Random Stories

  • Slave To Corsairs - Chapter 12

    Chapter 12    - Capture By The Khan


    The roar of the crowd and the bright Sudanese sun startled Major Huntington
    and the thirteen other survivors of his detachment. They had spent the last
    three days in the semi-darkness of Mohammed Khan's dungeon and the bright
    morning sun caused them to shade their eyes. The whips of their jailors had
    driven them out into the large square where the Dervishes publicly tortured and
    executed their prisoners.


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    Reading time

    19 minutes
  • Military plaything - Part 2

    The Commandant's office

    In the Commandants office there were eight men; his aide, two of
    his immediate subordinates, the three soldiers who had escorted
    her, the young guard from the previous night and the Commandant
    himself. Self important behind his desk, he looked her up and
    down with distain. The other men looked her up and down with a
    frankly sexual interest.

    The Commandant started to gabble at her in Spanish. "No speak,
    speak English" Angie desperately whined. "OK, speak English" he
    replied. Angie let out a sigh of relief at least here was


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    Reading time

    22 minutes
  • Attitude Adjustment Book V

    Laura was startled into wakefulness for a moment when she felt the waterbed undulate gently beneath her, then relaxed.  It was always the same with this bed, and it was the one thing she still had not gotten used to about sleeping on it.  She never had a water bed before and was always surprised at how it would amplify her slightest movement, the bed acting almost as if someone was on it with her.  Of course, whenever she looked she was always alone, which was why she never bothered to check any more and just went back to sleep again.  How ridiculous can a person be!


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    Reading time

    80 minutes
  • Photogenic


    Kelly pressed a button on the remote control. The carousel slide
    projector clicked and whirred as it spun around, dropping the next
    slide into position. Her modestly furnished lounge was lit solely
    by the projector, particles of dust floating in the air illuminated
    in the light's path.


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    Reading time

    17 minutes
  • Mall Princess

    A single thirty-something guy meets a beautiful high school girl at the mall. He\'s whitebread, she\'s goth. He\'s there to return a DVD player. She\'s there to find her newest personal slave.


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    Reading time

    152 minutes
  • Owning Corey - Part 6


    Roller coaster. Corey was giving me a ride on one, but I was
    starting to understand that it wasn't deliberate. I was just
    experiencing a sort of contact high from the ups and downs she
    was going through herself. One clue was the way she kept
    flipping moods. For example: during the flight home she barely
    spoke, but in the lingerie shop she'd chatted happily with the
    clerk. We were downstairs at the washing machine when she
    opened up again.


    Average: 4 (1 vote)

    Reading time

    13 minutes
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