New World Order

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Monday and a lovely fresh spring morning has arrived.

Overnight all the mechanical rape machines code named Stallions have been serviced, oiled, calibrated and made ready for another day's work on the young female inmates in the Felicity Correctional Camp.

Today would be little different from the hundreds of other days which had passed since the New World Order came to power.

The sole purpose of Felicity camp is to apply severe merciless correction to the female prisoners.

Most of the female inmates are close relations of members of the beleaguered opposition party.

Stallion's are mechanical rape machines pure and simple.

They have been in operation for well over two years.  Their daily use is to supplement the legal system's need to provide exhaustive rape punishments on the dissident female prisoners.

Quite simply until the rape performance enhancing drugs currently being developed by Nathan Jastrow's young prot g , Dr.  Veronika Hausmann, are fully developed, there is an urgent pressing need to provide alternative means of executing mass rape on the thousands of female prisoners.

After election, the New World Order quelled the outbreak of mass opposition remonstrations and individual anti government protests by routinely imprisoning the wives, daughters and female children of the opposition perpetrators.

This had all taken place during the early part of the 21st Century throughout the world.

New World Order secret service officers have for many years been using sophisticated intelligence gathering techniques to identify the so called political terrorists.

When they are found, the opposition's womenfolk are quickly rounded up.They are efficiently processed and spirited away for long unpleasant prison sentences.

The unusual ways the female prisoners are dealt with during these prison sentences is designed to efficiently stem the tide of antigovernment feeling.

Systematic institutional rape began to be used back in the 'naughties' the early decade of 2000 as it became to be known.

It was soon realized that the old-fashioned practice of simply locking away inmates for ever increasing periods of time was simply not working. What needed to be introduced was a new regime in fact, a most severe regime of terror.

Although some early legislators tried (particularly some of the women members) to block its introduction, the vast majority of its male members were fully supportive of the idea of mass institutionalized rape.

The opposition's "fairer sex" who were destined to be included in this unpleasant disciplinary practice deserted the opposition party in their thousands.

Eventually the opposition parties had to go underground to protect their women.

There was little hiding for the womenfolk.

In the months leading up to its introduction all the senior male members of the New World Order had been invited to attend exploratory rape trials with selected political prisoners.

Politicians at all levels were very soon also encouraged to join in and try this new form of punishment, thus their loyalty and enthusiasm for the process was bought.

Consequently since its inception, this purely sexist form of punishment has been routinely prescribed unrelentingly for all female inmates between the ages of 16 and 65 inclusive.

After receiving an often unpleasant and frustrating introduction to the new revised legal system, the frightened female inmates are unceremoniously transported from court to one of the many correction camps.

Many of these correctional camps are actually annexed to the court building.

Felicity Camp is but one of many such camps where mechanical rape techniques are employed to support the available officers.

After processing the women, (now, however, convicted criminals) in groups of twenty are placed in the hands literally of the corrections officers.

Today in Felicity camp the twenty Stallions await their nubile guests.

Some of the women will initially be stubborn but after their initial session most of their resistance and modesty will be stripped away, their modesty and rebellion a thing of the past.

After a single session on a Stallion a female prisoners will more readily accept the preaching of their new political trainers.

However the punishments are never limited to a single session.

Training sessions will be prescribed monthly and it is not uncommon for a Stallion session to be stipulated each week and most prisoners have at least two year sentences.

Amongst the nineteen unfortunate ladies joining Mary Palmer this morning are,

Nineteen-year-old Susan James, Eighteen-year-old Nancy Smith, Thirty-year-old Mrs..  Samantha Doyle and her two daughters:- Seventeen-year-old Stacie and Eighteen-year-old Tammy, Forty-year-old Elizabeth Riding (Grandmother of Nancy Smith) Sixteeen-year-old Cindy Wall, Twenty-year-old Janie Rose-White,

Each will experience eight terrible hours of relentless mechanical rape.

These inmates would be the first women to feel the unrelenting force of the rape machines this week.

Working in eight hour shifts, each machine deals with three groups of female prisoners per day, six days a week, the seventh day reserved for special punishments and routine machine maintenance.

One of today's girls is nineteen-year-old Susan James.

Susan was unfortunately the only female member of her family at home the day the New World Order security guards forced their way into the family music store just before closing time.

Her terrified father had been viciously roughed up and the entire store turned over whilst the rampaging guards searched the premises for the owner's older wife, Jackie.

Unfortunately for young Susan, her mother Jackie was long long gone.

An anonymous warning phone call minutes before the raid alerted her to the imminent danger.

Terrified and with no thought of who she was leaving behind, she panicked and fled full of remorse.

She had failed to alert her innocent unsuspecting daughter.

First there came the destruction of the shop and then the beating of her father, within minutes his young daughter was in un-welcoming arms of the experianced arresting officers.

Thirty minutes later Susan was delivered unceremoniously to the area court facility alongside the state correctional camp.

Susan waited in the reception of the court area of Felicity Camp all alone.

She stood before the massive oak doors that would open into the main courtroom of the camp and wondered when she would be allowed to leave.

She'd already stopped wondering why she was even being tried.  She had done nothing wrong, this was all one big mistake..

She was just nineteen-years-old, almost straight out of community college with only a few months part-time work experience, yet she had been witness to her father's vicious beating and the destruction of her home and family business.

Unknown to her, she was standing outside the courtroom of the most notorious female correction camp in the state.

It was a old building she'd often passed it on her bike but she had never really paid attention to it before now.

To the rear of the old courthouse behind security fences, lay the camp. Screened from all sides, its purpose was not immediately obvious to a casual glance.

She'd passed five security checks, been photographed and fingerprinted. DNA samples were taken and she was briefly but firmly instructed to:-


"Keep your FUCKING mouth shut young lady, ......  Speak only when you are spoken to or you WILL be very sorry!"


Susan had been roughly escorted to this holding area by an armed security guard who wasted no time in groping her and lifting her skirt, delighting in her discomfort at his attentions.

Attaching her wrist cuffs to a ring on the wall opposite the courtroom Susan joined thirty or so similarly mounted women who had also been left in this sinister lobby to await their 'trial'.

The views from the lobby fueled her fears, she was totally terrified.

It was a huge room, elegantly carpeted, with floor to ceiling windows where the south and west walls should have been, and with a number of stunning paintings gracing the other walls.

It was also totally devoid of furniture.  But what drew the attention of all the women was not the decor, but the uninterrupted view of the correctional camp beyond the large windows.

Susan's despair and her sense of betrayal by her mother, were, however, temporarily forgotten as she gaped in astonishment at the spectacle confronting her.

Through the windows the women could see in the distance hundreds of women.

For almost an hour Susan waited as one by one each of the terrified women were unhooked and led by a court official through the old wooden doors and into the courtroom.

Susan soon realised that none of the women however returned back through that door.

Unknown to Susan each prisoner only experienced a brief mock trial.

Each woman was routinely identified and sentenced to terms of 'punishment' ranging from one to five years.

Following conviction, the petrified women were led out of the courtroom by a side door into the camp induction area, here to start a period of her life each would never forget.

Within minutes of leaving her place in front of the judge the shocked prisoner was taken away soon to be replaced by the next woman.

Susan had almost given up being nervous, and was working her mind overtime trying to find the words to plead her innocence.

She had spent most of her time wondering what purpose her arrest might serve.

Frequently other young women were dragged into the room some screaming, some begging for release.

Each received firm slaps across their face after they were attached to a wall ring.

Some who continued to protest had red rubber ball gags forced into their mouths.

Tearful, frightened but now and again Susan's mind drifted to the appearance of the lobby itself.

It was possible that it was in the process of being upgraded or refurbished, but somehow that was not the impression she got.

There were no marks on the carpeting to indicate there had ever been any office furniture here.

Perhaps, she decided, the very carpets had been recently changed, and the furniture just hadn't been moved back yet.  Yes, that would explain it, she thought.

There was also a faint odor of paint lingering in the room.  That meant more than the carpets had been redone.

The elaborate security precautions would seem to indicate that Felicity Camp was not an organization to be taken lightly!

Then why hadn't she ever heard of it before?

She was supposed to be going on holiday next week with her girl friend, a young lady called Anne Fellows.

In anticipation of that holiday, they had each bought new and rather revealing swimming suits.

That holiday, however, would be delayed indefinitely.

Instead of finding herself in a posh resort hotel, Susan would soon find herself in rather different accommodation, and her new attire would be even more revealing than that skimpy swimming suit.

At Eleven O'clock Susan was frog marched into the court by an elderly court official.

When they entered the courtroom, Susan choked in shock.

The Judge was there waiting for her, along with the rest of the smiling court officials, but that wasn't which attracted her attention.

Susan screamed in horror!

There were ten small red circular stages or podiums arranged around the Judge's court.  Four to the left of the Judge and four to his right and two more at a higher level to his rear.

And all the stages were occupied.  On each little stage was a very sorry looking young woman girls really, and all were completely naked.

Some were silently sobbing, some barely moaning, others stared into space their eyes glazed simply in a dull state of shock.

Frantically looking at the obscene tableaux, Susan could see most of the girls had objects in their vaginas or anus some had both orifices filled! Several forms of bondage were employed to decorate the Judges courtroom and it didn't take Susan long to see that all of the young girls bore the marks of brutal punishments bruises and welts.

Two of the younger girls, who couldn't be more than sixteen-years-old, were tied to wooden frames on the stage alongside the Judge.

Each girl was tied with her legs splayed widely and tugged tightly back over her head, lifting, spreading and exposing her privates for everyone in the court to see.

Red stripes marked their inner thighs and streams of perspiration ran over their flustered cheeks.

The two helpless girls watched quietly as Susan was prodded from behind and stepped forward to stand in front of the grinning Judge.

The two girls behind the Judge knelt facing one another their knees spread wide by wooden blocks.  Their hands, fingers interlocking under the hair at the back of their necks the grotesque posture forcing forward and upwards each pair of breasts.

Between them the girls shared a short black double ended dildo each girl firmly and rhythmically felated her end as she stared helplessly into the other girl's eyes.

In pure terror, Susan stared at the other four young women trussed like chickens, their eyes bulging above their gags, small sounds of distress already evident, as their muscles protested at their abuse.

"You get your hands off of me!!!!  God damn you, you bastards," Susan screamed in outrage as an officer pressed her forward toward the Judge.

"'re all crazy!  What the hell are you doing?  Get away from me let me go!"

She lifted one foot to try to kick the nearest officer away.

He was pushing her forward with what appeared to be a thick black stick. He ducked her kick easily and there was no second as he jabbed the black stick a cattle prod into her back and zapped her momentarily.

The pain hit Susan almost throwing her off balance.  Five seconds later, gasping eyes wide in shock, she moved quickly forward and stood trembling looking at the floor.

"Oh NO please ....God, please don't hurt me..." she pleaded almost incoherently.

"Oh, don't you worry.  By the time we're through, you'll love it..." smiled the Judge looking down on the cringing female.

He grinned as he slammed his wooden gavel onto the desk.

"Order in Court!"

The officer stepped away from Susan.  It was absurdly simple, yet remarkably effective.  After the zap and almost slipping off of her high heeled shoe she composed herself ready to plead her innocence.  Clearly this was a really bad place to be wearing high-heeled shoes she briefly thought to herself.

