Part 1
Jasmine sat at her desk in the dim classroom and stared at her computer screen trying to plan out her lessons for the new novel her class had started. It wasn't going well. She was annoyed and it was making it hard to focus. So far the year hadn't gone well and it was starting to get to her more than she was willing to admit.
It had started with the school renovations. The school had been planning on the renovations for years and finally they were underway. The bad part was that they were behind schedule and hadn't been anywhere close to finished when the school year had started, Hell they'd barely been started. So instead of being in her nice classroom at the end of the hall, she was in the last of eight portables the school had crammed as best as they could onto the available ground. The portable was old, the breeze whistled in around the edges of the window, the door couldn't be unlocked and had to be opened anytime someone wanted in from outside and the ramp leading to the door creaked loudly when anyone walked on the center section of it.
She could have handled just the portable though. It was for the semester, the school year at most, and she knew when the renovations were done, her new classroom would considerably better than the old one, that in all honesty, wasn't in much better shape than the portable. It was everything else that had happened since the start of school that had her annoyed and unable to focus on making the new lesson plan. The district, in its all-knowing wisdom had decided to redistrict the high schools over the summer. Again this hadn't been a problem. That is until the new student numbers had finally settled and the school realized it had too many teachers for some classes and not enough for others. And so three weeks into the school year nearly every teacher had found their class schedules shook up. Jasmine had gone from two classes of 11th grade English and three of 9th grade English to two classes of 11th, one of 9th, and suddenly two classes of 10th grade English. And her plan had gone from third period to sixth at the end of the day. The only saving grace, and it was one she'd had to fight for after the changes, was she was given first lunch. She'd strenuously pointed out that if they were going to stick her in the farthest portable from the building and take away her plan, she was going to need the first lunch to have a bathroom break before things got too uncomfortable for her.
And it was these small frustrations that had her unable to focus now. It wouldn't have been a problem had she known in advance that she was going to teach tenth grade, but having a new class thrown on her so suddenly left her with nothing prepared having not read any of the possible novels in years. On top of that, a third class to plan for was going to make grading and planning assignments for the rest of the year a major headache. She sighed and tried to look on the bright side thinking that at least she would only have to listen to one class blunder its way through Romeo and Juliet this year.
Jasmine leaned back in her chair and ran her fingers through her long full dark mahogany hair. Her conservative dark red dress-shirt pulled over her slightly larger than average breasts as she extended her arms into a stretch easing the tension that she could feel building. She hoped the clouds that had been gathering that afternoon would hold off raining until after dark so she could get a jog through the woods in after school. The crisp mountain fall air would help clear her head and would give her something to do besides head straight home after school- another thing that had made this last year, difficult.
"Why did you have to die?" She asked in a quiet unanswered whisper as her hand moved unconsciously to her necklace and began twirling the simple gold ring she had attached to the chain. Two days before Valentine's Day, her husband had been driving to the other high school in the district. He was head of the district's IT department and there had been some major problem with the network and he'd gone to troubleshoot the problem. The district van he had taken, like most of everything in the district, wasn't in bad condition, but was behind on maintenance and a loose brake line hadn't been caught. The snow that had been falling for the last two days had finally let up and the roads had been cleared of snow, unfortunately not of ice and when the truck hit a slick patch, it spun off the road and rolled fifty feet down the hill landing upside down in the river. According to the Medical Examiner, her husband had been knocked unconscious somewhere in the tumble and had drown as the truck lay in the icy water.
She shivered once again at the memory and wiped a tear from her eye. She had considered moving away at the end of the school year, after all they'd only moved here because this is the only place she'd been able to find a job five years ago when she'd first graduated from college, and she did miss living in an actual city, but she couldn't part with the beautiful house they'd bought together, and she'd grown to love the students and staff here. It had been tough, but she'd decided that giving herself a year to adjust to being alone without him would help her decided if she really should move or not.
It had been hard, and all too often she'd found herself avoiding her home. Staying late at school to grade papers, eating out at one restaurant or another in town, working in small local library instead of her home office, going to the gym, or on long jogs, had kept her out of the house more often than she would admit to anyone who asked her how she was doing.
The loud creak of the ramp leading to her door, broke her out of her spiral of sadness and she found herself up and halfway to the door before whoever it was had even knocked.
"Hi, Mrs. LeBlanc, may I come in?" the teenage girl standing on the ramp asked.
It took Jasmine a moment to recognize Julie from her freshman English class the year before. She'd been a quiet student who mostly sat in the back and tried to go unnoticed, but always made good grades and always seemed to know the answer to any question she was asked. At just under five feet tall, she was short for her age and the large spray of freckles on her pale white skin made her look even younger than her near sixteen years. She had a sheepish smile on her face and looked as if she were slightly embarrassed to be at the teacher's classroom as she fidgeted in place.
"Of course, Julie, come right in," Jasmine replied smiling at the girl, "What brings you by my isolated little portable? Shouldn't you be in class right now?" She wondered if she'd somehow missed the bell for the end of the day and dismissed the idea knowing even if she had missed the loud blare of the bell through the speaker, she wouldn't have missed the noise of the students as they made their way to the student parking lot.
"That's kind of why I'm here, Mrs. LeBlanc. With all of the rescheduling they've done this week, my schedule has been changed. I had been taking computer programming sixth period, but they had to move it and there aren't any electives available this period that aren't already full or of any interest to me. Right now they've got me in Mrs. Thompson's art class, but I'm not an artist, and well I've never really liked her that much."
"Well this schedule shake up has made things interesting for everyone," Jasmine said as she kept her face blank. She couldn't stand the old bag of an art teacher either, and could feel for the girl being unceremoniously dumped into the class. "I don't understand why that brings you to my door though."
"My counselor, Mr. Wagner, said if I could find a teacher to TA for this period instead, I could change for the semester. I was wondering if you could use a TA to help you out in any way?"
Jasmine was about to say no and stopped herself. She personally had never had much use for a TA. She enjoyed grading the work and keeping an eye how the students were doing. She'd gotten very good at quickly grading the basic assignments and had a system for anything more complicated. She also enjoyed the silence of an empty classroom free of students during her planning time. However, with the addition of a new class to plan for, she thought it might be nice to have someone to help out with some of the basics. On top of that, she didn't want to leave anyone in the clutches of Mrs. Thompson who didn't want to be there. "Well normally I would say no," Jasmine began as Julie frowned and slumped down, "however the school has seen fit to give me a whole new class to plan for. I have absolutely nothing for tenth grade English and having a student to grade basic papers for me and run errands would be a big help."
Julie's eyes lit up as she smiled at the teacher, "Thank you, Mrs. LeBlanc. I promise I'll help out however I can."
Jasmine returned her smile as she hoped she made the right decision about allowing the girl to TA for her. "You're welcome. I'm telling you now though, if you aren't willing to do the grading and run errands for me in the building, then say so now and find another teacher."
"I promise I'll do whatever you say, Mrs. LeBlanc." Julie handed the class change form to Jasmine to fill out as she bounced happily on the balls of her feet.
Jasmine quickly filled out the form and signed it before handing it back to the excited girl. Julie's eagerness seemed surprising to her, especially as most of the students who ended up as TA's were just trying to avoid a real class and that seemed very unlike Julie. She looked the girl over for a moment as she tried to figure out the unusually high level of excitement over the class change. She shook her head as she looked down on the short girl from her six feet in height and finally realized what about Julie's appearance had changed and had caused her to not immediately recognize the girl when she arrived. "Dear Lord, Child, what did you do with your hair?" she blurted.
Julie blushed and seemed to pull back into herself a little at the sudden question. "Oh that," she started as she let her fingers run through the short one inch spikes of red-orange hair. "My family spent the first week of summer camping. By the end of the week I was so fed up of dealing with long curly hair and no proper way to take care of it in the middle of nowhere, the moment we got back, I shaved my head." She blushed deeply. "Everywhere I went while camping something got stuck in my curls. From behind I looked like some kind of redheaded Sasquatch it was such a mess and I was fed up. And at least now no one is calling me Little Orphan Annie anymore."
"You're a braver girl than I," Jasmine replied smiling. "I don't think there is anything that could get me to shave my hair. And I don't think I'd look that good with short hair. She ran her hands through her long hair and enjoyed the full feel of it. "That said, school is nearly over and you probably want to get that form turned into Mr. Wagner so you don't miss your bus home. I look forward to seeing you here tomorrow."
"Thank you again, Mrs. LeBlanc. I'll see you tomorrow." Julie took the proffered form back from the teacher and smiled again before leaving the classroom and trekking back to the main building.
Jasmine smiled at the departing girl and wondered if she'd made the right decision. It would be nice to have someone to help with the basic stuff in the classroom so she could focus on the new class, but she still wasn't sure if this was going to be a help or a hindrance. Enough had already gone wrong this school year that one more small thing wasn't going to make things that much worse for her anyways. She returned to her desk and sat down to once again puzzle out why the district had decided to make Lord of the Flies required reading and what she was going to do with it.
It had been two weeks and finally things seemed to be smoothing out this school year. Julie had been very helpful in taking care of the basics for her classes as she her prep time to actually prepare her lessons for the next day instead of grading what had been turned in. She had enjoyed talking with the girl as well as they both worked in the classroom. Most of the talk was light and Jasmine found she enjoyed having a conversation partner. They had connected over soccer. Julie talked about she hoped to make the varsity team next year, and Jazz had shared some of her stories from her high school and college playing days.
Jasmine had had friends, many of whom had tried to be close to her after her husband's death, but she had pushed them away saying she would let them know when she was ready to talk and do things again. Sadly, she had found herself reluctant to contact them again after she had come out of her deep grieving and hadn't been sure how to apologize to them for pushing them away to begin with. What had started as asking for a little space to grieve had turned into a massive gap of her own creation. Julie was giving her someone to talk to as she figured out how to span that gulf with her friends again.
Jasmine had turned the radio in her class to NPR news and the reporter droned on in the background filling the companionable silence as Jasmine scanned through the book she was reading marking spots she wanted to point out to students and writing questions down she would ask on tests or quizzes on the future. Julie was quietly working on her homework having already finished grading the stack of worksheets Jasmine had collected from her students that day, enjoying the opportunity to get her homework done so she could enjoy her afternoon.
"What do you think of what they're talking about, Mrs. LeBlanc?" Julie asked breaking the silence.
"What?" Jasmine asked looking up from the book and starting to listen to the news story the reporter was talking about. She had grown very skilled at blocking out anything she wasn't actively listening to allowing it to become a pleasant but non-distracting white noise.
"Gay marriage. The reporter is doing a story about some of the new gay marriage laws that have passed recently. What do you think about it?"
"Oh. Well," Jasmine thought for a moment as she pondered exactly what to say. "I've never really been in favor of it. I have nothing against gay people so to speak, but I'm just not sure if it is right or not. It seems strange to me. I certainly don't see why they are making such a big deal about marriage."
"Oh okay," Julie said with a forced evenness to her voice. "I can understand that."
Jasmine had noticed the slight change in the girl's voice and was about to ask her what was the matter, when the bell rang. She watched as Julie packed up her backpack and left with an unusual hastiness and was gone before she could get out more than a goodbye. She stared at the door as it closed behind the short girl and wondered if she had done something to upset her. She didn't think Julie was gay. She vaguely remembered overhearing the students talking that she had been dating a tenth grade boy at the end of last year. And it wasn't like she had said gay people were bad or evil or anything.
"Teenagers," she mumbled to herself as she picked up the book again and jotted down a few more notes.
The rest of the week passed slowly and as Friday afternoon came around, Jasmine found herself both looking forward to and dreading the approaching weekend. Julie had been unusually quiet the rest of the week, and having completely forgotten about the incident on Monday afternoon, Jasmine passed it off to the usual teenage moodiness that overcame all students at one point or another. She told herself that if it continued into the next week, she would ask Julie if something was bothering her and help the girl out as best she could.
The thought of a weekend home alone had her down though. The house was still empty without her husband, and weekends were the hardest. She was contemplating driving the three hours to visit her parents again this weekend, but she had done that so often in the last year, including spending nearly a month there over the summer, she was sure they were more than tired of seeing their daughter. She started contemplating the idea of maybe giving one of her friends a call and asking them if they were up for something, but she still wasn't sure how to say she was sorry for having pushed them away to begin with.
"Here are the vocabulary assignments," Julie said flatly putting the stack of graded papers on her desk. "Sorry I wasn't able to get the quizzes graded as well. "
Jasmine smiled warmly at the girl, "Julie, you are a life saver. You can't believe how grateful I am for what you do get done. To tell you the truth, I've never enjoyed the monotonous grading of those vocab assignments, and it is going to be hard to get used to it again next semester when I don't have someone as wonderful as you to do it for me."
Julie smile and her cheeks blushed lightly at the compliment as she watched the teacher put the stack of graded papers in the pile to be entered into the computer. "It's no big deal, Mrs. LeBlanc. I'm glad to do it and it is definitely better than Mrs. Thompson's art class."
"I'll bet it is," Jasmine laughed as the bell rang. "Have a good weekend, Julie and I'll see you Monday afternoon."
"You too, Mrs. LeBlanc." Julie said sweeping up her bag and heading for the door.
Jasmine smiled as she watched the girl leave the classroom. It did seem that her temporary bout of teenage sullenness had passed with the coming of the weekend, and the unbounded teenage energy reinvigorated her spirit as she escaped the bounds of academia for a couple of days. "It looks like at least one of us will have a good weekend at least," she muttered to herself as she started entering the grades into the computer. She still had a stack of quizzes she had given that day to grade over the weekend, but for the first time that year, she found she was ahead on her lesson preparation meaning she truly had very little to fill the next 65 hours of her life.
With the last of the graded papers entered into the computer, Jasmine shut down her computer and gathered up what she would need for the weekend. She grabbed the stack of ungraded tests and put them into her bag and let out a lonely sigh as she thought of the empty house waiting for her. "It just isn't fair," she thought for what had been the millionth time. She shouldn't be a widow at 28. She shouldn't be too embarrassed to try to get her friends back either, but there she was.
She was considering a trip to the gym to work off the week's frustrations as she made her way towards the door and freedom, when she saw the notebook lying on the floor. "I swear most students wouldn't know where their heads were if they weren't attached." She muttered to herself as she leaned over to pick up the notebook. It was a large five subject notebook and she was sure some student would find themselves panicking when they went to start their homework without their notes. And of course knowing students how she did, that wouldn't be until Sunday night when no one would be around the school.
Jasmine flipped open the front cover of the notebook looking for a name. The small neat handwriting that filled the page was familiar to her, but she didn't see a name as she flipped through the pages seeing that each page was full with the same small, neat writing. There were no papers in the first section divider and she was about to give up looking for anything to identify the owner by when her eyes finally read the words that started the last page of the section, "... her hands moved smoothly over the girl's naked body feeling the tense excitement in the flesh under her caress. She pulled back her hand and brought it down with a sharp smack on the white rounded ass leaving behind a bright red handprint."
Jasmine felt her breathing stop in shock. She wasn't sure what she had just read, and certainly not sure what it was doing in a student's notebook, but she was sure that she didn't want to leave it in the classroom for anyone else to find. She put the notebook in her bag carefully, handling it like it was toxic and might contaminate everything in the bag given the chance. Once she got home, she would scan through the notebook and try to figure out who it belonged to. What she would do then was another question that would have to wait. It was a cool crisp October night, when Jasmine finally got home. She pulled her car into the garage of the beautiful two-story Victorian on the edge of the state park and let out a grateful sigh. She had pushed her workout harder and longer than normal and her body was sore with well-earned exhaustion. Even without her husband, this was home. The house was probably more than they should have bought as a first house, but Will had convinced her it was worth the investment.
They had worked hard to fix-up the house and make it the home of their dreams. They'd been hoping for kids to fill the bedrooms and enjoy the large backyard they'd finished with a deck, and later on a fence after waking up one morning to find a bear lounging on their patio furniture, but they'd wanted to get settled first and were about to start trying when the accident happened. Now she puttered around the empty house full of dreams she would never be able to fill.
Another sigh got her moving as she picked up her bag and the bag from Subway with her dinner and made her way inside. She didn't even bother to turn on the lights as she ghosted through the kitchen to the plush living room and sank into the couch carelessly tossing her workbag onto the coffee table and grabbed the remote. She ate her sandwich as she watched the national news. It was another evening of the same dreary news that the world was about to end any minute, and for a moment she wondered if the whole purpose of the news was to remind those watching that there were people who were worse off than their own petty problems.
Jasmine sat back into the couch and moped. She knew life wasn't fair, but that didn't help her deal with it at the moment. So she moped and watched the world go to hell in a hand basket before her on the nightly news. Jasmine looked unenthusiastically at her work bag and the quizzes she still needed to grade when she remembered the notebook. "Maybe a little mystery problem of what to do with it will give me something to do," she said pulling the offending notebook out of her folder.
She carefully checked all the dividers for papers, or something with a name, but they were all empty. Every page was full of the same neat handwriting. She scanned few pages and everyone seemed to be filled with the same pornographic writing. With nothing better to do, and a little curious now to figure out which of her students would write this, Jasmine flipped back to the first page and began reading.
Jasmine found herself looking up from the notebook as she finished reading the entire first section. She glanced at the clock and realized that nearly an hour had passed since she had started reading. She couldn't believe what she had been reading. Every page of the book had been filled with lurid and strange sexual stories. Stories of women tying up, torturing, humiliating, and fucking young women and girls. Jasmine had never considered herself a prude when it came to sex, but so much of what she had read, was beyond what she could even imagine people doing.
She looked down at her body and realized her nipples were hard and pressing against her shirt, she could feel the familiar stirring in her gut of arousal and moistness in her crotch. "It has nothing to do with what you just read," Jasmine muttered to herself. "You've hardly thought about sex in the last eight months, it isn't surprising that the first thing you read with anything sexual in it would turn you on." Jasmine had never found herself attracted to women, and she wasn't even sure if what she was reading was sexual or torturous. "It's just the shock of reading something so different and strange that has you aroused."
She tossed the notebook on to the table with a thunk, as she pulled her legs up to her chest. Her head continued to beat faster than normal, and she could feel the press of her thighs against her hard nipples. With a click of the remote, the room went dark and silent. Jasmine rose to her feet and padded softly down the hall to her room. She needed release. She had needed some release for the past eight months, but had repressed the urges and desires. But she wasn't going to let it be that notebook which help her achieve what she so badly needed.
The room was modern and the large king-sized bed dominated the space. Almost reverently she walked around to the far side of the bed and kneeled down reached under the bed pulling out a suitcase. She had never considered William and her sex lives to be dull. They were no stranger to sex toys and had a collection of adult videos they enjoyed watching whenever they were in the mood. The fence they'd built around their backyard hadn't had to be ten feet tall, but as William had pointed out, it would allow them to have sex back there without the neighbors being able to see. And then there was their favorite place by the river in the woods where they fuck on warm summer nights. They'd had an active sex life and had worked their way through as many different sexual positions as they had been able to mange. It has been his passion, for her and life in general, that had attracted her to William, and without his passion, that part of her had flickered out.
Now it was back and reawakened. She let her hands carefully trace over the edges of the movie cases as she looked for something special to watch. She pulled out one of her favorites and took it over to the Blu-ray player. The TV came to life with the standard warnings about pirating movies as she selected two of her favorite toys from the box and climbed onto the bed. She was still dressed, but she was enjoying the thought of taking things slow with herself as the movie progressed. It had been too long to rush things and she wanted to enjoy the moment and savor her sexual reawakening.
Her eyes were glued to the screen as the man and woman began to kiss and undress each other. She had chosen this video, because unlike so many pornos, the men were all well-muscled and handsome. Her hands began to play with her breasts through her shirt and bra as her legs moved against each other providing just the slightest about of stimulation to her crotch. Her breathing heated as she watched the woman take the man's large cock into her mouth sucking it deeply and she licked her lips hungrily.
She moaned as she watched the man start to lick at the woman's pussy letting his tongue run up and down her clit and slit. It was almost unconsciously she found herself almost tearing away her shirt and bra exposing her 36DD breasts and teased her newly freed nipples and massaged her breasts. She was nearly writhing as she squirmed on the bed sheets in arousal. She didn't want to rush the moment by moving too quickly to her pussy, but she craved the touch of her hand and her toys on her most aroused parts.
The scene ended with the man shooting his thick load of cum over the woman's face and she moaned in remembered pleasure at the memory of William's cum landing hot and sticky on her breasts. She dug her nails into her breasts to keep herself from tearing her pants and panties away and watched wide eyed as the next scene began.
This time there were two women and one man. In the past, she'd always focused on the man in the scene. As the women took turns licking and sucking his cock or as he sucked on their breasts, but this time she found herself watching the two women play with each other as much as the man. Her had slid down the side of her body grasping the gelled vibrator at her side and turned it on single-handedly and dragged the soft jellied cock up her ribs increasing her arousal. She let the vibrator tease over her nipples and moaned as she watched one of the women hungrily lick at the other's pussy.
The first orgasm caught her completely unexpected, and she shook and moaned in pleasure just from the vibration of the toy over her sensitive and hard nipples. She was still gasping in pleasure as she pushed roughly down on her pants trying to free her legs from them. The button finally released and she shoved and kicked forcefully at her pants and panties finally freeing her sex from its confinement. The scent of her arousal that had already been present in the room, filled her nostrils as her hands moved to her crotch. The short rectangular patch of pubic hair over her pussy was damp and her body shook with mind-blowing pleasure as her fingers caressed her clit nearly driving her into her second orgasm.
The scene had changed again somewhere in her erotic bliss and two women filled the screen taking turns driving vibrators in and out of each other's holes. Normally when she watched this video with her husband, they would skip this scene for her benefit, but this time, she couldn't take her eyes away and her body shuddered as the two women teased and fucked each other. She picked up her vibrator again and drove it deep into her pussy. It was tight, tighter than she could remember it having ever been, but she was wet and it wasn't long before she was able to work the full length into her pussy. She was moaning and gasping again and she knew her third orgasm was close as she picked up the other toy she had pulled out of her suitcase and turned it on.
The second vibrator had barely touched her clit when she came screaming in pleasure. Her whole body shook in pleasure and went stiff as her fingers released the vibrator. The muscles of her pussy constricted over the long, soft vibrating shaft inside her and tried to push it out, only her legs which had clapped together in pleasure kept it from shooting down the bed.
The fourth orgasm followed the third and either seemed to her to last forever or was only the start of the series of rolling orgasms that swept through her body. Her voice was sore from the moaning and screams of pleasure and her body was glistening and slick with a sheen of sweat. If she had thought she had felt exhausted after a long workout, it was nothing compared to the tired, sore, exhausted, satisfied bliss she felt overtake her as she came down from her pinnacle of pleasure.
The video was a compilation, and she knew from having seen it so many times before, nearly an hour had passed since the last scene she consciously remembered watching. In all her years of sexual exploration, both with and without her husband she could never remember of having had such a long and intense series of orgasms. She looked down the bed weakly and blushed. There was a large wet spot between her legs and she knew she had at some point in the last hour had a rare gushing orgasm that her husband loved to tease her about. She could barely move as she reached to grab the vibrators and turn them off. Normally she would have gotten up and washed them off, but she was so weak at the moment, that she knew she wouldn't be able to walk.
"I suppose eight and a half months of backed-up sexual energy was bound to come out like a burst dam," she muttered happily to herself as she tried to move enough to at least push the wet comforter down the bed. A loud moan from the TV caught her attention.
It was another lesbian scene on the screen and Jasmine moved to grab for the remote to stop the movie, but instead she found her hand sliding once again down her body to her sore and overly stimulated clit. A brunette woman on the screen was fucking a busty blonde with a large strap-on dildo, and Jasmine found herself wondering, what it would be like to bend a woman over and fuck her with a strap-on, roughly pulling on her hair as she drove the fake cock deep into the woman The thought and caress of her fingers was enough to send her into another orgasm and pass out into an exhaustive sleep.
Jasmine woke up the next morning shivering. Her dreams had been fitful and disturbingly erotic. Scenes from the notebook had filled her dreams as she pictured women being tormented and bound. She shook, half from cold, half trying to clear the images from her head as she looked down on herself. He skin was still sticky with sweat from the night before and she blushed in embarrassment as she realized the damp stain on the comforter was still noticeable. The menu screen from the video was quietly staring back at her and she reached weakly for the remote turning it off.
Her body ached and she wasn't sure it if was caused more from her workout at the gym or her workout on the bed. Her legs were shaky as she got to her feet and slowly made her way into the master bath. She used the toilet and moved slowly to the shower turning it on as hot as she could stand enjoy the hot sting of the water as it pulsated down on her body. Her hands slowly worked over her body rubbing out her sore muscles as she tried to make sense of the night before. "What did you expect to happen when you started thinking about sex again after nearly nine months of celibacy?" She tried to rationalize to herself. "Sooner or later something was going to remind you of sex and kick start your motor."
Images from her dreams began to flash through her mind as her hands moved down her stomach to her crotch. Her eyes closed in pleasure as a moan escaped her lips. She felt her back reach the back wall of the shower stall and she slowly slid down until she was sitting on the built-in shower seat. Her legs parted as her fingers continued to stimulate her clit and the water pounded rhythmically on her breasts and she had a fleeting thought of thankfulness for the endless water heater they had installed as her fingers stimulated her clit even more intensely. The images from her dreams continued to fill her mind and she tried to shake them aside as her fingers teased her clit almost out of her conscious control.
It wasn't long before she came again. Not as intensely as she had the night before, but it filled her body with a warm pleasure as she bit at her lip and slowly brought her body back under control.
A flush of guilt crept up her chest and face as she finally stepped out of the shower. She couldn't believe that she had imagined such strange and perverse things. She needed to find out who the notebook belonged to so she could tell their counselor or their parents and get them help. Such things just weren't right and she needed to make sure anyone writing out such bizarre scenarios wasn't being abused or tormented by someone.
Jasmine carefully avoided the living room as she got cleaned up and had breakfast. She blushed as she stripped the comforter from the bed and realized that the stain had soaked down through the blankets to the mattress cover. She shoved the comforter into the washer and left the rest of the sheets in a pile on the floor for the next load. Unsure what to do next, she moved cautiously back into the living room. Slowly she circled the couch approaching the coffee table with a caution the most would have saved for a poisonous snake, almost like she was afraid the notebook would jump up and bite her, infecting her with more of its stories. She snatched her workbag from the table and jumped back taking several backwards steps before turning around heading for her office. "You're being silly, and severely over-reacting," she scolded herself as she headed down the hall.
She cranked the radio loud in the office as she set down at the desk and pulled out the stack of ungraded quizzes and forced her eyes onto the papers before her. It took her longer than normal to grade the papers. She just couldn't focus on the work before her. As she pulled every new paper to the top of the stack, she scanned the handwriting to see if it matched the small neat print from the notebook. A few looked close, but none were quite like the distinct print.
It wasn't quite noon as she finished grading the last of the papers. Years of waking up early to teach and the early hour which she had fallen asleep the night before meant she had more of the weekend left to face than she wanted to deal with. . . especially with that notebook haunting her living room. She needed out of the house and more importantly she needed to not be alone.
Reluctantly she picked up her phone and scrolled through her contacts pressing a name she hadn't hit in over six months.
On the third ring a feminine voice on the other line of the phone answered. "Jazz? Hello? I can't believe it! I've been thinking so much about you lately." The voice was light with an excited happiness.
Jasmine froze a second before replying, unsure what to say and how to apologize for the long absence. "Yeah, Stacey, it's me. Sorry I haven't called in so long, it's just been... Well it's been rough."
"Jasmine, it's okay. It is just good to hear from you. How are you doing? How's the school year going so far? I've missed your stories of the stupid and strange things your students have done."
Jasmine swallowed a lump in her throat and tried not to cry at the friendly voice that was coming to her through the phone. "I'm," she wasn't quite sure how to reply, "I'm good I guess. It has been hard, but I think I'm slowly starting to get better. School has been crazier than usual, but I'm getting by. How are things going with you?"
"You know the exciting world of secretarial work. Things are good. Peter is good. He was telling me yesterday that I should just go by your place one day and check on you, so you couldn't avoid me any longer," the tone was light but there was a level of concern in it.
"I haven't really been avoiding you, Stacey. Okay that isn't quite true, but it wasn't just you. I more or less withdrew from everything in general and then I didn't quite know how to reemerge once I realized what I had done. I'm sorry I haven't called in so long I feel like an ass."
"Jazz, if I lost Peter, I wouldn't know what to do either. You have nothing to feel bad about. It is just good to hear from you again. What are you doing today?"
"Thanks. I needed to hear that. I'm glad to know you don't hate me for ignoring you," she smiled into the phone as some of the heaviness on her soul lifted away. "That's why I was calling. I was feeling the need to get out. Want to join me on a trip to the city? We can do some shopping, grab some dinner and catch up on the last few months."
"Jazz, you're a mind reader. It's been a month since I've gotten out of town and there are more than a few things I'd like to pick up from somewhere a little nicer than Wal-Mart. I need about twenty minutes to get ready and let Peter know he's on his own for dinner and I'll swing by and pick up you. No objecting I'm driving. When you drive you don't talk, and I want to hear all about how things are going."
Jasmine smiled as the nervous tension eased out of her shoulders. "I'll see you in twenty minutes then. I've missed you."
"Back at you, Jazz," Stacey replied. "See you in twenty."
Jasmine hung up the phone and made her way back to the bedroom with a slight bounce in her step as she began to get ready. She changed from the old jeans and T-shirt she had been wearing to a pair of slacks and a dark blue blouse and her black leather jacket. She ran a brush through her hair and added a slight touch of make-up. Stacey had been her best friend since she'd moved to the area and seen her at her worst, but she wanted to look good after such a long break, let her friend know that she hadn't completely fallen apart in the last six months.
She was waiting at the door as Stacey pulled into the driveway and stepped out the door pointedly doing her best not to look at the notebook sitting alone on the table. Stacey smiled from the driver's seat of her PT Cruiser and leaned over embracing her friend in a hug as she climbed into the passenger's side. "Well, you don't look bad for someone who's been hiding for the last six months. I'm glad you called, Jazz, I've been worried about you."
Jasmine returned the hug as she looked over her friend. Her shoulder length blonde hair was pulled back into a pony tail, and her blue eyes glimmered happily as a smile crossed her heart-shaped face. She was dressed in jeans and a white sweater and Jasmine found herself noticing how the sweater fitted over the swell of her friend's breasts. "You look pretty good yourself. I've missed you and I'm sorry I didn't call sooner. It'll be good to get out and do something with someone. I've been spending too much time alone and moping. Now let's get going and enjoy our afternoon out of the mountains," she finished with a smile.
"You got it, Jazz! I've needed a girl's day out like you couldn't believe," Stacey said putting the car into reverse and pulling out of the driveway.
The afternoon passed quickly as the two caught up on what had been going on in their lives for the past six months. They past the afternoon shopping and casually going from store to store in and around the mall. Jasmine felt reinvigorated as she talked with her friend and exchanged anecdotes from their lives. Stacey was constantly surprised by the kinds of things students said and tried to get away with, and Jasmine enjoyed hearing about the going-on's in Stacey's life. Stacey did her best to avoid stories that involved her husband knowing that it would be a sore spot for her friend.
The pair had entered Victoria's Secret and Jasmine was enjoying looking at the various sets of lingerie. She had loved to wear sexy underwear for William, but since the funeral she had found herself more and more wearing plain basic underwear. Both ladies had selected several pairs and were making their way back to the changing rooms to try things on as they continued to talk.
Jasmine waited outside the dressing room door as Stacey continued to try on various outfits. She had already chosen a few new sets to buy and was just waiting on her slightly pickier friend to make up her mind. Jasmine felt her mind wandering as she looked around the store. More than once she found herself wondering what a few of the women would look like clad in the lingerie they were looking at and every time she shook her head trying to get the thoughts out of her head.
"So what do you think?" Stacey asked opening the door to her dressing room. She was wearing a matched set of lacy yellow panties and bra that highlighted the last of her fading tan. The sheer cups of the bra allowed the dark round of her areolas to peek through as she posed one hand leaning on the doorway the other crooked on her hip.
For a moment the image of her friend bent over her knee, the yellow panties pulled down to her thighs as she spanked her ass to a bright red flashed through Jasmine's mind sending a shiver through her body as she shook her head. "You, uh. You look good," Jasmine managed her throat suddenly dry.
Stacey smiled brightly as she stepped out of the dressing room and gave her friend a quick hug. "Thanks. I'd wanted to get something special to wear for my anniversary next weekend. You know something to make Peter's eyes pop."
"Well, that outfit should do it," Jasmine said returning the hug as she tried to keep her face calm, the thought of her friend's head pushed between her spread thighs rampaging through her mind. "What do you want to eat?" She asked trying to change the subject and clear her mind from the inappropriate thoughts.
The rest of the evening passed in a blur for Jasmine. She was barely able to hold up her end of the conversation through the meal; she had a hard time looking at her friend without picturing her clad only in the lingerie. She passed it off as exhaustion and the mention of Stacey's and Peter's anniversary bringing up painful memories. Stacey understood and kept the conversation light as she drove the hour home and giving Jasmine a hug as she went to get out of the car. "Do not wait another six months to call," Stacey began in mock sternness. "I've missed seeing my best friend and I will not tolerate such lapses in communication. I'll give you a call in a couple of weeks and we'll catch a movie."
Jasmine smiled retuning the hug and undoing her seatbelt. "I promise, Stacey. I've missed you too. Sorry I became such a downer, but I promise you I'll keep in touch." Another flash of Stacey tied up before her struck Jasmine as she fumbled for the door handle. Clumsily, she grabbed her bags from the car, doing her best to avoid looking at her friend who was saying her goodbyes. She made her way to her door without looking back and waved over her shoulder as her face flushed a deep red as the car pulled out of the driveway.
With a sigh, she closed the door behind her, leaning heavily back on it. She couldn't believe she had thought those things about her friend. Her stomach twisted with guilt as she shook her head to dislodge the offending thoughts. The day had been meant to get her mind off such things, and instead she found them tormenting her even more. She unceremoniously dumped her bags on the dining table and moved to the couch. She picked up the remote without looking down at the coffee table and its contents.
It was only eight and too early to head to bed. She didn't want to stay home, but she was even more afraid to leave. Afraid of who she would picture doing what if she went out again. So she mindlessly flipped through the stations looking for something to take her mind off the thoughts crawling through her mind like bugs over her skin.
She managed to last a whole half hour before she gave in to her curiosity and picked up the notebook. The stories in the second section were just as lurid and detailed as the first. Her eyes were wide and her tongue continually ran over her dry lips as she panted with arousal. She kept her hands clenched to the sides of the notebook determined not to let them tease over her body and giving into the desires that were nearly overwhelming her. She wanted desperately to put down the notebook, fling it across the room into the fireplace and burn it, but she couldn't make her hands cooperate. She couldn't even manage to stop reading.
With every turned page, her hands trembled more as she fought to keep hold of the pages and not let them descend to her body. As the girl in the current story was bound spread eagle and hot wax was dripped on her bare pussy making her moan in combined pleasure and pain, she felt the last of her will dissolve. One trembling hand slid to her body undoing the buttons on her shirt letting her fingers reach in and massage her breasts and tease her nipples through her bra. With every moment, her breathing became more ragged and heavy and she could once again feel an orgasm approaching with no stimulation to her clit.
The orgasm wasn't as big as the one she'd had the night before, but it made her body shake with pleasure. She'd never achieved an orgasm from just touching her breasts before the other night, but the pictures the words were creating in her mind, were more than enough to bring her to ecstasy.
She didn't stop at one either. As she continued to read through the pages, her hand trailed down the bare flesh of her stomach and fought with the button on her pants. A few moments of struggling, pushing and kicking had her slacks and panties kicked off the couch on to the floor beyond as her fingers caressed up and down her wet slit flicking her clit at the top of each motion.
The girl in the story was bound painfully standing her legs spread as clamps bit into her pussy lips and nipples. They swung painfully with the pull of weights as a the tall woman behind her flogged her again and again as her back and ass grew redder and redder and then finally going from red to bruised.
Jasmine's body shook with another intense orgasm. One moment her body seemed to be moving in a million directions at a thousand miles per hour and the next it seemed to freeze pulled taught with joy. The next moment it was like her body deflated with a whoosh and the notebook fell from her fingers clattering to the floor and every muscle in her body went limp with exhaustion. In another moment she was asleep. Passed out on the couch, the TV murmuring quietly in the background the light from it reflected in the sweat on her body making her seem to glow in blissful pleasure.
Jasmine woke with a shiver. It took her a moment to realize where she was and what had happened. The couch was comfortable and she had spent many of the early nights after William's death sleeping on it as she avoided their room. She looked down on her bedraggled form and blushed. She couldn't believe she had allowed herself to be so overtaken and loose so much control. She was even more ashamed at how good the orgasms had felt. The words had excited her in ways she couldn't explain. It wasn't just her sexual reawakening without William; it was new realm of sexual possibilities being opened to her.
"This isn't real though," she said to herself as she got shakily to her feet. "I mean it can't be. Can it?"
She tried to push the thought from her head as she padded to the bathroom. She glanced at the clock and realized it was still the middle of the night, but she felt wide awake. In need of a shower and something to eat, but awake.
The shower felt good and clean on her body. She managed to keep her mind empty as enjoyed the wonderful warmth of the water cascading over her skin. She luxuriated in the feeling the water washing away eight months of emptiness. There was still an emptiness inside her aching for William, but for the first time, it seemed smaller and less crippling. At least for the moment. Part of her was afraid that at any moment, the sadness would come back. Part of her was even more afraid of what she would find if she looked further into the kinds of things contained within the pages of the notebook.
Jasmine slipped out of the shower and dried off, taking her time to dry and brush her hair. It was cold, but she slipped on a pair of cute boxers and a camisole instead of something warmer and turned the heat on high instead. She glided through the house and into the kitchen as she searched for something to eat. Jazz used to love to cook, but the last eight months had been a string of cereal, sandwiches, take out and TV dinners. She had to hunt through the kitchen for something more substantial, eventually settling on a bag of pancake mix.
Jasmine thought about what to do as she cooked and ate. She wanted to figure out which of the students had left the notebook behind. Something wasn't right there and someone needed to know what was going on. But there was nothing that could be done about that until tomorrow at the earliest and even then she wouldn't know what she could do. Today though, she had to find out if there was anything real or true in what was in those stories. Were they part of someone's sadistic cruelty, someone's tortured home life, or someone's sexual fantasy. The fact that the stories had aroused her, especially if they were someone's cry for help, made her stomach clench harshly and her cheeks burn with embarrassment. If they were true though, she wanted to know more. She needed to understand what she was getting into, or if she just needed to get help.
The dirty dishes clattered in the sink and Jasmine resolved to take care of them later, but there were other things occupying her mind at the moment as she made her way for the stairs. There was a layer of dust on the stairs as it had been so long since she had gone up them. William's office was the first door at the top of the steps and it creaked as she opened it. The room was cold and musty and her footprints left a trail in the dust as she crossed the floor. "I really need to clean up here," she thought to herself as she picked up the laptop case on the desktop.
William had been an electronics geek. He had always sought out the best there was when he had had the chance. Every year he had bought them top of the line laptops capable of doing whatever they needed to do. Jasmine had thought it silly that he always had gotten her a new laptop when he got his, especially as she did little more on the computer than enter grades and read the news. She'd had her new computer only a week and a half when he had died and she hadn't touched it since putting it on the desk next to his and closing the door. Her old one was fine for what she did, and the sleek laptop was just another reminder she hadn't been able to handle. Now though, the undiluted speed and capabilities of the nearly untouched computer were what she wanted.
She put the laptop down on the coffee table and she sat down on the couch and opened the nearly unused computer. The screen came to life quickly as she plugged it in and pulled a wireless keyboard into her lap and placed the mouse on the cushion besides her. Usually she would have gone to her office to work, but the cool professional setting of the office isn't what she wanted and the friendly chatter of the TV in the background was better than the radio.
As the computer booted up, she brought up Mozilla and went to the Google homepage and then froze. She wanted information, but what information? Where did she start? Unsure where to start, she typed in spanking to see what came up. "Eighty-three million listings," she said with a low whistle. She saw a few that caught her eye, including Wikipedia pages for spanking and erotic spanking, but the number of sites was just too daunting. She went to the Google bar and typed in "tying someone up" to see what came up there. "Fourteen million!" She exclaimed with a certain amount of disbelief.
Jasmine stared at the screen as she tried to decide where to click first feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of sites and the strange titles of some of the pages listed. "Jasmine, you can do this," she began to herself. "You walk students through how to do research every year without getting overwhelmed. Take the advice you would give them and organize your thoughts."
Jasmine got up from the couch and made her way down to her office. She grabbed an empty composition notebook, a stack of note cards, a new package of pens, a highlighter, and a pack of post-it arrows to mark important spots in her notes. She stopped at the dining room table long enough to pick up her wallet and phone blinking that it was about to die. Research was one of the things she knew how to do. She had a system to help even the most inept students successfully research any topic they needed to and she had used those same tools to do her own research.
She pulled a fresh pen out of the bag and wrapped her hair in a bun sliding the pen in to hold it together. Then she picked up a second pen and the notebook numbering the first page and writing down several questions. The pen went in her mouth and the research began.
The day passed in a frenzied wave of exhausting research. Jasmine had never started research on a topic with so little personal background and she found just the number of terms and ideas exhausting. With every new term, she wrote it on a note card with a definition and basic information. Then noted page numbers in her composition notebook where she had written more detailed notes and ideas. Important terms and ideas that had repeatedly come up she highlighted and put an arrow next to it.
There was some argument on the subject as to whether being aroused by spanking and being spanked was okay. She had started her early research with the psychological side of things, but she was relieved to find that most of the sources and people out there seemed to state that there was nothing wrong with any of the activities as long as they were conducted safely and between consenting partners. She'd nearly filled her full stack of note cards and terms like, spanking, BDSM, sadomasochism, bondage, fetish, top, bottom, Master, slave, servant, flogger, SSC, RACK, edge play, domestic servitude, humiliation, sensory play, waxing, bondage gear, animal play, age play, hard and soft limits, Dom/me, and dozens of other terms filled the stack of cards next to her. Halfway through the ay she'd gone upstairs and retrieved William's Kindle Fire and she logged into her Amazon account. She'd downloaded a dozen books and had another dozen on order in paper or hardback.
There were moments when she found some of what she was reading arouse her, but the academic in her mind had taken over and those desires were suppressed as she continued to gather information. William had once joked when she was in this frame of mind, the world would come to an end and she wouldn't notice until the power went out and it was too dark to read. She had done her best to avoid any story sites or anything based on fiction. She was researching and that meant hard facts and information. She vaguely remembered having gotten up and making herself a sandwich at some point and the empty plate and glass from her lunch sat next to an empty bag of chips she had both started and finished as she sat there.
Her brain hurt with the amount of information she had read. The full package of note cards was gone and she had just started on page fifty in her notebook. Her body was stiff and she stood up stretching shocked to see that it was after six and twelve hours had passed since she'd started. It wasn't her longest research session without stopping, but it was close. And unlike other times when she had spent the day doing research, she felt more confused than when she had started. The number of terms, ideas, possibilities, events, and ways to do things was too much for her to fully taken in. She at least knew the answer that it wasn't wrong to be aroused by the stories she had read, but answering that one question had only left her with a hundred more not the least of which was `What am I exactly?' Top, bottom, switch, Mistress, slave, submissive, dominate, straight, gay, bisexual, pansexual? She had setup a new folder of bookmarks for the pages she had linked to and there were nearly fifty websites marked, and she had set another folder up with bookmarks of pages that seemed to be more social, or had videos and pictures of people involved in various activities.
Her stomach gave another guilty twinge at the thought of being aroused by the stories she had read. She still didn't know who had written them, or if they were written by a student who was being abused, but she was at least a little relieved to know feeling the way she did wasn't a bad thing. It was going to take her awhile to sort through everything she had gathered, and longer to process it, but she had time and it gave her something to fill the empty hours at home.
Her stomach twinged again, this time in hunger as she realized she was going to have to leave the house to find food. She pulled the pen from her hair and smiled as she luxuriated in the feeling of running her fingers through her long thick hair. She changed quickly into the same old jeans and shirt she had started out wearing the day before and got ready to go. She felt different leaving the house. Her spirits were lifted by her research even as her mind was too overwhelmed to fully process anything of what she had read. She had plans for when she got home and she was excited to do more than look at all the information she had gathered with more than an analytical eye.
It was an hour later when Jasmine got home from dinner. She'd originally been planning on picking up groceries and coming home to cook, but as she had been driving to the store she'd found all the questions she still had continually swimming to the surface and interrupting her thoughts. She knew if she tried to shop with a mind so full of questions, she'd not only take forever in the store, she wouldn't get anything she needed. Instead she'd chosen a restaurant and sat down with a small pocket notebook she kept in her car for when she needed to make lists or write herself notes. She was careful to write down her questions in a short-hand that only she would understand. Last think she needed was someone knowing what she was thinking about if she lost the notebook.
A dozen new questions that she needed answers to filled the first couple of pages of the small pocket notebook and she tossed it down on the table with the rest of her research. She was done with looking up answers for the night, but she knew she wasn't done with coming up with questions and wanted it close.
A flutter of excitement twisted her stomach as she knew what she was going to do next and the flush of arousal spread through her body. She quickly changed back into the boxers and camisole she had been wearing all day and enjoyed the feeling of her fingers teasing over her exposed skin as she moved around to her bed kneeling on the floor and pulling out the suitcase. Her fingers ran over the toys with an almost reverence as she tried to choose what she wanted to use. She made her selections with care and walked back down to the living room, biting her lip as she tried to consider if this was what she really wanted to do.
It didn't take her much reflection to realize that she was curious and she needed to see more. She took a few moments to prepare as she moved all her research into neat organized piles on the table and put a blanket down over the couch to keep from staining it. She her toys out on the table within easy reach and reached for a folder in the side of her laptop bag.
William had connected the whole house together over the home network. According to him, she could have turned on the lights, TV, heat, security system, DVR all from her phone. She was sure he was right and had seen him do it repeatedly, but she'd never figured out how to do it. He had left instructions for it all though, and she was quite certain that somewhere in the binder of typed step-by-step instructions was a way to make margaritas in the kitchen from her phone while sitting on the toilet at school. What she needed was a little less obscure than that and it wasn't long before she was looking up at the TV showing the same screen as her computer.
She navigated to one of the websites she had found earlier and had been mentioned on a few of the other pages. It was a major BDSM website with access to thousands of videos, pictures, and stories. It took a few clicks and her credit card, but she became a member of the site and access to hopefully virus free videos and pictures. Her breath caught as she made the final click and tried to figure out exactly where she should go next.
She wasn't quite ready to watch a video yet as she slowly slid boxers down before kicking them to the floor. She wanted some physical stimulation before she began the mental stimulation. The plug on the table wasn't her largest, but it was one of her favorites. She had always loved anal stimulation and had loved it when William had fucked her ass, or better yet had fucked her pussy as one of her plugs filled her ass. She smiled at the memory at the time he had dared her to wear it out to a fancy dinner and she had spent the evening squirming on the edge of discomfort and arousal. They hadn't even made it home before they'd pulled off to a quiet turnout in the road and he had bent her over the hood of the car and fucked her. She had come so hard that night and it hadn't been until they'd gotten home later that she'd realized that in their urgency she'd left her panties on the ground when they'd gotten out of the car.
She picked up the lube and coated the plug making it slick and she spread her legs and shifted her weight. She knew it was going to be tight, but she wanted that fullness as she pressed the tip of the plug against her asshole. It took longer than normal, and she let out a slight gasp of pain as the widest part of the plug made its way inside her, but it felt so good as her body adjusted to the fit. She squeezed down on the toy sending trills of pleasure through her body and making sure it was secure inside her before wiping her fingers off and picking up the keyboard.
Once again she found herself overwhelmed as she looked at the options she could choose from for videos. It seemed like every different fetish had a selection of videos and she didn't know where to begin.
"Start with something you know a little about," she told herself and she moved to the spanking videos. From there, there were thousands of videos. Not knowing what else to do, she clicked on `Male on Female' and clicked on the first video.
The video showed a pretty blonde bent over a decent looking guy's lap. He started spanking her with his hand and then a hairbrush as the woman squirmed and sobbed and gasped as her ass slowly grew redder and redder. The video was little more than a clip and ended before Jasmine could really get into it. It was okay, but wasn't quite what she had been looking for or hoping for. She was more careful in her next selections as she choose longer videos as the men took their time spanking the women on more than just their asses and using a variety of toys. Nothing really got her going though. She enjoyed the sight of the women as they squirmed and moaned in either pleasure or pain, but the men were wrong. It wasn't that most of them weren't good looking, it was just that she couldn't picture William spanking someone. He hadn't been her only partner, but he had been the love of her life and when it came to sex, she had always compared everyman including the men in pornos to him. If it wasn't something she could see him doing, it didn't work for her.
She clicked next on the "Female on Male' section and scrolled through the videos. After only a couple of minutes she clicked out of the section. If it had been hard to picture William as the spanker it was impossible to picture him as the spankee. The man that had been getting spanked looked so pathetic, not physically in a physical sense but a mental one, that she couldn't take the idea seriously.
She disregarded the idea of the "Male on Male' section unable to find any curiosity for the idea and sat for a moment with the cursor hovering over the `Female on Female' button. She didn't want to click on the button. She'd never considered herself attracted to women, and somehow if she clicked on the box and liked what she saw, she knew she wouldn't' be able to say that anymore, and she didn't know if she could accept that about herself.
Her finger seemed unconnected from her conscious thoughts as it clicked on the button and the screen filled with a new set of thumbnails. She scanned carefully through the videos before deciding on one. The thumbnail showed a dark-haired woman in a leather bustier looking down on a naked Asian woman bent over a dining room chair.
The video started slowly as the woman in charge, Domme her mind told her from her research, took her time warming up the other woman with her hand. Each spank seemed to make the woman jump a little as moans squeaked from her lips. As the woman moved on to using a belt, Jasmine felt her hands moving up her body, sliding up her camisole and teasing her breasts. She began to flick her nipples in time with the belt coming down on the reddening ass.
The scene changed as the brunette yanked the Asian up by her hair and made her stand up, her legs spread wide and fingers laced together behind her head. Jasmine let out a deep moan as the brunette worked a flogger down the woman's back and over her thighs. The camera was from the front and while she couldn't see the flogger landing, the look on the woman's face every time it did was even more arousing.
Jasmine felt her fingers grabbing frantically for the vibrator as the flogger began to come up between the woman's thighs spanking her pussy and mons with loud heavy spanks. Each one nearly lifted the woman off her feet and her moans were turning more and more into sobs. Jasmine imagined what it would be like to be the one spanking the woman, making her moan and sob until her knees went weak. She drove the long shaft of the vibrator into her pussy, the powerful vibrations rippling through her body as the clit stimulator ran over her clit at the end of every thrust arousing her further.
The clip ended as the brunette forced the submissive woman to her knees to suck at her pussy and Jasmine moaned as she wondered what else she would have been forced to do before the whole scene ended. She frantically clicked on another video hungry for more and was rewarded with the picture of a red-headed woman secured in a set of stocks as a blonde caned her ass with quick sharp strikes. The redhead was virtually non-vocal as the cane landed with a quick and wicked viciousness. Redlines turned into welts and the welts quickly began to turn into bruises leaving the ass and thighs black and blue.
Jasmine came as the camera showed a view looking straight onto the woman's ass. Her pussy lips were clearly visible and the hard spanks were hard enough that they looked like they might be getting a few kisses from the cane themselves.
She clicked on another random video as she came down from her orgasm. She had always been multi-orgasmic and since she'd been fourteen and first began masturbating considered anything less than three orgasms in a session to be unsatisfying. On Friday she had lost herself in orgasm, but tonight she wanted to savor each one. She turned down the speed of the vibrator as she watched as a large breasted woman got her breasts brutally slapped as she cried. The woman spanking her seemed to love pinching her nipples roughly and pulling out her breasts as far as she could before bringing her other hand down firmly on her breast.
The video ended before she reached another orgasm and she clicked on the next video. This time there were two women topping a third. The first woman pulled the petit submissive's faced into her pussy as the other spanked her ass thighs with a belt. The moans of the woman being pleasured were clearly audible and the spanking didn't stop until after she had cum. Jasmine began to cum as the women traded places and the first one took a heavy paddle to the girl's already red ass. Her eyes were closed as the rush of pleasure shook through her body but the sounds of the paddle slapping into flesh and the moans of the woman being pleasured filled her ears and made her orgasm even that much more intense.
Jasmine clicked on another video almost as soon as she regained control of her shaking hand. She barely looked at the screen as the video played instead focusing on the sounds of pleasure and pain, and her third orgasm overtook her as a sharp high squeal of surprised pain sang out from the throat of the unseen girl being spanked.
Two more videos and she was cumming again. She was no longer even worried about the video instead using the soundtrack of slaps, spanks, moans, whimpers, and gasps as she imagined she was spanking another woman. The mental images of some unknown woman under her control as she spanked her until she begged Jasmine to stop made the orgasm even more intense and shook through Jasmines body in wave after wave until she was exhausted and weak.
It took Jasmine several minutes to realize the video had ended and the room was quiet, as her heart was beating as loud as a drum in her ear. Her whole body glowed with warm satisfaction and it was several more minutes until she was able to move and began cleaning up. Her legs were weak and her movements were clumsy as she gathered up her toys for cleaning. She pulled the plug from her ass with a slight gasp and the remembered sense of emptiness filled her.
Her body was on automatic as she cleaned up the rest of the living room and turning off the computer. The blanket went into the dirty clothes hamper as she finished her cleaning. It wasn't as damp as the comforter had been the night before, but it was clear where it had been as she'd pleasured herself on the couch.
She barely remembered to set her alarm as she crawled exhausted and satisfied into bed and drifted off into a deep satisfied sleep.
Jasmine woke the next morning as her alarm went off. The weekend seemed to be an unreal dream, and Jasmine body was lethargic with exhaustion and satisfaction as she went through her morning routine. She was happy that she'd been able to get ahead on her planning the week before and ran mentally through those plans as she gathered her things to leave. The last thing she grabbed was the small pocket notebook with her unanswered questions in it and she was going through the mental lists of possible suspects for the writer of the notebook as she reached the front door and froze.
"What am I going to do if I picture one of my students like I did Stacey?" She thought as her heart pounded in terror. "I can't think of a student like that and I certainly can't afford to freeze in front of a class."
She stood frozen at the door with indecision for several minutes before swallowing and opening the door. "You will keep your focus purely academic," she told herself sternly as she walked into the garage. "You are their teacher and you will act like a professional." With a firm, sure nod of her head she got in her car and made her way to school.
It was Wednesday evening and Jasmine was once again in research mode on her couch. She was reading through one of the books she had downloaded on to William's Kindle and clicking her tongue against the pen as she read. A large box from Amazon had arrived while she was at school that day, but she hadn't bothered to open it yet, as she still had several books on the reader to go through and digest.
School had gone smoothly the last three days and her worries that she would freeze or picture one of her students in an inappropriate way were unfounded. Being at school brought out the academic and teacher in her. The professional that pushed all else aside to get what she needed to done. She's had no luck identifying which of the students the notebook had come from. None of her suspected student's handwriting looked quite right, and she was beginning to wonder if one of her students had gotten the notebook from someone else. She could just imagine what it would be like for the student who lost the notebook to half to explain that they'd lost the notebook and didn't know where it was. But she was still certain she knew the handwriting from somewhere. She was getting tempted to look through back paperwork and evaluations from students she had kept to see if she could match the handwriting but she wasn't quite there yet.
The last few days had turned into a new routine as she finished her classes and used her plan period to prepare for the next day as Julie graded anything that needed to be taken care of. She'd finish up anything else she needed to before leaving school, leaving all trappings of her job there before heading to the gym. She'd push herself through a satisfying but quick workout and head home to make dinner. On Monday she'd done her first full shopping trip seven months and it felt nice to be able to make herself a meal instead of grabbing whatever looked the least offensive as she scanned the TV dinners or fast food places.
After dinner she'd settle in for a few of hours of research, setting her alarm to go off at nine, so she wouldn't get so absorbed into her research to stay up all night. After that she'd connect the laptop to the TV and watch a few videos bringing herself to a series of satisfying orgasms before going to bed. She'd focused mainly on the spanking videos, but had peeked at the bondage videos as well and enjoyed watching as the women in the videos were pushed to their limits.
A loud knocking at the door broke Jasmine's concentration as she looked up from her work. It was just after 5:30 and she'd barely sat down to her research a few minutes earlier. A press of a few buttons on the TV's remote brought up the camera showing the entry way where Stacey stood dressed in her jogging outfit and a gym bag over her shoulder.
Jasmine went red as she looked down at the table covered in note cards, open notebook full of her notes and computer screen on an S&M website. Frantically she gathered up the note cards and notebook and stashed them in a drawer on the end table with the Kindle. She closed the lid of the laptop with a slap and quickly made her way to the door as the pounding began again. She was almost breathless as she answered the door and looked out at her friend with startled confusion.
"Ahhhh, research mode," Stacey said as she looked Jasmine up and down seeing the pen sticking out of the bun in her hair. "No wonder you didn't answer your phone when I called. It's a wonder you even noticed the pounding on the door." Stacey hadn't known Jasmine in college, but she had seen her deep in research as she'd continued her education taking various classes over the summers.
Jasmine blushed and looked down slightly embarrassed about not having noticed the phone had rang. At least, Stacey was a good enough friend to understand. "Um, yeah. Sorry, I think I might have left my phone on vibrate since school. Though you're probably right, I might not have even noticed if the ringer had been on. So what brings you by?" She asked stepping out of the way and inviting her friend in.
"Well I felt bad about how Saturday ended and wanted to make sure you were okay. I figured if you were up to it, we could get in a jog." Stacey followed in to the living room and took the offered seat in the recliner as Jasmine stood hovering over the end table where her research was hidden.
"Yeah that would be great," Jasmine said. "I guess it is getting a bit late in the season for you to be stopping by after work for a jog, not to mention a bit cold, so I guess we should get in at least one jog before it is too late" Even with the quick workout she'd had earlier that day, Jasmine was up for a jog with her friend. She loved using the path through the woods and the solitude it provided. "Just give me a few minutes to get changed and we'll go."
Ten minutes later Jasmine was back in the living room in her jogging outfit. Unlike Stacey, she had chosen to go with jogging pants and not just shorts. She noticed the strange half-smile on Stacey's face as she reentered the room and wondered what her friend was thinking, but she didn't say anything and instead lead the way though the house and out the back door. The pair crossed the backyard and exited through the gate that led back into the forest. Over the last five years, Jasmine had made a narrowed, but well-traveled path through the forest from her yard to the jogging loop that circled through the woods. The women spent a few minutes stretching on the isolated spot and then began their slow jog.
Jasmine usually had no problem out pacing her friend when they ran, but she always let Stacey set the pace enjoying the company in place of a heartier workout. The pace was a little slower than normal as they hit the first downhill stretch of the run, and Jasmine wondered when the last time her friend had gone jogging. Jasmine had always enjoyed a good workout to clear her head and get the stress out, but Stacey had to often be dragged kicking and screaming to the gym or to go jogging. It was just hitting Jasmine at that moment how odd it was that Stacey had stopped by suggesting a jog.
"So S&M, Jazz?" Stacey said casually without looking over at her friend, "What happened? Did your homebodies club for widows suggest `Fifty Shades of Gray' and after reading it you got curious?" The smile was barely contained on Stacey's face as Jasmine looked at her friend and nearly fell over in shock from the comment and question.
"What? How did you know? Fifty shades of what?"
"Jasmine, I've known you for nearly five years. In those five years any time you've been researching something, I can't get you to shut up about it. The moment I mentioned you were in research mode when I got to your house, I thought I was going to find myself treated to a thirty minute lecture on a comparison of the plays of Ibsen and Wilde or something like that. I knew something was strange when you didn't tell me what you were doing and there were no notes or notebooks covering the table. So when you went and changed. I peeked in the drawer you were doing a terrible job of not hovering over and looked at the notes. I do have to say, it is a hell of a lot more interesting than a comparison of two playwrights."
"I do not lecture," Jasmine said trying to defend herself.
"Jazz, I can give you a complete breakdown of how different centuries and cultures have looked at the works of Shakespeare. I don't like Shakespeare. I'm not a huge reader to begin with, but last year when you were working on that paper for your Masters, I got treated to a multitude of lectures on the subject. By the end of the summer I could have written your paper."
"Okay so maybe I do occasionally share information I find interesting," Stacey snorted trying not to laugh, "but I don't lecture."
"Whatever you say, Teach."
"What's that fifty shades thing you mentioned?"
Stacey looked over at her friend, now truly curious where her friend had stumbled over the topic, sure it had to be the horrid book that it seemed every house wife had suddenly read. "It's a book. A piece of pulp fiction garbage about some billionaire who uses a woman in his sadomasochistic fantasies. It's dull, badly written, and that's coming from me who isn't quite so fanatical about the proper use of the English language, and is a terrible representation of the lifestyle. What did get you curious about S&M then?" Stacey took the turn that led to the longer jogging path. She was already breathing heavy, but she didn't want to give Jasmine a chance to cut the visit short before she had the chance to make sure she really was okay.
"Oh yeah. I do think I remember seeing it mentioned in a few places and recommended on Amazon. I avoided it for the moment because I've been trying to focus on the facts and gather information for the moment. I'll keep it in mind if I ever get around to fiction."
"Good now where did you hear about it to begin with?" Stacey asked again bluntly to keep her friend from avoided the question.
Jasmine didn't know how to answer the question. She certainly wasn't going to mention the notebook and was grateful that it hadn't been in the drawer with her research. It had taken a spot on her nightstand and she knew she would die of embarrassment if Stacey ever saw it. "How do you know about S&M?" Jasmine turned the question around on her.
"Peter and I play around a little. Nothing too serious, just a little tease and spank and tie me up, tie me down," Stacey said cursing in her head for not pressing for Jasmine to answer first.
Jasmine came stumbling to a halt as she looked at her friend, shocked at the idea that her friend had been spanked and tied up. She had to fight to keep the academic in her mind in charge insisting the information was for research not masturbatory material. "You let William spank you? How long? With what? He ties you up?" The questions stumbled out of her mouth in a surprised jumble.
Stacey stopped and rejoined her friend quietly thankful Jasmine had stopped, even if it hadn't been out of fatigue. "Jazz, it is no big deal. Mostly he uses his hand. Nothing rough, you know just enough to get the blood flowing. And yeah he's tied me down. It's nice to let him have the control and tease me occasionally. And he isn't the first, Jazz. I've done those kinds of things on and off since I was nineteen. Some guys are into it and some aren't. If they were we'd play, if they weren't, we wouldn't. You can't tell me you and William never got even a little rough. He never once grabbed you by the hair and pulled you back into him as he fucked you doggy style or at the very least gave you a smack on the ass as he fucked you."
"No, we never did."
"Jesus Christ, you missed out. A little slap and tie up, really spices things up."
"But there is so much more than that," Jasmine started. "I've read about all kinds of things and spankings with all kinds of objects and all kinds of weird bondage. How do you know what feels good and what works?"
"Jazz, let me give you a piece of advice: Sex is not academic. S&M isn't either. If you're curious about it, you're not going to find answers by approaching it like a research paper. You need to think with your crotch on this one. If it sounds good, if it sounds exciting, then try it."
The pair stood next to each other for a few minutes as the dusk began to darken. Jasmine worked to get her thoughts back in order, while Stacey worked to get her breathing fully back under control. "Jazz, quit avoiding the question. Where did you first hear about this?"
"There were a few stories in a book I was reading that mentioned it and well it..." Jasmine trailed off embarrassed.
"It turned you on? Is that what you're trying to say?" Stacey said slightly teasing her friend.
Jasmine's only answer was the blush in her cheeks as she began jogging again forcing her friend to catch up.
"There's nothing wrong with being turned on by it, Jazz," Stacey said between gasps.
"I know," Jasmine replied not looking over. "It's just that... Well, I haven't had much to turn me on this year and it was a bit surprising."
"Are you saying you haven't even taken care of yourself since William died?"
"Not till this no," Jasmine blushed deeper at the admission.
"No wonder it has your mind blown. Jazz, William was a great guy, and you two were the perfect couple, but girl it is time you got laid again. I'm not saying put your memories of William aside or try to replace him, but go out and find someone and get some release."
The two ran in quiet for a few minutes as Jasmine tried to figure out what to say. Stacey's revelations had caught her off guard and she wasn't sure how she should respond, and she was definitely sure she wasn't ready for sex with another man. But then again, she hadn't been thinking much about men lately either.
"I'm not going to pick up some local for a one night stand, Stacey. I wouldn't even know how a one night stand worked. Six guys, Stacey. You know this. I've been with six men in my life and I'd been with all of them for at least three months before I slept with them. Not to be rude but I don't have your wide range of experiences."
"I'd hardly call 15, only three of which were one-nighters, a wide range of experience. But I do get your point, and no I don't think you should find some guy around here. Head to the city next weekend, get a hotel near a bar, go down and find some guy, get your pleasure out of him, then kick him out of the room. That easy. Pack condoms though. Be smart."
Jasmine almost laughed at the absurdity of what her friend was saying, but there was a stirring inside as a plan of her own began to form. "I don't know, Stacey. Maybe. I'll think about it."
"Whatever you do, Jazz, just do your best to avoid complications. You don't need anything complicated you just need a little fun and release. And if you get spanked a little when it happens, all the better."
Jasmine flushed with embarrassment at the idea. More and more she didn't like the idea of being the one spanked, but being the one doing the spanking. She definitely wasn't going to tell her friend that and she absolutely wasn't going to tell her friend she'd been thinking mostly about women for the last week.
The two finished the jog in near silence. Jasmine was thinking over what Stacey had told her, and Stacey was just having a hard time not dying. Even despite the intimate, and somewhat embarrassing, nature of the conversation, it had been good to see her friend again and even better to have someone to jog with. They finally reached the spot where they had begun and came to a stop, as Stacey gasped and coughed for air. She had missed the jogs with her friend, but considerably more for the companionship that the lung searing, body aching exercise and all she wanted to do was collapse to the ground and die.
The path back to the house was dark, and the pair took it slow to avoid any bad footing on the path. Stacey nearly exclaimed in pleasure as the woods parted and the fence appeared. She made a mental note to check on her friend the next week after she got back from her anniversary weekend.
The pair spent a few minutes longer casually talking about their days as they gulped down a Gatorade. Jasmine was tempted to ask Stacey to stay and ask her some questions, but she could tell from the look on Stacey's face, that all her friend wanted to do was go home and die. She also knew she could always ask more questions later if she had any.
The pair parted with a hug, and Jasmine watched as Stacey walked back to her car slow and aching from the jog. She did allow herself the mental picture then of Stacey in the yellow lacey lingerie being bent over and spanked. With a shiver of pleasure, she turned away from the door and made her way back to the couch. She wasn't ready for any fun time at the moment, and despite what Stacey had advised, she always felt more comfortable with doing research first.
She continued to think about Stacey's suggestion though. Was she a lesbian? Most of the videos she had watched had been woman on woman, but that could have been that she just couldn't' get William out of her mind. Did she really want to be with a woman? Could she actually go through with it with a woman? Jasmine pulled up Google on her computer and did a search for lesbian bars in the big city. Usually when anyone from the town talked about going into the city, they were referring to the one an hour down the interstate. When they really wanted a night out on the town, they talked about the big city, a two hour trek over the mountains. If she was going to try to find a woman, she was going to go to the big city where no one from town would see her.
She found a few bars mentioned and took her time looking up reviews and information on them. She wasn't sure what she needed to look for as far as reviews, but she was pretty sure she didn't want some dive bar, or the newest trendiest spot in town. After an hour of searching, she had an idea of where she was willing to try, and before she could think herself out of the idea, she booked a hotel only a couple of blocks away for Friday and Saturday night.
Her stomach twisted in a combination of nerves and excitement and she quickly closed down the laptop before she came to her senses. It was still early, but she made her way to her room. She hadn't finished the last section of the notebook yet, and she was curious what her mysterious writer had included in there.
It was Friday afternoon and Jasmine was smiling happily to herself as she wrapped up her lesson plans for the next week. She'd spent the day before preparing for her trip and her car was packed so she could leave directly from school. She hadn't quite been sure how to pack for her lecherous weekend getaway. She'd included some of the new sexy lingerie, and a couple of her more flirty outfits to wear to the bar. She'd included all of her research and laptop knowing no matter how things went, she'd probably have at least a little spare time to expand her knowledge base. She had debated back on and forth as to whether she should pack any of her sex toys, not sure of lesbian sex toy etiquette, but in the end she'd decided on taking them incase she struck out and didn't meet anyone. And finally she'd stopped by the bank and withdrawn $1000. She'd done research into specialty sex stores in the area and there were a few things she wanted to buy, but was afraid to have show up on her credit card bill.
"Any plans for the weekend, Mrs. LeBlanc?" Julie asked breaking the silence and starting Jasmine out of her thoughts.
"Oh, well actually, I've decided to treat myself to a weekend in the big city," Jasmine began. "It's been too long since I've gone out and done something for me and I want to have some fun."
"That sounds nice," Julie said brightly. "I wish I could get out of town for a change. It's another quiet weekend alone for me."
Jasmine had met Julie's parents the year before on Parent's night and both of them had stated it had been a quirk of fate that had had them both in town for the occasion. Her father had started out as a local newspaper photographer, but through a series of good luck and hard work, had begun to do independent contract work with some of the top newspapers and magazines in the nation. He was usually home for no more than a few days at a time, before flying off to a new location. Her mother had been the manager of one of the local department stores, before getting a promotion to regional manager and spent a great deal of time on the road going from store to store. They said they'd considered moving to somewhere that would be easier for them travel from, but had decided that not only did they not want to pull their kids away from their friends, but liked the idea of them growing up in a small community.
"What about your brother?" Jasmine asked as she felt a little bad about the girl being home alone all the time.
"He went off to college this year. Remember her was in your 11th grade English class two years ago."
"That's right. I'd completely lost count of years, and well I wasn't exactly at my best last year and wasn't paying a great deal of attention to the recent graduating class."
"It's okay, Mrs. LeBlanc. I understand," Julie said sympathetically.
"Thanks, Julie. It has been rough, but I'm finally starting to turn things around I think. Still it must be nice for you at times to have the kind of freedom most high schoolers only dream of."
Julie blew a raspberry of indignation, "Freedom. Our next door neighbor has been my mom's best friend since elementary school. The lady across the street, used to babysit my dad, and the neighbor on the other side is a good friend of my grandmother. If my bedroom light isn't off by eleven, I get three calls reminding me it is bedtime. The one time a boy came over to study for a test, I had someone knocking on my door ten minutes later to make sure no hanky-panky was taking place. What I have is far, far, far from freedom."
Jasmine laughed at the thought at the poor girl's lack of privacy and was at a loss for something to say. "Well, I guess I can see why your parents didn't want to move out of the town," she finally managed.
"It could be worse," Julie said. "I mean as long as I don't do anything that leads to them prying, I can do whatever I want. And I'm not going to do anything stupid."
"I never thought you would, Julie, but everyone likes to let their hair down once in awhile, and everyone makes the occasional bad decision or two as a teenager."
"Oh really? What kind of bad decisions did you make as a teen?" Julie pried.
Jasmine froze as she tried to figure out the best way to answer the question. She had stories of he mildly riotous youth, but she wasn't about to share them with one of her students. Luckily she was saved by the bell, and Julie jumped up from her seat, handing the stack of graded papers to her before grabbing her back and running for the door and freedom... well relative freedom.
Jasmine was tempted to run out the door and into freedom right after her, but she had a few things to take care of before leaving, and there was no reason to try and get out of the parking lot before the students had made their own escape.
Thirty minutes later, Jasmine was headed out the door. Her stomach fluttered and clenched and she screwed up her courage and resolved to make her way to the big city, instead of her house.
The drive seemed to pass in a blur for Jasmine as she made her way down the interstate and to the big city. Her GPS helped her navigate to the hotel once she reached the city and she swallowed a lump of nervousness as the full realization of what she was doing began to set in.
The suite she had reserved was beautiful and Jasmine dropped onto the soft bed and luxuriated in the soft comfort of it. She spent the next twenty minutes unpacking and organizing her things. Clothes went into the closet and dresser, research on the table with the laptop plugged in and logged on to the hotel's Wi-Fi, toiletries in the bathroom, and after much thought the notebook of stories and sex toys went in the nightstand.
It was still early, and Jasmine made her way to the hotel's restaurant for dinner. She could feel her nerves growing as she slowly ate her meal enjoying lasagna she had ordered. She was planning a long bath before getting ready for her evening out and wanted to take the time to pamper herself. Even if the evening didn't go as planned, she was going to make sure she looked and felt beautiful.
The tub was large and luxurious and the built in Jacuzzi jets worked out the tension and nerves that had began to build in her shoulders and muscles. Finally pulling herself from the tub's loving embrace only as the water became uncomfortably cold, Jasmine began on her make-up and hair, making sure the long mahogany waves glowed, and the make-up didn't stand out but complimented her natural coloring and looks. She selected a set of rich green silk lingerie that matched the low cut silk blouse she had chosen as well as a loose and short black skirt and two inch black heels.
She looked at herself in the full-length mirror and admired the woman she saw looking back at her. She felt a brief twinge of loss as she thought how much William would have loved to have seen her in the outfit, but the twinge passed and she swallowed as her resolve and curiosity filled her. With a last look in the mirror, Jasmine picked up her purse and made her way out of the suite.
It was only three blocks to the bar, and the chill of the city wasn't nearly as bad as the chill in the mountains, so she chose to walk to the bar. The cool night air did a great job of clearing her head and washed away any last doubts. Her stomach fluttered with nerves, but this time was more anticipatory than unease. The Little Dutch Girl sat on in the middle of a quiet street a half block from the major road. It looked like any other bar from the outside, and with a deep breath Jasmine opened the door and walked inside.
The interior was like many of the other bars she had been in with William and her friends when they'd gone out for a night on the town. Everything was done in dark reds and other subdued dark colors. Booths ran along three walls of the interior and the bar took up the third with tables scattered around the floor. There were maybe twenty or so women in the club and thankfully no men, which had been her biggest fear, but the place wasn't crowded and there were several empty tables.
Jasmine walked to the bar and ordered a martini before taking her drink and sitting down at a table on the edge near the booths. She sipped at her drink slowly as she looked around the room at the women around her. There were all kinds of women in the room and Jasmine took her time looking them all over. "What kind of woman am I looking for?" She thought to herself.
There were a few women in the bar who were what she would have referred to as butch lesbians. The looked more mannish than womanly to her and they held no attraction to her. She was surprised to see a table full of women in their fifties and sixties, and while Jasmine felt no attraction towards the older women, she smiled at how happy they looked enjoying their evening out. A few of the patrons looked like they were probably in college or just newly graduated and Jasmine looked a couple of them over appraisingly, but wasn't sure and was even less sure how she'd approach them.
"Mind if I join you?" An assured woman's voice asked bringing Jasmine's attention back to her immediate vicinity. The woman looked to be in her early thirties with professionally done nails and hair. Her casual business suit was expensive, but not designer and the diamond studs in her ears, were subtle and tasteful.
Jasmine motioned awkwardly to one of the empty chairs and swallowed. The women was certainly nice to look at and while she carried a few extra pounds, they were carried well on her frame. "Please, have a seat. I'm Jasmine," she said extending her hand.
"Diana," the woman said taking her hand as she sat down. "Let me guess, first time in a lesbian bar."
"How... how did you know?" Jasmine asked sputtering, wondering for a moment if she had a sign on her head reading `fresh meat'.
"Newcomers have one of two looks on their face when they first come in; deer in the headlights or starving at a buffet," Diana said with a chuckle as the look of confusion as Jasmine tried to figure out which look she wearing. "Starving at a buffet," she informed her.
"I certainly didn't mean to look like that. Yes, it is my first time, but I didn't realize it was quite that obvious."
"I've been coming here for twelve years, Jasmine. I know all the regulars and so it isn't hard to spot a new face, especially a pretty new face."
Jasmine lowered her head and blushed at the compliment not sure how to reply. She'd never had to compliment a women as part of flirting and she was finding the words hard to find.
"So let me guess. Out of town on business and decided that a night out with a woman didn't count as cheating on the husband," Diana said trying to keep the conversation going.
"What? No. Not at all," Jasmine said going a little cold inside.
"Hmmmm," Diana said leaning in looking Jasmine up and down in an attempt to glean information. "He left with another woman, and you've decided to swear off the cheating bastards."
"No," Jasmine said even cooler as she felt a few tears in her eyes. "He died about nine months ago."
Diana hissed through her teeth and went red as she pulled back. "Ouch, damn was I off. Before I remove myself in shame and embarrassment, I at least owe you a drink in apology." Diana motioned to a waitress for fresh drinks as she apologized to Jasmine.
"No you don't have to go," Jasmine started. "I sometimes forget I even have t he ring on. Had I remembered I had it on, I might have left it behind tonight." She fingered the ring unconsciously as the one on the band around her next pressed into her chest near her heart. "He was a really great guy, and I don't know if I'll ever be able to replace him. I know I'm not ready to try, but I also know I need something. And lately every fantasy I have and every sexual thought that crosses my mind seems to include women. I don't know if it is a fad, or something else, but here I am and I need a chance to put aside the memories for little bit and have some fun." Jasmine hadn't meant to say any of what had come out, but the words couldn't be stopped after she had started and she felt better with emotional weight off her chest.
"I'm sorry about your husband. I don't know anything about him, beyond the fact he had a gorgeous wife, so I'm going to say he was a lucky man and you were an equally lucky woman. How about we enjoy our drinks and talk about something a little more enjoyable and get to know each other?" Diana said as she finished the last of the drink she had brought with her to the table.
Jasmine took a deep breath and wiped away the tears in her eyes, hoping the waterproof mascara lived up to its name and she nodded and took a large gulp of her remaining drink. "So, Diana, what do you do for a living?" She asked trying to turn the focus from her for a few minutes as she regained her composure.
Diana told Jasmine she was a real estate broker and focused mainly in upscale homes and condos. The down turn in the economy hadn't hit her nearly as badly as many of her colleagues and the upswing would only send things higher.
Jasmine explained how she was a teacher and the pair began to trade stories of the weird things they'd seen in their respective professions. As the stories grew more comfortable and began to pick up on the signals, Diana was sending out. It had been awhile since she had flirted with anyone, and she felt clumsy as she tried to flirt back. She felt herself casually touching the woman's hand feeling is warmth and softness and she unconsciously moved her chair a little closer to the other woman's.
Jasmine switched to a Coke after the second martini, not wanting to get too light-headed or stupid. She stomach twitched as she felt Diana's hand gently began to caress her thigh. The touch was slight and tentative it made first contact not waiting to press things too far too fast, but when Diana saw a spark of excitement in Jasmine's eyes, the caress became firmer. Jasmine moved her hand to Diana's arm and began to rub it with the same slow circles she could feel on her thigh. The talking continued, but their voices became quiet whispers and the two women leaned in close to be heard.
Their mouths were just inches apart and Jasmine could almost feel the sparks. Jasmine wasn't sure what to do next and found herself frozen with want and indecision. She licked her lips as if she were trying to signal Diana to kiss her.
"Are you sure you want this?" Diana asked in a soft whisper.
Jasmine didn't say a word as she nodded slightly. When Diana didn't move any closer or say anything, Jasmine leaned in. She didn't move her mouth to Diana's instead she leaned down and began kissing gently at her neck. She licked slowly at Diana's pulse feeling it speed up as her tongue flicked over the throb.
Diana pulled back from the kiss on her neck and as she felt her stomach trill in pleasure. There was a hot hunger to Jasmine's tongue, and she yearned to feel that tongue lick other more sensitive parts of her body. "Mmmm, that feels good, Jasmine, but let's not get too far ahead of ourselves."
Jasmine just looked over at her in confused desire. She'd felt that switch inside get turned on and she wanted nothing more than take the woman back to her hotel, strip her naked, and kiss, lick and nibble her way down her body.
"I've got no problem being some lonely housewife's fling. I've got no problem being some college girl's experiment. I've got no problem helping a woman satisfy her curiosity or work through her confusion. What I have a problem with is getting back to a woman's place, or back to mine, and having her change her mind. You're a gorgeous woman, and you felt my heart racing, but how do I know you're not going to flip flop when the clothes come off?" Diana said trying to keep her own desires in check. She wanted to lean in and kiss the red full lips just inches away, let her tongue slide into her mouth and dance with her tongue, and let her hands roam with passionate eagerness.
"I do want it," Jasmine said in a rough husky whisper as she hungered to kiss Diana and drive her tongue into her mouth. "I'm not going to change my mind. I want this. I need this. Trust me."
"I've heard that before, Jasmine. I've seen that same look in the eyes of a dozen women only to have them go cold when fingers met flesh. I don't want you to be unlucky number thirteen."
Jasmine stared back into Diana's eyes trying to figure out the right words to say to prove her desire. Part of her resented the fact that the woman didn't trust her, and wanted to tell her to just get up and leave if she couldn't take her word. But she was sure that if these women saw a regular like Diana leave her, none of the others would approach thinking just like Diana did, that she was all talk and no play. And Diana was beautiful and sexy.
Jasmine knew what was needed was actions and not words. She shifted in her chair and brought her mouth close to Diana's, as she moved forward with a new resolve and hunger. Her hand came down just above Diana's knee. With a slow, sensual touch, she let her hand slide under Diana's skirt and along her inner thigh. Jasmine felt Diana's legs spread farther apart and the hand inched up higher and higher until her fingers came in contact with the slick warmth of the silk covered sex. Her fingers moved delicately as she eased the panties aside letting her middle finger slide fully into the wet warm sex of another woman for the first time.
Jasmine never quit looking Diana in the eye as she kept her lips just inches away from the set she found herself longing to kiss as she slowly slid her fingers in and out for a moment that seemed to last forever. With reluctance, Jasmine withdrew her finger, feeling the silk shift back into place and trail down the bare thigh. Jasmine pulled the finger out from under the skirt and slowly brought the moist finger up to her lips. She sucked the finger deep into her mouth puckering her lips around it as she swirled her tongue around it, tasting another woman for the first time, never letting her eyes break contact with Diana's.
The taste was distinct, but not bad. It was similar to her own taste, but different in some subtle way. There was no way to describe it, and as she pulled the finger from her mouth, she envisioned her tongue slowly licking up Diana's slit to her clit. She leaned and let her lips caress at Diana's Not fully a kiss, but more a brush of lip on lip.
She pulled back just as Diana leaned in to make the contact complete and smiled coyly. She let her hand rest on the table taking Diana's in hers. "God that felt good," Diana said letting out the breath that she'd found herself holding. "It's been awhile, since anyone has been bold enough to do something like that with me."
"Still think I'll back out when we get to my room, or do I need to get really bold?" Jasmine purred leaning in close as her fingers traced over the back of Diana's hand.
Diana smiled and closed the inches between the two kissing Jasmine. The kiss was soft with a controlled desire. Jasmine could almost feel Diana's urge to tear her clothes off through the kiss. They parted, slowly both hungry for more. Jasmine raised her hand signaling the waitress for the tab as her body flushed with erotic hunger.
The kisses became longer and hungrier as they waited for the check. By the time they were finally able to escape the bar, their hands were roaming desperate to get beyond clothing and to the delights that lay beyond. Diana drove them to the hotel her in car in a heady rush. It had been a long time since a stranger had pushed her buttons the way Jasmine had, and she was excited to give her first true taste of what it was like to be with a woman.
The kissing continued in the elevator from the parking garage. Jasmine yanked Diana's shirt out of her skirt and let her hands run over the hot skin of her back. Diana felt like her skin was on fire as Jasmine's fingernails traced over it, and she drove her tongue deep into the woman's mouth in hungry reply.
The door closing behind the women was like a starter's pistol going off, and the pair raced to get the other one out of her top. Where Jasmine rushed and pulled at the buttons on Diana's shirt with a rushed eagerness, Diana moved with a skilled ease and was yanking the unbuttoned shirt down Jasmine's arms before even three buttons of her own top were undone. Jasmine felt Diana's hands circle to the front of her body light fingers tracing over sensitive flesh before cupping her lace clad breasts.
She moaned as the hands squeezed her breasts, and her hands fell away from the shirt she was trying to futilely trying to undo. She leaned in Diana's neck and began to kiss along her collarbone. Diana's hands continued to knead at her breasts and she could feel her hard nipples pressing into the hands. Her kissing became more intense and she nipped at the pulse beneath her teeth.
Jasmine felt herself being pushed back with a firm nudge, "No biting," Diana said in a firm whisper. "Keep it light."
Jasmine nodded and leaned in to kiss at the neck again. The kisses stayed light as her tongue licked at the salty skin and she moaned as hands found their way to the clasp of her bra freeing her breasts. He head rolled back as Diana leaned down sucking her hard nipple into her mouth letting her tongue roll over the sensitive nub.
Diana took her time sucking and licking Jasmine's breasts. Every moan that escaped Jasmine's lips made her attack the large rounded breasts with greater intensity and passion. She could feel Jasmine's fingers running through her hair trying to grab at her head and pull her in closer. A moan of protest escaped Jasmine's lips as Diana pulled back from her breasts and grabbing hands. Diana stepped back and shook her head looking seductively into Jasmine's eyes as she slowly undid her shirt and let it slide to the ground. The white silk bra seemed to glow in the low light of the room and Diana let her body sway slightly as she undid the bra in a slow, teasing manner as Jasmine watched entranced.
The white flesh of her breasts was several shades lighter than the lightly tanned skin of the rest of her body and her dark nipples stood out prominently on the light skin. Diana raised her hand beckoning Jasmine closer thrilling as she watched the woman lick her lips in desire. Jasmine stepped closer taking Diana's beckoning hand into her own leaned into kiss Diana's lips again as her other hand gingerly traced up the bare skin of Diana's side up to her breasts. The breast filled her hand and she groped at the breast with unpracticed intensity.
She let her fingers of her other hand untangle from Diana's grasp as the began to work their way up Diana's side sending trills of joy through her body and grasped the other breast in her hand. She steered Diana to the bed by her breasts as their lips continued to kiss, and as the back of Diana's legs made contact with the edge of the bed, her lips broke contact as she lowered the woman to the bed. Jasmine straddled Diana's legs as they hung over the edge and leaned down her hands leaving the white breasts to hold her up as she leaned in once again to kiss at Diana's lips.
The kiss didn't last long, as Jasmine began to move her lips down Diana's body. They kissed their way over the chin and down to the hollow of the neck as Jasmine let her tongue flick out at the dip making Diana's breath freeze in her throat. She let her mouth move lower over the excited body beneath her. Part of Jasmine wanted to race to the breasts and suck the hard dark nipples into her mouth, but she could feel Diana squirming in desire beneath her and she was intoxicated on the power of controlling the woman's pleasure.
Jasmine took her time as she let her lips and tongue tease and kiss slowly from one collarbone to the other. She could feel Diana squirm as her lips finally reached the tops of her breasts and she began planting small light kisses all around their bases. Diana shifted reaching out to pull the hot mouth down to her nipples as she squirmed in tormented pleasure. Jasmine's hands moved almost as if they'd been anticipating the movement and pinned her arms in place with ease as Diana noticed tor the first time the defined, yet still feminine, muscles that covered Jasmine's body.
As Jasmine's mouth brushed over her nipples after what seemed like an eternity of waiting, Diana felt electricity shoot through her making her whole body shake The slow teasing building up of the moment seemed to have charged her whole system and the touch of Jasmine's lips let it explode from deep inside. The kisses and licks from the tongue started out slow and light, but quickly grew faster and harder as Jasmine grew braver and hungrier.
The bite of teeth into the charged skin of her breast sent a hiss of pain escaping from Diana's lips as she tried to press back at the arms holding her down, her sexual arousal suddenly dampened. "No teeth! No biting!" She hissed in shocked pain as she tried to turn her body from the hungry mouth.
Jasmine froze for a moment as her grip loosened slightly on Diana and tentatively moved her mouth back to where she had bitten her and kissed gently over the red mark left by her teeth. She could feel Diana slowly begin to relax again as she continued the kissing and teasing with her tongue.
Diana felt her arousal beginning again as the kissing and licking continued. Jasmine seemed to know just what to do with her tongue to drive her wild and she couldn't believe her restraint as she took her time not rushing the moment. She felt the mouth slowly leaving a trail of kisses down her left breast and down her stomach and shook her head as her sex tingled in anticipation. "My turn," she whispered as she pushed up against Jasmine's velvet-steel grip.
The words sent a jolt of arousal though Jasmine's body, and she let go of the woman pressing up at her and rolled on the bed next to her. She wanted to taste Diana's sex again, but the nervous and unsure part of her was grateful to allow Diana to go first and show her what to do.
Diana shakily got to her feet and reached behind herself undoing her skirt letting it fall to the floor leaving her clad only in white silk panties. She debated for a moment whether to leave them on or bare herself, and the look of hunger filling Jasmine's eyes convinced her to strip them away.
Jasmine gasped in delighted pleasure as Diana slowly peeled away the last bit of fabric hiding her sex. The flesh of her bikini area was once again slightly lighter than the surrounding skin and luminesced in the dim light filtering in through the window. Jasmine could see the dark patch of short pubic hair trimmed into a neat triangle and wanted to reach out and run her fingers through it, grab it and pull the woman closer to her.
Diana stepped closer to Jasmine and leaned forward. Her hands trailed down over Jasmine's ribs and sides to the top of her skirt. Her hands slid behind Jasmine's back just as she raised her hips allowing Diana to quickly undo the skirt and pull it down leaving Jasmine nude but the small patch of lace over her sex. Diana leaned down again letting her mouth suck a nipple into her mouth as her fingers found the band of the flimsy fabric and began to slowly peel it down. As the fabric inched its way down Jasmine's thighs, Diana's mouth let her mouth work its way down over Jasmine's smooth taut stomach feeling the muscles quiver at the touch.
The panties fell to the ground with a whisper as Diana's mouth kissed over her pubic bone, making Jasmine gasp and pant in anticipation. Diana took her time teasing the woman who had teased her so well and she smiled to her self as Jasmine squirmed around her and her hands dug into the bed sheets.
Diana slid herself between Jasmine's thighs kissing them as she felt the heat and desire from Jasmine's sex drawing her in. Diana let out a long slow breath as she blew up and down the wet pussy before her and smiled as she felt Jasmine stiffen around her. She sucked one of Jasmine's lips into her mouth and was rewarded with a moan as she tasted her for the first time.
