Gang-Raped Sister - Chapter 11 & 12

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    Beverly was shocked to look up and see a boy stand­ing there. At first she didn’t re­mem­ber him. He was stand­ing in the door­way of the bath­room with his hands on his hips. There was a wicked grin on his face.
    Then she re­membered that he was the boy that Con­nie had called a creep.
    “Con­nie,” Beverly said nervously.
    Con­nie looked up. She had been dry­ing her­self off and she dropped the towel.
    “What do you want?”
    “What do you think?”
    “Get the hell out of here!” Con­nie said an­grily. “You’ve got no busi­ness heft.”
    “You called me a creep,” he said softly. “Nobody calls Bobby Taylor a creep.”
    “Well, you are a creep,” Con­nie said. “Naw get out be­fore I call Danny.”
    “He ain’t go­ing to be able to help you,” Bobby said. “He can’t help nobody.” For the first, time Con­nie looked a little afraid. “What did you do to Danny?” she asked. “What did you do to him?”
    “I didn’t hurt him much,” Bobby shrugged. “At least, I haven’t hurt him yet.”
    “What do you mean?” Beverly asked.
    “I mean that it de­pends on you two as to what I do to Danny. It’s all up to you.” Con­nie shrugged. She picked up the towel and wrapped it around her. Beverly did the same with an­other towel. Con­nie wasn’t too wor­ried about her­self. She’d been raped be­fore. The first time had been when she was six­teen. It had been a bad ex­per­i­ence but she’d got­ten over it. She was wor­ried about Beverly. Bobby looked like the type who might hurt a girl badly if she didn’t do ex­actly as he said.
    “What do you want?”
    “I think you know,” he said, un­smil­ing.
    “Yeah.” Con­nie shrugged again. “I guess I do.” She saw the other boys when the walked out into the bed­room. Five boys who were peer­ing over each other’s shoulders in the door­way try­ing to look at Beverly and Con­nie.
    “Oh no!” Con­nie said. “This isn’t go­ing to be a gang-bang. Not to me.” Bobby hit her. He’d been want­ing to hit her since that even­ing in the bar. He had fol­lowed her un­til he’d found ex­actly where she’d been go­ing and then he went back for his friends.
    Con­nie saw the blow com­ing, but she couldn’t avoid it. He caught her across the face and she went don. She tried to get back up. He grasped her hair.
    “Stuffy bitch!” he said. “Stuffy little bitch. I’ll teach you to call me a creep.” He began to slap her open-handed. Her head vi­brated from the blows. Con­nie tried to jerk away from him, but he only held her head tighter.
    Beverly had seen enough. She went rush­ing at Bobby, scream­ing and try­ing to get him with her nails. He ducked her swinging hands, but she man­aged to kick him in the thigh.
    “Ow! God­damn it!” he said. “You guys get this bitch off me!” Beverly saw them com­ing. She got her nails into one of them and she laughed when she heard him cry out loud. She kicked an­other in the balls and he turned an ashen color.
    She was good, but she couldn’t fight them all. One boy caught one of her arms and twis­ted it be­hind her. An­other boy hit her hard in the stom­ach. Her breath went out with a whoosh. Her knees went weak.
    The boy she’d kicked in the balls smashed her in the face. She tasted blood from a cut lip.
    “Bitch!” he said. “You bitch! Break my fuck­ing balls, will you?” He slammed her twice more in the stom­ach and then she be­came ill. The boy who held her by the hair dragged her into the bath­room. She had noth­ing in her stom­ach but al­co­hol and she lost most of that.
    The boy then lowered her face into the sink and ran cold wa­ter on her un­til she begged him to stop. He raised her head.
    “You ready to quit fight­ing?”
    “Yes,” she whispered.
    “Good. But I warn you. You try any­thing like that again and I’ll bring you in here and drown the shit out of you. Do you un­der­stand me?”
    “Yes,” Beverly whispered.
    “Yes sir!” he com­manded.
    “Yes sir,” Beverly re­peated.
    He smiled and he pulled her out into the bed­room. Bobby gave her a sus­pi­cious look and rubbed his thigh. He was still stand­ing over Con­nie with his fin­gers wrapped in her hair.
    “Don’t worry, Bobby,” the boy hold­ing her said. “I’ve tamed this little cunt.” Bobby nod­ded. He pulled up Con­nie’s face so that Beverly saw it. Beverly gasped. Her face was pale and bleed­ing. The im­prints of his hand were all over her.
