Slave Wife - Chapter 6

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    Max strolled out into the warm morn­ing sun. It had been two weeks since the even­ing with Bob and Eva. Un­til now he had been wor­ried about not hear­ing from them. The ac­tion had been heav­ier than he had ex­pec­ted, and he thought it might have queered their mar­riage when they had come to their senses. Bob‘s tele­phone call had left Max re­as­sured, but also puzzled.
    Kim looked up from her magazine. She was, on Max‘s or­ders, nude. The slave ank­let looked bru­tal and harsh against her soft skin. She was ac­cus­tomed to it now.
    „Who was it on the phone?“ Kim asked.
    „Bob, in­vit­ing us over for a bar­be­cue,“ Max answered.
    „Not today!“ Kim wailed.
    „What‘s the mat­ter?“ Max asked.
    „I don‘t have a thing to wear! Ab­so­lutely everything I have is dirty,“ she ex­plained.
    Max chuckled. „No prob­lem. Bob said to bring you nude.“
    „I‘ll wrap you in some­thing so we don‘t get ar­res­ted.“ Kim frowned. „You‘re not go­ing to. . let him have me again, are you?“ Max stretched out on a chaise and picked up the news­pa­per. „I will if I want to, baby.“
    „Yes, Max,“ Kim sighed.
    „I was go­ing to have you suck my cock, but I‘ve changed my mind. Some­thing tells me that later I‘m go­ing to need all the cum I can muster.“
    Just get­ting Kim ready for the twenty-minute walk to Bob‘s place was enough to give Max a throb­bing hard-on. The prob­lem was to some­how cover Kim‘s na­ked­ness and the ropes that bound her wrists.
    Max fi­nally solved the prob­lem by hav­ing her put on her ankle-length formal cape. A glit­ter­ing dog-col­lar neck­lace and match­ing earn­ings made it look as if she was dressed for a formal party.
    „God, Max, I feel like every­one‘s watch­ing Kim whispered as they headed down the street. „I feel like every­one knows I‘m na­ked I“
    Max was find­ing it a cock-harden­ing ex­per­i­ence. Know­ing that just that single gar­ment con­cealed his wife from the world made his prick throb with lust. The tempta­tion to un­but­ton the cape and let it swing open was ham­mer­ing away at him. The way it flipped and swung re­vealed her sleek, na­ked legs well up her thighs. The fact that she was bare­foot heightened the hint of wan­ton­ness.
    Bob‘s house was sur­roun­ded by a high stone wall, and was set well back from the road. Max hal­ted Kim when they were put of sight of the road and took her cape. Her pale, na­ked body gleamed in the sun­light. He held the neck­lace and ear­rings on her, lik­ing the way they made her look twice as na­ked.
    As they headed up the walk to the front door of the big house, he felt her stiff­ness, her fear, her lust, and her shame at be­ing so help­lessly na­ked. She had combed her blonde muff. It looked like a soft golden haze between her lush thighs. Sun­light fil­ter­ing through the tower­ing oak trees shad­ing the front of the house dappled her lush body.
    Kim bit her lip and fought to keep from hanging her head as they waited for someone to an­swer the door­bell. A cur­tain at a win­dow stirred as someone peeked out at them. Then the door swung back as if by ma­gic. Max eased Kim through ahead of him.
    As the door closed, they saw the reason for its mys­ter­i­ous mo­tion.
    Eva greeted them si­lently, her man­ner sub­dued for ob­vi­ous reas­ons. Her chains rattled softly as she led the way through the house. Her steps were shortened by the hobbles on her feet. She had thick, heavy leather cuffs around her wrists and ankles. Chains con­nec­ted the cuffs. She also wore a match­ing col­lar.
    „Looks like Bob has gone whole hog,“ Kim noted softly as they fol­lowed Eva.
    The back­yard was as posh as the rest of the house an acre of land­scaped grounds that bordered a state forest. The res­ult was lush se­clu­sion and pri­vacy.
    „Hey, there they are,“ Bob greeted them cheer­ily, turn­ing away from the flam­ing bar­be­cue. He was cas­u­ally dressed in a white shirt and trim black slacks. „Drinks, Eva,“ he ordered. His eyes raked Kim‘s na­ked body in­solently. „Look­ing good, baby.“
    Kim flushed and hung her head.
    „What‘s with the leather?“ Max asked.
    „Man oh man, did you open a new world to us, he said en­thu­si­ast­ic­ally. „I hope you‘re braced for a wild af­ter­noon and even­ing.“
    „What‘s up?“ Max asked war­ily, re­call­ing some rather wild flights of fancy that Bob had had.
