Random Stories

  • Party Favors


    Craig's wedding was coming up in a week and we were 
    trying to think of some way to make his bachelor party 
    special. Most of us were a group of friends that had 
    been together since high school. We had added a couple 
    more guys to our group during our college years and a 
    couple more since then. We got together at least once a 
    week and did something. Usually it was something 


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    97 minutes
  • Losing the Super Bowl

    A first person account of a bet gone bad at an office Super Bowl party. Shelly learns that she should have made all of her bets with Kelly before the game while they were both still sober.


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    8 minutes
  • Gang-Raped Sister - Chapter 1 & 2

    The on­set of pu­berty in­ev­it­ably brings with it the dawn­ing aware­ness of sexu­al­ity, of a child’s in­her­ent mas­culin­ity or fem­in­in­ity, and the struggle to put that sexu­al­ity into proper per­spect­ive with in­tern­al­ized stand­ards and par­ent­ally pro­scribed teach­ings.
    For some, the trans­ition oc­curs with re­l­at­ive ease. For oth­ers, the change is marked by ten­sion and anxi­ety, and a grow­ing aware­ness that their world is not shap­ing up as ex­pec­ted.
    For Beverly Par­ham, the ini­ti­ation into the world of sexu­al­ity brings with it a swirl­ing con­fu­sion of con­flict­ing emo­tions. Houn­ded by the strict moral teach­ings of her mother, Beverly has dif­fi­culty, at first, ad­mit­ting even to her­self that she has sexual de­sires. It is only after the young high-schooler and her sis­ter are forced to par­ti­cip­ate in sexual acts of every de­scrip­tion that she comes face to face with her own nature and ac­cepts her ba­sic sexu­al­ity. But by then, the pen­du­lum has already swung too far. She has be­come a girl whose only goal is pleas­ure.
    GANG-RAPED SIS­TERS is a shock­ing story, but it is a story of our con­fus­ing times, one which asks many ser­i­ous ques­tions.


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    Reading time

    21 minutes
  • Family Rituals

    Chapter 1

    The Marriage Proposal

    She had thought it was good news, and wasn’t even sure how she ended up in this position.   Her parents had always been strict, not strict in the same sense that others used it, but strict in the sense of corporal punishment.  


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    Reading time

    27 minutes
  • Sucker Bet

    Mistress Jane Henderson learns the hard way not to bet on a sure thing.

    "One of these days in your travels, a guy is going to come to you and show you
    a nice, brand new deck of cards on which the seal has not yet been broken. This
    man is going to offer to bet you that he can make the jack of spades jump out
    of that deck and piss in your ear. Now son, you do not take this bet, for as
    sure as you stand there, you are going to wind up with an earful of piss."

    From Sky Masterson's speech about his father's advice - from "Guys and Dolls."
    [The wording is as originally written by Damon Runyon in his short story on
    which the play was based. For the play, "piss" was changed to "squirt cider."
    and the speech became known as "the earful of cider speech."]


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    Reading time

    28 minutes
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