Punished Wife - Chapter 2

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    Sherry stood un­der the hot jets of wa­ter for nearly half an hour. She slid her hands up and down her flesh, wash­ing away the sticky cum from her tits and her ass. She felt sore. Her lips were puffy and she could hardly touch her as­shole. She hadn‘t been fucked in the ass for over two years, just be­fore she got mar­ried. Her old boy­friend used to do it to her all the time. But her hus­band Dan was old fash­ioned about sex. He never ate her cunt but he made her suck him off all the time. That, and reg­u­lar in and out fuck­ing, was all she got from him.

    Now as she showered un­der the wa­ter she couldn‘t help be­ing ex­cited again. She thought of how the two guards had forced her to strip. And then she thought of the pic­tures she was forced to pose for. Tak­ing it in the mouth, and on her tits. It was good for her, she thought. Good to have dif­fer­ent men us­ing her body. After all, she was still only twenty-one. She needed more than one man, she told her­self.
    With the suds run­ning down her body, Sherry felt re­laxed and warm. She fingered her slit, stick­ing her hand in and out of her cunt, un­til she came all over, and her hot juices ran down her.
    She dried her­self and got dressed. Then she waited for Dan to come home from the real es­tate of­fice. She didn‘t know too much about his job. All she knew was that he made a lot of money. He worked about six days a week, and some­times at night too.
    Here she was, a pampered house­wife with everything she could want. A mod­ern house, a swim­ming pool, and plenty of cash. And she‘d been caught shoplift­ing. For a thrill, she told her­self, but she ended up get­ting more thrills than she coun­ted on. Her hus­band would never for­give her if he found out what she did.
    So when he came home from work she was ex­tra nice to him. Maybe too nice. „Is some­thing wrong?“ he said, sit­ting in the liv­ing room, watch­ing tele­vi­sion. „You‘re act­ing kind of strange.
    „Wrong?“ she said. „No, noth­ing‘s wrong.“ But even as she spoke she thought of the two hard cocks that filled her with cum earlier in the day. And it was turn­ing her on. She hardly even listened to Dan for the rest of the night as she drif­ted off into fantas­ies about the two guards from the store.
    Dan was still good look­ing. He had blond curly hair, a trim atheltic build, and a hand­some face. But now, even though she was aroused, it wasn‘t be­cause of him.
    After an hour they went into the bed­room. She stripped off her clothes and then lay down on the bed and watched his cock grow as she spread her legs. Sherry pre­ten­ded that it was one of the guards kneel­ing between her thighs, pok­ing at her cunt with his hard prick. He put all of his weight down on her and pressed his hairy chest against her huge tits. Her nipples grew hard as she rubbed against him, and her hips churned up and down on the bed. Rape, she thought. She was be­ing raped. Held down, forced to take it in her pussy.
    „Oh­h­hhh, fuck it, „she said. „Fuck it!“
    He drove his prick in and out really fast, mak­ing wet slosh­ing sounds with each stroke. It throbbed and pulsed in­side of her as it grew longer and longer, filling her, rap­ing her. And then she couldn‘t hold back any longer. She shuddered and then poured her cum all over his prick. It splashed out of her and drenched the thick hard meat. She whimpered and moaned, still pre­tend­ing it was one of the guards rap­ing her, fuck­ing the hell out of her.
    When the frenzy of or­gasm slid away she opened her eyes and saw Dan star­ing at her. He plunged his prick in and out of her, mech­an­ic­ally. It wasn‘t enough for her any­more. She wanted to feel his cock tear her apart. She wanted him to treat her like a slave.
    Sherry pushed him off of her.
    „What‘s go­ing on?“ he asked. „What‘s the mat­ter?“ She turned over on her stom­ach and then got on her hands and knees. She cupped her huge tits, squeez­ing and maul­ing the milky flesh. Then she wiggled her ass for him, rolling it up and down in a cir­cu­lar mo­tion. „Put it in there,“ she said. „Put it in my ass.“ His hard prick dangled in the air and she could see wet drips slid­ing out of the tip. She wanted his cock­meat in her as­shole, fuck­ing away at her tight open­ing, rip­ping her apart. But his face held a look of shock.