    „Hey, don‘t get up­tight,“ Bob urged, sens­ing Max‘s con­cern. „Everything that hap­pens is some­thing that Eva wants, okay? Mat­ter of fact, a lot of it was her idea in the first place. Right, Eva?“
    „Yes, Bob,“ Eva said, re­turn­ing with a tray of drinks. The sight of her shackles made Max‘s blood boil. While they sipped their drinks, she stood off to one side as if she was a slave rather than their host­ess. Max couldn‘t help no­ti­cing the erect state of her tits.
    „Why don‘t you let Kim loose for now,“ Bob sug­ges­ted.
    Kim felt in­sane as she sat there na­ked, with the two fully-dressed men, sip­ping her drink. She kept shoot­ing glances at Eva and won­der­ing what was hap­pen­ing. It was pos­sible that when Bob had said Eva‘s bond­age was vol­un­tary, Eva had lied, on his or­der. But Kim didn‘t think, so. She knew how se­duct­ive bond­age could be. The leather and chains Eva was wear­ing made Kim‘s innards twist with horn­i­ness.
    „Hands be­hind your back, Eva,“ Bob ordered.
    Meekly, Eva com­plied. Bend­ing over, she stepped through the chain link­ing her wrists. The changed pose made the thrust of her breasts more eager and ex­cit­ing. She stood there, feet spread to the lim­its of the chain.
    „I won‘t tell you how much all that stuff cost me, Bob noted, in­dic­at­ing his wife‘s bond­age gear.
    „Must be nice to have money,“ Max noted.
    „Yeah, well, I‘ve got to go to an of­fice every day, though. A free-lan­cer like you has it made-set­ting your own hours,“ Bob countered.
    Max nod­ded to­ward Eva. „That stuff doesn‘t look all that ex­pens­ive,“ he poin­ted out.
    „The cuffs and chains weren‘t,“ Bob ad­mit­ted. „Twenty bucks for each pair. It‘s some of the other stuff that was ex­pens­ive. Go get the combo, Eva.“
    Eva bent over and awk­wardly stepped back through her wrist chain. She re­turned in a mo­ment, car­ry­ing a leather har­ness. Two lewd, pink plastic cyl­in­ders jut­ted up from one wide black strap. She took it to Bob and handed it to him, then stood there in front of him. She quivered slightly as the af­ter­noon breeze brushed her bare body.
    Kim stud­ied the har­ness. The cyl­in­ders were moun­ted an inch apart. One, shaped like a cock, was seven inches at least. The other was more slender than a cock, but just as long.
    „Later I‘ll let her model this for you,“ Bob noted. „Plugs two holes. Cost me a mint!“ Max handled the con­trap­tion as if he wasn‘t quite sure it was real. „Where the hell do you get gad­gets like this?“
    „Man, these days if you look you can find any­thing,“ Bob answered. „The plugs de­tach if you just want the har­ness, or just one plug. It‘s got a cunt-grinder, too. Five minutes with both plugs and she‘s cum­ming like a foun­tain. Right, kid?“
    „Yes, Bob,“ Eva answered softly.
    „You‘re wel­come to try any of our stuff while you‘re here,“ Bob offered gen­er­ously, drop­ping the double-plug har­ness.
    „I think we‘ll stick, with the ropes,“ Max answered. Kim felt a wave of re­lief, but it was tinged with dis­ap­point­ment. She wanted to try the har­ness. She didn‘t have any trouble re­mem­ber­ing the feel of the candle in her butt and the pep­per mill in her cunt.
    „Okay,“ Bob agreed eas­ily. „Eva, get those ropes we used to use. You know where they are. Oh, and pick out a whip. Your choice today, kid.“
    „Whip?“ Max asked curi­ously.
    „I tell you, that night with you opened up a whole new world for us,“ Bob said. „It really did. Eva was balling with the pa­per boy and the milk man. And my sec­ret­ary was get­ting bums on her butt. None of that now.“
    Eva re­turned with coils of white nylon rope and a black leather rid­ing crop. The thick handle tapered to a thin, whippy end. She gave the ropes to Max. Kim‘s in­sides began to squirm with ex­cite­ment.
    „Turn around, kid,“ Bob ordered Eva, tak­ing the crop from her.
    She turned her back and bent for­ward, rest­ing her hinds on her knees. As Kim watched, her guts churn­ing, Bob drew the crop back. It whistled through the air, and cracked across Eva s ass with a vi­cious smack. Eva barely jerked. Her long red nails dug hard into her knees. A red welt slowly ap­peared on her cunt.
