
Mans Best Toilet - A Human Urinal Fantasy

“I promise never to tell. It's safe with me.” Mary Beth couldn't believe that her crush was talking to her.  She felt like she was floating on a bed of clouds.

“The truth is I want to piss in a woman. I want a woman to be my urinal.”


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Reading time

23 minutes

Die Abi-Feier - Teil 2

5. Eine Entscheidung
Während Anne das Frühstücksgeschirr spülte, setzten sich die anderen vor die Hütte in die Sonne.

„Und dass du nicht wieder anfängst an deiner Fotze rumzuspielen. Die ist nur für unseren Spaß da, nicht für deinen, klar?“ rief Lukas noch im Herausgehen.


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Reading time

17 minutes

Au Pair in Hell

Chapter one

This Saturday morning, Mark and Laura had been working continuously in the garage for a couple of hours. Mark’s Jaguar and Laura’s BMW had been pulled into the stone driveway, making room in the huge garage. Ropes and pulleys had been attached to the high beam; eyebolts and hooks had been drilled into the walls and concrete floor. Things were shaping up nicely for their secret and perverse project

Mark and Laura made a nice couple. On the outside at least.


Average: 4 (1 vote)

Reading time

61 minutes
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