Mother In Bondage - Chapter Six

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    Gl­enda watched in hor­ror as two other men slipped their cocks into Alana’s vi­ol­ated butt. They fucked the girl wildly, not caring how much she begged and pleaded with them to stop. Some of them were friends and neigh­bors of the fam­ily, men Gl­enda would never have be­lieved were cap­able of this kind of sav­age. How they must have been sav­ing up for this for months.
    Fi­nally, it seemed to be over for Alana. Cum oozed freely out of the moan­ing girl’s shit­ter and trickled down her welt-covered as­s­cheeks as she sank into a state of shocked semi-con­scious­ness.
    Gl­enda real­ized with grow­ing ter­ror that they were go­ing to turn their at­ten­tions on her next.
    “What do you want? I swear I’ll get it for you, if you only tell me what you want,” Gl­enda cried as Sam yanked her up to a stand­ing po­s­i­tion.
    While Alana moaned half-con­scious, her but­tocks streaked with livid welts and splotches from the rid­ing crops and whips, Gl­enda was pushed down to the hard floor of the base­ment.
    “We’ll get any­thing we want from you,” Sam said.
    Then he was in­ter­rup­ted by the sound of foot­steps in the room above. He climbed the lad­der quickly and pushed up the top. The other man who had coun­ted the bills was there, crouch­ing down on his haunches and whis­per­ing: “[miss­ing text] some­thing to suck, you whore. Where’s the rest of the cash?” Sam asked, look­ing down at Gl­enda.
    “You’re kid­ding! You think I’m go­ing to tell you that after what just did? Go to hell!” Gl­enda said bit­terly.
    “Your law­yer doesn’t know where you put it. You’ll never get out of here un­less you talk,” Sam said, climb­ing back down the lad­der.
    “You let her go. Then we’ll have a fair ex­change. The money for me,” Gl­enda offered.
    “No deal. Nobody holds me over a bar­rel,” Sam said in a gruff voice.
    “Hey, I didn’t know this was some kind of kid­nap thing,” one of the men sud­denly wailed.
    “Come on, Jack,” George said as he wiped some of Alana’s shit off his flac­cid dick. “How many girls have we taken care of here? You never com­plained when they ‘dis­ap­peared’ later. What’s the dif­fer­ence now?”
    “It just doesn’t seem right,” the other man said a little nervously.
    “Whatever Sam and his bud­dies are into is their busi­ness. Just as long as they bring us the ac­tion. What they do on the side is their af­fair.”
    Gl­enda watched hope­lessly as Sam scur­ried up the lad­der and dis­ap­peared. Two men walked up to Alana and rubbed their stiffened pricks in her hair, groan­ing as they jacked off quickly.
    Big, sloppy gobs of cum clung to the girl’s hair as she groaned with dis­gust.
    The big black man laughed, fin­ger­ing his long prong as an­other man, about fifty and pot-bel­lied, climbed onto the couch and stuck his nubby dick into the girl’s as­shole.
    Gl­enda couldn’t be­lieve this was hap­pen­ing. It was like wit­ness­ing some kind of grot­esque sexual Dis­ney­land. Any­thing went in this base­ment. And what would hap­pen to them later? No one wanted to talk about it. But some­thing told Gl­enda that un­less she and her step­daugh­ter could es­cape or be res­cued, they’d never be seen alive by any­one ex­cept these men again.
    “There you go, boy,” Gl­enda heard Sam say sev­eral minutes after he’d dis­ap­peared. The bru­nette turned her head and saw a big Ger­man shep­herd scram­bling down the lad­der.
    “Oh no! NO!” she cried out, guess­ing what the man had in store for her.
    “Get her down!” Sam ordered as he stepped onto the floor.
    Gl­enda twis­ted, and fought as George and Sid held onto her tightly. They pulled her white slacks com­pletely off and left on her jer­sey as they pushed her down to the floor. Her feet were still bound to­gether as they forced her into a crouch­ing po­s­i­tion.
