Slave Wife - Chapter 7

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    Apart from the grot­esque cos­tum­ing, it was a typ­ical bar­be­cue. As Kim en­dured her bond­age, she watched the couples cir­cu­lat­ing, chat­ting and drink­ing. As the sun settled be­hind the trees, flam­ing ker­osene torches ad­ded a fuck­ing, red glow to the patio and lawn.
    Flame foun­tained up from the bar­be­cue as Bob deftly flipped ham­burgers. Max grabbed a bur­ger, drip­ping juices, and fed it to Kim as she hung help­lessly from the ropes. As he held a beer for her, he ig­nored her re­quests to be un­tied so she could visit a bath­room, After every­one had eaten, Kim saw Bob work­ing on the coals of the bar­be­cue fire, but, from her vant­age point, couldn‘t tell what he was do­ing.
    Mu­sic star­ted, and a few couples began to dance on the patio. The men fondled their na­ked wo­men in­tim­ately as the fuck­ing light from the torches played over their flesh.
    „Isn‘t she ad­or­able, darling?“ the butch blonde said to her young slave.
    „Yes, Mania,“ the girl agreed.
    „I un­der­stand she needs to go to the bath­room,“ the mis­tress noted cruelly. „Is that true?“
    Kim shot a glance at Max who had ap­peared by her side, then nod­ded. The need in her blad­der was now bor­der­ing on pain.
    „Potty time, darling,“ the blonde said to Kim. „Down on your knees for your shower,“ she said to her daugh­ter.
    As Kim watched, hor­ri­fied, the girl sank to her knees on the grass. Her pale-blonde hair was drawn back in a pony­tail. Her face was del­ic­ately mol­ded. Her eyes were a light blue. The arousal the young girl was feel­ing was ob­vi­ous. Her pussy was com­pletely hair­less.
    As she hung from the ropes, she looked down, saw the girl crawl al­most un­der her. The girl tipped her face back and reached her shackled wrists up, care­fully spread­ing Kim‘s labes.
    Kim didn‘t need to be told what to do. For a few mo­ments, she res­isted. But in the end, she did it, al­though she knew that she could have held back. That was what made it so hor­rible the sear­ing horn­i­ness she felt as she showered the girl with piss.
    The little blonde twis­ted and turned un­der the hot stream as if she were tak­ing a shower. She let the yel­low flood spat­ter over her eyes, nose, and into her mouth, then run in hot rivu­lets over her tender tits and gently-roun­ded tummy. Kim kept her pee flow­ing as long as she could. Her in­sides coiled into a tight knot of lust as she watched the girl tak­ing her foul bath. The sick dis­gust Kim felt for her­self in­creased her mad lust.
    The flow ended, and Kim thought that was the end of it. But then the daunty girl reached up and licked Kim‘s cunt. The touch of the girl‘s tongue on Kim‘s pussy sent flames roar­ing through Kim, made her lurch and twist and moan against the ropes.
    „You filthy, filthy child,“ the girl‘s mis­tress snarled vi­ciously.
    A yank on the leash and the young­ster was down on her face in the piss-sod­den grass. The dyke straddled her charge‘s slender waist, fa­cing her up­raised bot­tom, and clamped her legs tight. She pro­ceeded to beat the girl‘s tender ass with the free end of the chain leash. She slashed vi­ciously at the del­ic­ate skin, raised hot red welts, re­duced the young­ster to tears as she huddled be­low Kim.
    The wo­man hal­ted the beat­ing and, keep­ing the girl clamped between her legs, began un­fasten­ing her tight slacks. A kick, and the blonde was on her back. Her mis­tress yanked down her pants, and then smothered the girl with her thick, pale red muff.
    As Kim watched, the pissed-on, beaten blonde de­votedly ate the sloppy twat of her tor­mentor. She humped and squirmed, her legs spread as her mouth sucked and slurped on the hairy crotch be­ing jammed onto her face. The girl‘s pussy was in­flamed and eager. The in­ner labes were hot rose petals pro­trud­ing from her hair­less cunt-lips.
    Her mis­tress began to cum, began growl­ing and swear­ing at her slave. A cruel grip on the girl‘s pony­tail con­trolled the ac­tion. When she was done, she cuffed her charge cas­u­ally. „Slut,“ she snorted. „I‘ll bet you‘d love to get fucked to­night, wouldn‘t you?“
    The little blonde nod­ded as she struggled to her knees.
