Slave Wife - Chapter 3

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    Max en­joyed the feel of the sun beat­ing down on his shoulders as he worked. He was stripped to the waist. The clip­pers clattered and chattered as he trimmed the shaggy hedge. With smooth sweeps, he evened off the in­side of the head-high baffler that sur­roun­ded their back yard. The air was cool, with just enough of a breeze to dry the trickles of sweat run­ning down his body.
    Max en­joyed, too, the oc­ca­sional glimpses of Kim work­ing in the shade of the awn­ing. She was on an old chair. Her body filling the hot-pink bikini made his cock swell and pulse. By care­fully tim­ing his glances in her dir­ec­tion, he kept his dick hard and eager, but not so hard and eager that it hurt.
    Reach­ing a corner, he turned off the elec­tric clip­pers and walked to­ward the house to un­tangle the cord from the trees. He still had one stretch of hedge to go.
    Kim was bend­ing over. The sight of her heavy tits strain­ing the suit top made his chest clench. Wrench­ing his gaze away from her creamy globes, he sor­ted out the long cord and went back to the hedge. „Hey, baby, next chance you get, would you get me a beer?“ he called over his shoulder.
    „Sure, Max,“ she agreed hap­pily. „Right now?“
    „Naw, wait un­til you‘re fin­ished pout­ing,“ he answered, pleased by her ready will­ing­ness to drop everything and wait on him.
    Ever since they had got­ten into the bond­age bit and got­ten their sex life straightened out, their whole mar­riage had changed, for the bet­ter. He wasn‘t snap­ping at her the way he had been, and she had fewer at­tacks of the blues.
    He knew it was time he got the ropes out again. The thought made his cock jut up eagerly as he worked his way along the hedge. The thought of the ropes dig­ging gently into Kim‘s soft, lush curves and her wrists and ankles, maybe her thighs even, made it hard to keep his clip­ping slow and even.
    Stand­ing back, he switched off the clip­pers and eyed his work. Then he un­plugged the trim­mers and took them to the gar­age. He kept his mind off Kim as he coiled the ex­ten­sion cord and hung it up.
    „I‘ll get your beer,“ Kim told him, scram­bling up grace­fully from her cross-legged sit­ting po­s­i­tion on the patio. The way her pose had drawn the bikini bot­tom tight against her pussy had made Max‘s pulse ham­mer. He watched the twitch and roll of her ass as she dis­ap­peared into the house.
    „You about done with pout­ing?“ he asked cas­u­ally after thank­ing her for the beer and tak­ing the first re­fresh­ing chug. He re­clined in a chaise lounge.
    „Just about,“ she answered. „Two legs to go is all“
    „When you get through there, I‘ll get some rope out,“ he told her. He saw her stiffen, and he could al­most see the itch form­ing in her gut.
    He saw her grip on the brush tighten. The cunt-laden bristles quivered, be­trayed the tremor in her hand as she stroked the cunt down the leg of the old chair.
    „You haven‘t made my slave brace­let or whatever it‘s go­ing to be,“ she poin­ted out in a soft voice.
    „I know it, baby. I‘ll do that this af­ter­noon, too.‘‘ „What‘s it go­ing to be like?“ she asked with false cas­u­al­ness.
    „You‘ll see, baby, you‘ll see.“
    „I‘ll be back as soon as I get the cunt off my hands,“ she said, get­ting up.
    Max killed his beer, and clung to the memory of her sexy walk as she went into the house. He knew she ex­pec­ted him to take her in­doors, in the liv­ing room maybe, or even the bed­room. He got up and went into the work­room and re­turned a mo­ment later with a coil of rope.
    „Where - . - do you want me?“ Kim asked, stand­ing nervously in the door­way. Her chest was heav­ing with her eager breaths and her tummy was flat with ten­sion.
    Max shif­ted the rope from one hand to the other, one coil at a time. I‘ll come out here, baby,“ he ordered.
    „Out there?“ she squeaked.
    „Get in the lounge chair,“ he ordered.
    „Someone‘ll see, Max,“ she pro­tested. „Someone will see us.“
    „No, they won‘t, baby. No one can see over the hedge,“ he told her, know­ing it was a lie. „No ar­gu­ments, re­mem­ber?“
    „Yes, Max,“ she whispered, start­ing hes­it­antly to­ward the chaise. There were sweat beads on her up­per lip. He knew they weren‘t from the heat.
