
El adiestramiento de Carla

Capítulo 1

Se conocían desde su etapa universitaria, Carla era una chica más bien del montón pero si algo tenía a su favor eran unas buenas tetas, Juan era otro chico normal, sin nada que destacar a simple vista. Acabados sus estudios dejaron de tener contacto, Carla comenzó a trabajar para un banco español en una sucursal de Sídney y Juan en una empresa de energía verde en Barcelona.


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Reading time

86 minutes

Freshman Year Girlfriend

I'd always had strong submissive fantasies, but had never had a chance to act them out until I met my freshman year girlfriend. She seemed shy and a bit strange when we met, but turned out to be wildly inventive and creative as her femdom over me got more intense and extreme. This first part has little sex, but future installments will have much.


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Reading time

218 minutes

Punishment 2015

Punishment for a crime is different in 2015. Punishment of a young man at the hands of beautiful female correction officers.


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Reading time

166 minutes