Military plaything - Part 1

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An exciting adventure

At the age of 34 Angie's divorce came through and she was free.
She had only ever had sex with one man, her ex-husband who had
brought her from the Philippines when she was 19. Before then,
as a good catholic girl she had had boyfriends but no sex.

After 14 years, he had gone off with another woman leaving Angie
heartbroken, but she was over that now and in love again, this
time with a handsome lean man from a small country in South
America. She met Juan at a party and had quickly fallen for him.
He was a perfect gentleman and so far, although they had dated
several times, they had not actually had sex.

Angie knew she was still very attractive with a good face and
body. She kept in trim and she often caught men looking at her
breasts. Her nipples pointed up easily and whatever she wore
they seemed to show through, but so far Juan had resisted the

Right now Angie was so excited, Juan had asked her to go with him
to his country in South America as he had business to do there
and he needed and assistant. It would be wonderful just to be
with him and in a romantic setting.

It was early evening when they arrived in the small town high up
in the mountains. It had been a long journey by plane and
several buses. The last had been a small, old and overcrowded.
Now she was at their destination, it all seemed worthwhile as
they were welcomed by warm friendly people and the setting sun
lit the mountains in reds and golds.

After 3 weeks in San Pedro, Angie really felt as though she
belonged there. However, she was still no closer to Juan as he
had to go away on business the whole time. He seemed to be
greatly revered by the locals and Angie was slowly realizing that
Juan was some sort of guerilla leader.

The town had a large military garrison and she knew how cruel the
soldiers could be. She had seen a solder knock down an old lady
with his automatic gun when she got in his way at the market. It
was very romantic to be with a man such as Juan and Angie
understood the hatred of ordinary people for the military. She
didn't understand the politics of it all but she had become a
fervent supporter of the freedom fighters.

Dressing up

Then Juan asked her to help with the revolution. He told her
they had to get more guns to fight the soldiers. There was an
armory at the garrison which would give them everything they
needed. It was protected by high fences and razor wire but it
was guarded by a single soldier in a guard hut. The problem was
that this guard was in constant touch with the garrison
communications centre and if they attacked him, there would be an
immediate alert.

They needed some way to neutralize the guard and they thought he
could be distracted by some female company. A local girl would
not do as the guards had learnt to be suspicious of any local
woman. An American girl would be quite different. Any of the
guards would give a lot to just kiss such a girl. Later they
would boast about it to their friends. Everybody in the town
knew, Angie as the 'American girl' and all the men desired her.
Juan wanted Angie to distract the guard while they cut through
the armory wire fence and stole the weapons they wanted. He
warned Angie that it could be difficult as they would need her to
keep the guard occupied for at least 30 minutes. He implied that
she might have to give him some sexual encouragement to maintain
his interest.

This was so exciting; Angie couldn't believe this was really
happening to her, it was like being in movie. She asked him what
would happen after the raid, as they would know who it was had
distracted the guard. Juan told her that she would go with him
to a hideout in the mountains where they would stay together for
several months. The idea of being with Juan for all that time
was wonderful for Angie but she was worried that Juan would be in
the truck with the arms and she might be left behind. When she
explained this to Juan he took her to see a man at a house in the
town and told her that if for any reason they were separated, she
must go to him and he would take her to the hideout.

While this lessened her anxiety, Angie still felt a bit
frightened, but somehow the thought of using her sex to help the
cause thrilled her. She imagined talking to the guard and
flirting with him, she might kiss him but all the time she would
be thinking of Juan. He might want to go further, perhaps touch
her breasts but that was OK she had been a married woman and knew
what men liked.

The day of the attack came and that evening Angie felt quite
exhilarated. Juan had given her some of the local whisky to drink
and, as she didn't normally like alcohol, Angie felt quite light
headed. She had to distract the guard at 10pm, so at 9pm Angie
got ready. She felt like a vamp, a spy who would seduce the
enemy for his secrets and then ride away with the good and true

She showered and pampered her skin with talcum powder. She looked
at her breasts in the mirror and gave them special attention.
Angie hoped that it would not go that far, but if it did she knew
her breasts were her final weapon. Men would not be able to
resist them, or rather one man, the guard would not.
She put on her prettiest lacy see-thru bra and panties, she chose
black as this seemed the most appropriate for a femme fatale;
then her white dress with the low neckline. The white showed of
the golden colors of her skin and it unbuttoned down the front,
at least this would give her some control over the situation as
she could unbutton it slowly, if it got that far.

The raid

They dropped her off around the corner from the armory. It was
only when she was alone in the street that Angie began to wonder
what the heck she was doing here. She wasn't a vamp just an
ordinary woman and not even that young. The guard would probably
be young and she could use her womanly experience to advantage,
he would be like a child and be overcome with joy if she allowed
him to kiss her.

Was she sexy enough? As she approached the guard room she undid
another button of her dress, this would show her bra as well as
her cleavage. Although she would not normally be that
adventurous in her clothing, she thought that it would be better
to over do it rather than to be too cautious, as she could hardly
undo the button when she was with the man.

He was young, very young and quite handsome really. This would
be easy. Angie didn't normally smoke but for this occasion she
had a packet of cigarettes. She asked him for a light. The wind
kept blowing his match out so of course she had to go inside the
guard room. She stayed there and tried to talk to him, but he
didn't understand English. When the cigarette was finished she
would have to leave. She had to get him to kiss her, but how?
He kept looking at her tits, but it looked as though he was too
scared to do what he obviously wanted to do. He is shy, poor
thing, Angie thought. She tried everything, she pushed out her
breasts at him and he obviously got the message as he couldn't
take his eyes off them. She sat on the desk with her legs
crossed, so the short skirt rode up to show off her legs. He
seemed equally mesmerized by her legs, but still did nothing.
Her cigarette was nearly finished and she couldn't exactly hold
him in conversation, so she took a big breath, went over to him,
put her arms around him and kissed him fully on the lips. He
seemed to be amazed at this behavior and actually took a step
back away from her.