"On your knees and confirm your name and address" boomed the Judge.

Susan stood in front of him.  She tried to be brave, to look him in the eyes, but could not.

Susan took another breath and sank down to her knees on the floor and answered the judge her voice faint and trembling.

"Are you pleading Guilty or Not Guilty?  " asked the Judge immediately.

"Sir there has been a terrible mistake I'm not even supposed to be here......" babbled Susan quickly before being cut short.

"Guilty OR!  Not Guilty?" the Judge repeated impatiently.

Collecting herself Susan looked up and in the firmest voice she could muster pronounced,

"Sir I'm NOT!  Guilty I should not be........"

"Shut up!" ........  instructed the Judge pausing briefly to look Susan up and down.  "Please turn around, young lady and keep turning around until I tell you to stop."

Pausing briefly, a confused Susan turned slowly around and around on her knees before the Judge and the court officials whilst the Judge spent a few brief moments inspecting her file and watching her display herself for his inspection.

Each time she faced the Judge Susan was forced to view the naked girls who decorated the courtroom tableaux.

"Stop!" commanded the judge.  Susan stopped immediately her knees now sore.

Enjoying the moment the Judge watched the terror mount in Susan's eyes as she choked back tears.

The Judge consulted his clerk, as he stroked the inner thigh of the naked girl to his left , then delivered his verdict.

As he spoke, Susan felt the tide of fear and helplessness rising like icy water about her groin, as the full nature of the disaster that was to fall on her became apparent.

"Susan James, I find you .....  Guilty of conspiracy against the New World Order," calmly announced the Judge.

Susan stood shocked as if hit by a train the words hardly believable. Burying her face in her hands she screamed, "Noooooooooooooooo.......!"

Waiting for a moment for the outburst and the Judgment to sink in, the Judge issued a simple command....

"Stand!", leaning forward slightly resting his chin on his hand.

He Waited for Susan to stand before issuing a most unwelcome and devastating demand.

"Take off your clothes, young lady!" smiled the Judge.

Unable to comprehend his obscene command, a disbelieving Susan stood open mouthed.

"Do it, bitch, or I will have you forcibly stripped and beaten!" added the Judge.

Fingers trembling Susan, slowly removed her jumper and unzipped her patterned dress.

Stepping out off her shoes she soon stood in the court in her simple white bra and panties.

Enjoying her embarrassment momentarily, the court officer nearest her stooped to pick up her discarded clothes and pointed to the remaining items and jewelry.

Sobbing loudly Susan removed the remaining items and handed them to the officer who smiled broadly as he gazed at her exposed body.

With her tear-filled eyes lowered and her cheeks blushing with shame, the naked woman was sentenced to five years imprisonment with the torturing possibility of a three year remission if her mother surrendered herself to the authorities.

Gripped firmly by the upper arms, two male guards led Susan James out of the court via the side door and into Felicity Correction Camp for Women.

Within minutes Susan would learn what it meant to be a prisoner in the New World Order....


Susan soon joined the other women who had been 'processed' earlier. Each woman was catalogued and instructed in the camp's strict and unforgiving standing orders and rules before being led away to the induction holding cells outside the Stallion room.

In her processing, she had been given a skimpy gown to cover her nakedness.

It was more of a joke than any real covering.

It was paper thin and nearly transparent.  Its hem barely covered her fleece-covered mound.

If she bent over at the waist in a futile attempt to better cover her pussy, the naked cheeks of her bottom were fully exposed.

It was a no-win situation for the women, but one that the guards and their guests found particularly entertaining.

Today we will see Susan's first training session on one of the Stallion rape machines....

Usually ordinary part-time members and associates of the New World Order will be invited to come in off the streets into the camps to witnesses a punishment session and today is no exception.

Some visitors, usually males (sometimes females) come into the chamber for a few hours but some stay all day and watch multiple sessions.

In the early days of these public performances it was soon discovered that almost all female inmates took a particularly dim view of being watched whilst being raped.

Consequently this became a standard part of each session.  Sometimes members of the poor women's families would be forced to witness the punishment.

Sometimes it was the victim's father or brothers or sons who were forced to watch the degradation of their female relation.

Monday mornings are always particaly good for the voyeur, its the day that the new girls are introduced to the terrible Stallions for the first time.

Waiting eagerly for today's show to begin are six well dressed young men, all ex-employees of the company Mrs.  Elizabeth Riding's husband owns.

At the rear of the room is Mrs.  Ridings fifteen year old son tied to the wall gagged and with an unobstructed view of his mother's impending punishment.

His trousers have been pulled down around his ankles and his limp cock is enclosed in an SmCyber patented anti-erection electro shock sheath.

Sitting several feet closer to the Stallions on comfortable green leather chairs are the fifteen or so invited guests and thirty or so members of the public.

Each observer has a perfectly clear view of the twenty Stallions the chairs are arranged in tiers and command an uninterupted view of the machines.

The Stallion machines are arranged on stout pedestals in a semicircle in front of the auditorium, each machine is greased and primed ready for action.

Atmospheric lighting and soft music betray what will soon be happening.

All the mirrored walls in the room have been cleaned and will undoubtably reinforce the suffering and shame the poor girls and women will soon experience.

The mirrors add an horrific dimension to the visual humiliation of the female inmates.

Every girl is unable to avoid viewing herself and her colleagues from multiple angles during her eight hour rape..

Each victim will see the observers watching and discussing her reaction to rape and humiliation.

Some will come up and touch them and talk to them when the red lights go out.

Among the witnesses today are some the neighbors of Miss Nancy Smith parents and two of Mary Palmer's transport guards.

The female inmates will be watched by either fifty members of the public some total strangers some by their previous friends or acquaintances.

All the guests fidget eagerly in anticipation as the humiliating show nears.

Nearby final subtle preparations are being made to the Stallions.

As they wait for the festivities to begin, the visitors inevitably try hard to imagine the reactions of today prisoners to the brutal rape machines.  Each visitor has familiarised themself with details of the prisoners at the computer terminals in their chairs....

It won't be long before the women will be led in and unceremoniously mounted.

All of today's intake are first timers each has been in the camp for less than twelve hours so they will be totally unaware until moments before entering that they are to be entertained by the rape machines (however today will only be the first of many rides to come!)

Outside in holding cells, twenty very scarred women also fidget nervously as they await who knows what horror.

They are totally unaware of their impending first session on the relentless machines.

Pretty Samantha had earlier this morning been walked along the row of today's other female prisoners on her way to the "holding cell".

At the end of the corridor a large steel door separates the cells from the room which houses the Stallions.

She was still hoping that her appeal would succeed.

While she waited, her plump middle-aged solicitor, Ms Tracy Hampton, had called it "inhumane" to punish so grotesquely such an innocent young girl simply because of her brothers political ideals.

Earlier in the day solicitor Tracy Hampton, accepting that the charges had been proved, had argued passionately that to rape a woman as a punishment was barbaric in the twenty first century.

The young prosecutor on the other hand, pointed out that the law made complete sense and everyone remotely connected with the opposition parties or sympathetic to their ideals would have the book thrown at them.

Samantha now learned in a rather dramatic fashion that her appeal had not succeeded!

Her eyes met those of her solicitor a friend really, who now sits ball gagged and crying in the first cell.

Now Ms Tracy Hampton former solicitor is a prisoner like herself!

So Tracy Hampton's fate was sealed as well, no distinction here between criminal and defender.

Silently the twenty women sat and tried not to think of their future.

Some had been in the holding cells since the previous day and had seen other groups of women walk down the hall and past them before entering the Stallion Punishment Room.

Some placed their hopes on the fact that their pictures had been in underground newspapers and magazines.

Perhaps their case would be the case the government reconsidered...

Although the room housing the Stallions was thirty feet away it was poorly insulated, all the inmates could clearly hear the muffled sounds of the begging, pleading screams of complete sexual exhaustion and humiliation as the constant mechanical throbbing as the machines continued to grind on and on relentlessly.

Throughout the previous night the screams and yells from inside that room became louder and more pitiful as the girls inside spent hour after hour being serviced over and over again atop the rape machines.

All the prisoners could only imagine what was happening to the group of prisoners who were already in the Punishment room.

Whatever it was it wasn't good, each thought.  The constant whirring thumping sounds told each girl that the rape machines were in perfect working order.

Samantha had once seen a picture of a Stallion, circulated in the underground press.  Its specific purpose initially appeared unclear.

To a casual onlooker it appeared to be a rather elaborate exercise machine but there the similarity ended.

Made exclusively for the liberated world governments who were willing to pay for them, the Stallions were sturdily built and very well engineered. Chrome, Iron, Wood and Leather parts fitted together rather elegantly.

Each bar, support, pipe, piston, strap and anchorage point has a specific purpose!  Indeed they look like a perverse genetic mutation of exercise, cycle, ski and weight machines.

All in all they looked very ominous indeed, recalled Samantha.

Any female mounted on a Stallion is completely and utterly restrained, totally available to whatever pattern of rape that has been preprogrammed into its large borg memory.

Sometimes when in manual mode the whims and wishes of a human controller are inputted directly into the machine as the rape unfolds.

When its in manual mode a Stallion can be driven like a car, the female being serviced can be controlled and her reactions used against her.

A number of today's audience will be taking manual control of a number of the machines later.

The saddle to support the stomach was soft brown leather.

Behind the saddle on telescopic arms are mounted the reciprocating power units which drive the dildo's.  Protruded from each power unit is a curved prong which retains a dildo.

The longer vaginal dildo, in front was 9" long and 2" in diameter.

The rear dildo was 8" long and 1" in diameter.

These could be detached and replaced with dildo's with differing ribbings and larger or smaller versions if need be.

One girl, Sue Walker aged twenty two, shivered and sobbed at the thought of what damage that sadistic contraption would do to her soft, female body.

Her breasts shook and her arse cheeks tightened involuntarily as her mind dwelled on the impending vaginal and anal rapes.

Each woman thought her own thoughts and pictured themselves upon the machines, shuddering each cried as she felt her lower parts contract her own bottom cheeks clenched reflexively her private parts retreating.

On the wall opposite the cells a large digital clock showed that it was now less than an hour before their first scheduled ride on the Stallions would begin.

Some stood and looked between the bars of their cells, hoping that the governor or a guard would come and tell her that her conviction had been a mistake and this particular punishment had been averted.

But, as the minutes quickly ticked away, each could feel her heart beating ever faster.

Some returned to their bunk and screamed muffled pleas into the mattress. "NOOoooooooo Pleassssssssssse Nooooooooo...."

Some knelt on the floor and prayed to their God for release.

Finally at seven fifteen , the whirring sound inside the rape room slowed and then stopped.

It was forty-five minutes to go and the previous groups session had apparently finished.

Each woman knew what that meant.  The guards would soon be coming for them!

Each would be taken for a final visit to the toilet, then to the ante room for a last-second checkup and briefing before the short walk down the hall and into that feared chamber.

Automatically the electric cell doors opened, and over the Tanoy system the inmates were instructed to stand in the doorways.

Complying, the inmates stood in shocked horror as the previous twenty guests were wheeled out on stretchers.

Every girl lay limp on her back totally exhausted and naked her legs splayed unrestrained in a classic horse riding pose with her wrists manacled tightly to a bar above her head.

