Gang-Raped Sister - Chapter 9 & 10

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    Con­nie didn’t al­low Tabatha to pick out her own clothes for that even­ing. Con­nie searched through the closet un­til she found some things that suited her.
    “Here,” Con­nie said. “Put these on. They ought to pop his eyes out.”
    “But there’s not very much of it,” Tabatha pro­tested.
    “That’s the whole idea,” Con­nie said.
    The out­fit con­sisted of a green skirt that barely reached Tabatha’s thighs. The dress was low cut and very tight around her tits so that they were pushed up. It looked as if any mo­ment her creamy tits were go­ing to break loose of the tight con­fine­ment.
    “I’m in­de­cent!” Tabatha said, look­ing at her­self in the mir­ror.
    “No more in­de­cent than this af­ter­noon,” Con­nie said. “And this is for your hus­band.”
    “He’s never seen me like this.”
    “Then it’s time he did,” Con­nie replied.
    Con­nie had other ideas in mind for that even­ing. She told Tabatha that she was go­ing to be left on her own. She and Beverly were go­ing to leave.
    After they made their father a nice sup­per.
    “Take a nice hot shower,” Con­nie said as she star­ted down­stairs and to the kit­chen. “And put on some sexy per­fume. We want this to be a night he re­mem­bers for a long time.”
    Tabatha was hav­ing mixed feel­ings. After all, he was her hus­band, so there was noth­ing wrong in what she was do­ing. But there was noth­ing really ex­cit­ing about it either. Her hus­band had al­ways seemed such a blah per­son. He was dull, not at all like Danny.
    Danny. She kept think­ing about him and about the way she’d ac­ted. She’d never been so turned on by a man be­fore. She’d never ac­ted so wan­ton.
    Not even when she’d been in high school and all the boys were con­stantly chas­ing after her.
    She had been no vir­gin when she’d mar­ried, but it had al­ways been her who de­cided who she was go­ing to fuck and when. A boy had never got­ten her so turned on that she for­got her­self.
    No boy ever had un­til Danny Bridges.
    She took a long, hot shower and put the per­fume on. She dressed in the skirt that Con­nie had picked out. Tabatha had bought the dress on an im­pulse, but she’d never worn it be­fore.
    She stud­ied her­self in the mir­ror. She looked pos­it­ively in­de­cent in the dress. She knew it would turn her poor hus­band on al­most bey­ond his en­dur­ance. She resigned her­self to the fact that she was go­ing to have to do as Con­nie told her.
    She would make it a really me­morial oc­ca­sion for her hus­band, but she wasn’t go­ing to en­joy it very much.
    She went down­stairs to find Con­nie and Beverly busy in the kit­chen. She could smell the onions that Beverly was cook­ing. Con­nie was chop­ping up some steak.
    She found that they had already set the table. Her fa­vor­ite linen table­cloth and can­dle­sticks were in view. Along with the best sil­ver.
    Beverly popped some pota­toes into the oven.
    “Do you want my help?” Tabatha asked.
    “No,” Con­nie said. “We don’t want you to get tired or sweaty. We want you to feel good for to­night.”
    “Then what’ll I do?”
    “Just find your­self a place to sit. We’ll take care of everything.” The girls really were in­tent on mak­ing an event out of it. They had fin­ished their pre­par­a­tions for the meal and now they star­ted on the house. They wanted everything to be per­fect. Beverly brought in some flowers from some­where and Tabatha thought why they had planned it all along. Right down to the last de­tail.
    Con­nie put on some mood mu­sic and turned on the in­ter­com. The soft strains floated gently through the house.
    “There,” Con­nie told Tabatha. “Everything’s ready and per­fect.”
    “I don’t know why you’re go­ing to all this trouble,” Tabatha said. “Ray­mond and I have made love many times.”
    “Made love!” Con­nie spat out the words sar­castic­ally. “That’s the prob­lem. You and father have made love. What you should have been do­ing to him was fuck­ing. You should have been fuck­ing him. Just like you fucked Danny.” Tabatha didn’t protest be­cause she knew there was truth in what Con­nie said. She had fucked Danny.
