Slave Wife - Chapter 4

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    Max kept the leash at­tached to Kim‘s ankle dur­ing din­ner. It dragged be­hind her like a ball and chain when she had to get up and get some­thing for him. The rest of the time he kept it looped around his wrist.
    Eat­ing steak in the nude, watch­ing his nude wife, was a cock-stiff­en­ing ex­per­i­ence. The shift and play of her lush tits made his dick hard.
    She was aware of his eyes on her, and she was both flattered and em­bar­rassed as he feasted on her boun­ti­ful tits.
    „Some more wine, baby,“ Max ordered, drop­ping the leash. He stared hun­grily at her ass as she walked out to the kit­chen. The leash, a shin­ing steel snake, danced and coiled along the floor.
    As she came back to­ward him, he let his eyes rest on her jig­gling tits, her scis­sor­ing thighs, and her golden muff. The black iron ring wel­ded to her ankle made her pale flesh look vul­ner­able, de­sir­able. As she bent to pour his wine, her heavy tits sway­ing, he had the feel­ing he was at a Ro­man orgy, be­ing at­ten­ded by a nude slave.
    His hand came up and cupped one soft warm tit. He lif­ted it, weighed it. His thumb toyed with the already-dis­ten­ded tit. „How‘s the brace­let, baby?“ he asked.
    Kim‘s eyes glittered with de­vo­tion. „Oh, Max, it feels like a lead weight around my ankle,“ she sighed. „It‘s so much more of a re­minder than my wed­ding ring is.“ She stayed lean­ing over as he fondled her tit.
    •      “Spread your legs,“ Max ordered.
    Straight­en­ing up, her ex­pres­sion a mix­ture of horn­i­ness and shame, she obeyed. He squeezed her soft cunt-lips, then slowly, watch­ing her eyes haze with lust, he slid his fin­ger up into her stream­ing cunt. He real­ized that she no longer needed to be bound to en­joy sex. The ank­let was enough of a re­minder of her de­fense­less state. But he was also sure that bond­age would send her into erotic con­vul­sions. And he wasn‘t about to aban­don the pleas­ure of see­ing her tied and help­less.
    He fin­ger-fucked her, felt her juices smear his hand. Her hips began to shift and squirm rest­lessly as his fin­ger slithered in and out of her drip­ping silt. Her knees were slightly bent. Her cunt was thrust for­ward, a horny of­fer­ing to his di­gital in­va­sion. She had her arms stiff and slightly back so her spine arched a little. Her tit jut­ted out pro­voc­at­ively.
    It was like she was ready to get fucked, right then and there, stand­ing up, in the din­ing room, while the light from the chan­delier played over her creamy flesh. Her full lips were par­ted with ex­cite­ment, glisten­ing with de­sire as her head rolled lust­ily.
    He played with her sop­ping cunt un­til she was mak­ing an­imal-like noises deep in her throat, When he drew his fin­ger out, her dis­may was ob­vi­ous. Hold­ing his cunt-sop­ping middle fin­ger up to her face, he let her sniff the fresh juices, which were mingled with the cum he had de­pos­ited in her pussy that af­ter­noon. Her mouth gaped, sought his slimy di­git. He let her suck it clean. The way her tongue slurped at his fin­ger re­minded him of how she sucked cock. He felt his prick dribble pre-cum into his nap­kin.
    „Clear the table, baby,“ he ordered. „Ex­cept for my wine.
    „Yes, Max,“ Kim agreed, her face flushed with arousal. She knew he had some­thing in mind. Her hands shook as she picked up the dishes.
    Max slouched back, ex­ten­ded his legs un­der the big din­ing table, and savored his wine as he watched her clear­ing things up. The jingling of the leash ad­ded to his horn­i­ness. Once in a while it would tangle around her feet, snag on some­thing, or she would step on it and stumble. It was r de­lect­able re­minder for them both.
    „Put the candles and the other stuff on the side­board and then get the ropes,“ Max ordered when the dishes were all cleared away. „Get the cam­era, too.“
    „Oh, Max, not more pic­tures?“ Kim asked fear­fully.
    „You bet, baby,“ he answered. „Go.“
    „Yes, Max,“ Kim sighed softly.