    “You’re a cunt,” he said.
    “Yes,” Con­nie whispered.
    “Don’t whis­per. I want the fel­lows to hear what you are. I want you to say it out loud!”
    “I’m a cunt,” Con­nie said. “Louder,” he com­manded.
    “I’M A CUNT!” Con­nie screamed.
    He began to slap her again. Beverly felt tears in her eyes. There was noth­ing she could do for her older sis­ter. If she moved even a little, she’d be dragged into the bath­room again.
    Fi­nally the loud slaps stopped.
    “Say it again!” he com­manded.
    “I’M A CUNT!” Con­nie screamed. “I’m a fuck­ing cunt,” he said.
    “I’M A FUCK­ING CUNT!” Con­nie screamed.
    “I’m a fuck­ing cunt who wants a prick up her a, and in her mouth.”
    Bobby stepped back and began to un­buckle his belt. He had Con­nie where he wanted her. Such a proud, stuck-up bitch who had never even given him a friendly look. Well, now she would do more than just give him a look.
    Beverly couldn’t move to help her sis­ter as Bobby pulled off his trousers and then his shorts. Beverly had to ad­mit, even as frightened as she was, that Bobby had a mag­ni­fi­cent cock. It was blood-filled and trem­bling.
    He pushed it at Con­nie’s mouth.
    “Open your mouth, bitch!” he de­man­ded. “Open your mouth and suck it!” Beverly could see Con­nie’s fin­gers clutch­ing his knees as he pushed his cock into her mouth. He went in deeper than Beverly had ever seen any­one go. Even Danny, Beverly heard Con­nie cough and gag.
    “Keep suck­ing bitch,” Bobby said. “Keep stick­ing or I’ll beat your ass again!” Beverly felt the boy who was hold­ing her be­gin to tremble. She didn’t tight as he put one hand over her tit. He began to squeeze her tit softly.
    “Damn,” he said. “Your sis­ter can sure stick cock. But you’ve got nicer tit­ties. I like a wo­man with nice tit­ties.” He kissed her ear. “I’m go­ing to fuck you. You know that?”
    “Yes,” Beverly answered.
    “I’m go­ing to stick my cock up your hot cunt and fuck your brains out. You go­ing to ar­gue?”
    “No,” Beverly said.
    “I like that,” he said, squeez­ing her titty hard. “I don’t like my wo­men to ar­gue. No sir, I sure don’t like for them to ar­gue with me.”
    “I won’t ar­gue,” Beverly prom­ised.
    He con­tin­ued to play with her tit. She tried not to hear the gag­ging noises that were be­ing made by Con­nie as she sucked Bobby’s big prick. She looked around at the boys that were around her. The other boys were watch­ing in­tently and lick­ing their lips.
    Beverly knew that they were think­ing about fuck­ing Con­nie. Beverly turned her at­ten­tion back to Con­nie. Con­nie was sick. Beverly could see the blood on her cheek. She knew Con­nie was hurt and hurt bad.
    “Please,” Beverly said.
    Bobby looked over at her.
    “What do you want, bitch?”
    “Don’t hurt her any more. I’ll make it up to you be­cause she called you a name. I’ll make it up to all of you.”
    “You mean that, bitch?” Bobby asked. “You’re go­ing to show us a really good time?”
    “Yes,” Beverly agreed. “Only don’t hurt her any more. She couldn’t take any more.” Bobby looked back at Con­nie. Her little sis­ter was prob­ably right about that. He had kicked her once and that kick had hurt Con­nie. She prob­ably couldn’t last much longer without passing out. He hadn’t in­ten­ded to hurt her that much.
    She still had his cock in her mouth, but she wasn’t do­ing any­thing. Maybe she couldn’t do any­thing. Her eyes were half closed and her face was still a pale white. He with­drew his aching cock from her mouth.
    “Okay,” he said. “But you bet­ter make it good.”
    “I will,” Beverly said. “I prom­ise.” Beverly was re­leased at Bobby’s com­mand. She walked over and stood by the bed.
    “How do you want me?”
    “I want my cock sucked,” Bobby said. “I want my cock sucked and I want you to swal­low all my cum. Every drop.”
    “Yes sir,” Beverly agreed.
    He smiled. His cock was still hard as he walked over and sat down on the bed. Beverly fell between his legs. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Con­nie sprawl­ing on the floor. Beverly was really wor­ried. Con­nie wasn’t mov­ing.
