A New Life for Tracy

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    Tracy followed her aunt out of the shuttle and along the walkway to the
Customs area of the Camelot Spaceport with the other passengers. She was both
excited and apprehensive about this new stage in her life as her mother had
always refused to talk about her home-world.. Her aunt, was bringing her (Tracy)
home to live with her after Tracy's father and mother had died a standard-year
ago. Tracy's aunt, Elizabeth Barlow, was a magistrate on Camelot. Tracy wondered
what was in store for her on her new home.
    As they waited their turn in the line Tracy looked around and was shocked
when she saw a strange sight. Two naked men carrying packages and boxes were
walking behind a third man. Then Tracy saw that each of the naked men actually
wore a brown plastic chain around his neck and there was another chain running
between the two men attached to the neck-chains. Also attached to the first man
was a leash of some sort which was held by  the man in front. Tracy stared at
them in astonishment until she felt a nudge from her aunt.
    "You will be seeing more of that soon Tracy. Come along."
    "Aunt are those men...?"
    "Yes dear. They are slaves."
    Tracy recalled what she had read about Camelot. The first settlers on
Camelot had lost contact with Earth for several hundred years. During that time
a society had developed that had a fierce independent streak. Those who failed
to pull their weight in the community were despised. This included those who
could not pay their debts. The result was a the introduction of a form the old
type of service known on Earth as bond-servant. A persons "bond" could be given
as security for a loan. If the loan was not paid on time, the creditor could
seize the debtor and sell his/her "bond" to recover the debt. The debtor was to
all practical purposes the property of the buyer who could employ the
bond-servant in any way he wished for  the rest of his or her life. To mark the
person as a bond-servant a chain usually of brown plastic links was locked
around his/her neck with a tag showing the owners name and address. Tracy also
recalled the article saying that such 'slaves' as they were commonly called were
despised by the free citizens as failures to society. They were often considered
as less than human and so were often kept naked and scorned and humiliated in
many ways.
    With her head filled with this information Tracy followed her aunt out of
Customs. There waiting to greet them was  mother's third sister, Aunt Freda, the
third Aunt Tracy was to live with. Aunt Freda gave Tracy a hug and looked her
    "You have your mother's eyes, Tracy. There is a lot of your mother in your
features. Have you been told of life here on Camelot?"
    "Not much Aunt. I guess I have a lot of local history to catch up on."
    "Tracy saw her first slaves just now, Freda. She appears very interested in
them," Aunt Elizabeth smiled at Tracy.
    "Hmmm... Perhaps we should show Tracy everything at once ten let her digest
it before she goes to school. Lucky this  is the mid year break. Come. Lets get
your baggage and head home."
     Aunt Freda led the way over to Baggage Collection. Then with their cases
and boxes on a robo-trolly, they headed out of the space port to the parking
lot. Tracy saw that on Aunt Freda's car was a sign reading "Camelot Correctional
Service". She knew Aunt Freda worked for the prison service and wondered what it
was like.  Tracy got her first look at the city of Brownville, so named after
the leader of the original settlers. Aunt Elizabeth pointed out some of the
different landmarks as they went along. As they past the central shopping centre
Tracy caught sight of more people both female and male wearing chains around
their necks. Many were naked except for their neck chains and various
restraints. She saw many chained together with chains from neck-to-neck,
wrist-to-wrist or ankle-to-ankle. At one spot when they waited for traffic to
clear Tracy spotted a naked woman bent over holding her ankles whilst another
woman (clothed) struck her with something. Tracy noticed that other people
simply walked by as if it was a completely normal happening.
    Aunt Freda and Aunt Elizabeth lived together in a large two story house
behind a high wall  near the prison where Aunt Freda was Prison Governor. When
they drove into the yard they were met by a woman Tracy judged to be in her mid
20s. She wore a simple black close-fitting sleeveless tunic that stopped high on
her thigh, and sandals. Around her neck was a brown collar with a tag hanging
from it. As Aunt Freda approached, to Tracy's amazement, the girl knelt and
bowed her head in a submissive manner.
    "Is dinner ready Helen?" demanded Aunt Freda briskly.
    "Yes Ma'am. Just as you ordered. Do you wish to dine now?"
    "No. You can show Tracy to her room. Tracy this is Helen. She is a
crim-slave that looks after the house for me. Be down for dinner in 1 hour.
Carry on." Aunt Freda swept past Helen and went inside. Tracy glanced at Aunt
Elizabeth who just nodded and said "Go on", and followed her sister inside.
Tracy followed Helen upstairs.
    As she unpacked her clothes and put them in the drawers in the room
prepared for her, Tracy's thoughts were spinning. She turned to Helen who, after
helping with the baggage, was looking curiously at the clothes Tracy had with
her. On realising Tracy was looking at her she stepped back and stood with her
back straight and her hands at her side with her head down.
    "Helen what is it like to be a crim-slave? What does it mean?"
    The woman raised her head and looked at Tracy in surprise. "Why... It means
I have been sentenced to a period of slavery as punishment for a crime, Miss,"
replied Helen, "Didn't you have crim-slaves on your home-planet?"
    "No," replied Tracy. She looked at Helen. "What did you do that got you
sentenced to slavery?"
    "Stole from shops. Shoplifting the judge called it. She sentenced me to
eighteen months. I have three months still to serve."
    Was it necessary to steal?," asked Tracy curiously, "Couldn't you get a
    "My father is a drunk", sighed Helen, "Mother had four children and father
can't stop drinking what money we had. I am the eldest and when I saw the 
others starving I had to do something. It was a year after I left school. I
couldn't get a job. So I stole. It was silly of me but I didn't know what else
to do. At the time neither Mother or I knew of the support we could have got
from the government. Well at least they are now getting that support. If I'd
known about it things could have been different. Still. Your Aunt only gave me
eighteen months," Helen looked at the clock on the wall. "Please, are you ready
now? If I don't have you down for dinner in five minutes I will be caned."
    "Caned?" said Tracy, startled, "Yes lets go."
    Tracy found her aunts awaiting her at the table. Helen served them a
delicious meal after which the three women went into the lounge room to talk
while Helen cleared the table. Tracy had found it new to have a servant coming
and going as they dined. She asked about it once they were seated.
    "Would one of you please tell me about this slave thing and how people end
up as one and what it entails for the slave owner? Helen tells me she was
sentenced to eighteen months slavery for shoplifting by you, Aunt Elizabeth. Is
that a normal sentence? She also said she would be caned if we were late down
for dinner. Is that true?"
    Aunt Elizabeth answered first.
