Slave To Corsairs - Chapter 14

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Chapter 14    - Only Half A Man


"For the love of God, leave him alone," shouted Major Wesley Huntington. The
Major's appeal to Mohammed Khan's dungeon master, Kedif, fell on deaf ears.
Kedif turned to smile at the Major's outburst as he took a firmer grip on
Lieutenant Eversole's testicles. One of Kedif's assistants rushed to stand in
front of the Major and delivered several vicious lashes across the Major's groin
that resulted in piteous screams from the normally stalwart officer.

Kedif was as usual taking great pleasure in his work. Patience was his creed
as he handled the Lieutenant's balls seeking the precise place to cut. Kedif
although uneducated was aware that the torturer should not neglect the mind of
his victims. Kedif considered their mental anguish almost as important as the
physical. Besides taking his time increased Kedif's own pleasure since it
prolonged suffering.

The fact that the terrified Lieutenant was blubbering some filthy infidel
prayer made Kedif's work all the more satisfying.

"Yea, though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death...," intoned the
Lieutenant who was about to receive the worst fate a man could possibly

Kedif took a look around his torture chamber. There were eight stark naked
Englishmen chained to the dungeon walls. Crude iron wrist manacles pulled their
arms over their heads suspending them only inches above the dungeon floor. The
rough manacles cut into their flesh and blood trickled down their arms to the
tops of their shoulders.

It is unfortunate that Mohammed Khan the Great and Mighty has fallen under the
sway of the two English whores thought Kedif once again releasing his grip on
the Lieutenant's balls and walking to a whetstone to sharpen his knife. The sobs
of the Lieutenant as he walked away pleased him. What did not please him was
that he would not be able to finish his work with these infidel pigs.

"Only one, Kedif, leave them one," said Mohammed Khan relaxing on his throne.
The infidel women were seated on his lap with their breasts exposed. Kedif was
forced to admit that their curly blonde hair, fair skin, and blue eyes were most
unusual. And the fact that they were identical twins made them all the more rare
and desirable.

Kedif could hope that the day would come when Mohammed Khan would tire of the
infidel sluts and give them to Kedif to enjoy. That had happened before.

Kedif recalled with sublime pleasure the beautiful woman with the fiery red
hair that had gotten drunk and insulted Mohammed Khan's manhood. She was from a
country next to the one where the English lived.  Kedif's wife had called it
France. She had been surprisingly strong and lived for a full two weeks after
Kedif began his work. Of course she had not been so beautiful when Kedif was
finished. She had given him many pleasant interludes where her screams were
music to his ears. He especially liked to remember the two afternoons he had
slowly and methodically broken every bone in her beautiful hands. How she had
cried and offered herself to him if he would kill her quickly. But Kedif had
stuck to his plan moving to an unharmed part of her body each day until there
was nothing left.

If Mohammed Khan's gives me the twins, I will have to consider carefully how
to start to maximize my pleasure thought Kedif as he held the blade against the
whirling stone. His assistant, Kamal, slowly turned the wheel. A good man,
Kamal, strong and steady but perhaps too fond of sticking his cock in English
asses decided Kedif. Kedif's other assistant, Rashad, had reported how he and
Kamal had sodomised each of the Englishman while Kedif was at the palace getting
his instructions concerning the fate of the prisoners.

Sodomy of the prisoners especially infidels was not forbidden by the Quran.
Kedif occasionally sodomised an infidel when he first arrived in the dungeons of
Mohammed Khan. If the prisoner were young and handsome, Kedif would have Kamal
and Rashad lash him over one of the benches so the aged Kedif could enjoy
himself. However, infidel prisoners were infrequent and as Kedif grew older he
seldom had the will or opportunity to spray his Muslim seed into the anus of an

When Kedif had made his inspection of the chained and naked Lancers, he had
felt his cock stir at the sight of the young lieutenant. Must to the
Lieutenant's dismay, he had him tied over one of the punishment benches. After
Kedif had finished in the Lieutenant's rectum, Kamal and Rashad took their turn.
That his fellow soldiers witnessed his anal assault added to the Lieutenant's

Kedif had been summoned to the throne room almost immediately after they had
chained the sobbing officer back on the dungeon wall.