    “Suck it!” Bobby com­manded.
    Beverly pushed back her hair and put her mouth to his cock. She tried to do everything that would sat­isfy him. She licked the un­der­side of his prick all the way down to his balls. She cap­tured each of his soft balls, heavy with cum, in her mouth and teased it with her tongue.
    “Je­sus!” Bobby groaned. “Oh Je­sus! The little bitch can give a blow.” She came back up to the tip of his cock and sucked his cock-head into her mouth. She teased his tiny open­ing with her tongue. She tasted some of his lub­ric­at­ing fluid.
    His hands were squeez­ing her tits as she sucked him. He began to squeeze harder, and she knew he didn’t have long left. She began to deep­throat him and was re­war­ded by his loud groans of pleas­ure.
    She played with his balls even as the first of his salty jism entered her mouth. She pre­pared her­self for the de­luge that was to come.
    “Shit,” he groaned. “Oh shit, I’m go­ing to come! I’m go­ing to fill your hot mouth with my come! Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit! Fuck, here I come!”
    She began to swal­low his seed as it erup­ted from the end of his hot prick. She swal­lowed as fast as she could, but still he kept com­ing.
    “Oh fuck­ing shit!” he moaned as the last of his seed went down her throat. “Oh shit.” Fi­nally he was done. She didn’t protest when he drew his prick out and wiped his cock with some of her long, dark hair. He slapped her on the side of the head very lightly.
    “You were good, bitch. I’ve had bet­ter blows be­fore, but you were good.”
    “Can I see my sis­ter?” she asked.
    “Yes,” Bobby answered. “Sec the whore.” Beverly crawled on her hands and knees to her sis­ter’s side. Con­nie was breath­ing harshly and there was blood on her cheeks and on her neck.
    “Con­nie,” Beverly said softly. “Con­nie, can you hear me?” Beverly could see that though the beat­ing was severe there would be few marks. Already his hand prints were gone. The blood was caused by a sharp ring on his fin­ger.
    “Oh­h­h­hhh,” Con­nie moaned.
    Beverly hur­ried into the bed­room and came back with a wet wash­cloth. She brushed the blood away from the few scratches on Con­nie’s face. Con­nie was look­ing a little bet­ter.
    “Con­nie,” Beverly whispered. “Con­nie, can you hear me?”
    “Is that you, Sissy?” Beverly con­tin­ued to wash Con­nie’s face with the wet washrag. Con­nie’s face would be swollen for quite a while.
    “It’s me,” Beverly said. “It’s me. Are you feel­ing bet­ter now?” Con­nie rolled over on her side so that she could look around her. She saw the faces of the boys.
    She saw Bobby with his prick hanging out and she shuddered.
    She wanted to scream at Bobby. She wanted to curse him and tight him, but she was afraid. She had never been so afraid of a boy be­fore.
    “Are you all right?”
    “I think so,” Con­nie said.
    For the first time she no­ticed the cuts and scratches on her sis­ter’s face.
    “Are you all right?” Con­nie asked.
    “I’m fine. I’m a little worse than usual, but I think that I’ll live.”
    “Enough of this small talk.” Bobby said. “Are you ready, Beverly?” Beverly looked around at the faces of the other boys, all of them tense with ex­pect­a­tion. She wondered what it was go­ing to feel like be­ing fucked by all of them. She knew she’d never be the same again.
    “What do you mean?” Con­nie asked.
    “Your sis­ter made us a little bar­gain.” Bobby said. “She asked us to leave you alone and she’d take care of us. All of us.”
    Con­nie looked shocked. “But you can’t do that. She’s just a little girl.”
    “Hell!” Bobby said. “She gives a bet­ter blow than you do, and I’m bet­ting that she’s a bet­ter fuck.”
    “I won’t let you!” Con­nie screamed. “I won’t let you.”
    “You won’t let us?” Bobby laughed. “You’re go­ing to stop us?” He stood up and he walked over to them. His limp prick was still hanging out of his trousers.
    “You mean you’re go­ing to stop us?”
    “Yes.” Con­nie said.
    “I’ll beat your ass,” he said.
    Con­nie star­ted trem­bling. Even Beverly’s strong arms couldn’t stop her from shak­ing.
    “You’re not go­ing to do any­thing are you bitch?” he asked, smil­ing.
    “No.” Con­nie ad­mit­ted fear­fully.