    „Sherry, come on, you know I don‘t like that.“ She rocked her hips back and forth. Then she grabbed his wet cock. Her hand slid up and down the shaft, pump­ing it. „Stick it in my as­shole,“ she said. „Fuck me in the ass.“ She led his prick to her hole and then rammed it against her soft skin.
    Sherry knew he didn‘t want to do it, but it was the only way she wanted it. He real­ized how bad she needed it, and he knew that she wouldn‘t get him off any way. He pressed against her and poked the thick knob into her hole.
    „Uh­h­hhh,“ Sherry groaned. „It‘s so hard, baby, it‘s so fuck­ing hard.“ He pushed it in a few more inches. The swollen flesh burned in­side of her, tear­ing and prod­ding her, mak­ing her hole get wider and wider.
    „More,“ she said. „More. Put it in there, baby, put it all the way in.“
    „Sherry!“ he gasped. „We gotta stop. I don‘t like this. I never did it this way.“
    Be­fore he could do any­thing she pressed back against him and trapped his prick with her tight hole. It sloshed all the way into her butt, im­pal­ing her, pin­ning her with all those stiff inches of flesh. She fucked him as hard as she could, push­ing and pulling, buck­ing up and down on the bed with his cock em­bed­ded in her as­shole.
    As her hands ran over her tits she pre­ten­ded it was the guard again, the older one, pin­ning her down, rap­ing her, for­cing it into her as­shole. That‘s all that turned her on now. She had to be forced into sex, forced to wor­ship hard cock.
    „Oh­hhh, ah­hhh, fuck me, baby, fuck me. Come in my ass. Fill me with your hot cum!“ Dan poun­ded away at her as­shole. She moved so fast against him that he couldn‘t pull away from her. She knew she was giv­ing him too much pleas­ure to stop. And then she felt the first spurt of cream shoot into her ass. It was thick and hot as it spattered against the end of her tun­nel. Then jets of se­men squir­ted into her as­shole, filling it with sticky gobs. It dripped out of her ass and ran down her thighs while his hairy nuts slapped away at her skin.
    „Oh, it‘s so good,“ she said. „So fuck­ing good. I love it in the ass. I love it. Fill me, fuck me with it. Squirt it into me, baby. It feels so good!“ Sherry rocked up and down on the bed, tug­ging on his hard spit­ting shaft with her tight hole. She fucked him un­til every last drop of cum was in­side her.
    She didn‘t want it to end, but as soon as he stopped spurt­ing into her ass he pulled his wet prick out of her. And then he rolled over onto his back. He didn‘t say a word to her. She knew he was up­set, that he didn‘t like this kind of sex. But at the same time sherry knew that she had to have it.
    It had been build­ing up in­side of her for a long time. The de­sire for wild and rough sex was at the sur­face now, brought out by the way the two guards treated her in the of­fice earlier today.
    She still loved Dan, but he was too straight for her when it came to sex. It was just that she needed more than he could give her. While she lay there in the bed she thought about the guards and how they were black­mail­ing her. She knew she would do any­thing they wanted her to, just to keep them from telling Dan. That would hurt him too much.
    Forced into sex, she thought. That was the best way. She thought about Steve and Al, even as her hus­band slept be­side her. And she slid her hand down between her legs, fin­ger­ing her juicy slit. She moved her fin­gers in and out, rub­bing her swollen clit, then stick­ing them way in­side of her pussy. After she drenched her fin­gers with more hot drip­ping cum, Sherry closed her eyes and drif­ted off into sleep.
    When she woke up in the morn­ing, Dan was already gone to work. Usu­ally he woke her up so they could have break­fast to­gether, but today he didn‘t. She knew he was still mad at her be­cause of what she made him do last night. He was so strange when it came to sex, she thought. So afraid of ex­per­i­ment­ing. And now, that was just what Sherry lived for.
    For the next two days Dan didn‘t even touch her. Sherry was horn­ier than hell, but she didn‘t make an is­sue of it. She fingered her­self whenever she felt the urge. But it just wasn‘t the same as the real thing. There was some­thing miss­ing. Hot cum, she thought. Hot sticky cum gush­ing into her mouth and her ass.
    Wed­nes­day af­ter­noon, after she‘d been out in the swim­ming pool for a couple of hours try­ing to get more of a tan, Sherry heard the phone ringing. She had a drink in her hand when she picked it up. When she heard the harsh voice on the line she al­most choked on the li­quor.
