Gang-Raped Sister - Chapter 7 & 8

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    “Where the hell have you been?” Beverly’s mother asked as soon as Beverly walked through the door.
    “Out,” Beverly said.
    “Out? Is that the only kind of an­swer you can give me?”
    “Yes,” Beverly said.
    “Well, that’s not good enough, young lady. You may think you can go around whor­ing in the neigh­bor­hood, but you’ve got an­other thing com­ing. From now on, you’ll stay at home after school.”
    “But…” Beverly was go­ing to say that she couldn’t do that, but she couldn’t give a good reason why not.
    “No buts about it!” her mother said. “No more trips in the af­ter­noon. From now on, you stay at home.”
    “Yes, m’am,” Beverly said meekly.
    Beverly didn’t feel meek. She felt mad as hell, but she knew her mother’s moods and knew that any more res­ist­ance to her wishes would prove fu­tile.
    There was noth­ing she could do ex­cept agree and go up­stairs to her room. Con­nie was sit­ting on her bed.
    “I heard,” Con­nie said sym­path­et­ic­ally.
    “I hate her,” Beverly said, fall­ing down on her bed. “She’s al­ways stick­ing her nose in.”
    “Do you, really hate her?” Con­nie asked. “Yes.”
    “Then I know a way to get to her. I know a way that she might never say any­thing to us again.” In­stantly Beverly was all ears. “How?”
    “We could black­mail her,” Con­nie sug­ges­ted.
    “Shit,” Beverly said. “She’s never done any­thing to be black­mailed for. Mother’s the per­fect wo­man.”
    “But she’s still a wo­man,” Con­nie said. “And a wo­man has needs.”
    “What kind of needs?”
    “Sex needs,” Con­nie replied.
    “Sex?” Beverly said, as­ton­ished. “Hell, Mother hasn’t been in­ter­ested in sex since the year one.”
    “Oh, she’s in­ter­ested,” Con­nie said. “She just won’t ad­mit it to her­self.”
    “How do you know?” Beverly asked sus­pi­ciously.
    “Be­cause I’ve seen her look­ing at the boys who come to pick me up. I’ve seen the hun­ger in her eyes. Es­pe­cially if it’s Danny Bridges?”
    Danny Bridges. Beverly re­membered a tall, good-look­ing boy who wore his clothes tight so that his pants al­ways bulged around the crotch. From the look of his clothes, he had a good one.
    “He is nice,” Beverly ad­mit­ted.
    “He’s dreamy,” Con­nie said. “And he’ll do me a fa­vor if I ask him.”
    “You me… him and Mother?” Beverly said.
    “But Mother would never con­sent to do any­thing with him. Never.”
    “Yes, she would,” Con­nie said. “But we have to go about it in the right way. This is our plan.” Beverly put her head to­gether with Con­nie and listened while Con­nie told her what was go­ing to hap­pen. It was an amaz­ing plan and Beverly agreed that it just might work.
    Tabatha Par­ham was mad. She’d been mad for days. She was mad at Beverly for act­ing the way she was and mak­ing their fam­ily a joke around town.
    “Leak at her,” she had heard someone whis­per that very af­ter­noon. “That’s Sissy’s mother.”
    “Oh?” an­other said with arched eye­brow. “You mean the little whore?” Tabatha felt a cold chill go down her spine. She couldn’t un­der­stand Beverly. She couldn’t un­der­stand how her daugh­ter could al­low her­self to be used that way.
    Sure, Tabatha went along with her du­ties as a wife.
    She re­membered the night be­fore when her hus­band had been in one of his moods. She had kept push­ing him away, but he’d kept in­sist­ing so fi­nally she gave in. She was cold, of course, as he slipped his hard prick into her cunt. Cold was the way any lady should act.
    But there was some­thing wrong with her. To al­low a man to have his cock in­side of a cunt when the girl wasn’t mar­ried was hor­rible.
    Tabatha went about her house­work and de­cided that she’d try and put Beverly out of her mind.
    She had pun­ished Beverly by mak­ing her come straight home after school, and there was little else she could do to keep her spir­ited daugh­ter in line. If only Beverly were a little more like her older sis­ter Con­nie.
