Gang-Raped Sister - Chapter 3 & 4

Story Source:


    Beverly’s mother was wait­ing for her when she got home.
    “Where have you been?” she asked. “Out with some boy?”
    “I’m tired,” Beverly said. “I’m go­ing to my room.”
    “Of course, you’re tired,” Beverly’s mother said. “Out fuck­ing with every boy in sight. I heard about it. You and that vul­gar Brown boy. How could you?” Beverly went up­stairs, pay­ing no heed to her mother’s angry voice. Beverly’s sis­ter was sit­ting on her bed.
    Con­nie Par­ham was the im­age of Beverly in the face but there the re­semb­lance ended. Con­nie was a heftier girl, a little heav­ier than Beverly and she had dirty-brown hair.
    “You’ve been busy,” Con­nie said.
    “What busi­ness is it of yours?”
    “I don’t know,” Con­nie shrugged. “I just thought you might need someone to talk to.” Sud­denly Beverly felt the tears rush­ing to her eyes. She had never been really close to Con­nie. They had al­ways com­peted in everything they did, but now she did need someone to talk to and Con­nie was there.
    “Oh, Con­nie!” Beverly moaned. “I’m so un­happy.” Con­nie smiled and spread her arms and Beverly fell into them. She sobbed for a long time against Con­nie’s shoulders.
    “It’s all right,” Con­nie said. “It’s all right, little sis­ter. Just cry it out.” Beverly sobbed un­til her tears were gone, and Con­nie gave her some tis­sues to wipe her eyes.
    “Now tell me about it,” Con­nie said.
    “Oh, Con­nie,” Beverly moaned. “I’m so ashamed.”
    “Ashamed of what?”
    “Of my­self.”
    “Why? What did you do?”
    “I’m…” Beverly dabbed at her eyes… “I’m not a vir­gin any longer.”
    “Oh,” Con­nie said. “Is that all?”
    Beverly looked with shock at her older sis­ter. Con­nie brushed back her hair from her fore­head.
    “Don’t you worry about that,” Con­nie said. “Vir­gin­ity is not all that big a deal. Your prob­lem is that you lost it to the wrong guy and he spread it all over. Now, you’re a bad girl and I’m afraid there’s not much you can do about it.”
    “Noth­ing?” Beverly said.
    Con­nie drew Beverly back into her arms.
    “I’m afraid not, poor Sissy,” Con­nie said. “You’re just go­ing to have to jive with it un­til you gradu­ate. Now, tell me some­thing else.”
    “Any­thing,” Beverly said. “How was it?”
    “How was what?” Con­nie laughed. “The sex, silly. How was the sex?”
    “It was pretty nice,” Beverly ad­mit­ted.
    “Good. I wouldn’t want my little sis­ter to be turned against it. I like it.” Beverly looked at her sis­ter with a curi­ous ex­pres­sion. “You’re not a vir­gin?”
    “Of course not. I’m in col­lege, re­mem­ber?”
    “And you like it?” Beverly asked.
    Con­nie closed her legs to­gether and gave a warm sigh. “Sissy, when a boy sticks his cock into me I get tingly all over. And when a boy eats my pussy…”
    “Eats your pussy!” Beverly said, shocked.
    “Of course,” Con­nie smiled. “Maybe I’ll set you up with a few of my col­lege friends. They like young stuff and there’s a boy with a tongue like a cock. You’d love it.”
    Des­pite her­self, Beverly was paw­ing a little ex­cited. She wanted her older sis­ter to tell her about the boys in col­lege, but she heard the sound of her father’s car pulling into the drive­way.
    “Oh hell,” Con­nie said. “Well, get your­self pre­pared. Your mother is go­ing to send him up here and he’s go­ing to raise holy belt with you for a little while, just to make her happy.”
    “I wander why he lets her run over him,” Beverly said.
    “Hell,” Con­nie answered, “how does any wo­man run over her hus­band? She threatens to close her legs if he doesn’t do what she wants. I’m get­ting out of here. I don’t want to hear the lec­ture.”
    Con­nie left her.
    Beverly went into the bath­room and took a quick shower. She picked out shorts and a hal­ter to wear. She had just fin­ished dress­ing when she heard her father com­ing up. She quickly opened a bock and pre­ten­ded to be deep in study.