    „Sit back, baby,“ he told her as she eased gingerly down on the lounge.
    Pulling out his pocket knife, he cunt a four-foot length off the well-worn rope. Care­fully, he bound her arm to the lounge.
    After re­peat­ing the pro­ced­ure on her other arm, he stepped back to study his handi­work. He saw her make her hands be­come fists as she tested the ropes. Her arm muscles flexed against the coils.
    „Is that all?“ she asked.
    „Not by a long shot, baby,“ he as­sured her.
    He went around be­hind her and he saw her shiver in an­ti­cip­a­tion. Push­ing her head for­ward, he lif­ted her thick blonde hair. Then he formed a slip knot on a loop large enough to drop over her shoulders and the back of the lounge chair. He eased the rope down un­til it was just above the well-loaded top of her bikini. Then he drew it tight. It dug into the soft up­per slopes of her tits as he cinched her tight against the back of the lounge.
    „Oh, Max,“ Kim whispered. „God, I love you.“
    „I love you, too, baby,“ he as­sured her.
    Through the webbing of the chair he un­buttoned her bikini top. The pres­sure of her back kept the bra in place, though the weight and
    thrust of her tits strained the strap open a frac­tion of an inch.
    Mov­ing around in front of her, he lov­ingly drew the top away from her boobs, bared them to the bright sun­light. Her rosy pink tits jut­ted up stiffly.
    There was a vis­ible pulse at her throat as she sat there, the loop of rope pin­ning her back against the lounge. Go­ing around be­hind her again, Max paused. Then he slid his hands down and caressed her soft tits, watched her flesh mold to his ringers. He pinched her nipples, made the pert buds pro­trude hun­grily from between his strong fin­gers. He lif­ted and mol­ded her tits, felt the heft and warmth of her gen­er­ous knock­ers. She squirmed her grace­ful legs to­gether, made the bikini bot­tom bunch in her crotch.
    Fi­nally man­aging to let go of her tits, he wound three more loops of rope around her-one above her breasts, but an inch lower then the first, then two be­low her tits, at the bot­tom edge of her jugs. The lower loops pinched her tits gently. The dark-brown hemp dug into her soft meat.
    He tied a firm knot be­hind the lounge chair, then went around in front of her. She was sweat­ing vis­ibly as she tested her bonds. The harsh rope formed an open-cupped bra for her creamy tits.
    Lean­ing over her, he grabbed a hand­ful of her hair and pressed his lips to hers. His tongue pried between her teeth and raped her. He felt her mouth go slack with lust. He toyed with her tits, felt the pres­sure from the ropes squeez­ing them. The con­trast­ing tex­tures of harsh hemp and soft flesh made his cock hard. He pinched her tits a little cruelly, and he smothered her whim­per with his mash­ing mouth.
    He heard the chair creak as she writhed and squirmed with horn­i­ness. He pulled away from her, but kept her head tipped back with his grip on her hair. Her lips were swollen and puffy and hungry from the kiss. There was a flush on her cheeks and her tits. Her chest was rising and fall­ing rag­gedly as she panted.
    Leav­ing her help­lessly bound, he went into the work­room and got two short lengths of hemp. For a mo­ment, he stud­ied her and the lounge. Then, for­cing her to hold the lengths of rope in her mouth while she looked at him with a mix­ture of fear and love and lust, he dragged the bikini bot­tom down and off her, bared her golden-muffed cunt to the hard af­ter­noon sun and the cool breeze. He flipped the suit bot­tom aside, forced her legs apart and fondled her hot, swampy cunt lewdly while she whimpered around the rope clenched between her teeth.
    She was soak­ing down there. He never ceased to be amazed at how quickly ropes brought a gush of lust juice to her cunt. While her face flamed with em­bar­rass­ment and horn­i­ness, he probed her drip­ping hole. At the same time, he worked his thumb over her clit in a cir­cu­lar pat­tern. He had her hump­ing her hips in a few seconds.
    „You‘re a wan­ton little bitch, you know that?“ he asked softly as he toyed with her.
    „I know it,“ she whimpered. „God, Max, it feels so good.“
    „Won­der if I should in­vite the neigh­bors over for a visit ,“he mused.
    „Oh God, no!“ she yelped, jerking against the ropes.