    He took the cam­era from her and checked it. She stood be­side him, nude and rav­ish­ing and stiff with fear. The ropes dangled from her clenched hand. „You-aren‘t ever go­ing to show the pic­tures to any­one, are you?“ she asked.
    Max fin­ished in­spect­ing the cam­era. „That‘s for me to de­cide, isn‘t it?“
    „Yes, Max,“ she whispered. „But I think I‘d just die if any­one saw them.“ Max punted. He was think­ing how he would feel if someone else saw the shots of Kim bound and totally ex­posed. It made his cock hard. It would be per­fect testi­mony to his power over his wo­man.
    „Sit on the table in front of me,“ he ordered, tak­ing the ropes away from her.
    After she had obeyed, he took her arm and drew it down along her calf on the in­side. Then he lashed her wrist to her ankle with a length of rope. He un­fastened the leash from her ank­let. Then he bound that ankle to her free wrist. By put­ting her arms on the in­sides of her knees, he had forced her to spread her legs. She was doubled over, help­less, in danger of top­pling head first off the table. He reached for the cam­era.
    Stand­ing back away from her, he snapped a photo of her hunched over the end of the table, back bowed, tits hanging down heav­ily. Her mouth was roun­ded with dis­may and horn­i­ness. He wished again that he had got­ten a self-timer for the cam­era. A shot of her with his cock in her mouth would be a real turn-on.
    Put­ting the cam­era down, he pushed on‘ her shoulders, rolled her over on her back on the din­ing-room table. For a mo­ment, she tried to keep her legs to­gether but she couldn‘t. Her legs slowly spread apart.
    Her golden muff gleamed as he reached for the cam­era. The dusky bud of her as­shole was vis­ible. It was nestled shyly between the creamy globes of her ass. Max felt his cock pound at the thought of drilling her tight Cunt.
    Kim s innards sizzled as she heard the cam­era re­cord­ing her wan­ton ex­pos­ure. She stared up at the ceil­ing and wondered what she was be­com­ing. Max‘s ropes and chains were chan­ging her from a du­ti­ful spouse to a wan­ton whore. She had no choice, she had to do as Max ordered, of course.
    She felt the air on her aroused twat and her ass. She re­membered the way he had fin­ger-fucked her. God, the feel of his fin­ger in her cunt had sent waves of heat flar­ing through her while she stood there. She had felt the stale leftovers from their af­ter­noon fuck drizz­ling out of her pussy all dur­ing din­ner.
    When he had presen­ted her with the smelly evid­ence of their lust, she had in­haled deep lung­fuls of the scent. She had sucked his fin­ger clean of their sop­pings as hun­grily as she had sucked his cock. She was a cock-sucker. Giv­ing her­self the name made her horn­i­ness in­crease.
    He had driven his fin­ger into her rear, too. The sen­sa­tion of hav­ing her as­shole vi­ol­ated had been so in­cred­ibly arous­ing it had left her dazed. She hadn‘t ever con­sidered her shit­ter an erotic open­ing. She hated to think of it that way now. But she had to ad­mit she wanted him to ex­plore the greasy hole more, and soon.
    Max moved around and took a photo of her gap­ing crotch. Her arms were press­ing in on her tits mak­ing the val­ley between the soft mounds deeper and more ex­cit­ing. Her tits were stiff pink buds. The ropes cunt into her wrists and ankles. The loose ends dangled from the un­yield­ing knots.
    Max was hold­ing a ba­nana in front of her. Kim stared at him and wondered what on earth he was do­ing. He peeled the ba­nana and dropped the skin on the floor.
    She figured out what he had planned.
    She felt the ba­nana touch her pussy, then it slowly slid into her raven­ous cunt. She moaned with ec­stasy at the slow in­va­sion of her twat by the ba­nana. She thought of how her golden-muffed cunt would look with the white fruit pro­trud­ing, and she felt her cunt squeeze the ba­nana.
    Max‘s gut was a . rock-hard knot of lust as he slipped the ba­nana into his wife‘s slit. He did it slowly and care­fully, afraid of break­ing the fra­gile white shaft off in her hole. He saw her gut rip­pling with lust as she took the fruit. It jut­ted from her groin like a severed cock. He bur­ied half the ba­nana in her pussy, and then went to get the cam­era.