    “You’re go­ing to sit there and wait while we fuck your sis­ter. We’re go­ing to fuck her every way pos­sible and you’re go­ing to watch and keep your whor­ing mouth shut.”
    “Yes,” Con­nie said.
    “Okay fel­lows,” Bobby said. He star­ted pulling off his trousers. “Let’s get to fuck­ing.”


    “Get on the bed, bitch!” Bobby com­manded.
    A couple of the boys had dragged Con­nie into the bath­room and had left her there. They had locked the door so she couldn’t es­cape.
    Beverly stretched out on the bed. She watched as the five boys stripped na­ked. She had never seen so many shapes in cocks at the same time. All of them were good-sized, and every boy had an erec­tion.
    “Who gets her first?” one boy asked.
    “Hell,” Bobby said. “There’s no hurry. Any­body that wants her. We can go again and again.”
    But one of the boys was in a hurry. He jumped on top of Beverly and forced her legs open. She gasped as his cock slammed deep into her cunt.
    “Look at me!” the guy panted. “I’m fuck­ing the bitch! I’m stick­ing my cock in her cunt!” Beverly moved un­der­neath him. She real­ized that the boy was simply too horny to last for long. She was right. He star­ted groan­ing and he quickened his pace.
    “Ah­hhh shit!” he moaned. “I’m go­ing to come! I’m go­ing to shoot my wad in this cunt’s pussy! Oh shit! Of fuck! Oh fuck!”
    She felt his jism pour­ing into her cunt and she kept mov­ing un­til she was sure that he was sat­is­fied. She was given no time to rest. An­other boy was quickly climb­ing on top of her and his cock went into her pussy eas­ily.
    Beverly began to feel it.
    She had thought that, she would be cold, that noth­ing the boys could do would turn her on. But she was wrong. Her nipples were be­gin­ning to get hard and her cunt was feel­ing hot.
    She put her arms around the boy’s broad back and pulled him closer to her.
    “Hey, look at that!” Bobby said. “She’s get­ting turned-on. The little bitch is lov­ing it.” She was be­gin­ning to love it. The boy was rub­bing against her tit­ties and fuck­ing her in a slow, ex­per­i­enced fash­ion that was start­ing fires all over her body.
    “Je­sus!” Beverly moaned. “Oh Je­sus!”
    She was now match­ing his speed and beg­ging him to fuck her harder. She could hear the other boys laugh­ing, and she knew they were laugh­ing at her.
    “Hot little bitch,” someone said.
    “Look at her move her ass!”
    “Oh Je­sus, I want to fuck!”
    The boy on top of Beverly began to moan. She raised her legs so that his prick was go­ing into her deeper and she scratched his back with her sharp nails.
    “Give it to me!” she begged. “Give it to me hard! Oh shit. Fuck me hard!” She felt him grow. She grunted as he poured his se­men into her and her ass began to thrash wildly against the fric­tion of his hard cock.
    “God!” she moaned. “That’s good! I love it! I really love it! Oh shit. I’m com­ing! I’m com­ing! Oh shit!”
    He fell away from her with his prick now limp. She lay there for a few minutes breath­ing heav­ily. Then she looked up to see an­other boy wav­ing his prick in front of her face.
    “Give me time to rest,” she pleaded.
    He gave her an­other minute and then his cock pressed against her open mouth. She ad­mit­ted his cock into her throat and began to tease him with her tongue.
    “That’s it, cunt,” he said. “That’s it. Suck my cock! Suck me good!” She felt someone else between her legs. Even as she sucked cock, she felt fin­gers part her thighs and an­other ri­gid prick slip­ping into her cunt.
    She tried to protest that she only wanted one at a time, but she couldn’t re­move the prick from her mouth. The boy had grasped her head and was push­ing his cock deeper into her mouth.
    Damn, but the cock in her cunt was ex­cit­ing her again. She couldn’t help it. It was a big one so it might have been Bobby’s, but she couldn’t see the boy’s knee. The boy was giv­ing her long, hard strokes and filling her cunt.
    The boy she was suck­ing straddled her so that his prick was now go­ing down into her throat. She could see noth­ing but his broad chest and shoulders above her.
    “Ummmm,” she said as the boy be­low con­tin­ued fuck­ing her.
    “Suck it, whore bitch!” the boy at her face com­manded. “Suck it good so I can fill your mouth with my cum. Suck it good!”
    He was com­ing. He erup­ted into her mouth and be­fore she could swal­low, he jerked his prick out.