    "I obviously don't recall every trial I have presided over, Tracy. If 
Helen says I was her Judge she probably is right. Do you remember that article I
gave you to read about Camelot?" Tracey nodded. "For the most part life here is
similar to what you are used to on Nexus Tracy. The slaves and the laws
controlling them are the only big difference with other worlds. The system of
slavery here is the result of  problems with the economy at the beginning of the
settlement on Camelot. Due to a bad drought, many people lost their money. But
those who had planned for such possibility survived and objected to the need to
support those who had failed to make provision. Then someone remembered the old
"bond servant" system from Old Earth. A person could borrow against his/her
'bond' and if unable to pay he/she could be seized and put in debtors prisons or
Debt Camps. This included their families. The parents could then be 'leased out'
to work for others at any job until their debts were paid. The children could
also be leased out after reaching age fifteen. This practice developed into the
slave system we have today. One or two debt camps still exist but usually when a
person falls into debt now their bond is put up for auction immediately. You may
think this is awful but the system has been in operation for 300 years now and
all attempts by anti-slave groups have failed to gain anywhere near the needed
numbers. Also nearly a quarter of the new slaves on the market each year are
volunteers. For reasons of their own they want to vanish or they have
masochistic tendencies, or just don't want to control their life. These slaves
are the most despised of all. You can often pick them out. Many slave owners
indicate the slave as a volunteer with a blue link in the otherwise brown chain
round their neck Now do you remember the meaning of the different coloured neck
    "Right. Well, you will see green chains on some students when you go to
school. Those students are from poor families who couldn't afford to keep their
child at school for the final three years. They are bonded to another, richer,
family. That family pays a bond into a bank account and at the end of the school
period - usually at age eighteen - the student gets the money which he or she
can use to start their life. A bond is usually about 1,000 credits for each
year. The average bond is therefore 3000 credits."
    "What sort of work would the student have to do for the family he or she is
bonded to?"
    "Anything within reason. Farming families may accept bond-students -as they
are officially called - to get extra labour on their farm. It is actually
cheaper to do take on a bond-student  than an adult labourer. In the towns,
well, the student can expect to do household chores, gardening chores and so on.
And yes, there is no denying sexual services may be included in the work
required. That is accepted here. The bond holding family are, however
responsible if pregnancy results so they usually take the necessary precautions.
One thing you will usually find is that a family that takes a bond-student in,
will usually have a child of the same age and gender. That is encouraged.
Bond-students are not looked down upon as much as on adult slaves - it is
usually accepted that it is not the fault of the student that his or her family
are in difficulties. Another chain colour you will see is blue. This one is for
trained or educated workers wether they are debt or volunteer slaves. You will
usually see them in factories although some may be in offices. Usually their
bond is for a fixed time after which they are freed. A factory or business may
pay for training for a worker on condition the worker enters into a bond.
Another chain colour that you are sure to see is red. That is for sex-slaves who
usually belong to a brothel - but not always. . Young, unmarried mothers often
end up in brothels if they fall into debt. Brothels usually have proper care
facilities for children.  However, brown chains are the most common to be seen.
They are for those without any special skills and can be either volunteer or
debt slave.
    Finally there are the collared slaves like Helen. They are crim-slaves.
Criminals sentenced to slavery for crimes they have committed. They could be
sentenced to slavery for any period of time from a few months to life. There are
two coloured collars used. Brown, which means the crime committed was not really
violent and the wearer will eventually be released, and black. Black collars are
placed on any prisoner with a life sentence and also the violent criminals
Violent black-collar criminals are often not leased out or if they are they
usually go to a company who is able to handle them. Usually mining companies who
have heavy work for them. Few of those slaves see old age, Tracy.
    The prisoners awarded a brown collar usually are required to stay in gaol
for the first part of  their sentence as decided by the sentencing judge, then
they are leased out to work for the public. For example, Helen was given a
eighteen month sentence, three months of which had to be served in gaol and the
rest of the sentence to be served as slave. She has been serving in this house
for twelve months now and is doing quite well. If she continues to improve she
can expect to complete her sentence with little trouble. Prisoners who please
their lease-holders can hope for an early release if the lease-holder gives a
good recommendation to the Parole Board. Prisoners who are minors must stay in
gaol and go to school until age15 then they are leased out to the public to
serve the rest of their sentence. The life of a crim-slave can be harsh.
Crim-slaves are considered the lowest of the slave order and little kindness is
wasted on them. Some people who regularly lease crim-slaves have a reputation
for harsh treatment but few people seem to think this is wrong. Tomorrow you
will see what I mean by that.   The other chain colour you may see is white.
That is for personal attendants sometimes called body-slaves. They indicate that
a special relationship exists between owner and slave. It is rare for a white
chain to be seen on the auction block."
    "Why do crim-slaves wear a collar and not a chain like the other slaves?"
    "The collars are hollow, Tracy and inside them is a device that allows us
to keep track of their whereabouts," replied Aunt Freda.
    "What do you think of the ides of sentencing people to slavery, Aunt
    "I think it is a part of the system that is most beneficial to the
community since it reduces the numbers in prison and makes the criminal be seen
to be serving the community. I should point out that crim slaves are actually
leased out not sold - except for the lifers. And understand a life sentence here
means natural life and that can be up to 300 years with Long-Life Serum now."
    "Have you ever owned a slave yourself Aunt?"
    "No. Your Aunt Freda is able to supply slaves to care for the house, do our
laundry and so on."
    "The job has its perks," smiled Aunt Freda. "And by the way, yes, if Helen
had not had you down in time she would have been caned for disobedience.
Remember that when dealing with slaves, Tracy. You could get them harshly
punished in some houses just by speaking to them. So be thoughtful when you are
dealing with slaves that you don't own."
    "Yes Aunt. Is there any chance I could see where you work, Aunt?" This to
Aunt Freda.
    "Certainly. Tomorrow."
    "And where do you work now Aunt Elizabeth?
    "I sit on the bench in one of the city courtrooms, Tracy," explained Aunt
Elizabeth, "I usually hear criminal cases such as stealing, assault or murder.
You can come and watch if you like since school doesn't start for two weeks. But
don't spend all your time in my courtroom. Visit other court rooms and see if
there are many differences in law and procedure from what you are used to. And
of course go elsewhere as well. The slave auctions are held not far from here.
One of us can take you to see them some time if you are interested. If you want
to, that is. I warn you it is not a pretty sight."
    "I would like to see it though, Aunt."
    Aunt Elizabeth reached for a little bell Tracy had noticed on a nearby
table. "All this talking has dried my throat." she remarked. The bell tinkled.
    A minute later Helen appeared at the door.
    "You rang, Madam?"
    "Coffee," said Aunt Freda, "How do you have yours Tracy?"
    "Black, with one sugar please,"
    "Yes, M'am," She disappeared.
    "Aunt Freda how can the prisoner be certain they will be released at the
right time if they are out serving as a slave. Can they be sure the er
lease-holder will remember the right date, or even want to release them when the
time is up?"
    "The Parole Board keeps track of them Tracy. When the time is near the
Parole Board collects the prisoner from the lessee and returns them to the
prison for preparation for release. Their collar actually has the date
programmed into it and at a set time it opens and the collar falls away. If you
ever witness that Tracy you will see how the prisoner's face lights up with the
removal of the collar."
    At that moment Helen returned with the coffee cups on a tray. She carefully
placed the tray on the table then turned to the women.
    "Will there be anything else, please?"
    "Yes, Helen there will be a task for you to perform soon for Tracy,"
replied Aunt Elizabeth, "For now, strip."
    "Err.. Yes Ma'm," replied a clearly surprised Helen, who proceeded to
remove her tunic.