    His prick aching with horn­i­ness, tug­ging at his gut, Max took a pic­ture of his wife‘s slit fucked by the ba­nana. Then, watch­ing the way her chest rose and fell with ragged lust­breath­ing, he began slid­ing the fruit in and out of her hole, began strok­ing her to­ward a cum­ming.
    „Oh, God,“ Kim moaned as she felt her cunt walls be­ing stroked by the fruit. She strained to spread her legs wider, struggled to open her cunt more to the pump­ing ba­nana. She visu­al­ized the fruit as he fucked her with it, and she felt her twat gush around it.
    „A ba­nana split, baby,“ Max noted lewdly.
    „Oh, my God,“ she whimpered as she rose to­ward a cum­ming from the strok­ing ba­nana. It was big­ger, longer, harder than any cock could be, that was for sure. The pointy tip kept dig­ging into the end of her cunt, while the rough sides rubbed her pussy to flame.
    „Awwww, I‘m cum­ming, Max! I‘m cum­ming!“ she wailed as her twat began to spasm around the slowly-strok­ing fruit.
    Max rammed the ba­nana full depth into his wife‘s foun­tain­ing cunt, and he reached for the cam­era. He caught the flar­ing hot pink of her cli­max­ing pussy-folds em­bra­cing the ba­nana. He caught the flush on her belly and breasts, caught her cunt clench­ing around the fruit. Lie caught the lust twist­ing her face as she cli­maxed. He wished he had re­cor­ded the sounds of her cum­ming.
    He no­ticed that her spas­ming as it was slowly squeez­ing the -ba­nana out. As he watched, her con­trac­tions forced the fruit out of her pussy. It dropped to the shin­ing table with a soft thump. Im­puls­ively, he picked up the ba­nana and took a big bite from the cum-slick end. The taste of ba­nana mingled with cum was un­like any­thing he had ever tasted in his life. The fla­vor of her juice com­pli­men­ted the rich sweet­ness of the fruit.
    „Dessert, baby,“ Max told her, of­fer­ing her a bite of the sticky fruit. „Hold it in your mouth a minute.“
    She obeyed, and he took a pic­ture of her suck­ing the cummy fruit. Then he took the ba­nana out of her mouth.
    „Oh, God, Max, I‘m such a slut,“ Kim whimpered as she struggled weakly against the ropes lash­ing her arms to the table.
    Max chewed a bite of ba­nana thought­fully as he stud­ied her help­less lust. „I‘m not done yet, baby,“ he warned.
    „Oh, God, I hope not,“ Kim sighed.
    He leaned cas­u­ally against the side­board. His cock tilted out heav­ily. „How about we have Bob and Eva to sup­per some­time this week?“ he asked.
    „Okay,“ Kim agreed, ob­vi­ously puzzled by the ab­rupt change of sub­ject.
    Max offered Kim a bite of the ba­nana as she lay help­lessly on her back. „Thought maybe Bob would like to see the pic­tures.“
    Kim gulped. „Oh, no, Max! No!“
    „Why not, baby? Don‘t you think he‘d like ‚em?“
    „You know he would. But you know how I feel around him.“
    „Shit, baby, he just scares you ‚cause he gives you the hots,“ Max noted.
    „I know it.“
    „He‘s got the hots for you, too,“‘ Max ad­ded. „Noth­ing he‘d like bet­ter than a chance to fuck that cunt of yours.“
    ‚‘But . .
    „After all,“ Max went on, „seems only fair since I‘ve had his wife.“
    „But that was be­fore she be­came his wife,“ Kim poin­ted out sharply.
    Max grinned coldly. „Think how he‘d en­joy see­ing you with a ba­nana stick­ing out of your twat. Think of the ideas it‘d give him, baby.“
    „Oh, Max, you wouldn‘t really, would you?“ Kim whimpered.