    Max grinned. „Noth­ing in the world you could do about it, you know.“ She writhed des­per­ately. The ropes dug into her chest as she fought them. „Please, Max, please! Don‘t do that.“ The idea made his innards boil with ex­cite­ment. „Maybe Bob and Eva would like to see you this way?“ he teased. „Let Eva see what she lost out on when she met Bob.“ Kim hissed an­grily. „When I think of you and Eva mak­ing love, it makes me want to claw her eyes out.“ Max smiled at his wife with a mix­ture of love and de­sire. „Hell, baby, how long did I stick with her after you came along? Tell me that?“
    „Not long,“ Kim ad­mit­ted.
    „I just like the idea of show­ing off our new re­la­tion­ship! That‘s all, baby.“
    „Well, not with me like this,“ Kim whimpered.
    „If I want to, baby, there‘s not a damn thing in the world you can do about it,“ he in­formed her softly. He saw how his words struck home. Her re­ac­tion, in ad­di­tion to fear, was hot lust.
    „oh, God,“ she moaned.
    Gently, but firmly, he bound her calf to the chaise. When he fin­ished her other leg, she was totally help­less, was barely able to wiggle against the ropes.
    Stand­ing in front of her, Max un­buckled his pants and shoved them down. His shorts fol­lowed. The touch of the breeze on his sweaty groin and his steam­ing cock brought a hot wave of lust to his gut. He saw her eyes fasten on his tower­ing hard-on. She licked her lips nervously as she stared at it.
    De­lib­er­ately, he gripped the base of his cock and waved it at her. She licked her lips again, left them moist and full and hungry-look­ing. Her teeth were slightly bared in a grim­ace of fear and lust. Her blue eyes glittered as she stud­ied his cock with ill-con­cealed hun­ger.
    „Know what you‘re gonna do, baby?“ he asked.
    „What,“ she whispered, know­ing the an­swer.
    „You‘re gonna suck my cock,“ he answered lewdly.
    „No,“ she whimpered, turn­ing her head away in dis­gust.
    „Any­thing I want, baby,“ Max said, step­ping up on the chaise and strad­dling her help­lessly-bound form.
    Grasp­ing her head, he forced it around so she faced his jut­ting dick. Her eyes fastened on it, and then closed. Tears oozed from be­neath her eye­lids, and trickled slowly down her checks.
    Lean­ing for­ward, keep­ing a firm grip on her head, he poked his prick at her mouth. Hes­it­antly, her lips fucked. He felt her tongue fuck against the tip of his dick, and his cock leaked pre-cum. She had tasted his jism the night he had showered it on her. Now she was go­ing to drink it.
    „Suck it, baby,“ he growled.
    Her lips opened, and he slowly drove his cock into her mouth. He felt her tongue like a vel­vet blanket against the un­der­side of his throb­bing hard-on. The res­ult­ing blast of steam from his balls triggered an­other hot seep­ing from his dick. She sucked, and her cheeks closed in on his cock. Her lips circled his blunt prick-head. The soft en­clos­ure made his blood sizzle.
    „No teeth,“ he warned as he felt her nick­ing his tender shaft.
    Slowly, he drew his cock out of her mouth. It emerged shin­ing with spit. He ex­trac­ted it com­pletely, and grinned at the way she reached for it with her lips. Her un­dis­guised eager­ness trans­formed her usu­ally an­gelic fea­tures to those of a wan­ton whore.
    Keep­ing her head pinned back against the lounge, he let the tip of his dork rest gently on her pout­ing lower lip. A thrust of his hips, and he slid his cock into her wait­ing mouth. Her lips closed around it, em­braced it hotly. Her tongue stroked as he slid his prick deep into her mouth. He heard her gag when his cock touched the back of her throat and re­heated a little so she, could breathe.
    He drew all the way out this time and dangled his prick tan­tal­iz­ingly in front of her mouth. Her tongue stretched out, lift­ing his pecker with it. His cock slithered to one side. She caught it with her tongue again, lif­ted it, and let it slither off once more.
    The game brought his balls to a boil. The feel of her tongue lift­ing and strok­ing his cock made his gut sizzle. Her tongue stroked the un­der­side near the tip, which forced an­other hot rush of jism into his bloated prick.
    Fi­nally, he wasn‘t able to bear it any longer. When she lif­ted his cock again, he slid it along her tongue and into her mouth. Her lips, a hot ring of hun­ger, closed around it. As she sucked his cock in, her tongue swirled around the tip, sent rivers of fire ra­ging through him.