    Tabatha sel­dom thought of Con­nie any more. For one reason, she didn’t want to re­mem­ber that Con­nie was now in col­lege. For an­other reason Con­nie hardly ever gave her any trouble. Con­nie was a sweet girl. Of course, she did date some vul­gar-look­ing boys.
    A mo­ment­ary glimpse of Danny Bridges flashed through her mind and she blushed red.
    She es­pe­cially didn’t like to think of Danny Bridges. She didn’t un­der­stand her feel­ings when she thought about him. He was young and strong, and dam­nably hand­some, and there was some­thing about him that made her feel strange. Per­haps it was the vul­gar way he wore his pants so tight. Why, you could al­most see his thing.
    Tabatha tried to do her house­work and to get her mind off her prob­lems. But her mind kept com­ing back to Danny Bridges and his tight pants.
    What the hell was wrong with her? It was vul­gar even to be think­ing about his pants.
    That af­ter­noon, Con­nie came home early. Con­nie told her mother that she was pre­par­ing for a date.
    Tabatha didn’t think about who the date would be with un­til she saw Danny Bridges walk­ing up the drive­way.
    She found her eyes drawn back to the place between his legs. Again he had worn those tight trousers, and she could see the out­line of his limp cock. Even limp, it looked lar­ger than any cock she could have ima­gined.
    “Mother?” Con­nie called from up­stairs. “How about talk­ing to Danny for a few minutes? Ill be down in a jiffy.”
    Tabatha didn’t want to talk to Danny. She was afraid to be around Danny. But she tried to be a du­ti­ful mother as she led Danny into the liv­ing room.
    “Sit here,” she said. “Can I get you any­thing?”
    “No, thank you,” he said. “How about you just sit­ting and talk­ing with me?”
    “Oh.” Tabatha blushed red. “You don’t want to talk to an old lady like me.”
    “You’re not old,” Danny said. “And I cer­tainly do like talk­ing to you. You’re a really pretty wo­man.” Tabatha told her­self not to be a damned fool and get all ex­cited about Danny’s com­pli­ment. She had a curt re­mark on the end of her tongue, but she couldn’t bring her­self to say it.
    “I’m not really pretty,” she pro­tested.
    “Yes, you are,” he said. “You’d drive the boys at col­lege wild.” She told her­self that now was the time to walk out of the room. But she couldn’t. She couldn’t seem to leave Danny. Just look­ing at him was ex­cit­ing her more than her hus­band’s touch.
    “Why don’t you come over here and sit down be­side me?” Danny asked.
    Again she told her­self not to be a damned fool, but she found that she was slowly stand­ing and walk­ing over to the couch.
    “It is kind of hard to talk over there,” Tabatha said, but she knew the real reason was that she wanted to be near him. She wanted to brush up against him a little.
    “You know,” Danny said as she sat down. “I really like long-legged wo­men. I bet you’ve beau­ti­ful legs un­der­neath those pants. I’d like to see you in a skirt.”
    She’d al­most said she’d change for him, but she caught her­self just in time.
    “Don’t talk about my legs,” she said.
    “Why not?” he asked. “Don’t you like com­pli­ments?” He put his hand on her knee, and she felt tingles go up her thigh. She couldn’t help her­self. She wanted to push him away, but she couldn’t bring her­self to do it.
    “Please,” she said as his hand traveled up her thigh.
    “You like it,” he said. “I can feel you trem­bling.” He put his arms around and drew her to him. He kissed her hard on the lips. She felt her breath quicken and her thighs grow warm.
    “I’m a mar­ried wo­man!”
    “Shit,” he said softly. “Be­ing mar­ried don’t stop up no holes.” She knew that he was be­ing vul­gar and that she ought to slap his face, but then his lips wore pressed against her own once again.
    She couldn’t fight him. She couldn’t push him away. His hot tongue probed at her lips. At first she wouldn’t open her mouth, but he con­tin­ued to probe and fi­nally she opened her lips and ad­mit­ted him.
    His tongue drove into her mouth hard and quick. His strong hands were on her cheeks, and he began to drive his tongue in and out of her mouth like he was fuck­ing her.
    She be­came ex­cited like she’d never been be­fore. She moaned with pleas­ure as his hand star­ted squeez­ing her tits through the cloth of her blouse. She pushed away.