"When you have taken one, they will be turned over to Estelle and Eloise. They
have some special plans for them," said Mohamed Khan.

"Yes, oh magnificent one," responded Kedif his forehead pressed against the
cold marble floor of the throne room.

Kedif had no idea what the two women intended. Maybe they knew some horrible
new means to execute the English soldiers. Or perhaps they intended to keep them
alive and use them as women. Kedif had heard rumors that one of Mohammed Khan's
palaces was being made into a place where men would dress as women and male
members of the royal court would use them as such. Kamal would like that mused
Kedif unable to picture in his mind how the burly British soldiers could be made
into women.

Yesterday, Kedif and his assistants had tied a leather thong around the
captive's testicles then attached a heavy iron weight to the thong. Each man's
scrotum had stretched downward several inches since the weight was applied. 
Kedif had selected Lt. Eversole, the youngest of the soldiers to be the first to
lose a testicle.

The taking of only one testicle and leaving the other unharmed and functional
required considerable skill and steady nerves. Kedif was aware that if he made a
mistake, it might well be he hanging from the dungeon wall while Kamal clumsily
hacked off his balls. Mohammed Khan was not a ruler who countenanced mistakes.
Kedif tested the sharpness of the blade by slicing in two a hair he pulled from
his beard.

Once again, Kedif took up a position in front of the Lieutenant and grasped
his testicles pulling them toward him as he positioned the knife. Kamal and
Rashad sensing that the moments of delay were over grabbed the Lieutenant and
held him immobile against the dungeon wall. Kedif took a deep breath and asked
Allah to guide his knife.

Major Huntington turned his head trying not to watch as Kedif slowly cut
through the scrotum of Lieutenant Eversole carving off one testicle. Kedif
allowed the gonad to hang for a moment by a thread of tissue before slicing it
free allowing the bloody orb to drop into his waiting hand as if it was an apple
falling from a tree.

 Kedif's experience as a castrator was obvious. There was hardly any blood. A
half hour previous, he had tied a narrow leather thong around the Lieutenant's
well-stretched scrotum separating the testicles into two tightly bound packages
so they could be severed one at a time. The restriction of the thong had caused
each gonad to swell to a respectable size permitting Kedif to easily separate
the part from the whole.

 After Kedif had bifurcated the Lieutenant's sack, he explained the purpose of
the exercise to the soldier.

"We will wait for a while then we will slice your testicles off one at a time,
Lieutenant," said Kedif staring into the Lieutenant's face to witness his

"No, don't, my family is wealthy, they will pay you a king's ransom if you let
me go," said the desperate officer.

"And what would I do with a king's ransom in this place. Why are you so
concerned? There are no women here," said Kedif tauntingly.

"Gold, enough that you could leave this place, London or Paris," said the

"And why would I leave the city where I was born to go live in the land of the

 Kedif then busied himself elsewhere leaving the young soldier to contemplate
his upcoming castration.

"Oh God save me," sobbed Lt. Eversole. "I can't bear the thought of my having
my balls hacked off. I'd rather die."

The Lieutenant had not found the glory and honor he had hoped for in the
Sudan. Instead he had lost his nerve and cried out for his mother when Kedif
sliced through his scrotum removing his gonad from its pouch.

"See, Lt. Eversole," said Kedif, holding up the bloody handful of flesh in
front of the hysterical Lieutenant's face. "Now, you have only one left. I will
wait a while, have some tea, then take the other one, perhaps today, perhaps

That was actually a lie. Still Kedif would proceed like he intended to
completely castrate the soldiers. If the horror and fear caused one of them to
go completely mad, maybe Mohammed Khan would allow Kedif to follow his usual
practice and slowly execute the man.

"Kill me, for the love of God, kill me," pleaded the Lieutenant.

