
Poker Debt

Lisa comes out of the bedroom, wearing her blue teddy with a terrycloth
robe over it. It is belted tight around her waist, as she passes, where her
husband, Peter is sitting at the table with one other guy. She doesn't
know him; but he is one really big dude. Tall and wide, he watches her as she
walks to the bathroom.

The poker game is over for the night, it seems. Looking at the pile
of chips in front of the newcomer and the look on her husband's face, things
didn't go well for him tonight or should she say this morning. It is


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Reading time

8 minutes

The Caravan Route

The Northern Bay still clogged with thick floes of ice. The late and
extremely cold winter taking it toll on the merchant fleet already as some
ships have failed to negotiate the pressure of the ice on the hulls of the
wooden ships.

The winter also taking it toll of the passes over the mountains to the
East. The usual routes causing delays to all movement, all except one
possibility. A pass to the grassy plains of the herders is the easiest way
for a caravan to go; if you don't consider the hostility of the people. It


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Reading time

66 minutes

Desert Slave

I'm in my final year at university7, where I'm studying archaeology. My life lately is filled with studies and lectures and research. Often, when I'm bored, I think back to the most shocking and memorable event of my life, which was my trip to Egypt to work on an archaeological dig two years ago.


Average: 5 (1 vote)

Reading time

40 minutes

Raped Teen Burglar

Dan was in for a lousy weekend.  He sat in the living room on the second
story of a house his friends and he rented half of.  On the lower floor
was a fairly large hispanic family that rarely, if ever, spoke with them. 
The house had been modified... the single door connecting the lower floor
to the staircase to the upper floor had been sealed, making each floor a
seperate apartment.  The only real connection remaining between the two
floors was the common basement, to which both floors had access.


Average: 2 (1 vote)

Reading time

14 minutes

I Was Just Trying To Help

I have to say up front that I did not marry for money. Although it is nice that my husband is wealthy, it was this amazingly kind, loving and energetic man and his shy 16 year-old daughter that was the true attraction. They both have captured my heart and I would do anything for them. Which is how I got into my humiliating predicament.


Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

Reading time

41 minutes

L.E.Z. - The Lesbian Sorority

An adventure in lesbian high-fantasy - any resemblance to the real world is
purely coincidental, and would be cool and by cool I mean totally sweet.


Average: 4 (1 vote)

Reading time

22 minutes

Zara: Pierced and Branded Slave

Part One

Zara had no idea what she was getting into. She had agreed to go out with Bret only because her agent had asked her.

Zara was your typical straving actress desperate to get ahead in Hollywood, and desperately in need of that elusive first break. She had to literally wrestle with Bret, just to get him to stop kissing her. Another casting couch affair, Zara muttered to herself.

At least Bret was a different producer than most: he called her a cab and gave her fare to get home.


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Reading time

23 minutes

My Daughters First Slave

Teri walked into the spare bedroom, just as I was finishing up.  Although she'd seen me naked before, an she was no stranger to either sex or nudity...I tried to keep my exposure to her a minimum.    I just pulled up my pants and was washing my hands in the kitchenette sink I built I there last year.  She looked at the rack on the wall to my left and noticed the next to largest butt plug missing, and she smiled.  


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Reading time

12 minutes
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