    Then Bob wriggled the slender tip of the crop into Eva‘s ass-crack, teased her as­shole with it. „Nice, kid, very nice. That‘s all for now. Go stand in your corner.“
    Kim watched Eva closely, tried to read her ex­pres­sion. There was a sheen of lust on Eva‘s face from the sear­ing blow across her ass.
    „Got some real spe­cial en­ter­tain­ment planned for later,“ Bob noted. „But right now, why don‘t you feel free to use the ropes? The whole yard is yours.“
    Max seemed re­lieved to have an ex­cuse to es­cape their host for a mo­ment. He sor­ted the ropes out and then led Kim to the grass be­side the patio.
    Kim‘s in­sides were steam­ing with horn­i­ness as she fol­lowed him across the lawn. She had got­ten used to be­ing nude in their back yard. Some­how, this was dif­fer­ent. Some­thing about the park-like at­mo­sphere of the un­fa­mil­iar set­ting gave her the feel­ing she was na­ked in a pub­lic place. The fact that Eva and Bob were both watch­ing from the patio in­creased the il­lu­sion that she was in a park.
    Max chose a tower­ing oak, placed Kim un­der a ho­ri­zontal branch about ten feet off the ground, and then turned her to face the patio. He chose one of the longer pieces of rope, and tied the ends to Kim‘s wrists. He care­fully took two full turns with the thick, soft rope and tied knots that wouldn‘t slip or draw tight. Then he flipped the rope over the limb. He star­ted to pull. Kim was help­less to do any­thing but let him raise her arms over her head.
    Max was be­hind her. Un­able to see what he was do­ing, all she could do was fo­cus on her help­less­ness, and the way Eva and Bob were study­ing her wan­ton ex­pos­ure. She glanced down at her­self, saw the rise of her lush boobs. Then Max hauled on one rope, dragged her right arm out to her side slightly while put­ting more ten­sion on it. Bob said some­thing to Eva and got up.
    „Let me help,“ Bob offered, dis­ap­pear­ing be­hind Kim. She felt her other arm be­ing pulled out to the side and drawn tight.
    The ten­sion on the rope in­creased un­til it groaned as it was pulled over the limb of the tree. Kim went up onto her toes as the pull on her anus in­creased. It went on, and on, un­til she was afraid her arms were go­ing to rip out of her shoulders. Then she was pulled clear off the ground and was hanging by her wrists. She kicked and writhed, tried to find some foothold.
    Max gave her ass a cas­ual push, which sent her swinging. She moaned. She whimpered when Bob fondled her boobs with cas­ual in­solence, toyed with her nipples while Max sor­ted through the re­main­ing rope for what he wanted. Kim‘s lust roared higher as she en­dured Bob‘s cas­ual caresses while his wife watched.
    Max took two short lengths of rope and fastened them to her ankles. He spread her legs, then tied them. Her ten­dons were drawn tight, and she could feel air seep­ing into her cunt.
    When Bob drilled a fin­ger up into her sop­ping tun­nel, Kim thought she was go­ing to die with shame. She felt as if she was so much meat strung up for their pleas­ure.
    „Wet as a wa­ter­fall,“ Bob re­por­ted.
    Max came around in front of her, let her watch as he opened his fly. His cock thrust out heav­ily, eagerly. She whimpered when she real­ized he had raised her just enough to fuck her as she was sus­pen­ded from the ropes.
    She groaned from the agony in her shoulders and hips, and the hun­ger in her cunt. She watched
    Max move close to her. Then he gripped her waist, stead­ied her. He slid his cock into her snatch. Then he came up, rammed his cock into her raven­ous hole.
    Kim moaned at the bru­tal, de­mand­ing pen­et­ra­tion. From aching empti­ness, she went to jammed full­ness. Her cunt was pinched between their pu­bic arches. He re­leased his grip on her waist and leaned back slightly. The only con­tact between her and her hus­band was their crotches.
    As al­ways, Kim‘s help­less­ness brought the se­men boil­ing out of Max‘s balls. Spread wide by the ropes, her cunt was a wedge of in­vit­a­tion he wasn‘t about to de­cline. He savored the hot grasp of her hole, leaned away from her, his prick still drilled full depth into her.
    He fucked her with easy swings of his hips. The ropes groaned as he stroked into her. His cock was burn­ing up. His cum erup­ted into her in thick, hot gushes, flooded her stream­ing hole, then dripped down his prick and onto his aching balls. He held on un­til his guts were wrung dry.