    Tracy listened and watched is amazement as the slave quickly folded her
tunic on a nearby chair and stepped out of her shoes at the same time, pushing
them under the same chair. She was now topless and proceeded to slide her black
panties down over rounded hips. She placed them with her tunic and faced the
women. Tracy, still surprised at the turn of events, was finding herself
admiring the view. Helen had smallish breasts that were firm and pert.
    "Kneel," from Aunt Freda.
    Tracy watched as Helen knelt, her  head down.
    "Head up, Helen," ordered Aunt Freda. Helen obeyed, her expression one of
    "Tracy," she continued, "We need to find if you are capable of adapting to
new circumstances. What do you think of the idea of having Helen for a
bed-partner to-night.?"
    "I... I," Tracy was astounded at the suddenness of the situation she was
in. If she said no she would obviously go down in both her aunts estimations.
Clearly this was a test. She glanced at Helen again. The woman was clearly not
shocked at the idea, just mildly surprised. As she hesitated, Tracy also noticed
that a look of scorn begin to appear in the slaves face. Tracy could not have
that. "Thankyou Aunt Freda," she heard her voice reply, "This is very kind of
    "Good," came Aunt Freda's reply, "Helen, go and run a bath for Tracy now.
Take your gear with you. Return when the bath is ready."
    "Yes, Ma'm,"
    Tracy watched as the slave collected her cloths and left the room.
    "Errr... You know Aunt," said Tracy quietly, "This will be my first time."
    "First time with a woman you mean?" asked Aunt Elizabeth curiously.
    "No. My very first time. I have never had sex with another person before. I
never found someone I wanted to sleep with on Nexus. I am a total virgin,"
explained Tracy.
    "I didn't realise that, dear. Well, if you would rather not, then say so."
    "No, I will do it. I just thought you should know I have no experience. I
may make a fool of myself," said Tracy, "I'm sorry if this disappoints you." She
looked at her aunts uncertainly.
    "We are not disappointed, Tracy," replied Aunt Elizabeth, "In fact I am
pleased you are so straight forward with us. I will tell Helen to go gently with
you." She left the room.
    Tracy looked at Aunt Freda. "I seem to be putting you to a lot of bother
Aunt," she said, "I'm sorry."
    "You have nothing to be sorry about, dear," came the reply, "Now tell me,
did your  parents use corporal punishment on you at home?"
    The subject change caught Tracy by surprise. "Err.. Yes, sometimes," she
admitted, "I still remember the last spanking I received from Mom. It was the
only time she used her paddle on me. Once was enough thankyou." Tracy shivered
as she remembered the pain and humiliation of that time.
    "Before that she just used her hand?"
    "Yes. Why do you ask, Aunt"
    "Because you will be seeing a lot of corporal punishment tomorrow and
probably also at school. Its quite common on Camelot, Tracy."
    "At school!," echoed Tracy, astonished, "You mean students are caned by the
    "You mean they didn't do it at your old school?"
    "No. I don't think they could, legally."
    "Well they certainly can here, dear, so be warned."
    They both looked up as the door opened and Helen entered. She was still
    "Mistress, your bath is ready if you please."
    "Off you go Tracy, and sleep well."
    "Goodnight Aunt."
    As Helen led the way up the stairs, Tracy found herself eying the pair of 
naked buttocks ahead of her. She noticed the muscular thighs and remembered the
firm round breasts that clearly did not need support. She flushed. What was
wrong with her? She had never had those thoughts about another woman before.
Then her mind recalled her Aunt's  words and found herself wondering what it
would be like to use her mother's paddle on the bottom before her. She flushed
again as she followed Helen into her room. Helen stopped and turned to face her.
Tracy noted the girl showed no shame or embarrassment at being naked. And why
should she? She had a nice shaped figure with rounded hips and slim legs. Tracy
just then noticed that Helen's pussy was shaved bare.
    "May I help you undress, Mistress?" she said, and proceeded to do so.
    Tracy was still to confused to stop her, but found she rather liked being
waited on. Tracy had removed her jacket when they first arrived. Helen now
proceeded to unbutton her blouse and remove it. She then knelt and unfastened
Tracy's shoes and held them as Tracy stepped out of them. Tracy felt the urge to
undress herself but remembered Aunt Freda's warning about slaves being punished
if they didn't do their work so she let Helen continue. Helen next unbuckled
Tracy's belt and unbuttoned her trousers, lowering them and holding them so
Tracy could step out of them. She then stepped behind Tracy and unhooked her
conservative  bra and slid it down her arms. Tracy's firm round breasts jutted
out proudly.
    "Oh... Mistress they're beautiful," came from behind her. Tracy realised
Helen was admiring her breasts in the mirror.
    "Err... Thankyou," she stuttered, blushing furiously.
    Helen hesitated, then recalling Mistress Elizabeth's words, placed her
hands on Tracy's shoulders and gently turned her around.
    "Miss Tracy, I understand from your Aunt Elizabeth that you have had no sex
    Her hands grasped Tracy's nipples and began to gently roll and twist them.
Tracy gasped and moaned softly.
    "Is that true, Miss Tracy?"
    "Yessss," whispered Tracy.
    "Your Aunt thinks it is time to do something about that. She wants you to
experience the feelings of female love tonight. Would you like that, Miss
    "I... I suppose so....."
    Helen's hands left Tracy's nipples and slowly slid down to her waist.
Thumbs slipped into her panties waist-band and began to roll them down. Tracy
quivered as she automatically she stepped out of them and finally found herself
standing naked in front of the equally naked crim-slave. Helen's hands slid over
Tracy's breasts and  they gently grasped and rolled and pulled her nipples for a
moment. Then Helen's hands slid down Tracy's body to her hips and gently stroked
her pubic mound. Then for the first time Tracy felt a foreign finger enter her
crack and explore her most intimate parts. Tracy felt herself shiver as she
realised she was wet there and Helen knew it. She flushed as she stood there in
confusion. Then Helen smiled and removed her hand. She held it up to show Tracy
its dampness then she tasted it.
    "You taste nice, Mistress Tracy,"
    Not knowing what to say to that, Tracy was led into the bathroom where she
found a large steaming bath awaiting her. Helen steadied her as she stepped in
and sank down. Helen then took up a sponge, soaped it began to wash Tracy's
shoulders and neck. Tracy's mind was soothed by this action and it cleared
somewhat. She gathered her courage and made a decision. She looked at Helen.
    "Aunt Elizabeth ordered this, didn't she?"
    "Yes, Miss."
    "Then if you are to join me in bed I want you clean to. You get in as well.
It will be easier for you to wash me then, I think."
    Helen smiled. "Thank you Mistress."
    Helen stepped in to the bath, knelt, and resumed soaping Tracy's shoulders.
Tracy spotted a second sponge, seized it, rose onto her knees and turning to
face Helen began to wash her chest also. Helen's smile broadened in approval and
they continued to wash each other. When she reached Helen's breasts Tracy copied
Helens previous actions, rolling her nipples between thumb and finger. Both
girls were soon moaning softly. Both hands slid lower and were soon exploring 
clefts. Tracy found Helen's clit first and stroked it experimentally. She
watched as Helen  began to quiver and moan quietly and realised she had caused
it to happen. The power this showed excited her. Then Helen found Tracy's bud
and soon Tracy was quivering also. Both women were now moaning in each others
arms. Tracy felt a strange feeling build up inside her. She vaguely remembered
it as a feeling she got on those rare times when she had pleasured herself. The
pressure steadily built up until the girls orgasmed together. Tracy sagged back
against the side of the bath.