    Max‘s eyes were as hot as his balls. „I will if I want to, Baby. And you know it.“ Kim‘s eyes filled with tears. „I‘d die, honey, I‘d just die. And, if. . . if you . . . did some­thing with Eva Max thought of Eva, and thought of get­ting an­other shot at that lovely black-bushed cunt of hers, and his cock drooled. He thought of watch­ing Bob vent his lust on help­lessly-bound Kim and his nuts surged with ex­cite­ment.
    „You won‘t do it to me, will you, Max?“ Kim pleaded des­per­ately. „Please say you won‘t.“
    Max de­cided to soothe her for now. „We‘ll see how we feel that night. Okay?“
    „Well, okay,“ Kim agreed re­luct­antly. „Uh, Wed­nes­day night?“
    „Wed­nes­day night is fine,“ he agreed. „I‘ll call them now.“ Get­ting the tele­phone from the liv­ing room, pulling the ex­ten­sion cord along be­hind him, he dialed Bob‘s num­ber as he walked. Kim felt her guts sizz­ling as she lay there, so in­cred­ibly ex­posed and help­less. She felt like she could be seen over the tele­phone.
    „Hi, Eva, it‘s Max.“ He chuckled at some­thing she said. „No, ‚fraid Kim can‘t come to the phone right now. She‘s all tied up.“
    Kim squirmed and wiggled her fin­gers to keep the blood flow­ing. The ropes were cut­ting into her skin, and the pain was in­creas­ing her lust. She felt air touch­ing her gap­ing cunt and her vul­ner­able as­shole as Max chat­ted and fingered her pussy lazily. His fin­gers toy­ing with her in­creased the already-sop­ping state of her twat.
    „Right, Bob, Wed­nes­day far Sup­per. Noth­ing fancy, just come right from work. See you then.“
    Max hung up. „Don‘t go away, he told Kim as he carded the tele­phone back into the liv­ing room.
    Kim was sizz­ling with horn­i­ness as she lay there on the hard table. „Oh, Max, I love you so much,“ she whimpered. „Tell me you love me, Honey. Tell me you do. I think I‘d die if you didn‘t love me.“
    Max stroked her cheek ten­derly as she writhed against the taut ropes. „Baby, I love you more than I can ever tell you,“ he as­sured her softly.
    Kim whimpered. „Do things to me, Max. Do dis­gust­ing, aw­ful things to me. Please, please, please!“
    He picked up the cam­era. „More pic­tures, baby?“
    „Any­thing,“ Kim moaned, hor­ri­fied at her­self. „Any­thing at all.“ Max grinned and opened a drawer in the side­board. She watched, fas­cin­ated, as he took a long, slender candle out. He van­ished into the kit­chen for a mo­ment and came back with a can of short­en­ing and a pair of scis­sors.
    He care­fully trimmed the wick off the end of the candle so the smooth point was neat and clean. Then, in front of her hor­ri­fied, fas­cin­ated eyes, he slowly greased the candle with short­en­ing. With a shud­der, she real­ized what he had planned for that long, slender shaft, and she felt her innards coil tight.
    When he took one of the crys­tal candle-hold­ers, she was puzzled. She watched as he care­fully got a length of rope and tied it to the can­dle­stick so there were two long free ends. Then he in­ser­ted the candle in the holder.
    She lif­ted her head and looked down between her thrust­ing breasts, past her golden muff, between her strain­ing thighs. Max stood at her ass. She whimpered as he aimed the taper at. Her as­shole.
    The touch of the greasy wax shaft against her bung sent a surge of pleas­ure rip­ping through her. The daunty point pen­et­rated her as­shole eas­ily, triggered a sear­ing itch in her guts as her sphinc­ter gripped the in­vader. As she fell the candle slowly slide up into her rear, she let her head thump back down on the table. She felt her as­shole wedging open, felt aching pres­sure from the hard for­eign ob­ject in her dirt tun­nel. She felt h& cunt gush with lust as she was slowly buggered by the ivory wax drill.
    Max‘s lust was soar­ing as he fucked the stick up his wife‘s rear. The sight of the creamy candle slid­ing into her butt made his cock hard. As he drove the taper in slowly, his eyes fucked from her vi­ol­ated rear to her lust-mad fea­tures. He could see her muscle ring spas­ming and wink­ing as he slowly reamed her with the cool tool. Her ass-cheeks were flex­ing and jerking and quiv­er­ing. The muscles on the in­sides of her thighs were jump­ing and twitch­ing.
