Mind Control

Fallen Angel

It begins with a rumor. More than that. It's gossip.
Juicy gossip. A true story of how an administrative
specialist may be fired, with plenty of details that
violate the university's privacy policy. Karen knows
about it because the whistleblower came to her -- both
before and after reporting the thing to Human Resources,
which has called a disciplinary hearing. Now she's
telling Miriam. It's the normal passing of confidential
information in organizations.


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Reading time

22 minutes

Auction - Chapter Five

Chapter 5
“In here you dummy.” It was said in a friendly manner in a posh Southern accent with a noticeable foreign element to it. Mediterranean maybe? But I still didn’t know where the voice was coming from. It must be from outside my stall, otherwise I’d be shocked by now.

“I’m in your head. Come in and we’ll talk.”


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Reading time

26 minutes

Auction - Chapter Four

Chapter 4
I stopped Mr. York just as we had vacated the stables. “Are you certain you want to do this?” I asked. “I mean, it’s bound to cause you all sorts of trouble, her family for one.”


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Reading time

20 minutes

Auction - Chapter Two & Three

Chapter 2
“No,” thundered another voice I recognised. Bastard Jacob was back on top of my list. “She’s bidding with my money and I don’t authorise that bid,” he shouted to the auctioneer. There was a scuffle at the back and Jacob hurried away dragging Jilly with him. The auctioneer waited until they had left.

“Kneel,” said a voice from behind me. I knelt, keeping my arms in the air.

“Will anyone start the bidding with £50?”

Fifty quid? That auctioneer was now on the list. That’s just insulting.


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Reading time

22 minutes

Girlfriend Becomes Obeying Slave

A semi-romantic BDSM story that takes place in the
modern day German city of Berlin, that surrounds an
arrogant cohabiting couple: an aggressive Blond German
guy and his equally assertive smart-mouth part Persian
Brunnete girlfriend.


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Reading time

58 minutes

Captured Mind

Cindy was seated alone in the library of Boston College, studying for
the Marketing mid-terms, when he spotted her.

She wore jeans and a Ralph Lauren blouse - casual clothes that still
hardly hid her fit body. She looked like the kind of person who put
serious effort into staying in tip-top shape. He liked that - he liked
that a lot. Another thing he liked was Cindy's intelligent face, currently
lost in concentration over the material she was studying.


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Reading time

15 minutes
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