Two New Toys, Part 2

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Helen and Tina weren't exactly sure what the Master meant when he
mentioned a "serum," but they didn't like the sound of it.
Unfortunately, there wasn't very much they could do about it.

The guard behind Tina knelt down and released her ankles from the
wider set of rings. The master pressed a button on the box, raising
the chains holding her wrists, and pulling her back up on the balls of
her feet. The guard refastened her ankles to the closer together

Another guard went back to the cardboard box and pulled out a couple
of hypodermic needles. The girls flinched.

"What..." began Helen, but caught herself, not wanting to make things
worse than they had to be.

"Don't worry," said the Master, "it's nothing too bad. Just a highly
experimental drug, developed by a certain government. It's amazing
what you can get when you've got the money. If you're wondering about
its effects, it'll make you feel a little light-headed, maybe cause a
bit of disorientation... and make you completely incapable of
withholding any truths. I'm going to ask you a bit about yourselves,
so as to make better use of you. I don't know how close your
friendship is, but I'm sure you'll find out a bit about one another
that you never knew."

"Anyway, since we started the physical exam with Helen, Tina can be
interviewed first. Guard, inject her, please."

Tina squirmed a bit, wiggling around and jingling the chains, trying
to avoid the needle. Undeterred, the guard simply walked around
behind her and jammed it into her left ass cheek, slamming the plunger
home. A few minutes passed, the guards standing calmly at ease, the
Master occasionally checking his watch.

After five minutes, the Master stepped forward and looked into Tina's
eyes. He noted that her pupils were dilated; this probably meant the
drug had taken effect.

"Tina," he asked, "do you feel like the drug has taken effect?"

"Yes," she said, "I don't think I could lie."

"Excellent. How are you feeling?"

"Frightened and humiliated."

"That's what I thought. Let's get to the real questions. How old
are you?"

"I just turned 19 yesterday."

"Happy birthday. Are you a virgin?"


"Hah! I was right. Don't worry, you won't be for long. Ever had a


"How far did you let him go?"

"I let him touch my... vagina."

"You mean your pussy. Did you like it?"

"Sort of. He wasn't very good though."

"Have you been wanting to lose your virginity?"

"Yes, but only with the right guy."

"I'm the wrong guy, but I'll have to do. Next question, how often to
you masturbate?"

"Usually once or twice a week."

The Master glanced over at Helen. She had been staring at him, and
quickly looked away. He suspected that she was dreading having to
answer the same question. He looked forward to asking it.

"Ever use anything other than your hands?"


"Holy shit, has your sex life ever been boring until now. Not much
more I can ask you on that front. Let's move on to a few physical
questions. How do you feel about your body?"

"I think it's pretty nice, but I'm shy about it."

"I can tell. Anything you'd want to change?"

"I wish my breasts were a bit bigger, like Helen's."

"Yeah, I can understand that. How sensitive would you say your
nipples are, relative to an average girl's?"

"I don't know for sure, but from what I've heard other girls say, I
think they're extremely sensitive."

"Excellent. What about your clit?"

"I don't know."

"Just three more questions. Anything you're particularly afraid that
I'll do to you?"

"It terrified me when you mentioned nipple rings. I've got a fear of

"Not very imaginative, are you. No matter, we'll do that as soon as
possible then. Second to last question: what question would you find
most embarrassing to answer right now?"

"I was worried that you would ask me what my most secret sexual
fantasy is."

"They all say that. So then, last question. What's your most secret
sexual fantasy?"

"I'm bi-curious and I sometimes fantasize about having sex with

Helen gasped and reddened at the mention of her name, and the Master
chuckled. He smiled at her.

"I told you that you'd probably find out some stuff about each other
that you never knew. Anyway, my dear, now it's your turn to tell

The guard stabbed Helen in the butt with the second needle, and
another few minutes passed. When she began to show signs of being
affected, the Master spoke again.

"What about you, Helen? You ready to tell me everything I want to


"How old are you?"


"How are you feeling?"

"Angry and scared."

"Yeah, you seemed a bit more defiant. You're not a virgin, are you?"


"How many men have you slept with?"


"What a slut. You must know how to suck cock, then. Are you good at

"My last boyfriend said so."

"Ever been fucked in the ass?"


"Ever had a boyfriend try to convince you to let him?"


"Why didn't you?"

"I was afraid it would hurt."

"It will. How often do you masturbate?"

"Almost every day, if I'm not having sex. Sometimes several times a

"Ever used anything other than your hands?"

"The spray from a removable shower head."

"A lot of girls say that. So you have a high sex drive?"

"Very high."

"I see. Ever had sex and not had an orgasm?"

"Many times."

"How did that make you feel?"

"Very frustrated. If it happens, I usually wait for the guy to fall
asleep, then sneak off to the bathroom to masturbate."

"Ever been in a situation where that wasn't an option?"

"Yes. I once had a quickie with a guy in the bathroom at school,
then had to go to class."

"How did you handle that?"

"I couldn't concentrate all day. I was going crazy by the time I got
home. I barely made it through dinner."

"You masturbated that night?"

"Yes. Four times."

"This is good news, indeed. I have a new toy I've been dying to try
out, and I think you're perfect for it. Guards, you know what I'm
talking about, right? What do you think?

One of them spoke up. "Fuck yeah, I'd love to see that."

"It's decided then. Anyway, the physical questions. How do you feel
about your body?"

"Sometimes I like it, sometimes I feel fat. I like to show it off,
because I can tell that guys think it's sexy, and it makes me feel
better about it."

"Anything you'd like to change?"

"I wish my hips were a bit smaller."

"Yeah, they are a bit big. Still, I bet there aren't many guys who'd
kick you out of bed for eating crackers. How sensitive are your

"About average, maybe a little more."

"Your clit?"

"I think it's very sensitive. I have to be gentle when I

"Great. So, is there anything you're particularly scared of me doing
to you?"

"You said you were going to torture us. I'm afraid of being burned
with fire."

"Don't worry about that, my dear. I won't do anything of the sort.
I have plenty of other ways to make you suffer that don't leave nasty

"How do you feel about lesbianism?"

"I'm actually kind of homophobic, but I try to hide it."

"So, when Tina said she fantasizes about fucking you, how did you

"A bit disgusted. And scared that you're going to make us do things."

"Of course I will. And now, the question that you're undoubtedly
dreading... what question would you least like to have to answer?"

"Same as Tina; my most secret fantasy."

"Hah! I told you that they all say that. Well, out with it."

"Bondage-rape fantasy. I sometimes fantasize about being abducted,
tied up and fucked."

"Well, it's a lucky day for both of you. You're both going to get
your fantasies fulfilled."

"I never wanted it to actually happen. It's just a fantasy."

"Too bad. It's happening. Guards, go get Lisa. I want to introduce
her to my new friends and give her a goodbye fuck. After that, she's
all yours."

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