He knew that he was hurting you somehow even though he doesn’t understand the two of us. Do not blame him. He is a wonderful man and a good neighbor. Please understand. Please stay with me. I didn’t know what to do and I was desperate to get you back. This was all I could think of to do.”

Jenny began to cry and got down on one knee and hugged Sarah but didn’t say anything. She grabbed Sarah as tightly as she could and just cried.

Jenny: “I was convinced that I lost you. Now I know how you felt. I deserved to feel that too. It was the worst thing in the world. Any other punishment would have been bearable but that I couldn’t handle. I had given up and didn’t care about anything after that. I deserved that and more for putting you through that. I am sorry. I will NEVER be talked into something like that ever again! Besides my ass hurts a lot and that will keep me “honest”.

They both laughed a little but kept crying. After what seemed like hours, they broke their hug and watched the bitch on the monitor. Jenny began to feel sorry for her.

Jenny: “Can’t we do something for her. I do not want her feel that. She looks like she is in agony.”

Sarah: “She IS in agony. She deserves it!”

Jenny: Please let me do something. I don’t want her like that. I would like to try and change her like you do. I don’t want to “break” her.”

Sarah: “At this point, “breaking” her would make the world a much better place. Bitches like her should be broken and controlled. I can see that you want to help her so we can if you wish it. There is a small container of prescription drugs in the kitchen. It is on the top, left shelf. Go and get it for me.”

Jenny ran off and got the drugs and said: “What is this stuff?”

Sarah: “It is vicaden. It is a strong painkiller and it will help. Go give her two tablets.”

Jenny got a glass of water and went down to the bitch. When she opened the door, the bitch was screaming as loud as she could. Jenny never thought anyone could scream that loud. She truly was in agony. Jenny pulled her face up and tried to talk to her. She had to slap her and yell. She got her attention long enough for her to take the pills, before Jenny left.
Jenny came back to the monitor and looked at the bitch. She was still rolling around and apparently still screaming too. Sarah snarled and said, “The pills will kill the pain. Let’s check our email. (Smiling) We haven’t looked in on our grocery boy in a while. Tim, that boy that sucked his friend’s cock might have sent us something too. Let’s find out.”
They got an email from both boys.

Grocery boy’s email: “I have only got $300. Please can I cum. PLEASE? Isn’t there any way that I can cum for only $300?? PLEASE??”

Sarah (laughing): “See, Jenny, guys are slaves to their cocks. This guy will do anything we want him to just to cum. I will send him another question to answer. I suppose we could give him a little hope. We will have to think about it but for now he gets only a question that needs answering in the next 12 hours.”

Sarah: “Now let’s check on Tim to see how he’s doing.”

Tim’s Email: “Hi Ladies. I can’t thank you enough for what you have done for me. You both have given me an education that I will NEVER forget. I already have a date and was wondering if I could maybe get your advice now and then?
You have also given me a “dream come true”. I have spent an afternoon with the two most beautiful women in the world. I had to give my friend a blow job but it was the least I could do for what you have given me and besides, he refuses to talk about it or even admit that it happened so he will not be a problem for me. Thank you for the pictures, though. I will keep them, just in case. Sucking his cock was not that bad. I am not gay but am not grossed out by it.
If there is anything that I can do for you, let me know. I owe you two a lot and would be happy to at least try and repay you. Let me know.
Your friend,

Jenny: “That is a sweet letter. He is a good guy. Maybe some time we could help him some more. Educating him was kind of fun. I wouldn’t mind a follow up on his progress just in case he needs to be tested on what he has learned.”

Sarah (giggling): “You are right. HE is a good guy and I think we could give him a little test on what we taught him but right now, I have an idea. We could kill two birds with one stone. I will send grocery boy a second email and let him decide what he wants to do.”

Sarah’s second email to the grocery boy: “Hi boy. We’ll give you a deal. We are feeling generous. You may cum with only $300 but here is the “catch”. You will not be allowed to touch your cock and you will be given a blow job by a guy. You will get at least one and then any more you can talk him into. After he is finished with you, you will give him a blow job back and then you will be locked back up. You will need another $300 for the guy or $500 for the two of us. IF you have the $500, we will make you cum at much as you want to for that one time. Those are you choices.
See you soon,
The owners of your cock.