    "Helen, that was beautiful." she gasped, "I've never.... can we do that
    "Certainly, Mistress. Whenever you wish." Helen recovered faster than Tracy
- she was  after all more experienced - and smiled at the younger girl. "However
is is more fun in bed, Mistress. If you agree, we can finish up here and I will
teach you more about what we women can do together. If you agree that is."
    "Let's do it" Tracy was beginning to enjoy the idea of being the one in
    Tracy soon found herself lying on her back on the bed as Helen knelt beside
her and began again on Tracy's nipples. Tracy gasped as this time Helen used her
lips and teeth on her tit to send more wonderful shocks through her body. Helen
moved from breast to breast sending quivering shocks through Tracy's body. Helen
then slowly moved lower, licking and nipping all over Tracy's abdomen. Then she
gently opened Tracy's legs and began to kiss and lick the inner sides of her
legs, slowly moving up to the centre of Tracy's pleasure. Finally she reached
her centre and began to nip and lick the outer lips, causing Tracy to moan
softly. She then pushed a finger into Tracy's hole and wriggled it slowly. Then
a second finger joined it. Then Helen found Tracy's bud and rolled it back and
forth in her fingers whilst wiggling other fingers in her hole, all the time
with her other hand working on Tracy's nipples. Tracy was moaning and gasping
and then as Helen squeezed on her bud, Tracy screamed in orgasm.
    When Tracy opened her eyes next morning she was at first confused as to her
surroundings. Then she looked around and memory returned. She was in bed in her
Aunts house near the prison. Aunt Elizabeth was a Judge on Camelot and Aunt
Freda was Governor of a women's prison. Tracy felt a movement beside her and
looked to her right. Another woman lay there, asleep. She was naked, as Tracy
realised she was. Then memory returned and Tracy recalled the events of the
previous evening. Helen had made love to her over and over, bringing her to
orgasm many times. She had also bought Helen to orgasm several times also. Tracy
lent over and kissed Helen slowly on the cheek. When she lifted her head she saw
that Helen's eyes were open.
    "Thankyou, Helen, for all you have shown me," she whispered, "I hope we can
do it again soon."
    "That is up to my mistresses,"
    "Your aunts," explained Helen, "I am their slave, you remember." Helens
eyes suddenly widened and she began to scramble out of bed.
    "I must hurry or I will be late with breakfast and then I will be
    Helen pulled on her tunic and headed for the door. Tracy followed her out
of bed and began dressing.
    "I'll help you if you like," she offered.
    "No.. No. I must do it myself ...Ohhh.. I am going to be late."
    "What time is breakfast normally?"
    "7 am. Your Aunt Freda has to be at her office at the prison at 8."
    Tracy looked at the wall clock. It was 6.45. She watched as Helen ran out
of the room and down the stairs. Tracy headed for the bathroom for a quick wash.
When she arrived downstairs, Helen had the breakfast part prepared but was now
kneeling before an irate Aunt Freda. As Tracy entered the room she stopped in
her tracks as Aunt Freda fixed her eyes on her.
    "So you have decided to join us have you. Well, Tracy you must now learn
that authority means responsibility. Thanks to you, Helen is late with breakfast
and must suffer the consequences." Aunt Freda looked at Helen, "Strip, " she
barked. Helen began to pull of her tunic.
    "Aunt, What are you going to do?."
    "I am going to give Helen her punishment. Six strokes of the paddle."
    Tracy was stunned at the answer. "And you call that justice, Aunt. Its
    "What is the trouble here," came a fresh voice. Aunt Elizabeth entered the
room and took the scene in at a glance.
    "Our niece seems to think I am cruel for enforcing house rules."
    "With respect, Aunt it was the two of you that ordered the cause of Helen
being late with the breakfast, not Helen, " Tracy pointed out reasonably,
"However since you're determined to punish someone, why not me? After all I am
the cause of Helen being late."
    "Nevertheless, she is late," came Aunt Freda's sharp reply.
    Tracy didn't know  what to say that wouldn't get Helen or herself into
    It was Aunt Elizabeth who replied, "That is true Freda but Tracy is at
least in part correct also. I suggest a reduced sentence."
    Aunt Freda frowned then nodded. "Very well, two strokes."
    Aunt Freda looked at Helen. "On your feet, girl. Bend over. Your lucky it
is Tracy's first day here and I am feeling lenient."
    Tracy watched in silence as Helen bent over and clasped her ankles. Aunt
Freda raised the paddle in her right hand and brought it down on the proffered
    "One." Tracy heard Helen gasp. The paddle was raised again.
    "Two." gasped Helen. She did not move.
    "Up. Now get on with the breakfast. And you Tracy, remember this lesson
also. You can easily get a slave punished by being the cause of delay. Remember
    "Yes Aunt".
    Tracy ate her breakfast in silence. She did not look at Aunt Freda. She
could not look at Helen. When she had looked at Aunt Elizabeth she had simply
    "What sort of place have I come to," she asked herself, "Are the citizens
of this planet all as heartless as Aunt Freda? Can I survive here without going
    "When we have finished here, Tracy, you will accompany me to  the prison
where you will have a look around and see what prison life is like." Aunt Freda
nodded grimly. "Yes it can be nasty. Yet do you know there are a lot of people
who actually like the idea of having no worries. A slave makes no decisions for
itself. Some people like that idea. Still. Come along now. I'll give you a tour.
Some of this will be painful to see but Liz and I agree you should see the worse
side of life here now instead of having it sprung on you later.
    "Yes, Aunt." Tracy did not look up.
    From the outside Tracy all could see little.  A bleak high wall with a
gateway and 'Robinvale Female Correctional Centre" across the gate. On entering
Tracy was given a badge showing she was a visitor.
    Aunt Freda led the way out of her office and down a corridor. As the walked
Tracy began to hear strange noises. Finally they stopped at a door which Aunt
Freda opened.
    "This is the punishment yard Tracy. You might find it hard to get used to."
    Tracy peered out and gasped. The yard was filled with girls of all shapes
and sizes being punished in various ways. Their screams filled the air with an
unending din. Girls had their hands  tied over their heads to posts while they
were being flogged across the back and buttocks with various types of whips.
Others were secured face down across barrels or benches, their legs tied wide
apart so they could hide nothing and being struck with whips, canes or paddles.
There were several large 'X' frames with girls secured to them. On another frame
one girl was strung up of the ground by her ankles and was screaming for mercy
although she was not being struck. Beside her on the same frame another girl was
suspended by her wrists and being whipped by a woman wielding what looked to
Tracy like a multi thronged whip. At one end of the yard there was a circular
device with several girls  on it, face and shoulders strapped down with their
knees tucked under them and their bottoms raised. As the device turned a warder
would strike each raised bottom as it passed her with a cane. Tracy saw in one
corner a group of kneeling girls, their hands secured behind them to a rail set
into the wall, apparently waiting their turn to be punished. All the girls were
nude while the prison staff wore a uniform of light blue shirt and dark blue
skirt or trousers.