    He feasted his eyes on his cock. Be­low his tower­ing prick, he could see the ropes dig­ging into her tits, clamp­ing her help­lessly against the chaise. He could see the stiff eager­ness of her nipples. They were hot, flushed with horn­i­ness, as she took his. Cock with her mouth.
    He fucked his cock in and out, but didn‘t try to rain it to the back of her mouth. It was enough that .the head of his prick was get­ting stroked in and out of her suck­ing lips. His dick gleamed with spit as he screwed her face. He felt his balls knot­ting up in his groin. The heat of his cum­ming was eat­ing away at his innards like hot acid.
    Re quickened his thrusts, and he knew that she knew the flood was com­ing. He fought to keep from ram­ming his cock com­pletely through her head. The urge to bury the full length of his prick in her mouth grew as his erup­tion drew nearer.
    ‚The first shot of jizz blistered through the length of his cock. He felt her tongue writhe and squirm as she took the first sear­ing gob of cream. He saw her swal­low as the second gush flooded her suck­ing mouth. Then he was hos­ing her with wad after juicy wad of cum. His balls, ass, and pro­state all knot­ted as he un­loaded into her cunt.
    She took it without chok­ing, without gag­ging, without throw­ing up. She sucked his cum out, and swal­lowed and gasped for air as wave after wave flooded her mouth. He saw his cock pulsing as she held the squirt­ing head with her lips and her tongue. She kept tak­ing it un­til his balls were dry and his cock began to lose some of its hard­ness.
    He re­leased his grip on her head and then star­ted to pull back. In­stead of re­leas­ing his still-ooz­ing prick, though, she fought to keep it in her mouth. He felt her suck­ing like a va­cuum pump on his swiftly-shrink­ing prick. Sur­prised and pleased, he let her keep his cock in her mouth un­til she had ex­trac­ted every pos­sible bit of cream, un­til it was totally shriveled and she was mas­sa­ging the limp length with her tongue. Her nose was bur­ied in his thick dark bush, and her chin was nuzz­ling his balls.
    When he fi­nally drew his cock out, it stretched like a rub­ber band be­fore it slipped out of her mouth. Then she sighed hap­pily. The sun gleamed on her soft, swollen lips, shined on the mingled spit and cum that had drizzled down her chin to her chest.
    „Oh, Max, that was yummy!“
    Max laughed. „Maybe they should make an ice-cream fla­vor called se­men.
    Kim opened her eyes. „Oh, no, Max, it has to be hot and fresh, I‘m sure. Stale and cold it wouldn‘t be any good at all.“ She soun­ded like she was sen­sous.
    „Right, baby,“ he chuckled. „You should know.“ He climbed off the lounge chair. „Damn beer‘s get­ting to me. I‘ll be back in a mo­ment.“
    „Don‘t leave me like this!“ Kim begged.
    „Hell, baby, noth­ing can hap­pen,“ he soothed her.
    „I know, but it scares me. I‘m so help­less.“
    „I gotta go, baby!“
    „You could do it out here.“ He star­ted to say that someone might see, then bit back his words. „It really scares you, Baby?“ he asked.
    „Uh-huh,“ she as­sured him. „But, also, I-I‘d like to see you do it. If you don‘t mind.“ Max shook his head, puzzled. Then he was in­trigued by the idea of her watch­ing him piss. He found it oddly arous­ing. Step­ping off the patio, onto the grass, he backed away a few feet and turned to face her. She watched him piss. She licked her lips as if she wanted to taste his pee. The sight ob­vi­ously aroused her. It also triggered a hot ball of horn­i­ness in his gut.
    „Ready for a ride, baby?“ he asked when he was fin­ished.
    „Where to?“
    „Work­shop,“ he grunted, pick­ing up the foot of the lounge and pivot­ing it on the wheels. „Time for you to get your jew­elry at­tached.“
    He wheeled her to the work­shop door.
    „What‘s it go­ing to ‚be like?“ she asked curi­ously.
    Max held up a strip of wrought iron six inches long, a quarter of an inch thick, and half an inch wide. He went into the work­shop.
    After un­ty­ing her right leg, he meas­ured her ankle, then sev­eral points on her calf. „If you wear stock­ings it‘ll slide up onto your calf a little,“ he ex­plained. „Oth­er­wise it‘ll be around your ankle. It‘ll be heavy enough that you‘ll know it‘s there, but it shouldn‘t hurt. I‘ll make sure the edges are roun­ded. It‘ll be too small to slip off over your heel.“
    Kim nod­ded tensely at his ex­plan­a­tion.