    He man­aged to stop when five inches of the candle was jammed into her rear. Care­fully, he let her as­shole take the weight of the butt end of the candle and the light­weight holder. When he took his hand away, the candle bobbed slightly from the spas­ming of her gut, then began to creep out of her hole as her rectum went into shit con­vul­sions.
    He had ex­pec­ted it, and he used the ropes to hold the candle in place. He looped the. Free ends around her thighs and knot­ted them. The sight of the wax shaft in her rear made his cock drip homily. He reached for the cam­era as Kim let out a soft, gut-tear­ing moan of de­sire.
    It looked like she had a tower up her rear as he fo­cused on the vi­ol­a­tion. A shot from a three-quarter angle showed her as­shole pinch­ing the un­yield­ing wax shaft. It also showed her hairy pussy, a flash of her boobs, and the lust and agony on her face.
    „oh, God, Max, what have you done to me?“ Kim moaned. „I keep try­ing not to . . . to stilt it out, but I want to shit it out. But I can‘t, and I‘m glad be­cause I don‘t really want to.“
    Max stopped fo­cus­ing the cam­era. „You want it out?“ he asked.
    Kim whimpered. „I don‘t, but my.. my in­sides do,“ she answered.
    „You like it, baby?“ he asked.
    Kim nod­ded. „Oh, Max, I love it so when you do these aw­ful things to me. Don‘t ever stop. Don‘t ever stop!“
    „I won‘t,‘‘ he prom­ised.
    He moved back and fo­cused on his wife. She was doubled up, tied and spread open. The candle hung ob­scenely from her crap­per. The ropes hold­ing the taper in her were plainly vis­ible to the eye of the cam­era. He wondered what Rob and Eva would say when they saw this one.
    He moved in for a close-up of her stilt-gate from inches away. He framed the creamy globes of her ass care­fully, centered the sphinc­ter clutch­ing the ivory cyl­in­der.
    Kim couldn‘t be­lieve how horny she was. The ropes dig­ging into her were one stim­u­lus, the candle up her rear was an­other, and the thought of how lewd her po­s­i­tion was yet an­other. Her cunt was a seeth­ing, spas­ming swamp of lust as she lay on her – back on the hard din­ing-room table. The fact that her hus­band was tak­ing close-up pic­tures of the most secret parts of her ad­ded to her horn­i­ness.
    She thought of Bob and Eva see­ing pic­tures of her like this and her in­sides squirmed. God, she wouldn‘t have any secrets at all if Max brought out an al­bum. She might as well parade na­ked for them after some­thing like that.
    The thought was enough to put her over the edge. With a soft groan, she felt her cum­ming fire­ball, mush­room up through her guts. She felt her crap­per wink against the hard pseudo-cock glut­ting it. She felt Max do­ing things to her pussy, felt some mon­strous bulk be­ing wedged into her clutch­ing, spas­ming cunt, and her cum­ming flamed hot­ter. She was grunt­ing like a pig as he vi­ol­ated her twat with an over­size tool.
    Max was slowly screw­ing the pep­per mill into her gasp­ing slit. He had left the candle in place. He par­ted her cunt lips and nestled the blunt, roun­ded head of the pep­per grinder in her hot pink pussy. With a slow rock­ing, twist­ing mo­tion, he drove the wooden shaft into her cunt.
    He heard her grunt­ing. He knew she was cum­ming as he screwed the pep­per mill up into her Nat. His cock throbbed and dripped. He kept prom­ising him­self that in a few minutes he was go­ing to ram his aching hard-on where one of those ar­ti­fi­cial dorks was loc­ated.
    He was look­ing for­ward to let­ting Bob and Eva in on Kim‘s en­slave­ment. He was cer­tain it would have quite an ef­fect on both of them. It should make for a very in­ter­est­ing even­ing.
    He snapped a pic­ture. It showed Kim with the pep­per mill pro­trud­ing from her snatch, and the candle jut­ting from her shit­ter. She looked like a car­nal pin­cush­ion. The ten­dons in her neck were ri­gid with her muscle-knot­ting cum­ming. She had yanked her legs still wider apart, as if she wanted to split her­self in two. She had been re­duced to a sexual an­imal by the double shaft­ing he had given her.