The horrified onlookers could clearly see a two inch diameter bright pinkie blue bruise surrounding every nipple on the prostrated women as they passed.

Every face was flushed, some cheeks twitched uncontrollably.  Redheads, blondes, black and mousy colored girls all sported hair styles soaked with perspiration.

Large droplets of sweat rolled off faces and bodies onto the paper covering on the stretchers.

Some girls were babbling incoherently, some simply sobbed some appeared in shock.

Some were staring blank eyed at the harsh lights ceiling as her stretcher rattled down the corridor between the cells.

Others utterly exhausted looked sideways at the new inmates who were about to take their place on the rape machines.

These so called antigovernment activists are definitely not the supposedly self-assured young women they were they entered the room eight hours earlier.

Several of the onlookers stumbled forward in shock as legs became weak and threatened to fail them.

Some grabbed onto the bars.

"Oh God NOOOOO!!!!," each thought, the fight or flight reaction kicked in.

Two women ran out of their cells but were quickly herded back by the team of male guards who were used to such outbursts.

As the last of the train of stretchers exited the opposite end of the hall, a door opposite the cells opened and out stepped two mature male officers.

After a few moments the senior officer, who was about 40 years old and little overweight, and the sergeant, a 6" tall black man of about 45 or so, both proceeded to process the mornings intake....

Moving along the cells, the officers checked each inmate by name and crossed her off their check lists.

After each inmates identity was confirmed the officers looked each prisoner fully in the eyes, smiled wickedly, and simply ordered, "STRIP !! .....

"Put your clothes in a pile on the floor outside the cell!" shouted the guards.

It took less than minute to check a terrified girls identity.  By the time the officers had reached the end of the line the first inmates had completely striped and were cowering trying vainly to cover their naked bodies from all the smiling guards.

Waiting impatiently for the last lady to remove her clothes (encouraged by a few painful slaps), the senior officer eventually announced sarcastically, "Ladies, if you care to follow me...  its time for you to join this mornings party!"

"And please be assured that there is respectably large audience today" the other giggled.

Herded between two rows of guards the girls shuffle into the ante room to the main rape area.

Here the naked girls are made to watch a prerecorded video presentation which confirms that all those present have been tried and found guilty of crimes against the government.

After the legal formalities are stated simple but bizarre instructions follow.

These instructions are interspersed with horrific video images of young and not so young women being severely whipped for refusing to cooperate!

The twenty terrified women are in no doubt that the threats are not empty.

"You are to stand alongside your Stallion and await instructions," the male voice orders.  "All resistance to being mounted will be severely punished!"

The video tape cuts to a scene of a woman strapped to a St.  Andrews cross.  Her back is criss crossed with deep bloody weal's as two officers thrash her relentlessly.

The twenty naked women huddle even closer together and continue to watch the presentation quietly!

The picture changes and now shows the face of a young woman with green bloodshot eyes, held cruelly upright by her short black hair.

The barely recognizable face simply splutters a simple heart rendering plea, "C....cooperate....!"

The instructions continue "You will be allowed to 'prepare' yourselves for your punishment," the male voice continues, again the video cuts but this time to an image of the young lady standing wide legged alongside a Stallion.

"Watch the demonstration closely......."

Almost eagerly the young woman applies handfuls of what appears to be grease to both her openings and insides of her thighs.

The commentary on the tape describes graphically the damage which will result if this generous allowance is not taken.

"The choice is yours!" he finally adds.

For a further two minutes, the twenty naked inmates, some still cowing and covering their bodies as best they can watch in stunned silence as the girl on the tape continues unashamedly to pack as much grease into her lower orifices as she can manage.

As the inmates continue to watch in stunned silence a single medic walks amongst them casually fondling a breast here and there and shining a torch into blinking eyes this the extent of the medical examination prior to punishment the inmates had been promised.

Pronouncing the group fit for punishment the medic exchanges a few pleasantries to the guards before leaving.

Before finishing the harsh male voice allocates each inmate to the machine she will get to know very well before her eight hour rape ordeal is concluded.

Simultaneously in the main room today's viewers also have presented to them today's tantalizing menu !

On the large screen above them the following list appears and slowly scrolls downwards:


THUMPER Mary Palmer, 22, Office Worker

REAMER Susan James, 19 (Virgin), Student

SATAN Nancy Smith, 18, Unemployed

RAMROD Samantha Doyle, 40, Housewife

NIGHTMARE Stacie Doyle, 17 (Virgin), Schoolgirl

SHAFT Tammy Doyle, 18 (Virgin), Schoolgirl

AUGER Elizabeth Riding, 50, Solicitor

STUFFER Joanne Mills, 19 (Lesbian), Shop worker

ANIMAL Yasmin Patel, 21 (Virgin), Unemployed

VIOLATOR Pam Andrews, 17 (Virgin) (Lesbian?), Student

RAPIST Mary King, 17 (Virgin), Hairdresser

CASANOVA Shizuka Yabuki, 34, Social Worker

BLIND-DATE Helen Robinson, 24, Housewife

PSYCHO Anne Williams, 20, Teacher

BRUTUS Kaylee Smith, 19, Computer Operator

GORILLA Carly Morgan, 19 (Virgin), Student

MUSTANG Anita Hunter, 20, Actress

RELENTLESS Hillary Young, 18, Student

DICKER Bethan Stevens, 16 (Virgin), Schoolgirl

STALKER Nancy Fisher, 43, Politician / Teacher

PISTON Carol O'Breen, 16 (Virgin), Schoolgirl

Eyes wide with horror, the naked women and girls stare unblinking at the Stallions name alongside their own each now knows the name of her machine.

Eventually the picture fades to black and the large door leading to the awaiting Stallions swings open.

Inside the room housing the twenty powerful Stallions, four female inmates have spent the last fifteen minutes checking and replacing where necessary the anatomically correct pink vaginal and anal dildo's on the twenty machines.

These four old women look rather pale and frail, the result of the endless days each had spent on the infernal machines.

The four women had entered the stables, (as the room housing the twenty Stallions had been nicknamed) by another door.

Their task to ensure that processing proceeds with out interruption. Woe betide anyone who failed to notice a single split or worn dildo which could result in a session being stopped or delayed!

The dildo's are fashioned from a space age plastic developed soon after the turn of the century.

It has some particularly unique characteristics which the prisoners will later discover.

The hybrid material allow it to conduct electricity.

It has the texture of human flesh and is strong and reasonably flexible.

When energized with electricity the plastic dildo's characteristics change dramatically.

These changes affect the dildo's temperature, its stiffness and most importantly its dimensions.

Implanted within the central shaft of each dildo is a tube to deliver synthetic ejaculate or enema, lubricant, irritant or saline solutions.

Using computers to control the current to the dildo's, each dildo's can be made to augment the reciprocating piston action of its primary motor and as a result mimic the piston-like thrusts, jerks and spasms of a real penis but unlike a real penis unlimited volumes of fluids can be administered.

Projecting horizontally from the rear of each stomach saddle like a crooked finger pointing upwards is a curved black horn.

Each horn goes under the victim's mons and rests lightly against the presented clitoris.

The front tip end of the clitoral horn has a bayonet fitting to take a variety of attachments.

On the horns ribbed side are two sliding clamps whose relative positions can be controlled remotely.

Between the clamps and on the lower edge all horns have catheters.

The purpose of these clamps is to anchor the labia with varying degrees of tension and hence the pressure of the tip on the clitoris and secondly to pump, pull,see saw and twist the lips up and around the horns ribbed shaft.

Independent and fractions of an inch away from the soon to arrive vaginal dildo.

The clitoral tip attachments have been developed to execute a number of different reactions and are generally made from materials such as rubber, plastic, leather and metal.

Every tip attachment has a different purpose.  Usually they simply rest against the victim's clitoris and unmercifully stimulate her.

On other occasions they can be used to apply concentrated targeted pain.

One particularly popular tip developed by SmCyber has the size and roughness of a manual worker's finger tip with a finger nail thin curved raised ridge approximately an eight of a inch high around one edge.

Designed with the purpose to rest easily on the front of the clitoral swelling with the ridge lodged between the upper side of the prisoner's clitoris and its hood, an extremely sensitive part of a woman's body indeed!

During a session on a Stallion a victim can expect to experience numerous single and a myriad of unwanted multiple orgasms.

Those women destined to experience these tips can expect a whole lot more!

Today two of the prisoners have been allocated these tips, Elizabeth Riding and Bethan Stevens.

Pushed unceremoniously into the chamber, today's girls are herded forward.

Each naked women is told to stand feet apart over a white line painted on the floor.  They see before them the twenty Stallions to their left and right they see today's audience.

After a few agonizing moments where brief embarrassed glances are exchanged with the smiling faces a load voice booms, "Go to your Stallion!"

Nancy could not bear it no longer and burst into a triad of abuse to the bemused audience.

Not surprised by the outburst the officer in charge decided to provide the audience with extra entertainment value.

Nancy was quickly subdued and lead to her Stallion, the officer pointed to its padded saddle and she was wrestled down eventually to lie on her stomach, her flaying feet were clamped to simple stirrups near to the floor on either side.

Like the others would later be her arms were drawn up and back and secured.

The eighteen year old Nancy was to be forced now to endure a tongue clamp.  The device on a short thin wire was lowered in front of her face.

Her nose was pinched shut and a few jolts with a cattle prod encouraged her to stick her tongue out like a naughty schoolgirl, while the clamp was tightened on her loose tongue.

The chain was slowly drawn up until Nancy's head was forced up and backwards her hair pulled painfully whilst her tongue pointed at the ceiling grotesquely.

The audience enjoyed every moment of the extra humiliation, every groan of pain, every muffled scream.

Nancy's ride was now going to be even more uncomfortable especially as she would be unable to use her mouth.....

The assistant spread Nancy's lush pubic hair and slipped her easily onto both dildo's.

Her long blonde hair was held high so it wouldn't hide her face from the audience during her ordeal.

Then the assistant gave her lubricated breasts to the safe keeping of the milking teats.

Meanwhile, another officer re-programmed her Stallion (SATAN) with a particularly unpleasant program of movements.  Nancy would later regret her outburst!

Slowly at first then with some urgency as riding crops lashed randomly across their backs, the other naked inmates rushed back and forth looking at the large brass name plates eagerly trying locate their personal machine.

Within seconds most girls have found their machine.  Each stands awkwardly facing her Stallion her legs three feet apart her feet on painted foot print symbols on the floor.

One of the prisoners however, a 'confused' Yasmin Patel, had great difficulty finding her machine, no allowance had been made for her poor English.

Yasmin was last to position herself and intelligently took up station on the only remaining Stallion copying the posture adopted by the others, but not before she received a good bit of extra encouragement from the attendant guards!

Some of the girls stare unbelieving at the two upstanding dildo's still glistening from the stick bodily fluids of their previous occupants.

Some girls are in hysteria and begging to be forgiven and for mercy other girls have avoided looking and stare sobbing at the floor between their feet.

Stacie and Tammy Doyle scream pitifully to their mother, but Samantha Doyle, positioned between them stares unblinking into open space unable to comprehend what is about to take place.