    When he backed away, he was as­ton­ished to see Eva don on her knees. The bru­nette crawled un­der­neath Kim, tipped her head back, and sucked up the cum slowly drain­ing out of Kim‘s pussy. Her mouth gap­ing, Eva drank the mingled juices with noisy, suck­ing swal­lows. Fi­nally, she fastened her mouth on Kim‘s spread crotch.
    Kim whined and groaned. The ropes dig­ging into her wrists and ankles were threat­en­ing to tear her apart, to quarter her like a butchered cow. The bind­ing, after the walk to Bob‘s house, had lif­ted her to the edge of cum­ming. Then Max‘s rape while she was sus­pen­ded had pushed her over the top. Jerking and quiv­er­ing like a gaffed fish, she had felt Max‘s cock gush­ing into her spas­ming cunt.
    When Eva had fastened her eager mouth on Kim‘s gap­ing twat, it was the last straw. The an­imal in her burst free and she sailed away on a tidal wave of lust. She felt the ropes tear­ing at her flesh. She felt the sun burn­ing her strain­ing, na­ked, sweat­ing body. She felt Eva‘s tongue scoop­ing deep in her sop­ping twat.
    Through her de­li­rium, Kim thought of the im­age they made. A vo­lup­tu­ous nude blonde was sus­pen­ded from the tree by ropes, while between her gap­ing legs a bru­nette in chains and cuffs ate her pussy. And two men, watch­ing. Kim saw it as if in a mir­ror, had her lust boiled up hot­ter than ever.
    When she fi­nally came to her senses, she real­ized Eva was no longer eat­ing her out. Dazed, aching from hanging from the ropes, Kim tried to sort out her sur­round­ings. Bob had bared his cock. Eva, still in chains, was on her knees, suck­ing it. The mouth that had just eaten Kim was not try­ing to draw a load from her mas­ter.
    Kim looked around for Max, and saw him on the patio. He was pour­ing him­self a drink. As she watched, he stepped cas­u­ally around Eva and Bob, and offered Kim a swal­low. The li­quor burned her throat.
    „You all right?“‘ he asked so­li­cit­ously, mak­ing no move to un­tie her.
    Kim man­aged to nod. „God, I love it,“ she moaned. She watched hun­grily as Eva mouthed Bob‘s iron-hard cock. Her man­acled hands were steady­ing his shaft while she moved her head for­ward and back. His shin­ing shaft slid pro­voc­at­ively in and out of her suck­ing lips.
    „Maybe I‘ll let Bob have you later,“ Max mused.
    Kim felt a squirm of an­ti­cip­a­tion. She wasn‘t sure what aroused her more the idea of be­ing raped by Bob, or be­ing dis­posed of so cas­u­ally by her mas­ter.
    „Or, maybe some other guest,“ Max ad­ded cas­u­ally.
    „Other guest?“ Kim asked, a jolt of hor­ror slam­ming through her.
    Max looked at her with mock sur­prise. „Oh, didn‘t I men­tion that?“ Kim couldn‘t be­lieve he was ser­i­ous. „Men­tion what?“ Max de­lib­er­ately took a swal­low of his drink and watched Eva tak­ing her mas­ter‘s bone. Her model‘s face looked par­tic­u­larly erotic with a cock jammed into it. „Bob‘s hav­ing a few people over later.“ Kim battled the ropes. „Not with me like this?“ she pro­tested. „You‘ll let me down be­fore they come?“ Max looked at her. There was love in his eyes, and pride at the beauty of his help­less wo­man. „Of course with you like that,“ he answered.
    Kim felt honor and help­less­ness, and they triggered a spurt of per­verse horn­i­ness. „You can‘t mean it!“ she wailed. The thought of be­ing seen as she was, roped and spread and na­ked, was al­most more than she could bear.
    Max fondled one of her heav­ing tits, pinched and rolled the already stiff and eager nub­bin. „Dead ser­i­ous,“ he as­sured her. „And you know you‘ll love it. Won‘t you?“
    Kim hung her head with shame and squirmed against the ropes hold­ing her spread-eagle. „Yes,“ she whispered.
    „You‘ve come a long ways, baby,“ Max noted.
    „God, Max, what have I be­come?“ Kim moaned as she watched Bob and Eva.
    Their host had grabbed Eva‘s lus­trous black hair and yanked her head back. His cock was spurt­ing pearly gobs of jizm. Thick, gooey ball-juice spattered Eva‘s face. She grit­ted her teeth and took it. Bob milked his prick with one hand, squeezed out the last sear­ing spurts. He poin­ted them over Eva‘s nose, cheeks, chin, and fore­head. He left her streaked with cum. The car­nal wad glistened in the af­ter­noon sun­light.