    “Honey?” He knocked at her door. His voice was dis­tant, po­lite.
    “Come in.”
    Her father came in­side and closed the door be­hind him. She had al­ways thought her father a hand­some man. He had blonde hair and deep blue eyes.
    “Honey,” her father said. “Your mother has been telling me some dis­turb­ing things.”
    “Like what?” Beverly asked bit­terly.
    “Uh… that you’ve been get­ting in­volved with the wrong sort of people?” Beverly looked into her father’s blue eyes and de­cided that she wasn’t go­ing to lie to him. Her father had enough prob­lems with her mother without his daugh­ter giv­ing him any more prob­lems.
    “Is that true?” her father asked.
    “Yes,” Beverly said. “I’ve gone with a boy who’s con­sidered bad around school.”
    “And did any­thing hap­pen?”
    “He got into my panties.” Beverly replied.
    “Oh no!” her father said. He sat down on the edge of the bed and put his face in his hands. “My girl. My poor baby girl.”
    Beverly touched his shoulder. “I’m not a baby any more, Papa I knew what I was do­ing!”
    “Beverly,” he said. “You’re only fif­teen!”
    “I’m old enough to know bow and that’s all that counts.” Beverly found her father look­ing at her in a dif­fer­ent way. His eyes res­ted on the deep cut of her hal­ter where her tit­ties were try­ing to burst out of the hal­ter.
    His breath was be­com­ing shorter, and Beverly real­ized that he was look­ing at her in a sexy way. She had already been feel­ing ex­cited from Con­nie’s con­ver­sa­tion and now she looked with hun­ger at her father’s crotch.
    “Lock the door,” she said.
    “But Sissy… this is wrong.”
    “Lock the door,” Beverly said. “Quickly.” Her father looked like a broken man. He got up and walked to the door. At first Beverly thought he was go­ing to walk out, but then he locked it.
    “God…” he said.
    He turned around and looked at his daugh­ter. He had never looked at her with long­ing be­fore. In fact, he had never known any other wo­man but his wife. And his wife only let him have pussy if he was be­ing ex­cep­tion­ally good.
    “Come here,” Beverly said.
    He walked to his daugh­ter’s side. He bent his head and his daugh­ter kissed him full on the lips. Her lips were soft, gentle and hungry. He pulled back and his face blushed red.
    “My God!” he said. “What am I think­ing? You’re my daugh­ter, Sissy. We can’t let this hap­pen!”
    “Be quiet,” Beverly said, “and make love to me. Please love me.” Beverly em­braced her father. She felt him hes­it­ate and then his strong arms went around her. He dropped down be­side her on the bed and began kiss­ing her furi­ously. His tongue forced her teeth apart and drove deep into her mouth. Her tongue rubbed furi­ously against his.
    She felt him be­com­ing ex­cited. Now she wouldn’t have been able to stop him even if she’d wanted to. He was con­sumed with lust for his daugh­ter and Beverly sur­rendered her­self to him.
    His hands fumbled nervously with her hal­ter and then he had it un­done.
    He jerked the hal­ter away and gazed at her beau­ti­ful tits.
    “Lovely,” he mur­mured. “You’re lovely, Sissy.” He sucked in one of her rosy red nipples. He sucked it un­til she was hard and she was long­ing for him. Her body began to ache with need.
    “Ummmmmm!” she moaned. “That feels good. Your mouth feels so good.” She reached between them and gasped his already-hard cock. She found his zip­per and tugged it down. Her hand slipped in­side his trousers and re­leased his throb­bing prick. She caught the loose flesh between her fin­gers and star­ted rub­bing it up and down.
    “God, Sissy!” he moaned. “Oh God, you’re killing me!” She smiled as she mas­saged his cock. She had never felt so ex­cited. He had a strong, beau­ti­ful cock and she could hardly wait un­til it was deep in­side her cunt.
    “Take off my shorts,” she said. “Take them off!” His strong hands went un­der­neath her shorts and tugged them down. He grasped her ass and squeezed her.
    “You feel so good, Sissy.”
    She pushed him back. She slipped out of her clothes and watched as he tore his clothes off. He came out of his clothes a skinny man with very little hair, but his cock was big and blood-filled.
    “Let me taste it,” she said. “Let me put your cock in my mouth and suck it.” He shook his head, but she tasted his cock any­way. She drew his hard prick into her mouth and began to suck on him. She could tell that he was already close to a cli­max by the way his prick kept jump­ing in her mouth. He kept try­ing to push her away.