The twenty naked bodies are eagerly eyed by the excited audience as they wait for their next instructions.  As the prisoners stand alongside the machine that will drive her sexually insane during the next eight hours a number of Shizuka Yabuki's 'clients' hurl obscene, humiliating and threatening suggestions at her.

At ten minutes to eight, all prisoners have to be mounted, ready for the prompt eight o'clock start of the morning session.

Over the raucous banter the presiding officer announces clearly in turn each prisoners name, age and sexual experience to the audience.

Roars of enthusiastic approval echo around the mirrored room as one by one Susan James, Stacie & Tammy Doyle, Yasmin Patel, Mary King, Carly Morgan, Carly Morgan, Bethan Stevens and last but not least Carol O'Breen sexual inexperience is announced.

Sarcastic hoots of derision accompany the declaration of Joanne Mills's particular preferences.

The announcement of the certainty of Pam Andrews virginity but the uncertainty of her sexual preference was greeted by shouts of, "She'll soon find out though !"

With the formalities over with the officer turning to the prisoners generously instructs the trembling girls to, "Lube Up!"

Fully briefed and fully aware of the consequences, each inmate takes from a tray under the saddle of the Stallion in front of her a finger full of medicated lubricating lotion.

The clear grease serves two purposes; one to lubricate both passages before their natural lubrication kicks in and two to prevent infection in the common event of skin breakage.

Eagerly ignoring their shame, they quickly and carefully rub and smear as much as possible on the insides of their tender upper thighs.

Everyone in the room knows this grease eventually has to find it way into and between the lips of their until now private vulvas and anus's.

With time ticking away and with squat bent legs splayed at the knee, all eventually come to the inevitable.

Each prisoner 'genitally' pokes slowly and carefully then as quickly as possible copious amounts of grease into her until now innocent unstretched holes.

Every girl knows full well that to turn down this 'generous' concession will result in a very unpleasant rough ride indeed.

If they were old fashioned cowgirls they would of course be wearing chaps to avoid the inevitable friction burns that an eight hours of horse ride would give. One by one each of the girls discover a little secret about the grease, a secret which was not explained on their briefing tape. The grease contains a strong heat rub liniment.

Soon each of the girls are fratically crossing and uncrossing their legs trying to obtain relief from the unwelcome burning sensation.

At five minutes to eight o'clock, ten strong male guards enter the auditorium and take up position behind the cowering squirming girls.

Working swiftly and in pairs and with practiced precision they roughly lift each inmate onto her waiting Stallion.

Ignoring the pleading, tears and the thrashing legs and arms of the terrified ladies.

Like little china dolls the helpless girls are easily lifted spread and positioned on top the machines.

Immediately the victim's wrists are cuffed in leather bands to a steel bar behind her head forcing the victims shoulders back and breasts forward.

Next a special wire clamp developed by SmCyber is then drawn through the hair on the back of the victim's head and locked into place.

This hair clamp forces the inmates face upwards and forward presenting each humiliated face perfectly for inspection.

Next the victim's legs are spread wider and pulled back forcing the arched pubic area over a small leather saddle block.

The saddle which supports the victim's weight also embraces the clitoral horns mechanism.

The prisoner's ankles are then firmly cuffed to the lower pedals and the four elliptical bars arranged between the prisoner's toes.

Reaching behind and easily spreading each pair of labia in turn the pre-prepared clitoral horns under the saddles are rotated upwards and rested against the prisoner's now defenseless clitoris.

The girls labia are stroked, separated, pulled and clipped to the red spring loaded arms two inches from the horns tip.

Next a large black inflatable catheter is roughly inserted deep into the women's urethra's and inflated.

No amount of wriggling on the poor girls part can now dislodge these particularly nasty tormentors!

Waiting, grinning patiently for the last of the naked female prisoners to be immobilized, an old guard whistles to himself happily as he works his way along the eye level line of presented breasts with a small pot of cream and brush.

Cradling with one hand each presented breast in turn, he paints a small amount of vacuum-assist cream around the base of the girls nipples.

Of all the presented breasts none failed to respond to the attention and all the nipples engorged.

Each of the humiliated ladies look down and watch in horror as in turn their breasts are prepared for the next stage of their mounting.

After applying and spreading forty small dollops of the cream with the pot and brush, the old guard returned to the start of the line of machines and revisited each girl's breasts in turn.

He roughly manually massaged the clear cream into the delicate skin surrounding the nipples, tweaking every nipple repeatedly until it responded and became even more engorged with blood.  When he has finished this stage of the preparation, forty hardened nipples of various shades of pink through to brown stand firmly on the puckered aureoles of the ladies.

Each nipple has been prepared, points and awaits its own personal mechanical tormentor.

Red rubber tubes with stainless steel couplings are connected to the vacuum connectors on each Stallion, on the other end of each tube are transparent plastic milking cups.

After the prisoner's nipples have been lubricated and teased, these special milking cups are popped onto each of the presented nipples.

As soon as each cup come into contact with a lubricated breast the seal is complete and the aureole and nipples are sucked firmly forward, partially filling the surrounding milking teat.

The reaction is unsurprising!

As nipples are firmly drawn into the cups the prisoner's faces contort with discomfort, more often then not resulting in urgent pleas for them to be taken off.

All of the younger girls inexperienced with breast feeding are soon forced to tears.

Under closer inspection it can be clearly seen by the girls and that each cup has inside it a pea-sized black mechanical rubber ribbed ball.

Under the force of the vacuum, each nipple is pressed firmly upward against the side of the ball.

When activated, the balls rotate inside the cups, their purpose to continually roll, tweak and massage the victim's defenseless nipples in every possible direction and with varying degrees of pressure from light strokes through to painful pinches.

The level of vacuum each Stallion produces is constantly varied by its computer program.

Sometimes the vacuum insists in creating a painful, pinching sensation.

Sometimes merely a firm almost pleasant milking action.

Each teat tormentor is independently computer controlled and its action random.

One teat may be, for instance, be strongly sucked and lightly stroked whilst her 'sister' nipple may be tightly pinched but with little suction visa versa and versa visa.

Not a pleasant thought or sensation for the girls who will experience this milking action for the full eight hour session.

When all the girls had been mounted on their Stallions and connected to their milking machines, each is given an intravenous stimulant injection into her arm.

This stimulant is a powerful drug designed to fully sensitize and enhance the victim's awareness of her predicament and hoplessness.

The mind expanding drug delivered is quick acting and every single sensation, humiliation, pain and pleasure is magnified tenfold in the victims mind.

Finally, limp uncut black penis-shaped comforters made of the same plastic as the dildo's are lowered from the ceiling swinging freely against the horrified restrained faces of the restrained prisoners.

Each prisoner had seen and heard on the demonstration tape the advantage and reward of enthusiastically orally manipulating these plastic penises.

The reason quite simple each comforter had installed within it suction, temperature and movement sensors which are monitored through sophisticated artificial intelligence software.

The enthusiasm and sophistication of its sucker's mouth is constanly measured.

Combined with positive feedback loops, the artificial penis respond to the stimulation as a real penis would.  An experienced mouth could soon find out what the artificial penis likes.

However, no complacency is accepted.

The artificial penises the girls have to work on have been programmed with hundreds of penile profiles.

Each profile reflecting the likes and dislikes of a man taken from full cross section of different men.

When or if the sucker is lucky, the penis profile she is currently working on will be that of a virile young man with no staying power.

If she is moderately lucky it will be the profile of an experienced middle aged man who responds to persistence or that of a rapist with a liking for something unusual!

If the sucking prisoner is unlucky she could be dealt a penis with a impotent profile!!

Hard work with very little reward on these ones.

The ball is in her court, so to speak.  To earn the reward, she has to find out what gets to the penis quickest.

Continued stimulation rewards the prisoner with a generous jerking ejaculation of synthetic semen, which, if carefully but firmly drained, suspends all vaginal and anus dildo movement, clitoral horn and milking cups pressure for TEN blissful minutes.

During these well earned respites small laser projectors rise from the front of the successful prisoner's Stallion and perverse, (even by Felicity standards) pornographic scenes are projected directly onto the prisoner's retinas, her view of the room totally obliterated.

Detectors in the lasers constantly monitor for eye closure and blinks.

More than six blinks per running minute reactivates the dormant Stallion and all the prisoner's excellent mouth work is undone.

Seconds after ejaculation, the artificial penis or comforters are automatically deflated and reprogrammed by the computer with the likes and desires of a different penis.

The prisoners can if they choose use their free time in porno TV land to find out what best the new program likes in the tongue lip and jaw department.

By the end of the eight hour session each of the prisoners mouths will have experienced and entertained on average sixty different jaw-aching blow job programs.

As eight o'clock arrives, (the cutoff time for a prayed for pardon), Felicity's commanding officer, Colonel Hardman, quietly enters the room to start today's session.

Quietly closing the door and taking up station to the right of the machines Colonel Hardman watches the final checks.

Once the women's bonds and attachments have been checked, Col.  Hardman blew a shrill whistle and walked to the center front of the room.

Turning his back on the straining prisoners Col.  Hardman addressed today's audience.

"Ladies and Gentlemen thank you for attending this mornings punishment session.  " he announced.

"For those of you who have not attended a Stallion session before I should give you some brief introductions."

Pointing to a large wall clock behind the Stallions he explained "Today's session will start shortly and last eight hours."

Turning his gaze to the machines, "The twenty ladies we have here today have all been sentenced to receive rape punishment."

"This punishment will be delivered by the machines obviously." he said smiling.

"Some of you will know one or two of the prisoners?" he asked looking around the room.

Acknowledging a number of affirmative nod's he pointed to the machine at the center.

On BRUTUS we have Kaylee Smith, aged 19, a computer operator I believe.

"Above her machine you will notice a red light which as you see is currently illuminated. When the light is illuminated please refrain from talking to or touching the prisoner on that machine.

"If you wish to know more about any prisoner or rape program please ask."

"Their 'full' personal records are available for your inspection!" he stressed.

Pausing for a moment watching Kaylee squirm with embarrassment as she was momentarily the center of attention.

"Eight hours is a long time and I have other duties to attend to" he explained .

"However I will be calling in throughout the day if you want to speak to me." he added.

"If you require any refreshments or......." coughing slightly hum 'relief' please push the hostess button on your chair.  " he smiled, pointing to an illuminated button set in the arm of the seat nearest him.

"The prisoners will be getting a 'special' calorie free diet today and plenty to drink." he added grinning widely.

An appreciative murmur ran around the room.

Finished with his introduction Col.  Hardman turned his attention to the mounted prisoners his manner and tone changed immediately.

Before him twenty terrified young women, all naked as the day they were born, were now tightly secured to their respective Stallion rape machines.

Their alluring nude bodies were open, strained, vulnerable and utterly exposed to everyone watching.

He could see the absolute fear and shame in each of the women's eyes....and he loved it!

With his voice dripping with sarcasm, he spoke.

"Greetings, ladies.  Welcome to Felicity Camp.  I'm Col.  Hardman, the entertainment director for today's activities..."

As he spoke, he began walking around the room, stopping occasionally before one of the naked women to tighten a strap, adjust a fitting on the Stallion machines or merely to freely run his hands over the exposed flesh of his trembling female captives.

Gazing at the expanse of exposed flesh on the twenty nude women, he continued, "I see you all received the memo on the dress code for today and that you're all appropriately attired.