    „Well, maybe I‘ll let Max here have you, later. He looks like an ass man to me. I‘ll bet he‘d love to bug­ger that tail of yours. Wouldn‘t you, Max?“
    Kim could see the horn­i­ness in Max‘s eyes, and in the hard-on in his pants. As she watched, her hus­band lowered his fly and loosed his prick.
    „What‘s wrong with now?“ he asked.
    Kim saw the girl‘s eyes light up with hun­ger at the sight of Max‘s cock. Her mis­tress might be a dyke, but the girl her­self was, at most, AC-DC. Kim‘s cunt was a swamp of hun­ger for Max‘s prick. She knew she wouldn‘t get it. Max had eyes only for that de­lect­able, hair­less bung.
    „On your face,“ the dyke ordered.
    The pony­tailed girl obeyed, turned her back on Kim and Max, and bend­ing over, put her cheek to the ground.
    Max grinned at Kim. Sens­ing her frus­tra­tion, her jeal­ousy, her misery, he knelt be­hind his vic­tim. The wo­man clamped her legs around the young girl‘s waist, and spread the tight ass-cheeks for Max. With no lub­ric­a­tion ex­cept what his prick sup­plied, Max set the knob of his cock on the tightly-fucked rear en­trance.
    Kim‘s bung twinged in sym­pathy as Max bored in. His cock­head swelled and bulged from the pres­sure. With a moan, the girl man­aged to get half an inch of Max‘s pecker-tip into her tail. Her ass-ring spasmed and winked, and Max gradu­ally gained ground. The sight of his cock slowly drilling into the little blonde‘s butt made Kim‘s in­sides sizzle.
    Max gripped his prey‘s slender thighs as he rammed his cock slowly in­ward. The muscles in his neck stood out with the strain as he powered his prick into her un­greased rear. The skin of his cock wrinkled from the fric­tion as he sank it into her depths. Lie didn‘t show any con­sid­er­a­tion for her sore­ness from the beat­ing, just rammed his cock full-depth into her as­shole.
    Kim could see the girl fond­ling her stream­ing cunt with her shackled hands. She W8S reach­ing back between her slender thighs as she took cock up her tail. The moons from the pony­tailed young­ster were moans of lust, not agony.
    Max drew his cock out and powered it back in. Her as­shole dragged out, then was pushed in from the bru­tal fric­tion. Max speeded up his strokes, moved faster as the ring em­bra­cing his cock loosened with lust. His balls swung and rapped her sop­ping pussy, then began to knot up against his grow.
    His cock leaped and pumped, and Kim jerked and heaved against the ropes. She was mad with hun­ger for the jism her muter was gush­ing into the girl‘s rear. Max emp­tied his balls into her tight shit­ter, then hauled his soiled cock out. Be­fore her tail hole had closed com­pletely, the blonde was squirm­ing free of her mis­tress, turn­ing and lick­ing Max‘s cock clean.
    „Filthy little slut,“ the dyke wo­man snorted as her charge fin­ished.
    „Isn‘t she though,“ Max said cas­u­ally.
    Bob, call­ing from the patio, broke into their little scen­ario. Kim stopped fight­ing the ropes. Max fucked his dick back in and zipped up as the blonde dragged her slave to her feet.
    „Got a treat for you to­night,“ Bob an­nounced. „Eva‘s slavery takes an­other step for­ward, or should I say down­ward? Or up­ward? Any­way, to­night she gets two fresh sym­bols of her en­slave­ment.“ He held up two pairs of in­ter­locked rings. „Tit-rings.“
    Kim whimpered deep in her throat. They looked like over­sized loop ear­rings for pierced ears. Only the lar­ger rings were cold, black iron.
    „Come here,“ Bob ordered his slender, na­ked wife.
    Si­lently, her chained hands clasped in front of her, Eva stepped for­ward. Two men came out of the house with what looked like a huge din­ing-room table. At each corner of the pol­ished wood there were steel eye­bolts. In the cen­ter there was a wide black leather belt. They stood the table on end at the edge of the patio.
    As the -guests moved don to the grass so they could see, Eva was led to the table. Max un­fastened the chain between her wrists and shackled them to the eye­bolts at the top of the table. He left no slack. He did the same thing to her ankles, spread Eva as wide as Kim had been all even­ing. He fin­ished the job by fasten­ing the leather belt around Eva‘s waist, buck­ling it tight so it held her im­mob­ile against the hard wood.