    “Oh God!” she said. “We’ve got to stop! We can’t do this. My daugh­ter’s up­stairs and shell be com­ing down any minute and we can’t…”
    His hand still mas­saged her tit­ties.
    “You want to fuck,” he said. “I know it.”
    “Yes!” she moaned. “But we can’t. We can’t! Not while my daugh­ter’s up­stairs.”
    “Yes, we can,” he said.
    He pushed her back­wards on the couch and he was an top of her. His ex­per­i­enced fin­gers un­did the but­tons on her blouse.
    “Stop!” she said. “Please stop!”
    He didn’t listen to her. He had her blouse un­buttoned and he pulled it away from her. Then his hands went around her back and found the fasten­ings on her bra.
    “Oh no!” she said, but he pulled the bra off her also.
    She blushed red as an­other man’s eyes looked upon her bare tits.
    “Beau­ti­ful,” he said. “They really are beau­ti­ful.” He put his lips to one of her huge nipples and it be­came hard im­me­di­ately. She began to move un­der­neath him as his lips sucked on her nipple.
    She put her hands on the back of his head and pulled him closer.
    “Oh God!” she moaned. “Oh God!”
    He began to suck in more of her sweet-tast­ing flesh. He was us­ing his tongue and lips as only an ex­per­i­enced man would know how. He was tak­ing her to high peaks of ex­cite­ment.
    “You can’t do this!” she moaned.
    But her voice was weak, and she knew sud­denly that he could do any­thing he wanted with her. His strong hand was now prob­ing between her thighs, push­ing her legs open.
    She al­lowed him to caress her there.
    She moaned as he pushed her legs open wide and then his fin­gers began to rub her cunt through the pants.
    “God­damn,” he said. “We’ve got to get these off.” He stood up. He took off his shirt to re­veal a massive chest covered with brown hair. She gasped as he un­did his belt buckle and pulled down his trousers.
    His cock, though still con­fined in the shorts, was a mon­ster. She could see the red prick-head try­ing to find its way out of his un­der­shorts.
    “Okay,” he said. “I’ll show it to you.”
    He stripped off his shorts to re­veal his hard cock. It was a huge thing.
    “Go ahead,” he said. “Touch it.”
    She tried to tell her­self that she didn’t want to, but her fin­gers were already be­ing drawn like a mag­net to his cock. She felt his hot skin, and her fin­gers jumped back as if they’d been burned.
    “Now, I get to see those lap,” he said. “I know you’ve got a nice pair.” He was back at her in a mo­ment. He had her un­buckled and his hand was tug­ging down her pants.
    “Please,” she said. “Don’t do it! Please don’t do it!”
    “Shit,” he said. “Be­fore I’m done, I’m go­ing to have you beg­ging far a fuck.” She tried one last time. “But my daugh­ter?”
    “Hell,” he said. “If she comes down­stairs, I’ll fuck her too.” Tabatha gave up. She, was just too ex­cited to fight him any longer. She no longer cared if her hus­band, or her daugh­ter, or both of them walked in. She only wanted cock.
    He pulled her pants down and then her panties. Her pu­bic bush was re­vealed to his eyes.
    “Spread your legs wider,” he de­man­ded. “I want to see your pussy.” She couldn’t ar­gue. She felt as if it was someone else’s body that was giv­ing in to this man. She spread her legs wider and felt his hot eyes on her cunt.
    “Ah­hhh,” he said. “Good, red pussy hot with juice. That’s what I like.” She felt his tongue go­ing down on her and she real­ized what he was go­ing to do. Nobody had ever done that to her be­fore, and she had no in­ten­tion of let­ting any­one start now. Fuck­ing was okay, but that was vul­gar.
    “No!” she said.
    His eyes were ugly as he looked up at her.
    “You stay,” he said. “I’m go­ing to kiss your pussy. I’m go­ing to eat your cunt. Just stay there and you’ll like it.”
    “No!” she said again, but she didn’t move.
    His tongue was in her pu­bic hair and then she jumped as it went into her pussy. She felt pas­sion boil­ing up in her cunt.
    “Oh God!” she moaned. “I do like it!” He laughed out loud and then his tongue went back into her cunt. He kept mov­ing it around quickly so that the fric­tion against her cunt walls be­came al­most un­bear­able.