Informal attire IS the order of the day....."

"Well we have a delightful day planned for you lovely ladies and I know you're going to enjoy yourselves ever so much."

Pointing upwards to the four corners and a central gantry Col.  Hardman pointed out video cameras..

"Ladies you might notice the video cameras around the room." stepping closer he taped the lens of the facial camera mounted on the Stallion nearest to him.

We'll be making a complete video record of today's festivities so you can share your memories of the day's events with your friends and relatives.

After they witness the tapes, I know they'll all be extremely jealous that they weren't here in person to join in the fun.

But perhaps some of them, particularly the female ones, will also be able to join us here at some future date....

"Today, as the many women who have preceded you have discovered, you will be experiencing one of the finest examples of our New World Order technology the Stallion Machine.

It will be a memorable experience for you.  Enjoy it, ladies.  But don't worry, I assure you, you'll have many, many more opportunities during your stay with us to relive it again and again, and again....."

He stopped before 20-year old Anita Hunter, the young actress secured to Stallion MUSTANG.

He made certian that the large black penal comforter dildo was fully seated in her pretty mouth before saying to the assembled women, "My staff and I are here to serve you today.  If we can assist you in any way, please feel free to call on any one of us."

"Your entertainment and enjoyment are our sole concern....." he sarcastically added sharply.

He chuckled to himself, "Well, Ladies, I don't want to keep you waiting a moment longer.  My advice to you is to sit back and enjoy your rides.

Although some of you may not believe it, it will be over with before you know it.  Let's begin, shall we......?

He nodded to the guard stationed at the control panel.

The young man grinned, threw a switch and 20 Stallion Rape Machines swung smoothly into action.....

Eight hours....

Four hundred and eighty long minutes....  Twenty eight thousand, eight hundred agonizing seconds.....

That was what awaited the twenty women who this found themselves strapped to the Stallions.

As the seconds passed, each of the women experienced their own private world of anguish atop their Stallion machine.

The one constant they all experienced was the unceasing pounding in her pussy and ass.  It was brutal and completely inescapable.

But one of the unique features of the Stallions was the endless variations that could be added to each session.

No two machines ever built were the same.  Indeed, two women riding adjoining machines would experience vastly different sensations and torments.

And in a single session, a girl would experience a terrifying diversity of sensations.

For example, the temperature in the room could be varied form station to station.  Nearly frigid air might be blown over the shivering naked body of one woman while on the next machine a torrent of blistering hot air would wash the sweat-drenched flesh of her neighbor.

Of course the probes could be varied, as well.  At times the two shafts on each machine pulsed in counterpoint one deep inside the girl's body while the other was nearly fully withdrawn.

Then the process was reversed....and then again....over and over and over....  Sometimes the thrusts were in unison twin probes stretching the girl's intimate openings completely and fully with each stroke.

The probes themselves could be varied in other ways, too.  On command, the girth of each probe could be changed from the two inch wide initial size to nearly double that diameter.

The wider size was used on Helen Robinson, the twenty-four year old housewife who was riding Stallion BLID DATE and who had given birth not three weeks before her capture.

The texture of the probes could be varied, as well.  The shafts might be totally smooth for a few strokes and automatically adjusted until a series of bumps and ridges appeared on its surface to painfully stimulate and torment the tender pink flesh surrounding them.

The direction of attack could be varied, as well.  Sometimes the strokes were straight forward deep into the girl's body while other strokes entered at an angle to cruelly batter and bruise the side walls of the women's' vaginas and rectums.

The pace, too, would be varied from long, slow, almost sensuous strokes to a rapid, machine-gun like staccato.  A woman never knew what the next stroke might bring.

The probes could produce other sensations, too.  They could vary the actual temperature of the probe.

Sometimes the outer surface would be heated nearly to the point where the sensitive flesh of the women's genitals would be almost seared and blistered like being fucked with a glowing iron.

Other times the probe was chilled until it felt like the woman was being fucked by a shaft of ice.  Neither sensation was all that enjoyable....

Through tiny holes on the sides of the shafts, various fluids could be injected into the girls' bodies.

Sometimes irritants were used that would produce intense burning or itching deep inside the girls cunt or ass.

If a woman had been torn open during the brutal assault she was enduring, an antiseptic disinfectant might be injected.

If the machine sensed that the probing dildo's were meeting too little resistance, it might inject an astringent to constrict and tighten the delicate tissues of her lower orifices, drying the tissues of their natural lubricant and ensuring that the continued probing would soon be as uncomfortable as possible.

Yet another insidious feature of the probes was the tiny nano syringes located inside them.

Forty-three year old teacher Nancy Fisher discovered the unpleasantness of this feature as bee's venom was repeatedly injected directly into the tender mouth of her cervix.

Each stallion machine had a cutoff switch that, in the event of an emergency, could be used to instantly shut down the machine.

It was located just a few tantalizing inches from the bound women's hands.  They could see it in the mirror before them.  Each woman knew that if they could just stretch their hand a little further, she could turn the machine off and end her humiliating torment.  It was very close.

Of course they would try to reach it.  Their wrists would pull against the bonds the unyielding steel digging into the soft flesh of her wrists hurting her.  Still, the pain was worth it if she could succeed in reaching it.  It was so close.  Her fingers would stretch as far as possible.

But it was nearly always in vain.

Throughout the eight hour session, they would try again and again to reach it...but they would rarely succeed.

There are a number of documented occasions where girls have dislocated their shoulders in an effort to 'hit the panic button'.  True to his words the officer in charge of the session never turns on the machine, however the girls suffering is unabated.

She will be left impaled on the dildo's in her current position until the session ends.

The artificial semen was remarkably lifelike in terms of smell, taste, temperature and texture.

Just as with real semen, there were individual variations in taste some of it almost sweet some acrid and bitter.

The women never knew what they would receive in the next ejaculation.

One variation from real cum was the volume of ejaculate produced at each 'orgasm'.

Inevitably the volume was always much greater than they might receive from a real cock.  It would explode into the women's mouths filling them completely.  Instinctively they would swallow or spit large amounts of it gasping and choking all the while.

Despite their best efforts, however, gobs of it would dribble out of their mouths around the artificial cocks and hang in thick rope like strings from their chins, dribbling wetly onto their naked breasts.

A device mounted on the oral probe sometimes snapped shut, sealing off the woman's nostrils and making her frantically swallow the artificial cum just to be able to breathe.

Other times the oral probe will withdraw completely from the women at the moment of ejaculation.

The women's faces would be drenched with the sticky discharge.

Occasionally real semen was used.  Male prisoners, mostly opponents of the New Order, would be hooked up to special male 'milking machines'.

Their cocks would be painfully stimulated until the men ejaculated and their balls would be repeatedly drained until they ached.

Their collected semen would then be used on the female prisoners.

Unbeknownst to her, a woman riding the Stallion machine might find herself swallowing her own father's cum, or that of her next door neighbor's or her even own son's....

There were other variations, as well.  Occasionally a guard might piss into the reservoir so that the next time the cock ejaculated, the prisoner's mouth would be filled, not with cum, but with fresh, hot piss.

Another variation involved utilizing animal semen.  Bulls, horses, pigs, donkeys, dogs all of these were used.

It was good training for the women since almost all of them would spend some of their internment in the stables and kennels.

The first ride on a Stallion was a terrible ordeal for any woman.  But for the virgins in the group, it was even worse.  For Susan James, Stacie Doyle and her sister Tammy, Yasmine Patel, lesbian Pam Andrews, Mary King, Carly Morgan, Bethan Steven and Carol O'Breen, their first ride would be especially degrading and humiliating.

After the shock of their arrests and "trials", the young and sexually inexperienced woman found themselves stripped naked and paraded before the grinning witnesses who would relished every moment of their humiliation.

A few of them had actually had some limited sexual experience, perhaps some heavy petting with a boyfriend, for example, but nothing they had every experienced prepared they for what now awaited them.

They soon found themselves desperately lubricating their lower openings and then straddling their respective Stallions as they gazed fearfully at the twin probes pointing ominously up at their exposed genitals.

Next they found themselves being tightly tied in an extremely open, humiliating and vulnerable position atop their machine.

Of course the guards added to their terror and degradation by freely fondling their naked bodies and whispering in their ears frightening tales of some of the unwelcome sexual adventures they would soon experience.

Several of the young women actually pissed themselves in fear as they were secured to the machines and before they could be catheterized.

Soon they felt the tips of the two probes being carefully positioned in their pussies and ass holes.  By this time the tears were freely flowing down their cheeks and some were praying aloud as they waited knowing what was about to happen dreading it and being totally helpless to prevent it.


Initially the probes did not penetrate deeply into these girl's bodies. The vaginal probe entered just the mouth of the girl's vagina, but no deeper.

It did not rupture her hymen.  Behind, the anal probe was deflated to its smallest setting before being inserted into the girl's bottom.

It felt more like a pinky-finger penetrating her bottom hole than a cock. But it was penetration, nonetheless.

The girls squirmed uncomfortably at this unwelcome violation of their most intimate orifices.

Then the machines were turned on...

Almost inevitably all the women would begin to scream and they felt the first mechanical stirrings between their legs.

The sexually experienced women were quickly subjected to full deep thrusts by the two probes into their bodies.

The Stallion was a rape machine, after all.

They would cry out in pain and shame as the first thrusts of the uncaring twin probes ripped into their bodies.

A part of them would be very grateful for the lubrication they had previously applied but knew instantly that they were in for a very rough ride.

The initial treatment of the virgins was different, however.

A Stallion machine when properly adjusted and calibrated is capable of producing intensely erotic sensations.

Indeed, a Stallion had been installed in the barracks of the New Order's female guards.

Each night these women would eagerly climb on board and enjoy one delightfully intense orgasm after another.

Fights would sometimes break out amongst the women if they felt one woman was monopolizing the wonderful fuck machine.

For the virgins, the more pleasurable features of the machines were utilized.

Heavy clitoral stimulation was used and the probes in their pussies and asses merely hummed and vibrated pleasurably.

The purpose of this treatment was to fully arouse these innocent young women.

Despite their shame at being trussed up naked in front of a room full of strangers, despite the humiliation of having vibrating foreign objects inserted into the most intimate recesses of their bodies, despite having their nipples pinched, suckled and stimulated by the milking device, despite the steady stream of lewd taunts and comment the naked women received from their captors, virtually all them began to respond to the involuntary erotic stimulation they were experiencing.

Their pussies became wet, their nipples hard, and moaning and panting wantonly more than one of these women experienced the first orgasm of young their lives.

The unwelcome stimulation continued.  Under the careful manipulation of the Stallion machines, these young women were forced to experience one intense orgasm after another.  In a way, this was a manner of lulling them into a false sense of at least some type of acceptance at what was being done to them.

It was degrading, to be sure, but not particularly painful.  Soon, without warning, the nature of the stimulation they were receiving from the Stallions would change dramatically.

Atop RAMROD, Samantha Doyle had been lost in her own torment.  The relentless pounding from the twin dildo's in her cunt and pussy had taken her by surprise.  As a mother of two daughters, she, of course, was sexually experienced at least vaginally (although since her husband had gone into hiding a year ago, she'd been celibate.)

The anal probing was something different, however.

The tight ring of her previously un-violated sphincter stretched painfully around the thick shaft now buried deep in her rectum.