    It was Steve.
    „Hello, sweetie,“ he said.
    „Who‘s this?“ she said, pre­tend­ing not to re­cog­nise his voice.
    „You for­get things real fast, bitch,“ Steve said. „Just the other day you had my prick up your ass. Re­mem­ber me now?“
    „What do you want?“ she said. She was afraid now. Her voice was shrill, laced with fear. For a while she‘d been fan­tas­iz­ing that the guards called her, that they brought her down for an­other ses­sion, but now on the phone she sud­denly felt afraid. She no longer felt safe in her own home.
    „Listen, Sherry,“ he said. „It‘s my day off, you know. And me and a couple of my bud­dies are just hanging around.“
    „So? What‘s it to me?“ Sherry said.
    „Listen, you stu­pid cunt. Don‘t play any games with me. I want to see your fuck­ing lips wrapped around my cock, honey, and we‘re com­ing over now.“
    „No!“ Sherry said. „You can‘t. My hus­band‘s com­ing home soon.“
    „Don‘t give me that shit,“ Steve said. „He‘s work­ing, honey. We checked up on him. So you just sit tight. My friends are dy­ing to meet you.“ He hung up the phone.
    Sherry stared at it for a while. She didn‘t know what to do. The neigh­bors were real nosy, and if all of a sud­den they saw some guys com­ing to her house there would be a lot of talk. But there was noth­ing she could do. No way she could keep him from com­ing over. All Steve had to do was show the pic­tures to her hus­band, and then it would be all over for her.
    She went into the kit­chen and fixed her­self an­other drink. This time she made it a double shot of whis­key. She would need it, just to settle her nerves. By the time the door­bell rang she was on her fourth drink. She tossed it down her throat and felt the hot burn­ing sen­sa­tion as it went down.
    Then she stumbled through the house and opened the front door.
    Sherry was still in her bathing suit, a skimpy red bikini that hardly covered her full ripe flesh, and she knew it was a mis­take. As soon as Steve saw her in the re­veal­ing out­fit he laughed and said, „I told you she was a hot piece of ass. Look at the bitch“‘
    The two men with him laughed. They looked her over like she was a piece of meat. They were about the same age as Steve, prob­ably about twenty-five or so. One of them was a tall skinny red­head named Jack. The other was short and stocky with curly black hair. His name was Mark. And all three of them were ready for ac­tion. Their eyes swept up and down her body un­til she had to turn away from them.
    Steve ran a fin­ger around the bikini top. Then he yanked it down. Her huge tits flopped out into the open. „Take a look boys. Just ready for some good fuck­ing. Aren‘t you honey? Yeah, you want to feel some hard dick on these tits of yours!“ He cupped both of her tits and lif­ted them up and down. His thumbs pressed hard into her nipples while his fin­gers clawed at her tender flesh.
    She wanted to run from them. But where? They‘d closed the door be­hind them. And be­sides, it felt good. The pain from his grasp­ing fin­gers made her crotch feel nice and wet. And the way the other two guys stared at her huge jig­gling mounds of bare flesh really turned her on. She could tell they were go­ing to give her a good workover.
    „Get us some­thing to drink, honey,“ Steve said.
    Sherry just stood there. She thought of protest­ing, just to show them that she could stand up to thin. But then he twis­ted her wrist and pushed her to­wards the kit­chen. „Move it, slut.“
    She went out to the kit­chen and picked up the bottle of whis­key. It was half gone, and as she staggered back into the other room she really felt the ef­fects of it. She was tired and felt dizzy. But the wet feel­ing in her cunt drove her crazy.
    „Here you are,“ she said hand­ing the bottle to Steve. He took a long sip and then passed it to the other guys.
    „Give me some head, baby,“ Jack said.
    Sherry got down on her knees right away. She didn‘t want to ar­gue with them. Right now all she wanted to do was feel some hard prick in her mouth.
    She un­zipped his jeans and then reeled out his long prick. It was soft when she took it into her mouth, but after a few sucks it began to grow and throb. He rocked his hips back and forth, send­ing his shaft down into her throat. Sherry looked up at him. He was drink­ing the whis­key again, not even look­ing at her. His cock hanging half way out of her mouth. She grabbed the hard meat and jerked it off, pulling it into her lips and suck­ing on it. The taste of his cock really got to her. The musty odor drove her crazy.