"All in due time, Lieutenant," said Kedif as he tossed the severed gonad into
a nearby brazier of bright red coals. The soldiers flinched when they heard the
carrion sizzle as it landed. The odor of roasted human flesh drifted through the
dungeon.  Wesley watched as Kedif used a leather mitt to remove a small glowing
red iron from the brazier and return to his position directly in front of the
Lieutenant's mutilated sex.

When he felt Kedif place a hand on his cock and lift it upward, Lt. Eversole
looked down to see that Kedif was maneuvering the glowing red iron into position
under his bloody scrotum. The Lieutenant commenced to scream once more as he
sensed the warmth of the iron approaching his remaining testicle. There was a
loud hiss and a small puff of smoke as Kedif cauterized the wound.

Lieutenant opened his mouth to scream then almost as if he thought better of
it, mercifully fainted.

"I'm going to cut off one testicle from each man today then tomorrow, I will
take the other," lied Kedif to the prisoners before he departed for prayers at
the nearby mosque. Kedif was anxious to prostrate himself and thank Allah for
allowing him the opportunity to bring such intense pain to those who did not
follow the words of the Prophet as written in the Quran.

Major Huntington's eyes had filled with tears as he watched Lt. Eversole's
partial castration. The Major had taken a liking to the young officer. It had
been obvious since they sailed from London that the Lieutenant idolized the
Major. Plus he now had an unfulfilled debt to the Lieutenant's mother. The
Major's feverish brain recalled how he came to that debt.

Kenneth Eversole, barely sixteen years old, had only received his commission
in the 12th Lancers a fortnight before the unit's departure for the Sudan. Lady
Eversole, the Marquise had spent an afternoon and night in Major Huntington's
London residence securing his promise to look after her only son. The deal had
been sealed at the officer's ball celebrating the regiment's departure for the

"Promise me you will see to my Kenneth," said Lady Eversole to Major
Huntington during a dance where they were partnered.

"Of course, Lady Eversole, I look after all my officers, it's my duty and I
take it seriously," said Major Huntington noting that Lady Eversole's had large
and attractive breasts that were almost popping out of her ball gown.

"Kenneth speaks very highly of you, Major Huntington," said Lady Eversole.

"Kenneth will make an excellent officer," said Major Huntington.

"I have a mother's concerns as to his safety in that awful Sudan. So many of
our brave soldiers have died there," said Lady Eversole brushing her breasts
against the Major when the dance required them to change sides.

"The Sudan remains a dangerous posting. That I must admit," said Major
Huntington realizing that an offer was about to placed on the table.

 "Exactly why I am willing to go to extraordinary lengths to insure my son's
safe return. I would be willing to express my gratitude in the most forthright
manner," said Lady Eversole.

"This Thursday, say at 2:00PM, at my London place," said Major Huntington
surprised by the Marquise's offer but perfectly willing to take advantage of it.
Dashwood and I can have some fun with the subaltern's mother thought Major
Huntington as he stepped gracefully around the dance floor. The lady will be
surprised at what I require but I doubt she will complain.

"Yes, 2:00 then," said Lady Eversole as the dance ended.

"My pleasure, Lady Eversole," said Major Huntington.

Kathy Eversole was still an attractive woman after having born Lord Eversole
five children. She rationalized her willingness to give herself to Major
Huntington as part of her family duty since Kenneth was the Marquis's heir and
the Sudan was becoming known as the graveyard of British arms.

 In addition, Lady Kathy Eversole was also driven by both lust and the desire
for revenge against Lord Eversole. Her husband and she had not shared a bed in
many years. Lord Eversole preferred to spend his nights in the company of a
succession of tavern wenches who were perfectly willing to do his bizarre
biddings for a few copper pennies. The Lord, when inebriated which was more
often than not, like to share with his wife the elaborate details of his
experiences with the most common of prostitutes. He forced her to listen by the
simple expedient of locking them both in the drawing room where for hours he
would regale her with the sexual perversions he paid the whores to perform on
his besotted body.