She'd also struggled to adapt to the thick dildo in her mouth.  Her experience with oral sex was also severely limited, but she quickly learned. She nearly gagged in revulsion when she'd the first load of lifelike synthetic cum erupted in her mouth.

Soon, however, she learned that the brief 10 minute respite she earned from successfully bring the cock off was worth the shame she felt in performing the humiliating act.

During her first hour atop the machine she had been so focused on her own desperate situation that she'd nearly forgotten her two young daughters, Stacie and Tammy tied flanking her atop Stallions NIGHTMARE and SHAFT.

She could hear them begging, squirming and moaning next to her, but somehow she knew they were being spared what she was enduring.

The pain for the probing dildo's, the cruel twisting and pinching of her nipples and the unwelcome stimulation of the clitoris from the horn occupied her full attention.

At one point Samantha heard Tammy her daughter cry out, but it seemed to be more of a cry of pleasure than of pain.

Meanwhile Ramrod's anal probe began to again pound into her bowels with greater intensity.

Frantically she began sucking on the probe in her mouth in a desperate effort to earn the ten minute respite.

Finally she succeeded and was rewarded with a particularly bitter tasting load of synthetic cum.

The video lasers rose and projected directly into her eyes, she watched it intently.

Instead of the usual porno the women were forced to watch, this screen showed a close-up image of her youngest daughter, Stacie tied atop Stallion NIGHTMARE.

The young girl had a strange look of arousal on her face as the Stallion continued to tease and stimulate her.

As Samantha watched helplessly something began to happen.

The image changed to a split screen and Samantha could see on half of the monitor her daughter's face while the other half showed a close-up of the probes thrusting into the girl's lower orifices.

As she watched, the vibrating vaginal probe in Stacie's twat was withdrawn.

The poor girl had a vaguely puzzled look on her face one of almost disappointment as the shaft slipped form her body.

At a command from the control panel, the dildo inflated fully and then, without warning, drove full-depth into the Stacie's vagina.

The girl shrieked in agony as her hymen was ripped apart and her vaginal sheath was filled completely until the hard head of the shaft battered Stacie's tender cervix.

Then it began to fuck her in earnest....hard and deep.  Her face was contorted in pain and tears streamed down her cheeks.

Unable to close her eyes Samantha watched the laser video, a helpless Samantha Doyle could see her young daughter's blood smeared across the shaft the dildo that had just deflowered the girl and she could heard the her daughter saying from around her dildo gag, saying, "Mama....Mama.....Mama......"

Young Stacie Doyle was a virgin no longer....

Fifteen minutes later, Mum Samantha and Daughter Stacie both watched as 18 year old Tammy Doyle's hymen met a similar fate.

And then, twenty minutes later the two sisters got their first taste of the humiliating pain their mother was experiencing as their anal ravishment began.

The pencil thin finger-like probes in their anuses were withdrawn slightly, fully inflated and then driven deep into the shrieking girl's tight bowels.

They could take it.  They were women now.

One by one, the other virgins in the room Susan James, Yasmine Patel, Pam Andrews, Mary King, Carly Morgan, Bethan Steven and Carol O'Breen experienced a similar degrading fate at the hands of their respective Stallion machines.

By 10 o'clock that morning, they were all women....

At 11:38 a.m., Stallion CASANOVA malfunctioned!

Instantly both shafts drove to full extension and began pulsing violently.

The ridges on the shaft extended fully and electrical shocks began erupting within the girl's cunt and ass hole.

The woman who had been riding CASANOVA, Shizuka Yabuki, a 34 year old social worker, shrieked in agony and struggled desperately to escape this torment.

"Damnit!!!" one of the guards said as he walked to the machine and flipped the cutoff switch.

Instantly Casanova fell silent.

It took several minutes for Shizuka's screams to quiet down.

She was untied and pulled from the machine.  She collapsed on the ground, sobbing, her hands clasped between her thighs in an effort to ease the terrible pain she was feeling between her legs.

Col.  Hardman walked over.  He didn't look happy.

"What's the problem here?"

"The control unit went out.  It will take about an hour to get the new unit installed."

Hardman looked down at Shizuka still sobbing at his feet.

"Don't worry, my pretty.  We haven't forgotten you...."

He spoke to one of the guards.  "Take her over to the cot in the witness area.  If any of our guests want to fuck her, they're more than welcome to do so."

Shizuka Yabuki was dragged to the area and her wrists tied tightly above her head.  A long line of eager witnesses quickly surrounded the pretty dark-haired woman.  In short order, Shizuka found two rock-hard cocks real and not artificial thrust to the hilt in both her pussy and ass hole another deep in her throat.  She was not lonely for long....

Hardman spoke to the man working on repairing the Stallion, "Who was the cunt who was responsible for servicing this unit?"

"Valerie Richards," the guard replied.

"Bring her here," Hardman ordered.

Valerie Richards, a librarian before her capture, was sleeping uneasily in her cell when they came for her.  She was pulled down the hall towards the room where the Stallion machines were located.

She knew something was terribly wrong and that whatever it was, she would soon be paying for it.

Her heart was pounding as her terror mounted.

She was dragged before Col.  Hardman.

"Get into he position, slut!" he ordered.  Valerie instantly put her hands behind her neck, lowered her head and spread her thighs.

Her fear grew....

Without warning, Hardman reached up and grabbed the neck of her skimpy prison gown and with a single jerk, ripped it from her body.

Although she was 42 years old, Valerie Richard's naked body was still very attractive, despite the many welts and bruises that now covered it.

She'd proved very popular with the guards who had spent many hours working on her naked flesh.

Her face, although still pretty, was drawn and worn.

Hardman reached up and lightly touched the naked woman's cheek.  His touch was surprisingly gentle.  Freely his hand moved her neck and then lower to cup and caress her left breast.

He lightly tweaked her nipple and watched the little nubbin tighten with arousal.

He moved his hand lower, across her lower belly to cup the fleece covered mound of her cunt.  His fingers spread the lips of her pussy and began to stroke her clitoris.

He brazenly frigged her cunt until his fingers were covered with her sticky wetness.

He grinned.  "You fucked up, bitch...."

With that he pulled his fingers from her twat, balled his hand into a fist and drove it full force into the naked woman's belly.

She gasped in pain as the air was forced instantly from her lungs.

She began to struggle frantically to catch her breath.

Col.  Hardman began brutally slapping the woman's face back and forth. "You stupid cunt!!!!

You can't do anything right, can you?" he shouted.

He slapped her again, "Can you?!!!!?"

He slapped again, insane with anger, this time driving her to her knees.

He drew his foot back and kicked her full force in her belly, again driving the air from her lungs.  As she struggled again to catch her breathe, Hardman kicked her again, this time the hard toe of his dress boot caught her squarely in her exposed pussy.

Valerie writhed in agony.

Hardman reached down and knotted his finger's in the woman's flowing brown hair.  He jerked her painfully to her knees so he could look into her pain-filled eyes.

"Now listen to me, you stupid cunt.  You fucked up.  We're going to put you in a tiny dog cage until this shift is over.

Then you're going to enjoy a 2-day, forty-eight hour long, nonstop ride on that Stallion machine you were responsible for.

You'd better pray it doesn't break down.  Maybe that will teach you to do a better job next time you're given some responsibility around here."

Hardman slapped her again.  "Get her out of here!"

Valerie's wrists were tied painfully behind her and she was dragged to a tiny metal dog cage.

They forced her inside.

She barely fit and her body was painfully twisted like a pretzel.

One of the guards took and electric cattle prod and thrust it deep into her rectum.  Then he switched it on.  Within the confines of the tiny cage, Valerie's body contorted with agony.

Still, she knew it was preferable, infinitely preferable, to what she should soon experience at the end of this shift when she began her extended ride on Stallion CASANOVA.

Forty five minutes later, CASANOVA was repaired.

Forty eight hours for Forty five minutes, hell life is a bitch in Felicity Camp.

The guard allowed the man fucking Shizuka Yabuki's tight ass hole to shoot his load of hot cum inside of her.  Then she was untied and pulled to her feet.  The guard could see the sticky slug-trails of fresh cum oozing out of her lower openings and dribbling down her inner thighs.  Fresh cum was also smeared across her face and lips.

With her respite over, Shizuka, pleading and begging, was dragged back to CASANOVA.

She was quickly tied back in place.  She winced as she felt the twin probes again enter her battered pussy and ass hole.

Her nipples were painfully pinched and re-attached to the milking machine.

Her jaw was painfully pinched until she opened her mouth allowing the oral probe to be inserted.  A switch was thrown.....

And it began again....

There were at least 2 lesbians in today's group 17 year old Pam Andrews on VIOLATOR and her suspected lover, 19 year old Joanne Mills on STUFFER.

During their imprisonment in Felicity Camp, these two women would never be allowed to touch another women.  For them it would be cock cock only lots of cock in each of their orifices.

The only time they would ever see a woman was during a torture session when she might be brought into the room to witness her lover being raped and tortured before her eyes.

She'd be forced to watch helplessly as they tormented and abused her lover's body, all the while being forced to endure having her own body lewdly fondled by her guards.  On other days the roles were reversed.

Enforced lesbianism was frequently used at Felicity Camp both to enforce submisivness and to provide entertainment.

The guards found it amusing to take two heterosexual women and force them to orally service one another.

This type of forced muff-diving would go on for hours.

Young girls on Young girls, Old women on Old women and Old women on Young girls, Young black girls on Old white women Etc.  Etc.  all permutations were exploited fully.

Other times they would make one woman rape another with a strap-on dildo, again age and race again made no difference.

Such spectacles were always enjoyable particularly if they involved members of the same family a fact that Samantha Doyle and her daughter's Tammy and Stacie would soon learn during the many public performances that they'd be forced to give during their imprisonment.

Female guards at the Camps, the vast majority of them dykes, enjoyed the same perks as their male counterparts.

If they were attracted to a particular female inmate, they were welcome to demand that that woman serviced them sexually.

Sometimes it took a little persuasion but in the end, they all eventually complied.

One woman in today's group, 19 year old Hillary Young, was destined for a different fate.

During her capture the pretty student had caught the eye of Major Inga Kurtz, the senior female staff member at Felicity Camp.

Inga had arranged for Hillary to be assigned as a unit whore as soon as her initial training was complete.

Hillary would not enjoy the female staff barracks where, during the two and a half years of her sentence, she would be available to exclusively service the female members of the Camp's cadre.

The attractive student would spend most of her sentence naked on her knees with her face buried between the legs of one of the female guards of Felicity Camp slurping, licking, tasting the sticky flowing wetness that gushed from their cunts.

And in time the mental image of the young man Hillary had loved and hoped to one marry would become nothing more than a fading distant memory.

But on this first day at Felicity Camp, Hillary, too, found herself tied naked to a Stallion Rape Machine in this case machine RELENTLESS.

The twin probes between her legs would little prepare her for the multiple violations her pussy and ass hole would receive shortly from the female guards strap-ons or fists.

Given her eventual assignment, however, Hillary's machine had been modified somewhat.

Instead of the penis shaped oral comforters the other women were forced to suck, Hillary was confronted with a seat device.

This permitted a steady stream of female guards to enter the chamber, hike up their skirts, sit on the device and present their hairy genitals to Hillary for oral satisfaction.

