College Tuition - Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

When amy returned at 5:45, she found stephanie in the middle of the room, kneeling with her hands still handcuffed, head bowed, cum all over her body, with the digital camera and grade sheet on the floor next to her.  Three students remained, and they merely smiled at amy, who smiled back.

“Let’s see how you did, slutcunt,” she said, picking up the grade sheet.  “C-, B+, B, A-, B, B+, A-, A, B+, A.  Very good, slutcunt!  you clearly improved and seemed to please almost everyone.”   amy looked to the girl, Brianna, and two guys that were still in the room.  They nodded their agreement with that assessment, one guy saying, “Yeah, she was very good, for the first time.  A natural.”

“A ‘natural’,” thought stephanie.  And good grades, also.  Yes, maybe she was good at this.  Maybe she could be the best slutcunt at the Foundation.

“NO! what am i thinking?” she opened her eyes, looking at the cum all over her naked body.  amy was uncuffing her sore wrists.  she felt awful, her stomach filled with cum and pussy juice, her hair a matted mess, her nose ring literally sticking to her upper lip, her eyelashes stiff with cum.

“STAND,” amy ordered, and stephanie rose unsteadily to her feet. amy tossed her the two tube tops, and told her to get dressed.  While stephanie struggled into her clothes, amy searched the digital pictures, laughing and smiling.  “Great shots. Were you the photographer, Mistress Brianna?” she asked.

Brianna looked up from where she was reading, legs tucked under her ass.  “Yeah, most of them.  I agree. slutcunt has a lot of potential.”

“’Potential’” thought stephanie.  Potential for what?  she wanted to be the best real estate agent, or the best lawyer, but she was being trained and praised for being a potentially excellent slut!

“We’ll print some of these and put them in your album, slutcunt,” remarked amy.  “Maybe you would like to send one or two to friends, or family.”

stephanie jerked her head to the side, looking at amy, shocked at the suggestion.  amy was just smiling.  stephanie said nothing in response.

“Let’s go, slutcunt. Time to get back to the Foundation, and clean up before dinner,” and with that, amy clipped the leash to stephanie’s collar and led the exhausted girl from the room.

When they arrived at the Delivery door, amy unhooked the leash and both girls stripped, except for their sandals, collar, choker, and various dangling rings.  amy rang the doorbell, and soon it was unlocked by a beautiful girl stephanie had not seen before.  she was also Asian, but somewhat taller than stephanie.  she must have been here sometime, since she had no nose ring, though she was ringed in the same places as amy and jo.

“Hi, grace,” greeted amy with a smile.

“Hi, amy.  Out for a walk?” responded grace.

“we just returned from study hall.  slutcunt here got some good grades,” she said, handing the grade sheet to grace.

“Hey, this is excellent. Much better than i did the first time!” praised grace.  stephanie smiled weakly in return and quietly said, “Thank you, Mistress.”

“Yes, even got a couple of straight A’s.  i will have to experience your skills in person, to see if these grades are inflated,” laughed grace.

“Yes, Mistress,” replied stephanie.

“But now, you are a mess. Time for a shower it looks like. See you amy.”

“See you grace.  Let’s go get you cleaned up, slutcunt.  Follow me.”

stephanie walked the slutwalk, following amy down the hall, eventually ending at stephanie’s and angela’s bedroom.

“Take a good shower, be sure to dry your hair.  you may pee, but use the bowl. Can you handle this without my help?”

“Yes, Mistress, slut can take a shower and pee without your help,” answered stephanie.

“Fine.  Remember to keep all the doors open.  i’ll be back in 45 minutes.”  amy left, and stephanie entered the bathroom.  For the first time since arriving, she was alone.  she thought about fleeing, but with no clothes, a collar padlocked on her neck, no keys to her car, a nose ring that was impossible to remove, where would she go?   she walked over to the mirror, to examine the nose ring.  It was covered with dried cum.  she lifted it from her lip.  Then she looked into her own eyes, gazing upon her face, and tears began to flow.