Precisely at 2:00PM, Lady Eversole had arrived at the town home that the Major
maintained in Hyde Park. Skipping preliminaries, the Major had conducted Lady
Eversole straight to his bedroom. Once inside the large room, the Major
discarded his dressing gown revealing that he wore nothing underneath. He took
up a position in the center of the great bed and began to idly stroke his cock.

Kathy Eversole's expectations of a modicum of polite seduction before
committing adultery were disappointed but like many ladies of her age she was
able to hide her disappointment and carry on. She consoled herself by noting
that the Major's cock was much large than her husband's and that such
preliminaries would only delay that moment when it entered her vagina and she
truly felt it's length and girth in a place where it would do her the most good.

"Strip," commanded the Major to the Marquise who found his command
irresistible. Lady Eversole had dressed with the intention of undressing with
ease and without the services of her maid. She made good progress thanks to
careful planning and within a few moments found herself standing naked at the
foot of the Major's bed. Lady Eversole observed that the Major's cock had grown
while she undressed.

"Bend over and show me your asshole," barked the Major. "Use your hands to
spread your ass."

Lady Eversole immediately complied finding herself once again unable to resist
the Major's military bearing. Besides it reminded her of her husband's
descriptions of how he acted down at The Wounded Bear, his favorite hangout
where a Madman Cartwright kept a stable of girls willing to follow Lord
Eversole's directions.

"Excellent, besides Lord Eversole, how many men have had you?" asked Major

"Only my brother Benjamin," said Lady Eversole referring to her older brother,
Lord Benjamin Rafferty, a notorious rake currently in disgrace and banned from
London society. "Please don't repeat that," added Lady Eversole amazed at her
willingness to discuss such personal matters. On the other hand, she did not
want to admit to a lack of experience prior to bedding a man know for his sexual
prowess throughout her London social set.

"You can count on my discretion," said Major Huntington making a mental note
that the next time he ran into Ben Rafferty at his club, he'd mention that he
had enjoyed his sister's favors.

"Was he your first?" said Major Huntington.

"Yes and only besides my husband."

"How old were you? Tell me about it."

"Fourteen, a few days after my birthday," replied Lady Eversole sitting down
on the edge of the bed and reaching over to place her hand around the Major's
cock. "Benjamin took me riding. Pa-pa had bought me a new hunter for my
birthday. At the lake, Ben suggested we dismount and give the horses a breather.
He tied me across a fallen tree and had his way with me. He said that since I
was fourteen he didn't see a reason to use me when he felt the need. He tore my
drawers off and mounted me from behind."

"Did you cry?"

"Yes, the first time but after that he often came to my room and took me in my
own bed."

"And did you suck his cock?" asked the Major.

"Yes, he made me at first. But I learned it was not unpleasant."

"Did your parents know?" said the Major placing his hand on the back of Lady
Eversole's neck and pulling her head toward his groin.

"I told Ma-ma but she said I was to keep quiet. She said women were obliged to
put up with that sort of thing even from a beloved brother."

Lady Eversole licked the top of the Major's cock then took it in her mouth
just like she had done for her brother.

Major Huntington found Lady Eversole to be a very eager and satisfactory
partner, anxious to engage in certain practices that ladies of quality were
supposed to eschew. He attributed that to her spare diet of male cock and an
inborn but hitherto unexploited predilection for randy behavior.  The Major
began by expanding Lady Eversole's knowledge of cock sucking, insisting she take
his large member in her mouth and bring him to full erection.

After that, The Major placed Lady Eversole on her back, climbed between her
legs and without ceremony plunged his cock into her long unused vagina. The
Major liked to begin with the most basic missionary position and then expand the
repertoire in whatever direction caught his fancy.

 Despite the lack of sexual finesse, the combination of that large object
straining the capacity of her pussy and the stimulation of the Major's fingers
against her clitoris caused Lady Eversole to experience an orgasm for the first
time since her brother's last visit to her boudoir decades ago.