    „She might scream a little, so I‘ll use a gag,“ Bob said. He fastened a thick leather strap around her head and over her mouth. The belt had a thick wad of leather that he jammed between her teeth.
    „Blind­fold,“ Bob said, grabbing a mask. It, too, was shiny black leather, and buckled tightly around her head.
    Kim could see the sweat trick­ling from Eva‘s armpits as she stood there strapped to the board. Her chest was lift­ing and fail­ing with her ragged, fear-racked breath­ing. Her nipples were sharp and hard, ri­gid with arousal. The in­ner labes of her pussy were dis­ten­ded and crim­son.
    Eva looked like a pa­gan sac­ri­fice. The torches danced and fucked. Ghostly light played over her sweat-shiny body. Her muscles writhed as she tested the tight bonds. Her head twis­ted and turned as she fought the gag and blind­fold.
    „You‘ve done this be­fore, Eric,“ Bob said to the Nor­dic man with the Chinese girl. „How about help­ing?“
    „Sure,“ Eric agreed pleas­antly. He walked over to En.
    „These will just be tem­por­ary rings,“ Max told Kim. „After she heals, Bob will rivet per­man­ent rings Through her tits.“
    Kim felt her pussy drizzle with lust. Her tits were aching as if they were go­ing to be pierced. She whimpered, struggled against the ropes. She was un­able to take her eyes off Eva‘s strain­ing body.
    Bob wheeled the bar­be­cue over be­side his help­less wife. Two long skew­ers with wooden handles were pro­trud­ing from the coals.
    „The hot­ter the bet­ter,“ Eric noted.
    Bob with­drew one of the skew­ers. It was needle sharp. The point was a dull yel­low-or­ange. It faded quickly to red, then black as the cool night air touched it. „Hot enough?“ Bob asked.
    „When it first comes out would be best,“ Eric answered. „Put that one back in and get ready to yank out the other one.“
    „Right,“ Bob agreed, grip­ping the handle of the second skewer.
    „Wait a second,“ Eric cau­tioned. He cupped his hand un­der Eva‘s right boob. Pinch­ing, in with his thumb and fin­gers made her mound jut out­ward sharply. Her tit was so stiff and erect it looked like it was eager for what was to come.
    With his free hand, Eric grabbed a scorched piece of wood. He po­si­tioned it be­side Eva‘s jut­ting tit. „Okay, on the count of three.“
    Bob nod­ded.
    Eva stiffened.
    „Take a deep breath, Eva,“ Eric ordered. „Two!“ Eva‘s chest rose.
    „Hold it, hold your breath!“ Eric snapped.
    Kim wanted to close her eyes and look away, but couldn‘t. She could feel tears run­ning down her cheeks.
    Bob whipped the skewer from the bar­be­cue. The tip was white hot. He aimed the needle at Eva‘s ri­gid nipple. Wisps of pine-scen­ted smoke rose from the chunk of wood as he used it as a guide for his thrust.
    There was a hiss as the skewer slid quickly and smoothly through Eva‘s tit. Eva‘s body jerked and snapped against the straps bind­ing her as the iron passed com­pletely through her nipple. Only the straps and Eric‘s firm, steady grip on her kept her from tear­ing her tit on the needle drilling through it. Her scream of agony was muffled by the gag jam­ming her mouth.
    Kim smelled burn­ing flesh and fought down the urge to vomit. As she watched, the needle was drawn out of Eva‘s tit. Bob picked up one of the tit-ring sets. In seconds the heavy ring was dangling from Eva‘s skewered nipple. She was racked by gut-wrench­ing shud­ders that made the ring dance from her tit.
    „Now the other one,“ Bob said, shift­ing the bar­be­cue around to Eva‘s other side. Eric gripped her other tit and po­si­tioned the board.
    Either this pier­cing hurt less, or Eva was half un­con­scious from the shock of the first one. At any rate, she didn‘t jerk and heave as much when the white-hot needle pierced her tender flesh. Then the second ring was in place, and Bob was wheel­ing the bar­be­cue out of the way.
    Eva hung limply from the cuffs and belts. Her head lolled. Bob and Eric un­fastened her, and Bob car­ried her into the house.
    Eric came back for his wo­man. Thank­ing Max for hold­ing her, he took the leash, hooked it around his wrist, and then ordered, her to get his cock out.