Sarah’s letter to Tim: “It is good to hear from you. You may ask us anything you wish to. We would both be happy to help you with your date (s) in any way we can. We have a favor to ask and you do not have to feel like you need to do this. It is absolutely fine if you don’t want to.
We would like you to give a guy a blow job. He will pay you $200 and you may keep it. There is no catch and it will be in private except for the two of us watching. He will try and talk you into more blow jobs and that is totally up to you. We only want you to give him the one. There will be NO tricks. We promise. After you are finished, you have to let him give you a blow job back. He MUST give you one back. That is the deal we made with him. Please consider this.
As an added bonus, we both want to give you a little test to see how much you have remembered from your education that we gave you. You can be with the two of us as long as you want to but just you and no one else. The last time your tongue was delightful. We would like to have it shoved up our pussies some more.
Let us know,

Jenny: “That is a great idea. I would be very curious if our grocery boy wants a blow job from a guy. Just think of it. Two straight guys, one would be giving a blow job and the other receiving it.”

Sarah: “Yes. It will be fun to watch. Maybe we could lend a few pointers for them. LOL.”

Jenny (laughing): “I already have a few.LOL.

Sarah: “Now I need to change the subject a little. We have made a deal at the porn shop with the bitch downstairs and now I think we need to collect on it. I will have to teach those two girls running the shop a lesson too.”

Jenny: “What are you going to do with those two girls?”

Sarah (Smiling): “It will be a surprise. We won’t even much of our own equipment. Most of what we need they will provide. We will go tomorrow. The bitch is probably still in pain. IF it weren’t for this little adventure we have planned, I would leave her rot down there. She has deeply hurt the botch of us and she can fuck herself for all I care.”

Jenny: “I would still like to try and change her, though. Couldn’t we still work on things that way?”

Sarah: “We can if you want to. I will keep trying. IF we are going to try, you had better take her more pain killers. She only needs them until morning. The cramping is VERY painful but does not last long. Now wait here. I have one other thing to punish you with and then you are finished.”

Jenny (With a sad and fearful look): “What are you going to do? I promise I will NEVER be talked into anything again. Please, don’t.”

Sarah: “It is for your own good and it will remind you of that promise.”

Sarah went into the kitchen and came back with a small white bag. She told Jenny to get on the coffee table on her stomach. Sarah spent a few seconds to admire Jenny’s wonderful ass. She wanted to get down and lick it all over but she had to do this first.
Sarah reached her hand into the bag and pulled out some white powder and began to rub it all over Jenney’s ass. Just as Sarah’s hand touched her ass, she yelled out with a loud scream and almost jumped off of the table. Sarah yelled, “Stay where you are! This is for your own good. You can scream all you want but if you move, the spankings and treatment will start all over.”
Sarah took another handful and rubbed it all over and into Jenny’s ass. She kept on screaming. It apparently was VERY painful. That was not surprising. Sarah was rubbing a brand new supply of salt into Jenny’s ass. It hadn’t even stopped stinging from the first time, yet.
After the third time Sarah quit. Jenny continued to scream but stayed put in the table. She even tried to rub her ass but when she did, it just hurt more. The pain was steady and intense. It reminded her of what she had done. She still felt she deserved it…and more. Sarah grabbed her hand and pulled her onto her feet. Jenny was wincing in pain and wasn’t standing up straight but held onto Sarah’s hand.
Sarah told Jenny to feed the bitch for the last time today. They needed to get up early tomorrow and take care of business at the porn shop. As they walked upstairs, Jenny was limping funny and moaning a little. Sarah pulled her into bed and told her to lie on her back so she could get her evening snack. Jenny said, Please, not on my back.”

Sarah: “ok. I won’t put you on your back. We will do this a different way. I will chain you up downstairs so you won’t be on your back.”

Jenny: “Thank you. My ass is really sore.”

Sarah led jenny back downstairs. She hooked up Jenny’s arms and legs to bolts in the ceiling so she was hanging, spread eagle facing up. Sarah also hooked up the harness for her head to support it. It was a truly unique device. It supported the head but didn’t block and thing. The eyes, ears, nose and mouth were completely clear. Jenny started to ask something but Sarah shoved the ball gag in her mouth and locked it up on the back of her head.
All Jenny could do is look at her wide eyed and wonder.  Her ass was still very sore from all the salt Sarah was rubbing into it. She simply watched Sarah go into the kitchen and then return in about two minutes. She was carrying something but Jenny couldn’t tell what it was.

Sarah: “You have been punished enough and I believe you have learned you lesson. Is that right?”

Jenny just nodded and grunted “mmm hmm.”

Sarah: “That’s good. I have a little plan. I feel like giving the bitch another lesson tonight. I was going to have some fun with you, first but I want to take care of her first. Would that be ok with you?”

Jenny: “mmf hmmm.”