Diana took her time as she sucked at Jasmine. The woman had made her squirm as she teased her breasts and she wanted to return to the favor as she carefully kissed, licked, and sucked all around Jasmine's pussy while carefully avoiding the clit. She stuck out her tongue and slowly fucked Jasmine with it, slapped away Jasmine's hands when they tried to grab at her head and pulled the mouth to her most sensitive spot. Finally as Jasmine's moans grew louder and her whole body was stiff and shaking with the need to cum, and Diana let her mouth move to Jasmine's clit. It was barely a brush of the lips at first, then a caress with just the tip of her tongue, but it doubled Jasmine's moans and made her back arch in tension. Jasmine bit her lip as she tried not to scream as Diana finally sucked her clit into her mouth. William had always enjoyed going down on her, but there was something so different about the feeling of Diana's mouth and as the tongue swirled around her clit, her body let go and exploded in orgasm.
Diana kept her lips wrapped around the small nub as Jasmine bucked and writhed beneath her in pleasure. She drew the moment as long as she could expertly teasing the clit through every buck of her hips as the thighs pressed in around her head. Finally as Jasmine's body went limp beneath her and shivered in pleasure, Diana slid her body up over Jasmine's sweat slick flesh and kissed her on the lips.
Jasmine twitched in pleasure as she felt Diana gliding up her body. She could still see fireworks bursting behind her eyes as her chest heaved and her breathing started returning to normal. She felt Diana's lips kissing hers and she returned the passionate kiss as her arms wrapped around the woman and rolled her over on to her back. Jasmine sucked on Diana's tongue as her own tongue danced around it as she let her thigh press into her sex forcing a moan from Diana's mouth.
Jasmine continued to grind her thigh into Diana as she kissed her. She could feel Diana pressing her body back into the thigh matching the grinding motion as they continued to kiss. With reluctance, Jasmine broke the kiss as she slid down Diana's body. Part of her wanted to drag out the moment and take her time as she kissed over every inch of exposed flesh on the woman between her breasts and her pussy, but her desires drove her down over Diana's stomach and to the neat triangle of hair. Jasmine slowed her kisses down taking her time to kiss all around the patch of short-trimmed hair before moving further down her body.
Jasmine had never been so close to another woman before and she stopped for a moment her mouth inches away from the other woman's sex and took it all it. The lips were spread and puffy with arousal. Her clit stood out between them just begging to be licked and the wet entrance seemed to be quivering as her breath beat down on it. It was one of the most erotic things Jasmine had ever seen and she couldn't control herself any longer.
Jasmine slowly leaned in giving Diana a long slow lick, letting her tongue work up and down the full length of her slit flicking over the clit as her tongue went up and down. She felt Diana's body stiffen in pleasure beneath her and let her tongue continue to lap up and down her slit just probing into her at the bottom and just flicking over her clit at the top.
Diana bucked her hips with every flick of her clit and dug her hands into the covers as she moaned for more. She felt Jasmine's mouth move from the long slow laps as the heat of mouth engulfed her clit the tongue swirling around it as she moaned again in pleasure. Her pleasure only grew as Jasmine shifted and slid two fingers inside her curling them up as they became fully buried inside her and teased over the sensitive mass of nerves inside. Diana continued to moan and buck as Jasmine teased her. Jasmine's inexperience became clear as her mouth seemed to lose contact with each buck of the hips, but her eagerness and fingers more than made up for it and Diana soon found herself exploding in pleasure as the orgasm wracked her body.
Jasmine didn't stop her fucking and sucking as Diana spasmed underneath her. She did her best to keep her mouth wrapped around the tiny sensitive nub, but felt like a rodeo rider trying to stay put on a bucking bronco trying to kick her off, but she didn't want to disappoint Diana and did her best to pleasure her as best as she could.
A long minute passed until Diana's body finally rested back onto the bed and her moans stopped, her body limp with pleasure and Jasmine still buried between her thighs sending continuing jolts of pleasure through her as the tongue and fingers worked their magic on her body. Languidly she reached down with one heavy arm and pulled on Jasmine's shoulder coaxing the woman to slide up next to her.
Jasmine didn't want to stop, hungry for more, but gentle pull of Diana on her shoulder decided her for the moment and she crawled back up the woman's body taking her time and kissing her way up Diana. She took more than a few moments suckling at Diana's still hard nipples before finally lying down next to the woman and kissing her deeply savoring feeling of her lips pressing against another's.
"Well, Jasmine," Diana began between gasps as she broke the kiss, "that was amazing. Not bad at all for a first timer."
Jasmine blushed lightly as her hands wrapped around the other woman and teased her nipples. She was still horny and wanted more. She was far from ready to let the night end. "I'm glad you didn't leave," Jasmine said as she squeezed the full breast in her hand. "I needed this. When do we start round two?"
The squeeze on her breast was almost too hard for her tastes and Diana looked over at Jasmine whose eyes still burned with hungry passion. There was almost a predatory look in those eyes and for a brief moment Diana felt like a gazelle caught alone on the Serengeti by a hungry lioness.
Jasmine leaned over and kissed the woman again. Hard and forceful driving her tongue into her mouth as her hand moved from her breasts and between her parted thighs. Her fingers teased at Diana's clit expertly treating the woman's body like it were her own and in moments she had her gasping into her mouth with pleasure.
Diana felt her body responding to the touch pinpricks of sexual pleasure lighting her skin on fire as it fought back from the exhaustion the first orgasm had sent cascading through her system. She felt heavy and unable to move as Jasmine's mouth left hers and moved back to her nipples just as her fingers, this time three of them plunged into her and the heel of the hand ground into her clit. Her nipples began to distantly ache from the prolonged stimulation, but there was nothing Diana could do as she felt herself being brought closer and closer to a second orgasm.
She had been brought to multiple orgasms in the past, but other lovers, but there was a feral intensity to Jasmine's attack on her body and it pushed the line between arousal and overstimulation that overloaded Diana leaving her body hardly able to move as the myriad of sensory impressions shot through her. Her lips finally parted in a long hoarse whispered scream of pleasure as the orgasm ripped through her making her body go taut as a bowstring about to snap and her back arched off the bed before she collapsed nearly drifting off to sleep as the endorphins flooded her body.
Diana didn't quite drift off to sleep as she lay next to Jasmine on the bed, but it was close. Her body felt both weightless and infinitely heavy at the same time and she could feel Jasmine moving around her, and the touch of lips on hers she was barely able to respond to made her wonder in a flash of terror and curious arousal what was going to happen to her next. She turned her head to look over through half-lidded eyes and watched as she reached into the hotel nightstand and pulled out a large vibrator and cringed hoping she didn't plan on using it on her.
Jasmine looked down on Diana and smiled as she moved next to the exhausted woman next to her. A combination of pride and frustration and filled her, amazed at how she had exhausted the woman, but still horny and needing more-- much more. She reached into the nightstand and pulled out one of the toys she had put there earlier. William had always loved to watch her pleasure herself, and on more than one occasion he would watch as she fucked herself to an orgasm as he lay in post-orgasmic bliss. Usually by the time she had brought herself off, he was ready to go again and they'd fuck until they'd both cum again before falling asleep in satisfied bliss. She didn't know how Diana would react to the toy, but she needed more and wasn't willing to wait for Diana to recover.
She saw Diana watching her as she pulled the toy out and smiled turning on the bed so Diana would have a clear view of her pussy as she fucked herself with the toy. The buzz of the vibrator seemed loud in the quiet room as Jasmine turned it on and ran it up her slit and over her clit. The cool touch of silicon was enough to make her jump slightly as the lightning bolt of joy shot through her. She teased her clit for a moment longer before dragging the tip back down her slit and slowly sliding it into her hole. The ears of the rabbit teased at her clit as the toy became fully buried inside her and she let out a small moan and began working the toy in and out with slow deep strokes. She turned the vibrator down without looking wanting to draw out the show as she stared down her body at the half open eyes of her audience and watched as the pulse in her neck began to speed up again almost seeming to burst out of Diana's neck with every beat.
Jasmine let her other hand slide down her body and around the outside of her thigh as she shifted her body. It wasn't the most comfortable position for her, but she didn't want to block, Diana's view as she let a finger tease at her asshole. Her own eyes rolled in pleasure as she penetrated herself from behind and begin to work the finger in and out. It wasn't nearly as good a plug, or a vibrator, or a dick but it felt good and she loved the feeling of the extra stimulation.
She wanted to drag out the moment, she wanted to drag out the show and she loved the look on Diana's face as she continued to watch mutely, but she felt the orgasm quickly building inside of herself. She picked up speed with the vibrator and turned up the speed of its vibrations as she pushed a second finger into her ass. She clenched her teeth as the orgasm began to overtake her and she screamed out in pleasure letting herself go in the moment of complete pleasure.
Diana watched the show in front of her in amazement. The shocking boldness to Jasmine's display caught her off guard she found herself panting in arousal as the woman brought herself off while lewdly displaying herself. The intense voyeuristic nature of it had her stomach churning with excitement, but her entire body still felt heavy and unready to move. She watched in fascination as Jasmine came and the vibrator seemed to shoot out of her landing between them on the covers still buzzing as Jasmine moaned out her pleasures.
For a long moment, the only sound in the room seemed to be the buzz of the toy and the panting of two bodies. Then Diana watched as Jasmine moved with what seemed unending energy, turning off the toy and putting it on the nightstand. "Did you like the show?" Jasmine asked with a wicked knowing smile.
Diana gulped and licked her lips. "It has been awhile since someone has put on a show like that for me. It was quite nice."
"Ready to go again then?" Jasmine asked leaning down and whispering in Diana's ear excitedly as her hands trailed over her body.
"Honey, it has been awhile since I've had a pair of orgasms like you gave me, My body is so sensitive it hurts and any more stimulation is going to be more painful than pleasurable."
Jasmine frowned as she looked at Diana, her fingers still tracing over the other woman's body making her twitch with little jolts of pleasure when she hit a particularly sensitive spot. She needed more, and the beast inside her wanted it from this woman not a toy.
"Well, we'll make it easy then," Jasmine whispered as she rolled Diana more fully onto her back and began crawling up the bed.
Diana froze for a moment as she felt Jasmine moving up her body. She wasn't sure where, but she had lost control of the moment and Jasmine was using her as she pleased. She watched as Jasmine kneeled on the bed and lifted one leg over her head and straddled her head. Diana looked up into Jasmine's pussy, wet and flush with arousal and swallowed. Part of her wanted to tell Jasmine to stop and knock it off, but there was an inner part of her that refused to let some bored housewife outlast her. She'd been a lesbian since she was sixteen and she wasn't going to let the challenge to satisfy this woman go without a fight. She leaned forward wither head and began licking and sucking at Jasmine's clit as her arms reached up and began massaging her muscular ass.
Jasmine moaned as she massaged her breasts and teased her nipples and savored the feeling of the mouth sucking at her clit. A flush of erotic power swept through her, knowing that while she hadn't quite forced the woman into what she was doing, she had pushed her into it. The rush of power was almost enough to make her cum, but kept herself in check for the moment wanting to savor it for all she could, and she fully planned on not moving until Diana had brought her off at least twice.
Diana could feel as the first orgasm tore through Jasmine's body and an unexpected gush of fluid poured down on to her. It hadn't been the first time she'd been with a woman who gushed when she came, but she hadn't been expecting it and felt it covering her from chin to chest. She began to slow her sucking on Jasmine's clit as the shaking woman began to recover, but was surprised when Jasmine didn't move and instead seemed to press down encouraging (forcing) her to continue.
"Tease my ass!" Jasmine commanded as she moaned again at the touch of a mouth on her clit.
Diana found herself following the orders, despite her personal feelings on the subject. There was something new in Jasmine's voice she didn't know how to respond to and wasn't in a position to argue with. She let one of her hands follow the firm curve of the ass to the puckered hole and pressed her finger into it. She heard Jasmine moan again as the finger penetrated her, but it was muffled as the thighs clamped tightly against the side of her head.
She couldn't explain it, but some small part of her was turned on by the moans and the predicament she found herself in. Mostly she just hoped that after this orgasm, Jasmine would be finished so she could get some sleep.
Jasmine felt a heady rush as the finger penetrated her ass and she moaned and rocked on Diana's mouth. She was close to cumming again and she held off as long as she could wanting to make it as satisfying and long as possible. When a second finger pushed its way inside her, she exploded with pleasure and rocked back and forth on Diana's face as her legs clenched in pleasure and her body shook.
The moment seemed to last forever for both of them: Jasmine's in pleasure and Diana's in weak shock, until Jasmine collapsed on the bed next to her limp with exhaustion. Diana almost whimpered wondering what was next as Jasmine almost immediately sat up and smiled down on her. She watched in terror as Jasmine leaned slowly down towards her and then kissed her. The kiss was light, but somehow it seemed to Diana it was filled with some sort of unspoken approval. Jasmine's lips moved from hers and Diana felt Jasmine's tongue licking at her chin and over her neck. She knew her skin was still wet with Jasmine's juices and she could feel Jasmine seeming to lap them up gently grooming her like a mother cat would a kitten.
"Well I don't know about you," Jasmine said lifting up her head from Diana's chest, "but I'm exhausted. You're welcome to spend the night if you want. I don't know the exact protocol in this situation."
Diana watched as Jasmine yawned and began to get off the bed so she could pull down the comforter and covers. She was exhausted and while her body didn't still feel heavy and unable to move, she wasn't sure if she was in any state to drive home. "I've got a showing I need to be at tomorrow at eleven, but I don't think I could drive home now if I wanted to." Diana said dragging herself slowly off the bed and pulling down the sheets before climbing back onto the bed.
"No problem. Maybe we can get a quick bite to eat in the morning, my treat," Jasmine said climbing back into the bed and pulling up the soft warm sheets turning on her side facing away from Diana.
Diana only nodded as she pulled the blankets over her and yawned. The rush of the moment was over and she felt her body quickly crashing to earth. She dimly thought about setting the alarm on her phone, but couldn't get up the energy to move before she drifted off to sleep.
Jasmine listened as Diana's breathing quickly become the regular heavy breathing of sleep and smiled. She wasn't far from sleep herself, but she was still high on the adrenaline of what had happened. She couldn't believe what she had done, what she had almost forced Diana to do, and she couldn't remember feeling so powerful. Another yawn escaped her and she closed her eyes and was asleep before she could put together another thought.
Jasmine woke up with a slow, languid stretch as she pushed the sheets down with her legs. Her limbs felt heavy like they always did the day after a particularly intense workout and she tried to put together her thoughts when she heard a shower running from the next room.
Immediately she sat bolt up-right in bed and looked around her room. It took her a moment to remember where she was as she scanned the hotel room, and then she flushed as the memory of the night before flooded back into her mind. The shower stopped and Jasmine turned her head to see Diana wrapped in a towel standing in front of the bathroom mirror with the door open.
"Hey you're awake!" Diana said as she saw Jasmine's reflection in the mirror. "Give me a few minutes to get ready in here and we can talk for a moment. I forgot to set my alarm last night and slept in much later than I meant to."
Jasmine looked at the clock on the nightstand as it flipped to 10:00 and was amazed she had slept so late. Of course she wasn't exactly sure what time she'd finally fallen asleep the night before either.
Jasmine felt her stomach grumble in hunger and picked up the room service menu from the end table and ordered breakfast. "You want anything?" Jasmine asked at the last minute remembering her guest.
"I can't stay, sorry," Diana replied stepping from the bathroom and opening a suitcase Jasmine guessed she must have retrieved from her car before she woke up. Jasmine rested back in the bed and casually watched as Diana began to get dressed. She wasn't ready to get up and start moving yet, despite the relatively late hour for her, and she liked the look of the unclothed woman as she moved.
"I had a wonderful time last night," Jasmine said as she admired Diana's ass as she bent over and pulled a pair of panties up her legs. "I'm sorry if I got a little... intense there at the end. Honestly I've never acted like that before with someone. "
Diana paused for a moment as she slid into her bra. "Well I have to bit it was a bit... rough for me. Not what I'm used to say the least, but I'm not going to complain. I haven't slept that heavily in a long, long time. I'm just lucky a text on my phone woke me when it did."
"Me either," Jasmine said as she began to stretch out her sore muscles. "I'm usually up by 7-7:30 at the latest. I'm even more amazed I slept through you moving about.
"I was quiet," Diana said once again pausing in her dressing as she watched Jasmine stretching her limbs in a show that was even more erotic because she knew it Jasmine didn't intend it to be that way. "I know you're not from around here," Diana started again as she reached into her purse and pulled out a card, "but if you're in town again, give me a call and maybe we can meet again. If you want something a bit more intense, it isn't truly my thing, but I can introduce you to a few ladies at the Dutch Girl who might be more interested in that kind of thing."
Jasmine smiled as she took the card letting her fingers trail for a moment over Diana's before pulling away. The night before had been what she needed to answer the questions swirling through her head, or at least get her started on the right track, and the thought of being put in contact with another woman who might like it a bit rougher sounded wonderful.
There was a knock on the door before Jasmine could say anything and she hopped up from the bed walking past Diana and down the short entryway to the door tossing the card down next to her phone as she passed the table.
Diana watched wide-eyed and open-mouthed as Jasmine opened the door for the waiter with the room service tray and led him into the room. It was amusing to watch the waiter splutter through saying hello and repeating the order as he set it up on the table. His spluttering became even worse when he realized the other person in the room was also a woman and the bed was in a disheveled mess.
Jasmine smiled inwardly at the poor waiter as he set up the food on the table. It had always been one of her favorite things to do when ordering room service to see what kind of reaction she got. William had always found it funny to watch some poor waiter try to set up the table as she stood there casually naked or dressed only in her undergarments acting like nothing was the matter and it was perfectly normal. Today was even better as she got to watch Diana's reaction as well and she could hardly keep from laughing. She didn't consider herself an exhibitionist or nudist even, but there was a certain thrill of having a little spontaneous fun and giving the staff a story.
The door closed after the stuttering waiter as he wished her a good day for the fifth time and Jasmine burst out into laughter especially as the shocked look was still frozen on Diana's face. "I only gave him a couple dollar tip on the bill," Jasmine started, "but I think he's going to be okay with that, don't you."
Diana shook her head to clear her thoughts. "I think you just gave him a permanent hard-on," Diana stated as she looked down at her watch. "Shit, I've got to get going or I'm going to be late." She zipped up her bag and gave Jasmine a light peck on the cheek. "Give me a call if you're in town again and I'll introduce you around."
"Next time I'm in town, maybe I will," Jasmine said returning the peck with a peck of her own and sitting down where her breakfast had been set up.
Jasmine began her breakfast as Diana left the room and quickly devoured the whole thing. She had known that she was hungry, but suddenly she found herself wishing she'd ordered more, and made plans to grab something as she started on her errands.
She had a list of things she wanted to get done while she was in town and had taken the time on Thursday to plot them out preprogram them into her phone's GPS. There was a specialty store she wanted to stop at first that didn't open until noon, so she had time before she needed to get ready.
Jasmine pulled out the stack of papers Julie had graded for her the day before and started up her laptop. She wanted to get the papers graded and out of the way so she wouldn't need to deal with them later that day and it was one simple task she could complete before showering and dressing. She was halfway through the stack when she came across a sticky note attached to the quiz.
"Mrs. LeBlanc, I can't tell you how I know it, but Tim cheated on this test." The note read in small neat handwriting.
Jasmine stared at the note for a moment before scrambling up from the bed and getting into her bag pulling out the notebook of stories. The handwriting was identical. She hadn't realized it sooner, because usually when Julie wrote on assignments, it was just scores in big numbers at the top. She hadn't seen the girl's actual handwriting since the year before, but the two were identical.
"I couldn't be," she said to herself. "Julie? Never. Besides she did horrible on the creative writing assignment. She can't write like this." Jasmine shook her head not believing the evidence before her. Julie hadn't even been in her top twenty suspects and it still didn't seem true even as she looked at the two identical handwriting samples.
"I don't even know what to do about it being her," Jasmine said again to herself. "Worry about it later, you have things to do now."
Jasmine finished grading the papers and began to get ready for her day out. Her whole body still felt a little heavy and used for the night before and she was looking forward to getting under the hot spray of the shower and letting it take out the last of the tension. The shower felt wonderful and Jasmine drew it out as she let her hands wander over her body thinking about the night before. She let her hands glide between her legs to her clit and tease it until she brought herself off to a small but satisfying morning orgasm. If she didn't have things she wanted to get done, she would have went back to the bed and spent more time enjoying herself, but there was always that night, and maybe another woman from the Dutch Girl to join her.
Jasmine finished getting ready and was out the door at a quarter to twelve with her bag in hand, her research notebook tucked neatly inside. Her research on Thursday and led her to a store that specialized in S&M supplies and she was curious to see so many of the things she'd read about and seen in videos for herself.
Her GPS led her to part of the city specializing in larger warehouse stores. Around the side of one of the smaller warehouses with a sign reading "DB's Custom Furniture and Leatherwork" was a smaller door with a sign above it reading "Bound Lightning" Jasmine pulled into an empty spot near the door and let out a deep breath. She was here, now she just needed to get out of the car and go inside. With a final exhalation of breath, Jasmine opened up her car door and stepped into the cool fall air.
"The glass door of the store was blacked out and in clear white letters underneath the store name it read, "Eighteen and over only" and the store hours. Jasmine let out another deep breath and opened the door and walked in not knowing what to expect and finding something completely unexpected.
While she wasn't sure what she was expected, a clean well-lit store with plain white walls and neatly organize shelves wasn't it. She'd been in sex stores before, and most of them had been up scale and clean, but for some reason she hadn't expected that here and berated herself for the thought.
"Hi. Welcome to Bound Lightning, How can I help you today?" A man in his early forties, said stepping around the counter.
Jasmine took his extended hand and shook it as her nerves churned through her stomach. "Well I can definitely use some help," Jasmine said as she blushed.
"That's what I'm here for," he said smiling, "I'm Dan. What are you looking for today?"
"Well it is like this," Jasmine began going into the story she had planned, "it is my partner and I's anniversary next week, and she recently confessed to me she was into, well this kind of thing." Jasmine blushed lightly. "I hadn't had any experience with it until she brought it up and I spanked her some and tied her up a little and found I really liked it and she REALLY liked it."
"That's how most people are when they get a taste," Dan replied smiling. "Are you looking to get some toys to add to the fun?
"Yes and no," Jasmine replied. "I've done research on-line and seen tons of things and been so overwhelmed with much of it, I'm at a bit of a loss. But what I would really like to do is, we have a spare bedroom we aren't using and I think I want to surprise her by turning it into a dungeon play room as an anniversary present. I'm just not sure exactly what toys I should get and where to start. I found this place online and its reviews were excellent, so I made an excuse to come into the city for the day and check it out."
Dan smiled as he looked at the look of slight embarrassment on Jasmine's face and tried to figure out where to start in helping her. "Well I can certainly help with all of that," Dan started. "Why don't we start slow and work up. If we cross any lines or go too far just say so and we'll get you what you need and want."
Jasmine spent the next three and a half hours in the store as she talked with Dan. Ten minutes after he started talking she had her notebook out and was taking notes. He was proving to be a more useful source of information than any other website or book she'd read. He'd had to help a couple of other customers while she was there, but the breaks had given her the chance to catch up on the notes and look around the room.
By the time he'd finished his lecture and they'd accumulated the pile of gear she wanted to get including: a set of hand and foot restraints, an adjustable spreader bar, a set of clamps and weight, a blindfold, a leather slapper, a wooden paddle, a Lexan paddle, a rubber flogger, two larger leather floggers (one of soft leather and one of a firmer leather), an arm binder, a vampire glove, a gag, a set of medium sized leather floggers with spinning heads, a strap, a crop, and a set of straps that went under the mattress to attach restraints to. He'd had her try on all the restraints so she could see how they felt and she'd hated every moment of wearing them, but she could see the importance behind knowing how they felt and went on, especially the arm restraints. There were other toys he had shown her and she had liked the look of, but after a few test swings of various canes, dragon tails, and a whip, she knew she was out of her skill range and decided against any of them for the moment. There were larger pieces she wanted as well, and was looking longingly at a spanking bench in deep cherry wood stain, but had no idea how she'd get the thing home and the stack of gear on the table was probably already more than the $1000 she'd brought for this trip.
"It's a beautiful bench," Dan said as she ran her hands over it.
"Yeah. But I only have enough cash to get what I already picked out, and I have no way to get it home in the car."
"We deliver and we do take credit cards."
"Yes, but I don't want..." Jasmine started and trailed off blushing in embarrassment slightly.
"You don't want an S&M supply store showing up on your credit card statement," Dan said knowingly. "All of our sales go out under DB's Custom Furniture and Leatherwork. I'm DB. You aren't the first and you won't be the last to worry about what the credit card company or a spouse would say if the name came up. We ship discretely and all gear is guaranteed and comes with easy assembly instructions. And if you're planning on setting up a dungeon, you'll need something to put your partner on."
Jasmine could feel her resolve slipping to his logical arguments. It wasn't like she couldn't afford a few pieces of furniture; she just wasn't sure where she would put them. Well that wasn't quite true. She knew where she had imagined putting them, she just didn't know if she could do it, and she certainly couldn't leave it all up all the time. She was having a hard time resisting getting the bench and maybe something else as well.
The St. Andrew's cross was simple and as she'd seen in multiple videos perfect for binding someone to for spankings while they were standing. As her resolve not to buy shrank, her ideas for home firmed, and her fascination grew, she walked over to the cross against the wall. "I'll take this and the bench," she said firmly.
"Good choice on the bench, but, and I say this not trying to upsell, and if it is out of your price range just say so, may I show you a bit nicer of a cross?" Dan said walking over to join her.
Jasmine nodded and followed Dan to a door in the back of the store and into what looked to be the work area of both stores. On the side of the work area was an unstained and massive cross. The cross on the sales floor had been made from two by fours, while this one was made from four by fours and had sturdy bracers going out from the back of each leg meeting at a center brace where the center support came down. The wood was sanded smooth and waiting for staining and the leatherwork that went over the tops of the arms and over the center section sat in black leather on a nearby table. "Okay," Jasmine said after looking at the piece for a moment. "It's much heavier, but I can't see what makes it special," she said feeling a little silly.
Dan said nothing as he walked up to the cross, stepped behind it and pushed forward. The center support beam came out of the hole it had been in and swung free. Dan grabbed It and put it in another hole, then pulled it loose and put it in a third hole this time giving the cross a steep level of inclination. "Fully adjustable," he explained. "It goes from a basic 85 degree angle to a 50 degree one. Lock pin firmly holds the support in place and the heavier beam construction means it can hold anyone I've ever come across. I just finished this one, haven't even had the chance to stain it yet. If you're interested, I'll stain it to match the spanking bench."
Jasmine felt her stomach clench at how much fun such a cross could be. She walked up to the cross and looked it over closely checking the construction and build. She wasn't an expert, but from what she could tell, the thing was wonderfully crafted and sturdily built. She gave it a firm shove and it barely moved making her smile. "How much?"
"Eight?" Jasmine said in surprise. "The one of the floor is two-fifty."
"And I can build one like the one on the floor in an hour and a half. There is a lot more machining that goes into this and it will last a hell of a lot longer and is considerably more versatile," Dan countered
"The bench was five and this is eight. Say eleven for both?"
"We give ten percent off orders over a grand and you're near that with just what's on the table. Ten percent off these brings it down to $1170 and that includes shipping."
"Last Christmas William spent $2500 on a new TV for his office, I can spend $2200 on me now," Jasmine justified in her head as she nodded and shook his hand. "Same color as the bench."
"The same color," Dan agreed and led her back into the store to ring her up and get the shipping info.
Jasmine paid the first thousand of the cost from the cash she had brought and put the rest on her card. Dan had been kind enough to throw in a leather care kit for free as he rang up her purchases with a smile. She was pretty sure she'd made his day as far as sales went and he made sure to give her a copy of his business card in case she needed anything else in the future. She took a moment as he kindly loaded the bags into her trunk to go on to her phone and transfer money from her savings to checking account. She hadn't planned on spending quite so much as just this stop and needed to make sure the funds were in the right place.
Dan took a few minutes before she left to tell her about an S&M club in the area that was doing a demonstration that night if she was interested. He wrote down the address and costs for her and helped ease her apprehension by informing her that no one in the club would force her to do anything she wasn't comfortable with and quite often there were people there to just watch and take notes, especially when there were demonstrations going on.
The thought was tantalizing to Jasmine and as she slipped the card with the address and time on it into her pocket she gave it serious consideration. The idea of seeing someone bound and spanked in person sent a thrill up her spine in a way just watching it on her computer never could.
Jasmine pulled out of the parking lot still slightly in shellshock from all that she had bought. Her former self would have never even imagined the kinds of things she'd just spent two-thirds a paycheck on even existed, much less comprehended buying a trunk full of them. She felt a slight twinge of guilt knowing her sexual shopping spree wasn't over as she drove her car to a large sex shop that she and William had been to most every time they'd come over from the city.
Jasmine had her personal toys at home. The toys she used when she was alone or when William and her played, but those were her toys and she wasn't going to share them with anyone. She'd made a list of some of the things she was looking for and knew from experience, and looking over their website on Thursday, they'd have everything she was looking for.
The store was larger than Bound Lightning, but there was a similarity between the two as Jasmine stepped out of her car and walked to the door. Like the last store the door was blacked out and stated age restrictions, and just like before, it was brightly lit with basic white walls and neat rows filled with toys, videos, lingerie, magazines, and anything else someone could be looking for in a sex store.
A young sales clerk greeted her as she entered and asked if there was anything she needed help with, but Jasmine just nodded no thank you and grabbed one of the small shopping carts from besides the door. Jasmine had always found the idea of a shopping cart in such a place a little silly, but she knew several of the items they carried could get a little bulky, and as she looked at her own shopping list in her pocket notebook, she was grateful she wasn't going to have to carry it all in her arms.
Jasmine took her time as she walked through the store. She had ideas of what she wanted, there were even some specific toys she was going to get, but she wasn't in a hurry and wanted to take her time to select the right products. She was surprised to found the store had its own selection of S&M gear, but one look at the prices and quality, made her very happy she'd started her trip elsewhere.
Jasmine took more time than usual looking through the videos and books as well. She selected a pair of books on rope bondage and a DIY book on how to make sex toys and S&M gear at home. A few flips through the pages had her imagination racing with new ideas and she flipped to a page in her notebook with a shopping list for her next stop and added several items to the list.
She considered several DVDs as well. She was stunned at the cost of some of the S&M related videos and decided against any of the purely show ones and selected a pair focusing more on the how to aspect of things. She'd learned more from the time she'd spent with Dan in his store than in most her reading, and she hoped that a video focusing on how to properly tie up, spank, handle someone in bondage would be of greater worth than new porn.
Jasmine blushed slightly as she reached the checkout counter and begin to unload her cart. Besides the books and DVD's she'd picked up a strap-on dildo and harness, a remote-controlled vibrator, a medium sized butt plug, two vibrators (one basic and one a bit more sophisticated), a pinwheel, a set of ben-wa balls, at set of anal beads, a collar that read `slave', a set of drip candles, and on impulse a large jelly double headed dildo. The lady at the counter only smiled and rang up the purchase without even blinking. It was another $800 dollars out of her account and she wasn't even fully sure what she was going to do with all of it, or store it for that matter.
As she loaded her new purchases into the trunk of her car, she prayed that no one would steal her car with all of it in there. The thought of filling out an insurance claim for $1800 worth of stolen sex toys would almost be too embarrassing to admit to. It was getting late in the afternoon, but she had one stop left before going back to her hotel.
There was a Wal-Mart in town and a Target not too far from where she lived, but as she looked at her shopping list, she decided it would be better to get such an eclectic assortment of items as far from home as possible where she didn't risk running into anyone she knew asking precisely why she needed, rope, clothespins, and a first aid kit all in one purchase. That was just the start of her list and beyond those items she added a crock pot, a couple blocks of paraffin wax, a set of dog bowls, and a nice black leash, a couch cover and two recliner covers, several items for DIY toys she'd gotten ideas for from the books, and several items for a suggested `after care' kit she had read about on one of the sites. Several of her books, and sites, and Dan had mentioned that things didn't end with the end of a scene and she had to be prepared to take care of her partner in case they crashed hard, both physically and emotionally, after an intense play session, and the items she had picked up for the kit would help with those things.
This time the clerk did give her a bit of an odd look as she rang up the items and Jasmine had no idea what she would say, if she was asked just what it was for. Luckily the woman didn't ask, instead she just gave her a suspicious look, and Jasmine paid the $450 and made her escape from the store.
Jasmine once again wondered where she was going to store everything as she loaded it all into her now full trunk. She knew what she wanted to do with all of and the furniture, but it wasn't like she was going to be able to leave it up all the time. She knew what she wanted to do, but she had no clue how to make it work, so for the moment she put the thought aside and made her way back to the hotel.
When Jasmine got back to her room, she collapsed onto the bed and let out a deep exhausted breath. It had been a long afternoon, and she'd had to use a great deal of her emotional courage to go into the stores and buy what she had. Part of her felt guilty about having spent so much money on things she really didn't seem to have a use for at the moment, but there had been something liberating in buying it all. She was a butterfly breaking free of her cocoon and entering the world new and redefined.
After several long moments of just enjoying the silence of the room, Jasmine got off the bed and made her way into the bathroom and considered how to spend the evening. She stripped off the jeans and sweatshirt she'd been wearing and stepped into the shower to consider her options. Her first choice was to go back to the Dutch Girl and see if she could meet someone. Maybe even Diana would be there and they could do something again, or at the very least, Diana could introduce her to someone. Her second option was to the demonstration Dan had told her about. She had just enough time to shower, get dressed and grab something to eat before making her way to the club where the demonstration was going to take place. Her third option was to call down to the concierge desk and see if they could get her tickets to one of the shows in town. She hadn't been to the theater since the summer before the last school year, and a show not performed by high school students would be nice.
Jasmine discarded going back to the Dutch Girl. She didn't like casual sex. There had been something intense and wonderful about the night before, but it wasn't something she could see herself regularly doing. The demonstration sounded interesting, but she had just about used up all her courage for the day and she wasn't sure if she could handle such an environment. A show would be fun as well, but seemed out of place with the rest of her trip and weekend of rebirth and exploration.
Jasmine stepped from the shower still undecided and began to get ready. She kept her make-up and hair simple and slid on black silk stockings and matching lingerie. She pulled the little black dress from the closet and slid it on before admiring herself in the mirror. She thought she looked sexy as the neckline of the dress plunged deeply showing her ample cleavage and the hem of the dress swished high on her thigh exposing her long muscled legs. She still wasn't sure where she was going after dinner, but she felt the dress would be appropriate for either choice.
Jasmine departed the hotel and made her way to one of her favorite bistros in the city. The place was quiet and dark and served excellent wine and even better seafood. It felt weird entering the place without William, but she was bound to not let his memories hold her back any longer. She still missed him, achingly so all too often, but she needed to move on, and she would regret not going in more than she would hurt from the memories.
It was Saturday and the place was full and Jasmine found herself waiting at the bar sipping at a glass of white wine as she waited for her table. The bar had a view down onto a nearby stream and she looked out into the dark night as the restaurants lights shone on the brown and red leaves of trees covering the banks. There was a bridge a block down that crossed the stream and from there a path that led down to a jogging path besides it. The jogging path went around a corner past a small grassy area with a pair of benches where people sat and enjoyed the view and cool air off the water on hot summer days. It was also one of the places she and William had fucked roughly and quickly one hot summer night when visiting the city. The memory sent a shiver of pleasure through her as she remembered bending over the back of the bench as he had hiked up her skirt and pushed aside her panties and fucked her. She remembered moaning so loud it had echoed off the far bank and they'd barely had their clothes back in place when another couple had come around the corner along the path.
She was shaken from her memories as the bartender set down a fresh glass of wine in front of her. "From the gentleman at the table near the corner," He said motioning towards a table.
Before this trip, Jasmine had never had a stranger buy her a drink. She hadn't been much for the bar scene in college and had been in one relationship or another for most of it anyways. Now on two consecutive nights, strangers in bars had bought her a drink. Jasmine looked over at the man. He wasn't bad looking. A little older than she preferred as she guessed he was pressing forty or had just passed it. His hair was short and professionally styled and he sported what looked like a deep tan in the dark light of the bar. His suit was well-tailored and fit his lanky frame. He smiled at her and raised his glass slightly as she looked at him and she found herself having no idea what to do. She wasn't in the mood for conversation, or companionship, and she certainly wasn't in the mood for more from him. She was flattered that he had noticed her, of course athletic, six foot tall brunettes in short dresses and high heels were hard to miss, but his interest wasn't returned.
"Tell him, thank you and I'm flattered, but no thanks," Jasmine said pushing the drink back to the waiting bartender. The bar tender smiled and nodded taking the drink back and Jasmine looked over at the man and gave him a small apologetic smile. The man shrugged his shoulders as if it were no big deal and took another sip of his drink. A moment later, the hostess called her name and she walked slowly out of the bar following the waitress to her table.
Jasmine took her time savoring every bite of the meal. She treated herself to their stuffed mushroom appetizer, lemon pepper salmon as her main course, and tiramisu for dessert. She was still having trouble making up her mind where to go as the meal ended as her options tumbled over in her mind.
"One step at a time," She thought to herself. "No reason to do it all in one weekend." She sighed as she signed the check and pulled out her phone looking up the nearby theaters to see what major musicals were in town.
She'd had to push it to get to the theater on time, but the show was worth it and Jasmine lost herself for a couple of hours in the show. It was a different kind of release from the night before, but it was one she needed glad she had taken. The last week had been overwhelming in many ways and she needed time to digest everything she had done and was still planning on doing. More importantly she needed time to NOT think about any of it, and the show gave her that as well.
With the show over and a smile on her face, Jasmine drove back to her hotel and made her way to her room. She wasn't ready for sleep and changed into her swimsuit before making her way down to the pool. The pool wasn't big and she almost regretted changing into her swimsuit instead of her workout clothes and hitting the small gym when she saw the endless pool. She set the current at a medium pace and slid in quickly matching her strides to the current and working her way through the water. It felt unbelievably nice to swim through the water and let the current pull away her thoughts and worries. Usually she preferred running, but that was mainly when she could get out in the open air and feel the world around her. Given the choice between a pool and a treadmill though, and she generally would choose the pool and the full body workout it provided.
She kept her strokes even and steady as she let her mind clear of everything and slowly drifted into a happy Zen like state. For so long she had felt weighed down by everything going on around her, and with each stroke she let a little of the weight go. Stacey had been right, she'd needed time for her. Eight months wrapped in her grief had been turning her into a person she didn't know or like. It was turning her into a person William wouldn't have like. He loved her for her energy and her wit, as much as her looks. He loved her despite the fact she could bench press more than him, out run him, and was two inches taller than him. He wouldn't have loved the woman who sat feeling helpless and empty in an empty house or worse a silent corner of a library avoiding the empty house and the friends who wanted to be there for her. She was pretty sure that if he was looking down on her, he'd been screaming at her the whole time to get up off her ass and get back into life. Actually she was pretty sure that if was looking down on her, he'd been jerking off to what he'd seen the night before and cheering the whole time.
The thought made Jasmine smile as she dully began to feel her arms and legs ache from the swim. She wasn't anywhere close to her limits, but she didn't want to push herself, just work out a little restless energy. She let the current carry her feet to the back wall and came to her feet and climbed out of the pool and made her way to the Jacuzzi.
The jets and hot water felt magnificent on her body as she eased down into the water. She'd spent years arguing with William about whether to get one installed in the backyard with his argument being not wanting to deal with the maintenance of it, especially as he had never cared for them. Now things were different, and the thought of a steaming Jacuzzi on a cold winter evening sounded wonderful to her. Jasmine leaned back her head and closed her eyes as her mind began to wander.
She began to imagine slipping nude into the hot water with another woman before starting to kiss and let their hands roam over each other's bodies. As her thoughts continued her hands began to explore over her body as she teased her nipples through her swimsuit and let her hand cup and press into her pussy. She ground the palm of her hand into her clit as her other hand teased a nipple through the suit. It was hard and she could feel it prominently standing out stretching the suit.
The grinding of her palm became more intense and she began to slide the swimsuit to the side giving her fingers access to her sex when she heard a woman politely clearing her throat.
Jasmine's eyes burst open and her hands flew to herself and she sat upright in the pool. Standing on the edge of the Jacuzzi was woman in her early 40's wearing a dark one piece swimsuit over her Rubenesque body. The woman had a slight grin on her face as she looked down on Jasmine her mouth agape trying to find something to say.
"Mind if I join you?" The woman asked. "Or do you need another moment to yourself?"
"Go ahead," Jasmine said motioning to the water as her eyes scanned the rest of the empty room wondering how she hadn't heard the woman enter. "I should probably be going anyways."
"Oh don't worry," the woman said stepping down into the steaming water and taking a seat across from her. "I'm quite certain you're not the first person to enjoy a quiet moment to yourself in these waters. And let's face it, there is something nice about taking care of yourself while feeling warm and weightless."
"Yes, but if someone is going to do it, they should do a better job of making sure they don't get so distracted they get caught," Jasmine said blushing.
"But there is something to be said about putting on a show and something to be said about enjoying one too." The woman winked at her as her hands began to caress her own breasts through the swimsuit making her nipples grown to hard prominent points as Jasmine watched.
Jasmine continued to watch finding herself shocked and spellbound as the woman continued to play with her breasts for another moment before sliding her arms out of her swimsuit and exposing her large breasts before continuing to massage them as her fingers flicked at her nipples.
"What do you say, a show for a show?" The woman asked before lifting one of her large breasts to her mouth and sucking on one of the nipples.
Jasmine could feel that low tight place in her churning as she watched the display in front of her. She didn't feel herself attracted to the woman, but the boldness of the show had her aroused and wanting release. Sure there had been numerous times she'd nearly been caught by strangers having sex, and numerous room service waiters and pizza delivery men she'd flashed when they'd shown up with her food, but this was different. She only nodded in response to the woman's question and slid her arms out of her suit and lowered the top exposing her hard nipples.
The jets of the Jacuzzi blurred the water, but Jasmine could still see as the woman lowered her hand down her body and between her spread legs. Jasmine began to tease her own nipples again as she massaged at her breasts. The blurring caused by the water only seemed to make the show more erotic as she watched the woman's hand move against her sex. One moment she could almost clearly see the hand as the fingers pressed into her depths the next the whirl of the jets temporarily blocked her view. Jasmine moved her hand back down her body and began to tease herself again. Her earlier stimulation already had her close and she felt a moan leave her lips as she slid two fingers deep inside.
She could see the woman's eyes were as glued on her body as hers were on the woman. The moment continued in near silence only broken by the rush of the water and the small occasional moans that slipped from their lips. Jasmine watched as the woman's chest began to heave as her breathing grew fast and shallow. She watched as the woman's hands grew faster and more frantic as they played with a breast and pumped in and out of her sex and Jasmine found herself matching the woman's intensity her own breath growing faster and shallower as she pushed closer and closer to the edge of her own orgasm.
With a long low moan and a grunted gasp of pleasure the woman exploded in orgasm her whole body stiffening then shaking with pleasure. A moment later Jasmine let out a long growled moan of her own as her body shook with pleasure. The pleasure shot up and down her body and she shivered in the hot water as she returned to her senses and looked into the eyes of the woman smiling back at her.
"Well that was much more relaxing than a long soak, I think," the woman said with a smile. "I think it's time I went back up to my room and fucked my husband."
Jasmine just nodded, still off balance from the woman's general brazenness and began shifting her suit back into place and pulling the top back on.
"You enjoy yourself," the woman said with a final smile as she stepped out of the water and pulled her robe on.
"You too. I think I might head back to my room myself." Jasmine said moving for the steps.
The woman waved over her shoulder as she exited the pool area and Jasmine quickly dried off and made her way for the door. She was blushing unable to believe what had happened. She didn't even know the woman's name and she'd got off right in front of her. No, she'd gotten off while watching the woman get off right in front of her and that made it even more bizarre.
She returned to her room flipping the latch behind her and quickly stripped off her swimsuit tossing it into the bathroom as she picked up her computer and watched as the screen came to life. The moment left her needing more and she quickly logged into one of the sites she'd found and scrolled through the videos looking for something to end the night on the right note.
The scene she chose had two women torturing a short redhead who looked like she couldn't have been more than twenty. Jasmine watched as the woman bound the woman with her arms hanging above her head, her toes barely able to touch the ground especially after they locked them in the spreader bar. Each woman then took a flogger and took turns spanking the woman one over her front and one over her ass. The girl's cries and gasps could be heard with each swat of the floggers and Jasmine opened the nightstand drawer pulling out her vibrator and turning it on.
The flogging continued as the woman took turns bringing the floggers up between the bound girl's legs making her jump trying to move away from the swats, but unable to do so. Jasmine thought to herself distantly of how she could manage something like that and slid the vibe in with a thrust as another strong swat landed on the girl's abused sex.
Finally the spanking ended, but the girl was left bound as the woman began to cover her inner thighs, lips, breasts, and nipples with clothespins. Jasmine counted fifty clothespins on the girl as the woman then ran a piece of string through the center of each one giving it a flick as they did. The girl squealed each time they flicked one and begged them to stop what they were doing. Jasmine was pounding the vibe in and out of her hole gasping as the women pulled the ends of the string taut making all the clothespins pull out from the girl. She begged again for the women to stop, but they didn't listen, and with one yank on the string, they pulled all the clothespins from her body ripping a scream from her lips and pushing Jasmine over the edge of orgasmic pleasure.
Jasmine savored the orgasm as it sent shivers up and down her body and electricity shot through her body. She bit her lip hard to keep from screaming out in pleasure of her own as her hand firmly held the vibe buried deep inside her.
Jasmine opened her eyes as the shivers began to subside to see the girl no longer bound, but on her knees. She was rimming one of the woman's ass as the other stood behind her with a paddle turning the girl's ass from red to a series of bruises.
Jasmine grabbed for her plug as she watched the scene. She pushed the plug briefly in and out of her pussy to slicken it up before pressing it against her asshole and shoving it in. It had been a long time since she'd pushed it in with so little lube or preparation, and for a brief moment she didn't know if she could get it in, when finally with a brief flash of pain it popped in filling her. She wasted no time sliding her vibrator back in as the women on the screen traded places.
This time the woman squatted over the girl's face as she lay on her back tonguing the woman's asshole as the other woman began to bring a cane down on the girl's thighs and pussy. The cane swished through the air with a violent hiss and each strike raised and burning red streak on the girl's creamy white flesh and tore a tortured sob from her lips. Jasmine came just as the woman swinging the cane perfectly landed a strike between the girls lips hitting right on her clit and making her howl as tears rolled down her cheeks. Jasmine howled in response and her body shook as the orgasm sent her into bliss on a wave of pleasure that seemed to draw out for an infinite moment.
The clip was over as Jasmine recovered. The release left her ready for sleep and she closed the computer putting it on the nightstand and putting the vibrator inside the drawer. She debated about taking the plug out, but decided against it. It had been awhile since she had slept with it stuffed inside her, and the full feeling it gave her made her smile. She reached for her panties and pulled them on to hold it in place and crawled under the covers and fell into a deep, satisfied sleep.
Jasmine woke the next morning with a long satisfied stretch interrupted almost immediately by a jolting discomforting pain shooting through her body. It took her a moment to realize the cause of her pain as the ache grew before she felt and remembered falling asleep with the plug shoved inside.
She berated herself for the decision as she slowly and carefully got up from the bed and made her way into the bathroom to remove the plug and clean up. It had been too long since she'd worn the plug for any amount of time, and sleeping with it in overnight pushed past what her body was able to deal with.
She bit her lip to keep from letting out a squeal of pain as she removed the plug, which she'd also now remembered shoved in without any lube. "Stupid, girl!" She berated herself as she gingerly set down on the toilet.
"The two hour drive home is going to give me plenty of time to remember to not run off with my passions like that again," she grumbled.
The incident made for a slow start to the morning as she got ready for her trip home. It had been a much needed and relaxing couple of days and she continued to curse herself under her breath as she prepared to leave about how she'd managed to end the trip on such a painfully sour note. Meanwhile another part of her was thinking how much fun it would have been to watch the torment had it been another person in her place.
She quickly checked out using the system on the TV leaving her key and a tip for the maid on top of the unit and gathered up the last of her bags, and as she grabbed her work bag full of the graded papers, she remembered she'd discovered the identity of her mystery writer. She still couldn't believe it was Julie and she had no idea how to confront the girl about it the next day. The tiny girl had always been so quiet and in the background that she just couldn't picture these kinds of things going through her head. There were a couple of girls she would have been positive had written the stories had the hand writings not been so far off, and in either case she would have just handed the notebook over to the correct counselor and have let them deal with it, but she didn't want to embarrass Julie like that. She let the thought roll around in her head as she made her way down to the car. She had a long drive to come up with some way to handle the situation.
The drive home was miserable bordering on pure hell. She'd been hoping for open roads and fast driving in an attempt to shave at least a little time off the drive, but found herself stuck in a pouring rain that had everyone going slow and steady. There had been moments she'd wanted to do nothing more than pull over and stand for awhile, but the thought that she knew she would have to once again have to sit down afterwards drove her on as she didn't know if she'd be able to put herself behind the wheel again if she got out from behind it.
At long last, she pulled into her garage and almost leapt from the car. Standing wasn't without ache, but it was better and she savored the freedom of finally being out of the car. She unpacked her belongings from the car almost on automatic taking her work things to her office, her laundry to the laundry room and the rest of her luggage to her room. When all that was left was the toys, she found herself unable to decide what to do. She still didn't have a proper place to store them and no one to use them on, but the thought of putting them in the attic seemed wrong. She couldn't imagine putting them anywhere someone who came over to the house might find them, and she spent nearly ten minutes staring into her trunk locked in indecision.
With a final shrug, she finally slammed the lid of the truck closed leaving the problem for another day and walked into the house, there were other things she wanted to get done that day, things she could do without sitting, and she knew she should get started before she lost her nerve.
She'd barely been in William's office since his death. Even with her few trips in, in the last couple of weeks, the room still smelled musty and unused. It certainly needed a dusting and she shuddered at the layer of dust she pulled up as she dragged her finger over the edge of framed posters on the wall.
Nowhere were the differences between the couple more clear than in their offices. Jasmine's office was done in dark soothing colors. Her desk was heavy oak and neatly organized for her to grade and plan. The walls were completely covered in bookcases that went from floor to ceiling and were filled with books, pictures, iPod dock, her soccer trophies from college, and shelves of research for every paper she'd written since her freshman year of college. A lone recliner sat in the corner opposite the window with a reading light over it where she could enjoy a quiet book on a rainy day.
William's office was something else entirely. The room wasn't so much an office as, as she jokingly put it, his media control center. The doors to the closet had been removed and a flat panel TV nearly as big as the one in the living room was mounted to the wall. Around and under it shelving had been built in to hold all his electronics, video games, and movies. The top lip of the closet also hid a nearly ten foot wide movie screen that could be lowered down to play movies from a projector he'd set up on the ceiling. The walls were covered with posters of movies, photos, and Indiana Pacers memorabilia (The boy had been taken out of Indiana, but she'd yet to find a way to get the damnable Pacers out of the boy). Two old recliners and a hideous futon sat back from the media center behind a sleek metal and Plexiglas (don't ask what happened to the original glass) coffee table with the February game magazines still stacked neatly in a corner of it. His office sat on a raised platform that took up the back third of the office. To her mind it looked like something from an Ikea catalog had mated with the bridge of the Enterprise and she'd honestly wondered what he ever used the desk for, he was the lucky one who never had to bring home work with him. High quality speakers hung at strategic locations around the room and when combined with the blackout curtains he'd put over the windows, the room was nearly as good of quality as the movie theater in town. It was because of the speakers that the room was perfect for what Jasmine wanted to do.
After two years of being kept up at nights when William had been playing video games or watching movies, Jasmine had finally snapped one Saturday night as he and his friends had been in the middle of a guys weekend of online gaming and movies. The room was right above their bedroom and she hadn't slept well the night before either and she informed William, he needed to soundproof the room or get rid of the speakers. William and his friends had then spent the next week under the leadership of Harrison, pulling the drywall off the walls and ceiling and pulling the floor up and installing soundproofing in the walls. He'd even replaced the door to the room with a solid core sound proof one. Then for some reason he'd had the raised platform installed in the back where his desk was so it sat two feet higher than the rest of the floor. He claimed it was so his view of the screen wasn't blocked by the futon when he sat at his desk, but she had no clue what the real reason behind it had been.
A week and a half after the renovations began, William had the room back together and to prove what a good job they'd done, he put Jurassic Park in the Blue Ray and cranked it to full. There had been bleed through of course, but she had been surprised just how little as only the occasional quiet rumble got through.
Now Jasmine had a room she hardly ever used that was soundproofed and blocked to the neighbor's sight. She couldn't imagine a better room to tie someone up and spank them. Well she couldn't after she'd made some renovations of her own.
It was hard taking William's things off the walls. This had been his space. This is where he and his friends gathered to watch basketball and play video games like teenagers. It had been on that hideously ugly futon that he'd flat out refused to get rid of after college, where they'd made love for the first time. She wasn't going to get rid of his things, well not most of them anyways, but she couldn't let the room remain a mausoleum either.
Jasmine spent the afternoon taking down, sorting and moving as much of what she could in the room. She'd moved his movie posters into the hall for the time being. William hadn't collected garbage and all of them were theater quality and most had been signed. They weren't what she wanted for decoration, but they weren't garbage. The computers, the compulsively detailed instruction manuals he'd made for her about them, and their backup hard drives went down to her office. Most everything else went into the spare bedroom to clear it from the walls until she'd had a chance to repaint. All that left was the desk and furniture in the now empty room. The futon and chairs would stay; she'd bought couch and chair covers just for that purpose. The desk was a harder task.
She stepped up onto the platform and walked around the desk as her footsteps echoed through the hollow space under her feet. She still had no idea how he'd gotten the monstrosity into the room. She'd been at school one day and come home to find it in place. She figured it had to come apart somehow, but to her mind the only way to do it would be a chainsaw. She circled the desk again as her footsteps continued to echo through the quiet and empty room, and then she stopped. She slammed her foot down on to the platform and heard the heavy hollow echo from underneath and smiled.
Jasmine found her cell phone buried in her discarded coat pocket and scrolled through the contacts finally finding the number she was looking for.
"Hello," a deep masculine voice said answering the phone.
"Hey, Harrison, it's Jasmine. How are you doing?" She asked trying to sound casual as her stomach twisted.
"Jasmine. Well that is what my caller id said, but I figured it had to be wrong. I'm good. Susan is good. The kids are good. How are you doing? We've missed you." The voice had lightened and there was a hint of laughter in the deep voice.
"Yeah I know I've been an ass. I let myself spiral and cut off. It was stupid, but I'm working my way out of it. I'm sorry."
"No need to apologize, Jasmine. It hasn't been an easy year and we understand. I'm just glad to hear from you. What can I do for you tonight?"
"Well," she began a little sheepishly, "I'm doing some renovations and I needed a little work done. I was hoping that maybe you could stop by, and give me an estimate on how much it would cost to get it done."
"No problem, Jasmine. It's a bit late tonight, and have a job tomorrow, but I could stop by tomorrow evening and take a look at things and plan a time to do it, if that would work."
Jasmine smiled and nodded to herself. "Tomorrow works great. It will give me a chance to decide everything I need done. I hadn't even realized how late it had gotten," Jasmine continued looking at her watch and realizing it was nearly seven and she was starving, "otherwise I would have waited until tomorrow to call."
"It's no bother, Jasmine. I'll give you a ring before I come over to make sure you're home and I'll see you tomorrow evening."
"Thanks again, Harrison, and give me love to the kids and Susan."
"I'll do just that. Take care and good to hear from you again."
"It is good to be speaking again," Jasmine said smiling realizing how much she'd missed seeing William's friends as much as she missed hers. "Until tomorrow."
"Until then," Harrison said before hanging up.
Jasmine smiled as she moved into the kitchen to find something to eat. Even if her idea wouldn't work, she could have Harrison deal with the desk for her and get it out of the room. At the moment all she wanted was something to eat and a quick shower to wash all the crud off before crawling into bed and getting some rest.
Jasmine woke up Monday morning feeling better about the start of a new week than she had in a long time. The ache that had filled her for so long, while not gone, was lessened and no longer seemed to weigh her down so heavily. For the first time she felt like she could actually get her life back on track without William.
The school day passed without the usual drudgery that she'd associated with work that year. She had an energy she'd almost forgotten when it came to teaching and the even the creaking, breezy portable she was stuck in seemed brighter and nicer. Her students noticed too responded better to every question asked. Things were clicking again and she had the satisfying rush of being in the classroom once again.
As the rang ending fifth period, Jasmine let out a happy satisfied sigh of a good day teaching, just before her stomach twinged reminding her of what she'd been intentionally not thinking about.
Jasmine heard the creak of the ramp and walked to the door opening it just as Julie was raising her hand to knock. She barely nodded as she let the girl in and walked past her out the door and into the building.
Jasmine stood leaning over the sink in the faculty bathroom and splashed water on her face. A weekend of thought, or more like avoiding thought, had left her with no idea as to how best broach the subject with Julie.
"Just ask and go from there," Julie told her refection. "It is a notebook of stories, nothing more." With a final deep breath, Jasmine left the restroom and made her way back to the classroom.
Julie was sitting in her usual seat when she got back to the room working on her homework. "Mi, Mrs. LeBlanc. How was your weekend?" Julie asked as Jasmine took her seat. "Did you enjoy your weekend away?"
"Yeah it was a great weekend. Thanks for asking, Julie. How was your weekend?"
"Boring. I spent most of it hanging out at home watching TV. Everyone seemed to be busy and couldn't do much," Julie said sadly.
"Well we all have weekends like that. Sometimes things just don't go our way," Jasmine replied in a conciliatory tone.
"I guess," Julie sighed. "It just sucks sometimes. Usually my mom comes home on the weekend, so I can at least catch up with her, but there are the other weekends where the most excitement I seem to find is updating my Facebook page."
"Julie, let me tell you something I've learned these last few months. Time is what you make of it. If all you do is stay in, you're going to miss out on a lot. Doing something new and having it not go as you planned is better than not doing anything," Jasmine said with a smile as she shared the hard won lesson she'd learned in the last year.
"I guess," Julie said with a sigh. "But it's hard to build up the courage to do something on your own."
"There is no better time to try something new than on your own, Julie. If you fail, no one is going to be there to laugh but you."
Julie cocked her head and thought about the advice for a moment and nodded, "I guess you're right there, Mrs. LeBlanc. So exactly what exciting new things did you do this weekend that has you so full of advice?"
"Oh I don't want to bore you with my weekend," Jasmine said casually while thinking there was no way she could share her weekend with the girl. "It was just nice to get out and do something different."
Jasmine felt her stomach clench as she saw an opening to ask the question. "I do have a question for you about something that happened this weekend though," Jasmine said letting her voice grow a little firmer and more professional.
"Oh? What's that?"
"I found the note you left on Tim's paper and..."
"Mrs. LeBlanc, I can't tell you how I know he cheated," Julie said interrupting her, "I just know he did. I'm sorry I can't say more."
"No that isn't it at all, Julie," Jasmine began again. "He confessed the moment I asked him about it. I was going to say, I had forgotten what your usual handwriting looked like. It's very distinctive and neat."
"I guess," Julie said her voice going a little quieter and seeming to pull back into herself.
"Yes it is. I mean every student's handwriting is unique in its own way, but that small neat block print of yours stands out. And it reminded me of something I found in my class a couple of weeks ago," Jasmine said calmly trying to keep Julie at ease. "You haven't lost a notebook recently have you?"
Jasmine watched as the girl's eyes went big, her pale skin got even whiter, and she seemed to freeze in her seat. Jasmine was almost certain she could suddenly see the girl's pulse pounding in her neck. "Um... I don't know, Mrs. LeBlanc. What was in the notebook?"
"Julie, I will not play this game. If nothing else gave away the fact that the notebook is yours, it would be the fact that you look like you're ready to bolt like a rabbit spotted by an eagle," Jasmine said firmly. "You know what is in the notebook, and let's just say I found its contents a little shocking. I had several options as to what I could have done after I discovered it was yours, including calling one of your parents or talking to your counselor, but I'm choosing to talk to you first. I will treat you like an adult as long as you act like one, Julie. So shall we talk about this like two adults, or would you prefer I talk to another adult instead?"
"No, please! No don't tell my mom!" Julie blurted out looking like she was about to cry. "Please don't! She'll flip out."
"Julie are you being abused?" Jasmine asked softly. "If you are, I can help. If something is happening to you, I'm required to report it."
"No, nothing like that," Julie said as a few tears ran down her cheeks in tense fear. "No one is hurting me. I'm not hurting anyone. No one has threatened me. The stories are just... fantasies. They're day dreams."
Jasmine let her look soften a little. She didn't want to scare the girl. "Perhaps you should start from the beginning, Julie. Your stories are a bit, graphic, especially for someone you're age. I'm being honest when I say had it been just about any other student who wrote these stories, I would have been almost positive that something was going on. However, I've known you and your bother and parents for several years now, and I just can't see this being the case. Explain to me what's going on and I'll decide what to do from there."
"Yes, Mrs. LeBlanc," Julie said easing back into her chair a little as she tried to calm down and wiped the tears out of her eyes.
"Do not lie though, Julie. If you lie, I'm going to have to go with my gut as how to react."
"Yes, Mrs. LeBlanc." Julie took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I guess it started when my parents gave me a Kindle right before eighth grade started. My parents figured the reader would be easier than having to take me to the bookstore all the time.
"I was big into Anne Rice at the time and I'd read all of her vampire books and her Mayfair books, and was looking for something different. When I typed her name into the search on the Kindle it brought up several of her books I hadn't heard of before including a trilogy of books based on Sleeping Beauty. I figured Anne Rice doing fantasy, even if she had originally done them under another name according to the page, would be interesting to read, so I used the gift card my parents had included with the Kindle and ordered the books. Um, have you heard of her Sleeping Beauty books?" Julie asked sheepishly.
Jasmine had ran across the names in her research, but had paid little attention to them since she'd been so focused on the fact and not the fiction. "Vaguely," she said not wanting to give too much away.
"Well they are a bit, well they aren't exactly fairy tales. They're full of sex and people being spanked and bound and used in all kinds of different ways. I'd never really thought much about sex before then. I mean of course my friends and I had talked about sex and cute boys and what it might be like and things like that, but it was all empty talk with no knowledge of the truth. The books though were nothing but sex and sexual situations.
"The books were startling to say the least, and I nearly stopped reading the first one a couple of times, but every time I stopped, I would start reading it again a few days later. Reading those books was the first time that I..." Julie stopped the thought and blushed.
"The more I read, the more curious I grew. I couldn't believe that someone would write a book like she did, but when I looked on Amazon, Anne Rice had other books of a similar nature and there were hundreds of books just like it, and I began to read more. From there I started looking around on the web. The stories I found there were even more intense. I couldn't believe what I was reading, but I found myself liking it.
"That was about the time my mom got her promotion and was only around on weekends. You know my brother and he took care of things at home and did the shopping, but he wasn't really interested in what I was doing as long as I wasn't doing anything to cause him problems, so I found myself with a lot of freedom to do what I wanted on my laptop. I found lots of sites with pictures and videos of people doing the things in the stories and it was even more exciting to watch it than to read it sometimes.
"It was then that I tried writing my own stories. They weren't very good, but there was something exciting about putting my own ideas down onto paper. I was always careful to hide the notebook and I only wrote in it when I was home alone, but it was such a rush and I couldn't believe the ideas that were coming out of my head."
"You've been writing stories like this for almost two years?" Jasmine asked in shock. "How many notebooks of stories have you written?"
"I'm most of the way through my fourth one, you have the third one."
"That's quite an impressive amount of writing."
"Thank you," Julie replied with a polite half smile.
"You're welcome. Go on with your story," Jasmine gently prodded.
"The more I read, the more curious I grew to try some of the things I was reading about in the stories. I kept imagining myself tied up at the whim of some cruel person who wanted to use me to fulfill all of their desires. Most nights I would..." Julie cut herself off again as her whole face went a deep, deep red.
"I started doing research on the web as to what I could do. There were sites out there for people to sign up and find someone who would send them instructions for them to follow, but as curious as I was, I wasn't stupid enough to do that. Instead I found places where it explained how to do some of the things I'd read about on your own. I was still limited in what I could do with my brother around the house, but I found chances to try different things."
Jasmine wanted to ask her what kind of things she had tried, but knew the question could be taken the wrong way. She couldn't afford Julie or anyone thinking she was having thoughts about the girl. She wasn't, but she also didn't want to find out Julie had done something stupid and hurt herself or gotten caught. "I hope you didn't do anything too dangerous, Julie."
Julie shook her head, "No, Mrs. LeBlanc. It was just little things to see what it was like. I found I really liked it. Every time I tried something different or repeated some of the things I'd done earlier, I found my stomach twisting in excitement. It was a rush to do things like tying a scarf over my eyes and binding my hands up behind my back. I'd sit there and struggle against the scarf around my wrists knowing full well it was just wrapped in place not even tied and imagine a woman standing over me getting ready to use me or spank me or..." Julie cut herself off realizing what she had said.
Jasmine didn't say anything as she looked at Julie. She didn't want to push the girl, but she was beginning to wonder if maybe the girl did prefer girls to boys.
"It was around then that the summer started and Alex got a job at the grocery store, so I found myself with all sorts of free time home alone. I spent time out with my friends and doing all of the normal things during the summer, but on most days I tried to arrange things so I had at least a couple of hours to myself at home. I'd hide up in my room watching videos on my computer and..." she cut herself off again.
"One day I was at the pool with my friends and we were all sunning on the grass watching the people go by when I saw a woman walk past wearing a black swimsuit that plunged in a deep V between her breasts. She walked by with her sunglasses on with such a confident stride I found myself just gazing at her imagining what it would have been like to have her tie me down and use me. One of my friends broke my trance as she pointed out some boy she thought was cute about to dive off the diving board, but I just started looking past him to the girl waiting to dive next.
"I hadn't really thought much about it before then. I mean girls were supposed to be attracted to guys and guys were supposed to be attracted to girls. Sure there had been lots of things in the stuff I had read where that's not how it went, but I had never consciously put myself into that position. I tried not to think about it, but when I got home that day I looked over the videos I'd been watching and realized most of them involved only women. Then I looked at the stories I'd been writing and most of them involved only women. There hadn't been a story involving a man almost since the beginning and I hadn't even realized it."
"Julie are you saying that you think you're a lesbian?" Jasmine asked cautiously.
"No, Mrs. LeBlanc, I know I am a lesbian. As soon as I thought about the possibility of it, it was like my subconscious shouted at me, `WELL DUH!' I don't think I left the house for three days as I tried to figure out what to do. I didn't know who to talk to or tell. I didn't want to tell my friends, because well we aren't living in exactly that accepting of an area and I didn't want to lose my friends if they found out. I decided for the time I would keep it to myself and try to figure out what to do later. I was going to start high school in a couple of months and I figured maybe I'd find someone there to confide in and get some help."
"I'm guessing that's not exactly what happened," Jasmine said with a sympathetic smile as she looked at the girl.
"Not really. I started the year and yeah high school was different than middle school and there were tons of new people, but it didn't change the fact they'd all grown up in this area. I was going to talk to my counselor about it, just to tell someone and get the secret off of my chest, but when I met Mr. Wagner, do you know Mr. Wager?"
Jasmine wanted to say she was fully aware he was a pompous, ineffectual ass who wasn't qualified to be a school janitor much less a school counselor, but decided it would be best not to phrase things so bluntly. "I'm aware of how he can be."
"Exactly. Five minutes after getting into his office, I knew if I told him why I was really there, I'd be worse off than when I started. So within a couple weeks of starting school I found myself back where I had started. I was worried about telling anyone that I was a lesbian, and at the same time I found more and more my thoughts were drifting off in those directions when I got bored. I considered talking to Sarah Ellington, but when that incident happened last November I was worried about what would happen to me if people even suspected why I was talking to her."
Sarah Ellington had been a thorn in the district's side for her entire high school career. She'd successfully sued the district twice. Once when the school tried to ban her from wearing a gay pride shirt and once when she'd tried to bring another girl as her date to Homecoming. Both times when it had happened Jasmine had thought the district was being stupid, even if at the time she hadn't agreed with the girl. In November the year before, Sarah had found herself cornered in a park one night and brutally beaten up by five other students. The case had made national news, especially once it was clear just how little was initially being done by the police and school district to catch the students involved. Sarah had been able to identify three of the students, but not the other two and the police initially tried to say that the students couldn't have done it because they had an alibi from two other students as being elsewhere. It had taken state and national pressure to get the five students involved arrested and had led to the resignation of the Chief of Police and two of his officers. The school district was at least smart enough to avoid another lawsuit and set aside a college scholarship for Sarah. Jasmine could understand why Julie would have been hesitant to approach the girl, who had finished her school year from home and had avoided graduation because of threats made against her.
"I can understand your concern there," Jasmine said, "This little town didn't exactly shine when the spotlight was put on us."
"Yeah. It made me terrified to tell anyone what I was feeling, especially when a couple of my friends referred to her as nothing but a dumb dyke. A couple of weeks later, John Stevens asked me out, and I accepted not wanting anyone to pry into why I told him no."
"How did that go?" Jasmine asked not sure what else to say. She found herself feeling so bad for the girl wanting to help her.
Julie shrugged. "It wasn't bad. He never pressured me to do anything, and he's a nice enough guy. I even considered telling him, but decided it against it. We dated for a couple of months and I broke up with him. We're still friends though."
"Well I'm glad, he wasn't a jerk like some boys his age can be."
"I think he knew I wasn't really that into him for a while before it ended. I've tried to avoid getting asked out since then. I figure the fewer dates I go on, the fewer chances of someone figuring things out. "
"It isn't an easy situation I know and I'm sorry Julie," Jasmine said soothingly. "What has happened since then?"
"More and more I found my mind wandering at school, "Julie began again. "I'd find myself day dreaming about various scenarios in my head any time I got the least bit bored in class. I had a lot of days where I'd barely get home after school and practice and I'd just..." once again Julie trailed off with a deep blush.
"The summer sucked. After the camping trip to start the summer, my parents were both back to work and busy as hell. Alex was working and preparing for college and I wasn't in the mood to hang out with my friends as much. Most of them were fine, but there were some who I'd really grown to dislike because of things they'd said. But since we mainly hanged out as a group and they were always around, it was hard to avoid them." Jasmine had a few ideas which girls she was referring to. They were manipulative bullies and she'd had a couple of them in her classes the year before. She'd suspected them of cheating on assignments, but had never been able to prove it and the girls had been excellent liars when confronted. Jasmine didn't blame Julie for avoiding the girls, of course she wouldn't have blamed her for avoiding the girls even without her new grasp of the situation.
"When school started I suddenly found myself alone all the time. It was great in some ways because it meant that when I got home, I could do what I want and watch whatever videos I wanted without having to worry about someone coming home and catching me. On the other hand, it sucked to not have anyone to go home to and complain about a bad day to. I Skype with my mom almost everyday, day but it isn't the same thing.
"Most days after school and practice are over, I go to the library to study and hang out with my friends. But sooner or later they'd go home and I'd have no choice but to do the same." The last words came out sad and lonely. Jasmine felt for the girl and wished there was something she could do for her, but the situation didn't leave her with many options.
"Why did you bring the notebook to school?" Jasmine asked curious as to why she'd bring something so revealing to school.
"I didn't mean to. I'd been writing in it the night before and it was on top of my school supplies. I didn't even realize I'd had it with me until halfway through first period when I saw it in my bag. When I lost it, I was terrified that I'd lost it or someone had taken it out of my bag in the locker room after practice. I've been terrified someone was going to post the stories somewhere and out me and I'd end up like Sarah. I'm relieved you found it and I'm hoping you're not going to tell my mom." She said the last bit with a hopeful smile.
"I don't believe it would do anyone any good, if I told someone about it. You don't seem to have been doing anything too reckless or stupid. I just hope you feel you can talk to me in the future if you have any problems, Julie."
"Thank you, Mrs. LeBlanc. I will. It is good to tell someone. It isn't exactly an easy secret to keep."
"Tell me about it," Jasmine thought to herself. "What were you day dreaming about in class?" Jasmine heard herself asking, surprised by the question.
"Um..." Julie looked away seeming unwilling to talk.
"I'm not trying to pry, Julie. I'm just curious what had you distracted when you were staring blindly off into space in my class."
There was a long quiet pause and Jasmine was about to change the subject figuring it wasn't that important when Julie spoke. "You." The word was said in the barest of whispers.
"You, Mrs. LeBlanc. I was thinking of you." Julie said a little louder her head turned down to her chest unwilling to look at the teacher.
"You were day dreaming about me and..." Jasmine couldn't even finish the sentence as Julie slightly nodded her head in reply.
"I'd sit there in the back of the class and imagine you taking control over me. Tying me up, ordering me around, spanking me and..." she trailed off quietly unable to say more.
"You wanted me to..." Jasmine began once again unable to finish the sentence. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She'd known there had been boys who had crushed on her in the past, but they had been easy enough to ignore and push to the side. This was different.
"Not exactly," Julie said in the same bare whisper. "I want you to. I think about it all the time." Jasmine couldn't see Julie's face, but the red had crept up and had turned even the tops of her ears. She was sure her face was also flushed and she found herself unable to reply to the tiny girl in front of her.
"I told you when you agreed to have me as your TA that I'd do anything you said, Mrs. LeBlanc, and I meant it just like that. I would do anything you wanted me to do. There isn't a thing I could imagine you asking me, ordering me, to do that I wouldn't do. You're beautiful and just watching you walk makes my heart speed up." Julie's confession seemed to tumble from her lips as she spoke unable to stop herself, or look up.
"Julie, stop." Jasmine said trying to cut the girl off before she said anything worse. "I'm shocked and a little honored you think of me like that, but you have to know that it isn't going to happen. I don't mean to be blunt, but even if you weren't a student and I wasn't a teacher, you're still a minor. Besides I'm..." she stopped not certain how to finish that sentence. She was going to say `straight', but that didn't fit anymore. "Besides I'm not available."
Julie didn't say anything and instead just nodded. Jasmine could tell the girl was crying and had no clue what to do. The girl's confession had completely blindsided her and left her unable to even think of any possible reply.
The bell rang before Jasmine could say another word and Julie bolted out of the class her head still down and her folder and book hastily shoved into her backpack. Jasmine wanted to stop the girl and say something to help, but she was at a loss for words.
"Well you blew that, Jazz," she said to herself leaning back in her chair.
Jasmine spent the next half hour trying to figure out what to do. She couldn't even think of who to ask for advice on the situation without raising questions she didn't want to answer. She wished for a moment Julie had never dropped the damned notebook and wished for another that she'd just left it alone and not bothered to read it.
She suddenly felt guilty for being aroused by the stories of a girl who was attracted to her. A sudden click of realization came to her as it dawned on her that the tall dark-haired Mistress who featured in so many of the stories in the book must have been here and waifish strawberry-blonde submissive that so often featured in the stories must have been Julie. There had been cosmetic differences between the characters in the story and Julie and herself, but she was almost certain with what had been revealed that Julie was writing about her.
Jasmine shook off the thought as she got to her feet and gathered her things. She would handle it how she'd always handled crushes and not encourage the girl's feelings for her. She had no clue what to do with the notebook though. She didn't want to keep it, but she would feel awkward giving it back to Julie. She didn't want to just throw it out either, so she put the question on the side and made her way out the door hoping to finish her errands before Harrison called.
Her first stop was the hardware store. It was no longer William's man cave and so the gray paint had to go. She chose three complimentary colors to redo the room in and moved on to the items on her list. Painting supplies, peg board, hooks for the board, hinges and a small tool set with ratchets completed her stop and she tossed the supplies in the back seat of her car.
Her next stop was a used furniture store and she spent her time looking through the available options before deciding on a large, lush, crimson leather couch. The thing had hardly been used and she sank down into it nicely imagining how it would feel against her naked flesh. She arranged for the couch to be delivered the next day.
Julie hadn't been home ten minutes when her phone rang. She was up in William's old office deciding best what walls to paint what colors and taping around the windows and outlets. She'd left most of the supplies from the hardware store in the garage for the moment until the room was ready for them.
"Hey, Harrison," She said answering the phone.
"Hey, Jasmine. I just finished up with my job today. Are you home, so I can stop by?" The deep masculine voice asked.
"I walked in the door ten minutes ago. I'm up in William's old office, just come up on up."
"I should be there in fifteen minutes."
"See you then."
"Alright," Harrison said before disconnecting.
Jasmine slid the phone back into her pocket and went back to taping. She was hoping to have that much at least done before Harrison arrived. She wasn't looking forward to the job, but at least she still had the power-roller and would only have to do the detail work with a brush.
Jasmine heard the front door open and shut with a thud as she finished around the last of the electrical sockets. She listened as the heavy steps made their way up the steps and made her way to stand in the doorway as the large man came up the final step.
Harrison was one of the few men Jasmine had ever met that could make her feel petit. At 6'9" he loomed tall over her and was nearly as massive in body. His blond hair was cut in an easy to manage buzz cut and Jasmine had always seen a certain amount of rugged charm in his looks. Harrison had been a big baby and his parents had named him after the Vonnegut strong man. He was strongly built in the way men got from spending their time at manual labor. She'd never seen him work out, but she was sure he could have put to shame most of the gym rats she'd met along the years. The joke was that he was the friend you wanted around when you moved: he'd simply heft your house on your back and carry it to your new address.
Jasmine and William had met him shortly after they'd moved into the house and hired him to do some of the early renovation work on the house. Harrison and William had bonded over being displaced Hoosiers who had both somehow ended up in the same small town. William had offered to help him improve his online presence and Harrison's business had steadily improved since then.
Jasmine felt herself being wrapped up in his massive arms and lifted off the ground and squeezed within an inch of her life. Jasmine might have been strong, but hers was the lean athletic strength of long exercise and conditioning, his was the strength of hard work and good genetics and he never resisted the opportunity to kindly remind her she wasn't the strongest or biggest out there.
"Um, Harrison," she gasped, "I've missed you too, but if you don't let go, I'm going to be seeing William again a lot sooner than I'd really like."
Harrison laughed and let her go letting her feet thunk on the floor. "Nearly eight months! It's been nearly eight months since we last saw you. You needed some sense squeezed back into you," he said in a mock stern voice.
"I hope you don't hug Sharon like that. You'd pop your poor wife's head off," she replied still trying to regain her breath.
"She doesn't need the sense knocked into her. You had her worried. Not calling, not visiting, not even a text. She told me to inform you, you're coming to dinner Thursday night. Refuse at your own risk."
Jasmine laughed and smiled at the warning. Sharon barely stood 5'5" and was one of the kindest people Jasmine had ever met, that was until you crossed her then you'd have better luck fending off a rabid wolverine. "I think I can manage to stop by Thursday. And you can assure you dear wife I am fine. Yes I had a rough patch there, but I'm working my way out of it. Tell her I know I was an idiot and a complete moron for not letting my friends into help me more. And speaking of help, I am now seeking your expertise as a master craftsman and the person responsible for this room's initial renovation." Jasmine stepped out of the door way and let him into the room before walking over to the platform.
"I'll be sure to let her know you've been suitably chastised," he said with a chuckle. "What is it you need my help with today?'
"Well first off, I was wondering if you wanted any of his sports memorabilia? I was I was never a Colts fan, and can't stand the Pacers. I've got it in the other room and it is all yours.
"Including the signed Manning helmet?"
"Yep. Except for the Bird and Miller balls, which I'm giving to my dad, it's all yours, if you can get in into the house and past Sharon."
"It's a memory of a friend no longer with us, I'm sure she'll understand." His smile was wide and his eyes glinted.
"Sure she will. And my freshmen will have no problem understanding Shakespeare this year. Either way, it is yours. If you talk to Thomas, you can let him know the Star Wars prints are his if he wants them. I don't care if they're first run theater prints, they aren't my style. I am keeping the others though."
"I'll pass it along, when I see him next. So what kind of renovations do you have in mind for the room?"
"Well to begin with, can you please get rid of that monstrosity," she said pointing to the desk. "I don't know how you got it up here, I don't care. I just want it gone. Keep it, sell it, give it to Goodwill, I'm not picky, I just want it gone."
Harrison chuckled. "I'm glad to see you haven't taken an axe to it yet."
"That was option two."
"No problem, I know how it went together; I can get it out of here.
"Thank you. Second, I was wondering if there was any way we could do something with the platform, to make it so I can use the space underneath it available for storage?" Jasmine tried to look casual and not sheepish as she asked the question.
"What are you looking to store underneath there? Any particular way you want to get into it? How much of it do you want accessible?" He asked professionally.
"This and that. Some of William's things. Things I don't want to have just out, but I need more often than makes it worth getting into the attic. As much of it as possible. If I'm going to use it for storage, I might as well make use of all the space. The method, I leave up to you. I would just prefer it isn't highly noticeable."
Harrison nodded as he stepped onto the platform and began pacing around it. "Well, I have a few options of what you could do. If you wanted it truly hard to notice, I could take out the front and build in sliding drawers that went all the way to the back. The downside of that, is you'd have drawers that came out into the main part of the room nearly 8 feet."
"You do that, and I'll always need the thing at the back of the drawer. Any other ideas?"
"Redo the top. I could easily make the top into separate hatches that opened up exposing the areas underneath. Make dividing walls and floors out of cedar and you'd have storage space underneath nearly the entire platform. I can reinforce the supports to make sure it doesn't collapse as well."
"That sounds good. What's the problem with that?" Jasmine asked as she envisioned what he was talking about and knowing it would work perfectly.
"The carpet. All those unsecure edges would only last so long. You'd probably have to put down new carpet if I did it to begin with, and that would mean new carpet for the full room if you wanted it to match."
"Redo the floors in hardwood?" Jasmine asked. "I'm redoing the paint, maybe do the walls in a dark wood."
Harrison nodded. "I know a guy who could do the floors if you wanted. I could remove the desk, and carpet and get the drawers built in a few hours, a day at most. Floors might take another day depending on when my friend is available. I could get started tomorrow if you wanted. If you trust me to choose the floors, I can get those picked out as well and set up a date for installation."
"I trust you. I'll probably have at least a start on the walls by tomorrow so just something that goes with them. I'm looking to keep the room in the darker colors. What do you think about redoing the lighting as well?"
"What are you thinking? I can lighting if it isn't too complicated, if it gets that way, I know a guy."
"Put the main light on a dimmer switch and replace it with something a little more fitting the new tone of the room. Replace the light over the platform with some nice track lighting and put in a separate dimmer switch. I want to keep it as a movie room, but I'd like to have options to use it in other ways as well," Jasmine said thoughtfully as she thought over the possibilities.
Harrison nodded as again as he looked up at the lighting. "I have some ideas that could work. I'll need to go by Home Depot to pick up the lumber and can look to see what they have as far as lights go. If you want the switch for the platform, on the platform, that would be a bit more work, but otherwise it wouldn't take much to rewire the back light from the front switch."
"The front is fine," Jasmine said with a smile.
"Anything else?"
"Not that I can think of. If you're going to be here tomorrow, I'm having a couch delivered that I want up here. I know the room might not be ready, but if you could help them get it up the stairs, I'd be appreciative. I'll leave the spare key where we always leave it and I'll leave my card on the dining table. When you're done, run the card and charge me. I trust you."
"I'll be by tomorrow then. I might not finish in one day, but I'll see what I can do. I'll talk to my flooring guy as well."
"Thanks," Jasmine gave him a hug. "I needed the help. I'd left this room to molder for too long and I needed to make the change. I should get started on the painting so that's done before the floors go in. Don't worry about the cost; I know you're not going to screw me. I should let you get home. I'm sure you're darling wife and children would love to see you."
Harrison returned the hug and smiled. "Glad to help a friend. I should be getting home. I'll get online and start placing my order with Home Depot for tomorrow. I'll be by fairly early to get things started, if that's alright."
"I'm gone by 6:30, and I know you don't mean earlier than that. Give Sharon and the kids my love and I'll see her Thursday for dinner."
"You'd better," he said with mock sternness before making his way out the door leaving Jasmine to her painting.
Jasmine sighed as she watched him go. She wasn't looking forward to doing the painting, but knew she should get the task started if she wanted it done before the new floors and fixtures went in.
Jasmine arrived home Tuesday evening exhausted. She'd been up late getting the first coat of paint done, and the close confines of the closet had been more difficult than she'd imagined it would be. Once she'd finally gotten to sleep, she'd found her dreams haunted by disturbing erotic dreams that had left her restless and horny, but unable to remember the details. School had gone smoothly, but seemed longer than normal, and she was disappointed when Julie had been absent sixth period. She'd been hoping to talk to the girl and try to work things out. After school, she'd gone to the gym and gone through an extended workout that left her with that wonderful ache of good exercise. She was curious as to how much, Harrison had gotten done while she was out that day. She hadn't heard from him all day and hoped that meant everything had gone smoothly.
The smell of fresh baked bread greeted her nose as she entered the kitchen and she smiled as she closed her eyes and savored the scent. Two loaves of fresh bread sat in a basket on the counter along with a jar of homemade honey butter. Sharon had a skill with baked goods that Jasmine envied, and her mouth watered as she dropped her bags on the table and moved to cut off a piece of the bread. She savored the first bite of the soft, fresh bread and butter as it filled her mouth and cut off a second piece of bread to take with her before going up to inspect the movie room.
Jasmine was nearly done with the second piece as she neared the top of the steps and scented the smell of fresh paint and sawdust. The door to the room was closed and two framed photos hung on the door. The first of the photos had been taken on her honeymoon on Venice Beach. It was a parody of the bodybuilder bench pressing his girlfriend, with Jasmine and William smiled as she held him up on a bench press position. Most people thought the photo was staged or photo-shopped, but Jasmine had actually been able to bench press William winning Jasmine $100 from one of the weight lifters who'd been there that day.
The other photo was Jasmine and William in the same pose and had been taken on their final ski trip together. William's friends had argued with her that she wasn't in good enough shape to still pull off the feat especially as William had gained in a few pounds in the last few years. Harrison had been the only one to bet on Jasmine and the only hard part of winning the bet was not laughing and dropping William when Thomas had mooned her trying to distract her.
She ran her fingers over the photos and felt a tear in her eye. The photos had sat proudly on William's desk, and she was happy that Harrison had put the thought into finding the photos a new place.
Jasmine held her breath as she opened the door and reached inside for the light switch. The switch had been changed and Jasmine slid the bar up lighting up the finished room. Jasmine gasped as she tried to take it all in. Someone had already put a second coat of paint of the walls and the colors looked just like she'd hoped. The new light over the main part of the room was three lights in stained glass holders and shined down on the main part of the floor. The track lighting over the platform was done in the same style lights.
The floor was done in a rich brownish red that glowed with its newness and Jasmine felt herself frozen in the doorway unwilling to step onto it not wanting to spoil it. She could see new couch sitting where the futon had been flanked by the two recliners covered in the covers she'd bought for them on her trip and the futon sat under the windows on the sidewall also wearing it's new cover. Jasmine slipped off her shoes and took a tentative step on to the floor. It felt cool beneath her feet and as she glided into the room she saw that the closet had been put back together as well, and she let out a little of the breath in relief of not having to deal with the mess of wires and connections on her own.
The platform stood empty clean and as Jasmine approached, she wondered if Harrison had forgotten the whole reason she'd asked him there. Even once she was on the platform, it took her a moment to tell what he had done. She certainly couldn't fault Harrison's workmanship as the ring to lift up the lid of each storage unit was cleverly disguised to look like a knot in the dark wood. There were five compartments hidden beneath the platform each measuring nearly eight feet long, four feet wide and a foot and a half deep. Harrison had delivered on his promise and very little of the space underneath wasn't part of a compartment. Smooth cedar stained to match the floors and still slightly damp to the touch lined the walls and floor of each compartment. It was more than she expected and she pulled out her phone as she moved to sit on her new couch leaving the panels open to the air.
"That what you were looking for?" Harrison said as a way of hello as he answered the phone.
"Who else helped? I want names."
"And who said I had help?" Harrison said coyly.
"Thomas at least," Jasmine said trying to figure out everyone she owed. "Mark maybe."
"And why do you think they could get the time off from work?"
"Thomas works nights. He probably bitched about not getting much sleep, but he was there. Mark has Tuesday and Wednesday off."
"You are correct about their work hours."
"You're good, but William's wiring of the room would have confounded most people at NASA, so how did you talk Jim and Greg to take the day off of work?"
"Who said they were working?" He asked again innocently.
"They're teachers. I'm pretty sure I would have known if they had the day off from school."
"I do believe when I spoke to them last night they said they were both feeling like they were coming down with a bit of a cold. That might have kept them from work today."
"Was Quentin there as well, drinking beer and complaining about doing all this work for me, and barely getting his butt off the couch?"
"It seems to me there might have been someone who was making some complaining noises to begin with, but silenced up quickly when threatened with a nail gun."
"Did you even charge me for any of this?" Jasmine asked exasperated. "I'm not poor, Harrison, I can afford to pay."
"For supplies yes. Labor was free."
"Harrison," she said stubbornly.
"The work William did for me on the web for my business he always did at minimal cost and maximum effectiveness. I always returned the favor when I worked on your house. I did not have a job scheduled for today, so no work was pushed aside and all the guys were happy to donate a little of their time to surprise you and help you out of your slump. Well except for Quentin, but he's a bit of an ass."
"You know what this means don't you? I'm going to have to tutor your kids until they graduate college for free."
Harrison laughed on the phone. "Not necessary. Enjoy your theater. Once you're ready, have everyone over for a movie night and show off the new room."
Jasmine grumbled not able to get out much for fear of starting to cry.
"You're welcome, Jasmine. I was glad to do something for you. The guys were too. Now enjoy a movie in your newly redesigned room and we'll see you Thursday."
"Thank you, Harrison. The room's perfect. I'll see you Thursday."
"Until then," Harrison said before hanging up.
Jasmine swallowed and nodded as she put her phone away and looked over the room. It was more than she could have expected and she began to think of what she could decorate the walls with that would work no matter how she had it set up.
It was a worry for another day though and Jasmine pushed herself up from the couch to go make something to eat. Preferably something she could eat while sitting on the couch watching a movie in her new movie room.
Jasmine collapsed into her bed Saturday night. It had been a busy second half of the week. Julie hadn't been to school again on Wednesday and when she returned on Thursday, she'd barely spoken to or acknowledged Jasmine. It had been no better on Friday either. She wasn't sure what to do about the girl and felt bad for upsetting her so much. There was no way she could talk to Julie's mother about it either, and instead she just hoped Julie would come out of her funk soon and realize that what she wanted wasn't possible anyways.