    As Kim watched, hanging from her ropes, Eric took out his lust on the little girl, raped her right there on the grass. He didn‘t even bother to un­bind her chained wrists. He crushed them un­der the small of her back as she powered his massive prick into her tender slit.
    The girl spread her legs wide, wel­comed the quick, cruel, im­pa­tient drives into her cunt. Eric gabbed her be­hind the knees forced them up un­til she was bent al­most double. His cock slammed into her with a juicy smack­ing sound. Her per­fect, small tits jiggled and jol­ted with each im­pact.
    Kim‘s horny study was dis­rup­ted by Max‘s fin­gers prob­ing her twat. She moaned as he in­vaded her flooded hole. He slid one fin­ger up into her cunt, then a second, and wiggled them. Kim jerked and twis­ted against the ropes. She man­aged to fo­cus again on Eric‘s long, lean hard-on plunging into Ling‘s ex­posed cunt. His glisten­ing prick had to be touch­ing bot­tom in the tiny wo­man. His balls slapped her ass with every stroke, and she winced every time they did.
    Eric rammed in hard, and his cock pumped and pulsed in her pussy. Ling moaned as she was flooded with steam­ing cum. Her slender frame quiv­er­ing, sweat slick­ing her face, she shuddered. The way her shoulders squirmed and writhed, it was ob­vi­ous she wanted to throw her arms around Eric. The chains made it im­possible.
    A creamy wave of goo spilled from her slit and drooled heav­ily down off Eric‘s balls as he flooded her with cum. Eric gave a long, harsh sigh and re­leased Ling‘s legs and lay down on top of her. He pinned her to the grass, ground her into the turf as she let her legs straighten and re­lax. His hips were still wedging her slender thighs open.
    „Thanks for the help, Eric,“ Bob said, barely glan­cing at the in­ter­locked couple.
    Eric grunted.
    „How‘s Eva?“ Max asked, not tak­ing his fin­gers from Kim‘s cunt.
    „Shell be fine,“ Bob answered. „She just fucked.
    She‘s soak­ing her tits in ice wa­ter.
    „She‘ll be out of com­mis­sion for a while,“ Max noted.
    „Rear entry only un­til her tits heal,“ Bob cor­rec­ted. „How are you do­ing, Kim?“ Kim tried to shrug. „Okay.“
    „How does she feel?“ Bob asked.
    „She‘s sop­ping,“ Max answered. „I think she‘d like tit rings, too.“
    „No!“ Kim answered sharply. „Too much pain!“ Max wiggled his fin­gers in her snatch. „You‘ll get ‚em if I want you to, baby.“
    „Yes, Max,“ she agreed softly and felt her pussy seep.
    „How about it, Bob, you ready for a go?“ Max asked.
    Bob chuckled. „What the fuck do you think?“
    „I think if I don‘t do some­thing about my hard-on I‘m go­ing to burst,“ Max answered.
    „I get the flip side?“ Bob asked, shak­ing his ri­gid cock.
    Max shook his head and dragged his fin­gers slowly out of Kim‘s cunt. „Bet­ter let me take the back door. I already buggered the little blonde. If I use Kim‘s cunt she‘ll get a nasty in­fec­tion.“
    „Yes,“ Bob agreed.
    Kim whimpered. She was as horny as she had ever been. They were talk­ing about her as if she was noth­ing more than a re­cept­acle to drain their balls into. They didn‘t dis­cuss what she might want. And that made her all the horn­ier. She was their toy, their plaything.
    Max went around be­hind her and gripped her waist. His cock nuzzled between her butt-cheeks. She moaned at the hot touch on her bung. He had greased his pecker with her cunt-juice.
    She sighed as he slowly worked his cock into her crack. He was lift­ing her up so much the ropes were cut­ting into her ankles. She felt his cock slowly pry­ing, wedging, dig­ging at her as­shole, and fought to let him in. The pain was ex­quis­ite. Fi­nally, he man­aged to pry her ass open with his pecker. Mean­while, Bob stood in front of her, his cock hanging out, hard and ready. He toyed with her tits, pinched her nipples hard enough to hurt, rolled and tugged at them. He was wait­ing un­til Max was locked in her rear be­fore he filled her cunt with cock.
    „Awwwww,“ Kim moaned as her mas­ter‘s cock reamed her.