    “No!” she said as her mouth left his prick. “Let me suck you.”
    “But I’m go­ing to come…” Beverly smiled. She hadn’t wanted the taste of Tommy’s cum in her mouth, but she was will­ing to taste her father’s. In fact, she wanted to taste her father’s cum. She wanted to take his seed and swal­low it down.
    “That’s all right,” Beverly said. “I want to take it in my mouth. I want to swal­low it.” She saw by the look on his face that he had never had a real blow-job be­fore. Prob­ably sex with Mother was some­thing cold and simple. Beverly wanted to make him feel bet­ter than he ever had.
    Once more she sucked his cock. This time she deep­throated him, just the way they talked about in dirty whis­pers at school, and she began to fondle his balls. He groaned as her tongue found his tiny piss-hole and then she drew his cock deep into her mouth again.
    He grasped her head and began to fuck her mouth. He was groan­ing, and Beverly hoped no one was listen­ing out­side the door or they’d know what was go­ing on.
    “Oh­h­hhh!” he moaned. “I’m go­ing to come! Oh shit, I’m go­ing to come! Oh fuck­kkkkkk!” She opened her mouth wide and re­ceived his thick cum into her throat. He was juicy and salty, and his cum kept pour­ing so fast into her she couldn’t breathe. She re­membered to swal­low, and she star­ted swal­low­ing quickly. His white seed went down her throat in buck­ets.
    “Ummmmm!” her father said.
    He fell away from her. Beverly licked at her sperm-covered lips and smiled at her father. “That was good.”
    “Oh, Sissy,” her father groaned. “What have I done? What have I done?” She touched his shoulder. “It’s all right, Papa,” she said. “It’s all right.” She real­ized he was cry­ing. She had never seen a man cry be­fore. She brushed his tears away.
    “Don’t cry, Papa,” she said. “Don’t cry.”
    “But you’re my daugh­ter,” he said. “And I’ve ac­ted like a damned beast.” Beverly moved closer to him, and her hand found his now limp prick. She began to mas­sage his cock gently.
    “No,” he said. “No, not again.”
    “I love you,” Beverly said. “That makes this all right. That makes everything all right.” Again she bent over and kissed his cock. She was right in her think­ing that he hadn’t been get­ting enough from her mother. His prick came up hard.
    “Poor, baby,” she said. “Let Sissy take care of it. Let Sissy make you feel good.” Her father had lost all of his will to res­ist. He lay on his back and Beverly straddled him. She was do­ing things she’d never done be­fore, but some­how it came nat­ural.
    She lowered her cunt over his throb­bing cock. He filled her com­pletely. He wasn’t as ex­cited as he’d been be­fore and now Beverly knew he would last longer.
    She began to rock up and down on his cock and she loved the way he groaned.
    “I love it, Papa,” she told him. “Your cock feels good. It feels really good.” It was his turn to take con­trol. He pushed her off his cock and onto her back. He knelt between her legs and then drove his hard cock deep in­side her pussy. She gasped at the pleas­ure his cock gave her.
    “Shit!” she moaned. “That feels good. Oh shit! Oh shit, it feels good!” He began to fuck her fast and furi­ously while his chest rubbed against her big tit­ties. She felt his hands come up and clutch her ass and pull the cheeks apart. His fin­ger found her anus. It slipped in­side and began to go in and out in rhythm to his fuck-strokes.
    “Oh God!” she said. “I never felt that be­fore. Oh God, that does feel good.”
    “Oh, Sissy!” he moaned. “I’m go­ing to come. I can feel my­self com­ing. Oh, SWEET SISSY!”
    “Oh yes!” she moaned. “Squirt in­side me! I can feel you squirt­ing. Oh, I’m com­ing too. Oh heav­ens. Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Fuckkk!” She had a good cli­max and she flooded his slip­pery cock with her cunt juices. It had been bet­ter than with Wayne or with Tommy. She con­sidered her father a mag­ni­fi­cent cocks­man.
    “Oh, Papa,” she moaned.
    He climbed off her as soon as they heard her mother knock on the door.
    “What’s go­ing on in there? What are you two do­ing? You open the door this minute!” They had to dress quickly and both looked tired and flushed. Her father opened the door and her mother came storm­ing in.