    “I’m go­ing to drown you!” he groaned. “So every­body can see what a fuck­ing whore bitch you are.”
    Se­men sprayed her face. Some landed on her shoulders. Some he rubbed on her tit­ties. Then he made, her lick his cock clean.
    The he moved off her.
    She could now see that it was Bobby who was fuck­ing her. She could see the tense ex­pres­sion on his face and knew he was near com­ple­tion.
    “Move your ass!” he gasped. “Move your fuck­ing ass!” She was ex­hausted, but she did the best she could. She moved for him and he began to come. Again he came in rivers that flooded her cunt.
    He got off her.
    There was one boy left with a hard prick. He ap­proached her smil­ing.
    “You ever had it in the ass?” he ques­tioned.
    Beverly re­membered how Con­nie had looked when Danny had fucked her in the ass. She also re­membered that she had someday wanted to try it. But she hadn’t wanted to try it like this.
    “No,” Beverly said. “Please don’t! Not there!”
    “That’s the best way, baby,” he said. “The very best way.” She screamed and tried to kick him.
    “God­damn you!” he muttered. “Here, some­body, hold the bitch while I fuck her ass.” Again she tried to fight them, but the boys were simply too strong for her. They slapped her around a few times and then they rolled her over on her stom­ach. Someone kissed her on the ass and then they were pulling her up onto her hands and knees.
    “That’s right,” the boy said. “Now I’m go­ing to fuck your ass!” They held her in steel grips as the boy ap­proached her from be­hind. He po­si­tioned him­self with his hard prick just over her ass.
    “Please!” she begged. “I’ll suck! I’ll fuck! I’ll go two a time! I’ll do whatever you want! But please don’t do that!”
    “Shut up!”
    He pushed. She had never known such pain. She screamed and tried to wiggle away, but wig­gling her ass only ex­cited him more.
    “Wiggle it, baby,” be said. “Come on, keep wig­gling your ass. That feels good!” She tried to stop, but then he star­ted slap­ping her as­s­cheeks. His slaps be­came gradu­ally harder un­til she star­ted wig­gling again.
    “Shit!” he moaned as he forced his prick deeper and deeper into her tight ass. “Good stuff. Fuck­ing good stuff. You ought to feel how tight.”
    He gave a lunge and his prick went half way into her rectum. Beverly screamed in pain. She was hurt­ing. She knew in an­other mo­ment he was go­ing to burst into her stom­ach and kill her.
    “Oh God!” Beverly moaned. “Oh God!”
    “Someone stick a cock into her mouth and shut her up,” Bobby said.
    Beverly only had time to open her eyes as she felt a limp prick rub­bing against her lips.
    “Open up, sweets,” a boy said. “Open up and take me in. And don’t you bite! Bite and I’ll break your head!”
    She opened her mouth and took his limp prick between her lips. He went in eas­ily and she star­ted to suck nois­ily on him.
    The boy in her ass gave an­other shove and he was in. His balls slapped against her cunt and he groaned loudly.
    “Ah­hhh shit!” he said. “There’s noth­ing like vir­gin ass.” The boy in her mouth was grow­ing ex­cited and his prick was grow­ing. The boy in her ass star­ted fuck­ing her. He was not gentle. She could hear the loud slap of his balls against her.
    “Shit,” the boy cried. “This is good stuff. Great stuff. I love it!” Some­body put a hand un­der­neath her and began to fondle her tit­ties. She felt her nipples grow­ing hard and she real­ized that some of the pain was gone. She didn’t want to be turned on. She tried to think of some­thing else, but her mind kept com­ing back to how Con­nie had looked with Danny’s prick slip­ping into her ass.
    Beverly began to move and she sucked harder on the prick in her mouth.
    What was hap­pen­ing? Was she turn­ing into a hot and horny bitch who loved to do it with more than one man? She couldn’t help her­self. Her skin was tingling and there was an aching in her pussy.
    “Hell,” Bobby said. “She’s get­ting turned on again. I’ve never seen such a hot little bitch.”
    Hot little bitch. The words kept go­ing over and over in her mind. Hot little bitch. Hot little bitch. Hot little bitch.
    “Oh shit!” the boy in her ass moaned. “I’m go­ing to come! I’m go­ing to come in her hot ass! I’m go­ing to flood her ass with come!”