The dinner Thursday had gone well, and she'd spent the evening catching up with Harrison and his wife as their kids clambered for her attention. All the meals alone had made her almost forget how much better a meal was when it was shared and conversation abounded.
Friday night she'd managed to get everyone to agree to come over for a movie in the newly redone room. She was working on decorations and several people had had to sprawl on the floor with twenty people crowded into the room, but action movie double feature had people laughing having a good time as they ate homemade pizza and drank their beers. Several people had offered to have her over to dinner in the weeks to come and she gratefully accepted the invitations finding her social calendar crowded once again.
Saturday had had its own special treat. The packages from Bound Lighting had arrived and Jasmine had managed to get the boxes up into the movie room and her new furniture assembled. The instructions had been as easy to follow as Dan had promised and she'd taken up and put down each piece a few times to make sure she knew how to do it and could do it quickly.
She'd painted the pegboard she had purchased on Thursday and with the furniture in place, she'd brought it and her new toys into the room for the first time. The peg board had been placed between the two windows looking over the backyard and she added hooks for each of her new spankers. The rest of the sex toys went into a large storage organizer that would keep them clean and easy to access.
An errand out that afternoon had taken her by the lumber yard for plywood cut to fit exactly into each of the storage units made along with stain that matched the interiors. She'd carefully packed away all the toys and furniture into the units and added shelf supports just above the level of the toys in each. It wasn't perfect, but it was done well enough that a casual look would keep anyone from realizing there was more space than was seen. She'd been tempted to leave the new toys and furniture out, but deciding against it not wanting to forget if someone came over and wanted to see her redecoration.
Now she was lying on her bed waiting to drift into sleep and another night of intense and sexual dreams. The dreams had been going on all week and were getting more vivid as the nights passed. She still couldn't remember anything much more than the feelings of arousal she was waking with every morning, but she knew they were nearly filled with rough BDSM and sex. She hadn't had much time for watching videos on her computer, or reading much in her books, but the dreams were making up for it. The notebook was secured in the bottom drawer of her desk and she hadn't opened it since she'd realized who the writer had been. She wasn't sure if she should have given the book back to Julie or to destroy it yet, so it was kept locked away out of sight.
Jasmine's last thoughts were about how wonderfully most of the week had gone and wondering where she might be able to find someone willing to try out her new toys with.
Jasmine woke gasping and covered in sweat as her heart thudded against her chest. She could feel the wetness between her legs, and she was fairly certain she'd orgasmed just before waking. The images in her mind's eye which had been so vivid only moments before seemed to be quickly fading pictures of ephemeral bliss.
Jasmine let her had slide down her body to her wet sex and she began to gently tease her sensitive clit as she tried to grasp at the fading images for whatever picture had pushed her into such pleasure. There had been someone bound to the new cross. She couldn't see the face but she could tell they were short as the woman's arms were stretched high to reach the restraints wrapped around them. The woman's (girl's?) skin was bright red from the vigorous spanking that had worked over her body, but patches of milk white skin still remained on her arms and legs.
She moaned at the mental image of the girl on the cross and teased her clit closing her eyes hoping to hold the image in. The girl had short, no cropped hair and it was brown? No red. Jasmine could almost put a name to the mysterious girl and her nail teased over her clit and she moaned as a word escaped her lips, "Julie."
For the second time that morning Jasmine sat up with a bolt panting. It couldn't be. It couldn't be Julie in her dream. But even as she denied it, the flood of images her unconscious had been hiding from her flooded her memory. Dreams of the girl tied up, bound, clamped, humiliated, and spanked came to her clearly. The stories from the notebook seeming to have come to life in her unconscious mind bringing her the same erotic stimulation they had when read on the page.
She shook her head furiously to clear the images from her mind and strode into the bathroom turning on the shower. It wasn't a cold shower like people so often suggested to cure such problems, but it was long and hot and Julie scrubbed at her skin with the soap as if scrubbing hard enough and long enough would purge the images and her thoughts from her mind.
She was pruny and pink by the time she finally climbed out of the shower, but she felt no cleaner and adrenaline coursed through her system winding her up tight and making her want to scream. She needed to get her mind on to something else, just give her mind something else to focus on before she screamed in frustration.
Jasmine swept the phone up from her nightstand and hit the speed dial before bringing the phone to her hear hoping the person was awake and would answer.
"Hello," a groggy woman's voice answered after the fifth ring.
"Want to go for a jog?" Jasmine asked, trying to sound casual and not panicky.
"You do realize, Jazz, that most people do look at Sundays as one of those wonderful days where they can sleep in and enjoy a day of rest free of the worries the week brings with it," the voice was only slightly less fatigued.
"And some people look at it as a chance to get up and enjoy the glorious outdoors with a brisk morning jog. Are you in?"
"I want pancakes. And syrup. And whipped cream. And hash browns. And sausage. And eggs. And coffee. I absolutely refuse to get out of this bed without the promise of hot coffee waiting for me upon my arrival."
"You know, Stacey, it defeats the purpose of a jog if you eat more calories than you burned off, right after finishing."
"Calories eaten on Sunday don't count. It's in the Bible somewhere. Pancakes, sausage, hash browns, eggs, and coffee. Anything less and I hang up this phone and sleep till noon. I'll assume if I do so you'll get enough exercise for the both of us anyways."
"You would pass on a chance to see the worlds on such a crisp and beautiful morning?" Jasmine tried to keep the tone light as she pleaded inwardly Stacey would say yes.
"It can't be over 40 out there and I'm pretty sure even if my eyes were open, it would be dark. We have strongly differing definitions of crisp and beautiful."
"Fine, I'll make breakfast when we're done with the jog. I'll stuff you so full of food, you won't eat again till Monday. How long till you get here?"
"Ten minutes after I manage to drag myself out of bed and find my jogging clothes. If there isn't coffee when I get there, I might have to kill you," The conversation had yet to fully wake Stacey, and she sounded still half asleep.
"Coffee will be waiting," Jasmine confirmed. "I'll see you shortly."
There was a noise that could have been a grunt of affirmation or a snore as Stacey ended the call and Jasmine quickly slipped on her jogging outfit before heading to the kitchen.
She put the coffee on and grabbed a few potatoes from fridge and fed them into her food processor until it was filled with fine shreds of white potato and then started on making up the pancake batter. She knew she had time, but her nervous energy kept her moving as she finished up batter, before slicing up strawberries to go on top of the finished pancakes. She dug out the sausages and put them on the counter next to the eggs she'd left out for scrambling then got out the whip cream, syrup, butter, and powdered sugar and put them on the table. Then she set the table. She was about to get out the pans for cooking, when the doorbell finally rang and she rushed to the front door a cup of coffee in hand.
Stacey was dressed in her cold weather jogging outfit, her hair was pulled back into a rough ponytail and her eyes still looked half closed as she took the coffee cup from Jasmine's hands and took a deep drink before entering the house as if the quality of the coffee would determine whether she stayed or not. She nodded and gave a shrug of approval as she followed Jasmine into the house and towards the kitchen.
She'd nearly finished her first cup as she entered the kitchen and went to pour herself more as she watched Jasmine through her tired eyes. "You are entirely too industrious for a Sunday morning, Jazz," she grumbled. "Waking as 7:30 on Sunday mornings should be reserved for births and medical emergencies. I was actually hoping to live under the grand delusion that the universe had decided to do away with such ungodly things as 7:30 AM on Sundays."
"I recall you telling me multiple stories of how you in college would often party all night on Saturdays after big games and not get to sleep until Sunday afternoon," Jasmine replied trying tease her friend.
"Those don't count," Stacey said shaking her head. "That's 7:30AM Saturday night. Completely different creature. A good Saturday night has been known to last until nine or ten the next night. In truth a skilled partier often lacks a Saturday and Sunday as they are all part of Friday night. And that doesn't matter anyways, college measurements of time are completely different from anything that exists in reality."
Jasmine raised an eyebrow at her friend as she tried not to laugh. "Have you had enough coffee to get your brain working enough for a jog yet?"
"Jazz, if my brain were working, it would have argued profusely to stay in bed and sleep for another four hours. I do think I've managed to wake up enough to go propel myself along the jogging path, zombie style," she finished putting down the empty cup and beginning to stretch.
The pair quickly finished their stretches and Jasmine led the way through backdoor and into the cool morning air as the sky seemed just light enough to light their path through the woods. Stacey started off at a slow pace, and Jasmine felt herself wanting to bolt off like a greyhound after the rabbit, but she stuck close to her friend as she tried to think her way through her newest dilemma.
They'd gone nearly a mile when Stacey asked between gasps, "So what's got your so stressed and bothered this morning?"
"I just have a few things on my mind I'm trying to figure out," Jasmine said unconsciously still trying to untangle the mess of problems her dreams had left her with.
"Is it money issues?" Stacey asked a few minutes later.
"No, money is one worry I don't have," Jasmine said still barely paying attention to what her friend was asking.
"Someone say something Friday night?"
"No, Friday was great."
"Feeling guilty over moving on without William?"
"No. It hurts, but not in the same way. I should have opened up to my friends earlier."
"Well duh."
The jogged for a while longer and Stacey moaned as Jasmine turned down the longer jogging route.
"Let me guess, you decided you were a lesbian and you can't figure out how to tell your mother," Stacey said trying to get a rise out of her friend.
"Dear lord, I hadn't even figured out how I would tell my friends, much less my mother. She'll flip out. I haven't even given her any grandchildren yet," Jasmine said unthinkingly as her mind worked over what to do about Julie.
Stacey came to a dead stop nearly tripping over her feet as Jasmine finished her sentence. She stared in shock as she gasped and watched her friend continue to jog off seemingly oblivious as to what she'd just said.
Jasmine was nearly a hundred yards farther down the path when she realized Stacey wasn't next to her. She was another dozen yards farther when she realized what she had just said and stopped dead. She waited a long moment as she tried to figure out what to say before turning around and jogging back to where Stacey still stood gasping and staring at her in confusion. "Any minute I'm going to wake up and this is going to have been some weird dream," Stacey said as Jasmine reached her side. "There is no way my best friend is going to have woken me for a jog at 7:30 on a Sunday and kept such a bombshell from me."
Jasmine blushed and looked away embarrassed. "If it is any consolation, you're the first person to know. Well almost the first."
"Who did you tell before me? Who did you let in on this news before your best friend and when in the world did this happen?"
"Diana knew first," Jasmine said as she began to jog again knowing Stacey would follow and grateful for something to talk about.
"Diana? Why the hell does the bank teller know before me?" Stacey said scrambling to catch up.
"No not the bank teller. Diana's a real estate agent over in the big city. I met her at a bar last weekend."
"Wait, I tell you to go get laid and you pick up a woman instead? When the hell did you switch sides?"
"I don't know if I switched sides. I just know I'm not ready for another man. It could be a phase. It could be that when I've finished processing fully and properly through the last few months, I'll find men attractive again, but right now, women are who are attractive to me."
"Did you go over there planning on hooking up with a woman, or did she just approach you at the bar and you decided `what the hell'?"
"I planned it, Stacey. I went to a lesbian bar and everything."
"Seriously? You? How did you even know where to find a lesbian bar?"
"Yes seriously. I spent last Friday night in the tangled erotic embrace with another woman. Do you want details? I found the place on the internet." Jasmine smiled as she teased her friend. Stacey seemed to be taking the news rather well. Then again she wasn't sure if Stacey was awake enough yet to not still think it was all a weird dream.
"I'll pass on the details, thank you," Stacey said as her mind boggled with the new information. She couldn't imagine Jasmine as a lesbian. "How was it though? Did you enjoy your trip to the L-side? Please tell me she wasn't some manly looking butch dyke who could have passed for a longshoreman in good lighting. If that's the case, I think I've lost a little respect for you."
"It was good. It was great actually. I can't really compare it to what sex was like with William, but we both finished with a smile. She even gave me her card if I was back over that way sometime. And no she wasn't. She was rather attractive." Jasmine peeked over at her friend and saw the bug-eyed look of amazed shock still on her face.
"I just can't believe you went to a bar looking for a woman. I would have sworn you would have been picked up by a guy ten minutes after entering any bar."
"Oh there was a guy too," Jasmine said mischievously causing her friend to trip and fall to the ground.
"JASMINE MARIE LEBLANC, if you are telling me you had a three-way last weekend and are NOW just telling me, I swear I will run you down and beat you to death!" Stacey said scrambling to her feet and chasing after her friend. "That is the kind of thing you share the next day, not a week later! I was polite and didn't comment on your weekend not wanting to press you on what happened, but if you're keeping a three-way from me, may God have mercy on your soul!"
"You couldn't run me down or beat me to death, much less both," Jasmine said taunting her friend as she turned around and ran backwards still keeping the distance between them. "But, no, I did not have a three-way." Jasmine slowed enough for Stacey to catch up and turned forward and went over her weekend adventure mentioning the Dutch Girl, the man in the bar and the woman in the Jacuzzi.
"It was my anniversary last weekend and you managed to have wilder weekend than I did," Stacey said as she finished. Jasmine only nodded and smiled. "So I have a question," Stacey began after another moment.
"Spanker or spankee?"
"Huh?" Jasmine said not sure what she meant.
"Well when I discovered your little research project I guess I just assumed that you would be the one getting spanked and the guy would be spanking you. Now that I know you aren't interested in men at the moment, I'm curious as to whether you're the spanker or the spankee."
"Well as I haven't had any real life experiences yet, I can't be entirely certain," Jasmine said speeding up, making Stacey work for her answer, "but I find myself attracted to idea of being the spanker. I'm not going to let someone spank me."
"I can just see you dressed up as the stern school marm disciplining some poor person for their grammatical misuse of whom in a sentence," Stacey managed between gasps and she began to silently pray to die. "But if none of this isn't what has you wound up and worried this morning, what does?"
"Just a problem with a student," Jasmine said flatly after a moment of consideration.
"What's the problem?"
"She's a teenager," Jasmine answered truthfully if not clearly.
"Yeah, bitches be crazy in high school. I knew a girl who threw a desk through a classroom window when our teacher told her to throw out her gum. I knew another one who refused to turn in any work in one class because she thought the teacher was biased against females, so she figured if he was going to fail her anyways why bother to work."
"They're more complicated than boys, but they're not crazy," Jasmine said finally coming to a stop as they reached the end of the jog and began to stretch out.
"Thank God, I didn't die," Stacey said as she collapsed to the ground for a long moment before beginning her own stretching. "No, them bitches be crazy. You were the perfect little student though. Lettering in three sports and keeping up good grades. It was bitches like you that made the rest of us bitches crazy."
"I was not the perfect little teenager," Jasmine protested. "I certainly wasn't little."
"We'll save the argument over your perfection as a teenager for later. As for whatever has your problem child down or acting weird, I'm sure it will pass. It's probably some crush that isn't working out how she'd like," Stacey said slowly rising to her feet. "Now you promised me food. I'm hungry."
Jasmine got up and led the way back to the fence and into the backyard with Stacey struggling behind her worn out from the run. "What would you think if I got a Jacuzzi added to the end of the deck?" She asked as she envisioned it in her mind.
"I would drop to my knees and be your slave," Stacey said at the thought of soaking in hot water and being massaged by jets, then froze in place. "Um, considering what you said on the jog, I didn't mean it like that."
Jasmine laughed, "We'll see, slave girl. I'll make you earn a soak in hot water."
Stacey blew an exhausted raspberry as she entered the house and headed for the shower. There was part of her who wanted to strangle her friend who still looked mostly refreshed and energetic after the jog, while she was sure she looked like day old road-kill. She knew Jasmine wouldn't mind if she grabbed a quick shower while she finished preparing breakfast, and ten or so minutes under the hot water would giver her a chance to revive herself enough to eat.
Twenty minutes later, Stacey reentered the kitchen feeling much closer to human, and smiled as the smells of pancakes, eggs sausages, hash browns, and coffee filled her nose. She poured herself a cup of coffee and watched quietly as Jasmine managed the cooking. A small part of her felt guilty for making her friend put so much effort into the cooking, but then again, Jasmine did wake her at an unreasonably early hour on a Sunday morning then made her jog five miles.
She wasn't quite sure what had Jasmine so wound up, but wasn't sure what questions to ask to prod the answers out of her. Jasmine was quite capable of evading any question she asked if she didn't want to answer it. She was certain that had Jasmine not had something really big on her mind, she would have never let the events of the previous weekend slip. Even then she was fairly certain that Jasmine had left out more than she'd said. "Jasmine, are you going to tell me what is really bugging you or are you going to keep it bottled up driving you crazy?" she asked bluntly hoping the question would catch her off guard enough to answer.
"Nothing is bothering me," Jasmine replied as she began piling food onto their plates.
"Jazz, you woke me at 7:30 to jog. When I got here you already had breakfast half-made. Had I shown up ten minutes later, I'm sure you would have been cleaning to keep moving and to avoid thinking. Something is bugging you?"
"I told you, there's an issue with a student. Now let's eat," Jasmine said trying to end the discussion.
"You were fine, Friday. If it were something with a student it would have had you bothered then," Stacey pressed as she followed Jasmine to the table her stomach growling fiercely. "If you discovered a student cheated, you wouldn't be having and issue like this. If you suspected something bad was happening to a student, you would have already called the proper people. I'm not buying it being a student issue. Be honest, Jazz, are you having money issues?"
"Stacey, I promise you there are no money issues. Between both his life insurance policies, the settlement over the accident with the school, and the insurance policy on the house that paid it off if one of us died, I have nearly a half million in savings and my biggest monthly bill is gone. We mainly lived on William's salary for the last few years anyways and without the house payment and having to pay his insurance and him being around to buy all the latest electronic goodies. My salary more than covers my needs. Even the Jacuzzi I'm considering, and it is a nice one by the way, won't even be a problem."
"Okay so not money. Guilt over moving on in your life without William?"
"No. I know I needed to move on. It isn't like I've forgotten him and pulled all his pictures off the wall and hidden any sign of him. Besides we both know he would have been the first to yell at me for sulking as long as I did."
"What about the lesbian thing?"
"What about it?"
"Well, it isn't something I think anyone would have expected of you. Is your change in preferences making you feel stressed?"
Jasmine opened her mouth to answer the question and stopped to think about the question for a moment. It wasn't the liking women part that bothered her, it was the woman, or better put the girl, she found herself suddenly lusting for that was the problem. "No. And again I'm not even certain that this just isn't my libido and subconscious getting together to get out the sexual tension until I'm ready for another man. And I'm serious about this part, Stacey, if you tell anyone before I do, I will take you on a jog through the woods that you won't return from."
"Is it the S&M stuff? I've told you it is normal. Most people have a little slap and tickle behind closed doors."
Once again Jasmine paused before speaking, "What if I told you my interests were running a bit more extreme than just a little slap and tickle?"
Stacey raised her eyebrows as she reevaluated her friend across the table as she chewed carefully on a bite of pancake, strawberries and whipped cream. She was almost sure that Jasmine was still avoiding the real issue, but this in and of itself was interesting. "Okay, I'll bite, just how extreme are you talking?"
"I'd rather not say exactly. More than a hairbrush, but less than a flail made of barbed wire."
"What the hell have you been reading or watching where someone was beaten with a flail of barbed wire? I have got to know what porn sites you've been visiting. I was fine with the fact you were having more sex than me when you were with William. I was fine with the fact you're taller, and if I must admit it better looking than me, but I think I might have to start hating you if you're also having kinkier sex than me too. Life just isn't fair."
Jasmine laughed as her friend pouted and sipped at her coffee. "Yes, but we live in a small town, in the back woods of a red county, and you've got someone. Imagine how some of the people around here would react if they found out their child's teacher was not only a lesbian, but into kinky sex. If you were single, you could find a new guy in ten minutes..."
"Five," Stacey said correcting her. "And that would include the time it took me to drive to the bar. I'd have the new bartender on his back and be riding him like a bucking bronco."
"I'm sure Peter would love to know your first stop after his funeral reception, would be at a bar to mount a bartender like your personal mechanical bull."
"Don't be ridiculous. I wouldn't wait until the day of the funeral. That would be tacky."
"Meanwhile," Jasmine said continued, "I don't even have a clue how I could go about meeting someone. I was never good at that part of a relationship. I've never picked someone up. Now I need to find a way to meet another kinky lesbian and do it without it becoming local gossip. And then add to that, I've never done any of the things that interest me with another person."
"Okay, I can see your point there. Not exactly an easy situation."
"No, it isn't. So excuse me if I wake up a little horny at moments and need to get the stress out with a morning jog," Jasmine finished hoping her friend would buy the excuse.
"Okay, Jazz, I'll quit prying. If that's what's bothering you, or if that's what you're willing to tell me for now, I'll accept it. But know I'm always here to listen," Stacey said as she finished cleaning the last of the food off her plate.
"Thank you. I would appreciate a chance to get everything straight in my head and work this out before it becomes more common knowledge. And I'm telling you, if you tell ANYONE, especially Peter, you will disappear out on some jogging path."
Stacey laughed. "You're secret is safe with me. I don't think he'd believe me anyways. Besides if I told him you were attracted to women, he'd probably try to talk me into talking you into a three way."
"Not going to happen," Stacey said with a laugh as the mental image of Stacey naked and bound before her once again popped into her head. "Now that I've walked and fed you, I'll let you get back to your regularly scheduled day of lounging. I'm thinking I'm going to do some cleaning." She finished with a smile.
"And just what are you going to `clean' exactly?" Stacey said with a wink as she got up and gave Jasmine a hug goodbye.
The week passed slowly for Jasmine. Her dreams about Julie were turning more and more into day dreams as well and she was finding it hard to concentrate on anything she didn't absolutely have to without her mind drifting off as she imagined the small girl bound and being spanked, or kneeling between her legs licking and sucking at her pussy and ass. She found herself dreading the end of fifth period everyday knowing in a few moments Julie would be walking in to the classroom. The girl had seemed to have overcome the worst of her pouting, but was still quieter than she had been. Jasmine was equally quiet as she found herself caught in an internal struggle between the two parts of her brain.
On Wednesday afternoon, she'd missed the first girls' soccer game since she'd come out of her funk to avoid spending the game picturing Julie in her uniform bent over her lap. She'd actually called in sick on Thursday to avoid seeing Julie, but that had just made it worse. A day at home alone left her nothing to do but brood on her thoughts and imagine all the things she could do with the girl. She'd ended up spending most of the day in her new playroom and setting up the furniture and putting out the toys. She'd swung the flails into the padding of the futon loving the sound of the impact and imagining it was that beautiful white ass receiving the swats.
More and more she felt her resolve failing as badly formed arguments sounded more and more reasonable. Julie had initiated things after all. And Julie was considerably mature and adult compared to most girls her age. She wasn't worried about Julie telling anyone either.
The more she thought about it the more she began to think of ways to work around any issues. She found herself plotting as to how she could get away with things and even grabbed two of the old laptops and followed the instructions William had left to blank them and register them under a new user. A little more work gave her an old pocket external hard drive securely hidden with the cable set up in a way no one would find without very persistent looking.
Jasmine went to bed Thursday night with her stomach in knots. She wasn't sure if it was knotted with nerves or excitement, and she struggled to get to sleep and her dreams were full of nightmares and erotic dreams.
Jasmine dressed carefully Friday morning. She started with black silk bra and panties before adding dark stockings as well. She put on her long leather pencil skirt and deep blue blouse that matched her eyes and while not tight, did emphasize her upper curves. It pushed what she normally wore to school, but it wasn't worse than what a couple of the other teachers wore. Her stomach did a little flip-flop as she looked herself over in the mirror as part of her brain screamed at her to change and to stop planning what she had in mind. She pushed that part of her brain aside and grabbed her work bag at the last second remembering to grab an unopened SD card from her desk.
Jasmine didn't know how she'd managed to do it, but she'd managed to get through her classes while remaining clam and focused on her prepared lessons. As the day passed, she had been slowly able to push the ideas in her mind deep down to the point where she might be able to resist them.
The building resistance seemed to evaporate as she bell rang ending fifth period. Her stomach flip-flopped again and she tried to calm herself down as her brain tried one last time to scream at her to not say anything for the next hour.
Julie walked into the class as the last student from fifth period exited and Jasmine felt herself nearly drooling as she looked her up and down. She was sure the skirt was pushing the acceptable limit for the school and it swung loosely around her thighs as she walked. Her T-shirt was tight and clung to the few curves the girl had and read "I kick balls" with a soccer ball filling the middle of the shirt. Jasmine felt herself wanting to reach under the skirt and grab the girl's ass before giving it a hard smack. Instead she quickly exited the class before Julie could even say hello and made her was into the building.
Jasmine found herself once again leaning over the sink in the faculty restroom splashing water on her face. The logical, sensible part of her brain was fighting desperately to convince her to not do what she was planning on doing. It reminded her of the consequences she could face if things turned bad. On the other side of things, she was feeling herself being driven to do it. To do more than she was planning. To march into the classroom, yank the girl from her seat, bend her over the desk, flip up her skirt, yank down her panties and spank her ass until she moaned and begged for more.
She hoped she wouldn't do anything that stupid, but even as she stood up and checked herself in the mirror she knew she was about to do the dumbest thing she'd ever done.
Jasmine strode back into the class a few minutes later double checking to make the sure the door closed fully, turning off half of the room's lights as she always did, and took her seat trying to stay calm and focused.
"Hi, Mrs. LeBlanc," Julie said as she barely looked up from her homework.
"Afternoon, Julie. How are you doing today?" Jasmine asked relieved to hear her voice come out calmly.
"I'm okay, I guess. My mom should be home late tonight, so I'm looking forward to seeing her. My dad might even be in town next week."
"Well that's good. Where is he right now?"
"Laos. He's doing something for National Geographic again."
"Impressive," Jasmine replied as Julie barely shrugged, she'd grown quite used to her father's travels and the magazines he worked for.
A few moments passed and Jasmine felt her chest growing heavy and her pulse pounded and her stomach twisted. "Julie?" She said managing to keep her voice level and neutral.
"Yes, Mrs. LeBlanc?" Just said looking up.
"Could you stand up for a moment, please?"
Julie nodded and got to her feet looking confused.
"Last week, did you mean what you said on Monday?"
There was a long pause as a sad embarrassed look crossed the girl's face. She didn't answer, but nodded her head and looked down not wanting to look at the teacher.
"Remove your skirt and panties," Jasmine managed to say keeping her voice level and neutral.
"What?" Julie said confused as she tried to focus on what she'd been told, as a rush went through her system hoping or maybe fearing she'd heard correctly...
"You heard me. I will not ask again," Jasmine let her tone grow slightly stern as she looked at the girl.
There was a brief pause as Julie tried to decide if this was a trick or a trap or a dream or something else, but it only lasted a moment as she undid her skirt and let it fall to the floor. Her plain pink panties quickly followed and she stood bare from the waist down, heart pounding as she wondered what would happen next.
Jasmine swallowed hard as Julie removed her clothes. She couldn't believe the girl had done it. She'd been afraid that the girl would run and be to the office before she could have stopped her. But no, Julie was in front of her with her arms at her sides and legs slightly spread as she trembled slightly and waited quietly.
Jasmine could see the girls light spray of red pubic hair and with her legs spread, she could just see the outline of her lips between her legs. She wondered if Julie was wet. She could feel her own pussy moisten as she inspected the half nude girl in front of her. She moved the keyboard from in front of the monitor on her desk and pushed her chair back. "Come here. Sit on the desk with your legs spread."
Julie stepped out of the puddle of clothing and moved to the desk and sat in front of the teacher. She sat on the desk and spread her legs as wide as she could. A thrill rushed through her as she saw the excitement in her teacher's eyes.
Jasmine took her time as she looked over Julie. Part of her wanted to demand the girl disrobe completely, but she wasn't willing to risk anymore in case someone decided today was the day to stop by and say hi during her plan. She was Julie could get at least her skirt on in less time than it took her to cross the room and open the door. Julie's skin was pale and covered in a sprinkling of freckles that seemed to be everywhere. Her pubic hair was cut short, sparse and a deeper red than the hair on her head. And her pussy was gorgeous. Jasmine enjoyed how her lips opened up slightly exposing the wet pinkness beneath. She tried to keep her expression neutral as she looked the girl over. She could see excitement and nervousness in Julie's eyes just as she was sure Julie could see the same in hers.
"Are you horny?" Jasmine asked in the same stern even tone.
"Yes, Mistress," Julie replied in a near whisper.
Jasmine hadn't expected, the word `Mistress', but she liked it. "Play with yourself, but you do not have permission to cum. You will continue to play with yourself as I ask questions which you will answer honestly. I will tell you this right now, if you ever lie, it is a sign I cannot trust you and this will be over."
"Yes, Mistress. I understand Mistress," Julie said as she moved her hand to her pussy and began to slowly rub her clit with her fingers. She reached down with her other hand and spread her lips wide to give her new Mistress a better view.
"Do you ever finger fuck your pussy?"
"A little, Mistress. I haven't done much. I'm still intact, if you wanted to know."
"And if I shoved two of my fingers right now into you and broke it, what would you do?"
Julie let out a little moan at the thought. "Probably cum, Mistress. I've saved it for my Mistress to take."
"What about your ass?"
"What do you mean, Mistress?"
"Do you play with your asshole?"
"No, Mistress. That seems a little weird to me."
"Let go of your lips, suck on your middle finger to get it wet and shove it into your asshole."
There was a brief pause before Julie pulled the hand away from her pussy and sucked her middle finger in her mouth trying to get it wet. She dragged it out as long as she could as she tried to build her courage up to do as her Mistress had asked, but it was new and unexpected. She could see the look on her Mistress' face grow hard and she pulled the digit from her mouth and pressed it against her asshole. It was tight and she gasped as she finger probed in. She was hoping the tip would be enough, but the look she saw told her otherwise and she pushed it the rest of the way in feeling her ass clenching weirdly around the intrusion.
"What should I call you?"
"My Mistress may call me whatever she likes. In my fantasies, I am nothing more than my Mistress' fuck toy. She calls me by whatever dirty or crude or imaginative names she can come up with."
"Slut." Julie moaned. "Slave." Another moan. "Cunt." A moan. "Pussy licker." A moan. "Dirty whore." A moan.
Jasmine felt her stomach clench with each moan and her pussy grew wetter, as did Julie's. She wanted this girl. She wanted to make her into her slave. She wanted to use Julie in every way she'd written about and in others she'd read about. If she hadn't been wearing the tight skirt, she would have forced the girl to her knees under the desk and made her lick her pussy until she came.
"What are your limits?" Jasmine asked keeping her voice cool.
"I put myself in my Mistresses hands," Julie replied with a moan.
"I do not accept that answer and you will have to better answer that question later. You have done your research and I'm sure there are things you would not do or would not want to be forced to do. You will tell me what these are later."
"Yes, Mistress."
Jasmine sat back and enjoyed the show as the minutes ticked by. She had more to say and order, but the sight of the girl teasing her clit and fingering her asshole was overwhelming.
"After school today you will go to the library and open a new Gmail account. It will be called slavejulie4u and the password will be dirtyslut16. In that account you will write a detailed letter to me about your desires, likes, dislikes and limits and how you grew to be where you are. You will refer to me as nothing but Mistress and not mention anything else about me. You will not send the email you will just save it as a draft. Understand?"
"Yes Mistress," Julie moaned.
"Do you have a camera of your own?"
"Several, Mistress. When my dad upgrades, he gives them to my brother and me. He took a couple of the really nice ones, but I have a couple of good ones as well."
"When you get home tonight, you will take photos of your entire house. I want to know what the place looks like. I want to know what I have to work with if I choose to give you instructions to follow. You will also take a series of nude photos of yourself. Show me how sexy you can be in the photos. Make me hunger with lust for your body."
The words made Julie moan, "Yes, Mistress."
"Do not cum, slave. You will not cum on my desk!"
"Yes, Mistress, but it is so hard."
"If you cannot control yourself, then you are not ready to be someone's slave," Jasmine made her tone harsh.
"Yes, Mistress," Julie gasped as she tried to keep her body under control.
Jasmine reached into her bag and pulled out the package holding the SD card and opened it, taking the case holding the card out careful to only touch the edges and putting it down next to the girl. "You will use this card for the photos. On Sunday morning, you will take the card to the library and put it on the top shelf in the first line of reference books. I will retrieve it from there."
"Yes, Mistress."
"Before you go, you will write down your library card number and password for me. I will use this to be able to access the Gmail account as well."
"Yes, Mistress."
Jasmine looked up at the clock and saw that there was only a few minutes left in the class. "Stop playing with your clit and lick your fingers clean." Julie only nodded gratefully glad she'd managed to keep from cumming as she sucked her fingers clean of her juices. She wished she could pull the finger out of her ass but she hadn't been told to do so yet.
"I have one last question for you, slave," Jasmine kept her voice low. "Did you leave the notebook in this classroom intentionally? Did you bring it to school planning to leave it behind for me to find?"
Julie sucked on her fingers trying to figure out how to best answer the question without upsetting her new Mistress. "Yes, Mistress. I'm sorry if this upsets you, but I'd dreamed about it for so long. I'd wanted it for so long. I hoped maybe to change the way you looked at me."
Jasmine had suspected that for a few days as she'd replayed her earlier conversation with Julie. She'd been set up and it had worked. "What you told me the other day was a lie, you will be punished for that at a later time. It had better be the last time you lie, slut."
"I'm sorry, Mistress. It will be, Mistress."
"Pull that finger from your ass and get dressed," Jasmine ordered. She was happy to get the girl off her desk not certain how much longer she could have held out before leaning in and sucked that hard clit into her mouth. She watched as the girl pulled on her skirt and panties and she almost told her to leave the panties behind, but decided against it as she bit her lip. "Two more things," she said as Julie finished getting dressed. "One, you may not cum until you have completed all your assigned tasks for the weekend."
"Yes, Mistress," Julie said her stomach clenching as she realized she wasn't going to be able to finish herself off when she got home from the library.
"The second is important and I need you to understand this." Jasmine swallowed and licked her lips. "You will not mention any of this unless I mention it first. I have not made up my mind if this is even possible yet. There are too many things that can go wrong and too many complications. If I decide this can work, I will let you know. What you need to know though, is that if I decide it can't, it isn't because I do not find you desirable. Do you understand that, Julie?"
A tear formed in the corner of Julie's eyes at the thought of getting this close to what she wanted and not being able to get it made her ache, but she did understand. She didn't want to see her teacher end up in prison and she didn't want to know what would happen to her if her friends found out. "I understand, Mistress. Thank you, Mistress. I find you very desirable as well and I hope you think this can work, Mistress."
"Good, now write down your library information before the bell rings, you're going to have a busy afternoon," Jasmine said with a smile and wink.
"Yes, Mistress," Julie said nodding and writing down the number on a post-it just as the bell rang. She quickly gathered up her things and Jasmine watched as the girl left the classroom her skirt swinging from side to side.
It was then that the guilt and realization of what she'd done hit her and she felt like she was going to be sick. The rational part of her mind seemed to come screaming to the surface yelling at her for her stupidity even as the last swells of pleasure flowed through her.
Jasmine stormed back over to her desk and dropped into her chair as she mentally kicked herself for her stupidity. She knew better. She'd known better and yet she still had allowed herself to listen to that part of her brain that was linked directly to her crotch. She brooded in her chair for a moment as she stared forward blankly. How could she risk her career over something so fleeting?
She looked down at her desk and saw the wet spot that Julie had left behind. She growled and got up and stormed over to the cabinet jerking it open and grabbing a hand towel and the air freshener. She wiped up the spot and sprayed the can into the air. Covering whatever lingering scent her stupid actions led to.
This would have never happened with a male student, and Jasmine berated herself for not being smarter. Every time she'd seen a story of some pervert of a teacher having an affair with one of their students, she had always thought she couldn't believe that they'd done something so stupid. Yet now it was her turn, and she was being just as foolish.
She couldn't stand sitting around her classroom any longer and quickly gathered up her things and the papers she needed to take care of over the weekend. She was too frustrated to go home and headed to the gym. Maybe an hour or so of weights ad working out would help clear her mind and help her think clearer.
Jasmine was halfway through her first set when she stopped. Her adrenaline was pumping and the usual amount of weight seemed too light. She upped the weight, gave it a couple of reps and upped it again. The weight felt good and she pushed the bar up again and again doing nearly double her amount of usual reps.
She wasn't in the mood to speak with anyone, so stuck to the machines and at each station pumped more weight and more times than she normally. Her normal routine had her doing her upper body and then running, or her lower body and then working the punching bag, but after she finished her upper body, she still felt the need to push herself and moved to the lower body machines.
She pushed herself hard as she went from station to station. She let the exertion of pushing herself harder than normal clear her head, but the anger persisted and as she finished with the last station, she went back to her locker and grabbed her gloves.
Normally, she would spend fifteen to twenty minutes working the bad slowly and methodically, but this time she attacked the bag. She pictured herself on the bag making all the moronic decisions she'd made over the last few days and she mercilessly pounded the bag with every ounce of strength she could manage. She couldn't excuse her ill-considered decisions and she beat up the bag the way she wished she could beat up herself.
She finally stopped when her arms began to feel too heavy to lift and her punches were barely moving the bag. She didn't know how long she'd been punching, but her arms felt like jelly. The frustration remained though, and she moved to treadmills and began to jog. Jasmine didn't even bother to pay attention to how long she jogged and just focused on putting one leg in front of another for as long as she could keep up the pace she'd set. She wanted to run away from her mistakes, but there was nowhere to run to. Right now she was just hoping for exhaustion. Too tired to think. Too tired to make any more stupid choices. Too tired to act on any of the things that her crotch seemed to be craving.
When her legs nearly gave out, she decided it was time to stop before she hurt herself and she walked slowly and stiffly back to the locker room. She wanted to just go straight home and hide from the world, but she decided first to a soak in the hot tub would ease a little of the soreness she knew she would be feeling soon enough.
The feeling of the hot water and jets on her overtaxed body coaxed a sigh from her lips and she sat back and closed her eyes. It wasn't long before she remembered her last trip into a hot tub and the moment of quiet rest disappeared as she marked up another stupid mistake. A normal person didn't put themselves on display in a hot tub for a complete stranger. She knew she needed to start making smarter decisions, but her brain seemed bound to push her into the worst possible choices.
She soaked in the hot tub as long as she could mange, but it wasn't long before the memories and guilt drove her out. Her legs were weak as she walked and she hoped that she could just go home grab something to eat and fall asleep before she did anything else stupid or dangerous.
Jasmine was getting a drink from the fountain before making her way out the door when she felt someone standing over her. She looked up and saw one of the gym's personal trainers giving her a half-smile waiting for her to finish her drink.
"Bad day at work?" Tina asked as Jasmine finally stood up.
"Why would you say that?" Jasmine felt the evasiveness in her tone and wanted to make a break for the door.
"Well, you've been coming to this gym for over five years and in that time you've always been meticulous in your workouts. Even when you started coming back to the gym after February, you never seemed out of control. Today, well I wouldn't quite call you reckless, but you certainly weren't acting exactly smart either."
"I was fine. I knew what I was doing," Jasmine, growled.
"Really? You'll be lucky to move tomorrow. I don't know what has you so upset, but killing yourself at the gym and pushing yourself hard enough to cause injury, is not the way to handle your issues."
"I did not injure myself."
"Maybe you didn't. But you could have. You pushed yourself too hard and for too long, with too few breaks and with too little hydration. I tell you this, Jasmine, as a casual friend, if it had been anyone but you who had been pushing themselves so hard, I would have intervened. I was almost positive, when I saw you slip on your bathing suit, I was going to have to drag you out of the lap pool before you drowned yourself." Jasmine knew Tina was trying to keep her voice reasonable, but it just annoyed her and she wanted out of the gym. She'd pushed herself further than she normally would have, but she knew her body well enough to not go too far and Tina should have known her well enough to trust her.
"Tina," Jasmine said letting out a slow breath. "Yes it was a bad day, but I'm fine. You did notice I didn't get into the pool. I knew my body was exhausted. I needed the physical exhaustion today."
Tina looked her over. Jasmine looked sore and exhausted, and there was something in her eyes that didn't look quite happy, but she didn't look hurt or dangerous. She nodded and said, "You need liquids. Looking to exhaust yourself or not, not drinking enough liquids is going to lead to problems. We don't need the press of a teacher dying during a workout in our gym."
Jasmine nodded seeing the concern in the other woman's eyes. She hadn't been quite stupid about her work out that day, but she hadn't been as smart as she should have been either, especially forgetting her water bottle. "Okay so I wasn't being as smart as I should have been, and I'll remember my water bottle next time. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to go home, eat and get some sleep."
"Tina nodded and walked off leaving Jasmine to make her way to her car already feeling the soreness beginning to spread through her body.
Jasmine woke up Sunday morning still a little stiff from her Friday afternoon workout. She'd spent Saturday pouting on the couch preparing for the next week and doing everything she could to keep her mind off of Julie and what she'd had the girl do and what else she'd told the girl to do.
She was planning spending Sunday much in the same way, with the exception of maybe a long jog in the cool November air, but as she stretched out in her bed something nagged at her that she needed to do.
"I'm not going to the library to read that email," Jasmine said to herself. "I'll ignore it, I wont' bring it up and eventually I'll find someone appropriate to start a relationship with." She got out of bed and made her way into the bathroom for a long hot shower to clear her head.
Jasmine felt lazy as she took her time going though her morning routines. She made a list of the errands she needed to take care of and wrote out her grocery list. She kept wanting to add a stop at the library to her list, but resisted the urge, and pulled up a list of movies playing at the local theater on the internet. It was then, what she'd been trying so hard to not remember came to her. "The photos," she hissed. "I forgot about the SD card! Dammit!" She knew she had no choice but to go by the library and retrieve the card. Even if she never acknowledged what was on the card, she couldn't just leave it there for someone else to find.
"Stupid. This is just a sign of how stupid you were," she berated herself. "Have her leave a card full of dirty pictures on a library shelf, sure that was smart. Might as well have ordered her to strip naked and play with herself in the middle of the library."
"And if you're going to go by the library anyways, you might as well read her email," The dark part of her mind she'd spent the weekend resisting whispered. "Knowing what she has to say, doesn't mean you're going to act on it." She wanted to hit something as that voice whispered in her head.
Jasmine looked over the movie times again as she tried to decide what to see. If she had the card on her, she didn't want to be at home tempted to look, the more time out of the house the better. She hoped Julie would drop the card off early so she could pick it up and get out there without being tempted to read the email as well. Jasmine checked the time and began to gather her things, grabbing not her usual laptop, or even the one she'd been using for her research, but one of William's old ones which she'd wiped clean and entered a new owner's name in. She was being stupid again, but she just couldn't seem to stop herself.
The library was just opening as Jasmine pulled into the parking lot. She scanned through the few people waiting to get in, but Julie wasn't one of them. She'd hoped that maybe if she saw the girl, she could have just told her to keep the card, but she wasn't that lucky. She followed the few people in and made her way to one of the study rooms that lined a wall of the library.
The rooms were small with just enough room for one person to have some privacy as they did their research. She'd often used the rooms when she'd had research to do at the library, and she'd used them over the summer as a place to hide quietly without being disturbed or having to go home. She closed the door behind her and powered on her laptop.
The library offered free Wi-Fi to its patrons, but you needed to have your library card and pin number to gain access to the system, and as Jasmine's computer asked her for the information, she typed in Julie's information. She looked out the small window in the door of the room, hoping to see Julie and tell her to go home taking the card with her, but she wasn't so lucky.
Her fingers felt almost out of her control as she went to Gmail and entered the user name and password. For a brief moment she prayed that Julie had changed her mind and not opened the account and written the requested letter, but then the screen blinked onto the empty inbox. On the side of the screen, were a list of other folders and a bold number one stood out next to the folder labeled `Drafts'. She clicked on the folder and one message sat in the folder with the words `Dear Mistress' in the subject line.
Jasmine swallowed hard and peeked out the window again hoping to see the girl. When she didn't, she clicked on the letter and watched it open before her.
Dear Mistress,
I'm so glad you've decided to consider me for training and I promise to be the best slave you could ever want. I've always known you to be a fair and good person, and I know that you will train me in how to be the perfect slave for you. I know you will be firm and tough, and while I know I will face challenges and be made to do things I might not wish to do, it will all be done to bring you pleasure and satisfaction. Whether it be physical or mental pleasure, my only goal is to make you happy.
My sexual awakening came when I first read Anne Rice's Claiming of Sleeping Beauty. It took me awhile to understand the feelings the books caused in me, and early on I tried to resist the curiosity they caused, but over time I found myself drawn in more and more to what I was reading and wanting to be treated like the main character. From there, I found other books and then websites and found myself growing more and more obsessed with the ideas of what I read and saw.
These were not the first submissive thoughts I'd had though. I remember when I was younger and my friends and I would play games I always liked being cast in the role of the prisoner or the captured princess. I always knew that it was a game and the good guys would rescue me, but I would wonder what would happen if the prince didn't come and the evil prince had his way with me. I could never explain where these ideas came from or what they meant and figured everyone would occasionally day dream about being in the clutches of someone who would do with them as they pleased.
After I became aware of the idea of being a submissive or being someone's slave, I tried to figure out if there was a way to make this a reality. I wanted to find someone to do the things to me that I had read about, but I didn't even know how to tell someone else what I was feeling, much less that I wanted them to do it to me. It grew harder when I realized that I was attracted to women. This area is not very liberal, and I knew I would be ostracized and tormented if anyone found out what was going on in my mind. Briefly I looked online to see if I could find someone there, but luckily I came to my senses before I put myself online for a stranger to use.
Without someone to own me and to use me, I've tried at moments to put myself in the kinds of situations I've dreamed of. I've created an imaginary Mistresses in my mind to use me and give me orders. I've tried to push myself in different ways and do things that were both arousing to me and things that weren't so arousing, but could be demanded of me by a Mistress.
On multiple occasions I've bound myself and gagged myself. With all the time I've had alone, I've been able to try different things with this. Zip ties can be wonderful toys to a girl who wants to bind herself. I've bound myself before going to bed and secured a blindfold over my eyes. When my alarm has gone off in the morning, I've been forced to crawl with my hands and ankles bound to where I've placed a pair of scissors to cut off the restraints. I never put them in my room and at times I've put them behind closed doors so I've been forced to truly struggle to get out of my bonds. There have been times when I've barely been able to get out of my bonds and get ready for school on time. I've spent the rest of those days wet and aroused at how difficult I had made things for myself.
I've used many different things to gag myself with. The more interesting the gag the better. I know my Mistress might not always gag me with something as simple as a scarf, so I've used other things as well. One time I wore the same pair of panties for a week. They were plain and basic and I had plenty of others that looked just like them so no one was likely to comment if they noticed I had on white panties for a straight week. Five days of school and gym and five days of soccer practice and a game and every night I played with myself to orgasm through them. By Friday night they were infused with my sweat and juices. I almost gagged when I put them in my mouth, but I secured them in place and kept it in overnight. I imagined they were my Mistress' panties and the thought had me so horny could hardly sleep. I'd secured my hands behind my back, so I'd been unable to play with myself. The next morning after I crawled and struggled to get to where I'd hidden the scissors, I'd masturbated to multiple orgasms while still gagged.
Other times I choose to go without panties or clothes at all. Usually if I'm wearing a skirt to school, I'll keep a pair of panties in my bag and before gym I'll go into the girl's room and pull them off. Then after gym before my next class, I'll pull them off and spend the rest of the day bare until soccer practice. I'll day dream about what one of my friends would do if they found out, or even a teacher or one of the boys. I have to keep my imagination under control to keep from getting too wet or excited, but it isn't easy at times. Usually on weekends when I don't have to worry about changing or someone seeing me undressed, I never wear panties. I've gone for walks in the woods before and slipped off the main paths to isolated spots and pulled down my pants and played with myself imagining my Mistress watching as I pleasure myself in public.
More and more when I get home from school, I strip naked the moment I walk in the door. I know my Mistress would want me nude and ready to use at all times. I imagine my Mistress walking in the door after a long rough day and bending me over the couch and spanking me for no other reason than it gives her pleasure and a way to release her stress to abuse my body and turn my ass black and blue before forcing me to my knees and pleasuring her with my mouth. One week recently I chose to only walk on my hands and knees whenever possible. My Mistress decided I was her pet and I wasn't allowed to walk or get on the furniture. I slept on a blanket in my closet and ate all my food from bowls on the ground not allowed to use my hands or silverware. I didn't allow myself to masturbate that week. Pets can't use their paws to pleasure themselves, so neither could I. It was a long week and I was constantly aroused, and on Saturday when I finally allowed myself to touch myself again, I came again and again.
I've spanked myself on multiple occasions as well. I've used my hand, a hairbrush, a belt, and other things that caught my eye to spank my body with. I've spanked my tits and ass and thighs and even my pussy. When I'm doing it to arouse myself, I spank moderately hard. I don't like light spankings, as all they do is make me hornier without bringing me close to the edge. When I imagine it is my Mistress spanking me for her pleasure, I spank harder. I'll often spank myself as hard as I can manage even when it brings tears to my eyes. The biggest problem I have is my skin is pale and reddens easily. I'm not able to spank myself nearly as often as I like because they could be seen when changing for gym. I give myself the hardest spankings when I have at least three days where no one is going to possibly see me undressed.
I've grown to both love and hate clothespins. I bought some and get a thrill when I use just a few on my body for a short period of time. It is a rush to let them bite into my soft and sensitive flesh. I love putting some on my nipples just before I cum as I play with myself as it makes the orgasm that much more intense. But as with all the things I've done, I've also pushed myself to see just how much I can take. On one occasion I put more than 20 clothespins on my nipples, breasts, inner thighs and lips before setting the timer for an hour and zip tying my fingers behind my back. I was only five minutes in before I began to regret my choice. By twenty the pain was making it hard to stay still. By thirty I was crying, and by the end I was sobbing as I waited in tortured pain for the timer to go off. It made me ache like nothing else ever did before.
I've experimented with other types of control too. I imagine my Mistress giving me orders and instructions which would be difficult to fulfill and then done my best to follow the given instructions. Sometimes this is drinking as much water as I can then setting a time before I can use the rest room. It is always hard to contain myself in those situations. One time while do this, I drank a great deal of water before going out to run errands. I told myself I couldn't use the rest room until I finished with my errands. Everything took longer than I expected it too and it had been a hot day while I rode around on my bike so I kept drinking more to keep hydrated. By the time I was finishing my last errand, I felt my bladder was going to burst. I was barely out of the parking lot of the last errand and completely across town, when I hit a bump that made me lose control. I rode home off the main roads to keep from someone seeing me as my pants were clearly wet. Even though the embarrassment, I found myself also getting horny at the risk of being caught in such a humiliating situation.
It is hard to say what I wouldn't do for my Mistress. You have asked me to say what are my limits and I have thought hard about this. There have been things I've seen on the internet and read about that disgusted me. Blood, shit, guns, and vomit are things I hope you never request me to do anything with. If my Mistress requested it, I would do things with other people. The thought of being with a man, doesn't arouse me, but if my Mistress told me to do something with a guy I would. I would trust my Mistress to have a reason behind it, even if that reason were nothing more than to know I was squirming as I serviced him. Due to my living situation, I would request that my Mistress doesn't request that I do anything to permanently scar or modify my body. While there is a part of me that dreams of my Mistress marking me with a tattoo to show the world that I am hers, this wouldn't be something I could hide from those around me who might judge me too harshly. I would never play with someone younger than myself. I know there is a certain level of hypocrisy there to say I wouldn't consider it acceptable to play with someone who was too young to know what they were getting into and I would hope that my Mistress is aroused by girls who were so young.
I'm sure there are other things that I would hope you wouldn't request of me or even things that when confronted with the idea of doing them, I may find myself incapable of doing, but at the moment, I'm uncertain of what those things are. I hope that my Mistress will not be disappointed in me if later on I add things to the list of limits. I trust you as my Mistress though to push my limits, to put me in situations where I'm uncomfortable and squirm. I trust you as my Mistress to both give and deny me pleasure and always use me for your pleasure. I also trust you as my Mistress to not do things that are dangerous or go too far.
This is all I can think to say for the moment, my Mistress. I hope I have answered many of your questions, and if you have any other questions, I will gladly answer them. I'm looking forward to taking the photos you requested of me to show you what you are getting in a slave.
Take care, my Mistress, and know I am eagerly waiting to hear from you and know what you want of me.
Your dearest slave,
Jasmine leaned back in her chair as she finished the letter. She could feel her heart pound and she knew her face was flushed red. Julie had certainly been... open in her letter and Jasmine could feel her body responding to the words and visuals the words brought to her mind. She was surprised though at how well she was able to keep the part of her mind in check that wanted to reply to the letter. She knew she could have so much fun with Julie if she replied, but she clamped down on those urges and closed the account before logging off the computer.
She gave herself a moment to regain her composure before stepping out of the small study room and casually made her way to the first aisle of the research section. Her fingers nearly missed the small card as it sat on the empty top shelf just out of her view, but she carefully picked it up with a swallow and dropped it into her packet. The card weighed heavy in her pocket and with it in her possession, she had something on her that could be used as actual evidence of illegal activity. She knew she was being paranoid as she tried to keep her stride steady and even as she walked out of the library doing her best not to look in every direction for the hidden police just waiting to pounce on her at any moment.
She made it to her car without being thrown to the ground and surrounded by police and let out a deep sigh as the calm and rational part of her brain seemed to lecture that this was the exact reason, she shouldn't be doing this. Even as she agreed with that part of her brain, she knew she couldn't have left the card behind for someone else to find.
After another moment, she started her car and made her way out of the lot. She still had time to catch a movie, if she hurried and it would be nice to have something to take her mind off of things for a couple of hours.
Jasmine arrived home just after five with a car full of groceries and a pocket weighed down with guilt. She'd done her best to ignore the card for the afternoon, but she'd felt almost hyper vigilant as she kept feeling like someone was about to pounce down on her. She was almost certain that Julie wouldn't have come up with this convoluted plan to catch her doing something wrong, but what if Julie hadn't been careful when she'd taken the pictures and been caught by her mother demanding to know who they were for? When that thought had come to her the first time, she'd nearly broken the card in half and tossed the parts in two separate garbage cans. She couldn't bring herself to do it though, and the card sat in her pocket waiting to been seen.
She took her time putting her groceries away and made dinner. She still hadn't grown used to cooking for one, and the effort it took to make a meal hardly ever seemed worth it. She generally had been trying to make things she could take to work the next day for lunch, but that didn't always work and at those times, she felt William's loss more than normal.
She finished her meal quietly sitting at the kitchen table as she read through one of the books she'd ordered through Amazon. There wasn't much in the book she hadn't read other places, and she hadn't felt the need to have her research materials out as she read through it. If she ran across something important as she ate, she'd mark the page and take notes on it after the meal. She'd never stopped her research and the stack of note cards was still growing and she was well into her second notebook of notes. She better understood what Stacey had said at the beginning of this was something she should just think with her crotch about, but her mind just didn't work like that and the intellectual part of her mind craved facts and information. That part of her mind was also trying to figure out how to turn the research into a paper hating to see so much time and energy not get rewarded.
With the meal done, Jasmine cleaned up her dishes and slowly made her way down to her office. She wouldn't lie to herself and say she wasn't curious about the pictures, or that she wouldn't love to see Julie in any of the positions she'd written about, but it wasn't driving her like it had before.
Jasmine pulled out one of her old laptops and watched it boot up. While William had always made sure he'd bought top of the line equipment, even that failed at times and the laptop before the one that was her current one had had Wi-Fi issues. Two months before William would have normally replaced it, the Wi-Fi stopped working entirely and she'd had to use a USB wireless card until he'd gotten her the new computer. It had been the only time she'd really felt the need for a new laptop when he'd bought her one, and even then she would have been perfectly happy to of just had the wireless repaired.
It was perfect for the pictures though. As long as she didn't connect the computer to the LAN, it would be isolated and no one from outside could see what was on it. And she wasn't planning on keeping the photos on the computer anyways. It was just a perfect transfer point.
Jasmine slid the card in as the computer finished booting and clicked on the widow that came up giving her thumbnails of all the photos on the card. There were hundreds of photos on the card and some video clips as well, and Jasmine let out a slow quiet whistle at the quantity of images.
She clicked on the first picture and a photo of the house's entryway appeared on the screen. The photos of the house progressed through every room of the house giving her different angles of several rooms, the garage and the back yard. Julie photographed inside the pantry, every closet, and even the attic. Jasmine was sure there wasn't a spot in the house she hadn't captured.
The next image was of Julie in the clothes she'd been wearing at school Friday. Jasmine guessed she was using a tripod to hold the camera and it looked like she had a remote clicker in her hand to take the photos with. The photos showed Julie in a series of poses ranging from casual, to cute, to her attempt at trying to look sexy. The pose didn't look quite right on Julie and made Jasmine smile with the incongruity of the pose.
From there Julie posed in several other outfits. Most were outfits Jasmine had seen her in at school, but others looked not quite school appropriate. The skirts were too short, the shorts were too tight and the tops clung to her body. She wasn't sure if the clothes were older clothes or outfits she'd bought for herself to imagine wearing for her Mistress. Jasmine froze on one image of Julie bending on the waist away from the camera. The skirt she was wearing was very short rode up high on her ass exposing a pair of tight pink panties, as Julie looked back over her shoulder and smiled.
From there the clothes began to come off and Julie posed in what must have been every pair of panties and bra she owned. Jasmine licked her lips as the poses began to get more graphic. It was clear Julie had been looking at images online and had been trying to imitate as many of the poses as she could manage. There were several photos of her with her hand either inside her bra playing with her nipples or inside her panties teasing her pussy. Through all the images though, Julie had somehow managed to not expose herself.
The next image showed Julie wearing the same short skirt that had ridden up so high when she'd bent over and a plain basic white button down shirt with just the middle button done up. On the next photo, the button was undone and it was clear there was no bra beneath the shirt.
Jasmine was breathing hard as she clicked the next button and for the first time was rewarded with a view of Julie's small pert tits. Her areolas were darker than she'd expected and stood out sharply against the pale white skin of her body, her nipples clearly hard in the picture. The next picture showed Julie from behind the shirt now gone and her hands just starting to raise the hem of the skirt. In the next, the skirt was raised up and Julie's ass was exposed pale white and smooth for the camera. The next photo showed Julie reaching back with her hand giving her ass a swat. In the next, the hand was gone but a clear red handprint remained behind.
The next photo had Julie facing the camera again, the skirt raised up and exposing the patch of short cropped pubic hair and the outline of her pussy lips between her legs. The series of photos continued with one hand holding up the skirt as the other teased her breasts and then between her spread legs. Jasmine curled her free hand into a fist and drove her nails into her palm keeping her hand on the table as the other clung to the mouse and clicked to the next picture.
Julie was finally nude in the picture giving Jasmine an unfettered view of her naked body for the first time. The next one was from behind giving her a perfect view of the tiny, tight ass with the handprint still glowing on it. From there the photos slowly began to get more graphic as Julie took photos as she played with her nipples or lay with her legs spread wide to the camera. There were photos of her playing with her pussy and asshole including close-ups of the action.
Julie's photos didn't stop there as she included photos with herself gagged, and bound with zip ties. There were photos of clothespins attached to her body. It was a series with each photo showing a new pin added. The final picture of the group showed her putting the 25th clothespin on her clit as a look of anguished pain took her face.
Next she included photos of what Jasmine guessed were the toys she'd used to spank herself with. There was a hairbrush, ruler, spatula, a pair of belts one wide and one narrow, and what looked to be a flogger of sorts made out of clothesline. The next series of photos showed her using the toys all over her body. Each toy was used over her tits, ass, back of her thighs, inner thighs, and pussy. By the end her skin was red where she had used the toys on her body. Jasmine drove her nails into the palm of her hand even harder.
Jasmine gasped at the next photo showing Julie letting the wax from a tall white candle that usually contained a picture of a saint wrapped around the outside drip down on her breasts. Julie was biting her lip in the photo as if she was shocked by the burn of the wax as it hit her chest, but even if it did catch her off guard, it wasn't the last in the series. Through the photos Julie, soon had wax covering most of her tits and down her stomach and over her sex to her pussy. The white wax stood out on the red and abused lips and Jasmine froze unable to move on from a close-up of her lips nearly covered in white wax as a few stray drips had run down just to her asshole.
Julie had saved the best for last and Jasmine whimpered as she opened the image. Julie had reattached the clothespins to her pussy lips and clit and had ran a piece of string through the center of each. There had been no set-up images for this photo and the image was taken just as Julie had yanked the clothespins away tearing them from her sensitive flesh. Her eyes were screwed shut and her mouth was open in a scream Jasmine could almost hear. Her memory flashed back to the video she had watched while in the hotel and the scream the girl had let loose with. Jasmine could imagine that same scream now from Julie's lips and it made her heart pound faster as she could feel her panties soaking through. Jasmine's body trembled as she fought to keep her body under control and not reach down with her hand to play with her wet and needy pussy.
It took Jasmine several minutes before she was able to regain control over her body and close the final image before opening the file holding the videos. She wondered what kind of videos the girl had made for her and wasn't sure she could keep her control if they were anything like the photos.
The first video was basic and was another tour of the house, this time narrated by Julie. It would have been something that could have almost been used by a real estate agent trying to sell the house, if Julie hadn't included a list of all the things she'd done in the various rooms of the house. "Then again," Jasmine thought, "a video of a teenage girl discussing all of her personal sexual exploits through every room of a house would probably make the house sell ten times faster and for twice the price."
The next video had to have been shot after the photos showing Julie giving herself the spanking. This time Julie didn't speak, and just let the sounds of each of the toys slapping into her body punctuated by her gasps of pleasure narrate the video. Jasmine counted out the girl giving herself at least ten spanks with each item in each of her selected areas and the spanks weren't exactly light. It didn't look like it was as hard as she could spank, but Jasmine could tell the spanking was pushing Julie's line between pleasure and pain. Jasmine could just imagine spanking the girl and making her ass and thighs glow red from the toys and bit her lip as she watched mesmerized as each swat landed.
The final video started with Julie propped against the headboard of her bed, legs spread for the camera. Julie only smiled as she started playing with herself. One hand would tease her breasts and pinch at her nipples while the other rubbed her clit and gently probed at her opening.
Slowly the speed of the girl's fingers increased as she teased her clit more vigorously. Julie's moans and pants were clear in the video and Jasmine wondered if Julie was going to bring herself off. Part of her was angry at the thought of Julie bringing herself off in the video. Her instructions had been to not cum until her assignments were done which would have included dropping off the card for her to view, but Jasmine pushed that thought aside as she wasn't going to be the girl's Mistress anyways.
Julie's moans and gasps began to turn into whispered words. The words were unintelligible at first and Jasmine turned up the sound to better hear. The words were still quiet and Jasmine listened more intently as the hand that had been playing with her breasts, moved down her body and worked a finger into her asshole.
"Please, Mistress," Jasmine heard the breathy whisper say. "Please, Mistress." The words were repeated as the hands teased and probed into her body.
Jasmine watched Julie stifle a moan as she tried to keep from cumming while still vigorously teasing her sex. "Please be my Mistress. Please, please, please, please." She kept repeating the words and phrase as her body shook so close orgasm. Jasmine looked down at the time bar on the video and saw it approaching twenty minutes as tears started to run down Julie's face in repressed pleasure.
Finally Julie stopped playing with herself as she pulled her hands away from her over stimulated body. She looked at the camera with wide hopeful eyes that seemed to beg Jasmine to accept her. "Please choose me to be your slave, Mistress," Julie said her voice harsh and pleading. "I will follow your every command and do whatever you desire of me. You asked me not to cum until I had completed your tasks and I will not. I will even do more than that. You have just watched as I played with myself until my body shook and nearly exploded with contained pleasure. I did it to show you I can control myself. I will do it every day until you let me know your decision. I will not cum again until you either give me permission as my Mistress or release me from consideration as your slave. I will tease and torment my body as best I can as I wait to hear back from you. I will be the best slave you can imagine and you will know I put my pleasure and pain in your capable hands. My ass, my pussy, my body and my spirit are yours for the asking, Mistress. Please accept them."
Julie's tone was so pleading it made Jasmine's heart ache. The girl had so clearly put herself out there and wanted to be taken and showed herself in such a way that it made Jasmine just want to take her and do every dirty thing she'd ever imagined and more. She shook her head as she closed the video and closed the video file. She needed to clear her head, but first she needed to clear the card. Jasmine unscrewed the cover from the cable outlet on the wall and pulled it away. William had kept an extendable grabber for reaching small screws that fell into tight places while he was working on computers and Jasmine stuck it into the wall and used it to grab the end of a USB cable. On the other end of the cable was a pocket hard drive powered through the USB cord and Jasmine plugged it into the computer and waited for it to recognize the new device. She moved the photos from the card and onto the hidden hard drive before disconnecting the cable and hiding it in the wall putting the cover back in place. She took a moment to make sure the card and computer were completely wiped of the images, before shutting down the computer and putting it back with the other old computers on a bottom shelf behind her desk. She wiped the exterior of the card down clearing it of any fingerprints Julie might have left behind and put it on the shelf with her cameras and other cards. She felt like she was being overly paranoid, but she knew it was better to be overly careful than find herself in a difficult to explain situation.
Part of her wanted to go to her room, tear off her clothes and bring herself off again and again to the mental images the video had filled her mind with, but she needed to clear her mind, so instead she switched into her cold weather jogging gear and grabbed her headlamp.
She normally didn't go jogging when it was too dark, but occasionally the night air had helped clear her head and clarified her thoughts. She was always careful when jogging so late and slipped a small canister of bear mace into her pocket. It would work equally well on any animal or person who might be stupid enough to attack her as she jogged.
The night was no longer what she would have referred to as crisp, and was instead downright cold hovering right around freezing. There was a light rain falling and it was sprinkled with snowflakes that Jasmine knew would be sticking before too long. The rain and snow made the path slick, but Jasmine had jogged it in worse and kept pushing forward as she thought over the situation. She knew she couldn't be Julie's Mistress. The mistake had been made on Friday and she had to move past it. There was a part of her that was going to continue to desire the girl, but she would control that part. She just didn't know what to tell the girl without sending her in another downward spiral. She also didn't want to see the girl do something stupid and try to find a stranger online.
She wrestled with the questions and problems as she continued her jog without coming to a solution. She knew she should talk to Julie on Monday and let her down, but she needed to make sure she had the right way to say it first.
Jasmine finished the jog as the last of the rain turned to snow and picked her way through the woods as each breath hung in the air before her. She had made up her mind even as the dark sexual part of her brain raged against the decision. She wasn't sure how, but she'd start looking online for someone more appropriate to play with sometime soon. The city was an hour away, but she was sure she could find someone there who might be worth visiting on the weekends. The thought made her smile as she reentered her back yard. Soon enough she'd have someone to explore with and it would be someone acceptable. Until then though, she decided it was safe to let the sexual part of her mind think of those wonderful images of Julie as she brought herself off to several orgasms once she was inside.
The week and a half leading to Thanksgiving passed slowly for Jasmine. It had started dawning on her that this would be her first holiday season without William and the thought made her ache. They would have gone back to Indiana to see his mother and brother this year for Thanksgiving, but instead she'd driven the four hours to her parent's place instead. Her sister and her family had been there for Thanksgiving as well, and Jasmine had done her best to show them she'd was moving past her mourning and was starting to get on with her life. They were all so happy to see she'd climbed out of the funk she'd gone into, and smiled and keeping things light as they talked.
Jasmine had done her best to keep the smile on her face and hope that the wave of holiday memories with William wouldn't overwhelm her in the next month and send her back into her funk of despair.
She'd done her best to avoid being alone too much before she'd left for the holiday, and had either invited friends over in the evening or gotten herself invited over to their house instead. It helped some and kept her out of the house alone.
She still hadn't known how to deal with Julie. When Julie had bounded in to the classroom Monday afternoon, her eyes had been full of anticipation and joy. It had dimmed slowly through the period as Jasmine hadn't said a word on the subject. She'd meant to bring it up several times, but could never find the best way to word things, so they left unsaid. Everyday Julie had come in the same look had been in her eyes, but it was fading more each day. Jasmine wondered if Julie had given up and had taken silence as a `no', but even on the short class period Wednesday before the break began, she still had the same look of hope in her eyes, though it was more intermingled with pain than before. She knew she'd need to say something when she got home from the break.
Her mom had over cooked and made enough food to feed twenty people instead of the seven of them there had been and Jasmine had over eaten until she'd felt like she was going to burst. She'd never usually been one to stuff her face to the point of bursting even at Thanksgiving, but this year the food seemed to give her something to focus on rather than the empty space at the table next to her.
She woke up Friday morning feeling full and bloated and needed to get out. It was only seven and not even her niece and nephew were up yet, so Jasmine deiced to slip out and go to the local gym for a long work out to burn off the meal from the night before and occupy her mind.
Jasmine was filling out the forms for a day pass to the gym as she waited for the obligatory personal trainer to come over and try to convince her to sign-up for a membership. They never pressed hard, especially when Jasmine told them she was from out of town, and Jasmine knew they were just doing their job.
"Oh my god, Jasmine Sylvester, is that you?" A woman asked from behind her as Jasmine put down the clipboard and turned.
The woman behind her was wearing a spandex shirt and yoga pants, both of which seemed to cling to her body in a way that managed to show it off better than if she'd been wearing less. She stood five foot nine with small breasts that were well shown under the spandex. Her blonde hair was cut in short in a pixie cut and her blue eyes sparkled as she gave Jasmine a blistering white smile before hugging her. "In town for the holiday I see."
"Laura?" Jasmine asked stunned as she returned the hug. "What are you doing here? When did you move back to town? It's LeBlanc."
Laura had been one of Jasmine's best friends from high school. They'd both played soccer and basketball for the school. After high school, Jasmine had gone off to State on a soccer scholarship, while Laura had been off to the big city and the U on a partial track scholarship. They'd kept in touch a little over the years, but not as much as they should have. Jasmine wondered how Laura had been able to recognize her from behind, but then realized they probably didn't get many six foot brunettes through the door.
"That's right. I couldn't remember, and wasn't sure if you would still use it after the... well I was sorry to hear about what happened. I had a bad break up back in August and there was an opening with the chain here so I took the transfer and got out of town," Laura explained before waving at the receptionist about to take Jasmine's money. "She's here as my guest; just add her to my list, please."
"Thanks, Laura, but you don't have to do that. I'm sure you have friends here in town that would actually use the guest spot more than once every few months."
"I'm the manager. I can have as many guest spots as I want. How are you doing?"
"I'm good," Jasmine said with a sigh. It was true, but it wasn't fully true. "How is it to be back in the home town?"
"It is okay. It is good to be the boss, even if it means I have to work the morning after Thanksgiving. Though to be honest, I kind of wish I'd been a little less rash and just found another job in the city. I miss the nightlife."
"You poor soul," Jasmine said condescendingly. "Try living out on the ass end of nowhere like I do. We do have a Wal-Mart, but it's an hour to the closest mall and most everything is closed by 9 on week nights."
"I'll pass. We at least have a mall and it isn't that far to the city." Jasmine laughed as she walked with her friend towards the locker room. "Do you have any plans for tonight?"
Jasmine thought about the question for a moment. As far as she knew it was going to be a night of leftovers and games with her family as her dad yelled at the basketball and football games. "Nothing important. What do you have in mind?"
"Why don't you come over to my place for dinner? I haven't had many chances to entertain since the move and it will give us a chance to catch up. Say six?"
"Sounds better than Uno with the kids," Jasmine said with a smile.
"Great, I'll get you my address before you leave. I've got to go and make sure things are running smooth. I'll see you tonight," Laura finished before leaving Jasmine at the entrance to the locker room.
Jasmine smiled as she watched her friend depart. She found herself admiring Laura's ass in the tight yoga pants and wondered what she'd look like with them off. A little thrill of pleasure went up her spine and she made her way to the changing room looking more forward to her day than she had twenty minutes before.
Jasmine had gone through her usual workout, pushing herself a little harder and longer on the treadmill than she might normally have as burned off the calories from Thanksgiving. Laura had stopped by while she was jogging and left her a business card with her address on it and Jasmine had watched her friend walk away enjoying the way her body had moved under the tight outfit. She shook her head as she wondered what was wrong with her. She had never been one to stare at good looking guys before. She'd never gawked when a hot man had walked into the room or started working out next to her in the gym. Even when she'd not been in a relationship, she'd never felt herself sizing up men like hunks of beef to be devoured, but in the last month, it seemed like nearly every woman who had crossed her path had been sized up like a wolf stalking sheep.
Laura hadn't even been the only one she'd spied on as she'd worked through the machines. Two other women had caught her eye at moments and she'd spent moments in between sets picturing just what each might look like bound and naked before her. The image of the tall, curvy brunette bound to the cross as she worked the strap over her back had nearly caused Jasmine to lose her stride on the treadmill with disastrous results, as she'd only grabbed the bar at the last second allowing her to regain her balance. Now as she watched Laura spot the woman on the free weights she imagined straddling Laura's face making her service her as she brought the flail down on her bound body. That thought too had caused her to nearly fall again and she decided it was time to leave before she incurred a serious injury due to her day dreaming.
The afternoon at home had passed quickly and Jasmine's parents were happy to hear she was getting out to see a friend that night. Jasmine wondered if they had believed her before that she had gotten back into her old life and wasn't just sitting at home alone most evenings. She hadn't packed anything dressy for the trip and put on a pair of nice jeans and a green turtleneck before adding a hint of makeup and pulling her hair back into a simple ponytail.
Laura lived in an apartment complex across town and Jasmine would have gotten lost trying to find the place if her GPS hadn't been able to guide her. The place was in a newer complex, and while it wasn't fancy, it was clean and looked well-maintained. She parked her car in an empty spot before grabbing the bottle of wine she'd picked up from the passenger seat and made her way to Laura's door.
"Hey, stranger. It's good to see you again," Laura said as she opened the door giving Jasmine a smile and a hug before inviting her in.
Jasmine gawked at her friend for a moment and felt slightly underdressed as she took in the dress slacks and stylish maroon blouse her friend was wearing. Jasmine had dressed for a quiet night in with a friend while Laura looked as though she'd dressed for a stylish night out on the town with a hot date. "It's good to see you too," she said as she entered the apartment. "You look great. You're making me feel a little underdressed here. Had I known you were going to dress up, I would have... Well I'm not sure what I would have done, this is about as nice as I packed for the weekend."
Laura laughed as she took the bottle of wine from Jasmine and led her into the small living room. "Don't be ridiculous, Jazz. You're gorgeous. Us average ladies have to dress up just to stand a chance of looking half as good of you when you roll out of bed in the morning. And don't you even tell me you look like shit when you wake up, I've seen you in the mornings and you still look good."
"That was high school. Anyone can look good first thing in the morning when they're a teenager, it isn't quite as easy when you're pushing 30," Jasmine said trying to object.
"That's bullshit, Jazz and you know it. Now take the compliment and let's move on with our evening," Laura said bringing her a glass of the wine and sitting next to her on the couch. "The fish is still baking so we have a few minutes to catch up before dinner. How's the school year going?"
Jasmine was relieved she hadn't asked about William and she took a sip of the wine and began talking about how the school year was going and what she was teaching. The conversation continued as they made their way to the table and though the meal as they both talked about what they'd been doing for the last few months and how work was going. Jasmine was curious about Laura's breakup with someone she'd referred to in passing as CB, that had led her to move home, but as she'd been kind enough to avoid William's death, she wasn't going to bring up her friend's relationship problems.
The meal had consisted of salmon, salad, and angel hair pasta. Laura's cooking skills had markedly improved since high school when she'd famously nearly burned down the school in cooking class when she'd accidentally started a grease fire and panicked by pouring water on it. She'd never been able to adequately explain how she'd managed to start a grease fire while making spaghetti sauce to begin with.
Laura had shooed Jasmine back to the couch after the meal with her third glass of wine as she took care of the dishes. Jasmine had offered to help, but Laura had been insistent and refused to allow her into the kitchen.
As Jasmine sat back on the couch she surveyed the apartment for the first time. The place still looked like Laura was still in the process of getting settled in three months after moving in, but what was there was nice and gave off a warm inviting feeling. Something was nagging at Jasmine as she looked around the room though, and she couldn't put her finger on what her subconscious was trying to point out to her.
A stack of magazines sat neatly on the end table at the other end of the couch and Jasmine noticed that most of them were back copies of Curve and again something nagged at Jasmine's memory. Her eyes wandered over the walls of the room and she found herself examining a framed poster. It was a simple black and white photo of two women in briefs and white T-shirts kissing each other. She remembered seeing the photo several places on the internet as she'd done some of her research and she'd thought both of the women were attractive and the simplicity of the pose made it even more alluring. It was then that something clicked in her mind and she remembered where she'd heard of Curve before.
Jasmine shook her head as she tried to clear her mind as Laura came into the room with the bottle of wine in one hand and her glass in the other. She smiled at Jasmine as she topped off her glass before plopping down onto the couch next to her.
"Well, dishes are in the dishwasher, and if you get hungry for dessert, I have half a pumpkin pie my mother sent me home with yesterday. Damn, Jazz, it's been good to see you. It's been a bit lonely since I moved back."
Jasmine nodded as she took another sip of wine and smiled back at her friend. "It's been good to see you too. I spent a good month of the summer moping around my parent's house with them encouraging me to get out and do something and take control back of my life, and now that I've managed to do just that, they don't believe it and have been treating me with kid gloves this whole trip. Besides it's good to catch up."
"Here, here," Laura said raising her cup in a mock toast and taking a sip.
"Can I ask you a question though? I hope you won't take offense."
"Ask away. If I'm offended, I won't answer," Laura said casually.
Jasmine paused for a moment as she tried to figure out the best way to ask the question before just bluntly saying, "Are you a lesbian?"
"Yeah. No offense taken. I have been since high school."
The matter of fact way Laura answered the question caught Jasmine off guard. And the answer couldn't have been right. She'd known Laura since middle school. "No, you couldn't have been a lesbian back in high school. I remember you'd been going out with what's his name, Bobby something since you were a sophomore. It had been you and Big Bobby B and then Cynthia and, damn the guy who starred in all of those school plays," Jasmine protested as she tried to remember the names of her old classmates.
Laura laughed. "No, Cynthia Burke, that Cheating Bitch, and I were a couple and Bobby Billings and Travis Alexander were a couple. We just covered for each other to keep from being harassed."
"Bobby's gay? No way he's gay! That guy was a beast on the football field. If it hadn't been for that damn knee injury his senior year he would have been playing for Oregon no question."
"Queerer than a three dollar bill," Laura confirmed. "And, Jazz, just because he's a muscle bound jock, doesn't mean he's straight."
"I know, and I shouldn't assume, I just never would have guessed. Of course I never would have guessed you were either. And with Cynthia? What happened to her?"
"That Cheating Bitch is currently residing in my old apartment in the city. Well I don't know if she's still there or not, but that's where she lived last time I saw or talked to her. Maybe since then I've had some good luck and she's been hit by a bus."
"CB is Cynthia Burke?"
"Well I've changed it to Cheating Bitch, but yup."
"My god, you guys were together, what twelve years, what happened? I mean I don't want to pry and you don't have to tell me."
"She broke our `No fucking crazy' rule," Laura said a little tightly. "I gave her my heart, twelve years and she threw it away for crazy."
"Huh? No fucking crazy?" Jasmine asked. "Never mind, you don't need to tell me what happened."
"It's okay, Jazz. I've gotten over it. CB and I weren't fully mutually exclusive. We didn't fuck everyone, but both of us had had the occasional person on the side. We'd had threesomes with other women and she liked the occasional guy even. We kept things simple and had some basic rules, including you had to let the other person know, they had to if not approve at least not disapprove of the person and no crazy people." Laura took a sip of her wine.
"Well there had been one women in our extended social circle that had a major thing for CB. She was head over heels for her and crazy as hell. I'm not exaggerating when I say the girl was chemically imbalanced. I flat out told CB that she was off limits. The girl had flat out told me one night at the Dutch Girl that she would get with CB if it meant doing it over my dead body. Well, CB assured me she wasn't interested in her and nothing would happen and she didn't even like the woman, and I believed her and thought that was the end of it.
"One Friday at the end of August I get off my shift at the gym and head over to the Dutch Girl to meet CB for a drink. I get there and no CB, so I take a seat at the bar figuring maybe she's just running late, as usual. Bartender comes over and pours me a drink and I ask if she's seen CB. She tells me she'd been in there a few hours earlier and left with crazy girl.
"Crazy doesn't live too far away and I walk over to her place. Door's unlocked, so I let myself in. I know I should have probably knocked, but I wanted to make sure to catch her in the act. Clear sounds of sex coming from the bedroom so I creep over and peek in and sure enough there they are together.
"I leave without saying a word and call my regional manager who had been asking me if I was interested in a promotion. I ask for more information, he tells me where and I accept and ask when I can start. They want someone in ASAP and our gym was already nearly overstaffed with trainers so there is no problem with an immediate transfer. I spent the night in a hotel and the next day when I knew CB would be at work, I went home, packed my shit, including as you can see most the furniture, gave our landlord notice I was off the lease, and left," Laura finished her story coolly, but Jasmine could hear the hurt still in her voice. She also couldn't believe how calmly she'd handled the situation. The one time a boyfriend had cheated on her, she'd slashed his tires and set his letterman jacket on fire. She knew William would never have cheated on her, but if he had, it wouldn't have been her and her stuff that was out of the house.
"I'm sorry," Jasmine said softly. "I know that's an inadequate thing to say, but I don't think me calling her a stupid bitch would help much."
"Well," Laura started as she downed the rest of her glass of wine in a quick gulp, "life sucks sometimes. You open your heart, you open your relationship, and you can still find the first ripped out and the seconded ended all for a bite off the crazy tree."
"It could be worse I guess," Jasmine said after a brief silence. "You were able to move and start a new job without any problems. You were able to keep your things, and you're in a fairly liberal area, I can't imagine it is going to be too hard for you to find someone else when you're ready. In my small town, I don't even have a clue where to start looking to find a woman, and I can't imagine some of the problems it could cause me if anyone found out." The statement came out of her mouth before she could even stop it. She bit her lip before she said anything more and hoped for a moment that Laura hadn't noticed what she'd said.
"Jazz," Laura started after a pause of her own, "are you telling me that you're a lesbian?"
Jasmine felt the blush reddening her cheeks as she felt herself squirming uncomfortably on the couch. "I don't know. After William, my libido pretty much disappeared. I went eight months without even thinking about it. A couple of months ago, libido made a grand reappearance and since then I've found myself pretty much exclusively looking and fantasizing about women. Often and intensely."
A small smile crossed Laura's face as she looked at her friend. "I can't believe it. You would not believe how many times Cynthia and I daydreamed about having you join us."
Jasmine felt her blush deepen, "You wanted to have sex with me back in high school?" The thought that one of her longtime friends had imagined having sex with her was more than a little shocking.
Laura nodded. "We knew it would never happen. Out of all our friends, you were probably the straightest of the bunch, but you inspired more than a couple intense evenings as we imagined you joining us. And now all these years later, you're now saying you're a lesbian. The tragedy of it all."
"I'm not exactly sure if I'm a lesbian," Jasmine said almost reflexively, "I might just need more time to get over William before I can look at men sexually again. And the way I've been looking at women is different than I've ever looked at men. I-- Well I did have sex with one woman, but in general when I think about being with a woman, I..."
"Wait a second, you've already been with a woman? I must hear the details of this lurid story," she said in a teasing voice.
Jasmine took a sip of her wine and tried to keep from blushing deeper. She had told Stacey the story, but Stacey was her best friend, and telling Laura would not quite like being telling the story to a stranger, but quite different from telling a confidant. "But," a niggling part of her mind whispered, "she might have better ideas of where you can start looking for what you want to find." Jasmine took another small sip of her wine and told Laura a brief version of her trip to the Dutch Girl.
Laura's loud ringing laugh filled the room as Jasmine finished her story. "Oh dear lord, Jasmine Marie Sylvester was in the Dutch Girl! Miss. Straight-As-An-Arrow and Never-Rush-Into-Bed herself was in the Dutch Girl looking for a one-nighter." Jasmine felt her stomach clench at the words. She wasn't sure if Laura was mocking her. "I can just imagine what would have happened if CB had seen you. Even better you wearing out and having your way with a straight-chaser like Diana."
"Not a common thing?"
"Jazz, to hear Diana tell it, she's turned more confused girls into dykes than the rest of the regulars combined. I've heard her stories, and after a night with her the women are calling their husbands or boyfriends telling them they no longer have an interest in men and begging to move in with her, and you tell me, you controlled things from the start and had her leaving her number. Damn, girl, I'm impressed."
The memories attached to the story had sent a warm tingle down her body, and Jasmine smiled as she remembered straddling the woman and forcing her to go down on her until she was satisfied. Knowing she had so completely controlled someone who usually got off on loving and leaving women like her filled her with a little surprise and pride. "I've never let a man get away with leaving me unsatisfied, I wasn't going to let a woman leave me wanting. I would have figured that most women were good to go for a few rounds before calling it a night."
"There are plenty of ladies out there who are happy to be one and done. Luckily when you're with a woman, getting to that one is a much longer, erotic, and intense than it is with a guy. Usually at least."
"The bigger the first one, the more I want afterwards."
Laura gave Jasmine a sly smile, "Aren't you the demanding wench, always wanting more." Jasmine shrugged unsure how to reply. "So, Jazz, what else are you looking for in the bedroom? As you begin your search for a woman, what do you want?"
She sat quietly as she thought about the question. She could use help trying to figure out where to look for someone, but despite how normal her research and Stacey had said her desires were, she wasn't exactly comfortable confiding them with someone new. "Well, Jazz," she told herself, "what's the worst that could happen?" The image of Laura flipping out and calling her a sick fuck before kicking her out of the house and then telling everyone they knew, including her parents, answered that question, but Jasmine didn't think that would actually happen. "If I tell you, do you promise to keep it to yourself?"
Laura seemed to sit a little straighter, perking up with interest as she drew an X over her heart, "Cross my heart and hope to die a lonely cat lady."
With a deep breath, a sip of wine, and a nervous flip of her stomach, Jasmine tried to find the words, "Well, most of the time I think about having sex with a woman, it isn't just sex. The sex is there in a way. I mean in all my fantasies I make sure that I'm fully taken care of before the evening is done, but the main focus is elsewhere."
Laura raised an eyebrow and leaned forward with curiosity, "Oh really? And where is that focus?"
Jasmine spluttered again as she tried to build up her courage to say the words. "I imagine spanking the woman. Tying her up and taking my time to torment her."
Laura smiled. "Is that all, Jazz? There's nothing wrong with a little slap and tickle. They've even talked about it on The Simpsons."
Jasmine shook her head squirming more as she tried to figure out how to best explain without embarrassing herself too much. "Not just a little slap and tickle, Laura. The more I've watched, and read and thought about it, the more I want to make the other woman, squirm and suffer. I want to make her ache and leave her bruised and sore. I want to push her to her limits and then push her over. I want to make her whimper and beg for both more and less at the same time pushing her tell she drops, knowing she'll crawl back the next day and beg at my feet for more. When I'm done at the end of the night, I want the woman to know, she'll not just feel it the next day, but the next week, and her only thought being when she can serve me again." The words seemed to pour out her mouth. It was much more of an explanation than she'd wanted to give. "I don't want to leave her marked permanently, or draw blood, but I imagine leaving her bruised and aching from head to toe and knowing I'm the source of her pleasure and pain. I want someone who gets off as much from a strap kissing her flesh as my mouth kissing her pussy." Just speaking the words made something deep in her churn and ignite a low fire. She knew she was going to have to stop somewhere quite on the way home and bring herself off to avoid being heard through the paper thin walls of her parent's house.
Laura got up quietly with a small smile on her face, and for a moment Jasmine felt the smoldering lump inside her freeze and seem to drop to her stomach making her feel like she was about to be sick, before Laura waved for her to follow as she moved down the hall towards the bedroom. Jasmine remained frozen with indecision and uncertainty before Laura's head popped around the corner again, "Well are you coming or not?" she asked before disappearing around the corner again.
Jasmine slowly rose to her feet and followed around the corner. The hall wasn't long, and Jasmine could see Laura pulling two suitcases out from under her bed. Laura had just finished unzipping the second suitcase on the bed as Jasmine entered the room. Both suitcases were closed, but Jasmine's heart pounded as she wondered what was inside.
"You mean, you want to play with someone who likes things like this?" Laura said opening both suitcases packed full of leather and rubber. The bags were so packed Jasmine couldn't hardly make out even the first layer of gear in the bags, and the over-sized suitcases were filled to bursting.
"You're into spanking women too?" Jasmine said in a breathless whisper her eyes wandering over the plethora of exotic toys as Laura reached under the bed and pulled out an oversized gym bag filled with longer toys unable to fit in the suitcases.
"Not exactly," Laura started as her hands ran sensually over one of the long canes. "I'm into getting spanked. When I left CB, I made sure to take all the toys with me. I wasn't going to let her use my toys on some other skank. After all the things I let CB do to me, I would be damned if she used the same toys on someone else." Her tone was slightly bitter as she picked up a flogger from the first suitcase and let her fingers run through the thick leather falls.
"You have an impressive collection of toys. I picked up a few things from Bound Lightning when I was over in the city, and I've made a few DIY things from a book I picked up, but my collection is nothing like this. She picked up a leather handled flail whose falls seemed to be made from the same kind of bead metal chain that attached pens to the desk at a bank.
"Well ten years of collecting and experimenting will give you quite the variety. I left the furniture. I didn't have room for it in the U-Haul, but I didn't leave it intact for her."
"What's it liked to be spanked? In so many of the books I've read, it says you shouldn't do something to someone, unless you've had it done to you or tried it on yourself first. I can understand that, but I just can't imagine letting someone use something like this on me," Jasmine finished picking up a padded child's baseball bat.
"It's a good idea to have some experience being spanked before you go off and start spanking people, but I wouldn't say it's an absolute. You just need to know how to read people well and build up and be careful. Don't push things too far too fast. Watch for changes in reactions and avoid dangerous areas. Know the person you're with, trust them to signal you when you get close to that edge and always err on the side of safety. I've had a couple of ribs cracked when things got intense, and I know people who've had worse, but it is just a matter of being careful and being smart," Laura's voice was heavy and her eyes never left the toys as she lifted several more from the bag seeming to almost relive the memories associated with each one. "As for what it feels like. You know that ache you have the day after a really hard fought game. Like our junior year when we went to state in soccer and we went into overtime before finally scoring the winning goal. We'd pushed ourselves to the limits and left the field bruised and sore. You'd spent halftime with a bag of ice on your nose to stop the bleeding so you could go back in and Amanda was cleated so bad she'd ended up needed stitches after the game but she'd played the last twenty minutes with a maxi-pad wrapped over the wound under her sock so the bleeding wouldn't get noticed. You wake up hardly able to move and you're whole body screams with aches, but at the same time you're filled with an intensely satisfying glow of pleasure."