Sarah: “Good. I want to tan her ass like yours except hers will be much worse. Besides, I think your ass is hurting enough. Do you mind if I let you just hang there until I can get back to you?”

Jenny began to shake her head “NO” several times. She was getting very agitated about it and kept shaking her head “NO”!

Sarah: “I know what you’re thinking. You don’t want the bitch to see you like this?”

Jenny Kept shaking her head “NO”!

Sarah: “I don’t think I want her to see you either. It is tempting but she doesn’t deserve to see you at all. I will take care of it and I won’t have to let you down. It takes too much work to put you up and let you down and I have a plan for you.”

Sarah walked out and came back with the bitch a minute later. The bitch was still in pain and having a little trouble walking. All her muscles were still cramping but not quite as bad as before. Jenny was a little afraid. She desperately didn’t want the bitch to see her like this. She relaxed when she saw Sarah pulling the bitch by the collar. The bitch had a hooded blindfold on her head and the hood hand a gag built into it also. Sarah pulled her along and purposely bumped her ankles into the coffee table. When the bitch bent down Sarah pushed her face down on the table and strapped her arms and legs to the table legs. She was tied down, arms and knees spread and tied to the table legs with her ass and cunt sticking up. She was a nice target.
Sarah picked up a leather strap that she had been soaking in a salt water solution for the last two days. Sarah looked at Jenny and winked. Sarah pulled Jenny’s head around so she could watch. Sarah kissed Jenny on the cheek and saw Jenny attempt to smile through the gag she had in her mouth. Jenny was hoping the bitch would get beaten within an inch of her life. She happily watched.
Sarah leaned over to the bitch’s ears and said, “Scream all you want to. No one can hear you anyway. This will give you even more to think about. You will continue to feel all the pain you have put us through. Enjoy.
Sarah held the strap back and hit the bitch on the ass as hard as she could. The result was immediate! The bitch let out a scream that would have blown their windows out if she wasn’t gagged.  Sarah hit her again and again. She hit her twenty strokes before she took a rest. The bitch just continued to scream and scream. Sarah had to lean down to her ears to talk to her. The hood covered her ears quite a bit.

Sarah said to her: “Are you getting the message, yet? You will feel all of our pain and more. I am sure that you have caused others pain too. You will not be killed if that’s what you think but if you don’t change, you will wish you were dead. You would do well to take this to heart and give it all serious thought or the pain will get worse.”