    She had al­lowed him to fuck her in a way that she’d never been fucked be­fore and she had en­joyed every mo­ment of it. It had been really won­der­ful. She had never been fucked like that by Ray­mond. He was gentle with her when he needed to be hard and furi­ous.
    “Yes,” Tabatha said, “I see what you mean.”
    “But to­night that changes,” Con­nie said. “To­night you’re go­ing to make a real man out of him. To­night you’re go­ing to take him to heaven. To­night you’re go­ing to be his love slave.” Love Slave. Tabatha said the words over in her mind and found that she was ex­cited. It brought to mind pic­tures of nu­bile slave girls dan­cing to their mas­ters wishes.
    She real­ized, for the first time in her life, that a de­mand­ing man was what she really needed.
    “Well,” Con­nie said, look­ing at her watch. “Sissy and I are go­ing out. Now you do a good job. We won’t be back to in­trude.”
    Tabatha went with her daugh­ters to the front door. She wanted to ask them what time they’d be back, but she real­ized that it was a ques­tion they wouldn’t an­swer. She no longer had con­trol over them.
    “Do a good job,” Con­nie said, kiss­ing her mother on the cheek. “Do a good job and you’ll like it too.”
    Tabatha watched as her two daugh­ters walked to Con­nie’s car. She watched as the car pulled out of the drive­way and star­ted to­ward town. Fi­nally she turned her eyes to the dir­ec­tion her hus­band would be com­ing in.
    She saw his car al­most im­me­di­ately.
    She wondered what he would say or do when he saw her out­fit. He had tried to get her to wear the dress be­fore, but she kept re­fus­ing. She knew that he would be ex­cited by all her bare flesh. He had al­ways been ex­cited by her body.
    He drove his car into the drive­way and parked it. He got out look­ing tired. He worked as an ac­count­ant for a con­struc­tion com­pany and some­times he’d get out and do manual work. This looked like one of those days.
    He brightened up when he saw her dress. His eyes im­me­di­ately fell to where her creamy white tits were try­ing to force their way out of her top.
    “Je­sus, honey!” he said. “You sure look good to­night.”
    “Do I?”
    “You sure do.”
    He took her in his arms and kissed her. She didn’t try to fight as she usu­ally did when he kissed her in pub­lic. She let his hard lips mash against her own for as long as he liked.
    He pressed his body against hers and she could feel his harden­ing prick push­ing against her cunt-mound.
    “Let’s go in­side,” he said.
    He looked pleas­antly sur­prised when he came into the kit­chen and saw the table.
    “I made a little sup­per for you,” Tabatha said.
    “I can see that,” he mur­mured. “My fa­vor­ite. Meat and pota­toes.” Tabatha wasn’t hungry, but she ate most of her meal. She tried to do her best to an­ti­cip­ate his every de­sire. When he would reach for some­thing, she would quickly hand it to him. She quickly poured his tea when his glass was empty.
    “Well,” he said, pat­ting his stom­ach. “That was really good.”
    “Come up­stairs,” she said. “I have an­other sur­prise for you.” Tabatha hardly knew what she was say­ing. She only knew that act­ing as a slave girl to her hus­band was ex­cit­ing her. Be­sides, she wasn’t a liar. She had agreed to Con­nie’s de­mands that she make this a night for Ray­mond to re­mem­ber, and she had every in­ten­tion of do­ing just that.
    She turned on him as soon as she had him up­stairs. She dropped to her knees on the floor in front of him. She loved the sur­prised ex­pres­sion on his face as she fumbled at his zip­per. She had it down in a mo­ment and she reached in­side for his prick.
    He was still sur­prised so he wasn’t com­pletely hard yet. She put his cock between her lips.
    “My God, Tabatha!” he said softly. “What are you do­ing? You’ve never done this be­fore!”
    His prick was slowly grow­ing stiff. Then it be­came a pulsat­ing rod in her mouth. He was even more ex­cited than usual, and she could already taste a little of his cum on the tip of his prick.
    She sucked him deep into her throat.
    “You’re go­ing to make me cum!” he warned. “You’re go­ing to make me shoot off in your mouth!”