    “I hope you’ve done more than talk to her,” her mother said fiercely.
    “I have,” her father said truth­fully, and Beverly al­most giggled.
    Beverly’s mother gave her a stem look. “Now we’ll have sup­per,” Beverly’s father said. There was stem tone to his voice that Beverly had never no­ticed be­fore. Beverly’s mother heard it also. She looked at her hus­band and was about to say some­thing.
    “Sup­per,” he de­man­ded.
    “Y-Yes, dear,” Beverly’s mother said. Beverly had the sud­den feel­ing that her mother was go­ing to get a little prick that even­ing.


    Beverly fin­ished sweep­ing out the last of her stalls and put her broom away. She was hot, tired, and sweaty, and ready for her even­ing ride.
    “Sissy,” Mr. Ju­ni­per called. “Hey, Sissy!” Beverly hur­ried out of the stables and ran up to the big house. She could see Mr. Ju­ni­per stand­ing on the porch wait­ing for her.
    She didn’t like Mr. Ju­ni­per. She dis­liked hav­ing him for a boss, but there was no other way she could ride every day. Her mother had cut off her al­low­ance and she’d had to get a job.
    Sweep­ing out the stalls was a pretty good job ex­cept for Mr. Ju­ni­per.
    He was al­ways look­ing at her and smil­ing wickedly as if she were sonic sort of bug he was think­ing about eat­ing.
    He had even put his hand on her once. It was an even­ing when his wife was away and he had in­vited her into the house for some­thing cool to drink.
    He asked her to get the ice out for him, and while she was bend­ing over, she felt his hand rest on her ass.
    “You have a beau­ti­ful ass, Sissy,” he said.
    Sissy was shocked and angry. It had been a while since she’d al­lowed an­other man, ex­cept her father, to put a hand on her. She was try­ing to do as her sis­ter Con­nie sug­ges­ted and build her repu­ta­tion back at school.
    She had brushed his hand away and left him there in the kit­chen.
    She’d al­ways tried to pre­tend that it hadn’t happened, but it didn’t help with him al­ways around lick­ing his lips and look­ing at her.
    There were other reas­ons why she didn’t like him. He was bru­tal with the horses and he treated his wife ter­ribly. He was big, broad-shouldered and al­ways dirty and smelling of beer.
    “Have you got­ten all the stalls cleaned out?” Mr. Ju­ni­per asked.
    “Yes,” she answered.
    Mr. Ju­ni­per smiled at her and scratched his chest. An­other thing that Beverly didn’t like about him was that he didn’t wear a shin. He had a chest mat­ted with curly black hairs. He looked like an ape.
    “Good,” he said. “Then come on into the house and have some­thing coal.” Beverly re­membered the last time she’d been in­vited in for some­thing cool. She didn’t want any more scenes like that. She could still feel his hand on her ass.
    “Na,” Beverly said. “That is, I was just go­ing to take my ride.” Mr. Ju­ni­per looked up at the dark sky.
    “That wouldn’t be a good idea,” he said, shak­ing his head. “It’s go­ing to rain again and the pas­tures were knee-deep in red mud.”
    “I’ll be care­ful,” Beverly said.
    “I can’t al­low it,” Mr. Ju­ni­per said. “It’s just too dan­ger­ous. Look, I have an idea. Why don’t you come in for a while, and if it doesn’t rain in the next twenty minutes then you can take your ride.”
    “I don’t know,” Beverly said.
    “What’s the mat­ter?” Mr. Ju­ni­per asked. “Are you scared of me?” That settled it. Beverly wasn’t scared of any­body. She swal­lowed nervously and nod­ded in agree­ment. She fol­lowed him into the house, be­ing care­ful to wipe off her boots on the hall mat.
    “That’s a good idea,” he said.
    “I wouldn’t want to make Mrs. Ju­ni­per mad,” Beverly said sweetly.
    Ac­tu­ally Beverly was only try­ing to re­mind Mr. Ju­ni­per that he did have a wife and it wouldn’t be nice to have a lot of hanky panky go­ing on.
    “I do get lonely for com­pany when Mrs. Ju­ni­per’s away,” Mr. Ju­ni­per ex­plained. “That’s why I like to have people in. Would you like a Coke?”
    “No thank you,” Beverly said.