"It was Sarah who was cleated; Amanda hit the post trying to head a ball into the goal and dislocated her shoulder and didn't tell the coach until after the game. But yes I know the feeling. I couldn't breathe through my nose for three days and I had a giant bruise on my back from when that bitch Judy Simmons elbowed me when she went up for a header in front of the net. It was worth it though. I was smiling for a week. Every aching step was a reminder we'd out played them and fought harder. All they had were their bruises." Jasmine smiled. It was a good memory. She'd played against Judy a few years later in college and had timed a slam of her foot to the back of the girl's knee as she was about to go up for another header dropping her to the ground. The ref hadn't seen the blatant hit and Judy had to leave the game.
"Well waking up the morning after a really intense S&M session is about a hundred times more intense. Both good and bad. I've been bruised from shoulder to knee front and back, my knees so weak I can hardly stand to limp to the bathroom and the touch of anything against my body a sharp reminder to every last ache on my body. Then I've got to go to work the whole time my body barely able to move, but I've got to play the big tough personal trainer who doesn't hurt. And all of it just makes me horny all over again. I earned every ache and bruise on my body and every movement is a testament to what I was able to take from someone and I'm able to get up and continue on like nothing's wrong. I'd get home from days like that after work and virtually attack CB when she got home from work, licking and fingering her to orgasm to say thank you for making my body burn. Then she would take her time doing what she could to ease the aches in my body before bringing me off until I was lost in pleasure of my own. That's what good S&M is like." Laura's breath had gotten deep and husky as she talked and her eyes looked glazed as they no longer stared at the toys but lost in some past memory.
Jasmine gulped and then gulped a second time as she realized her throat was dry and Laura's words had done more than make her heart race. "I- I can see why someone could like that. You paint quite the picture." She licked her lips as she tried to form the next thought in her head. She could see why that idea could appeal to some, but it didn't fit her. "But what about me? I don't want to be bound or spanked. I can't imagine giving myself over to another's control. I want to control someone like that. I want to make them ache. I imagine pushing someone to their limits and leaving them a quivering mass on the bed before climbing over them and then once again making them service me to remind them I'm in charge. I want to go to work the next day glowing with sexual satisfaction, and the knowledge that soon they will be back begging for more." She blushed at the admission. She would have had a hard time explaining to Stacey how she felt. It wasn't that Stacey wouldn't try to understand, but what she dreamt of was so much more intense than a little ass warming. Laura understood the desires and what was going on inside her head probably better than she did.
Laura let out a friendly laugh as she smiled at her friend. "Of course you do, Jazz. You're you all the way through. You couldn't be anything but a Domme. If you had told me you liked being spanked, I would have told you that you needed to pick up a paddle."
Jasmine stared at her blankly for a moment not quite understanding. "I don't get it."
"Jazz, there are people out there who when they go out into the world are all about being in charge and being in control. To the world they show a face of mastering all that they see. When they get behind closed doors, they are different. Whether they're just tired of being in control or never really wanted the control to begin with, they choose to let someone else top them and take the control. You are not that kind of person. You like being in control of your life. You're organized and plan ahead. And most importantly, you are like that all the time. You don't change at home, or work, or working out. You don't hide who you are; you wouldn't even know how to hide who you are."
"That's not true," Jasmine protested then stopped and thought for a moment. "Okay it might be slightly true. But it isn't like my students know that I'm completely sex crazed when I'm with the right person. And it doesn't explain my more sadistic thoughts. If I just wanted someone to play with a spank a little and tie up some, what you said would fit, but I'm not dreaming about leaving someone's ass a little red."
"Of course your students don't know you're a sex crazed dominatrix who used to give Steve hand jobs under the blankets while at football games and has probably had sex in more crazy places than they'd ever imagine, but that's because you control your image. You're in control. You show what you want to show, but keep the rest away from those that don't need to know."
"Wait how did you know about me giving Steve hand jobs?"
"Everyone in our group knew. We used to take bets on how long you'd draw it out. I won $50 when you kept it up the entire second half."
Jasmine didn't know if she could have gone any redder. "I only did it because it was the only way he lasted any amount of time later in the back of his truck. After that first one he could go on for a good fifteen minutes. Then a little mutual oral to get him hard again and get me off again and we'd go back at it. The third time he could be good for nearly thirty minutes sometimes."
"See what I mean about getting your way." Jasmine shrugged in concession. "And as for being sadistic and wanting to cause a little pain, Jazz, you've always been a bit sadistic. For fuck's sake, playing softball you'd bean runners trying to take home when they should have stayed on third instead of just throwing to the catcher. The coach just thought your aim was off, but I'd see you smiling out there as they stumbled off track and the Carolyn would have to run over from the mound to pick up the ball and tag them out. How often playing soccer would you use your extra height and strength to `accidentally' catch a smaller opponent in the face with an elbow? On the basketball court you led the team in rebounds for four years because anyone who dared to go up for a ball you were after was going to catch an elbow at the very least. You've always had a sadistic side to you, Jazz, you just didn't have a way to show it properly."
Jasmine was stunned silent for a moment. Everything that Laura had said was true. If anything the face Jasmine let the world see, was nicer than the one that came out when she was competing. She never played dirty exactly, but she always made it clear once the competition started she would do what it took to win and god help anyone who got in her way. She wanted to win. She wanted the other team to know she'd beaten them, and her own teammates to know she was the reason they had achieved victory. "But I've never been that way sexually before. I've never been mean to any of the guys I've slept with."
"But you've been controlling. Most people don't regularly have marathon sex sessions where both partners get off repeatedly. Have you ever been in a relationship where you haven't been with a guy who was willing to go at it for as long as you wanted?"
"Well there was Terry, my freshman year of college. Only teenage guy I've heard of who not only couldn't last more than a few minutes, but could never manage to get it up a second time."
"And how long did that relationship last?"
Jasmine thought for a moment. "Um, we broke up two weeks after we started sleeping together. But that wasn't so much because he couldn't last, but because he'd get weirded out when I'd play with myself afterwards. I'd let him watch as I teased my pussy and clit until I came then lick my fingers clean. He thought that was weird too. And he wouldn't go down on me. Hell he barely let me go down on him. I've never met a guy who didn't like to get his dick sucked, but he'd freak out about it unless we were alone in his dorm room. Like anyone would have noticed us in the back of the theater, or in that park, and okay someone might have noticed in the bathroom at the Halloween party, but no one would have cared."
Jasmine was cut short by Laura's laughing. It was a good natured friendly laugh and Laura's face had gone completely red and her eyes were scrunched shut as her whole body shook. "Yeah Jasmine, you've never controlled the sexual situation before with your partners. You might have never been sadistic with your past lovers, but you always made sure you were always fully and completely satisfied. I can guarantee you most women dream about having a third of the sex you've had."
"And he freaked out just at the thought of anal. What guy freaks out when you ask him to stick it in your ass?" Jasmine finished lost in the rant about all the complaints about her ex-boyfriend.
"Jazz, let me ask you something," Laura said turning her friend to face her. "Answer honestly. In all your recent fantasies as you day dreamed and brought yourself off thinking about women, have you cared if they orgasmed or not?"
Jasmine thought about the question for a moment before lowering her eyes slightly in embarrassment. "Not really. I mean, I think of them cumming from the spanking, or from the bondage, or some of the other torture, but very rarely the idea of me licking or fingering them to orgasm. Usually when that comes into the fantasy, I'm teasing them with a vibrator or my mouth and forbidding them to cum. I'm dragging it out as long as I can, keeping them on edge as they beg for release. The thought of pushing them to tears through pleasure is almost as exciting as pushing them to tears through pain." The admission made her heart beat faster as she thought of the video that Julie had made her holding herself on the edge of orgasm and refusing to cum just to please her possible Mistress. Jasmine wondered if Julie had given in yet to her own pleasure, as she imagined the girl still stuck on the edge of the pleasurable abyss waiting for permission. "And never before me. I sit there and read stories or watch videos or just let my own imagination go and know no submissive of mine, will cum before she's satisfied her Mistress." More than her heart was beating now and she could feel that stirring growing inside her. She knew she was likely going to have to find some place quiet and isolated on the way back to her parents to release at least a little of the building pressure inside so that she wouldn't risk anyone hearing through the thin walls of her parents' house.
"And what would you do if she came without your permission? What if she wasn't able to be a good little servant for her Mistress?" Jasmine didn't notice Laura moving closer to her, how her voice had gone lower and softer, or how her eyes seemed to have grown her pupils dilated and wide.
"Then she would be punished. She would know I was disappointed with her lack of control and lack of respect for me. I would know what her likes and dislikes were and I'd push those buttons that would make her squirm and know I was dissatisfied. I wouldn't keep her from pleasure entirely, but I just would make it clear that my pleasure comes first and she needs to always remember that." Jasmine could feel her breath starting to come out in husky pants as she imagined sticking Julie in a dog cage for displeasing her then moving so Julie could watch as she played with herself teasing her body slowly to pleasure as she lectured the girl on how she needed to listen to her Mistress better. She could imagine bringing herself right to the edge of an orgasm before getting up and letting the girl out of the cage and telling her to go home, that her punishment would be to go home knowing her Mistress was unhappy with her and she hadn't even earned the reward of watching her pleasure herself.
The image was so intense in her mind, Jasmine felt her hand trying to move down her body wanting to caress herself right then. She balled her hand into her fist and closed her eyes as she tried to regain control oblivious to Laura so close to her and panting as well her thoughts swirling along their own paths. "Excuse me I need to use the bathroom," Jasmine said pushing past her friend and into the hall in a rush.
"Yeah, and I'll get desert ready," Laura said in a husky whisper as she watched Jasmine rush past her.
Jasmine leaned over the sink as her cupped hands filled again with cold water. As the water begin to overflow her cupped hands, she brought them to her face letting the cold smack of water clear her mind. "What is wrong with me?" she whispered to herself as she began to fill her hands yet again.
She'd been in the bathroom nearly ten minutes as she tried to get her thoughts and libido back under control. She was so going to need to stop someplace isolated and quiet on the way back to her parents, or she would likely wake the whole house with her orgasm. She needed to leave soon before she said or did something she'd regret. Laura likely had desert ready by now, and it was getting late. A quick piece of pie and say her goodbyes and then she could make her way to some quiet spot and ease the tension that made her body seem like it was vibrating.
The water poured out of her hands as she opened them and turned off the water. She took a moment to dry her hands and face and looked in the mirror to make sure her lust wasn't plain on her face. A final deep breath seemed to steady her breathing and she stepped out of the bathroom and made her way back to the living room freezing in place as the room came fully into view.
The coffee table and comfortable padded chair that helped define the conversation area of the room had been pushed to the walls leaving an open space in the middle where Laura stood clad only in a matching set of sheer red bra and panties and a set of handcuffs binding her hands behind her back. Jasmine took in the vision before her, noticing how Laura's muscles flowed under her tanned skin, and how even from across the room she could see the hard points of her nipples pressing out from the bra. "Ready for your desert?" Laura asked in a quivering whisper.
"L-Laura what are you doing?" Jasmine found her imagination tripping over the rest of her mind as she tried to understand what was going on.
"Giving you a chance to try all those things you've dreamed about. You don't need to worry about hurting me, Jazz, and I know you want to do this as much as I do."
"But," Jasmine started as she tried to get back under control, her self-control and arousal battling for control of her mind and body.
"No buts, Mistress Jasmine. I'm yours for the evening. With very few exceptions, you can do what you want with me. Use me as you wish, I'm yours to use and abuse."
"My parents are going to wonder what's going on if I don't come home tonight," Jasmine said lamely trying to come up with any excuse she could, though she didn't know why.
"They'll think you drank too much wine and crashed on my couch. You know you want to do this, Mistress, why are you trying to stop yourself."
"What limits?" Jasmine said moving forward, drawn towards the bound woman in the middle of the empty space.
"No gags, no blindfolds. I don't mind them, but with your admitted lack of experience I don't want to cut out any of my senses. Don't leave any marks that could be seen when I'm at work. Nothing below the knees, on my arms, or on my neck or above. Avoid strikes to the spinal cord and don't go too hard on the kidney area. You're in control and you can use anything you like from the play bags, but listen if I say you're going too far or too hard and we need to stop or take a break." Laura started breathing harder again as Jasmine began to uncertainly circle her taking in the sight of the woman giving herself to her.
"I'm not looking for a relationship," Jasmine said lamely as the rest of her mind ran through the myriad of toys just down the hall.
"Neither am I. If you were closer, maybe. I just need the release and so do you. Mistress, I'm offering myself to you for the evening, maybe something casual if you happen to be in town, but I'll be happy with just tonight. My body is aching for a good spanking, and I can see that hungry look in your eyes. This doesn't have to go any further than tonight. Don't you want to see just what you can do with me?"
"I don't even know where to begin," her voice was almost a whisper as the last of her control dissolved and she found herself wanting to take the woman and use her in so many ways.
"Start light and build up, you'll know where to go from there. It's just like soccer as you read your opponent. Let yourself go and you'll know just where to take me and how to play me."
"It's already getting late, I don't want to wake the neighbors."
"It isn't that late, and I don't work until tomorrow evening. We have plenty of time to play and most of the neighbors are gone for the holiday, you saw the parking lot when you came in." Laura's voice was growing unsteady as Jasmine continued to circle her taking in every inch of her body. "Don't make me beg, Mistress. Or would you like me to beg for it, Mistress. I will. I need this. Please, Mistress, use me as you please tonight. Allow me to be the instrument for you to express all your desires on. Allow me to bring you pleasure through the use of my body."
Jasmine cast the last of her doubts aside as the words and the tone of the words hit her. Laura wanted this, possibly more than she did, and she didn't know when she might get another chance to play with someone so willing and experienced again. "Anything in the toy bags?" Jasmine asked in a more confident voice.
"Except the gags and blindfolds, like I explained, Mistress. There is nothing in there I haven't had used on me before. I would ask that you build up to anything harder, Mistress, to allow both of us to acclimate, but my body and toys are yours to use."
"Very well," Jasmine began as her voice grew firmer, "I shall make use of you this evening. But I warn you, you know what I expect from a partner, and I expect you to fully satisfy me."
"I've dreamt of the opportunity to do just that, Mistress. I promise you, I will not disappoint."
Jasmine stopped in front of the Laura and looked into her eyes seeing the longing and desire looking back at her. She knew that Laura was telling her the truth and from the looks of the toys in her collection, she knew that Laura wasn't lying when she said she could probably take anything she could dish out. Her mind was no longer full of objections as to why she shouldn't but instead seemed overflowing with what she should do first. She reached forward with her hand and cupped one of the firm breasts in her hand and began to massage it. She watched as the gentle stimulation spread through Laura's body as she moved her hand taking the nipple between her fingers giving it a harsh pinch and twist unexpectedly. A gasp a pleasure escaped Laura's lips and Jasmine smiled as her other hand reached up and she started playing with the second breast, harshly pinching and twisting that nipple as well bringing more gasps of pleasured pain to the woman's lips.
"Wait here," Jasmine said after another moment letting go of the breast and walking back to the bedroom and bags of awaiting toys. She knew what she was looking for and had seen a smaller bag within one of the suitcases earlier and hoped it would hold what she was looking for. She quickly found what she was looking for and stopped as she considered the situation. She put down what she'd found and began to strip off her clothes. Laura hadn't seen her undressed since the locker room in high school and she wanted her to see she looked even better now. For a moment she thought about keeping her bra and panties on, she hadn't prepared for an evening of fun, and the plain white set wasn't anything exciting or complimenting to her body. She stripped off the last of her clothes and looked at herself in the mirror on the closet door. She could see her arousal reflected clearly in every inch of her reflection as the muscles sat tightly bunched under her skin and her nipples pressed hard into air. Her eyes had a glazed feral look to them that she wouldn't have been surprised to see on a tigress about to pounce upon a fortuitous meal passing by. She gathered up the bag with the things she'd come into the room for and strode confidently back to her prey.
Jasmine saw the almost invisible shudder that ran through Laura's body as she caught her first look at Jasmine's nude and aroused body. "Do you like what you see, slave?" Jasmine asked as she moved fully into the room before turning to give Laura a full look at her body.
"Most definitely, Mistress. You are more beautiful than I could have possibly imagined," Laura replied as she swallowed feeling her mouth go dry.
"Do you think it is fair that your Mistress is naked and you are not?"
"No, Mistress, would you like me to disrobe?"
"I will take care of that," Jasmine said putting the bag on the couch and pulling out a pair of scissors and moving closer to Laura.
"But this is one of my favorite sets," Laura tried to object as she tried to stand still as Jasmine moved up next to her. She could feel the heat from the other woman's body as she moved in close almost pressing against her as the cool metal of the scissors ran up her stomach to the fabric between her breasts.
"Then you should have thought of that before you put the handcuffs on," Jasmine said in a cool voice as she snipped through the fabric exposing the small high breasts. The hard, red points of Laura's nipples pointed stood out against the pale pink circles of her areolas and slowly rose up and down as her breathing deepened. With two more snips, the bra fell uselessly to the ground and Jasmine thrilled at just that small exertion of her power over the woman.
She kept her eyes on the smaller woman as she gently slid the edge of the scissors down Laura side until they reached the red satin. With another quick snip the fabric fell away from the thigh. Jasmine kept her eyes locked with Laura as she dragged the cool tip of the scissors over her stomach to the final place where the fabric held together keeping Laura from being fully exposed. The scissors closing were a bare whisper in the room, but seemed to echo as flutter of satin falling drifted in the air.
"Much better," Jasmine whispered as she stepped back putting the scissors in the bag and once again looking her friend up and down. Jasmine let her eyes work slowly up the tanned, toned legs to her friend's, no tonight it was her slave's, newly exposed sex. Two things caught her attention as her eyes reached that last part of her slave that had been hidden from her: the fact that Laura was completely shaved smooth and the golden tan that covered the rest of her body covered her there too.
Laura could sense the eyes taking her in and instinctively spread her legs farther apart giving her Mistress a better view of her exposed and aroused sex. CB had often described her sex as a bald peach and her lips were clearly defined as she spread her legs for her new Mistress. The air in the room was warm, but felt cool has it hit her newly exposed flesh that made her shiver with pleasure especially as she imagined the feeling of her Mistress' mouth kissing and licking her. She could feel her nipples growing harder just at the thought and they ached to be touched, tormented, and sucked.
Laura doubted her Mistress knew how sensually she always moved. Years of sports, working out, and her however unrealized predatory nature made her move like an amused tigress playing with her food. She had dreamed of being with this woman since she had been sixteen and the sight of her naked body, the strong muscles seemed to enhance her femininity while marking her as something powerful and barely contained, the hard nipples pointing towards her as they capped the large breasts that showed only the slightest hint of sagging, her hard, firm ass begging to be kissed, and the small triangle of hair just above sex she had dreamt of tasting for so long made her almost orgasm then. She bit her tongue as she tried to regain control and saw the intense feral look in the eyes that took her own body in.
Jasmine moved until she was a whisper away from her slave making the woman look up to see her face. She lifted a finger to her lips and sucked it gently for a moment while her slave watched and then touched the cool, wet finger to the slave's flesh just below her collarbone. She traced her finger down between the small mounds of the woman's breasts and over the tight rippling muscles of her stomach. She stopped just as her finger reached the cleft of the slave's sex and she could feel the whole of the body quiver from the touch of that one finger. "Are you going to cum, if I touch you?" The voice was firm and in control and part of Jasmine's mind wondered how she managed to keep it that way as she felt her own quiver nearly bursting out from within her.
"No, Mistress," Laura managed in a gasp. "You have not given me permission to orgasm yet. My body wants to cum so badly, but I am in control of my body, and you are in control of me, Mistress."
Laura had barely finished the sentence as the finger slid between her lips and over her clit and a long wild moan escaped her lips. The finger continued farther between her lips and, she spread her legs wider giving her Mistress better access to her wet and wanting sex. She was so wet, she barely noticed the finger as it slid into her and the heel of the hand pressed into her clit ripping another moan from her lips.
The penetration was brief and Jasmine withdrew her finger pulling a hungry whimper from more from her slave's lips. She couldn't believe how aroused her friend seemed to be, as every touch drew a new wanting sound from her throat and her sex and been so wet and inviting. She drew the finger up her own body touching the slick point to the tips of each her nipples briefly before bringing the finger to her lips and slowly sucking it in. Savored the taste of her slave's sex on her tongue and couldn't wait until the moment she could taste it more, bringing her over the edges of pleasure and leaving her exhausted and spent. That would have to wait though, there was so much she wanted to do and the night had barely begun.
As she pulled the finger from her mouth, clean and glistening, she pulled her slave forward guiding her mouth to her breast. It was clear her slave knew what was expected of her and she began to skillfully suck and lick hard nipple and breast that filled her mouth. The tongue played over the nipple teasing it and with each touch sending out shockwaves of pleasure through Jasmine's body. Her hand slid from the back of the head and let her slave explore and kiss at her breasts without direction.
The mouth seemed to take its time kissing over every last inch of the breast covering the smooth skin hungry kisses that sent tingling waves of pleasure through her body, before moving on to her other nipple and taking its time giving the other breast the same attention and pleasure. Jasmine fought against the desire within her to grab her slave by her short hair and pull her to the couch before sitting down and guiding that mouth to her crotch and spending the rest of the night making her slave bring her off again and again until she couldn't cum again and her slave's tongue and jaw ached. This was her chance for so much more though, and she didn't want to waste it on just oral sex.
Jasmine stepped back from her slave and heard a small, keening whisper escape the slave's lips as she leaned forward trying to once again capture the desirous orb in her wanting mouth. "Be quiet and stand up straight," Jasmine commanded before turning and reaching into the bag for what she'd gone hunting for in the first place.
The clamps seemed heavy in her hands as she pulled the out of the bag and she held them casually in her hand for her slave to see as she approached her again. "It is going to take me a little time to go through the bags and figure out just what I want to use on you and where," Jasmine began as she attached the first clamp to her slave's nipple. "I don't want you standing here bored with nothing to do," she said as the second clamp bit into the other nipple, "So I found these, and thought that they would help keep your mind focused while you waited." Jasmine had let the cool chain trail down her slave's stomach as she said the last words moving the final clamp into place. Her slave had managed to stay quiet as the first two clamps bit into her sensitive nipples, but the squeaks and whimpers of pleasure as Jasmine teased and manipulated the slave's clit before attaching the final clamp, were music to her ears.
After the final clamp had bit down on its sensitive target, Jasmine grabbed the chain at its center and gave it a sharp yank, ripping a shocked gasp from the slave who fought to stay still. "I think that should give you something to think about while I'm planning the rest of our evening," she purred before slowly walking from the room, giving her slave a perfect view of her departing ass.
Jasmine spent the next thirty minutes going through the toy bags sorting and organizing things into the toys she wanted to try and in the order she was going to use them. She took her time weighing each in her hands and giving it a few swings through the air. She thought back on her reading, both basic information and instructional, as to what might work well and in what order. She wanted to make it a memorable night for both of them and she wanted it to be a memory that her slave thought of with every move of her toned, athletic body for the next week.
As she finished her sorting, she laid the toys out in the hall in the approximate order she wanted to try them, and tidied up the rest of the room. Sooner or later she was going to want to get her slave into the bed, and she didn't want to waste time cleaning up at that point. With the toys sorted, Jasmine strode confidently back into the living room. Her slave stood as still as a statue waiting for her to bring to life. She knew the clamps had probably long gone from aching to numbness and the real pain would come when she took them off and the blood and sensation surged back into them. The scene was missing something though and Jasmine stood still for a moment as she tried to figure out exactly what it was. "Music," she whispered to herself and looked around to the room for a stereo or computer.
The laptop sat closed next to the TV, and Jasmine walked over, not giving her slave another look and booted up the computer. It didn't take long to find what she was looking for on the computer as Jasmine opened up the music folder on the computer and saw several playlists at the top. She wasn't quite sure what was right for the moment, what did you spank and torture someone to after all, but the playlists solved the problem for her as she saw one entitled `spank me'. With a click, the playlist came up and began to play through the wireless speakers around the room.
It wasn't something Jasmine was familiar with, heavy and electronic, guitars and synthesizer wrapped around a low pulsating beat that caught her low in her gut and made her feel even more primal. "Perfect," she whispered and walked to where her slave was standing so patiently.
Next she moved to pick up the restraints she'd set down with the toys. The sight of her slave's hands cuffed behind her back was beautiful, but it blocked so much flesh from the toys, and she was sure that sooner or later the cuffs would start to chafe. The thigh harnesses wrapped perfectly around her slave's legs and matched the ankle and wrist restraints she placed on the slave. The cuffs came off with a turn of a key that had been left on the coffee table and the leather wrist restraints were connected to the thigh restraints. Leaving her arms bound and her body open for spanking. She thought about attaching the ankle restraints to a spreader bar, but decided against it leaving her slave more mobile, but gave the slave's legs a nudge spreading them wider and leaving her sex more exposed.
Jasmine grasped the chain of the clamps, pulling it out and grabbing her slave's full attention, though she doubted the woman's focus had left her since she'd walked back into the room. "On or off?" she asked in a firm voice.
"They are fine for now, Mistress," the reply came clearly, "I can wear them for a while longer, if my Mistress desires, but I will let you know if they become too much, Mistress." Jasmine just nodded and gave the chain another quick tug and moved to grab the first few toys hidden just beyond her slave's view.
Jasmine let her slave see both of the toys she held clearly before walking behind the woman to begin her spanking. The first flogger was made of a light leather and each of the falls was topped with rabbit fur. It felt light in her hands and Jasmine gave it a few experimental swishes in the air before bringing it down on her slave's shoulder. She swung moderately hard knowing that even at her hardest, the flogger was too light to have much of an impact, and the falls impacted with the quiet slap of leather and fur on flesh. The second fall landed next to the first and Jasmine picked up speed and strength as she worked over and down her slave's back. The toy was too light though and as she reached her slave's lower back, there was no hint that she had even been touched with the flogger. She continued harder with the toy as she worked over her slave's ass and thighs, not evening bringing as much as a silent gasp from the slave's lips. She knew it was good to build up to something harder, but she craved the sound of her slave whimpering and gasping as she was spanked.
She got her first gasp of pleasured pain as she brought the flail up between her slave's thighs, catching the woman's sex perfectly as well as jolting clamp tormenting her clit. It wasn't enough though and she set down the flail and picked up her next choice. The riding crop had a long springy length and was topped by a flexible leather tip. She was sure it would deliver more of a sting than the flogger and she took a moment letting the tip trace over her slave's back eliciting a pleasured shiver from the woman. This time she began on the inner thigh catching her slave off guard and making her jump slightly, but remain silent. She took her time with the crop enjoying the slap it made as it connected with flesh. She worked in no particular pattern landing one strike on a shoulder then the next on a thigh then another on her ass. Some of the strikes were light and others were harder. Every few strikes, she'd bring the crop up on her slave's sex or inner thigh trying to make her gasp, but only managing to pull small pleasured sighs from the woman's mouth.
Jasmine began to circle her slave bringing the crop down on the fronts of her thighs and over her stomach working up towards her breasts. She was fascinated at how her slave's stomach muscles seemed to clench and ripple as the crop kissed her stomach and smiled as the first hints of red started appearing on the tanned flesh.
Her slave's breasts were small, small b-cups at most, and she was certain she could almost fit a full breast in her hungry mouth if she tried, but now wasn't the time to see and she brought the crop down on the exposed side of the breast, with a swift sharp swing that brought a gasp to the slave's lips and filled the air with the sweet sound of leather slapping bare skin. She worked over both breasts carefully avoiding the clamped nipples and the air seemed heavy with the sound of small gasps and leather slaps.
She saved the clamped nipples for last, curious to see what kind of noise she could pull from her slave as she brought the stinging leather down on the already tormented points of pleasure. The strikes were sharp, fast and hard. Jasmine brought the crop down first on one nipple and then the other and then started going back and forth and quickly as she could. She didn't start as hard as she could, but quickly built up as each slap grew harder as she did her best to keep each one hitting right on the end of the clamped nipple. Jasmine could hear the gasps and squeaks coming from her slave's lips but they were more pleasured than pained, and Jasmine watched as the slave's eyes closed and glazed in pleasure.
She had carefully avoided the slave's sex as she'd worked up her body, but now she was ready to see the reaction she would get as the crop kissed fresh flesh. She slowed the strikes as she adjusted her aim bringing each strike down over the slave's mons. Kissing her bikini area with the sweet sharp strikes of the crop several times before adjusting the crop in her hand mid-swing and bringing it right up on the slave's captured clit.
The moan of pleasure her slave had been letting out turned into a sharp squeal as she once again jumped slightly in place from the shock of the strike, and her half-closed eyes were once again wide-open as she registered the strike just the far side of pained.
Jasmine let out a low satisfied chuckle and smiled, "I see I finally got your attention, slave."
"Yes, Mistress. That was a little bit of a shock, but in such a good way. You can go harder, Mistress. I can take it. I want to take it. But if you go after my clit or nipples again, can you please remove the clamps?" the slave replied between pleasured pants. Her skin was just starting to take on a light blush of being spanked. So far the spanking had done nothing but arouse her more driving her in to a crazed lust. She wanted to attack her Mistress' body covering it with kisses and touches that would bring her every ounce of pleasure she could she wanted to bring off her Mistress again and again in the hopes that she would then allow her some release of her own. She knew the evening was just beginning though. She knew the look in her Mistress' eyes having seen it before in others and she knew she was going to truly and fully ache long before she received any release of her own, and the idea only made her hotter.
Jasmine nodded at the comment as she saw the starving crazed look in her slave's eyes. The slave was hungry for more, and Jasmine found her own hunger wanting to give more. She put down the crop and moved around the corner selecting another toy she wanted to try. There had been some other lighter floggers she had considered, but she could come back to them, and she wanted to let the slave know she was capable of making her ache. The clapper was made up of two pieces of wood about two inches wide and maybe a quarter of an inch thick each. They were bound together at the handle but there was space between the two halves that made them hit together with a delicious clap of wood when they came in contact with skin. She took a moment moving the comfortable padded chair away from the wall and turning it so its back was towards the room before roughly grabbing her slave by the chains and dragging her over to it. Her slave bent over the chair without being told doing her best to keep her balance with her arms still restrained and her legs spread wide.
Jasmine gave the slave's ass a few light slaps with the clapper as she judged her ranged and strength before bringing the toy down with a satisfying smack-clap of wood kissing the bare exposed flesh of her slave's upper thighs. She was nearly metronome steady as she swung the clapper back and forth, as the hiss of air preceded each smack followed by a pleasured-pained hissed gasp from the slave's mouth. Jasmine could feel her body wanting to swing the clapper harder and give her slave all she could, but she held back knowing there was so much more she wanted to try and she didn't want her slave's ass to go numb too early in the play. She smiled though as each of the new strikes seemed to leave a reddening spot behind.
With a final hard smack-clap, Jasmine ended the spanking to the sounds of her slave's gasps and whimpers. She could see the slave's sex lewdly on display between the spread legs and the woman's arousal was clear as her lips glistened wetly. The spread legs helped to spread the firm ass as well and Jasmine had a perfect view or her slave's brown and puckered asshole. She ran her finger between the slave's cheeks and over the sensitive hole and watched as it spasmed at her fingertip caress.
Jasmine left her slave bent over the chair and returned to the bedroom gathering several items before returning to the living room. Her own body ached with the need for at least a little release and the sight of her slave's wet sex reminded her how much she craved a mouth on her own.
Her slave couldn't see her as she moved around and placed her new load on the table before walking back over to the slave with one item in her hand. "Do you know what this is?" Jasmine asked as she ran the tip of the medium sized butt plug up and down the length of her slave's wet pussy.
"It feels like a dildo, Mistress," the slave said as she shuddered in pleasure.
"Close," Jasmine said as she forced the full toy into the slave's pussy eliciting a yip of surprise as the widest part stretched her surprised hole.
"It's one of my butt plugs, Mistress. The medium one. Maybe five four inches long and two inches wide."
"Very good, slave. I'm going to shove it up your ass," Jasmine said with an approving matter-of-factness. "Will you require much lube for this?"
The slave whimpered slightly in her mind. Her last Mistress had been the one who liked to play with her ass. Her Mistress had liked it even more knowing how much she disliked it. The worst part was it had always made her that much hornier, knowing how much her dislike turned on her Mistress. Her Mistress had often kept that exact plug in her purse when they'd go out for the evening with their other friends in the scene. She'd pull it out at some point in the evening and demand then and there that she put it inside her. Very rarely would she be allowed to lube it and she'd have to force it in quickly before she caused too much of a scene or gain too much notice. She had always been rewarded with an approving kiss once it was in. "I've taken the plug many times, with little to no lube, Mistress. I leave it up to you to decide how much your slave deserves or requires," she answered truthfully.
Jasmine nodded as she looked down on her slave and poured a small amount of lube onto the slave's asshole. She remembered the pain she'd caused herself when she'd last put one in with little lube, and that wasn't the pain she was looking to cause her slave. She pressed her finger into the tight hole and felt it grabbing at her finger. She added more lube and a second finger as she begin to fuck her slave's ass slowly with her fingers. She could feel the press of the plug still in her slave's pussy as she worked her fingers in and out until she was sure her slave could easily and comfortably take the plug.
The plug slid out of her slave's pussy with a slight pop and Jasmine looked down on the wanting opening with open hunger as she kept herself from leaning down and sticking her tongue deep into the wet, wet hole and feasting on her slave. The plug was slick already, but Jasmine added a small amount of lube to the tip before pressing it against her slave's asshole with a firm, steady force slowly sliding the toy all the way inside until only the base peeked out from between the ass cheeks. She gave her slave a firm slap on the ass making sure her hand caught the base of the plug and making the woman jump, bringing a smile to her face. "Yes, that looks perfect in you. And it should make it so much more exciting to spank your ass later, but I have something else planned now. Wait here while I wash my hands and maybe we'll put that tongue of yours to work. I'm sure you're dying to get a true taste of your Mistress." Jasmine gave the slave another slap on the ass before leaving for the bathroom to wash her hands clean of the slick lube.
Jasmine returned a few minutes later, her hands clean and holding a new surprise from the bedroom. She let one of her hands run up the smooth expanse of her slave's back sending tickles of pleasure jolting up the woman's spine as the hand finally reached her head and wrapped into her short hair yanking her suddenly and unsteadily erect. She pulled the head farther back forcing the slave to tilt her head back. She was tall enough to look down on to the woman and leaned forward kissing her slave hard and passionately on the lips for a long moment. She broke off the kiss with a purred growl and smiled down seeing the fiery arousal she felt reflected in her slave's eyes. She let go of the slave's hair and moved to the couch sitting down on the edge of the cushion her legs spread wide. "Slave come here and kneel," she commanded.
The slave moved with a fluid speed, Jasmine would have thought difficult with her hands bound at her side, and a moment later, the woman was kneeling between her legs looking up at her with wanting eyes. Jasmine leaned forward keeping one hand cupped carefully concealing something as her forearms rested on her thighs and her mouth hovered just inches away from her slave's.
"There is so much more I want to do with you," she began with a whisper. "But the sight of your body, and the beautiful noises you've been making have me ready to explode. One more moan from your lips, and I may just cum from that alone. While I might want my first orgasm of the night to be brought on your lips, that's not exactly the style I had in mind."
She inched forward her lips hovering so close over those of her slave's that they nearly touched as she finished the sentence, and her hand slowly slid forward taking the chain of the clamps into her hand. Her slave's breath came in heated pants and her chest heaved up and down at the words and the fire in her eyes glowed with a burning white heat. "Are you ready to show much just what a good little pussy licker you are, slave?"
"Y-yes, Mistress," the slave gasped. Her body was trembling with unreleased energy. She couldn't believe the control her Mistress emanated with her mere presence. In that moment, she would have done anything, an anything that expanded far beyond the anything she had ever done or considered before, for the opportunity to pleasure the woman before her. She felt like a spring too tightly coiled and ready to explode out, and she only wished her hands were free so she could better pleasure the goddess before her.
Jasmine began to lean back as she smiled with feral hunger slowly pulling the slave forward by the chain. She leaned back fully into the cushions of the couch and let the chain and its new attachment slip from her fingers, her slave's mouth mere inches from her sex tongue already extended searching for its first taste, body trembling with barely contained desire as the chain between her breasts was sharply pulled taught and a squeal escaped her lips.
Jasmine smiled in sadistic pleasure as the heavy weight she'd attached to the chain caught the slave by surprise. It was the heaviest of the set she'd found with the clamps and weighed several pounds despite its tiny size. Her slave's eyes were screwed shut at the unexpected pain that in that moment, made Jasmine even more aroused. "Slave," she began in a firm, slightly disappointed voice as if she was upset that the weight had delayed the slave for giving her Mistress pleasure even for a second, "I will remove the weight and clamps, if you do a good job of pleasuring me, and doing so quickly. If not," and she shrugged as if it was no matter to her, "there are other weights I can add, and I can add them lower in the chain, so it isn't just your nipples being pulled on and you can wear them through another round of spankings." Her tone had stayed level through the speech, but inside she felt her nerves building. She wanted to see how far she could push her slave, but knew at any moment, a word from the woman could detour things. If Laura asked her to remove the weight or the clamps, she would in a second, but she silently hoped her slave wouldn't.
The slave tried to quickly get herself back under control as the weight pulled heavily at her already sore and abused nipples. The sudden shock of the weight suddenly yanking down had caught her off guard and her mind reeled at the sadistic trick her Mistress had pulled on her. Her Mistress' words hit her even harder and she leaned forward to show her Mistress she could be a good slave even as the weight swung gently back and forth pulling at her aching nipples. She knew it would only take a word, and Jasmine would remove the weight, or the clamps, or at least not add any more weight later on, but in her mind, she was far from saying no to her Mistress this night no matter what she did.
Jasmine moaned as her slave's mouth gently begin to kiss her pussy. The kisses were light and quick, sending shivers of pleasure through her like erotic static shocks thrilling her from head to toe. The kisses grew longer and Jasmine felt the skilled mouth suck and tease each of her lips every now and then between kisses that covered everywhere from her thighs, to her mound, and her mons, but somehow expertly avoiding her swelled and aching clit. She moaned again as she clawed her hands into the cushions keeping herself from trying to force the skilled tongue and mouth to where she wanted it, but she knew that her slave was intentionally taking her time, to increase her pleasure and the strength of her orgasm.
The sound that escaped Jasmine's lips as the tongue expertly wrapped around and lapped at her clit, was a gasping growled moan of inarticulate pleasure, and every muscle seemed to convulse and tense jerking her hips off the couch and thrusting her sopping sex more into her slave's hungry mouth.
The tongue seemed to disappear and was replaced by soft sucking lips that rolled the over-stimulated nub between them, before pulling back leaving her body jerking and searching to the return of such divine pleasure. The mouth began to kiss her again working all the way from the puckered, tight asshole pulling even more mewling sounds of fierce pleasure from her lips and working slowly back up towards her aching clit. It was a combination of slow kisses and licks. Gently the lips would kiss at the quivering skin only to be followed a slow tender lick of the tongue. Each kiss seemed infinitely slow unimaginably arousing, only to be replaced by another infinitely long lick of the tongue that seemed to overwhelm her nervous system with sensation that had what seemed like every muscle in her body uncontrollably twitching under her skin.
As the lips once again wrapped around her clit, only to be followed by a gentle grazing of teeth and a teasing swirl of tongue, Jasmine's world went white and the garbled moan of pleasure seemed to freeze in her throat as her back arched violently.
The moment of exquisite bliss seemed to stretch out for an infinite second, before Jasmine felt her body crashing back to the couch before beginning to shake and jerk with orgasmic release. Squeaked gasps turned into long low moans, and blinding light that seemed to have overtaken her vision faded slowly to be replaced by sparkling motes floating before her eyes. Her body felt heavy and every inch of her skin tingled, still electric with desire. She couldn't remember having had a single orgasm that had hit her so forcefully and that part of her body that always seemed to crave more in the bedroom was briefly silent as sated, until it realized it could have more, and she felt that low shifting in her body craving more.
It was another minute before Jasmine's body was under control enough for her to turn her eyes on her slave kneeling quietly between her legs, her eyes downcast still locked on her Mistress' sex. The orgasm felt like it had flipped the pleasure circuit breaker in her mind after having overloaded it, but as she looked down on her slave, the switch was turned back on and knew she wasn't done. She especially knew she wasn't done using and abusing the beautiful woman in front of her.
"Stand up, slave," Jasmine ordered once she was sure her voice was back under control. Her slave stood up carefully and took a few steps back giving Jasmine room to rise and spread her legs wide and her eyes downcast.
Jasmine rose to her feet finding her legs slightly rubbery for a second and circled her slave. Desire and arousal came off her like perfume and Jasmine felt herself wanting to make the woman ache more. She would reward the pleasure she received by returning it with delicious pain. "Well, slave," Jasmine began in the cool voice, though she had no idea how she managed it as her insides seemed to be a quivering mass, "how do you think you did at pleasing your Mistress?"
"Well, Mistress," she found herself beginning trying to figure out how to best word what she felt. It is not for me to judge, my Mistresses pleasure or discontent. I did the best I could to please you, Mistress, but if I did not do good enough, then that is for you to decide and punish me for."
Jasmine moved back in front of her slave and with finger under the slave's chin she raised her eyes to meet hers. "You did an excellent job of pleasuring your Mistress," Jasmine said as her hand took the weight and moved to the clamp on her nipples. "For that I will release your nipples from their torture." Jasmine watched as her slave hissed in pain as the blood rocketed back into the numb points of pleasure and she saw the struggle in the woman's arms wanting to rub them until the ache disappeared. "However," she said in a very stern voice, "you stopped. You stopped pleasuring your Mistress without being instructed to. At any point in there, did I tell you to stop pleasing me with your mouth?"
She felt her mind racing as the blood rushed back into her numbed nipples with an aching rush. She her Mistress was just trying to see how far she could push things this evening. All she had to do was say, `no' and this part of the scene would be over, or she could easily explain things in a way that make her feelings clear without breaking character. As she looked up at her Mistress though, even as her nipples ached and she knew there would be even more pain to come from this, she couldn't imagine denying this woman. Maybe if it hadn't been just for the night, or if she didn't know her at all, she could slow things down, but how could she deny her friend and longtime fantasy girl, the chance to use her in any way she wanted. "No, Mistress. I'm sorry I have displeased you," she said casting her eyes down.
The motion was just a slight movement out of her downcast eyes as the clinking of falling chain links was all the warning she had as she tensed the muscles in her legs and bit down on her lip to keep from crying out as the nipple clamps, their attached chains, and the heavy weight fell towards the floor. The jolting searing pain was enough to bring tears to her eyes, as her legs went weak, and long sharp whimpers escaped her lips. The weight hitting the end of its drop yanked viciously on her clamped clit, and excruciating pain radiated out from the point in nova bursts of intense pain. It was almost too much for her and she fought to keep on her feet and from breaking into sobs. "Now what do you think your punishment should be?" her Mistress said in a cool voice, that she knew was asking for direction as much as anything.
She wanted to say, `I think that was punishment enough,' and she knew the answer would be accepted, but it wasn't the answer her Mistress wanted to hear, and it wasn't, she found herself amazed to know inside, the answer she wanted to give. "I know better than to stop any task my Mistress has set before me," she began between gasps of throbbing pain as she tried to keep her voice steady. "I think I deserve twenty strokes, Mistress."
"Twenty with what," she heard her Mistress ask slightly confused.
"The cane, Mistress. There are several choices of canes in the bedroom, Mistress. You may choose as you please, but in the past, the longest of the thin bamboo canes has been used for this purpose," she explained her eyes still screwed shut as she adjusted to the weight and tried to forget the last of the jolting pain from the fall.
"Are you sure you deserve the cane?" Jasmine asked uncertainly. She had seen many videos where a cane had been used on a submissive. Canes could leave brutal welts behind and worse. When she had swung a few while at Bound Lightning, she knew she hadn't quite felt up to it at that time, and here her slave was offering her ass up to just that kind of abuse. She also knew that the dropping of the weight had probably been a bit much. Her clit had ached as she'd watched the weight yank viciously as it hit the bottom of its fall, bounce and start swinging. She wanted to give her friend a way out if she realized she'd felt she couldn't actually take it that evening. "You realize I'm not done playing with you, and if you think a few cane marks will stop me from taking full advantage of your ass with other toys, you are sorely mistaken." It was the best warning she could give the slave, but she if she said the cane was what she wanted, she would oblige her, and she felt an excited tingle spreading through her body.
"Yes, Mistress, I'm aware you have more plans for me, but I have let you down, and should be appropriately punished for it. Any punishment is of course up to you, Mistress, but I have told you what I feel I have earned," her slave's voice sounded sure through the hisses of pain the final dying swings of the weight were causing, and Jasmine felt she had given the woman every chance possible to go back and choose something different or nothing at all. The cane on that beautiful ass and thighs was going to leave some beautiful and lasting marks. She remembered how the sound of a cane used in the videos had always made her pussy twitch excitedly and now it was her chance to hear it in person.
"Very well," Jasmine said her voice going fully cool and confident, "Move back into position over the back of the chair and I will retrieve the cane."
"Yes, Mistress," her slave said as she began to walk slowly and carefully back over to the chair doing her best to keep the weight from swinging too much.
Jasmine made her way back to the room and the bag holding the canes she had repacked. The cane was four feet long and made from springy bamboo, and even in its undecorated simplicity, looked more vicious than most every other object in the collection. She selected a few other items from the room and hall to use once the caning was over, and made her way back to the living room where she was once again greeted by the beautiful image of her slave for the evening bent over the back of the chair, legs spread wide and now the weight on the chain hanging at knee level. She was amazed the clamp hadn't just pulled off the slave's clip at the end of the fall, like she had thought it would, but she wasn't going to remove it until this punishment was over.
She crossed the room with steady strides giving the cane a few swishes though the air as she walked making her both excited and nervous and clearly reminding her slave what was coming. She saw her slave twitch unconsciously at the sound of each swish and couldn't wait to hear the first stinging crack of cane of flesh as she moved into place.
The cane bounced lightly up and down on the reddened, smooth curves of the slave's ass as Jasmine found her range and tried to plan how she wanted to make the strikes land. She would do her best to make each strike hit someplace new and leave a series of stripes all way down the slave's ass to just above her knees. "You will count out each strike and apologize with it. If you move from that position or lose count, I add five more. Understand, slave?"
"Yes, Mistress," her slave said in a trembling but clear voice.
SWISH! CRACK! The first strike of the cane fell through the air a single breath after the words had left her slave's mouth connecting high on the slave's ass leaving a burning red line across its length. The noise was enough to make Jasmine nearly jump and she could see her slave bounce and squirm on the balls of her feet as a squeak of surprised pain shot from her throat.
"One, Mistress. I'm sorry, Mistress," the slave managed between gulping gasps.
The second strike followed the words quickly and a second vicious red welt appeared just below the first and the slave continued her count and repeated her apology. The third strike, count, and apology quickly followed, and a third welt sat just below the first two. The caning continued and soon the slave's words were punctuated by sobs and Jasmine reveled at her slave's control to hold her position through such a hard spanking. She could see the slave's fingers biting into the flesh of her thighs with each strike and Jasmine felt like her eyes were growing wider and wider with each beautiful welt as they appeared.
SWISH! CRACK! The final strike landed just above the knees with a brutal viciousness that had her slave sobbing trying to regain her breath enough to reply. "Twenty, Mistress! I'm sorry, Mistress!" she managed to gasp out a few moments later. Her ass and thighs were on fire, and each mark seemed to burn with its own distinct fire. She was amazed at how good a job, her Mistress had done of making each strike land just a bit lower than the last one, only avoiding the spot where the restraints wrapped around her thighs. Three strikes caught the plug in her ass and pushed it in with sharp jolts that made her body grab at it uncomfortably. Two more had hit just perfectly as to catch her protruding lips as well and she had squealed in pain as they had landed and had to fight to not move from her position. And nearly every one of the strikes had made her shake, which in turn had sent the heavy weight swinging pulling at her clit relentlessly and brutally. It had been awhile since she had felt the burn the cane could bring to her flesh and she was wondering if maybe she had gone too far. Thought it all though, she felt another burning that was even more intense. She needed release more than she could describe, and her body trembled caught between the pain and the desire for pleasure.
"Very good, slave," Jasmine said keeping her voice cool, but allowing some approval to creep in. She let the tip of the cane trace up her slave's abused backside, pulling squeaks of discomfort from her lips as the tip crossed over twenty clear and distinct welts before putting the cane down with the rest of the discarded toys and picking up her phone. She couldn't resist taking a photo of her handiwork.
The phone's camera chirped and flashed twice, before Jasmine put it down and kneeled behind her slave picking up the can of salve she'd brought with her. "This should help a little with the ache," she said softly as the first touch of her fingers covered with the cool salve touched the slave's ass making her let out a relieved sigh. Jasmine didn't rush, but worked with a smooth efficiency to treat each of the welts. It would do little more than numb some of the pain, but Jasmine knew that would be enough and would hopefully let her abuse the ass more a little bit later.
"I think it is time I released your poor clit as well," Jasmine said softly as she took the weight in her hand easing the pain of her slave tremendously.
The slave braced herself for the rush of blood back to her clit. No matter how much clamps hurt when going on, they always hurt more as the numbness disappeared and blood began to flow once again. The clamp was removed with a thundering of her heart in her ears and a rushing of blood to the sensitive nerve center that made her hiss in pain, that turned into a surprised gasp of pleasure as her Mistress' mouth attached to her clit with a warm and gentle suckling.
The pain ebbed slowly to be replaced by wondrous pleasure as the mouth sucked gently at her clit. She felt the swirling of the tongue around her clit teasing her with an amateur's enthusiastic skill, as the bridge of her Mistress' nose ran between her lips exciting her even more. Soon the pain was gone entirely, and she felt the building waves of pleasure pounding at her control demanding release.
"Please, Mistress, stop or allow me to cum," she pleaded as she reached the point where she didn't know if she could control herself any longer. "I don't know how much longer I can keep myself in control if you keep that up. I do not want to displease you, Mistress, but I only have so much control."
Jasmine pulled away slowly letting her tongue drag the full length of her slave's sex and over the plug that made slave shiver uncontrollably before standing up and smiling a Cheshire grin. The view of the trembling overstimulated slave made her shiver with a wave of pleasure of her own; she was far from done this evening.
With a pair of clicks, she detached the wrist restraints from the ones wrapped around the slave's thighs and let the tip of her nails trail down the smooth expanse of her slave's exposed back making her shiver wildly. "Lie down on the coffee table, hands over your head," she commanded.
The slave popped up quickly from her bent position and moved to the table. Her head rested near the top of the table with her upper arms lying parallel to it. Her arms bent at the elbow downward and her hands were clenched together just below the lip of the table. Her legs straddled the table, one foot resting flat on each side slightly pulling her legs apart giving Jasmine a perfect view of her crotch from where she stood. With purposefully movements, Jasmine, picked up the spreader bar and rope and moved to the prone slave. The bar spread the legs wider leaving her sex even more exposed, before moving to her slave's wrists and connecting them to each other and running the rope through them. A tug of the ropes pulled her arms down firmly against the table as the rope was then threaded through the center ring on the spreader bar and tied off. The slave was bound before her, helpless with her breasts and pussy exposed for her to torment or please as she desired.
Jasmine grinned seductively as she examined her work and picked up the wooden hairbrush. The hairbrush was small, but had a certain amount of heft to it. It was the perfect size though for small targets, tight spots, and precise work. "I think," Jasmine began as she moved closer to her bound slave letting the hair brush hang loosely in her hand, "that your backside needs a break before I do anything more to it. Your front on the other hand," the corner of the brush dragged over the smooth skin of the slave's stomach, "looks like it needs some attention." She finished circling the bound slave, towering over her looking down with lecherous eyes.
Jasmine dropped to her knees and for a moment as she brought her hands up to her chin, her elbows resting on the table as she tried to figure out just where to start the spanking, she looked like she was praying, however Jasmine was only looking to prey.
The first smack was on the inner thigh just above the knee, and was quickly followed by a second a little higher. The firm rapid strikes worked up the whole of the inner thigh then back down just a little higher then back up starting to cross across the front of the thigh. Jasmine took her time making sure to work over every exposed inch of her slave's upper legs from inside to outside, leaving the entire thigh glowing bright red with splotches of darker red and purple decorated over the thigh.
With one thigh covered in the harsh red marks of a spanking, Jasmine got up and circled the table again to the other side taking the same position on the other side. The spanks were just as firm and quick and she found herself growing hotter and hotter as her slave's occasional moans turned more and more into whimpers. She wondered if she was pushing things too far, but one glance at the slave's exposed and very wet sex, made it clear that even through the pain, the slave was clearly enjoying the evening.
The second thigh glowed the same red and purple as the first, and Jasmine smiled happily before shifting higher up the table looking down and the bared stomach of the slave. "I'm going to save your bikini area for last. I'm going to make your body glow like a bad sunburn, like you sat out too long in the sun with only your bikini bottoms one and then, I'm going to make it look like you sat out too long in the sun naked." Her voice was calm as she traced the edge of the hairbrush over her slave's stomach, but her slave could hear the husky desire in the voice just barely contained under the surface as she shivered in anticipation.
The hairbrush slapped down with a meaty smack in the center of the slave's tight and smooth stomach forcing a small breath from her lips as it landed. From there the swats seemed to spiral out in a growing bloom of red. Jasmine was just as thorough and precise as she worked over the stomach and sides. The red stopped at the ribs and worked over both sides and stopped just at the flare of her slave's hips.
Jasmine watched as her slave's breaths came in shallow pants, and was surprised to realize her breathing wasn't much deeper. She reached down between the bound woman's legs and let her fingers trace between the wet and aroused lips of the slave making her shudder gasp as the touch. She flicked the clit and watched at the slave's hips jerked off the table in response, making Jasmine smile the wide Cheshire grin again.
Putting down the brush, Jasmine got to her feet and retrieved a heavy leather flail from the hall. Her reading had cautioned against using unyielding objects on the ribs, and she was beginning to wonder if her friend wasn't so far lost in the events of the night to stop her if she had tried. The leather falls were heavy, but yielding and would do an excellent job of turning the woman's lower chest and sides a bright red and she was looking forward to looking down on her slave's face as she did it.
The falls landed with a leathery thump that brought a moan escaping from her slave's lips and a smile to Jasmine's face. Once again she took her time with her work making sure not to miss an inch of flesh between the slave's stomach and breasts. The red wasn't quite as deep as that on her stomach, but it was complete and made her hardly touched breasts and crotch stand out from the rest of her body.
The flail was discarded into the pile of used toys and Jasmine dropped to her knees even with her slave's breasts. The small, round, tanned orbs looked amazing on the bound slave and Jasmine leaned forward sucking the nearest one nearly fully into her mouth as her tongue flicked and rolled over the nipple in her mouth, wrenching long low moans from her slave's mouth. Slowly she let the breast slip from her mouth until only the nipple remained as she took it gently between her teeth and let her tongue work over it in a cruel teasing fashion. After a moment that seemed to last forever to the prone slave, Jasmine let the nipple slip from her lips and leaned farther forward taking the second inviting globe into her hungry mouth. Once again she kept her touch light and sensual as she sucked at the mound feeling her slave's shivers through the encapsulated breast. With a taunting slowness, Jasmine let the breast and then finally the nipple slip from her mouth and leaned back to look on her shivering and aroused slave. The brush came down, hard and firm on the nearest breath barely a heartbeat later.
The moans of a moment before turned quickly into gasps, yips, and whimpers as Jasmine worked over the breasts with an exacting viciousness. Each breast was brought to a glowing red quickly as Jasmine worked over her slave's upper chest with the same exacting aim care. Jasmine didn't stop though and attacked the breasts again harder turning them a dark violet-red and leaving the slave nearly breathless and unable to even gasp.
Jasmine finished with two final hard strikes right on each nipple making the slave's back arch as much as her bindings would let, and she smile at her handy work before placing the brush down and leaning in close to her slave's ear. "You have no idea how hot you look right now," Jasmine whispered with a husky, lust-filled pant. "I had no idea I would be allowed to use you so roughly, even after what you said earlier." She stopped for a moment and kissed along the edge of the slave's face. "I want to take things further. I want to make your cunt glow red like the rest of your body. Then I want to do so much more. I want to bend you back over that couch and use that nice large paddle you have on your ass and thighs, then take your strap-on and fuck you until you cum screaming so loud it can be heard across town." She took another moment to let a series of kisses trace the slave's face as her hand began to trail very gently down the glowing red skin. "But if you've had too much, if you don't think you can take any more, just say so, and I'll undo these bounds and we'll go down to the bedroom and find other ways to bring each other pleasure." She kissed her slave again as her hand reached the woman's crotch, finding it wetter and hotter than before.
"Use me, Mistress," she gasped with aching pleasure. She was being given a chance to end things with no consequences and all pleasure, but at the moment, even as much as her body ached, and as much as she knew it would REALLY ache the next day, she needed more just as her Mistress wanted to give it to her.
Jasmine kissed her slave hard on the lips, forcing her tongue into the wanting mouth, kissing with all the passion she could, feeling her kissed returned with the same enthusiasm and passion.
Jasmine finally broke the kiss as she pulled away from her slave and moved down her body to the last part of unreddened skin between knees and neck on the slave and picked up the hairbrush. She let the flat cool wood of the brush run over the skin and between the legs, quietly anticipating the moment when she would bring the brush down on her slave's sex over and over. Her own body trembled with the need for release, and the thought of the slave's skilled tongue working over her clit again had her wanting to straddle the woman right then and see just how many orgasms she could give her Mistress, but she had to stay in control and wait until she was ready for that.
The first strike landed in the middle of the open, unspanked flesh with a sharp satisfying slap that made the slave jump slightly from the table. Jasmine found herself barely able to hold back as she worked over the tanned skin turning it a dark mottled red before bringing the brush down between the bound legs and over the wet, waiting sex of her slave.
It wasn't quite a howl as the brush landed, but Jasmine's ears rang in satisfaction at the primal scream she had pulled from her slave's lips as she continued the spanking seeming oblivious to her slave's pained howl. She could hear her own pulse beating in her ears as her heart pounded quickly against her chest. As she raised the brush in her hand for one final strike, she turned the brush around exposing the hard, tightly-packed bristles that seemed almost need-like at their points, and brought it down on the exposed, and abused sex of her slave.
She felt the needle-like bristles of the brush biting down into her over-stimulated sex and howled in shocked pain as her body writhed to cope with the pain. She'd long ago let her eyes half-close as she'd let herself get caught up in the moment and hadn't see the switch her Mistress had pulled, so she wasn't expected the sharp stinging strike that sent jolting shocks of pain out to every part of her body. If she had seen it, she might have told her Mistress to stop, but it was too late for that now, and she tried to get her voice back enough to tell her not to do that again.
The unsaid words were unnecessary though, as she heard the brush set down on the table and felt her Mistress' warm mouth kissing gently at her abused sex, helping the burning pain of the final spank disappear with the gentle ministrations of her mouth. Soon her body was again turning towards yearning for release and her breathing grew faster and heavier as she felt herself about to crash over the edge into bliss and unable to speak up enough to either beg for permission to cum or at least beg for her Mistress to stop.
Almost as if she were reading her mind, her Mistress stopped and stood up from the table back towards the hall. She sank back into the moment of quiet as she tried to get her body back into her under control. It was only a couple of minutes later, when her Mistress reentered the room. She still had her eyes half-closed and followed her through sound more than anything and wondered what was next when she felt the cool, wet fingers teasing her still burning, pussy.
The shock of the first ice cube as it was ran over her clit and pressed into her wet entrance, brought a gasp to her lips. Ice wasn't bad, but this had caught her off guard and made her tense as a second then a third and fourth rolled over her clit and exposed, burning lips before being shoved into her quickly filling pussy. "You looked overheated and like you needed some cooling off," she heard her Mistress say almost matter-of-factly as two fingers pressed in after the ice cubes shoving them in as deep as she could before getting up and leaving the room again to get what she needed for what came next.
Jasmine enjoyed the shivers she saw passing over her slave as she prepared for what came next putting an old sheet down on the living room floor. She needed to feel her slave's mouth on her body again and she needed the explosive release her slave could bring her, but she didn't want to leave her slave unstimulated while she did it. With everything in place she moved back to the coffee table and began undoing her slave's restraints starting first with her arms and then her feet. She took a moment to help the woman sit up and rubbed her shoulders and legs to make sure nothing was hurt and circulation was restored before leading her over and laying her down on the sheet on the floor.
"Slave," Jasmine began and she stood straddling the woman. "You have my whole body aching with the need to orgasm." Jasmine slipped a finger into her wet sex and even through her half-opened eyes, her slave could see just how wet she was. "I'm sure you feel the same. I could feel how tense your muscles were with unreleased energy and I'm sure even the lightest touch of my lips on your, engorged, abused, and sensitive clit, would probably having you screaming out in pleasure in seconds." Jasmine lowered herself to her knees, her sex and puckered asshole now hovering just inches over her slave's hungry mouth. "However," Jasmine said lowering herself farther down until she was just inches over her slave's mouth, "it is still not your turn." Jasmine leaned forward and picked up the lighter and candle from the edge of the blanket. The lighter flicked and the candle's wick quickly caught and Jasmine twisted the thick candle in her hand as she watched the wax begin to melt. "It is time you showed me just what you can do with your tongue and fingers, slave," the first drop of wax fell leaving a white spatter on the red skin of her slave's stomach and she felt the sharp puff of breath of air on her sex from the gasp, "and I'm telling you now, I love getting my ass played with as much as my pussy." A second drip fell landing on the ribs.
Jasmine felt her slave's mouth move quickly up to her body, but she pulled away before the woman could began giving Jasmine what she asked for. "One last thing, slave," Jasmine said in an arctic cold voice, "if you stop this time without permission, it will be your cunt and inner thighs feeling the kiss of the cane, not your ass." The next drip fell landing on her aching lips for emphasis.
She hissed as the hot wax hit her lips and leaned forward just as her Mistress sank back allowing her mouth to reach what she craved so much. She turned her focus to pleasing her Mistress as the occasional drip of hot wax landed with a soft burn that made the arousal burning inside her flame even higher. Reaching out with her tongue, she licked slowly from asshole to clit and back again. Her Mistress was wet, and her taste buds were filled with her Mistress' essence as her tongue finished its trip and teased over the tight puckered entrance to her Mistress' ass. She remembered what she was told and let her tongue wash and lick over the hole and cheeks as her hand slowly bent and began sliding up the taut inner thighs resting over her face.
Jasmine moaned as she felt the tongue push into her ass and the slave's hands traced gently up her inner thighs. The tongue slowly worked in and out of her ass and she felt herself rocking back to meet it as the caressing fingers reached her wet sex and trailed over it with a feather touch. The tongue slid out of her, making her moan again, just as the first finger slid into her hungry and needy pussy, and she fought to hold her position above the slave. The candle was still burning in her hand and she let the wax continue to drip one slow drop at a time down on to the exposed reddened flesh beneath her, but with every touch of tongue and finger, it became harder to hold the candle steady in her hand.
A second finger easily slipped inside her followed by a third a mere moment later stretching her slightly as the fingers curled inside teasing over that perfect spot as the fully buried themselves inside bringing longer, deeper moans to her lips even as her heart pounded faster and faster. She could feel the kiss of her slave's lips on her asshole and cheeks as three fingers continued to work in and out of her in slow teasing penetrating strokes always making sure to hit the spot at the end of each stroke, and a second hand began to tease over her engorged and sensitized clit.
The moans turned to gasps as her breathing came in heated pants of ecstasy, and she could feel her orgasm growing inside demanding release, demanding the opportunity to shoot through her body on lightning bolts of pleasure. She bit her lip and held back as the pleasure built up like an overfilled water balloon. Her body rocked back matching the rhythm of the now four fingers working in and out of her as the tongue teased her from behind. Her eyes closed as she let the glorious overload of sensations began to overtake her and the candle fell from her fingers blowing itself out before landing harmlessly on the sheet next to the writhing glistening pair.
A simultaneous lick, push, and flick of fingers and tongue, finally burst the overfilled balloon inside her and Jasmine let out a long animalistic growl of pleasure and her body tensed and trembled in absolute pleasure. White lights flashed across the insides of her eyelids as her body shook and trembled through the ecstasy as her slave continued to titillate her body with an expert's skill.
Jasmine felt the second orgasm began to roll through her like a wave breaking against her skin and she shuddered running her hands over her chest and breasts until her fingers found her hard, swollen nipples and began to pinch and tease them increasing the intensity of the sheer elation coursing over and through her body.
Jasmine felt her legs shaking and going rubbery as her muscles spasmmed uncontrollably, as she could feel the pleasure building to the bursting point once again. Not wanting to smother her slave who was doing such a wondrous job of pleasuring her, Jasmine leaned forward dropping to her elbows, letting out a whimpering sad moan as mouth and fingers briefly lost contact with her body. The mouth returned this time to her clit, which was nearly aching with over-stimulation as an arm snaked around her toned thigh and two fingers pressed into her abandoned asshole beginning to fuck it with intense vigor, pushing Jasmine over the edge for a third bliss-filled time.
Her body leadened and weightless all at once as pleasure began to turn to a pained over-stimulation and Jasmine fought to regain her breath, her throat raw and dry from the moaning gasps that had joyously torn from it at the ministrations of her slave. "St-stop, slave." Jasmine managed after another moment, as her gasps and pants returned to something closer to normal breathing. Almost immediately, Jasmine felt the tongue on her clit pull away and the fingers pulled from her ass before trailing lightly over her ass and down her thighs to lie limply next to her. She rolled off her slave and lay on the sheet for a moment as the room stopped spinning around her and body stopped tingling and quivering.
Jasmine lifted one arm letting it run up the hot skin of her slave's thigh tracing it to the slave's sex. She let her finger gently part the lips and ran a fingernail of the slave's clit and smiled as the woman jumped and shivered. She knew her slave couldn't take much more, before she came with or without permission, but Jasmine wasn't done with her, even with how exhausted and heavy her body felt. She wasn't going to leave the job half done and slowly she raised herself to a sitting position and looked down on the beautiful sight next to her.
Her slave's body glistened with sweat making the red of the spanking seem to glow like a fire. Drops of wax covered the woman from chest to thighs and looked liquid on the glowing coals of the slave's skin. The slave's face glistened with sweat and Jasmine's juices and her hair was matted to her forehead and scalp. Half-lidded eyes filled with desire and need looked up at her and Jasmine licked her lips tempted to devour the woman where she lay.
"Get up, and bend back over the chair," Jasmine said after climbing to her feet. "I'm not done with you yet, and I'm looking forward to what is to come." She did her best to keep her voice cool and commanding, even as her whole body felt weak and her legs felt nearly ready to collapse.
She didn't even look back as she left the room to get ready for the evening's finale, but she could hear her slave slowly getting to her feet and moving into position over the back of the chair. She wondered if she'd pushed things too far, but Laura knew she could stop things anytime if she wanted, so she figured she'd push it just a bit further.
Jasmine took her time as she readied for the last of the evening preparing for everything to come, feeling her body swaying to the music that was still playing. There had been moments through the evening where she had forgotten the music was even there as lost in the moment as she was, but now it seemed to be returning energy to her body as she moved from the kitchen to the bedroom.
She had never worn a strap-on dildo before and it took her a few moments to figure out exactly how to adjust the straps and harness on her body. The harness supported a nearly eight inch cock which vibrated with the turn of a controller on the side of the harness. On the inside of the harness, a smaller, four inch plug slid easily into her wet slit and she smiled as she played with the control and realized it could vibrate as well. Jasmine looked at herself in the mirror and nearly laughed at the sight. She'd hardly call herself sexy at that moment as she looked bedraggled, exhausted, and mounting a large thick cock waving in front of her. "I wonder how hard it is to fuck someone with this?" she thought to herself as she looked at her new appendage. She hoped she could manage it, wanting to give her slave at least a small portion of the pleasure she had received that evening. With a shrug, she walked out of the room back towards her waiting slave.
Jasmine's mouth began to water again as she re-entered the living room. Her slave was once again obediently bent over the back of the chair, her legs spread wide and her ass pushing high into the air. The red she had put on the ass earlier had already began to fade and the welts from the caning stood out clearly on the tanned flesh. The end of the plus was still nestled between the rounded, firm cheeks of her slave's ass and she imagined how it would feel every time the paddle landed on it. The lips of her slave's sex were easy to see and stood out flushed, wet and slightly parted giving Jasmine just the slightest glance at her slave's wet and needy opening.
She moved next to her slave and let the heavy wooden paddle gently caress the woman's thighs. "I would feel remiss, if I didn't turn your ass and thighs the same red as the rest of your body, slave," she said in a heavy lust-filled voice. "After all, what good would it do to make the rest of your body ache, if you could find release just by sitting down?" She let the paddle tap at the upturned cheeks gently. "After I've turned your ass red though, I'm going to fuck you. I have to say I'm curious as to how to use this strap-on and if you can take it all." She gave the ass another light swat. "I'm so looking forward to hearing you moan and scream out your orgasm as I fuck you. Are you ready for your final spanking, slave?"
The slave knew she was being given another chance to call the evening short. Part of her wanted to take it. The ten minutes her Mistress had been gone, had been enough to allow her to somewhat come out of the blissful spot within where only pleasure penetrated, and she could feel the aches and exhaustion of her body. On top of that, it was a heavy fucking paddle her Mistress had picked up and every time it landed it was going to be more painful that pleasurable. It was her Mistress' one chance to play though and she didn't want to let her down. She could take the pain for a little while longer to give her the evening she wanted. And the thought of strap-on pounding in and out of her made her knees weak. It would leave her aching inside as well as out the next day, but it had always made cum in screaming orgasms of pleasure. She licked her lips once as she tried to keep her voice steady, "I can take it all, Mistress. It fills me up sends me over the edge very quickly, especially when it is on vibrate. I'm ready for the paddle as well. I can take it, and I am my Mistress' to use tonight. I will do and take whatever she asks of me."
The words sent a thrill through Jasmine and she moved to her slave's side positioning the paddle as she readied for the first swat.
The paddle landed with a solid smack of wood on flesh and Jasmine heard the yip escape her slave's mouth. It wasn't a hard swat, and Jasmine took her time working down from the top of the ass and over the thighs increasing the strength of each swing as she did so. As she began to work back up the thighs, still growing harder with each swat, the skin began to turn red, and Jasmine thrilled at the near strangled whispers escaping her slave.
The strikes were like the ticking seconds of a giant clock, landing with a heavy steady beat on the beaten and abused ass, and as her slave's whimpers and cries became louder, Jasmine felt her own arousal grow. She worked up and down her target a second time and the red grew deeper and a few bruises began to appear, and Jasmine lost herself in the moment.
The slave felt the tears running down her cheeks as her Mistress began working down her ass with the same steady, methodical spanking. Her ass burned and her sobs grew heavier as the spanking continued. She didn't want to let down her Mistress, but if the spanking didn't stop soon, she wasn't going to have a choice. Her ass was going to be little more than one large bruise for the next few days, and she dreaded working in her office until the pain subsided. She bit her lip trying to hold in her cries as another strike landed with a solid smack that made her jump and the tears pour heedlessly down her face.
The next thing she felt, wasn't the paddle though, it was the gentle touch of her Mistress' hand as she rubbed cooling salve into stinging, sore flesh. Her Mistress took time with the salve and rubbed it in over the entire area, as she felt her sobs slowly fading away as she was once again lost in the touch of her Mistress. The pain didn't exactly fade, she knew the pain would be there when she woke up as well, but the pleasure began to return and her stomach fluttered in anticipation as she knew what was coming next. She wanted to feel her Mistress fucking her. She wanted to feel the large toy pounding in and out of her hungry pussy as her Mistress' thighs slapped against hers. Her orgasm would take time to build through the pain, but when it came it would be wonderful and overwhelming and her body tingled in want.
"I think I might have pushed it a little far there," Jasmine said slightly shocked as she looked down on the abused ass where several bruises were already appearing. "I hope I didn't push you too far though, slave, and you're ready for your reward."
"Yes, Mistress, I am. I'm ready for you to fuck me. Fuck me hard, Mistress. Make me cum, Mistress!" she pleaded as she arched her ass up for her Mistress.
Jasmine carefully placed the head of the dildo against her slave's sex and pressed forward until just the head had entered the stretched hole. "Of course you may cum, slave. I've heard your cries of pain, and now I want to hear your cries of bliss. I'm going to fuck you until your limp. Jasmine said as she pressed forward slowly with her hips watching in amazement as the dildo slid easily into her slave. As she finished her sentence and the dildo slid completely inside, she flicked the vibrator on and savored the moan it brought to her slave's lips as well as the shiver it sent through the woman's body.
Jasmine took her time as she worked the dildo in and out of her slave. It was a new experience for her and she wanted to do it right. The small plug fit nicely inside her and sent tingles through her body which were intensified every time she thrust all the way into her slave and could feel the vibration of the larger dildo through harness against her clit. Soon she was picking up speed with her thrusts, pulling out and thrusting deeper with each one, as the sound of the slap of thighs on thighs and the erotic moans of her slave seemed to dance with the beat of the music. She knew she was likely to cum soon from the vibrations running through her body, and the ever louder moans of her slave, told her the woman was close as well.
She could feel her feel her orgasm quickly approaching as her Mistress fucked her with the large vibrating cock. It had been so long since it had last been used on her, but it slid into her so perfectly and sent jolts of ecstasy through her aching, abused body. Long pleasured moans were all she could manage, and if it hadn't been for the chair she was bent over, she would have been on the ground, her legs weaker than jelly.
With every thrust, she inched closer and closer to the edge of pleasure and she groaned as the harness slapped against her sex teasing her clit. She closed her eyes losing herself in the sensations of the moments. She felt the caress of her Mistress' hands around her waist press of the chair against the front of her thighs. The music seemed lost in the sounds of the fucking and panting breath was loud in her ears as it seemed timed to the fast and hard thrusts of the dildo. The dildo's vibrating rocked through her like an earthquake and the smell of sex, sweat, and pleasure filled the room. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" she cried out as orgasm she had fought to hold back all night tore its way out of her body, and she let out a loud scream of total delight.
Everything was lost in brilliant white fireworks and wave after wave of pleasure flooding through her body. An eternity passed in a perfect moment of ecstasy and she felt herself floating on clouds of bliss long forgotten. Her body was supernova of pleasure and as long as it lasted, the pain and aches had been burned away. The perfect moment came to an end with abrupt suddenness, as the white intensity before her eyes was washed away with absolute blackness and the waves of pleasure were swept away with a tingling numbness.
She fought awake through the fog and felt the aches of her body dragging her back to reality. Her thoughts were heavy and she tried to put them back in order. She was on her couch wrapped in a blanket and her body ached and she could feel the heat of another person next to her on the couch. The room was silent, but the air seemed heavy and charged and the smell of sex was everywhere. Her eyes opened with reluctance and she looked over to see Jasmine next to her holding her close. The sight of the naked woman, she had removed the strap-on, put everything in place and a small shiver went through her aching body.
"So that's what it looks like when someone passes out from pleasure," Jasmine said with a smile as she leaned over and gently kissed her. "I've had it happen a couple of times, but never seen it from the other side."
"Well, it was rather powerful there at the end. You had me more backed up than the Hoover Dam," she said shifting trying to find a more comfortable position. "How long have I been out?"
"About twenty minutes. I brought you over to the couch, took out the butt plug, and rubbed some of the salve into your body. I think you're going to hurt more than I planned tomorrow. Sorry."
She shrugged, "It was worth it. You can deliver quite the smack. I shouldn't expect less from the person who still holds the school record for homeruns in a season."
Jasmine blushed as the comment and leaned forward picking up a plate from the coffee table. "You should eat something," she said handing the plate holding a piece of pumpkin pie, some fruit and a few pieces of leftover turkey on it. "I gave you quite the workout and your body needs to heal."
She nodded as she slowly moved her arms and took the plate. It seemed to take all her energy to hold the plate and what started as picking at the place soon turned into devouring the food before her. She was exhausted though and was ready for bed almost as soon as the last bite of food passed her lips. She could hear Jasmine talking a little as the plate was taken from her limp fingers, but the words were indistinct and far off.
Jasmine smiled as she looked down on the spent and exhausted woman next to her. It had been an amazing night, and she couldn't it had actually happened. "I should get you to bed," she said, though she was pretty certain, Laura was already asleep.
It took a moment of careful maneuvering to get up from the couch without disturbing the other woman, and Jasmine took her time to clean up the living room and toys as her friend slept on the couch. With everything cleaned up and back in place, Jasmine moved back to the sleeping woman and carefully scooped her up in her powerful arms. She heard a slight mumble Laura shifted and rested her head against her chest, and she smiled at the sight of the beautiful woman in her arms.
With great care, she carried Laura down the hall to the empty bed. She was careful laying to woman down in the bed before going through the silent apartment turning off the heat and lights. She stepped back into the room on silent feet, and turned off the bedroom light as she closed the door behind her tiptoeing over to the bed and crawling in next to the sleeping woman. The room was dark only lit by a distant light in the parking lot, but Jasmine took a moment to study the face of her friend. She wasn't sure what was going to happen in the morning, or the day after that, but it had been an amazing night.
There might have been a part of her that had been uncertain about her sexuality and her dominance before the evening had begun, but that wasn't the case anymore. Her body tingled with the distant afterglow of multiple well-earned orgasms, and the hungry part of her that sought out the chance to experiment with spanking and bondage with another person had been satisfied for the moment.
She shifted her weight, moved in close to the beautiful woman next to her and closed her eyes to drift off to sleep. She'd been nearly as exhausted as Laura, but it would have been a bigger pain the ass to clean up the mess in the morning. She drifted off to sleep moments later wondering what else was possible.
Part 2
Jasmine woke up the next morning to the sound of her phone ringing. She briefly spent a moment blindly flailing around as she tried to figure out where not only it was, but where she was as well. The night's events came rushing back to her as she picked up the phone off Laura's nightstand and felt the woman shifting sleepily next to her.
"Hi, Mom," Jasmine said through a yawn as she answered the phone. "I'm at Laura's." She stretched feeling the slight residual ache of really good sex tightening her muscles, and smiled as she remembered just how intense the night before had been. "We were talking. When the fourth bottle of wine was opened, I realized it probably wouldn't be a great idea to drive home, and it was too late to call." Laura began to stir next to her and she turned her head to see the smiling face of the other woman peeking up at her almost fully hidden beneath the sheets.
"Oh, that's bullshit, Mom!" Jasmine felt Laura shift again and watched as her head slipped under the blankets entirely and she felt the other woman's mouth began kissing along the curve of her breast. "I wasn't going to call at 1 AM to tell you I wasn't coming home. I don't live there anymore and I don't have a curfew. You were not up waiting for me to call. If you had been, you would have just called." She felt Laura's tongue flick over her nipple as a hand slid down her smooth stomach and down to her slit, and she found herself biting her lip as she tried to keep from moaning into the phone.
"No, Mom. If I had been in an accident, I'm sure the police would have dug my phone out of the wreckage and called you." The mouth closed over her nipple and teeth played lightly over it as the hand teased her clit gently. Jasmine felt herself squirming at the touch. "Yes, I'm being sarcastic." Laura's touch was masterful, driving Jasmine to distraction as she tried to keep from gasping while she continued the call, trying to figure out a way to cut the call as short as possible.
"Mother, you had at most two minutes of panic when you realized I wasn't there and then called me. You have not been up for hours worrying about me and pacing the house wondering if I was dead in the morgue." The mouth began to kiss across her chest as the fingers at her clit traced down her slit and slid inside her newly excited sex until the heel of the hand pressed against her clit and the fingers curled inside her. Jasmine's eyes screwed shut as she controlled her desire to let out a long guttural moan.
"Mom, I just got up. I don't know when I'll be home, but I will get there when I can. I plan on leaving for home around noon. I have some shopping to do on this side of the mountains and I don't want to get back too late." She could feel the hot press of Laura's breasts against her side as Laura's mouth licked and sucked at her other nipple, and the fingers began to slowly cycle in and out of her wet hole. It was getting hard not to moan and her mother was continuing to talk.
"Mom, I've got to go." The mouth bit down on her aroused nipple and Jasmine looked down to see at pair of sparkling mischievous eyes staring back up at her. "What do you think I need to do? I drank two bottles of wine last night and I just woke up!" Crap now that she thought about it, she did need to pee.
"No, don't wait breakfast on me. I'll either grab breakfast with Laura, or grab something on the way back." The fingers were picking up speed as the heel ground into her clit. "Yes, I will be back in time to say goodbye to Cally and the girls. They weren't planning on leaving until this afternoon. I've got to go now, Mom." The last words were almost a growl.
"Yes, I love you too. Good bye, Mom," Jasmine finished hastily before punching the button to end the call and letting out a barely contained moan of ecstatic pleasure a breath later, as Laura's mouth sucked in as much of her breast as she could as her tongue still played over the engorged nipple.
"God, Laura! That feels so fucking good!" she moaned as her hands ran through Laura's short hair pulling the mouth harder down on to her breast.
Laura slid a third finger in to join the first two as she skillfully pumped the fingers in and out of her friend's sex while she continued to grind the heel of her palm against Jasmine's clit driving her closer to the edge. Her body screamed with aches and bruises from the night before, but her desire to thank her friend for the intense session drove her through the aches to give Jasmine at least one "good morning" orgasm.
She could feel Jasmine's body beginning to tense beneath her as it neared orgasm, and Jasmine's hands had slipped from her hair to slide down over her shoulders and back sending tingling points of pleasure through her skin. She kissed her way back to the first breast she had teased, beginning to circle it in quick, hot kisses as she stopped the pumping of her fingers leaving them buried in her friend curling again and again over the soft spongy spot just at the end of her reach, grinding down with her palm even harder.
Jasmine's breathing was little more than panting. She closed her eyes lost in the pleasure she felt surging through her body, arching her back and curling her toes, as shockwaves of bliss spread through her body hitting her skin and ricocheting back inside her where they collided with other waves in mini explosions of pleasure. She moaned again as her body began to fill with that tingle of momentary satisfaction as she felt the fingers slide from inside her as she felt the mouth kissing its way up her chest and over her neck to find hers.
She kissed Laura with a lust-filled abandon, pressing her tongue into the other woman's mouth, letting it tease and play with the silky muscle that had so recently been teasing and playing over her body. Jasmine let her hands roam Laura's body with a feather touch sensing just from the kiss and the touch of their bodies. Every time her hands brushed over an especially sore spot, she wondered what Laura looked like now that the night before had had a chance to fully imprint itself on her skin.
The kiss continued with the passionate press of lips and tangle of tongues. Jasmine's hands continued their gentle exploration. She wanted to consume this woman. She'd had a brief taste of her the night before, but that had been more to tease Laura rather than please her. Jasmine wanted take in her friend's very essence as she brought her to orgasm with her tongue.
Laura might have been in shape and working as a fitness trainer, but Jasmine was still stronger and lacked the full body ache from the night before that made every movement and touch an exercise in painful remembrance. Jasmine used it to her advantage as she maneuvered her friend breaking their kiss. She seemed to all at once pull Laura on top of her, slide down the bed, spin her friend around and over until her friend's legs were wrapped around her head the red abused sex she had tormented so much the night before was inches from her hungry mouth.
Jasmine found herself taken aback for a moment as she took in the reds, blacks and blues that covered almost all the flesh she could see. Even Laura's lips looked swollen and red with abuse and her mind swam as she wondered how the woman could even move much less find any arousal this morning. She leaned forward just as she felt Laura's tongue and mouth began to kiss at her own sex setting out to ease at least some of the ache and pain she had caused and thank the Laura for the amazing evening.
She started with light gentle kisses, working her way up the innermost portion of Laura's thighs, carefully brushing her lips against the nastiest looking splotches of bruising she had worked so exactingly to cause the night before. Her mouth slowly licked, kissed, and brushed its way closer to the red swollen lips that it ached to tease with a butterfly soft caress. Jasmine leaned forward letting just the barest touch of her pouted lips brush against the ones before her, blowing gently to make Laura's whole body shiver against her own.
Jasmine could feel Laura's mouth hot against her sex, but closed herself off to as much of the sensations as possible, only feeling the occasional electric shiver as she focused instead on bringing her friend to orgasm. She sucked gently on the lips pulling them into her mouth and tasting the hint of sex on them from the night before as her friend's new arousal filled her nostrils like perfume.
Laura's tongue teasing her from clit to asshole sent shivers through her body, as she continued to block out as much of it as she could, as her tongue finally parted the lips before it and ran over the small, sensitive clit it had sought out. Jasmine smiled as Laura moaned. Her tongue more licked and teased more pulling more moans from her friend. As her tongue continued it playful teasing of Laura's clit, Jasmine let her arms gently wrap around Laura's legs, fingertips raising goose bumps as they trailed over smooth skin and the still prominent welts from the cane. The fingertips navigated the tender curves of her ass and traced down to the heated sex they sought out.
Two fingers glided into Laura's wet hole just as Jasmine sucked the clit fully into her mouth, sliding her teeth over its sides and her tongue teasing over its tip causing her to moan and her strong, wet sex to try to pull the fingers in deeper. Jasmine knew she had all of Laura's attention as she felt the mouth pull away from her sex. She continued her slow seductive torment of her friend's sex. Remembering the feeling of Laura's fingers in her, she sought out the same spot with her probing fingers as her tongue flicked and trailed over the captured clit.
Laura moaned long and deep as both the mouth and fingers working on her body found the spots they were looking for. Her body ached from every touch and movement, even the moans sent lances of aching pain through her, but Jasmine was being as tender as possible and the tease of tongue and finger had her nearing orgasm. For a moment, she wasn't sure if she was allowed to cum, Jasmine hadn't given her permission. But the Jasmine that had dominated her as a Mistress last night wasn't the same one that she shared a bed with this morning. The gentle waves of pleasure began to roll over her body like warm ocean water lapping at her at the beach's edge, each wave hitting a little higher and touching just a bit more of her slowly swallowing her up.
Laura could feel the fingertips of Jasmine's free hand tracing over her in a combination of shivering pleasure and pinpricks of pain as they touched her aching and bruised body. The warm waves continued to lap higher and higher against her body forcing Laura moaned again lost in the moment.
When the orgasm over took her, Laura seemed to leave her body floating on waves of pleasure that didn't so much crash down upon her, but sweep her away in a warm embrace that turned her muscles to jelly and left her limp and gasping as the wave eventually carried her back to her body and returning her back before receding away.
The aches were still there as she came back to her senses, but as Laura felt them returning, they felt muffled and padded and Jasmine's sex still lay open and inviting before her. She could still feel Jasmine probing and kissing her, but she could also tell Jasmine was doing so with a little less intensity letting her know that it was her turn to be the bringer of pleasure.
Laura felt herself slightly limited as she once again took Jasmine's clit between her lips and flicked it with her tongue. Her arms were propping her up and she couldn't easily move them to slide under Jasmine's rock-hard thighs. Any shifting of her weight off her arms would press her bruised body harder against Jasmine's, which would bring the stinging ache of her sore body quickly back to the surface. She bathed Jasmine's clit with her tongue like a mother cat would her kitten letting her feel the shivers running through the body beneath her.
She could feel Jasmine trying to arch her body up to meet the laps of her tongue and Laura begin to change the speed and length of each lick to throw off Jasmine's anticipation. Her tongue trailed from the clit down the slit, and just as she finished her long, slow lick, her chin rubbed over Jasmine's clit pulling a heated moan from beneath her. Laura repeated the long slow lick again, letting her chin grind over the sensitized clit for a long, teasing moment before reversing the lick and bringing her tongue back over the sensitive point. She could feel Jasmine's hot gasps on her sex as the fingernails trailing over her flesh pressed down with more force than intended as her friend was so close to cumming again.
Jasmine's eyes rolled and her head lolled back as Laura played her body like a masterful musician. Touches went from feather light to exquisitely intense and back again, as she was played like a scale. Her breath was coming in heaving pants as her eyes closed lost in a spray of white-hot fireworks that rained down on her as she exploded in pleasure. She writhed under the weight of Laura's body and the tease of her tongue as the sparks of passion played over her body for a long delightful moment.
Jasmine eased back into the comfort of the bed and lay there in limp pleasure as she felt the weight of Laura's body slide over her and off the bed to pad towards the bathroom, reminding Jasmine of the pressing needs of her own body. She savored the moment and the memories of the night before as she lay sprawled on the bed still overwhelmed at all that had happened. It had been an amazing evening, but she wasn't sure where that put things now. Nagging doubts of a dozen different kinds begin to fill her and left her with more to consider than she'd had before. Hopefully, she would be able to think through some of it on the long drive home, but, as it seemed like all that happened as of late, more thinking led to more questions.
As she heard the toilet flushing, Jasmine popped off the bed and hurried down the hall barely glancing at her friend in her rush to ease her bladder. She wanted a good look in the daylight to see exactly what she had done last night, but that could wait and the only impression she got in her brief glimpse was Laura looked more burned than tanned.
The cool morning chill of the morning caught Jasmine's attention for the first time as she stepped out of the bathroom relieved and a little refreshed and made her way down the hall. Winter was setting in, and mornings were starting to get crisp. She knew they would be even worse back at home and she made a mental note to have Harrison come by and make sure the house was properly winterized. The thought was pushed aside as she entered the bedroom and saw Laura lying on the bed.
Jasmine wasn't sure if she should be impressed or horrified at the display in front of her. Laura was lying on her back and almost every inch of flesh from breasts to knees was covered in red with liberal splotches of irregular discolored bruises. The bikini area and inner thighs she had taken careful care of with the hairbrush were closer to bruised with the occasional splotches of red. She wondered how her friend was moving and she saw the bottle of painkillers on the nightstand next to a glass of water. "Oh my god! I did all that?" Jasmine said sounding slightly horrified with herself.
Laura gave her a wicked smile, "Oh yeah. You want to see the back as well?" Jasmine just nodded in shock in much at the sight at her friend's almost cavalier nature about it. Laura turned over and Jasmine gasped again. Most of Laura's back was red, but Jasmine hadn't concentrated as heavily on it not wanting to do any major harm, but her ass and the backs of her thighs were almost one long series of bruises with the welts of the cane standing out with a viciousness all of their own.