    "This is the main punishment yard Tracy," said Aunt Freda calmly, "You may
think this harsh, but most of these girls are in here for crimes of violence. A
quarter of them are murderers. You may notice that a proportion of the girls in
that session wear black collars. Remember what Elizabeth told you last night?
Camelot does not have the death penalty so those in black collars are in for
life. Come. There is more to see."
    Aunt Freda closed the door and led the way along the corridor and then down
another to a door, which she opened. This time it was a room Tracy found herself
in. There was a smaller number of people here and it was much quieter. Here,
Tracy saw girls bound in strange contorted shapes and being tortured in various
ways. One girl was strapped down to a table so she couldn't move, her legs
spread apart, blindfolded and gagged with a large ball gag. She was being slowly
tortured by a uniformed woman with a long object Tracy could not identify.
Another girl was slung up in a 'U' shape, suspended by ankles and wrists to the
same bar. She was moaning and wriggling desperately. Tracy could not see the
cause of her torment. Another girl was being raped with diados in both her anus
vagina. Another girl was strapped in a frame her hands high over her head, her
feet wide apart. She was being paddled on the buttocks by one woman and at the
same time a second woman was working a diado in and out of her cunt.
    "Why, Aunt,"
    "Why this type of torture, you mean?"  Tracy nodded.
    We aim to make these girls able to return to society  Tracy. The idea is to
break their spirit and make them a quieter more self-controlled person. They
will then be returned to society and allowed to start a new career - usually in
a subordinate roll. Employers are actually happy to get ex-prisoners who have
been 're-conditioned' in this way, Tracy. They make good, obedient employees."
    "Do the public know of this treatment?"
    "Oh yes," replied Aunt Freda, "You understand that male prisoners get
similar treatment. You will be able to ask other students when you start
    "How come at school?" Tracy was puzzled by the comment.
    "Because Tracy, you will be seeing many of these girls in the school you
will attend. Some will be in your class. All the prisoners of school age go to
this school as do the local free girls. You will see a lot of girls wearing
collars in your class. In school they are treated just like ordinary students.
Come, there is more to see."
    Aunt Freda lead the way out of the Training Room and along more corridors,
showing Tracy the cells where the inmates were locked up at night -usually four
to a cell Tracy noted, the library where Aunt Freda explained the school-age
prisoners did their homework, workshop, kitchen, medical facility and
administration area where Aunt Freda had her office. Everywhere they went, they
passed women in prison tunics and collars who bowed their heads submissively as
the Governor passed but, Tracy noticed, often shot angry glares at her when they
thought it safe to do so. Finally they returned to the punishment yard entrance.
They were in time to see a column of naked girls exiting the yard. They were
chained together by a chain running from neck to neck. All had their hands
clasped on their heads. All were sobbing  and as they passed Tracy saw that all
had very reddened buttocks,backs and legs and some were also showing red marks
on breasts and stomachs as well.
    "You think we're being unnecessarily brutal, don't you."
    Tracy looked at Aunt Freda. "Yes, M'am. I just fail to see the need for
such extreme types of punishment. You said earlier that your aim was to break
their spirit. I'm sure you succeed in most cases too. But what about in those
cases where you don't? Aren't you likely to make those stronger willed girls
even more angry with society and want to do more to damage it when they are
released? I'm also wondering about the innocent ones. Those that are declared
guilty by the court but are really not. You are ruining their lives even worse
than the actual sentencing itself. And please don't tell me that hasn't
happened. I know it did back home. One boy declared guilty of stealing was later
found to be innocent when it was found to be a case of mistaken identity. He had
been miles away when the crimes were committed. He had served 6 months by the
time the truth came out and he was released. A month later he committed suicide.
He couldn't stand the shame he felt even after he had been declared innocent.
Can you tell me similar cases haven't happened here?"
    Aunt Freda was silent a moment. Tracy saw a worried look appear on her
    "Yes, Tracy there have been mistakes made, unfortunately. In fact.." Aunt
Freda paused.
    "You think you have one at this moment?"
    "May I know the details of the case?"
    "Elizabeth can pull up the details if she is willing. It was her last case
before she went to collect you. The girl is not standing up very well to life
here. I think she is getting more than her share of bulling too. She just
doesn't appear to me to be the type to steal."
    "Has she any previous convictions?"
    "And she has been in here six moths."
    "No appeal?"
    "Appeals aren't automatic, here Tracy. Especially after the introduction of
the Truth Light. The belief now is if the Truth Light says you are guilty then
you are. If you can't pay the legal fees you can't appeal. You are guaranteed a
lawyer when you are arrested but only for your first trial. Not for appeals. And
lawyers here don't all have a Truth Light. They are very expensive here."
    "That is certainly different from home. But you do you use Truth Lights in
court here?"
    "It's not compulsory, but yes. They have only been allowed in the last
twelve months. Elizabeth can tell you the details. They are expensive as  I
said. Not many lawyers have one here yet."
    Tracy was about to tell her Aunt she had one of the devices that forced
people to tell the truth, when another warder approached them.
    "Excuse me, Governor but we have a minor problem. Janet Harkens has been
bashed again. Doreen Graham did it. Harkens is in the med-centre now with a
broken leg. Karen is calling  Dr. Jenkins now."
    "And Graham?"
    "Chained to the wall outside. We are collecting her friends now."
    "Very well, I'll come. Come along Tracy. You can see first-hand why we are
not soft on prisoners here."
    "Thankyou, Aunt." Tracy followed her aunt and the warder to a room with a
sign saying Medical Centre. Outside the door a woman in her late twenties knelt
with her hands shackled behind her to a ring in the wall, a gag in her mouth.
    On entering the room Tracy saw a girl around her own age wearing a prison
tunic  lying on a table. Her leg was clearly broken and she had a black eye and
other bruises on her face. Tracy saw other bruises on her legs and arms. She was
sobbing softly. Her hands clasping the sides of the table tightly in pain. A
woman in nurses uniform was preparing a syringe. She inserted it and pushed the
plunger then removed it. In a few seconds the girl on the table began to relax
as the drug deadened the pain.
    "Oh... Thankyou," she whispered.
    "What happened, Janet,?" asked Aunt Freda, "Why did Graham attack you this
    "She wanted the book I was reading, M'am. Or so she said. I think I am
simply her current sport interest. When I gave her the book she just threw it
aside and she and her friends began hitting me anyway."
    Tracy saw that Aunt Freda's was dark with anger. "I see," she said, "Very
well, you rest easy now Janet. The doctor is on his way and she will set your
leg." Aunt Freda swept out of the room. She stopped and looked down at the four
girls secured to the wall. Tracy presumed the other three were the first girl's
followers. The first girl looked up at Aunt Freda. Tracy noted that she showed
no fear. The other three ,however looked uneasy. Aunt Freda reached down and 
turned the knob protruding from the girl's lips and extracted the gag.
    "Well Graham, what brought this on?"