    “Oh shit,” she moaned. “It feels too good. Oh fuck, it feels good.” His tongue left her and she cried out loud in her an­ger, but then she felt his hard cock at her cunt.
    “Here we go, baby,” he said softly. “Now, hang on for the ride.”
    “Oh shit!” she moaned. “Oh fuck!”
    He poised above her for just a second and then his huge cock plunged into her. She could al­most feel him in her stom­ach as he went in to his balls.
    “Oh shit!” she said. “You’re killing me!”
    “No, baby,” he said. “Don’t worry. If you die, it’s a sweet death.” He began fuck­ing her in hard, deep strokes. His voice spoke soft, vul­gar words into her ears at every stroke.
    “Fuck me!” he urged. “Fuck me with your hot cunt! Fuck my balls off! Fuck me with your sweet cunt!”
    Words she had heard be­fore but had never been said when she made love. She went crazy. Her legs went up high and she urged him to go into her cunt deeper, more vi­ol­ently.
    He told her to grab his balls and she grabbed them too hard.
    “Shit!” he ex­ploded. “Gently, baby, gently. You wouldn’t want to pull them off.” She softened her grasp and hef­ted them gently in her fin­gers.
    “But they’re so heavy,” she whispered.
    “Sure they are,” he said. “They’re all full of cum for you. To fill your hot cunt.”
    “Oh­h­h­h­h­h­h­hhh,” she moaned.
    His prick went into her for a few more minutes, and then she felt him be­gin to quicken his pace.
    “Oh shit!” she screamed. “I’m go­ing to come! I’m go­ing to come! I’ve never done it be­fore. Oh shit! Of fuck! Oh shit! Oh fuck, I can feel you squirt­ing! You’re filling me up! Oh shit! Oh fuck­kkk!”
    She wrapped her legs tightly around him as he flooded her with his hot cum juice. She bit into his shoulder and looked bey­ond him. She was shocked. There stood Con­nie and Beverly smil­ing at her and lick­ing their lips.


    Beverly was stunned. She had done everything that Con­nie wanted her to do. She had left school early that day pre­tend­ing to be ill. She had slipped quietly into the house and up the stain.
    Con­nie had met her at the top.
    “Come on back down,” Con­nie said. “I think it’s been long enough.” Beverly wasn’t sure about Con­nie’s plan. It had soun­ded good, at flint, but her mother was just not the hot-pants sort. No mat­ter how good-look­ing Danny Bridges was.
    So it was with some­thing of a shock that she entered the liv­ing room and found Danny fuck­ing her mother on the couch. They watched in stunned si­lence as their mother began thrash­ing about on the couch and say­ing dirty words. It was evid­ent that Tabatha was en­joy­ing her­self.
    Then Tabatha looked up and saw them.
    “Go ahead, Mother,” Con­nie said softly. “Don’t let us stop you.” Tabatha quickly pushed Danny off her and reached for her cloth­ing.
    “Don’t get dressed, Mother,” Con­nie said.
    “What do you mean?” Tabatha asked.
    “I mean that you shouldn’t get dressed. There’s no point to it. Father won’t be home for an­other two hours and you’ve already had your fun. There’s no sense hur­ry­ing now.”
    “Get out of here!” Tabatha said.
    “You don’t de­mand any­thing out of us from now on,” Con­nie re­tor­ted. “From now on, we de­mand.”
    For the first time they all no­ticed the cam­era in Con­nie’s hands. Even Beverly hadn’t no­ticed it.
    “These will make some nice pic­tures,” Con­nie said.
    “You can’t mean that!” Tabatha gasped. “You can’t mean that you’ll show them?”
    “I will,” Con­nie said. “Un­less you agree to what I’m go­ing to ask.”
    “Shit,” Con­nie said. “You just don’t un­der­stand. You don’t ask us what from now on. You just do as we ask.”
    “I don’t un­der­stand,” Tabatha said fear­fully.
    “It’s simple,” Con­nie said. “Beverly and I don’t want any prob­lems out of you. We want to fuck when we want to fuck and you’ll say noth­ing. If you agree to our con­di­tions, then we’ll des­troy the pic­tures and tell nobody about what we’ve seen.”