Still sniffling, she went to the cupboard and got her piss bowl and used it appropriately, putting it back and returning to the mirror.

Through the tears, she examined her braces and tongue stud.  she clicked the stud on the braces, hearing the metallic sound.  her mouth tasted like cum.  Cum was everywhere, so she turned on the shower, removed her earrings and sandals and stepped into the warm shower.  she let the lovely water cascade over her head for many minutes, luxuriating in the sensations of being alone and being washed clean of the afternoon abuse.

she shampooed her hair twice and scrubbed her body until it was clean.  she carefully washed around her nose ring, and then let the water spray into her cummy mouth.  she used the wash cloth tenderly over her sore ass, but then spent more time on her shaved cunt.  The feel was so smooth, but already there was some stubble, so she decided to shave it again. her clitty was throbbing, and she knew she was juicing.

“my cunt is wet because i am a slut,” she said aloud, one time only.

she could have stayed under the warm water all evening, but knew she had to dry her hair and be ready for amy’s return.

she stepped from the tub, dried herself, then blow dried her hair, feeling almost as good as new. When she sat on the chair to insert her earrings, her sore ass reminded her things were not like new.  When she saw the glint of the shiney nose ring, when she pulled back her lips in a weak smile and saw the braces, she knew the nightmare was far from over.  she brushed her teeth for many minutes, finally eliminating the taste and odor of cum.

With a sad sigh, she returned to the bedroom, and knelt awaiting amy.

“Well, you do look much better, slut stephanie!” exclaimed amy, surprising stephanie who had been day dreaming.

“Thank you, Mistress.”

“Yes, much better.  No need to call you slutcunt anymore.  Are you hungry?”

stephanie thought of all the cum and pussy juice she had eaten, but she had eaten very little real food since arriving, and was hopeful.  “Yes, Mistress, slut is hungry.”

“You’ve been a good slut this afternoon, got good grades, so let’s get something that you will like. All that cum in your stomach is not very filling, is it?”

“No, Mistress, it is not filling.”

“HEEL,” and when stephanie obeyed, amy attached the leash to her collar and they walked out the room, eventually ending in Training Room 2.  stephanie stayed in the HEEL position, as amy tossed the leash over her back.  “KNEEL. i will be back in a few minutes.”

When amy returned, she had a full plastic cup, and what appeared to be a smoothie of some sort.  “How about a nice cold protein shake, slut?” amy asked rhetorically.

“Thank you, Mistress,” answered stephanie, without breaking position.

“Here, you can drink it normally as a reward for your good day,” and amy handed it to stephanie, who immediately took a big gulp.  It wasn’t too tasty, but it was cold, and tasted a little like strawberry.  amy watched as stephanie drank it all, hoping there was more.

“Thank you, Mistress.”

“i know it doesn’t taste too great, but it is the best way to take the birth control medication and protein mix.  And at least it’s cold,” amy rationalized.

“Mistress, may slut ask a question?”

“Yes, what, slut?”

“So slut does not need to be worried about being fucked after class this morning?  she cannot become pregnant?”

“That’s right, slut. No worries.  Total sexual freedom.  Just enjoy the ride!”

stephanie was relieved to hear this.  she had worried all day about a pregnancy, which would add to her parents’ heartbreak if they ever found out anything about what was happening to her in college.

“Time for study, slut. Like last night, one hour in the study chair.  you said you had about an hour of homework, so if you finish early then use it to practice recalling the 23 rules of the Foundation.  Heel.”  And amy led stephanie to the desk and the chair with the 7-inch dildo.  her mini-backpack was already on the desk.  “You know the routine, slut.  Sit down.  you need anything, like a writing pad?”

“Do you have a laptop, Mistress?  slut was given a writing assignment in English.  And the copy of the 23 rules, please, Mistress.”

“The rules are in the desk drawer.  i will go get you a laptop.  What is the writing assignment, slut?”