"Oh, Laura, I'm so sorry. I meant to go hard, but not that hard. Are you going to be all right?" Jasmine felt her voice on the end of panic.
Laura got up slowly from the bed and walked slowly over to her friend and gave her a light hug. "Jazz, I'm fine. A little rougher than I expected, and can take on a regular basis. I mean, I'll be feeling this for more than a couple of days, and some of these bruises will linger around for a week or so, but I'll be fine and I've taken worse in the past."
Jasmine relaxed a little at the words, but still felt herself a little uncertain by it all. "You're not lying to me, are you?"
"Jazz, why would I lie? I knew what I was getting into last night, better than you did, and I never told you to stop. How many opportunities did you give me to call things off or back up? Did I ever take it?"
"No, but by the end, it was hard to tell how much you were even focused on the moment."
"I was focused enough to know I wasn't at my limits. Close, but not at them. I can't play like this often, but it isn't like I've done any play recently and I don't have anything planned in the near future either. Who would have thought being a manager at a gym would make it so hard to find someone to date." Laura held her friend at arm's length and looked her in the eye with a cool firmness. "Jazz, I'm fine. I'm sore. I ache. I desperately need a shower to ease a little more of the ache this morning and I'll be popping Advil all day to keep things down, but I'll be fine. Didn't I show you just how fine and appreciative I was this morning?"
Jasmine felt herself blush slightly and relax at the morning's memories and the assuredness of Laura's tone. Laura had never stopped her the night before to slow down, much less stop, and the other woman had a level of experience she couldn't come close to matching. Plus, she was moving like she was sore, not injured, so, Jasmine would take her word for it. She had a thousand other questions she wanted to ask and it would be hard to do if she was worried she couldn't trust her friend. She nodded and looked at her friend from head to toe. "Okay. You're right. Sorry I'm still a little new to this, and I don't think it is usual for someone to go quite so whole hog their first time." She blushed again and looked Laura up and down again. "Can I take a few pictures to remember it by?"
Laura laughed. "No most people don't go quite so heavy on their first time. But most people aren't usually playing with someone with years of experience and a very high pleasure/pain level either. Of course you can take some pics. If you want, you can use my camera instead of the cruddy little one on your phone, and I'll email them to you later, along with some other pics of past play sessions as well."
"Really?" Jasmine squeaked, embarrassed that she sounded like an overly excited schoolgirl at the thought.
Laura walked over to her closet and got out a higher end camera, which she handed to Jasmine after quickly adjusting the settings. "Here you go. Don't fuck with the settings and the pics should turn out perfectly." Jasmine nodded as she picked up the camera and aimed it at her friend, capturing a shot of her smiling face and bruised breasts.
Laura spent the next five minutes posing in various positions to show off the bruises as best as possible as Jasmine clicked away with the camera and a few with her cell phone. She remembered taking a couple of photos the night before, but looking at the photos of the after effects of the spanking helped bring the intensity of the evening into focus in a way that a photo of the moment just couldn't.
Jasmine sat the camera down after a last close up of the bruising over Laura's bikini area and let out a satisfied sigh. "Thank you. Those photos are quite nice souvenirs. Now why don't you go shower, and I'll make breakfast."
Laura got up from the bed with a stretch and smiled. "Normally, I would argue with you and tell you to go shower first while I made breakfast, but after you ruined my favorite bra and panty set, the least you owe me is breakfast." She gave Jasmine a light peck on the cheek as she passed and made her way to what would be a very HOT and painful shower.
Jasmine grabbed what looked like a long nightshirt off the top of Laura's hamper and slipped it on and made her way to the kitchen and found the makings for breakfast and quickly prepared food for the pair of them. Omelets filled with ham, cheese and tomato were complimented with cottage cheese, fresh fruit, orange juice, and toast. She was just finishing up the second omelet as Laura emerged from the bathroom in a puff of steam and made her way down to the breakfast bar that separated the kitchen from the rest of the apartment, still completely naked.
Jasmine heard the slight hiss of pain her friend let out as Laura gingerly sat down on the stool and accepted her plate of food as she took the seat next to her. There was part of her that was a bit worried still that she had pushed it too far. There was part of her worried that she'd lost control of herself and wouldn't have been able to stop even if Laura had asked her to, but she didn't truly feel like she had, and she'd tried to give Laura every chance to back off if she'd wanted to.
"So, what's on your mind?" Laura asked between bites of omelet.
"I'm still trying to take it all in, I guess," Jasmine replied between bites of her own. "Part of me is still wondering if I pushed you too far or pushed myself too far."
"Don't." Laura said interrupting her. "You didn't. You didn't even come close to pushing your own restraint. I was aware enough to keep track of those things and I know what to look for in a Domme that's losing control. And I've told you I knew what I was doing."
"Okay," Jasmine said trying not to sound uncertain. "What about us? Are we building a relationship here? Is this the start of something bigger?"
Laura took a couple bites of her food as she thought the question over. "Do you want a relationship with me?"
Jasmine blushed and looked at her food. "Not really. We live a bit far apart to try it, and while it has been good to catch up with you, and last night was fun, I'm just not getting that spark of a relationship forming."
"Then why did you ask?"
"I'm not exactly used to casual sex. Diana was the first time I've ever slept with someone I hadn't been dating for months first. Now, an hour after finding out you're a lesbian as well, I have you bound and I'm tormenting you. It is, to say the least, way out of my comfort zone."
"I bound myself and then had to beg you to use me. Hell, Jasmine, the only way you were getting out the apartment last night without me having gotten into your pants, is if you had left the moment you came out and saw me handcuffed."
Jasmine gave out a little nervous laugh. She wasn't used to feeling uncomfortable as she asked questions, and it was a strange feeling. Laura might have been a submissive, but she was clearly in control of the situation at the moment. "Okay, so you might be a bit more comfortable with casual sex than I am. It has just never been part of my mindset."
"Why is that, Jazz? I mean a few of us speculated on your Ms. Prim-and-Proper slash Miss. Horny-as-Hell double nature back in high school and we could never figure it out. I mean you'd start dating a guy and you went around the bases like you were swimming in molasses, but once you reached home you'd be going at it like a sea otter."
"Sea otter? Not rabbit?"
"Sea otters are crazy fucks. Male sea otters will fuck any and everything they can get their paws on. You think your average teenage guy has a high sex drive, male sea otters put them to shame. They'll fuck something to death, then keep fucking it."
"I so did not need that mental image."
"You're a teacher, you should encourage learning new things," Laura said with a wicked smile.
"Back to your point please," Jasmine said trying to shake the image of raping, necrophilliac sea otters from her memory.
"How come you never did the sleep around party girl thing? How did you manage to control your sex drive when you were early in a relationship?"
Jasmine thought about the question for a moment as she ate her breakfast. "That isn't exactly an easy question to answer. There isn't just one factor to it. It helped my mom bought me my first vibrator when I was fifteen. That really helped being able to just take care of things myself."
"Your mom got you a vibe when you were fifteen," Laura said in slight disbelief. "Your mom really was the cool mom."
"When I was thirteen, she gave me the sex talk. Not the 'Your body is a wondrous thing and it's going through changes' bullshit, we had that when I was ten. The one at thirteen was the 'You're likely to start having sex sooner than later, most likely sooner, and this is what you need to know to not be stupid when you do' talk," Jasmine began as she tried to figure out how to explain things. "She put it all out there and in WAY more detail than I needed. She told me to never be with a guy who wasn't willing to satisfy me if I was willing to satisfy him. She told me that I needed to be comfortable with my sexuality and to never be ashamed of something if I enjoyed doing it. And she talked about reputation, and dealing with the consequences of how other people might treat me, and what they might say if they knew what I had done."
"She had that talk with you at thirteen?"
"Oh that wasn't even the half of it. Apparently, my mom got around a bit in her teen years." Jasmine shook her head trying to shake lose the memories that had resurfaced as her mom had shared her experiences and consequences. "What I took from the conversation though, was that most guys won't put the energy into satisfying someone they aren't involved with, guys are going to talk and tell everyone everything you've done with them, and guys will stick their dicks in anything that will let them. Kind of like sea otters that way, I guess. Well that isn't everything I took from it, but for the purpose of this conversation it sums it up.
"When I had my sexual awakening and realized how much pleasure I could bring my own body, I found I liked letting the orgasms build on each other. Usually, if I only had time to bring myself off, I spent the next few hours feeling twitchy and out of sorts. I also saw how guys talked about girls that were quick to let themselves get felt up or go down on a guy. And I saw how other girls, and okay, myself on occasion, treated those same girls. Remember Jana Lewiston?"
"Oh yeah. Popsicle!" Laura blurted out.
"That's exactly what I mean. She's a little stupid and ends up playing a game of truth or dare with some guys and her friend Abby. During the course of the game she's dared to shove a Popsicle up her twat. For whatever reason, and probably because they pressured her into doing it, she does it. You're outnumbered five to one, you don't have a lot of choice. So she does it and everyone swears none of them will tell."
"And two days later EVERYONE is calling her Popsicle," Laura continued. "Then she gets a reputation for being perceived as being easy, and while she's suddenly very popular with the boys, we being the bitches we were, froze her out like a Popsicle. I get your point. Fuck, I think I called her Popsicle in her senior yearbook."
Jasmine nodded, "Exactly. She never lived down the reputation of doing one stupid thing in front of a group of supposed friends who promised they wouldn't tell and couldn't keep their mouths' closed an hour. Thank God we didn't have camera phones back then, or that would have been sent around before her pants were back on. Back to my story though. I knew I had a high sex drive. I know from listening to girls talk and from what my mom said that guys aren't exactly great at making sure the girl they are with enjoys the moment as much as him. I didn't even realize how far ahead of the curve I was when it came to multiple orgasms and willingness to masturbate to get them. I just figured most girls got what they could from a guy and then went home and finished themselves off. When my mom asked what I wanted for my fifteenth birthday, I told her I wanted a vibrator. By that point, I was tired of wearing out my wrist every night."
"And she got you one?" Laura asked more than a little slightly amazed.
"She got me three. She barely even blinked when I asked. Of course I was smart enough not to ask around my dad and she didn't exactly have me unwrap them at the dining room table with the rest of my gifts."
"And I had to ask my college cousin to go buy me my first vibe when I was seventeen. She charged me double what it cost in the store on top of that. Meanwhile, your mom gives you an assortment for your quincea?era," Laura grumbled.
"High quality ones too. As disturbing as it is, my mom knows her sex toys," Jasmine responded before continuing her story. "Back to the point, I'm starting to date more by this point, but not really letting guys get more than the occasional over the shirt grope. As they start asking for more, I start asking what they are going to do for me first. If a guy gives me a blank stare like he doesn't have a clue what I'm talking about, or acts like chivalry means the woman goes first not cums first, then I tell him no and stop seeing him. I'm not going to end up like Jana."
"Now, I was willing to go down on a guy. I hadn't done it, but I was curious as hell about it. I was horny all the time and was getting fed up with just getting clumsily groped, but I wasn't going to do it just to satisfy my curiosity about that if my curiosity about having a guy go down on me wasn't satisfied first. This developed into more of a plan of action when it came to dating guys and deciding if they were worth having sex with, which despite everything I've said I wanted to have. There were days when I was so horny in high school, I just wanted to grab some guy walking down the hall, pull him into the equipment room in the gym and find out just what the big deal was about. But that's the way a girl gets a nickname like Popsicle, so I restrained myself. Before I slept with a guy, I had to know he was going to be willing to please me. I had to know he was going to be able to please me more than once in an evening. Most importantly, I had to know he wasn't going to telling everyone five minutes later. This all took time and meant while I was dying to get around the bases, as you put it, it was better to take the long view. And when in doubt, I had my vibes at home."
"You are you to the core, Jazz. Organized and completely planned out even when it comes to sex," Laura said shaking her head and smiling at her friend's obsessive thought process on sleeping with a guy. "Okay, that explains high school, but what about college? Everyone fucks around in college. It's expected in college that at some point you wake up in the bed of some stranger, and wonder who they are and where your bra is."
"To me, it was just a bigger campus, but same rules. Not to mention the fact that who knows what some college boy has picked up at the local Clappa Gonea Syphs sorority house. There were still girls who were put down spreading their legs for any guy who walked by, and most of the time, they were being put down by other girls who would spread for any guy who walked by and were pissed the last guy who had walked by had passed them and chosen the other girl. I had enough problems with those bitches getting pissed at me as is just because their conquest of the week kept looking in my direction."
"So basically, it was less of a hassle to vet the possible candidates for mad sea otter like fucking than to just go out and cast your line into the water and see what you caught."
"Precisely. Take my time, make sure I've found a good guy, and then use him in any and every way we can come up with. Have you ever had sex in a tree? Not a treehouse, actually balanced in the branches of a tree and going at it so hard the whole tree is shaking? Now that was fun."
"Someday I would like to see the full list of places you've had sex, but I'm too afraid of just how jealous and inadequate I would feel in comparison," Laura said as she pondered how hard it would be to have sex perched in a tree. "So you're an adult now, you know what you're looking for in sex and know how to get it, what is the problem with a little casual sex if it satisfies those requirements?"
Jasmine thought about the question for a moment. "Well to start with, I'm no longer looking for guys. I'm not exactly living in an area that is friendly to homosexuals."
"Oh come on how unfriendly can it be?"
"Ever heard of Sarah Ellington?"
Laura let out a hissed breath. "Ouch, that was your school?"
Jasmine nodded. "'Not exactly friendly' is a nice way of putting it. Say I do find a woman in the area, say we do hook up. Say she's interested in being my slave for the evening. Say all that happens and a parent finds out I went home with a woman and complains to the principal and school board. My position at school will become very difficult. They wouldn't be able to fire me, but they would do all they could to freeze me out of things and pressure me out of the job."
"Okay, what if you were attracted to guys? What would be the problem with casual sex then?"
"Same kind of problem in some ways. Small town and if I go trolling the bars for hook-ups, it wouldn't take long before everyone knew. Being thought of having loose morals makes it that much harder to maintain classroom discipline. Just looking for something casual means an hour drive to the nearest city big enough where I might find someone. Then it's a game of Russian Roulette as to whether it would be someone worth it. Plus, it isn't exactly easy to change fifteen years of thinking," Jasmine explained.
"Diana and you were, I guess the best way to put it, experiments. Am I really attracted to women and could I actually sleep with one, or is it just a mental block caused by a long dormant sex drive? Can I really act on my dominate desires, or is it all just something in my head? Obviously I can see myself doing both again now, but that part of me that has always sought out relationships wants to seek out a relationship to do it in. I look at you and I think, 'Laura isn't what I'm looking for right now in a relationship', but another part of my mind is also thinking, 'I wonder if she'll want to hook up again if I come back over this way for Christmas?'" Jasmine let out breath as she tried to figure out how to get her thoughts in order.
Laura looked at her friend and read the confusion and frustration on Jasmine's face. "I don't think we'd work in a relationship either. The long distance thing is difficult at the best of times, and while we're good friends, it takes more than that to start a relationship. That said, if you were in town at Christmas or another time, and neither of us was in a serious relationship, I could see the possibility of playing again." She finished and tried to strike a sexy pose on the stool and ended up wincing as her body reminded her of all the aches. "Maybe not quite as hard, but we could play again."
"It's a date," Jasmine said dryly. "Now, if it were just so easy closer to home."
"You can't tell me there isn't someone back where you live that you don't think there's a possibility with. There has to be someone you've looked at and felt a possible connection with."
"Ye-. Well may-. NO!" Jasmine said as she tried to get her thoughts under control as the image of Julie naked and decorated with clothespins came to mind.
"No? Really? You sound so sure of that," Laura said sarcastically.
"It's complicated and wouldn't work," Jasmine said trying to found firm and ending.
"Is she in a relationship?"
"No," Jasmine said softly.
"Is she straight?"
"No," she replied again as she tried to figure out an excuse beyond it being one of her students.
"Are you attracted to her?"
"Yes. I think."
"Do you think she has compatible sexual interests?"
"I'm pretty sure."
"Has she expressed any interest in you in the past?" Laura pried.
"Yes, but?" Jasmine did not have a good way to end that sentence. For a moment she thought about telling the truth.
"I'm not seeing a good 'but' here, Jazz. If it is really that hard to find someone where you are like you say, then why are you passing up on someone who sounds like they meet your criteria?" Laura pressed as Jasmine sat quietly in her chair. She really didn't have a good way to answer the question. Telling the truth didn't seem like a good choice. Laura could flip out and call the police if she told her the truth, or even worse she could tell her that she didn't see a problem with it.
"I just really don't think it would work," she said as firmly as she could manage.
Laura leaned in and looked into Jasmine's eyes. She stared so hard Jasmine could feel herself starting to squirm as Laura seemed to be reading her soul. "No, you're more afraid that it will work," she said leaning back. "I'm not sure why, maybe it is because you lost the last person you cared about, but you're afraid of what will happen if it does work out."
Jasmine shifted uncomfortably as the truth of the words hit her. This couldn't work with Julie. Too many things were stacked against them, and the longer it did last, the worse the consequences when it ended. Yet despite all that, she found herself still wanting the young girl. "It can't work out," Jasmine stated flatly looking away from her friend.
Laura took Jasmine's hand in hers and let her fingers caress gently up and down her arm. "Jazz, I don't know why you're fighting against something you want so hard, but you've got to figure that out for yourself. Figure out what your objections are, and why you still want to ignore them. If your reasons are good enough, then just go for it. Passion rarely makes sense, but it makes for one hell of a ride." She leaned forward and gave Jasmine a light kiss on the cheek. "It isn't like you to be indecisive or timid, so knock it off. It isn't a good look on a Domme."
Jasmine gave her friend a blushing half smile as she pulled her hand free. "You're right it isn't like me. I've been avoiding the situation and I need to get over it and make up my mind. I've never been indecisive or meek in the past, and I'm not going to start now," she finished firmly and decisively, sitting up a little straighter.
Laura let out a light happy laugh, "There's the Jasmine that I know. The one who doused Thad's letterman jacket in lighter fluid and tossed it in the bonfire when she caught him fucking Darla at the lake party."
"I actually meant to throw it at him, but it caught too fast and I had no choice but to toss it in the fire," Jasmine admitted slightly embarrassed. "You're also forgetting I slashed his tires, so he had a bit of difficulty getting home that night too. Why he thought he would get away with cheating on me, especially with that prudish bitch, is beyond me."
"Personally, I'm just amazed you didn't just spray the lighter fluid straight on him to begin with," Laura said with another laugh. "With that said though, Jazz, I know you want to get on the road and headed home before it gets much later. Why don't you grab a shower, and I'll take care of the dishes."
Jasmine got up and stretched, "You're right, I need a shower and to get going. Thanks for everything. I'm glad our paths crossed again." She leaned over and gave Laura a big hug squeezing the woman in her arms.
"Me too, Jazz," Laura said wincing at the hug as it reminded her body where all the aching spots were. "Just remember, Jazz, you can't always play so rough with your toys."
Jasmine laughed, ending the hug and made her way to the shower.
Two hours later, Jasmine found herself on the freeway making her way home. Laura had been right that she needed to quit being so indecisive when it came to Julie. She had gotten the girl's hopes up and then ignored her, too cowardly to just end things like she should have. The problem was that she'd never been sure if she'd have brought it up, that she would have been able to say no. She still wanted the girl, and she couldn't put her finger on exactly why. And was it just Julie she wanted, or was she going to find herself lusting after any teenage girl that showed an interest in her.
That last part is what really worried her. If it was just something special about Julie, then what and was it worth pursuing. If it was any attractive young woman, then the answer was clear and she needed to end it, and maybe find a different profession.
The drive gave her time to think, and come to a conclusion. If by the time she got home, she hadn't convinced herself it was worth pursuing, then she knew it wasn't and she had to tell Julie on Monday. On the other hand, if by the time she got home she decided it was worth the risk, then she had plans to make.
Jasmine let her mind run back over the girls she had taught in the past as she tried to pick out a few that represented types she could see herself possibly attracted to and wanting to dominate. She would happily bound and gag Sharice in her second period class, but that wasn't sexual, it was just to shut the girl up and keep her from texting on her cellphone. They weren't even through the first semester yet and she'd already confiscated the phone five times, and it was easy to tell when she was on it, because it was the only time she stopped talking to whoever was around her. Jasmine couldn't understand why her mom kept coming by the school to pick up the phone for the little brat either.
She had no interest in Sharice beyond that though, and she moved on to various students she had in past years. This year had started out roughly, and she hadn't bonded as closely with her classes as she had in the past. That was starting to change now that she was back out of her shell, but she didn't know these kids as well as she knew many of her classes in the past.
After thinking about it for thirty minutes, Jasmine came up with a list of four names. It was a list of four girls that were all different from each other, but unique in their own ways and stood out in her memory. Jenny Morgan, Tina Botts, Vanessa Sanchez, and Stephanie Landow were the final four. They were all different in attitude as well as looks, and Jasmine had a connection to all of them outside of the classroom. She disregarded anything she knew, or thought she knew about their sexual preferences and asked herself, if the girl had come up to her when she had been her student, or even now for that matter, and there had been no William in the picture, would she have even thought about pursuing a relationship with her. For the sake of the mental exercise, she made them all very submissive and sexually adventurous in the bedroom. Basically, she was cutting out Julie and putting a different girl into the slot.
She started with Jenny Morgan. She had Jenny in her class her first year as a teacher and again in her third year. Jenny had been 5'4" when she'd had her as a freshman and 5'9" two years later as a junior. Her long light brown hair had been down to her waist that she wore in single braid. She'd had a few extra pounds as a freshman, but by her junior year the extra pounds had spread out on her growing frame and she had developed some very nice curves. She had a nice smile and fast eyes that intensely tracked whatever had her interest. She'd been on the track team and after she'd hit her growth spurt, she'd gone from competing in the sprints to the hurdles and long jump. Jasmine had written a college letter of recommendation for her and Jasmine believed she was now at one of the smaller private colleges in the state.
Jasmine had been an assistant track coach her first two years at the school, until gracefully stepping aside when a new teacher started at the school who had actual track experience, and Jasmine had gotten the chance to know Jenny as more than just a student in her class. Jenny was a nice girl, but when Jasmine thought to herself as to whether she would have acted on any indications from the girl that she was interested, the answer was clearly and quickly no.
It wasn't that Jenny was a bad person, it was more that she was? flat was the only way Jasmine could think to put it. Jenny had very little interest in the world outside of her own little world. Jasmine would never call her shallow. She wasn't self-absorbed, cruel, or malicious; she just didn't even seem to notice how big the world was. She was born a small town girl and when she finished with college, she'd come back to the same small town and be content with that being her world. Content isn't even the right word. She'd come back oblivious that she could have had anything else.
Jasmine would admit she had found a certain contentedness in the town, but she still dreamed of bigger things, traveled, and knew the world extended farther than the town limits. Being with someone who looked at the events in the Middle East as if they were on a different planet, Hell, who looked on events that happened across the nation as utterly disconnected to her life, would drive Jasmine mad within a week. Jenny was perfectly nice, but she definitely wasn't Jasmine's type.
Tina Botts had been the classic All-American girl. Five ten with shoulder-length golden blonde hair and a body that had all the right curves in all the right places. She always seemed to be wearing a big smile showing her gleaming white teeth and moved with an assured bounce in her step. Jasmine had had the girl two years before as a junior. She had been in student body government every year probably since Kindergarten, and Jasmine believed she was currently a freshman at some semi-prestigious college in California. Beyond holidays, Jasmine doubted that Tina would ever return to the small town and she was out to conquer the world.
Jasmine had gotten to know Tina a little out of class when she'd served on the school dance committee for a couple of years, and they'd talked at the various planning meetings and while setting up for dances. At first impression, Tina was one of the nicest and sweetest girls you would ever meet. The problem was that first impression wasn't exactly true, as Jasmine had heard her talking when she thought only her elite cadre of friends was around. Tina could be unkind and rude. Well okay, if Jasmine were to be totally honest, Tina was a cold-hearted, two-faced bitch, who would sell her soul to the devil, her mother to a whorehouse, and her younger brother to organ harvesters if she thought it would get her ahead? and she wouldn't get caught.
It had taken Jasmine awhile to realize this about the girl, but even before she'd overheard one particularly nasty exchange between Tina and one of her friends, Jasmine had begun to be wary of the girl. It had been the way that Tina had occasionally turned her head and whispered a comment to a friend to which they both laughed at an odd moment and there had been a cool glint in Tina's eye. Jasmine couldn't see her being with someone she distrusted. She definitely couldn't see herself being with someone she knew would cross her if it was to her advantage.
Then there was Vanessa Sanchez. The girl exuded sexuality with every breath and every move. She only stood about 5' 7", but she always wore heels which gave her another couple of inches. Her flawless caramel skin, lustrous wavy black hair that went past her shoulders, and smoldering brown eyes gave her an exotic look in the white bred town. She had curves that would have Playboy pounding on her door, and her every move seemed to be an expression of vitality and self-control. You always saw the comical scene where guys watching a woman passing them and being so caught up in the moment that they didn't know what they were doing and run into a door. Jasmine had actually seen that happen more than once when Vanessa had walked down the hall.
Vanessa had been Jasmine's student her freshman year, and even at fourteen she had had that look about her that left the boys in class speechless when she talked. She was also an actress and starred in nearly every school play from her sophomore year on. Her stage presence was even more amazing than her every day presence. When she was on stage, every eye was on her and pulled into the moment. She'd even starred in a few local commercials, before she had graduated and last Jasmine had heard was she had gone off to an acting school in hopes of launching a career in Hollywood. Jasmine had yet to see her on TV, but even in the last year, she wasn't a huge watcher of network television.
Jasmine knew the answer to a relationship with Vanessa though. It was another definite no. Okay there was a part of her that would love to see Vanessa naked now that she'd graduated. Vanessa wasn't hot, she was gorgeous! Sadly Vanessa was also dumb as a stump. Jasmine had gotten to know Vanessa out of the classroom when she had been helping the drama teacher modernize Macbeth. Vanessa had been cast as Lady Macbeth and couldn't remember her lines to save her life. In the past Vanessa had gotten by memorizing what lines she absolutely had to, and the rest of her lines, were often carefully hidden around stage. The budget had been tight that year and the settings had been minimal with very few places to hide lines, and Jasmine had found herself doing all she could to help the girl memorize the lines.
Vanessa had been extremely grateful and sweet about the help and given it everything she could to get the lines memorized, and even after all of that, they'd had to change things a little at the last minute so that the full length of the 'Out, out damned spot' speech was some place she could read it. Vanessa had limped through school getting mostly C's with the occasional D or B, and Jasmine was sure more than one male teacher had given her grade a boost because of her looks. Jasmine was also fairly certain that the only reason none of the male teachers tried to do anything with her is because the girl had no filter and couldn't keep a secret. Nice, sweet and beautiful were all things that Jasmine liked. But Jasmine couldn't be with someone who wasn't at least moderately smart, and she never would have risked being with someone who was likely to accidentally mention what was going on in the middle of class one day or to her parents over dinner.
Finally there was Stephanie Landow. Stephanie had been a mousy girl, with frizzy brown hair, hazel-grey eyes, a slight, boyish build and dressed in what she probably thought was gypsy-hippie chic. Stephanie had been one of her juniors three years ago and like Julie, she had always been one of the quiet students trying not to draw attention to themselves. Jasmine had gotten to know Stephanie when the girl had asked if she would help her with a novel she was writing. Jasmine had agreed to read through what the girl had given her and do some editing and offer her advice. The girl had been good. The story she was telling had been well put together and the characters had had depths that many professional writers lacked.
Jasmine had edited the story and offered advice as to where she should take the story from there. Jasmine had always been better at term papers than fictional writing, but editing was editing and she knew how to advise the girl to avoid tropes and clich?s in her writing. Every Friday for the rest of the year, Stephanie had brought in the pages she'd written that week, and Jasmine would read through them and edit them, and they had talked a little as Jasmine read and edited and Stephanie pretended to work on her homework.
And that was the exact problem with Stephanie. She was smart, but flighty. Her mind drifted from thought to thought like a butterfly and only stayed somewhere as long as she found it interesting. Jasmine knew she'd done all the class reading, and did a massive amount of reading outside of class, but she rarely turned in assignments and never bothered to do book reports on her outside reading. Her grades had been all over the place, and Jasmine knew she had to take summer school between her junior and senior years to pass a class she had failed. She had passed Jasmine's class, but barely. Well she sort of passed. Okay Jasmine admitted she had shifted the girl's grade up a few points to pass her. It was what Jasmine referred to as an 'I know you know' pass. Jasmine knew Stephanie had done the reading and knew what was going on in the story, and knew the vocabulary because it would pop up in her own writing, but the learning had never been demonstrated in the classroom. The proof of knowledge had been enough for Jasmine to pass her, but it wasn't enough for Jasmine to consider a relationship with the girl. Jasmine didn't mind someone who was a bit of a free spirit, but Stephanie was lost on the breeze and lacked the self-control or desire to be anything else. She wasn't sure what the girl was doing now as she had graduated the year before when Jasmine had been her most lost, but she thought she remembered Stephanie had moved to the big city and was trying to get into writing. She made a note to try and find out. Stephanie hadn't had her novel finished by the end of the school year, and never come back to her with anything else. At the very least she suddenly found herself very curious again what had happened with that story.
The elimination process had taken Jasmine though the big city and she had just started to pass through the more affluent suburbs before the mountains took over. She barely remembered to get off the freeway for the shopping lot that she'd been planning on. It was going to be an early, and more than slightly expensive Christmas present for herself, but Jasmine had decided to get a hot tub, possibly one with an endless lap pool built in, for the backyard, and her usual careful research told her which brands to look at and where to buy.
Jasmine used her time in the store to go back over her choices and thoughts. Had she been lying to herself about any of the girls? Were there any girls she had left off the list that might have been worth considering? She didn't think so. Yes, she was curious as to how Vanessa might look naked, and she made another mental note to do a search for that when she got home, after all, didn't failed actresses often end up on the pages of girly magazines, but no other former students came to mind as she troubled through the problem. That just left the question as to why Julie.
The stop took longer and cost more than she had imagined it would, but Jasmine walked out of the store ninety minutes later with an appointment the next week for someone to come out and consult about delivery and installation. Jasmine had even called Harrison to make sure he could be on hand for that in case she was going to need him to do any renovations or electrical work in advance. She was already anticipating the first soak in the tub with the jets turned on high and how nice it would be to swim endlessly in the warm water and the cold winter air blew all around her and snow covered the ground.
Shopping done, Jasmine turned her car towards home and her mind towards Julie. Before she could do anything with the girl, she had to answer the questions as to why her and was it worth the risks. Jasmine knew that some girl she knew no further than as a student and how they did in class would never be someone she would show a spark of interest in. She liked her students, but that's exactly what they were. Julie had become something more when she'd become Jasmine's TA and they talked everyday about whatever was going on in the world. Jasmine was even willing to admit that it had been that daily casual conversation that had finally cracked her shell and gave her enough of a nudge to get back in contact with Stacey. Sure trying to avoid the notebook had been the final push, but remembering it was possible to have a conversation with someone that didn't circle back to her dead husband had been even more important.
Julie was cute and had a certain athletic leanness to her body that Jasmine liked. Yes, she could use a bit more muscle definition, but she was still young and work and determination would help her with that. She wasn't stupid either. She wasn't an honor student, but she was bright, hard-working, and realized the world was bigger than just the small town she lived in. She had goals in her life, but wasn't locked into her plans and was ready to see where life might take her. She wasn't mean, but she didn't try to be friends with everyone either. If someone wasn't her friend, they weren't her friend and that was it; they never became a target for scorn or torment. Knowing what she knew about the girl, Jasmine could see the sensuality in her, as her big eyes craved approval, dominance, and the desire to please. All the other girls Jasmine considered beat Julie in one way or another, prettier, smarter, sexier, or athletic. All of the other girls had big flaws as well. They were the same kinds of flaws that had kept her from dating guys in high school or college, and they were the same kinds of flaws that had led her to break up with guys as well.
Jasmine tried to take age out of the equation. Say she had met Julie through one of the various BDSM and fetish social media or dating sites on the internet, what would she do? This aged Julie a few years and made her legal. Jasmine wouldn't have approached her, she knew that. She would have set her search range down as she looked on the sites to someone probably between the ages of 24 and 32ish, so Julie would have had to find her on the site and message her.
In her message Julie would explain she was new to the scene but had a long time curiosity in BDSM, but had not had the ability to experiment much until now. She had a decent pain tolerance, liked the idea of some humiliation play, considered herself very submissive and was open to all kinds of experimenting. Part of the reason she replied to Jasmine's profile, is that she saw Jasmine too was new to the scene and just coming out of the closet, she lived reasonably close by, and this could be an opportunity for them to get to know the scene and experiment together. She points out she is a little below the age Jasmine is looking for, but she had to reply because she felt there were too many other connections for something like age to be an absolute factor. There'd been a link back to Julie's profile as well where Jasmine would find an assortment of pics of the things Julie had put herself through as she learned, a story or two, and a decently written profile that would give Jasmine a better idea of if she was worth replying to with any interest.
After looking through all of that, Jasmine knew what she would do next if it had been a guy and she was looking to get back into the dating pool and the thought hurt her. She would compare the guy to William. She wouldn't expect him to measure up perfectly, but she would at least like to think that any other man she dated would have many of the same qualities that he had that made her fall so madly and deeply in love with him to begin with. She was going to have to do the same thing to Julie if she wanted a real answer.
Jasmine really, really, really didn't want to have to compare the two. It was still too hard to think of William at times, and comparing him to a replacement was difficult. Jasmine didn't even bother to think what Will would think of Julie. His moral compass was probably stronger than hers seemed to be and she knew he would have dismissed things long before they went anywhere. He was probably a little disappointed in her for not doing the same, wherever he was now, but it was where he wasn't that was the determining factor. And that wasn't was in the car with her driving home.
"Okay," Jasmine said to herself. "Let's compare the two. See if Julie can measure up well enough to make it worth it."
She started with looks. It was the least important category in the long run, but the hardest to compare between the two. Will had a certain computer geek chic about his look. Short hair, wire frame glasses, short sleeve dress shirts usually in red, blues, and greens, a thin frame that he put just even exercise into to keep fit and give him enough muscle definition to keep from looking frail. A nice slightly lopsided smile and kind eyes that had a glint of mischievousness to them made him perpetually look like he'd just finished playing some minor prank on someone.
Julie with her short red hair, spray of freckles on her pale skin, short athletic body was in many ways a complete opposite. She couldn't compare the apple and oranges of bodies, so Jazz focused on Julie's face. A sweet, shy smile and hazel, almost green eyes always seemed to give her a look of sweet innocence and the desire to please. Looking at William, put a person at ease and then made them check to make sure their shoelaces hadn't been tied together. Looking at Julie made you think of an angel with a free pass to sin for the weekend. There was no comparison and no winner good or bad.
William was smart as a whip when it came to computers and mathematics. He'd gone to college on a full academic scholarship and had been recruited right out of college for one of the top companies in his field. In his first year of work as Jasmine finished up her degree, he'd made more than she'd made in her first three years of teaching combined. Then, he'd quit that job at a drop of a hat to follow her out to a teaching job on the backend of nowhere. He knew what was going on in the world and could hold a reasonable conversation on most topics, but if it fell out of his areas of computers, videos games, movies, or basketball, he was willing to admit it wasn't hard for him to get out of his depth.
Jasmine had enjoyed her conversations with Julie as they worked through sixth period, but as bright as Julie was, her knowledge base was incomplete. Unlike most sixteen year olds though, she knew she didn't know everything and let her interests and knowledge roam and grow. Julie admitted that her world had become a little self-centric as she found herself more isolated from her friends, and with that had come an obsession with furthering her exploration of BDSM, more than expanding her knowledge down new routes as well. But Jasmine had been there too, and she could see what Julie needed was a push into the greater world to explore more and she would be off.
It again seemed like an unfair comparison between the two. There were parts of William that would always seem to be a teenaged boy obsessed with video games and the latest gadgets and where was part of Julie that already seemed like a grown woman ready to explore the world before her.
William made friends easily. He had a charm about him that if he had been a conman he could have had widows handing over their pensions, pastors handing over their daughters, and car dealers handing him over the keys to a new Mercedes with nothing but a promise and a smile. Everyone seemed to know him and at the same time, he seemed to know everyone. Two weeks into her first year teaching and Will's first year at the district's head of IT, she was still trying to get to know staff and remember what department everyone was in. Meanwhile, teachers she barely recognized would come up and say hi to her, and ask how Will was doing and tell her how he'd done a great job on fixing that glitch with their computer, or smart board, or projector, or whatever else that hadn't been working right. She'd gone to the grocery store one night and the cashier had recognized her as Will's wife and how he'd help reboot the system and getting it running smoother when he'd been in a couple days before and the thunderstorm had hit and knocked out the power for a couple of minutes.
Jasmine had grown up and been popular all through school. Even college she'd had lots of friends and a big circle of acquaintances, but William had been something different. He wasn't Mr. Popular, or the center or attention, or anything like that, but at the same time, everyone seemed to know him and there wasn't a party he wouldn't have been welcome at or at the very least couldn't have talked his way into.
Julie was like that in a way. Because she was worried about someone finding out she was a lesbian and socially exiling her, she had pulled back from many of her friends, but that wasn't her personality. Everyone had always seemed to like Julie. She could put her in any group of students in class to work on a project and everyone knew she would do her share and wouldn't cause problems. She was always eager to please and people would always give her the benefit of the doubt if anything ever went wrong around her.
If she was away from the small town and in a city where she could feel more comfortable being out and being herself, Julie would likely come back out of her shell and be that person on comfortable fitting in with most every social circle.
Sexually William and Jasmine had clicked. They had explored, experimented, talked and done everything the two of them could think to try together. The sex could be a quickie in some place just out of view to the public, or an afternoon of foreplay and fucking that left them both exhausted and sated. She had never wanted when it came to sex with William, and as far as she knew, he had never been left wanting either.
Julie was a new world of possibilities when it came to sex. Matching Jasmine's, but in an entirely different direction. Just thinking of the possibilities of what she could do with Julie had her mind spiraling off in a thousand different directions. If they hadn't been in a small town and if Julie hadn't been underage, they would have spiraled in a thousand different others as well. Her biggest issue with Julie was often trying to figure out what she could do without bringing undo suspicion or problems on the girl and herself.
Julie didn't exactly measure up to William, but that's because it wasn't a fair comparison. That said though, if Julie had contacted her through a BDSM site, Jasmine would have found herself replying, curious to see where it could go. She couldn't deny her attraction to Julie, and maybe Laura was right that she needed to see where this went. And the more she thought about it, the more she knew she'd regret not doing it more than she would giving it a shot. At least until she found herself getting arrested and thrown in prison.
Jasmine let out a sigh as she made up her mind. It was still stupid. It was still dangerous, but she couldn't resist what Julie was or what she was offering. Now it was time to figure out what she was going to do with the girl. She was just turning into town, and instead of making her way home, she headed to the school, hoping Karla was still there.
The school parking lot was empty as Jasmine navigated her way around to the gym where she saw an older Jeep Cherokee parked near the gym doors. She smiled before parking next to the car and grabbing her gym bag out of the back of the car. The back door to the gym was unlocked and Jasmine hurried in out of the rain that had started to fall earlier that evening and made her way down a dark hall to a lit office near the end of the hall.
Jasmine rapped on the door frame as she entered from the hall and a lean athletic woman in her mid-thirties looked up from the TV where she was watching game footage of a girls' basketball game. Karla Yeats was one of the school's female gym teachers and the head coach of girls' track, basketball and soccer. She was maybe 5'8" with a wide frame of solid muscle. Her skin had a perpetual tanned look to it, which made her short cropped blonde hair look even lighter. "You spend way too much time in here considering it's a holiday weekend," Jasmine commented stepping into the office and leaning against a filing cabinet.
Karla stopped the recording of the game and stretched out in her seat as she turned to look at Jasmine. "I've got three seniors on this year's team. We haven't made the playoffs since they've been here and I'd like to see them make it for once. We've got a good team this year, and if we can catch just a few breaks, we can make it."
"What you need is a point guard who can put up a three pointer now and then. What you need is a point guard who can at least threaten from deep. You need Rebekah to go in for rebounds and fight for them instead of getting pushed around. You need a team that has better endurance so they're not throwing up rocks for the last five minutes of the game costing you close games. And you need a sixth man who can come off the bench and make a difference in the game. Beth needs to average more than 4.3 points a game for the amount of playing time you give her. You up for some one-on-one?"
Karla got up and stretched easing the stiff muscles from having spent far too long sitting in the seat pouring over footage of other teams. "What I need is a JV coach who knows enough to help build the basic skills the girls need. Yeah, I could use a little exercise. I'll get the balls while you get changed." Jasmine nodded and made her way to the locker room while Karla picked up a large key ring and made her way down to the equipment room.
Jasmine quickly changed into her gym clothes and joined the other woman on the basketball court where she was already taking warm up shots from a rack of balls. A ball bounced off the rim and angled towards her as she approached and she grabbed the ball off the bounce, shooting and swishing the shot. Jasmine grabbed a second ball off the rack, stepped back to the three point line and swished another shot with a smile.
"You just get back into town?" Karla asked as she made another shot of her own.
"Yeah. I didn't feel like hitting the gym and I knew you'd be here and would probably need a break. Seriously, you spend too much time watching footage." Another shot and another swish.
"The whole family is in town this year. I've got one of my brothers and his wife and their three kids at my house, along with my uncle while the rest are over at my parents. Being at home is crazy. Watching footage was my excuse to escape the noise." Her shot rolled around the rim, teetered for a second and fell in.
"The whole clan is in town? No wonder you're in hiding." The ball bounced off the backboard and whispered through the net.
"Even my grandparents. Though they're staying at the hotel, so they get peace and quiet." Her shot just bounced out.
"Good for them. So what are the odds, Olivia will finally give up the JV soccer position next year, so I can have it." Jasmine said with a blunt change of topic as she hit another three-pointer.
Karla laughed as she stepped back for a three of her own, "Well she could drop dead of a heart attack between now and then, but there's no chance she'll just hand it over." The shot bounced off the front of the rim and flew off.
"That's such bullshit. I gave up my spot with the track team when an actual track coach came to the school, she could have the same decency and give up her position for someone who actually knows how the modern game is played." The shot had a little too much heat on it, and bounced off the back of the rim.
"Life isn't fair. You can have the JV basketball job. Georgia would hand it over to you before the next game if you asked. Hell, if you want it, I'll give you the varsity job for next season." Her shot rattle around and bounced out.
"I hate basketball," Jasmine said as she swished another three pointer.
"Oh yes, I forget. Miss. Five-star recruit, Miss. Second-team All-American, Miss. Holder of multiple state records, hates basketball. You were offered scholarships from nearly every major college in the nation, and you turned it down to kick a ball around and now you're too good to coach JV ball," she said icily as her shot bounced hard off the backboard.
"Gee, I could have stayed at my parents and heard nearly that exact same speech from my dad. You would think ten years later, it would be a moot point. I was tired of basketball. I never liked it as much as I had liked soccer and no one should coach a sport they don't love. Yeah, I could take over the JV squad for you, and I could turn it around so that you would have better skilled and conditioned players to work with, but I'd spend the entire winter pissed off and counting the days until it was over. And you know exactly what I'm talking about, or you would hand me the varsity girls' soccer team for next year." Jasmine picked up the last ball off the rack and made another swish and the two women, now at least a little warmed up, gathered up the loose balls and prepared to play for real.
When it boiled down to it, Jasmine could have easily beat Karla in a game of one-on-one. She had a better long shot than the shorter woman, had a higher jump, and four inches of height. She could have easily hit ten straight jumpers and had the game over in a matter of minutes. Karla had her beat on the close game though and used her muscly frame to drive to the net with a brutal viciousness. She had an uncanny sense of when Jasmine was shifting her feet and would drive knocking the taller woman on her ass for an easy lay-up. They set a rule that neither could make two straight baskets from either inside or outside. Meaning that Jasmine had to try to drive through the brick wall Karla became when she planted her feet to get to the basket, and Karla had to try to take a shot over someone who could swat away just about any jump shot she could take. That plus Karla's constant practice with the varsity squad, made the contest something closer to equal.
There was very little trash talking between the two as Jasmine took the ball out and started to work towards the basket. Both considered trash talking juvenile and a waste of thought better saved for the game. Jasmine tried a head fake before spinning the other direction and an easy lay-up, but Karla hadn't bit and stripped the ball from Jasmine, dribbled twice, turned, jumped and spun putting up a long jumper that rang off the backboard and swished through the net. The game was on.
The pair battled back and forth for the next twenty minutes and the score stayed close. Shots were made, blocked, bounced off the rim, ricocheted off the backboard, and bodies grunted, sweated, were knocked around, and knocked to the ground.
"Tell me," Jasmine began as she tried to find a way to drive into the basket. It was game point and she wanted to win. "What are Julie Gardner's odds of making the varsity soccer team next year?" She drove for the basket, but her shot was rushed and bounced off the outside of the rim.
"Julie?" Karla said as she caught the rebound and cleared the ball back to the top of the key. "You saw enough of the games this season, and you know what I'm losing. You tell me what I'm going to need for next year." She circled around to the baseboard and tried to pull Jasmine out from where she was guarding the lane to the basket.
"A striker, a defender, and a solid mid-fielder." Jasmine caught Karla thinking and rushed in stealing the ball and moving back to the key.
"Exactly. I'm losing five girls, but I've already got a solid goalie from the JV squad and Kate should have been on varsity this year, but I had too many good mid-fielders to bring her up." She kept close to Jasmine not giving the taller woman room to work. "So which of those positions could Julie possibly fill?"
"She lacks the bulk for defense. You like a girl who can put someone in their place back there. She doesn't have the killer attitude you are looking for either." Jasmine rolled to her left, pivoted back to her right and slid around Karla, but the other woman pivoted just as fast and backtracked in front of the basket and Jasmine ran straight into a wall as she was about to shoot.
"So where do I put her?" Karla said as she gathered up the loose ball.
"You need her as a striker," Jasmine said moving back to cover the other woman. "She's too small to be able to move up and down the full field quickly, but you put her on offense she's working half the field and is small enough to get around and behind people without notice." She blocked a badly timed jump-shot by the other woman and ran down to mid-court to recover the ball.
"So what does she need to be a varsity quality striker?" Karla asked after cursing her bad shooting choice under her breath.
"Speed and endurance," Jasmine said as she tried to find a way past the imposing woman. "She's got decent speed, but she needs the quick sprint speed to get behind the defense when the ball comes her way to strike. She also needs to be build up her endurance so she can be out there for a full game, not just a half before she starts to fade." She tried to drive again, but the ball was almost magically whisked from her fingers and she had to turn to cover the woman before she made another quick drive to the basket for the win.
"Very good. Now why are you asking?" Karla stood at the top of the key dribbling the ball slowly hunched over as she tried to figure out her shot.
"She's my TA. We were talking about it last week and she said she was hoping to make the jump. I told her if I got the chance I would ask you what she needed to do." Jasmine felt like a coiled spring as she waited for the woman to make her move. She knew Karla was tiring and if she could get the ball back and make a quick drive she could win.
"Oh," Karla said and she moved closer to Jasmine turning her back to her and trying to force the taller woman back. "I always got the feeling she never really had the drive to play soccer at the varsity level. "My guess was that the only reason she said it was to please you. She has a crush on you, you know."
Jasmine froze at the words and her heart stopped for a moment before pounding against her chest like a jackhammer and she felt herself begin to panic. How could Karla know? How much did she know? How badly was she screwed? Karla sensed the moment the other woman frozen up and spun driving around her for an easy lay-up and the win.
"She doesn't have a crush on me," Jasmine objected trying to keep her voice level and casual, not even realizing for a moment she had just lost. "What are you talking about?"
Karla laughed as she walked back over to her friend and patted her on her shoulder. "That was too easy. I can't believe you froze up like that."
Jasmine let herself relax a little, had Karla said it just to mess with her head? "What do you mean she has a crush on me?"
"The woman who has been crushed on at one time or another by probably nearly every boy in her classes, is thrown off by one girl having a crush on her. Jazz, I never figured you to be that easily thrown."
"I'm just trying to figure out what I'm missing that makes you think she's got a crush on me. I can always tell when one of the guys has that crush look in his eyes, but Julie doesn't have it. She's my TA and the only one in the classroom. I think I would notice," Jasmine said trying to get herself and the conversation back under control.
"I don't mean she has a crush on you like she wants to get under your skirt," Jasmine felt her heart slow considerably and the tension disappear from her shoulders. "It's a girl crush. You know how some of the guys get when they find one of the guy teachers they really connect with and like. They are about half a step away from acting like little puppy dogs and hanging on every word the guy speaks like its gospel. They admire the guy so they want to be like him. Start dressing differently and talking differently to emulate the teacher."
"You mean like half the guys after they've taken Mr. Davidson's AP US History class? Yeah, they're funny as hell to watch. You're saying that's how Julie sees me?" Her heart had slowed to normal, what Karla was saying was pretty common as students found new role models in their teachers.
"Exactly. You're her role model. You played varsity soccer, so now she's determined to make varsity soccer. You know she tried out for the softball team last year? She'd never played before outside of gym class, but she tried out for the team. According to Coach Vicks, she failed horribly, but she tried out. Oh, if you want a team, I'm sure Coach V would gladly hand over the JV softball squad to you."
Jasmine shrugged. "Maybe. Coach V is probably a better coach than I am when it comes to softball. Softball was just something to keep me active between basketball and summer soccer leagues. Only reason I did it over track is because I could cleat girls sliding into base, and occasionally, I got the opportunity to bean one when she tried to take home."
"You're a thug, Jazz. What are you going to tell Julie?"
Jasmine thought for a moment about all the things she was going to tell Julie, but then had to figure out an answer that was appropriate for the moment. "I'm going to tell her the truth. Her odds of making the varsity team are slim, but if she wants to do it, I'll help her develop an exercise plan and diet that will get her there."
"Jazz, she's going to have to beat out Trixie Perkins for the spot. Trixie has got five inches on her and already has the endurance. She's not going to make up the inches, and while she's got a slight edge in sprint speed, she's a little better at passing accurately, and maybe has a slight edge is natural skill it isn't enough, especially if she doesn't get her endurance way up. For her to make it, you're going to have to give her a work out plan that will drive her in to the ground."
Jasmine nodded and the two started making their way back to the end of the gym. "Karla, all I have to do is tell her the truth and give her the work out. Then, if what you say about her little crush is true, all I have to do is tell her I know she can do it and that I look forward to see her starting next year," Jasmine explained in a cool voice.
"That's just evil, Jazz," Karla laughed. "It will probably work, but it's evil."
Jasmine nodded. "That it is, but she asked. I'm need to get home. I need some rest and I have lessons to get ready for next week. You should probably head home too. Spend the rest of your evening with your family before they disperse again for the year. You never know when they won't be there." She had meant the last bit to come out light, but it turned sad as she spoke the words and William filled her memory.
"You're right. I'll head home and worry about the next game again on Monday. We should win it anyways, they're at the bottom of the conference."
Jasmine nodded politely and made her way back to the locker room and her clothes. The thoughts about William had hit her hard and unexpectedly and she was ready to lie down and get some rest. The next day, she would prep for the school week and plan out just what she had in mind for Julie.
Jasmine woke up Monday morning after a restless night's sleep. She had spent the day before preparing, planning, and primping for what she was going to do. Her heart beat faster as she realized she was getting closer and closer to the point of no return. She stretched and then let her arms trail down her body running gently over her skin. The night had been full of erotic dreams and her body was tense with unreleased desires. Her nipples were hard and ached for stimulation and Jasmine let her fingers flick over them before trailing down over her stomach to her crotch. She parted her legs as her hands reached her slit and she shuddered with pleasure as her fingers flicked over her clit. Jasmine moaned as she imagined Julie kneeling between her legs, her small tongue flicking eagerly over her clit bringing her to orgasm after orgasm.
The tension inside her body grew, as she began to penetrate her wet hole with the fingers from her other hand, and she bit her lip as her inner fire flared higher. She drew out the stimulation for another long moment before balling her hands and pulling them from her crotch. She wanted to be aroused and on edge for the afternoon, but she couldn't afford to be too closer to the edge all day with a class of students.
Jasmine took her time getting ready that morning, putting on a touch more make-up than normal, taking time to put a wave in her long hair, and carefully choosing her clothes for the day. She started with a sheer set of deep purple satin panties and a matching bra. The bra always gave her breasts that extra bit of lift that made them look larger than they already were. Her dark blue shirt dress went on over the lingerie and the hem swished gently over her thighs. Her breasts strained against the dress, but with the dress fully buttoned not a hint of cleavage showed.
She rarely wore heels to school, but the shoes that matched the dress were two inch pumps that made her calves look even more defined than normal and would clack authoritatively with every step she took around the classroom. The black leather belt was last as she cinched it around her waist giving her athletic body a clearer figure, and there was always a possibility it might come in useful that afternoon.
She looked at herself in the mirror and it wasn't the teacher she normally saw staring back at her, it was the sex goddess. There were other teachers at the school who could have worn the same outfit and looked like it was any other day, Jasmine just wasn't one of those teachers. She'd have the eyes of every male student glued on her all day. Too bad for them, it was one particular female student that the show was aimed at.
Jasmine amazed herself at how well she was able to mentally compartmentalize at times. From the moment school started, to halfway through fifth period, her mind was locked completely in teacher mode. She'd noticed the attention of the male students as she lectured and asked questions. She noticed how more than usual students seemed lost in thought as she asked them questions and had to repeat herself, but it was like a background noise. This was why she usually dressed as to not accentuate her body, but it was nice to know she could still drive people to distraction if she wanted.
Fifth period seemed to pass slowly though and the minutes dragged on. Her stomach was turning to butterflies and as the students took turns reading through the current novel, she found herself growing distracted and forgetting to make comments and ask questions where she needed to. Five minutes before the end of class, she had them packing up and putting away their things, which she normally never did. She wanted them out the door the moment the bell rang and she hoped none of them decided to drag their heels getting out the door.
Mercifully the bell rang after an agonizingly long five minutes and Jasmine looked up from her desk where she'd been pretending to read a paper and watched at the kids rushed from the classroom. In less than a minute, the room was empty and Jasmine felt her stomach flip. She'd come to the point of no return and it was time to make a decision.
One button, then a second and third were undone and her breasts were pushed up between the spreading sides of the dress showing an indecent amount of cleavage for a school environment. She leaned forward in her chair and slid her hands under the hem of the dress and slid the panties off and over her thighs and claves. Jasmine could feel how wet they were as she balled them up and shoved them into her purse and tried to compose herself.
Jasmine senses seemed extra sharp as her heart pounded and she nearly jumped at the creaks of the ramp leading to the door filled the quiet room. Jasmine opened Pandora on her computer and Natalie Merchant began to play just as she heard Julie's usual soft knock on the door asking to be let in.
With one final deep breath, Jasmine got to her feet and strode confidently across the classroom. She kept her face cool and calm and quickly peeked out the blinds to make sure it was just Julie outside the door. The door opened revealing Julie dressed in a green Celtic knot T-shirt and a brown pleated skirt that ended just above her knees. Her hair had hit the stage where it was no longer short, but wasn't long enough to do much with, especially as its natural curl begun once again to take over.
"Sorry about the wait there," Jasmine said as Julie slipped into the classroom and Jasmine pulled the door shut behind her making very certain it was fully closed and wouldn't open without a key, "I was finishing reading something and it took me a moment to get over here. I hope you had a good break," Jasmine tried to keep her voice light and friendly not revealing what she was planning.
"It's okay, Mrs. LeBlanc. It's not like it was raining out there," Julie said as she put her stuff down in her usual spot and pulled out her math book. "It was fun. We went over to the big city to my grandparents. With Black Friday, my mom had to be closer to more of the stores. We had barely finished Thanksgiving dinner and she was out the door to start making her rounds of the stores to make sure prep was going properly. My dad was in town as well, which was nice. He was supposed to be here all week, but some reporter for US News wanted him as his photographer for a story over in Syria. He flew out last night and my brother dropped me off on his way back to college."
"I bet this is a crazy time of year for your mother. I bet she hardly slept this weekend. It's too bad about your dad though. I bet it would have been nice to have him in town for a few days," Jasmine said brightly, actually extremely relieved to know he wouldn't be in town this week.
Julie shrugged. "I've gotten used to being on my own. Plus, since he wasn't expecting this job, he says we'll go somewhere over Christmas Break. I'm voting for Disneyland. Though, I doubt my mom will be able to make that trip. Post-Christmas is nearly as nuts as the build-up to it. She's planning a vacation towards the end of January and spending a couple of weeks relaxing at home. How was your Thanksgiving, Mrs. LeBlanc?"
"Oh it was nice. I went to my parents and saw my sister and her family. It was hard without William, but I managed. I ran into one of my old friends from high school and we caught up and visited. Would you like to see some pictures I took on the trip?" Jasmine asked casually as her stomach twisted and heart fluttered.
"Sure," Julie said as she got up from her seat and walked over to Jasmine's desk.
Jasmine could feel Julie standing just inches to her side as she pulled her cell phone out of her desk and she opened the album with the photos she'd taken with her phone at Laura's. She heard Julie gasp and go very still as the first photo of the bound and naked Laura came up on the screen. She slowly flipped through the photos and savored the unintelligible gasps the girl let out at each photo. "You can imagine how surprised I was to find out not only that she was a lesbian, but extremely submissive," she begun in a low whisper. "You can guess how much more I was surprised when she offered submit to me for the evening." Jasmine let her hand rest against the back of the girl's thigh just under the hem of her skirt.
"I- I can imagine," Julie said with a dry swallow, her eyes glued on the final picture of Laura posing to best show off her bruises.
"Are you wearing panties slut?" Jasmine asked as her hand moved a little higher under the skirt?
"No, Mistress," Julie gasped as her legs spread instinctively wider, "I packed a pair for gym, like always, but as usual I removed them afterwards.
"Show me."
Julie didn't hesitate as her hands moved behind her back and undid the button and zipper of the skirt, letting it fall. The fabric briefly hung on Jasmine's hand before she pulled it away and let it fall to the ground giving Jasmine a perfect view of the girl's pale, smooth ass. Jasmine let her hand glide the rest of the way up the pale white thigh and over the curves of her ass and Julie shivered with pleasure. She dragged her nails gently down the white curves and Julie shivered again as a choked moan seemed to stick in her throat.
"Have you cum, slut?" Jasmine let her fingernails trace over the inner thighs of the girl's spread legs, stopping just short of her pussy. Jasmine could tell the girl was wet and part of her was dying to taste the slut then and there.
"No, Mistress," Julie said in a voice barely louder than a whisper. "It has been difficult. I still play with myself every day, but I can barely do it for more than a few minutes before I have to stop."
"And how often a day do you do it?" Jasmine let her fingers reach the girl's slit and slip through it. Her finger lightly brushed over her slut's clit and she felt the girl shiver hard.
"Usually, I do it three to four times a day. When I get up in the morning, when I get home from school, usually after dinner as I'm watching TV or on the computer, and then before bed. I couldn't quite as much over the last weekend due to not having much private space, but I still managed in the morning and night," her voice was growing strained and unsteady and Jasmine could see in the reflection of the monitor, that her eyes were clenched shut.
Jasmine let her fingernails gently run over the fullness of the slave's mound adding just enough pressure to make it more a scratch than a caress. "You will not cum now, slut, either. I have not given you permission to do so."
"Mistress, your touch feels so good and I've dreamt about this for so long, I don't know how much longer I can control myself. Please, may I cum, Mistress," Julie's voice was strained and caught in her throat with almost every word, as she dug her nails harder into her hands to control herself.
Jasmine pulled her hand away from her slave's wet slit and brought her hand back up in a stinging slap on sensitive skin pulling a yelp from Julie's throat. "Listen here, cunt," Jasmine began in a harsh whisper. "If you remember I gave your dirty, slutty self permission to cum after you had completed your assignment for me. You're the one who set yourself the assignment to not cum again until I allowed it." She gave the slave's clit a hard pinch that made her gasp and Jasmine was almost sure was going to push her over the edge. "If you can't keep the assignments you set yourself, then how can I expect you to be a good enough slave to obey any assignment I give you? If you want to be my slave, you little cunt, you'll control yourself. Otherwise, put on your skirt, find a bathroom stall and take care of yourself!" Jasmine couldn't believe how harsh and vicious she sounded as she snapped at the girl, but she could see the words had excited the slut even more as her heart sped up in her throat and her pussy seemed to get even wetter just as she gave the clit another pinch.
"Yes, Mistress," the girl said through sobs, her hands no longer in balls instead her hands were clawed and driving into the front of her thighs as she fought for control. Jasmine was impressed, and very, very wet.
Jasmine pulled her hand away and saw the glistening wetness coating her fingers. She slowly licked them clean and savored the sweet taste of the young slave. "I'm glad you understand the situation, slut," Jasmine said as she licked her last fingertip clean. "Now, there is one last test you must pass to prove you are worthy to be my slave. If you do not pass this test, it is clear you do not have the skills I require in a slave and you'll have to find someone else to be your Mistress."
"Anything, Mistress!" the girl gasped. "I'll do anything you want, Mistress!"
"The important thing to know about your Mistress, slut, is that I am multi-orgasmic. I'm never satisfied with just one orgasm, and very rarely satisfied with just two or three," Jasmine moved her hands to inch her skirt up her thighs as she pulled back slightly from her desk. "If that little slut tongue of yours can bring me off twice before the end of class, then I'll know you have what it takes to be a worthy slave for me. If you can't, then you'll just have to find some other cunt to practice on until you're ready to please a real woman." By the time she was done talking, she'd hiked the dress up around her waist leaving herself naked and exposed. Not that the girl had noticed yet, her eyes were still screwed shut as she tried to control her body's desires.
"Yes, Mistress. I understand, Mistress," the girl said nodding her head emphatically.
"Then what are you waiting for? I shouldn't have to wait for you, and I would have thought that you wouldn't want to wait even a second before taking the opportunity to service someone you call your Mistress," Jasmine's voice remained steady and she fought to keep her body from shaking in excitement. Watching the girl react to her words and actions was more exciting than she could have imagined.
The girl dropped to her knees without another word and crawled under the desk and between her Mistress' legs. She had dreamed of this moment for over a year, and she couldn't believe she was finally getting a chance to lick and suck and worship at her Mistress' body. Her stomach was a writhing mass of nerves as she wondered if she could truly complete the assignment she had been given. If she was unable to, she had no doubt that she would be sent away unsatisfied and having done nothing but prove she wasn't ready to serve a goddess like the one that sat waiting before her.
She leaned forward taking in the beautiful picture of her Mistress' sex on display before her. The lips were wet, glistening and spread open clearly putting her Mistress' clit and opening on display for her. She inhaled deeply smelling the sex, perfume, and body wash of her Mistress and the heady bouquet made her head swim as she lean forward to take her first, long-desired taste of another woman's sex.
She started with long slow licks of her tongue, like she had seen so often in the videos she had watched online, and let the flat of her tongue trace all the way from her Mistress' opening and over her clit, before going back down over it in another slow lick. She wanted to savor the moment. She wanted to spend the rest of the day between those thighs happily licking and sucking away, but she knew she was short on time and after another series of long licks, she leaned forward even more and sucked the clit into her mouth and let her tongue lick and flick all over it. She could feel her Mistress thrusting her hips towards her mouth and she hoped she was pleasing her. She had watched so many videos trying to figure out the best way to please a Mistress when she got the chance, and she just hoped she was giving her Mistress the pleasure she deserved.
Jasmine moaned as the small hot mouth attached to her clit and the tongue swirled over her sensitive bud and her hips jerked, pushing her crotch into the hungry mouth before her. It was clear, the girl lacked the experience that Laura had, but the mouth was eager and the tongue was quick, and aroused as Jasmine already was, she could feel her first orgasm already beginning to build. Normally, she would have held back and let the orgasm build to something stronger and more intense, but she didn't want her new slave to fail in her first task. She reached up with her hands, and flicked her nipples through her dress increasing her stimulation and arousal, as she let her mind drift and imagine all the things she could do with the compliant, beautiful slave between her legs.
Another long lick over her captured clit was enough to push Jasmine over the edge and her body shook and stiffened and a small, but amazing orgasm sent electricity shooting through her nervous system. The room smelled heavily of her sex and she prayed that this wouldn't be the day where someone came to ask a question or see how her weekend had gone.
Jasmine came down off the crest of her orgasm as she felt the small tongue leave her clit and trail down her slit, penetrating into her open hole. She could just feel the tongue as it caressed the inner walls of her sex, and whether intentional or accidentally, the bridge of her slave's nose ran over her clit with each probe of the tongue driving her wild.
She felt her slave's hand slowly beginning to caress its way up her thigh and Jasmine knew what her slave was planning on doing. She pulled a hand away from one of her breasts and slapped the girl on the head, "No hands, slut! I don't want your grubby little fingers inside me until you've proven yourself with your mouth!" The hand slid back down her calf and the tongue pulled from her sex for another long lick.
The girl rested on her hands and knees blissfully between her Mistress' legs as her tongue worked feverishly over the prize before her. She had already brought her Mistress to orgasm once and she hoped she was close to pleasing her again as she wondered desperately how much time was left before the bell rang. She pulled her tongue from where she'd been driving it into her Mistress and let her tongue lick up and down her Mistress again. She let her tongue go lower this time, remembering her Mistress making her play with her own asshole and hoping it was something her goddess would like her to do. She was so close to cumming herself from sheer exhilaration, and her body ached with the effort to stay in control.
She felt her Mistress react as her tongue teased over her asshole for the second time and she knew she had done something that had given her Mistress pleasure. She let her tongue play over the puckered hole for longer the second time and felt Her Mistress jerk before her. She let her tongue trail back up the full length of the slit and over the clit bringing another moan like the chorus of angels to her ears. She sucked the clit into her mouth again and let her tongue play over its tip with quick fluid licks.
As her tongue passed one final time over her Mistress' clit, and at that moment she truly did become her Mistress, she felt the woman tense around her as she moaned again and her Mistress' body shook and shivered with pleasure. She felt a swelling pride filling her inside as she took a brief moment of pride in having completed the assignment she was given, and knew that when she stepped out from under the desk, she was an owned slave.
Jasmine savored the moment for a minute longer as the second orgasm sent the last lingering jolts of pleasure shooting through her limbs before pulling back from the desk and letting her slave out. There was only ten minutes left before the end of school and they both needed to get cleaned up and she needed to give Julie her instructions for the future.
With a gentle push, she rolled back from the desk finally pulling her sex away from the eager and pleasing tongue. "Get up, slave. I have instructions to give you, and we don't have much time before you need to head home."
Julie quickly scrambled out from under the desk and popped to her feet as she put her hands to her sides and spread her legs wide. Jasmine felt her self-control completely disappear and her arms wrapped around the girl's waist sitting her down on the edge of the desk. She didn't know when she might get another chance to taste the girl before her, and she wasn't going to miss the opportunity, even if it was only a little taste. She leaned forward and savored the view before her eyes. The small patch of deep red hair above the just parted pink lips of her slave's pussy was like a beckoning fire, and Jasmine leaned forward extending her tongue and letting it flick over the tip of her the small just visible clit. Her slave let out a violent moan and her hands slammed onto the desktop and grasped the edge with a wild strength.
Jasmine let her tongue reach all the way down to the end of the delicious slit, before beginning to drag it up fully through it. The slut was so wet and so excited and Jasmine savored the taste of the young girl on her tongue as her tongue slowly trailed up and over the clit again.
The slut moaned as she tried to control herself. Weeks of denial and a year of dreams were fighting to get out of her body. Her nails drove into the wood of the desk beneath her and her entire body strained to keep in control as the tongue simulated her so perfectly. It was too much to resist for much longer and she knew she needed to say something or she would fail her Mistress in that moment. "Please, Mistress, I beg you to let me cum! Please! If you do that again I won't be able to control myself. I'm so close. Please let me cum from the touch of your tongue, Mistress!" The words were gasped and strained sobs as she felt the cool breath of her Mistress caressing her wet and excited sex.
Jasmine pulled back quickly and sat up straight. There was part of her that would have loved to continue and to feel the girl come to her long desired orgasm on her tongue, but the day was nearly over and she doubted the girl would have been quiet. "You are right, slut. I shouldn't torment you so, but you do have such a delicious body, that I couldn't resist a little taste of my new slave before I let her go for the day. Get down and bring me your panties," Jasmine said as she ran through the instructions she had to give the girl.
The slave jumped off the desk and ran to her bag opening up the middle pocket and pulling out a pair of pink cotton panties before returning to Jasmine. Jasmine took the offered panties and felt the damp spot in their crotch, and wondered how the girl managed to go about all the time without panties if an hour of gym made her that wet. Jasmine took the panties and pressed them against her pussy, letting the cotton fabric collect her own scent and taste as well. "Do you really want to make the varsity soccer team, or have you just said it because you think I want to hear it?"
"I like soccer, Mistress. I've been playing since I was young and always enjoyed it. I'll admit that I've pushed myself harder and tried harder, because of my attraction to you, but I want to make the varsity team mainly for me," the slave answered honestly.
"Good, then we shall make getting the skills, strength and endurance you will need for that part of your training. I will come up with a workout schedule and diet that will help you make your goal. I can tell you this though, no matter what you think, no matter what you imagine, this part of your training will be harder on you than any other part of your training, and you will be punished if you slack off or don't make your goals. Remember, slut, this is a goal you've set for yourself, not one I've set for you. If you can't make your goals, then I can't believe you'll try for any I set you."
The girl nodded, "Yes, Mistress. I understand, and I will stick to any training schedule you set me."
"Do you remember the email account you set up?"
"Yes, Mistress. I've checked it every day hoping there would be a message from you on there."
"Good. At 4:30 tonight, you will leave your house to ride your bike to the library and read the message I will have left for you by then. It includes other instructions you will need to follow I don't have time for now. You will dress for a jog when you go to the library, and from the library you will ride to the jogging path through the woods."
"But, Mistress, I can check the email from my phone, and the library is a mile and a half in the opposite direction from my house to the jogging path."
Jasmine brought her hand down in a hard sharp smack on the girl's mons making her jump and yip. "Do not interrupt me, slut! I'm well aware of where you live and where the library and jogging path are. You are doing this for exercise. You are doing this to build those leg muscles of yours, and you are doing this so that by next season you'll be able to play a full soccer game without being exhausted by the start of the second half," her voice was firm and cool, and she took a breath before continuing in a more instructive voice. "At 5:30 you will be at the jogging path and you will go north on it. You will start at exactly 5:30 and you will take the five mile loop. It will be getting dark by then, so make sure you've packed a head lamp to light your way. Also I want you to have at least a dozen clothespins and something small to spank with on you. Do you understand so far, cunt?"
"Yes, Mistress, and I'm sorry I interrupted and questioned you, it will not happen again."
"You won't wear a bra and before you get started on your jog, you'll attach one of the clothespins to each nipple. I'm going to hand you back these panties in just a moment and you will put them on and wear them for the rest of the afternoon. About a half mile before you reach the starting point of your jog, you'll see a red ribbon in a bush next to a small path through the woods. You will follow the path to a small stream and next to that stream will be a large flat rock. You will strip naked and lie on the rock facing the river. Your panties will go in your mouth like a gag. If you are there before 6:15, you will give yourself ten smacks with the paddle on your cunt. If you are late, then you will give yourself an extra smack for each five seconds you're late."
Jasmine was talking fast to try and finish the instructions before the bell rang and Julie needed to leave to catch her bus. Even as she had the thought of how close she was to time running out, she handed the girl a wet wipe from her desk so the girl could clean up a little in the time remaining. "Only at that point, may you begin to play with yourself. If you are there before time, you will be allowed to bring yourself off twice; if not, only once. If you made your time, then you may remove the clothespins from your nipples, get dressed, finished your jog and go home. If you didn't make your time, then you will add a clothespin to your lips for every thirty seconds you are late, then pull on your jogging sweats and continue on your way. Either way, the panties will stay like a gag in your mouth until you get home."
Jasmine handed the panties back to her slave and pulled out the memory card from her desk by its edges and set it down on the desk. "Get dressed and take this card with you. The instructions on the email will tell you what else you need to do. For the time being, the only way we will communicate will be through the email account. It will never be mentioned in the classroom again, unless I start the conversation specifically by calling you cunt first. No matter what else I say, you will not mention anything we have done in the classroom. You will not hint at it. It does not matter if I hint at it or say something out right. It does not matter if I jack up my skirt in front of you and start playing with myself, you will not bring up anything we have done in the classroom. You will act like I am as ignorant of your sexual life as everyone else. This is not a test you want to fail, because there will be no second chance given. If I have requested photos, you will put the memory card on my desk when you come into the room, quietly and without saying anything, and if there is another card there waiting you will take that in its place. I know this will only work through the end of the semester, but I hope to have a better plan by then."
Jasmine looked the girl up and down as she finished getting dressed to make sure nothing looked suspicious about the girl's appearance and handed her a breath mint. She looked a little flushed, her smile was a bit brighter than normal, and there was a glint in the girl's eyes, but Jasmine didn't notice anything that would have people suspicious of what had transpired.
"I understand, Mistress. I will follow your instructions precisely. I will do everything in my power to reach your expectations as well, Mistress. Thank you so much for taking me as your slave," Julie said as she finished getting ready to leave class and watched as her Mistress, did up the buttons on her dress and slid on her panties. Her Mistress was a truly beautiful woman, and she felt amazingly lucky to have been chosen by her. And the way the woman could talk to her, with such a firm assuredness and call her those deliciously dirty things, made her want to melt. "You look extremely gorgeous today, Mistress. I'm sorry I didn't notice earlier."
"Thank you, slut." Jasmine said as she finished getting herself back together and the bell rang. "Remember your instructions." She smiled as she watched the girl's hips swing as she hurried from the classroom. She was looking forward to a chance to really push the girl to her limits and use her body, but she didn't know when that chance would come. It wasn't likely to happen before the end of the semester, as any marks she left might be noticed while she was in gym class, but that didn't mean there weren't other things that could be done until then.
Jasmine busied herself as she cleaned up the classroom and gave a liberal spraying of the air freshener. It was going to be difficult having Julie alone in the classroom everyday and not being tempted to use the girl in some way, but she was smarter than that, and if she couldn't resist that urge, then she had no right trying to pursue the relationship anyways. She took a look in the mirror she had inside the cabinet door to make sure she didn't look too disheveled herself and went back to her desk. She needed to stop by the library that afternoon before 4:30, but it would be a quick stop, and she'd slacked off a little over break in preparing her lessons for the next week.
It was almost impossible to focus on the dullness of lesson planning and Jasmine gave up after an hour and made her way to the library. The afternoon was quickly cooling, and a few clouds were beginning to move in overhead as she pulled into the library parking lot. The weather prediction had said that the rain wouldn't start until after 8 that evening, but she had a feeling the storm was going to move in earlier, which could make things interesting for her dear slave that evening.
She grabbed her special laptop and a couple of books she needed to return and made her way into the warm inviting library. She loved libraries, and had spent more than her share of time in this one. She'd often found that when she needed to get work done, and working at home was proving too difficult because she didn't want to work and the distractions of home were right there, the library was the perfect place to for a retreat. A quiet workroom that would have struck a monk as being austere gave the mind little to focus on but what she needed to get accomplished.
The books were discarded in the slot for returns, and Jasmine made a quick stop by the holds section to pick up a book she'd been waiting on before making her way to one of the workrooms. The laptop quickly booted up and Jasmine opened up a Word document and her Mozilla. She'd taken the time before to write the email, but had waited before posting it in case she had a sudden rash of common sense, or for whatever reason Julie had decided against things. Gmail came up and Jasmine typed in slavejulie4u and dirtyslut16 into their boxes opening the account. She started a new message putting "Congratulations" into the subject line and then opened the waiting Word file, and quickly read through it one last time.
Congratulations, my dear slave on passing all of your tests and proving yourself worthy of being my slave. I cannot tell you how pleased I am that you want to be my slave and I look forward into pushing you and using you in so many, many different ways. I know for the time being, it will be difficult for us to have much direct contact, but that doesn't mean you are not my slave and your body doesn't belong to me. You will do as you are instructed and you will always do all that you can to make sure you fulfill those instructions. I will enjoy pushing you to your limits and then past them, and only regret what cannot be done at this time.
When you are alone, you should always think of yourself as my slave. As my slave, you should be naked, and unless doing a task which requires you to stand, you should be on your hands and knees. When you eat, you should do so from bowls on the floor. And when you sleep, you should do so on a blanket and pillow on the floor. When you are not alone, I expect you to express better sense than to do these things and possibly putting yourself in a position where you might have to answer questions you cannot answer.
When you get home tonight, slave, you will make me three videos. The first of the videos will be of you eating your dinner from your bowls. I want to know what my little slut looks like down on her hands and knees on the kitchen floor eating from her bowls and lapping up her milk like a kitten. The second video will be a striptease. I have seen you naked, and I've seen pictures as you've disrobed, but now I want to see you do your best to seduce me as you undress and expose your body to me. If you do well, you will be rewarded. If you don't, then you'll be punished and have to do it again and again until you get it right. The third video will be a video of you playing with yourself. You will play with yourself to orgasm and you will choose to do it in a place that you've never done it in your house before. I know you are uncomfortable with ass play, slut, and we are going to start fixing that now. When you are making the video of you playing with your cunt, you will find a large sharpie to shove into your asshole. You will put it in at the start of the video and will not touch yourself otherwise until it is in. You may use lube, but you will start getting your ass ready for my use. I promise you, slave, the same night I take your virgin cunt for the first time, I will take your asshole as well, and the strap-on I will use is not small. This is your chance to prepare yourself for what is to come.
To help you with that preparation, you will spend at least an hour a day with the sharpie in your ass until not only are you comfortable with it, but desire something in your asshole. You will not just lie on your bed with the sharpie in place either. You will put it in and then go about whatever you need to do. The image of you crawling about doing your chores or homework as your ass is violated, is quite delightful.
In the future you will do self-bondage videos for me. I suggest you look into making sure you have proper supplies on hand and have studied the necessary techniques, so when you are asked, you will not disappoint me. I know you have used zip-ties in the past, but they are tacky, and leave marks. This might be acceptable to begin with, but I will expect more in the future.
Remember, slave, your body belongs to me. You will keep it in shape and do all you can to make sure that it is a body that I would be proud to be seen owning. I have no complaints about your dress, or beauty at this time, and I hope you never give me reason to. You will always do your best to look your best, and act your best. Whether the world knows it or not, you belong to me and your appearance and attitude reflect upon me. Do not do anything that puts you, and be extension me, in a bad light. It is also though me that all pleasure and pain comes. If I order you to punish yourself, you will do so as firmly as you can. If I don't order you to pleasure yourself, you won't. Your cunt, your ass, your tits and the rest of your body belong to me, and if you think you can give yourself pleasure without me finding out, you're wrong and will be punished. If you break my rules, you will be punished. If you break them too often, you will find yourself without a Mistress.
Your mind is as important as your body. I expect you to keep your grades high and a grade point average below 3.5 will get you punished. You will not watch TV, get on your computer and look at porn, or write in your notebooks until your homework is not only completed, but you are as sure as you can that your answers are correct and your work is complete. You will watch the news daily, and you will read it online as well. I expect my slave to be educated and well-informed about the world around her.
I know you are being asked to do a great deal, but I would not push you to do such things if I did not think you could accomplish them. Planning is important, and the activities you are expected to do will help you develop those skills as well. If you find it difficult to fit all the things you need to do into your day, I'm sure there are people around you that can help you better define a study and workout schedule. You are too capable to let your tasks and obligations overwhelm you. I have faith in your abilities and you will be rewarded for achieving the goals that have been set for you.
There is much more I want to say to you, but much of it can wait, as you have already been given a great deal to take in and adjust your life to fit. I wish to remind you, that you are not my play partner. It is not that you are not all that a Mistress could ask for in a slave, but as our relationship lacks certain things, I will find them elsewhere. This will also give me opportunities to experiment with new ideas and things before trying them with you. If you have a problem with this, then please let me know. I expect you to be open and honest with me, so we can best avoid problems. Conversely, if you find someone you have an interest in outside of me, I expect to be informed of it. I will not keep you from an opportunity, but I need to know so I can plan your assignments carefully. If I ever cross a line that you find yourself unable to cross, or I give you an assignment that hits a limit you didn't know you had, or something internally or externally keeps you from completing an assignment, you will let me know as soon as possible and explain what happened. You will not be punished for things that were beyond your control or your limits, but may be punished for not informing me or lying to me.
You have your lists of tasks for this evening, and it is time for you to get started on those tasks. I expect great things from you, slave, do not fail me and I will reward you with delightful pleasures and exquisite aches.
Your Mistress
Jasmine finished reading over the letter and cut and pasted it into the email before saving the draft and logging out. She closed down the laptop and made her way for the exit stopping only long enough to check out her book.
She got home ten minutes later and quickly changed into her jogging clothes. It was getting late in the season, and most but the most ardent joggers had stopped using or were about to stop using the trail for the winter. Another week or two at most and it would be snowy and icy and all but the truly dedicated would have abandoned the path for treadmills at the gym or the track at the high school. Once the snow hit, even Jasmine moved her jogging elsewhere. The last thing she needed was to slip on ice somewhere on the path and break or sprain something. It was getting cold and dark, but that wouldn't stop her and Jasmine stretched before making her way out her backyard and over the path through the woods.
Under the trees, it was dark enough that Jasmine needed the headlamp she had put on and the beam of blue-white light guided her path through the woods. She checked to make sure the path to the rock was clear and even before she began her jog, she attached a ribbon to the bush next to the path. It was as much for her benefit as for Julie's. More than once when she'd gone jogging the dying light, she'd missed the small trail and had to double back to find it. She pushed herself at a fast pace as she made the jog. With no one to stay next to, Jasmine felt free to push herself down the path. It felt glorious to run and the crisp cold air burned her lungs as she kept her breathing steady putting one foot in front of another at a ground eating pace. For the most part she was in better shape than she had been in college, but she had lost a step in her speed. Keeping up the kind of speed and sprinting ability she had had then, was more difficult than keeping up muscle tone. She rarely regretted the slight loss of speed, but it was a little disappointing to know that even if she pushed herself as hard as she could, she would likely never get the same five mile run time she could have just out of college.
Jasmine approached the end of her run, and for a brief moment considered going for another lap of the three mile course to see if she could do it, but she had too much to prepare for and it was going to be difficult enough as it got darker, and the rain continued to threaten an early start.
She made her way back along the trail and into her backyard and took a moment to envision the hot tub that would be there in a few days. Harrison would be over when the person came for the consult on installation, and she knew he would need to do both electrical and carpentry work to adapt the deck, which he would take full payment for if she had to give the check directly to Sharon.
The house felt almost too warm as she entered from the cooling night, and she stripped off her sweatshirt before she acclimated to it in the warm house. She had dug out the video camera the night before and charged the battery. It was a few years old, which was amazing considering William's compulsion to replace his gadgets the second something better came along, but they had never used it much, so replacing it had never been a priority. Most importantly it was water resistant and had was able to film at night with better quality than most cameras. Jasmine had tried it out the night before to see how clean of video it could get in near dark and was quite impressed. She had her place picked out just on the far side of the stream in the woods, which would give her a perfect view of Julie, but keep Julie from seeing her.
Jasmine could feel her excitement grow as she imagined the girl on the rock naked lewdly putting her body on display. She was full of nervous energy and time to kill before she needed to start setting up. Food preparation gave her a distraction and Jasmine set about preparing something to eat when she got back from her quest back into the woods.
Chicken cordon bleu was one of her favorites and she pounded out the chicken as she determinedly put her focus anywhere but on the clock. She managed to get the chicken stuffed, breaded and into the pan with the vegetables before looking at the clock more than a little relieved to see that it was nearly time to make her way back into the woods. With the oven set to start and stop when she wanted it to, she cleaned up her mess and got her things together.
Jasmine picked up the ben-wa balls in her hands and smiled as she pulled off her jogging pants and panties. She had thought about tossing them in before her jog, but she'd decided to wait and save her stimulation for when Julie had hers. Next, she slid on a butterfly vibrator fit between her lips and pressed perfect against her clit. Her clothes went back on and the remote for the vibrator clipped to her waistband, before gathering up the recording supplies and her headlamp and making her way once again out her back door.
The woods were extremely dark as she made her way down the path, and if she hadn't have planned where to set up the day before in the light, she would have never have found the mark for the tripod. It took a few quick adjustments of height, but in the end Jasmine had a perfect view of where Julie would be laying down.
She picked her way back to the path and to the rock before climbing on top of it and reaching for one of the low hanging branches of the pine trees that pressed in on the small clearing. The remote microphone was directional, and Jasmine hoped the branch was positioned well enough to catch the girl's every moan as she pleasured herself below. The tree was the closest she could get it without it being obvious and hopefully was close enough to keep wind and background noise to a minimum. William would have known how to edit those things out, but she wasn't sure, so she had to hope for the best.
With a check of her watch Jasmine grabbed the camera and jogged down the path stopping just short of where it opened up into the parking lot and clicked off her headlamp. She turned the camera on and flipped it over to night-vision and watched as it lit up with a green and white glow. Five minutes later Jasmine watched Julie pull into the empty parking lot on her bicycle and lock it up to the bike rack. Her headlamp was already on her head and Jasmine imagined she'd needed the light to help keep her safe as she rode down the dark streets.
Jasmine hit the record button as the girl climbed off her bike and made her way to the path. The clock on the camera read 5:28 and Jasmine watched as Julie tentatively looked around the empty park area before pulling her backpack off and digging into one of the side pockets. Jasmine zoomed the camera in as much as she could and she watched on the green screen as Julie pulled up her top and attached a clothespin to each of her nipples. She could just hear the hissed intake of breath as the second clothespin was secured into place and the shirt was carefully lowered down and the backpack was slipped back on. Jasmine was glad to see Julie had been smart in how she'd dressed for the jog in warm jogging pants and a sweatshirt and she wondered exactly what all the girl had in the backpack that looked too full to just be holding the other things Jasmine had told her to bring.
The clock on the camera switched to 5:30 and Jasmine heard a distant beeping from Julie's direction. The girl looked down at her watched, pushed a button and began her jog up the trail. Jasmine shuddered in delicious anticipation and clicked the stop button on the camera. She considered for a moment jogging after the girl to make sure nothing happened to her. She could take the shorter three mile route to get in front of her, but that would make getting back to hide in time difficult and she didn't want to give Julie any clue if she was being watched or if this was all being done in trust.
Jasmine compromised with herself and took off in a slow jog down the path following Julie. The longer loop started only about a half mile down the path, and Jasmine did want to make certain her slave wasn't cutting any corners. She watched the path through the green glow of the camera's display screen and kept her ears open for the sound of jogging feet in front of her. She was nearly to the branch in the path when she heard the sound of jogging feet in front of her and slowed down to a quick and quiet walk.
Julie was maybe a hundred yards in front of her and Jasmine could just see the bobbing of her headlamp through the trees as the path curved. Jasmine slowed her pace more and made her way to the curve of the path as it went into a small decline before splitting in two directions. She would be able to watch Julie's light from there and see which way it went. The light went to the left when it hit the fork and Jasmine smiled proudly. She looked at her watch and noted Julie would have to pick up her pace if she was going to make it in the set time. Jasmine sorely doubted that Julie would make it. She'd lacked the endurance to stay steadily on the field for more than a half and the jog was going push her harder than she was pushed on the soccer field. She was on pace for a nine minute mile, but Jasmine figured she should have been pushing for a seven or eight minute mile this early in the jog to make up for slow down later. She shrugged, no matter what happened, she would get quite the show. Jasmine turned and started jogging back towards her hide and smiled. She turned on the butterfly and shivered as the first delicious buzz went through her body, and smiled.
It was just after 6:20 and Jasmine was getting impatient and a little worried. She had expected Julie to take a minute or two extra to finish the job, but not more than that. At five minutes, after the expected time, Julie was either going considerably slower than she should have been, or she was hurt. She would give the girl another five minutes before going to explore. The light buzz of the butterfly had her on the edge of pleasure and every time she shifted her body, she felt the balls inside of her shift deliciously. She was not going to be happy if she had to delay her orgasm to take care of an injured girl.
The light from a headlamp broke into the clearing a minute later followed by the noise of someone carefully picking their way down the path and a moment later Julie broke into the clearing, heaving heavily and weak on her legs. Jasmine hit record on the camera just as the girl, hit a button on her watch stopping her time.
Julie let the backpack slip from her shoulders as she leaned against the rock gasping for breath. She knew she should have been able to make the jog quicker, but she'd waited too long at the library before leaving and the rushed sprint on her bike to get to the park on time had left her a bit more winded and tired than she had expected. She'd also forgotten her water bottle and she'd started to cramp some as she'd entered the last mile or so of the jog. It wasn't an excuse though and she knew her Mistress wouldn't have listened to it had she even tried.
She wondered exactly where her Mistress was anyways. She hadn't seen or heard her anywhere along the path, and she had expected to see her once she had arrived at the clearing. She was alone though, and she wondered if maybe her Mistress had left since she had been so late. Instructions were instructions though, and she was going to follow them as best and as she could.
The night was cold as she began to strip off her clothes and the first drop of rain landed on her chest just as she exposed it. She took off her shoes and socks next followed by her pants. Her nipples ached as she bent over and she knew the aches were only going to get worse before she left the clearing. She had no idea how she was going to ride her bike home, but she would have to find a way.
She reached into her backpack and pulled out a blanket spreading it over the rock. It hadn't been part of her instructions, but she hoped her Mistress wouldn't mind and it would keep her from getting cold any faster than she already was. Her clothes went into her bag, and she zipped it up before slowly pulling her panties down her legs.
The crotch was soaking wet. Between the jog and her arousal she knew the taste would be strong and she folded them up making sure the wet interior of the crotch was facing down before opening her mouth and shoving them in, the crotch pressing against her tongue. She savored her own strong flavor in her mouth and hoped her Mistress was somewhere out there watching as she climbed onto the rock grasping the hairbrush in one hand. Eighty-eight swats. That's what she needed to give her cunt before she could even begin to play with it. She had never given herself that many in an afternoon, and she knew she was going to be aching before it was over. She also knew that if she didn't give them hard enough, she was going to be in trouble she was being watched. There would also be problems if she lost count and went under and over. The rain was starting to fall and more rain drops were pelting her skin as she laid back and spread her legs lewdly. Delaying would only make it worse and Julie brought back the brush for the first swat.
