Random Stories

  • Cecile et Laurent

    Un soir Laurent arrive de son travail, Cécile qui est déjà arrivée s'est préparée de la manière qu'il adore : elle a fait des couettes, mis un chemisier blanc à manche ballons, une jupette écossaise un peu aguicheuse sous laquelle elle porte une culotte de fillette, des socquettes blanches et ballerines. Une fois quitté sa veste et arrivant dans le salon, il voit Cécile habillé de la sorte, lui dis bonsoir et autres banalités d'usage, comme si de rien n'était.

    Il s'assoit confortablement sur le canapé, Cécile viens se blottir contre son épaule.


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    Reading time

    12 minutes
  • Casino - Part Five

    Gina loved being a mistress. She had been offered the 19-year-old as her
    slave after the brutal whipping left the girl unconscious. She had accepted,
    having her placed in heavy chains, then led her over to the Port-a-Potties.
    After finding an available one, she forced the girl to kneel down in the
    position. The heavy rubber straps encircled her body, locking it into
    immobility. She loved the panicked look the girl had on her face as she
    realized what she was about to become. With a devilish grin, Gina made sure the


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    Reading time

    8 minutes
  • Neighborhood Sex and Torture Club - Ch. 2

                              CHAPTER 2

    Excitement was running high at Rosie's house.  It was getting very
    close to the time Bill was supposed to arrive.  Rosie and Kim were
    ready.  They had primped and preened most of the afternoon.  Make-up
    was important.  It had to be just right.  Enough to accent but not
    so much as to appear slutty.  Most of the time had been spent
    deciding how to dress.  Both wanted to make sure they gave Bill just
    the right signal.


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    Reading time

    12 minutes
  • Emma in the House of her Mistress 2

    Chapter 2

    Laying in her armpit, I woke with my face on Mistress's breast. I could feel her heat and the sweat from my face and feel the beating of her heart throw her body. I couldn't move my arms. My shoulders ached dully. I opened my eyes and she was looking at me. Her fingers played in my hair.


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    Reading time

    30 minutes
  • Have Faith - Part 9

    Chapter 23

    Faith returned home to prepare for college.  She was only there a week but it turned out to be quite eventful.  Jill was not finished being her daughter’s mistress and she picked up where she left off.  Faith may have changed homes, but nothing else about her life changed.  Once again, she was naked and spent quite a bit of time kneeling.


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    Reading time

    29 minutes
  • Nicol Gets An Education

    This is kind of embarrassing for me. You know all those dirty
    stories on the internet? All those male fantasies about what guys
    imagine doing to girls, or having girls do to them? I know that
    most women, let's say 99.9% of the women out there don't like
    them. A lot of women are even offended by them. A lot of women
    like dirty stories, I guess. Just not the same kind that guys

    I'm different. I read them all. I think about them all the time.
    I love them! I needed to say that up front so you will understand
    what happened to me.


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    Reading time

    103 minutes
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