    She had never be­fore taken her hus­band’s cum in her mouth, but now she was de­term­ined to take it. She was be­com­ing more and more ex­cited. She kept think­ing about Danny Bridges and how she had wanted to taste his cum. Now there was nobody around to stop her from tast­ing her hus­band’s.
    “No, baby!” he said, push­ing her back. “I’m go­ing to come!”
    “Good,” she said. “That’ll take the edge off.” She took his cock into her mouth once again. This time he couldn’t wait. His hard prick ex­ploded great gobs of white jizz into her throat. At first she couldn’t swal­low quickly enough and the white seed came out the corners of her mouth and dripped onto her dress. But then she got the hang of it and she began swal­low­ing quickly. She drained the last drop from his prick and re­leased him.
    “God!” he said. “You’ve never done that be­fore. That was great, Tabatha. Just great.”
    “And it’s just be­gin­ning,” she said. “Come on into the bath­room with me and let me clean you. You’re all hot and sweaty.” She led him into the bath­room. She turned on the shower and worked the faucets un­til she had the spray pleas­antly warm.
    He was start­ing to take off his shirt when she stopped him.
    “No,” she said. “Let me do it all.”
    She un­did the but­tons of his shirt and dropped it on the floor. Then she stripped off his un­der­shirt to bare his chest. She sucked one of his nipples. She moved lower and kissed his flat stom­ach and tongued his na­vel.
    His limp prick was still hanging out­side his trousers, and she was care­ful not to hurt him when she pulled his trousers off.
    “Now step into the shower,” she said.
    He stepped into the shower and she took the soap. She began, to soap him all over. She was aware that her thin green dress was get­ting soaked and he could see that she was wear­ing noth­ing un­der­neath. She knew that the wet dress was mak­ing her look more sex­ier than if she had noth­ing on.
    She con­tin­ued soap­ing him. She soaped his cock and balls and felt him be­gin­ning to get ri­gid again. She was get­ting turned on as she washed him. There was some­thing about serving him that was turn­ing her on.
    She felt a warm heat between her thighs.
    Sud­denly he was pulling her into the shower with him. She star­ted to protest, but she felt his hands come around and cup her as­s­cheeks. She could feel his hard cock push­ing between her thighs.
    “God­damn!” he muttered. “I’ve al­ways wanted to fuck you in the shower.” She was pushed against the hard walls of the shower and he lif­ted her a little. He brought her cunt down hard on his cock. His cock went in eas­ily, lub­ric­ated by her own juices.
    “God­damn!” he said. “God­damn, this feels good!” She began to bounce up and down on his cock. Her nipples were rock-hard and he began to tern them between his fin­gers. He had taken con­trol. He was fuck­ing her as he never had be­fore. Treat­ing her like the whore that she al­ways wanted to be.
    She raised her legs and found her­self held strongly in his arms.
    “Oh yes, baby!” she moaned. “Fuck me good! Fuck me real good!” She had already taken the edge off his cock with her mouth so now he was able to fuck her for a long while. She felt her first bru­tal cli­max com­ing. “Oh shit!” she moaned. “Oh shit, fuck me! Your prick feels so good, baby! So God­damned good!” She ex­ploded. Her hot juices en­vel­oped his cock and still he kept fuck­ing her. She real­ized that he was not go­ing to come, that he was go­ing to make her come again. She cried and begged him to come, but he kept driv­ing his hot cock in.
    She hadn’t thought that it was pos­sible for her to come again, but she felt his strong hands on her tit­ties and he whispered dirty words into her ear. “You whore,” he said. “You bitch! You’ve al­ways liked a prick. You’ve al­ways had a hot pussy. Your fuck­ing hot pussy needs a prick.”
    His words and the rhythm of his fuck­ing drove her to the heights again. She felt her ass be­ing rubbed raw against the hard shower wall.
    But she didn’t care about her ass. She began to thrash wildly as she felt her second cli­max com­ing.
    “Oh dear God!” she screamed. “It’s never been like this. Oh shit! Oh shit, I can feel you grow­ing! I can feel you com­ing in­side me! Oh fuck, come! Oh come! Oh come!”