The first slap of plastic on skin rang out into the empty night air and Jasmine smiled as she heard the muffled moan. She'd plugged her ear buds into the camera to hear the sound clearer and she could hear her slave's gasp through the gag clearly over the microphone. The second strike followed quickly as well as a second groan and Jasmine turned up the speed on the butterfly as she felt that low turning inside of arousal. She wondered how Julie would manage the huge number of spanks she had earned for being late and knew that the girl would be aching the next day. She couldn't wait to see the videos the girl made her that night when she would get to see results in clear crisp color and up close.
The spanking went on for over ten minutes and by the end Julie seemed reduced to little more than sobs through her gag, It was taking all she could to keep count of the strikes and she had to fight her body to keep her legs open and to bring down the brush as firmly as her Mistress would. Yet through it all, she still felt that fire burning inside her. It was humiliating, cold, and painful to be lying on that rock exposed to the night, and she knew any or all of that should probably turn her off. It probably should have had her angry and upset before tearing the clothespins off her numbed nipples getting dressed and going home, but instead it only had her more excited. Her clit ached so badly it was going to hurt to touch for days to come, but it wasn't going to take much touching for her to explode in pleasure in that dark isolated clearing.
She steeled herself for the last swat with the hairbrush and switched arms for the final strike. Her right arm had started to grow heavy and unable to hit as hard as she had earlier, and she knew she should definitely make the last swat count. She brought the brush down with all the force she could manage and the swat landed perfectly on her already abused and surely bruised pussy, and she screamed into her gag as tears ran down her face and rain pelted at her body. Now it was time for her reward.
Jasmine came in a shuddering orgasm as she bit heavily down on her lip trying to be quiet as the final swat landed on her slave's abused cunt. The girl had been unforgiving with each of her swats and Jasmine had marveled at the girl's control to keep her legs spread through the entire thing. The tears on her face had been clear and Jasmine had zoomed in on those for a few of the spanks in the middle to capture the beauty of the tortured girl's face. She'd had the butterfly buzzing on high for the second half of the spanking as she'd felt her own orgasm growing keeping herself just on edge as she'd watched the spectacle in front of her, and the final swat had been enough to push her over the edge on waves of pleasure of her own. She couldn't wait to get back to the house and watch the show again on the TV as she pounded one of her large vibrators in and out of her pussy. The show wasn't over though, and Jasmine watched as the brush was put to the side and the girl let her hands run over her rain spattered body.
It took her several minutes to get her body back under control as the throbbing pain spread through her body. She had never hurt quite so much, and at the same time she'd never been as horny. Her body ached and was cold, but she started slowly as she let her fingers trace over her body and the touch of her fingers was a wondrous caresses on her numbing skin. She flicked at the clothespins on her nipples sending sharp jolts of pain through her, but they helped distract her from the ache in her crotch which she needed to wait to ease a little before she could think about touching it.
She dragged the moment out as long as she could, touching and teasing the rest of her body, her fingers trailing over her stomach, sides, and inner thighs as her crotch numbed enough she could touch it. The first flick of her fingers over the bruised skin, was a screaming combination of pleasure and pain, and each touch brought the harsh combination that made her both shiver and ache. Each touch though, turned more and more towards pleasure and Julie could feel her orgasm getting ready to explode from her body.
She held it off as long as she could. It was the first time she'd cum in weeks and she'd pushed her body to the edge so often in that time, it was almost reflex to hold back and deny herself. It was show time though, and she wanted to give her hopefully watching Mistress a show.
One moment, she was on the edge, and the next she was crashing over. Julie screamed into her gag in a long wailing moan as her body exploded in waves of pleasure. She felt like she'd been hit by a Taser as her body shook and spasmmed uncontrollably. She felt her eyes roll back in her head as her body bucked and shook on the rock and untold repressed orgasms all clawed their way out at once. She wasn't sure if she squirted or pissed herself as her body flailed and the screams and moans filled the clearing even through her gag. Her vision was an explosion of white hot lights and colors and she was sure the rain hitting her body had to be steaming away, she felt so hot. The moment went on and on as the pleasure rocketed through her continuing to burst inside her like a nova.
Julie enjoyed a long moment of post-orgasmic floating as sensation slowly returned to her body. The trembling of orgasm had begun to turn into trembling from cold and her body ached from it, the jogging, and the spanking. She had more to do though, and slowly she began to move her heavy limbs to complete her task for her Mistress. Her legs felt like rubber as she slid off the rock to her feet and for a brief moment she felt like she was about to fall on her ass before regaining her balance and moving to her bag. She whimpered at the pile of waiting clothespins in the bags middle pocket and couldn't imagine trying to walk, much less ride her bike home with them attached to her lips. She had let down her Mistress though and been slow on her jog, and needed to be punished, so, she pulled out the first clothespin and attached it to her abused lip with a squeal of agony.
Jasmine watched quietly from the woods as she bit her lip trying to keep quiet. She had orgasmed herself when her slave had exploded in the massive orgasm and for a moment she'd been worried that the girl had hurt herself with all her flailing and then not moving for nearly five minutes after her orgasm finally subsided. She'd been ready to move out and help the girl, when she came out of her trance and began to move again. Now, the slave was beginning to attach the clothespins to her lips and her whimpers were being nicely picked up by the microphone. She'd thought about zooming in for a close in view as the clamps were attached, but the view of the slave's face was even more priceless and Jasmine couldn't resist capturing the pained, tortured look that crossed her slave's face.
She wondered if Julie had brought enough clothespins, but one after another she pulled them out of the bag and attached them to her already abused and swollen lips without fail. She zoomed in at one point as the slave leaned down to get another one and counted twelve on her lips to that point and they were covered completely on both sides. Jasmine held her breath, as she wondered if the slave would actually attach the final one to her clit. She kept the camera zoomed in as the slave's trembling hands moved closer to the already full lips. The camera showed as one hand carefully spread the already covered lips exposing the swollen clit. There was only a small last moment of hesitation before the clip was closed over the swollen nub, which was quickly followed by a piercing muffled wail. Jasmine, nearly came at the sound of the high muffled note as she zoomed out the screen and watched as the girl struggled to keep her feet, one arm firmly planted against the rock for balance.
Once again, she found herself tempted to go to the girl and help, wondering if maybe she'd pushed her past her limits, but the girl regained a little of her composure after another moment and began to dig in her bag for her clothes. The sweatshirt went on first covering the still clamped nipples and Jasmine wondered how badly they were going to ache when they were finally removed and wished she'd told her slave to make a video of the removal process. The pants went on next and she watched at the girl very carefully pulled up the loose fitting pants wearing them just a tiny bit low on her hips to give her a little extra crotch space.
The girl's every movement was slow, careful, and precise and Jasmine stood mesmerized as she carefully moved to get her shoes and socks on and refolded the blanket to go in the bag. Jasmine could see the girl was shivering and hoped she had the sense to take a shower and warm up first thing after getting home and removing the clamps. She couldn't wait to get in and warm up with a hot cup of cocoa and watch the video again as she used a large vibrator to bring herself off at least a couple more times.
As the girl left the clearing, Jasmine stopped the camera's recording and released the camera from its tripod. On silent feet she followed after the girl a few minutes later, once again using the green screen of the camera to light her way. She wanted to make sure the girl got home safely and be there just in case something unpredictable happened.
Jasmine stayed just far enough back that she wouldn't be easily scene if Julie decided to turn her head. They moved at the pace of a slow walk and as she reached the edge of the woods the ringed the park where the path started, Jasmine watched as Julie made her way to her bike and unlocked it. She watched as the girl squatted down carefully next to the front tire of the bike and did something, but Jasmine couldn't quite tell what, before standing up again carefully and began walking the bike home.
It took her a moment to realize that the girl had let air out of her front tire making it appear flat. If someone did stop and ask why she was walking the bike, she would have a built in excuse, it might not explain why she had panties in her mouth, but Jasmine guessed the girl had figured out something for that as well. She also wondered why the girl had been riding what was clearly a boy's bike that was too big for her. She let the girl get a larger lead, before stepping out of the woods and following at a discrete distance. It was only a half mile to the girl's house, but Jasmine was going to make sure it was a safe half mile.
The walk was painfully slow, and Jasmine found herself very exposed as she tried to keep a casual distance behind the girl without looking like it to anyone watching out their windows or diving past. She kept the girl just barely in her sight as she walked with her own headlamp off the and the camera closed, and prayed the street would stay quiet for a few minutes longer until the girl reached her goal.
Jasmine stayed hidden around a corner as the girl walked the last block home and watched anxiously as the now distant figure opened a gate into the backyard and rolled her bike in. She stood watching for a couple of minutes longer, until she saw lights flicker on inside the house and let out a breath she'd been holding. Her slave had made it home safe and without incident. It was time she did the same and she turned back towards the park and began a slow steady jog in the light drizzle of rain.
Part 3
Jasmine was smiling to herself as the last of her fifth period class filed out into the drizzly afternoon. The night before had been more than she'd expected and she'd had several more orgasms once she had gotten home and had been able to watch the video on her TV. And that evening she'd be able to sit back and watch the videos her slave had made her and read through the letter the girl should have left in the account. She knew she was going to have to give the girl a chance to recover before she put her through another assignment like the first, but she was already planning what her slave should do for her next.
The ramp to the class creaked, and Jasmine carefully placed the memory card on the corner of her desk and walked across the room to open the door just as Julie knocked. "Good afternoon, Julie," Jasmine said as the girl entered with slow almost limping walk.
"Good afternoon, Mrs. LeBlanc," Julie replied as she eased down into her seat.
"Are you okay, Julie? You look like you're limping," Jasmine said innocently as she made her way to the desk. She wanted to test the girl and see if she would remember not to mention anything in class.
"I'll be fine, Mrs. LeBlanc," Julie said as she adjusted in her seat and pulled out her homework. "I had a slight accident last night."
"Oh dear! What happened?"
"My bike has a flat tire, so I've been using my brother's bike to get around for the last little bit. I really should have remembered to pick up a tube the last time I was at the store, because his bike is too big for me. But that's beside the point. I was riding around town, running some errands and just enjoying the fact that it hasn't started to snow yet, when I didn't notice the pothole in the road. Well, the bike took quite a bounce and nearly stopped. I bounced and didn't stop and traveled about six inches farther than the seat of the bike before coming down right on the center bar," Julie explained.
Jasmine hissed in sympathetic pain as she could imagine how that could leave a bit of a mark. She was quite proud of her slave's ability to come up with a plausible story. "Ouch. That doesn't sound pleasant," she said sympathetically.
"It gets worse," Julie continued. "My feet were still on the pedals as the bike began to fall and I put my foot out to catch myself, but the rain had started, my foot slipped and I tweaked my ankle. The pothole screwed up the front tire of the bike, and I was almost a mile from home. You would think in a small town someone would stop to assist a girl walking her bike home in the rain, but I guess people aren't concerned with their neighbors as you would think."
Jasmine considered the last part of the comment. Was Julie trying to tell her that she'd been too hard on her the night before, or had she just come up with a script to tell everyone and was sticking to it? Things had gone a little rougher on the girl than she had expected the night before, but she really hadn't expected the slave to take that long to complete the run. She needed to read the email the girl had hopefully left for her to find out the truth. Meanwhile, she needed to say something to at least let the girl know she enjoyed the show and had at least a day off before any new assignments. "It sounds like you had a tough night, but it also sounds like you handled it well. Some days are harder than others, and it sounds like you handled it well. I'm happy to know you aren't hurt too badly, and look on the bright side, with your tire flat, and your brother's tire bent, you'll have a couple of days at home to rest and heal up," she said brightly making Julie smile. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to run by the copy room and drop off something for tomorrow. I'd send you, but I'm not such an ogre as to make you hobble around the school when I don't have to."
"Thank you, Mrs. LeBlanc, but I can do it if you want me to," Julie said as she began to get up from her chair.
"Don't worry about it, Julie. I'll take care of this and you can take care of what you need to here," Jasmine said putting a hand lightly on Julie's shoulder and looking back at the memory card on the desk.
Julie nodded and Jasmine left her and made her way into the building. It appeared Julie could take more if she was asked, but seemed grateful for a slight chance to let her nether regions to recover some. She would have to make sure her next task challenged the girl in a different way, and she was going to have to come up with an exercise schedule for the girl as soon as possible, over fifty-one minutes for under five miles was not going to cut it.
Jasmine took her time as she ran her errands through the building and even stopped in on her head of department to ask her a couple of inconsequential questions about curriculum. The walk through the rain from her portable to the main building had reminded her of the night before and she found herself with a sudden yearning to go back to the classroom and kiss the girl's poor abused pussy better. She knew she wouldn't have actually done it, but it would have been so tempting to take another taste of the girl's sweet cunt, and she didn't want to tempt herself too much.
She got back to class shortly before the bell rang to find Julie still seated in her seat working on her homework like she hadn't moved all period. The memory card on the corner of her desk was in a different spot and Jasmine knew that the girl had swapped them out like she was supposed to do. "I'm sorry I was gone so long," she said taking her seat, "Sometimes things take longer than expected and we have to do the best we can."
"I understand, Mrs. LeBlanc," Julie said as she began to pack up her things. "Sometimes things don't go perfectly, but that doesn't mean they weren't worth it, or what was needed. I'm going to go home and rest and hopefully by tomorrow, I'll be a little less tender between my legs."
"That sounds like a good idea, but don't let your aches keep you from your commitments. Promises made are promises that should be kept," Jasmine said a littler sharper than she meant as the bell rang.
"I understand, Mrs. LeBlanc, and I know the importance of doing what I need to do," Julie replied as she made her way slowly for the door, and Jasmine smiled as she watched the girl's ass underneath the dress as she walked away.
Jasmine finished up her work and lesson plans, and made her way to the gym. She didn't try to push herself with the workout and she let her mind try to plan out the workout schedule and diet Julie would need to make the soccer team. She was going to have to call Laura and get the help of a professional to make sure she didn't miss anything, but it irked her she wasn't sure of it all herself.
She finished her workout and made her way to the smoothie place next door to the library and went inside with one of her laptops. The library's Wi-Fi network was large enough to cover the full property of the library including the small grass area where people often sat out and read during the summer, and they did the occasional nature class for children. The benefit was that the Wi-Fi signal spread at least partially to the buildings around it. Most of the people who solicited the smoothie place took advantage of the free Wi-Fi and would play on their laptops or cellphones as they drank their smoothies and ate their scones.
Jasmine picked up her smoothie and made her way to a seat at the back before logging into the library's network with Julie's number. There was a new message in the 'Drafts' section titled 'Evening's Jog' and Jasmine opened up the message and began to read.
Dear Mistress,
I hope you enjoyed the show I put on for you the other evening. I know my time on the jog was slow, and you are probably disappointed in me for that, but that was not because I cannot run faster, but because I didn't plan better. This is not an excuse, as I know you want me working on my ability to plan as much as anything else, but an explanation, so you know that I wasn't trying to be disobedient. I do not know if you saw the show, or you left because I was late, or if you never planned on being there to begin with, but I followed your instructions to the absolute best of my ability.
I was already cold and aching by the time I reached my destination, but I was looking forward to putting on a show for you and quickly stripped out of my clothes and exposed myself to the night, the cold and the rain. I thought the cold and rain would be distracting, but I soon realized how wrong I was, and by the time I was just a few spanks into punishment, the world around me seemed to have disappeared and I was alone in the world with your instructions. My panties were so wet, by the time I took them off that I knew they would strongly taste of my pussy when I gagged myself with them. I made sure to put the crotch right on my tongue, so I could fully savor my taste, and only wished they had been your panties and the taste of your sweet sex, Mistress, that had filled my mouth. I've gagged myself like that before, but doing on your orders and not just my imagination, made it so much more intense. My Mistress knew how much of a dirty, horny girl I am and wanted to make sure I was reminded of my own desires and wants by making me stick my wet and dirty panties in my mouth as a gag. My cries to her would be muffled, but with every breath, I would be reminded that I wanted this as much as you did.
I hope you don't mind that I brought a blanket to lie on, Mistress. I didn't know how comfortable the surface would be to lie on, and I didn't want to hurt myself or lose the moment because of outside reasons. The blanket was soaked by the end, but I think if I had been flat against the rock, hypothermia might have actually set in. I don't think you meant for me to perform for you in a near winter rain, but even as I think back having come home, showered and sitting here warm and comfortable, I shiver thinking of how cold I felt when I began to strip.
The spanking hurt more than I could possibly have imagined. I have spanked my cunt before, but never so hard and never so often. I followed your orders, Mistress, and imagined it was you giving me the spanking. It was amazing to imagine you standing over me as you beat my body. Every swat hurt more and more and my arms ached by the end, but I knew your arms wouldn't ache from giving your slut a spanking, so I did all I could to make sure each blow landed firm and true, even as I cried. The spanking has left me bruised, and I hope you'll be proud of your slave for her ability to giver herself a firm spanking on your instructions. If it hadn't been for the gag, I'm sure I would have been screaming loud enough to bring the whole town running to see what had happened. My throat was sore by the end, and even now it still feels raw as I write you. It was a fitting punishment for my lack of speed though, and I promise you, that I will not let lack of planning slow me down again. If I do, you have the full right to punish this slut however you wish, even if that means something more vicious than the brush used on my pussy and more strikes. I can't imagine trying to endure a harsher punishment, Mistress, but I know it may happen if I am unable to please you and live up to the expectations you have set for me. I know you will only discipline me when I need it, but I also accept the fact that I am your slave and my body is yours to use and abuse as you wish. If my torment brings you pleasure, Mistress, then torment me all you like.
It was a very intense experience, playing with myself out in the woods like that, Mistress. It took time to work past the pain of the spanking, but once I did, the orgasm overcame me in a way I've never experienced before. It was bliss and imagining you watching me from just out of sight in the woods, made the moment all that much more intense. The only thing better than the thought of your eyes on me, would have been your hands and mouth. Just the small touch I've had of them makes me crave more. I lost control of my body in that moment and it is hard to even call the orgasms I've had the past the same thing as what that was. If it hadn't been for the lingering touches of pleasure and numbness that I experienced long after I got to my feet, I don't know if I would have been able to walk home. I hope someday to bring you the same amount of sheer pleasure that I achieved in that moment, Mistress.
The clothespins were extremely painful, Mistress, and yes I know I earned each and every one of them. I was still shaky and tingling from playing with myself, but as they began to bite into my already abused lips, they pushed the wonderful tingle further and further away. The cold, the jog, the pleasure already had my legs weak and wobbly and as each one bit in, I felt like I was going to collapse. I tried to be strong though, Mistress, and even though it hurt even more than the spanking had, I worked hard to find that inner strength to not let you down. I should have found a way to attach the last one somewhere other than my clit, Mistress, because it seemed to multiply the pain of all the others, and had it not been for the gag in my mouth, I would have cried out into the night and begged you to let me take off at least that one. I know I was crying, Mistress. I was more than crying, I was sobbing like a baby and I was so embarrassed to be showing such weakness when you might be watching me, but they hurt so bad and it was unlike anything I had felt before. Just putting my clothes on was an act of torture and part of me just wanted to make my way out of the clearing, find some other quiet, dark place, and remove them before I tried to walk home. They made every step of the walk home a painful torture, and I was lost in sobs for most of the walk. It took all my energy to just keep putting one foot in front of another and hope I didn't collapse on the way. They flicked against each other with every step and every jolt kept them from going numb as I walked. Part of me hoped someone would stop and give me a ride, home but I had no idea how I would have explained the situation, and I'm sure they would have heard the clacking of clothespins as got into their car.
I had to spend ten minutes just lying on my kitchen floor crying as I tried to get myself under control. I remembered your instructions though, Mistress, and stripped the moment I had enough strength to move again, and only moved from my hands and knees whenever possible. My failure with the jog made me feel the need to make it up to you, Mistress, and I offer you the extra video I made as an act of contrition for not doing better.
Removing the clothespins hurt, Mistress. It really, really hurt more than I could have guessed it would have, and had I known I will admit, I don't think I would have been able to do it. I knew I felt like I owed you more, but it was so much more than I had thought it would be, that it pushed me beyond that threshold of what I can handle. The pain was like having a giant hot poker shoved through the lips of my pussy and then slammed into my nipples. I hope you are not disappointed, Mistress, that I have already seemed to find a limit that is too much for me, but you did ask that I be honest with you about such things. Any of the acts separately, or even two of them could have been tolerated, but the whole evening had built to that point where I knew if I had been asked to do more in that moment, I would have said I had reached my limits and couldn't have taken any more until I'd had at least a chance to recover some.
I hope my Mistress does not mind that I took a shower to clean up and warm up while my dinner cooked. I was still shivering with cold, and I didn't want to get sick or go into shock from hypothermia. The cold on its own might not have been too bad, but rain made it seem colder and seemed to make it sink deeper into my body. I'm sure at least some of the shaking was caused by the pain of what I had put my body through, but everything was so blended and mixed together, I cannot say how much was caused by any singular thing. The shower felt wonderful as it poured hot down on to my body. I liked the fact that my parents had installed an endless water heater years ago as I knew I would always be able to take a hot shower in the morning, no matter how much time my brother spent in the shower, but showering after my ordeal made the endless spray of hot water pouring down on my body feel so much better than any shower I've taken in the past. I know I spent at least a half hour on the floor of the shower letting the water caress my body bringing life back to my limbs and easing some of the aches that made me just want to lie there and cry all night. In the past, even when I've pretended I was the pet slave of a Mistress, I've always stood while I showered. I could not have stood when I crawled into the shower even if I had wanted to, and it reminded me that a shower was not one of those times when I had to be on my feet.
I felt so much better after the shower, Mistress. I wouldn't say I was better, but most of the shake in my legs was gone and most of the aches my body had been feeling had faded some as well. If it had not been for your instructions, I would have probably wouldn't have made a big meal instead settling for a sandwich or whatever I could have made quickly and then gone straight to bed, but my body craved more than just a small meal, and I needed the energy to complete the tasks you had given me. I have eaten meals before from my bowls on the ground as I pretended my Mistress watched me, but doing so as the camera spied on me and I sat there lewdly on display, my legs spread wide to ease a little of the ache from the abuse on my pussy, truly excited me. The camera made it feel like you were there, and I did the best I could to be my Mistress' perfect pet. I could imagine you sitting behind me as you ate your meal at the table commenting occasionally for me to make sure I didn't make a mess or to spread my legs. Despite all the aches I was feeling, especially between my legs, it made me so wet to think of you there behind me and I ached to feel your touch. I fought to keep from touching myself, while I ate and tried to focus on the fact that in a short while I was going to be allowed to pleasure myself again in another video for my Mistress. I'm glad you made me eat, Mistress. I do not know if you knew what I needed, or if merely wanting a video of me eating on the ground and on display was what you were looking for, but if it had not been for the food, I would not have been able to accomplish any of the other tasks sat before me. Maybe it is both and I found myself a Mistress who is both practical and perverted.
The dancing did not go well, Mistress. I must confess this now before you see the video, because I'm ashamed of what is there waiting for you to see. I've never done much dancing, and I've never tried to dance seductively for someone before you requested this of me. I had never even dreamt of a Mistress who might wish me to dance for her, but after I watched a few videos online to try and get an idea of what to do for you, I understood why people find it so attractive. Some of the videos I watched were boring and plain, but the ones I watched where the woman knew what she was doing and how to move her body were so very exciting. As the videos played, I stood before my computer and tried to dance and move in the same ways the women on the screen moved. Their hips all seemed to glide and shake and move so seductively like their bodies were built with more joints than mine was, and I couldn't figure out how to replicate their moves and thrusts. They even made taking off their clothes look exciting, while I had trouble just not tripping over my panties as they fell to my feet. I wanted so much to impress you, Mistress. I wanted so much to turn you on, but I feel like all I really did was humiliate myself. I will keep practicing everyday to improve my technique, Mistress. I know I have failed you, and if I can't even seduce my own Mistress, then I have failed as a slave. Please, Mistress, punish your slave appropriately. I promise I will get better, but until then I accept any consequences you have for me.
The final video you requested of me, Mistress, was difficult. Even with the arousal of imagining you watching me as I ate my dinner and my fond memories from earlier that night, the night's aches and the embarrassment of my failure at dancing had me not feeling particularly beautiful or aroused. I knew I couldn't fail you a second time in a row, Mistress, and the thought of putting on another show to show you how much you excite me, kept me going enough to make the final video.
I've spent so much time alone in the house, that there are few places where I haven't played with myself. In my mind's eye, I've always been slave to a Mistress, and that meant I was there for her to use at any time she pleased. Any time I'd get horny, no matter where I was, I would stop whatever I was doing and play with myself as if my Mistress had ordered it, or even better it was her hands on my body bringing me to orgasm. I was my Mistress' to use and I would not have denied her so at those times I did not deny myself my arousal. I spent so little time in the formal dining room is the only reason I had probably never considered crawling on top of it before and setting myself spread before my Mistress for her to feast on. The thought at that moment was so exciting though, that I knew it was the perfect spot for the video you requested, and I hope you enjoy the sight of my spread across the rich, glowing surface of the oak table.
Making the video was more difficult than I had thought it would be though, Mistress. With the exception of the one time you ordered me to put a finger in my ass, I've never put anything in my there before. I was too shocked the first time to really think about it, but as I sat there on the table before the camera, with the lube and giant sharpie besides me, I was so nervous that I felt like I was about to throw up. I started with a finger and I coated it with the lube, but I was so nervous my body kept stiffening up and it was hard to even get that in. I understand you enjoy your ass played with, Mistress, and I know you have probably done it many times over the years, but as I sat there trying to get up the courage to press the marker, or even a finger inside me to start with, I wondered if you liked it your first time, or did it take you time to get used to the idea as well.
Eventually, I did get the first finger in, and it felt so foreign and strange that I was frozen as my body tried to decide how it should react. I thought that maybe if I was stimulating my clit at the same time, it would have helped me relax, but you had forbidden that and the whole of my senses were concentrated on the intruder in my ass. I worked the finger in and out for several minutes as I tried to loosen things up and grow used to the sensation, but it didn't seem to be working and it almost seemed like my body was growing tighter around the finger instead of looser.
It hurt even more to work the second finger in. I tried to stay calm and relax, but I just couldn't. My body clenched every time I tried pushing in with a second finger, and I couldn't seem to relax enough to get it in. I did manage it, but it made me feel so dirty to have them shoved up there. Not dirty in the way where I know I'm doing something for you, Mistress, but in a way that made me want to rush upstairs and take a scalding hot shower and scrubbed and scrubbed until I finally felt clean. I can't explain why, Mistress, but as I finally forced the second finger into my body, it is the only time in all my fantasies and dreaming that I felt I was more gutter slut than prized slave.
I worked the two fingers in and out until I'd managed to relax a little and I felt I could get the sharpie in. I know it wasn't much bigger than my two fingers, but it felt like it was so huge as I forced it in and I had to fight my body to keep from expelling it. I'm sorry, Mistress, but I don't know if I will ever like having my ass played with if this is what it will always be like. The wrongness of it, even overwhelmed the pride I felt of having achieved a task you set for me.
Once the marker was finally in place, I started to play with myself. It was very different and awkward, Mistress, as the marker kept trying to slide out of me and I had to keep a hand on it to keep it in place. More than the sensation of it inside me, that was a constant reminder of the wrongness of the moment. Normally, it takes very little for me to get excited, as I touch my body, but between everything else and the invasion of my body, I didn't feel as sexy as I normally do.
My pussy was still very tender from the abuse it had taken and I could barely touch it. I started playing with my nipples, and I was able to relax a little and focus on the positive sensations instead of all the aches my body felt. I closed my eyes and pictured you at the end of the table watching and that helped even more and allowed me to start touching the rest of my body as well. You were beautiful and proud and naked in my mind's eye, and the more I touched myself, the more the smile on your face grew. I imagined you at the end on the table in your seat letting your hands move over your body in the same way my hand was moving over mine, and it was that thought that helped me relax enough to be able to start enjoying the moment.
It took longer than normal for me to orgasm, Mistress. My body was filled with aches and every shift of my body reminded me unhappily of the pen that was penetrating me. It wasn't a big orgasm, but after the one I achieved earlier that night, any orgasm would have seemed small. The afterglow didn't last long either. By the time I got up and moved to stop the camera, I had gone from the bliss of orgasm to the painful reminders of all my body's aches. It was very difficult and humiliating to clean up, Mistress, as I had to keep one hand constantly on the end of the pen to keep it in place.
I just had time to finish my clean up before the news started, and I kept the pen in place until the news was over. It was extremely difficult to focus on the TV, as every shift was a constant reminder of was pressed inside of me. Taking the marker out was such a relief that had I not felt so sore and exhausted, I might have cum just from that. Even now knowing I have to put it back in tomorrow, and the day after that and on and on, makes me a little queasy and nervous, and knowing what else you have planned, fills me with a little dread. I don't know if I'll be able to do it, Mistress. I will try to be ready, but I don't know if I'll be able to do it when you want to and I'm sorry.
It is getting late, Mistress and I should have been asleep long ago. My blankets and pillow await me in a pile on the floor, and I look forward to a night full of dreams of you.
Thank you for everything, Mistress, and I hope you enjoy your videos, and know how proud I am to be your slave. I will always do all I can to live up to the goals and expectations you set for me.
Your loving and devoted slave,
Jasmine sat back and took another sip of her smoothie as she considered everything the girl had said in her email. She knew she needed to reply, but she wasn't sure exactly what to say and how to ease all of the girl's nerves and anxiety. She knew maybe she had pushed too far too fast, but she wasn't sure how to reply in a way that would allow her to slow down while still sounding confident and sure in the ears of the girl.
She needed to write something, and was betting that the girl was going to be checking the account as often as she could until she had a reply. She was proud of her slave and what she had done, and she knew she needed to focus on the positives. It wouldn't do to add any new assignments for that day, as she was pretty sure, the girl couldn't take it, and was probably exhausted. She had no idea how late she had stayed up to finish the message the night before and there was only so far she could push the girl so fast. She took another sip of her smoothie and started a new message.
My dearest slave,
You have no idea how proud I am of you for all that you accomplished in one very long evening. I'm looking forward to watching the videos and seeing the beautiful shows you put on for me. Yes, you were slow in your jogs, and if you want to get in shape those times will have to improve drastically and quickly. However, you did not need to punish yourself beyond what punishment I gave you. I am the Mistress and I decide those things. I am looking forward to seeing this extra video you made me, but in the future, slave, do not take extra punishments upon yourself.
It was amazing to watching you in the dark of the night as you lay on the rock. I savored every muffled gasp and groan and the view of you both punishing and pleasuring yourself was enough to bring me off twice. I will always be there to watch out for you, slave, and make sure you are alright. I know you were pushed to your limits with the punishments, I really hadn't expected you to take so long to finish your jog, but I kept an eye on you. I followed you home, even though you did not see me, and I made sure you made it safe. Had you fallen, I would have been there. If I had thought you couldn't have taken any more, I would have come to you and told you to rest and worry about the rest another day. And had I known you were going to further punish yourself, I would have swatted you on the ass until it knocked the sense back into your head.
I'm glad to know you were smart enough to take a shower and warm up when you got home, slave. You need to take care of your body, and letting yourself freeze because I didn't specifically tell you to do something is not acceptable. I expect a slave to think for herself and that can take care of herself. If I had known the rain was going to start so early, I might have even changed your instructions, to avoid the risk of you getting sick, and I'm glad one of us remembered a blanket for you.
I'm quite interested in seeing the marks your punishment left on your body. The thought of you on your hands and knees eating from your bowl with your abused and beaten sex so clearly on display makes my heart race, and my panties wet. It was so very difficult for me not to come out of the woods last night and kiss your sore sex better right then and there, and I wish I could do it now.
I knew the dancing would not go well, slave. Dancing and especially dancing to strip and seduce takes practice, body knowledge, and confidence. Knowing how to use your body and move your body will help you in many different ways especially in sports. Yes, it will take practice and time for you to be able to move your body with the confidence and skill of the women in the videos you have watched, and as you learn to move your body in news ways, you will see how it helps you in other areas as well. Just because I knew you were likely to not do well with this assignment does not excuse you from punishment. Until you can do a proper and seductive striptease video for me, you are not allowed to watch or read any adult videos or stories. There are many other places you can find videos of women dancing, you can always check YouTube, but until you have produced a striptease I deem acceptable, keep off the porn sites.
I'm sorry to hear you did not enjoy playing with your ass as much as I enjoy having mine played with. I will admit having you do it cold without allowing you to build up to it with the rest of your body might not have been the best plan and I give you permission to use the rest of your body to help work yourself up to putting it in in the future. Remember though, slave, this does not give you permission to cum without my permission though.
I'm glad you were honest with me, slave. If when the time comes, you don't feel ready to let me use your ass, then I will not. I told you from the beginning I would respect your limits and if we hit them, you were to tell me. I am not all-knowing, and I cannot read your mind. If you do not tell me when things are going wrong, then how can I trust you to be my slave? I care about you too much to hurt you like that. That said, for now you still have to keep working with the sharpie.
I'm pleased to know you are remembering all of your instructions and following all the rules I set for you. I wish I could be there to see you do those things, and to do them to you, as well. I can't wait for the opportunity to feel your tongue and fingers between my legs and probing into me.
I have no further instructions or assignments for you at this time, slave. You have several things you need to be working on, and the parts of your body I most take delight in, outside of your mind that is, need a chance to heal and rest. I am proud of you for your dedication to your service, but, slave, do not take this break as a chance to do something you think I would want you to do, or give yourself some punishment you imagine you deserve. You deserve no such punishment, and I want you and your body to recover before I push you further. Remember, I am the Mistress here and I determine what happens and when. I know you would gladly crawl to me tonight and allow me to use your abused body however I wished, and the idea of such a devoted servant and delightful offer, makes my heart race. Now is the time to heal, so you can better serve me later.
Soon, we will have the chance to be together, and when that time comes, I will bring you pleasure and pain, like you've never imagined. Until then, slave, know you are in my dreams, and thoughts of you fuel my fantasies.
Your Mistress
Jasmine read through the email quickly before sending it and hoped she hadn't missed anything. She couldn't believe the girl had been foolish enough to punish herself beyond what she had done at the rock. The slave was obviously too eager to please, and she was going to have to make sure she was careful with any instructions or assignments she gave the girl. She had never thought of the girl as one who would have so desperately sought for approval.
She was disappointed that her slave disliked anal play, but she hoped she would at least grow more used to it as she adjusted to it. Jasmine had loved it from the first time she had tried it and knew that even if her slave made her own ass off limits, the girl would spend plenty of time servicing her ass.
With a few clicks on the touchpad, Jasmine saved the message and logged out of the account. She couldn't believe almost an hour had passed since she sat down, and as she logged out of the computer, she noticed a text on her phone.
The text was from Stacey and read, "Workout?" She was asking quickly if Jasmine wanted to join her for a workout after she got off work with a quick message while her office manager wasn't looking.
Jasmine texted back, "Already did. Dinner? Italian?" She kept the text short, knowing Stacey would only have a moment to read it, if any time at all and she wanted to make it simple. There was only one decent Italian restaurant in town, and if Stacey said yes, she'd know where to find Jasmine when she got off in twenty minutes.
Her phone chirped again and Jasmine read the text, "30 minutes."
She smiled as she climbed in her car and made her way to the restaurant. There was a part of her that wanted nothing more than to get home as soon as possible, so she could watch the videos on the card sitting in her pocket, but it would be good to catch up with Stacey. Plus, she was dying to share her weekend with the other woman.
Thirty minutes later, Jasmine watched from her seat at the bar as Stacey walked into the restaurant. Stacey was dressed in her usual office garb of a plain silk shirt, nice black slacks and low-heeled black heels. She joined Jasmine at the bar and gave her a big hug as Jasmine stood up. "My in-laws are nuts, Jazz. Every time I visit them I wonder how my husband managed to get out of that house with his personality and sanity intact. Returning to this little town shouldn't feel like returning to high culture, but they make it feel like high culture."
Jasmine laughed as she hugged her friend back. She'd heard similar rants from Stacey after every visit to or from her in-laws. She'd met them a few times when they'd come over for a birthday for one of Stacey's kids, and the comment of, "You look like you would produce fine white babies, but you really shouldn't work out so much it makes you look a bit dykey," spoken by Stacey's mother-in-law summed up the woman's world view perfectly. It actually bothered them that their son had married a woman with a college education, because in their words, "It doesn't take that much education to clean a house and make dinner." Peter had mostly escaped this closed-minded world view of his parents. Jasmine couldn't imagine trying to spend a holiday with them.
"That bad of a trip?" Jasmine asked as they sat down and Stacey ordered her own glass of wine.
"We arrived Wednesday night to a live turkey in the backyard, which they expected Peter to kill and me to clean and prepare because, 'When the government collapses because of them damn liberals, you'll have to know how to kill and prepare your own food, so you'd better start learning now.' How I wish I could say that was the low point of the trip." She'd just taken the first sip of her wine, when the waiter came over and led them to their table.
Stacey continued her narration of the 48 hours that had been started with a live turkey awaiting the slaughter and ended with them leaving a day early and Stacey informing Peter if she ever visited her in-laws again, she'd use the axe that had been used on the turkey on his mother. The last straw had come when Stacey's daughter had been talking happily about a school science project and her grandfather replied by saying, "You don't need to learn about that science hocus pocus. It's all made up and boys don't like girls who are interested in things outside of the house." At that, even Peter had called the trip over. Jasmine had found herself caught between laughter and shock throughout the story, especially as Stacey had explained exactly how you do kill, pluck and clean a turkey.
"I swear if they show up at my house any time in the near future, I'm meeting them door with a shotgun. They get worse every year and I don't want the kids exposed to their level of crazy," Stacey finished after the waiter had walked away having taken their order.
"I don't blame you. Will's mom could get a little protective of her son at moments, but she wasn't bad. Of course then I don't think she ever forgave me when she found out that I could have played college basketball and chose not to. What is it with Hoosiers and basketball?"
"For some poor white boys, their only chance to get off the farm and away from the monotony of barn dances and cow tipping, is basketball," Stacey said with the soft heartfelt voice of someone doing a charity commercial on TV. "If we take that opportunity away from them, all they'll have to look forward to is taking over their father's farm and marrying the girl they knocked up at prom. Don't crush their dreams of something more." Stacey made her eyes go big and compassionate as she talked.
Jasmine burst out into laughter as her friend continued to stare at her with big soft eyes. "Okay, okay. That's terrible. If I ever do end up having a kid, I hope he or she chooses to be good at sports that don't have a professional level. Let them enjoy it but not go after it as a career."
"What if they aren't into sports at all?"
"Blasphemy. Like any child of mine isn't going to excel at sports," Jasmine said puffing herself up with false importance.
Stacey rolled her eyes, "So how was your holiday?"
Jasmine told her about seeing her family and how her sister and the kids were doing, and was careful to express that her Thanksgiving dinner started with a turkey picked fresh from the frozen coffin at the grocery store. Stacey glared daggers at her for the reminder and the two lapsed into silence as their food arrived and they began to eat.
"So," Stacey began a few minutes later as she twisted spaghetti around her fork, "what aren't you telling me about?"
"What makes you think, I'm leaving anything out?" Jasmine said innocently as she looked down at her plate.
"You have that look on your face, like you have a secret you're dying to share, but want to torment me first. So spill it."
"I bought a hot tub. A rep from the company and Harrison are going to be at my house tomorrow to figure out what needs to be done to get the house ready for having it installed and how to get it into the backyard."
"That's great. I look forward to having a nice soak once you get it going, but that's not it. Quit pussyfooting around, Jazz," Stacey's look was even more intense.
"It wasn't much really. I ran into a friend from high school that had moved back to town and went over to her place on Friday to catch up. It was nice break from listening to my dad yelling at the TV and commenting that all ballplayers today are overpaid, overhyped, under preforming prima donnas," she said casually.
"Nope, there's still more, spill it," Stacey said looking at her friend intently.
Jasmine took a deep breath as she considered what to say. "Show or tell?"
"I can show you or I can tell you. Which do you want?"
"Okay I'll bite," Stacey said. "Show."
Jasmine pulled out her phone and opened it to the gallery with the photos she had taken of Stacey and slid it across the table to her friend. Stacey heaved a sigh at the theatrics as she picked up the phone and looked at the first picture. "Jesus Christ, Jazz!" She exclaimed nearly dropping the phone. "What did you do to that poor woman?" She scrolled through the photos with large round eyes stunned by the apparent violence of the scene.
"We just played a little. I found out she's been into that kind of things for years and been a lesbian since high school. She likes it rough, and offered me the chance to explore and try things out some. Well offer isn't quite the right word. More like she stripped naked, handcuffed herself, and stood naked in the middle of the living room while I was in the bathroom and then made several logical and reasonable arguments as to why I should spank her silly.
Stacey's eyes still hadn't left the screen as she continued to loop through the photos. "It looks like you beat her half to death, Jazz. She was okay with this? She was okay after this?"
Jasmine sighed, this was why she hadn't wanted to talk to Stacey about this, but she did have questions that could use answers. "Stacey, she's fine. She was never gagged. I gave her more than one opportunity to stop. She's the one who suggested the cane. Yes I worked to leave her as bruised as possible, but I was careful to avoid danger areas. She knew her limits and she says I might have pushed close to them, but I never pushed over them. She was a little stiff the next day, but she was moving. She was still planning on working that night and she works as a physical trainer."
"This is a bit more than a little slap and tickle, Jazz," Stacey said finally putting down the phone and sliding it back to her friend. "I know you said you were interested in playing a little rough, but wow."
"Well see, that's just it. Given the opportunity, I probably would have gone harder. Well let me rephrase that. If I knew the person better, and knew their limits and knew how to read their responses better, I would have pushed it further and longer."
"Well I would have done different things. I've read about so much I want to try, but don't have anyone to experiment with, or show me how to do any of it, or seen it done in person, that under the right circumstances, I could do so much more than you saw. It is such a power rush, Laura. Even just thinking back on it excites me. And worries me a little."
"Well you're way out of my league of a little slap and tickle, Jazz. This level of play, well it doesn't freak me out, well maybe a little, but it is way beyond my experience. I don't even know if I could watch someone be spanked like that without wanting to scream out and stop it. You're sure she wasn't hurt, Jazz?"
"Positive. Stacey, Laura works as a physical trainer, she knows her body. She's not going to put herself in a position where she can't do her job. She's been doing this for years and believe me, I didn't even touch a tenth of her collection of toys."
"Okay, so you liked it and she liked it. Neither of you lost control nor was she hurt beyond some massive bruising. Not sure I exactly get that, but I'm not going to judge. So what worries you about it, Jazz?" Stacey wasn't sure what her friend was going to ask her and she was even less sure she would be able to get an answer, but she would try. She was caught off guard by just how intense Jazz's play had been.
"Before we started to play," Jasmine began to explain, "I confessed to Laura what I liked, she showed me her toys, and told me what she liked. She told me she would never have believed I was a submissive and that I was a born sadist. She explained how I was always the type of person who had to be in control of the situation and a liked hurting people."
"Well was she right?"
"More or less, but not exactly. I'm not going to argue that I like being in control of things. I like being in charge. I like knowing what is going to happen and help making sure it is going to happen."
"You are a bit of an over-planner, Jazz. We had to ban you from making up schedules for every minute of any group vacation. Not to mention how you handle your research."
Jasmine gave her a face, "Having a rough idea of what and when on a vacation is smart. Well organized research is research that doesn't waste energy or time."
"Let's not get into what you consider a 'rough idea' is, Jazz. What about the sadistic part?"
"It is and isn't true. Well now that I've had a chance to reflect on what she said, I guess that's the best way to put it. She pointed out how I am when I'm playing sports. Aggressive, tough, and more than willing to make the other team hurt in order to win."
"I've never seen you play, but I'll buy that, based on stories you've told me."
"Outside of sports I'm not that brutal though I guess. I don't treat my students badly, and I don't think I've ever been a bully or cruel to my friends. I do my best not to hurt the feelings of others."
Stacey thought about the statement for a moment. "You like your way. You'll fight for your way. You're not always above telling someone you told them so. But you aren't a bully in anyway."
"In the past I've also always gotten my way in relationships. Well that's how she put it. I've never put up with less than what I wanted as far as sex goes in a relationship. She's right too. In past relationships, I've never stayed with someone who couldn't satisfy me sexually and who wasn't willing to get creative."
"Again I've only got your word to go on for that, but yeah that does sound like you. What does this have to do with what's worrying you?"
"I'm getting to that. I'm just trying to put it all out there. Obviously the same part of my brain that will do anything to win, is the same part that gets off by being in control in the bedroom, and now that it has found a new way to both be in control and cause a little pain, it is very happy. I'm not going to lie, I like the idea of making someone hurt. I loved every minute of what I did with Laura. I'd like to do it again. I'd like to see what else I could do. What worries me is this: Laura said I was fully in control. She said she was close to the edge, but not over it. What would have happened if I would have crossed her edge, but not mine? Would I have been able to stop myself, or would I have just kept going until I was satisfied? What if I couldn't control myself when the moment came?" Jasmine slumped back into her seat as she got the confession out.
"You're wondering what you would do if you were in a situation where you were playing with someone and you crossed a line and they yelled stop?" Stacey clarified. "That's easy, Jazz, you'd stop. That's your big worry? You're worried that once the ref blew the whistle you wouldn't be able to stop."
"How do you know that? Do you know how good it feels to be in that moment and be in total control of another person? How do you know I'd be able to stop if they cried out the safe word and I was in the zone and in the moment?" Jasmine asked a little nervously and confused.
"Because you've never once told me a story where you went after someone after a game. Or where you went after someone who was off the field or after play stopped. Jasmine you are extremely self-controlled. You save it for the moment and you keep it in that moment. If you were with someone and they cried, 'no mas' you'd stop dead." Stacey explained. "You might enjoy making a person ache, Jazz, but you aren't looking to end them."
Jasmine thought about the comment as the waitress came and cleared their plates away and asked if they wanted any dessert, which they both politely declined. "I don't know. How sure are you?"
"Jazz, if I were into girls, and that level of play, I'd trust you. You don't let the moment consume you, you consume the moment. And you're excellent at reading people, Jazz. You'd know if the person before you was at the edge and you'd stop before they fell over it to begin with," Stacey assured her friend.
Jazz thought about what Stacey was telling her and reflected on her play with Laura and what she had put Julie through the night before. She never stopped things with Julie, but she had been ready to on a couple of occasions. Plus she'd followed the girl home to make sure she go there okay. She'd been worried about Laura towards the end, but Laura had never seemed totally out of it and lost to the situation. If Laura had truly looked out of it and non-responsive, she would have stopped. As she'd been delivering the last series of swats, she'd paused before each strike to give her a chance to tell her to stop. But it had felt so good in the moment to push the woman to the edge. She'd loved seeing what she could do and she'd been allowed to go so much further than she thought she'd be allowed that night. Would she have stopped if she felt she was being cheated of that push to the edge? Stacey thought so. Laura had trusted her. Julie put herself fully within Jasmine's hands. If they trusted her, why was she having such a hard time trusting herself?
"I hope you're right, Stacey. I'm just worried I'd find out it wasn't true the hard way," she said in a resigned and uncertain voice.
"The fact that you question yourself so much, should be enough of an answer, Jazz. You're putting yourself through the guilt without even having done anything wrong. If you expect a submissive to trust you, shouldn't you start trusting yourself first?"
Jasmine nodded. "You're right. If I can't trust myself to control myself, then I shouldn't be playing to begin with. I didn't doubt myself when I started playing with Laura. It was only later that I wondered what might have happened."
Stacey nodded. "Exactly. Now quit worrying about 'mights and maybes' and focus on trying to find someone close by to get with."
"If only you knew," Jasmine thought to herself as she signed the bill and slid out of the booth. "I'm not sure I'm quite to that point yet, Stacey. A little non-committal play was nice, but actually getting into a relationship is another thing."
Stacey slid out of the booth and gave her friend a hug, "Then go find yourself a regular non-committal thing. Experiment and have some fun."
Jasmine returned the hug, "We'll see. I'm not in a rush and I'm not going to do anything to expose any of my new inclinations to the community."
The two said their goodbyes as they left the restaurant and Jasmine promised to have Stacey over as soon as the new hot tub was installed and running. She felt better for her conversation with her friend, and felt that Stacey was probably right about how she would react. She really couldn't see herself hurting someone intentionally while playing, but the thought did worry her a little.
As she drove home the worries slipped away and the anticipation of watching the videos on the card grew. She wanted to see Julie's videos and the thought made something low in her stomach churn with excitement as she felt herself moisten.
There was a slight chill in the air as Jasmine entered the house and she turned up the heat before passing through the first floor as quiet as a ghost. Her heart was pounding as she made her way up the stairs and into the bedroom. As the moment of reveal grew closer, Jasmine felt herself wanting to rush her preparation, and she slowed herself as she stripped away her clothes putting them in the hamper and chose the toys she wanted to use that night.
She pulled out her favorite set of anal beads and smiled as she coated her fingers in lube to prepare her ass. The beads weren't small, but they weren't huge either. The size of large marbles, the strand of six beads didn't quite fill her, but intensified the sensation of anything she used in her pussy and made any orgasm even more intense when she would rip them out. They had been one of William's favorites to use on her, and he would often yank them out of her as he was about to cum, propelling them into an intense mutual orgasm that left her seeing stars and feeling limp as a noodle. She'd worn them out on occasion when they were going various places, but when she'd done that, she'd usually preferred the more intense and filling feeling of one of her plugs.
She slipped the beads in and she could feel them moving inside with every shift of her body and she smiled. She wanted that extra intensity they'd provide that night and she grabbed her large thick vibrator before going back to her new playroom.
The room was set up as a movie room at the moment, and Jasmine wished for a moment she could just put the toys up all the time, but knew that would lead to questions from friends she didn't want to answer. And at the moment, it was the movie aspect she wanted. She slid the card into the Blue-Ray player and turned on the projector and settled onto the couch as the thumbnails of the various clips appeared on the movie screen in front of her. She was surprised to see five video clips when Julie had only mentioned four in her letter, but was looking forward to seeing what the hidden clip showed when she got to it. She used the remote to click on the first video and turned on the vibrator letting its strong buzz tease her body as she let the tip trail over her inner thighs.
The first clip started and Jasmine saw the girl sitting before the camera on her bed, the clothespins still decorating her body. She could see the tracks on the girl's cheeks from her tears and even with the clothespins obscuring much of the view of the girl's pussy, she could see just how red the area was. Jasmine played the vibrator over her stomach and across her nipples as the girl positioned herself before the camera before looking right at it. "I'm sorry I failed you so badly with my jogging time tonight, Mistress. I know I need to be punished for my lack of planning in advance of the run. Please consider this my penance," The girl said as she picked up a spool of thread and began running it through the center loops of the clothespins.
Jasmine let the vibrator work lower on her body and over her clit as she watched the video. The girl was in obvious pain every time she touched the clamps and the occasional fresh tear rolled down her cheek until eventually all the clothespins including the ones on her nipples were connected by the thread.
She remembered the pictures the girl had taken showing her doing just this. She also remembered the delightful sounds the girls who had had this done to them in the various videos she'd watched had made when they'd been torn away, but she couldn't believe the girl was about to do it to her already abused lips. She would have never told the girl to do it herself, because it was more than she thought the girl should have to take. She felt her heart racing as the girl cut the string and pulled the two ends tight, which was enough to pull a whimper from her lips.
Jasmine placed the tip of the vibrator at the wet opening of her pussy as her mouth went dry in anticipation of what she saw on the screen and swallowed hard. "I'm sorry I didn't plan better, Mistress. It won't happen again," the girl said through a series of light sobs as she tried to build up her courage to yank on the thread. The moment was drawn out as the thread was drawn tight and all the pins were pulled out, but not off. Jasmine's heart was thundering in her ears as she watched waiting for the moment wanting to see what was going to happen.
The seconds counted on and Jasmine could see the tears on the girl's face as her body trembled. She knew her slave wouldn't have included the video if she hadn't actually done what she was planning on doing, but as the moment lengthened, she felt her own anticipation growing. Then the thread went slack for a moment before violently getting yanked tight and one by one the clothespins tore from their holds on her most sensitive bits and the girl let out a long yowl of pain followed by sobbing as she curled into a ball and continued to cry.
Jasmine had slammed the vibrator deep into herself just as the yank and begun and let out a howl of her own, but it had been one of pleasure as the sight and sound had almost been enough to make her cum. She backed up the video and watched the moment again as she worked the vibrator in and out then continued to drive the silicone cock in and out of herself as her slave continued to cry on the screen for another five minutes before finally getting herself back under control.
Once again the girl turned to the camera and spread her legs exposing herself to the camera as she stopped sobbing and most of the tears finally ended. Jasmine finally was able to see just how red and abused the girl's cunt was, and while part of her ached to ease the poor abused slit, the rest of her thrilled as the beauty of the sight.
"I hope you accept this act of reparation, Mistress. But if it is not enough, let me know and I will gladly repeat it or undergo any other punishment you set out for me," the girl said before crawling across the bed and turning off the camera.
Jasmine backed up the video again and began watching from where the girl began to lace the clothespins together. She knew her orgasm was close, but she kept herself on edge until right as the thread was yanked and her moans of pleasure drown out the yowl of pain from the speakers. She couldn't wait to be the one to put the clothespins on the girl and then yank them off.
Jasmine slowly drifted back to her surroundings as the electric jolts faded away and the heaviness faded from her limbs, and she selected the next video her slave had made for her. This time the camera was clearly set up on the floor of the kitchen and Jasmine watched as the girl crawled into view from behind the camera. She looked better than she had in the first video and it was clear she had showered and recovered a little from her earlier ordeal. Her sex was redder than ever though and Jasmine had a perfect view of it as the girl crawled to the two bowls on the floor and spread her legs wide towards the camera.
The girl looked back over her shoulder at the camera and said, "I hope my Mistress enjoys watching me eat from my bowls. You can see just how red and sore my cunt is from everything that has happened tonight. It aches, Mistress and even if I weren't wanting to display it for you, I would have a hard time keeping my legs together."
Jasmine shivered in pleasure at the thought as the girl turned away from her and began to eat from the bowls. The camera was set up at such an angle that Jasmine could see between the girl's legs to the bowls beyond and she watched as the girl delicately leaned down and took a bite from the bowl and began to eat. She ate slowly taking careful, neat bites occasionally leaning over to the second bowl to lap up her drink.
The sight and sound as she lapped at the drink made Jasmine grown even wetter as she imagined the tongue lapping at her clit and nipples. She kept the vibrator working in and out of her hole, as she slowly built towards another orgasm. She imagined the girl being before her on the ground and how much fun she could have giving the girl the occasional swat or caress as she ate from the bowls. She also imagined how fun it would be to have the girl kneeling on the table and eating so she could lick and suck and finger her as she ate.
The cute wiggling ass and red sex kept her eyes glued on the screen as her mind drifted to the myriad of things she wanted to do when she finally got her hands on the girl. It was so frustrating to have such a willing slave and not being able to touch her. Eventually she would get the chance to get the girl on the cross and when that happened she would truly see what the girl's limits were and how much she could take. Until then though, she was satisfied with the girl's act of submission projected before her.
Jasmine watched as the girl leaned forward and licked her food dish before turning to face the camera. She was surprised about how clean the girl's face was with only a few spots of sauce on her face. She was smiling and Jasmine saw the look that was aching for approval in the girl's eyes. "I hope my Mistress enjoyed watching her slave eat her dinner like a good slave should. I love having your eyes on me," she said with a smile before crawling off camera and stopping the camera. The words sent a shiver up Jasmine's spine. She loved how the girl referred to her as 'Mistress' and the yearning for approval made her want test the girl in so many different ways.
Jasmine clicked on the next video and wondered just how bad the girl's dancing was going to be. The video started and Jasmine watched as the girl stepped back from the camera. The camera looked like it must have been set up on a tripod in the living room and the girl had cleared a space in the center of the floor for her dance. She was dressed in a short skirt, knee socks, black patented leather shoes and a white dress shirt. Jasmine smiled realizing the girl was going for the school girl look.
The first thing she noticed was that the girl wasn't smiling. She imagined this wasn't the girl's first attempt at making the striptease video and the frustration was showing on the girl's face. The music started and the girl tried to move with the music, but it was clear she'd done little dancing in the past and her body just always seemed to be either a beat early or a beat late. Jasmine made a few mental notes to pass on later and continued to watch the video. Even as bad as the girl's dancing was, there was something arousing about watching her suffer through the attempt and Jasmine pulled the vibrator from inside before letting it run over her clit.
As the dance went on, the seemed to get stiffer with her movements instead of more relaxed. Her body seemed to close up as she hunched her shoulders instead of opening herself to her audience. When she started to unbutton her shirt, she looked down and almost stopped moving entirely as she fought with the buttons. Jasmine let out a soft giggle that she would have kept in had the girl been before her, as the girl tried to slide the shirt off both arms at once and instead just ended up managing to briefly lock her arms behind her back before finally flailing free.
The girl was trying, and sadly that was what made it so funny to watch. She kept getting in her own way and every time she felt herself moving wrong, or struggling, she grew stiffer and more frustrated. Jasmine imagined the girl had removed the skirt dozens of times before, but she couldn't imagine the girl had ever struggled that mightily with the clasp before finally undoing it and letting the skirt fall to her feet, causing her to immediately trip as she tried to step out of it.
The girl was so cute in her frustrated innocence Jasmine couldn't help but wanting to pull her close and hug her while telling her it was alright. That wasn't possible though, so she giggled again and let the vibe trail over her chest and nipples.
Removing a bra in a quick and sexy motion, took practice. Lots of practice, and was accomplished much easier with a bra with a clasp in the front. The girl lacked the practice or the right clasp. The struggle with the bra that even after finally coming unclasped seemed to fight against both the girl and gravity to stay on her shoulders almost insistently refusing to reveal the breasts it concealed. Jasmine was happy she was alone as she watched the struggle as she knew she wouldn't have been able to conceal her laughter even if the girl had been standing right before her. Jasmine was sure that on some cosmic level, the striptease could have gone down as the worst ever.
Despite the struggles, Jasmine was still growing aroused at the sight of the girl's body. She'd seen it fully nude just moments before in two other videos, but watching it being slowly revealed, even if badly, was an exciting treat. If the girl had been before her, she would have pulled her close and sucked one of the small pale breasts into her mouth and teased and sucked at it until the girl's frustrated low grumblings turned into moans of pleasure. The girl was trying and she so wanted to please her Mistress, and that was one thing Jasmine would never fault her for.
The girl's final scrap of clothing in the simple white panties, should have been simple for the girl to slide down her thighs until they fell and then step out of them, but for some reason she tried to get fancy.
Once again Jasmine watched as the girl tried to move her hips in a grinding motion in time to the music as she lowered her panties. The timing was off though and the girl seemed to be fighting against her body. She'd lower one side a little down her hip as her body moved, but then as she rocked to the other side she'd lean the other direction and automatically pull her arm back up, pulling the panties back up with them right back into place. The girl had done this four times before she even realized what she'd done and the frustration burned through on her face and she just yanked them down in frustration. Jasmine did give her credit for not tripping over them as she stepped out of them.
The girl then did her best to dance out the rest of the song as seductively as she could, which under the circumstances with her eyes bright red and on the verge of tears wasn't that erotic. Jasmine was smiling as the song ended and the girl tried to hit one final sexy pose with her cute little ass towards the camera and looking back over her shoulder, but even on that the girl managed to try just a bit too hard. As she twisted her head to look over her shoulder, she twisted her body as well, and twisted just a bit too hard causing her to lose her balance and ending up spinning out of the view of the camera. Jasmine heard and enraged, "Dammit!" being shouted and then the video ended.
Jasmine laughed until tears ran down her face. Jasmine knew that the video would make her smile just by thinking about it for a long time to come, and if the girl knew just how cute it had made it her look, it would have gone a long way to easing the girl's embarrassment over all of it.
There were two videos left and Jasmine clicked on the next video. The camera was set up at the end of a table and Jasmine watched as the girl climbed on to the other end. She'd put a bottle of lube and the sharpie sat next to the girl as she spread her legs wide for the camera and coated one of her fingers with the lube. It was clear that she wasn't in the right frame of mind for what was coming, and Jasmine wished she had let the girl warm herself up a little before she worked the sharpie in. There was nothing to do about it at the moment though, and there was something very arousing about watching her force her finger into her tight asshole.
It was clear the girl was tense and her body fought against her finger making it that much tighter and difficult. Jasmine wanted to take the girl's ass and the view of the girl struggling just to get a finger in made her want it more. She remembered what the girl had said in her note that she didn't know if she'd be able to do it when the time came, and the thought of being denied that tight hole made her wonder for a moment if she really could control herself in the moment.
She shoved the vibrator back into her wet hole and felt it move against the beads in her ass as the girl struggled to slip a second finger inside. What the girl needed to do was relax and let her body adjust, but she continued to fight against her body making the vision both more pitiable and arousing at the same time. Jasmine moaned as she buried the vibrator deep inside herself and turned it on to its highest setting.
The fingers slid out of the well-lubed asshole, and the girl picked up the sharpie and coated it with more lube before pressing it against her tight hole. Jasmine saw the girl visibly tense up as the sharpie pressed forward and slowly fight its way inside. Between the lube and the girl's tension, Jasmine watched as the girl fought to keep the pen in place until finally wrapping her left arm under her leg and holding the pen in place with her hand. The lewd display made Jasmine's hard beat faster and she began to slide the vibrator in and out faster and harder feeling her body open to it even as it slid against and continually shifted the beads inside her.
The girl took her time as she rebuilt her own arousal. The girl had said in her letter how unsexy she had felt in that first moment, but it was different to see the look on her face as she tried to focus on the show she was putting on imagining it was her Mistress and not a camera sitting at the other end of the table.
Slowly the girl's motions became more fluid and excited and Jasmine could see that at least on a certain level, she was getting into the moment and growing towards her own orgasm. It was clear how much the girl was aching as she kept the touches on her sex light. At moments, she seemed to jump as her fingers trailed over a particularly tender spot. Jasmine savored those moments and tried to anticipate them giving her clit a tweak just as the girl's body seemed to jump.
Jasmine increased the tempo of the thrusts of her vibe as she saw the girl nearing her orgasm. She wanted to try and match hers to the girl's, and as the girl's breathing turned to pants she let herself go and felt the orgasm over take her body just as the voice on the screen let out a gasped moan of pleasure and her body went stiff, Jasmine let her own orgasm overtake her.
Jasmine's body shook with pleasure as she moaned loudly and her muscles seemed to all tense at once. Shivers of pleasure ran from her head to her toes and she closed her eyes savoring the mental image of her slave before her lewdly exhibiting her body for her Mistress. She wanted the girl so badly. She wanted to make her ache, and beg, and cum. She wanted to use her and push her to her limits and make her do things she never even imagined doing before. She would find a way to have the girl and she would make the most of every minute of it. And those thoughts made the orgasm even grow more intense.
Jasmine returned her focus to the video just as the girl was moving to the camera and ending it. She'd been lost for a moment in the drift of post-orgasmic pleasure and she'd wondered if the girl had said anything, but she wasn't concerned enough at the moment to go back and check. She was curious about the final video that hadn't been mentioned in the letter and she clicked on it.
The camera was once again set up on the floor of the kitchen and the bowls were again in sight. The girl crawled onto the screen and looked at the camera, "Good morning, Mistress. I thought you might like to see how I look now that the spanking has had a chance to set in." The girl looked tired and stiff like she hadn't slept long or well, and Jasmine imagined that had been true. She was curious as to how the girl looked now that the spanking and abuse would have had time to fully set in.
Jasmine gasped and then moaned as the girl crawled to her bowls and spread her legs. The girl's sex was one large bruise and her lips were swollen and very tender looking. She imagined that the girl's day had been an exercise in a new type of pain as every shift of her clothing and legs would remind her of the night before. She wanted to lean forward and kiss the abused sex better and ease the aches, but knowing the torture the girl must have gone through that day, made her pulse began to rush again.
The girl leaned down towards her bowl and then stopped and looked over her shoulder smiling at the camera, "It hurts, Mistress. If I didn't have a test today, and a couple of other reasons, I would consider staying home a resting with an ice pack between my legs all day. But as much as it hurts, Mistress, if I were with you, I would beg you to fuck me right now. I would beg you to use my cunt, hard and rough."
The girl let one hand reach back between her legs and spread the puffy, swollen lips and it was clear in the video just how wet the girl was. "I'm wet, Mistress. I'm wetter than I was even after all those days of denying myself pleasure. I woke up this morning for the first time as fully my Mistress' slave, and as sore as I am, there is nothing that would have made me happier than to have felt my Mistress fuck me for the first time." The girl smiled and turned to her bowl and began to delicately eat her cereal and lap up her juice.
Jasmine moaned at the girl's words and just the thought of the girl there before her begging her to fuck that abused and sore virgin cunt pushed her close to the edge. Jasmine kept herself close to the edge as the girl took her time eating her food keeping her sex lewdly on display the entire time. Jasmine felt herself tempted to take her strap-on to work the next day and give the girl just what she wanted, but she knew better even as the thought pushed her closer to the edge.
The girl finished her food and turned back towards the camera and smiled again. "Mistress, I hope you are watching this as you pleasure yourself since I can't. My body aches. My cunt hurts so bad, I don't know if I'm going to be able to close my legs today. I think back on the dance I made last night and it makes me want to cry with embarrassment. But I woke up this morning as your slave, your slut, your toy to use and abuse, and that makes it all worth it." The girl smiled and shifted onto her back her legs spread giving the camera a close up view of her abused sex as she propped herself up on her elbows.
"If you haven't cum while watching this video yet, I hope this helps," the girl said with another smile as she picked up a large wooden spoon that had just been out of sight. She brought the spoon down with a loud smack and let out a whimpered moan. The sound nearly pushed Jasmine over the edge but she kept it together for another moment as she grabbed the string of the beads with her free hand and drove the vibrator in with long, deep, hard thrusts. "Five," the girl said as she regained control, though she was breathing heavy.
The spoon came down hard again bringing another whimpered moan to the girl's lips and Jasmine moaned loudly in pleasure. "Four," the girl said as she regained control after another moment.
The spoon came down again and Jasmine fought to hold on with her orgasm. The girl was counting down and she wanted her to cum as she landed the final swat. She felt the excitement tensing up her body and knew it would make it both harder and more intense to pull out the beads when the time came. "Three," the voice said again this time in a sob.
The next swat of the spoon was even harder and for a moment the girl's legs slammed together as they instinctively tried to protect her sex from the beating and Jasmine felt her own orgasm right on the verge of exploding out of her body. "Two," the girl managed in a gasp.
The last smack was even harder, and Jasmine started pulling hard on the string just as the arm began to arch down towards its goal. The girl's moan of pain from the speakers blended with Jasmine's moan of pleasure before all sound was washed out by the sound of her pulse and blood thundering in her ears. Her body shook and convulsed as the orgasm overtook her.
Her body was electric and she was lost in a long perfect moment of blissful pleasure. Shivers ran up and down her skin and the sounds she made were purely animalistic and full of raw carnal expressions of pleasure. Eventually the long floating moment of joy began to subside and Jasmine could feel the ache of her body. Good orgasm always seemed to go from floating bliss to the ache of muscles overly and suddenly tensed too much and too often.
She shifted and pulled the vibrator out turning it off as her limbs seemed too heavy and searched for the remote. She'd missed the end of the video and she wanted to see her slave's parting words.
Jasmine found the end of the video and watched as the girl delivered the last strike one last time. The girl had curled into a ball after the swat had landed and she could see her shoulders heaving with sobs. It was almost a moment before the girl uncurled and managed a whispered, "One," before taking another long moment of rest.
There were tears on the girl's face as she looked back up at the camera. I hope you enjoyed that, Mistress. My body will ache all day and every shift and movement, will remind me that I now belong to you, and that my body is yours to do with as you please." The girl's smile lit up her face, and Jasmine felt her heart pounding with pride. "Have a good day, Mistress. I look forward to your next set of instructions." The girl finished before crawling off camera and turning it off.
The show had been amazing and made it grave the young girl even more. The videos had been amazing, and she couldn't believe how far beyond what had been expected the girl had gone.
It was another long moment before she could move again. She finally got to her legs and felt her knees go weak. It took her a few steps to regain her balance, but eventually she was walking steady again as she took the card from the Blue-Ray player and moved to her laptop. She moved to where the hidden hard drive was and fished its cord out from its spot plugging it and the laptop into the computer. She quickly transferred the videos to the hard drive and then blanked the card before putting everything away again. She'd want to see the videos again, but for now, it was best to keep them safe.
If was earlier than she would normally go to sleep, but Jasmine felt spent after the last orgasm and she moved to clean up the room and get ready for bed, the whole time imagines of her slave following her orders and then going further on her own filled her mind. She still hadn't figured out how she could fully get her hands on her slave, but she'd figure out a way and when she finally got the chance, she'd make the most of it.
Twenty minutes later, Jasmine was curled up in her bed drifting slowly off to sleep as she tried to figure out what she should have her slave do next. There were so many possibilities and she smiled evilly to herself.
Jasmine got up early the next morning and quickly wrote her slave a response to the videos she had made. She wanted the girl to know just how much she'd enjoyed the videos and she had an idea she wanted to give the girl for her next task. She had to do a moment of searching for the site she wanted before finding exactly what she sought, and the thought of her slave wearing it make her smile evilly.
She typed up the message and included the link and scanned it quickly before getting up to get ready for work. She was hopping to stop by the library parking lot long enough to connect and send the message on her way to school.
Dear slave,
You have no idea how much I enjoyed the videos you made me the other day. I watched the first video twice before moving on savoring every moment of it as you tormented yourself. As much as I enjoyed it though, I must remind you again, that it is not up to you to determine what punishments you deserve and to leave those things in my hands. If you cause yourself too much pain, you might not be able to fulfill any requirements I have for you and it is clear in that video you pushed yourself too close to that edge. Believe me, slave, your cunt will get plenty of torment in the future. There is no need to rush it.
I did enjoy watching you eat from your bowls, especially the morning video where it was clear just how much abuse you'd been put through the night before. There is part of me that would have loved to have taken you as you knelt like that so lewdly on display and so clearly sore and tender. Just as much though I wish I had been there to ease your aches and make you feel better, if only so I could do it all over again. I hope you do start to feel better soon, because I have so many other plans for your body.
After watching the video of you playing with yourself, it was clear that I should have let you ease more into anal play that night by playing with yourself first. This is one of those things I do hope you grow to love, so while my requirements have not changed, do make sure to relax and arouse yourself as much as possible before working the sharpie in. It was amazing to watch you cum, slut, and I hope in the near future I will be able to take you there with my mouth and fingers and feel you do the same to me.
Your dancing does need work. It is clear you have little experience dancing, so I have decided to give you some pointers on how to improve your dancing. As it stands, I think you suffered more from the dance than anything else you went through that evening. Please keep these pointers in mind as you practice in the future.
1. Attitude is everything. From the moment the video started, it was clear, you weren't in the moment. When you are dancing to arouse and intrigue, it starts with attitude. Do not go into such things meekly. Make yourself the center of attention. You are sexy and you are desirable. Make sure anyone watching knows that. If you go in feeling miserable it will show and you've lost your audience.
2. Find a beat you can move with. Practice with different songs and find ones you can move with. Become one with the music, don't just choose a song because someone else stripped to it.
3. Stay relaxed. Don't let a setback slow you down. Let your inner sexiness shine through and carry you through any rough patch. If you stress yourself out, you will only make things worse and harder on yourself.
4. Practice removing the clothing. While taking off your clothes is something you do every day, doing it in a striptease is different. Work with one piece of clothing at a time. Divide the dance into parts. Figure out one part and be able to get through it smoothly before moving on to the next part. I would suggest modifying your clothes for easier release if you can.
5. Watching your footing and know the space you're dancing in. Use it to the fullest and try to make sure any removed clothing is clear of the space as you go.
6. There is no need to get too fancy with your dancing. I know you're trying to make the dance sexier, but it is you that makes it sexy, not the moves you use. Remember it is attitude that drives the dance, so start there and don't get fancy if it ruins your movement or brings down your attitude.
I want you to practice at least two more weeks before making me another video. Keep all that I've said in mind as you practice, and I'm sure the video you make me then will be considerably better. Seeing your naked body makes me want to devour you, make your striptease do nothing but make me want to ravage you even more.
I have another assignment for you, slave. I know you have taken up jogging to improve your endurance and speed, and I have something I want you to wear when you go jogging. You are to make yourself a tack bra. Use felt that fits into the cups of your bra to hold the tacks and use at least two layers so they have some padding and don't press too hard into your tits. I want them pushing into you not drawing blood, so be careful. To start with do not put more than ten tacks in each cup and we'll see how that works. You will wear this bra any time you go jogging or work out outside of school until you reach the goals you have set for yourself unless you are doing something that will require something to come into contact with your chest.
I'm sure you're capable of finding pictures of such a device on the internet and can figure out the best way to make it. I like the idea of knowing that those little pinpricks will be there motivating you to do your best and achieve your goals.
You have your new assignment, slave and my comments on your last one. I am short on time so this message is a brief one, but know you are in my thoughts and dreams and I cannot wait until the day I can truly get my hands on your body.
Your Mistress
The message was a bit brief and blunt, but Jasmine wanted to send it off that morning, so her slave could see it and think about making and wearing the bra for the entire day. Laura had had one in her toy bag, and Jasmine had thought about putting it on her, but there'd only been so much time that evening. Perhaps if they got together at Christmas, she could make her wear it out to a movie. The thought made her shiver with pleasure.
She saved the message on the computer and finished getting ready. She would have to remind Julie that day that if she wanted to make soccer team, she was going to need to start jogging every day. She also needed to put together a full workout regimen for her, so she had an actual chance of making the team. She wanted to consult with Laura on the best exercises and diet since that was what she did for the living, but that could wait for the weekend.
Jasmine finished gathering her things and made her way out the door. She had just enough time to make a quick stop at the library and save her message before heading to school. She was going to have a hard time not wanting to get an in person look at her slave's crotch, but she satisfied herself knowing that by that evening, the ache in the girl's tits would probably be more than the ache in her crotch.
The rest of the week been busy chaos. With so many of her thoughts on Julie, she'd forgotten that Harrison and the rep from the hot tub company were going to be over to plan for the install of the tub. Harrison had made plans to temporarily remove part of the fence separating the front from the back yard and had made his plans for the necessary deck modifications and electrical work. He'd then dragged Jasmine back to the house for a family dinner taking her reluctance as a sign she was slipping back into her depression. She'd really just been looking forward to a chance to watch the videos Julie had made again.
The deck modifications had been completed in a couple of days and included a new retractable awning that would extend over the deck and hot tub. Harrison had once again tried to lowball her on the costs saying it was his slow season and he hadn't had to put off any other work to do the work for her, but Jasmine had pressed back. She'd pointed out that it was his slow time and he could always use the extra money and if he didn't take it, she'd give explain what had happened and give the money to Sharon. The thought of his wife's wrath had been enough to convince Harrison to listen and accept payment. The hot tub was supposed to have been delivered earlier that afternoon with Harrison there to supervise its installation and filling. She hoped the installation had gone smoothly and was anxious to get home and reassure herself that it had. She assumed that Harrison would have called her if there had been any problems, but with him, he might avoid the call to keep from worrying her. She was already excited for that first swim and soak and hoped it wouldn't be delayed by installation problems. It probably wouldn't happen until the next day when the water had had enough time to fully heat up, but she was looking forward to it already.
There had only been a brief reply to the message she had left from the girl thanking her for the dancing tips and compliments on the other videos, which had arrived later in the day after she'd sent the message. She had been surprised the girl hadn't left her a message after having first worn the bra, but she knew she'd given the girl multiple tasks and she'd mentioned that she had two major school projects coming due, so she probably hadn't had much time to leave messages for her Mistress. Jasmine was a little disappointed, but now that the girl had hand a chance to heal from her last spanking, she could plan something new for her.
Jasmine had considered leaving the girl another assignment over the weekend, nothing sadistic just some other way to remind the girl that she was now an owned slave, but changed her mind after considering how much the girl already had to deal with, and how hard it might be to find private time with her mom in town. She had plans for the girl, but she didn't want to rush things and overwhelm her.
She'd had time over the weekend to call Laura and plan out an exercise schedule for Julie. It focused primarily on building her leg strength and endurance, but there were also enough exercises aimed at improving her core and arms as well. She was in the process of converting the schedule to a workout app to go on her phone for Julie so that she'd be able to pull up her workouts and record her times all in one place while she was working out instead of trying to remember it all until she was home. Jasmine still preferred paper, and had stubbornly refused to learn how to use the app when William had installed it on her phone for her so she could do the same things. She was regretting the decision now though as she struggled through it on her own now and she was sure he was laughing at her from above. She'd finally managed to get the workouts put in, but she was still struggling with the meal portion of the app, and if she didn't have it figured out in the next day or so, she would just give Julie a calendar and menu on paper for her to use.
She was just getting ready to leave the classroom Monday afternoon when her classroom's phone rang. It was rare that she got a call on the phone especially after school hours and she answered with an almost confused tone, "Hello."
"Yes, is this Mrs. LeBlanc?" The woman's voice on the other end of the phone asked.
"Yes this is." Jasmine recognized the voice, but not well enough to place it. It had to be a parent's voice, and she began to scroll through the list of students she had recently sent home with failing notices.
"This is Carol Gardner, Julie's mom," the woman said and Jasmine felt her heart stop and her stomach turn as she began to panic wondering if the woman had discovered something.
"Yes, Mrs. Gardner. How are you doing today?" Jasmine said trying to sound calm.
"Busy. Being in charge of one store was crazy enough this time of year. Having 20 to watch over is absolutely insane." Jasmine could hear the fatigue in the woman's voice, but not any concern or anger and she relaxed a little. Though she still wondered why the woman was calling her at school.
"I can imagine. Julie says she hardly ever gets to see you. She mentioned you were out the door right after Thanksgiving dinner and were bouncing between stores for the rest of the night and next day. I can't imagine it doesn't get much calmer anywhere after that."
The woman let out a sigh. "I had a lady pull a knife on a store employee today because we didn't have the video game she wanted for her son in stock. Another store caught a couple trying to shoplift a 60" flat screen TV. Two employees at separate stores were just caught buying high ticket items with their employee discounts and selling them on Craigslist. And at another store we've had three reports of people hiding out in the parking lot and stealing carts of goods from people as they go to their cars. All of that is just what I've had to deal with today."
"Tis the season," Jasmine replied sympathetically. "With all of that going on, I'm amazed I made your call list today."
"I'm just glad I caught you, before you left school," the woman replied. "I meant to call earlier, but I'm at the store where the couple tried to steal the TV and I had to deal with that and got distracted. I do have a reason for calling though. Julie has told me that you're helping her to put together an exercise program so she can prepare for next year's soccer season."
Jasmine was flooded with relief as she realized what the call was about. "Yes I am. She told me how badly she wanted to make the team and I offered to help. I've put together a diet and exercise schedule for her that should help her get into shape by next fall. It won't be easy for her since she's so short and everyone else trying out for the team is going to have height and stride on her, but if I didn't think she could make it, I wouldn't get her hopes up."
"She was talking about it all weekend. She even made me get her a membership to the community rec center so she would have access to the indoor track and weights. After she got back from her jog on Saturday morning, drenched and surly, it was hard to deny her." Jasmine could hear the smile in the woman's voice.
"Even I've moved my jogging to the treadmill at the gym. I like jogging outdoors, but I don't want to catch pneumonia to do it. I've put together the information for her and I'm just trying to get it transferred to an app so she can access it anywhere. I don't think she's going to enjoy the nutritional part of things, but it is going to take the right diet to keep her body properly fueled."
"Julie would eat nothing but mac and cheese and frozen lasagnas if I let her. Giving her a diet she has to stick to, will drive her nuts. She seems determined to make the team though, so hopefully she'll stick with it."
"When I have everything put together, would you like me to send you a copy of it as well? If you do most of the shopping, I would imagine you would need to know what foods to buy for her."
"That would be great, thank you. Getting the shopping done for her and making sure she hasn't destroyed the house during the week, are some of the reasons I try to make it home every weekend. That plus if I don't have at least a couple of days where I'm not sleeping in a hotel room, I would go crazy. But that's not why I'm calling you today."
"Oh really?" Jasmine felt the stomach churning nerves return.
"I would like to invite you over to dinner this Friday as a way to thank you for helping Julie with this. Helping Julie with this is far outside what is required as a teacher, and I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate that extra effort."
Jasmine's stomach unclenched and the tension in her shoulders she hadn't even had time to notice released. "That's so kind of you, but there's no need to?"
"Yes there is," The woman said cutting her off. "You've been Julie's favorite teacher since she started high school and she was devastated for you last year when? when the accident happened." Jasmine could hear her stumble over the words and pause awkwardly. "I'm guessing you eat all too many meals on your own, and a meal you didn't have to make yourself would probably be a nice as well."
Jasmine thought about the offer for a second as she thought about how to best reply. The offer seemed completely unconnected to anything else, and a dinner would give her a chance to go over the workouts and diet with both of them at once. She was used to the awkward pauses people added to their conversations when her husband came up for the first time. It hurt, but she was used to dealing with it and she didn't let her distract her for long. "Dinner on Friday would be wonderful. I think sitting down with both of you and going over the goals Julie will have to work for will make it much easier for her. She's going to need a lot of support and reassurance to keep at it, especially when she starts hitting those plateaus where it seems like no progress is being made and it seems like all pain with little to no gain."
"Well as much as I love the girl, she does have a bit of a problem with follow through at times. Of course didn't most of us at that age?"
Jasmine thought to herself that she'd never really had a problem setting and reaching her goals, but she was polite enough not to say it and she worked with enough students to know that their goals often exceeded their drive and abilities. "Persistence separates winners from runner-ups." She had been going to say losers, but she didn't any mother would want to hear her daughter referred to in any form as a loser. "If she keeps at it, she'll get there."
"I certainly hope so. I'd hate to think of her putting in all this effort to make the team, and not make it. It would devastate her."
"I know Coach Yeats. I even talked to her about what Julie's chances were at the moment of making the team already. She told me what she'd have to do to make it and the workout plan will get her there. Beyond that if she puts in this much work, Coach isn't going to deny her a spot on the Varsity team. She might not be a starter, but the coach approves of effort. I'd also recommend looking into at least one soccer clinic or camp over the summer. It would help her improve her skills and give her even more of a chance."
She heard the woman sigh on the other end of the phone. "Yes, Julie mentioned a couple of them this weekend as well. She seems excited about the idea, but I don't know if I'm ready to invest in that yet. Maybe when the summer gets closer, we'll see if she's still keeping at things and I'll make a call then."
"If you need any help getting into one, I've worked at a few of the nearby clinics in past years," this last summer had been the first time she hadn't spent at least part of the summer working at various sports clinics down in the city, "I know most of the people running them and I can put in a good word for Julie. Even if they say they're full, I can get her a spot."
"That would be great, but as I said, let's first see if she's still pushing this hard for it in May," Carol said with a touch of skepticism that her daughter would still be pushing so hard in six months. If it weren't for the extra motivation that Jasmine knew Julie had, she'd probably be siding with the woman on that thought.
"Fair enough," Jasmine said with a smile. "If there's nothing else, I do need to be going. I'm have a delivery coming this afternoon, and I need to be home when it arrives."
"Of course. I need to be going as well. It seems like anytime I let my guard down for a second some new crisis springs up. We'll see you on Friday then."
"Friday it is, and I hope your week calms down at least a little."
"If only I could be so lucky," Carol finished with a sigh before hanging up.
Jasmine smiled as she put the phone back on its cradle and gathered up the last of her stuff. It would be nice to be able to sit down and talk the schedule through with Julie and her mom so there was no confusion over what was expected as far as the workout and diet went. She knew it wasn't going to be easy on Julie and the extra home support would give her that extra push other influences might not have. She was a little annoyed Julie hadn't warned her about the call though, and she planned a quick stop to get a smoothie on the way home. The hot tub had likely already been delivered and Harrison didn't need her standing over him as he made sure it was installed properly and filled.
Jasmine turned off the lights to the portable and made her way to her car. Winter had truly settled in and the temperature had dropped significantly in the last couple of days and even with her coat on, Jasmine shivered as she walked to her car. With the heat cranked up, Jasmine navigated her car out of the teacher's lot and made her way towards the smoothie shop. Her thoughts were occupied with what new assignment she should give the girl. She couldn't ask Julie about the visit in the email, that would have to wait until the next day, but she felt that lack of warning of the up-coming call deserved some sort of interesting assignment.
She pulled into the parking lot and pulled the spare laptop out of the backseat where she had begun to keep it when she went to school in case the idea for an interesting assignment hit her during the course of the day and went inside. The shop wasn't crowded and Jasmine quickly picked up her smoothie and moved to the back booth and logged into the computer and email account.
She stared at the blank email as she slowly drank the smoothie. She needed an interesting assignment for the girl, but nothing different was coming to mind. She was too new to this to know what would work and what wouldn't. She wanted the girl to squirm a little, but she couldn't make her do anything that would out her or leave marks. Finally she had an idea and started to type.
Dear slut,
I hope you have fully recovered from your last assignment because it is time for something new. Tonight before you go to bed you will drink three large glasses of water. You will do this on camera. Then you will take a pair of scissors and show me as you walk them downstairs and put them on the floor where you usually put your food bowls. After that you will go to your room with the camera and plug it in so it will record all night. Then on camera you will blindfold and gag yourself. Finally you will restrain your wrists and ankles with zip ties. Your hand will be behind your back. I recommend wearing something to cover your wrists to keep them from leaving marks. You will sleep like this in full view of the camera. You will not get out of your sleeping spot until your alarm goes off in the morning. When that happens you will make your way to the scissors and then bring them back to the room before using them to remove your restraints. And of course you won't be allowed to use the toilet until you've freed yourself.
I look forward to seeing you bound and struggling and I only wish you were sleeping at the foot of my bed so I could use your tongue in the morning to give me a pleasurable start to the day.
Your Mistress
Jasmine read through the email. It was brief, but she really didn't have much time and she guessed she'd given the girl a difficult enough assignment that she'd be scrambling to get ready in the morning. She saved the draft and made her way back to her car and headed home with a smile on her face.
When she got home the portion of fence that had to be taken down to allow the hot tub through in the back yard had already been replaced and only Harrison's truck remained parked at her house. She left the spare laptop in the car under the passenger seat for the moment entered the house.
"Harrison, are you here?" She asked as she entered from the garage. The house was cold and she moved to turn up the heat as she heading towards the patio entrance where she expected she'd find the large man.
Sure enough, Harrison was sitting in one of the cheap plastic patio chairs she left out all year with a cup of coffee in one hand as her hose slowly filled the mammoth tub. She hadn't really realized how big the thing was until she saw it next to her deck.
"Jasmine!" Harrison said in his deep thundering voice as he turned to face the opening door. "The delivery people just left a short while ago. The tub is installed and filling and I have instructions for the chemicals and cleaning are all here." He got up and enveloped her in his arms as he hugged her. "I had the fence back up in less time than it took them to get that thing out of its box. Seriously, Jasmine, did you have to buy the biggest one they had?"
Jasmine returned the hug and smiled. "It wasn't the biggest," She started defensively. "I wanted one that would sit more than just two people and the lap pool was a nice bonus. It'll be nice to have somewhere to swim when I'm stressed and don't want to go to the gym. You did great, but why are you sitting out here, when it is nearly freezing? It isn't like the tub is going to be filled in the next ten minutes and you need to watch it. Come on in and get warm. Christ if Sharon thought for a moment I'd made you sit outside in the cold just because I wasn't home, she'd have my hide."
Harrison laughed. "Oh, it's not that cold out here. I was enjoying the brisk mountain air and a cup of coffee. It can be hard to get a moment of quiet at my place, so I was enjoying the view and the quiet calm of nature. Which reminds me, Sharon has decreed you're to join us for dinner this evening. She doesn't want you turning back into a hermit, so she's going to make you join us at least once a week for dinner."
Jasmine laughed. "I've been busy. I haven't been ignoring anyone or hiding away. I've just been trying to keep up on grades and lesson planning. I promise you I'm not becoming a hermit again. A meal I don't have to cook myself is a pleasant thought though. Cooking for one isn't easy. What are we going to do about the tub though? I don't want it to overfill while we're gone." She gave the slowly filling hot tub a look and had a brief vision of the tub spilling over and flooding her yard like the sink in Sorcerer's Apprentice.
"It'll be a couple of hours till dinner is ready. We'll stay here and let it fill and I'll go over the maintenance and care instructions with you until it is time to go. We can turn it off then and you can finish filling it when you get home later. I know you probably wanted to get in a soak tonight, but no matter what you did, the water wasn't going to be heated that quickly. You'll get your soak after school tomorrow."
"Fair enough. But let's go inside. I don't know why on Earth you decided to wait out here in the cold when there is a warm house only a few feet away," she said rubbing her hands together to warm them back up.
Harrison laughed. "As I said this isn't cold. You don't know what cold is until you've gone through a Midwest winter and felt the wind blowing in January. But as you're going to be a wimp about it, we'll talk inside and let the tub fill."
"I've been to Indiana for Christmas and thank you very much, I'll pass on that little frozen slice of Hell." Jasmine said leading the way back into the blessedly warm house.
Harrison spent the next hour going over basic maintenance of the hot tub and how to keep the chemicals balanced, as Jasmine took her usual obsessive notes even after Harrison pointed out, everything he was saying was in the owner's manual. Jasmine insisted it helped her to remember to take notes and that it was always easier to reference a couple pages of notes rather than hunting through a full book for one small piece of information. The pair spent another hour talking sports and who they each thought had a chance to win.
Shortly after that they left for Harrison's place and Jasmine enjoyed spending an evening in a home full of the energy of a full family. It hurt for a moment as it did remind her of all the things she'd planned to have with William, but the pain was less than it had been and no longer made her want to crawl into a corner of her house and hide away from the world.
She'd asked the neighbor's son to stay at her place as the tub had finished filling and stop it when it had finished, and when she got home she saw that the tub had finished filling and the lid had been secured over the top. She was looking forward to soaking in the tub and pushing herself against the thrust of the jets in a long the next evening. The thought could wait though and she got ready for bed as she imagined Julie doing the same and smiled at the thought of her reward for a good swim the next evening.
Jasmine drifted to sleep with a smile on her face while imagining the girl's torment, and only wished she could be there to observe it in person.
The bell for sixth period was just about to ring as Julie dragged herself into the classroom and dropped heavily into her seat. She looked dead on her feet and there were dark circles under her eyes, and for a brief moment Jasmine felt a little sorry for the girl. A second thought told her that teenagers were resilient and a lost night's sleep wouldn't do the girl any last harm.
