Random Stories

  • Self-Sub Susy



    My name isn’t actually “Self-Sub Susy,” but then again, W’s real name isn’t actually “The Technician.”  That is what most people know him by, and that is what he is.  I guess Self-Sub Susy is what I am, too.  I am a natural submissive who is very much into self bondage, and W makes me all sorts of neat toys for my adventures.



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    Reading time

    67 minutes
  • Jenny at Hanauma Bay - Part 3 & 4

    Part 3

    Jenny stood by the steel railing which ran alongside the parking lot.  
    Far below her spread the grandeur of Oahu's Hanauma Bay State 
    Underwater Park.  In spite of all her protests, Ashley (complaining 
    about wasting too much time already) had taken them directly to the 
    park, and now Jenny was very glad that she did.


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    Reading time

    11 minutes
  • A House in the Woods - Kishi

    I watched on the security camera as the cab pulled up next to my
    mailbox, disgorging its passenger. She paid the driver from a meager
    wad of bills pulled from the pocket of her jeans. It was Wally's cab,
    so she must have taken the one bus a week that came through the little
    town, then hired Wally to get her to my place.

    Turning to survey the trees lining the dirt-and-rock path that served as
    my driveway, she double-checked the paper in her hand before letting
    herself through the gate and beginning the long trek to the house.


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    Reading time

    25 minutes
  • Life in an Instant

    Tall, blond, well dressed and successful she was out having a quick lunch with a friend from work when the world as she knew it came to an end. Jessie's eyes were roving around the room at random as she pretended to listen to her friend. Then she sees him.


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    Reading time

    30 minutes
  • "Davinia 1" CH07 PT1 The Oil Minister & Epilog


    "Davinia 1: The Price of Oil" CH07 PT1 The Oil Minister

    Davinia's next surprise came one morning when she was awaiting
    Sir Ian in the Day Room. Yvette had conducted her there and
    Davinia had put up no resistance as her hands were locked behind
    her back and a red ball-gag placed between her lips.

    In the last few days, Davinia had noticed a marked change in her
    owner. He seemed to be spending more time away from both Davinia
    and Erin, and she wondered why.

    Erin, who had been owned be Sir Ian, knew the problem


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    Reading time

    27 minutes
  • My Submission

      Like many others, my first exposure to B/d came when mainstream
    novels with B/d themes hit the bookstores.  Books like "Bondage" by
    Patti Davis and "Topping From Below" by Laura Reese and, of course,
    the books that Anne Rice wrote under various pen names.  I read them
    and enjoyed them for the most part, but my husband had no interest and
    made it clear that no wife of his would get involved with anything so
    common - that was the word he used.  Common.


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    Reading time

    10 minutes
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