    Just as he set the cam­era aside, he saw her go limp as her or­gasm faded. She shuddered a few times, sobbed as the af­ter­shock rumbled through her. Her glut­ted as­shole winked around the candle jam­ming it. He was sure she was try­ing to get rid of the in­vader. Un­ty­ing the ropes hold­ing it in her as­shole was all it took. Her in­ternal con­trac­tions shot the soiled candle out of her as­shole. Driven by the less-power­ful con­trac­tions of that tube, the pep­per mill was eas­ing its way out of her cunt.
    Max took the two in­stru­ments of tor­ment and bal­anced them on her stom­ach. Then he snapped a photo of them. One pseudo-dark was gleam­ing with her cunt-juice, the other was brown with her crap. He saw her lift her head to see them, and he got a pic­ture of her lust-rav­aged face be­hind the two tall spears that had so re­cently been in­ser­ted into her guts.
    „Oh, Max,“ Kim whispered. „I‘m so aw­ful.“
    „You‘re great, baby,“ he countered.
    „I . . I need to .. go potty, Max,“ Kim whimpered.
    „Sure, baby,“ Max agreed, feel­ing a hot surge of horn­i­ness.
    „Un­tie me?“ she begged.
    Max shook his head. „No,“ he answered bluntly. „But don‘t go away.“ He went and got a basin.
    „In here, baby,“ he ordered, show­ing her the enamel bowl. „right here, and right now.“
    „Oh, Max, noooo!“ Kim whimpered miser­ably.
    Max dragged her down un­til her rear hung over the end of the table. He held the basin un­der her butt. „Come on, baby,“ he urged, wish­ing he could catch this on film.
    „Oh, God,“ Kim whimpered as the yel­low gush erup­ted from her golden-fringed slit. The hot fluid surged over her mound, streamed down between her thighs, and poured into the basin. She moaned with dis­gust as she emp­tied her blad­der.
    Max‘s cock was a throb­bing bar of de­sire as he car­ried the basin to the bath­room and dumped it. Grabbing some toi­let pa­per, he re­turned, and wiped his wife‘s pussy. The strok­ing of her sod­den snatch made her jump and shud­der. She was still hot as a pis­tol. His cock was as ready as it was ever go­ing to be.
    Max gripped his dick and con­tem­plated the open­ings avail­able. Kim sensed him stand­ing at her rear. She lif­ted pain­fully to look at him between her gap­ing thighs. As she watched, Max took some of the short­en­ing he had used on the candle, and spread it over his aching hard-on. The grease softened and flowed over her hot bar.
    Then he set the tip of his dick on her bung. Her head thumped back down on the table. The moan she emit­ted made his blood boil. The sight of his cock at her tail­gate brought a sizz­ling flood from his balls, and a seep­ing from his already well-slicked dick-tip.
    He pushed, and saw her crap­per bend in­ward from the pres­sure. She moaned, and he saw her fucked as­shole wink, saw the tip of his cock gain en­trance to her rear. The feel­ing of his cock-head be­ing pinched by her rub­bery ring brought his balls to the boil­ing point. Stiff­en­ing his rock-ri­gid prick with his hand, he slowly fucked his cock into her. He watched as his cock-head spread her brown bud wider and wider.
    Kim whimpered. „Oh, my God!“ she whined. „It‘s so big! More, give me more!“ Max gave her more. He would have given her more whether she had asked for it or not. He pushed against her and watched his purple knob bulge from the pres­sure. He had over half of it up her rear, and now it went in easier. He felt her shit-ring strok­ing his cock, and his balls tensed.
    Kim was stretch­ing her legs again, tear­ing her­self in two, try­ing to open her crotch wider. Her tits shivered and quivered as lust tremors rocked her strain­ing body. Her chest rose and fell jerkily as his cock drove into her ass a frac­tion of an inch at a time.