    They both came at the same time and she knew she had tears in her eyes at the pleas­ure of it.
    He pushed her away.
    “On your knees,” he de­man­ded.
    There was no longer any pre­tend­ing. Now she really was his slave girl. Her act had given him con­fid­ence and now he no longer needed con­fid­ence. He knew what he could do to her.
    “On your knees,” he said again. “Clean me off.” Obed­i­ently she fell to her knees. The wa­ter ran down her cheeks and her dress was ruined, but she cared about noth­ing but clean­ing his limp cock. She cleaned him with her tongue and even put her tongue into his ass and cleaned his crack.
    He pushed her away.
    “Come on into the bed­room,” he said. “I’ve got an­other load for you.” She couldn’t see how he could pos­sibly come again, but she quickly fol­lowed him into the bed­room. He lay down on her white bed­spread and slowly rubbed his balls. She awaited his com­mand.
    “You’ve al­ways been such a lady,” he said. “I’ve al­ways wanted to see you like this. Now take off that God­damned dress and shake it for me. Shake it good.”
    She knew what he wanted. She stripped off the wet dress and turned on the bed­room ra­dio. She found a fast song. She began to shake her ass. She wanted to be hu­mi­li­ated. She did everything he told her to do. She knew she looked like a five-dol­lar whore as she shook her full tit­ties at him.
    “Come over here,” he said.
    She could see that his cock had grown hard again. She walked over to him and knelt on the bed.
    “Take it in your mouth.”
    She sucked his hot cock in all the way to his balls. He groaned as she began suck­ing on him.
    “Suck it good, baby,” he said. “This time we won’t let you spill any.” He grabbed her head and began to es­tab­lish his own rhythm. She found her­self be­ing pulled up and down on his cock. It wasn’t her suck­ing him any longer. Now he was fuck­ing her mouth.
    “Take it, whore!” he moaned. “Take that God­damned cock. Take every inch of it and I’m go­ing to fill your mouth with cum! I’m go­ing to give you a God­damned full load of my white stuff.”
    She al­most choked each time he drove his prick into her mouth. He was go­ing deeper than Danny had gone, even with his mon­strous cock.
    “Here I come, bitch!” he moaned. “Here I come with all my hot cum!” She took him all. Every drop went down her throat. He didn’t re­lease her un­til she had fin­ished him.
    “Fuck­ing good,” he moaned. “You have a sweet mouth and a sweet pussy.” She knew that she had changed. There would no longer be any ques­tion of who was boss around their house. It would be her hus­band. She reached down and hef­ted his balls.
    “You like that cock?”
    “Oh yes,” she said.
    “Good. We’re go­ing to be up here us­ing that thing a lot from now on.”
    “Yes,” she agreed. “Any­thing you say.”


    Beverly was hav­ing a good time. Con­nie had de­cided to show her younger sis­ter some of the places that were fre­quen­ted by the col­lege crowd. Up to now, Beverly had never taken a drink but some of the places would serve Beverly un­der the table.
    By the time they reached their fourth little bar, Beverly was get­ting a little drunk.
    “Wheee,” Beverly said as they took a seat. “I’m be­gin­ning to feel really good.”
    “If you don’t fall off your chair.” Con­nie ob­served.
    “I don’t care if I do,” Beverly giggled. “It won’t hurt at all.”
    “It might not,” Con­nie said dryly. “But it sure would show a lot of skin.” Beverly giggled again. Like Tabatha, Beverly had al­lowed Con­nie to dress her. She ware a very short skirt and a tight blouse and no bra.
    “All the bet­ter to let the boys ogle your tit­ties,” Con­nie had ex­plained.
    Right now Beverly wished that some boy would come along and do more than ogle. She had been grow­ing warmer as the even­ing pro­gressed and now her thighs were twitch­ing with ex­cite­ment.
    She closed her legs tightly to­gether, lik­ing the warm rush of feel­ing when they touched.
    “God,” she said. “I could use a man.”
