Lush Stories

My Master's Gift

I spent most of the Saturday after Thanksgiving doing domestic engineering.  Robert's housekeeper was away for the long Holiday weekend, visiting her children, so I prepared and served breakfast for the two of us and then started going through the house without bothering to shower.


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24 minutes

Naked And Afraid


It was about 8:30 Friday night, my birthday—I was home alone. My husband, George, was out of town on business. He’d called earlier to see if I’d received the flowers he’d sent and once again apologized for missing my birthday. I thanked him, we exchanged loving thoughts and I told him I'd see him tomorrow.


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Reading time

14 minutes

Slave Laura


The first time I saw Laura, I was heading home from the tram, and this was two months ago. She was wearing a pink suit and dress. I saw her each night after that. Each time I saw her, she would wear a different colour suit but still the same style.


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Reading time

20 minutes
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