
Kidnapped on their Wedding Night - Ch. 3

Chapter 3 - The First Couple of Months

Upon her return to the bikers camp, Moesha was advised of her husband's
fate, that he was now working for a dominatrix as a sissy boy, meaning that
he was being dressed up as a woman and having sex with men.  They also
advised her that he would be brought back to the camp, once every other
week and it would be two weeks before he returned next.  They told her that
if she did as she was told, she would be allowed six hours, of her normal
waking time, together, alone with her husband.


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25 minutes

Kidnapped on their Wedding Night - Ch. 2

Chapter 2 - Initiation -The Next Four Days

After Moesha was taken to bed, Zack's ass was treated for the abrasions
Donkey had made inside of him.  His cock was pierced and trapped in a semi-
erect state inside of a cock cage that wouldn't let him get totally soft and
would hurt really bad if he got an erection.  


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85 minutes

Suzy's Honeymoon, Day 2

* Suzy's Honeymoon, Day Two *

"Wake up lover! It's time for your breakfast. Wake up!" Carla sang, as she
had the guards open the cell door and turn on the lights.

Suzy sprang up from her cot, and looked around in confusion. Carla laid the 
tray down on the bed beside her.

"I trust you slept well lover? We have a long day ahead of us." Carla
explained, as Suzy shook the sleep from her eyes, and attempted to comprehend
where she was.


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29 minutes
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