Random Stories

  • College Tuition - Chapter 3

    Chapter Three

    stephanie put the little dress on and gasped when she saw how short it was. she had never even considered wearing something that short. It just barley covered her ass and she knew that if she had to bend over, the latex panties she had on would be seen. In fact, the outline of the black panties could clearly be seen through the thin dress.

    "Please, i can't go out like this. Everything will be seen by everyone," she cried, trying to get amy to let her wear something different.


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    Reading time

    14 minutes
  • Neighborhood Sex and Torture Club - Ch. 2

                              CHAPTER 2

    Excitement was running high at Rosie's house.  It was getting very
    close to the time Bill was supposed to arrive.  Rosie and Kim were
    ready.  They had primped and preened most of the afternoon.  Make-up
    was important.  It had to be just right.  Enough to accent but not
    so much as to appear slutty.  Most of the time had been spent
    deciding how to dress.  Both wanted to make sure they gave Bill just
    the right signal.


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    Reading time

    12 minutes
  • Punished Wife - Chapter 7

        Sherry‘s hus­band was asleep when she got home. She walked quietly through the dark house, slip­ping off her shoes as she neared the bed­room. She stripped off her clothes and eased her­self into the bed. He stirred but he didn‘t wake. She was safe. At least for now. She closed her eyes and then drif­ted into sleep.


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    Reading time

    21 minutes
  • A Journey of Discovery


    The beginning :

    After the end of yet another unsatisfying relationship I just wanted something different, something special. I didn't know what and I didn't know how to find it, but I was 32 years old and hadn't had a truly satisfying sex life and I wanted what I read about in books and magazines, if they could find it why can't I?


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    Reading time

    25 minutes
  • Slave To Corsairs - Chapter 03

    Chapter 03  - Fate Worse Than Death


      Ludivine's eyes slowly opened focusing on the bodies and debris floating
    beside the Bombay Enterprise. The wind had disappeared and left an eerily calm
    sea. Corpses and pieces of wood surrounded the ship seemingly reluctant to float
    away. Most of the dead were dressed in the uniform of the Bombay Enterprise. 
    Ludivine recalled how her father had insisted that the crew be well turned out.
    He had consulted Ludivine about his choice of colors and materials for their


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    Reading time

    23 minutes
  • Accidental Master - Chapter 3

    I wish to thank everyone for all the positive feedback. As I mentioned before I'm not sure how this story is going to proceed. If you're looking for sex, bondage, spanking and my usual story lines, this isn't it. So move on. This story is for me. It's an actual story with some erotica included eventually. It is about a man and a broken woman who are thrust together. I hope you like it, but if not that's okay too. I would suggest you read the previous chapters to understand what is happening.  


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    Reading time

    23 minutes
  • No Escape - Chapter 1

    Chapter 1

    Symphony looked away from her computer monitor and picked up the brochure again.  It was worn and tattered looking at this point from the many times she had nervously handled it.  She guessed that had she picked it up and looked through it at least forty or fifty times a day for the past two weeks.


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    Reading time

    14 minutes
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