As the waves of pleasure washed over her and her breathing calmed, she noted
with regret and some bitterness that not once in all her years of marriage to
Lord Eversole had she experienced similar pleasure. Lady Eversole made a mental
commitment to not eschew sexual relations in the future even those of an
adulterous nature.

During their brief respite, the Major had popped open a bottle of champagne.
The Major splashed some of the cold liquid on Lady Eversole's breasts and
proceeded to lick it off much to the delight of the Marquise.

The Major directed Lady Eversole to the female superior position that she
accomplished with good grace. She inserted the Major's cock in her love tunnel
and lowered her body finding an exquisite pleasure in being able to control the
movement. Lady Eversole's experiences with her sibling came back to her and she
found herself pressing her clitoris against the Major's pubic mound thereby
bringing herself enormous gratification. Her loud moans filled the room.

Major Huntington fingers busily plied the large breasts of Lady Eversole as
she rode his cock. I certainly can pick them thought Wesley listening to the
mellow back of the throat sounds his partner made when his cock reached its
maximum penetration and her little nubbin scraped across his groin. I hope she
retains her positive attitude once Harvey pops out.

With the couple thus engaged, Captain Harvey Dashwood chose to exit the
cramped wardrobe and make his presence known. Captain Dashwood was already naked
as he approached the bed. Listening to their noisy lovemaking from his hide away
had resulted in an erection that the Captain planned to use on the Marquise's
alternate orifice. Stealthily he approached the bed and due to its solid
construction managed to climb up without alerting the fornicators.

It was the sensation of Captain Dashwood's cock slipping between her rising
and falling buttocks that alerted Lady Eversole to the presence of another
lover. Apparently, the Marquise was not prepared to entertain more than one
Lancer to assure her son's safety. Emitting a loud shriek, Lady Eversole flew
off the bed toward the bedroom door.

"Get the tongs, Harvey," said Major Huntington leaping off the bed in hot

Before Lady Eversole's arrival, Major Huntington had foreseen that she might
object to multiple partners. To overcome her reluctance, the Major had retrieved
two pair of black smith tongs from the stable and instructed the Captain in
their use.

"Harvey, put these on a tit and the best bred female in the kingdom will
gladly suck your cock and swallow your piss. And thank you for it afterwards"
explained the Major as he brandished the long black tongs that the farriers used
to grip a smoldering horseshoe for shaping.

Major Huntington had easily beaten Lady Eversole to the door. That as it turns
out was unnecessary it being securely locked from the outside by the Major's
faithful manservant, Gregory. The Major had grabbed Lady Eversole's wrists and
spun her about in order to deliver an open handed slap to her cheek that snapped
her face around a full ninety degrees. Her face was promptly returned to its
prior position by the application of a similar slap to the opposite side of her
face. Two identical trickles of blood appeared at the corner of her nostrils.
The Major felt his cock grow even harder when he saw the vermilion droplets

By that time, the always-helpful Dashwood had arrived with the pair of
blacksmith's tongs. Positioning himself behind the sobbing and bleeding Lady
Eversole, the Major had pulled her arms firmly behind her causing her large
breasts to thrust forward. Harvey Dashwood had shown considerable skill in
closing and locking the business end of the tongs over Lady Eversole's nipples
whose sole employment up to that point had been to suckle five infants. Lady
Eversole, a devoted mother, had refused the services of a nursemaid with the
result that her dugs were sizeable and therefore subject to excruciating pain
when Captain Dashwood captured them in the iron grip of the tongs.

Captain Dashwood always ready for fun proceeded to merrily pull the Marquise
around the bedroom. The Marquise exhibited her vocal power by screaming at the
top of her lungs and loudly begging for the release of her mammary.

In accordance with the Major's predictions, Lady Eversole after several trips
around the large bed had readily agreed to participate in whatever sexual
peccadilloes that Harvey and Wesley could devise. After two glasses of brandy
and one of champagne, Lady Kathy had calmed down, resigned herself to her fate
and agreed to eagerly take part in the activities.