    “Well then,” he smiled. “You can find a seat in the liv­ing room. You can turn on the ra­dio if you like. There should be some­thing on.”
    Beverly walked into the liv­ing room. She found the ra­dio and turned it on.
    “Do you dance?” Mr. Ju­ni­per asked as he came into the liv­ing room. He car­ried a cold beer in his hand.
    “No,” Beverly said.
    “That’s a shame,” Mr. Ju­ni­per said, find­ing a seat in a com­fort­able chair. “A pretty girl like you. I bet all that dark black hair of yours would look great swinging around on a dance floor.”
    Beverly touched her head. She had her hair twis­ted up be­hind her in a bun. She had it fastened into place with a couple of pins.
    “It gets in the way in the stalls,” Beverly said.
    “Why don’t you dance for me?” Mr. Ju­ni­per asked. “I like to watch a pretty young thing shak­ing everything on a dance floor.”
    “No,” Beverly said. “I don’t think so. That is, I’m not in the mood.” Beverly quickly found a seat across from him. His eyes were fixed on her in­tently and she felt panic. Boys were okay and she had been fuck­ing her father every chance she got, but there was some­thing sin­is­ter about Mr. Ju­ni­per’s eyes. As if he knew things about sex that it wasn’t right to know.
    She wished she were put of the house star­ted on her ride.
    “I think I should be go­ing,” Beverly said. “My mother’s ex­pect­ing me.” That was a lie. Her mother wouldn’t be ex­pect­ing her for an­other two or three hours.
    “Don’t you want to wait and see if you can make your ride?” Mr. Ju­ni­per asked.
    “Not today,” she answered. “You’re prob­ably right. It’s wet and it’s go­ing to rain again.” She was forced to walk past him to get to the door. She al­most made it. At the last mo­ment he grabbed her arm and pulled her into his lap. He spilled a little beer on her blouse.
    “How about a little kiss?” he asked. “There’s no real hurry.”
    “Let me go,” Beverly said.
    “There ain’t no need to rush off,” Mr. Ju­ni­per said. “You don’t need to be afraid of old Ju­ni­per.”
    He sipped his cold beer. “Why don’t you have a drink? A little drink would do you good.”
    “No,” Beverly said, strug­gling to get out of his grasp. “I don’t want a drink.”
    “Hmmmm,” Mr. Ju­ni­per said. “From the way you’re act­ing I get the idea that you don’t like me. I’d get real mad if I thought that.” Beverly quit try­ing to struggle. “I do like you,” she said re­luct­antly.
    “Good.” Mr. Ju­ni­per re­leased her wrist and took a long drink from his beer.
    It was the mo­ment Beverly had been wait­ing for. She jumped out of his lap and ran for the door. She only got a few steps be­fore his heavy fist struck her head.
    She went down to her knees and everything went blank for a mo­ment.
    “Go back into the liv­ing room!” he com­manded. She struggled pain­fully to her feet. She weaved un­stead­ily as she walked back into the liv­ing room. She stumbled into one of the soft chairs and tried to catch her breath. It was a few mo­ments be­fore she was breath­ing prop­erly again.
    “Sissy,” he said. “You shouldn’t try to run from old Ju­ni­per. Now I know you don’t like me.”
    “I do,” she pro­tested. “I do like you.”
    “I don’t be­lieve you,” he said men­acingly. “But I do,” she said.
    “Then you’ll just have to prove it.”
    “How?” she asked sus­pi­ciously.
    “By giv­ing old Ju­ni­per a kiss.”
    She looked at him with dis­taste. She cer­tainly didn’t want to kiss that foul old man. She wanted as little to do with him as pos­sible.
    “No,” she said. “I’ll tell on you. I’ll tell every­body that you’re a dirty old man.”
    “Hell,” Mr. Ju­ni­per said. “You’re just a cunt giv­ing it to every­body in town. Who’s go­ing to be­lieve you?” Beverly real­ized it was the truth. Even her own mother wouldn’t be­lieve her. Her mother would be­lieve that she’d pro­posi­tioned the man, and even her father wouldn’t be really sure. She real­ized that she would have to do what he asked, but maybe she could make it quick and pain­less. She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
    “Now a real kiss,” he said.
    He grasped her wrist and pulled her to him. His bru­tal lips found hers. She tasted beer. His mouth sucked at hers un­til it was sick­en­ing. She pulled away from him.