Sarah began to spank the bitch all over again. She kept hitting her as hard as she could and Sarah was quite a bit stronger than most people. She was even stronger that most men. Soon she began to draw blood. The bitch was struggling and screaming. There were cuts crisscrossing her ass and they were all bleeding. Every cut was being bombarded with salt. The salt from the strap was being forced into the cuts on her ass. Jenny was watching and smiling. She was even forgetting her own pain and enjoying watching the bitch get her ass whipped. The bitch’s ass was beginning to look like hamburger by the time Sarah had stopped. There was a puddle of blood on the floor and botch Jenny and Sarah knew that salt was embedded in the cuts on her ass. The pain was so great that the bitch had passed out.
Sarah laughed and said, “That should take care of her lesson for today. Tomorrow will be another lesson. It will be interesting how she takes to her new adventure.”
Sarah untied the bitch, took of her hood and carried her back to the dark room and threw her on the floor. Sarah smiled and slammed the door shut. The bitch would be in great pain for a while. Her muscles were still cramping, although not as bad now and her ass would be in pain for days. It was another lesson in a long list in her education.
Sarah went back upstairs, straightened out Jenny’s head and preceded with her fun. Sarah knew Jenny’s ass was still hurting and she wanted to try something else to see what Jenny would do. Sarah got a large vibrator along with two bottles of the hottest sauce that was available. Jenny saw the sauce and struggled in her bonds, screamed into her gag and shook her head all at once. Sarah giggled a little bit kissed her on the cheek and said, “Don’t get excited. This will make me happy. You DO want me to be happy, don’t you? I want to know what this will feel like and you can let me know.”
Jenny moaned a little and nodded her head: yes”. She was terribly afraid of this new pain but she truly wanted Sarah to be happy. She had wowed that she would do anything for Sarah. She had no choice. Even if she wasn’t tied down, she would let Sarah do this to her but she was glad she was. She knew that she would not be able to control herself with all this pain.
Sarah took the first bottle and shoved it up her pussy and when it was empty; she shoved the second one up her pussy and emptied it. She quickly shoved the vibrator up her pussy, turned it on and use some duct tape across her pussy to hold it all in. Sarah taped it up so her pussy was covered but her clit was still available. At first Sarah just watched for a minute or two until Jenny was beginning to feel the hot sauce up her pussy.
Suddenly Jenny felt the sauce enter her. It felt good and cool at first but that didn’t last long. About thirty seconds later her pussy began to heat up and a minute later, it felt like it was on fire. Between her ass and her pussy, which was now on fire, Jenny was in great pain. She was flopping around and pulling on her bonds as hard a she could. She was screaming as loud as she could, although the gag muffled almost all of her screaming. Her ass still hurt but it wasn’t anywhere near the pain she felt now with her pussy on fire.
Sarah watched for a minute and then moved around so her pussy was right in front of her. Sarah leaned down and began to lick her clit and as much of her pussy as she could with the tape and vibrator in her. Sarah was having fun. Jenny’s pussy juice was now mixed with the hot sauce. It was a new taste. It was interesting but Sarah would always prefer Jenny’s pussy juice straight. Sarah licked hard and fast. She wanted to make Jenny cum while in all this pain.
Jenny suddenly felt a new sensation. Along with all the pain, there was a wave of pleasure with it. The pain was much greater but soon the pleasure of her pussy being licked was becoming greater than her pain. The pain now was her friend and she wished it was even greater. It was making this wave of pleasure much more than it normally would be. Jenny was still shaking around in her bonds and screaming but now there was a difference. There was pleasure mixed in with the pain. Sarah noticed it right away. She licked even hard and faster. She wasn’t trying to tease her. She wanted to know if the pain would help. She didn’t have wait long to wait. Jenny’s eyes rolled back into her head. She was feeling the maximum intensity of both worlds. She was feeling the hell of the pain and the heaven of Cumming. The vibrator made things that much better. It was mixing the hot sauce and shoving it around and at the same time making her horny as hell and she wanted to cum, badly. Sarah felt the rush of pussy juice and hot sauce oozing form around the tape. Jenny was Cumming like a street whore being gang banged! While she was Cumming, Sarah ripped of the tape and yanked out the vibrator. Sarah immediately rammed her mouth onto Jenny’s pussy and began to suck all the hot sauce out. Jenny just kept shaking and screaming. Sarah didn’t know if it was pleasure or pain but she would ask later.
Sarah was sucking and licking like she was starving to death. Finally Jenny calmed down. Apparently Sarah had gotten most of the hot sauce out of Jenny’s pussy and her pussy was cooling down quite a bit. Sarah began to move up and lick and kiss her way up Jenny’s stomach while fingering her pussy. Jenny began to moan all over again. Sarah moved her way up to Jenny’s tits and sucked on them and nibbled on them for a minute while still fingering her. It didn’t take Jenny long. The pain was much less but still there and was mixing with the feelings rushing out form her pussy. She began to cum all over again and shake in her bonds. Sarah knew she was Cumming again and bit down on her nipples and shoved her fingers up her pussy. Finally after Jenny’s second round, Sarah stepped back and noticed that Jenny was breathing heavy and passed out cold.
Sarah took some water and rinsed out Jenny’s pussy and then undid all of Jenny’s bonds and laid her on the couch, face down. She took her gag out, wiped hr ass down to get the salt off and then began to apply some healing ointment to her ass.  Jenny moaned a little while waking up. She yelped a little bit but soon realized she was on the couch. Her pussy was cooled off and Sarah was applying ointment to her ass. Sarah leaned down and kissed her on her ass just as Jenny let out a moan of relief and pleasure.  Jenny fell back into the world of unconsciousness.
Sarah took her up to bed and laid her face down. She climbed into bed with her and wrapped her arms around her and both of them were asleep.
The next morning, Jenny awoke to Sarah applying more ointment to her ass. It felt good and the pain was all but gone. Sarah leaned over, spread her ass cheeks and licked Jenny from pussy all the way past her ass hole and up her back. She kissed each cheek and then helped Jenny up and into the shower. Jenny felt the last of the pain go down the drain with the water. Her and Sarah had one long kiss and then went downstairs.
They sat down by the monitor to check on the bitch. She was by her toilet trying to wash her ass off with water.

Jenny laughed and said: “It looks like she didn’t sleep much last night, doesn’t it?”

Sarah (smiling): “nope”

Jenny: “GOOD! The bitch deserves to be miserable!”

Sarah: “We need to get her ready, though. She has a date at the porn shop. I need to take care of those smart ass girls down there too.”

Jenny: “What are you going to do with the girls, there?”

Sarah (laughing): “You’ll see!”

……and the fun began!

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