"Rough night?" Jasmine asked innocently as Julie slowly dug her binder out of her bag.
"Huh?" Julie said looking up and shaking her head in an attempt to clear out some of the cobwebs. "Oh yeah. I couldn't get comfortable last night and didn't sleep well. I just want to go home and take a nap."
"A nap won't help you, Julie. What you need to do is get the blood flowing. If I were you, I'd go exercise when class is over. One bad night's sleep isn't going to hurt you, and once you get the body moving and the endorphins flowing, the fatigue will disappear," Jasmine said with an upbeat and positive tone.
Julie yawned. "I know, Mrs. LeBlanc. I'm not going to let a bad night's sleep keep me down. I've got too much to do, to nap anyways. I won't say a run sounds better than a nice nap, but it does sound better than going home and working on my essay for Mr. Sanderson. I'd say I was looking forward to this weekend, but I have so much to do over it that it is going to be busier than an average school day."
"Well that does happen at times. Just wait until college when the work level really goes up," Jasmine said mischievously. "Speaking of this weekend though. . ."
"That's right!" Julie said straightening up with a jolt. "I completely forgot my mom did that. Honestly, Mrs. LeBlanc, I didn't know she was going to call and invite you over this Friday, or I would have warned you. She only told me when she called last night. I hope it isn't an imposition. I couldn't believe she'd done that without at least asking me first." The girl's voice held a twinge of terror to it as her cheeks first went pink and then red in embarrassment.
Jasmine chuckled lightly. "It's alright, Julie. Matter of fact, it is probably better to go over the diet and workout routine with both you and your mother at once, so it is clear what your goals are and what you're going to need to do to achieve them. You're going to need the support of your family if you want to keep on target for your goals, and if your mom does most the shopping, she's going to need to know what to buy for meals. Plus it is always nice to have someone else do the cooking."
Julie's shoulders dipped in relief and she let out a breath as Jasmine smiled happily at her. She was surprised that Julie hadn't been behind the invite, but she doubted the girl, especially in her tired state, could have faked her reaction. Jasmine wished that the visit could be just the two of them and she could finally get her hands on the girl some place private where she had the time to truly test the girl, but that would have to wait until for the moment.
Jasmine got up from her desk and stretched before carefully placing the memory card in its case on the corner of her desk and crossing the classroom. "I've got to run a couple of errands in the building, Julie. Try not to fall asleep as you get your work done." She could hear Julie yawning again as she opened the door and wondered for a moment if the girl might actually fall asleep given the chance, but she doubted in and she stepped out into the chill afternoon air.
She took her time in the main building. There wasn't much she actually needed to do while in there, but she was curious to see if Julie was so tired she'd actually fall asleep if left alone. It wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if she had, however she knew Julie would need more discipline than that if she was going to achieve her goals. If she was asleep, Jasmine would have to come up with an interesting assignment for the girl that night.
Jasmine returned to the class shortly before the bell rang and Julie was busy packing up her bag to leave for the day. Part of her was disappointed to see the girl awake and packing, but she was happy to see that it would take more than one lost night of sleep to slow her down. Maybe if the video was good enough, she'd let her have the rest of the week off so she could focus on everything else she had to do.
"Have a good afternoon, Mrs. LeBlanc," Julie said as the bell rang and she made her way for the door. "I hope you're right about a jog helping, because I felt like I was about to fall asleep for the whole second half of class. It gets quiet in here when no one else is around."
"It will help, trust me," Jasmine assured her as she watched the girl scurry past her, her skirt swishing just above her knees making the older woman almost salivate at the thought of the pert ass and bare pussy barely concealed underneath. She had to get her hands on the girl soon or she felt like she was going to burst.
As Julie disappeared towards the busses, Jasmine turned back into her classroom and began to get ready to head home for the day. Her lessons were ready for the next day and she wanted to make her way to the gym and hit the weights before going home and trying out her new toy. Thirty minutes later, she was out the door and off to the gym.
Her body had that delicious ache of a good workout to it as she entered her house and put down her things. She'd spent the entire session with an image of Julie's naked and bound body filling her imagination and she'd used the thoughts to push herself harder than normal. Her mind had been filled with plans of how to get time alone with the girl, but nothing she'd been able to think of would work. The frustration pushed her even more and by the time she left the gym she was considering skipping the swimming and going right to the soaking.
With a 'thunk' she dropped her workbag on the table and picked up her smoothie taking a few long pulls on the straw nearly draining the last of the drink and shivered as the cold air of an unheated house surrounded her. She'd meant for weeks to finally reset the timer on the heater so it would turn on automatically an hour before she usually arrived home, but she could never remember how to do it and she had been too embarrassed to ask Harrison when he'd been over. It was becoming a priority with how cold things were getting.
Jasmine finished the smoothie and tossed the empty cup into the garbage and made her way up to the bedroom to change into her swimsuit. She had stopped just long enough after her workout to get the smoothie and copy and paste her slave's latest message. She wanted to watch the video before she read the message and it had been hard to resist at least a little peek at it when she'd done the copying. She was still considering skipping the swim, but she hadn't done any major cardio at the gym, and if she was going to expect physical discipline out of Julie, she had to expect it out of herself as well.
The in the house held a chill as Jasmine began to strip and her nipples hardened as she unbuttoned her dress shirt and removed her bra. A sigh escaped her lips as she massaged her breasts relieved to have them finally free of the bra after a long day and a tough workout. As frustrating as it was to try and conceive a plan to get her hands on Julie, the thoughts had he excited and she knew it would be so easy to skip the hot tub and go down and grab the memory card from her purse and watch the bound girl struggle. The idea continued to tease at her as she sat down and slid her slacks down her long legs. She could watch the video first and then try out her new hot tub. Savor the hot water after savoring the torment of her slave.
She shook her head and dismissed the idea as she slid off her panties and tossed them into the hamper. They had been wet with her sweat and arousal and she closed her eyes as the vision of them so beautifully gagging her slave as she was bound to the cross ready to be spanked sent shivers through her body. Again the thought of at least delaying her trip to the hot tub crossed through her mind and she shook her head defiantly. If she was going to be the Mistress, she needed to be in control of her desires as much as her slave's.
Jasmine rose from the bed and stretched feeling her muscles protest as she tried to warm back up. No she had to go swim now, or her body would be too stiff and cooled down for it later. She padded to her dresser on bare feet and slid open the drawer searching for her swimsuit, but stopped herself just as her fingers touched the cool, slick fabric. It was her yard, the water was hot, and she had a privacy fence for a reason. She didn't need a suit and the thought of climbing in for her inaugural swim naked, seemed like the only real choice.
With a long gliding steps, Jasmine crossed to the bathroom and grabbed her thick terrycloth robe and wrapped it around herself and grabbed a towel from the rack almost as an afterthought. Her stomach flipped at the thought of the naked swim and the memories of what had happened with the stranger in the hotel hot tub and she moved through the house gathering her notes on the new hot tub, her iPod and goggles on her way to the back door.
The night's chill was bracing making Jasmine gasp as her lungs filled with the cold air and her feet touched the cold, wet deck. She was going to need to invest in a pair of flip flops to keep her feet from freezing in the few feet it would take her to walk to the tub and back.
The cover for the tub wasn't heavy, but it was awkward to move. Jasmine huffed and puffed as she wrestled the lid to the side releasing a cloud of steam that warmed her in the cold night air. The sigh that escaped her lips as she plunged her hand into the hot water, was almost orgasmic and she seemed to freeze momentarily as her eyes closed and she took in the moment.
The chill spreading up from her feet finally overcame the warmth spreading from her hand, and a less pleasant shiver shook her body. "Definitely need flip flops," she said definitively as she pulled up the chair Harrison had been sitting in the day before and began looking through her notes on how the mammoth tub operated.
There was a dock for her iPod and while Jasmine had never felt the need for music as she had swam in the past, she didn't see the point in not taking advantage of the possibility now. A few presses of buttons later and music sang out from speakers both in and out of the water. "Now to get the current going," she muttered as she flipped to another page of notes. The tub had been made to operate as simply as possible, and Jasmine soon had the current flowing at a steady pace and set to turn off in forty-five minutes.
A satisfied smile lit up her face as she stood up and stretched one last time and shed her robe into the chair suddenly changing her smile to a gasping cringe of shocked cold as the night air embraced her fully naked flesh. With an undignified scurry, Jasmine slipped into the tub and felt the current pressing against her as the water wrapped around her lower half.
Jasmine lowered herself to her knees allowing more of her body to be encased in the blessedly warm water. Her muscles quickly loosened as they warmed in the warm wet heat, and she stretched out pushing forward into the current, and with a final light push off from the bottom of the tub, she was swimming into the current.
She adjusted her stroke to the speed of the current starting out slow knowing it would pick up in a few minutes and let her body adjust to the strange combination of floating in the hot water as the cold air ran over her shoulders, back and ass when she raised up slightly out of the water. She'd made use of hot tubs at the cabin near the ski lodge where William, their friends and her had spent the last few New Year's, but there had never been the private opportunity to try it naked and usually she'd been immersed to her neck with the dual moments of hot and cold only coming when getting in our out. The occasional rush of cold down her back and over her ass took more getting used to, but she did her best to push the sensations out of her mind and lose herself in her stroke as she worked her body steadily against the current.
The current washed away her thoughts leaving her a quiet moment of Zen where the stresses of life, sexual frustration, and of work seemed to be washed away on the current. Her eyelids slowly dropped down as music filled the night and the moment of nothingness completely overtook her. Steam from the water caressed her face as her arms heavy from exertion floated languidly before her. Part of her wanted to feel the jets pulse and massage over her, but she didn't want to move and ruin the moment.
She knew she couldn't sit there forever, she still had to make dinner and her slave's video was waiting to be viewed. They could wait though, as the first true moment of quiet inner peace she'd had in nearly a year filled her as she sat nearly weightless in the water's embrace. She felt herself nearly drifting off as she sat there and fought against the sleep trying to pull her in. She didn't want to accidentally drown her in her inaugural dip into the hot tub. The thought of being found floating naked in the tub was enough to shake the sleep out of her and after another long moment of savoring heat working its way into her body, she reluctantly began to get out.
She hissed and grabbed frantically for her robe as the cold night breeze kissed her naked wet skin, and she felt a twinge of remorse for what her slave must have felt as she had lewdly performed for her the previous week. It took muscles and grunting to maneuver the top back into place and the ground froze her feet with each step seemingly determined to dredge every last bit of warmth and comfort out her body the swim and soak had filled her with. Scampering back to the house, each step punctuated with cursing her lack of footwear and deciding that slippers not flip flops were what she needed, Jasmine made her way inside and into the kitchen. The house was warm at least and her muscles relaxed again glad to be out of the cold.
Her stomach rumbled as she considered her options for dinner. She'd waited almost too long to eat with the wait between her workout and the swim and soak. A hunk of cheese quieted her growling stomach as she put a frozen lasagna in the microwave. If she hurried, she would have just enough time for a quick shower to wash away the sweat and chlorine while her meal cooked.
The hot shower washed away the last of the night's cold and Jasmine quickly washed and rinsed her body. Part of her wanted to linger in the hot humid air of the shower and let her hands tease over her body, maybe even bring herself to a quick, small orgasm before getting out, but her stomach overruled her crotch and growled hungrily. She sighed stepping out of the shower and dried quickly before wrapping her hair up in a towel and putting back on her robe.
Her steps were soft on the steps as her robe swished around her legs as she made her way back into the kitchen filled with the tantalizing scent of tomato sauce, garlic, herbs, cheese, and meat. The scent consumed her as she opened the microwave and pulled the hot piece of heaven from the inside and feeling the tips of her fingers burning as they grasped the edges of the hot plate, and her mouth nearly began to water. She added a salad and glass of milk to the meal before making her way to the couch and setting the food down on the table. She had her meal and now she needed the show.
Jasmine left the tempting sight of the food and found her purse digging out memory card buried inside. She slid the card into the card reader on the TV before sitting down to her meal and clicking the TV to life. There was only one video this time and Jasmine clicked on it before cutting into her first bite of dinner and nearly moaning as the wonderful tastes filled her mouth.
The video started with her slave stepping back from where the camera sat on its tripod focused on blanket laying on the floor of the bedroom covered with everything she would need for the night. The quality was lower than it had been in past videos, but the girl's smile was as beautiful and infectious as ever. "Hello, Mistress," her slave began as she kneeled in the middle of the blanket. As you can see I have gathered everything you have asked of me. I'm sorry for the low quality of the video, but I had to lower it so that there would be enough space for it to record the entire night. I know you would be disappointed if you missed any of the show."
Jasmine continued to eat as the naked slave on the screen turned and picked up the first of three glasses of water sitting on her nightstand. "As you've requested, Mistress, I will now drink the water you've assigned me to drink. I have a feeling this is going to make my night very difficult, but I know that was what you were hoping for." There was a look of slight embarrassment on the slave's face as she said the words and she squirmed a little as she looked at the three glasses sitting next to her.
She downed the first glass without another word as Jasmine watched and savored her meal. "That's one," her slave said as she put down the first glass and picked up the second. Jasmine put another bite of lasagna in her mouth and began chewing as the girl started to gulp down the second glass of water, small rivulets pour out of the corner of her mouth as she tried to drink down the water as fast as she could. The second glass clapped down on to the table with a hollow clop, and the girl picked up the final glass just as quickly. "That's two," she said before starting to chug the final glass of water.
The third glass went down nearly as quickly as the second and clopped down on to the table with the same hollow noise as the ones before. "That's three, Mistress," her slave said sounding a little waterlogged before standing up with the scissors in her hand. "I would crawl for you, Mistress, as I did as you requested, but I dare not risk damaging my father's camera while going up and down the stairs. I hope you forgive me," the girl explained as she stepped out of the well-lit bedroom and into a darkened hall.
The camera had switched over immediately to a green night-vision screen and Jasmine watched the grainy green and black image move unsteadily down the hall, down the stairs and into the kitchen. She watched as the scissors were set down carefully next to the bowls before the camera turned and retraced its path illuminated in the eerie green glow until switching back to its normal view in the bedroom. There was a moment as the camera was reattached to the tripod and an icon came on showing the plug was now in place before her slave once again moved back in front of the camera, kneeling and smiling out at her.
"I hope I prepare myself as you've imagined, Mistress," the slave said as she a pair of long gloves over her hands and knee high socks on her feet. The girl looked strange clad only in the gloves and socks, and Jasmine found her mouth watering for more than just her dinner as the girl returned to her kneeling position legs spread wide and sex just visible.
Next the girl picked up what looked to be rope pull toy for a small dog. "Do you like this, Mistress?" Her slave asked holding up the toy. "I saw this dog toy when out at the store one day and thought it would make a perfect gag." She put the toy into her mouth the center knot of the toy sitting just behind her teeth before tying the strings she'd added to the ends together behind her head. "Ce, Mstess. Aph pefec gag." The garbled voice managed from behind the gag.
The slave's blindfold was a simple sleep mask which covered the upper half of her face and seemed to make the gag stand out even more in her mouth, was slid into place blinding the girl to the world. Jasmine could feel her arousal growing as she watched the girl on the screen. Not yet bound, but gagged and blindfolded, she looked delicious and ready for torment. She could just imagine the girl bent over before her in that outfit waiting for a spanking.
She watched as the slave crawled off camera for a moment and heard the click as the light switch was hit and the camera went into the eerie green glow of night vision. Jasmine wondered for a moment why the girl had turned off the lights when leaving them on would have been just as easy since she was blindfolded, then she remembered what her slave had said about neighbors watching out for her and making sure she went to sleep on time. She understood then, but still wished she could have feasted on the clear nude form of the girl as she lay bound for the night.
The girl crawled back onto the screen and felt around until her hands grasped the first of the zip ties waiting. Jasmine heard her breath coming in a heavy panting as her hand had discarded her knife and began sliding up the inside of her thigh and tingling gentle caress against her flesh. Two zip ties were secured around the slave's lower legs, and Jasmine watched in fascination as the girl first made the loop with the zip tie before putting her hands in it behind her back. The loop wasn't tight yet, but the slave had taken time to figure out a way to solve the problem.
Enough of the end had been fed through the latch to leave a small grasping point, and Jasmine watched fascinated as the girl crawled back first to the night stand and carefully worked the end into the grasp of a slightly open door. Jasmine could hear her slave grasping and grunting as she maneuvered into place and finally managed to close the door with an elbow pinning the end in place before pulling her wrists in the other direction. The click of the zip tie being pulled tight was clear in the quiet room and Jasmine marveled at her slave's ingenuity as her own hand crept further up her thigh and her breathing deepened.
Her slave released the pressure she'd held on the door with her elbow and as she pulled away, the door opened slightly freeing the end of the tie. The girl turned her back to the camera to show the tie was secure and moved as best as she could blind and bound to her blanket on the ground.
Jasmine watched in fascination as her slave worked to lie down on her side and try to find a comfortable position to sleep. Her options were limited and in a moment she turned onto her stomach. She could tell the girl didn't exactly look comfortable laying like that, but it had to be better than on her shoulder or back. For a brief moment as she watched the girl try to get comfortable on her chest and stomach, Jasmine wished she'd order her slave to wear the tack bra as well, thought that might have been too much in the end.
Jasmine settled in for the show of watching her slave try to get to sleep in the uncomfortable bound position, her every struggle or move turned into a grunt behind the gag. She focused back on her meal instead of her crotch as the slave fought for sleep and finished her meal just as the girl seemed to finally get comfortable enough to sleep in.
Jasmine let the video play at normal speed as she cleaned up her dishes and went upstairs to grab some toys from her room. She had a feeling that her slave's struggling would get very interesting part of the way through the night and she wanted to be ready to enjoy it.
Only thirty minutes had passed as Jasmine had cleaned up and gathered her toys, and her slave still appeared to be sleeping on the screen. She wanted so much to have the girl bound before her. To use her, to spank her, to push the girl to her limits before finally allowing her release. The thought of the girl being bound at the foot of her bed for the night, made her heart race, and she undid the knot holding her robe closed revealing her naked body to the warm air of the house.
Her nipples were already hard as she caressed them making them ache with pleasure as she picked up the remote and began to fast forward the video. As the time counter ran forward on the screen Jasmine was reminded briefly of the horror series Paranormal Activity and almost laughed as she briefly thought of a book mystically flying across the room in the background or a mysterious crashing off screen.
Around two in the morning, Jasmine watched as her slave began to struggle in her sleep. She slowed the video to double speed and picked up her vibrator turning it on to a low buzz. The slave's grunts and struggles sounded weird in double speed, but it was clear the lying on stomach with a full bladder was beginning to get uncomfortable.
She began to let the vibrator slide up and down her wet slit just briefly brushing over her clit with each trip up and down as the slave fought for comfort. First she turned to her side, but was unable to hold the position and rolled onto her back. She seemed comfortable for a little bit in that position, but Jasmine watched again as the position began to grow uncomfortable as she was unable to keep her hands from digging into her back.
The vibrator was focused more on her clit as the girl fought to sit up and sat with her back against the bed seeming to find at least a moment's relief from her discomfort. The change of position gave Jasmine a wonderful view as well. Even in the grainy, green light she could see the drool from the girl's mouth on her chin, the small mounds of her breasts, and the V formed where her legs came together. She wanted to drip wax on the beautiful girl and pull the gag from the slave's mouth before lowering her pussy down onto the hungry so willing to please tongue.
The thought tore a moan from her and she turned up the speed on the vibrator and moaned again in pleasure her other hand dropping the remote and moving to massage and tease her large sensitive breasts.
Jasmine teased herself as she imagined all the things she could do to the bound girl as she continued to watch the screen, the girl's small movements turned into to strange jerks played in triple speed and her small moans were converted into high pitch chirps. She was pretty sure that the girl had fallen back to sleep for the moment as time clicked by, but Jasmine was guessing by how tired she'd been that afternoon, the moment of sleep wouldn't last long.
She built herself towards her first orgasm as she imagined binding the girl up with a vibrator inside under her control. Tormenting the girl and turning it high every time she was about to fall asleep and then off just as she was about to cum. She imagined the girl's garbled moans for relief or rest through the gag but giving her neither until she was sobbing from both exhaustion and desire.
Jasmine moved the vibrator from her clit and began to work it in and out of herself as wrapped herself deeper in the fantasy her other hand trailing down her aroused breasts, over her flat and quivering stomach to her wet, sensitive clit. The jolt of pleasure from her fingers on her clit and the deep probing vibrations of the vibrator was almost overwhelming and Jasmine saw sparks from the corner of her eyes as she savored the image of the helpless slave bound and desperate. She had seen an image of a gag that had a long cock coming out from it and she imagined her slave wearing that gag as she tormented the girl to the edge. The visual in her head was overpowering and she could almost feel the heat of her slave's body between her legs as she kneeled over the girl and slowly lowered herself on to the cock-gag and began to work herself up and down.
Her breathing was coming in short panted breaths as her stomach rolled with pleasure and her hands continued to tease at her clit and work the vibrator in and out driving her closer to the edge as the image of the desperate girl filled her imagination. She would assure the girl that as soon as she was satisfied, the girl would get her satisfaction as well. Jasmine worked the vibrator in and out faster and faster as she imagined working up and down on the cock-gag faster and faster and as she turned up the slave's own vibrator to high and warning her of the terrible punishment she would receive if she didn't control herself.
Jasmine came with a flash of light and a rush of shuddering euphoric pleasure rushing from her center and out through the rest of her body, just as she imagined cumming on the cock-gag and flooding her slave's face with her juices. She shook and moaned for a long moment as the pleasure raced through her before fading leaving her with that warm, but not satisfied feeling the first orgasm of a night always filled her with. In her mind's eye she imagined turning off the vibrator in the slave as she sat over her, cock still deeply buried inside her, as the girl sobbed with frustration beneath her, and then reminding her slave that it would take so much more than just one good orgasm to satisfy her and that they still had a long way to go before the slave earned her reward.
The sobs she heard were in more than her imagination though, and she opened her eyes that she hadn't even fully realized she'd let close, to see her slave squirming on the screen, her sobs high pitched cries. Jasmine slowed the video to normal speed and saw that the clock showed it was only three in the morning. Her slave was squirming now and by her desperate shifts, it wasn't her bindings that were making her uncomfortable.
Jasmine knew the girl had at least two and a half hours until her alarm went off, if she even got up that early, and she wondered if the girl could make it. The girl had no clue what time it was and that had to make her torment that much worse. Jasmine hadn't found herself particularly aroused by some of the stranger things she'd read about and seen videos of online including peeing videos, but this wasn't about the peeing. This was about tormenting and controlling the girl. Would she follow her instructions even if it led to her being embarrassed? What would she do afterwards? Would it arouse her slave or upset her? Jasmine wanted to know and she was enjoying every moment of watching her slave suffer a little until then.
As she watched the slave shift uncomfortably on screen as she moaned and grunted through the gag, she imagined once again the girl beneath her the cock-gag still filling her completely taking the time to describe to her slave what her pussy looked like wrapped around the rubber phallus and how good it would feel to have the slave's tongue caressing her clit as well, knowing how much it would torment the girl to not be able to fulfill her mistress's desire.
The mental image of her slave's suffering was nearly as good as the image on the screen and she pulled the vibrator from her wet pussy, imaging raising herself from the cock-gag explaining to her poor slave that no amount of riding the gag would be enough to satisfy her, and the imagined whimpers of her slave were perfectly echoed by those coming from the screen.
The beads felt cool in her hand as she picked it up from next to her on the couch and she imagined turning the girl over onto her stomach in her mind, forcing her onto her knees, jutting her ass high into the air. In her mind, she was explaining to the girl how she would teach her to love anal play as she strapped on a large cock with a harness that filled her holes as well and would vibrate inside her the whole time. The moans from the TV were like music as she imagined carefully lubing up the girl's ass, while in real life she slid the beads first into her so very wet pussy to lube them up. They were her largest set, and at an inch and a half in diameter each, the six balls could make any orgasm so much more intense.
She worked the balls into her ass one at a time as she visualized slowly by insistently working the strap-on into her slave's ass. The girl's imagined gagged protests filled her ears and she let out a loud, long, real moan as the last of the beads slid inside her and the last of the imagined strap-on filled her slave. As she turned her vibrator on and let it once again tease over her tingling and aroused clit, she turned the vibrators on driving her slave mad in her mind as she fought to control herself.
The vibrator slid easily back into her hot, hungry hole and Jasmine moan as she pictured starting to fuck her slave with a slow and steady pace. On the screen her slave was clearly shifting uncomfortably and Jasmine wondered how much longer the girl would last before she had to go to the bathroom. The girl had to know she was meant to fail and there was no way she could have lasted the night how she was, and Jasmine found herself growing more and more curious about how the girl would finally react when she failed to hold it in any longer. The camera was on her and there would be no way to hide what she did, or get out of it without her knowing. She knew her slave didn't want to fail her, but this wasn't about failing, it was about dealing with what happened once it did.
The struggling and the fighting it made it all the better though and Jasmine began working the vibrator in and out of herself faster while a chorus of moans, sobs and grunts filled her world. In her mind, her slave fought against the distaste of the toy in her ass and the vibrator filling her cunt. Her slave fought to control herself even as the sounds of her Mistresses' own moans aroused her even more.
"That's right, take it you little cunt!" Jasmine moaned as she drove the vibe inside her in and out faster, imagining spanking the girl's pale white ass until it was a deep burning red.
Before her on the screen, the slave was squirming and whimpering as she tried to control herself. Jasmine felt herself on a completely different edge and she let a finger slip through the loop on the end of the beads anticipating the moment. Mentally she was driving the strap-on in hard and fast as the vibrator buzzed away on high inside her slave. She could see the girl's hands clenched into fists as she dug her palms into her hands in an attempt to control herself.
Her mental slave was as close to the edge as the one on the screen, and Jasmine slowed the thrust of the vibrator a little as she tried to time her orgasm to the moment her slave was no longer able to control herself. Jasmine held herself on the edge as her stomach churned and twisted inside. Her skin was slick with sweat and felt like she was an electric transformer overcharged and ready to explode.
The cries and sobs from the screen were for both slaves, and Jasmine's heart pounded faster driven on by the helpless out of control sobs. The string was tight as her hand pulled at it, and she could feel the first of the beads trying to push its way out from inside her. She was sure it would only be another moment until her slave's control gave away and she held on as her own orgasm built inside her. The slave in her mind was in hysterics as she tried to hold back the orgasm that upon her. She knew her mistress would punish her for not controlling herself, but she was out of control and the pleasure was too much to deny any longer. She was going to cum as her mistress fucked her ass and took her body completely.
The muffled cries on the TV changed then, and Jasmine heard the girl scream a muffled, "NO!" before just weeping in shame as her bladder let loose. At the same time in Jasmine's mind, her slave exploded in orgasm sending Jasmine, both in her mind and in reality, over the edge into orgasm.
Jasmine felt her body buck and shake as she began to cum and the electricity inside of her fought to escape as it sizzle and zapped its way up and down her body. She yanked hard on the string just as the orgasm hit its peak and her eyes rolled back as she exploded with a long deep moan of absolute pleasure. One orgasm crashed into another as she continued to drive the vibe in and out of her sweet, wet pussy and all the muscles in her legs randomly clenched and unclenched as the moment crashed over her.
In her mind, the slave had slid to the ground before her, as her legs gave out with exhausted pleasure as she let out tiny whimpers of exhausted pleasure and fear as she wondered what her mistress would do to her for cumming without permission. Jasmine hadn't looked at the screen since she'd heard the girl's resistance finally collapse, but she could hear her slave's tiny shameful sobs coming from in front of her.
Her body was filled with the perfect after-orgasm tingling that let her know she was going to sleep well that night. She pulled the vibrator slowly from her well-fucked hole and jumped slightly as it brushed over her clit still buzzing before she managed to raise her other arm and turn the toy off placing it next to her on the couch as she enjoyed one last moment of tingling joy. In her mind's eye she could see her slave's head tilted back to look at her even through the blindfold. She didn't need to see the eyes to see the sorrow, terror, and, post-orgasmic bliss contained in them. Jasmine hoped one day she could make the scene real and when that happened, she'd figure out the perfect punishment for her slave then.
Her eyes opened and focused on the TV where her slave was still being shown in the green glow of night-vision. Her head was slumped against her chest and she was sobbing into her gag. She wasn't moving and Jasmine was wondering if she'd moved at all since she'd lost control over her bladder.
She picked up the remote, her arm still feeling heavy and relaxed from the release and rewound the video to where the girl had screamed. With her mind focused on the screen and not her crotch or imagination this time, she was able to enjoy her slave's final few tormented minutes. Jasmine watched in fascination, her eyes wide and glued to the screen as the girl fought for control. She was squirming in place as she battled to find any position that would allow her another moment's relief. Her legs went from straight in front of her to bent against her chest and then back out again as she sobbed and suffered behind her gag.
Even in the low quality and green light of the video she could see the moment it began to happen. Her slave's legs were pulled up to her chest and her young slit was hidden behind her bound lower legs. Between sobs a short, but tremendously loud sounding squirt could be heard, and Jasmine watched as her slave's legs kicked out as the hot piss hit her calves. There was a groan of disgust and worry and the legs continued there dance of moving out and back up.
The girl had just brought her legs up again fighting desperately for control when her legs gave another kick as if splashed from behind. The sound was blocked out by sobs, but it was clear what had happened, and before the legs had even moved back into place, the slave let out her distressed garbled scream into the gag and the clear sound of her bladder letting loose was heard.
The girl's legs blocked most of her view, and all she could see was the occasional splash and drop reflecting green light as it ricocheted off the backs of her calves and into view. The moment seemed to continue on far longer than Jasmine would have imagined possible as the girl sat there sobbing in quiet embarrassment. On the bottom of the screen on the blanket, Jasmine could see as the puddle behind her legs spread and small dark streams followed the contours of the blanket to where her legs had been. She imagined it must have been worse around the girl's ass as the liquid cooled and pooled around her reminding her of her failure.
She heard the squish of the girl's legs against the blanket as she stretched them back out in front of her letting them sit in the puddle as her head continued to rest against her chest in defeat. Jasmine let the scene play out for a few more minutes at regular speed before speeding up the film again. The girl didn't move again and only the occasional sob came out from behind her gag as the minutes sped by.
When the alarm went off, Jasmine jumped in surprise at the high pitched and extremely loud squeal from the scream. She returned the video to regular speed and watched as her slave maneuvered to the clock reading a quarter to six and hit the button. She was fascinated by her slave's waddling crawl on her knees as she made her way across the room and towards the door, slowly disappearing off the green screen. A moment later and the lights in the room came on in a flash of brilliant white light and Jasmine was able to look on the scene left behind. There was still clearly a dark wet spot on the blanket shaped almost exactly to her slave's ass and legs.
Just over five minutes had passed and the screen and continued to remain blank. If Jasmine hadn't have seen the girl later that day she would have begun to get worried that she'd fallen and hurt herself while trying to get either up or down the stairs. Another minute passed and Jasmine considered how the girl had gotten up and down the stairs when she heard the soft thump of the girl as she wobbled back into the room and onto the screen. Her back was too the screen and the scissors were in her hands carefully being held by the blades until she slowly moved them with exacting slowness to get the tie between the blades and pushed forward with both hands until the quite snip of the tie releasing could be heard. From there it was a quick turnaround as she brought the blades before her and snipped through the two ties on her legs.
Next she removed the blindfold revealing, her red, puffy eyes and tear-stained cheeks. Her whole face seemed to be red and the embarrassed flush spread down her neck and across her chest. Jasmine had never seen the girl look so sad, and had to remind herself that the girl not only that Jasmine could do no wrong, but that to be her slave, she had to be perfect herself. She shook her head as she wondered how she could break the girl of that over eager need to be perfect.
The girl finally removed the gag as she continued to stare directly into the camera. "I'm sorry I failed you, Mistress and couldn't control my body. But I'm not sure if I did fail you, and it turned you on to know I was sitting in a puddle of my own piss." The girl paused and bit her lip lightly as she tried to figure out what to say next. "I live to serve you, Mistress, and I will always do the best I can to serve you anyway I can. Just let me know what I'm supposed to do and I will do it." She wiped away a tear before continuing, "I must get ready for school now, Mistress, but I do hope you enjoyed the show, and I am sorry the quality wasn't better, I didn't want to risk having it stop on me in the middle of the night." With that she reached forward and his the off button ending the recording.
Jasmine thought about the video as she retrieved her laptop with the message on it and returned to the couch. She certainly wasn't disappointed in the girl for failing, but she wasn't sure how to tell the girl that. She needed to see what she had said in her email and hope that clarified things more.
Dear Mistress,
I am so confused about the assignment you gave me. I followed all the instructions you gave me, yet I feel like I failed you. You weren't clear about what you expected from me out of the assignment, so how do I know if I did as you wanted and pleased you? I'm sorry I couldn't hold my bladder any longer. Three glasses of water was so much to drink and I was wondering the entire time as I thought about what you had written if you knew I wouldn't be able to last the night.
I loved having the camera on me as I prepared for bed and binding myself up. The thought of you restraining me was as it always is very arousing and it was hard to keep from touching myself before finally restraining my hands. I haven't orgasmed since you last gave me permission, Mistress, but I still follow your instructions everyday and tease myself to make it easier to work the pen into my ass. It does help, but it leaves me so horny and wanting to cum for you, Mistress and I hope you give me permission to do so again.
Falling asleep was difficult though. I couldn't get comfortable, and what I thought would be a comfortable position quickly turned out to be a very bad idea as it pressed hard on my bladder and made me need to pee very early.
Eventually it woke me up and I had to fight to find a position that I could rest in and not press against my bladder. By then it didn't matter and it made it hard to concentrate on even trying to get back to sleep. The evening had started out so nice and I'd been so wet imagining your eyes on me, but as time passed it got worse and worse and I just tried to keep from wetting myself.
I didn't know how much time was left and I tried to hold on to the end, but eventually I couldn't hold back any longer and it all came spilling out. I'm sorry I failed you, Mistress. But did I fail you? Did you want me to sleep in my own filth? Did you want to see if I would like it? Do you like it? Are you going to pee on me when I finally get the chance to be with you?
I don't know how I feel about that, Mistress. I've seen videos of that and worse, but I've never thought of it happening to me. Please, Mistress tell me if I have failed you or not and what I am to expect of you so I can prepare for the future.
Please, Mistress, end my confusion. I live to serve you, and last night I'm not sure if I did or not.
Your slave
Jasmine sat back as she thought about the message. She hadn't meant to confuse the girl so badly, just test her a little. She needed to reassure the girl, and build up her confidence a little at the same time. She thought for another moment before writing her own message.
Dear slave,
All I ask of you is that you follow my instructions and be honest with me. If you do not like something, then tell me so I know. If you enjoyed something, then tell me so I know. I have told you before, but let me reassure you again, I would never make you do something that you couldn't handle.
Last night was a special task. Much like the dancing, I knew you would fail. Unless you have an exceptionally large bladder and excellent bladder control, I knew you were going to spend most of the night struggling to control your body. It was delightful to watch you struggle and I imagined how wonderful it would be to fuck you with you bound how you were. The images I created of you in my head were amazing every sight of your body fills me with desire to use you in so many different ways.
In the end I knew it would be too much and you'd lose control. I did it not because it turned me on to see you wet yourself, but because I wanted to see how you would react to failure. Understand, I loved watching you struggle and fight against what was going to happen. It turned me on more than you could imagine. The thought of you under my control while you struggled excites me. But no matter how good of a slave you are, there will be days and times when you will not achieve. As your Mistress, I need to know how you will react then. I need to know how you will react when you do not know exactly what is expected of you.
I'm proud you followed your instructions. That is what is expected of you. What my goals are will not always be known to you and you must accept that and follow your instructions to the best of your abilities. Last night you followed your instructions just as expected and I'm proud of you for that. Focus on always doing the best you can, my slave, and accept that sometimes no matter how hard you might not get exactly what you were seeking.
In your mind, you might have failed for not being able to control your bladder, but that wasn't the assignment, the assignment was to not leave your spot until your alarm went off and that's where you accomplished your goal.
I always expect you to try your hardest, and now I know you will stick with those instructions as best as you can. I value you, my slave, and I look forward to the day when I have my hands on you in more than my mind. Until then, take care and await my next set of instructions.
Your Mistress
Jasmine read through the letter and groaned as she realized what she really should do next. It was still early enough that her slave would be up, and she didn't want to leave the girl stressing that she had done something wrong to disappoint her Mistress. Last time that had happened, she'd punished herself more than she should have, and Jasmine didn't want that to happen again. Reluctantly she got up from the couch and gathered her toys and made her way back to the bedroom.
She pulled on a pair of sweats and a sweatshirt before going back downstairs, and grabbing her laptop, keys, and a library book she had been on planning on returning the next morning and made headed for her car.
The library parking lot was dark when Jasmine pulled in and she parked in the spot meant for book returns and quickly logged the computer into the network and the email account. She posted the message quickly and shut then got off the car dropping off the book quickly before she froze in the evening air. She would make the girl pay for having to make this extra trip out, but not severely. Right now she just wanted to get home, clean up and get to sleep.
It was Friday evening and Jasmine's shoes sunk into the snow with each step as she walked to her car. Winter had finally hit and hit with a vengeance. There had been a few small snow storms in the previous couple of weeks, but nothing serious and long lasting. The night before things had changed. It had started snowing around seven Thursday evening and had yet to stop. Over a foot had fallen in town, and while the town's plow had done a decent job of keeping the roads clear, a couple of inches had fallen since it had last passed by her place.
Jasmine's stomach lurched as she got into the car for Julie's. Her mother was going to be there and she worried that she would give off some subtle signal that she was interested in Julie. Getting involved with the girl to begin with hadn't been smart, but going over to the girl's house with her mother there was just plain dumb. She'd already agreed though and as long as she kept the conversation focused on Julie's exercise and diet program, then she should be fine. She'd only realized that afternoon as school had let out that they'd never been around each other when someone else was present. While they were in the classroom they'd always pretended like there was nothing there, what if there was something they'd missed that would be obvious to any observer? It was enough to make Jasmine sick to her stomach, but it was too late to back out now.
She'd dressed basic, but nicely in a knee-length black skirt and plain white dress shirt and just a touch of makeup. She had never been to a student's home for dinner before, so she had chosen to dress how she had in the past for back to school nights and various student banquets. She kept it conservative though so she wouldn't be tempted to give Julie a flash if the chance arose. She had to resist the urge and remember for that night Julie was a student seeking help making a team, and not a horny submissive slut that would follow her every command. She just had to hope Julie remembered that too.
Ten minutes later, Jasmine pulled into the snow-covered driveway of Julie's house and her stomach lurched again. This had not been a good idea and she was regretting the decision more and more by the moment. No one had seen her and Julie interact since their relationship had begun. There were bound to be tells that she'd missed and a mother would be extra sensitive to her daughter's subtle indicators. "You're already here, Jazz," she said to herself as she took a deep breath in an attempt to slow her breathing. "Go in, keep calm, keep it professional, and keep it short. Leave as soon as dinner is over and keep space between yourself and Julie. Say you feel like you have a cold coming on if you have to get out of there." She tried to sound calm and assured to herself, but she wasn't sure if it was working.
She heaved a sigh as she unclenched her fingers from the wheel, picked up the folder with the printed files for the diet and work out program, and opened her car door raising goose bumps on her neck as the cold mountain air rushed into her car. Her whole body shivered as she crunched her way up the unshoveled walk, and she wasn't certain if it was due more to nerves or cold. The knock on the door rang with an ominous hollowness as she realized she had finally crossed the point of no return.
The door opened a moment later and Julie smiled broadly out at her from the warm well-lit interior of the house. She was wearing a simple light blue sun dress that swished at her calves. "Good evening, Mrs. LeBlanc. I'm so glad you could make it tonight," Julie said as she stepped aside allowing Jasmine to enter the house.
"Hi, Julie. It's good to see you too," Jasmine said stepping into the house. I'm just glad the storm hasn't gotten any worse. As is, it must have made it difficult for your mom to get home today.
Jasmine heard the door closing behind her as she stopped and began to take off her coat. She could smell the rich scent of garlic, basil, tomatoes, cheese and the other rich smells of good Italian cooking and let the scent fill her. Whatever Julie and her mom had made for dinner, it smelled wonderful.
Jasmine took off her coat and turned around wondering why Julie hadn't moved in front of her or said anything since closing the door. She froze as she finished the turn and saw Julie kneeling naked, eyes cast down, legs spread, and the sun dress pooled beneath her. "Good evening, Mistress. How may I serve you?"
Her mouth went dry as her pulse raced and panic rushed through her body. She fought to not make a break for the door trampling the girl down on her way out back to her car. Was she crazy! Her mother was in the other room and could come around the corner at any moment. Or was she? Jasmine hadn't been paying too much attention when she had first arrived, but there hadn't been any other car tracks in the snow on the driveway. Was her mom not home yet, or was she not even on her way?
"Wh-where is your mother?" Jasmine managed to ask after another moment.
"My mother called me earlier today. Her flight was cancelled into the city, so she's spending the night with my grandparents on the other side of the mountains. She won't be here until tomorrow morning. Tonight I'm yours, Mistress," the girl explained calmly as she kept her gaze downcast and her hands locked behind her back.
"Get her on the phone now!" Jasmine ordered. She needed to hear this from Julie's mom. She needed to know no one was going to show up. And she needed to know that Julie's mom still knew she was going to be there. Last thing she wanted was one of Julie's nosy neighbors to stop by and see the naked girl.
The girl got up quickly and began to scramble across the room. "Put your dress back on first!" Jasmine snapped making the girl turn around and scurry back to the dress pulling it on even as she made her way back across the room.
Jasmine stood stiffly as a cacophony of emotions and ideas raced through her mind. What was she going to do if this wasn't real? What was she going to do if it was? Out of all the things she had imagined happening that night, finally getting the chance to get her hands on her slave in more than just her mind, had never even occurred to her. Too bad she didn't have her toys with her, it would have made the evening even more interesting.
"Hi, Mom," Julie said as she walked back over to where Jasmine was waiting still frozen near the door, coat still in hand. "Yeah, Mrs. LeBlanc just got here. I told her you weren't going to be able to make it, but she wanted to talk to you as well I guess." There was a pause as Julie listened on the phone. "Okay, here she is," Julie said handing the phone over to Jasmine.
"Hello, Mrs. LeBlanc," Jasmine heard the friendly woman's voice say over the phone as it was pressed into her still stunned hand.
"Hi, Mrs. Gardner. How are you this evening?" Jasmine tried and hoped her voice sounded light as she talked into the phone.
"Oh please call me Carol. I am wishing I was home, but happy I have a place besides a hotel to stay tonight. This storm has closed the airport over there, and I don't particularly feel like trying to make the drive in this weather either, especially since I'd have to buy a new set of chains and do it in a rental car."
"I can understand that," Jasmine said sympathetically. "I'm sorry the weather has delayed you. And please call me Jasmine."
"Well it could be worse. At least I made it this far before the weather started closing things down, and it should be passed by tomorrow."
"If I had known you weren't going to be here, I would have rescheduled. If you want, I can still come back tomorrow evening instead."
"My flight was cancelled shortly after you must have left school for the night. I had tried calling, but you were already gone. When I told Julie I wasn't going to make it, she said she'd already started making dinner and it wouldn't be a problem for her to be your hostess for the night. She also said we shouldn't take up two of your evenings and as long as you explained everything to her, she could explain it to me," The woman explained over the phone. "If you want to wait until tomorrow when I can be there as well, that's fine as well. Just let Julie know and we'll see you tomorrow night."
Jasmine shook her head as she looked over at the beaming girl. She was bouncing on the balls of her feet as she looked up at her with lustful hope in her eyes. "No, I couldn't impose on your hospitality a second time, especially after Julie has gone through so much trouble to get things ready for tonight. I'll explain everything to her and leave her with my number if you have any questions you can call me directly instead of trying to get ahold of me through the school."
"Well that settles things then. Don't let Julie take up your entire evening. I'm sure you get your fill of students during the day and don't need to spend your night talking with one as well. I'll look over the plan you've made for her when I get home tomorrow, and if I have any questions I'll give you a call."
"I promise I won't let Julie waste my evening," Jasmine said as a devious spark flashed in her eyes. "And please call tomorrow if you have any questions."
"Thanks again for your help with this, Jasmine. I know Julie appreciates the help, and knowing you support her in her goals will help keep her focused. Enjoy the meal and I'm sorry I couldn't make it."
"I will. It smells delicious. I know how hard it can be to cook for one so I imagine Julie's glad to have the opportunity to show off her cooking skills to someone new as well. Enjoy your evening as well. I'm sorry I missed you and I hope that traveling conditions are better tomorrow as well."
"You and me both there. Now may I have a final word with my daughter, and I'll let you get on with explaining things to her."
"Here she is," Jasmine said handing the phone back to the nearly bouncing girl.
Jasmine watched as Julie took the phone and took a deep breath to get herself back under control. She could tell from the look on the girl's face that if she had spoken right away there would have been way too much excitement and happiness in the voice that would have made anyone suspicious.
"Hi, Mom," Julie said after managing to get herself mostly back under control. "Yes, I understand. Yes, I'll make sure the driveway and walks are shoveled. Mom, it will be fine. I've yet to burn down the house so far this year. I haven't thrown any wild parties with my friends here; I'm not going to do anything stupid with one of my teachers here. I'll see you tomorrow, Mom. I love you too and say 'hi' to grandma and grandpa for me. Bye."
Jasmine watched as Julie sighed with relief and put the phone down on an end table. She was practically buzzing with excitement and Jasmine began to wonder if she would get a chance to have her way with the young beauty that evening.
"So, Mistress, are you satisfied that we will not be disturbed this evening?"
"What about your neighbors? You said they've been known to stop by." Jasmine wanted the girl, but she didn't want to risk anything until she was certain.
"With six inches of snow on the sidewalks and driveways? They knew we were having company this evening so they aren't going to wonder who you are, and it isn't like you're a man, so they aren't going to come over to supervise." Julie's voice was taking on a desperate pleading tone as she explained. Jasmine could see the ache of desire in the young girl's eyes and posture. It would devastate her if Jasmine said no. It would devastate Jasmine as well to lose this opportunity she had spent so much time dreaming about herself.
"What about your brother?"
"He hardly ever comes home on the weekends, and he certainly isn't going to do it on one where he'll have to drive through a storm to get here," Julie explained before stopping for a contemplative moment. "Mistress, I would not offer myself to you now if I thought there was any chance we would get caught."
She thought it over for another moment as she looked at the young, excited girl. She could do it. She could touch her, spank her, taste her young pussy, give her pleasure and pain for the next few hours and there was no one around to catch them.
Letting out a breath she said, "Okay, but first we go over a few things including the reason why I'm here. It would not do to have your mom ask about your workout and new diet, and for you to have no clue about it. Let's sit down, go over the plan and talk a little and then we'll go from there."
Julie let out an excited squeal clapping her hands together in joy as a smile burst across her face, and almost ran as she moved to sit on the couch causing the dress she was wearing to bounce with her exposing just the bottom curve of the delicious ass that had Jasmine's mouth watering. She followed the girl to the couch and took a seat next to the hyper girl and pulled her phone from her purse, setting the papers on the table.
Jasmine could feel Julie next to her as she tried to get comfortable on the couch. There was something about the girl's energy and closeness in that moment that set her on edge. She knew in thirty minutes the girl would be naked and her total slave, but to have her so close and literally bouncing up and down on the couch with excitement was putting her on edge. She wanted to wrap her fingers in the short red locks on the girl's head and pull her face down into her crotch and hold it there until she came again and again, but not until they'd gone over everything and until then the bubbling energy was rather distracting.
Jasmine took a deep breath and slowly let it out before speaking. She needed to say what she needed to say without screwing things up. "Julie, calm down. If you can't focus on what you need to now, then we can't do anything later. Scoot back and give me some space. Right now you are an aspiring soccer player who needs to pay attention and focus on that. Can you do that, or do I have to come back and try again tomorrow?" She kept her voice calm but stern as she gave Julie the look she'd perfected over her years as a teacher that said she knew that her student could do better and she expected them to prove it.
Julie almost seemed to deflate as she sunk back into her seat and stopped bouncing. The excitement in her eyes had disappeared to be replaced by a worried nervousness. "Yes, Mrs. LeBlanc. I'm sorry. You're right I need to pay attention to this, so I know what I need to do to reach my goals. May I see the schedule you've put together for me?" Her voice held a chastised sadness as she gave Jasmine a look that begged her not to go and give her another chance.
Jasmine nodded at the change in tone and attitude and settled more comfortably into the seat. "Good. I promise we'll keep this short, but I want to make sure everything is clear and understood." She unlocked her phone and opened the app where she had put together the information. "I found an app that would keep all the information together for you and help you track your fitness and nutrition goals. The app is free to download, and then you'll be able to keep track of everything in one easily accessible place. I've also made a hard copy for you so you can refer to something besides your phone." Jasmine explained as she opened up the file she had made containing the daily detailed workouts and meal options for Julie and then froze as she stared at her phone and realized that she didn't know how to get the information from her phone to Julie's. "Um. You'll have to give me a minute, I'm not quite sure how to send this to another phone."
"May I take a look, Mrs. LeBlanc?" Julie asked meekly holding out her hand for the phone.
Jasmine handed over the phone and felt a brief pang of loss for not having William there to handle the tech issues for her. He had often told her she needed to learn how to do everything herself, but technology had always quickly gone over her head. Jasmine watched as Julie looked at the phone for a moment before getting up and getting hers from the end table where she had left it and began tapping on the screen. A moment later, Julie's phone pinged as the app finished downloading. She then tapped on the screen of Jasmine's and her phone pinged again. Julie handed Jasmine back her phone and picked up her own phone and tapped again on the screen. "Okay I have it all loaded up now," Julie said in a casual tone as she began to scroll through the information oblivious to the slightly astounded look on Jasmine's face.
"I really need to get some more tech savvy." Jasmine muttered to herself as he brought up the app on her phone again.
Jasmine spent the next half hour explaining to Julie the purpose of the various exercises, work out goals, and food options. There was nine months until varsity tryouts for the girls' soccer team and Jasmine had made sure that the goals she had set for Julie were difficult but achievable. It would help if Julie could gain a couple of inches in that time, but it wouldn't be necessary. She set the goals higher than Julie would probably need to beat out the competition, but she would rather the girl over than under prepare.
"Okay, any questions?" Jasmine said setting her phone down. Julie had seemed attentive through the conversation and none of the exercises were unfamiliar to her. The intensity of the workouts and some aspects of the diet had seemed to throw her a little off, but Jasmine had told her it was going to take work.
"No, Mrs. LeBlanc. I just basically need to increase my exercise routine and make a few small changes to my eating habits. It isn't going to be exactly easy, but I think I can handle it." Julie replied trying not to sound too overwhelmed by all the information. She was glad her phone was keeping track of all the information because there was no way she'd have been able to do it all on her own.
Jasmine nodded, "Good. The papers say the same thing except on paper, and if you have any questions at any point, please ask. If you feel like you're overdoing it and about to hurt yourself, pull back a little. Don't risk an injury.
"I won't. It would be hard to make the team if I did something like that."
"I'm glad you realize that. On top of that I would feel rather guilty if you came to school one day on crutches because you pushed yourself too hard on an exercise program I helped design for you." Jasmine finished before taking a deep breath and turning more to face the beautiful young girl next to her. "Now onto more serious matters. What do you want to happen tonight?"
She saw the spark in the girl's eyes as she realized what was being asked. The girl sat a little taller as she turned towards her and the small points of her nipples could be seen clearly pushing at the fabric of the light dress. She had clearly been waiting for this moment and mind moved swiftly from exercise to intimacy. "I want to be yours for the evening, Mistress," the girl started with an assured tone. "I was so excited when I realized we would get this opportunity and I knew it was my chance to finally be yours."
Jasmine could feel her arousal growing at the girl's words. She was virtually certain they wouldn't be interrupted and the girl was so willing and wanting. There was part of her that wanted to go home and retrieve her toys, but something like that might look all too suspicious to any neighbors looking out their windows. She knew she would still be somewhat limited with what she could do with the girl that night. She couldn't leave any marks that might be seen or catch someone's attention, but she could live with that, there were plenty of things she could still try out that she had dreamt about. And she would finally get her opportunity to fully taste her slave's sweet cunt.
She broke away from her thoughts and focused back on the moment. There were still things she needed to be sure of and she had to know what the girl's limits were. She didn't want to ruin things by going too far and pushing the girl past her capabilities. "What are your limits? Is there anything you don't want me to do? What is your safe word?"
The girl bit her lip and looked up at her meekly as she thought about the questions. She could tell that the girl was trying to figure out how to best say what she was wanted to express. "Mistress, I have always done my best to punish myself as hard as I can. I have pushed myself to the best of my ability, but there is only so far a person can push themself and you are considerably stronger than I am. I would ask that you build up any spankings you give me so I have a chance to adjust and can let you know if I can no longer handle it. And while I have continued the training you have given me with my ass, Mistress, it is still going slowly and I would request that any penetration there be gentle and small. I just don't think I could take any more. I know that 'red' is a common safe word, Mistress. It will work. I will do my best to follow your every command, but if things get too intense or painful, I promise I will let you know and use it. I know you don't want to break me, Mistress, but I don't want to give you this evening to indulge your fantasies as best you can. My body is yours to use, Mistress. Let me serve you." The words were clear and well thought out and Jasmine was certain that the girl had at least somewhat considered what she was going to say long before she had arrived.
Jasmine considered things for another moment. Her mind was reeling as she tried to get her thoughts in order and decide what she should do first. Her own nipples had grown hard and she could feel the tingling moistness growing in her crotch. "Stand up, strip, legs spread and hands locked behind your head!" Jasmine ordered.
She watched as her slave sprang to her feet as she pushed the straps off her dress off her shoulders and let the dress slide to the ground in a puddle at her feet. The slave kicked the dress away as she stood in front of her, legs spread and hands locked in place. The girl's body was on display before her and she took it in with a gasp of excitement. The milk white flesh was sprayed with a few delicate freckles over the flawless body, and flush of excitement had given the girl an all-over pink glow. Jasmine fought to let her hands to explore the naked body before she had taken the whole picture in. The slave's small firm breasts sat high on her chest and were tipped with the beautiful red areolas and small pointed nipples stuck out from their tips. She wanted to suck the fullness of each of those beautiful orbs into her mouth and let her tongue and mouth and teeth play over the nipples to see just how sensitive they were and how the girl would react.
She fought the urge as her eyes trailed down over the smooth stomach to the patch of short-cropped red hair stopping just above the sweet pussy she wanted to do nothing more than devour. She could just see the girl's lips as they bloomed out from her body. It was so tempting to reach forward and explore her slave's sweet young sex with her fingers and her muscles twitched with suppressed desire. She found herself nearly frozen with indecision with so many options and no idea where she should start.
The moment made her feel her own inexperience more than the evenings with Laura or Diana had. Diana had been her first time with a woman and that first long drink quenching her sexual thirst. Their types of experience had been different but complimentary and both had known what they needed to be satisfied. Laura had been in the submissive role, but knew the role so well that Jasmine felt safe pushing boundaries and exploring her desires. Her new slave had virtually no experience beyond what she could put herself through. Jasmine didn't know if the girl would know how to interpret her own body's reaction, much less give Jasmine clear signals to read. One step too far could be disastrous and one step too short could leave them both unsatisfied and empty. The girl had put herself in Jasmine's hands, and she found herself near frozen with uncertainty she might drop and break her.
Jasmine closed her eyes and took a deep breath slowly letting it out. She wasn't going to pass up this opportunity. She had wanted just this, and she wasn't going to let the wanting be more fulfilling than the having. The evening wouldn't be perfect, and she wouldn't be able to do all the things she had imagined, but she was going to make all of it that she could.
She opened her eyes and reached forward with her hands letting just the tips of her nails touch the bare skin of the girl's thighs just above the knees. She slowly let her nails trail up her slave's flesh and watched as goose bumps blossomed at her caress and a shiver overtook the girl. "Tonight you are mine, cunt." The low crass word brought another shiver. "While I won't be able to use you in all the ways I've imagined tonight," her fingers crossed from thigh to stomach, "I look forward to using you as best as I can tonight." Fingers reached ribs and Jasmine could feel each ridge as her fingers moved farther up the body. "Tonight will only be a taste of what I've dreamt of doing to you and with you," her fingers had reached the small breasts and another rapturous shiver overtook the girl, "but it will be delicious." Jasmine finished in a throaty growl as her fingers pinched down and twisted at the slave's nipples pulling a surprised pained-pleasured gasping moan from her throat.
Jasmine pulled forward as her fingers continued to pinch at the nipples bringing the girl's mouth down to her own and kissed her deeply and passionately letting her tongue explore her slave's mouth. It was another moment before the girl started to return the kiss, her lips and tongue full of the same burning passion, Jasmine felt inside.
The kiss was returned after another moment as the slave overcame her surprise and shock from both the kiss and pinch at her nipples as she kissed her Mistress back with eager enthusiasm. She let her tongue dance with her Mistress' as fingers continued to pinch hard on her sensitive nipples. The grasp of fingers with so different from the bite of the clothespins she had used and it excited her as much as scent of her Mistress and the hard press of soft lips against hers. She wanted to melt into the woman before her and forever be with her. And oh how her Mistress knew how to kiss. So much better than the one boy she had kissed before. The tongue danced with hers, leading and teasing while promising so much more to come. Had her Mistress allowed her to, she would have cum right then.
Jasmine pulled back from the kiss and released the slave's trapped nipples and watched in satisfaction as the girl returned to her standing position chest heaving and face flushed. The roiling of nerves that had filled her earlier had been burned away by her desire and she fought to control herself as she tried to plan how to best make use of the evening.
She leaned forward and let her arms wrap around the girl feeling the heat of her flawless skin under her hands as she pulled the girl forward once again and leaned forward capturing a breast in her mouth. The mound was small enough she was able to the full of it into her mouth as her hands traced down her slave's back and over the ripe swells of the girl's ass. She could feel every tremor as it swept through the girl as her tongue lapped and flicked over the sensitive nipple crowning the captured breast, and her fingernails traced delicate trails up and down the smooth pale ass within her grasp.
Moans filled her ears as her mouth released the breast from its embrace and took up the other in its place. She sucked the whole of the second breast into her mouth as she dug her nails into the hot flesh beneath her fingers bringing another fresh chorus of moans to her ears. Her teeth nipped gently at the nipple as her tongue teased over its tip and her nails left long red tracks from the top of the slave's ass to the top of her thighs.
Jasmine let her fingers trace forward along the crease of the slave's thighs and soon she could feel the heat of the girl's sex as her mouth moved from one breast to the other licking and nipping at hard nipple trapped in her mouth. With barely a brush of her fingers across her sex, the girl's knees went weak and she nearly collapsed onto her, but Jasmine held her tight and upright as her fingers brushed once again over the wet, spreading lips. She was so wet and the tips of Jasmine's fingers were coated with the slave's juices from their brief journey up the length of the girl's slit ending with just the lightest of flicks over the extremely sensitive clit at the end of their journey.
The fingers on her left hand followed those of her right going slower and probing deeper making the slave moan harder and deeper. Jasmine was doing more to support the girl by the moment as desire made her body go weak. She felt so light, Jasmine felt like she could have held her with the tip of just one finger and she found her heart racing and her panties growing damper with each passing moment and each increasing moan from the slave's throat. The fingers of her right hand once again traced down the full part of her slave's slit as her left hand continued to tease with feather touches over the girl's clit. She wanted to feel the girl cum from her touch. She wanted to let her slave know just how much she desired her in that moment as mouth worked over breasts, one hand teased at clit and the other slowly worked farther back through the wet sex she so wanted to devour.
"Cum for me, slave," Jasmine said huskily as her mouth briefly parted from the breast it had encircled and her fingers pinched at the clit they'd been so delicately teasing.
Her Mistress' words were music to her ears as her body trembled with repressed desire and the walls she had built to hold the ocean of pleasure in began to fall quickly. A gasp turned to a moan as she shook in pleasure at the touch of fingers and mouth on her body and the wave of pleasure inside her broke over her turning the moan into a strangled scream.
She panted and tensed as the pleasure rushed through her with more power than it ever had before. The orgasms she'd had imagining her Mistress watching her had always been intense, but this was another level of pleasure and she shook with wave after wave of pure pleasure. Her eyes rolled back in her head as flashbulbs of white light burst before her eyes blinding her to everything but the pleasure encompassing her. And it seemed to go on and on as her pulse thundered in her ears deafening her to the world around her. There was no sight, no sound and no sensation but that of delicious joy running throughout her body in a moment that she wished would last for all eternity.
The wave of pleasure finished cresting over her body and she found herself back in her body the strong arms of her mistress still holding her close as fingers teased her clit, tongue and teeth worked at her nipple and fingertips traced along the crack of her ass. She could feel her hair matted to her head with sweat, and her throat was dry and raw from the scream she had howled out in pleasure. She felt amazing and drained as her body seemed limp and out of her control, and she knew the only thing keeping her upright, was the strength of her Mistress' arms.
"Again," she heard her Mistress growl in the same husky authoritative voice.
She wanted to tell her Mistress that she didn't think she could but as she opened her mouth to try and object, she felt the woman strike and she was once again lost in the pleasure of the moment and a new wave of pleasure swept her up with a shocking suddenness.
It happened all at once the bite of teeth taking in the whole of the breast into the mouth, the hard pinch of fingers on clit and lip and the jolting shock of two fingers wet with her cum being shoved deep into her ass. The three attacks on her body set her off again almost without her control or consent and she shook and bucked at the attack and new moans and garbled screams wrenched their way out of her sore throat and filled the room like music. Her body quivered and went weak as she collapsed forward pressing harder into the mouth that imprisoned her breast and the fingers tormenting her seemed to only grip harder as her body shook its way through the orgasm. The combination of the ache and the pleasure felt so good and so much more intense than any solo experimenting she had done and she rode the waves of pleasure rolling through her body as long as she could until slowly coming down panting heavily into her mistress' neck the full weight of her body seeming to be held up only by the strong arms beneath her.
"Mmmmmm," she heard her Mistress breathe in a pleasured whisper into her ear. "How is my little slut feeling now?"
Her throat was dry and it took her a moment to find her voice as she struggled to regain her feet. The fingers were still deep in her ass as the hand trailed up and down her thighs in gentle tingling tracks. "It was wonderful, Mistress. More than I could have ever imagined. Thank you for letting me cum, Mistress. I only hope I can make you feel the same pleasure you've allowed me to feel."
Her mistress' rich laughter filled her. The laugh was a mixture of lust, happiness, and an ominous note that sent wicked shivers through her body. "Don't worry, slave. I'm sure I'll get my share of pleasure out of using your body tonight." The fingers pulled from her ass and for the first time the sensation didn't leave her aching and feeling dirty. The other fingers traced up her body to the bitten breast and traced around the bite marks indented into her skin. "Hmmm. Perhaps I bit a bit too hard. You're going to have to be careful for the next couple of days to keep from exposing these marks to anyone."
"I will, Mistress. I promise no one will see where you marked me." The fingers felt amazing as they traced the marks dug deep into the base of her breast and she shivered again in response.
Jasmine leaned back into the couch as she pulled her hands away from the girl. Bringing the girl over the edge of orgasm and then pushing her back over the edge a second time had left her even more aroused and she could feel the dampness in her crotch as her eyes took in the girl before her. She fought harder against the desire to just order the slut to her knees and in between her legs to lick and suck at her pussy and asshole for the rest of the evening. She wanted more than that though, and she knew if she gave into the desire to let the girl feast at her sex she wouldn't stop until she had to leave and so many other things would be left untried.
She resisted the urge to undress for just that reason knowing that rushing to undress would just rush the evening. There was too little time as was and she had to keep her mind focused on making use of it as best she could.
"Dinner smells like it is ready, slave. Bring me a Diet Coke then prepare the table."
"Yes, Mistress," the girl said with a quick nod before rushing out of the room and into the kitchen.
Jasmine enjoyed the view of the girl's pale tight ass as she scrambled out of the rom and into the kitchen. She was looking forward to giving it the spanking it deserved. Her hands balled into fists as she fought the urge to let a hand slide to the catch of her skirt to undo it and let her gain access to her aching slit. Instead she brought her fingers still sticky with the girl's sex to her lips and sucked them clean tasting the girl's sex again finding all it did was stoke the fire more inside her making it harder to control her own desires.
Her slave appeared a moment later holding a glass clinking with ice and full of the dark fizzing liquid. She took it with a nod and sipped from the cup. The sight of the girl in front of her, eyes wide and wanting, hair mussed with arousal, and her body still glowing from her recent orgasms, Jasmine found herself unable to speak for fear her desires would spill out. She nodded and the girl took it as a dismissal and returned quickly to the kitchen to finish preparing the meal.
Jasmine listened as plates clinked and food was dished up in the other room and slowly got back under control. She ordered the things she wanted to do or try most in her mind and thought about the best way to use her time to accomplish them. She knew she couldn't push the girl too hard, or it would be obvious something happened the next day and she couldn't risk that. There could be no falling on a bike story this time.
A moment later the girl appeared in the entry way to the kitchen still glowing and flush. Her eyes were respectfully cast down and her hands here behind her back leaving her breasts and hint of her sex fully on display. "Mistress, dinner is ready," she said while motioning for Jasmine to follow her into the kitchen.
Jasmine got up and enjoyed the view of the girl's smooth, pale ass cheeks as she lead the way into the kitchen. Her slave held out her chair for her and Jasmine sat down as the girl slid the seat in for her. The eggplant parmesan looked delicious served with the simple side salad and she looked forward to savoring the meal as she watched her slave take a seat next to her at the table.
"Slave," Jasmine started in a hard, angry voice, "get me your hairbrush, right now!"
"Yes, Mistress," The girl said in a worried tone as she bounced up from her seat and hurried out of the kitchen and up the steps.
Jasmine pushed her seat back from the table as she heard the girl rush quickly up the stairs and waited her return. This hadn't been part of her plan, but she knew the girl knew better and it gave her the perfect opportunity to enjoy the girl a little. The girl was quick and Jasmine heard her rushing back down the stairs as before popping back into the kitchen coming to a stop next to her holding out the hairbrush obediently for her.
She snatched the brush from the girl's hand and pulled the girl down roughly over her lap without ceremony and didn't even take a moment to savor the view of smooth, pale back and ass draped across her lap before starting to paddle the girl's ass with the hairbrush. She started the spanking lighter than she wanted to go, but not terribly much as soon she was delivering stinging smack after smack to the round, reddening cheeks. The girl hardly twitched or moved underneath her even as the spanking grew harder and the red swaths on the her ass went from pale red to a deep violent one.
The final hard swat drew a whimper from the girl's mouth and Jasmine pushed her back to her feet roughly. The spanking had her even more aroused and it was hard to maintain her feigned displeasure as she stared wickedly at the girl. "Well, slut, do you know what you did to deserve that, or do you need more time over my knee to think about what you did?"
The girl's gaze was downcast and her eyes were red, but she stood solidly legs spread and nipples clearly hard as she thought for a moment before answering. "I believe I did two things wrong, Mistress," she said slowly after another second.
"What were they?" Jasmine kept her voice firm
"I have been told that as my Mistress' slave I should walk on my hands and knees when I am alone or in or presence. Secondly I have been instructed that again when I am alone or in my Mistress' presence I am to eat while on my hands and knees on the floor. I apologize for breaking these rules, Mistress. I had not thought to be alone with you tonight and in the excitement of finding out I would finally get time alone with you, I forgot myself."
Jasmine was impressed. She hadn't quite forgotten about having ordered the girl to keep to her hands and knees, but she hadn't been thinking about it either. She'd been caught off guard with the surprise evening as well. "Well it is good to know that you aren't so distracted as to forget your instructions for long. Jasmine said keeping her voice stern, but letting a note of understanding creep in. She let a fingernail trail up the girl's thigh and up to her breasts. "Bring me your clothespins and string and then we'll see about correcting your dining position."
"Yes, Mistress," the girl said before dropping to her hands and knees and crawling swiftly from the room.
Jasmine enjoyed the view of the girl's ass even more as she crawled away the violent red cheeks standing out from the rest of the white skin and undulating up and down with each move. The sight made it even harder to keep her calm and Jasmine let her hand slide into her crotch and let the ball of her hand grind through her skirt and panties. She ground at her clit steadily as she waited for her slave's return as her breathing turned into long gasping pants of desire. She could feel her own flush spread up her neck and into her cheeks and she knew her desire would be clear when her slave returned.
She pulled her hand from her crotch a moment later as sound of her slave crawling down the stairs reached her ears and did the best she could to replace the desire on her face with a stern authoritarian glare. She was the Mistress and she was in control.
The girl carried the bag of clothespins in her mouth as she crawled along the kitchen floor looking much like a kitten bringing a prized catch to its owner. Jasmine pushed her chair farther back from the table as the girl reached her and took the offered bag from the girl's mouth. "Turn around," she ordered.
The turn was quick and left Jasmine gazing down at the beautiful reddened cheeks of her slave and just below those the wet and parted lips of the girl's virgin sex between her parted legs. The view sent a shiver through her body and Jasmine reached into the bag for the first of the plastic clips and pulled it out. It was an awkward reach from her seated position to the girl's sex and she reached forward and took one of the pouty lips into her grasp feeling the girl shudder with pleasure as she did.
She could feel the heat and wetness of the girl as she held the lip in place for the clothespin and could feel the second shiver fill the girl as the teeth bit down into her aroused flesh. Jasmine shivered in reply and took a second plastic pin from the bag and clamped it down next to the first.
The girl stayed still as Jasmine attached each biting mouth her only response to each new bite being a shiver. She attached a total of eight of the clothespins before feeding the string through the center of each pin. She tied the loose end of the string to the just before the other side entered the first pin before giving the rig a tug making all eight clamps pull lightly on the abused lips and tearing a gasp from her slave's throat.
Jasmine reveled in the gasp, but kept her face stern even with the slave turned away from her. Her desire cried out for her to pull the girl between her legs and feel the young, eager tongue licking at her sex, but the rest of her wanted so much more before she rewarded both the slave and herself like that. "Now prepare your food for how you should eat," she commanded.
"Yes, Mistress," the girl said quickly as she began to move, dropping to her knees and crawling on them to her seat before taking the plate in her hands and moving it to the same spot on the floor Jasmine had seen her eat from before. Next she crawled to the dishwasher and pulled out a bowl setting it next to the plate and then recovered her glass from the table and poured her milk into the bowl. Jasmine kept her tension on the string the entire time and a small half smile turned up the sides of her mouth every time the girl moved a little too fast and the string pulled on the clamps. The glass went into the sink, and the girl crawled back to her place before her meal. Her ass was upturned and her legs were spread perfectly exposing both her bright red cheeks and wet, tormented sex.
Jasmine remembered a time early in her relationship with William when they'd still been dating and a sudden downpour had caught them out in the open as they had walked from the campus back to his apartment. It was before they'd started sleeping together, or even done much fooling around. Their clothes had been drenched by the time they got back to his place and she hadn't had a change. They'd both stripped down and tossed their clothes in the dryer and then set about making dinner. He'd offered her a robe, but she'd turned him down instead enjoying the feeling of the warm air of the apartment against her naked flesh and the very obvious reaction her nudity had had on him. William had always been chivalrous and refused to put on anything if she was going to walk around naked as well.
His erection had stood out before him as they worked in his small kitchen to make dinner and her hands, and hips, and ass kept making 'accidental' contact with his cock as he worked next to her. Every time she had done it, he'd stammered and froze in whatever he was saying or doing, but she'd gone on like nothing had happened. Her nipples had been as hard as diamonds and they kept brushing against his shoulders and back as she did her part in making the meal.
She'd been surprised at his reactions. Most the guys she'd known and dated would have filled the kitchen with lewd comments, double entendres, and would have been groping back at her their movements much less accidental than hers. He had acted like nothing was different than the other times they'd cooked together beyond his stammers and stops from her contact.
When they'd finally sat down to eat, his erection had still been clearly visible through the top of the glass table and Jasmine had sat down with her legs widely splayed to give him an equally distracting view. She hadn't been able to believe it, when despite the clear direction of his gaze, he'd kept the discussion about what he'd been working on in one of his classes. She'd barely been able to focus on her food much less the meal since they'd sat down as her eyes had been glued on every twitch and slight movement of the erection which had her entranced like a snake charmer's flute.
Halfway through the meal, she gave up even trying to eat and pushed her chair back from the table and crawled underneath and between his legs taking the erection in his mouth. That had shut him up and for the next twenty minutes the most coherent thing he'd managed to utter was an occasional, "Oh, God." She brought him off twice before she returned to her seat, started to eat again and picked up the conversation again. It had been another five minutes before he rejoined her in talking and eating.
It had been the first time she'd ever gone down on a guy before he'd first gone down on her, but she hadn't been able to resist. He'd returned the favor after dinner using the strawberries and whipped cream in his fridge to turn her whole body into his dessert which he took a long, long time slowly and wonderfully consuming.
The memory made her shiver and she wondered what it would be like to eat strawberries and lick whipped cream from the petit slave. She knew she was over dressed though, and stood up as she began to undo the buttons on her shirt.
The slave stopped eating at the sound of her chair scrapping back and the lessening of the tension on her clamps and began to turn her head. "Eyes on your food, slut," Jasmine ordered as the girl's head snapped forward and began to slowly eat again. Originally, Jasmine had considered stripping for the girl and showing her what a true striptease looked like, but there something so much more delicious about stripping away her clothing, while still denying the slave the right to view her body. Her arousal was clear as she fought with each button on her shirt and even struggled with the zipper on her skirt.
The warm air of the house made her skin tingle as she folded the skirt and shirt and placed them in the seat the slave had vacated. If she had known the girl was going to see her naked, she would have worn nicer underwear, and the plain white cotton set seemed inappropriate for what had developed. She'd worn them to keep the urge to flash the young slut down, and now it was all she wore as the girl fastidiously kept her eyes forward as she ate from her plate on the ground.
Her nipples tingled as she removed her bra and she took a moment to caress the hard points making her whole body ache for more as she did and she imagined the slut's eager young mouth sucking and licking at her breast as the girl's fingers played between her legs. She knew she could have just that with a single word, but it still wasn't time to get lost in that particular type of pleasure.
Her panties revealed just how wet she was as she slowly removed them. The wet stain had spread through the whole of the crotch and was clearly visible even from the outside. She blushed at the clear sign of her arousal. The girl had her more aroused than even she realized and standing there naked behind the beautiful, naked nymph, she couldn't wait to satisfy some of that arousal.
She placed the underwear on the chair with the rest of her clothes and returned to her meal, giving the string a yank as she took up the tension once again. She wondered how much the girl was dying to turn around and see her naked as she was. How badly was the slut fighting the urge to crawl to her and under the table to feast on her Mistress instead of her meal?
"I'm amazed at how wet you are, slut," she commented casually between bites. "I can see the moisture glimmering on your cunt from here, and with those clothespins on it to boot." She gave the string a pull and the slave gasped. "You must be one dirty little whore to get so turned on by being clamped like that." Her words were having their intended affect and the girl shuddered and fidgeted as she tried to focus on eating.
"Of course, I bet your cunt is always wet. You're probably the type of slut who loves going around constantly aroused just hoping that someone finds out what a little tramp you are and puts you to good use." The last comment made the slut moan through a bite of food.
"You probably get off knowing your slutty body is turning on those around you. I bet you spend your spare time in class daydreaming about which girls are looking at you in desire. Wondering which girls would want to get under your skirt. Or better yet, which ones would force you under theirs. Something like a panted whimper escaped the girl's lips.
Jasmine finished the last few bites of her meal as she watched the girl trembling with arousal. She'd never minded a little dirty talk with past partners, but not in the same way she was talking to the slave. It had never been derogatory or crass and the one time a guy had referred to it as her cunt, she'd stopped the evening right then. But talking to her slave like that seemed right. The girl certainly liked it.
"Well I'll tell you something, you dirty little tease." She got up from her seat and moved directly behind the girl. Jasmine raised a foot and let it start playing over the ends of the clothespins. "Your sexy body does turn me on. Looking at you makes me wet. Seeing you naked and ready to serve has me hornier than you can imagine." The girl was stiff and trembling as Jasmine continued to talk her toes flicking over the clamps and pressing against the girl's wet sex.
"You have me so aroused; when I removed my panties they were soaked. It has taken so much will power not to pull your eager little tongue into my crotch and make you spend the rest of the evening licking away." She watched as the girl looked to be fighting to get her body back under control and not orgasm without permission.
"As much as I would like that," she continued as she pulled her foot away and stepped back from the shaking girl, "there is more I want to do to you first. Tasting my cunt will be your reward for being a good slave tonight. If you fail me, I will leave horny and frustrated and go home and probably spend the next hour or so using various vibrators and toys to take the edge off of my arousal, and you'll be left here knowing you failed your Mistress." A terrified squeak escaped the girl at the thought.
"You just finish your meal and that will give me a chance to plan how to best make use of your, my dear slave." Jasmine gave the string a final pull before letting it go and walking to explore the rest of the kitchen. "And keep your eyes on your food, slut," she added knowing how hard it was for the girl not to look up and watch her.
It was long before her exploring had filled her mind with so many potential ways to torment her dear slave. The time she'd spent watching videos online had filled her with the immense potential for kink found within the average kitchen. One idea called to her though and she pulled a pair of long, white emergency candles out of a drawer along with a lighter. She padded quietly back over to the girl as she lit both candles and watched as the wicks lit with yellow flames.
It took a moment for the flat ends of the candles to start to pool with melted wax and Jasmine said nothing as her slave continued to eat her meal at her feet. "I've seen pictures of some of the amazing things people have done with wax," Jasmine said as she tilted the first candle and the first drip of wax fell into the air landing on the small of her slave's back. "Sometimes it has been as simple as dripping trails of wax over the woman's body." She let the second candle drip as well and a drop from both candles landed on the girl's arching back. "But other times, it was much more elaborate."
Jasmine was silent as she let the dripping candles trail up and down the girl's back erratically dripping their hot kisses every few seconds. The girl twitched with each hot drip and quiet, whispered moans escaped her lips with each touch. "I've seen videos and pictures where the woman's body was blanketed with wax poured not from candles, but melting pots. I've seen people direct the wax and colors to make pictures and patterns using the women beneath them as living canvases of wax." The girl's meal was nearly gone and Jasmine smiled as the slave's hips began to buck back with each new drip. She was driving the girl mad with the hot wax kisses.
"Of course some of the best were those of sluts with candles shoved into asses and pussies and then posed as candelabras on a dining room table. The wax would run so beautifully down the candles coating the sensitive flesh in hot wax." She leaned down and let the wax fall from a shorter distance. "I can just imagine what it would be like to use a slave like that. Contorted in the middle of a table and bound to hold her still in full view of all those who were dining. Her slowly, coated sex on display for all to see as the dinner guests dined solely by candlelight. "
Shudders of pleasure shook the slave's body as the visual of words filled her mind and the heated drips of wax caressed her flesh and Jasmine smiled at just how excited she'd made the slave. She lowered herself to her knees bringing the candles even closer to the girl and giving her a better view of the slut's wet sex. The candlelight glinted off the wet, clamped lips and each new drip of wax made the girl shiver and the clothespins sway further tormenting the girl. She couldn't personally imagine being so close to the edge of orgasm and not allowing herself to cascade over the edge and she admired her slave's control to stay focused on her meal through all the torments and pleasures brought upon here. That said, she wondered who was closer to losing control: herself of her slave.
Jasmine watched as the slave lapped up the last of her milk finishing her meal just as another drip of wax landed between the girl's spread ass cheeks causing the girl to slightly jump forward pushing the bowl against the kitchen island. She stood up and returned to her seat and blew out the candles as the girl waited patiently for her next instructions.
She took a moment to arrange herself properly, with her chair scooted in and legs closed. She wasn't ready to give the girl more of a view yet, but she knew the sight of her completely bared breasts would be enough of a treat for the moment. "Slave, clean up the dishes and then come kneel beside me."
The slave moved quickly at the command and gathered up the bowls on the floor crawling with them to the sink before returning to the table and gathering up the dishes there as well. She stood only long enough to rinse the dishes and put them in the dishwasher before taking care to put away the leftover food leaving the kitchen clean and neat. When she had finished, she crawled across the floor to wait eagerly at her Mistress' feet.
She could feel her heart pounding with excitement as she waited for what would happen next. When she had realized her mother would be out for the evening, her mind had filled with visions of all the possibilities that awaited her. Nothing she had imagined had happened, but the evening had been so much more intense and wonderful than she could have possibly hoped for.
The feeling of her Mistress' mouth on her breasts and fingers on her clit and pushing into her ass had been more than she could have hoped. The orgasms has made her shake and sent her head spinning and since then her Mistress had barely given her a chance to rest and taken in everything.
The ache of her sex from the bite of the clothespins had turned to a dull, numbing throb punctuated with sharp jolts of sensation whenever they moved too much and tapped against each other. The wax had made her feel as if she were on fire, and the words her Mistress had spoken to her as she let the wax drip filled her mind with visuals that had her yearning for future evenings together.
And now she was next to her fully nude Mistress. She had often imagined what her Mistress' breasts looked like. She'd spent many an afternoon in her Mistress's classroom imagining what they looked like as they moved under her shirt confined within a bra, and now they were bare and exposed to her. She ached for the chance to kiss and suckle at those breasts taking her time to cover every centimeter of them with kisses. She feared she'd cum just from finally getting the chance to take one into her mouth. Her body trembled as she waited for her next command, and she felt herself nearly drooling as she gazed at those large perfect breasts and the rest of Mistress' perfect, fit body.
"Slave," Jasmine said firmly looking down at the girl, fighting the desire to not just order her under the table, "up on the table. On your hands and knees facing away from me."
The girl sprung to her feet quick to comply with the order and Jasmine was amazed at the speed the girl showed moving into position kneeling on the table, legs spread, with her sex so clearly displayed before her.
"You aren't to cum? yet," Jasmine said as she let her hands move over the smooth, pale, trembling flesh of the young slave. She took her time letting her hands explore up from the girl's bare feet then up her calves and then over her strong, tense thighs before tracing over the slave's ass with just her fingertips. The skin was smooth except where drips of dried wax decorated it.
The girl trembled under the touch of her nails as they traced over her flesh and those trembles were transmitted through her own body as her fingers worked nearer and nearer their goal of the slave's clamped sex.
Her fingertips brushed gently over the clothespins and the shivers intensified with every touch and the same electric shivers worked through her body as well. She was going to make the slut cum before she let her off the table and her mouth watered as she imagined sucking the girl's clit into her mouth.
Carefully she took the first of the clothespins into her hand and pressed down on the ends opening the biting mouth and pulling a hiss from her slave as dulled nerves began to tingle. She leaned forward and kissed gently where the clothes pin had been and turned the hiss of pain into a shaking moan of pleasure. She repeated the process with each clamp carefully removing each one before kissing and sucking on the lip where the clothespin had just vacated. By the end her slave's thighs were trembling madly as she fought to hold her position and not collapse to the tabletop in pleasure. Every kiss and lick had given her another small taste of her slave and she craved more even as she fought not to rush freeing the slut's bonds.
With the last clothespin gone, Jasmine looked again as beautiful spread sex before her. The whole girl's body shook with pleasure and desire. She was going to make the girl cum. She was going to make her orgasm more than once before she let her off that table, but she felt the urge to torment the slut a little first before giving her the release she had earned.
"Slut, I've been longing to lick and suck at your cunt all evening, and here you are so lewdly exposed before me." She leaned in and blew gently down from the girl's asshole to clit. Before talking again in a softer, breathier voice, "And here you are spread before me. Your sex is glistening with desire and want. I imagine if I left you like this for long, there would be a puddle under you." She blew again up and down the exposed slit, this time letting her nails trail over the girl's thighs as she did so.
"I wonder," she started in a breathy whisper her mouth just inches from the girl's sex and her voice just barely a whisper loud enough for the girl's ears to hear, "if you could control yourself as I did so. Could you keep yourself from cumming without permission, if my mouth licked at your clit and probed deep into your sex?" She stuck her tongue out and let it trace over the slave's cheek causing her to moan and tremble violently in pleasure.
"What do you think, slave? Could you control yourself? Could you deny yourself an orgasm knowing if you didn't, I would dress and leave before you could even manage to recover?"
The girl was silent for a long moment and Jasmine could tell from how her body was tensing and twisting she wasn't sure how to answer. The slut's torment made Jasmine even more excited and she blew again up and down the slave's sex making it even harder for her to think.
"M-Mistress," the slave began with a stutter, "please don't force me to find out. I'm so close to cumming now and I don't think I could control myself if you did any more. I don't want to disappoint you, Mistress, but you have me so close that I don't know if I could keep myself from disobeying you.
Jasmine purred deep in her throat as she leaned forward and kissed slowly and gently up one of the slave's thighs. Each kiss made the girl shake and moan and Jasmine could feel just how tense the girl's muscles were under her skin as she trembled and fought her body's desire for release.
"Of course," Jasmine said as she started kissing up the opposite thigh, "maybe I want you to cum. Maybe I want to make you lose control. Maybe there is nothing more in the world I desire right now than to watch you and feel you lose control as my mouth attacks your sex." Her kisses had moved from the thigh to the reddened globes of the slave's ass. Each kiss was small and light as a breath, but each one made the girl shiver and twitch with passion and need. Maybe tonight isn't a night for control. Maybe it is a night for release and passion. It could be that you have me so wound up that even the sounds of your orgasm would push me over the edge into my own." Her tongue trailed between the round, muscular globes and over the puckered, twitching asshole before her and the girl trembled so hard she nearly collapsed.
"What do you think, my sweet slut? Should I let you cum and let your cries of joy fill the house? Should we see if you really have me so wound up, that even the sounds of your release would be enough to push me over the edge into my own? Should we see how many times I can bring you off before you drop to the tabletop nothing but a quivering puddle of exhausted sex?" Her tongue once again played over the puckered hole making the girl moan, twitching and tensing as she fought to stay in place.
There was a long pause as the slave fought to get herself back under control. Her mistress' words and mouth had her so close to the edge. She'd pushed herself to the edge on so many occasions before, she had grown used to stopping herself at the tipping point and holding herself there. She knew the feeling of her stomach tensing as she neared that point of no return and she was already dangerously close to that edge. She had never expected to find herself before her mistress on the table so quickly. When she had realized she would have the evening to spend with the woman she had so often dreamed of, she had imagined it spent pleasuring her, not her mistress pleasuring her.
Yet her mistress had already brought her off twice and had her so close again and she had barely even had the chance to feast on the beauty of the other woman's naked body. It would soon be moot though. It wouldn't be much longer before she came again with or without her mistress' consent.
"Mistress, I beg you to let me cum, or stop. I would love to feel your mouth upon my body and my cunt. I would love to cum for you and fill the room with my moans, and I am so close to that point, Mistress. Please give me permission to cum for you, Mistress, or please stop, because I cannot control myself much longer," she begged as tears ran down her cheeks as she fought to control herself.
"Cum for me, slave," she heard her mistress whisper a second before her tongue licked long and slowly from asshole to clit." Cum for me, slut and show me just how much you enjoy the pleasure your mistress allows you." The command was followed by the sucking of her clit into her mistress' mouth and the she shook, moaning deeply as the first orgasm began to cascade through her.
She fought to stay on her hands and knees as her body shook, and trembled from the release of tension and wash of pleasure that overtook her. Her mind went white and blank in the pleasure of the moment and she felt her arms give out as she collapsed to the table, as spasms of pleasure shook through her body and moans, shrieks, and gasps escaped her mouth.
She was beyond words and beyond individual sensation as her whole body felt like it was on fire and being covered by the tongue that licked and teased at her sex. She felt the strong grasp of hands on her legs holding them upright, the only thing keeping her from collapsing completely to the table beneath her.
There were moments when the crash of pleasure through her body would lessen for moments as the pleasure of one orgasm would begin to recede, but it was soon replaced as another overtook her pushing her back into the place of white hot pleasure where her whole body was electrified with sensation.
Eventually after what seemed like a moment of eternal pleasure, she felt the hands release her thighs and the tongue pull out from the grasping walls of her sex and she collapsed to the table, splayed and spent. Her body tingled and a long moment passed as she felt like she was floating weightless. Her mistress was a source of more pleasure and surprise than she could have possibly hoped. And she fought to come back to her senses so she could have the chance to return the same pleasures to her. She wanted the opportunity to return the same pleasure to this goddess that had come into her life. But at the moment her body was moving the slow, languorous movements of someone lost in the afterglow of mind-blowing sex.
Jasmine looked down at the table and her shivering slave atop it. The girl had exploded once her tongue had touched her sex and then continued to cum again and again as she sucked at the girl's clit and lips and let her tongue probe the slut's sweet, tight sex. She'd been bucking and trembling so hard she'd had to wrap her arms around the slave's thighs to hold her in place and keep that delicious sex right before her. And the sounds of the girl's moans, whimpers and cries of ecstasy had driven her wild as they had echoed around the kitchen. She was glad for the time of year and the storm outside, or she would have worried about a neighbor having heard the cries and coming over to see what was going on.
The girl was beautiful as she bonelessly spread out over the tabletop glowing in a sheen of sweat, the drips of cooled wax on her back like islands on a ocean, and lost within her slowly receding waves of pleasure. The lithe girl was even more arousing spread on the table as she was and Jasmine could have spent the rest of the evening just taking in the beauty of the girl as she lied on the table. She had more planned for the slave though, and the girl had had her fun, it was time to move on.
The slap on the girl's ass rang out through the room as Jasmine brought her hand down with nearly full force on one beautifully reddened cheeks, bringing a cry of surprised pain to the girl's lips as she was torn from the wash of pleasure she had been lost in. A second swat just as hard on the other cheek followed quickly on the heels of the first leaving the two handprints visible on the already red flesh.
"Get up, slut," Jasmine snapped. "I have other plans for you, and they don't involve you lounging around on the tabletop." She gave the girl two more hard swats for emphasis and smiled as the girl scrambled to regain control of her body and fight her way first to her hands and knees and then to scramble off the table where she waited looking flushed and expectant as she gazed up at her.
"I need to use the bathroom, slut. But before you show me where it is, I need to know if you need to go as well," Jasmine asked looking down at the girl at her feet. She was looking forward to this next part and couldn't wait to see how the girl reacted.
"Yes, Mistress," the girl answered quickly as she began to move to lead her to the bathroom.
Jasmine ignored the girl's turn towards the rest of the house and walked to the sliding door leading to the house's backyard and pushed it open halfway. "Well then go, slut."
The girl looked at her in confusion for a moment as the cold wind blew into the house carrying a few snowflakes with it. "What do you mean, Mistress?" The girl asked in confusion without moving.