    “Damn you!” Mr. Ju­ni­per said. “You just haven’t learned your les­son. Well, I know how to teach you a les­son. I know how to teach you.”
    She watched with hor­ror as he pulled his wide belt off. It was a big, brass-stud­ded piece of hard leather. She had seen him beat a beau­ti­ful horse with that belt.
    “No!” she begged. “Don’t hit me with that! Please don’t hurt me!”
    “You’re go­ing to learn to do ex­actly as I tell you.” She felt the first hard blow across her shoulders. She screamed in pain. She tried to dodge out of his way, but he fol­lowed her. Again and again the belt fell. He fi­nally forced her into a corner where she rolled her­self into a tight little ball.
    Fi­nally he stopped.
    She was cry­ing softly. She felt bruised along her ribs and on her shoulders. She was bleed­ing in one spot where one of the brass studs had sliced her.
    “Now,” he said. “Now give me a little kiss like you really mean it.” This time she kissed him back as hard as she could. She didn’t pull away when his fat tongue wiggled into her mouth. She held back her dis­gust and rubbed her tongue against his and moaned like she was en­joy­ing it.
    “Okay,” he said, draw­ing back. “Now, that was more like it. Now, how about run­ning to the kit­chen and get­ting old Ju­ni­per an­other beer.”
    He sat down on a chair by the door as she walked into the kit­chen. She opened the re­fri­ger­ator door and took the beer out.
    She tried to will her legs to run for the front door, but they wouldn’t move. She was too frightened. Her spirit had been broken by the belt.
    She shook her head sadly as she took his beer back into the liv­ing room and handed it to him. He smiled at her and his yel­low teeth showed.
    “Yes sir,” he said. “A man surely gets lonely when his wife’s away. Really lonely. Why don’t you have that drink that I offered you?”
    She shook her head.
    He kept smil­ing at her as he put the can near her lips. “Drink it!”
    “I don’t drink,” Beverly pro­tested. “I really won’t like it. You’ll just be wast­ing your beer.”
    “Drink it!”
    She took a drink and made a face of dis­gust. The li­quid was foul-tast­ing and it burned her throat. She didn’t like it at all.
    “You’ll get used to it,” Mr. Ju­ni­per laughed. “Yes sir, I think you’ll get used to it.”
    “Never,” Beverly said.
    He kept on laugh­ing. Beverly didn’t want to move. She was afraid of do­ing some­thing that would dis­turb him. She kept re­mem­ber­ing how the belt had felt fall­ing across her shoulders. She could still feel the raw sting­ing.
    Fi­nally he quit laugh­ing. “You know what I’d like now?”
    “Now I’d like for you to do that dance for me,” Mr. Ju­ni­per said. “I’d like to see you dance. I’d like to see how you shake it, sweet Sissy.” She was afraid of dis­obey­ing him again. She walked to the cen­ter of the room and she tried to sway to the mu­sic. She did the best she could, but she was aware that her move­ments were stiff look­ing.
    Mr. Ju­ni­per didn’t seem to mind. He was star­ing at her hotly and lick­ing his lips. “Take your hair down. I want to see you shak­ing it with all that black hair down to the crack of your ass.”
    She reached up and un­did the pins that held her hair in place. Her hair came tum­bling down and she could see that he was pleased. She began to move once more to the mu­sic and she tried to bounce her head like he wanted.
    “Nice,” Mr. Ju­ni­per said. “Really nice. What a won­der­ful way you’ve got of shak­ing your sweet ass, Sissy. I love a young girl’s ass.”
    Beverly stopped dan­cing. Now she was trem­bling. Once again tears burned at her eyes.
    “Please,” she said. “Just let me out of here. Please, just let me go.”
    “Sure,” he said. “I’ll let you go after I have a little fun with you.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “I think you know. We both know what kind of girl you are. I think you know what kind of fun I want to have.”
    “Oh God!” Beverly ex­claimed.
    “Ex­actly,” Mr. Ju­ni­per said. “I want to fuck you. I want to feel your tight pussy around my cock.”
    “But your wife might come home,” Beverly pro­tested.