    „I told you she was a hot bitch“ Steve said. „Look at her suck that meat.“ Sherry bobbed her head back and forth while she blew Jack. Over and over his long prick stabbed into her mouth, filling her cheeks with wet stiff flesh.
    „We got a treat for you today, baby,“ Steve said.
    „Yeah,“ Mark said. „We‘re go­ing to have a real good time.“ He took the black leather belt out of his pants and dangled it in the air. „Know what I mean, baby?“
    She stared at the belt and then at the hard look in his eyes. She was scared now. She knew what they wanted to do to her. She pulled Jack‘s prick out of her mouth and tried to get away.
    „Not so fast, honey,“ Jack said. „You‘re not done yet.“ He grabbed her red hair and twis­ted it in his hands, pulling her back in front of him. When she opened her mouth to scream in pain, he stuffed his prick into her lips. „Now suck it, you whore,“ he said.
    While she ate his cock she looked around. Steve and Mark had their pants un­zipped and their hard cocks stuck straight out. Mark knelt down be­side her and then yanked her bikini top really hard. The skimpy ma­ter­ial ripped and then her big tits bobbled in the air. „Ahhh, yeah, you look good, slut,“ Mark said. „Real good.“ He pulled her over to his cock and stuck it into her left tit. The wet knob slid over her nipple and then poked deep into her flesh. The touch of his prick sent a shiver through her. „You like it, don‘t you, baby? I can see that.“ Jack and Mark pulled her down to the floor so she knelt on all fours. While she bur­ied her head into Jack‘s groin and licked and sucked his cock, Mark held her tit and rubbed it hard against his prick,
    „Here,“ Mark said, toss­ing the belt to Steve. „You start her off.“ Be­fore she knew what was hap­pen­ing, Sherry felt Steve pulling on her bikini bot­tom. He pulled it down to her thighs, ex­pos­ing her milky white ass. „What a tar­get, honey,“ he said. „What a fuck­ing tar­get.“ Sherry tried to pull sway but her mouth was full of prick and the two other men held her in place, held her for Steve. She heard the belt slash through the air and then it cracked into her bare ass. The sting­ing sen­sa­tion made her yelp with pain. But that only made her mouth open more, and Jack shoved his hard prick into her throat. She gagged on it while he fucked her mouth. And then the belt came down on her ass again, harder this time. She shuddered and wiggled all over the floor, but she couldn‘t get away from them. She could al­most feel her ass get­ting red as the leather clacked into her.
    „Come on, Steve,“ Mark said. „Screw her in the ass. She needs an­other stiff prick. Don‘t you, honey?“
    Sherry drooled and sucked on Jack‘s prick. She tried to talk but all she could do was whim­per and moan. And that turned them on even more.
    Steve knelt be­hind her and pressed his thick hard prick against her as­shole. He slid it up and down her as­scrack a few times, mak­ing her nice and wet. Then he gripped her ass cheeks and pried them apart. With one sud­den shove he bur­ied his click into, her ass.
    She grunted and gasped with pain, but his burn­ing cock hammered away at her as­shole harder and harder. The louder she moaned, the harder he pushed it in.
    The three men worked her over as rough as they could. Their cocks battered away at her na­ked flesh, stick­ing into her, slid­ing over her, fuck­ing her really hard. Sherry‘s body shook each time she felt a cock push against her.
    Each time Steve plunged his dick all the way into her as­shole, the force of his shove sent her head down into Jack‘s groin. His prick shot down her throat and his balls slapped at her puffy lips. He fucked her mouth as hard as he could, send­ing her back against Steve‘s prick.
    Mark grabbed her tits and squeezed them as hard as he could. He turned her side­ways so that he could fuck her tits with his wet long prick. Her body was in ter­rible pain. Her ass was on fire with a hot plunging cock, and her mouth was be­ing fucked mer­ci­lessly by Jack‘s thick, sticky prick. She groaned out loud, suck­ing and drool­ing. And then she found her­self push­ing hard against Steve‘s prick. It star­ted to feel good as it sloshed in and out of her wet as­shole. She reached be­hind her and grabbed his nuts in her fin­gers. When she squeezed his hairy sack she heard him groan. She jerked off Mark‘s cock, pulling it into her tits, press­ing her huge mounds onto his swollen shaft.