    „After I‘ve got it shaped, I‘ll clit it, and then weld the seam.“ He grinned. „And, to make sure just who it is you be­long to, it‘s gonna have my name en­graved on it.“
    Black iron, Kim thought. God! It would look bru­tal on her leg.
    „One other thing,“ Max ad­ded.
    „It‘s go­ing to have a threaded hole to take an eye­bolt.“
    „What for?“ Max smiled. „So I can at­tach a leash to it if I want.“
    „Oh, God, Max, you really do love me, don‘t‘ you,“ Kim whimpered, her lust soar­ing.
    Max leaned over and kissed her ten­derly. „Much too much to risk los­ing you,“ he as­sured her.
    Tak­ing the white-hot strip of iron out of the forge he began bend­ing and shap­ing it with ringing blows of the ham­mer. The sight of the sparks fly­ing made Kim lick her lips.
    It seemed to take hours for Max to get the metal the way he wanted it. She lost track of time as he meas­ured it again and again. Fi­nally sat­is­fied, he drilled the eye­bolt. Then he turned on the grinder. Sparks jet­ted off the wheel and he ground the edges of the metal strip care­fully.
    Oc­ca­sion­ally, she squirmed against the ropes, not be­cause they were un­com­fort­able, but to heighten her thrill at be­ing so help­lessly bound.
    The sun was a yel­low-or­ange ball in the west when Max fi­nally plunged the ank­let into a can of wa­ter. There was a hot hiss and gush of steam. Leav­ing it to cool, he shif­ted the chaise so Kim‘s ankle res­ted on the an­vil.
    Flex­ing his cinder-flecked arms, Max opened the iron ring far enough to slip it over her heel. Then, test­ing it on the an­vil, he tapped it closed with care­ful raps of the ham­mer. The ends but­ted tightly to­gether. He tested to make sure it wouldn‘t slip off.
    Then he moved his are welder to the door­way and plugged it in. „Here, put these on,“ he told her, for­get­ting her help­less­ness. Then he chuckled and eased the welder‘s goggles down over her eyes. Everything blacked out. She felt him do­ing things to her ankle, wrap­ping it with some­thing, then fid­dling with the ank­let.
    The first red spurt and glare of the are gave her blinded eyes some­thing to fo­cus on. She could see the hot spark crawl­ing along the seam of the ank­let, weld­ing it closed. Sparks foun­tained off the spot as a glow­ing bead of iron formed on the joint.
    In a few seconds it was done, and the bril­liant light clicked off. Kim sighed. She was destined to wear the iron slave ring for the rest of her life. She let him slip the goggles off and lif­ted her leg to study her per­man­ent jew­elry.
    Then Max braced her ankle and the iron ring on the an­vil again. With a carbide-tipped en­graver, he care­fully carved his ini­tials deep in the ank­let.
    „Oh, Max, I love you so much,“ Kim sighed hap­pily as lust triggered a hot flow from her pussy.
    Her nude mas­ter and black­smith stood over her, his half-hard cock droop­ing over his balls as he gazed down at her. She looked at his dick and licked her lips hun­grily. „Will you fuck me, please?“ she begged.
    His cock rose swiftly at her re­quest. He grinned down at her and touched his jut­ting cock. „Does that an­swer your ques­tion?“ he asked.
    „Please,“ she whimpered. „I‘m so horny.“
    „It‘ll do you good to wait while I put the tools away, He answered. She knew he was de­lib­er­ately tor­ment­ing her.
    The ank­let felt in­cred­ibly heavy as she let her one free limb dangle off the chaise. As she watched him lug the tools into the work­shop, her hun­ger slowly swelled. The sight of his bi­ceps, so smeared and sweaty, rip­pling with power as he lif­ted the an­vil, made her heart skip a beat. The way his tight, hard ass flexed with each stride made her mouth wa­ter. His huge, brawny body scared her al­most as much as it aroused her.
    His cock swayed like a bludgeon as he wheeled the lounge to the middle of the lawn. There, un­der the sun­set-or­ange clouds, he parked her. He re­clined the chaise. The changed po­s­i­tion made the ropes bit­ing into her chest tug and dig at her tender tits, and he pulled her bound leg against the foot of the chaise.