He looked her and frowned in puzzlement. Then his face cleared
and he smiled at her, well it was more like a sly and knowing
grin. He took one step towards her and grabbed her roughly in
his arms. Although young, he was quite tall and Angie felt the
strength of his arms around her. He kissed her fiercely on the
lips. He had no idea how to kiss, kept his mouth closed and
pressed painfully and bruisingly against her, lips. His breath
smelt foul as though he had been eating garlic before he went on

Gagging, Angie tried to get out of his grip, but the more she
tried the tighter he held her. She began to panic, but she
couldn't get away from him. He pushed her back onto the desk and
forced his legs between hers. There was a tearing sound as one
of the seams of her dress gave way. By now she was really
frightened; somehow he had forced her arms behind her back and
was holding both her wrists in his left hand. Pinioned there she
was defenseless and it left his right hand free to do what he
liked with her.

She tried to break lose but he only tightened his grip on her and
forced those stupid lips against hers. If only he knew how to
kiss, but this man was just a brutish peasant. Angie had
forgotten about distracting him and was just trying to stop him
raping her.

His rough hand was inside her bra feeling her breast. She could
feel his fingers pulling at her nipple. She felt the button at
her neckline give way as he clumsily tried to get her bra off.
He was still kissing her over and over. She could hardly
breathe. Then he tore at her bra and she felt the straps break
as he pulled it down over her breasts. He stopped for moment
breathing heavily and looked down at Angie's naked breasts. He
actually licked his lips in anticipation before putting his head
down to her nipple. Oh God this is ridiculous. Oh he is
hurting me. Angie thought, as the fool sucking at her nipple
couldn't he keep his teeth out of the way. To get his head down
so low meant forcing her arms further down behind her back and
the pain was killing her. Angie let out a moan of pain. She
wanted to scream but couldn't without alerting the whole

He stopped slurping at her nipple and started sucking at the
flesh of her breasts. It was only later that Angie understood
that he was giving her love bites, as some sort of primitive
marking to show that he had been there.

This didn't keep him occupied for long and soon she felt the
thing she had been dreading. His hand went down to between her
legs. She felt him force it up to her vagina and heard the sound
of her dress ripping again. She could feel him trying to get his
hand inside her panties and then he managed to hook his finger in
them near her pubic area. He tugged at them so hard that the
thin material tore and he was able to rip them off. Oh shit! Oh
Shit! She thought he is going to fuck me like some cow in a
field. Angie was panting and moaning "Please, please don't".
Then there was a moment of respite as his hand left her body, she
knew that this was just to undo his trousers. Suddenly his mouth
went to her nipples again and then he straightened up and she
felt his cock hard against her.

It was a nightmare, he was thrusting against her with what felt
like a huge hard erect penis but he had no idea where to put it.
He let her wrists go to use both hands to guide it. Angie
thought of escaping but his whole body was crushing hers and
somehow her body seemed give in. She thought let him do it I
don't care any more.

At last he managed to find his target and she felt his penis
pressing against her, oh no!! It hurt. She was dry as he forced
it into her. He started ramming it in and out of her like a stud

Then all hell broke loose. There was the staccato sound of
automatic fire and sirens and lights. The fool who was fucking
her looked up in total bewilderment. Open mouthed he gaped at
Angie and then with a slow dawning of understanding she felt his
hot cum spray into her as he punched her full in the face.


Angie slowly emerged back into consciousness; she didn't know
where she was. She was lying in a fetal position on the floor,
her face hurt and when she tried to move, she found she was
restricted by her hands which were tightly cuffed behind her back
and around the leg of a desk. Her dress was gaping open and her
bra was missing, one of her breasts was hanging out and her
nipple was touching the dirty floor. She managed to sit up but
was unable to adjust her dress with her hands behind her back.
There was still the sound of gunfire and somebody was screaming
as though they were dying.

Much later, men came for her and dragged her to her feet. They
handled her roughly and were very interested in her left breast
which was still exposed. Angie angrily asked them to let her do
her dress up, but they ignored her and even squeezed her breast
with brutal hands as they escorted her from the room. She
couldn't understand what they were saying, as they spoke in
Spanish, but she knew they were making crude jokes about her from
the sound of their harsh laughter.

The door to her cell clanged, the bolt banged and she was alone.
They had released the handcuffs and she was free to move. Her
bruises ached and she felt defiled but otherwise she was OK.
There was a pain between her legs where the guard had thrust his
hard penis into her dryness, she could feel where he sucked her
breasts, her cheek ached where he punched her and her wrists
smarted from the cut of the hand cuffs, but at least she was
still alive. Later she would understand that being alive is not
necessarily a mercy.

Long after daybreak they came for her. She had covered herself
the best she could as there were buttons missing off her dress.
She had found her bra down around her waist with both the straps
broken. One of the hooks at the back had gone. She managed to
hook it together using the remaining hooks and tied the straps
together with knots. It was loose now but still covered her. Her
panties were missing and with the seam of her dress torn nearly
to the waist it would be difficult to prevent anybody who saw her
noticing that she had no panties on, or worse getting glimpses of
her pubic hair.

They took her up into the daylight and across a yard. There were
soldiers everywhere watching her, trying to see through the gaps
in her clothing, discussing her private parts, speculating about
her sexuality, joking, anticipating, and hoping to enjoy her
body. She pulled the remnants of dress more tightly about her.

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