    “No! NOOOOO!” Gl­enda howled like a ma­niac.
    “Mommy!” Alana moaned from the stained couch.
    “Oh God, God!” Gl­enda groaned.
    “Okay, bitch! Now where’s the other two hun­dred fifty thou?” Sam growled.
    “Hey, don’t make her tell for a while,” George said, fin­ger­ing his dick back up to a full erec­tion. “I’m be­gin­ning to like this more and more.”
    “And since when did you ever stop lik­ing it?” Sam said.
    All the men laughed as Sam kicked Gl­enda hard in the side.
    “Oh­h­h­hhh!” the bru­nette moaned, sprawl­ing on the floor as she heard her step­daugh­ter scream out.
    “Your turn now, honey,” Sam said.
    He star­ted un­fasten­ing the clamps that held Alana’s wrists and ankles tightly to the couch. The young girl looked in dis­be­lief at the men. Could this be hap­pen­ing to her? She was still a vir­gins sexu­ally in­ex­per­i­enced un­til a few minutes she’d been fucked in the ass. What else did they have in store for her?
    “You gonna tell where the money is?” Sam asked as he pulled Alana from the couch.
    “You pig! You’d kill us any­way,” Gl­enda growled as she looked with hatred at the sneer­ing man.
    “Maybe a little work­ing over on your daugh­ter’ll change your mind,” he said as he pulled the moan­ing young girl over to a metal chair ten feet to the right of the two couches.
    Gl­enda had no­ticed it when she’d fallen into the base­ment, but she hadn’t paid much at­ten­tion to it un­til now. George helped Sam as they forced Alana into it. They quickly strapped her wrists to the arms of the chair and her ankles to the legs. Gl­enda looked more closely and saw that wires led from the chair to a metal box fastened to the ce­ment wall be­hind it. Sud­denly she real­ized what they had in mind for Alana!
    “No! DON’T!” Gl­enda pleaded as she tried to pick her­self up.
    “Need a beer,” Sam said, walk­ing to a pile of boxes to the left of the chair and pulling out a can of Olympia. He pulled off the tab with his teeth and spat it out. Walk­ing back to the chair, he mined the can over Alana’s droop­ing head and sloshed some over her hair. As she slowly lif­ted her face, he poured a little more over her flushed fore­head and cheeks, then took a swig from the can.
    “You filthy an­imal!” Gl­enda hissed as Sam let out a big burp.
    “Let’s go. Come on,” Sam said to George im­pa­tiently. “Hand me that red wire, the one with the small clamp on the end.”
    “This one?” the big black man asked, hold­ing it up to the hor­ri­fied girl’s face.
    “Right. Now I’ll show you all a little show when I get this go­ing,” Sam chuckled.
    He reached for­ward and cupped the girl’s left titty with his right hand. Sam opened the clamp with his thumb and snapped it onto her tender nipple. Alana let out a whim­per­ing gasp, then looked down with swollen, reddened eyes at the metal clamp that bit gently into her brown nipple flesh. Her breath­ing be­came rapid and shal­low as she dar­ted her eyes first to­ward Sam, then to­ward George.
    Alana looked wildly at the men who had formed a semi-circle in front of her. Some of them were dressed only in their brief. Of these, their cocks either dangled out of the fly-flap or pressed hard against the re­strain­ing ma­ter­ial. The rest of the men were still dressed. They were the ones who frightened her. They didn’t seem ex­cited or very in­ter­ested in what was go­ing on at all.
    While Alana sat and squirmed, fight­ing off the al­most over­whelm­ing de­sire to shriek down the ceil­ing if she could, they stood calmly with their big arms crossed in front of their chests star­ing coldly at the strapped-down girl. She could al­most feel their icy hos­til­ity as they watched her with an air of de­tach­ment.