    "We was just having fun, Governor," Tracy looked at the woman who spoke
with disgust. Clearly this was the type of person who made a sport of preying on
weaker people.
    " Fun was it. Well we will see if you still call it fun by nightfall,
Harkens. Take them all to the Punishment Yard, Wilson. We'll see if they still
call it fun after fifty lashes each on top of a good paddling. The girl's face
went white but  she said nothing.  The other girls protested, screaming that
they didn't do anything, that it was all Graham's fault. But Tracy noted that
the girl Graham did not scream. She just looked in contempt at her followers and
said nothing. Tracy decided Graham was a tough character - or at least was
trying to be one. Two warders released the four girls from the wall rings,
chaining them together then marching them of.
    "Come along, Tracy. This will be a lesson for you."  Tracy followed Aunt
Freda as they headed for the punishment yard. Once there Tracy found the yard
empty except for Aunt Freda, the two warders, herself and the four girls. Aunt
Freda ordered the struggling girls be secured over what she called punishment
barrels. After being stripped of their clothing the four girls were chained face
down over the barrels with their arms and legs pulled wide apart. Tracy found
herself aiding in securing the girls as there were only the four of them. Aunt
Freda said four should be enough and that it should not be necessary to call for
extra warders from their lunch. Aunt Freda handed Tracy a paddle.
    "We usually warm up their butts with a short paddling before the actual
flogging, Tracy," she explained, "You can give Ms. Annette Dorkins here her
    Tracy took the paddle and turned to the bound girl. For some reason she
felt she was doing the right thing. Her original belief about brutality was
fading away  "Well, Annette," she said, "Are you ready to pay for your  part in
breaking a girls leg?"
    "Please, noooo," wailed the bound girl, "Mercy. I didn't break her leg. It
was Graham who did it. Please,"
    "Maybe, but you were still part of it, weren't you, Annette. So you must
pay for your part." Tracy raised the paddle and brought it down on the squirming
girls bare buttocks. Tracy noted the pattern followed by Aunt Freda and the
other two warders. They were applying the paddle in a quick action that was
probably not as hard as it could be, but, she realised meant many more blows
could be delivered. They were also moving all over the buttocks and also down
the legs as far as the knees and up the back as far as the shoulders. Tracy 
followed this pattern also. The three followers were soon sobbing but Doreen
Graham who was being paddled by Aunt Freda, was silent although breathing hard.
Then Aunt Freda called halt.
    "Take a break. Let them breath for a moment. The blood has now been brought
to the surface and they are ready." she explained to Tracy. Tracy nodded. Two
minutes later Aunt Freda handed Tracy a whip consisting of a wide strap set into
a handle. "This will sting without breaking the skin. See how the edges are
rounded off so they won't cut skin. Fifty slow strokes. Make her count each one.
Think you can do it?"
    "Yes Aunt." Why did I say that? Why do I suddenly accept these harsh
actions as correct? What's come over me?
    Tracy returned to her subject. She went to the girls head, grabbed her hair
and lifted her head up so she could show her the whip. "See what you are going
to get, Annette? All because you follow a bully like Graham. You are to count
each stroke out loud, understand? If you don't every stroke will be number one
and continue indefinitely until you start so don't miss count. Are you ready?"
    "Mercy Mistress Pleaseeee," the girl wailed.
    "How  much mercy did you give Janet Harkens?"
    Tracy stood back and swung the first stroke.
    "CRACKKKKK". The whip caught the girl across the middle of her buttocks.
    "AHHHHH," screamed Annette, "One."
    CRACKKKKKK" The second stroke was a little higher. Tracy realised she was
becoming enthralled at the sight of the two red lines across the white skin
which she had caused. She waited.
    "AHHHHHH" howled the girl, "Two".
    "CRACKKKKKK" Number three was lower, high on the legs really. "Th.. three,"
moaned the girl.
    Tracy continued slowly, listening to her subjects moans and watching how
Aunt Freda and her assistants handled their subjects. Tracy tried to space out
the strokes so the red lines appeared to spread over the girls back and legs,
but she wasn't always successful. Many lines crossed.  At twenty-five Aunt Freda
called a break. She cane to inspect Tracy's work and nodded. "Good you have
spread the strokes pretty evenly over her  body. We will give them a ten minute
break then complete the punishment. How are you feeling about this now?" She
looked keenly at Tracy.
    "I don't know what's come over me," answered Tracy, "I've never felt like
this before. When I saw you punish Helen this morning I was sure it was wrong to
treat somebody like that. But the sight I saw here  in this yard earlier sort of
did something to me that I can't explain. Then the idea of a person being bashed
without reason seems to have sent me over an edge if you can understand what I
mean. Now wielding this whip seems right somehow. Does that make sense to you?"
    Aunt Freda smiled. "Almost," she replied. She went back to her subject.
Tracy moved to the front and squatted on her heals  so her head was level with
Annette's. She put a hand under the girls chin and raised her head so she could
look into her eyes. They were swimming with misery.  "How are you coping?"
    "P.. p.. please no m.. more p.. please." she begged.
    "Why did you follow Graham in tormenting the other girl?"
    "I.. It seemed the right thing to do," gasped the girl, "Doreen... made it
seem..  right."
    "Do you always do what others say, Annette?"
    "I.. I sup.. suppose so."
    "Don't you think you should make your own decisions, Annette?"
    "I.. I don't know."
    "Can you see what following the likes of Graham has got you? At least try
to pick someone better than Graham to follow. All right?" Tracy produced her
hanky and gently wiped Annette's streaming face.
    "Then think about it. Now what was your last number of strokes. Do you
    "It was twenty-five. Now ready yourself for the next one."
    "Thankyou," whispered the girl.
    "Right people," came Aunt Freda's voice from along where she stood next to
Doreen Graham's bound form, "We will continue."
     Tracy raised her whip for the next stroke. After all had received their
fifty strokes Aunt Freda ordered that they be left on where they were for a
while to 'cool off'. Tracy looked at the four girls. Their backs, buttocks and
legs, all covered with a cris-cross of red lines. All four girls were now
sobbing piteously including Doreen Graham. Tracy followed Aunt Freda out of the
yard then out of the prison and across the street to where Aunt Elizabeth was
awaiting them and Helen had lunch ready. Tracy realised she was starving.
    Over lunch Tracy told Aunt Elizabeth what had happened in the prison. "Aunt
how come people approve of this harsh treatment for prisoners here on Camelot
but not back on Nexus? I remember how Mum and Dad often spoke on how discipline
was lax there and people were often repeating offences. If soft treatment didn't
work why wasn't harsher punishments devised like you have here? Surely the
authorities there knew of the methods used here. Why wouldn't they have
considered introducing some of them there?"
    "I don't know what they thought on Nexus Tracy," she replied, "I do know
you're right about discipline there. Our stats indicate only a quarter of those
who have had a period in prison re-offend while on Nexus it is more than a
third. Perhaps it is something to do with our slave system. Fear of humiliation
probably has something  to do with it too. Talking of slaves do you want to see
a slave sale this afternoon?"
    "Yes please, Aunt," replied Tracy, "If it is alright with you Aunt," she
added looking at Aunt Freda.