    “Just drink your drink,” Con­nie said as the bar­tender brought their drinks. “The boys will be along soon enough.”
    “But when?” Beverly com­plained. “You prom­ised me a good time to­night.”
    “You’ll have a good time,” Con­nie prom­ised. “We just have to wait un­til the right boys come along.” As soon as Con­nie had spoken, a boy came along but he wasn’t ex­actly what she had in mind. He was a big, bru­tal-look­ing boy with dark, wavy hair and large muscles.
    “Hello,” he said.
    “Get lost, creep,” Con­nie said. “We’ve got no time for you.” The boy shrugged his wide shoulders and looked at Beverly.
    “Does she speak for you?”
    “She’s my sis­ter,” Con­nie ex­plained. “Now will you get lost. I don’t want to be seen around you.”
    His eyes were ugly as he looked back at Con­nie. “You al­ways have been such a proud bitch,” he said. “Some day you’ll pay for that.”
    “I doubt it,” Con­nie said.
    The boy walked away. Beverly felt her eyes pulled to where he wore his tight trousers over his but­tocks. She could see the lines of his crack.
    “Why’d you send him away?” Beverly asked. “He was kind of cute.”
    “Him?” Con­nie ques­tioned. “He’s a creep. He hangs around with the hoods that ride the mo­tor­cycles on cam­pus. They all think they’re rough and tough and just too at­tract­ive. I think they’re creeps.” Beverly turned her at­ten­tion back to her drink. She for­got about the creep as she took an­other long sip of the sweet-tast­ing li­quid.
    This wasn’t at all like the tiny bit of beer that Mr. Ju­ni­per had forced her to taste. This was good and it seemed to get bet­ter with every taste.
    “Come on,” Con­nie said. “We’ve got one more place to go. If we can’t find any real ac­tion there, then I guess well call it a night.”
    “But what if Mother isn’t fin­ished?”
    “Hell,” Con­nie said. “It’s been three hours and forty minutes. She ought to have him in the bed­room by now at least.”
    “Do you think our plan is go­ing to work?”
    “It’ll work if Mother car­ries out her part. She’ll never be able to treat Dad rough again.” They fin­ished their drinks and walked down the street to a place Con­nie wanted to visit. It was a dark and dingy bar, dif­fer­ent than the rest be­cause it smelled musty and the paint on the walls was cracked and peel­ing.
    But this bar was crammed with people.
    A boy ap­proached them as soon as they came through the door. Beverly saw that it was Danny Bridges.
    “Hey, Con­nie. I been look­ing for you.”
    “So this is where you’re all at,” Con­nie said. “I was be­gin­ning to won­der if any­one was out to­night.”
    “Yup,” Danny said. “They’re all here. Come on over to our table.” Beverly re­membered very little of what happened after that. The next two hours went quickly. She re­membered smoking some­thing that nearly made her sick and spine boy walked, her to the bath­room.
    She re­membered call­ing Con­nie’s name very weakly as the boy pushed her into a corner and began to fondle her. She could feel his hard cock push­ing up against her.
    “Don’t worry, baby,” he said. “I’m not go­ing to hurt you.” It seemed wrong to al­low him to fondle her that way. She screamed and tried to fight him. His hand tipped apart the front of her blouse.
    “No!” Beverly screamed. “No, God­damn you!” And then Con­nie was there kick­ing the boy and call­ing him names.
    “Shit,” Con­nie said. “What are you try­ing to do? Is this any way to treat my sis­ter?”
    “Hell,” the boy said. “I didn’t know she was your sis­ter. I thought…”
    “You thought she was just some cheap whore you’d get high and pull into a corner and stick your cock into, huh? Well it don’t work that way.” Con­nie put her hand on her sis­ter’s arm. “Come on, baby.”
    “Where are we go­ing?”
    “We’re go­ing up to Danny’s apart­ment.” Beverly was half asleep when they pulled her out of Con­nie’s car and helped her up the steps. She was aware of hands pulling off her cloth­ing.
    “Put her in the shower,” Danny was say­ing. “She’ll feel bet­ter then.”
    “God­damn him,” Con­nie said. “I hope he doesn’t get any for a year.”