    “We’ll see her dance now,” Sam said, chuck­ling as he mo­tioned George to fol­low him. “Never knew you black fel­las were into this kind of thing,” the stable mas­ter muttered as he walked over to the little black box set on the wall. There were four in­lets and a switch at the end.
    “There’s a lot you white folks have to learn about us,” George said calmly, wink­ing slyly at Sam as he fought down the de­sire to hit him across the face with his big fist.
    “Come on,” Sam said, reach­ing up and tak­ing the plug of the red elec­trode, press­ing it into one of the in­lets.
    Sam turned to­ward Alana who watched his every mo­tion with fas­cin­ated hor­ror. Gl­enda was si­lent too, star­ing in dis­be­lief as the big man toyed with the lever. Watch­ing the girl’s eyes widen with each passing second, the stable mas­ter fi­nally pinned the lever down.
    There was a faint low hum that filled the room. It grew louder and higher, Alana’s body arched slightly from the chair. Her eyes bulged out. The girls fin­gers stiffened, then clawed the metal arms of the chair where her wrists were strapped down tightly. Her toes curled and twis­ted as she tried to rise from the chair. Her muscles twitched and spumed un­der the elec­tric shock that ripped through her body.
    “Uh­h­hhh!” the girl groaned as the hum grew even louder and higher.
    Gl­enda watched in mute hor­ror as her step­daugh­ter’s body vi­brated like a tightly-drawn rub­ber band. Fi­nally the girl’s head tilted back and her mouth shot open as a wild shriek filled the un­der­ground room.
    “YYOOOOOWWWW!” Alana bowled over and over as the cur­rent surged through her tor­tured body.
    In­stantly, Sam lif­ted the lever, and Alana col­lapsed sob­bing onto the chair.
    “I only gave the bitch about a hun­dred volts. But she’s wide awake now, boys. I per­fec­ted this the last time. I’ve got four in­lets that we can use for all kinds of com­bin­a­tions,” Sam said as he moved back to the gasp­ing girl.
    Sam picked up an­other clamp and looked closely at it. Both Alana and Gl­enda fol­lowed his eyes, shak­ing with fear as he ran his thick thumbs over the green metal clamp that was at the end of that wire.
    “Let’s see what two’ll do to the bitch,” Sam grunted as he moved around to Alana’s other tit and at­tached the saw-toothed clamp to her nipple. The girl panted as she felt her pussy pucker up at the bit­ing sen­sa­tion.
    “Tell them about the money, Mother,” Alana whispered softly as her head drooped to her chest.
    “I can’t, honey,” Gl­enda said in a tight voice. “It’s the only hold we’ve got over them,” she whispered back, feel­ing her heart sink like a rock as Sam moved back to the black con­trol box on the wall.
    “I’ll give her a small dose first – try five seconds,” the stable mas­ter ex­plained as his hand touched the lever.
    Alana turned her head and raised it, star­ing at the black lever with red, tear-swollen eyes. The girl’s teeth chattered with ter­ror as she waited for the rip­ping cur­rent.
    Sam smiled, then pressed the lever, down and coun­ted to five out loud.
    Alana shrieked as she tried once more to tear her­self up from the chair. She twis­ted her head from left to right as she kept shriek­ing. Her bare toes scratched the con­crete floor of the base­ment as her fin­ger­nails raked against the arms of the metal chair.
    Gl­enda screamed for them to stop as she watched the cords of the girl’s throat stand out and her thigh muscles jerk and con­vulse and con­tract vi­ol­ently.
    Alana looked like one of those stuck frogs that kids ex­per­i­ment with in bio­logy class, stick­ing wires from bat­ter­ies into their legs and fore­legs and watch­ing them twitch in the spe­ci­men pan.
    The bru­nette pulled and twis­ted at her bonds, try­ing to break free so she could stop this mad­ness that seemed to be ra­ging out of con­trol. The men were so worked up that they seemed to for­get that there was a liv­ing, breath­ing hu­man girl be­ing tor­tured to death in front of their eyes. Gl­enda couldn’t be­lieve that any of these men ac­tu­ally wanted to watch Alana die like that. No man could – could he?