    Beverly was frightened as her mother’s angry eyes took in her two daugh­ters. But her mother was in a bind. There was very little that Tabatha could do without get­ting her­self into a hell of a lot of trouble.
    “Okay,” Tabatha agreed an­grily.
    “Okay what?” Con­nie asked. “Does okay mean that you agree to do any­thing we ask?”
    “Yes,” Tabatha said softly.
    “Good. Then prove it.”
    “Start by kiss­ing Danny’s cock. That’ll seal the bar­gain.” Tabatha looked dis­gus­ted. Beverly knew her mother was go­ing to say no. So did Con­nie. Con­nie opened up the cam­era and took the roll of film out. She was care­ful not to ex­pose it as she tucked it away in a film box.
    “Okay,” Con­nie said. “So you didn’t mean it. Well I did. I’ll just let one of the boys at school de­velop this.”
    “No!” Tabatha said. “I’ll do as you ask.” Tabatha had to gain time to think. She could see no way out of her situ­ation. She looked at Danny’s semi-hard cock. On the end was a spot of his cum. His cock was glisten­ing with her cunt juices.
    “Do I really have to?” Tabatha asked her daugh­ter. “Couldn’t I do some­thing else to prove it?”
    “Kiss his cock!” Con­nie de­man­ded. “Kin it and clean it up for him. I may want to use it my­self.”
    Tabatha searched Con­nie’s face, but there was no sign of sym­pathy in Con­nie’s eyes. Beverly looked a little softer but not soft enough to help her.
    Tabatha looked back at Danny’s cock. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.
    She brushed her hair back from her eyes and bent over. She licked the end of his cock. He had a strong, salty taste. She could also taste her own juices on him. She drew her head back.
    “Isn’t that enough?” she asked.
    “Hell no!” Con­nie said. “Take his cock in your mouth. Clean him up. Clean his prick good.”
    Tabatha saw that she was go­ing to have to go through with it. She held her breath and once again lowered her head to take his cock.
    She en­vel­oped his cock-head. He moaned as she sucked the last of his cum out of the tiny hole.
    She drew him in deeply un­til his balls were rest­ing against her chin.
    “God!” Con­nie breathed. “Look at her deep­throat him!” Tabatha felt his prick grow hard in her mouth. She was forced to re­lease some of his huge cock, but she con­tin­ued to suck on him. She de­cided that the best way was to get through with him quickly.
    “Shit!” Danny was say­ing. “She’s got a mouth on her. But we’d bet­ter stop or I’m go­ing to come.”
    Tabatha was grow­ing used to his cock. She was learn­ing how to breathe so that she could suck his cock eas­ily. She began to es­tab­lish a rhythm with her mouth.
    “Oh shit!” he moaned. “Oh shit, you’re go­ing to make me come again! Oh shit!”
    “Hold it,” Con­nie said.
    Tabatha didn’t want to hold it. She found that she was en­joy­ing her­self. She wanted his cock in her throat and she sud­denly wanted to swal­low his cum. She could taste a little of his salty jism on the tip. It wouldn’t be long.
    “Hold it! God­damn it!” Con­nie screamed.
    Con­nie took hold of her mother’s hair and pulled her away from Danny’s cock.
    “Oh shit, Con­nie!” Danny pro­tested. “Let her fin­ish me off.”
    “No,” Con­nie said. “I’ve got some bet­ter ideas.”
    “What?” Danny asked.
    Danny only cared about his prick. He was hurt­ing. His throb­bing cock needed re­lease, and he didn’t care where he got it. He found him­self look­ing at Beverly. She was the only wo­man in the room that he hadn’t fucked.
    “Yes,” Con­nie said. “Beverly would be nicer.” Danny got the idea. He ges­tured for Beverly to walk over to him.
    Tabatha sud­denly real­ized what was go­ing to hap­pen. He was go­ing to fuck her daugh­ter. He was ac­tu­ally go­ing to stick his cock into her younger daugh­ter, and she was forced to watch in si­lence.
    “Take off your clothes, baby,” Con­nie cooed. “I prom­ised you a col­lege boy.” Beverly was really ex­cited. She could feel Danny’s hot eyes on her as she star­ted to dis­robe.
    And her mother was mak­ing it all the more fun. Her face was flushed red with shame.