    She lif­ted her head and gazed at him. He stood fa­cing her. The set­ting sun made his sweaty skin glow like fire. His mighty muscles flexed as he stud­ied her. His cock was fully erect.
    She let her head drop back, and felt the chaise move as he knelt between her legs. She closed her eyes as he leaned for­ward. She felt his cock touch her cunt.
    Then his full sweaty weight came down on her and ground her into the webbing. His cock dove into her sloppy, hot chan­nel. The single, de­mand­ing stroke wrenched a grat­i­fied moan from her. Her free leg, weighted down by the iron ring, swung up and over, be­hind his power­ful thighs.
    He dug un­der her butt, lif­ted her hips while he stroked his tock in her cunt. Every grind­ing thrust of his pu­bic bone against hers mangled her cunt and sent a fire­ball of pleas­ure spark­ling though her. His fin­gers dig­ging into her ass-cheeks gave her the feel­ing he was go­ing to rip her ass in two. Squirm­ing and writh­ing as best she could, she gave her­self will­ingly to her mas­ter. She loved his cruel weight on top of her, his mam­moth cock pound­ing in her hole.
    His fin­gers bur­rowed deeper into her rear, and she whimpered at the sting­ing pain as he dragged her cheeks apart. A fin­ger touched her wink­ing as­shole, and she was rav­aged by a seaf­ing river of flame. Her shi­thole burned as he pushed his blunt fin­ger against it.
    His cock stroked her cunt as he humped, rammed into her with smooth, steady strokes. She felt his fin­ger plunge into her as­shole. She real­ized, after a mo­ment, that he was us­ing the fin­ger in her rear to put pres­sure on his cock. It didn‘t mat­ter.
    The feel of some­thing in her bung was un­like any­thing she had be­lieved pos­sible. It was fant­astic!
    She was slowly be­ing vi­ol­ated by the ex­quis­ite double pen­et­ra­tion of her help­less body. Barely able to wriggle, she aban­doned her­self to the total sear­ing pleas­ure of the fin­ger up her ass and the cock up her cunt. She felt him grind her already-sore ab­used tits against the ropes, felt his sweat slick­ing his hairy torso.
    She began whin­ing as his cock and fin­ger seared all aware­ness from her mind. The set­ting sun blazed down on her. She didn‘t care if the neigh­bors saw or heard her ec­stasy. She was be­ing rav­aged by the man who owned her. Even the birds were si­lenced by the total wan­ton­ness of her coup­ling with Max.
    She felt him be­gin to hose her in­sides with cream and she moaned her pleas­ure. She felt him dig his fin­ger into her as­shole as he flooded her glut­ted cunt with jizz. The cum flowed like lava un­til it spilled from her hole and ran down her butt and fell to the grass be­low.
    A pro­longed, joint-crack­ing con­vul­sion locked her muscles as her cum­ming ex­ploded like flash­powder along her veins and nerves. She began cry­ing when her or­gasm fi­nally faded, and she real­ized that her mas­ter‘s cock was shrink­ing in her hole. There was a won­der­ful, sting­ing jolt as he ex­trac­ted his thick fin­ger from her as­shole. She squirmed ad­or­ingly un­der him as he lay on top of her, pant­ing.
    She thought he was go­ing to un­tie her when he at last got off her. He didn‘t. He left her ly­ing there and van­ished into the house. He came back out with a beer, then to the work­shop. He re­turned with a glit­ter­ing chrome dog chain, and the eye­bolt for her ank­let.
    She felt a surge of love and horn­i­ness as she felt the eye­bolt be­ing screwed into its threaded hole. Only after he had snapped the leash on her and looped the other end around his wrist did he un­tie her ropes and help her up.
    She looked down at her leash. Then she leaned against him, went up on her tip­toes, and gave him a kiss.
    „No clothes for the rest of the day,“ he com­manded. „I like see­ing you na­ked.“
    „Yes, Max,“ she agreed.
    He led her to the house so she could be­gin their sup­per. She wondered if he would want her again that even­ing, and if he did, how he would take her.
    She hoped he would tie her up again if he did want to fuck. She didn‘t need that now to be aroused, not with the slave brace­let. All the same, she loved to feel ropes bit­ing into her flesh. She loved be­ing so totally at his mercy that he could do any­thing he wanted to her.
    The leash made her feel like an an­imal. It was a con­stant re­minder of her status, and of his love for her.


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