Given the fact that some of these women were not all that careful about their personal hygiene, it was often a rather unappetizing task as well as a degrading one.

The slightest hesitation on Hillary's part, however was met with a swift and sure punishment.

The electrical contacts that were placed on various point of the Stallion machine were most effective in persuading Hillary to overcome her initial reluctance.

By the time Hillary's eight hour ride on Relentless was finished, her pussy and ass hole would be fucked nearly raw.

Her tits bruised and swollen.  Her tongue nearly numb.  And her pretty, tear-streaked face would be covered with a thick glaze of aromatic girl-cream.

It was her first exposure to a taste and smell that Hillary Young would come to know all too well during the two and half years of her sentence at Felicity Camp..

Col.  Hardman looked at his watch.  He turned to his aide and said, "Lets flush them..."

The aide grinned, nodded to his superior officer and then walked to the main control panel.  He typed a few commands into the computer.

The women's level of discomfort was about to increase dramatically....

Instantly the anal probes on each stallion machine thrust fully into the women's bottoms.

A ring at the base of each probe expanded creating a tight, if somewhat painful seal around each woman's anus.

Eyes bulging each of the women struggled against their bonds each anticipating what was to happen.

Next, the twenty women felt jets of icy cold water being injected into their rectums from the tiny slots in the sides of the probe.

An audible moan could be heard as the women reacted to this new variation in their torment.

The quantity of fluid being injected was quite large and so soon their lower bellies began to swell noticeably.

Given the unladylike posture in which they were tied, with each woman's weight resting on her lower abdomen, the discomfort they now felt was intense.

But there was more to come....

The women had each been catheterized when they had been placed on the Stallion.

This permitted their urine to be drained away as they as they rode their Stallion for the eight hour punishment session.

Now the flow was reversed.

Each woman felt the decidedly unpleasant sensation of water being injected back into their bladders.

With their intestines already stretched to full capacity by the icy cold fluid filling their bowels, this was an awful torment.

To add a little variety to the unpleasant sensations they were feeling, the water being injected into their bladders was extremely hot, indeed almost scalding.

The women soon discovered another unpleasant aspect of this treatment.

The water being injected into their bodies was laced with a special compound aimed at producing intense and very painful cramping.

In short order all the women were screaming uncontrollably into their penis gags as wave after wave after wave of exquisitely severe cramps rippled through their lower bellies and genitals.

And through it all, the vaginal probes continued to relentlessly pound into them.

It went on for about an hour although for the women it must have felt like a lifetime.

Then, abruptly, it stopped.

Instantly the anal probes deflated and were fully retracted from the women's bottoms.

Then the fun started....

The weaker women erupted immediately, sending jets of foul smelling brown liquid fountaining out of their bottoms.  A few of them, however, struggled to retain something of their dignity and tried frantically to hold the fluid inside them, not wishing to degrade themselves further by publicly soiling themselves in this manner.  It was a struggle they all soon lost as, one by one, control of their bowels slipped.

The fluid they ejected was collected in drains located behind each machine.  The next time the woman succeeded in getting the dildo she was orally servicing to 'ejaculate', she would receive a another surprise. Instantly her face would be showered with a spray of this vile fluid.

The foul-smelling liquid would utterly soak her hair and cover her face.

And it wasn't even the fluid that had recently been inside her body it was that of the girl next to her.

Of course as she was covered with another woman's filth, the cameras captured every nuance of her reaction.

In another part of the prison another atrocity was taking place.

Julia Hernes was jolted into wakefulness by the sound of her cell door opening.

"Please, God.....Not again.....Not me" she thought, as she always did, each time they came for her.

Yet no matter how hard she prayed, it still happened.

She was pulled from her cot and ordered to strip by two very young apprentice guards.

Obediently her trembling hands removed the blue prison gown and she stood naked and trembling before the two grinning boys.

Despite the many times during her imprisonment that she'd been forced to expose her body to the guards, she still found it humiliating and degrading.

She always blushed with shame as she was forced to reveal her body's intimate secrets.

She spent the next half hour on her knees sucking their cocks.  Two years ago the thought of taking a man's member into her mouth would have been unthinkable.

Now she did so routinely.

She'd long ago lost count of the number of cocks she'd been forced to suck.  Still, her extensive experience made the task no less odious or degrading.

They didn't cum in her mouth but instead began double-fucking one in her cunt, the other in her ass.

After twenty minutes or so, they switched holes.

They finished with her fifteen minutes latter, pulling out to shoot their sticky loads all over her pretty face.

With eyes downcast she knelt before them with thick strands of their cum hanging off her nose and chin.  During the time of her captivity she'd become a very obedient slut.

"Ah, Julie, you're such a good little fuck," one of her rapists said. "I'm going to miss you...."

She looked up at him.  What had he said?

"That's right, slut.  You're leaving us.  Your two years are up."

Julia had long ago lost all sense of time.  A day, a week, a year....each hour had seemed like a lifetime to her since her arrest.  Was it possible her sentence was up?

One of the guards stepped into the corridor and returned carrying a package which he put on the cot beside her.

"Look inside."

Apprehensively she opened the bag.

She felt her eyes fill with tears as she saw what was inside.

It was her clothes!

The same clothes she'd been wearing when she was arrested two years earlier.

She'd been a teacher then.

Apparently someone had felt that she was filling her student's heads with subversive ideas and she'd soon found herself at Felicity Camp.

"Put them on..." one of the boys ordered.

She began to do so.  She felt an odd sense of embarrassment as she dressed before the two boys who where watching her intently odd considering all that she'd been through since her arrest.

During that entire time she'd been naked or in the skimpy prison gown all female inmates wore.

The only other times she been permitted to wear anything else were those occasions when she had been forced to participate in one of the many degrading, perverse exhibitions the women at the Camp where frequently made to appear in.

Briefly her mind wandered back to the costumes she had been forced to perform in the uniforms the slutish dresses the schoolgirl gear the army clothes the ballroom dresses the suits the underwear, humiliating!

And even then, those specialized costumes had not been on her body for very long.

And so it felt very strange to her to be putting on her own clothes again modest cotton panties, bra, hose, a simple dark skirt, white blouse, and sweater.

She soon looked almost like the demure young women she'd been before her arrest.

The only thing that indicated otherwise was the drying cum that still clung to her face.

Her clothes still fit, indeed there were somewhat large.

She'd lost weight during her stay at Felicity Camp, she had swallowed a lot of zero calorie cum.

"Don't you look pretty...." one of the guards who had just fucked her said.  He rose.

"We'll be back for you in a little while." He left.

Julia sat on the cot.  In her mind she began to replay the horrible events that had happened since her arrest.

She shudder at the memory of what she'd been through.  She'd been forced to do things and had things done to her that would have been totally unimaginable.

She'd been a virgin before her arrest, now she was probably the receptacle of five thousand separate rapes.

She remembered that back then she would wince with discomfort each time she tried to insert a tampon in her virginal pussy.

Now her cunt was so loose that it easily accommodated a man's fist or a wine bottle.

The tiny rose of her anus had once been so very tight now it was a loose gaping mouth that opened easily to take any cock or other object crudely thrust in it.

All that she'd been through it was all so degrading.  Still the worst had been the Stallion machines.

With a cold chill in her spine she remembered her first ride on the ghastly device.

The pain and humiliation was still fresh and vivid in her mind.

At some point during that first ride, they'd brought her students into the chamber to see her tied totally naked to the machine.

Fifteen of her schoolboys had gleefully watched the Stallion's twin probes repeatedly rape and violate their young teacher's pussy and ass.

She recalled with horror the scene as the boys encouraged by the guards mounted stools thoughtfully arranged around the straining teacher.

The boys had stepped up and dropped their pants and stroked their straining dicks enthusiastically.

They'd used her face as a target for their circle-jerk, leaving her face drenched with adolescent cum.  Despite all that she'd endured in the months since, nothing could erase the painful, degrading memory of that first humiliating ride.

Each time they'd taken her back to the Stallion machines she'd struggled violently to escape.  "Anything but that!" she thought to herself.

Despite her struggles, however, she'd spent many long hours riding the Stallion.

During each of these sessions cut video of the boys original cum bath would by streamed again into her eyes.

Each time the video was followed by edited recollections of the each of boys boasting about what they had done to her.

Her captors had soon learned that the mere threat of a return visit to the Stallion was enough to force Julia to submit to their ever increasing demands.

No perversity was too extreme, no degradation to vile to endure if it spared her a ride on the Stallion.  She would do anything submit to anything to avoid that nightmare.

She sat on her cot and began to cry.  "Was it really over?" she thought.

The innocent woman she had once been was long long gone.

She'd died a thousand deaths on that first Stallion ride.  She'd learned her lesson a million times over.

If it was true and she was released, she'd be obedient and truly loyal.

She'd do nothing to draw the attention of the authorities to herself.

In the future, she'd be a model citizen of the New World Order.

The hours passed.  Finally the door to her cell opened.

"Its time, Julia...."

She rose and was led through the winding corridors of Felicity Camp.

Behind the doors of the cells as she passed she heard women moaning and sobbing and the unmistakable sounds of some of them being raped.

"Just a little longer, ...." she thought to herself.

She found herself in the anteroom of the courtroom where she'd brought after her arrest.  She gave the guards a panicked look.

"Its all right, Julia.  Its just a formality," the guard said soothingly.

"You will simply have to demonstrate to the Judge your change in character"

She was led into the courtroom.

The sight of the nude women surrounding the judge's bench no longer shocked her.

She'd spent some time there herself.

The judge, a man who had raped her repeatedly during her time at the Camp, looked up from his papers.

"Ah, Miss Julia Hernes, the pretty little teacher I trust your little stay with us hasn't dampened your interest in young boys?.

How lovely you look today.  Its so good it is to see you again.  I'm pleased to inform you that you will shortly be leaving us.

Before you go, I have something I'd like you to do..."

He beckoned her to come behind the bench.  He turned his chair towards her and opened his black robe.  His trousers were open and his cock jutted upwards towards her face a drop of pre-cum oozing from its head.

"Get on your knees, my little slut.  Suck me off..." he ordered.

Julia obeyed, taking his organ into her mouth and performing the lewd act.

It felt odd it was the first time she'd fellated a man whilst being fully dressed....

When he came, he pulled out and ejaculated all over her face.

His cum dribbled down off of her nose and chin and dropped onto her blouse and sweater.

"One final humiliation...." she thought bitterly.

It didn't matter.  Whatever dignity she'd ever had was long gone.

Without raising her eyes Julia waited on her knees cum dripping from her nose and mouth.

Through the corner of her eye she saw the court clerk deliver a brown manila folder to the Judge.

Trembling with fear Julia waited for what seemed like hours for the judge to scan the pages.

The judge eventually spoke.

"I'm afraid I have some very bad news for you, my dear.

I've reviewed your case file and I've decided to extend your sentence for you to be how shall I say umm 're-educated'..."

Julia felt her heart sink.

"...Five years, I think.  Maybe then you'll be re-educated, rehabilitated ....and a dam site more enthusiastic!"

He continued.  "You will be leaving here, however.  I'm sending you to one of our military field units.  There you'll be assigned as a unit whore for the training platoon."