    „Get ready, bitch!“ Jack said. „Get ready to suck it up. I‘m gonna come in your mouth, honey.“ He grabbed her head and shoved it all the way down so that his prick stabbed deep into her throat. Then he flooded her with hot gobs of cum. It splashed into her mouth and then slithered down her throat in steady warm spurts. Sherry bobbed her head up and down and tried to suck up all of his cream. But there was too much of it for her and she choked on it. He kept on fuck­ing her mouth and then it dripped out of her puffy lips and ran down her chin. His cock sputtered and throbbed in­side of her mouth while she sucked on the long fleshy shaft. Then he pulled it al­most all the way out and spur­ted more gobs onto her tongue.
    Jack laughed and pulled his prick out of her mouth with a wet pop­ping sound. The hot cream gushed out of her mouth as she fought for breath.
    „Move your fuck­ing ass, bitch!“ Steve said. He gripped her hips tightly and slammed his meat into her hole. Sherry rocked back and forth, grind­ing against him as hard as she could, push­ing against his slip­pery cock as his nuts slapped away at her ass cheeks.
    The hot cream flowed out of her lips in a steady gush, drip­ping down her chin, spill­ing onto her jig­gling tits. Then she felt the hard cock trapped in her as­shole quiver and throb.
    „Uh­hhh, uh­hhh,“ she said. „Fuck it, slam it into me! Cream my as­shole!“ Her tongue lapped up the cream. And then Mark came all over her tits, spurt­ing it onto her nipples while he poked his cock deep into her flesh. He pressed his nuts right against her skin while he splashed se­men all over her bob­bling jugs.
    The two men stepped away from her and watched as she took it in the ass from Steve.
    „Give it to her!“ Mark said. „Give it to the fuck­ing bitch!“ Sherry looked at them and saw how they stared at her flesh, how they leered at her. She didn‘t mind put­ting on a show. Not for all of them, with their long cocks just wait­ing to come on her.
    She leaned back against Steve, sink­ing deeper onto his cock. He bounced her up and down on his prick, send­ing the hard wet meat all the way into her as­shole. Sherry slid her hands all over her tits, lift­ing them up and down, smear­ing the cream over her jig­gling flesh.
    „Oh­hhh, baby,“ she moaned. „Fuck it. Stick it in me. Rape me with your fuck­ing cock.“
    „Here it is, slut, take it all the way.“ He pinned her to his prick, clamp­ing his hands hard on her hips. His prick split her apart, tear­ing into her hole, and then it spit hot gobs of cream into her ass.
    „Uh­hhh, it‘s so good, so fuck­ing good. Cream me, cream my fuck­ing ass!“ His prick rammed in and out of her butt, squirt­ing and stabbing all the way into her tun­nel. The pain and the pleas­ure of his burn­ing hot cock drove her crazy. She ran her hands over her body, gasp­ing as he shot his load into her. Then she touched her cunt and went off in a series of spasms that shook her body. The cum spilled out of her pussy and coated her fin­gers, mak­ing them sticky and hot. Sherry bounced up and down on his prick un­til all of the cum was in her ass. Then he pushed her off of him and threw her down onto the floor.
    She lay there on her back, wait­ing for them to ab­use her again. She didn‘t say a word, know­ing that they could do any­thing they wanted to her. She craved their ab­use, too.
    „Spread your legs, bitch,“ Jack said. „I want to see your cunt.“ Sherry opened her legs wide and then cupped her tits again. She lif­ted them up while Mark stuck his prick up her cunt. She moaned on the floor, dizzy and covered with cum, but she couldn‘t stop. She wanted more. She writhed and bucked up and down.
    Then Steve straddled her chest and poked at her tits. He slid his wet prick up and down, fuck­ing her nipples with his hard flesh.
    Over and over they came on her na­ked flesh, in her cunt, her ass, and her mouth, fuck­ing her un­til she could hardly move. Every open­ing in her body was sore and sticky.
    They left her there on the floor of the liv­ing room, smeared with cum. She watched as they walked out the door, laugh­ing.
    „We‘ll call you when we need some more suck­ing, slut,“ Steve said. He slammed the door be­hind him. Sherry closed her eyes and spread her fin­gers through the se­men that coated her tits and her mouth. Then she fell asleep on the floor.

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