    She saw the look of ap­pre­ci­ation come into Danny’s eyes as she un­hooked her bra.
    “Yes.” Con­nie licked her lips. “I thought you’d like her tits. She has a nice pair.”
    “Con­nie!” Tabatha warned. “Stop this! Stop this be­fore it’s too late.”
    “Shut up!” Con­nie said sav­agely. “You’ve had your kicks. Now let baby sis­ter have hem.” Beverly stripped off her school dress and rolled her panties down her legs. She stood na­ked and she saw Danny lick­ing his lips over his un­ex­pec­ted treat.
    “Je­sus!” he moaned. “You are a sweet-look­ing piece.” He wrapped a hand around his meaty cock. “Look what I have for you, baby. Look what I want to give you.”
    “Oh yes!” Beverly squealed.
    She was aware of her mother’s eyes as she fell to her knees be­fore the couch. She put his cock into her mouth and began to suck nois­ily on him.
    “Ummmmm!” he moaned. “Ummmmm. Like mother, like daugh­ter. I won­der if her pussy’s the same.”
    “Why don’t you find out?” Con­nie asked.
    “I think I will,” he said.
    He po­si­tioned Beverly on her hands and knees and he kneeled be­hind her. She could feel her cunt hot and aching for his big prick.
    “Give it to me!” she screamed. “Give it to me!” He pushed his cock into her cunt. She felt the tint jab of his prick and her eyes closed. She felt him go into her pussy all the way to his balls.
    He began to fuck her with a rhythmic slap of his balls against her pussy.
    Beverly opened her eyes.
    Con­nie had made Tabatha sit just across from her daugh­ter. Beverly found her­self look­ing into her mother’s eyes. Her mother’s eyes were shamed but ex­cited.
    “Play with my tits!” Beverly urged Danny. Danny’s hands came around her waist. Slowly he moved them up un­til he was grasp­ing her tits. He began to squeeze them softly as he slammed his hot cock into her cunt.
    “Oh God!” Beverly cried. “I’m get­ting it! I can feel you com­ing! I can feel your hot cum squirt­ing into me. Oh God! God! FUCK!”
    His throb­bing prick re­leased a heavy load of cum into her pussy just as she cli­maxed. Her cli­max racked her body and left her trem­bling and weak.
    “Oh shit!” she said as he fell away from her. “That was the best ever.”
    “And it’s not done yet,” Con­nie said. “How about clean­ing him off again, Mother?” Tabatha wanted to ar­gue, but she saw that it would do no good. She fell to her knees be­side Danny. For the second time she sucked Danny’s prick.
    “I want you hard again,” Con­nie said.
    “Ahhh God, Con­nie.” Danny said. “Have a heart. I’ve come twice already.”
    “I want you hard again!” Con­nie de­man­ded. “I’ve got other things in mind.”
    “Shit,” Danny said. “Well, you’re go­ing to have to wait for a little while.”
    “We’ll wait,” Con­nie said.
    Con­nie began to un­dress. Beverly watched in awe as Con­nie stripped off her clothes. She had a fine body, one that Beverly had al­ways ad­mired. Her tit­ties were smal­ler than hers, but everything about her smelled of sex.
    Beverly had of­ten watched boys on the street hun­ger­ing for Con­nie’s body. There was just some­thing about Con­nie that spoke of wild will­ing­ness.
    “Well?” Con­nie asked Beverly.
    “Well what?”
    “Do you like my body?”
    Con­nie stripped off her pale panties to re­veal a full thatch of blonde pu­bic hair. She ran her fin­gers through her pu­bic hair and smiled at Beverly.
    “I think you’re beau­ti­ful,” Beverly said.
    “Damn straight!” Danny agreed.
    Con­nie bent over so that her ass could be ap­pre­ci­ated by every­one. She giggled at the ex­pres­sion on her mother’s face.
    “Don’t look so shocked,” Con­nie said. “Es­pe­cially while your mouth is wrapped around his cock. Be­sides, you ain’t seen noth­ing yet.”
    Tabatha had Danny’s cock grow­ing hard again. She re­leased his hard prick from her mouth and used her hand to slowly stroke him. His erec­tions throbbed. She kissed the end of his cock again.
