Mind Control

The Interns - Chapter 6

Chapter VI----Lynn Completes Her Orientation

It was a beautiful early spring morning. The sun was up and Lynn was in a taxi on her way to 'orientation.' As she sat in the back seat of the taxi, she was having second thoughts. "Am I doing the right thing," she was wondering to herself. "Why am I going back here ... is it for the internship or ...?" She took out a mirror from her purse, checked her makeup, and looked at her shoulder length brown hair. "Everything looks good," she thought.


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Reading time

48 minutes

The Interns - Chapter 4

Chapter IV—Piglet Serves Dinner and Prepares for Reflection

Piglet could always tell from the demeanor of her Mistresses what kind of mood they were in. Tonight she could tell their sexual desires were at a peak for each other and she knew she had better not do anything to get them upset. She also knew when they were in this state of mind they were more likely to intensify her tasks.


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Reading time

28 minutes

The Interns - Chapter 3

Chapter III---Tamala Barker and Dr. Mary Mercy

Tamala heard Mary's car pull up in the driveway and went to the front door to greet her as she arrived home. As Mary came in the door, Miss Tamala was waiting there with a wide grin on her face.

"You look good enough to eat Doctor," said Tamala in somewhat excited voice.


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Reading time

18 minutes
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