    “Oh­h­h­h­hhh,” the girl groaned as she felt the cur­rent sub­side.
    Her body rolled from one aide of the chair to the other list­lessly as Sam walked up to Alana and curled her hair in between his pudgy fin­gers.
    “AH­H­H­HHH!” she cried out as Sam yanked it back sav­agely.
    “Hey, man. Looks like she’s out of it,” George said as he peered down at the girl.
    “Like daugh­ter, like mother,” Sam said, turn­ing around to look at the cringing Gl­enda. “I’m get­ting a little tired of this and it’s get­ting late,” Sam said, glan­cing down at his watch. “Strip her com­pletely and get her over here.”
    Sid and an­other man walked over to Gl­enda and un­tied her ankles and wrists, jerking her up to a stand­ing po­s­i­tion while they pulled off her sweat-stained jer­sey, then pushed her for­ward. Sam and George un­fastened the clamps that held Alana to the chair. The girl tried to stand up, but the muscles in her body failed her. She was too ex­hausted from the fuck­ing and the elec­tronic cur­rent that had ripped through her tis­sues to move.
    “Get away,” Sam growled, reach­ing down and push­ing against Alana’s back. The girl lit­er­ally tumbled off the chair, crump­ling into a shud­der­ing hulk in front of them as George and Sam took Gl­enda and threw her fight­ing and scream­ing in the chair.
    “I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you all!” the wo­man shrieked as she tore at them with her razor-sharp fin­ger­nails. But there were too many there who were too strong. In seconds Gl­enda’s wrists and ankles were in the same clamps that had held her cap­tive for the past few minutes.
    “Clamp the tits again?” George asked Sam as he picked up both the red and green metal tabs.
    “This one’s a tough nut to crack. Let’s skip that and go for the snatch. You take the right lip, and I’ll take the left,” Sam said, grabbing the red clamp and bend­ing down as he reached for­ward and peeled back Gl­enda’s tender pus­sylips.
    “OH­H­H­H­H­HHH!” the bru­nette cried softly as she felt the tiny teeth bite into her full, fleshy snatch­lips. Gl­enda looked down and could see the bright metal tabs gleam­ing through her thick black pussy curls. The pain in her box was naus­eat­ing, but she fought down the nat­ural de­sire to screw down the walls.
    “She’s brave now,” Sam said, mov­ing back to the box and put­ting his hand on the lever.
    Gl­enda’s eyes opened wide and bulged as his fin­gers gripped the small metal rod and pulled it slowly down.
    “But when that juice hits her box, shell talk.” The sus­pense was too much. Gl­enda jerked her head away and closed her eyes as she heard the men in the room chuckle with ob­scene de­light.
    Sud­denly, it was as if the pit of hell had spilled into her pussy. A sear­ing blast of heat ripped through her sore cunt, ra­di­at­ing im­me­di­ately through every part of her body. Her raw nerve-end­ings sputtered with the hot elec­tric juice.
    “YYYOOOWWWW!” Gl­enda screamed in a high-pitched, fren­zied screech.
    Her body thrashed and jerked vi­ol­ently in the metal chair as her face turned purple with agony and ter­ror. Tears sprung to her eyes and trickled down her swollen cheeks as her long, black silky hair whipped across her face. Her fin­gers stood out stiffly as her legs twitched and jerked up and down.
    “Okay. That’s enough,” Sam muttered un­der his breath as he pulled the lever down.
    Gl­enda’s body im­me­di­ately col­lapsed as she rolled her head across her chest from side to side, moan­ing softly to her­self as the pain still ached in her snatch.
    “I’ll talk. I’ll talk,” the wo­man panted.
    “Too bad. I wanted to try­out some of these on her as­shole,” Sam said, pick­ing up the other tabs and look­ing at them sadly.
    “The wall safe – above the fire­place in the draw­ing room,” Gl­enda gasped.