Jasmine rolled her eyes and stared harshly at the girl. "Slut, what do you think I mean? You're on your hands and knees like an animal. Well you can go in the yard like one as well. Crawl out into the middle of the yard, do your business, cover it and come back in. And be quick about it. If I get too cold, I'm going to close and lock this door, get dressed and go home."
"But, Mistress, what if I'm seen?" the girl hadn't moved yet and she wasn't sure if this was a way she could push the girl, but she hadn't said no yet either.
"It is dark, you have a tall fence, and the storm has picked up again and I would have a hard time seeing you halfway through the yard from here much less next door. Do not question me, cunt. You said you wanted to be my slave, but here you are questioning my commands. Do you lack the ability to follow simple orders? If so, let me know so I can find a new slave that knows how to follow commands when they are given and not just when it is convenient to her."
Jasmine saw her words reaction on the girl as they almost seemed to break her for a moment, but then the girl nodded, said, "Yes, Mistress," and began to make her way towards the open door and the storm outside.
Her heart pounded harder as the girl crawled past her and out the open door into the storming night. Snow swirled around the girl as the snow grew deeper with each crawling step forward, and each new movement brought the snow beneath her into contact with her breasts and stomach. She looked delicious out in the cold and Jasmine imagined all the ways she could warm the girl when she came back inside.
It was hard to see the girl by the time she stopped in the middle of the yard and Jasmine shivered in the cold of the night air as she watched the girl fight to release her bladder in the cold night, her body surrounded by the snow, and being watched making it even harder to go as she fought to relax and release.
Another moment passed before Jasmine saw the girl's body relax and release her bladder into the white snow that nearly came up to her wet and tender sex. She knew it had to be torture for the girl out there, but the trip wouldn't last long and Jasmine let her hand reach down and caress her sex as she spied on the girl. She'd find a way to warm the girl before too long.
It was too far, too dark, and too stormy for Jasmine to see anything in the backyard, but she watched as the girl crawled forward and pushed snow back with her feet over where she had just pissed. The girl turned as she finished and started crawling back towards the house shivering and red all over as she crawled through the deep snow.
"Stop, stand up, fall forward and make a snow angel, and then you can crawl back inside," Jasmine ordered the girl from the open doorway.
The girl rose to her feet and shivered as her arms unconsciously rubbed at her body trying to warm it. She wasted no time, though as she came to her feet and fell forward into the snow and began flapping her arms and legs up and down as her face and body pressed into the dazzling white snow.
Jasmine smiled as the girl carefully crawled out of the snow angel and made her way into the house. She was red, wet, and snow dusted her body and clung in her hair as Jasmine closed the door behind her, before leaning down and giving the girl a stinging slap on her ass. "Next time, do no question my orders, cunt, or I'll give you a punishment that will help you remember who is in charge."
"Yes, Mistress," the girl said through chattering teeth. "Do you want me to show you to the bathroom now?"
"Yes, slave, that would be good. Lead the way."
Jasmine followed the crawling girl as she made her way back into the living room and up the stairs. She enjoyed watching the slave crawl before her and waited at the bottom of the steps so she could fully enjoy the view as the girl made her way slowly up.
She knew where the bathroom was from the slave's videos of her house but followed as the girl led her into the first door on the left at the top of the stairs. The bathroom wasn't big the girl had stopped on the far side of the door so she could enter.
"Follow me," Jasmine ordered as she stepped into the bathroom.
The girl followed behind her into the bathroom and stopped as Jasmine reached the tub and turned to face her. She looked up expectantly as Jasmine looked down at her while continuing to shiver. She looked miserable Jasmine thought as she towered over the girl. Of course it was the same kind of miserable that a puppy had as it got out of the bath where the girl's absolute cuteness still shone through it all.
"Stand," Jasmine ordered making the girl pop to her feet almost before she had finished the word.
Jasmine took one of the soft towels that had been folded on the bathroom shelf and opened it up and wrapped it around the girl. She took her time drying off the girl and leaned in close as she dried the girl's back letting her breasts push into the girl's face. She could almost feel the girl's smile grow as the breasts pillowed her face, and Jasmine took her time letting the girl enjoy the feeling as she dried her hair before slowly lowering herself down the girl's body and drying her completely down to her feet.
Her slave had stopped shivering by the time she had finished and a pink flush of warmth and arousal had replaced the harsh red she had been upon reentering the house. She was smiling again too, and Jasmine returned the smile as she slowly stood up from her kneeling position letting her breasts trace over the girl's skin until she was once again standing and the girl's face was pressed into her large breasts. She could feel the girl's chin trembling as the fought her urges to start kissing and sucking at the breasts. It was so tempting to let the girl do just that, but now wasn't the time and she stepped back from the girl and inspected her freshly dried slave.
"Kneel," Jasmine said pointing to a spot across from the toilet and the girl dropped to her knees quickly and moved to the spot Jasmine had ordered.
Jasmine sat down on the toilet facing the girl and looked her in the eyes as she spread her legs wide as she sat there. It wasn't the best position to sit in as she relieved herself, but she loved the spark in the girl's eyes as her sex was so clearly revealed before her.
A strange urge overtook Jasmine as she let her body relax and she had a flash of imagining the girl between her legs right then. She wondered what the girl would do if she forced the slave's mouth against her sex and then let go. Would she fight it? Would she sit there and let it splatter on her face before dripping into the toilet? Would she open her mouth and swallow? Would it be too much and bring an end to their evening? It wasn't something Jasmine had ever imagined doing before. She had seen clips of it before as part of larger scenes, but it had always seemed so- different to her that she had never given it much though. Now witht eh girl kneeling before her looking hungry, it was tempting.
She shook the thought from her head. It was too much for that night and she didn't want to ruin things by pushing too hard for something that would have never crossed her mind five minutes earlier. She let go of her bladder and kept her eyes locked on the girl as the wet sound of her stream hitting the porcelain was the only sound filling the small bathroom.
Her slave's eyes never left her crotch as she peed or wiped, and Jasmine could see the visible hunger and desire in the girl's eyes to get her chance to taste between her Mistress' legs. It wouldn't be much longer before Jasmine allowed her that privilege and her body shivered at the thought of the pleasure so soon to come.
She stood up from the toilet and flushed before washing her hands taking her eyes off the girl for the first time since they had entered the bathroom. She took a moment to compose her thoughts as she dried her hands. She had given the girl so much pleasure that evening, it was time the girl returned the favor and Jasmine the release she was now aching for.
"Slave, go to your room, lay face up on your bed with your legs spread and wait for me," she commanded without bothering to turn and face the girl.
"Yes, Mistress," the girl replied before quickly crawling from the room and heading for her room.
Jasmine watched the girl go and smiled as she watched the curves of the girl's ass move with every shift of her body. She could have lifted the girl up and carried her under one arm easily, but it so sensual to watch her crawl like a wanton beast in heat.
She returned to the kitchen and gathered her supplies before heading to the girl's room. She had seen it so many times in the videos and pictures, but she was looking forward to seeing it for herself.
The room could have been the room of any teenage girl decorated with a combination of styles and items. Loved toys from her youth and the random assortment of possessions, posters, pictures, and other bric-a-brac of the teenage years. Jasmine turned her head and was able to look into the closet and see the blanket on the closet floor when the girl likely slept. And on the bed, there was her slave, pale pink flesh making her standout from the dark comforter she rested upon. It took her breath away to look down on the girl and the stirring inside her grew as she knew she was so close to her turn for release.
Jasmine took a moment longer to look through the room as the girl gazed at her almost hypnotically as took everything in. She saw the hair brush on the dresser and thought about grabbing it on her way to the bed, but she had other ideas and a spanking first might be too much for the girl to handle. At least for now, hopefully she'd get more time with the girl eventually to fully train her and increase her endurance and tolerance. There were so many things she wanted to train the girl to do, and for a brief moment the frustration of not being able to see the beautiful slut more often boiled inside her.
She shook the frustration away. How to find time to see each other was a problem for another day; today she had the girl before her ready to please her however she desired.
Walking up to the bed, Jasmine looked down on the girl and took in the sight of the beautiful thing lying before her, legs slightly spread, head propped up slightly on a pillow as her eyes took her in. She watched as the girl licked her lips in anticipation. She wasn't sure who was more excited for the slave to put her tongue to work, but Jasmine knew, she couldn't wait any longer.
"Are you ready to please your Mistress, slut?" Jasmine asked as she looked down on the girl.
The girl nodded eagerly as she once again licked her lips. "Yes, Mistress. I look forward to doing all I can to return the pleasure you gave to me. I'll do whatever you want. Use me however you want. Whatever pleasure you want me to give you, I will." Her voice was breathy and rushed and Jasmine smiled as the girl's eyes took her all in but seeming to always return to her crotch in hungry wanton lust.
Jasmine just smiled down at the girl, and without another word, she knelt upon the bed then moved to straddle the girl's face and desirous mouth.
She didn't lower herself down at first and she could feel the girl beneath her leaning forward trying to reach out for what it desired; her goal ever so close, but just out of reach. Jasmine ignored her for the moment as she relit the candles and once again watched as the wax started to warm and pool. Most of the wax on the girl's back had been washed off in the snow or brushed off when she had been toweled off, but it wasn't her used backside that Jasmine wanted at the moment.
The first drip of wax fell just and Jasmine lowered herself at the same time momentarily crushing the girl's mouth into her wet crotch as the first drops landed on her breasts and the girl squealed into her crotch in a way that made her shiver. She shifted after a moment, holding herself just above the girl's mouth and she felt the small, quick, tongue begin to lap eagerly at her sex.
The tongue attacked her wet slit like a darting rapier, hitting here and there, and plunging in and out as it tried to be everywhere at once. Each time another drip of wax landed on the girl's naked body, it made her jump pushing her tongue harder into the wanting sex pulling moans from Jasmine's throat. The tongue was so eager to please, but it moved so erratically, that all it seemed to do was drive her up the wall instead of over the edge. Meanwhile, the girl continue to jump and squirm as Jasmine worked the wax lower slowly closing in on the girl's sex. She had left a trail of wax over the girl's chest and down her stomach, and she wanted to see if she could fully coat the young slave's sex before the girl made her lose control and drop the candles.
The first drip of wax aimed at the girl's crotch splattered on her lip and this time the girl yipped as she bounced up pressing her tongue harder against the clit before it as her legs shot closed in and instinctive need of protection.
"Keep those legs open, you dirty slut and keep that tongue on my clit! I'm tired of all this teasing and I want to cum! If you don't keep those legs open, I'm going to beat that cunt until it is so bruised you'll have a hard time closing your legs until after Christmas break!" Jasmine commanded as she aimed another drip of wax as the girl's slit, as the girl's legs spread wide open and her tongue and mouth attached to her throbbing, sensitive clit.
Jasmine felt the shift in focus through her entire body. The walled up passion that had been waiting for release began to quickly crumble as mouth and tongue centered on her clit and she felt the lapping of the young tongue as the mouth did all it could to try and suck the nub into her mouth like a baby sucking at a teat. Eagerness made up for skill as Jasmine felt herself being pushed closer and closer to orgasm. Each flick of the tongue made it harder for her to keep the candle steady as drips of wax landed erratically on thighs and across the stomach.
Jasmine moaned as her body began to shudder as the orgasm began to ripple throughout her body. It started low in her stomach and spread quickly through her body, starting small but growing larger and larger until her body was completely overtaken by the waves of crashing pleasure seeming to break across her body from the inside.
Her eyes rolled back in her head as the pleasure overtook her and the candle fell from her limp fingers a moment before she bucked forward and she was barely able to catch herself on shaking arms instead of collapsing on her slave. She moaned again and again as her body shook with pleasure and she ground her mouth back onto the desirous mouth beneath her.
The mouth continued to suck at her clit and no sooner had the first orgasm finished crashing its way out of her body, than the second overtook her and pushed her over the edge again. She felt primal and animalistic as she knelt on all fours and moaned and grunted with pleasure as sweat-slick body shook with an unleashed rush of endorphins. She rocked back harder into the pleasuring mouth and felt the slight falter of the tongue's rhythm on her as it adjusted to the grinding and force. The girl was so delightfully eager to please and Jasmine wanted to take every ounce of pleasure she could get out of the moment to sustain her until she could finally find the opportunity to savor all the slave could offer her.
As the second storm of pleasure finally finished crashing over her body, Jasmine rolled weakly to her side and off the girl. Her arms and legs were shaking and she knew she wouldn't have been able to hold herself up and steady for a third orgasm. She wasn't done though, and as the tingling in her arms and legs began to lessen she turned herself around and lay next to the girl.
Her slave's face was covered with sweat and her Mistress' juices and her fever-bright eyes glowed brightly out surrounded by the slick glistening skin, made brighter by the smile that overtook her face. Jasmine leaned forward and kissed the girl softly once upon the lips, then harder as the girl returned the kiss and opened her mouth eagerly as Jasmine slid her tongue inside to dance with the girl's.
As they kissed hands explored and both groped at breasts and teased nipples as the slick bodies pressed against each other. They both kissed with a passion and fire that could have lasted the whole night as hands fought to explore every inch of the other body, but Jasmine pulled back wanting more than a kiss; wanting something she had never had before.
The girl was beautiful as she panted with lust each drip of wax an island on her pale skin and the oddness that the girl was all hers hit her once again. She could see in not only the girl's eyes, but in her very essence that the she belonged to her to do with as she pleased. It was a heady rush and her mind soared with the seemingly limitless things that she hoped to one day do with her. The night was growing late, though and there was one last thing Jasmine wanted to try before giving the girl one last task and leaving for the evening.
"Oh, my dear slut, you have such and eager tongue, and I'm not done with it yet, but I have other plans as well." She leaned forward and kissed the girl once again on the lips the taste of her sex still faintly present even after their earlier kissing.
"Yes, Mistress?" the girl asked seeming to perk up at both the compliment and the up-coming task.
Jasmine shifted until she was sitting reclining upon the pillows and the headboard and the girl was lying on her side next to her. "You, my dear slave, are going to do one of the few things, I've always wanted to do, but have never succeeded at accomplishing." The girl perked up at the comment and looked even more excited as she shifted and sat up next to her. "You are going to fist me," she said looking down at the small girl. "I've taken some large toys, and even managed the tips of all of a couple of hands, but what I want is your full fist inside me. I want to feel you using your arm as a large cock to fuck me as your mouth sucks at my clit. I want you to fill me like I've never been filled before."
The girl looked up at her with passion as the thought filled her mind. Jasmine could see the anticipation for what was about to happen fill her as she waited for her instructions for what to do to accomplish the task set before her. She had thought about checking for some baby oil to use as lube before having come down to the bedroom, but the girl's hands were small and she was so wet, she had no doubt that the girl's hand would be able to fit in her, even if it was a bit tightly. She liked the idea of making the girl work a little for it and sensation of the small fist filling her with no extra lube was intoxicating.
She shifted slightly as she guided the girl to lay between her spread legs. She could look down over her smooth stomach and see the bright eyes staring back up at her as she waited for her next instructions. Jasmine swallowed a lump of nervous anticipation and she readied for what was to come. "Start with just a couple of fingers. Work them in and out and give them a few twists and start opening me up, then start working in more fingers," she instructed the girl.
The girl nodded at her Mistress' instructions and shifted to slide two fingers into the wet hole before her. She could feel the slick walls of her mistress' sex grasping and pulling at her fingers as she worked them in and out and she soon slid in a third finger to join the others.
Her fingers weren't large and didn't penetrate deep into her mistress and she could feel with every plunge of her fingers the woman trying to take them more and deeper. The sex grasped at her fingers, but not tightly, and she twisted and turned her wrists and she worked the fingers in and out and soon she added her pinky to the others and felt the sex grasping tighter at her hand as she managed to plunge them a little deeper than before.
With each thrust of her hand, she let her thumb flick over her mistress' clit and felt the muscled walls clench at the rest of her fingers with each flick. She watched as the woman's eyes half closed as she focused on the pleasures lower in her body and the small part of her that worried she wouldn't be able to fit in the fullness of her hand began to fade. Even as tight as the clenching at her fingers felt, she could feel them wanting for more and wanting it deeper.
"Mmmm, that feels so fucking good, slave," her mistress moaned as the thumb once again flicked over her clit. "But I want your fist in me. Work it all in, you dirty slut. Feed your entire fist into my hungry snatch. Fist me hard and deep and suck at my clit. I want to cum on your fist not just your fingers, cunt. Now get the rest of your hand in there and fuck me!"
The words made something low in her gut turn and churn and pleasure as yet another forward thrust of her fingers was met by a bucking up the hips trying to take her deeper. She turned her thumb into her palm like she had seen done in so many videos and thrust into her mistress. For the first time she met true resistance as she pushed to get the fullness of her hand inside the goddess before her. She felt the body strain and push back at her wanting more but not taking it at first and she pulled back starting to fuck the woman with as much of her hand as she could manage feeling the tightness loosen a little with each thrust as the hips bucked harder trying to take that last bit inside until suddenly she watched as first her hand and then her wrist slid inside her wanting goddess.
"OH GOD YES!" her mistress growled as the fist fully entered her. "Fuck me, slave! Fuck me with your fist as you suck at my clit! Make me cum you little slut! Fuck me deep and fuck me hard with your fist and arm!"
She thrilled at the words as she shifted as best she could lowering her mouth to clit before her as she pulled out to the wrist before pushing forward driving her fist as deeply as she could into the hungry hole.
It took her a few thrusts to work her arm into a rhythm as she licked and sucked at the sensitive nub before her and soon she was working in nearly half her forearm into her Mistress as she bucked and tried to take more and the tight walls grabbed and pulled at her arm. All the while her mistress' groans, moans and dirty words filled the room and filled her with pleasure.
She shifted positions to better drive her arm in and out straddling one of the well-muscled legs of her mistress, and let out a moan of her own as she lowered herself down and felt the friction as the writhing leg rubbed up and down against her clit pulling a moan of pleasure from her body as she continued to suck at the tender clit before her.
She could feel the orgasm hit her mistress moments before it a long moan escaped the woman's lips as all the muscles that had been grasping and pulling at her hand and forearm clamped down and convulsed on her thrusting arm. She felt her mistress go stiff beneath her for a long second before she began to shiver in waves of pleasure and she attacked the clit harder with her mouth and continued to fuck the clenching sex as best as she could. The body bucked and shook beneath her and then as another moan filled her ears, she felt herself being soaked as the explosion of her Mistress' juices washed over her in an unexpected rush. The warm liquid splashed over her chin and coated her chest as her Mistress continued to shake and writhe and her sex clenched as the engulfed forearm.
The girl found herself stunned and frozen at the intensity and duration of the orgasm as the goddess that was her Mistress continued to moan and shiver only slowly coming down from the pinnacle of her orgasm and the contractions around her arm began to diminish before finally stopping as the last of her Mistress' moans faded away and she stopped shaking. She couldn't believe it. Her fist was still buried inside the goddess and she lay back on the pillows shining with sweat and glowing with pleasure and satisfaction. Not only had she been able to pleasure her Mistress, she had been able to do it in a way that no one else had ever done before!
She felt an embarrassed flush of pride color her body as she began to move her arm in and out once again in long, slow strokes that made her Mistress shiver in micro-orgasms as she recovered from her earlier explosion. She had done it. She had done as she had been asked and proved herself to her goddess. She was hungry for so much more and waited excitedly for her Mistress to stir and give her new orders.
Jasmine looked down her body at the girl between her legs, arm buried inside her halfway to the fist. The girl was glowing and the look of satisfied pleasure on her face made her wonder if the only thing that was keeping her from floating was the fist anchoring her down. The orgasm had been every bit as intense as she imagined it would be, and she had felt herself squirt as the orgasm had overtaken her. She was sure that the comforter and sheets beneath her were soaked, but she doubted the girl cared that she was going to have to do an extra load of laundry before her mother got home.
Right now though, Jasmine needed to get moving. It was getting late and if she stayed much later, one of the neighbors might decide to check on them even with the storm. She had one last idea for that night and it was a doozy. After the pleasure the girl had just brought her, she considered skipping it that night. But then again, she didn't know when she'd have the chance again.
"Mmmmm," she moaned as she shifted and caught the slave's attention. "That was amazing, slave. Now it is time to move on though. I have one last idea planned for the night before I go, and we can't do it positioned like this."
"Yes, Mistress. Thank you, Mistress," the slave said with a quick nod before slowly pulling her fist out from inside. It had been such a strange feeling to have the fist go in, and it was an even stranger feeling to have it removed leaving her feeling empty and aching in a way she had never imagined. The fist was slick coated with her cum and she watched as the girl began to lick as her fingers and hand tasting all that was her Mistress. It was an amazingly erotic sight and Jasmine finally managed to stir enough to shift and sit up before kissing the girl hard on the lips and tasting her sex and orgasm powerfully on the girl's lips and face as her kisses explored the full of the girl's coated and shining face. Each kiss made her want to devour the girl and push her back on the bed and once again bring the girl to an orgasm of her own. She could have spent the night exploring the girl with her mouth and fingertips, that would have to wait for another evening and reluctantly she broke away from the girl and looked down on the adoring face waiting for the next command.
"I have one last task for you this evening, slut," she said. "It won't be nearly as much fun as this last task, but life can't be all fun and orgasms, can it." The girl's face went from curious and excited to serious and ready in a heartbeat as she nodded back and shifted and Jasmine once again smiled at just how eager and willing the little slut really was.
Jasmine got shakily too her feet and swayed slightly at the rush of blood to her head as she regain her balance. The last orgasm had hit her hard and as she looked back at her slave still kneeling on the bed, she saw just how badly she had soaked the bed. "I guess you're going to have to do a load of laundry tonight, slave," she said casually trying to hide her embarrassment, the bed wouldn't have been that soaked if she had wet it. "It is a small price to pay though for the amazing amount of pleasure you brought your Mistress though. Wash up quickly and meet me in the kitchen with your camera and tripod."
The girl looked down at the stain as she finished and saw nearly a third of the comforter looked to be wet with gush of sex and Jasmine saw the shocked look of amazement on her tiny glowing face. "Yes, Mistress she replied as she sprang quickly to her feet before dropping to her kneels and crawling for the bathroom.
Jasmine watched the girl's delicious reddened and bruised ass as it left the room and began to make her way slowly on rubbery legs back to the kitchen. She knew she was about to push the girl to unexpected limits, and a little part of her thrilled at wondering how the girl would manage it.
Reaching the kitchen, Jasmine began to get dressed and was just pulling on her skirt as the girl came down the stairs carrying the tripod and camera. She caught the slight disappointment in the girl's eyes at the sight of her dressed, but time was running short and she need to go and the girl still had so much left in the night before her.
"Set up the tripod and camera facing the sliding glass door, and then stand with your legs spread on the mat before the door," Jasmine ordered as she sat down to put her shoes on.
The girl quickly moved and set up the equipment as requested and moved into place just as she'd been asked.
"Do you know what this is?" Jasmine asked before tossing a small bottle to the girl who easily caught it.
"It says it is cinnamon oil, Mistress," the girl replied sounding confused as to what was happening.
"Do you know what effect cinnamon oil has sensitive flesh, slut?"
"No, Mistress."
"It burns, slut. It burns with an intensity that is hard to explain. It burns in the same way eating hot chili peppers burns, but on much more tender areas. It burns and aches with a primal power that is hard to quantify. What you're going to do is you're going to turn on the camera and talk to it like you were making me a video. In the video you're going to pour the oil onto your fingers and then you're going to rub your fingers fully up your slit and over your clit. Then you're going to kneel there before the camera for as long as you can take the burn for up to ten minutes. When the burn becomes too much, you're going to crawl out into the snow and use that to quench the fire burning on your flesh," Jasmine explained in a cool, yet seductive voice.
Jasmine could see the girl swallow hard as she digested the instructions and a shiver ran through the young girl's body. Her eyes grew large as she digested the instructions, and Jasmine felt her body shiver with delight.
"Yes, Mistress," her slave replied with a slight shake to her voice. "I will do the best I can to last as long as I can and to follow your instructions.
"There is a reward if you succeed, my slave," Jasmine said as he circled the girl letting her fingers trail over the hot, bare flesh. "If you manage a full ten minutes, I will allow you a week of as many orgasms as you can give yourself. You will be free to give yourself as many orgasms as you want." She had let her hand trail down between the girl's legs at this last sentence and caress gently at her clit sending another wave of blissful shivers through the girl's body.
"Thank you, Mistress. That would be amazing," the slave replied with a heated near moan.
"There is a flip side to this though," she said pulling her finger away from the slave's clit. "If you don't succeed, you will deny yourself for the week. You will still play with yourself, at least twice a day, but you will not allow yourself to cum. You will deny yourself the release that you did not earn." She teased the girl's nipples as the spoke making the girl tense with pleasure.
"I understand, Mistress. If I don't earn my orgasms, I will not be allowed to have them."
Jasmine let the nipple drop from her fingers as she walked away from the girl and gathered the last of her things leaving the girl still standing nude and beautiful before the dark blankness of the sliding door framing her. It was a delicious sight and Jasmine felt her own exhausted body stirring again at the beauty of the site. She gathered the last of her things and stood far out of frame in the entryway to the living room as her slave waited for further instructions. She savored the view of the girl not knowing when she would get another chance to see her so close and naked again and resisted the temptation to strip away her clothes again and use the girl again right there on the kitchen floor. It was getting too late though and she couldn't risk a neighbor gossiping about her staying too late at the house of student, and with a sigh she gave her final orders, "You may begin, slut. Talk as if I wasn't here and I will let myself out quietly after you've begun."
The girl nodded and dropped to her knees before crawling to the camera. Taking a few minutes to carefully set up the camera at the right height and angle before hitting the record button and crawling to the same spot she had just left on the mat, the bottle of cinnamon oil waiting for her. "Hello, Mistress," the girl said into the camera. "I'm a little nervous about this assignment, but I will do my best to fulfill your requirements." She watched as the girl picked up the bottle of cinnamon oil and trembled slightly as her fingers shook trying to control her desires and dread. "This is the cinnamon oil just as you asked, Mistress."
She watched as the girl poured the oil onto her fingers and moved the oily fingers between her legs rubbing them fully up and down her slit and over her clit. The change on the girl's face was almost instant as the burning began. The girl locked her hands behind her neck as she tried to hold herself still as the burning grew as she looked into the camera and once again spoke, "I will now do as you have requested and wait ten minutes before removing the oil."
Jasmine felt herself tempted to watch the full show, but resisted the urge and turned toward the door and quietly made her exit. A couple of new inches of snow had fallen since she'd entered the house, and she carefully made her way through the deepening snow to her car quickly clearing the new snow from her windshield before starting the short but slow drive home. She felt exhilarated from the night and couldn't believe the luck she had had having the girl to herself for those precious hours. She could feel the ache of sexual release weigh her down as the cool of the night and the everyday actions of cleaning snow from her car brought her back to reality. She was ready for a good night's sleep and feeling fully sexually satisfied for the first time since Thanksgiving.
Her house was cool, dark and empty as she entered into it and made her way through the dark rooms yawning deeply as she reached the bedroom. Exhilaration had turned to exhaustion and she stripped quickly changing into her warm winter pajamas before crawling under the sheets and drifting off to sleep wondering if her slave had manage the full ten minutes or not.
Jasmine woke up Saturday morning in a wave of bliss-filled memories. A wish had been granted the night before as she had finally been able to get her hands on the beautiful young girl and tried and tested her in so many different ways. The stirring memories started stirring things lower in her body and her hands slid down her body to her crotch as she began to caress herself through her panties.
She looked forward to seeing the video that had been made and wondered how long her slave had stood the torment before relenting and plunging into the snow. It had been a bit of a cruel final torment she'd given the girl, but it had been so fun to see the look of torment on her face before stepping out the door and returning home. She teased her clit a little as the memory of gasps and cries came back to her and shivered in satisfied pleasure recalling her part in giving the girl both so much pleasure and pain. It had felt so good and she couldn't wait to have another opportunity to push the girl even further.
With a sigh she pulled her hand from her pajamas and pushed thoughts of the night before and the video that would be delivered on Monday to the side. Today was another busy day and she had too much to accomplish to spend the day languidly in bed remember and fantasizing.
Throwing the covers to the side, Jasmine shivered as the cold morning air rushed over her body. The floor was cold beneath her feet and she quickstepped across the hardwood floors and into the bathroom where the bathmat wasn't quite warm, but it lacked the heat sucking cold of the wood floor. A look in the mirror showed she was still flush and glowing with satisfaction. Her nipples were hard clearly pushing out from beneath her pajama top and tingled for a moment as she remembered the small eager mouth sucking and licking at them as delicate fingers probed her sex. They had both wanted and needed more, but the evening had at least quenched their desires and proven that their desire for each other was real.
Breaking the gaze with her mirrored self, Jasmine began her day stripped, and stepped into the shower. She was having guests over that night and the house needed to be cleaned and prepped before everyone descended on her home. There were papers to grade and lessons to plan as well, but that could be put aside until later in the afternoon or the next day.
The shower felt amazing and helped clear her mind of the intense memories of the night before. The hot water felt amazing on her body and washed away the lingering scents of sex and her slave the had clung to her skin and brought fresh memories with every breath. The scents faded beneath soap and hot water and Jasmine felt refreshed and renewed when she finally stepped from the showers steamy grasp.
Feeling reinvigorated, Jasmine dressed in a pair of old sweatpants and a T-shirt and grabbed a simple breakfast of fruit and cereal before starting in on her cleaning. The house wasn't particularly dirty, but it was a big house and she had let some of the cleaning slide since she was the only person around most of the time.
The cleaning, snow shoveling, shopping and decorating had taken most of the morning and afternoon, and Jasmine found herself scrambling to shower and change for the party before her friends arrived. She had promised Stacey and Harrison that she would throw a party for everyone once the hot tub had been installed and had decided to throw a Hawaiian themed party. Despite the cold, the house and back patio were decorated with decorations and tiki torches. Harrison had offered to man the grill for the night, and Jasmine and put together a selection of movies set in Hawaii to play in the movie room for people to watch as they pleased. Island music played through the living room speakers and food and plates covered the dining room table.
Jasmine had showered again and changed into one of her more conservative two-piece bikinis and a sarong for the party and turned up the heat throughout the house and was just starting to feel like she could relax when the first guests started to arrive.
The party was a success and everyone made several trips out to the hot tub during the course of the night despite the biting cold that accompanied each and every trip to and from the water. Harrison manned the grill often clad in no more than a swimsuit as he walked from the hot tub across the deck to the grill to check on the meat acting as if the cold had not effect on him. Everyone was talking about their annual New Year's trip to the ski slopes as Mark tried to get down final numbers so he could make room assignments for parents and kids in the two cabins they were renting. Jasmine wasn't exactly looking forward to the trip, but the first trip without William would still be better than New Year's home alone without William.
Jasmine had been tempted to announce to her friends that Stacey had volunteered to be party's serving girl for the evening, based on her comments to be her slave if she put in a hot tub, and had even mentioned the idea to Stacey after she had arrived putting the most satisfactory and ridiculous look of pleading shock on her friend's face, but relented after another moment of leaving her friend suffering in terror.
She was exhausted by the time the last guest left taking time to do only the most basic of cleaning up before heading to bed and falling into a deep sleep.
The bell rang to end fifth period Monday and Jasmine let out a sigh as she moved to her desk. Sunday had been busy with cleaning up, grading and lesson prep, and the students had begun to get twitchy as winter break neared. They hadn't been exactly misbehaved, but it had taken more work than usual to keep them focused and working. Three classes had papers due before the break and ever-approaching deadline wasn't close enough yet to have them panicking and focusing on the research time she had given them that day. She had made it clear papers were due before the break so she could get them graded over break and anyone turning the assignment in late was going to face severe penalties.
A moment later there was a knock on the door and Jasmine smiled as she got up from her seat and crossed the room to let Julie in. Her stomach fluttered briefly as she thought of the video she would get to watch that evening and she speculated for the first time since Saturday morning about how long the girl had managed to stand the torment.
"Hello, Mrs. LeBlanc," Julie said as she came into the classroom and made her way to her usual desk. "I hope you had a good weekend."
"Hello, Julie," Jasmine said following the girl across the room. "I did. Busy but good. I had friends over on Saturday to show off my new hot tub."
"That sounds like fun. I spent the time trying to get used to the new workout schedule and eating plan you developed for me. It didn't seem that bad when you talked me through it, but as I looked it over on Saturday and went grocery shopping with my mom, I realized just how much work it was going to take to adapt to and keep up with."
Jasmine chuckled lightly. She knew it was likely that Julie would realize it wasn't going to be as easy as she first thought eventually and was happy to know it happened sooner than later as it meant she was paying attention to the details. "Well no one ever said making varsity would be easy. I'll tell you this, it will take some getting used to, but once you have gotten used to it, it becomes easier." The look on Julie's face brightened a bit at Jasmine's words. "Of course that takes about a year." She watched the Julie's face drop a bit and smiled.
"My mom told me to tell you she was sorry she missed dinner on Friday and to thank you for her for the work you put into the information. She was amazed at just how much detail you'd gone into on things."
"Well you made an excellent hostess on your own, Julie. I was sorry to miss her and still feel bad about intruding on your house without your mother there especially as she was the one to invite me. I'm sure the last thing any student wants in the teacher to spend the evening at their house, so thank you for having me over despite your mother not being present."
"Thank you, Mrs. LeBlanc," Julie said with a little smile and slight blush.
Jasmine got up from her seat and stretched, "Excuse me for a moment, Julie. I need to go into the building and I'll be back in a few minutes." Jasmine placed the blank card at the corner of her desk as she passed and made her way to the door. She needed to get out of the room for a minute or risk saying something inappropriate. The conversation was brushing the edges of going too far and she needed to remove the risk.
"Okay, Mrs. LeBlanc. I have plenty of work to get done, so I might as well get started now," Julie said as she dug out her math book.
Jasmine left the class and made her way into the building and spent most of the rest of class dropping off papers to be copied and talking to a few of her fellow teachers. She was a little worried that she had been right on Friday night that if someone saw her and Julie together they would know something was going on there. Their last conversation had seemed innocent, but it had skirted so many things that shouldn't be talked about. She was going to have to work on her poker face.
Julie was just packing up for the end of the day when Jasmine returned to the class. She'd been too busy that weekend for a trip to the gym and the stress of worrying about what her relationship with Julie would look like to an outsider had her wound up and needing physical release. She'd enjoy the video later that evening but first she needed to clear her head. "Did you manage to get much of your work done while I was gone?" She asked as she sat back down.
"I got my math and most of my history done which was the largest part of my homework. The rest will be easy to take care of after I get home from the rec center," Julie said as she slipped her backpack on and looked at the clock trying to mentally countdown the final few seconds until the bell rang.
"Well I hope the rest goes quickly for you, Julie. Have a good afternoon and good luck with the workout," she replied just as the bell rang as Julie moved for the door in a move of Pavlovian conditioning.
Julie waved over her shoulder as she left the classroom and Jasmine smiled as she picked up the memory card and slipped it into her purse. It would be quite an interesting show to watch that evening.
Jasmine was exhausted as she stepped into her house at five that evening. Her body had been craving the exercise and she'd found her grove early in the workout and pushed herself in that exhilarating way that only happens when in that perfect balance of mind and body. It hadn't been the angered stress of when she'd first hit on Julie where she'd pushed herself in a mind-numbing haze, but a controlled push of her body to new heights.
She'd stopped at the library long enough to check to see if her slave had left a message for her, but as expected there hadn't been one. She hadn't left any instructions for the girl, so there was nothing for her to report back on that hadn't been included in the video on the card buried in her purse.
Making up a plate of leftovers, Jasmine made her way to the living room and enjoyed her dinner while watching the news. The video wouldn't be a long one and she wanted to savor it after dinner and possibly before a soak in the hot tub to ease her well-used muscles.
With dinner done and the news over, Jasmine smiled an evil grin and made her way to the bedroom retrieving a set of beads and her favorite rabbit vibrator, before stripping off her clothes. She wondered what her friends would think if they knew most of the time she had spent in the hot tub they had all enjoyed the evening before, she done naked. She shrugged and returned to the living room retrieving the card from her purse on the way.
There were two videos on the card which surprised Jasmine only expecting the one, but she knew her curiosity would be sated soon enough as she took a moment to work the beads into her ass. She pressed the button to start the video and settled back into the couch as she turned on the vibrator and let the tip play over her clit as the screen came to life.
The scene was just as she had remembered it before leaving the house. Julie was crawling away from the camera she had just started before kneeling on the kitchen floor with her legs spread wide and the bottle sitting next to her. The bruise on her breast from where she had bitten it was glowing red in stark contrast to the rest of her chest and made Jasmine smile knowing that mark more than the spanking was her way of having marked the girl as hers. The mark did worry her a little though as unlike the bruises on her ass, it couldn't be explained by a slip and fall on the ice. She hoped that the clear bite mark shape of the bruise had faded to look more like a bruise in the passing days.
"Hello, Mistress," Julie said into the camera. "I'm a little nervous about this assignment, but I will do my best to fulfill your requirements." Jasmine remember the girl speaking those words as she'd been told as Jasmine had watched well clear of the camera in the living room entryway.
Her slave gulped on screen as she picked up the bottle and held it label out to the camera. "This is the cinnamon oil just as you asked, Mistress." The girl opened the bottle and poured the oil over the fingers of her hand and swallowed hard. Her hand moved stiffly as it went lower down her body and finally between her thighs to her slit. The look on the girl's face on the screen was just as she remembered it from vantage point as the heat from the cinnamon kicked in. She finished coating her lips and clit with the oil before putting the bottle aside and locking her fingers behind her head without making a noise, but Jasmine knew it wasn't likely to last.
"I will now do as you have requested and wait ten minutes before removing the oil," the girl said as the look on her face was already beginning to grow desperate. That had been when she had left and she was curious as to just how well the girl had done as she let the rabbit slip buzzing into her hole.
It wasn't long before the girl began to squeak and bite her lip to keep in control. Jasmine watched in fascination as she fought to keep her hands locked in place behind her head as her body twitched and shook as she fought the urge to move and do something about the burning. One minute passed and the girl's breathing had turned to pants and her arms trembled even more as she fought not to unlock them from behind her head. Jasmine sped up the thrusting of the vibrator in and out of her hole moaning each time the ears tickled at her clit.
Another minute passed and Jasmine watched as a tear ran down the girl's cheek and she began to sob in pain. By the third minute the girl couldn't keep her hands behind her head any longer. She fought to keep them off her crotch, but they were wrapped around her stomach and clawed at her sides fighting her urge to move them to her crotch as if it would somehow protect her from the burning. Jasmine wondered if she would put her hands back in her crotch trying to soothe the pain. She was sure the girl had forgotten that her fingers were just as coated in the oil and would only add to the burning.
Four minutes in and the girl had collapsed to her stomach on the kitchen floor and she was crying freely as she fought the driving urge to extinguish the burning in her crotch. Jasmine felt bad for the girl, and wondered if she'd set the time limit too long overly tormenting the girl beyond what she could take. The thought didn't lessen her desire though and she drove the rabbit in and out with hard, body shuddering thrusts.
By the five minute mark, the girl had curled up into a ball lost in gasping sobs, and Jasmine found herself truly aching and feeling sorry for her slave. The girl was fighting so hard to do as she had been ordered and it was making her hurt in ways she couldn't believe. Jasmine wished she was there so she could ease the girl's pain and clean the girl's lips before taking her time and bringing the girl back into the world of pleasure with her mouth and tongue. She was still entranced by the view on the screen though and never stopped in her self-pleasuring as her free hand began to tease and play with her hard aching nipples.
It wasn't quite six minutes when the girl made the mistake of trying to cup her pussy with her hands and howled as her oil slick fingers only added to the torment she was feeling. It was all that was needed to break the girl as she fought clumsily to get to her hands and knees and crawl to the back door. Jasmine watched enjoying the view of the girl's bruised and beaten ass as she fought to get the door open, her actions clumsy with haste and pain.
The door was barely open enough for the girl to squeeze through when she crawled into the darkness of the backyard. The glare from the room's lights turned the sliding glass door into a mirror so Jasmine couldn't watch as the girl knelt in the snow and buried her crotch in the snow as the wind whipped around her naked body.
Jasmine remembered what the girl looked like when she had sent her out to piss in the snow and tried to imagine what the girl looked like now as all the cold around her was probably lost in the relief of having the burning in her crotch slowly dissipated. Her imagination wrapped around the image of the girl kneeling in the snow as she rubbed snow into her crotch trying to wash away the oil that burned at her most tender spot, and the image pushed her closer to the edge. It might have been close to the edge to have the girl oil herself like she had, but Jasmine savored her slave's torment as worked the rabbit in and out.
Jasmine came as she replayed the scene in her mind as time clicked by on the TV and the girl still hadn't returned to the kitchen. It wasn't a large orgasm, but it made her shudder with pleasure and made her hunger for more later that evening. An image of the girl kneeling in the snow next to the hot tub holding a drink for her as she soaked in the wonderfully hot water made her shiver pleasurably as her body continued to tingle with the after effects of the orgasm.
Another minute passed before the slave crawled back into the kitchen from the darkness of the back yard. She was wet and shivering badly as she fought to close the door behind her. Another delightful shiver swept through Jasmine's body as the girl retook her position kneeling before the camera and the red on her thighs and stomach became clear from where she had thrust herself down into the snow. The girl's teeth were chattering and Jasmine savored the view as she fought to keep her hands at her sides instead of wrapping them around her body in a desperate attempt to warm herself up.
"W-w-well, M-m-mistress," the girl began through chattering teeth, "I-I w-wasn't able to make it ten minutes. I'm s-sorry. The burn was just too much. I-I won't cum again this week. I'm sorry, Mistress, that I wasn't able to complete the task you gave me, but it was such an intense burning that couldn't take it any longer. I promise to try harder next time, Mistress." The girl finished before crawling towards the camera to turn it off.
Jasmine was relieved that the girl didn't sound quite as distraught as she had in the past when she hadn't been able to complete a task set for her. She wasn't sure if that was the girl's growing understanding that Jasmine didn't expect her to always be able to achieve every task, especially this early on, or if it was because the girl was just too cold and relieved to be rid of the burn to care of much beyond that. She loved pushing the girl to her limits and looked forward to the opportunity to do so more in the future.
Curious about the second video, Jasmine pushed the button to start it playing. The video started and the slave stood in the entry way to her house wearing a snowsuit and smiling at the camera. "Good morning, Mistress," she said with a smile. "Last night was amazing. My body still aches with the memories. I slept badly last night as my mind continually drifted back to the memories of what happened. My cunt aches. Not from the oil, but from the need to be touched and I have never been so wet. I want to cum so badly, Mistress, but I know I am not allowed. I don't know how I'll do it, but I promise you, Mistress, I will make it to next Friday without bringing myself off." The girl was almost glowing with energy as she beamed at the camera. It was clear how much her slave had enjoyed their play time together. Jasmine had enjoyed it as well and she was just as desirous to get her hands on the girl again. She wanted to torment the girl and make her beg to cum. She wanted to feel the girl's quick, eager tongue lapping at her clit and probing at her asshole as the girl drove her fingers into her Mistress' wet hole. The thought made her hand speed up as she listened to the slave talk in the video.
"I decided to do something special today as I shoveled, Mistress, and I thought you would like to see," The girl said as her hands went to the zipper on her snow suit and slowly lowered it down to her crotch before pulling it open.
The girl was nude beneath the snowsuit; well mostly nude. Ropes crisscrossed the girl's body binding her breasts and splitting her cunt lips. A knot was tied to it hit right against the slut's clit, and the ropes that pulled her breasts together squeezed them in a way that seemed to add a cup and a half to the girl's chest. The bite of the night before had turned into a sickly blue-black bruise and Jasmine felt another twinge of worry and slightly regretted having bit into the tasty apple of the girl's breast.
"I found a picture of how to do rope bondage under clothing a few months ago, Mistress, and since then I've wanted to try it. It is nearly impossible to see when wearing clothing, especially baggy clothing, and from what I've noticed just since I put it on, every time I bend over, it pulls the ropes wickedly up into my cunt and ass. My tits are already aching from their bondage, and I know it will only grow worse as the time passes." The girl shivered as she shifted and bent a little to show the camera just how the ropes bit into her as she moved.
"Every time I bend over to get another shovelful of snow, the rope will saw into my cunt and knots will rub at my clit and asshole. It will be hard to control myself, Mistress, but it will ache so wonderfully as well." Jasmine was panting now as she watched the girl show off her bondage. She could see her slave's hands grasping in and out of fists as she fought the desire to touch herself. She wish she'd thought of the bondage and she wanted to bend the girl over as she wore the rig and spank her ass with the strap before giving the rope a yank and sending the girl on her way.
"One more thing, Mistress," her slave said as she reached into the pockets of her snowsuit pulling out a handful of clothespins. "I know how much you love to see your slut's body decorated." A plastic mouth bit into each of the girl's nipples pulling pained gasps from the girl's lips and a long moan from Jasmine's throat. A pair of the clips went on each pussy lip as well pulling yelps from the slave and new moans from Jasmine. God the girl knew how to push her buttons.
"That should be enough to help keep me focused and working, Mistress," the slave said before zipping up her suit. I hope you enjoy picturing me bound as I'm out shoveling snow, Mistress and I look forward to your next assignment."
With those final words, the girl stepped forward and turned off the camera. Jasmine moaned again at the vivid image of the girl's bound and clamped breasts just under the snowsuit and tried to imagine how much it all must have made the girl ache with every shovelful of snow. She only wished the girl had included a video of herself when she had come in and removed the clamps and bindings. She tried to imagine where she could send the girl bound as she had been and wondered how long she could take the rope pulling and rubbing into her crotch. She panted at the thought of the girl spending the day running errands pantyless and in a skirt as the ropes taunted her for an afternoon.
The image was enough to push her over the edge again into another orgasm as she panted and heaved as the waves of pleasure cascaded through her. Eventually she'd train the slut to go out with one or both holes stuffed with toys and the thought intensified the orgasm as it made all the muscles on her body tense and release wildly.
The vibrator was still buried in her wet hole, but her fingers had gone limp around it and as another wave of pleasure sent shivers and convulsions through her body, the gelled vibrator was shot out of her body landing at her feet as it continued to buzz move on its own over the floor.
Jasmine savored the afterglow of her pleasure for another minute before moving to pick up and turn off the vibrator at her feet. Every video the girl made, made Jasmine want to devour her even more and her mind filled with thoughts of future ideas and tasks for the willing young slut. She placed the rabbit on the table and blushed as she realized she'd been so lost in the moment she'd forgotten to put in the beads she'd meant to add. She contemplated putting them in before her soak, but changed her mind. She was feeling a wonderfully perfect buzz of satisfaction and she didn't want to ruin the warm glow that filled her.
The warm glow carried her through cleaning up the toys, storing the video, and clearing the card before she made her way out to the waiting hot tub nearly floating. She knew she'd have to write the girl the next morning, but at that moment, all she wanted was a good long soak to ease her sore muscles and relax her body as her mind played through the video again and again. The air bit viciously as she walked naked to the hot tub, but she hardly seemed to notice as she fought to remove the lid before sliding into the water's hot, soothing embrace. Her slave was a treasure she had barely begun to explore and she couldn't wait to find out what other treasures waited to be uncovered.
The week passed with the frustrating slowness as Jasmine felt like every day was a batter to herd her students in the right direction and keep them focused as they counted down towards winter break. There was nearly a week left, but their minds seemed to have already departed on break and could care less about the projects, papers, and assignments due in the next week.
The weather hadn't helped and a rare wave of passing storms had kept the snow falling and the temperatures low all week, and the students were getting a case of cabin fever. She hadn't given a detention for misbehavior in a class in over a year, but in the last two days she'd had to give out five. She wasn't the only one having problems, and the talk in the teacher's lounge had been about hoping the storms would let up for the weekend so the kids could get out and burn off some the energy that had them bouncing off the walls.
She looked up at Julie who was sitting quietly in her desk grading the vocab quizzes she'd given that day and smiled thinking back to the weekend before. She'd sent a quick message to the girl on Tuesday telling her she was proud of how well she'd done and how much she had delighted in seeing her bound and imagined how much the ropes must have sawed and tormented her as she'd shoveled the snow. The girl had replied with a message describing how the ropes had sawed and tormented her keeping her on the edge of orgasm the entire time she'd been out in the cold. She'd also hinted at a surprise for her Mistress that Friday that had Jasmine wondering what the girl had in mind. She planned on stopping by the library after the gym that afternoon to check for an email, but had no idea what the girl had in mind.
She'd briefly flirted with the idea of the girl inviting her over again for an evening of pleasure, but she knew she couldn't accept that without making people wonder. If the girl had something in mind, Jasmine was clueless as to what it was.
"Mrs. LeBlanc, may I go use the restroom please?" Julie asked breaking Jasmine out of her drifting thoughts.
"Of course, Julie. You hardly need to ask, it isn't like you are interrupting a lesson," she replied with a smile and admired the girl as she got to her feet.
"Thank you, Mrs. LeBlanc," Julie said as she passed by her desk, her fingers just brushing over the corner of the desk leaving a memory card behind as she turned and made her way to the door. She smiled at the sight of the card and as soon as the door closed, she dug into her purse and swapped it for the blank one inside. She hadn't given the girl any assignments that week, choosing to let her adjust to her new workout routine and diet, before adding anything new for the girl to try. Of course the girl could have made daily videos of her playing with herself, and a flush spread up her face as she imagined watching video after video of the young girl pushing herself to the edge only to stop every time. It would make for a delicious after dinner treat and Jasmine felt her pussy grow wet in excitement.
A knock on the door a few minutes later, drew Jasmine out of her imaginings and she got up to let Julie back into the classroom. "Thank you, Mrs. LeBlanc," Julie said as she followed her back into the classroom and to the desk expertly taking up the memory card in her hand as she passed and sat back down to the stack of papers that she was grading without another look.
The bell rang a short while later and Julie put the pile of papers that had been graded in one stack and the ones that remained in another before gathering up her stuff and making her way to the door with barely a word. Jasmine's mind had drifted to the memory card again and had hardly noticed the girl's leaving as she imagined the wonders the card could contain. A half hour later, she gathered up her things including the papers she needed to finish grading over the weekend and she was out the door and free.
Two hours later Jasmine arrived home, errands ran, and body aching from a hard workout at the gym. Her mind was fully occupied with what might be contained on the card, and she fought to push her curiosity aside as she prepared dinner.
Half way through making the meal, she stopped and made her way to the bedroom. Quickly she stripped down and tossing aside her clothes as she pulled her suitcase full of toys out from under the bed. She selected a small vibrating plug and her ben-wa balls and quickly slid them all into place. She moaned as she slid the lubed plug into place and turned on its vibrations as a light shudder rushed through her body as her nipples grew hard and tingled. She stood up carefully as she felt the balls adjust inside and slowly walked back down the hall as the balls shifted inside of her and echoed the vibrations of the plug as the pressed up against it through her body.
It felt so good to feel the sensual, sexual tease resonating through her body as she continued to make her dinner, and she wished she had someone there to share the experience with as she yearned with desire to feel the touch of another body against her body, taking and returning pleasure. She fought her desire to allow herself to be pulled over the edge then and there and instead let the desire and energy build up in anticipation of what the card would soon reveal to her.
She prolonged the self-torment as she slowly ate her dinner while watching the evening news. With the meal finally done and the news over, Jasmine cleaned up her dishes, retrieved the card from her purse, and selected her rabbit vibrator from her room before returning to the couch. A moment later she was looking at three videos waiting for her selection.
Jasmine clicked on the first video as she made herself comfortable on the couch and watched as her slave walked away from the camera dressed like a Catholic school girl down to the tie work loosely around her neck, the knee-high white socks, and simple black leather dress shoes. The skirt was short and swayed just below the girl's ass as she walked and Jasmine found herself smiling as she guessed what this video might be.
"Mistress," the girl said as she turned to face the camera and smile. Her makeup was lightly done but highlighted her youthful attractiveness and she had taken the time to do her hair giving the short curly red locks an artfully messy look, "you asked me to practice my striptease until I thought I could do one more worthy of you. I have been working on it and while it took me a little while to find the right songs and get the steps and confidence right, I think I have it now. I hope you enjoy the dance, Mistress." The last words were said with a nervous hopeful smile as she moved just off screen and started the music.
The first beats of Love and Rockets "So Alive" began as Julie moved back to the center of the living room she had cleared for dancing and she began to sway her hips with the beat. She moved her hips just enough that Jasmine kept expected to see a peek of the girl's panties beneath but the skirt stayed just low enough to never give a full reveal.
As the lyrics started, the girl began to move. She moved towards the camera with a heavy sway in her hips as her eyes burned with desire and her mouth mimed the lyrics. She stopped as she hit an unseen mark on the floor and spun turning her back to the camera stopping with her legs spread wide. The song continued and her hips gyrated as bent at the knees and her hands ran over her legs. She ground her way back up and her hands rode up her legs pulling her skirt with it and Jasmine found herself moaning at the tease of it, the back of the skirt facing the camera still fully in place revealing nothing.
As the first verse ended and the chorus began, the skirt fell back into place and her hands continued up her body and over her head. She turned back to the camera and Jasmine saw that her eyes were closed as she continued to mouth the words and sway with the music. The girl's arms moved almost languidly as they came down and grabbed at the buttons on her shirt. With a spin, the girl pulled the shirt open revealing the simple white lace bra beneath and was able to catch a brief glimpse of matching panties beneath the skirt as it rose with the twirl.
The shirt slid off the arms with a second twirl, but the tie remained, and as the second verse began, she had returned to where she had begun her hips swaying again as her hands ran over her bare, smooth stomach and over her small, concealed breast. She ground her body down again as her fingers played with her nipples through her bra before letting her hands glide down her body to her knees her body going further down as her hands did.
Her thighs were nearly parallel to the floor as the instrumental hit and she slowly began to rise again her hands pulling up her skirt as they too made their way up her body revealing the lace panties beneath. She held the skirt up for a second as her hips continued their swaying before letting it drop.
Jasmine could feel her eyes growing wider, her heart racing as her body flushed with arousal. The vibrator forgotten, her hand made her way between her legs as she began to tease her clit as the girl teased her on screen.
The girl's hands moved to her waist and she spun again sending her skirt fluttering around her waist. The first spin turned into a second and this time as she spun the skirt flew away from her body, leaving the bright red tie still hanging between her breasts as the only bit of color amidst the white lace of the bra and panties and white knee socks.
She continued to sway and grind as the music played. Her hands worked over her body cupping her crotch and running over her breast teasing and taunting at what lay beneath. She wasn't trying to complicate the moment by complicating the dance and instead focused on arousing her audience and it worked as she showed off the delicious combination of sexuality and innocence. Jasmine groaned as she continued to tease her clit her eyes glued to the screen before her as her slave danced just for her.
The song ended with the girl turned from the camera, legs spread wide, bent at the waist with her hands nearly on her ankles and Jasmine felt her mouth watering at sight of the tight ass just waiting under the confines of white lace.
The second song began with a simple acoustic guitar in a song Jasmine was unfamiliar with, but stirred something low inside her. The girl rose and swayed with the guitar and turned just as the man in the song began to sing. "Touched. You say that I am too," the man sang as she mouthed the words with them. She walked forward hips sway with the simple cords of the guitar lost in the music as she mouthed the words. Jasmine found herself staring hard at the girl's red lips mesmerized as they seemed to sing the words.
A chorus of female voices began chanting with the guitar and the girl's hands seemed to join in with the voices as the danced up and down her body trailing over her body and thighs. Not reaching to undo or remove any more clothing, but reminding the viewer of her sexuality and drawing the Jasmine in even further.
As the piano began, the girl once again turned away from the camera her hips still swaying with the guitar and her hands moved to her chest. Then as the piano began to pound and was joined in by a pounding of drums and other instruments, the girl exploded into a turn tearing the bra away from her breasts exposing her chest of creamy white flesh with the shocking strip of bright red tie landing in between her breasts.
The bra flew off with another spin and the girl was lost in the music eyes closed as she mouthed the words with her red, pouting lips letting her body move if not quite in rhythm with the music, along with it's boring sensuality.
She began moving forward getting closer to the camera than she had ever before as the song continued and leaned forward this time opening her eyes, her face taking up nearly the full screen and began mouthing the words again as the singer once again began to sing mouthing the words, "I looked into your eyes and saw a world that does not exist. I looked into your eyes and saw, a world I wished I was in," before pulling up and spinning away from the camera.
The instruments came up again and seemed to rush over Jasmine as her fingers teased over her clit her breathing coming in short pants of arousal as her eyes were intensely focused on the screen, just as the girl pulled at the panties as the tore away from her body leaving her fully exposed as she stopped her spin the creamy curves of her ass in the center of the screen.
She could just see the barest glimpse of the girl's sex between her legs as she bent forward grinding her ass towards the camera, her hands running down her thighs and cupping between her legs. The girl turned again, bringing her legs together as she did and letting one hand drop to cover her sex as she danced, the teasing turning on Jasmine even more than full exposure would have done.
Jasmine felt her orgasm growing closer as the girl continued to sway and grind but always managing to keep one hand or arm blocking the view of her crotch as she did so. Until finally all but the flutes cut away and she raised her hands slowly up her body revealing just the hit of her sex between her closed legs and her hands traced up her body and over her head and she swayed like a cobra to snake charmer's tune for those final few seconds before the music stopped and she let her hands drop to her sides and her head drop to her chest.
She held the pose for a few seconds more in the sudden quiet of the room before walking slowly and sensually towards the camera and leaning down towards it. "I hope that meets with your approval, Mistress," she said breathlessly and Jasmine noticed the light sheen of sweat that seemed to make the girl's skin glisten. I worked hard to listen to your comments and do something that would excite you. The girl smiled one last time and turned off the camera.
Jasmine shuddered through the last of her orgasm that had swept her up in an amazing rush as the song ended and stared at the dark screen. The girl certainly had taken her suggestions to heart and had practiced both her steps and prepared her clothes to break away when she needed them to. It was clear she had taken time to plan and practice the dance as well and how each little flash and tease had only added to the dance's eroticism. She was tempted to play the video again pulling out the balls and replacing them with her vibrator before bringing herself off to an even more powerful orgasm, but there was plenty of time left in the evening and she wanted to see what else her slave had made for her.
The second video started with a view of the girl's bedroom, but looking like it was in the midst of a science experiment. A plastic tarp covered the floor and a chair stood at either end of the tarp. Jasmine what was going to happen as her slave crawled on screen and kneeled before the camera smiling. "Hello, Mistress," she started with a beaming smile. "I've been reading a lot about self-bondage lately and it gave me a few ideas I wanted to try. It took me a few days to figure out how to do what I wanted to and to do it in a way that I could get out of in an emergency, but I think I have it all worked out. I'll explain as I set things up," she finished before crawling back off camera.
A moment later she walked back onto the screen struggling to carry what looked like a long cylinder of ice several inches thick with a string and what looked like a shower curtain rod, poking out of either end. "I made up this ice core using a four inch wide PVC pipe. It has a string running through it which I'm attaching one end to a carabineer, and the other end will be attached to a key." She set the rod down on the top of the two chairs balanced on the shower rod. She tied one end of the string on a carabineer on the end of a rope under one of the chairs and the other hung over the top of the other chair and she tied a key to it. "Now the room is hot and based on some math and practicing with another ice rod it should take most of the night for the ice to melt."
The girl moved to the floor in the middle of the tarp right under the ice. She next pulled out a small lockbox and put the scissors inside the box before locking it with a small pad lock. "The key will unlock this box," she said before putting the lockbox underneath the chair with the near the end of the string. She then used another string to tie the box to the carabineer as well. "The chairs have been secured with weights and ropes to keep them from shifting. They're not going to suddenly slip or break under the weight of the ice and have it fall on me. She reached under the far chair and pulled out another rope with a carabineer tied to the end which came out just a couple of inches past the end of the chair. Both ropes are attached to fifty pounds of my bother's weights. It won't make me immobile, but will make it hard to move much."
"What I'm going to do, Mistress," the girl said as she kneeled in the center of the tarp as cold water began to drip off of the ice over her, "is restrain my arms and legs as well as gag and blindfold myself. I'll attach the ropes around my legs and wrists to the carabineers to hold me in place as I sleep. During the night the ice will melt and by morning the string should be free. When my alarm goes off, I'll be able to pull the string to my hands and fight to undo the lock to get out the scissors. I did practice this Mistress to make sure I could do it. There is a spare key for the lock box on the weights at my hands and in a pinch I can turn over pull the weights forward and use that key to get loose." She briefly shifted the camera to show the weights and the key before putting it back to its starting position focusing on her sleeping spot.
"I've blocked off the window with a blanket so I can leave the lights on in my room tonight and give you a better view as well, Mistress." The girl shivered as a drop of icy cool water landed on her. "I hope you enjoy the show, Mistress. I've put a lot of thought in how to do this."
Jasmine had taken the time while the girl was explaining to remove the balls and slid in her vibrator as she watched the girl begin her preparations. She had pre-knotted the ropes and it only took her a moment to secure the loop around her legs and tighten it before securing it to the carabineer. Next she took her gag and secured it into her mouth and arranged the blindfold over her eyes. Jasmine wondered how the girl would get the rope around her arms tightened and secured, but it was clear the girl had been practicing as she deftly secured it around her wrists before lying down in the wet puddle that as forming and raising her hands over her head. It took her a few moments of struggling, but on her fourth attempt she was able to secure the rope around her wrists to the carabineer leaving her stretched out, blind and gagged under a slowly melting block of ice that was raining down ice water on her beautifully exposed naked body.
Jasmine sped up the playback as she watched the girl struggle to find a comfortable position on the floor as the water continued to drip down on her. The girl's skin was soon red and flush from the touch of the cold ice in the warm room and Jasmine sped up the vibrator pulsing away inside her as she continued to watch. She could just imagine being there watching the girl in person as she struggled under the cold and confinement. She could imagine calling the girl all kinds of names and tormenting her by spanking her breasts or sex. Adding clamps as the girl struggled or briefly leaning down and sucking on those exposed nipples and warming them for a moment with her mouth before moving and letting the next drip of ice fall on her body.
The girl never did look like she was able to get fully to sleep or comfortable as the video played on and the water puddled deeper around her sides, and Jasmine only found her arousal growing as the girl's suffering continued. The orgasm hit her as she imagine standing over the bound girl and asking if she wanted her Mistress to warm her up. She imagined the girl nodding desperately and instead of using a bucket to scoop some of the cold puddled water away from the girl, she shifted and let a stream of hot piss rain down on the girl. She imagined doing her best to guide the flow up and down the girl's bound body finishing by aiming for the girl's face and soaking her blindfold and gag, before moving away to let the girl contemplate her change in situation.
The orgasm made her groan loud and long as she shivered on the couch overcome with lust at the thought of the girl so fully in her power and control. Her toes curled as the orgasm finished racing through her body and almost with her next breath in, she felt a slight rush of shame at the thought of doing something so dirty. The buzzing of the vibrator and plug quickly washed the shame away leaving her wanting more as she turned her attention back to the video.
She slowed the video back to normal speed when the timestamp on the video was ten minutes before the girl's alarm clock went off. She had shifted some during the night, but her arms were still pulled above her head and she was bathed in the puddle of icy water. She'd pulled her legs up a little against the resistance of the weights, but it looked like it had done little to alleviate her suffering and Jasmine once again imagined what it would have been like to watch her suffer such torment in person.
Jasmine admired the girl's timing as a minute later the string finally broke free of the ice and fell with a small splash into the puddle. The girl didn't react though and the next few minutes passed slowly as the water continued to drip and the girl lay in her puddle.
When the alarm went off, Jasmine watched her jerk away and struggle for a moment against her bindings. It only lasted a moment and then her fingers began to quest for the string attached to the key. A minute later the key was in her hand and she was pulling the lockbox closer. Jasmine admired the girl's ability to work with her hands tied together, but it was clear the girl had practiced and enjoyed the bondage. The whole of her body was flushed red with cold and part of Jasmine yearned to be there to wrap a warm towel around the girl as she finished freeing herself to wipe the cold water from her body before carrying her into the bathroom for a hot shower to warm her through.
It took five minutes for the girl to get the key into the lock, the scissors out and cut through her bindings and Jasmine loved watching every minute of the girl's struggling. Watching the young, fit body writhe in their bounds began to make her heart race again as she wished she was there to make use of the helpless girl.
Once her hands were free, the girl quickly undid her legs and removed her gag and blindfold before turning to the camera with a smile. "W-w-well, Mi-mis-mistress," she said with a stutter as she shivered, "That was a bit colder than I expected." She gave the camera a half smile. "I-I Hope you enjoyed the show. I wish it would have been you to bind me and torment me. My body is yours to use as you please and I can't wait for the chance for you to use it again." She smiled one last time before reaching and turning off the camera.
Jasmine smiled at the thought of using the girl. The dungeon upstairs yearned to be used and she wanted to put the girl on the cross and spank her until she cried. She wanted to use the girl everyway her imagination could come up with and she wanted to make the girl beg for it all as she did it. Just the thought of the girl on her knees in the dungeon was enough to push her close to the edge of orgasm, but she stopped herself remembering there was one final video to watch.
The final video started with a similar view as the last. Once again the chairs and tarp took up the floor space of the girl's room and Jasmine wondered if she had another ice video in store. The girl crawled onto screen and smiled her infectious smile that made that low part of Jasmine's stomach turn in desire as she wondered what the girl had in mind this time. "Good afternoon, Mistress," the girl began as she knelt.
"Last night I did ice and before I took down the rig I wanted to put on a different show for you." She once again moved off screen before coming back on screen carrying a long PVC pipe. Five holes had been cut in the pipe along it length and the ends had notches cut in them, which fit over the back of the chairs. Next she slid a candle into each of the holes until around six inches of each candle stuck out.
I'm going to set my alarm for an hour after I light the candles and restrain myself under them. I'll then be stuck there as the wax drips off the candles to land on my exposed flesh." She shivered with delightful expectation and flashed the camera a mischievous smile. "I hope you enjoy, Mistress."
Jasmine shivered in anticipation of the show. She'd love to decorate the girl's body with wax. Not just the drips of a candle but to coat it like she'd seen in so many videos. She had to give it to the girl though, she was ingenious and inventive when it came to plans to do so many things on her own.
Jasmine watched at the girl secured her feet as she had the night before and then put the candles in their notches and slowly lit one after another. Each candle lit quickly, and the girl put the lighter aside before setting her clock. She secured her hands like she had the previously before lying down and reaching over her head and locking them into the carabineer. She hadn't gagged her blindfolded herself and Jasmine watched at the girl looked up at the candles entranced by their flames as the wax began to drip. The first candle was lined up with her thighs, with the second seeming to cross right over her mound. The third dripped over her stomach while the fourth dripped across her lower rib cage. Jasmine wasn't certain if it had been on purpose or a wonderful coincidence, but the final candle dropped its first drip right onto the girl's left breast.
Jasmine watched as the girl gasped and moaned with each drop of wax as they left a slow trail across her body. She savored each moan as the lines crept over the girl. She imagined squatting over the girl making the girl suck at her clit as the dripped wax down on the girl's naked milk white skin. The memory of it pushed her over the edge again and she screamed as she came as the vision the screen and the memory became one and it was once again her coating the girl with wax as she moaned in pleasure and desire.
The rest of the video was spent lost in pleasure as multiple orgasms set her body on fire and she could almost smell the girl's scent as the vivid memories we renewed and built higher by the video. The girl looked so good bound and coated and all she wanted to do was put that mouth to work licking and sucking her as the candles continued to torment her.
She hardly noticed at the video ended as she lay on the couch, exhausted and spent. Her body ached at the smell of sex filled the room. Jasmine barely heard her slave's last words before turning off the camera of, "I only wish it was you dripping the wax on me, Mistress." She was spent and weak and it took all she had to get up and move to clean up.
Part of her felt like she was moving through molasses as she cleaned up her dishes and transferred the videos off the disk and to her hidden hard drive. She knew she'd be watching the videos again soon, but it was best to clean up things before she forgot. When she finally made her way to bed, she hit the pillow with a heavy thud and was asleep within a minute.
Jasmine sat on the couch in her play room with a book open before her as she wrapped the rope around the back of her chair and tried to figure out how to get the rope to work like the picture showed it. The videos that her slave had included had gotten her imagination going and she was interested in figuring out how to do some more elaborate bondage. It wasn't going well as she had only a chair to practice on and she was trying to figure out something else she could possibly use to tie the rope around.
She'd woken up that morning with a pleasurable ache radiating through her body that only good and multiple orgasms left her with. She'd brought herself off twice more that morning as she thought back on her slave's striptease and bondage play and ache to do those same things with her when she finally got the chance. She'd written the girl a message and posted it that morning complimenting the girl on not only her dancing, which had been amazing and highly arousing, but on her creativity with the bondage, ice and wax. In the clear of the morning she wondered how the girl had gotten the materials she had needed for the tasks without her mom getting suspicious, but she was sure the girl had been careful and wouldn't do anything to make her parents suspicious.
The video made her crave the girl more than ever and wanted desperately to get the girl into her dungeon to see just what the girl could take. She still had no idea how she could make that happen and had no idea how to disguise the girl's bruises if they really got to playing. Covering up a bruised ass by saying she slipped while shoveling the walk was one thing, but trying it again or leaving bruises elsewhere might grab someone's attention. Biting the girl's breast also hadn't been a great idea, and she was glad the girl hadn't had anyone notice that either. The problem infuriated her and had led her to trying out the bondage on a chair just to try it on something.
She was on the verge of giving up and getting ready for the Christmas party that night when the phone rang. "Hello," she answered with a slight growl as she pushed the chair and ropes away.
"I catch you at a bad time, Jazz?" Laura asked through the phone and Jasmine smiled at the sound of her friend's voice.
"No, I was just trying to figure out some rope work on a chair and it wasn't working out too well. I'm thinking of maybe breaking down and buying a higher end sex doll to practice on, but I just don't know where to keep it. Besides I think I might be too embarrassed to order it."
"You know there is something better than a sex doll to practice bondage on, Jazz?"
"Really?" she asked perking up.
"Yeah. It is called a real person! What ever happened to the woman out there you were interested in?"
Jasmine sighed as she tried to figure out a good answer. "Still working things out there."
"I see," Laura replied dubiously. "I might have another solution for you though."
"And what is that?"
"Do you have any plans for New Year's Eve?"
Jasmine sighed, "Well usually Will and I would join our friends and rent a ski lodge for a few days around there and spend New Year's Eve with them."
"You go skiing?" she could hear the rising mirth in her friend's voice.
"I ski a little," Jasmine state flatly. "Mostly I enjoy the hot tub and spending time with friends."
"How do you manage the-"
"I just do!" Jasmine said firmly cutting her friend off. She could hear the laughter about to break through.
"Remember the senior ski trip?" Laura said the laughter starting to come out.
"I'd rather not," Jasmine replied as she tried to sound firm even as she felt the blush creeping up her neck at the memory.
"You and-" Laura's words broke off in a bout of giggling. "On the- Then it just- And then you- And then you- All over!" Jasmine's face was burning as her friend had dissolved entirely into a fit of laughter. "Everyone called you-" another fit of laughter. "The rest of the trip until you punched Alan Jefferies in the face breaking his nose!" Another fit of laughter over took her friend and Jasmine ground the fingers of her hand into her palm as she contemplated hanging up on her friend. It wasn't exactly her favorite memory and she had worked hard to try and forget it. It was one of the few stories from her life that she had never told Will and she swore she'd go to her grave before anyone else found out the story. Now she wondered if she'd have to send Laura to her grave to keep her from sharing it.
"What do you want, Laura?" She said firmly trying to regain control of the conversation.
Laura continued to laugh for another couple of minutes before regaining control of herself and replying. "Have you heard of Saint Andrew's?"
Jasmine thought for a moment as she tried to place the name. "Isn't that the name of the S&M club in the big city?"
"What about it?"
"Well every year, they throw a huge New Year's party and I happen to have a pair of tickets. I was wondering if you wanted to be my date for the evening."
Jasmine thought about the offer for a moment. To be honest, she wasn't looking forward to the ski trip. She had never enjoyed skiing or the cold that much and the thought of spending New Year's with all of their couple friends while she was alone, wasn't exactly the most pleasant of thoughts. And she was curious about what Saint Andrew's was like. "What goes on at this party?"
"Well it is a lot like their usual nights, with more demonstrations on the stages, and more food. Everything is open for anyone to use and everyone dresses, or well undresses in their best kink wear. It is an amazing atmosphere and one of their biggest nights of the year."
Jasmine perked up at the thought of the party and doing something different. "Sounds like it could be fun. Sounds like more fun than the ski lodge at the very least."
"And if you come over for Christmas, I'll let you practice your rope bondage on me. I promise I'm much more flexible than any chair or sex doll," Laura purred.
The words sent a thrill through Jasmine and she imagined Laura in some of the poses and bindings she'd read about and seen pictures of in her book. "And this New Year's party, would I be going as your date, or your friend, or as your Domme?"
"Well it isn't the kind of party I would take just a friend to, and if you're going as my date, you might as well be my Domme and then I could-" Laura cut herself off and went quiet.
"Could what, Laura?"
"I just think it would be nice to be seen and shown off as someone's submissive."
Jasmine thought about the statement for a second before she replied. "Cynthia is going to be there with her girlfriend isn't she?"
"Yes," Laura confessed. "And having her see me on your arm, or better yet, at your feet, would make her burn with jealousy."
"You sound a bit bitter there, babe."
"She fucked crazy!" Laura exclaimed. "She could have had just about anyone else. Given me a heads up she had found someone to go home with for the evening and done so no problem, but she chose to fuck crazy. She kept her job. She kept the apartment. I had to move and change jobs when she's the one who screwed up! I deserve to be a bit bitter over this. I just want to make her kick herself for screwing things up."
"She kept the apartment because you chose to move out, Laura. You told me you left without ever confronting her about it. You didn't have to lose your job; you chose to transfer to get away. You have a right to be mad, but you can't blame her because her life didn't change and yours did. You made those choices all on your own." Jasmine tried to sound reasonable as she talked to her friend. If she had ever caught Will cheating on her, she wouldn't have been the one moving out and looking for a new job, so it was a little hard for her to feel sympathy for Laura being upset over her self-imposed exile.
She heard her friend sigh through the phone. "You're right, Jazz, but had I stayed and confronted her about it, I don't know if I would have been able to still leave. We were together for long enough for her to know all the right buttons to push to get me to do what she wanted. Had I stayed, and tried to kick her out instead, she would have manipulated things until I thought the break-up was all my fault and then after a few months of making sure I saw her out and happy, she would have manipulated me into believing I should be grateful she was willing to take me back. When it comes to her, Jazz, I can't help it. I don't even want to risk going to the party without someone to keep me inline otherwise I'm too likely to end up back on her leash," she confessed her voice growing smaller and smaller as she talked.
Jasmine was surprised to hear the fear in her friend's voice. It wasn't how she ever thought of Laura. Even remembering Laura naked submitting to her, it was hard to think she would allow herself to be so emotionally manipulated by another person. Love did strange things to people though and she had to look no further than her current situation to realize that.
"Well it does sound more interesting than a ski trip with a bunch of couples."
"Stay at my place after Christmas, and I can guarantee you'll get laid more than would on the ski trip as well."
"You going to be my slave girl for the week then?"
"I'll let you fulfill your every desire and satisfy any curiosity you might have," Laura replied in a breathy whisper. "You want to try it, all you have to do is ask and we'll make it happen."
"Even-," Jasmine began before stopping herself briefly flashing back to the thought she had had of standing over Julie while she'd been bound in the water.
"Even?" Laura replied with an amused quirk in her voice. "My, my now you have me curious as to what dirty little thought is going through your mind. But I will tell you now, I can almost guarantee even that. I am a very good slave girl and I so do love to please my Mistress." Her voice had turned into a soft purr. "Won't you be my Mistress for New Year's?"
Jasmine felt that low turning inside her as her pulse pounded. She could have fun with Laura for the week. If she worked hard before Christmas, she could get all her grading done before she left to see her parents leaving her the week to experiment and play capped off by the chance to go to a fetish party. It was a difficult offer to say no to. "How could I say no to such a tempting and delightful offer?" she purred back. "I have so many toys I have yet to try and here you are offering me the chance to try them all."
"Should I take that as I yes, Mistress?"
"Yes. I'll spend Christmas and maybe the day after at my parents, and then the rest of the week, you'll be mine."
"Mmmmm. I can't wait to find out what even is," Laura purred.
Jasmine flushed she didn't know if she'd be able to admit to even much less do it. There were plenty of other things she wanted to try though and a week to experiment was what she needed. "I'm sure we'll have plenty of fun. I need to go though. I've got a Christmas party tonight I need to start getting ready for."
"Sounds like fun, Jazz. I'll talk to you later and I'm looking forward to seeing you. Thank you for going to the party with me. I couldn't do it on my own."
"Thanks for inviting me. I really wasn't looking forward to the ski trip this year anyways. I'll talk to you later."
"You're a lousy skier anyways. An excellent spanker though."
Jasmine laughed as she hung up the phone. She was smiling and the long winter break was looking considerably better than it had. She'd been trying to find an excuse to avoid the ski trip since she'd put down her part of the deposit a month ago. There had been a dozen reasons not to go, but she hadn't been able to think of one her friends would have thought was her doing anything but avoiding William's ghost, which if she was honest what was behind most of them. This was at least a legitimate reason even if she couldn't tell most people what kind of party she had been invited to.
She stretched as she got to her feet and struggled to get the ropes untangled from around the chair. She finally managed to get the last of the rope untangled and neatly wrapped up and tossed it back into its compartment with the other unused ropes and toys and went to get ready for the party that night.
"What do you mean you're not going on the ski trip?" Stacey asked as the stood talking in a corner of Harrison's living room as people mingled and talked through the room. The room was packed and it had been hard to find a quiet spot to talk in. She had wanted to tell Stacey the news first because she could tell her the whole truth and hopefully understand enough to keep everyone else from trying to make her change her mind.
"Can you really blame me, Stacey? I'd be the only single person there, and I don't really like skiing. Not to mention what I will get to do, if I take Laura up on her offer. I know it is late notice, and if you can't get someone to pay my share of the cabin, I'll still cover it, but I'm not missing out on this chance."
"So what, a libidinous orgy of sexual fantasies is more interesting than a couple of days skiing with your friends." Stacey paused for a moment after that statement. "Hmm. When I put it like that, I think I'd skip out on the skiing too. Does your friend have any other spare tickets?"
Jasmine laughed and knew Stacey was on her side. She knew even before asking that Stacey would have supported her, but having the support acknowledged helped. "Sorry I think she just had the one spare and you aren't getting my ticket."
"So what are you going to tell everyone else? It isn't like you can tell them the truth."
"Sure I can. I can tell them that an old friend invited me to a big New Year's party in the big city and I couldn't pass up the offer."
Stacey shook her head, "Half of them won't believe it. They'll think you're cutting out to avoid the cabin without Will and that you're sinking back into your hermit ways again."
"That's why I'm telling you first. You can back me up."
"You mean those that won't just think you lied to me first and I bought your lie. It isn't like I can go into detail on why this party you're going to is better than our party and why you'd rather go with this old friend than your current ones."
"And if they think I'm doing it because of Will, that's fine. I was already considering lying about it and saying I was sick to avoid going. I can't face a cabin full of happy couples for two days. Just because I'm starting to move on, doesn't mean I don't miss him. This way I'm not brooding, sulking and hiding at home, and I'm getting out and being social as well as getting more relationship experience," Jasmine explained.
"So you're dating Laura now?"
"No, of course not." She paused for a moment. "Well not really. I'm getting more experience in my role as a domme and getting used to the idea of being seen in public with a woman. I still can't imagine telling most of my friends that fact, but sooner or later I'm going to need to, and I need to be more comfortable with myself when that time comes." Jasmine blushed as she finished the sentence. No one was listening, but she still imagined everyone in the room had heard her and knew her secrets.
"Fine, I'll back up your story. You knew I would anyways. I understand why you don't want to go and I understand why you want to go with Laura. But the ski trip won't be the same without you. Who am I going to laugh at as they try to ski? Without you there, I'm officially the worst skier on the trip."
Jasmine gave her a hard look. "You'll somehow manage to live being the butt of all the ski jokes for one year. At least I never broke a bone while skiing."
"I still maintain that tree moved," Stacey said defiantly.
"Sure blame the Ents, but I can't even support you on that one," Jasmine replied finishing her drink. "Now let's socialize before people think me hiding in a corner is hermit like and they come to drag me out by force."
Stacey nodded as she finished her drink and they made their way into the main flow of the party.
The bell rang to end fifth period and Jasmine slumped into her desk and rubbed her temples to try and ease some of the headache that was pounding in her skull. It was only a half day of school, but it already seemed like it had gone on twice as long as normal. All her students seem convinced that break had started days earlier and the hard-fought time she'd worked to get them in the computer lab to work on their papers had been wasted by the vast majority of them. She'd been fielding emails and calls for two days from parents wondering why she'd had such an important assignment due before break and wondering if she could just give their child until after break to turn it in with no consequences. One had been so upset at her explanation that papers turned in after break would be docked thirty percent, even after she pointed out to the parent she'd sent a letter home with the student at Thanksgiving about the paper and the consequences, she'd called the principal to complain. The principal had supported Jasmine, but the half hour spent in the office this morning had not been pleasant.
Most of the students had managed to get their papers turned in to her that day, but not without way too much complaining, snide comments, and a few sidelong dirty looks. When the third student of the day swore to her he'd have it emailed to her by the end of the day, she'd been tempted to scream, but instead managed to just take a deep breath and remind him that still made it late and he'd be deducted. When he'd complained she'd simply handed him the detention slip and wrote on it, "Merry Christmas!"
There was a knock on the door and Jasmine got up to let Julie in the classroom. She tried to remind herself as she walked across the cold portable that she should be back in her classroom by the start of the new semester, but she'd walked by the construction earlier in the day and she highly doubted they would be finished before the spring. She pushed the door open to let Julie in and made her way back to her desk without turning around, she needed to dig the Tylenol out of her desk drawer.
"Rough day, Mrs. LeBlac?" Julie asked as she took her normal seat and dug a book out of her backpack.
Jasmine looked up at the beautiful girl as she swallowed the pills and took a long drink of water. The girl was gorgeous and the image of her bound to the floor with hot wax dripping down on her was enough to make Jasmine smile.
The girl had replied to her message complimenting her dancing and bondage shows with enthusiastic joy at the praise and asking if she could once again watch dirty videos again. She'd also explained that the PVC piping she had used had been left over from the year before from a science experiment of her bothers and she'd asked him if she could use it. He hadn't cared and her parents weren't likely to ever ask about it either. The hardest part, the girl had explained in her message, was carrying the ice filled tubes up the stairs and then getting the ice out.
She had replied to the girl informing she was free to watch dirty videos again and as a reward for the other videos, she could have the week of unlimited orgasms she'd been denied before. She'd also told the girl that over the winter break there would be no rules enforced as they would both likely be busy with family and other events to try and worry about other factors. It did include a reminder that her soccer training and diet couldn't be ignored.
A final message from the girl had expressed just how happy she'd been with the rewards as she gratefully thanked her again and again and promised if possible a special video after the break. Jasmine hoped things worked out so she'd get to see the video, everything the girl did seemed to drive her wild.
"Tell me, Julie," Jasmine began as she broke out of her memories, "do you do any homework over break?"
Jasmine could hear the girl stifle a laugh at the question as she smiled. "I might read a little, but what kind of teacher assigns work over break? Most people are too busy to think about homework and who would want to ruin a break by doing homework. Even worse, what kind of teacher would want to ruin a break by assigning homework?"
"Exactly. No one is going to work on a paper over break. No one is going to go to the library and do all the research they haven't done in the last month. If I set a due date for a project after a long break I know that if I am lucky one if fifty students is even likely to remember they had a project due much less get anything done on it. Not to mention how long it takes me to grade papers. If I get it done over a break, then I can spread it out a little and actually get it done over the break. If I wait until after break, it is going to take me twice as long and I'll have to spend every evening reading papers as I get asked everyday by the same students who couldn't bother to turn the paper in before break, why is it taking me so long to get the papers graded and into the computer." Jasmine ranted making Julie laugh as she turned and looked at the five stacks of research papers waiting to be collected at the end of the day.
"We've been working on this paper since we got back from Thanksgiving break in my freshman classes and my other students have known they've had a paper due for just as long. They all had their project topics chosen and even my juniors had a letter go home with them to remind them of the importance of this assignment. I arranged to do these projects before January so the students wouldn't have to worry about them as they worried about finals in all their other classes. I thought I was being nice by getting the major project for at least one of their classes out of the way before break, but I guess I was wrong." Julie laughed again as Jasmine threw her hands up in the air in frustration.
The laugh eased a little of the tension Jasmine felt growing in her neck and shoulders. It was good to know someone found the situation funny. And the situation could have been worse. It had been a long couple of weeks and if she were honest most of the students hadn't been bad as they worked on their papers. It just certainly seemed like those that were complaining or causing problems were doing so louder and with more enthusiasm than in past years. In less than thirty minutes, school would be done and she could let all the stress go and she could avoid her email for the next two weeks. Any parent complaints could wait until the new year.
"I'm sorry, Julie. You shouldn't have to listen to me rant over things like this. I shouldn't be saying stuff like that around you either. It has just been a few days and I am ready for break," she declared. "What about you, Julie? When do you dad and brother get home for break? Are you going to see you mom before Christmas?"
"My brother is driving home tonight. He just finished his finals and is looking to be as far away from school as possible. My dad should be home tomorrow. He says he's made plans for the week after Christmas that will be fun and surprising, but he hasn't said more than that." She paused for a second as she thought about it, "I'm still hoping for Disneyland."
Jasmine laughed. "Well I hope you get your wish. What about your mom?"
Julie let out a little sigh. "We are going to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas at my grandparents. She's supposed to be in town on those days, but when I talked to her yesterday, she mentioned that one of her other stores is having a major problem with a manager. She didn't go into detail, but for her to say that this close to the holiday, it might be one of those situations where he's about to get fired for a massive screw up and she'll have to be there for the pre- and post-Christmas rush."
Jasmine's heart ached for the girl. She could see how much she was missing her mother and family in general and there wasn't much she could do to help. "I hope she's able to make it home, Julie. At least you get to see your dad though. I'm sure he's bound to have some interesting stories to share."
Julie sighed again, "Yeah, but stories of rebel fighting and innocent people suffering, don't exactly make for fun Christmas sharing." Jasmine blushed as she felt like she'd put her foot in it forgetting that Julie's dad was off in Syria this time and not doing a nature shoot somewhere. "I mean he always has funny stories of what the journalists and the like are doing to kill time in the hotel, but then you remember everything else and it loses some of the funniness."
Jasmine thought for a moment before replying. Part of her wanted to walk around the desk and pull the girl into her arms and hug her close and remind her that she was there for her and cared for her, but she didn't think it was the right time to remind the girl about a relationship she had to keep secret and wouldn't have any interactions with for the next couple of weeks at least. "Well then I'm sure after all of that, he's looking forward to doing something fun and silly as anyone could be. Disneyland might be on the itinerary after all."
"Hopefully," she said brightening a little with a smile. "Then again, considering it is my dad, he could be planning a weeklong camping trip in Alaska where we are staying at some out of the way cabin some bush pilot friend of his has to fly us into with all the supplies we'll need for the week, so we can have a week of quiet family togetherness at. I think he forgets the last time he did something like that, my brother and I were trying to kill each other within two days. He actually locked me out of the cabin at one point! Without my mom to keep him in check he might be taking this as an opportunity to do some freelance nature shooting."
Jasmine could see the smile on the girl's face as she spoke. She could tell that while it might not have been her first choice to spend a week camping, the thought of a week with family anywhere was going to be fun. "Well I'm sure you'll make the best of it no matter where you end up. And this time, if you end up at a cabin, be preemptive and lock your bother out first," she replied with a wink.
Julie laughed as the bell rang and she jumped up to get her stuff together. "I'll do that, Mrs. LeBlanc. You have a fun break as well. Don't drive yourself crazy grading papers. Get out and have some fun with your family and friends as well."
"Oh I plan on it, Julie," she said with a sly smile. "Enjoy your break and have fun wherever you end up." Julie waved over her shoulder as she made her way to the door with a little bounce in her step as she rushed into two weeks of freedom from school.
Jasmine smiled as the girl left and relaxed back into her seat. She wished Julie the best for the holidays and certainly hoped her dad had something more interesting than a weeklong camping trip to some backwoods cabin planned. She smiled at the thought of her post-Christmas plans and all the things she wanted to try with Laura that she could then try on Julie at some point, when she finally noticed the small box wrapped in shiny red wrapping paper sitting on Julie's desk.
Stunned, Jasmine sat there a moment longer before getting up to retrieve the gift. She hadn't thought to get the girl anything as either or TA or slave and she was kicking herself for the oversight. She'd find a way to make it up to the girl after break, but even if she did that, the girl would know she'd been forgotten by the woman she adored. She felt like an idiot.
She carefully picked up the small box and examined it. Whatever was in it was light and Jasmine carried the small package back to her seat with reverence. She took care to carefully unwrap the small box putting the paper to the side as she did. The lid came off with the same careful reverence and Jasmine looked down into the box and saw the simple gold chain sitting atop a small card.
Jasmine pulled the simple gold chain out of the box and saw the simple gold heart hanging from it. The gold winked briefly in the overhead lights as she studied it hanging from her hand and she smiled at the thoughtfulness of the girl. Looking down, she saw the note and pulled it from the box. It was only a line, but as she read it a tear came to her eye.
Dear Mistress,
This way you can always carry my heart with you.
Love, j
Jasmine wiped away the tear and put the note down before undoing the clasp on the necklace and sliding it around her neck and securing it in place. It rested just next to Will's wedding band on her chest and she clenched both through her shirt for a moment as more tears rolled down her face. She hadn't expected anything from the girl, especially something so thoughtful, and she tried to wipe away the tears before anyone came knocking on her door frantically trying to turn in a paper or wish her happy holidays. She gave the necklace one last squeeze and put the package and note in her bag before gathering up everything else she needed for the break and getting ready to leave for the break.
She knew she'd have to make it up to the girl when they got back from break, but she didn't have a clue what she could get her yet. Something would come to mind by then. She hoped at least.
With a final sigh, Jasmine picked up the thick stack of papers she needed to grade and made her way to the door. She was looking forward to the break and hopefully there would be plenty of time for fun and experimentation with Laura after Christmas. With that thought, she shut off the lights and made her way out of the room for two weeks of freedom.