    “I don’t think he gave her any­thing ser­i­ous,” Danny said. “Prob­ably just pass.”
    “Hell,” Con­nie said. “He didn’t have to do that. He could have just asked.”
    “I know,” Danny replied. “But some guys think they have to get a girl high to do any­thing.” Beverly was pushed un­der the shower. She was soaked for a few minutes with warm wa­ter and then dried off.
    “God­damn,” Danny whistled. “She does have a nice pair of jugs.”
    “Keep your mind on what you’re do­ing,” Con­nie said.
    “Let’s put her in my bed and let her rest for a while,” Danny said. “She’ll feel bet­ter in a while.”
    Beverly mumbled at them as they prac­tic­ally car­ried her to Danny’s bed and put her down. She was sleep­ing as soon as her head touched the pil­low.
    Danny looked down at her na­ked body on the bed. He felt an im­me­di­ate urge in his groin. Con­nie saw him pull at his un­com­fort­ably hard prick.
    “All right, damn you,” Con­nie said, grin­ning. “We’ll have to do some­thing about that.” Quickly Con­nie began strip­ping off her clothes. Danny had never failed to ap­pre­ci­ate Con­nie’s body. Her tits weren’t as large as her younger sis­ter’s but she did have a sexy way about her.
    And she could fuck! God, how she could fuck! He pulled off his clothes and crawled onto the bed be­side Beverly. He fondled Beverly’s tits as he watched Con­nie fin­ish un­dress­ing. Beverly moaned in her sleep as his fin­gers touched her.
    “Quit that!” Con­nie said. “Here.” Con­nie poin­ted one creamy tit at him. “Have one of these.”
    Con­nie sank down into the bed and he was im­me­di­ately at her tits. His lips closed around one of her nipples and he began to suck on her hard. She groaned and pushed more of her tit-flesh into his mouth.
    He moved his lips down her stom­ach and let his tongue play in her pu­bic hair.
    “Eat me, you bas­tard!” Con­nie groaned. “You know that’s what I like.” He moved into a bet­ter po­s­i­tion so that his legs were hanging off the edge of the bed. He pushed his face into Con­nie’s sweet-tast­ing cunt-flesh.
    “Oh shit!” Con­nie moaned. “I like that. I really do like that.” His tongue rubbed softly against her cunt-walls. He pushed his tongue in deep and tasted the first of her sweet juices.
    “Slit!” she moaned. “You make me come fast that way. Oh shit!” Her hips began to thrash wildly as his tongue brought her to a shat­ter­ing cli­max.
    “Fuck!” she cried. “Oh fuck! I love it, Danny! I love it! Oh fuck! Oh shit!” She gave one last shud­der as she pushed her cunt against his face and flooded him with her juices. He didn’t pull his face away. He sucked in all of her hot juices and then put his tongue in deeper for more.
    “Ummmmm!” she moaned. “UUMMMM! Nobody knows how to eat pussy like you, Danny.”
    He moved up her body so that she could feel his hard cock push­ing against her cunt.
    “And now what do you want?” she asked in­no­cently.
    “You, baby,” he said. “I want you.”
    “You mean you want to fuck me?”
    “Oh God yes!”
    Con­nie smiled. She opened her legs wide and felt his prick push into her pussy.
    Danny was feel­ing good. He could feel the aching need deep in his balls and he knew he wouldn’t be able to fuck for long. This would be four times in one day. He had never done it that many times be­fore.
    Con­nie began to move her ass quickly as his cock poun­ded her. She knew she had an ex­per­i­enced pussy. She could make him pop al­most any time she wanted to, but she slowed down each time she knew he was reach­ing the point of no re­turn. She wanted him to en­joy it as much as she did.
    Fi­nally there was no turn­ing back.
    She pound her cunt against him and moved vi­ol­ently as his prick pew.
    “God!” he cried. “Oh God­damn! I’m go­ing to come! I’m go­ing to fuck your brains out! Oh fuck! Oh fuck! OH FUCK­KKK!”
    Great gobs of his stuff poured into her pussy. She kept mov­ing un­til his prick was drained dry.