    “Oh yes!” Beverly moaned, the prick slip­ping out of her mouth. “Oh yes, fuck me good! Give it to me! I’m com­ing too. I can feel your squirt­ing! Oh shit and fuck! Oh fuck­kkkkkkk!”
    The boy stuffed his prick back into her mouth just as she came wildly. The boy be­hind her was scream­ing as the last of his cum drained into her ass.
    “Oh shit!” he moaned. “Oh fuck­ing shit!” Beverly dropped to her stom­ach and rolled, over. She saw that the boy she’d been suck­ing was hard and ready again. She opened her thighs. He pounced on her im­me­di­ately and drove his hot prick up into her cunt.
    “Je­sus,” he said. “You’re a good piece. Even wet with cum you’re a good piece.” He began to fuck her in hard, jerky strokes. She al­lowed him to do what he pleased be­cause she could hardly move. She had never felt so fucked over.
    She opened her eyes and looked around and was shocked by what she saw. Bobby and an­other boy were hard again. How long was it go­ing to last?
    “Turn her over on her side,” Bobby said. “Let’s show her how three can fuck.” She tried to struggle, but she was too weak. They turned her over eas­ily into the po­s­i­tion where they wanted her.
    “It won’t work like this,” Bobby said after a few frus­trat­ing at­tempts. “I’ll tell you what. You lay on your stom­ach and let her on top. I’ll fuck her from be­hind and she can suck your cock.”
    The three boys quickly agreed. Beverly felt her­self be­ing turned and twis­ted un­til they had her the way they wanted her. Slowly she was be­ing pushed down on top of a boy. His cock slipped into her cunt.
    An­other boy stood at her head and made her suck his cock.
    Bobby pushed his cock into her ass from be­hind. She could hardly think about what was hap­pen­ing. She was tired, ex­hausted. She could hardly move as the three boys rav­aged her body.
    All three boys came at al­most the same time. The poured their cum into her and she ac­cep­ted it. They fell away from her and she dropped to the bed. She could feel cum all over her. One bay had shot on her stom­ach, and Bobby had pulled his prick out to cum all over her as­s­cheeks.
    She felt as if she’d taken a bath in sperm.
    “I think that’s it,” Bobby said. “We can’t do any more to her. She’s about done in.”
    “Je­sus,” a boy said. “She looks half dead.”
    “She looks like she’s just been fucked five or six times,” Bobby said. “She’ll be all right. Just leave her there. Get the other one out of the bath­room.” Beverly saw, through half-open eyes, the boys open the bath­room door and drag Con­nie out. Con­nie was look­ing a little bet­ter.
    “Oh God!” Con­nie ex­claimed. “What did you do to her?”
    “We just fucked her a few times,” Bobby said. “A little fuck­ing never hurt any­body.” Beverly could see tears in Con­nie’s eyes. Bobby gave her a pat on her ass and walked out of the bed­room. The boys fol­lowed. Beverly barely heard the boys leave.
    She re­membered when Danny came back into the room. Danny looked pale and sick.
    “Oh my God, Con­nie,” he said. “What did they do?”
    “She’s go­ing to live,” Con­nie said. “But we have to get her home. Can you help?”
    “Sure. They just hit me on the head a little.” They got Beverly into the shower and they cleaned the dried cum off her. Then they dressed her. Neither Con­nie or Danny were in good enough shape to be help­ing her. They were both tired and Danny was dizzy from the blow on the head.
    They bundled her into the car.
    “Con­nie,” Beverly said. “Con­nie, are you here?”
    “I’m here, baby,” Con­nie cooed into her ear. “I’m here. You just re­lax.” Danny drove them home very care­fully. He wasn’t see­ing the road very well. He was think­ing about re­venge. He had enough friends so that Bobby and his crew were not go­ing to get off eas­ily with this.
    Danny pulled up in front of their house.
    “I’ll get Mother and Dad,” Con­nie said. “They can help me bring her in. You look like you’re get­ting sick.”
    “I think I can man­age,” Danny said.
    But Con­nie was already run­ning up the drive­way. She poun­ded on the front door. In her panic she had for­got­ten her key. She only knew that she wanted to get her par­ents down as quickly as pos­sible.
    Lights went on up­stairs and a few went on down the block.
    “What the hell is go­ing on!” she heard her father yell.
    Con­nie slumped against the door. All the en­ergy had gone out of her. She felt as if she couldn’t move. She heard the front door open, but she couldn’t open her eyes to look.
    “Oh God,” her father said softly.

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