    There was a slip­ping, snap­ping sen­sa­tion as her sphinc­ter clutched the groove be­hind his cock­head. Then she felt his prick slide slowly up into her rectum like a mam­moth turd go­ing in re­verse. Max jammed the full, glut­ting length of his cock into her greasy tun­nel, un­til his hips were up against her butt.
    Then Bob moved in, and aimed his cock into her gush­ing cunt. The touch of his prick at her hole was wild. She shuddered as she real­ized her pussy was pinched shut by Max‘s cock up her butt.
    „Tight,“ Bob grunted as he slowly worked his cock into her.
    „I can feel you go­ing in,“ Max hissed from be­hind. „God that‘s great!“ Kim moaned as she felt her cunt be­ing stuffed with cock. She felt as if her whole belly was jammed up. There was a sting­ing sen­sa­tion, as if she was slowly tear­ing in two. She hung there quiv­er­ing as the two cocks drilled into her.
    Max drew his dong out, and she thought her rectum was go­ing to turn in­side out. She felt the wall between as­shole and cunt be­ing twis­ted and tugged.
    „Shit!“ Bob snorted. „Crazy! Feels like-shit, I don‘t know what!“
    „Yeah,“ Max agreed, pis­ton­ing his cock back into Kim‘s butt.
    „My turn,“ Bob said, and she felt him drag his cock out of her cunt. Again there was that mad­den­ing, twist­ing, in­side-out sen­sa­tion. It wasn‘t quite as strong this time be­cause of the thick waves of juice greas­ing Bob‘s dork.
    As soon as Bob was in her, Max stroked his cock out and in. „Sonofabitch,“ he grunted.
    Kim felt like she was be­ing rolled into a smal­ler and smal­ler ball of lust as the cocks pis­toned al­tern­ately.
    Then Bob and Max went into a dif­fer­ent routine. As one of them drew out, the other drove.
    It was shock when, sud­denly, after be­ing so full, she was vir­tu­ally empty of cock. Both men had gone out at the same time. Just the heads of their pricks were in her open­ings. They both drove into her at the same time, and Kim thought she was go­ing to die spit­ted on two cocks.
    She jerked up hard against the ropes, and quivered and shuddered between the men‘s hard bod­ies, the meat in a car­nal sand­wich. As she was double-fucked, everything faded off into a wild fog of lust Strange things were be­ing done to her hands were pinch­ing her tits and clutch­ing her ass-cheeks, a tongue was rap­ing her mouth, teeth were bit­ing her neck. Her whole body was be­ing rolled and twis­ted and mangled.
    And there were cocks and cocks and cocks. Her whole body felt like it had been pen­et­rated by dicks. She felt them flood­ing her with gal­lons of boil­ing, salty se­men. Two cocks pumped and jumped in her. Her cunt and rear were hosed with jizz.
    The two men clutched her, pinned her between them un­til their pricks were shrunken and withered. Then they slithered out of her rav­aged chan­nels and she slowly be­came aware of the pain the rav­ish­ing had cre­ated. She felt someone hold­ing her up while the ropes were cut. Then she was be­ing eased down onto the cool, moist grass and there was a cock at her lips. She sucked it. She didn‘t care whose it might be, or where it had last been. A gush of cum flooded her mouth, made her choke and gasp.
    She was rolled on her back, and someone pushed in between her gap­ing thighs. They humped madly into her already-sod­den cunt, then hosed her with cum. After the third or fourth one, she lost count. She lay limp and un­car­ing as cock after cock after cock raped her. Her own cum­ming had reached a sus­tained high. Noth­ing else in the world ex­is­ted.
    It was only when the cocks stopped com­ing that she began to come to her senses. She was sprawled on her back on the grass. She was soaked with jizz. Every­one was sit­ting around chat­ting cas­u­ally as if noth­ing un­usual had happened.
    „Con­grat­u­la­tions, baby,“ Max said.
    „What for?“ Kim croaked. Her throat was all sticky with cum.
    „You got voted most de­sir­able,“ Max answered. „Every man had a shot at you to­night.“
    „Oh my God,“ Kim sighed. She couldn‘t be­lieve that she felt pride, not hor­ror, at what she had done.
    „And I‘ve got four or­ders for ank­lets like yours,“ Max ad­ded.
    „Mmmm?“ Kim asked softly. „What, baby?“
    „DO you still love „More than ever, Baby,“ he answered softly. „More than ever.“ Kim fingered the ropes that were still around her wrists. „I guess these are the ties that bind.“

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