    “That doesn’t mat­ter,” Mr. Ju­ni­per said. “Right now I’m horny enough not to care.” Panic struck Beverly. She was trem­bling. She looked with ap­pre­hen­sion at the bulge that was already form­ing in his trousers. She looked with long­ing at the door by his chair, the door to free­dom that would lead to the out­side. But her legs just wouldn’t move. She kept re­mem­ber­ing the belt.
    “Just keep mov­ing with the mu­sic, Sissy,” Mr. Ju­ni­per said. “And strip out of your clothes. But slowly. I want to en­joy every bit of your bare skin.”
    “But I couldn’t!” Beverly pro­tested, “I couldn’t do that. Please don’t make me do that!”
    “I said I was go­ing to fuck you and I am!” Mr. Ju­ni­per licked his lips. “Now if you make things harder for me I might be temp­ted to make things hard for you.”
    “Please!” Beverly begged. “Just let me go.”
    “Do it!” Mr. Ju­ni­per com­manded. “Do it or I’ll beat you black and blue!” She knew he meant it. His eyes were filled with lust and noth­ing could stop a man once he got like that. She knew he would hurt her if she didn’t go along. She shrugged.
    She star­ted to dance again. Slowly she un­did the top but­tons of her blouse so that her flesh-colored bra showed through. His eyes were pop­ping out.
    “Show it to me, sweet Sissy,” Mr. Ju­ni­per said. “Show me what you have.” She tried to smile as she opened her blouse the rest of the way and shrugged it off her shoulders.
    She reached be­hind her back and un­snapped the bra. She let it fall to the floor.
    “Nice,” he said. “God­damn nice tit­ties. I knew they would be. I knew they’d be so creamy and firm with those sweet little hard nipples on the end. Oh God! My cock’s get­ting as hard as a rock.”
    Beverly felt her­self blush­ing red in shame. She wanted to run away and hide her­self from his dirty eyes, but there was no place for her to run to.
    “Isn’t this enough?” Beverly ques­tioned. “Haven’t you seen enough?”
    “Sissy,” he said, lick­ing his lips again, “like I said, they’re nice, but I can’t fuck your tit­ties no mat­ter how hard I try. Take the rest off. I want to see your pussy. I want to see your sweet cunt.” She made no more pre­tense of dan­cing. She sat down on the floor and un­laced her boots. She pulled them off and then her wool socks. She un­zipped her pants and stripped them off her legs and stood there in noth­ing but her flimsy cot­ton panties.
    “Damn!” Mr. Ju­ni­per’s voice trembled. “Why don’t you come here, Sissy. I want to show you some­thing. Some­thing you’ll like.”
    Beverly was afraid she knew what he wanted to show her.
    She walked slowly to him. He was drink­ing his beer with one hand and rub­bing his crotch with the other.
    “I’ve got a prob­lem,” he said. “I’ve got a growth between my legs. A hard growth. And you’re go­ing to have to do some­thing about it.”
    Beverly stood without mov­ing. She watched as he un­zipped his trousers. He pulled his trousers open and re­leased his throb­bing cock.
    Beverly gasped! It was true that she’d seen cocks be­fore, but never one as huge and as bru­tal-look­ing as old Ju­ni­per’s cock.
    “My God!” Beverly ex­claimed. “That thing would kill me! You can’t put it in me!” Mr. Ju­ni­per ig­nored her as if he didn’t hear what she’d said. He began to stroke his cock un­til it be­came filled with blood and was rock-hard.
    “I bet this is the pret­ti­est prick you’ve ever seen,” Mr. Ju­ni­per said proudly. “Mrs. Ju­ni­per thinks it’s the closest thing to heaven.”
    Beverly didn’t an­swer. She was afraid to say any­thing. She was also afraid that she was go­ing to get vi­ol­ently ill. He couldn’t stick that big cock in her. It would split her cunt in half. It would kill her.
    Again she wanted to run away, but her legs still wouldn’t obey.
    Mr. Ju­ni­per looked around him as if he were real­iz­ing where he was for the first time.
    “It’s not com­fort­able in here,” he said. “The bed­room’s down the hall. You can’t miss. The very first door on the left side of the hall.”
    Like a zom­bie Beverly walked to the bed­room. She took no no­tice of the hall. She kept think­ing about how his huge staff had looked and how it would feel when he fucked her tight pussy.
    She sat down on the edge of the bed. Even her father’s cock had been nowhere near as large as Mr. Ju­ni­per’s. She wondered how it would feel hav­ing that thing crammed up into her cunt.