    The sound of the. Door­bell reached them as he was fuck­ing his shrink­ing prick back into his pants. He zipped up his fly. „Go an­swer the door,“ he ordered his chained spouse. „And don‘t dry your face off. I want them all to know what a cock-sucker you are.“
    Si­lently, obed­i­ently, Eva got to her feet. Her chains jingling, she made her way to the patio and into the house. Her lush ass rolled en­ti­cingly with each grace­ful step.
    „Who are the guests?“ Max asked.
    Bob lif­ted the drink out of Max‘s hand and took a swal­low. „You‘ll en­joy them,“ he answered. „They‘re all-sim­il­arly in­clined you might say. Kinky.“
    „Kinky?“ Max asked.
    „Into the bond­age bit-sad­ism, mas­ochism, that sort of thing,“ Bob ex­plained. „You‘d be amazed at how many of them there are.“
    „How‘d you meet ‚em?“
    „It was when I star­ted look­ing for Eva‘s cunt. I‘ve got a real sur­prise for her, too. I‘ll prob­ably get it out later.“
    Bob‘s an­swer was in­ter­rup­ted by the ar­rival of the first guests. The wo­man, a petite, china-doll sort of girl, wore a cape that hid her from shoulders to ankles. Her mas­ter-or hus­band or mate-was in what seemed to be a uni­form white shirt and black slacks. He was tall, hand­some, and Nor­dic-look­ing-blonde hair and hard blue eyes. He held a leash from the girl‘s black leather and chrome-steel col­lar.
    When the cape was re­moved, the girl was nude. She kept her hands be­hind her back, her head bowed sub­ser­vi­ently as Max and Bob ad­mired her trim, daunty curves and dark tits. When she turned, Kim saw that the girl‘s wrists were shackled to­gether be­hind her back. The girl‘s ass was trim and fit, and for some reason, made Kim‘s mouth wa­ter.
    „What happened to your face?“ Bob asked Eva omin­ously, not­ing the lack of cum on her skin.
    „I made Ling clean it off,“ the blonde man answered, grin­ning. „With her tongue.“ Kim thought of the little Chinese girl lick­ing the jizz off Eva‘s face and felt her -pussy sizzle. She tugged against the ropes.
    „Who‘s this?“ Eric asked as Eva handed him a drink.
    „This is Max, and hanging around aver there is his wo­man, Kim,“ Bob answered.
    Kim squirmed, and suc­ceeded in lift­ing her head to meet the man‘s eyes as he stud­ied her na­ked, stretched body in­solently. She shuddered as his hand brushed her tit. Then he reached down, and, with no warn­ing, plunged a fin­ger into her cunt. She groaned. „Nice,“ he‘ noted.
    The door­bell rang again, then again. Kim star­ted to lose track of the ar­rivals. With two in­triguing ex­cep­tions, they seemed to be couples. The wo­man was in­vari­ably nude un­der her wrap, and bear­ing some sym­bol of her slavery. Kim‘s lust eased as she stud­ied the wo­men‘s slave col­lars. She felt dowdy with her simple ankle ring.
    A couple of the wo­men had rings through their tits, and one had one through her cunt-lip. One wo­man wore a me­di­eval chastity belt. One man had a bull­whip hanging from his belt. It was like a scene out of a porno fuck.
    The two couples that broke the trend in­trigued Kim. One couple was two wo­men, a petite blonde who looked no more than nine­teen. She was collared, and leashed to a tall, dyke blonde with short-cropped hair and mas­cu­line clothes. Kim couldn‘t be­lieve it when someone said they were mother and daugh­ter.
    The other couple was man and wo­man, but the roles were re­versed. The man was nude, the wo­man fully clothed. He, too, had a col­lar and a leash. The col­lar was around his cock and balls. He had a mon­ster erec­tion.
    Un­able to cir­cu­late, Kim could only study and be stud­ied as she hung from the ropes. From time to time someone would come over and eye her, or fondle her. Sev­eral men ex­plored her sop­ping pussy as she whimpered with horn­i­ness and shame. Her tits began to feel bruised and ab­used from all the touches and pinches. Her ass began to glow from the num­ber of slaps and pats it had re­ceived.
    „How you do­ing, baby?“ Max asked.
    „Okay,“ Kim answered shakily.
    „Bob‘s got a real treat for us in a little while.“
    „‘What‘s that?“
    „Eva gets her nipples pierced today,“ Max answered. He paused for a mo­ment. „With red hot needles.“ Kim thought of the pain that would in­volve, and she moaned as her cunt flooded with lust.

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