Why not? This will put me on a par with my husband quietly concluded Lady

Wesley and Harvey later remarked that the day's events should be considered an
outstanding example of the willingness of British womanhood to adapt to changing

Lady Eversole that afternoon and night had experienced several of what the
Major had termed "firsts". This included the first time Lady Eversole had ever
had a male cock in her rectum, had sex with two men simultaneously, three when
the Major invited Gregory his manservant to join them. The normally finicky but
inebriated Lady Kathy had swallowed several bladders of urine provided by her
companions. Additionally, she had for the first time engaged in oral sex with
another female, Gregory's wife, the insatiable and quite beautiful trollop

Using her mouth on Annabelle's sex opened up a new world for Lady Kathy.
Lesbianism had been one taboo she never intended to break. However, not having
prior informed her companions of her scruples, they placed her head between
Annabelle's legs and Annabelle's between Lady Kathy's. The action of Annabelle's
tongue upon her clitoris and vagina begged for a concomitant response. Lady
Kathy hesitated only seconds before her own tongue plunged into Annabelle's
pussy tasting the combined semen of the three males that had managed to deposit
their essence inside. Lady Kathy reconsidered her aversion to lesbianism
reclassifying it from taboo to highly desirable as she and Annabelle pleasured
one another. The three males sat nearby watching the two women and occasionally
shouting encouragement.

This has gone even better than I expected thought Wesley breathing in the
smoke of his favorite cigar before taking a sip of champagne.

"To Lady Eversole, who had performed extremely well this evening," said
Captain Dashwood lifting his flute of bubbly to his lips.

"Here, here," added Wesley.

"It was most impressive that she was able to accommodate the three of us at
once," said Captain Dashwood.

"Yes, and not the smallest cocks in England by any means," said Wesley.

"You say the lady has little experience of men," said Gregory.

"Only her brother, Lord Rafferty when she was a girl and her husband Lord
Eversole since marriage. I gather that his lordship had not been in the saddle
since their youngest was conceived a decade ago," said Wesley.

"All the more impressive, look at her and Annabelle. See how she licks
Annabelle's pussy, like a deer with a block of salt. Her ladyship has the soul
of a wanton," said Gregory.

"More like the soul of that French whore of yours, Gregory. Of course, there
is French blood in the Rafferty's. That may account for it," said Wesley.

"Her ladyship had a nice round bottom, perhaps I should fetch the canes," said

"Capital idea, Gregory, let's make the bitch howl like a hyena and then we can
take turns in her warm little bottom," said Captain Dashwood.

The finale of the evening consisted of a drunken Lady Kathy being restrained
across an armchair and soundly whipped with a thin bamboo reed until she
fainted. Revived with another glass of brandy, she was sodomised by the three
males while her mouth serviced Annabelle's well-used sex. The evening's sport
ended when Lady Kathy was forced to kneel before each of the revelers with her
mouth open and swallow mouthful after mouthful of champagne piss.

The revelry had ended when the five had passed out. Lady Kathy awoke the next
morning to find herself in a pile of naked bodies in the center of the Major's

Lady Eversole had left the next morning sore in all her parts, her head
pounding and slightly nauseated but with the Major's assurances that he would do
his best to look after the welfare of young Kenneth. Something that sadly enough
due to Kedif's knife the Major was a decided failure.

 When Lady Kathy returned to Chichester Hall, she found her husband in the
drawing room angrily waiting her return. Her being gone overnight was an
unprecedented event. She proceeded to lock the door and describe in detail her
activities of the previous afternoon and night. She particularly dwelled on the
size and prowess of the cocks she had hosted in all three orifices. Lady
Eversole had not even excluded her oral enjoyment of Annabelle's semen soaked
vagina. She even went so far to report her disappointment that the Major's
bullmastiff, Waterloo, was sick and therefore unable to provide her with her
first non-human sexual intercourse.

"I was perfectly prepared to take his cock in my mouth and pussy but the beast
was ill and discommoded," said Lady Eversole to her astounded husband.