“slut does not know, yet. We were all given a sealed writing prompt with our name on it.”

“Well, open it, slut, and find out what it is,” said amy, leaving the room to get the laptop.

“Yes, Mistress,” and stephanie, now fully impaled on the dildo, much more comfortable than the previous night, opened her pack and found the sealed envelope with her name on it, Stephanie Phan.  she stared at it, reflecting on her name, not the name she had been given here at the Foundation, her real name.

she heard amy return, and quickly opened the envelope.  she looked at the writing prompt and was immediately reminded of her position at the foundation and how her life had changed in only two days.  “Why do you think your pussy has been juicing the past two days?”

stephanie raised her head to look at amy, who had a sly smile on her face.  “Did you know what the assignment was before i opened it, Mistress?”

“Of course, slut.  we all had the same prompt.  Be totally honest, because if you aren’t, i guarantee you will regret it, slut.  i’ll be back in an hour.  Enjoy!”

stephanie stated at the writing prompt, thinking about the past two days.  The question was one which she had been asking herself, but deep inside she knew the answer.  With a sigh of resignation, she turned on the laptop, and began her essay.

“When I arrived…,” she began, but then realized this was all part of her new existence, so she changed the beginning.

“When this slut arrived at the Foundation, she was not prepared for the expectations that would accompany her scholarship.  she now realizes that her body was her primary asset, and the Foundation has every right to expect her full cooperation in all matters related to her daily life.

“This slut has indeed experienced more wetness and cum in her vagina area than ever before, and has begun to understand the reactions of her body to various forms of training.” she reached down to where her pussy lips surrounded the dildo.  A small puddle of her juices had begun to accumulate,  and she ran a finger through the puddle.  she brought her finger up to her nose to smell, accidentally getting some on her nose ring which she had forgotten all about.  she put her finger in her mouth, sucking the nectar and enjoying the taste of her love juice.  she reread what she had written, and decided to change the word “vagina” to “pussy”.

“This slut believes that she first noticed this reaction the moment the Foundation door was opened by one of the senior sluts, who was dressed in a short leather skirt, a camisole, 5-inch heels, and adorned with large hoop earrings, a bellybutton piercing, tongue stud, and eye-catching choker with a silver S hanging from its central ring.  This slut felt something stir within her, as she gazed upon the most sensuous and erotic female body she had ever seen.

“At first, this slut thought it might be jealousy.  This slut had always envied the girls in high school that had the reputation of being eye candy.  she had never been able to be like this, because of the expectations and restrictions placed upon her by her parents.

“Over the last two days, this slut has been shaved, gagged, caged, humiliated in public, fucked, had braces put on her teeth and had her tongue pierced, had plugs and dildos stuffed into her ass and cunt, treated like a collared animal, and taught to suck cocks and clits.  Each time, this slut noticed that her pussy leaked juices like never before, and that more and more she desired to be fucked.  The only conclusion is that this slut has always been a slut, but never knew it.

“This idea of always being a slut may come from her Asian background, in which women are expected to take a submissive role to men.  It is never stated aloud in the home, but Asian girls are always second rate in comparison to boys.  Asian parents want their daughters to be married to successful men and their sons to be successful men.  And then the parents want many grandchildren.  No matter how you look at it, Asian parents desire for their daughters to be fucked and fucked again, and that is somehow ingrained in our minds.

“In conclusion, this slut believes that her pussy has been juicing the past two days because she is discovering her true self, that of a slut, one who desires to please her masters and mistresses, one whose holes are open and available at all times.  To be available means the holes must be lubricated and inviting.  This slut must work hard in her training so that she can adequately repay the Foundation for its generous scholarship.”

she read the essay twice, each time shocked at her own admissions, the tears beginning to form in her eyes, finally flowing down her cheeks.  she highlighted her essay, hit delete, pushed the laptop away, and laying her head on her arms, she sobbed and sobbed.

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