One hundred and fifty different men per week in the unit you and another woman to serve them all...."

Julia was now trembling and tears were streaming down her cheeks.

"Take off your clothes, slut...  that is back into your skin uniform"

Numbly she did so.  Maybe it was all just a final cruel joke a last torment before she was released.

Finally she stood totally naked before the judge, trembling in fear....

"Your transport will be here in ten hours.

That means you have some time before you depart.  As one way of saying good-bye to you, I've decided to give you one final ride on your favorite Stallion...."

Pausing to look up the detail in the file "You appear to have a soft spot for THUMPER"

"NOOooooo!!!!!!" Julia wailed as her world collapsed about her.

"Don't be so sad, cunt..." the judge said grinning at her misery.

"You'll be happy to know that they have a Commando Stallion machine where you're going.

You have many more rides awaiting when you get there ....enough to keep a healthy young lady like you amused"

The two guards gripped the sobbing, naked woman by her arms and led her from the chamber....

Back in the Stallion auditorium the session is drawing to a close.

In the final hours of their eight hour ordeal on the Stallion machines, the twenty women were rapidly nearing the point of utter and complete exhaustion.

Their naked bodies were, by this time, glistening with a mixture of sweat, artificial cum and the odious earlier 'flushing'.

They needed something to wake them up and keep them alert for the final phases of their ordeal on this their first day.

A guard clad in yellow fireman's rain gear entered the room dragging a thick fire hose.

He adjusted the nozzle and turned the water on.

Instantly a powerful jet of water erupted from the end of the nozzle and a stinging spray of water pelted the women's naked bodies.

The water was cold nearly freezing a fact that added greatly to their misery.

The guard ran the powerful spray all over their exposed flesh, taking particular delight in directing the knifelike spray at the most delicate and sensitive parts of the girl's anatomy.

To keep from accidentally being dislodged, the milking devices on the girl's nipples automatically pinched tightly.

Although the spray pulled painfully at the pinching devices, they held tight and remained attached.

By the time the spray was shut off, the women were all dripping wet indeed they looked like drowned rats.

The stinging spray had turned their naked flesh a bright shade of pink.

But because the water was so cold, their skin was covered with goose-flesh and the girl's lips facial and genital were nearly blue with the cold.

They were all shivering.

The next phase of their torment was about to begin.

The drenching water made their bodies highly conductive and now a series of powerful and extremely painful electrical shocks began.

Electrical conductors were located on every point where the girl's bodies made contact with the Stallion machines wrists, ankles, the milking devices on their nipples, the belly pad on which they rested, the clitoral horn, the dildo in her mouth, and, of course the probes in their pussies and asses.

The electric shocks now came quickly and totally at random and in various combinations.  Their bodies began to dance frantically in a desperate attempt to escape the inescapable pain they were all feeling.

Lips, nipples, ass holes, pussies and clits were all repeatedly subjected to powerful jolts of electricity.

And through it all, the twin probes pistoned relentlessly in the girls' pussies and ass holes.

By this time, to keep them alert and suffering, the thrusts were set to be particularly deep and the girth of the probes was set to the widest settings.

The surface of the dildo's was made to be very rough.  The final ten minutes of their rides were exceptionally painful and memorable.

And then suddenly, it stopped.

The machines fell silent and the probes drew back slowly until just their tips were within the women's bodies.

The only sounds in the room were the sobbing moans of the women as they struggled to recover from their terrible assault and the appreciative comments from the watching guests.

While had been going on, the women had been able to mentally focus on nothing more than the immediate sensation of what they were experiencing at that particular moment.

They all welcomed the cessation of the torment and violation, but then the cumulative effect of all they had experienced began to hit them.

Before them they saw the watching crowd.

Every muscle ached, their ass holes and pussies were nearly raw, their bodies bruised and battered.

And the terrible shame and humiliation of what they had just been through began to hit them full force.

Just a few hours ago they had all been free women.

Now they found themselves here, in this place, living this unimaginable nightmare.

All the women were moaning and sobbing with despair.....

Col.  Hardman walked to the front of the room and smiled wickedly.  He loved the absolute misery the Stallions had inflected on these poor women. He spoke

"Well, Ladies, its over.  You've survive the first of what I assure you will be many rides on the Stallions during your stay with us.

It wasn't so bad, now, was it?

In short order, we'll be taking you to your cozy chambers where you'll find a comfortable bed, a tasty meal and the opportunity to get some much needed rest before we begin tomorrow's new games..."

In fact, what awaited them was a dank cell, a thin, narrow, vermin-infested mat and a bowl of cold slop.

Still, after nearly a full day on the Stallion machines, it sounded like paradise to the women.

They began to believe, to hope that for the moment it was over.

Soon they would have a few moments of peace when they could all somehow attempt to begin to recover both mentally and physically from the cruel torment they had endured.

They all desperately craved that peace, however brief it might be.

Hardman continued to speak, "Now, I sure some of you would like to stay here and enjoy another ride, but, I'm sorry, we can't allow it.  Others are wait....."

Just then an aide walked to Hardman and whispered something in his ear.

"What?  I did?" he said with mock surprise.

"We can't allow that, now, can we...?"

He then spoke to the naked women still tied to their Stallions.

"Ladies, I've just learned I've made a terrible mistake.

I've gotten my times mixed up and I'm afraid I prematurely ended your ride before the allotted time was up.

We can't have that, now, can we?  We want to make sure you get your full monies worth...."

He turned to the guard at the control panel.  "Please turn the machines back on...."

A cry of disbelief erupted form the throats of each of the naked women as the Stallions whirred back into action and the punishing probes began their pulsing thrusts into the women's bodies.

The electric shocks began, as well as the pace of the thrust quickened.

Hardman smiled.  It was one of his favorite tricks, one he and his associates had used often ....and it always worked.

He'd allow his female captives a brief respite, a taste of peace, a moment of hope before he cruelly and brutally dashed it.

Hope was not something that was allowed in Felicity Camp.

And that brief moment's rest, however short and fleeting it was, had an added benefit.

It allowed their bodies an instant to recover to almost allow their nervous systems a moment to reset and recharge.

It made the resumption of their torment that much more uncomfortable and unbearable.

Smiling the crowd watched as the poor women frantically sought out the rubber comforters and tried in vain to cease the attack.

Little knowing that they had been turned off and no amount of suckling would stop the onslaught.

In about 45 minutes, it ended for real and the dildo's simultaneously each released a litre of warm water.

The machines fell silent and the probes were withdrawn from the women's bodies.  As they were withdrawn, an antiseptic was sprayed into their pussies and asses.

It stung and burned terribly but it would prevent infections and promote healing.

It would make them available for more torment that much sooner.

Each would be attending further lessons within five hours.

Of course, after their earlier disappointment, none of the women now dared to believe that it was finally over.

They waited fearfully for the brutal rapes to begin again.

Their bodies ached from their ordeal every part of them was in absolute agony.

Through tear stained eyes, sweat and pain the girls heard Col.  Hardman thanking the audience for the attendence.

"Before we release the prisoners Ladies and Gentlemen please may I ask for one further indulgence?"

"On you chairs above the hostess buttons are voting keys, please may I ask you to vote for a the today's 'Girl of the Match' as the winner she will receive a small reward later this evening in the camp medical facility."

With that Col.  Hardman left the room whilst the voting took place.

On the large screen behind the Stallions the votes were displayed the 'joint' winners were Stacie and Mary.

Neither of the girls would forget this evenings reward!

As the audience were leaving ten female inmates entered carrying the stretchers the women had seen before.

They rapidly began untying the sobbing women and placing them on the stretchers before carrying them to their cells.

The women worked quickly and fearfully, making sure that they made no mistakes.

They all had spent all too many hours on the stallions themselves and were desperate to do anything that might earn them another ride.

Susan James was untied.  She moaned in agony as her young body was pulled off the Stallion.

Released from her tight bondage, every muscle in her body was on fire and she could barely move.

She reached her hand down between her legs to gingerly touch the bruised and swollen flesh of her genitals.

The slightest touch caused her to wince in pain.

As she was carried from the room, she passed through the anteroom where nineteen nude women waited, trembling in fearful anticipation for the start of their own rids on the Stallions.

Fourteen of the women were first timers and five of them, an ashen faced Julia Hernes among them, were return visitors.

Through the haze of her pain, Susan noticed one nude girl trembling in terror.

It was her school friend, Anne Fellows, the young girl Susan had planned on going on holiday with.  Anne was pale and her eyes were wide with fear.

Susan saw a stream of amber fluid dribbling wetly between Anne's legs.

They had planned an exciting holiday journey together, teasing the boys in their new swim suits with their youthful beauty.

It hadn't worked out the way they had planned, however.  The New World Order had seen to that.

Over the next months, both women would display more of their young bodies than they could ever have imagined and have more sexual excitement imposed on them than either of them could ever have dreamed of.

In the Stallion chamber, three inmate began quickly and silently to ready the machines for their next occupant.

A fourth member of the team, Valerie Richards, was still tied naked in a tiny metal cage.

A cattle prod continued to send painful shocks to her tortured rectum.

Still, Valerie knew that, unpleasant as her current situation was, it about to get much worse.

In just a few short minutes she would be pulled form the tiny cage and taken to one of the Stallion machines.

The twentieth machine in the room, Stallion CASANOVA, was hers.  She'd ride it for the next two days Saturday and Sunday the rest day...

Soon the twenty women who had just completed their first ride on the Stallions were safely locked in their tiny cells.

Each was alone in their own world as their minds endlessly replayed what had been done to them that day.

Waves of despair would was over them as they realized that the terrible ordeal they had just endured was only a small taste of what awaited them during the remainder of their sentences.

The were all sobbing in anguish at that terrifying prospect.

In time, exhaustion overtook them and then they drifted off into a fitful, uneasy sleep.

At some point in the night, the door to their cells should swing open. Two guards would then proceed to brutally rape the women once again both vaginally and anally.

Coming just a few hours after the conclusion of their first time on the Stallions, such rapes were incredibly painful as their still tender cunts and asses were again ripped open.

When the guards were finished, the girl's lower openings would be filled with fresh loads of hot sticky cum.

A few of the guards would piss on the women as they left.

As physically painful as these rapes were, the mental impact of these assaults was even worse.

The knowledge that they could never feel safe even in their cells even in their sleep, had been painfully pressed home to them.

They realized that there was no escape no sanctuary at Felicity Camp.

Now they only had four hours rest remaining.

Midnight came to the city surrounding Felicity Camp.

While the city slept, life continued within its bleak walls.

In a large room located deep in the heart of the building, twenty naked women prayed desperately for any type of release form the brutal rape torment that each was receiving from the Stallion machines on which they rode.

Fifty male onlookers sat in the green leather chairs watching the late night stag show, drinking beer, some with a hostess or two between his legs.

Usually these were the more perverted members of society who only came out in the early hours to watch the night rapes and to touch and fondle the prisoners when a red light extinguished.

And outside in the dark spring night numerous paneled vans made their way through the darkened streets towards the compound.

Inside these vans, a fresh crop of terrified female prisoners, pulled form the warmth and comfort of their beds just minutes ago and being taken to a place called Felicity Camp....

A place where they would soon learn the terrible price of having been determined rightly or wrongly of being an enemy of the New World Order.




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