    "Certainly child. Anyway I doubt those girls will be causing problems for a
    "Will Janet Harkins be all right, Aunt?"
    "Yes the doctor said the break will mend. She wil be on her feet before
Graham will be, I warrant. By the way, what were you saying to Annette Dorkins
in the break?"
    "I asked her why she didn't make her own decisions, and  when she couldn't
answer I suggested she find someone better to follow. I get the impression she
is a follower. Always doing what others say. I don't know it I got through to
her though, as there wasn't much time."
    Aunt Freda look impressed. "That was well said though, Tracy. You are right
about Dorkins being a habitual follower. If she could find a decent person to
follow she could do alright."
    Tracy looked thoughtful. "Will she be leased out eventually, Aunt?"
    "Probably. Why?"
    "A pity we couldn't see her leased to a decent person, that's all. She has
a nice face and figure. Would she do alright in a brothel, Aunt? Would that at
least get her away from the likes of Graham?"
    "Should do." smiled Aunt Freda, "We will see what we can do."
    As they neared the building that housed the slave market Tracy could hear
screams and the sound of what she suspected was the application of  whips. As
they approached the entrance Tracy could see many other men and women heading in
the same direction. Some people were leading -or dragging- one or more male or
female slaves with them. Tracy saw one woman leading a total of twelve nude
slaves chained to each other by the neck, with a second younger woman bringing
up the rear with a swish she applied regularly - and to Tracy unnecessarily - to
the slaves legs and buttocks. On entering the building Aunt Elizabeth led the
way up a flight of stairs onto what Tracy realised was an observation gallery
where several rows of seats were awaiting them. From here they had a clear view
of the sale floor. About a quarter of the floor was crowded with slaves and
owners behind a stand for the auctioneer and the object to be sold while the
other two-thirds of the hall was filled with chairs which were rapidly filling.
Above the auction stand was an electronic sign-board which proclaimed that the
sale would recommence at one-thirty. Aunt Elizabeth explained that the amounts
bid would appear on the screen, although it was sometimes a little slow and it
was best to listen to the auctioneer if you were interested in bidding. She also
said no bids from the gallery were accepted. Tracy looked at the collection of
slaves to be sold. They were a varied collection of young, middle-aged and old
of both sexes. Most were kneeling quietly awaiting their turn on the block. Some
were however weeping or crying and apparently begging their owners not to sell
them. There was one section that shook Tracy especially - a group of what Aunt
Elizabeth agreed were probably families awaiting sale. Debt defaulters,
explained Aunt Elizabeth. Tracy stared at them. There were several apparent
family groups each consisting of an adult male and female and two or three
children ranging in age from mid-teens down to a babe-in-arms. All parents faces
showed both fear - and shame. Tracy suddenly realised that only the family
groups wore any clothing - all the other slaves were nude. She commented on this
to Aunt Elizabeth.
    "That is because technically they are not yet slaves," Aunt Elizabeth
explained, "You will see that they will probably sell them first to get them out
of the way. They will not get much for them either as the buyer must support the
children and send them to school until they reach age fifteen. The father will
be sold separately and the children will remain with the mother."
    Tracy thought about this. "In that case who would normally buy the mother?"
    "Brothels," was Aunt Elizabeth's short reply.
    "And that's legal?," gasped Tracy.
    A gong sounded and a man mounted the podium next to the display block. In
his introductory speech he welcomed the buyers to the sale and named the methods
of payment that would be accepted and then called for the first lot. One of the
family groups were urged forward - with a few pokes with a stick, Tracy noticed.
The male, the father Tracy assumed, was placed on the stand and the bidding
began after the auctioneer described him as a "trained engineer with 15 years
experience." The bidding was brisk and he was sold to a man wearing an
engineering company logo on his shirt. The buyer slipped a blue chain around the
slaves neck and he was led away after a last agonised look at his family. Then
the woman was put on the stand. She held one child in her arms - a baby barely a
year old and held the hand of a boy of 5 or 6. The bidding was slow and the
resulting price low. The person who came forward was a woman who Aunt Elizabeth
told Tracy was the owner of a large brothel. The buyer quickly slipped a red
chain around the woman's neck, snapped a leash onto it and began to lead the
woman and child away. Tracy watched all this in horrified fascination. The next
group was handled in the same way - first the male adult was sold then the
female and boy-child which Tracy took to be about 13. they were purchased by a
well dressed man who was accompanied a boy of about the same age as the child
hanging desperately to his mother's hand. The man slipped a brown chain around
the woman's neck while the boy accompanying the buyer went up to the woman's
child and quickly slipped a brown chain around his neck.
    "You belong to ME," he shouted in childish glee. Clipping a lead onto the
chain, he started to drag  his new possession after him as he followed his
father of the sale floor.
    Tracy looked at her aunt who looked back and shrugged.
    "All quite legal, Tracy."
    Tracy looked back at the sale floor. The next Lot, a woman Tracy thought to
be in her mid-20s, naked but for her chain, was mounting the block. The
auctioneer described her as "an experienced and willing worker with experience
in the arts of pleasure". Bidding was brisk and Tracy was surprised at the price
that was paid. It was several times what was paid for the women with children.
Tracy also noticed that this girl looked quite calm and assumed this meant she
had been sold before. After several more Lots were sold, Aunt Elizabeth tapped
Tracy on the shoulder and led the way down the stairs and out the building.
    "Well, Tracy, what do you think of that?".
    "I couldn't believe it at first, Aunt. I mean slavery in these times. And
you say it is accepted by the people here? There is no call for its ending?"
    "Oh. There is a small anti-slavery group. But there has never been any
support for it. The only part some people object to is how children are
affected. And they do have a point. Its not fair when parents fail to pay their
bills that children should suffer. Remember the woman that was purchased by the
brothel? Well those children will not be chained. They will go to school until
age 15 at the brothel's expense. Then they will leave and make their own way in
life. The current Secretary of State does not deny his mother was bought by a
brothel when he was 10 years old and he lived in the brothel until 15. He then
worked his way through university, got himself a law degree and became a
successful attorney. He purchased his mothers freedom and now has a family of
his own and a successful political career. And he is not the only one. There is
no stigma attached to having that sort of upbringing. The only stigma is on the
parents for failing to manage their finances."
    "It takes a little getting used to. Do school pupils have slaves, Aunt?"
    "Sometimes. Want one do you? Green or brown?"
    Tracy was astonished that her Aunt would accept the idea so easily.
    "Err...  I don't know yet. Is there difference in the amount of authority
you have over them?"
    Aunt Elizabeth chuckled. "Not really. The main difference is that you know
you will have to give up the green slave at the end of school - unless you both
agree on an extension while in  university. About the only thing you can't do to
a greenie is march her down the street naked. Your rights over a greenie are the
same as over a brown slave otherwise."
    "Would I be likely to see slaves in brown chains at school?"
    "Certainly. You saw that boy put a brown chain on that lad just now,
remember. As that boy is not 15, the family will have to send him to school with
his 'master' who was the real reason he's mother was purchased, I think. "
    "But since he is a brown slave, I have a feeling that young 'master' will
be slightly freer with his discipline than on a green slave - I mean in the
school-ground. But wait a minute. How do you  protect female slaves from being
raped by male students? Surely people would want that prevented."