    Max saw her winkie swal­low his cock-head and stopped for a mo­ment, let her rub­bery ring ad­just to his big cock. Then, his path well-greased with short­en­ing, he slowly drove into her ass, split her buns with his shaft. The hot, tight, greasy feel of her crap­per al­most set him off.
    „Oh, my God! My God! My God!“ Kim sighed rag­gedly. „Feels like I have a tele­phone pole in­side.
    „You like it, baby?“ Max asked, try­ing to dis­tract him­self so he wouldn‘t cum.
    „I love it, Max,“ Kim answered. „I really, really love it.“ Max leaned for­ward, hooked his arms around her gap­ing thighs and braced his palms on the table. He hung over her. He was able to see her pussy, her heavy, heat­ing breasts, her lust-rav­aged face. He drew his cock out of her shitty rear, and stroked it back in. The fric­tion against his nerves al­most set him off. It made the load of jism in his gut bubble and boil im­pa­tiently.
    He pis­toned his cock in and out, in and out. Every stoke ad­ded more cum to the mo­nu­mental load he was already car­ry­ing for her. Every thrust made his balls knot and his pro­state pound. He was on the razor edge of cum­ming. He felt as if a knot at the base of his cock was keep­ing his se­men in check.
    Kim groaned as his cock pis­toned in her butt. She was limp be­neath him, but limp in a dif­fer­ent way from the way she used to be. This limp­ness was one of pure car­nal over­load, while be­fore it had been from fri­gid­ity.
    Max couldn‘t hold it back any longer. The load of se­men in his groin erup­ted, threatened to shred his brain with pleas­ure. He felt his cock spout­ing in her rear like a fire­hose. It couldn‘t have, of course, but he could have sworn that the first gout of cum would have filled a gal­lon jug. The suc­ceed­ing shots were only slightly smal­ler. He shot gal­lon after gal­lon of cream into her spas­ming, shit-loaded tail. His ass knot­ted into a tighter and tighter cramp.
    By the time he fin­ished drain­ing his lust, he felt ex­hausted. He felt withered and drained as his last of­fer­ing dribbled into Kim‘s butt. It was only then that he no­ticed the fad­ing flush on Kim‘s belly and boobs. He pulled back and his dick slithered from her as­shole on a mad ming­ling of melted short­en­ing and cum. He was already shrunken and rub­bery-he had lost his hard-on all at once.
    There was a mar­velous ache of sat­is­fac­tion in his groin as he sank down on a chair and faced his wife‘s ass. Her bung was sealed again, had closed like a rose bud. The. Only sign of what it had taken was a slight flush that hadn‘t been there be­fore, and a shin­ing coat­ing of cum and grease. A single pearly strand of jizz dangled down from her rear.
    „How are you do­ing, baby?“ he asked, not get­ting up.
    „Oh, Max, I can‘t be­lieve it,“ she sighed. „Did I take the whole thing?“
    „The whole thing, baby,“ he as­sured her.
    „Oh, Max,“ Kim sighed.
    „Know what I‘m go­ing to do, baby?“ Max asked.
    „I‘m go­ing to get a timer for the cam­era so I can take pic­tures of the two of us.“ Kim quivered. „You.. don‘t have to do that.“
    „Oh?“ Kim gulped loudly. „If you should hap­pen to show the al­bum to Bob and Eva-not that I want you to, of course-but if you should, I bet one of them would take pic­tures of us if you asked them to.“ Max thought of hav­ing Bob and Eva watch as he took Kim, bound and help­less, and his in­sides began to churn once again. And to hell if Kim didn‘t want him to show the other couple the pic­tures. She was prac­tic­ally beg­ging him to do just that.
    „You may have a good idea there, baby,“ Max agreed. „Cheaper than buy­ing a timer, that‘s for sure.“ He began to un­tie his wife.
    „I don‘t want you to do it,“ Kim lied as he helped her up. „But, since I‘m your slave if you want to do it I can‘t stop you.“
    „That‘s right, baby,“ he agreed. He es­cor­ted her to the shower and joined her un­der the stream­ing hot spray. He stood and savored the sen­su­ous pleas­ure of hav­ing her care­fully lather him from head to toe. He thought of the even­ing with Bob and Eva. For­tu­nately, his prick would be re­covered by then.

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