    “Oh shit!” he moaned, fall­ing away. “Oh shit.” She snuggled into his arms so that her tits were rest­ing against his side. She let her hand fall on his soft prick.
    “Did you like?”
    “You know it,” he said. “Nobody ever could fuck like you do.”
    “Ex­cept maybe my sis­ter,” Con­nie said in a teas­ing tone of voice.
    “Well,” Danny ad­mit­ted, “Your sis­ter was pretty good.”
    “Just pretty good?”
    “Damn fine,” Danny ad­mit­ted.
    “Why don’t you try her again? We have to get home and I prom­ised her a good fuck.”
    “Aw come on, Con­nie,” he pro­tested. “I’m all done in. Four times is enough for me. Be­sides, your sis­ter’s asleep.”
    “You can wake her up.”
    “No,” he said.
    Con­nie had con­tin­ued squeez­ing his cock and she re­newed her ef­forts to get him hard. It was not dis­cour­aging. Her gentle, ex­per­i­enced fin­gers soon had his cock ri­gid again.
    “You’re go­ing to kill me,” Danny said.
    “But isn’t it a nice death?”
    Danny kissed Beverly. She tasted of wine and of smoke. He probed the in­side of her mouth with his tongue. She moaned and star­ted rub­bing her two huge tits against him.
    “See,” Con­nie said. “Even in her sleep she’s ready to get a nice big dick.” He kissed her throat and then her belly. He went between her legs and began to suck her pussy. He drew in her sweet folds of flesh and licked her clit. Her hips began to move.
    “God, she’s a hot one!” Con­nie said. “I’ve never seen any­one so ready and she’s still asleep.”
    Her ass began to twitch vi­ol­ently. He teased her clit with his tongue and then cap­tured it softly between his teeth. He bit down a little. She moaned out loud and her ass threatened to push him off the bed.
    Beverly opened her eyes. She was not aware, at first, of what was hap­pen­ing. Then she felt the tongue in her cunt. She could feel her cunt get­ting hot.
    “Ummmmm!” Beverly moaned. “Oh, that feels good. Oh, how I love it.”
    “I told you I’d show you a good time,” Con­nie said.
    Beverly gave her sis­ter a look of ap­pre­ci­ation.
    He con­tin­ued to eat her cunt un­til Beverly was cry­ing out in pleas­ure.
    “Now for a fuck­ing,” Con­nie said. “Fuck her now, Danny. Put your hot cock in her.” Danny drove his hot cock all the way into her tight pussy. Beverly screamed as his cock forced open her cunt.
    “Oh yes,” Beverly moaned. “Give it to me! That’s the way I like it! Oh, give it to me!” Danny began to fuck her hard. He was grow­ing ex­cited now, al­though he had really thought that this time was go­ing to be pain­ful.
    Con­nie’s fin­gers were between his legs and nab­bing his balls. Then he felt the bed sag and Con­nie was be­hind him. She stretched out next to him and put her face to his ass. She licked his ass and then down to his balls, even as he drove his cock into her younger sis­ter.
    “Oh shit, Con­nie!” he moaned. “What are you do­ing to me? What are you do­ing to me?”
    “Keep fuck­ing,” Con­nie said. “Keep fuck­ing my sis­ter!” Beverly couldn’t see what was hap­pen­ing, but she could feel the new ex­cite­ment that came over Danny. He began to drive his cock into her with more vi­ol­ent strokes than be­fore.
    “Oh God!” Beverly groaned. “Oh God, it feels good! Oh fuck me, Danny! Give me your long hard prick! Give it to me hard!”
    Beverly screamed as her body star­ted shak­ing with pas­sion. She couldn’t con­trol the way her ass shook, driv­ing him to at­tack her even faster.
    “I’m com­ing!” Danny groaned. “I’m go­ing to came! Oh fuck, I’m com­ing! Oh shit, I can’t help it! I’m go­ing to fill your hot cunt with my cum!”
    She felt his prick grow lar­ger and then she felt him empty his pre­cious load of se­men deep into her cunt. She kept mov­ing un­der­neath him un­til every drop was drained from his cock.