    "Well firstly you won't see any male students at your school, Tracy. All
state run schools on Camelot are single sex schools."
    "Why is that," asked Tracy in surprise.
    "Not sure myself. Some decision made long ago that hasn't been changed, I
expect. How do you feel about it.?"
    "Don't really know. My previous schools were all co-ed. There were
single-sex schools but they were private ones. It will be interesting to see the
difference, if any."
    After dinner, at Aunt Elizabeth's urging, Tracy got on the Net and viewed
the school curriculum on Camelot to see what subjects  would be studying when
she started school. She found out that there were not many differences  in the
subjects that she had been studying previously - except local history which
would obviously be different. She did find data on slaves and how they stood in
the community. They could not earn money for themselves but they could be used
by their owners to earn money. Slaves wearing the neck-chain could usually be
freed earlier than their bond stated if their bond-holder wished and had to be
freed at the end of their term. Slaves could not be killed by their
bond-holders. The exception was those who had signed away their freedom for life
and those wearing the black collar of the crim-slave. They had no protection
whatsoever and their life was forfeit if that was the owner's wish.
    Later Helen once again joined her in her bath and afterwards in bed. This
time Tracy took a more active role, ordering Helen to lie on her back and then
she stretched on top of her and kissed her, probing the willing mouth slowly at
first but as she gained confidence she moved down Helens body, kissing and
nipping as she went. She licked all round her right breast, finally arriving at
the nipple which was already standing up. Tracy took the nipple into her mouth
and rolled it round with her tongue, gently nipping it with her teeth. Helen was
moaning now. Tracy moved to the left breast and repeated the procedure which now
had Helen wiggling and gasping "Yes Mistress Yesss". Tracy now moved on,
continuing to nip and lick her way down the beautiful body beneath her. She was
her self becoming excited, both by the sounds she was hearing and from the
feeling of power she could feel within her. She licked around Helens neat little
belly-button finally sending her tongue into the hole, which sent Helen
quivering in ecstatic bliss. Tracy moved down to Helen's shaved pubic area,
kissing it gently and licking down into her crack. She found Helens pleasure
hole was already wet and inserted a finger in -then a second- and wriggled them,
stroking the sides. Helen was now thrusting back on the fingers. Tracy used her
other hand to open the lips and peered in. She spotted Helens bud and seized id
and rolled it in her fingers. Helen gasped and screamed "YESSSS" and Tracy
watched as Helen had her orgasm. Tracy felt excited as she realised she had
caused it. She was conscious she was wet between the legs herself. She waas
carried away by the feeling of POWER this gave her. When Helen settled she
continued. She inserted her fingers in Helen again and began teasing her bud
gently while she rolled a nipple with the other. Helen was soon moaning in
appreciation once more. She protested when Tracy withdrew her hand but was
delighted when Tracy began to lick and kiss the insides of her legs, working her
way up slowly to her target. This time she used only her mouth, licking around
then probing Helens tender cunt. She flicked her tongue back and forth over
Helen's swollen bud then seized it with her lips and squeezed it gently. This
resulted in Helens second orgasm. Tracy continued in this fashion, causing Helen
many more orgasms until they were both exhausted and collapsed into sleep side
by side.
    They were awakened next morning by the alarm clock. It took Tracy a moment
to recall that she had set it so Helen would not be late with breakfast and get
into trouble again. On hearing this Helen hugged and kissed her then looked into
her eyes.
    "You will be a good mistress, Miss Tracy," she said, "Many people would not
be so thoughtful. Thankyou."
    "I have much to thank you for," replied Tracy with a smile, "You have
taught me so much already."
    "And I still have more to show you, Mistress," she replied as she left the
    That day Aunt Elizabeth took Tracy to the courthouse where she sat in
judgement. She showed Tracy around the building, ending up in her own chambers.
She explained the main differences between courtroom procedure on Camelot and
Nexus and what the introduction of Truth Lights had done to court procedure. By
then it was nearing lunchtime.
    Aunt Elizabeth took Tracy to a restaurant for lunch. Chained to a rail
outside the restaurant were two female slaves. Both were wore brown chains and
both were otherwise nude. As they waited for their order Tracy watched an
impeccably dressed  woman enter the restaurant accompanied by another woman who
wore a brief top and short wrap skirt and a white chain about her neck. Her feet
were bare. Tracy watched, fascinated, as the woman selected a table, then was
politely seated by the slave, who then knelt beside her mistress. After the
woman received her order she preceded to eat, occasionally feeding her slave
morsels from her plate. Looking around at the other customers for a reaction,
Tracy saw none and realised that this was considered normal. Soon after, Tracy
saw a male customer who had been in the restaurant  when she and her aunt had
entered, pay his bill and exit the restaurant, collect one of the slaves from
outside the restaurant and walk away leading  the slave on a leash. Tracy looked
at her aunt who smiled. "Different from what you are used to isn't dear."
    "Yes Aunt. I understand the one in the white collar is a personal slave.
Isn't that what you said the other night?"
    "Yes, a personal or body-slave. Those two probably have a very close
relationship. They may have known each other a school, or maybe even before
then. Maybe the slave is the daughter of a slave originally purchased by that
woman's mother. There are any number of possibilities, Tracy. May be you would
like to have a slave for yourself?"
    "The idea has crossed my mind," replied Tracy thoughtfully.
    "How are your lessons with Helen going?"
    Tracy felt herself go red and looked down at her plate for a moment. Then
she looked at her aunt. "There going wonderfully, Aunt. Thankyou for supplying
such a good teacher."
    "Helen told me you had set the alarm this morning. I am pleased that you
want to treat her fairly. That is important, Tracy. Do you remember Freda
telling you that our aim is to prepare these girls for return to society?. It is
believed that by having the prisoner spend time with people different to the
people they have been associating with before their arrest may help. When you go
to school Tracy you will see many of the girls from the prison. They will stand
out since they wear prison garb and collars. However they are treated as normal 
students with one exception. Each inmate has an assigned student to watch over
her. That student is known as a 'handler' and her job is to try and ease any
problems that may arise and see the inmate always has someone to talk to. You
will see the handlers each morning assemble near the school bus stop to collect
their charges. You may like to be a handler yourself in time."
    "I think I'd like to after I've found my way around the school."
    "Aunt would the students include any black-collars who are under fifteen?"
    "I don't know if there are any black-collars under fifteen, Tracy. It would
certainly be rare."
    "But if there was? Would a fourteen year old murderer be allowed to
complete his or her schooling?"
    "It would probably depend on whether she was considered a danger to others.
Why do you ask?"
    "Just curious. That woman who broke the girl's leg yesterday is one I would
consider dangerous. What if a school age inmate had that attitude?"
    "Then the inmate may well be denied her schooling."
    "I see."
    Tracy gazed out of the window at the people, free and slave, passed by. She
had come to a very different planet. But she was sure she could make her way
here. And the idea of owning a  slave of her own was an enticing one. She sensed
an interesting life ahead.



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