    “Je­sus!” Danny moaned. “I think I’m go­ing to die if this keeps up.”
    “Danny,” Con­nie said sweetly. “I’m go­ing to let you have it the way you love it.” But Danny jumped away from Tabatha. He was as ex­cited as a puppy who’d been given a snack by his mas­ter.
    Con­nie bent over the couch. Her quiv­er­ing ass was ex­posed to their view and Danny ap­proached her with his cock trem­bling in hot need.
    Tabatha looked on in shock. Surely he couldn’t be plan­ning to stick that thing in her daugh­ter’s ass! But she saw him pull apart her daugh­ter’s as­s­cheeks.
    “God!” he said. “I love it when you let me do it this way. You’ve got the tight­est ass ever.”
    “No!” Tabatha pro­tested weakly.
    But he was already push­ing into Con­nie’s ass. Tabatha looked at Beverly and saw that even Beverly’s eyes were wide open in shock.
    Beverly had never seen any­one get fucked in the ass. She’d heard about it, but she’d never seen it. And now her sis­ter was get­ting it.
    Danny gave a hard push and his cock went up her ass.
    “God!” he moaned. “You’re tight, baby! You’re so fuck­ing tight.” He was really ex­cited. Beverly could see his balls quiver as he drove his cock deep into Con­nie’s ass. Beverly could see that it wasn’t hurt­ing her sis­ter. Con­nie was rub­bing against him and moan­ing loudly.
    “God yes!” Con­nie cried. “Give it to me! Give it to me hard! I like a good stiff cock up the ass!”
    Beverly couldn’t help the ex­cite­ment that was build­ing up in her. She star­ted rub­bing between her legs as she watched. She al­most wished that it was her who was get­ting Danny’s prick up the ass. She wondered how she would like it, and she made up her mind that she was go­ing to have it that way be­fore long.
    Danny was really get­ting ex­cited. His hips were mov­ing fast as he poun­ded his cock into her ass furi­ously. He was moan­ing with each push of his hips.
    “Ah God!” he said. “Ahhh God! I think I’m go­ing to flood you now! Ahh fuck, you feel good! Ahhh shit, you feel good!”
    His hips began to move even faster, and Beverly no­ticed the look of pleas­ure that came across his face. She knew he was now shoot­ing his cum. He was pour­ing his cum into her sis­ter’s ass.
    “Oh God!” Con­nie moaned. “Oh God! Oh shit! Fuck! Damn! You’re giv­ing it to me! Oh shit! You’re giv­ing me all of your hot cum!”
    With one last con­vuls­ive shud­der Danny fell away from Con­nie. His prick had gone limp and one look at his face told Beverly that he wasn’t go­ing to be much good for any­thing else that day. “Shit!” he moaned. “Ah­hhh shit.”
    “Did you really like that?” Con­nie asked.
    “Oh, baby,” Danny said. “That was the greatest.” Con­nie laughed and began to gather up her clothes. She dressed slowly and there was a dreamy smile on her face. As she buttoned up her blouse, she looked at her mother.
    “All right,” she said. “I’ll des­troy the pic­tures and we’ll never talk about what happened here, but you have to prom­ise me that you’ll not fuss any more.”
    “I prom­ise,” Tabatha agreed.
    “And one other thing?” Con­nie said.
    “What other thing?” Tabatha asked.
    Tabatha could think of no other hu­mi­li­ation she could be put through. But she was afraid of the look in Con­nie’s eyes, and the smirk on her lips.
    “What other thing?” Tabatha asked again im­pa­tiently. “Haven’t I done enough?”
    “Not quite. To­night when father gets home I want you to take him into the bed­room and give him a fuck­ing like he’s never got be­fore. I want you to treat him — like your mas­ter and you’re the low­est form of whore that ever lived. Make him happy as hell.”
    “Your father doesn’t want me like that!” Tabatha pro­tested.
    “The hell he wouldn’t!” Con­nie said. “Any man wants his wife to be a slave to him some­times. Now will you do that?”
    “Do I have any choice?” Tabatha asked. “None,” Con­nie replied.
    “Then I guess I’ll have to do it.”
    “Shit,” Con­nie said laugh­ingly. “Our poor father’s never go­ing to know what hit him.”

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