    Danny fell away, pant­ing.
    “That was good,” Beverly moaned. “That was bet­ter than when you fucked me be­fore.”
    “I think I’m go­ing to die,” Danny moaned. “Ah­h­hhh,” Con­nie said. “Poor baby. Here, let me make it bet­ter for you.” She licked the end of his prick. She tasted his se­men.
    Danny pulled away from her quickly.
    “No you don’t!” he said quickly. “An­other few minutes with that mouth of yours and I’d be hard again, and that would kill me.”
    “Now,” Con­nie said gently, as she tried once more to cap­ture his prick with her mouth.
    “God­damn it,” Danny said. “I said no! Get your mouth away from my prick and go home. I want to be able to use the damn thing again.”
    “I don’t think we’re wanted here,” Con­nie laughed.
    “Well, I’m go­ing to take an­other shower be­fore I go home,” Beverly said. “I’m not go­ing home all hot and sweaty,” she said.
    “I’ll join you,” Con­nie said.
    Danny watched them go into the shower and then he walked into his front room to fix him­self a drink. Danny didn’t think that he’d ever felt so tired. Not even that blonde in Wash­ing­ton had worn him out so much, and she was a sweet-look­ing thing who had an al­ways ready cunt.
    He fixed him­self a bour­bon and wa­ter and drank it down. He poured him­self an­other.
    “Hey, Con­nie!” he called out. “Do you girls want a drink of some­thing?” They didn’t hear him so he went into the bed­room. He could see Beverly and Con­nie shower­ing to­gether. Des­pite his aching body he got aroused at watch­ing their two young and beau­ti­ful bod­ies.
    Con­nie saw him and he smiled. She poin­ted at his semi-erec­tion and he shook his head sadly.
    “It would kill me,” he said. “Would you two like some­thing to drink?”
    “Not for me,” Con­nie shouted over the sound of the shower. “How about you, Sissy?” Beverly shook her head and poin­ted to her stom­ach. Danny couldn’t blame her. All the things she’d had that night would be enough to make any­body sick.
    He pad­ded softly back into the liv­ing room and fixed him­self an­other drink. He was thirsty as hell.
    He was drink­ing it down when he heard the knock on the door.
    “Now who in the hell could that be?”
    Danny walked to the door and opened it.
    He never saw the face of the boy who struck him. All he saw was a big fist com­ing at his face and he tried to dodge. He didn’t move fast enough. The blow slammed him to the floor. When he tried to get up, someone kicked him hard in the ribs.
    He grunted in pain.
    “Don’t move,” a voice said softly. “Don’t make a sound.” He saw the backs of two boys walk­ing to­ward the back bed­room. He tried to scream, but someone be­hind him struck him a sharp blow on the head. He never saw the other four boys who stepped over him.
    “Stu­pid bas­tard,” an­other boy said as he slammed the door shut and locked it. “He should have just lay there like we told him. He shouldn’t have moved.”
    “Is he dead?” an­other boy asked.
    “Nah. He ain’t dead. But the girls in there. They’re go­ing to wish they were dead. Nobody calls me a creep and gets away with it!”
    “We go­ing to fuck ‘em, Bobby?”
    “Yes,” Bobby answered. “We go­ing to fuck them. We go­ing to fuck them every way pos­sible. We’re go­ing to give them six strong cocks and see who they call creeps after that.”
    “God­damn, Bobby!” the boy said. “I can hardly wait.”
    “Well, you got to wait,” someone else said. “You got to wait your turn.”
    “Yeah,” Bobby said. “But every­body gets some. Right now, you run out and check on the cycles.”
    “I don’t want to do that,” he said. “I want to look at the girls.”
    “Do what I tell you!” Bobby ordered.
    Bobby mo­tioned for the two boys stand­ing near the door to move out of his way. He also mo­tioned for si­lence as the boy go­ing out­side fumbled with the lock on the door.
    “Go on,” he said.
    Bobby walked into the back bed­room. He heard them turn the shower off. He smiled. A smile like the cat who just ate the ca­nary — or was about to.

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