    She gasped as Mr. Ju­ni­per walked into the room. He was na­ked.
    He was a bru­tal-look­ing man. His en­tire body was covered with those same thick black hairs. His muscles were so big they looked al­most vul­gar.
    She at­temp­ted to keep her eyes away from that spot where his proud pole would be stick­ing up, but she found her eyes drawn to his cock.
    “Mr. Ju­ni­per,” she said. “This isn’t right.” Mr. Ju­ni­per took her hand. “Feel it.” She was forced to feel his cock. She felt it throb in her palm.
    “Kiss it!” he de­man­ded.
    She told her­self she couldn’t do that, but she found her­self bend­ing down to kiss the end of his cock. She al­most gagged at the strong, male smell of him. He groaned as she kissed his meaty cock.
    She tried to pull her face away.
    He grabbed her by the back of her head and held her tight. He pushed his cock at her mouth.
    “Take it, bitch!” he said. “You’ve had cocks in your mouth be­fore. They tell me you like it. Take it, bitch!”
    With two fin­gers he squeezed her nos­trils. She was forced to open her mouth for air. He gave a lunge and crammed his cock deep into her throat.
    “Ah­h­h­h­h­h­hhh,” he groaned.
    She gagged at the taste. She tried to push him away, but he only held her tighter. He began to move his cock in and out of her mouth. She was sud­denly afraid that she really was go­ing to be sick and she pressed down with her teeth.
    “Ow! God­damn it!” Mr. Ju­ni­per yelled. “You fuck­ing bitch!” She saw the blow com­ing, but she couldn’t avoid it. His open hand smashed her down on her back and left her feel­ing weak and com­pletely help­less. She knew she couldn’t fight him any more. He was in con­trol and he could do what he liked.
    “Bite me will you!” he said. “I’ll teach you to bite my cock!”
    “Please,” she said. “I didn’t mean to. I couldn’t breathe. I won’t do it again!” He star­ted to strike her again, but he seemed to think bet­ter of it. A soft smile came across his face. He licked at the corner of his mouth like a cat lick­ing at a stray drop of milk.
    “Take the panties off,” he whispered.
    Beverly knew she was bey­ond help. She was go­ing to get raped and there was little she could do about it. She pulled her panties down and kicked them off. She felt his hungry eyes de­vour­ing her cunt and she closed her thighs tightly to­gether.
    “Open your legs,” he com­manded. “I want to see your cunt. I want to see that sweet, sweet cunt.”
    She closed her eyes and opened her legs. She felt the bed sag as he lay down be­side her. She felt his fin­gers touch­ing her body. He pinched one nipple and she cried out in pain and hu­mi­li­ation.
    “Open your eyes!” Mr. Ju­ni­per com­manded. “I want you to see everything that hap­pens. I want you to re­mem­ber good.”
    He laughed as his hand traveled down her body.
    He kneaded her tit­ties like dough, pressed his hot hand against her flat stom­ach and then let his fin­gers stray to her pu­bic hair.
    “You know what I’m go­ing to do,” he said. “I’m go­ing to eat your sweet pussy.” Beverly star­ted to protest, but his wet tongue was already lick­ing her thighs.
    She felt him between her legs. He laughed again, softly, as his tongue licked her white thighs. She jumped as his tongue found her cunt. Then he drew back.
    “Don’t worry,” he said. “You’re go­ing to like this. Nobody knows how to eat pussy like old Ju­ni­per. I can eat it far hours.”
    Beverly felt her face blush red with shame as his face pressed back into her cunt. She was re­mem­ber­ing what Con­nie had been telling her, about how won­der­ful it was to have her pussy eaten.
    “Umm!” Beverly moaned.
    She had be­gun to feel some­thing she’d never felt be­fore. His tongue was do­ing some­thing strange to her. At first he had made her skin crawl, but her flesh was do­ing some­thing now that was far dif­fer­ent. She was grow­ing warm, al­most hot.
    His tongue went deep in­side her cunt and he was mov­ing it very fast. Then his lips found her clit and pressed against it.
    “Oh God!” she moaned.
    Mr. Ju­ni­per drew back. He smiled at her. “Little jump­ing Sissy,” he said. “I told you that you’d like this. Now just re­lax and en­joy it.”


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