Lord Eversole listened in silence as his wife specified exactly who did what
to whom and how much she enjoyed it. Lord Eversole was far too much of a coward
to challenge the pistol aim of Major Huntington in a duel. And in point of fact,
he did not much care who had carnal knowledge of his wife.

As proof of her infidelity, Lady Eversole positioned herself over an armchair
and pulled her dress up exposing her well-stripped and bruised bottom. Lord
Eversole uncharacteristically found himself aroused by the sight. He proceeded
to mount her, forcing his cock into her painfully sore rectum as he grabbed a
handful of her long hair as leverage. Her screams of pain brought the servants
to the locked door knocking to inquire the matter. Lord Eversole calmly
retrieved the key from his sobbing wife. Forbidding her to move, he opened the
door to assure the staff that all was well. The servants was somewhat taken back
when they looked across the room to see Lady Eversole bent across a chair with a
vividly marked bottom and orifices showing signs of recent penetration. The fact
that Lord Eversole's erect cock was clearly visible clearly informed the
servants that the Lord was merely exercising his matrimonial rights and that a
discreet retreat was in order.

However, Lord Eversole before dismissing the servants huddled at the drawing
room door had a second thought.

"Edgar, I require your assistance, come inside," said Lord Eversole to the
youthful manservant he had recently taken into his service.

"Certainly, my lord," replied the young lad who had gained his employment
based not only on his skills as a manservant but also on the size and stamina of
his member. Lord Eversole during his classical studies at Eton where he took a
first in Latin and a second in Greek had acquired an appetite for buggery that
upon occasion Edgar was expected to satisfy.

"Edgar is attending to his lordship," was the servant's coded phrase that
meant his lordship was on his back with his feet pointed to the ceiling and
Edgar's cock in his bum. His lordship had a disturbing habit of squealing like a
partially slaughtered hog during sodomy.

Lord Eversole and Edgar spent the remainder of the day enjoying themselves
with Lady Eversole's sore and painful to the touch orifices. This included a
prolonged period where Lady Kathy was subjected to what his Lordship referred to
as a "good old fashioned English whipping". Both Edgar and Lord Eversole
simultaneously applied a coachman's whip to Lady Eversole's buttocks until the
poor Marquise was beside herself and begging them to fuck her instead.

The events of those days inspired a brief but pleasurable renaissance of his
lordships sexual interest in her ladyship. When his interest waned, Lady
Eversole consoled herself by taking Edgar and eventually her maid, Agatha, to
her bed.

In spite of having degraded, humiliated, and subjected Kenneth's mother to
multiple partners and perversions, the Major genuinely liked Kenneth Eversole
and considered him an excellent young officer.

The Major's fever-induced reverie of his encounter with Kenneth's mother was
interrupted by the arrival of Kedif who proceeded to bind the Major's gonad with
a narrow leather tie. The Major steeled himself as he felt the knife bit into
the skin of his scrotum. The Major screamed in both pain and horror as Kedif
carefully sliced opened his scrotum and severed the connecting tissue that bound
the lump of nerve ganglia to its mooring.

Kedif palmed the gonad impressed with its size and weight then tossed the now
useless flesh into the brazier. Selecting the iron with the brightest glow he
grasped the Majors' cock in one hand and pulled it straight up lifting the half
empty ball sack.

Kedif glanced up to confirm that the Major was still conscious and watching
him intently. Kedif used his fingers to pull the incision in a straight line and
hold the wound closed as he lined up the iron with the wound. He pressed the
iron to the flesh and held it for a few seconds. The Major's scream brought
another smile to his face. Kedif inspected the result then touched the iron to a
place that appeared missed producing another scream of pain.

  Major Huntington would have much preferred unconsciousness but his strength
precluded that and he was forced to watch as Kedif spent the afternoon removing
one testicle from each of the Lancers. Finally, he did manage to lose
consciousness. That was unquestionably the best thing that happened to him that

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