    “What’s the com­bin­a­tion?” Sam asked, put­ting his right hand un­der her chin and jerking her head up un­til she was forced to look at him.
    “You guess it,” Gl­enda hissed, pulling her head away and look­ing in the other dir­ec­tion.
    Sam’s face lit up with sav­age joy as he wheeled around and gripped the lever again. Be­fore Gl­enda real­ized what was hap­pen­ing, she felt an­other shot of elec­tric cur­rent burn its way through her pussy.
    The bru­nette stiffened at once, her body pulling at the re­straints. Her eyes bulged again, look­ing glassy and glazed with hot team. Her lips twis­ted open and let out an­other long, fren­zied shriek of pain.
    “AIIIIIIOOOOOW!” the wo­man screeched as her brain churned with the elec­tronic agony.
    “Okay. You’ve had two shots. Want a third? And the next time, I’m gonna snap on one of these to your butt, bitch,” Sam said as he lif­ted up the lever and walked back to Gl­enda.
    “Ohhh, God,” the wo­man groaned help­lessly as she looked at the stable mas­ter with a feel­ing mixed of hatred and fear and dis­gust.
    “Okay. The combo,” Sam said evenly.
    “65, 89, 22, 34,” Gl­enda panted, then groaned as Sam reached down and pulled the clamp roughly off her still-twitch­ing cunt­lips.
    George and Sid un­strapped her wrists and ankles while Sam helped lift her from the chair. Gl­enda was like an old dishrag in their arms as she groaned. The men dragged her over to the couch where she’d been strapped be­fore. While some of the men began to get dressed to leave, oth­ers ringed around the couch as Sam and George forced the wo­man down on her back.
    “Just one more time for the bitch,” George growled as he crawled on top of the leather covered couch and threw his mus­cu­lar, heavy body on top of Gl­enda’s. His thick, long black dick slid across the wo­man’s sweaty skin with squishy sounds as he grunted with pleas­ure. His hands clutched her sore tit­ties as he dug his fin­ger­nails into her tender flesh.
    Gl­enda cried out as she felt his big, flanged cock­head stab between the chafed lips of her cunt.
    “OH­HHH! NOOOO! Leave me alone!” Gl­enda cried out, turn­ing her face to one side to avoid George’s hot, ran­cid breath.
    But the big black man didn’t pay any at­ten­tion to her cries. George slid his hands un­der her butt, jerking her thighs and legs high into the air as he slid for­ward. Gl­enda cried out again as his thick hot dick pushed between her throb­bing legs and slid into her cun­thole. The tender mem­branes still rang with agony from the elec­tri­city as the black man jerked and pushed his ten thick inches of pulsat­ing cock­meat into her pussy.
    “Fuck her good, George,” Sam said en­cour­agingly as sweat poured down the big black man’s face.
    Gl­enda grunted with pain and hor­ror as she felt George’s dick sud­denly swell and vi­brate against her puffy cun­tal mem­branes. The big man dug his power­ful fin­gers into her tits, tear­ing at them as if he were go­ing to rip them from her chest. He opened his mouth and let out a long, an­imal-like yelp.
    The bru­nette felt a series of long, wet spurts of own spat­ter­ing against her pussy walls as George’s legs banged and jerked against her. His cum­ming seemed to last for cen­tur­ies. Every jerk he made sent bolts of hot pain through her tor­tured body. The bru­nette thought she’d die as the black man grunted and growled with each squirt of jizz.
    Fi­nally be was fin­ished, growl­ing with sat­is­fac­tion as he yanked his cum-slicked cock out of Gl­enda’s pussy.
    “Sloppy seconds, any­body?” George said, grin­ning as he slid off the couch. Gl­enda felt her heart thud­ding crazily as Sid, Sam and four other men moved slowly but stead­ily to­ward her. She jerked back as far as she could, whim­per­ing help­lessly as she knew what they had in mind.

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